#imagine glee
jellydragons · 8 months
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dog time :)
ref + alt version:
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pros of knowing someone who can turn into a wolf:
free cuddles
everything else
he tends to get broody about it
in summary: ouppy :)
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justgleekout · 1 month
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I mean… literally… with this pic going round, how could I not?
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glovelylovely · 7 months
one day you think: i want to die.
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and then you think, very quietly: actually. actually.
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i think i want a coffee.
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a nap.
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a sandwich.
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a book.
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and i want to die turns day by day into
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i want to go home,
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i want to walk in the woods,
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i want to see my friend,
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i want to sit in the sun,
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i want a cleaner kitchen,
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i want a better job,
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i want to live somewhere else,
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i want to live.
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(poem from duckbunny, but with a lesbian twist. post inspired by bittersweetresilience.)
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quirki-ly · 5 months
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tfw all your relatives are starting to gear up and bring out their finest armor and your gf lets you do her make-up and the people who called your hobbies "gross" are now asking for advice on weapons because fucking Titanomachy 2™ is happening
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tallertysupremacy · 5 months
I love everything about this interaction (Alec literally flirted with Raphael and I will never get over it akrjsbwkdj) but the absolute best part it how long it took for the joke to come full circle😂
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First pic from Ghost of the Shadow Market, 2019
Second is The Bane Chronicles, 2014
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pentacentric · 6 months
Another thing that just adds to the madness of Sex and Violence is that Jim Parrack, who plays Nick, is the same height as Jared at 6' 4".
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I mean, come on. Everything about this episode is so, so (deliciously) deliberate.
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astrobei · 1 year
it’s always wyd and never ngchmbdichth*
*no grave can hold my body down i’ll crawl home to her
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gailynovelry · 7 months
Thinking a little bit about that one "I'm an English major and a professional as opposed to you amateurs" anon. Gonna roast 'em a little bit, but with the intention of addressing a thing we've had in mind for a while.
Real talk, coming from someone who WAS an English major; majoring in English is not necessarily a guarantee that someone is a good writer. For one, you can be bad at your major, full stop. For another, it's not even a guarantee that someone identifies as a writer to begin with. English as a major is pretty broad, and it covers reading too, among other things. There's library science, analytical academia, historical preservation & interpretation (MEDIEVAL MANUSCRIPTS HELL YES), editing, nonfiction trades (often crosses over with STEM majors), marketing (crosses over with business majors), and also book design and typography (<3 <3 <3 our favorite, crosses over with art majors).
Someone can major in English and take a specific minor with the goal of falling into a trade that is not writing literary fiction. In fact, we would argue that most people who get something useful out of their major are the ones that do that.
It's also worth noting that it's possible to be an English major focused on "lowbrow" fiction. There are people who major in English and use the experience towards the end of writing erotica. There are people who major in English with the intent to write genre fiction. There are people who major in English to study the history and social context of fanfiction.
These things are, in fact, worthy fields of study! The realm of the "amateur" is the realm where a lot of cultural conversations and innovations happen!
Expecting English as a major to be a tract specifically for producing acclaimed literary fictionists is not realistic, not how the discipline typically works, and it's certainly not a thing you can use to hold over other writers' heads. It is perfectly possible for people to write good things (professional-grade things even) without ever touching a college course.
I sat through so much bad writing in college. Technically bad, thematically bad, gramatically bad. And I routinely bump into non-graduate authors who write texts, formal and informal alike, that blow my own writing clean out of the water with their quality.
In short, dismissing other people in your general field as "amateurs" who are beneath you is an incredibly unprofessional thing to do.
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hi this is my first time sending a request and this one was rejected by other writer so I wondered if you could write it instead. I love quinn and I was thinking about a quinn fabray x fem!reader where reader was quinn first love back in middle school in that old school of hers and they had confessed to each other. reader loved quinn since her lucy caboosey phase and you could add that russell or Judy found out and separated them and encouraged quinn to get the nose job and lose weight. anyways, reader goes to McKinley during season 2 where quinn is trying to get her life together and she snaps when reader tries to approach her using her old name they don't speak anymore but reader always look out for quinn from the sideways (she's not from the glee club but she befriends Rachel) and quinn gets even more pissed when she catches rachel mentioning you before glee starts. the whole mess with lucy caboosey gets out and they finally speaks w reader comforting Quinn. make it angsty with a happy ending do not spare our feelings😂
Still By Your Side
You know you're staring, but you can't help it. Something about this girl in your class is so familiar. You just can't put your finger on it.
See, you used to live in Lima, but you moved away in middle school. Forced away, rather. Now you're back and junior year began at McKinley High. While you recognized a lot of people, this one person just couldn't jog your memory.
Not until her eyes bore into yours.
As soon as class ends, you pack up your things and dart after the blonde.
"Hey! Wait!"
The blonde turns around, eyebrows cocked with an annoyed look on her face. She doesn't say anything, waiting for you to tell her why you're bothering her.
You take a moment to take her in. This girl was beautiful, that's for sure. There was a grace about her to match. Even her annoyed face looked pretty. You shake the thought from your head before finally speaking.
"Lucy, right? Lucy Fabray? It's me, Y/N."
Almost immediately, a hand covers your mouth and you're shoved against the lockers. Eyes blazing with fury found your shocked ones.
"I don't care who you are. I don't care how we met. But you will NEVER utter that name ever again." She leans closer and dangerously lowers her voice. "I am not Lucy and I will never be again. I am Quinn Fabray. Lucy is dead."
She pushes off of you, shoving you further into the lockers before striding away. You just watch her leave, your heart breaking with each step she takes. You didn't even notice the person next to you until she spoke.
"Sorry about her. She's always been like that."
With a jolt of surprise, you turn to look at the short brunette next to you. There's a moment before you look towards Quinn again.
"No... Not always." A sigh escapes your lips before you turn your attention to your companion. "You're friends with Lu-er... Quinn?" The brunette lets out a soft, rueful laugh.
"Kind of? More like rivals, I guess. We're both in Glee Club together. I'm Rachel Berry." She holds out her hand, which you take to shake.
"Y/N," you reply. "Y/N Y/L."
"If you wanna get close to Quinn, you can join Glee. We always need more members anyway." She offers. You consider it for a moment before shaking your head.
"Nah. I won't bother her like that. And I'd rather get myself settled before joining any clubs." You smile. "Thanks though. Maybe in the future." Rachel returns your smile with her own wide one.
"I'll hold you to that."
As the days pass, you learn more about Quinn thanks to Rachel. Her pregnancy and the resulting fallout with her parents, her life with the Glee Club, and now her determination to return to life before her baby. It was a lot and you weren't surprised by how much it affected her. You've already decided to stay out of Quinn's way, but they didn't mean you weren't still drawn to her.
While you tried your best to avoid directly interacting with the blonde, there were times when it was inevitable. Much like when she and Santana got into a fight in the hallway and you made it a point to pull Quinn away while blocking the Latina's attacks with your body.
Quinn didn't even acknowledge you.
It wasn't ideal. Your heart squeezed in pain with every rebuff. But the love you held for her, from the moment you met Lucy, it was worth every glance.
Only once did Quinn speak to you after meeting again. It had been months of just being in her orbit. But suddenly, you're slammed against the wall.
"Stay away from Berry." She growls. "I already have to deal with you everywhere else. I don't need that dwarf opening her big mouth to speak your name."
Recovered from the push and sudden rant, you retort.
"We haven't spoken since the first day! I even honored your request, Quinn. I don't understand why you dislike me so much."
"You don't get it." She leans into your space. If you weren't so frustrated, you would've blushed. "You're the only one who knows about Lucy. About everything I had to go through because of her. You can ruin my reputation with that knowledge. How can I not hate you?"
You could only blink in shock. So much was forgotten. Or rather, repressed. After a moment, you sigh.
"Quinn... What would I gain from that?" With a slump, your head thumps against the wall. "You may have forgotten but I... I loved Lucy." You hear a soft gasp. "I still love her. Even after your parents forced me away. Even after all this time."
You finally look straight into Quinn's eyes.
"If I ever talk about Lucy, it will only be with love and adoration. But since you don't want any indication of her existence, then she'll live in my heart. I'm not here to hurt you, Quinn. You have my word."
With that last word, you push past Quinn, leaving her in the hallway. You laid everything out there and you hope the blonde would trust you.
You didn't notice the look of awe in her face.
The first thing you noticed when you walked into school the next week were the whispers. Gossip sprung up all around you. You were confused until you were faced with a poster of a familiar photo.
Lucy Caboosey.
Almost immediately, you move to look for Quinn. At the choir room, you were met with most of the New Directions. Upon seeing you, Rachel rushed up.
"What's going on?" Another girl piped up.
"Fabray was being more annoying than Rachel." You recognized her to be Lauren Zizes. "I found out her little secret and decided to even the odds for Prom Queen."
You just stared at her. "YOU WHAT!?"
Everyone jumped at your voice.
"Do you know what she had to go through because of that bullying? I basically had to be her bodyguard in middle school just so she wouldn't be pushed to do anything drastic. And. You. Bring. That. BACK!?"
It didn't matter that Zizes was twice your size and stronger. She shrunk at your rage.
"You better damn well hope I find her before I see you again."
You whirl around to continue your search for Quinn, leaving the group in fear and awe.
Eventually, you follow the trail of torn posters to a classroom where you find the blonde crying at a desk. Quietly, you take a place across from her and wait for her to acknowledge you. It didn't take long for her to look up at you with teary eyes.
You smile. "Hey, Luce. Sorry I wasn't around to protect you this time." Quinn let's out a scoff.
"Please. I pushed you away. It's my own fault." A sigh escapes her lips. "How am I going to face the school now?"
"The same way you always did."
Quinn just looks at you, confused.
"Sure, you had an outburst. But you can't let that, or your past, dictate what you do now." You reach out your hand, palm up in an inviting manner. "You show that it doesn't control you. Even if you're just faking it."
She stares at your hand.
"Why are you doing this? After everything that's happened between us." You just give her a sad smile.
"I told you before. I love Lucy. Always will. I told her that as long as I was around, I'd protect her. I intend to keep it."
A tear falls from Quinn's eyes as she looks at you with wonder. Her hand covers yours and she revels in its warmth.
"Do you think you can... Love Quinn like you did Lucy? I've changed so much since you left. I'm not Lucy Caboosey anymore."
"Quinn," you start. "I don't think I could love you like I did Lucy." The blonde wilts, her heart breaking. Her hand clutches tighter onto yours. She had been so scared of her reputation crumbling that it masked her own feelings for you. Feelings she held for so long.
Quinn's actions catch your attention and when you look into her eyes, you're struck by the emotion in them. In an instant, you're back in middle school and falling in love all over again. You let yourself stay in that moment for a bit before speaking again.
"Lucy has a special place in my heart. She's my first love." You watch as your thumb caresses Quinn's hand. "It'll always be there, but it'll never grow." Your eyes meet again. "It can grow with you though. I may not know Quinn as well as I did Lucy, but I'd like to."
The smile on your face is immediately covered by soft lips. In a surge of emotion, the blonde leaned forward to kiss you. Before you could even react, she retreats.
"I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself..." The light blush on her face sparks another memory and your smile widens.
"And here I thought I'd be the one to break." You chuckle. Gently, you lift her hand and kiss each knuckle. "Maybe let me kiss back this time?"
Quinn's blush deepens.
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salt-n-salt · 29 days
Good lord I am enjoying all your Shane art so so much
im so glad ur enjoying it soldier 🫡 he’s a national treasure .. the founding fathers would have written abt him if they knew abt him … business exchange u can have this smoking shane !!!!!
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jamesbutnotreally · 2 months
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glee textposts pt.5
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girlkisser13 · 2 months
hiii :3 i was wondering if you could make a quinn fabray x fem!r imagine where quinn hates everyone at school, except reader. she's like very sweet and caring with us etc. very cliche ik but 😞
a/n: hey girlie! i love love LOVE mean lesbian quinn. thank you so much for requesting this. 🙏🏻
the halls of william mckinley high school were buzzing with the usual chaos as students rushed to their classes, gossiping and laughing loudly. quinn, however, navigated through the crowd with a cold demeanor. her icy stare and sharp words kept everyone at a distance, earning her a reputation as the queen of mean. but there was one person who saw a different side of quinn.
you walked down the hall, heading towards your locker. you were used to the whispers and stares, knowing that being close to quinn came with its own set of challenges. but it was worth it. you smiled to yourself, thinking about how different quinn was when the two of you were alone.
as you reached your locker, you felt a familiar presence beside you. "hey, y/n," quinn's voice was soft, a stark contrast to the harsh tone she used with everyone else.
"hi, quinn," you replied, smiling warmly at her. "how's your day going?"
quinn's expression softened, and she leaned against the locker next to yours. "it's better now," she said, her eyes filled with a tenderness that was reserved only for you. "are you ready for glee club later?"
"yeah, i am. are you?" you asked, closing your locker and turning to face quinn fully.
she nodded, a small smile playing on her lips. "i am, as long as you're there."
you blushed at her words. despite the harsh exterior she showed to the world, quinn was incredibly sweet and caring towards you. it was a side of her that you cherished deeply.
as you walked to your next class together, quinn's hand subtly brushed against yours, "i can't stand anyone else in this school," she admitted quietly, her voice low so only you could hear. "but you... you make everything bearable."
your heart swelled at quinn's confession. you reached out and gently squeezed her hand, offering her a reassuring smile. "i'm glad i can be that for you, quinn."
quinn's eyes sparkled with gratitude and something deeper, something that you had always hoped for. "you're more than just a friend to me, y/n," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "you're everything."
your breath caught in your throat at quinn's words. you looked into her eyes, seeing the vulnerability and honesty there. "you mean everything to me too, quinn," you replied, your voice filled with emotion.
in that moment, surrounded by the noise and chaos of the school, it felt like you were the only two people in the world. quinn's usual walls had crumbled, and she let herself be vulnerable with you, knowing that you would always be there to catch her.
as the two of you continued to walk to class, quinn's hand found yours again, and this time, she didn't let go. it was a small gesture, but it spoke volumes. in a world where quinn fabray was the high bitch in charge, you were her safe spot, the one person who saw the real quinn and loved her for it.
and for quinn, that made all the difference.
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fluent-in-lesbianism · 2 months
me: never saw a single episode of the hit television show pretty little liars (2010)
also me, 4 hours into a 3-part, 6.5 hour-long comprehensive breakdown of the hit television show pretty little liars (2010):
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jjsmaybank20 · 1 year
please could i request a top!reader x bottom!santana.
It’s like she acts all big and bad in glee club and R always calms her down then someone talks bad about her, like Rachel with the stripper line about her and the usually calm and collected peace keeper R changes at a snap of a mf finger. You see Quinn and Britt’s eyes go wide asf and Santana goes to cuss out Rachel but R stops her, putting a hand on her chest and sitting her back down and does the sweetest smile toward Rachel.
Quinn and Britt be like: oh you messed tf up that’s her murder smile!
Santana gets confused and hurt like wtf why is her gf letting yentl bad mouth her but then sees the murder smile on her gf and sits back folding her arms and smiling evilly.
In the end R gets sent home and Santana drives her taking the rest of the day off too.
Once they get to R’s room santana is like ‘that was so hot’ and decides her knight in shining flannel armour deserves a reward for saving her from the big hairy beast called Rachel Berry and her tall lap dog and lets R do whatever she desires to her😏
My Defender
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Santana Lopez x fem!reader
Summary: You protect your girlfriend form Rachel's hurtful comments, and in return you get to do whatever you want to her.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI fluff, oral (Santana receiving), fingering (Santana receiving)
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Hope you like it! My smut isn't spectacular.
navigation glee masterlist
A lot of people wondered how you and Santana had such a healthy relationship, but your close friends knew it was because you balanced each other out. She was the chaos, and you were the power that reigned it in. Every time Santana would want to go off on someone, you would be the voice of reason, the voice that talked her down. Now, as you were approaching Valentine’s Day, you and Santana were so wrapped up in each other that nothing could bother either of you. Nothing except for one Rachel Berry.
Mr. Shue begins to write something down on the board, announcing that week's lesson. “Alright guys, I have one word for you.” Brittany raises her hand enthusiastically, and Mr. Shue calls on her when he turns around. “Is it love?” She then turns to her boyfriend and quietly says, “Totally gonna graduate now.”
Mr. Shue and some of the Glee members look at her, confused, before shaking it off and getting back on track. “Valentine’s day is coming up. So, for this week's lesson, I want you guys to pick a partner, because you're going to sing to them what you think is the world's greatest love song. Yeah, find a song that communicates all the things that love means to you. Now, partner up.” You and Santana glance at each other, smiling and already knowing that the other person would be their partner. Finn raises his hand before asking, “Mr. Shue, can I say something?” Mr. Shue waves him up and Santana rolls her eyes at the boy.
“I just wanted to point out that for the first time, an entire week has gone by without any one of us getting slushied.” Everyone looks around for a second in surprise before beginning to clap. Almost everyone stops clapping as Finn continues on with his speech. “I think the fact that I led the football team to a conference championship might have something to do with it. The fact is that I’m the closest thing that this Glee club has to a celebrity right now, and just like a famous athlete, I want to give to a charity. You guys. So I’m setting up a kissing booth. For a dollar a smooch. And donating the proceeds to Glee club, to help us-”
Mercedes rolls her eyes and crosses her arms, interrupting him. “Don’t even act like you tryna help this glee club out, you just wanna kiss a bunch of girls.” Your girlfriend scoffs next to you before piping up, saying, “I’ve kissed Finn, and can I just say? Not worth a buck. I would, however, pay a hundred dollars to jiggle one of his man-boobs.” You sigh exasperatedly when she brings up the fact that she has kissed him, and she grabs your hand in comfort.
“Do you ever get tired of tearing other people down?” Santana pretends to think about it for a second before leaning back. “No, not really.” Finn shrugs his shoulders, sounding smug. “Cause you always just seem to be meddling in other people’s business.” Santana rolls her eyes, looking around the room.
“Oh please, you guys love me. I keep it real, and I’m hilarious.” You nod in agreement, and you see that Quinn and Brittany are nodding as well. “Actually, you're just a bitch,” Lauren states from where she is sitting next to Puck. Everyone ooos and Santana scoffs angrily. You begin to get angry as well, but you don’t show it as obviously on your face.
Rachel stands up from where she is seated, and that’s when you knew that shit was about to go down. “The truth is Santana, you can dish it out but you can’t take it. Okay, maybe you're right, maybe I am destined to play the title role in the Broadway musical version of Willow, but the only job your going to have is working on a pole.”
Everyone looks at the two of them in shock, but Quinn and Brittany watch you carefully. They see your eyes darken in anger and they watch as you clench your hands into fists. Santana doesn’t seem to notice, and she stands up to cuss Rachel out. “Okay, fine. You wanna be like that? ¿Voy a ser stripper? Bueno, todo lo que vas a ser es una vieja bruja de Broadway sin amor-” You grab her waist and pull her down before giving Rachel a sickly sweet smile.
Santana looks at you, confused and hurt that you were being so nice to the girl who said such an offensive thing about her, but then she sees Quinn and Brittany mouthing for her to take a closer look at you. She sees the smile on your face, and she instantly recognizes it as the one that people call your ‘murder smile’. It was the same smile you had on your face right before you broke Karofsky’s nose for throwing a slushie on Santana. The Latina leans back in her chair, folding her arms across her chest and grinning evilly.
You slowly stand up and turn around to face Rachel, who still has a smug and satisfied look on her face. You tilt your head to the side, still smiling at her, before bringing your fist back and punching her straight in the face. Her head flies back and you move to continue hitting her, but Mike and Sam restrain you before you can do any further damage.
Mr. Shue sends you to the principal’s office, and Principal Figgins decides that you need to be sent home and that you are suspended from school for a couple of days. You accept your punishment with no regrets, not at all angry to be getting in trouble for defending your girlfriend.
She decides to take the rest of the day off and drive you home, and you know that you are in for a treat when you see her lustful gaze on you the entire car ride to your house.
When you get into your room, you drop your things on the ground. When you turn around, you see your girlfriend stalking towards you before she wraps her arms around your neck. She places a kiss on your lips before saying quietly, “You punching Berry was hot. I think you deserve a reward for being my defender, so I’m going to let you do whatever you want to me.”
You grin in excitement before you push her down onto the bed, kissing her passionately. Your hands explore her body, and soft moans escape her mouth as your bodies fit together perfectly.
''You're so pretty, Santana Lopez.'' Your hand makes its way to clasp her face, staring into her eyes fondly before kissing her hard. Smiling into the kiss, Santana feels her cheeks warm up at the compliment.
''I'm going to fuck you so hard, you won’t be able to walk tomorrow.'' Santana pushed her body up against yours, but you press back, maintaining control and making her fall onto her back. Staring at you in a haze of lust, she watches as you climb on top of her.
Your hands cup her breasts over her top, and you help her strip into her underwear. You kiss down her body, watching her shiver beneath you. Biting her thighs softly as you make your way closer to her dripping center, your hand stroked over her damp underwear. Smirking, you look up at Santana. Your hands make their way to the top of her underwear and you pull them down her thighs.
You begin lightly sucking on her clit, watching her shake with pleasure. Your fingers were playing with her opening, as you moved your tongue in circular motions. Santana's back began to arche up as she moaned loudly into the room, her hands grasping onto your hair pushing your head further between her thighs.
''Fuck, it feels so good. Please don't stop.'' her breath turned into pants as she moaned, moving your head with her hands. Riding your tongue, your fingers getting deeper and deeper inside her with every movement.
You continue this motion until you feel Santana’s body begin twitching, getting ready to climax. You moved away from her, removing your fingers from inside her and watched as she whimpered. Her eyes teared up as she tried to move against you to gain some type of friction.
''Please, let me cum Y/N,'' Her body was still twitching, her clit pulsating. ''Please.'' Santana begged, whining at you. You begin playing with her nipples, twirling them between your fingers as she gasps at the touch.
You wait for a few moments, watching Santana pitifully beg to be touched by you before placing a singular finger inside of her. You move your face so that it is inches away from her clit as your girlfriend moans with pleasure above you.
''You told me that I could do anything to you. Now, I might be nice, and I might let you cum, or I might not.'' there was an evil glint in your eye as you spoke, and a big smirk was plastered on your face.
You move slowly inside of Santana, watching her whimper for more.
''Please, be nice,'' she gasped, biting her lips as your free hand continued to play with her nipples.
''Only because you asked so kindly.'' You pinch her clit between your fingers, pulling a scream from the beautiful girl above you. Her legs were shaking as you inserted another finger inside of her, curling them up and pressing on her G-spot. 
You bury your face in between Santana’s legs, licking her clit with your tongue as your fingers move quickly inside of her. Santana’s hands moved back to clasp your hair, riding your face once more. Moaning loudly as her body twitched, Her eyes rolled back and she shook violently.
''Fuck, I'm cumming-'' she moaned loudly into the room.
You continue to push your fingers inside of her, helping her ride out the aftershocks. When she pushes your head away due to overstimulation, you crawl back up her body and kiss her lazily. She moans at the taste of herself, and you roll off of her making her whine. 
“Relax, baby. I’m just getting a cloth so that I can clean you up.” She shakes her head and pulls you back down next to her, snuggling into you. You don’t fight against it, knowing this is what your girlfriend needs. “Seriously though, thank you for defending me against Berry. I could have done it myself, but still. It means a lot to me. I love you.” 
You hug her closer to your body, and you place a gentle kiss on her head. “I love you too, baby. I’ll always protect you, no matter what.” The two of you cuddle together until you feel yourself drifting off. You know that when you wake up, your beautiful girlfriend will still be there with you, and you can’t help but dream about how much you love her.
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soupandsauce · 6 months
OCD with Finn Hudson
Finn Hudson x Female Reader
I got back into my teenage obsession with Glee ever since I found out it's on Hulu and so I will now be writing for Glee characters! Requests are super welcome!
Summary: How Finn helps and supports you during your OCD episodes
This is mainly for my own comfort as I am really struggling with my OCD now.
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Having contamination OCD is a debilitating disability. Not to mention suffering through it during high school. Your first week was comforting once you met with the counselor, Miss Pillsbury who also struggles with all things germs. She encouraged you to dive into a club to try and socialize with people. Thats what a club is after all, a group of people coming together for a period to support one another.
So you did, or rather, you ignored her idea until someone very handsome came up to you during a rather germs time.
it was lunch, and you were sitting alone in an empty classroom far away from the floating particles of the high school cafeteria. You sat down with a sigh as you opened up your bento box full of healthy and colorful food. after sanitizing your dried out hands, you started to eat. A few laughs and voices occasionally decorating the silence as students walked the halls.
One of those students was Finn Hudson, the quarterback for McKinley high as well as one of the guys known to be in glee club. He was rather tall, couldn't be shorter than six foot four and had soft brown hair. You had seen him in passing as you walked in the halls in between classes. he always had a smile on his face and seemed to be a very gentle and friendly person despite his popular status.
Finn saw you as you ate alone in the classroom. He saw how you were wiping off your fruits and the way that the table underneath you was still partially wet from what must have been a lysol wipe. It reminded him of Miss Pillsbury and how she struggles with OCD. He smiled at your cute frame, no taller than five foot two. He wanted to say hello but for some reason, he felt himself get nervous. As if your beauty enthralled him.
But before he could look away, you looked up from your lunch to see him. He tried to act normal.
"Why are you eating alone? We'd love to meet you." he says as he walks inside the classroom.
"Oh, um, Hi." I say as I blush softly, still stiff.
"Hi." he says softly as he walks over to the table you're at and sits down across from you. So he is incredibly kind.
"I'm Finn." he says "You're new right?"
I swallow a bite of food.
"Yeah, I'm Y/N" you say.
he smiles
"So why are you all alone in here?" he asks again.
You swallow again out of nervousness, you might as well be honest.
"Oh, I have a germ problem." You start
Finn's face softens even further if that's even possible as he listens.
"I'm guessing you've met the counselor?" He says with a cute smile
"You two have a lot in common."
You smile softly and blush again
"Yeah, she's encouraged me to join a club. She says it might help." You say.
Then, Finn smiles. again like he has an idea.
"Do you like music?" He asks
"Yeahhh?" you say, drawing your word out as if you know he's up to something.
Finn giggles a little before saying, "Join glee club! Or just stop by today after school to see what it's like. I'll be there." he says.
You smile softly and blush again.
"Okay" You whisper.
after school, you pack up your bag and put some hand sanitizer onto your hands, grimacing slightly as you see how dry your hands are becoming from the over use. As you stand at your locker, you see Finn walking the hall too and he gives you a smile and a wave. You smile back and wave as well before you turn back around to your locker.
Then, from behind you, a couple of football players are snickering as they both hold slashes in their hands and walk towards you. Finn watches and his usual smile quickly drops into a look of dread and worry. Finn quickly runs over to you and you turn around to see Finn, as well as these two football players all coming towards you, you flinch as they all three get so close, worried that they will touch you.
"Hey new girl, welcome to McKinley." One of the football players says with a smirk on his face as if he's up to no good.
"Don'y even think about it, dude." Finn says.
"Says you, you faggot. Everyone knows that Glee club members are all losers. She associates with you, so therefore, she's a loser too. And you know what losers get." The football guys says as he throws the contents of the slushy into the air towards you.
"No! Stop!" Finn says as he tries to block it, but he's too late. The cold, wet, and sticky slushy splashes all over your face, hair, clothes, and skin and you gasp so loud that Finn think it's a scream.
"Finn looks furious as the two guys who walk away with a strut. And for a moment, you think that Finn is going to run after them and punch em, but instead, Finn turns back to you with a terribly sorry look on his face.
"Y/n, I'm so sorry... I tried to stop them... I know you..." But he can't even finish his sentence before you start breaking down into a panic as you feel the blue slush all over you, CONTAMINATING you.
Finn watches in fear as you shrivel to the ground in a ball and cry as you hyperventilate and panic, unable to move.
"Here" Finn says as he takes you gently by the shoulders and walks you away from the large, watching crowd and into the empty football locker room.
"I-I-its- I..." You try to speak, not only about what just happened, but the fact that the locker room only worsens your situation due to the sporty, sweaty smell.
Finn is quick to fetch his duffel bag from his locker and rummage inside of it to hold out a hoodie and a pair of joggers.
He runs with a towel over to you and wipes off your face as you cry, barely registering the close proximity or how kind he is being to you for a moment. But after a few minutes of him wiping your face and hands clean, you start to catch your breath, hiccuping every so breaths s you sniffle.
"I know it's not the best place in the world, but there's showers around the corner if you wanna wash up a little. I have these clean clothes too if you wanna change." he says in the most gentle voice.
You sniffle as you look at his sorry expression, like he somehow caused it, and suddenly really start to feel for him. You start to tear up again and Finn sees it.
"N-No I didn't mean to make you cry again, im so sorry." Finn says as he stands up straight and puts his hands on his eyes.
"No Finn, you're just so sweet." You say.
"Thank you"
You then decide to take a quick shower while Finn waits right outside the locker room door, making sure that no one comes in. After about 20 minutes of scrubbing and washing, you finally come walking out slowly. Finn turns around to see you, 5'2, with damp hair, all while wearing HIS hoodie and HIS joggers which, mind you, swallow you whole. He smiles.
"How do you feel?" He asks
"better, thank you." You say with a quiet and scratchy voice from all the crying and hyperventilating.
Finn smiles back
"Do you still feel good enough for Glee club or do you want to try another day?" He asks, not wanting to pressure you after such a traumatic thing.
You feel some sort of pull to Finn, almost as if you want to be near him always.
"Only if you sit beside me, Finn" You say softly with a smile.
Time went on and Glee club was the thing that really helped you feel more normal, more accepted. And as promised, Finn sat by you each and every time. Almost everyone in the club, including Mr. Schue, were convinced that you and Finn were dating but the both of you denied it until the night of regionals. Before the show, behind the curtain, you two had a rather short conversation.
"Break a leg" You said to Finn
"I love you." he quickly gets out right before the music starts.
Since then, you two have been happily dating.
On nights where he spends the night, or a full weekend over, he always respects your boundaries and little rituals. Finn smiles as he takes off his outside clothes and changes into his inside clothes for you, giving you little winks here and there as he unbuttons his shirt. He helps you by wiping down the counters with lysol wipes after he cooks anything and helps you with the laundry.
But there are times when it gets so bad that Finn tries to help you refrain from doing your cleanings.
Often times, he sees how chapped your hands are from all the hand washing and hand sanitizer so he sits you down and rubs lotion on your hands, whispering softly how you have to take care of them. or he will challenge you to only wash your hands for a minute as he stands next to you. He praises you when you do well.
Mr. Schue really likes you and Finn because he sees himself and Miss Pillsbury in you two. he can tell that you two are going to last based off how you treat each other. And that's the main reason why you two commonly get to sing all the ballads. After performance nights, Finn and you have sleepovers where you clean the trophy while watching a movie together, it's really sweet.
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logbush · 1 year
2010 words
idk enemies to lovers
santana lopez x reader
summary- you've always hated santana and santana has always hated you, but then for a duets lesson, you two get partnered up.
A/n: i've been wanting to write something else for santana for a while now, i've got somethings cooking up rn lol.
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you were sat next to mercedes and kurt waiting for glee club to start. “so y/n, whats up with you and santana?” mercedes questioned. “yeah i want to know too. there has to be something there,” kurt added on. you shook your head before looking behind them at santana, who, to your surprise, was already looking at you. as soon as your eyes met hers she looked away. you shrugged this off as nothing but a judge mental glare and looked back at your friends, “nothings up, we hate each other” you said sternly. they both shook their heads, “one of you wants more,” kurt stated. you shook your head as schue walked in, cutting your conversation short.
“alright!” schuester clapped his hands together as he started, “this weeks lesson is a return of our duets! our duet for regionals needs to be killer guys!” he walked towards the piano and looked at the teenagers watching him. “the winner of our challenge will be singing at regionals,” rachel raised her hand, “will you let us pick our partners this time?” schue grinned before leaning down “i am so glad you asked rachel” he said as he stood back up straight with a hat in his hands. the glee club groaned. “who wants to draw first?” he quizzed.
rachel shot up and walked towards the piano before reaching her hand in the hat and grabbing out a piece of paper. “kurt” she read. kurt gave her a fake smile before looking towards you and mercedes and rolling his eyes. you shrugged and walked down next. you grabbed a piece of paper from the hat before looking at schue “can i grab a new one?” you questioned quietly. “no,” he said while shaking his head. you sighed before looking straight at the latina cheerleader you hated. “santana,” you stated.
mercedes and kurt let out muffled laughs before you shot them a glare quickly making them shut up. you walked back to your seat with a sigh, “you guys are gonna be dating by the end of this week, im calling it,” mercedes said as soon as you sat down, “shut up,” you snapped back.
after everyone got their partners, they went to begin working on their songs. you walked over to santana and sat next to her, ignoring any eye contact. she did the same before sighing, “we need to work together, we cant hate each other for this week,” she acknowledged. you nodded your head “i know.” you began “lets do something upbeat” she nodded "yeah let's do something we can dance to" she agreed. you shook your head before turning to look at her "im not as good of a dancer as you" you said. santana smiled at you as she made eye contact with you. "you've never complimented me before" she said softly, you shook your head "don't take it to heart" you stood up and looked down at her "tonight, your place, 5, we're gonna work on the song" you said before walking out of the choir room.
you knocked at her front door at 5:05. santana opened the door for you a few moments later, "youre late" she stated. you shrugged "and you waited for me," the cheerleader rolled her eyes "it's my house stupid, come on," she heaved, walking downstairs. you walked inside and shut the door before following her into the basement. she turned back to look at you "what song do you want to do?" she quizzed you. you sat down on a brown woven chair and shrugged "you have to choose" santana groaned and stood in front of you with her arms crossed, why is she kinda hot right now?, you thought ignoring what she was saying. "y/ln." she said sternly, making you come back to life. "what'd you say? i got distracted by your obnoxious decor" not your best comeback, the only thing you could think of at the time though. santana rolled her eyes and pulled you out of her chair. "that the worst thing you've ever said," she exhaled.
the cheerleader pulled out her phone, putting it on shuffle. "whatever song this lands on is the song we're going to do" you nodded and watched her. santana was staring at her phone, praying that it wouldn't play something dumb. you listened as her phone speakers began playing p.y.t by michael jackson. you both looked at each other and sighed. you weren't going to back out and reshuffle it, so you settled on it. "you're the dancer out of the two of us, you have to make the choreo" you stated as she put her phone down. "i need to know what you can do first" she looked at you as you shrugged. "make the choreo and i'll tell you if i can do it or not" santana groaned and crossed her arms while watching you. "i'll make all the harmonies, and you make the choreo, it's a perfect mashup" you said as you went to go find some paper and a pencil. "the cabinet to your left dumbass" she yelled out to you as she began listening to the song over and over, trying to visualize the choreography.
you ended up staying over for hours. "we should get something to eat" santana called out to you, looking at you sitting on the same woven chair you sat on forever ago, doodling on the paper you had found. you shrugged before nodding. "yeah sure, but we should cook something" the latina looked at you, slightly disgusted. "why would we do that?" you stood up and looked down at her "because it would be a good bonding experience" you answered, reaching your hand out to her. santana grabbed your hand, using it to pull herself up. the two of you walked up the stairs together and walked into the kitchen. "you're still holding my hand tana" you said with a smirk as she looked down at your hands. she quickly yanked her hand back, scoffing "you were holding my hand" she mumbled, clearly flustered by the nickname you called her. "do you know how to cook?" she asked. you nodded "yeah, what do you have?" santana shrugged before moving back to let you search around. you weren't exactly sure what you were going to make "can i just make mac and cheese?" you quizzed. you looked back at her "im just going to order a pizza" she stated before quickly calling a local pizza place before you could interrupt.
the pizza arrived after about twenty minutes. "hey can i ask you a question?" santana questioned you as she went to grab two plates. "sure what's up" you took a plate from her before grabbing a piece of pizza. "do you like anyone right now?" she questioned you as you two began walking back down to the basement, pizza in hand. "why do you want to know that?" you questioned in reply. she shrugged, "so i can tell them and ruin your chances, obviously" she sat down on the floor, leaving the chair open for you, you instead sat down next to her, leaning against the wall, "i don't know, i don't think so but maybe" you said in reply, not trying to give her too much information. santana looked kind of sad as she said "oh i see"
now, you didn't want to admit this, but maybe you were starting to catch feelings for santana. you liked how controlling she was, no one ever fought back against you. you admired that quality in her. you admired her work ethic, and that she said whatever she wanted. and, bonus, she's super hot.
once you two finished eating, santana started teaching you the choreography. “bend and snap” she says as she did the motions. “i expected you to make this harder” you stated as you copied her. the cheerleader scoffed “do you want me to make it harder?” she asked with a soft smirk on her face. you nodded “oh you’re going to regret that” she says smugly. you shrugged before sitting back down on the chair “i doubt it”
in glee club the next day, you and santana had decided to do your duet. “i dont know if i can do the dip” you whispered next to her. the cheerleader looked at you with a soft smile, “you can do it. i know you can” she reassured, gently taking your hand in hers. this caused you to smile and gently squeeze her hand, before you realized what was happening and yanked your hand back. santana frowned at this before looking straight ahead and straight faced, trying to avoid anyone seeing her emotion. schue walked in to the choir room “we have our first duet today, give it up for santana and y/n!” he said while clapping his hands near the end of his sentence. the glee club clapped along with him. you and santana walked down and looked at each other "you can do this" she whispered so only you could hear. you smiled and pointed to the band, causing them to begin playing the song.
you started,
"you know you, you make me feel so good inside"
you and santana were circling around one another.
"i always wanted a girl like you
such a p.y.t"
neither you or she wanted to say this part, so you decided to flip a coin. it landed on heads. you chose heads. the rest of the performance went smoothly. the chemistry between you two was palpable. then, the scary part came, the dip.
the dip was when you dipped santana down between your legs before bringing her back up quickly and holding her close to your chest, ending the song. you were scared that you might drop her, you didn't think you had the strength. santana reassured you that even if you did drop her, she could save it and make it look like it was planned.
you quickly dipped her down before pulling her up, holding her against your chest as the song ended. you felt santanas breath against your neck. your hand gripped on her waist before you went for it. you placed your lips on hers, ignoring the glee club watching. the cheerleaders arms wrapped around your neck, deepening the kiss. you both saw fireworks. you continued like this for a few moments before schue walked over and tapped you on the shoulder "y/n, santana, wrap it up" you quickly opened your eyes before pulling away from her and running out of the choir room. santana chased after you, desperately trying to keep what she thought had formed.
"y/n wait!" she yelled out to you. you sighed and leaned against a locked, sitting down on the cold linoleum tile. santana stood in front of you and made eye contact "why did you kiss me?" she mumbled as she sat down across from you. you sighed and looked down at her "santana," you started, taking her hands in yours "yesterday, i think i caught feelings for you" she was about to speak before you cut her off "and i don't know if you like me back or what but i just-" santana cut you off with a quick kiss. you sat stunned before she pulled away "i have feelings for you too y/n" you stood up, pulling her up with you before kissing her deeply. she kissed you back as her arms wrapped around your neck. your hands gripped onto her waist as she pushed you against the locker. "we can't make out right now" you said in between kisses. santana pulled away and pouted "why not?" you chuckled and interlocked your hands before walking down the hallway "glee club is expecting us to make our relationship debut"
you and santana walked inside the choir room, hand and hand. you went to go sit down next to kurt and mercedes "i told you something was there" mercedes said "it didn't even take a week" kurt added on. "shut up." you said with a smile.
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