#imagining them through celebrations or parties or holidays without their families and loved ones...
some people keep saying that bart being hal and barry's child is a bad idea (I mean I really get the idea cuz hal's always away for space missions and barry would end raising him alone for most of the time + hal's commitment issues)
but idk I still can't help myself like It's really cute I like giving my otp a child
I LIKE THIS IDEA. Honestly, I feel that as they first start to date, and a good point with Hal's commitment, Hal doesn't exactly see himself as a father? (<- Also I feel this is exactly him though. And not to mention how much I HATEEEEE that they gave HalCarol a kid because none of them would ever actually want a baby because they're so cooped with work and wanting to make it out for each other rather than always forcing themselves to marry, even with Carol wanting to move progressively with a relationship.)
Back to HAL, I mean he's great with taking care of kids and getting along with them, but I don't think he could want kids. This goes with Barry as well (<- They both are deadly afraid of committing to something that means they could lose someone), he's great with goods but he feels he couldn't be a good dad because of Dawn and Don scolding him from the future. Then again if they both had to take care of a kid (such as Bart, which I think is cute but Max is also the caretaker for him ngl... I think they would be great with Wally TOO because of Brave and The Bold shenanigans. One of my favorites <- Hal calling Wally son when he had the green lantern ring :((( )
BUT YES, I think they would be good as caretakers in a way that makes me emotional. Because they would want to try again with what they lacked during their childhood growing up...
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SUMMARY: A Christmas-themed fanfic that accompanies "Broken & Beautiful."
NOTES: I had intended to make this Chapter 13, but I wanted to release it in time for Christmas. Chapter 12 isn't even written yet. So ... Merry Christmas, everyone!
TIMELINE: After the soon-to-be-written Chapter 12.
CHRISTMAS DIVIDER: dawn-petrichor-world
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     It’s Christmas night, and the restaurant is packed. I don’t know what it’s like on the second floor, but there is not a single table on the first floor that isn’t filled to capacity. I don’t know why Howard insisted on playing instrumental Christmas music in the background, because it can barely be heard over the din. And I have never been so glad that I’m not a member of the wait staff. If they’re not racing about like chickens with their heads cut off, they’re forced to deal with cranky guests who haven’t been touched by the holiday spirit.
     Then again, who am I to talk? I’m really no better than them. Granted, I haven’t snapped at anyone. But there is definitely a cloud constantly hanging over my head. There’s a storm brewing, and I fear that the slightest thing could set off “Hurricane Lilah.”
     Despite his best efforts, Jake never could convince Simone to go to the Cape without him. Goodness forbid a 37-year-old should attend a Christmas party by herself, just this once. Apparently, she needs Jake to sit in a corner and get drunk while she “makes nice,” with people she doesn’t like because they have “connections.” Never mind the fact that Jake hates the Cape with a passion. Never mind the fact that he’d rather celebrate Christmas with me, the woman who loves him. Nope! It’s all about Simone. Well, I say screw her! Screw Simone and her pretentious friends in their fancy house in the Cape.
     Well, the joke’s on her. The weather took a turn for the worse, which mean that neither she nor Jake can get out of the city. The problem is: Jake is stuck in a car with Simone because traffic is backed up. So even though he’s still in NYC, we still won’t spend Christmas together. And although the snow has stopped falling, that doesn’t mean that the temperature has improved. The one thing I can thank Simone for is the fact that she had the presence of mind to make sure that there were a few blankets in the car, just in case.
     “If you scrub at that bar top any harder, you’re going to start a fire.”
     I look over at Sam, the older gentleman who’s covering for Jake, but I don’t stop what I’m doing. “Sorry, Sam. I just can’t seem to get this sticky stuff off of here,” I lie. The truth is: when I’m stressed or just plain angry, I clean. After that argument with Jake in the basement, I took my anger out on every cobweb and dust mite imaginable. I usually keep my home neat and tidy, but I’ve never seen it look so clean.
     I glance at him again. He’s observing me as he polishes a glass. What’s this guy’s problem? Can’t I attack an imaginary spill in peace?
     “Holiday stress getting to you?”
     “You could say that,” I respond, moving on to another spot.
     “Were you able to spend time with family for the holidays?”
     I know he means well; that he’s just making small talk. He’s a nice guy, but he’s really pushing my buttons. I remain polite as I respond “I don’t have family.”
     Not in the traditional sense, anyway. True, John and Maggie Kincaid adopted me. They did right by me when I was a kid. They raised me. Fed me. Clothed me. Taught me right from wrong. Saw to it that I received a good education and a normal upbringing. And there was a time when I thought they loved me. Then I went through my rebellious stage, and they eventually wrote me off. We haven’t spoken in years, in spite of my best efforts to reach out to them.
     I can hear the sympathy in Sam’s voice. “Oh. I’m sorry to hear about that.” There’s a pause, and then he asks “Is there someone you can be with? No one should be alone during the holidays.”
     Why not add a little salt and lemon juice to that vinegar you just dumped on my open wound, Sam? The one person I wanted to spend Christmas Day with is stuck in traffic somewhere, trying to stay warm ... with the manipulative shrew of a woman who raised him.
     But then, when I cast my gaze to the main floor and see my co-workers, I realize ... I actually do have people to spend Christmas with. I do have family. This isn’t one that I was born into. This is one that I’ve chosen; one that’s chosen me. I’ve been so caught up in feeling sorry for myself that I forgot that.
     Although I haven’t stopped cleaning the bar top, my movements have become less angry and frantic. I smile a little when I say to him “You know what, Sam? I think I’ve just found people to be with tonight.”
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     Sam leaves right after his duties are completed, and we bid each other a Merry Christmas. Even though I still feel an ache in my heart at Jake’s absence, my mood has lightened a bit. I even laugh a little when I find a reindeer antler headband and a light-up Rudolph nose on the shelf of my locker, accompanied by a note.
     Hey. Lighten up a bit. It’s Christmas.
     - Your Secret Santa.
     I slip into a beige Christmas sweater and a pair of black pants, sliding my feet into a pair of warm winter boots. I grab my gifts, along with my purse and coat, and make tracks for the door. I pause when my phone chirps, taking time to read the text Jake has sent me.
     Hey, Lilah. Good news. Traffic has let up.
     I feel myself brighten at this. Then I frown when another text comes through.
     Bad news: car broke down. Think it’s the transmission. Waiting for a tow truck.
     Ugh. Of course. Just when I think the stars have aligned and a path has been cleared for Jake to come home ... this happens.
     I’m trying, babe.
     My smile returns, and I text back: I know. Just get home safe.
     I will. See you soon.
     I make my way to the dining area and step behind the bar, setting down my belongings as I get ready to take everyone’s orders. Scott, who’s lounging at a table with Will, calls out to me.
     “Hey! You’re not wearing my Christmas gift!” I laugh and shake my head. “Put ‘em on! I paid good money for that shit!”
     “Come on, Scott! I’ll look stupid!” I whine.
     When the others join in on egging me on, I finally relent. I slip on the headband and the nose, all too happy when Scott says “You’re right! You look ridiculous! Take ‘em off!”
     I remove the nose and put it in my purse, but decide to keep the headband on. Scott is right. I do need to lighten up. After serving everyone else, I fix myself a holiday-themed drink and lean against the bar top next to Tess. I take a sip of my drink, satisfied by the amount of peppermint flavor I added.
     “You kept the antlers on,” Tess comments.
     I shrug. “Yeah. Well, like Scott said: It’s Christmas. Besides, I look cute in antlers.”
     There’s a moment of silence between us. Even though Tess and I have buried the hatchet, things are still a little awkward between us. It’s going to take me a while to trust her. But at least we’re not at each other’s throats.
     “How’s your Christmas been?” I ask.
     She takes a sip of her wine. “Okay, so far. I heard from my dad.”
     “Yeah? How’d that go?”
     Tess shrugs a little. “Well, you know ...”
     I scrunch up my nose. I don’t know much about Tess, but I know that her relationship with her father isn’t that great. “That well, huh?”
     “Yeah. He still thinks that moving to New York was a big mistake.”
     “Well, at the end of the day ... his opinion doesn’t matter. What do you think, Tess? Do you think it was a mistake?”
     She answers, without hesitation. “No. I don’t.”
     “Well, then screw him and his opinion.” She laughs. “I’m serious! If you’re happy here, then that’s all that matters.” I pause, thinking this next part over. I don’t know if I can trust her with this information, but maybe it’ll help her. We’re not friends, but I feel for her. “Look. If it helps, I know how it feels.” At her curious look, I continue. “My parents ... the ones who adopted me ... they wrote me off when I moved back to New York.”
     “You lived here before?”
     I nod. “I did. Will and I went to Columbia together. Didn’t he tell you that?” She shakes her head. “Well ... long story short, I ...” Deciding not to reveal too much, I choose my words carefully. “ ... I left school and moved back to Baltimore. I lasted about a year there. Then I traveled a bit. Finally, I realized that Baltimore isn’t my home. New York is. I don’t know. There’s just something about this city. It grabs a hold of you, and it doesn’t let go.”
     Tess nods. “I know what you mean.”
     “Anyway, John and Maggie weren’t too happy with me.”
     “For the same reason your dad isn’t happy with you: they thought I was making a big mistake. We got into a huge argument, and ...” I look away from her and quietly add “Well, that’s a story for a different time.”
     “That’s pretty brave of you. What you did, I mean.”
     I glance over at her, and she’s giving me that same look of admiration that she gives to Simone. It makes me uncomfortable, to be honest. “Thank you.”
     “Have you heard from Jake?”
     “I did. The traffic let up, but Simone’s car broke down. They’re waiting for a tow truck.”
     “I’m sorry. I know how much you and Jake wanted to be together.”
     “Well, at least he’s not stuck hundreds of miles away in Cape Cod. I just ...” I become frustrated, suddenly, and poor Tess has to listen to me rant. “Up until this year, I was perfectly content celebrating Christmas as a single woman. I was used to it. I mean, yeah! It sucked that I didn’t have anyone to kiss under the mistletoe. But ... I was fine. And now that I have Jake, I ... I mean, is it too much to ask that I get to spend Christmas with the man I’m seeing? I feel like the universe is conspiring against me.” I calm down a bit. “Sorry. I just ... This sucks!”
     Tess looks at me for a while, startled by my rant. Eager to lighten the mood, she says “Yeah. It sucks. But ... you really do look cute in antlers,” and then raises her glass to me.
     I let out a quiet laugh and roll my eyes. “You should have seen me with the nose on.”
     We clink our glasses together and take a sip of our drinks.
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     Most of the crowd has dispersed, leaving only myself and my friends. I’m standing behind the bar, sipping on a second helping of my holiday cocktail, while traditional Christmas carols play in the background. I’m still wearing my antler headband. Only now, a piece of mistletoe is hanging from one of the antlers. Ari, Heather and Sasha bid me goodbye as they leave. Now I’m left with Will and Tess, who look like they’re ready to leave as well.
     Will approaches the bar. “Hey. You need some help cleaning up?”
     I shake my head, trying to ignore the sympathetic look he’s giving me. “Naw. You two head out. There isn’t much to do.”
     “You sure?” Tess asks.
     I nod, putting on my best ‘I’m fine. Really!�� smile. “Yeah. I’m sure. Go on. Have fun.”
     They each wish me a merry Christmas and leave through the front door, and I’m alone. I switch off the music on the stereo and select a song that perfectly fits my mood. I hum along to The Eagles’ “Please Come Home For Christmas,” as I quickly wipe down the bar top. I gather up the used glasses and put them in the bus tub, taking them to the kitchen. I rinse out the glasses and put them in the dishwasher, leaving the bus tub on the counter.
     I walk back to the bar, bending down to pick up my purse and pull on my coat. I move about the dining area, straightening up the chairs and switching off the lights on the Christmas tree. Realizing that it’s been a while since I’ve heard from Jake, I pull my phone out of my purse and check my messages.
     Tow truck arrived. Trying to catch a cab.
     I let out a sad sigh, realizing that the last text was sent over an hour ago. I take one last look at the second-floor Christmas tree before I make my way back to the bar to turn off the stereo. I reach out to press the OFF switch when a voice catches my attention.
     “Hey, beautiful. Why so sad?”
     I turn around, and I take in a sharp breath when I see Jake standing at the other end of the bar. He looks cold and tired, but the smile he gives me speaks volumes. “Jake!” I reach him in only a few strides, throwing my arms around him and resting my cheek against his chest. He chuckles, and I relish the vibration of his voice. “You made it!”
     “I did.” He wraps one arm around my waist while a hand rests on the back of my head.
     I let out a happy sigh, closing my eyes in contentment. I pull back to look up at him, and I don‘t think my smile can become even wider. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
     He reaches out with a gloved hand to stroke my cheek. “Told you I’d try.” He bends down to kiss me, and I give in eagerly.
     When our kiss ends, I can’t help but ask “Where’s Simone?”
     “She’s home. The cab driver dropped her off first, and I told him to take me here.”
     “I’ve never been so grateful for a lousy transmission.”
     Jake laughs at this, and I’m drawn into another kiss. “Wanna get out of here?” he asks.
     I nod eagerly. It doesn’t take me long to shut off the stereo, lock the front doors, and make sure all the lights are off. Jake slings his duffel over his shoulder and wraps an arm around my waist, and we make our way through the kitchen and out the back. As we walk down the alley, he asks the question that I’m sure has been on his mind all this time.
     “So ... what’s with the antlers?”
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paigenoelchas-blog · 2 years
Over Your Shoulder
01: The Gathering
** see notes at the end of the story.**
TW: Gluttony and a little language.
Having lived in the United States for a large part of my life, I found myself missing Thanksgiving. The traditions that this American holiday contains have helped bring people together as a nation, as a family, a now, as friends. It has, in the past, been the time of year when all of the family got together and celebrated the love and blessings that have been given to them. It was a time when the family would eat, talk and play enjoying the chance to simply be in each other's company.
Over the years, Thanksgiving has changed as the family has. We don't all have traditional lives, sometimes people now celebrate friends that are like family. Since most of us in the group had difficult family situations, I thought it would be fun if we gathered all of the gang and I could host and share a tradition that I loved at the same time.
Jake indulges me and lets me throw Friendsgiving at his cabin. It is the perfect place to hold such a party. It isn't that big, but it is cozy and it is a bit of a drive, so it feels a little more special. We can have a fire in the fireplace and the back porch allows for hours of perfect stargazing. In fact, Jake installed a new fire pit just for the occasion. I can not wait to be around the people that I love the most, eat good food, drink good wine and talk all night.
I call it Jake's cabin, but the truth is I have been living here, with him, in bliss, for the last year. This is the secret reason that I want Friendsgiving here. It has been one year since he carried me over the thresh hold. Yes, he actually did it, as cheesy as it was, He carried me through the doorway, then immediately threw me on the couch and proceeded to christen the living room, and the dining table, and the bedroom, and the shower. I still blush thinking about it, but I wouldn't trade that moment for anything.
Months of prepping has gone into this holiday. I have spent hours on Pinterest and watching decoration videos and assigning everyone a part of the dinner to cook. I trust Cleo to cook all of the desserts, hoping that she leaves the pumpkin pie off of the list. The house smells of freshly baked rolls and turkey, ham, of cinnamon and cloves. The candles are lit, the fireplace is roaring, the place cards are readied, and the silverware is set. It is beautiful, everything is exactly as I have imagined it. Nostalgic feelings light up my face and warmth fills my heart.
I am caught up in my own world thinking back to when I was younger and looking forward to tonight, when I feel his arms wrap around me. He places soft kisses on my neck and whispers a voice that sounds deep and smooth like maple syrup, "This place looks incredible, you look incredible." He spins me around to look in his eyes and my dress spins long after my body stops revealing the deep slit that runs up most of my leg stopping at my upper thigh. It is a long-sleeved, loose-fitting gown and is lower cut in the front than it should be, but I know it will drive him crazy all night. Part of me loves that thought. This is the part of me that bought this dress in the first place.
I am looking at him, the candlelight is dancing in his eyes. All that I can see is love and hope and the place where my soul lives. He brushes a hair off of the side of my face with his hand and leans in for a sweet kiss on the cheek and then whispers in my ear, "You have no idea how lucky you are that everyone is coming so soon because I have some ideas for you and me and that dress... and without the dress. Are you trying to drive me crazy?" He asks.
I smirk.
"You are!" He says in sudden realization. "Naughty girl. You will pay for that later." I smile, knowing that his punishment will be my pleasure.
His eyes turn a dark sapphire and his hands roam down my body and land on my ass. He pulls me into him so that there is no space in between our bodies and he begins searching for the slit in my skirt that allows him access. Finding it, he leans in and caresses the bare skin of my thigh. His mouth is millimeters away from mine when the doorbell rings.
His head hangs down on my chest in a tiny bit of frustration and smiles as one who is bitterly disappointed. Mumbling under his breath, I hear, "Damn it! it is lucky these are my favorite people." He pulls away and we straighten our clothes. I chuckle a little at his frustration and then realize that I carry my own. He slings his arm around my waist as we walk to the door to greet our guests.
We know who will be -- Cleo. She is always painfully on time. We need her to keep us all in line. I also know that her arms will be filled with desserts. She is excessive and overly thoughtful. She will try to make a special dessert for everyone. Cleo and Sam show up with their arms overloaded. Sam is Cleo's boyfriend of about two years. Her mother had set them up at one of their church socials. We expected him to be tight-lipped and stodgy, but he wasn't. He is funny and charming and keeps Cleo from organizing every aspect of her life away and also keeps her safe from some of her more impulsive choices. He has become one of us and almost fills that nice guy slot that Richy has vacated.
We still miss him. There'll always be a void there. No matter what he did, whether we can forgive him or not, his presence is missed, especially this time of year.
Cleo storms in with boxes of cookies and containers of cupcakes. Sam carries the pies: pumpkin, cherry, and pecan. There are more sweets here than we can consume in five Friendsgivings. She leans in and kisses my cheek. "Happy Friendsgiving, you two. Jake, could you help Sam unload the car?"
"There's more?" Jake asks incredulously, giving Sam a sympathetic look.
"You have no idea," Sam says. "There is a reason that I have gained twenty pounds since we have started dating." Then he pauses at the sight of Cleo, the look of love on his face does not go unnoticed by either Jake or myself. "I am not complaining. It's been the best two years of my life. We better get those unloaded," he says motioning toward the door. "She has been cooking for three full days. I have taste tested a lot of dessert. I have a question for you Jake, you are a smart guy, what the hell is mincemeat and why do they put that in a pie?" He says as they walk out to the car. Jake shakes his head and laughs a little under his breath. "I don't know, man, but we can look it up after we help your lady out."
As the men are unloading, I see another car pull in the drive. It is Lily and Dan. They have been seeing each other for a while now, though no one really knows how long. They kept it a secret for a while. They knew it wouldn't make sense to all of us. At first it didn't, but when we calmed down and thought about it, Dan and Lily are both fiercely protective of those that they love and they can be reckless in their efforts to keep everyone safe and happy.. They make each other laugh and feel cared for. What else could we want for them?
Dan rolls out of the car and slides around, opening the door for Lily. He is carrying a box with what I guess must be alcohol and a casserole dish. Lily stands up and I notice how peaceful and elegant she looks as she watches him in front of her. He gives her confidence so that she can shine. They are happy and I can't help but smile. Dan is wearing a suit and has shaved. I have never seen him this fancy. "What's up, handsome?" I say as I usher him through the door. He winks at me. "The party has arrived, little one."
Mock offense crosses my face. I punch him in the arm. "Who are you calling little?" I say and he laughs deep from his chest.
Then Lily grabs me around the neck and hugs me tight, looking inside, "Oh, sister, this is amazing." I never thought she would hug me. I never thought she would call me sister. I never thought I would love her so much. No one could ask for a more passionate advocate and loyal friend.
"Come on in. It's cold outside." I usher her in and I notice Dan has usurped the kitchen and is all ready mixing drinks. Cleo is trying to usher him out, but he is not having any of it. Jake and Sam have escaped to research mincemeat in the office. I have a sneaking suspicion that they 'found' the XBOX while they were in there and have gotten lost for a bit.
The door bell rings again. This time it is Thomas and Hannah. He has his arm around her waist, she has a big smile, the kind that always lights up the room when she enters. I am glad to see that smile back on her face, it has been too long. It has been a rough few years for them. The night at the mine was about three years ago. Hannah was sentenced to a few months in jail, but it was almost a good thing because she received much needed therapy during this time. Thomas stayed by her side throughout it all, dealing with his demons as she dealt with the hers, Now it seems, they are stronger than ever, Thomas has his guitar slung over his back. He gives me a quick hug and rushes to meet Dan at what has apparently become the bar for the evening. She hands me flowers. Hannah is the most thoughtful among us. "Thanks so much for having us," she says, rushing into my arms, almost knocking me over. "Where is that gorgeous brother of mine?"
"The office," I answer, "but not for long. I'm pulling the boys out of there soon." I talk tough, but I know that Jake will miss me before I have to drag him out. We can't go long without seeing each other. We waited too long to be in each other's arms.
"I don't care, Im gonna go get him," she speaks in a mischievous voice, flitting across the room like a kid. I hear him scream as she jumps on his lap then the air is filled with laughter. He is tickling her for revenge. I am so happy that they are in this place where all the years that they were separated have fallen away and they can just love each other.
With everyone listening to music and chatting, drinking and snacking, I take a moment to admire these people that I get to share life with. I am happy, I am loved, I am home.
The table is full of food and lush with fabric and place cards, each person has their own space specifically designed for them. Everything is ready, we are just waiting for our last two guests.
The doorbell rings for the last time tonight, it is Jessy and Phil. Jessy has been through a lot these last few years. The fact that she is still here and functioning is a testament to her strength. You see, she had loved Richy with her whole heart, but she didn't realize it until he was gone. By that time, she also realized that he had been lying to her about so many things. Processing that has been rough on her and watching the world move on without her has left her as a shell of who she was. She always seems lonely in our midst.
"Jessy..." I greet her with a hug. I am estactic that she is here. I feel Jake's hand on my back, and a quick peck on my cheek. "Jessica, welcome," He grabs her hand and pulls her in for a hug as he plants a kiss on her cheek. She always blushes a little every time he does this, but she knows that it is an honor. It means that he really cares for her, so she will never tell him to stop. Jake adores Jessy. He is on mission to lead her back to her old self, the one in which the sadness doesn't linger behind her eyes. I, of course, love the fact that he treats her so well. She deserves all of the love that the world has to offer.
Then, there is Phil. He swaggers in with his usual confidence. Over the past few years, Jake and Phil have set their dispute aside. It was easy once Phil realized that my heart only belongs to Jake. The two have become buddies. In fact, they frequently have "men nights", which irritates me to no end as they aren't allowed to share what happens on these evenings. That is the one rule and my only negative about them hanging out. I used to be one of the guys.
Phil picks me up and spins me around. "Hello, Beautiful. Happy American Holiday to you."
Jake shoves him aside jokingly, "We have spoken of this, Phillip. Hands off." Jake grabs me and hugs me tight, but he smiles, obviously understanding that my heart only beats for him. HIs jealousy is gone. Too bad. That was kind of fun for a while. Jake reaches for Phil's hand and they share some sort of secret handshake.
"I know, I know, you got the girl," Phil chuckles and the two walk inside.
With everyone here, we slowly make our way to the table that is filled with so much food that there is almost no room for our plates. If the cabin didn't have an island in the kitchen, I don't know what we would have done.
"Ok, let's get this show started, I am starving. I haven't eaten all day. This food better live up to the hype." Dan winks and changes his tone. "Seriously, MC, this is beautiful and the food looks amazing. Thank you all for all of this,"
"Thank you," I say with tears in my eyes, reaching for Jake's hand "...for being family to me when I wasn't born with the best one. Thank you for making me laugh and for being with me when I cry, for being by my side to help me fight demons. Thank you for being in my life. Each of you makes me who I am today." I raise my glass and offer a toast. "Happy Friendsgiving."
We clink our glasses, "Let's Eat!" I say and the feasting begins.
A little while later, Dan speaks up again, "I don't know who made up this holiday, but I owe it to them, that dinner was incredible." Thomas nods in agreement. Lily shook her head at Dan, acting ashamed of his enthusiasm, but we all know that she isn't ashamed of anything Dan does. She loves him too much to be anything other than enamored. Jake who is sitting next to me, runs his hand up and down my thigh under the table, the dirty scoundrel. I did kind of ask for it. I begin to squirm and change the subject.
"Ok, now here comes my favorite part."
"Dessert?" Jake jokes. He has discovered that I have quite a sweet tooth.
"No." I say and stick out my tongue at him. "Before we get up from the table we each have to tell one thing we are thankful for."
Thomas stands and says, "If it is ok, I would like to go first. "
I nod. He fiddles around with his pocket, Suddenly, I have a good idea of what is about to happen. I look at Lily and she does too.
"I am so happy to be here with all of you."He begins, "These past few years have proven that time is fleeting. I don't want to waste a second not remembering how lucky I am to have this rag tag family. I don't want to waste a second without Hannah in my life. Hannah," he holds her hand in his, " You have been through so much these past three years, and you have been so strong. Watching you survive the kidnapping, jail, therapy, and coming back to yourself has made me fall deeper into love with you. Deeper than I thought possible."
I look around the room and all of us have tears in our eyes, but my eyes lock on Jessy. While all of us are crying tears of happiness, hers are laced with loss, she is on my other side and I grab her hand, letting her know that I am here for her. Lily is about to jump out of her chair with excitement. Dan wraps his arm around her so she can settle.
Thomas bends down on one knee "...Hannah Marie Donfort, will you...."
In that instant, Jessy's phone rings. She answers it. I can't believe that she would answer her phone in this moment. I almost say something to her, but the look of shock on her face lets me know that this isn't an ordinary phone call.
I see tears begin to stream down her face Her words are barely audible through her sobs. "Its been three years, I went to your funeral. How do I even know this is.....you?" There is a long pause and then, "OK. I will. One hour. I have missed you..." another pause followed by, "I love you too, Richy." She hangs up the phone and begins to gather her stuff.
Thomas stands up and Phil grabs Jessy's arm.
"What s going on, Jess?" Phil asks cautiously. "Did you just say that you love Richy? How is that possible.
"Let go of my arm. I need to go right now. Ric.. Richy... needs help. He is alive and he loves me."Jessy says he eyes alight with hope and panic.
"WHAT?" Dan screams. "What are you talking about? This can't be true. He hasn't been heard from in years. He manipulated all of us and...you are going to help him? Where do you think you are going?" Lily is trying to calm down, but we all know that she probably feels the same and who can blame her?
He needs me," she says sadly as she is trying to calm down, " I have to help." Phil is still holding on to her arm. He is trying to keep her safe from herself.
"Who the hell does he think he is that he can call here and ask for help?" Lily interjects.
"...and who the hell are you, Jessy, to think he is worth the help?' Hannah went to jail because of him." Thomas speaks with anger in his voice, though he speaks in a lower tone.
Jessy is getting angry she clenches her lips and speaks through her gritted teeth, "Hannah went to jail because of Hannah. She did the things she was accused of. I love him. I know I shouldn't after everything he's done. I don't know if I can forgive him, but I just can't help it. He is in trouble and I can't deny that everyday has been torture without him."
Jake stands up and takes her hands in his, "Jessica, even if this isn't a trick, he can't be trusted. You can't possibly think you will be safe, that he is stable? "
"I don't know what to believe, but I can't give up on him. It is worth the risk for me. If no one understands, I am sorry, but I have to do this." Jessy's voice has softened, but her resolve has not weakened.
"Then I am coming with you." I speak up and squeeze Jessy's hand. Jake begins to argue, but sees the look on my face. He knows that there is no talking me out of it.
"Even though I think this is a bad idea, I am not letting you two go out there alone, I am coming with you." Jake responds immediately.
Thomas and Dan are still mad, you can see their faces red and fuming, "You are all crazy to risk your lives for that asshole." Dan says with fire in his eyes. Lily is rubbing his back, trying to help him control his temper.
Hannah sits down with her hands in her lap. They are shaking. She holds onto them so tight, that I fear for her circulation. Thomas chimes in, "Do you see what he is doing to her even now, what he is doing to all of us? How can you show compassion for that monster?"
Jake raises his voice. It is deep and commanding. His eyes shift between Thomas and Dan. "Enough. I understand your point, but I would do the same thing if it was MC and I know that you would do the same for the women you love. This seems to calm them down a bit. "We are doing this," he continues, "so stop badgering her and let me prepare."
Phil comes up to us, "I am coming too. She is my sister and if there is a chance that he is dangerous, I will take him out myself for all of the grief he has caused. "
Jake nods and looks at me. He runs into the office and pulls out five backpacks that are filled with everything we could possibly need to take on the world. You can make the boy stop hacking, but you can't take the hacker out of the boy. He had a backpack prepared for all of the friends, just in case.
Locking eyes with me, he tosses the bag to each one of us. I notice that he has also included a bag for Richy when we catch up to him. He crams some extra snacks in the top of Richy's bag along with a couple of bottles of water. "Ready? Everything you need is in the bag." Jessy, Phil and I nod. "Thomas, Daniel, I need you to be ready for support. Keep these two safe. That is more important than your feelings on the matter."
They both nod, understanding his deeper meaning. I reach out for his hands and he grabs mine, interlacing our fingers as we head to the car. Jessy is frantic, all of the emotions showing on her face and her crimson hair flying in the wind. Phil opens the door for her, his face stoic and his expression one of mixed anger and fear.
"He sent me a GPS signal." Jessy says, "And he says that I won't recognize him because of the damage he sustained." her tears begin to fall again. "what could have possibly happened that he is unrecognizable?
This angers Phil. "The damage that he sustained was by his own hand, Jessy how can you feel bad for him?"
"I just know that without him, my heart was empty and now, I can feel again just knowing that he may be alive." She answers and it makes sense to me. I would follow Jake to the ends of the Earth if I thought he was in trouble. No one could stop me.
I look at the seat next to me as my handsome, strong, genius of a man starts the car and speeds down the freeway. He is worried, but not afraid. I know that he has faced many enemies before and that we are in good hands. I feel safe with him.
This is not how I expected this day to end, but if there was even a chance that could get our old Jessy back, I would do anything. If it is Richy that we need to deal with, we will. if it isn't, we will have to face whatever monster that shows it face. Either way, Jessy will get some answers that she deserves and I will have done something to help my friend find her happiness or at least, find a way to end the continual breaking of her heart.
I watch out the window as the road whirls past and I can't help but think this situation is only going to lead us to more trouble than any of us are ready to deal with, backpacks or not. Jake squeezes my leg as if he is thinking the same thing, but he smiles and raises my hand to his lips placing a reassuring kiss on the inside of my palm. I am thankful to be with him and to be by his side through all of life, the good and the bad.
I know with Jake and a little luck, we will find our answers and maybe, just maybe, Jessy will find her way back to the person that she was. Maybe she will find herself someplace even better.
_______________________________________ ;) ____________________
This story was inspired by a prompt designed to challenge all of the discord people to think outside of the box, or maybe simple to give them a challenge that would spur on their writing. I would like to thank @raemae17 for always challenging and inspiring us in incredible ways.
I hope you all like my interpretation of this. I can't wait to read all of yours.
Here is the prompt:
The group has gathered to celebrate Friendsgiving. Everyone is having a great time, until.....
And here is the quote that I was also inspired by:
“Missing someone is like hearing a name sung quietly from somewhere behind you. Even after you know no one is there, you keep looking back.” – Tim Seibles
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noisycowboyglitter · 2 months
Find the Perfect Heavy Metal Christmas Gift for Your Loved Ones
Christmas Heavy Metal Christmas is a unique fusion of yuletide cheer and hardcore rock, creating an unexpected and thrilling musical experience. This genre blends the festive spirit of traditional Christmas songs with the intense energy and powerful sound of heavy metal.
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Imagine classic carols like "Silent Night" or "Jingle Bells" reimagined with thunderous guitar riffs, pounding drum solos, and growling vocals. These renditions maintain the familiar melodies but infuse them with the raw power and aggression characteristic of metal music.
Many heavy metal bands have embraced this concept, releasing Christmas-themed albums that cater to fans who want to headbang their way through the holiday season. These tracks often feature original compositions as well, with lyrics that humorously or darkly twist traditional Christmas themes.
The visual aesthetics associated with Christmas Heavy Metal Christmas are equally striking. Picture Santa Claus in leather and studs, reindeer with spiked collars, or Christmas trees adorned with guitar picks and miniature skulls.
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This niche genre allows metal enthusiasts to celebrate the holidays without compromising their musical tastes. It's a perfect soundtrack for unconventional Christmas parties or for those who find traditional carols too saccharine.
Christmas Heavy Metal Christmas represents the versatility of both the holiday spirit and the metal genre, proving that even the most contrasting elements can harmonize to create something uniquely entertaining.
Merry Christmas Gift embodies the spirit of holiday generosity and joy. It's a carefully chosen item or experience meant to spread cheer and show appreciation during the festive season. These gifts range from traditional presents like cozy sweaters, festive ornaments, or gourmet treats to more personalized offerings that reflect the recipient's interests and passions.
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A Merry Christmas Gift is often beautifully wrapped in seasonal paper, adorned with ribbons, bows, or decorative tags. The act of giving is as meaningful as the gift itself, symbolizing love, thoughtfulness, and the warmth of the holiday season.
These presents are exchanged in various settings - during family gatherings, office parties, or among friends. They can be small tokens of affection or more significant items, depending on the relationship and occasion.
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Ultimately, a Merry Christmas Gift is about creating moments of happiness and strengthening bonds between people during this special time of year.
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storyofsucces · 3 months
kids fashion
Exploring Kids' Fashion: Simple and Unique Trends
When it comes to dressing our little ones, there's a whole world of adorable fashion trends to explore. Kids' fashion today is not just about cute outfits; it's a blend of creativity, comfort, and fun. Let's take a look at some simple yet unique trends that are making waves in the world of children's clothing.
1. Playful Prints and Patterns
From whimsical animals to vibrant geometric shapes, playful prints are a big hit in kids' fashion. These prints add a splash of personality to everyday outfits, making them perfect for playdates or family outings. Whether it's dinosaurs roaming across a t-shirt or rainbows dancing on a dress, kids love the excitement and color that prints bring to their wardrobes.
2. Mix-and-Match Styles
Gone are the days of perfectly coordinated outfits. Today, mixing and matching different pieces is not just a trend but a way for kids to express their unique style. Think pairing a superhero t-shirt with polka dot leggings or layering a denim jacket over a floral dress. This trend encourages creativity and allows kids to create outfits that reflect their individuality.
3. Comfort is Key
Comfortable clothing is always in fashion, especially for active little ones. Soft fabrics, stretchy materials, and tag-free designs ensure that kids can move freely and play comfortably throughout the day. From cozy hoodies to stretchy leggings, comfort-focused fashion allows kids to be themselves without any wardrobe restrictions.
4. Retro Revival
Everything old is new again, even in kids' fashion! Retro styles from the 80s and 90s are making a comeback with a modern twist. Think oversized sweatshirts, neon colors, and classic sneakers. Parents nostalgic for their own childhood fashion are now dressing their kids in styles that bring back fond memories, creating a sense of fun and nostalgia in today's fashion scene.
5. Sustainable and Eco-Friendly Choices
With growing awareness of environmental issues, many parents are opting for sustainable and eco-friendly clothing options for their children. Organic cotton, bamboo fibers, and recycled materials are becoming increasingly popular in kids' fashion. These choices not only help reduce the environmental impact but also teach children the importance of caring for the planet from a young age.
6. Dressing Up for Every Occasion
Kids love any excuse to dress up, whether it's for a birthday party, a holiday celebration, or simply a day at home. Dressing up isn't just reserved for special occasions anymore; it's a way for kids to express their creativity and imagination through their clothing choices. Sparkly tutus, dapper bow ties, and princess crowns are all part of the magic of kids' fashion.
From playful prints to eco-friendly fabrics, kids' fashion continues to evolve with a focus on creativity, comfort, and sustainability. Whether your child prefers bold patterns or cozy basics, there's something out there to suit every personality and style. Embrace the joy of dressing your little ones in outfits that not only look adorable but also reflect their unique spirit and sense of adventure. After all, fashion is about more than just clothes—it's a form of self-expression that starts from a young age.
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stpaulsuk · 6 months
The Best Christmas Gifts for Kids Who Love Books, Music, or Art
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Christmas is a time to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, who is the savior of the world and the son of God. Moreover, Christmas is a time when families and friends often come together and It provides an opportunity for people to reconnect, strengthen relationships, and create lasting memories.
Exchanging and receiving presents during the Christmas season is a delightful aspect of the festive period, especially for the younger ones who find it particularly thrilling. Choose the Best Christmas Gifts Online in UK from St. Pauls online store to gift your loved ones and make them happy during the festive time.
Benefits of Christmas Gifting
Christmas gifting holds various benefits, both for the giver and the recipient. Here are some of the key advantages:
Christmas gifts provide an opportunity to express love, care, and thoughtfulness towards friends and family. The act of selecting a gift shows that you've considered the recipient's preferences and put effort into choosing something meaningful.
Gift-giving is a way to build and strengthen relationships. It fosters a sense of connection and shows that you value the person enough to invest time and resources in choosing a special gift for them.
Gifts often carry symbolic meaning. They can represent good wishes, blessings, or hopes for the future. Thoughtfully chosen gifts can convey messages of love, success, or prosperity.
Choosing gifts allows individuals to tap into their creativity. Finding a unique and personal gift requires thought and imagination, encouraging people to think outside the box and come up with inventive ideas.
Giving a Christmas book to your kids is one of the best gifts in the Christmas season. Because, Christmas books can be educational, teaching children about different cultures, historical aspects of the holiday, or even scientific concepts related to winter and the changing seasons. Moreover, Christmas books can contribute to the excitement and anticipation of the holiday season. Opening a new Christmas book can become a much-anticipated tradition, creating a sense of magic and wonder. Here’re some of the best options to choose. Discover the magic of the holiday season with our curated collection of children's Advent and Christmas books available online in the UK. From timeless classics to enchanting new tales, explore a diverse selection perfect for young readers
My Christmas Colouring Book
My Christmas Colouring Book is a fun and festive colouring book for kids to enjoy as they get excited about the Christmas season!
Get involved in the Nativity story - from the annunciation through to the arrival of the Wise Men - with this enchanting activity book.
A Pirate Christmas The Nativity Story
A Pirate Christmas" is a cute nativity story the whole family will love. The short story is -> Joe and his pirate dad along with Cannon the ship guinea pig are miserably stuck on their boat missing the pirate Christmas party across the water on their friends' ship. Worst of all the party games and the treasure hunt are happening without them! Joe and his dad discover a dusty old picture book of the story of the first Christmas and settle down to read together and discover a different kind of treasure.
The Action Bible Christmas: 25 Stories about Jesus' Arrival
This unique, family-friendly Christmas addition to the bestselling Action Bible line tells the story of Jesus' birth from 25 "eyewitnesses"--such as the young student in the East who first saw the star, Zechariah, the innkeeper, the dove in the stable rafters--and includes fun discussion prompts for great conversations throughout Advent and the holiday season.
Stunning illustrations and intriguing original accounts of Jesus’ birth make this a thought-provoking and fun new way to celebrate the season as a family.
Another idea is that giving music or art based gifts to kids for Christmas can have several important benefits. Music and arts provide a means for children to express their emotions in a constructive way. Creating or listening to music, for instance, can be a powerful outlet for emotions. Similarly, engaging in visual arts allows children to convey their feelings through drawings, paintings, or other forms of creative expression.
In summary, gifts related to music, arts, or Christian books for Christmas can contribute to a child's holistic development, encompassing cultural enrichment, cognitive growth, emotional expression, spiritual development, family bonding, and educational value. These gifts have the potential to provide long-lasting benefits and create meaningful memories for children.
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Your Essential Guide to Kids Christmas Dresses in 2023
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Fashion is a vibrant means of self-expression, allowing us to showcase our unique personalities and creativity. From casual to formal, bohemian to minimalist, exploring various styles becomes an exciting journey to discover our distinctive fashion identity. Similarly, exceptional gifts for children go beyond mere entertainment, sparking curiosity and fostering play over time. Through expert interviews and extensive research, we've curated a selection of toys, dress-up items, games, and gear to captivate the imaginations of kids, providing them with tools to explore and embrace the world.
Embrace the holiday spirit with enchanting Christmas dresses from Li & Li Couture, radiating festive elegance and making every moment merry and bright. Introducing our latest fashion, your go-to for the Christmas Kids Collection online, nestled in the heart of Kerala. With a passion for creating clothing for both women and children, we aim to make your child shine with excellence through our original and imaginative designs. We can provide you with a guide to assist you in selecting the ideal children's Christmas outfit. Remember that tastes and fashions might change from year to year, so it's a good idea to see what's new in terms of possibilities and trends.
1. Comfort and Material:
To make sure your child is comfortable during the celebrations, use a dress made of soft blends or comfy fabrics like cotton.
2. Joyful Colors: 
Popular selections for Christmas colors include red, green, gold, and silver. Dresses with patterns inspired by snowflakes, reindeer, or Christmas trees are a good option.
3. Fashions: 
A-line dresses, tutu skirts, and dresses with bows and ruffles are common fashions for girls. Boys may choose to wear shorts or colorful pants with their dress shirts.
4. Accessories:
Add accessories such as bows, ribbons, or Santa hats to complement the outfit. For boys, consider a festive tie or bowtie.
5. Age-Appropriate Designs
Verify that the dress's length and style are appropriate for the wearer. Smaller kids could feel more at ease in shorter, more whimsical styles.
6. Weather-Related Issues:
Dressing for the weather requires consideration. Should it be winter, you may wish to wear the dress with a coat or a matching cardigan.
7. Personalization:
To make the outfit special, some parents choose to add individualized details like custom embroidery or monogrammed initials.
8. Coordinating Family Attire:
Think about planning attire ahead of time to create a unified image when shooting family portraits. You can accomplish this by using complementary hues or accents.
9. Durability:
Kids may get really energetic, especially around the holidays. Select a dress that will hold up during playtime.
10. Cost-Effective Solutions: 
Examine cost-effective solutions without sacrificing quality. You can get reasonably priced gowns at local retailers, online marketplaces, and sales events.
11. Start Your Shopping Early:  
Make sure you have enough time to discover the ideal dress and make any necessary adjustments by starting your shopping early.
12. Comfortable Shoes: 
To finish the ensemble, don't forget to wear comfortable shoes. Boys may choose to wear celebratory sneakers or formal shoes, while girls are more likely to wear ballet flats.
Get ready to add a touch of magic to your little one's Christmas with our enchanting dresses! Imagine the delight as they twirl in festive joy, adorned in our stylish Christmas outfits featuring cute reindeer patterns and sparkling snowflakes. Buy Kid Christmas Outfit Online from Li & Li Couture, brings you shining garments for children who excel, offering the cutest outfits ever. Discover the best baby girl birthday party dresses at Li & Li Couture, with our design and production studio based in Kerala, India. Our love for the arts shines through in every piece we create for girls and boys. Your child is sure to be a star with our distinctive and creative designs. Li & Li promises high-quality materials and exquisite workmanship for a truly special holiday season. Shop now and let your little one sparkle with Li & Li Couture!
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bestshirtcanbuy · 11 months
Black Cat Baby It Is Cold Outside Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
The Black Cat Baby It Is Cold Outside Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is an exciting event that brings together people of all genders and ages to celebrate the holiday season in style. Ugly sweater parties have become a popular tradition during the Christmas season, and this particular event takes it up a notch with a quirky black cat theme that adds an extra element of fun. The party is designed for both men and women, ensuring that everyone can participate and enjoy the festivities. Ugly sweaters have become a staple during the holiday season, and this event encourages guests to embrace the spirit of the season by wearing their most outrageous and hilarious attire. The black cat theme adds a unique touch, allowing guests to find creative and funny ways to incorporate feline elements into their outfits. One of the best parts about the Black Cat Baby It Is Cold Outside Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is that it is a gift for everyone. Whether you are attending as a guest or hosting the event, the excitement and joy that comes with embracing the holiday spirit and connecting with loved ones are priceless. The party provides an opportunity to bond with friends and family, share laughter, and create lasting memories. In terms of gifting, the event offers plenty of options to ensure that everyone feels included and appreciated. Guests can bring small, inexpensive gifts to participate in a fun gift exchange game, where everyone gets a chance to receive a surprise present. This adds an element of excitement and anticipation to the festivities, making it a memorable experience for everyone involved. The Black Cat Baby It Is Cold Outside Ugly Sweater Christmas Party also offers a great opportunity for individuals to showcase their creativity and style. With the ugly sweater theme, guests can let their imagination run wild and create their own unique sweater designs. Whether it involves adding black cat motifs or incorporating funny and festive elements, everyone can have fun expressing themselves through their outfits. Not only does this event provide a platform for creativity and self-expression, but it also promotes a sense of inclusivity and acceptance. Ugly sweaters are meant to be fun and lighthearted, and by embracing them, guests can break free from social norms and enjoy the holiday season without judgment. The party offers an environment where people feel comfortable and can truly be themselves, which is a gift in itself. In conclusion, the Black Cat Baby It Is Cold Outside Ugly Sweater Christmas Party is a festive and enjoyable event that caters to men and women alike. It provides a platform for creativity, inclusivity, and bonding, making it an ideal gift for everyone. By embracing the holiday spirit and donning their most outrageous sweaters, guests can create lasting memories, share laughter, and have a wonderful time celebrating the season with loved ones.
Get it here : Black Cat Baby It Is Cold Outside Ugly Sweater Christmas Party
Home Page : tshirtslowprice.com
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polyakter · 1 year
Emmiol's Halloween Extravaganza: Save Big with 70% Off Using Discount Code
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Are you ready to dive into the enchanting world of Halloween, where creativity knows no bounds, and spooktacular delights await at every corner? This Halloween season, you can treat yourself to a wickedly delightful experience with the Emmiol Halloween Collection while enjoying spine-tingling savings of 70% off. How, you ask? It's simple—just use the exclusive Emmiol Halloween Collection discount code, and the magic will unfold before your eyes.
In this comprehensive article, we will embark on a thrilling journey through the Emmiol Halloween Collection, discover what makes it a must-have for Halloween enthusiasts, and guide you through the process of unlocking this extraordinary discount. Get ready to immerse yourself in the world of Halloween, where the treats are bountiful, and the savings are as enchanting as the costumes. Welcome to the realm of Halloween wonders, brought to you by Emmiol!
The Enchantment of Halloween
Halloween, often celebrated on the night of October 31st, is a holiday that has captured the hearts and imaginations of people around the world. It's a time when we indulge in the spooky, the eerie, and the fantastical. From haunted houses to costume parties, Halloween brings out our inner child's love for play and creativity.
One of the most cherished aspects of Halloween is the opportunity to don costumes that transport us to different realms, whether it's a classic vampire, a wicked witch, or a whimsical fairy. And what better way to make your Halloween costume truly exceptional than with the Emmiol Halloween Collection?
Introducing Emmiol Halloween Collection
The Emmiol Halloween Collection is a treasure trove of Halloween essentials, including costumes, accessories, decor, and more. Here's why it's the ultimate destination for Halloween enthusiasts:
1. Vast Costume Selection
Emmiol offers an extensive range of Halloween costumes, from classic characters to contemporary pop culture icons. Whether you're aiming for spooky or silly, you'll find the perfect costume to bring your Halloween vision to life.
2. High-Quality Materials
Quality matters, especially when it comes to costumes. Emmiol ensures that their costumes are made from durable and comfortable materials, ensuring a memorable Halloween night without any costume mishaps.
3. Creative Accessories
No costume is complete without the right accessories. Emmiol provides an array of accessories to enhance your Halloween look, from wigs and masks to makeup and props.
4. Home Decor and Party Supplies
Emmiol goes beyond costumes by offering a wide selection of Halloween home decor and party supplies. Transform your space into a haunted house or host a spooktacular party with their themed decorations and tableware.
5. Kids and Adults Collections
Whether you're shopping for little goblins or grown-up ghouls, Emmiol has you covered with separate collections for kids and adults. Everyone in the family can join in on the Halloween fun.
The Emmiol Halloween Collection Discount Code: How to Save 70%
Now, let's unveil the enchanting part—the exclusive Emmiol Halloween Collection discount code that grants you a breathtaking 70% discount on your Halloween essentials. To unlock this incredible offer, follow these simple steps:
Step 1: Visit the Emmiol Official Website
Begin your Halloween adventure by visiting the official Emmiol website. This ensures that you're exploring a vast selection of genuine Halloween products.
Step 2: Explore the Halloween Collection
Browse through the extensive Emmiol Halloween Collection and discover the costumes, accessories, decor, and party supplies that catch your eye.
Step 3: Add to Cart
Select the Halloween items that will make your Halloween unforgettable and add them to your shopping cart.
Step 4: Apply the Discount Code
During the checkout process, you will encounter an option to apply a discount code. This is where you enter the exclusive Emmiol Halloween Collection discount code. Ensure that you enter it correctly.
Step 5: Revel in the Savings
Once you've applied the discount code, you'll witness a mesmerizing 70% reduction in the prices of your chosen Halloween items. Congratulations! You've unlocked an incredible deal that will make your Halloween celebration more enchanting and affordable than ever.
Why Choose Emmiol Halloween Collection?
You might be wondering why Emmiol Halloween Collection is the ideal choice for your Halloween needs, especially with the 70% discount. Here are some compelling reasons:
1. Variety and Quality
Emmiol offers an extensive range of Halloween products, ensuring that you can find everything you need for your celebration, all in one place. Their commitment to quality ensures that your Halloween experience is memorable for the right reasons.
2. Costume Creativity
Their diverse costume selection allows you to get creative and choose a costume that truly represents your Halloween spirit, whether it's spooky, funny, or downright iconic.
3. Ease of Shopping
Shopping at Emmiol is a breeze, thanks to their user-friendly website and wide variety of payment options. You can enjoy a stress-free shopping experience.
4. Family-Friendly
With collections for both kids and adults, Emmiol caters to the entire family, making it a one-stop shop for all your Halloween needs.
5. Affordability with Discount Code
With the exclusive discount code, Emmiol Halloween Collection becomes incredibly affordable, allowing you to fully embrace the Halloween spirit without breaking the bank.
Don't Miss Out on the Emmiol Halloween Collection Discount Code
In conclusion, Emmiol Halloween Collection is your ticket to a Halloween celebration filled with enchantment, creativity, and style. Whether you're looking for the perfect costume, accessories, home decor, or party supplies, Emmiol has it all, and now, with the exclusive 70% discount code, it's more accessible than ever.
So, don't let this Halloween season pass you by without experiencing the magic of Emmiol. Visit their official website, select your Halloween must-haves, and apply the discount code to embark on a Halloween adventure filled with savings and spooktacular delights. Welcome to a Halloween celebration like no other, brought to you by Emmiol. Happy haunting and happy savings!
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novelmonger · 2 years
Everyone is reading A Christmas Carol this time of year, but I decided to try out another of Charles Dickens' Christmas stories. The one I chose was The Chimes (which ended up being actually about New Year, not Christmas, but oh well). It was a good story--I plowed through it in one sitting--but I can definitely see why A Christmas Carol has remained popular and gotten a heck-ton of adaptations and references to this day, while The Chimes has not.
There are a lot of similarities between the two stories. Both are about an old man who is visited by spirits (in a dream?? vision??? out-of-body experience????) on the eve of a winter holiday, showing him a potential future of how dreadfully things could turn out if he doesn't alter his thinking, until he wakes up and finds out it hasn't happened yet and there's still hope, and the story ends with a giddily joyful celebration.
But The Chimes is just not quite as powerful or memorable as A Christmas Carol, for several reasons. First and foremost, I think, is the main character. Scrooge is one of the nastiest, most cold-hearted and miserly people you could possibly imagine, so it's really satisfying to watch him slowly changing over the course of the story. He's humbled, softened, and warmed throughout his adventure to become the joyful, generous man we see at the end. The difference is so striking, but so wonderful because it's like night and day. You can tell at a glance that he's a new man.
Trotty Veck, the main character of The Chimes, doesn't have quite the same effect. Don't get me wrong, he's a great character--Dickens excels at making interesting characters that leap off the page--but he doesn't seem to be in as dire need of changing as Scrooge. He's a poor man who works as a ticket-porter, doing odd jobs and running deliveries for people. Due to a run-in with some stuffy gentlemen and seeing horrible news in the papers, he loses faith in the working class, wondering if maybe they're just wicked by nature with no hope of improvement, as the upper class seems to think. That's what apparently prompts the spirits in the belltower to show him the bleak future of how he and all his loved ones could end up because they assumed there was no hope for them.
It actually took me a while to understand why the spirits were admonishing Trotty in the first place. His crime didn't seem worthy of the punishment. I mean, a common message running through all of Dickens' work is to be generous to the poor and treat them with dignity. That's seen powerfully in the character of Scrooge, who hoards his coin at first but then becomes generous in the end. Trotty, on the other hand, is one of the poor himself, and is clearly a victim of the kind of people Dickens is criticizing. Trotty even takes in a destitute uncle and niece who are also victims of the corrupt system, giving them a place to stay and using his day's earnings to give them food while he and his daughter go without. And yet, Trotty is the one who is admonished by the spirits, like he's the one to blame for losing hope when everything's against him.
And even when everything turns out all right in the end, and the horrible future he saw is averted because love wins out over despair...Trotty isn't really that different than he was to start with. We see him as a generally cheerful, loving, kind man in the beginning...and in the end, he's cheerful, loving, and kind. Instead of going through a radical transformation of character, he has a brief period of despondency and despair of his fellow man, but then gets over it really quick and is back to normal. It's just not as powerful.
Besides, it's hard to see why Trotty is the one who needs to change in order to prevent the awful future he sees in his vision. In A Christmas Carol, Scrooge is able to immediately do something once he wakes up and realizes he has a second chance. He can throw a Christmas party, help out Bob Cratchit's family, give money to the poor, etc. But when Trotty wakes up and finds out that the horrible future he's seen hasn't happened yet...it's actually not due to him at all. In the vision, it seemed like everything went wrong because the gentlemen convinced Trotty's daughter Meg from getting married to her sweetheart Richard, and that was going to lead them down the path to misery, Richard would succumb to alcoholism, the little girl Lilian would eventually have to resort to prostitution, and in the last extremity Meg would end up jumping in the river with her baby out of despair. But then Trotty wakes up and discovers none of that would have happened anyway. He learns that Meg and Richard had already decided not to listen to what those men said to them, and even though it dampened their spirits somewhat (as someone being rude to you naturally would), they were still planning to get married the next day anyway. So...Trotty changing his outlook on life doesn't actually affect anything that's actually happening. There's no sense that he was even trying to prevent Meg and Richard from getting married, so his loss of hope wouldn't have changed anything for them.
Now, don't get me wrong, I still enjoyed this story a lot, and will probably come back to it in New Years to come. Dickens' characters are all as fun as ever, the writing is excellent, and the joy at the happy ending is exquisite. He even got me to cry at one point, even with so much less time than normal to get to know and love these characters. Dickens, how do you do it?!
"So may the New Year be a happy one to you, happy to many more whose happiness depends on you! So may each year be happier than the last, and not the meanest of our brethren or sisterhood debarred their rightful share, in what our Great Creator formed them to enjoy."
0 notes
dreamkidddream · 3 years
So my birthday is on April Fools, (how deserving 🤪) and I decided to be self indulgent again and write something! These are short and reader is gender neutral!
WARNING: Lesson 16 spoilers in Beel and Belphie’s part (nothing too heavy but read their sections at your own risks)
The Brothers Celebrating your Birthday!
Expect the most grandest/high class celebration you’ve ever seen MC!
As much as he’s not a morning demon, he’s got a noticeable pep in his step this morning because it’s your special day
Expect him to be one of the first people to text you at midnight because he’s still up doing paperwork
But don’t worry, he won’t be doing any work when it’s time to celebrate
Little messages throughout the day, hinting at something big to come along with small gifts (atleast to him) such as: new outfits, lunch at Ristorante Six with him, basically stuff that he pleases you both and that he would love to see you in (not that he would ever tell you)
Expect his gifts to be high quality too (ie. very expensive)
You expected a huge party, but you didn’t expect him to get so sentimental
After everything ended, you ended up in his room, with him just holding you in his lap, unconsciously caressing you with his mind deep in thought
The impact that you made on his brothers- the impact that you made just on him- it’s far bigger than you could imagine. And that scares him
He’s gotten so close to you that he forgot that you can’t stay here forever, both in the Devildom and mortality. What would he do when you have to leave his brothers? When you have to leave him? It makes his chest pang with pain every time the thought crosses his mind, but he refuses to let it ruin the moments he does get to spend with you
You’ll never know how grateful he is for deep down, and he never wants to lose you. Who would have thought that the mighty firstborn would fall so deep for a mere human?
Get ready to have the best birthday ever with no one other than the Great Mammon!
Tries to be the first one to tell you, fell asleep and immediately felt bad
Celebrates your birthday like a national holiday but is still somehow tsundere about it. He’s only being like this because you don’t know how to party, and he doesn’t want to hear you complain later, got it?!
Has his crows bring you small gifts leading up to the big party. Bracelets, candy, mini love letters that he swore that he threw away...
Definitely snuck off during your party, because he wanted to hand you his gift personally (and he didn’t want to hear his brothers say anything about it). Prays (how ironic) that you don’t hate it, tears up when you say that you love it
Definitely got some kisses as thanks and can expect some more later
He just really appreciates and loves you okay? You’re important to him, and today’s the day that you were brought into the world, the reason that he’s able to look forward to something everyday. You’ve made a change in everyone’s lives, even that grouch Lucifer, and he has to say thanks somehow
Plus, you’re important to him- so he does see this as a special day regardless of what comes out of his mouth. He still gets embarrassed about being emotional, but he makes sure that you know that he loves you
He always will
It’s just another day normie, nothing special...
Hey quit trying to figure out what he’s hiding behind his back! He doesn’t have anything okay?! It’s nothing! And ignore that he called you, he just butt dialed you and didn’t expect you to answer! And he just decided to say happy birthday because everyone else was, not because he actually cares!
He is so stumped on how he’s going to celebrate your birthday, he hasn’t stressed about something non-otaku like this in decades. He’s so anxious that he’ll ruin your big day. What if he gets you something and you hate it and then hate him?!!
This day is making him more nervous than it should, but he can’t help it! You’re his best friend, a person that he can confidently say that he’s fortunate enough to know and that he loves-
OKAY he can’t exactly say it out loud yet without turning 50 shades of red, but he really does. He just needs a way to show it
Believe it or not, he was too excited to wait to tell you his gift after the party, so he told you after he said happy birthday. Free range to his manga collection??? What could be better than that?! The perfect gift if you asked him
Plus he rather you be holed up with him in his room than being anywhere else. That’s how it should be: just his Henry, his anime/manga/game collection, and Henry 2.0
It’s the least that he can do for how much you’ve been there for him, and even though he still has a hard time saying how he really feels, he hopes that this atleast gives you a glimpse into his true feelings
Ugh this feels like he’s a love interest in an otome game or something...
Honestly is the chillest of them all
Don’t get me wrong he’s super excited like everyone else, but he has a very detailed itinerary that you both need to follow for today, starting with breakfast.
Get down here before Beel eats your breakfast!
He made it with all of your favorite activities and places, along with things that he just knew you’ll love (and him too, but seeing you smiling is more than enough to make him content). He put a lot of effort into this whole day, especially with your gift
He put thought into it (no surprise there), he didn’t want to give you just anything and he has to one-up Lucifer and he needed to give you something to show you how much of a change you’ve been in his life. How much you influenced him to make better choices when it comes to channeling his anger and rage
He got you a magic photo album last year, and the way that you reacted to that (which was obviously positive), the pressure is on this year to impress you even more
Which he ended up doing! But he won’t lie, he was just a tad bit nervous in disappointing you, but everything worked out well, so you didn’t need to know!
Although, he did feel a bit shy in handing you his gift, he felt relieved in seeing you accept it so quickly
Also invited you to read any of his books, and even offered to teach you some spells, both safe and simple enough to where it won’t cause any real damage to anyone. Might teach you a spell to spite Lucifer to make the LYS club proud
You don’t know how much you mean to his brothers, how much you mean to him. You’ve made a bigger impact that you think, and while he knows that nothing he does will ever show you how eternally thankful he is for your presence, he at least wants to show you a sliver of his appreciation. What better way than the day you came into the world?
Also expect him to try and fluster you the whole day. You’re too cute for him to leave you alone, and your reactions are better than that brand new cat cafe
Actually he might have to test that theory, and the only way to do that is if you both visit the cafe. Either way he’s not complaining! Cats and you? A match to die for
You’re the only reason he’ll interrupt his beauty sleep
Wants bragging rights to say that he told you happy birthday first
Today is a big day after all! It’s the day that you came into the world, and that you’re able to even be down here with him- I mean them!
Will be your designated fashion designer. All your outfits already have to not only be on point, but they have to be iconic. No exceptions! Doesn’t matter if you’re just going to Purgatory Hall, you’re going there in style!
Gifts are in style too! He got you stuff that you would absolutely fall in love with. He’s not that self centered, give him some credit MC!
After the big celebration with everyone, of course you’re going out to The Fall! He has to show you off of course, it would be a crime if he didn’t
But once everything is over and you guys are home, he takes his time in doing his nightly routine on you both. Honestly just basking in your glow and just enjoying you. No sharing, no interruptions, just you and him
He catches himself thinking that there’s no way he can love someone more than he can love himself, it’s impossible, it has to be
But he loves you so much that he’s starting to doubt that theory
But would that really be a problem?
He’s so excited! And he takes today VERY seriously
He’s gonna make sure you eat SO GOOD today that Lord Diavolo would be jealous
As soon as you get up you guys are hitting every restaurant and I mean EVERY
You’re getting the best of the best because you deserve the best
And as a gift he got you so much food that you’ll probably have enough to last you both for the rest of the year...if he doesn’t eat it all
He knows that food is his thing, but he got you so much because he knows that it makes him happy, and he wants you to feel the same way. It makes him feel all warm inside, and when you’re with him it’s like he’s eating all of his favorites at once, but even better
And you guys eating food together?? It makes him feel like he’s back in the Celestial Realm again
But I feel like with Beel, another way he shows love is through acts of service and quality time. For him, even if you guys are doing absolutely nothing, he’s 100% in bliss
So his gift to you was in the way of snacks to share and having him at your mercy (not that you would ever take advantage of him like that). Also promising to take you wherever you want, it’s your day!
You see past his sin, and enjoy Beel for Beel. You don’t just see him as Gluttony, you helped bring his twin back to him, you even sleep and listen to him after his nightmares of Lilith. It’s only right to show gratitude for all that you’ve done on your birthday
And all of his brothers love you, especially him. You’re basically family at this point, and no takebacks either
Just don’t leave him MC, you’ve became a big part of his life now, and he honestly would be very sad without you
There’s no way that this sleepy king can stay up until midnight so you’ll get your happy birthday when he sees you in the morning (if he’s up)
No but fr in the game he DOES NOT CALL YOU OR EVEN TEXT!!! LIKE I STAYED UP THINKING HE FELL ASLEEP AND HE JUST STRAIGHT UP- okay sorry back to the headcannons 😭
He’s very optimistic on the inside trust me, he just doesn’t show it very well on the outside, but he’s trying!
He can’t help it that he’s sleepy but...you put some energy back into him, and he is ecstatic about celebrating with you, he just has a hard time showing it
His brothers were a little peeved about his nonchalant attitude AND not getting you a gift, but Beel already knows what his twin is doing, he just didn’t want anyone else to know because he wanted everything to be perfect
After the party, he snuck you away to the planetarium, which is designated as your sacred spot. This was nothing new, but you still laid in awe cuddled with Belphie looking up at the sky
But tonight was different, as the stars up above spelled out...your name? And did that star basically let out miniature fireworks? And are those stars over there shaped as a cow and mooing?
Seeing your eyes light up meant that it was worth it to skip out on some of his naps to talk to Solomon and practice out some new spells (but you won’t ever know that)
Belphie really cares about you. Really cares about you. No matter how much he may be sarcastic or act like things aren’t a big deal, they are to him, especially when it comes to you. After the ill-fated events in the attic, he would have not been surprised if you hated him and want nothing to do with him ever again; it was his fault after all, he couldn’t be upset with you. But you were willing to forgive him, and start over
MC, you will never know how much indebted he is to you. You’re the reason that he’s out of the attic and reconnected with his twins again, the reason that he’s apart of the family and not separated. Yes, he still has some issues that he may need to work on for himself, but he’s able to take the right step because of you
He doesn’t really have a choice in celebrating your birthday (at least to him but he’s gonna celebrate either way), because without you, he doesn’t know where he would end up at, he would be lost. He owes you enough to see you safe and happy, and he swears that he will keep you that way. A happy and safe MC means a satisfied Belphie
And having you curled up in his side, going on about the show he planned, has him feeling very light, and he can’t help but wonder if this is how his sister felt
If it is, he can’t help but start to see everything a little clearer now
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risukadarlin · 3 years
[piofiore no banshou] vol. 2: gilbert - track four
Tumblr media
4;  epilogo del 1927 -gilbert redford-
Standing at the top of a skyscraper and looking down on the city would be nice, but gazing at it from a boat isn’t bad either, is it?
Seeing the high-rise towers sparkling against a sea of stars feels fresh, doesn’t it?
But… Nothing here is as dazzling as your eyes.
The day’s almost over.
I’m sure Chicago will be brightly lit all night tonight.
It’s the new year, after all.
The celebrations will be lavish.
I’m sure the Visconti are all partying too.
I just hope they don’t get too carried away.
Are you cold?
Take my coat…
You don’t need to worry about me.
You’re right.
Let’s get warm together.
There’s a blanket on that sofa.
Sit down.
How is it?
Let me know if you’re still too cold.
We don’t need to stay on deck.
We can return to the cabin.
That’s true.
The countdown’ll start soon.
It’d be a shame to miss the moment the year changes.
But it’d also be a shame if we both caught colds.
We’re going on a cruise around the Great Lakes after this.
We won’t be back here for another ten days.
And… we have to prepare for the ceremony as soon as we return.
1928 is going to be a busy year for us.
Of course, it’ll be fun.
You’re going to be my wife, in name and on paper.
I can’t wait.
Come here.
It’ll be warmer that way.
It’s fine.
There’s no one here but us.
There’s no need to be embarrassed.
Well, yes.
I made sure we had the whole boat to ourselves for this very reason.
Business here has been going well recently.
And you never ask for anything that costs money.
Let me do this, at least.
Think of it as our luna di miele - our honeymoon.
You can use the boat however you want.
I’ll make sure you’re never bored.
Or is it too lonely, just the two of us on this big boat?
But… I wanted to be alone with you.
It’s fun making merry with the others sometimes.
But I’m the boss of Visconti.
I don’t really want to dangle you in front of a crowd or anything.
And I really don’t want anyone to interrupt our time together.
I want to be nothing more than your lover during this holiday.
I don’t want you to look at anyone but me.
If I’m being honest, I wanted to take you all around the world for our luna di miele.
But we don’t have enough time.
We can’t just leave Chicago for months at a time.
Maybe when I retire.
Not that I have any idea when that’ll be.
But it’s always been a dream of mine.
To keep succeeding and thriving here and live lavishly during my final years.
It’s the best life I could wish for.
Who knows how our life will go from now on?
No matter what happens, I do know one thing.
No matter where I go, no matter what happens, I want to spend it with y–...
It’s a new day.
Buon anno, signorina!
This is the second New Year I’ve spent with you in Chicago.
I’ve been thinking about it a lot recently.
When I was a kid, it took everything in me to survive to the end of the day in this city.
I never imagined I’d be living like this.
But it hasn’t been all peaches and cream.
I’ve messed up.
I’ve lost a lot.
And yet…
Looking back, I know it wasn’t all for nothing.
I built all this without giving up.
I met someone I truly love from the bottom of my heart.
And now I’m the kind of man who can gift his woman a cruise.
It’s too early to be getting so sentimental.
We haven’t even opened the bottle.
I brought the finest quality booze we have with us today.
I had it shipped over from Lombardy.
Let’s toast, signorina.
A toast to what we’ve been through and a toast to our future together.
I’m glad you like it.
Drinking wine under a starry winter sky isn’t bad, is it?
Drink as much as you’d like tonight.
You’re allowed to cut yourself loose during the New Year, at least.
You’ll get warmer if you drink.
I wish we could have brought your family from Italy too.
I’m sorry.
The people you want to invite to your wedding the most are the ones who can’t come.
I tried to think of a solution.
But the sisters have lives too and no amount of money will change that.
It’d be asking too much to call them here for the ceremony.
And crossing the Atlantic isn’t easy.
If a boat with alcohol on it sinks, all we lose is booze.
But if it’s people…
We can’t get them back.
There are so many things you can’t just solve with money.
Let’s send them a picture of the wedding.
I want them to see you in your lovely white dress.
Hey, Signorina.
How was it?
How were the two years since you met me?
Yes, I feel the same way. 
It almost feels like a blur.
My entire world changed faster than you can blink.
The situation in Burlone was resolved so quickly thanks to you, I think.
I’m serious, you know?
I’m not joking or flattering you.
You’re my good luck charm.
You always bring good fortune.
Last year… No, it’s two years ago now.
And before that too…
Much more blood could have been spilled in Burlone.
Maybe it was fate that it should have been.
Mafia Families are known for killing each other, aren’t they?
We were all prepared for it.
And yet…
It didn’t happen.
We were lucky to have a common goal.
I know that better than anyone.
I only have the future I have now because you were there.
You look like you want to disagree.
I can see why.
The people around us probably understand what I mean.
No one knows themselves as much as they think.
That includes me, of course.
For example…
I can hardly believe that I made a move on the lovely signorina I swore boldly to protect.
That’s not the sort of thing a sensible person - or a mafia boss - should be doing.
It’s not funny to me.
But it does feel better when you laugh about it.
I was close to the people in Burlone, especially for a member of the mafia.
So I tried to be careful.
I wanted to treat everyone equally.
I didn’t want to favor anyone.
Oliver’s the exception, of course.
He was a respectable person until I dragged him into my world.
But he knew what he was getting into.
No matter how amiable it looks, the mafia is the mafia.
If you get too close to someone, they get involved without you realizing.
That’s dangerous for them.
I didn’t understand that when I was young.
But I learnt.
And I thought I was being careful.
And I lost a lot of friends.
I knew the best thing to do if I loved you, would be to hide those feelings.
But I realized something.
I realized how special meeting you was.
And I realized I couldn’t give you up.
I was surprised by how quickly you became so important to me, by how quickly I came to adore you.
You smiled at me, even though you were in a house with the mafia.
You were bold and courageous.
No… They’re reasons I came up with afterwards.
The real reason wasn’t anything logical.
Remember when we found that lost kid in Creta and searched for her parents together?
Yes, her name was Sara.
Watching you console her made me realize how brilliant sisters ar—...
The boat shook quite a bit then.
Are you okay?
I haven’t seen you look so surprised before.
No, it wasn’t weird.
Even that expression was cute.
You always look cute to me.
And every time I learn something new about you, I fall in love all over again.
To be honest, I don’t want you to make faces like that in front of anyone but me.
Remember in Italy, when you fell asleep in the lounge?
It looks like you do.
I was shocked, you know?
But I realized something then.
I was in love with you.
I didn’t want anyone else to see your sleeping face.
And I wanted to touch you.
I held myself back, though.
Oh, maybe I did touch your hair.
But I wanted to do more than that.
Waiting for you to realize how I felt was my way of treasuring you.
I thought love was just about sharing good times together and reminiscing about it with a smile when the time came to part ways.
That wasn’t how I felt about you.
I didn’t just want to fool around and do things that felt good with you.
I knew it might hurt both of us.
And yet…
I think I knew from the moment I met you.
You were the one I was bound to spend the rest of my life with.
No one else.
I was going to live with you.
But the future is uncertain.
The fact we’re here together today is a miracle, borne of coincidence.
I would have come to America even if you wanted to remain in Italy.
But I never would have found anyone I loved as much as you.
Seeing a girl that looked like you in the streets would have been painful.
I’d live the rest of my life in regret.
So let me tell you this.
I’m so happy you chose to stay by my side.
No matter what’s waiting for us, never…
Never let go of my hand.
As long as we’re together, any pain will be halved and any joy will be more than doubled.
I’ll make you happier than anyone on earth.
You’re my greatest treasure, after all.
Gilbert Redford.
Morikubo Showtaro.
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paigenoelchas-blog · 1 year
Over You Shoulder, 01                   
       ** see notes at the end of the story.**
"Missing someone is like hearing a name sung quietly from somewhere behind you.                            Even after you know no one is there, you keep looking back." – Tim Seibles
Having lived in the United States for a large part of my life, I found myself missing Thanksgiving. The traditions that this American holiday contains have helped bring people together as a nation, as a family, a now, as friends. It has, in the past, been the time of year when all of the family got together and celebrated the love and blessings that have been given to them. It was a time when the family would eat, talk and play enjoying the chance to simply be in each other's company.
Over the years, Thanksgiving has changed as the family has. We don't all have traditional lives, sometimes people now celebrate friends that are like family. Since most of us in the group had difficult family situations, I thought it would be fun if we gathered all of the gang and I could host and share a tradition that I loved at the same time. 
Jake indulges me and lets me host Friendsgiving at his cabin. It is the perfect place to hold such a party. It isn't that big, but it is cozy and it is a bit of a drive, so it feels a little more special. We can have a fire in the fireplace and the back porch allows for hours of perfect stargazing. In fact, Jake installed a new fire pit just for the occasion. I can not wait to be around the people that I love the most, eat good food, drink good wine and talk all night. 
I call it Jake's cabin, but the truth is I have been living here, with him, in bliss, for the last year. This is the secret reason that I want Friendsgiving here. It has been one year since he carried me over the thresh hold. Yes, he actually did it, as cheesy as it was, He carried me through the doorway, then immediately threw me on the couch and proceeded to christen the living room, and the dining table, and the bedroom, and the shower. I still blush thinking about it, but I wouldn't trade that moment for anything. 
Months of prepping has gone into this holiday. I have spent hours on Pinterest and watching decoration videos and assigning everyone a part of the dinner to cook. I trust Cleo to cook all of the desserts, hoping that she leaves the pumpkin pie off of the list. The house smells of freshly baked rolls and turkey, ham, of cinnamon and cloves. The candles are lit, the fireplace is roaring, the place cards are readied, and the silverware is set. It is beautiful, everything is exactly as I have imagined it. Nostalgic feelings light up my face and warmth fills my heart.
I am caught up in my own world thinking back to when I was younger and looking forward to tonight, when I feel his arms wrap around me. He places soft kisses on my neck and whispers a voice that sounds deep and smooth like maple syrup, "This place looks incredible, you look incredible." He spins me around to look in his eyes and my dress spins long after my body stops revealing the deep slit that runs up most of my leg stopping at my upper thigh. It is a rust colored long-sleeved, loose-fitting gown and is lower cut in the front than it should be, but I know it will drive him crazy all night. Part of me loves that thought. This is the part of me that bought this dress in the first place.
I am looking at him, the candlelight is dancing in his eyes. All that I can see is love and hope and the place where my soul lives. He brushes a hair off of the side of my face with his hand and leans in for a sweet kiss on the cheek and then whispers in my ear, "You have no idea how lucky you are that everyone is coming so soon because I have some ideas for you and me and that dress... and without the dress. Are you trying to drive me crazy?" He asks. 
I smirk.
"You are!" He says in sudden realization. "Naughty girl. You will pay for that later." I smile, knowing that my punishment from him will also be my pleasure.
His eyes turn a dark sapphire and his hands roam down my body and land on my ass. He pulls me into him so that there is no space in between our bodies and he begins searching for the slit in my skirt that allows him access. Finding it, he leans in and caresses the bare skin of my thigh. His mouth is millimeters away from mine when the doorbell rings. 
His head hangs down on my chest in a tiny bit of frustration and smiles as one who is bitterly disappointed. Mumbling under his breath, I hear, "Damn it! it is lucky these are my favorite people." He pulls away and we straighten our clothes. I chuckle a little at his frustration and then realize that I carry my own. He slings his arm around my waist as we walk to the door to greet our guests. 
We know who it will be – Cleo. She is always painfully on time. We need her to keep us all in line. I also know that her arms will be filled with desserts. She is excessive and overly thoughtful. She will try to make a special dessert for everyone. Cleo and Sam show up with their arms overloaded. Sam is Cleo's boyfriend of about two years. Her mother had set them up at one of their church socials. We expected him to be tight-lipped and stodgy, but he isn't. He is funny and charming and keeps Cleo from organizing every aspect of her life away and also keeps her safe from some of her more impulsive choices. He has become one of us and almost fills that nice guy slot that Richy has vacated. 
We still miss Richy. There'll always be a void there. No matter what he did, whether we can forgive him or not, his presence is missed, especially this time of year.
Cleo storms in with boxes of cookies and containers of cupcakes. Sam carries the pies: pumpkin, cherry, and pecan. There are more sweets here than we can consume in five Friendsgivings. She leans in and kisses my cheek. "Happy Friendsgiving, you two. Jake, could you help Sam unload the car?"
"There's more?" Jake asks incredulously, giving Sam a sympathetic look.
"You have no idea," Sam says. "There is a reason that I have gained twenty pounds since we have started dating." Then he pauses at the sight of Cleo, the look of love on his face does not go unnoticed by either Jake or myself. "I am not complaining. It's been the best two years of my life."  He pauses as he become lost in his thoughts.  A smile crosses his face before returning his attention to the task at hand. "We better get those unloaded," he says motioning toward the door. "She has been cooking for three full days. I have taste tested a lot of dessert, but I have a question for you. Jake, you are a smart guy, what the hell is mincemeat and why do they put that in a pie?" He says as they walk out to the car. Jake shakes his head and laughs a little under his breath. "I don't know, man, but we can look it up after we help your lady out."
As the men are unloading, I see another car pull in the drive. It is Lily and Dan. They have been seeing each other for a while now, though no one really knows how long. They kept it a secret for a while. They knew it wouldn't make sense to all of us. At first it didn't, but when we calmed down and thought about it, Dan and Lily are both fiercely protective of those that they love and they can be reckless in their efforts to keep everyone safe and happy.. They make each other laugh and feel cared for. What else could we want for them?
Dan rolls out of the car and slides around, opening the door for Lily. He is carrying a box with what I guess must be alcohol and a casserole dish. Lily stands up and I notice how peaceful and elegant she looks as she watches him in front of her. He gives her confidence so that she can shine. They are happy and I can't help but smile. Dan is wearing a suit and has shaved. I have never seen him this fancy. "What's up, handsome?" I say as I usher him through the door. He winks at me. "The party has arrived, little one." 
Mock offense crosses my face. I punch him in the arm. "Who are you calling little?" I say.  He pretends to be injured and laughs deep from his chest.
Then Lily grabs me around the neck and hugs me tight, looking inside, "Oh, sister, this is amazing." I never thought she would hug me. I never thought she would call me sister. I never thought I would love her so much. No one could ask for a more passionate advocate and loyal friend. 
"Come on in. It's cold outside." I usher her in and I notice Dan has usurped the kitchen and is all ready mixing drinks. Cleo is trying to kick him out of her space, but he is not having any of it. Jake and Sam have escaped to research mincemeat in the office. I have a sneaking suspicion that they 'found' the XBOX while they were in there and have gotten lost for a bit. 
The door bell rings again. This time it is Thomas and Hannah. He has his arm around her waist, she has a big smile, the kind that always lights up the room when she enters. I am glad to see that smile back on her face. It has been a rough few years for them. The night at the mine was about three years ago. Hannah was sentenced to a few months in jail, but it was almost a good thing because she received much needed therapy during this time. Thomas stayed by her side throughout it all, dealing with his demons as she dealt with the hers, Now it seems, they are stronger than ever. Thomas has his guitar slung over his back. He gives me a quick hug and rushes to meet Dan at what has apparently become the bar for the evening. She hands me flowers. Hannah is the most thoughtful among us. "Thanks so much for having us," she says, rushing into my arms, almost knocking me over. "Where is that gorgeous brother of mine?" 
"The office," I answer, "but not for long. I'm pulling the boys out of there soon." I talk tough, but I know that Jake will miss me before I have to drag him out. We can't go long without seeing each other. We waited too long to be in each other's arms. 
"I don't care, Im gonna go get him," she speaks in a mischievous voice, flitting across the room like a kid. I hear him scream as she jumps on his lap then the air is filled with laughter. He is tickling her for revenge. I am so happy that they are in this place where all the years that they were separated have fallen away and they can just love each other. 
With everyone listening to music and chatting, drinking and snacking, I take a moment to admire these people that I get to share life with. I am happy, I am loved, I am home. 
The table is full of food and lush with fabric and place cards, each person has their own space specifically designed for them. Everything is ready, we are just waiting for our last two guests.
The doorbell rings for the last time tonight, it is Jessy and Phil. Jessy has also been through a lot these last few years. The fact that she is still here and functioning is a testament to her strength. You see, she had loved Richy with her whole heart, but she didn't realize it until he was gone. By that time, she also realized that he had been lying to her about so many things. Processing that has been rough on her and watching the world move on without her has left her as a shell of who she was. She always seems lonely in our midst.
"Jessy..." I greet her with a hug. I am estactic that she is here. I feel Jake's hand on my back, and a quick peck on my cheek. "Jessica, welcome," He grabs her hand and pulls her in for a hug as he plants a kiss on her cheek. She always blushes a little every time he does this, but she knows that it is an honor. It means that he really cares for her, so she will never tell him to stop. Jake adores Jessy. He is on mission to lead her back to her old self, the one in which the sadness doesn't linger behind her eyes. I, of course, adore the fact that he treats her so well. She deserves all of the love that the world has to offer.
Then, there is Phil. He swaggers in with his usual confidence. Over the past few years, Jake and Phil have set their dispute aside. It was easy once Phil realized that my heart only belongs to Jake. The two have become buddies. In fact, they frequently have "men nights", which irritates me to no end as they aren't allowed to share what happens on these evenings. That is the one rule and my only negative about them hanging out. I used to be one of the guys.
Phil picks me up and spins me around. "Hello, Beautiful. Happy American Holiday to you." 
Jake shoves him aside jokingly, "We have spoken of this, Phillip. Hands off." Jake grabs me and hugs me tight, but he smiles, obviously understanding that my heart only beats for him. His jealousy is gone. Too bad. That was kind of fun for a while. Jake reaches for Phil's hand and they share some sort of secret handshake. 
"I know, I know, you got the girl," Phil chuckles and the two walk inside. 
With everyone here, we slowly make our way to the table that is filled with so much food that there is almost no room for our plates. If the cabin didn't have an island in the kitchen, I don't know what we would have done.
"Ok, let's get this show started, I am starving. I haven't eaten all day. This food better live up to the hype." Dan winks and changes his tone. "Seriously, MC, this is beautiful and the food looks amazing. Thank you all for all of this,"
"Thank you," I say with tears in my eyes, reaching for Jake's hand "...for being family to me when I wasn't born with the best one. Thank you for making me laugh and for being with me when I cry, for being by my side to help me fight demons. Thank you for being in my life. Each of you makes me who I am today." I raise my glass and offer a toast. "Happy Friendsgiving." 
We clink our glasses, "Let's Eat!" I say and the feasting begins. 
A little while later, Dan speaks up again, "I don't know who made up this holiday, but I owe it to them, that dinner was incredible." Thomas nods in agreement. Lily shook her head at Dan, acting ashamed of his enthusiasm, but we all know that she isn't ashamed of anything Dan does. She loves him too much to be anything other than enamored. Jake who is sitting next to me, runs his hand up and down my thigh under the table, the dirty scoundrel. I did kind of ask for it. I begin to squirm and change the subject.
"Ok, now here comes my favorite part."
"Dessert?" Jake jokes. He has discovered that I have quite a sweet tooth. 
"No." I say and stick out my tongue at him. "Before we get up from the table we each have to tell one thing we are thankful for."
Thomas stands and says, "If it is ok, I would like to go first. "
I nod. He fiddles around with his pocket, Suddenly, I have a good idea of what is about to happen. I look at Lily and she does too.
"I am so happy to be here with all of you."He begins, "These past few years have proven that time is fleeting. I don't want to waste a second not remembering how lucky I am to have this rag tag family. I don't want to waste a second without Hannah in my life. Hannah," he holds her hand in his, " You have been through so much these past three years, and you have been so strong. Watching you survive the kidnapping, jail, therapy, and coming back to yourself has made me fall deeper into love with you. Deeper than I thought possible."
I look around the room and all of us have tears in our eyes, but my eyes lock on Jessy. While all of us are crying tears of happiness, hers are laced with loss, she is on my other side and I grab her hand, letting her know that I am here for her. Lily is about to jump out of her chair with excitement. Dan wraps his arm around her so she can settle.
Thomas bends down on one knee "...Hannah Marie Donfort, will you...."
In that instant, Jessy's phone rings. She answers it. I can't believe that she would answer her phone in this moment. I almost say something to her, but the look of shock on her face lets me know that this isn't an ordinary phone call. 
I see tears begin to stream down her face Her words are barely audible through her sobs. "Its been three years, I went to your funeral. How do I even know this is.....you?" There is a long pause and then, "OK. I will. One hour. I have missed you..." another pause followed by, "I love you too, Richy." She hangs up the phone and begins to gather her stuff. 
Thomas stands up and Phil grabs Jessy's arm. 
"What s going on, Jess?" Phil asks cautiously. "Did you just say that you love Richy? How is that possible?
"Let go of my arm. I need to go right now. Ric.. Richy... needs help. He is alive and he loves me," Jessy says through her tears and her eyes alight with both hope and panic.
"WHAT?" Dan screams. "What are you talking about? This can't be true. He hasn't been heard from in years. He manipulated all of us and...you are going to help him? Where do you think you are going?" Lily is trying to calm him down, but we all know that she probably feels the same and who can blame her?
He needs me," she says sadly, "I....have to help." Phil is still holding on to her arm. He is trying to keep her safe from herself.
"Who the hell does he think he is that he can call here and ask for help?" Lily interjects.
"...and who the hell are you, Jessy, to think he is worth the help?' Hannah went to jail because of him." Thomas speaks with anger in his voice, though he speaks in a lower tone.
Jessy is getting angry she clenches her lips and speaks through her gritted teeth, "Hannah went to jail because of Hannah. She did the things she was accused of. I love him. I know I shouldn't after everything he's done. I don't know if I can forgive him, but I just can't help it. He is in trouble and I can't deny that everyday has been torture without him."
Jake stands up and takes her hands in his, "Jessica, even if this isn't a trick, he can't be trusted. You can't possibly think you will be safe, that he is stable? "
"I don't know what to believe, but I can't give up on him. It is worth the risk for me. If no one understands, I am sorry, but I have to do this." Jessy's voice has softened, but her resolve has not weakened.
"Then I am coming with you." I speak up and squeeze Jessy's hand. Jake begins to argue, but sees the look on my face. He knows that there is no talking me out of it.
"Even though I think this is a bad idea, I am not letting you two go out there alone, I am coming along." Jake responds immediately.
Thomas and Dan are still mad, you can see their faces red and fuming, "You are all crazy to risk your lives for that asshole," Dan says with fire in his eyes. Lily is rubbing his back, trying to help him control his temper.
Hannah sits down with her hands in her lap. They are shaking. She holds onto them so tight, that I fear for her circulation. Thomas chimes in, "Do you see what he is doing to her even now, what he is doing to all of us? How can you show compassion for that monster?"
Jake raises his voice. It is deep and commanding. His eyes shift between Thomas and Dan. "Enough. I understand your point, but I would do the same thing if it was MC and I know that you would do the same for the women you love. This seems to calm them down a bit. "We are doing this," he continues, "so stop badgering her and let me prepare."
Phil comes up to us, "I am coming too. She is my sister and if there is a chance that he is dangerous, I will take him out myself for all of the grief he has caused. "
Jake nods and looks at me. He runs into the office and pulls out five backpacks that are filled with everything we could possibly need to take on the world. You can make the boy stop hacking, but you can't take the hacker out of the boy. He had a backpack prepared for all of the friends, just in case. 
Locking eyes with me, he tosses the bag to each one of us. I notice that he has also included a bag for Richy when we catch up to him. He crams some extra snacks in the top of Richy's bag along with a couple of bottles of water. "Ready? Everything you need is in the bag." Jessy, Phil and I nod. "Thomas, Daniel, I need you to be ready for support. Keep these two safe. That is more important than your feelings on the matter."
They both nod, understanding his deeper meaning. I reach out for his hands and he grabs mine, interlacing our fingers as we head to the car. Jessy is frantic, all of the emotions showing on her face and her crimson hair flying in the wind. Phil opens the door for her, his face stoic and his expression one of mixed anger and fear. 
"He sent me a GPS signal." Jessy says, "And he says that I won't recognize him because of the damage he sustained." her tears begin to fall again. "what could have possibly happened that he is unrecognizable?
This angers Phil. "The damage that he sustained was by his own hand, Jessy how can you feel bad for him?"
"I just know that without him, my heart was empty and now, I can feel again just knowing that he may be alive." She answers and it makes sense to me. I would follow Jake to the ends of the earth if I thought he was in trouble. No one could stop me.
I look at the seat next to me as my handsome, strong, genius of a man starts the car and speeds down the freeway. He is worried, but not afraid. I know that he has faced many enemies before and that we are in good hands. I feel safe with him.
This is not how I expected this day to end, but if there was even a chance that could get our old Jessy back, I would do anything. If it is Richy that we need to deal with, we will. if it isn't, we will have to face whatever monster that shows it face. Either way, Jessy will get some answers that she deserves and I will have done something to help my friend find her happiness or at least, find a way to end the continual breaking of her heart.
I watch out the window as the road whirls past and I can't help but think this situation is only going to lead us to more trouble than any of us are ready to deal with, backpacks or not. Jake squeezes my leg as if he is thinking the same thing, but he smiles and raises my hand to his lips placing a reassuring kiss on the inside of my palm. I am thankful to be with him and to be by his side through all of life, the good and the bad.
I know with Jake and a little luck, we will find our answers and maybe, just maybe, Jessy will find her way back to the person that she was. Maybe she will find herself someplace even better.
_______________________________________ ;) _______________________________________
This story was inspired by the following prompt:
The group had gathered to celebrate Friendsgiving.  Everyone is having a great time, until....
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depressedacadamia · 3 years
Make a wish
Paring: Solangelo 
Summary:  Will Solace is celebrating his 17th birthday, he just wishes his boyfriend was there to do it with him.
A/N:  lakjsljgklj: So I SWEAR i will finish wrtiters month, things are just really hectic because the holiday is ending for me soon and I'll be a student once again meaning I'll revert back to my schedule of posting weekly :( That said HAPPY BDAY TO WILL, a character that isnt seen and referenced as much as they should. Absoloute dumb smart person icon and thanks to @solangeloweek. sit back, relx and enjoy Will solace's bday week! <3 from Persephone!
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“Happy birrthhdaaayyyy dear Williammm,” the Apollo cabin sang in a - honestly not very- harmonious tune. He cringed as he heard his full name being belted loudly throughout the entire cabin. He was finally 17. He had survived 17 years of life as a demigod and here he was celebrating them with his entire family; everyone who he would ever want on his birthday.
Except for one.
Nico Di Angelo- his boyfriend of 2 years and who was one year his junior- was not in attendance for Will’s birthday party. He had expected as such; afterall, he had been on an important quest for the past 2 weeks and his return was not expected soon.
Nico had brought this up before he left for the quest, telling Will of his worries that he would not be able to witness or be present for his birthday and at the time, Will had seen how desperately this quest needed his boyfriend and so selflessly, without hesitation, he comforted Nico and told him that it didn’t matter.
But now, as the moment was passing, he couldn't help but feel that he was lying. He was so pathetically wrong because deep down, it did matter and what was worse was that Will was almost definite that Nico also knew this.
Alas, he could not dwell on who wasn't here and instead he turned back to his cabin and blew out the candles, masking his face with the graceful smile that he so often forced upon his face, to the point where it had become a second nature.
“Make a wish Will!”
He nodded and smiled and perhaps, perhaps if anybody were to inspect Will’s smile any closer, they'd notice his eyes only creased in an attempt to hide the tears and that his smiling mouth was actually a painful grimace as he closed his eyes and wished for the one person whom he wanted most in the world.
The lights went out, in an epic flutter before the smoke, whilst invisible, made its mark through its tinge in the air, contaminating it ever so slightly. However, to Will- whose eyes were already weltering up with tears- the gentle tinge was all he needed for tears to start rolling down his cheeks.
He couldn't help but attempt to hide his face- he was 17 for goodness sake it was his birthday party! He couldn't cry now, not on a day when he was supposed to be so happy and most definitely over such a pathetically petty reason such as ‘my boyfriend isn't here’.
But no matter what, as the darkness set over him and all the other campers within the cabin, Will couldn't help but feel his mind overwork himself. If Nico was here right now, would they be by the lake? Would he be opening his gift from him? What would Nivo have got him?
He was so wrapt up within his own thoughts that he barely noticed the soft glow emanating from his own skin- it was gentle and solitary- the glow only appeared in one place- the left side of his chest; right over his stylised sun tattoo and more importantly, his heart. The glow seemed to pulse with his heartbeat, slow, steady- and the absolute tune of sadness itself.
Sadness is not fast, is not beautiful nor poetic as poets love to fantasise. It’s harsh like the wind against you as you grip your clothes and its unpredictable like the weather; it can cloud over the sunniest day and it’s sad moans echo through the howls of thunder. Sadness is not the absence of happiness nor is it the direct opposite but it’s like an addiction, it’s not a single emotion but a clamour of the worst- anger, depression, frustration, emptiness.
So when Will’s sad heart beat glowed with every sad beat, it was almost as if he was singing the melancholy melody within the cabin itself. Everyone was aware that Will missed Nico but to see one of their siblings- the one whom the most amount of responsibility was placed one, from such a young age nonetheless- made them all the more eager for the surprise they had in the dark.
“Sunshine?” A soft, slightly concerned voice from out of the darkness whispered. Nico had only seen Will’s heart glow once in his entire life - and that was when…
Tear stained and grieving, Will turned around to find the source of the familiar voice.The lights weren't on, but somehow the candles beside them on the cake were and in the softly illuminated room, Will could clearly see the slightly concerned, slightly smirking and 100% beautiful face of his boyfriend.
Will paused and rubbed his eyes; he wasn't so sad that he was seeing things, right?
“No, I’m not a figment of your imagination, Solace,” Nico clicked his tongue. His hands raised up to hand Will a present. “Happy birthday, sun boy.”
“Ni-co?” Will slightly hiccuped as he attempted to hide his tears, afterall- he looked kinda ridiculous now that NBico actually was here the entire time.
“You missed me that much?” Nico tilted his head, “ Maybe I should make surprise appearances more often.”
“I thought you were on a quest, trying to not die, forgetting the fact that it was my birthday.”
“I don't think you can put those last two facts under the same category as if your birthday and me not dying are even on the same level.”
“Obviously.” Will sighed as he rested his hand against Nico’s cheek. “My birthday is of the utmost importance.”
Nico rolled his eyes and gave Will the benefit of the doubt, knowing that only moments ago, Will was seconds from being so heartbroken he would have collapsed. He went on his tip toes and gave him a brief peck on the cheek as he slipped the gift into Will’s hands.
“Happy birthday Sun boy,” Nico murmured against his ear as he watched Will- his smile glowing- hastily unwrap his gift.
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donutloverxo · 4 years
Kissing under the misletoe w/ Andy
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*gif is not mine*
Comments and reblogs are really appreciated❤Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Warnings - dom/sub undertones, boss/employee relationship, implied age gap, jealous Andy.
Word count - 1.3k
7 days of ficmas
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“Mr Barber,” you called out, knocking on the door that was slightly open, before entering, he looked up at your from the paperwork giving you a small smile, “We’re all wrapping up for the Christmas party, you’re coming, right?”
You blinked at him, subtly jutting your bottom lip out to give him your signature princess eyes, because you knew what his answer was going to be.
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I can make it. I think I’ll just go home and work on some of these cases,” he replied, gesturing to the heaps of files on his messy desk.
He often picked up the slack during the holidays because he didn’t really like to celebrate much, or so you’d heard, you had only been here for about half a year.
You expected him to tell you no. You didn’t know how someone so effortlessly charming can be so anti-social. If he ever did come for drinks after work or at an office party, he’d just hover and not speak unless spoken to.
Since he was the DA and everyone’s boss, they were more conscious around him. Except you of course. You didn’t think he was meek, it didn’t really make sense for a lawyer to be so shy...
“Please?” you blinked, “I’ll be so bored without you...” dropping your voice just a little to get the message across. Jutting your titts out by pressing them together with your forearms, hoping to entice him some more.
You weren’t one to chase a man. Nope. They chase after you. But if Andy really was shy then you’d have to do something to get the gears going unless you wanted to die an old maid.
He cleared his throat, running a hand through his brunette hair, “I’m sorry, Y/N, you’ll have to go without me. Maybe I’ll be at the next one?”
You only huffed, stomping your foot and then storming out over to your desk. You had been Andy’s secretary, or assistant or whatever, for over six months. You thought he was as into you as you were with him. He often got you coffee or your favorite sweets, you had caught him staring at you more times than you could count.
Then there were those lingering touches, or how he’d remember everything you ever tell him about yourself, or how he’d laugh just a little bit too much to any stupid joke you cracked.
Surely, you weren’t imagining all of it. Maybe he felt that you were too young for him, or that he couldn’t be with someone he works with.
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“And then I got his wife to testify against him,” Neil said, cracking a crooked smile that made you shiver, “I haven’t lost a single case this year.”
Lie. He most definitely had, Andy loved to rant about his incompetence to you.
He had been acting like a creepy old man since you started working here, he wasn’t your type, he annoyed the fuck out of you.
But... nothing would piss Andy off more than you being with his bff.
Besides, you didn’t want to be alone on the holidays and he was the only one who seemed to show any sort of interest in you...
“Hm.” You hummed as you tuned him out once he started talking about where he gets his suits.
“So, what are you doing for the holidays?”
“Not much really, I don’t want to go home this year, my family can be a bit too much.” You answered.
He held onto your elbow, whispering into the ear over the festive music, “You wanna get out of here?”
You nodded. Collecting your coat you followed him out but he still wouldn’t stop fucking talking as you both waited for the elevator.
If only to just shut him up, and because you hadn’t felt any sort of intimacy, not even so much as a hug in the past year.
You pulled away when you heard someone clear their throat, your heart hammering in your chest as you feared of being branded the office slut.
“Oh,” you let out when you saw Andy come out of the elevator, giving you a look before staring Neil down. “Hey...” You're not supposed to be here.
“Neil,” he said, his hands on his hips.
“Hey, man, have fun at the party, we were just taking off,” Neil looked at you, probably hoping to get out of there.
“She’s not coming with you.”
Which made you huff. Putting you in an awkward position because yeah you’re obviously not going home with him now but who the fuck did Andy think he was to tell you what to do.
“What?” Neil scoffed before looking at you for an answer.
“Yeah, I um... have to help Mr Barber with something,” you told him before apologising and following Andy to his office. If Neil was upset, he didn’t really show it, telling you that it was okay and you’ll both get together some other time.
“Close the door behind you,” Andy instructed.
“Did you forget something? I didn’t know you were coming... or I wouldn’t have...”
“Wouldn’t have what? Made out with the first man you laid eyes on?” he quirked a brow at you.
“It was hardly making out,” you rolled your eyes, “I have a friend who’s from Europe and she kisses me on my lips all the time!”
“What constitutes as ‘real' kissing to you then?”
You hummed in thought before pulling him over to the window, where you had hung up some mistletoe while you were decorating his office, you pointed up at it
“It’s more festive this way,” and then crashed your mouth over his, he tasted like coffee and peppermint from the candy cane cookies you baked and gave him as a Christmas present.
You released all your pent up tension and feelings into that one kiss, massaging his tongue with yours, caressing his cheeks over his beard, not pulling away until you literally couldn’t breathe.
“See,” you wiped some of your lipgloss off of his mouth with your thumb, “this is real making out.”
“I don’t give a shit,” he spat, his mind still a bit dizzy, “From now on, you’re not going to be kissing anyone.”
“What? You don’t get to tell me what to do! Not after work hours, and let’s see,” you looked at your wrist, “it’s after six!”
Taking a hold of your forearm, digging his nails into your skin, “Stop playing games,” he sneered
“You’re the one who’s been playing hard to get since the beginning,” you mumbled.
“Fine then. No more games from now on, you’re mine.”
“Just like that? I don’t get a say in it?” Not that you would ever even consider rejecting such a tempting offer...
“No, you don’t, since you decided to go and be a bad girl. What am I going to do with you,” he shook his head. Before stealing another kiss from you, he was already addicted to the taste of you.
He thought he could stay away from you, trying to deny his growing feelings for you, he didn’t want anyone questioning your accomplishments or how you get them. So he returned home with a heavy heart but he missed you and your festive spirit too much, so he came back, to maybe tell you how he felt, only to see you in another’s arms...
“Um... maybe you could let me off with a spanking?” you cheekily suggested.
“You’re definitely on the naughty list this year,” he said and then gasped, a bit taken aback, when he felt you squeeze his ass.
“Ha! I knew it! I knew it’d be the most perfect piece of ass ever.” You laughed like a maniac, grabbing two handfuls of his buttcheeks and then pressing your face into his chest, his body heat warming you up in the nicest way as he wrapped his hands around you to hug you.
“I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself,” he said, patting your hair, “because we’re going back to my place. And I’m going to teach you a lesson or two on apprprite office etiquette.”
“Mm... okay.” You usually hated lessons and lectures but this one sounded promising.
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watchmegetobsessed · 4 years
The best present - Harry Styles
Sequel to UPDATE
on demand, this is a fluffy little sequel to update, hope you’ll like it! tagging the people who asked for said sequel: @urdadbtch​ @f-vasquezp​ 
word count: 3k
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Harry has a soft spot for surprises. Especially if he is the one planning them for a loved one. The overflowing joy he sees in one’s eyes upon receiving a carefully planned surprise just gives him a different type of satisfaction in life, one he couldn’t live without.
His life has taken a pleasant turn ever since Y/N entered it, virtually and in a real dimension. It hasn’t been the easiest with his hectic schedule and her anchored life in Spokane, but with some time paid to adjusting to the situation they managed to make it work. He wouldn’t have settled for anything else, because he just simply couldn’t imagine his life without her anymore and luckily she felt the same way.
Harry fell in love with her quicker than what it took for the weather to turn cold in the fall. It felt like the most natural thing that has ever happened to him, to fall for her whole being, everything that’s her on the inside and outside. Harry often caught himself thinking what he did in life to earn such a beautiful person in his life. He hasn’t figured that one out yet.
Y/N was like a warm summer breeze on a hot august evening, easily charmed anyone and everyone Harry introduced her to. She slowly but surely met some of the most important people in Harry’s life and he just couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that it felt like she’s been part of his life since forever even on the first meetings.
“She is wonderful, I love her,” his mother told him when they finally had the chance to meet upon a weekend they spent in New York. It was a lucky time when both his mother and Y/N were free and he took the chance to cook up a mini vacation in the city right away. Anne was thrilled to meet the woman that had her son wrapped around her fingers even before meeting.
Harry felt like he was on the top of the world when he saw the two women get along like they’ve been friends for years, it filled his heart even more.
The situation was quite the same with Gemma, in just a blink of an eye they were making plans on their own not including Harry, which hit him a little hard in the chest, but he was happy knowing they found the common ground.
“You amaze me so much,” he once told Y/N when they were spending the night at her place, one of those weekends when Harry flew all the way to Spokane just to spend less than 48 hours with her. Even with the long flights and hustle that came with the traveling he wouldn’t have done it any other way. If he could see her smile for just ten minutes he would have travelled days.
“I do?” she asked smirking up at him, putting her book aside as she rested her chin on his tattooed chest.
“Mhm,” he hummed with a quirky smile. “In so many ways.”
“Write a song about them so I can listen to it,” she told him as a joke. Little did she know that not even a week later that’s exactly what Harry did. It was another addition to the endless list of songs she inspired.
December creeped its way around the corner faster than they were expecting and in a blink of an eye every store was filled with Christmas ornaments and wrapping papers, the most iconic Christmas songs were played everywhere, making those who work at retail want to throw Michael Bublé and Mariah Carey right out the window for every having the thought of recording Christmas music.
Harry and Y/N had plans for the holidays. They agreed on spending three days from 22nd to 24th with his family and then fly to Portland to be with her family from the 25th to 27th before they head to New York City to spend the last few days left from the year together and celebrate the new year at a party Harry was invited to.
These plans were set in stone right until Harry decided to surprise his lover with the best gift he could think about. It was a tough call and took him weeks to arrange but Harry was able to get Y/N’s brother to leave for the holidays earlier, on the 21st instead of just the 26th.
“Why are we changing it again?” Y/N asks curiously as she sits on Harry’s lap when they are changing their plane tickets so they could start the holidays at her family instead of his.
“Mom is not going to be home until the 24th,” he lies and then adds: “Gemma is also gonna only arrive on the 23rd. Figured it would work better. We would be at your parents’ from the 21st to the 23rd, go to the UK from 24th to 26th and there is an early flight so we would be in Portland by the time your brother arrives.”
He had spent a long time figuring out how to manage the dates so she wouldn’t be suspicious. Seemingly, it worked, because Y/N nods as she stands up and walks over to the kitchen.
“Alright. But isn’t that too much of a hustle to go back and forth two times?”
“Not that horrible,” Harry smiles in her way, his fingers moving fast on the keyboard to make the right changes for their trips before she returns and sees that the dates are not exactly the same as he told her. Luckily, she hops onto the kitchen counter as he finishes up and closes his laptop feeling ecstatic about the surprise he has planned for her.
“It’s gonna be busy,” she points out as Harry walks over to her, placing his hands on each side of her on the counter.
“But we will be busy together,” he grins leaning closer to steal a kiss.
As the days pass by Harry is growing more and more excited about the surprise. He almost slipped a few times upon talking about the holidays, but managed to save the situation just in time. Y/N had no idea what he had in store for her.
“That’s all your stuff for our trip?” Y/N asks when Harry arrives to her place with his decent, normal sized suitcase that has his essentials for the next about seven days while they will be on the road. He glances down at his bag before walking inside and setting it down in the hallway.
“Love, I’ve learned how to pack in a smart way,” he tells her teasingly before pecking her on the lips while he takes his coat off and hangs it in the hallway.
“Yeah, but it’s an entire week. I’m going with twice this much.”
“’Cuz you are packing for New York as well. We’ll be staying in my place, remember? I don’t need stuff for that time,” he reminds her and he is right, but she is still amazed at how he managed to fit everything he needs into just one suitcase.
That night Harry lies awake with her sleeping form next to him. Looking around the room he thinks about how this is the same place he fell in love with her, but it was through just a screen. All the plants, the furniture, the bed he saw behind her in the videos are now his reality as well and in just a few short months they have grown so close to each other, he couldn’t imagine his life in a different way.
“What’s the matter?” he hears her groggy voice coming from next to him and looking to the side he sees that she is blinking at him in the dark.
“Nothing,” he shakes his head, turning to his side to face her, noses almost touching on the pillow.
“Then why aren’t you sleeping?” she asks, sneaking a hand to his back under the covers and she starts to gently stroke his skin with his fingertips, sending a shiver down his spine.
“Just… excited about the holidays,” he whispers with a shrug. He can’t tell her that he is excited to meet your family, especially your brother since he is kind of the reason you ever got the chance to meet. He feels like he is too worked up about meeting her parents and cousins, but he can’t wait to feel like he is part of her family. What he doesn’t know is that she already sees him as part of it, has been since she realized how deeply in love she is with him.
“Mmm, excited about your gifts?” she teases him with closed eyes, but her fingers are still moving on his back. Harry lets out a soft chuckle.
“Especially about those.”
He brings his arm around her frame and pulls her to his chest as they make themselves comfortable under the covers, legs tangled, her face resting on his chest as he gently strokes her arms, soothing her back into sleep.
“I love you,” he whispers thinking she has already fallen back asleep. It wasn’t the first time he has said the words to her, but tonight just feels a little different.
“Love you too,” she mumbles back pressing a kiss to his naked chest before she sighs and lets herself fall back into sleep.
 Her family knew about the change in Sammy’s arrival, but Harry made them promise they won’t say a word to Y/N, keeping it as a surprise.
Her mother welcomes the two of them with warm excitement, the house already smelling amazing from all the different cookies she’s been baking, the dinner is also in the making on the stove.
“Finally here!” she hugs both of them, even though she hasn’t officially met Harry, only talked to him on the phone about Sammy’s early arrival. “Come on in!”
The two of them get rid of their winter attire before Harry turns to her mother holding out a hand to make their first meeting official.
“So nice to meet ya, I’m Harry.”
Instead of taking his hand her mother pulls him into another tight hug that he returns with a soft chuckle.
“I’m so happy you are finally here! I’ve heard so much good about you,” she tells him with a sly, knowing smile while Y/N is not looking. “I can tell you are a blessing to the family already.”
“Thank you,” he nods smiling.
Harry meets Y/N’s dad and two of her cousins who have arrived earlier and they all gather in the living room just talking at first, then soon enough they start playing board games. They get stuck on Activity, the pairs are Y/N and Harry, her mom and dad, and her two cousins. The competition is burning up the house, Harry can tell they all take the game very seriously.
Through the game Harry keeps glancing out the window, waiting for a car to park at the driveway. He has sent a car to pick Sammy up, but since he didn’t have his phone on him just yet he couldn’t let Harry know when he would be arriving exactly.
Just after he is done drawing in one of the rounds he sees the black car pull up at the house. Harry pretends to get a call and he can see the excitement grow in her parents’ eyes as they already know what this means, while Y/N is oblivious to anything that’s about to happen. Harry quietly makes his way out of the house hoping he didn’t draw her attention, and that’s when Sammy gets out of the car thanking the driver for the ride. As he turns around Harry is stunned to see how much the two of them resemble. He sees her eyes in his, their ears curl the same way and he has the exactly same hair color as her. There was no doubt the two of them were related.
“Harry, right?” he asks holding his hand out firmly that Harry takes smiling.
“Yeah. Sammy, I supposed.”
“The one and only,” he chuckles holding his bag’s strap over his shoulder.
“I would love to chat more, but I think we should move inside first,” Harry suggests and Sammy follows him up the few stairs that leads to the front door.
“Harry! Come on, we are up next!” Y/N calls out from the living room as the two guys walk inside.
She is seated on the floor, her back to the hallway so she doesn’t see when the two men walk in, grinning from ear to ear. She only notices something is happening when she sees her mother gasp happily at the sight of her son.
“What—“ she starts but turning around her words disappear as she stares up at her brother who she hasn’t seen in what feels like ages.
Harry overflows with joy when he sees how shocked she is, in the best way possible. He watches her leap to her feet and jolt right at Sammy, throwing herself into his arms as he lifts her up, twirling her around in excitement.
“Hi there, little sis,” he chuckles still holding her close as she is fighting with her tears upon the surprise she just had.
“How… What are you doing here early?” she asks in total awe as she tries to comprehend that he is truly here, in her arms.
“Ask you boyfriend,” Sammy chuckles looking in Harry’s direction. “He arranged an early leaving for me, I don’t know how, but he did,” Sammy adds letting go of his sister.
As her parents make their way to their son Y/N moves over to Harry, still in complete disbelief that he did this.
“How?” she asks, arms snaking up around his neck while his hands get a hold of her waist.
“I have… connections,” he shrugs shyly and she just shakes her head laughing before she pulls him down for the sweetest thank you kiss.
“I can’t believe you,” she sighs pecking his lips once again.
“What I can’t believe is that he could keep it a secret this long,” Sammy speaks up.
“Wait, how long have you known this?”
“A couple weeks. Got it finalized early December,” Harry admits, feeling proud that he could make this happen.
“So this is why we had to change the tickets!” she gasps in realization. “When do we have to leave for real then?”
“We are staying until the 25th, our plane leaves in the afternoon,” he smiles warmly as he sees her eyes light up. According to the original plans they would have had only two days with Sammy at home, but this way it’s almost four entire days. “This was the most I could get, Love,” Harry adds, feeling a bit guilty that they are leaving to see his family, but Y/N shakes her head.
“This is absolutely perfect. You gave me the best present,” she smiles cupping his face in her hands as she pulls him down for another kiss.
This Christmas goes down as the best one she has ever had. The time they spend with her family holds a special place in her heart, especially because she loves seeing her family and Harry get along so well. She now knows what he felt when she met his mother and sister. Seeing him be so kind to her mom and have loads of things to talk about with her dad and brother warms her in a way only Harry can make her feel.
The feeling doesn’t change when they arrive to his home. She feels like she is part of the family just as much as he is. They spend some splendid days with his extended family, enjoying the spirit of the holidays and she is almost sad when it’s time for them to leave.
“Come back soon, Sweetheart,” Anne tells her when they are saying goodbye at the airport.
“I will, if he is okay with bringing me next time,” she chuckles glancing at Harry by her side.
“Oh I sure am, Love,” he smiles kissing the top of her head.
Those couple of days they spend together in the city holds memories they will surely never forget. They finally get to spend time together without anything interrupting them, just enjoying the little moments, falling deeper in love with each passing day.
The last day arrives in a fast pace and neither of them can believe the year is ending so soon. They spend the day in bed mostly before it’s time to get ready for the party one of Harry’s friends is hosting in Manhattan.
It’s a nice way to end such a wonderful year, they mix and mingle with the guests but keep each other close, especially when they reach the last minutes of the year left. Harry takes her hand and pulls her out to the balcony to have some privacy before the countdown.
“Crazy how we are here,” he sighs as his arms are wrapped around her figure, warming her body as much as he can in the New York City winter time.
“Who would have thought?” she chuckles placing a sweet kiss to his jawline.
“Not me,” he admits laughing. “But I’m glad it’s my reality now.”
Y/N smiles up at him with gratitude in her eyes, just when the countdown starts inside.
“Have you ever had a New Year’s Eve kiss?” Harry asks as he pulls her closer, if that’s even possible.
“Sadly, I have not.”
“Then can I have the pleasure to be your first?” he smirks down at her and she just nods biting into her bottom lip.
“Three! Two! One!” the guests call out inside as the whole city erupts at the same time, fireworks go off and cheering echoes through the building, but it all fades into nothing as Harry leans down and kisses her sweetly. They spend the first couple of moments of the new year melted together until they pull back for air. The crispy winter air has turned his nose red quickly and she is lost in how adorable but handsome he still manages to look.
“Harry Styles,” she sighs feeling defeated by her own feelings. “You are one wonderful creature, you know that?” she wonders, as if she was saying her inner thoughts out loud. Harry chuckles as he presses a kiss to her forehead.
“That makes the two of us, Love.”
I’m opening a Harry taglist, let me know if you are interested in being on it!
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