#imma do eclipse tomorrow
nathank77 · 4 months
7:13 p.m Edited
I fell asleep fast with half a mg of xanax and 25mg of Hydroxyzine but I woke up 2 hours later needing to pee too bad to ignore it .. I had to take a Benadryl 25mg to fall back to sleep. I prob woke up 3 or 4 times needing to pee and ignored it every time but one more time than at 10 a.m...
Part of me worried I didn't sleep cause I had my eyes closed for a while at 10 a.m.. but I did at least until 1 p.m.. then the time in-between 1 p.m and 3:30 seems foggy... I remember kinda being awake and opening my eyes soon after seeing a movie of like jurassic park in my mind... just prob the trauma of microsleep and waking up during rem making me think I'm "dreaming" while I'm awake idk. I dreamt of being in a mall running away from dinosaurs. Raptors were chasing me a lot.
Anyways I felt groggy cause I always do when I wake up and I couldn't make phone calls. I decided to be productive in a different way. I call it a car care day. Or just car day.
Either way I got the letter in the mail that they received my report on Kristen today now I'm waiting on the status letter that's coming. I'm worried they'll throw it away... I mean I'm crazy right? What does the words of a guy with auditory hallucinations mean to people against a professional? That's the fucked part I'm 100% level headed but they see a lunatic.. I'm stronger than most people. 99% of you all would have killed yourself if you lived through microsleep and auditory hallucinations and being delusional...
Anyways I await the status report.... not holding my breath... waiting to fucking off myself if they let her off the hook..
Well so car care day. I checked my oil and it's low and I scheduled my oil change for Tuesday at 5 p.m. I also added freon to my car. The compressor works. I learned a new thing today :)
Against many people's advice in the 3G (Mitsubishi eclipse) group as I don't have money to pay a technician 200$ to use a 20$ can of freon on my car, I did it myself and found what they contributed to be helpful. It took a long time. I used at least half the can. It didn't seem to want to go passed 25-30 PSI it read 10 when i hooked it up... but sometimes it read 50. When I turned on the ac to full blast it went red indicating the compressor works. And eventually I didn't see much movement on the gauge after turning it down and using more. So I just decided to test it via going grocery shopping. It was def 100% cooler. I feel like I did it but it's not super cold. It's def cold. It's 82 where I am and I was comfortable in the car. Idk if my car is one of the vehicles that don't exceed 25-30 psi. I just asked in the group.
I'm really glad I didn't waste my money on a technician- as a guy who isn't mechanically inclined there are things that we shouldn't do and there are easier things that we can do to be self sufficient and learn and I'm glad I learned. I restored it to about what it was a couple years ago. I'm happy with it but I'd like to get it cooler.
I went to Wal-Mart and stop and shop. I grabbed a chicken and Coolant and some other stuff. I got gas so when I go to the mechanic on Tuesday I don't have to get gas since it's in Southington.
I put on a timer for a hour once I got home cause you can't put Coolant in a hot car. So I'm waiting on that. I shaved my face. I got to buzz my head before the shower and then I guess I'll watch Dexter.
Tomorrow and Sunday imma fuck with my hdcp bypasser and try to have two Red bull days in a row and play silent hill even though no one watched a second of them despite the money and time it takes to bypass hdcp.
I'm still hallucinating but it's whatever. I'm hoping they take my claim against Kristen seriously and I get her license taken away. Although I won't doubt it if they throw it away bc no one sees you as a person when you hallucinate. You're labeled a drooling lunatic that should be institutionalized.
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malka-lisitsa · 6 months
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Alright I've got 7 drafts, and like 5 asks left to do, maybe six... but for now Imma go play farcry 6.
Tomorrow I'll be mostly just on discord if im around at all- I'm going some place south for the eclipse. Some kinda block party idk. Either way I won't be at a computer so if you send anything I'll most likely answer it in the evening.
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I just spent 20 hours on the road and imma have to spend the same going home… but tomorrow I’m going to a Renaissance festival and Monday I’ll be able to watch a total solar eclipse, a thing I’ve hoped to do before I die since I was 12, from the parking lot of my hotel.
maybe it’s cheesy, but I think that might change me
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orange-twilight · 6 years
here is my brain's inner-workings during new moon. enjoy.
charlie is the best dad ever i love him
bella is reading r&j her senior year. i read that shit my freshman year.
bella is 18 now. at least e&b arent as creepy now.
edward looks like hes in pain omg
alice made me gay
*about alice* my sister: her outfits arent that bad. oh. nevermind.
bella needs to chill on the eyebrow plucking
why does the volturi painting look like the inside of a fucking sephora hghakshs
shut up edward and yo emo ass
rosalie is a goddess
esme is wearing like the same thing she wore when bella met her the first time but in dress form
jasper no. jasper YES.
i see why everyone is thirsty for carlisle. that man a fine glass of wine.
oh no the breakup scene
i love bella
this is so sad alexa play possibility
bella is serving lesbian looks
bella is so pretty ugh im gay
we dont deserve charlie
YEET pt 2
mike go choke
jake calm yo dick and get consent
why does bella have so many goddamn lamps and string lamps in her room theres like 11
if jacobs skin is like 108 or whatever shouldnt bella burn her skin whever she touches him
bitch's last words were literally going to be to her ex bf smh
fellas am i gay if i wanna kiss bella
bella never disrespect a man in a wheelchair. he may not be able to walk but he can still whoop that ass.
sam back there really with his fist in the air as a stop signal i am howling
they broke billys boat wtf
god i love the wolves
okay but like in the books they are shape-shifters so everytime they say wherewolf i gag
is that a gay joke jacob i see you you lil bitch
she gon loose her jacket and bracelets up there. bitch put them in your shoe or bra or some shit smh
alice is back bitchessssss
bitch left a note for her dad that she was flying across the earth wtfffffff
a depressed vampire, a gay vampire, and an angry vampire vs one human girl. who will win?
ahahaha the irony of st marcus's day ahahahahah
they gon eat the secretary as a dessert lmao
i think the lil volturi battle in the end of new moon is so cool man
god i love bella
rosalie... girl that wig.........
four seconds for this bitch to react to him proposing bitch wtf
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Your OC as the solar system
Many thanks to @emerald-amidst-gold, @blueheaded and @oxygenforthewicked for the tags! <3
bold what applies - italicize sometimes - strike out never. tag some friends to play along! & repost don’t reblog!
Imma do this for Lilian since she's up there with Neira for most neglected oc :')
SUN • egotistical • melted wax wings and fingers • stretching sunburnt skin • the most generous soul • blood in the fruit • halos • anger on fire • high vitality • thunderous laughter • is pride really a sin? • halogenic aura
MERCURY • expansion of the mind • silver-tongued • an everlasting wanderer (sort of? but not as in searching but as in exploring) • polyglot • high dexterity • handwritten letters • innately critical • en vogue • eyes in the trees • hidden libraries • there’s always room for improvement
VENUS • in love with strangers • iridescent waters • love potions for your mirror • selfless devotion • shattering crystal • seafoam upon sand • the golden ratio • drowning in your own passion • material value & high principles • luring • plush lips
EARTH • fresh springs • tree hugger • we can start again tomorrow • a blazing rainforest • respects survival of the fittest • nature’s adversity • lazy bones • constantly evolving • flowers sprouting from wounds • a granite altar • fossilized remains
MOON • illusory • silver shimmer off the ocean • secrets and gossip • cycles of reincarnation • a crybaby • physically ethereal • shared glances with a stranger • cat eyes • mistrusting their intuition • fear is a prison • ornate magic wands
MARS • healthy competition • attraction and repulsion • magma and rubies • a blade being forged • wrath wrath wrath • malefic • intense eye contact • cannon fodder & fireworks • blood floods • copper taste on your tongue
JUPITER • red robes and a suit of armor • beacon of stability • leader by birth • thunderbolts and lightning • guilty but can’t stop • secret rich kid • golden touch golden tears • innate optimist • failure isn’t an option • constantly reaching for more • unfinished symphonies
SATURN • traditional • overbearing energy • a sculptor of reality • this existence is a karmic one • has a heart it’s just.. way down deep • law, order & justice • avoid all necessary risk • the sound of shackles clanging • sisyphus’ struggle • grappling with the reality of time • self-governing
URANUS • psychedelic funk music • overflowing cups • a rebellion with skin • looking good in photo id • oblivious but caring • middle fingers in the air • double rainbows • icy diamond exterior • holographic • afraid of their own mediocrity • pearlescent smoke
NEPTUNE • an elegy for the lost • dissolving boundaries • white horses • the burden of mystical conditions • deceptive • escapism is their reality • a polarizing entity • artists soul • paranoia • searching for the unseen • a siren’s swan song
PLUTO • angel statues over graves • power • the cycle of necrosis • transformative • unfathomable depths • an ivory tower toppling over • screaming at the sky • violets and irises • eclipsed darkness • speaks with their shadow • sex, death, rebirth
Edit: ahhh forgot the tags again, but if anyone wants to do it consider yourself tagged!
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setoandjewel · 4 years
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So this snuck up on me. I didn’t even realise it was a Hug a Tiny Day, the time between this and HAG Day was too quick!! But anyway, I’m stealing my last year’s thing so I can at least post something cool today and then follow it up later. I hope you enjoy the abundance of hugs (more below the cut) and reblogs are always loved over here!!!!!!
A Compilation of Hugs!
Varying Perspectives - 12 (Risk)
"No one’s killing anyone." Jack says, smiling bright 
He cups her form and hugs her tight
"Even though you're scared of my size,
She looks straight up into his baby blue eyes.
"Can you stay with me?"
Varying Perspectives - 13 (Shelter)
"I-I'm fine, let's just go inside, you don't have to- HEY!" Pepper found herself cupped to Daniel's chest, face pressed against the fabric of his shirt. She prepared her vocal chords to yell at him, but she realised that she'd stopped shivering. His hands were providing her with some amount of warmth. As Daniel continued through the rain, Pepper relaxed into him, barely hearing his heart over the pounding water, feeling of his fingers laying gently on her back, and his chest expanding and contracting. 
She felt safe with her giant.
Varying Perspectives - 18 (Close)
"Where are you going Oon." he slurs almost drunkenly, still half asleep, and pulls the tiny right up to his chest. Oona's stiff as a board at first, these actions so unusual and intimate that she doesn't know what to make of it. But eventually, the curl of the giant’s hand, the heat that seems to cradle her, and the soft sounds of breathing, their source now inches away from her cheek, pull her into sleep's gentle embrace.
Stranger Danger
Ajax watched as his new friend was practically snatched from him, Gabriel left with the 'room' spinning as the hand squeezed him tight into his chest and fingers became unyielding forms that pinned and smothered him against his giant. The moment he was set free he was given a thorough inspection, limbs swiped over by the warm pads of fingers to check for injury, before Seto turned his back and kissed his little boy once on the head.
"I'm so sorry, Gabriel. I wasn't thinking, and I didn't even notice and you could've been hurt, and I was panicking and looking for you and, I'm /so/ /so/ glad that you're okay and I found you. I'm so /sorry/ I left you, cap." The torrent of apologies only ceased with a sigh of burden, the child is given a much softer hug where he draped his arms partway over his father's quivering shoulder, fingers at his back only supporting his weight.
Leaving the Nest
"Seto...we need you to be here. I-I-I need you, a,a,and if you're gone...
"It w-won't be the same."
Seto can't just leave her hanging half out a window, her tears wetting his nose until he pulls away; the space left quickly filled by his gentle grasp curling around her shaking back. His palm coming beneath her legs and holding her weight inside a cup as he wipes the tears with the back of his finger, murmuring quiet apologies to her. Because it hurt to see her crying, not knowing how to truly comfort her when he was the cause of her pain. The giant's hands curled closer, leaving her curled in a loose ball inside his warm grasp, arms wrapped about his digits as she leans her head into the pad of his thumb.
"Shh, shh. I'm here, Jewel.”
"When I beat him, and I /will/ beat him/, it's over." Seto emphasised with a shake of the fingertip he held, smiling as Jewel came close enough for a hug and kiss to her cheek, feeling his whole body relax into her embrace as his back was gently petted. Even though being human wasn't the best feeling for the sorcerer, he was always happy to have his wife surround him like the sunlight itself.
"Then I'll be here until that happens, sugar cube."
No Words
"Thank you.."
He breathed, eyes full of something real that the Anhemite had never seen before, wide and swimming as the giant watched /his son/. Then a smile broke out, and before she knew it Jewel was snatched up and pressed against him tightly, Seto wanting her as close as possible. He didn't hesitate to lean down and kiss her either, smothering every part of her in affection he never wanted his wife to forget, leaving Jewel frozen and blushing furiously in his fingertips.
At that, Seto settled down and put them both back onto the stand, the image of Jewel gently wrangling their sleeping son into his cradle was all he could see.
Under the Knight Sky: Stars
A hand eclipsed his lower half, pinning and simultaneously smothering the human in warmth, while he was moved into the centre of a /real/ hug, where arms that could wrap another giant in them comfortably chose to press around a human and hold them tight. Gabriel felt like he was at the centre of the universe when he was there in Seto's arms, listening to the voice as it spoke multitudes in so few sentences.
"Don't be scared, cap. A love like Theresa's was special, and I know that prayer was not only for me. You are their captain, you are my captain, and I think that they are somewhere among the stars. Watching. And I know that they would be proud of who you have become."
Gabriel was set free to lie upon Seto's steadily lowering chest, arms still outstretched to complete the hug he could never truly complete without some kind of sorcery, eyes finding the twinkling heavens opened before him. Reflected in the two pairs of eyes, so vastly different, and yet this was the one thing that could never change.
There for You (FRITZ belongs solely to @blametheeditor)
There was a pause as Seto shifted and reached forward, scooping all of Fritz and his sleeping bag into his hands without asking, not because he forgot, but because it felt right, and one doesn’t question something that feels right. And some things are always the same.
Everyone needs a friend after having a nightmare. And he could only assume Fritz needed more before being encouraged to sleep.
Fritz held up his hands to the older, trying to tell him to stop, that he was perfectly fine, to go back to sleep, but it was clear he wasn’t. And didn’t until it wasn’t possible for Fritz to do much because he was held against Seto’s chest protectively, surrounded on one side by warmth radiating from his hands, the other a crisp singlet that smelled of strange flowers.
“Would you like to talk?”
“Alright. Just lean against me, it will be okay. You’re alive, you’re safe, they can’t hurt you here.”
Pipsqueak (ALEX belongs solely to @blametheeditor​)
“Did you have a nightmare?”
“No...I h-h-h-h-aven’t been ab-b-ble to sleep.”
“Ah, is it the dark?”
“I miss my d-d-dad. E-E-E-Even though w-we aren’t...close, I still can’t sleep w-w-without knowing he’s /n-n-near/ me.” Alex chokes out, rubbing at the stubborn tears that continue to fall in front of a stranger who only watches him with a concerned gaze. And it’s not until a single gentle touch that the boy begins sobbing.  
“Oh, Pipsqueak, come here.”
Alex gasps as the hand seems to spring against him, grasping him and his sleeping bag in his fingers to bring to his chest. Digits not flat against him but cupped behind his back like protective arms resting over him. A fingertip offered for the boy to hold close for comfort as Seto murmurs calming words.
Under Scott’s Wing (SCOTT belongs solely to @blametheeditor​...and doesn’t like getting caught up in hugs)
That was until shiny black shoes appeared in the doorway, replaced by knees that sent earthquakes through the guard's already weakening legs, a catastrophic hand swallowing up his charge /whole/ and sending Scott diving for his Gabriel who /couldn't be hurt/ just /fuck off/ giant he's only a-
"Hey there, don't hurt yourself."
A voice rumbled overhead, as Scott found himself /shoved/ onto his feet by something that /burnt/ his skin with its heat, that was the only explanation. Except...fire didn't have a pulse he could still feel pumping against him. Fire didn't swallow up innocent little /kids/ like that.
Why was Scott close to crying from shock? He /knew/ he could hear Gabriel, but not above the pounding of his heart in his head, throbbing like a bruise from those old cartoons. There was no /way/ the kid was alive, he'd seen him mercilessly crushed with his own two eyes, felt the small hand slip out of his own as he was /taken/ by those powerful extensions of /bone/ and muscle.
"I'm sorry, my name's Seto, I'm Gabriel's dad. Are you S-"
And that’s all for now!! Well....there’s something else coming imma post w/ everyone in America tomorrow. 
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buttholeartist · 6 years
dear lunar eclipse blood moon in aquarius
please rip me open and fucking gut me of all the immature, unproductive, and self-hating thinking traps and behavior cycles i’ve been caught in most of my life tomorrow night. hit me with that damn transformation hammer. yank my mouth open and shit personal growth down my throat pls. imma do the heavy lifting but i need ur help
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best insurance rates for teenage drivers
"best insurance rates for teenage drivers
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://howmuchisinsurance.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
How much does your insurance go up for a speeding ticket?
I was going 48 in a 30. How much will my insurance go up and how many point will I get?
""I had a crash in my driving instructors car, do i have to tell my insurance for my car seeing as this was on h?""
I had a crash in my driving instructors car, do i have to tell my insurance for my car seeing as this was on his policy? thanks""
What are some cheap car insurance companies for young adults in Georgia?
I'm a 20 year old male currently shopping around for car insurance, but I can't seem to make a decision. I need the most inexpensive, but quality insurance possible. Do you guys know any companies that may be a little more generous to young adult drivers?""
What's the average price for moped insurance for ages 18-25?
How much can I expect to pay per month for insurance for a 125cc moped? I'm just looking for a ball park range.
Car accident with no insurance?
I hit a car in Alaska, no damage to the cars except a tiny tiny dent on the other car's back bumper that barely can be visible within 20 inches distance if a person keeps looking very good. I gave all my details to the other guy and I am legal in everything. he showed me an insurance on his phone that expired on May 2012. Because I did not pay attention, right now I just found out from the VIN # that the insurance is for a different car but in his name. So I am not sure if the car I hit was insured or not. Could I get him in trouble if he tries to abuse me later? For example if he tries to go to the hospital and cause me problems, or if he calls me wanting money, or having me fix his engines issues that I never caused, because that is what he said is going to do. If he gets insurance hours later, could that save him? or he still can be in trouble with the law?""
""I am a married student, how can I afford pregnancy insurance?""
I am a 22 yr old married college student. I have been married to my wife for 2 years. We don't plan on having any kids until after we both graduate from school, but there is a ...show more""
How can I get some fast affordable dental Insurance?!?
I recently had dental visit, and after the exam, I was informed that I have to pull multiple teeth. The extractions are going to cost $2200.00. I really need to take care of this matter as soon as possible. unfortunately, I don't have dental insurance. Is it any where I can Get fast affordable dental insurance:'(""
Can your health insurance company raise your rates after you get sick?
I've heard about pre-existing conditions and all, but what about getting seriously ill AFTER you have insurance? Let's say you're generally healthy, and already have heath insurance which you pay for yourself, at a reasonable rate. Then you get a long term illness, or get into a terrible accident, and need years of expensive care. Of course you keep your policy up to date... Can the company raise your rates by triple (or worse) if you get sick this way?""
Should I change my insurance coverage?
I drive a 10 yr. old Chevy Malibu with 52,000 miles on it and plan to keep it for a while. I have full coverage and with a payment due soon I'm wondering if it's time to drop some of it. Such as collision or comp or both. Thanks for any suggestions.""
Will a ticket for driving without a license (underage) affect my insurance rates?
Hi, I'm 15, about to get my license, but I NEED to go somewhere tonight. My parents' only reason for not letting me drive is because they are misinformed as far as what the penalties would be if I got stopped. The likelihood of me even getting stopped by a police officer is incredibly low becuase I don't speed, I have all proper licenses, inspection passed, no modifications on my truck).., but they are convinced that if I do get stopped, the officer will unrelentingly give me a ticket, which they claim is a $500 fine (when I KNOW for a fact that here in Texas, the first violation is only $20-100).....But either way, I would pay for it... They are simply concerned about insurance, the one thing they do pay for. They believe that my liability (I don't have collision and comprehensive, just liability) insurance rates will immediately spike, when I get my license, as a result of a single moving violation for not having a license. I have USAA insurance, and I'm in Texas. Please, anybody who knows about this sort of thing please help me, I haven't been able to find any info anywhere else. Please provide proof as well. Thanks!""
Will car insurance effects right away when you call them?
I just bought a car, well imma get it tomorrow I have Infinity Insurance (not the car brand) I will get my car tomorrow, I was wondering If I call them tomorrow when I get car, to add my new car to the insurance car list will the insurance effects right away or later, because I'm going to call them not talk to them in person thank you""
I'm planning on getting myself a new car- a 2012 Dodge Challenger RT model. I'm on a tight budget and I only have enough money for a down payment and monthly payments on the Challenger, (if I decide to purchase it). My problem is I don't have enough money for auto insurance and I am not joining with anyone in my family to be placed on auto insurance. I want auto insurance for myself and signed to my name only. Since I do not enough money for auto insurance, can I still get a car without auto insurance? And can I still drive the Dodge Challenger without auto insurance if I decide to purchase the car? Can someone answer this for me? Thank you! I really appreciate it.""
In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper?
In the future will car insurance for young drivers get cheaper?
Is mental health treatment covered by insurance?
Is counseling and drug therapy typically covered by insurance in the United States? Thanks!
What is the cheapest legal way to insure 2 cars - 1 with just me with full ncb the other with me and my son?
My son is 22 and wants to insure a vehicle, but finds it very expensive. What is the cheapest LEGAL way for me to help him. I have full ncb on my own car.""
Which part in california is the safest place to live?
and which part in california is cheap and afforable to live ??
Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?
Insurance rate for a 2000 toyota celica?
What can a car finance company do if you no longer have insurance?
I bought a 2004 vehicle (from CarMax) about 3 months ago. The finance company (Capital One Auto Finance) would only approve me if I started an insurance policy before I left the dealership. I did, but have since let that policy go, for different reasons. The finance company is now sending me letters to give them updated insurance info, or they may take appropriate action to protect its interest . What exactly does that mean??? All my payments have been on time, actually 2 weeks or more early. So, what can they do if I continue not to have insurance, since my payments on the vehicle are all in order? Since guessing or assuming won't help me, sources for your answers would be helpful. Thanks.""
Need help choosing car insurance HELP!!! =)?
Im 20 yrs old. i've had my drivers liscence for 2 yrs, and i have a clean driving record..I need affordable car insurance for my 01 mitsubishi, eclipse, in california... any suggestions???""
Will my car insurance rate go up because of this freak accident?
I was backing out of a parking lot and I hit a van coming up. Considering the fact that the parking lot was nearly empty neither one of us saw each other coming. I did pull off pretty fast but not too fast. Their was no damage to my car, but he had a small dent on the side of his nothing major. We called the police cause he was older and felt safer doing that. The police said nothing will go on our records, but didn't say whose at fault. So we just exchanged insurance info. Does this mean nothing will happen, or will my mom go crazy when she finds out? How much of an increase would this cause her insurance to go up? What are the circumstances that this might cause an extreme insurance hike for a 19 year old?""
""Can I buy a car, Insure it under my moms name, and have myself as another driver on the policy?""
Basically I totaled my car, and my driving record already is bad. So I'm wondering if its possible to buy a car cash, insure it in my moms name(she doesn't drive) put the bare minimum aloud by state law(massachusetts) insurance on it. And also put me as another or secondary driver. Thank you""
What are some good health insurance companies in CA for self employed people?
We mainly are looking at it for medical needs. Dental would be nice, but its not necessary. And vision isn't necessary at all.""
Truck insurance question!!!!?
I'm 17 and I want to get a truck. Which one of these would be cheapest on insurance? A 1999 Chevy silverado or a 2004 Chevy colorado? Both four wheel drive(4x4) and 3 doors? 2 regular and 2 half doors. Both lifted. Thanks
Which company health insurance policy is best?
Which company health insurance policy is best?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
Where can i find cheap Auto Insurance Providers in Missouri ?
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
Cheap car to insure for young driver?
So I've been looking around the internet for a cheap car to insure for my first car. The only ones I seem to find are newer cars which are around the 3000 mark to buy. I'm looking to spend something between 500 and 1000 on the car but everything I've looked at, the insurance has been about 3500 for TPFT. Anyone got any ideas for a nice cheap little car that's going to be cheap to insure, and if so, where to look for insurance? I'm 20 and only just got my license, so no no claims bonus or anything, just want a decent deal that isn't extortionate! Thanks.""
Im about to turn 17 how much is insurance for a lamborghini or ferrari cuz my parents said i could have one?
Im about to turn 17 how much is insurance for a lamborghini or ferrari cuz my parents said i could have one?
Will a bike licence bring down car insurance?
Ok, so I'm 18 and am looking to learn to drive. I know that insuring a car is going to cost a bomb anyway, but will the fact I have passed a full motorcycle test (A2) help to bring my insurance down? Or will the fact I will have access to two vehicles (car and motorbike) increase my insurance? By the time I pass my car test I would have had my A2 licence for a year and have 3years no claims discount. Also I am looking at getting a 1.1 Citroen Saxo. Will a two door be more expensive than the four door to insure or doesn't it make much difference?? Thanks.""
Can my mom insure my car she does not own (California)?
So I am 21 and have a car with a learners permit and I wont get a license until Jan. Can my mom insure the car even though her name is not on the registration until I get my license and will then be the primary driver? In this case I would only be driving with her under the learners permit guidelines. My mom would be driving the car on a daily basis to take my little sister to school and stuff because right now it's our family's only car. In Jan. I would have the insurance put under my name and have her added as a driver.
Insurance for couples therapy ?
Does anyone know how to get insurance to help pay for relationship counseling?
Can friend get insurance on car in my name?
I gave a friend of mine a car that was my Mother's after she passed away. The title has my name on it however the credit union will not release it because there was still some money owed. Anyway since he drives the car I was told that I had to get insurance on it being in my name and just put him down as a driver. Is this true? Can he get his own insurance on the car? I am worried if he would get in an accident it would raise my premiums.
Car wreck....Why is his insurance calling me? Can someone please clear this up?
So Friday morning, my fiance' and I were headed to New Jersey to visit his family for Christmas. On the way there, I was driving his truck so he could sleep a little before we switched places. Early morning when we were in Virginia, I pulled off the highway to go to a McDonalds to get some coffee. When I pulled off, it was a weird exit and I had no clue where I was going. I stopped at a red light, which had another light very close behind it which turned green, my idiot self was looking at that light for some reason while our light was still red...I hit the gas and then slammed on my breaks realizing what I was doing but it was too late and I hit a guy on the side of the door. It wasn't a big wreck. The guy didn't fly across the intersection. He didn't even move, his door was just dented and it will definitely need to be replaced but the man said he was not hurt at all. The truck we were driving in barely had damage, just a little dent in the hood that was very small to the eye and a bent license plate. We were in much better shape; but again, he was not in pain and his door was the only thing that seemed to be damaged. ANYWAYS, I received a traffic ticket for failing to obey a traffic light which I totally accept because this was extremely stupid of me and I am planning on mailing the fine to the court. So since I was driving my fiance's car, which is under his parents insurance, I assume my insurance is not affected. The trooper just told us that the other guy's insurance will contact my fiance's insurance. So I am thinking all I have to do is just pay this awful fine. Well my fiance' called me this morning and said that Statefarm (the other guy's insurance) called him asking for my number. Why would the other guy's insurance need to contact me if my fiance's parent's insurance are the ones who insure the truck? I just want to know what's to come when they call me. I don't know much of anything about insurance. I just want to know why the other guy's insurance would contact me when, yes, I caused the accident but my fiance's father is the insurance holder of the car that was wrecked. Thanks!""
How much would it cost to insure a 1967 ford mustang?
im a first time female driver, live in new jersey, am not in college, am 19, and the insurance is joined on to my parents insurance(allstate). im not asking for a exact amount but an estiment would be awesome. i wanna see if ill be able to afford insuring my car.""
Car insurance for a young person?
I've calculated my monthly payment from being a young internet marketer, Which is $3000 a month. How much will money would I Really get if I have car insurance? Is there any other thing I need to know as well?""
""I just got my license, can I drive my mom's car before calling insurance?""
I got my license on Friday and was wondering if I would be able to drive my mom's car tomorrow (Monday)? Our insurance company (Country) won't be open until Tuesday, so I won't be able to update our policy until then. Is this legal? :/ Thanks!""
Medicate and your own private insurance ?
A friend of mine stated that even If u have insurance (private insurance at that) that u can sign up for emergency Medicare If your insurance only covers a certain amount of your procedure. Is that true? I find that to be nonsense!
Non car owner insurance?
Can I get insurance to drive cars if I don't own one? I have friends who will let me drive their cars but I want to get my own insurance. I don't want to risk their no claims in case of an accident and if I don't have an accident I want to build up my own no claims but I can't find anywhere that does this....
Renters insurance?????
My landlord is asking me to get insurance for my dog but its not for like health and stuff its for something else. She told me about renters insurance. And i don't know what to do. Plz help
""If you already have insurance on vehicles, does it cost to add another?""
I already have insurance through my parents and I'm thinking about buying a car for myself (I'm 19 and in college, I have a job) Does it cost more to add another car onto their insurance policy?""
How much would insurance be for a 16 year old in GA?
I'm 16, I own a 2005 Chevrolet Cavalier LS Sport- 2 door, live in Athens, GA, drive less than 7,000 miles annually, drive to and from work and school 5 days a week... haha. I just want to know how much it would be monthly for car insurance on any of the companies. Any help would be appreciated. :)""
Who took over an insurance company?
who now administers insurance policies previously administered by american health and life insurance company of new york
Do you add your kids under your car insurance ?
Do you add your kids under your car insurance ?
How much will my car insurance be?
Im getting my own can insurance when i turn 18 in about a month, my parents are kicking me off there's i have had 3 tickets and i drive a 1998 toyota camry...""
Classic car insurance for 18 year olds?
I was wondering whether it is possible to be put on a classic car insurance policy at 18. I've looked around and nearly all say you have to be over 25. I would like to somehow be insured on an Escort XR3i or RS turbo. I understand that because of may age this isn't going to be very easy. would it be cheaper to be a named driver if my dad owned the car ?
Driving without insurance?
My mom has insurance in her name for her car. I passed my road test yesterday and got my license. Can i legally drive the car with her INSIDE of the car? I'm not listed on her insurance? If i get pulled over do i legally have insurance? What will happen?
What should I do to get an International Medical Insurance?
I am a visitor in the United States, and I ll be here for about 2 months and I need a Medical Insurance, need some recommendations and where to go, and the docs necessaries.""
Getting insurance on a bike?
I plan on getting a motorcycle near the end of February. I have never bought a motor vehicle before, so I'm not really sure about how I go about getting insurance. I plan on getting something used from Craigslist (most likely 2008 or newer Ninja 250/300), then either having the owner ride it to my home before I pay, or taking it in a truck or something. What do I do after that? How do I insure the bike? I will probably get Progressive. Also is full coverage worth the extra money, or should I stick with liability? I'm 17 years old so it will be more expensive for me than for others. I live in California by the way. Thanks!""
Insurance on this car?
Ok so I was looking on Craigs list, I'm thinking of buying my first car in a few months. I have a lot of money saved up. Theres a 1996 Taurus LX for sale for $1800. It has 119,000 miles on it, and it gets 25mpg. I'll only have this car until I go to college, because I can't take it up to Boulder with me. College is two years away. However, if I do go to Boulder, I'll only be two hours away from home, so when I come home I might want to have the car. What would you say the insurance would be on this car, so basically how much would I have to pay per year for insurance. We are not thinking about repairs or gas here, just insurance.""
How much would insurance cost for an old 1960s/1970s car?
im new to everything dealing with cars and i lovee the 1967 cadillac eldorado..
What are the factors affect auto insurance Costs?
Auto insurance discount can greatly reduce your auto insurance costs.
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
What is the best but affordable health insurance w/h low deductibles anyone knows about?
Car insurance helP?
I am going to turn 18 in february and am used to paying for my own stuff since i was 14.... i would like an estimate of monthly car insurance.. i'm a good student... and cost of registration and how often to I have to get it inspected? Any help would be appreciated
1 Day Car Insurance?
Does anyone know of companies that offer one day car insurance for 20yr old they all seem to be 25 and over why is that.....
Accident with no insurance?
Hi I got in an accident in linconwood with out any insurance but the accident was his fault and there's no police report and now his car insurance company is during me b.c they said it was my fault. Can somebody please help me out here
Insurance on g35 coupe?
I'm looking at buying an infiniti G35 coupe (don't want the sedan) couple years older though maybe an 03 or 04. I'm just wondering how much insurance is going to be roughly? I'm in the process of getting some quotes, but just some insight and second opinions would be nice. Anything specific I can do to keep insurance lower? I'm currently driving an 05 mazda 3 and I'm 20 years old with clean driving record. I know there is alot to factor in such as where I live and how much it is going to be driven, but if right off the bat if insurance is going to be killer than I won't even bother. any input is welcome, thanks in advance!""
Can my employer insure my privately owned car?
Hi, I currently have a company car, owned by my employer and assigned to me when I passed my test in May. However, I've been looking at buying a car on ebay to run around in. What I'm asking is, if I buy this car on eBay is it within the law for me to give back my company car and have my employer insure me on my privately bought car or does the car have to be owned by my employer? Kind regards, Phil""
What the best insurance company that affordable to get for a new car?
looking for car insurance?
Insurance cancellation question?
I cancelled my old insurance with Access about 2-3 weeks ago and I was told I'd be receiveing and reimburstment check back from them since the policy had only been active for about 2 months. What's to average wait time on one?
Can a tourist in New jersey buy a car and get an insurance?
My I-94 is valid till Feb 2013, and I wanna buy a car. Can I register it by my name in DMV and get an insurance? I know friends in other states did that (California, Indiana...etc) but I am not sure what about New Jersey""
How much home owner's insurance should I get?
How much home owner's insurance should I get?
Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families?
Does anyone know how much the government's health insurance will cost per month for families? Everyone for the bill is so happy because they finally get affordable insurance, but I have yet to hear how much they will really be saving compared to private insurers? Thanks!""
Saving up car + insurance HELP !?
My partner is having driving tests every week, and she is a more advanced driver. I just like to get advice on this matter, financial ? I do got a job, part time mainly. I do earn around 180 +- a week if I am lucky, She has student loan, 800 every three months and that's not much since she has to pay university fees. normally around 9k. now it's around 4.5 thousand pounds I guess. She wants to get a car insurance and a car, we are troubled what to do since if she wants all of that it will be loads more. Since insurance is 600 pounds every year ? petrol and other costs MOT. Road tax ? Just some examples, there might be lots more to worry about. I will help her to get all these things, She thinks it would be easier to get a second hand car, that will hopefully handle 2/3 years ? I do not believe that's a wise choice since that would be much more expensive for extra costs and repairs. On top when she is done with Uni and she has to get a job, it's more sufficient to still owning a proper car to get you everywhere. The body could be damaged, and the chance of a accident is higher + extra costs. Can anybody help us out ? A second hand for 2/3 thousand with a insurance of 600 a year ? or not ? Lemme know ! Thank you !""
What would happen if you show proof of full coverage to a lender then drop to liability?
Would the lender ever know that you dropped to liability? I am looking to finance a motorcycle and they require proof of insurance (full coverage), but the cost is insane.""
How much is car insurance?
I am a first time driver, a girl, and I have discounted insurance because I took driver's Ed. How much would it be and how often do you may? (monthly?)""
Buying a car v.s buying car insurance?
My father doesn't have credit history because he never used credit card or anything. My credit is way better than him. I'm getting an car loan but worrying about the insurance problem. I'm only 21 in college my insurance will be extremely high so i'm just wrondering can i buy a car with my name and buy insurance with my dad's name? Are we allowed to do tat?
Will an Illinois speeding ticket put points on my Michigan license and raise my insurance?
I am from Michigan and got a speeding ticket in Chicago IL. Will this put points on my Michigan license? Will this cause my Allstate insurance rate to go up? Thanks for the help!
""Car insurance, how much?""
how much would full-cover car insurance cost for a cadillac luxury coupe CTS, 2014? ----------------------------------------------- What about for a 2014 Nissan 370z?""
""A question about car registration, insurance, etc?""
If I purchased a used car from a private seller, or even a dealer, the title was given to me and I go to the DMV to register it under my name, etc what happens next? Am I allowed to drive the car while waiting for the registration tags to come in and for me to find insurance for the car, or is my car supposed to sit in my driveway until all the registration paperwork with the DMV is completed?""
Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?
I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have no burial policy, and each is worried about leaving the other with burial expenses and debts. I have seen a few ads online, but when you get to the fine print, they seem mostly like scams. They probably wouldn't get a very good rating if a health exam were required. Probably $15 -$25K max would be the amount needed. They live in Texas if that matters.""
""If I already have health insurance, but my deductible is way to high $4000?
and I am eligible for medi-cal...am I supposed to cancel my other insurance or how does that work?
I was charged for insurance by my auto financing company about 5 years ago when I first started my loan...?
and after about a day I realized that my coverage had lapsed, I obtained my own insurance. I live in California and it is my understanding that you cannot have double coverage and I would be due back any money from a secondary policy that would be pro rated. I am on my last car payment and while looking over my payoff quote I was being charged almost $9/mo. + Interest for the balance of my loan (approx. 60 months). When I call them will I have to show proof of my insurance coverage, I have changed insurance carriers a couple times since then so I'm not sure if I still have the paperwork. Otherwise, would the DMV have a printout I could obtain? Thanks in advance for your help""
Getting free insurance when buying a van new?
I'm Ste & I'm 21. I've just passed my license a month a go and I'm struggling to get a decent quote from any insurance company. That's made me think about buying one new as I know some car showrooms do free insurance policies for young drivers (Mainly over 21) which is lucky as i've recently celebrated my 21st. So, are there any van company's with free insurance? I've got no no claims and I've had my license a month. Any help would be brill! Cheers, Ste.""
Help with car Insurance? Insurance broker claims cheap insurance?
Hi, I'm 17 and I just recently passed my test, so I'm planning of getting a car soon, maybe even next year, but the point is - I have seen this guy on facebook claiming to be working with an insurance broker that's why he can get cheap insurance... My question is not if he is a scammer or not, my question is, do insurance brokers have the right to give cheap insurance? And approximately how much off? (note i'm 17 and i'm thinking of getting a golf or a astra and i live in east london)""
How much for term life insurance? compared to whole life?
im married, age 27 and interested in buying life insurance for me and hubby. for just myself how much would my monthly be approx? im healthy dont smoke and dont want to pay too much money.... does term life give you an option of continuing on with them after the 20+ years term? would the premium go up? i only need around 100, 000 i think. since i dont plan on dieing anytime soon but wouldnt want my family with no funeral money if i did. do my kids need any? they are 2 and 4 and i was considering the gerber life for them? please help! oh hubby is 27 and healthy non smoker as well""
How long does it take to get a check from renters insurance?
Lightning just struck and destroyed all of my electronics, other than the TV :-) Xbox, Modem, Router, Computer, Printer, And a few other things. How long will I have to be without entertainment? I don't have cable or satellite so this sucks.""
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
Car insurance for Chevy avalanche? ?
When I turn 17 I really want to get a used Chevy Avalanche but wanted to know if the insurance will be expensive. Please help! Thanks :)
Drive new car on an old insurance policy?
Hi all, I have got fully comp insurance on my car, but I have just sold it. Now I have bought a new one can I drive my new car on my insurance policy without changing it and be covered third party? If the answer is yes will it cause any problems for the person I have just sold my old car to?""
Where can I find affordable life insurance for sr citizen in-laws?
I read a previous thread suggesting MediCare, but I am not talking about HEALTH insurance. They only have term life insurance tied to current job, and they need to retire. They have no burial policy, and each is worried about leaving the other with burial expenses and debts. I have seen a few ads online, but when you get to the fine print, they seem mostly like scams. They probably wouldn't get a very good rating if a health exam were required. Probably $15 -$25K max would be the amount needed. They live in Texas if that matters.""
Minimum insurance for heating/plumbing business in Ca?
What is the minimum insurance that an owner of a heating/plumbing business must have in California?
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Where can I get Car Insurance for over 80 year olds?
Best insurance company for full coverage?
What's the best insurance company that's pretty affordable?? I am financing a Toyota Camry (new) and need full coverage. I have a DUI on my record but have my license. I'm 21. =\
What is the car insurance system in UK? How much and what else?
Let's say I bought a car with insurance group 20 what do I have to pay per year. I know for the 1 st year I need to pay 1000 and then half of it for the later years. Except that what taxes and all do I have to pay? How much is it gonna cost to afford a car with all the legal issues?
How much on average does a 34'-36' sailboat cost? What about insurance rates roughly?
How much on average does a 34'-36' sailboat cost? What about insurance rates roughly?
What should I do with car insurance?
Okay there was a massive understanding. My mum and dad were getting my quotes for cars and they got me a quote for a Mitsubishi Colt 1.1 Black Hawk. Nice little car. The quote they got was 750 for my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. I tried telling that them reason it was that much was because it was provisional insurance. Not till they gave me the money for the car and told me to buy, did they realise that insurance is different now and you have to re-new it to full UK manual as soon as you pass your test. I've been looking at quotes and they're looking well to expensive for my own insurance. Is there a cheaper way? Like going on my mum and dads insurance? They've both been driving for well over 20 years and have no claims at all since they've started driving?""
Health Insurance?
I have Blue Cross and Blue Shield from my job. It is very expensive for me and my wife. Is there any other option of affordable insurance that is worth a damn when I actually need it? Not some cheap.. Bob's Insurance or something like that...
What is the average cost of health insurance for a small design firm with 3-5 full time salaried employees?
I'm looking to start a design firm, but want to be able to give my employees the opportunity to have full health care coverage.""
Student auto insurance?
I'm currently a college student and would like to purchase my own auto insurance in Ohio (and no longer be included on my parents insurance). Does anyone have any tips on how/where to get good, affordable auto insurance? Are there any companies that you would recommend? Or ones that offer student/good student discounts? Thanks!""
Help with Health Insurance?
hi, im a 20 year old male and i have no health insurance. i have deviated septum and need it to be surgically fixed. was wondering if i could join an insurance plan just for that surgery. it is not a pre-existing condition, so could i get the surgery during the waiting period and if not, what are good insurance companies that have relatively low periods.""
What is the average annual/weekly contents insurance cost?
What is yours or what is the average?
""Want car insurance on other person policy, how much?""
I want to be a named driver on someones policy, how much extra will it cost for 24 year old with provisional licence?? Vauxhall Corsa U Reg The main holder has been driving many years. Just want a rough idea..hope you can help""
""Insurance problem, auto?
recently took a new job in Canada as a social worker and tried to add business coverage on my vehicle. I was told by my insurance company that this would be commercial because there is some risk I would have kids in the car. I called another company who told me it is just business. The initial company is cancelling my policy as they do not offer commercial insurance which they claim I require. They are not cancelling it for any negative reasons but will this cancellation show up and effect my rates even though it is not my fault. I tried to add the correct insurance but they did not have it so they are cancelling me. Other companies say I do not need commericial coverage so I should be ok with business but because there is a this cancellation I worry. I know if you have a cancellation for things like non payment or tickets it will impact you but what about this?
Who here doesn't have health insurance and doesn't want it?
Everyone, which of the following do you fit it: (1) I have health insurance and want to keep it. (2) I have health insurance, but plan to get rid of it. (3) I don't have health insurance, but wish I had it. (4) I don't have health insurance and don't want it. I think that covers all possibilities.""
Question regarding auto insurance claim?
Recently, our car got pummeled by a hailstorm. We went to a bodyshop prior to the meeting with the damage adjuster (which is today), and was told by the tech that our car would require both conventional and PDR repair. However, the estimate report was written up today for PDR repair only. Does that mean I'm limiting to PDR repair only? Or can the bodyshop challenges the insurance company's estimate and go for the conventional & PDR repair?""
Medicate and your own private insurance ?
A friend of mine stated that even If u have insurance (private insurance at that) that u can sign up for emergency Medicare If your insurance only covers a certain amount of your procedure. Is that true? I find that to be nonsense!
Is insurance for a car replica cheaper?
Is it true that kit cars, example toyota mr2 to murcialago insurance cheaper??""
Who's Car Insurance Would Handle the Accident?
My sister has been driving my mother's car (Loan, registration, insurance in my mother's name) Occasionally she allows her boyfriend to drive the car, although my mother has stated on numerous occasions that she does not want him driving that car. He was in an accident on Friday and claims the car is totaled. He claims that he called the police and filed a report, it can be picked up on Tuesday. He also claims that his insurance is covering the accident. My problem is, the car is insured in my mother's name, so he is not allowed to do this, correct? Also, even though my mother was not involved in the accident, can she still call the police and get a copy of the report? After all, the car is in her name. Please enlighten me, I'm trying to figure this all out.""
I need a home insurance company that will insure me with a criminal conviction for theft in 2008?
apparently if i received a fine makes a difference which i did....i have tried call connections and direct choice....please help P.S what do i do if no-one will insure me....i thought it was against the law not to have home insurance
New Driver on Parent's Car Insurance?
I'm looking at getting my driver's license, as a 17-year-old male about to turn 18. If I hop on to my parent's car insurance, how much would the policy raise? Do I need insurance to drive or only to own a car? I'm kinda new to this insurance thing.""
How much insurance would be on a 600cc?
Im deciding on getting a 600cc, or a gsxr 600 around the 2004-2005 range. Im 21 years of age, How much do you think insurance will be for me? I live up in the woods so i know when your in a less populated town and out of the city insurance will be a little cheaper. Thanks""
Does any1 know roughly how much it would cost to insure a 2000 automatic vauxhall frontera?
thinking of buying the car for my sister she's almost 19 and is a learner driver does any1 know roughly in s how much the insurance would be
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
best insurance rates for teenage drivers
0 notes