#impeachment bolsonaro
renah · 2 years
Lula winning, meanwhile my state electing a pro-bolsonaro governor 🙃🔫
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annalegend · 2 years
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adilio-mesquita · 4 months
#paulofigueredo #impeachment #stf #foralula #foraalexandredemoraes #bolsonaro
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surgeaki · 2 years
Judiciário Ridículo
Alexandre | STF – TSE proíbe VERDE e AMARELO O “Juiz” (não concursado [apenas escolhido politicamente]) | TSE – STF afirmou, com imparcialidade duvidosa, que há “viés político de campanha” nas peças publicitárias do Presidente Bolsonaro. Para o atrapalhado Ministro, afirmar que “200 anos da Independência” e slogan “o futuro escrito em verde e amarelo” é política eleitoral partidária e, com…
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contemplatingoutlander · 11 months
An Australian lawyer's view of Trump being the front runner for the GOP presidential nomination
As an Australian living in a constitutional democracy and a defence lawyer I’m finding the whole Trump saga extremely disturbing. Disturbing that an individual who has attacked democratic norms and values, sneered at the jurisdiction of the courts and justice system and attempted to destroy any or all of the tenets of democracy, freedom for minorities and common decency is the front runner for the Republican nomination for president and if successful could have all federal convictions and charges brought against him expunged or otherwise dismissed. Had Trump been subject to Australian law he wouldn’t be a contender for any political position, he’d have challenges being appointed a dog catcher because no political party in Australia would have either defended or sanctioned his behaviour and he would have most certainly been expelled from every political party, no matter how conservative or left leaning. The Republican parties blind support of Trump that could land him back in the White House is a real and present danger not just to America but to the free world and risks American alliances carefully developed and nurtured over decades since the Second World War. Careful consideration should be taken when appointing a person to such power over national security, nuclear arms and a judicial system and diplomatic network which he has already demonstrated a willingness to weaponise in his own interest.* --Richard Busuttil, Australia, commenting on a NY Times opinion column
Seen through the eyes of this Australian lawyer, the Republican Party's decision to keep backing the traitorous Trump seems not only incredibly corrupt, but foolhardy and frightening.
Trump's comeback would not be possible if a majority of prominent Republicans had denounced him--and preferably impeached him after his attempted coup.
Clearly, Trump's behavior would not have been tolerated by many people in Australia or by many people in other affluent constitutional democracies. (Even Brazil has moved faster to prosecute Bolsonaro for spreading false information about the Brazilian election system.)
The character of the American people who vote for Trump must also be in question by the people in many constitutional democracies around the world.
If the U.S. reelects Trump, America will no longer be considered a beacon for freedom and democracy, nor the leader (or even a leader) of "the free world."
We as a nation will be in freefall, moving rapidly towards autocracy and neofascism.
And the world outside the U.S. will know it, years before it finally dawns on many Americans that by voting for Trump, they helped to destroy our democratic republic.
______________ *This quote was divided into paragraphs to increase readability.
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Lula's impeachment requested over Israeli crisis
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Spearheaded by Congresswoman Carla Zambelli of former President Jair Bolsonaro's Liberal Party (PL), over 100 lawmakers have endorsed a document requesting the impeachment of President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva because his remarks likening Israel to Nazi Germany compromised Brazil's stance internationally exposing the country to a “danger of war.”
In addition to 72 PL deputies, other signatories stemmed from parties represented in Lula's coalition cabinet, including 12 from União Brasil which has two ministries (Communication and Tourism), 4 from the PSD which runs three ministries (Agriculture, Mines and Energy, and Fisheries), and 3 from the MDB, which controls three ministries (Cities, Planning, and Transportation).
According to Zambelli, the head of the executive branch has committed a “crime of responsibility against the political existence of the Union”, under the terms of Law 1.079/1950 - which regulates the impeachment process.
The petition argues that Lula “committed hostility against a foreign nation”, “compromised the neutrality” of the country, and exposed Brazil to a “danger of war”, as defined by the Impeachment Law, in article 5, item 3.
Continue reading.
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tweeterwilbury · 3 months
I feel like I need to make a post about this situation, so let me explain things:
—First, the current president of Brazil, Lula, talked about the genocide in Gaza, using the word genocide and comparing it with the holocaust. The press and political oponents were against him and were saying he should say sorry or that he should have an impeachment, but he kept his word.
—On last sunday, there was an act in favor of the former president [i'm not even sure of how to call it, but let's go with "act"] in the biggest city of the country. This said former president is Bolsonaro, who lost the 2022 elections and is being investigated because of a "coup d'état" plan [I'm not sure if this expression really is used in english, but it's the only translation I found for "golpe de estado"].
So, not only those people were in the street to protest in favor of the ex president — who, by the way, is legally prohibited of being elect again—, but they were also there to show support to israel because of what Lula said.
And, in the middle of all that, I saw this tweet, which made me come here to post this;
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[TRANSLATION]: "earlier yesterday [25/02, the tweet was made on the 26/02] this mural was made on Avenida Paulista [which is where the act happenned] with the images of Netanyahu and Bolsonaro - and a word in hebrew. Many bolsonaristas [supporters of the ex president] were attracted by the mural and were there to take pictures.
The word in hebrew was 'Genocidal'."
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hello-nichya-here · 3 months
Do you think Lula might try to patch things up with Israel considering the rally that just happened in Brazil?
Let's make one thing clear here: the rally was not pro-Israel. Not really. The flags had a pentagram instead of the star of David, and people in said rally were saying shit like "We support Israel because they're CHRISTIANS like us."
The rally was really about a bunch of useful idiots that sympathize with fascism and straight up neo-nazis (some of which were friends with or direct descendents of the actual nazis that fled to Brazil after WWII, including the monster JOSEF MENGELE himself) who support the wanna-be dictator, and sadly Brazil's former president, Jair Bolsonaro, PRETENDING to give a shit about the Israel situation solely because Lula finally grew a pair of balls and called out the genocide against palestinians - and thus the supporters of Bozo the clown are now trying to use that as an excuse to impeach him, as yet ANOTHER attempt to ignore the results of the elections in which Lula defeated the fucker in 2022.
There's video recording of Bolsonaro (who has never been shy about wanting to turn Brazil into a dictatorship again and actually said the words "I'm pro torture, and this country won't be fixed until at least 40.000 people are dead") full on saying "We can't allow the elections to happen, otherwise I'm gonna lose."
The police tried to prevent people in the northeast region of Brazil (where nearly everyone is pro-Lula) from voting, to try and tip the escala in Bolsonaro's favor. They STILL claim Lula's victory was a fraud.
Finally, on January 8, 2023, his supporters tried staging a coup, fully inspired by the shitshow the USA had when Trump lost (and something that Bozo the clown had ALREADY said he wanted his supporters to do were he to ever lose an election) by invading government buildings. They stole and destroyed lots of valluable art-pieces - lots of which were from jewish people that either fled from nazi Germany before they were sent to concentration camps, and some that actually BEEN in said concentration camps.
And this was not a case of "Maybe they just didn't know what it was", not fully at least, because like I said, Bolsonaro's supporters have VERY strong ties to the nazis. They have done the sieg heil in his homage, say Brazil should have a nazi party, and have tried to make schools say the holocaust never happened. Some of Bolsonaro's ministers have also said shit like "Brazil's economy won't get better until we get rid of all the jews" and a fucker actually copied one of Hitler's speeches, on camera, wearing a nazi-inspired uniform, with one of Hitler's favorite classical pieces being played in the background.
As for Bolsonaro, the slogan he chose for himself "God above everything, Brazil above everyone" is clearly inspired by "Deutschland über alles" (Germany over everything). After his victory in 2018, SBT, one of the TV channels that supported him the most, used the slogan "Brazil - love it or leave it" which the dictatorship Brazil was under used for 21 years as a not so subtle threat to exile people who opposed them (and exile was the KIND fate they could be given, considering the people tortured daily in prison, or full on murdered).
So no, I don't see Lula trying to patch things up with Israel to try and win the support of these people, because they don't actually care about Israel. This was an anti-democracy rally, filled with nazis, and if they were to rise to power again, and not destroy themselves from the inside like they did during the pandemic, it would be the worst case scenario as it'd mean one less government calling Israel's genocide against palestinians AND a bunch of antisemites in power trying to make their own reich, putting all the jewish communities of Brazil in danger.
Remember folks: Israel does not represent all the jews in the world, no matter how much it desperately tries to pretend that it does. Calling it out for commiting genocide is not antisemitic, and supporting it does NOT mean making sure jewish communities will be safe - as you could see, in my country's case, it could mean nothing but a stepping-stone in making said communities the targets of actual nazis, pushing them to exile or something way, way, way worse.
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beardedmrbean · 2 months
April 8 (UPI) -- Elon Musk called for a judge on Brazil's Supreme to quit or be impeached after Justice Alexandre de Moraes launched an inquiry into his X social media platform in an escalating row over misinformation dating back to the Jan. 8 riots in Brasilia in 2023.
In a post on X on Sunday, Musk, the owner and chief technology officer of the company, said court decisions forcing X to "block certain popular accounts in Brazil" along with a gagging order preventing X from talking about the action were unconstitutional and that the company would no longer comply.
"Coming shortly, X will publish everything demanded by de Moraes and how those requests violate Brazilian law. This judge has brazenly and repeatedly betrayed the constitution and people of Brazil. He should resign or be impeached," Musk wrote.
"These are the most draconian demands of any country on Earth!"
But in a response to a late Saturday night post by Musk threatening to unblock the accounts, Moraes announced Sunday he was adding Musk to his ongoing investigation of "digital militias" and the opening of a fresh inquiry into Musk to "prevent the eventual practice of obstruction of justice, a criminal organization and incitement to crime."
Accusing Musk of mounting a disinformation campaign against the Supreme Court, he imposed daily fines $19,775 for each profile reactivated by the platform.
X's Global Government Affairs team said in a post that many of the details supporting the action had been obscured.
"We do not know the reasons these blocking orders have been issued. We do not know which posts are alleged to violate the law. We are prohibited from saying which court or judge issued the order, or on what grounds. We are prohibited from saying which accounts are impacted. We are threatened with daily fines if we fail to comply," it wrote.
"We believe that such orders are not in accordance with the Marco Civil da Internet or the Brazilian Federal Constitution, and we will challenge the orders legally where possible."
The accounts in question are thought to be connected to posts on X by far-right activists and figures that may have helped fuel the January 2023 storming of Congress, the Supreme Court and the presidential palace by thousands of rioters supporting former President Jair Bolsonaro.
Moraes is also investigating Bolsonaro and his supporters for their alleged involvement in an abortive coup to overthrow the result of the October 2022 presidential election that brought President Lula da Silva to office.
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mariacallous · 2 months
A Brazilian court has announced that it will be opening an investigation into X owner Elon Musk for obstruction of justice, after Musk reactivated far-right accounts that the Brazilian government had flagged for removal. The announcement came after Musk called for Brazilian Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes, who heads the country’s Superior Electoral Court (TSE), to “resign or be impeached,” and a statement from X alleged that the orders to remove the accounts violate the Brazilian constitution.
While the court has not released the list of accounts it requested for blocking or investigation, the São Paolo–based newspaper Estadão reported that it includes the fugitive far-right influencer Allan dos Santos, a supporter of president Jair Bolsonaro. (Dos Santos fled the country in 2020 to avoid investigation for disseminating disinformation.) The list also includes right-wing YouTuber Bruno Aiub, known as Monark, who has over 1 million followers on X and has argued that Brazil should recognize the Nazi party, and Brazilian billionaire and Bolsonaro-supporter Luciano Hang.
Separately, after taking over the company, Musk reactivated the accounts of Brazilian far-right politicians Carla Zambelli, Gustavo Gayer, and Nikolas Ferreira. Ferreira, a Bolsonaro supporter, openly questioned the security of Brazil’s electronic voting machines, even though he won his local legislative race.
“All of these names have been problematic for years on social media,” says Flora Rebello Arduini, campaign director at the nonprofit advocacy organization Ekō. “They've been pushing for the far-right and election misinformation for ages.”
When Musk purchased Twitter in 2022, later renaming it X, many activists in Brazil worried that he would abuse the platform to push his own agenda, Arduini says. “He has unprecedented broadcasting abilities. He is bullying a supreme court justice of a democratic country, and he is showing he will use all the resources he has available to push for whatever favors his personal opinions or his professional ambitions.”
Under Musk, X has become a haven for the far right and disinformation. After taking over, Musk offered amnesty to users who had been banned from the platform, including right-wing influencer and convicted human trafficker Andrew Tate. A 2023 study found that hate speech has increased on the platform under Musk’s leadership. The situation in Brazil is just the latest instance of Musk aligning himself with and platforming dangerous, far-right movements around the world, experts tell WIRED. "It's not about Twitter or Brazil. It's about a strategy from the global far right to overcome democracies and democratic institutions around the world," says Nina Santos, a digital democracy researcher at the Brazilian National Institute of Science & Technology who researches the Brazilian far right. “An opinion from an American billionaire should not count more than a democratic institution.”
This also comes as Brazil has continued working to understand and investigate the lead-up to January 8, 2023, when election-denying insurrectionists who refused to accept right-wing president Jair Bolsonaro’s defeat stormed Brazil’s legislature. The TSE, the country’s election court, is a special judicial body that investigates electoral crimes and is part of the mechanism for overseeing the country’s electoral processes overall. The court has been investigating the dissemination of fake news and disinformation that cast doubt on the country’s elections in the months and years leading up to the storming of the legislature on January 8, 2023. Both Arduini and Santos believe that the accounts Musk is refusing to remove are likely connected to the court’s inquiry.
“A life-and-death struggle recently took place in Brazil for the democratic rule of law and against a coup d'état, which is under investigation by this court in compliance with due legal process,” Luís Roberto Barroso, the president of the federal supreme court, said in a statement about Musk’s comments. “Nonconformity against the prevalence of democracy continues to manifest itself in the criminal exploitation of social networks.”
Santos also worries that Musk is setting a precedent that the far right will be protected and promoted on his platform, regardless of local laws or public opinion. “They are trying to use Brazil as a laboratory on how to interfere in local politics and local businesses,” she says. “They are making the case that their decision is more important than the national decision from a state democratic institution.”
Though Musk has claimed to be a free-speech advocate, and X’s public statement on the takedowns asserts that Brazilians are entitled to free speech, the platform’s application of these principles has been uneven at best. In February, on order of the Indian government, X blocked the accounts Hindutva Watch and the India Hate Lab in India, two US-based nonprofits that track incidents of religiously motivated violence perpetrated by supporters of the country’s right-wing government. A 2023 study from the Berkman Klein Center for Internet and Society at Harvard found that X complied with more government takedown requests under Musk’s leadership than it had previously. In March, X blocked the accounts of several prominent researchers and journalists after they identified a well-known neo-Nazi cartoonist, later changing its own terms of service to justify the decision.
X did not respond to a request for comment about why the company made a public statement condemning the Brazilian court’s takedown orders but not those issued by other governments.
“We have a background that is different from the US. It’s more similar to the European concept of freedom of expression,” says João Brant, digital policy secretary for Brazil’s Secretariat of Social Communication. “You can discuss the elections, of course. The problem was, affirming categorically that there has been fraud and that the electoral court has not acted upon. It’s perfectly OK to discuss judicial orders, but it’s also important to comply with them.”
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qqueenofhades · 2 years
Glad he's going, but why do you think so many Brazilians would vote for Bolsonaro in the first place?
As I said in a recent answer, too many people who spend a lot of time in liberal online spaces tend to think that authoritarianism, fascism, nationalism, etc are just an aberration or the result of a few stupid people, instead of troubling and deeply rooted patterns of behavior in human history that have repeated over and over in critical moments and continue to do untold damage. It's like how liberal commentators in America and the UK assumed that Trump could never get elected, Brexit could never happen, etc etc, because clearly people wouldn't act against their own best interest just for crass nationalism, racism, etc. Except that has happened over and over, it happened again, and if we don't understand why that is, we're still not going to be successful at changing that continuous and damaging pattern.
Likewise, the Brazilian left has been in disarray since President Dilma Rousseff, Lula's former chief of staff from his two previous presidential terms, was impeached and removed from office in 2016 after being convicted of budgetary misconduct and financial crimes. (Lula himself also spent time in jail on somewhat murky corruption and money laundering charges that were eventually annulled and ruled to have been conducted by a corrupt and biased judge, so the Brazilian Supreme Court removed his convictions and allowed him to stand for election again.) Brazil only became a democracy again in 1985, after 20+ years of military dictatorship, and as we have all noted, democracy doesn't maintain itself. Bolsonaro came to power in 2018, in the wake of many other victories by authoritarian and right-wing political movements around the world, and promised the same strongman remedy of blaming everyone who didn't fit the fascist mold and imposing order with an iron fist. He blamed Brazil's military for not being as industrious in killing indigenous people as the Americans, wantonly wrecked the Amazon and its tribes, oversaw one of the most disastrous and lethal Covid non-responses in the world, and otherwise tried to emulate Trump as his neo-fascist idol. Which is still the case, and he's hinted that he will make claims of fraud just as Trump did after losing the 2020 election, so this is by no means over. And yet, 49% of the electorate still voted for him, because as noted, right-wing populism is a helluva drug.
I'm not qualified to comment on Lula in detail, but he's one of Brazil's most admired politicians and was extremely popular while he was in office, including worldwide. So while we don't know what he will do in this new term, he has at least had the job before and done it relatively successfully in that time. He has promised to found a new ministry of indigenous people run by an indigenous person, restore respect for Brazil's multiracial democracy and LGBTQ rights, stop illegal Amazon deforestation, and restore Brazilian regional and international cooperation in a way Bolsonaro, a la his hero Trump, deliberately shunned. So that seems all much preferable to an open and avowed violent fascist, and as I said, the importance of the Amazon alone is huge. So yes.
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troopingfairy · 3 months
Are more people here keeping up with the defamation campaign israel is engaging against Lula for saying that what's happening in Gaza is similar to the Holocaust right now? Have they done this with other countries (genuine question, I can barely process the shit they do nowadays)? They don't stop. Right-wing politicians in Brazil are using it to try to impeach Lula. The israeli ambassador to Brazil was invited to attend a rally in support of Bolsonaro, who is under investigation for attempting a coup. The media in Brazil is aligning with the extreme-right again and defaming Lula as well. It's a fucking mess. I think there is no reason to be scared, but I am stressed out because we barely survived a coup already.
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jadautin · 1 year
Laerte, eu não preciso te entender! (Ou o porquê da nossa necessidade de compreensão).
Esse texto não é sobre tretas. É sobre Laerte, arte, e comunicação. Ou quase, se eu fizer me entender.
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Eu adoro essa tira. Foi uma das primeiras que li da Laerte, uma artista que passei mais tempo lendo suas tiras no Instagram do que gostaria de admitir.
Em uma primeira olhada, é apenas uma grande brincadeira com a linguagem, utilizando-se da expressão "Cair a ficha" em um contexto mais absurdo. Porém, pesquisando sobre essa tira em específico, se percebe uma carga política muito maior do que se aparenta. Ela foi publicada em junho de 2013, no auge dos protestos que seriam a base para o anti-petismo, e esse serviu como o berço do bolsonarismo. E não é apenas alguma voz na minha cabeça estabelecendo esta relação, já que vários autores discutiram posteriormente essa profética tira (Bibliografia ao final do texto), e a própria Laerte é uma figura politizada desde seu início de carreira na década de 80, nos dias atuais sendo abertamente contra a figura do Bolsonaro, desde a época do Impeachment da Dilma alertando de forma sutil o que ocorreria na política brasileira após as Jornadas de Junho
Com isso em mente, agora deixo uma reflexão: Meu pensamento inicial, tratando a tira meramente como um jogo de palavras e imagem, estava errado? Alguém que lesse essa tira e não entendesse a carga política por trás dela, está equivocado? Na minha visão, não, não está. Em primeiro lugar, as tiras da Laerte Coutinho não possuem uma limitação de interpretações, e elas podem significar coisas diferentes para pessoas diferentes (A própria não vê nenhuma conexão de linguagem naquilo que faz). Em segundo lugar, destaco a diferença de tempo. Eu não sabia que a tira era de junho de 2013, e nesse ponto muitas pessoas no Brasil nem mesmo se recordam do que foram as Jornadas de Junho ou tem noção do seu impacto da política nacional, e as tiras e charges publicadas em jornais possuem a característica de serem atuais em seus temas. Portanto, até mesmo para muitos leitores que receberam essa tira no dia em que foi publicada, não entenderam sua provocação. A ficha ainda não tinha caído.
Recentemente, essa artista tem sido alvo de um meme muito curioso: As pessoas começaram a bombardear seus posts de tiras no Twitter com imagens dizendo se entenderam ou não, com variações em meio a isso.
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A artista comentou sobre essa onda em uma entrevista, onde sua principal reclamação foi de que era um bombardeio, não uma conversa. Ela está correta, afinal, os memes se disseminam na cópia, e são representações extremamente simples feitas para serem entendidas por um grupo de pessoas usuárias da internet, sejam esses grupos amplos ou não. Mas a questão aqui não é reclamar sobre o meme, pois eu não estou aqui para receber acusações de "estragar o meme" ou qualquer desculpa de quem se sente muito engraçado dentro da internet. Aqui queria pensar o entendimento da arte. ou melhor, a nossa necessidade de entendimento.
A cultura ocidental se baseia em valores ainda muito clássicos e naturalistas. Toda a nossa ideia de desenho, escultura, poesia ou teatro vem de uma idealização de culturas greco-romanas, e com uma representação que busca mostrar da forma mais fidedigna possível a realidade, a exemplo dos renascentistas ou neoclássicos, que instituíram essa como a "regra" na hora de se fazer arte. Muitos podem argumentar que esses movimentos artísticos são muito antigos, e que não impactam mais o nosso imaginário, mas isso é mentira. Para qualquer um que desenhe, como é meu caso, é muito visível que nossos estudos de anatomia, perspectiva linear, pintura e etc., tirando algumas poucas exceções, ainda são essencialmente para representar a realidade de forma verossímil. Ou seja, o artista valorizado, o "gênio artístico", ainda é aquele que representa a realidade de forma quase fotográfica, em detrimento de artistas com estilos menos realistas.
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Com isso em mente, nossa cultura é constantemente perseguida por essa visão de entendimento realista da arte, e se entranha em nossas percepções da arte. Um exemplo disso é, depois de mais de um século de existência, a pintura "Abaporu" ainda é alvo de constantes críticas de cunho naturalista, afirmando que a obra é ruim por não significar nada para o locutor ou por não seguir as técnicas acadêmicas instituídas nos períodos do renascimento e do neoclassicismo.
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Dentro desse contexto, as histórias em quadrinhos são historicamente diminuídas como forma de arte por esse caráter técnico e de representação. Por muito tempo, os pesquisadores de literatura consideravam as HQs uma leitura menor em relação aos textos literários, os pesquisadores de artes visuais viam a arte sequencial-simultânea como algo menos artístico em comparação às artes moldurais, como ilustrações isoladas e pinturas, e os pesquisadores e artistas de quadrinhos eram mínimos em comparação as duas anteriormente citadas.
Laerte é uma das artistas que, dentro do contexto brasileiro, traz em suas tiras um imaginário surrealista e de cotidiano em conjunto. Em suas tiras, constantemente se retratam os momentos em que a comunicação falha, seja ela gestual, visual ou verbal. Eis um exemplo:
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Suas tiras possuem um foco no ruído, como dito em um vídeo sucinto, mas bem feito, do HQ sem roteiro. Ela retrata momentos em que nossa linguagem não consegue suportar nossa necessidade de comunicação em diversos momentos, e as transições por meio dos quadros consegue aumentar o absurdo, e esse mesmo absurdo aumenta o ruído. É apenas uma interpretação pessoal, mas perceba que essa interpretação só surge da falta de clareza explícita nas tiras. Ironicamente, a artista consegue passar o que deseja de forma direta, ao mesmo tempo que distorce o caminho para chegarmos até essa representação, coisa que seria impossível em artes que só tem como base a representação fiel da realidade. Sem a realidade, Laerte consegue ser absurdamente humana e comunicativa.
Em suma, o entendimento de uma tira ou história da Laerte não é necessário, tampouco o ponto principal de suas obras. A artista possui outros focos, e a perspectiva limitada, que muitas pessoas infelizmente ainda possuem sem perceber, faz parecer razoável tirar sarro desse surrealismo de sua obra. Laerte e sua geração de quadrinistas brasileiros nos convida a abandonar padrões pré-estabelecidos, e abraçar personagens e situações absurdas que conseguem ser sofisticados na mesma medida que se comunicam com a população de forma muito ampla, essencial de uma boa tira de jornal. Não se preocupe exclusivamente com o entendimento da arte, e se permita ver outras facetas do que aprecia. Perspectivas diversas geram entendimentos diversos, visões distintas. E talvez seja isso que Laerte realmente deseje ver com sua arte, e não uma massa homogênea de memes que buscam, de forma imparável e muitas vezes inútil, observar a arte em um maniqueísmo de compreender ou não compreender.
Isso sim, eu não entendo.
Para Laerte, com carinho,
João Adauto
Instagram da Laerte: Laerte Coutinho (@laerteminotaura) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram
A ficha: A ficha, a grande ficha, em algum momento… ela precisa cair – ESCUTA. (wordpress.com)
O texto menos sensacionalista que achei citando todo o caso: A Laerte não entendeu o meme sobre não entender suas tirinhas (nucleo.jor.br)
Definição básica do neoclassicismo: Neoclassicismo: as ideias e valores por trás da arte – Gare Cultural
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shinidamachu · 2 years
As someone who is not well versed in Brazilian politics, may I ask what change do you want to see with the new presidency? Thanks. ☺️
It's less about structural change and more about going back to normality.
The first thing you need to understand is that Brazil just lived four years of literal fascism. A less explicit version of fascism, but fascism still. And so, the bar for the next government is underground low.
All I want is a president who won't pick up people with dwarfism thinking they're children.
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Someone who won't steal somebody else's dog and then having to return it to its rightful owner.
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A president whose environmental policies aren't reduced to "only pooping every other day..."
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...Or getting beef with Hollywood celebrities.
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I want a president who won't have to eat pizza on the streets of New York city because no restaurant would allow a non vaccinated person to go inside.
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Someone who won't ask what golden shower is. On his official Twitter account.
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Or encourage a crowd to chant "imbrochável," a slightly vulgar Portuguese word that translates roughly to "never limp," to himself.
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I dream of a president who can eat like a normal human being.
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And who won't send a humorist to a press conference just to fuck with the journalists and take focus away from our pathetic economy "growth."
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I'd honestly settle for someone who won't gratuitously offend the First Lady of France.
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Or who won't wait hours in a hall to say "I love you" to Donald Trump just to get blatantly ignored.
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A president who won't salute other countries' flags.
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Or neglect international obligations in order to cut his hair.
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Most importantly, I want a president who, in the middle of the worst pandemic of recent history, won't offer an ineffective medicine for covid to a fucking emu.
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I purposely kept this relatively funny, but the sad truth is that Bolsonaro is military scum. He defends the Military Dictatorship Brazil was under (1964-1985) to this day.
He has openly said he's a torture enthusiast. He has told a woman he wouldn't rape her because she doesn't even deserve that from him. He has said there was "a mood" between him and some 14 years old girls he met. He has lied about indigenous people indulging in cannibalistic practices, stating that he'd eat an indigenous man himself, no problem.
Bolsonaro is a negationist. Of the pandemic, of the vaccines, of the climate changes, of our very history. He called covid "a little flu," mocked people wo died due to the lack of air, neglected buying the vaccines, said he wouldn't be responsible if the ones who took the shot turned into alligators, constantly fought against the use of masks and the implementation of lockdown.
To him, the Military Dictatorship of '64 wasn't a dictatorship at all and it should have killed more people. When he was a congressman, he voted "yes" to impeach president Dilma Rousseff, while paying tribute to the man who tortured her in that very same dictatorship se fought against.
He has made easier for people to get guns. Women, LBGTQIA+, black and indigenous people everywhere didn't feel safe anywhere anymore because police brutality and bigotry escalated to alarming levels. Under the first three years of his administration, Amazon's deforestation rate rose 73%.
And to top it all off, this has been the most corrupt government since our redemocratization, but nothing is investigated because Bolsonaro is actively interfering on everything just to save his and his sons' asses.
After years of him putting our electoral system in check and saying without any proofs that the whole thing is rigged, his supporters are blocking important avenues, protesting against his loss even three days later and calling for a fucking Military Coup.
So yeah. I just want normalcy back.
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Elon Musk’s Malign Influence in Brazil
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At 11:02 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time on April 7, 2024, Elon Musk—billionaire investor, tech CEO, and would-be Imperator of Mars—posted on the social media platform he owns, calling for the judge who presides over Brazil’s powerful Superior Electoral Tribunal (TSE) to “resign or be impeached.” In Musk’s view, the judge, Alexandre de Moraes, was guilty of the high crime of censorship.
Days before, Substack author Michael Shellenberger reprised his Twitter files gambit in a post accusing the TSE of “anti-democratic election interference” and decrying the “birth of the Censorship Industrial Complex in Brazil.” The Republican-controlled United States House Judiciary Committee later released a sealed Brazilian Court order, apparently obtained by subpoena, showing that the TSE had ordered Musk to take down about 150 accounts involved in spreading false information about the 2022 Brazilian elections. False claims of fraud in that election culminated in an attempt by ousted President Bolsonaro’s supporters to spark a coup d’etat. In defiance of the TSE, Musk said he would reinstate those accounts; in response, Moraes announced he would include Musk in an investigation into the “digital militias” which contributed to the January 8th, 2022 riots which followed Bolsonaro’s loss. Musk ultimately relented. The accounts remained offline, and the platform formerly known as Twitter avoided a potential ban in one of its largest markets.
In the Brazilian context, Musk is perhaps best understood as a far-right variant of what the US government sometimes calls “malign foreign influence” (a term I have long disliked for its potentially xenophobic interpretations, despite the often good intentions of those that use it). Even when he plays the fool, Musk and his ilk should be considered with deadly seriousness.
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brazilianism · 2 years
Tem uma coisa muito, mas MUITO importante, que um monte de gente não tá se ligando e é um dos porquês o Lula PRECISA ser eleito e o Bozo NÃO PODE ser reeleito: o Senado.
O PL fez a maior bancada da Casa, com 13 senadores. Fora os que não são do PL, mas são bolsonaristas. Qual o perigo disso? É que eles já formam maioria pra aprovar impeachment de ministros do STF! O STF, que tem sido uma das únicas instituições servindo de barreira contra o golpismo dessa gente canalha!
Bozo sendo reeleito, ele já vai ter direito de indicar mais 2 ministros, diante dos 2 q vão se aposentar. Se conseguirem ainda aprovar impeachment de ministros, o ditador vai ter o que sempre quis: a Suprema Corte na mão dele! Ou seja, comando completo sobre Executivo, Legislativo e Judiciário! O caos generalizado vai ser liberado sem nenhum problema e sem ninguém pra impedir!
É hora de ir pra rua e CONVERSAR. Tentar entender o lado de quem votou no Bolsonaro, mas não é necessariamente um nazifascista alucinado, que é apenas um ingênuo que acredita piamente que o Bozo é cristão, homem de bem, não é corrupto e tal, e conversar! Expor os fatos com paciência e convencer, não brigar! Vamos convencer que a nossa democracia está em risco iminente e não podemos voltar a ter uma ditadura!
Concordo e desejo muito boa sorte a quem tiver a paciência de ir para as ruas conversar, mas: cautela. esses caras literalmente estão atirando na oposição por menos do que tentativa de virar voto. nunca vão sozinhos e se organizem para terem a maior segurança possível. o melhor é tentar conversar com pessoas já conhecidas e que possam dialogar sem o risco de você ser a próxima vítima.
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