lupinus-bicolor · 2 years
do you happen to have any charthur fic recommendations?? 👀
Yeah! I haven't read any new ones in a while but the ones that will probably stick with my forever are as follows, (fair warning a lot of these are probably explicit) :
Roads left in both our shoes by imperfectkreis
Mine is Clouds by ssstrychnine
Lost Country by iridan
Of Skies and Stars in Our Eyes by wondernerd
What's Mine is Yours by charlesdk
Golden by foreverwholockedme
World at Large (and the entire series it's part of. OUGHGHHH) by syntheticpalindromes
The Matthews Family (and, again, the entire series it's part of. 💖💖) by platonicharmonics
And the ongoing We're No Saviours (If We Can't Save Our Brothers) by manzanitaposts
This would have been a longer list if linking things wasn't such a pain in the ass on mobile (I was not exaggerating when I said I read pretty much every fic about these two before 2021. I had some SERIOUS brain worms.) Anyway if anyone has any more feel free to rec them!
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insufficientchill · 2 years
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years ago i thought it would be fun to draw my favourite version of witcher aiden, the one from the works of ao3 user imperfectkreis (i think um. @theimpressionablelizard ?) but it never really came out right so it just sort of languished? anyway here he is, calling quen, with the weirdest parts of the posing cropped out
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henbased · 1 year
8 13 18 22 + 5 but the only correct answer is ours :/
i put off answerrhing these to today and now that it's today im. ugggghghhghghhghghghgh. yeah fine.
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
do i even need to talk about joseph. the sheer misunderstanding of mental illness on top of the need to "lol crazy cult leader - they exist irl !!!!" makes people forget that real people with real mental illnesses who also exist, in a far more amount than cult leaders, are seeing you call a character a crazy psycho for "hearing voices" and omg, believing theyre real !!!! that's absolute crazy behavior haha he's NUTS !!!! but no no, go on and lecture more about how sexualizing the "crazy" villians is bad because theyre cult leaders. all ears!
13. worst blorboficiation
john seed is the obvious answer but yknow what im gonna give an answer that is gonna get me way more hate than the above . staci pratt.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
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go read Tired of Eating all of my Misspoken Words by @/imperfectkreis right now (cw for gay sex)
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
that joseph is not happy with his role of (in his eyes) being a prophet but thinks its the only help humanity has. and hes kinda right. also that tammy was Literally Right about the deputy and she was really hot about it too.
5. worst discord server and why
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samtrapani · 2 years
hi! do you have any favourite fics on ao3?
hi hi ! my favorite fics kind of change depending on my interests but my forever favorites are (and warning for a lot of heavy topics)
your heart fits like a key by theorchardofbones (mafia 2)
then, i'll be your pride by imperfectkreis (mafia 2)
best man blues by memestreets (mafia 2)
play no games, say no names by barbarosgirl (mafia 2)
consider the lilies by bonecharms (fallout new vegas)
try, try again by lordy_lou (stardew valley)
lay her i' th' earth by poppywine (bioshock)
the shape of the sand by astrogirl (disco elysium)
fugue feast, 1817 by deckboss (dishonored)
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geeky-sova · 7 years
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◆  Fool to Pay this Price by @imperfectkreis, art by @geeky-sova
The Outsider has a gift, and a request. Corvo is allowed to refuse them both. But he doesn't. Neither can be certain of the outcome, but they have to try.
Go read this new story by the awesome @imperfectkreis! Pre-Death of the Outsider but absolutely no DotO spoilers. I’m really happy I was able to do this collab with her - hope you guys like both the fic and the art <3
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kyleknight · 7 years
imperfectkreis replied to your post: I’m beautiful on the inside. most of the time. as...
This is so fucking ominous mani
ok to clarify, I was taking one of those annoying assessment quizzes for a job application and one of the questions was like “what is most difficult thing to deal with” or something and one of the options was rude people (which I do get annoyed with) but another option was people trying to rush me and right as I read that it brought back all the times assholes have tried to rush me while Im working and like normally Im a real pleasant and nice hardworking person at work, but when someone tries to fuckin rush me I start planning murder
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jsup · 7 years
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ialpiriel · 7 years
wip game! tide, gift, or blight
no hits on any of them :(
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baronvontribble · 7 years
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It's alright, I've forgiven you. Mostly. I love Tate too much to be mad at him and his beligerent ass. <3
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theprettynerdie · 7 years
🔥 film theory
I have mixed feelings about how to film Shakespeare. In general, I feel like extravagant sets and costumes undermine the actors physically, as well as their performances. Black box is my favorite type of Shakespeare because you focus on the story and the characters. But then again, my favorite of his plays is Titus Andronicus, and Julie Taymor’s Titus was an incredible piece of filmmaking. She modernized Shakespeare properly, while Baz Luhrmann got it all wrong with Romeo + Juliet (I really truly hate that movie). And I can’t really explain why one film works while another doesn’t, but it might depend on the play and all the elements. In general I feel like swelling music and overlarge sets diminish some of the power of the play (Hamlet seems to be the play that does least well from transition from stage to screen - I dislike the Olivier version a great deal, and I had my own issues even with the Branagh version).
I see no redeeming qualities in Blue Velvet, aside from Dennis Hopper’s performance as Frank Booth. I think Lynch showed no technical or artistic prowess, the story makes little sense, the dialogue is laughably poor. I’ve heard people praise it for the writing (terrible) and the visual flair (not present), and I’m still trying to figure out what everyone else sees that I don’t. Lynch is very hit or miss with me: I hated Blue Velvet, hated Wild At Heart, but loved Eraserhead, and very much liked Twin Peaks. I saw Mullholland Drive recently and it wasn’t a great film but it was good if you just see it as a piece of art by David Lynch and not as a standalone piece of cinema. There’s a real lack of polish to his work that feels more like incompetence than low budget filmmaking.
French and Italian cinema gets most of the attention whenever we talk about influential non-Hollywood film movements, but German cinema of the 1920s and 1970s-80s is my absolute favorite. Anything Fassbinder did makes me want to scream; his work was so meticulous and artful and it’s like his style was tailor-made for my aesthetic.
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bloodwrit · 5 years
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New icons for my sweet bro @imperfectkreis and I of our ocs Buck and Yalda 💛
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drhu0806 · 7 years
@imperfectkreis replied to your post “AAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH MY COPY OF P5 HAS FINALLY SHIPPED  IT’S COMING, IT’S...”
I'm so happy for you (also my copy got ordered on Wednesday. I hadn't intended on playing, but I guess I am now)
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smashcut · 7 years
sneaking out to smoke on the roof of your dorm room with your friends and developing a homoerotic crush on one of them, rugby jocks, depressed tops
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aureliainpink · 7 years
imperfectkreis replied to your post “do any of my followers know of any video games featuring non-straight...”
Prey: female Morgan is wlw, there is a lesbian couple (keep in mind this is an everyone dies sort of game); Dishonored 2, Emily's lover is ambiguously gendered, but in addition to that there are at least 3 bisexual and one lesbian as background characters (some are positioned as villains, some not, but it's a gray morality type game)
the dishonored series has been on my to-play list for ages, but i didn’t realise this about emily in dishonored 2!! thank you for telling me! I would also love to play prey but it’s too scary for me D:
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kyleknight · 7 years
1, 5, and 9 for fic writer meme!
1. What’s your personal favourite thing you wrote this year?
I absolutely love all of the stuff I wrote for NaNoWriMo this year. Some of it I’ve posted and some of it I’ll work on in 2018. The important thing is that I managed to write over 60,000 words of fanfic during a single month. Most of it was about werewolves. Hell yeah.
5. Which of your fics do you wish was more successful?
@redvioletz and I came up with a vampire/werewolf au. I did the writing and Red did the art. It’s kind of been temporarily put on hold because of a personal situation, but I wanted more people to notice it because Red’s art is fucking amazing. Check it out here if you’re into klance.
9. If you could go back and change something about one of the fics you wrote this year, what would it be?
I wrote a billcarden fic (inside a box cut at the top) for @softmikecarden‘s birthday and I procrastinated on it a bit so the fic was slightly rushed in order to be up on her birthday. I still love it, but if I actually had my shit together when I was planning/writing it, I think it could have been better.
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jsup · 7 years
For fuck/marry/kill Butch, Benny, Danse
fuckfuck benny, marry butch, kill …….. danse
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