(Unwilling or Willing)
Power of a Sacrifice
Human Sacrifice
Royal Food Tasters
Surrender to Enemies
Shield from Attack
Bend the Knee
Arranged Marriage
Take Me Instead/Switch Places
Hand over Yourself to the Enemy
Offering Another in Your Stead
Raised as a Sacrifice.
Sacrificial Revival Spell
Crippled/Lose an Ability.
Childbirth (or at least having children regardless of the risks)
Survival through Self-Sacrifice
Suicidal Mission/Dangerous Task
Appearance (a Shapeshifter stuck in a form?).
Lose a limb (Tongue? Eyes? Its self multilation? Punishment?).
Reputation/Honor (like Jaime Lannister and Ned Stark or save your friends instead of the mission). What reputation you got? Coward? Traitor? Oathbreaker? Cheater?
Sacrifice of parents to raise and provide for their children.
Sacrificing a stranger or someone lesser instead of a loved one or someone more 'important'.
Do a necessary evil and accept the punishment.
You gave to sacrifice for another person's mistakes or because they refuse to do so (looking at you Robb Stark).
Do a action knowing of its consequences (killing a important person to save a loved one and getting exiled for it like Ursa, Cinna with the Mockingjay fire dress in HG).
A person got infected/possessed/corrupted/turning into a monster or whatever and the others kill her/him instead of looking for a solution because of the risks.
Scapegoat (you were discovered and the others involved abandoned you? Failure? Blamed for something out of control? Misblamed? Promoted to Scapegoat? By association with a person they can't blame?)
Take the fault/blame or/and the punishment for a loved one.
Stand Up for a person in a dangerous position/situation (like being accused or hunted for treason) or hidding them in your house.
Labor (people died to build something? To transport it? To deliver a message? A dangerous job?)
Army? Combat? Duel? Battlefield? A specific fight? Like 'died taking back the Stolen Castle'.
To? To fix a McGuffin. To fix a Land (from a curse? Decay?). To gain more time. To stop an ritual of sorts. To heal/save another. To gain a power. To take the villain with them. To prevent a disaster. To destroy/create something. To power up/give energy to something. To break a curse
Powers with an Price (Ex: like breaking a magical oath and losing their vision). Or maybe its the sacrifices made for gain a type of power (political, monetary, magical...)
Or taking a position or something like that (like Mulan for her father, Belle for her father or Katniss to her sister).
Assume a Supernatural Position (Yue, Nabu Helmet, Soul King, Kyubey)
Genuine Impersonificator
Switched Lives/Roles
Fake Aristocrat
A Fraud
Switched at Birth
Impersonating the Evil Twin
Sweet Polly Oliver Trope with male relatives.
A Missing Person comes back (or did they?)
The Mole killed someone and assumed their place. What accomplishments and doings were made by the Real One? (Like an fight or rescue). At what point it was your friend with you? Maybe nobody even meet the Real One.
Twin (the original and/or his friends know about the twin existence or not) or a Clone. Its a Backup in case the original died? Man in Iron Mask situation? Something like Ford and Stan?
An mysterious person who is implied to be the secret identity of an character is revealed to be an twin. (the two or one of them knowing or not)
Unware/Unwilling Pawn. Can be an Changeling in this case, or an clone (or unknow twin? Like the mexican telenovela Cómplices Al Rescate?)
A substitute or replacement (possibly for a dead or even missing person).
Fake Reveal: Impersonification of a dead character that pretends to have survived
An Villain kills the Hero and takes his place. Everyone belives that the Hero defeated him.
Legendary/Popular Figure (maybe the impersonificator is the one who actually saved the day?)
Legacy Immortality
The Imposter is actually the Real One and vice-versa (like Red in 'Us'?).
The Real One died and they don't want nobody to know. The death of this character would cause problems. Maybe a Hero or Ruler? El Cid Ploy? The imposter killed them by accident? Maybe they were Really Evil but needed because of popularity?
One of the friends went missing/captured for a time and the impostor came back.
The Hero kills the Evil King and takes his place to rule the Kingdom for best.
A test is made to decide which one is real, the Fake One wins.
A being is revealed to be just a copy.
Something being done in another person's name. A order? A message? A conflict? A peace treaty?
An Decoy so the Real one will be safe or another place at time, the original in question can pretend to be one of the guards. May involve the death of the fake one.
Whats is the Fake One for? Marriage? Sacrifice? Hostage? Fight? Essencial part of the Plan?
Also, their origin: a cousin? Bastard? Something like Hyuuga Hizashi? Maybe pretending to be someone that don't exist like Mulan (Ping son of Fa Zhou) or go in their place (they run away and someone needed to go or under the threat or punishment?)
Cases like Jeyne Poole and Aegon/Young Griff, or even the farm boys Theon killed. Pretend to be an long lost heir or something, they can be an hostage, for marriage, for a fight, as corpse as a proof of their deaths.
Maybe you had good intentions, like avenging the deceased Real One.
Assume being a Secret Identity of a unknow character (maybe you want the credit? Like...the Mysterious Person who saved the Hero?)
The villain forces his doppelganger to take their place (kinda like Paola Bracho)
My Sibling/Friend Will Live Through Me (you assume their life or just use their face in honor of your fallen friend?)
Another person reveals begin the hidden identity of a character the to take off the suspect over the real one's identity, who is hidding (perhaps under a fake identity? I Am Spartacus Trope?)
What did the impersonificator did? Got the original in trouble? Betrayed the Hero Team? Infiltrating? Started an war (if the original is an leader?).
A normal person disguise? A enemy guard? An ambassador? Can invent a relation with a real person.
The imposter is a shapeshifter? Possessing a dead body? They are just older (the original was not seen in years)? The real one is killed? Missing? Captured? The imposter can actually have the real one's consent for impersonification.
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anglerflsh · 1 year
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webwanderer · 13 days
Round 7: Mizi here... Ivan that.
GUYS. What if Luka "plays" Till himself?
Like, Till was ready to die, he should have died. Everyone around him he ever cared for is dying, but he isn't. The blame must be his. Imagine the self hatred he feels towards himself, the guilt.
VIVINOS would break the internet if she made Luka impersonificate Till to go against Till himself.
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gizmzo · 1 year
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Day chores / Night watch
They were going to be the impersonifications of the sun and the moon initially
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kuukorppi · 8 months
Worked on this together with @deadskink . This is purely self indulgent as we are super excited about the new Percy Jackson tv show. Enjoy!
Dewdrop: child of Poseidon. Too proud to admit that though and tells everyone he’s a child of Ares
Swiss: child of Hecate. The goddess of magic, witchcraft, crossroads, spirits, necromancy and the moon
Phantom: child of Hades. Easy, he’s a spooky guy. Hades, king of the underworld and god of the dead
Aether: child of Nyx, the impersonification of night and darkness. Feared by even Zeus. (Come on canonically Nyx had a son named Aither)
Rain: child of Thetis. Goddess of the sea and the leader of 50 nereids. Posessed a gift of prophecy. (Mother of Achilles btw)
Aurora: child of Soteria, the goddess of spirit, of safety and salvation, deliverance and preservation from harm
Cirrus: child of Aither, the god of the sky. Primordial god of light and the bright blue ether of the heavens
Cumulus: child of Aeolus, the divine keeper of the winds, god of storms
Mountain: child of Demeter, goddess of the harvest
Sunshine: child of Hephaestus, the god of artisans, blacksmiths, carpenters, craftsmen, fire, metalworking, sculpture and volcanoes
Ifrit: child of Hestia, goddess of hearth, home and hospitality (i know she’s a virgin goddess but we’ll ignore that for the sake of this)
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stigerea · 5 months
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Stigerea, my original character. She lives in the river Styx, she's the impersonification of wrath in an alternate myth universe. She's heavily inspired from the Circle V of Dante's Inferno. "The spilling, what wrath does, which manifests itself on the face: this vice is punished in the Stygian swamp. Its water, which is darker than it leaks, symbolises the mind of the wrathful person, which is blind and devoid of any light of reason."
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angels-and-glitters · 10 months
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☆. me impersonification of me
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mercurytrinemoon · 2 months
Question to my tarot-reading folks:
If the Empress is quintessentially seen as the "perfect woman" archetype, is the Emperor also the "perfect man" archetype?
I'm wondering because if I were to ask cards what someone thinks of/how they see a specific girl and I drew the Empress, I would think of the impersonification of a perfect woman (in their eyes): caring, loving, sensual, creative/fertile, with everything blooming and beaming around her, possibly (psychologically speaking) subconsciously reminding the other person of their mother = a perfect woman.
But when I think of the Emperor I think more of stability, structure, rules, seriousness, protection, a more cold approach, leadership; a father figure. These qualities don't necessarily strike me as the "perfect man" (I mean some of them do). Even putting aside what qualities I'd personally consider as "perfect" in a guy, I still don't see it the way I see the Empress.
Like I want to see him that way cause that only makes sense considering he's the Empress' other half, but idk. If both of them appear in one reading then yea, I see them as the perfect couple, the yin to the other person's yang and yada yada but the Emperor alone? If a guy asked me how someone sees him and I'd pull the Emperor, my mind would quickly go to "rigid" or something along those lines, not to "they see you as a perfect man".
All of this in the context of romantic relationships that is.
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thessaliah · 2 years
Did Kirsch have any thoughts about Romani? Impressions? I cant remember but Im pretty sure he mentioned romani in olympus
Kirschtaria has a high opinion of Romani, judging by his mild annoyance of the Person of Chaldea's impersonification and his proud soft thoughts when he battles Guda, Mash, and Holmes with "So this is the Master you raised, Doctor."
It was mutual (Case Files collab flashback) has Roman and Da Vinci speak highly of Kirsch.
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rakkikuroba · 8 months
"I wanna do Zethino but Im scared it will be Orin." Reach Wyrm, talk to Gortash, Orin won’t bother you no more. Better reach the city and she just jumps to the kidnapping.
Or you can talk to two others Orin impersonification and she’ll leave you alone. The Blacksmith, Zethino, the dying guy near the water, the guard next to the restricted barn, the journalist before Wyrm. I can’t remember if i met one more.
If a NPC starts to ask weird questions, it’s her. 100%. The Journalist asks you about stuff she couldn’t possible know if she wasn’t Orin, the Blacksmith asks you how you would kill and the dying guy asks you to kill him. You can also just hit them and Orin will transform back and leave. Don’t hit a third time it will trigger a fight against the real person lol.
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thelandswemadeofpaper · 5 months
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skinnylove82 · 1 year
Trigger warning : âmes sensibles s'abstenir, sujet de mort, suicide, violences dont conjugales et sur enfants, menaces de viol et de mort, escroquerie, problèmes de famille ...
Il est mort. Ça y est ! La terreur s'arrête enfin! L'oncle qui a fait tant de mal à ma famille, qui a essayé de tuer femme et enfants (et beaux parents) deux fois, menacé de me violer puis de m''égorger ainsi que mon frère et mes parents. Celui qui a gâché mon adolescence, celui qui nous faisait avoir couteaux ou armes diverses toujours à proximité de main, celui qui m'à fait inspecter tous les visages ou véhicules m'approchant depuis mes 13 ans, m'obligeant à avoir des yeux dans le dos craignant de le voir apparaître....celui qui n'a pris que moins d'un an de prison pour tout ça...
Celui qui s'est mis à frapper sa nouvelle femme (elle même prévenue dès le début des atrocités qu'il avait commises sans un remord et jurait qu'à elle ça n'arriverait jamais 🙃) et (oh si bizarre) qui l'a même abandonnée sur le bord de l'autoroute avec leurs gamines de 8 et 6 ans un jour.
Lui qui frappait sa propre mère y a pas si longtemps (qui avoue elle même être terrifiée à l'idée de rester dans une pièce seule avec lui, mais c'était son fils fils chéri si gentil mdr), qui menaçait de kidnapper ses filles et tuer tout le monde à commencer par sa femme (désormais en instance de divorce depuis plusieurs mois, bizarre 🥴) qui a détruit la voiture de son ex femme (depuis + de 15 ans!) comme ça sans raison récemment et menacé encore de tuer un de ses propres fils... (C'est marrant vu le gabarit de son fils maintenant qu'il est adulte et l'attendait de pied ferme, l'envie lui est vite passée, c'était plus facile quand il avait 15 ans et peu musclé hein pauvre tâche ?!)
Et bien Il s'est suicidé vendredi. Il s'est pendu.
Lui qui n'aura refait uniquement que quelques pauvres mois de prison encore récemment pour les nouveaux faits (principalement pour escroquerie sur personne âgée (pas ma grand mère cette fois ) dont impersonification d'un directeur de banque à cette occasion, pas vraiment condamné pour violence conjugale ne rêvons pas 😂) : merci à notre justice de grosse merde d'ailleurs 👏👏
[ Quand impersonnifier un directeur de banque te vaut quasi autant de mois de prison que des tentatives de meurtres répétées, des menaces multiples de viol, de mort ainsi que de la violence conjugale... 👏 ]
Enfin plus de terreur à l'idée que la folie lui reprenne et qu'il nous retrouve (grâce à la gentille maman chérie de mon père qui lui avait donné notre adresse et nos numéros de tel, et ce à deux reprises malgré notre insistance de les garder secrets).
Plus de peur à l'idée qu'il passe au journal télévisé national pour avoir tué sa femme et ses filles (à défaut de pouvoir rapprocher ses 3 garçons désormais adultes et costauds) voire potentiellement ma fameuse grand mere (elle l'aurait pas volé 😶) et d'autres sur le chemin .
Enfin libres! La Terre est libre d'un monstre de moins!
Et le pire c'est que le mec était encore pendu que les dramas quant aux funérailles avaient déjà commencés... 😂
Et là tout le monde le pleure comme si c'était un sain et un fils parfait (qui non seulement à traîné sa mère dans les escaliers par les cheveux et l'a tabassée plusieurs fois mais l'a aussi dépouillée de son argent depuis qu'il est ado, il l'a ré arnaquée récemment d'environ 7 à 15 mille euros avant de crever!!).
C'était un frère, un oncle, un parrain parfait à les entendre. Ben oui, à une de mes tantes il lui a rien fait voyons. Et puis faut apprendre à pardonner hein. Pis ça va il m'a jamais violée je crois, ni égorgée donc de quoi je me plains hein? Si on peut même plus menacer les gens, tenter de les tuer ou encore estorquer des vieilles et être appelé "quelqu'un de bien" c'est abusé quand même... 😂
Il avait encore juste menacé de tuer sa femme actuelle jeudi ... et il est mort vendredi....
eh après tout, elle l'avait peut être cherché, un homme si bon n'aurait jamais fait ça sans être provoqué hein! 😂😂
"Faut pas lui dire qu'il avait menacé de la tuer hein...puis il a quand même laissé vachement de dettes..." et comme elle à l'air de vouloir les payer...ne prenons pas de risque hein?
Cet homme bon a aussi décidé de faire ça alors que ses filles de 8 et 10 ans allaient rentrer de l'école seules quelques heures plus tard et le trouver en ouvrant la porte si personne ne s'était, par chance, inquiété avant !!! Aucune lettre pour rien que leur dire au revoir. Ni à elles, ni ses 3 fils, ni sa mère, ni à personne. Je comprends que tu aies dépassé les limites et que rien ne soit plus très lucide dans une tentative de suicide mais laisser ses filles le trouver... 😒
Au moins c'est fini, plus personne n'aura à souffrir et craindre pour sa vie à cause de lui. Une fois le choc passé, la vie sera plus sereine pour tout le monde.
Famille de dégénérée. J'espère qu'il brûle en enfer 😄😈
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khr-guilded-cage · 1 year
Tsuna's homelife is awful.
A dumb delusional mother that is child neglect impersonificated.
A absent criminal father that only sees him as a useful pawn.
And they really think they are a perfect loving family.
Its so toxic for it.
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Which idols are softer than they show themselves to be
(I think Nayeon and Irene)
As you say, Irene is for sure one of them. Nayeon instead is so quirky that I don't see her neither as cold or soft, it's just Nayeon lol.
Another name would be Moonbyul, she act cool and cheesy, but a lot of idols talked well about her. They said she's very attentive and that she cares.
Seyeon of Fromis9 is also part of this category. She has always this annoyed face, but actually she's a big cuddler. Bonus point for her nerdy and adorable laugh.
And obviously Jennie. The impersonification of a resting bitch face, but actually? A whole baby. She has the cutest gummy smile and she's so wholesome.
Thank you for the ask, Anon 💙
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chanelfunnell · 1 year
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A) well Kathy Leutner was in the ad for Hush Puppies and Crosby is often with Nathan McKinnon. Sid is lazy to do anything outside of the ice rink . I think Kathy has leaked the photo of Crosby sleeping with Stanley Cup lol. Let's wait if the biological dad of her kid will be Nathan.
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B) the woman you ask about runs multiple accounts of 3 NHLers her fictive personas and one impersonification Tumblr profile, Crosby's conspiracy blog and she is close to 50..she has 20 years old son so definitely 40+ which is difficult age to get pregnant. Anyway forget she will sure a child with her crazy 10 years plus obsession with Crosby and rants how Leutner is getting old. Leutner is still slim than fat troll who has never met Crosby in reality and Christmas miracles getting preggo over the net does not happen. Her daughter is not a toddler but 16-17 years old. Just up for NHL freebies. tickets. Crosby's stick..you know.
C) Musk is an expert on physics, Markets is IT wizz. Both tech owners and maths but different fields. She can code Twitter or move software over cloud , he cannot, he gets rockets and so, she gets basics and far from Koralov. Zelensky is an ungrateful demanding dspit shutting down opositiin and journos angered Musk as well Sleepy Joe. M is unofficial head of MI5 and MI6, Miss M, she protects her kingdom and people from.infiltration and any damage. Zelensky resides often in Poland, thats why also lifted by us plane, misx M.agreed to lift the llid about Zelensky's smear about her as annactor in his biggest ropd yet but thanks to his brave nation, otherwise allrighty dictazor. The certain refugeee did not seem to be genuine to targeted navy officer himself. Tze proper army vommander foes not bliw the lid of his unit because he was removed. Zelensky jails tons of his iwn journos, of voutlrse he foes not like that UK princess does nit eat all his posing and just quietly suports his attacked vountry withoit neing involved her bravrfz mefals are quiet reality she wrote a letter of sympathy to thd mother of young marine conscript Clark. She lives close to Norwich. Of course Germany,UK,USA will not give sll army secret super weapons to others gor problrm with espionagd or involvement of the war. Zeoensky fired the rocket to Poland. UK meeds a wise leader reading well, not be dragged into risk and danger. She is Brrxiteer, always apolitical until now. Us repubicans want Florida governor ex Marine as next president for visible reasibs, not just age. UK is stuck between rock and hard place, M offers 3rd visible option and laughs a they fight.She fired hardly 4 us politically active staffers he runs checks and firing staff in massive numbers. Musk comes from the army family hailing from Manchester. M is stitched to UK army with medical and IT s future cyber soldier. Trained to the level of special forces. Fit and quiet power. Musk rages on and tweets nonstop, shows his paunch in exotic locations, M holidays and stays in her kingdom, volunteering with an army ambulance, donating her Xmas pastry to people and up to skiing in Scotland for Christmas. So hordes of people travelling to Glencoe, Glenshee now. Check FB. M owns 100 per cents of her social media platform Musk had to buy it and is easily ousted. Musk believes in UFO and his brother has met Tazer. They planted their vertical kitchen gardens. I think Tazer has electric car years ago but by Chevy.
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3 and 20 for the ao3 ask thing
thank you for sending these ias!
3. What work are you most proud of (regardless of kudos/hits)?
so this isn't one that everyone will approve of, but i'm actually very proud of writing stupid me, to believe i could depend on stupid you, a minewt fic that's very dark (tags contain toxic/abusive relationship and domestic violence so i cannot urge you enough to be mindful about clicking it).
it was something i had been wanting to explore especially in regards to minewt - they're the impersonification of the 'two characters who know each other like no one else does, so they can hurt each other like no one else can' post to me.
20. Which work of yours have you reread the most?
oh that's a good question! i think it might be Peace. and interestingly enough i don't think i reread it for the thomesa (which, despite it being a thomesa fanfiction does not take up a lot of room in the narration), but for the friendships, the one with brenda, as well as the troubled one with newt and the reconciliation with minho.
that being said i don't read my own works very often, maybe i should do that more, who knows!
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