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"The earlier you start working on something, the earlier you will see results."
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stupidscav · 8 months
high lighetr
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closuos udner the cut👍
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sunnis-shinis · 7 months
if you saw that post about me putting a gun in vulpes' mouth, no you didnt.
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fcb-mv33 · 2 years
Barcelona 2023 GP here I come😭😭
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gettinontopic · 1 month
How am I racist? Other people are constantly trying to get through to you about transmisogyny and you instead choose to constantly try and hide behind being black, acting like that makes you immune from transmisogyny. You can still hurt transfems of any race with the way you talk about opression. You think men are an opressed class who's so so victimized by the mean women and fems of the world that you wont listen to those same actually opressed women.
Maybe if you were more willing to listen onstead of bloack a bunch of us every time we disagreed with you, you would u deratand how you're perpetuating more misogyny than any trans woman/fem whos using a few words not perfectly.
Btw, the standards you put on our words isn't fair and then you turn around and demand we be okay when your word litteraly implues we can opress you.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
How are you racist? How are you r a c i st?? You have to be kidding me! This must be a joke. Your laugh of the day. Your haha of the week.
I d not hide behind being black. Youre sick for implying that. Like many black people before me I beg my community to remember the nuances that come with my race when they talk and a bunch of them spit in my fucking face. They tell me they want the right to opress me (As if their whiteness doesn't already allow that) or they try and argue how another class of trans women is still below me in their sick opression math. They are not below me because this is not a ranking of who has it worse. Me and trans women are working together to rid the world of transphobia.
I have never on my ENTIRE blog said that men are so opressed by women. Words in my mouth moment!! I have said that the patriarcy, a system of opressions, opresses men and encourages the worst in human behavior to survive and be safe.
Those womens opression doesn't matter more than mine. All of our opression matters equal ly. We are all fighting for our rights and safet. There is no reason we need to form a line and force someone to wait a turn. I am not speaking over woman to call out the abuse to to trans men, trans masc, and other nonbinary people. Nor is it speaking over women to make sure intersex voices are included and heard when its said that negtive stereotypes and standards of men hurt them too.
Funny you claim I block all of you but you seem to have no clue how many have me blocked on the word of a racist discourse blog or who blocked me after I rightfully call out their racist remarks. It grossed me out that you assume I can't hold good faith discussion and not that maybe some of you blocked me first for talking at all. Also lmao guilt tripping me for using my block feature to keep my spaces safe and comfortable. Why, did I block your main and you've bee seething?
I'm not bothered by a few incorrect words. I'm litterally pissed at the racism, exorsexism, and blantant transphobia thats been thrown my way and the way of many other trans people at this point in an attempt to stop us from speaking about opression that affects us.
*Slow clap* What standard? The standard not to write transphobic ass shit about trans men/masc? Where you blantanly lie about our experiences ? To the point you're also lying about our nonbinary experiences? To the point where your lying about intersex and multigender and even sometimes other different trans womens experiences? I watch this happen in resl time and you have the audacity to ckme in my inbox and tell me I'm word policong you? Right before admitting you don't want us to have our word bc you still won't learn it's definition!! Fuck.
I am proud of myself. I am so proud of my beautiful nonbinary black fucking ass that you WISH you could have what I do.
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partywithponies · 7 months
For a show about cops, Ashes to Ashes seems to put a surprising amount of emphasis on no-one being irredeemable.
Like. The fact that Summers and Supermac were in purgatory and not hell implues that even they were redeemable, if they'd been given enough chances and the right support. I like that.
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kingsmoot · 1 year
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ok i'll be first to admit the battle parts are always hard for me to follow but i don't understand this at all
why would they be fighting roose's army? does roose reforming the battered remnants of their host implu that he's taken arms... against robb's army? i feellike if roose had turned against robb it would be brought up as more than these two quick lines.
also who tf holds harrenhal rn? i thought the boltons lived their and had it as their hall but tyrion and tywin were just saying that they would go to it in the last chapter. do they plan to oust roose, then? the way tywin spoke of it, he made it sound like the castle was empty and waiting for him
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lavenderrosu · 11 months
I feel like I have been so fucking annoying to people. I fucking hate this feeling of being a burden, a nuisance, a flat out piece of shit. I've keep doing or saying things out of implus and not thinking what can happen after. I fucking hate how my shitty brain work I hate just about every fucking thing that I do. Between this, college and being sick I just want to fucking disappear fuck this birthday shit man I so tired
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rose-icosahedron · 2 years
uhhhh... mcystuck thing for those of you who are interested
Your name is TANGOH TECHKK, you are standing in your RESPITE BLOCK. It’s actually your MOIRAIL ZEDAPH’s BASEMENT since you don’t have a hive of your own, but who cares really. Your room displayed your variety of interests, including CODING, making GAMES, and the occasional spot of ARSON. Your LUSUS is sleeping on his bed in the corner of your room,  your other MOIRAIL IMPLUS  is convinced he is a WILD ANIMAL and not emotionally attached to you, but you know better than that. Of course he is your lusus. 
It’s probably important to mention now why you live in Zedaph’s basement instead of your OWN HIVE. It's very simply the fact that you are a MUTANT and would be CULLED ON SIGHT by the drones which help build hives if they ever saw you. Speaking of, you were never actually given a SIGN since your blood isn't anywhere on the hemospectrum, so you wear STOLEN CLOTHES of VARIOUS SIGNS stolen off of the plentiful CORPSES of culled lowbloods in your local area.
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end-fall · 1 year
This session was the council meeting!
The Law master basically reiterated that the Leon emissaries had no involment and were not under any suspicion. The party was questioned. Fisk seemed upset that Jax was alive, but after Jax impluing they made a mistake and Cael coming to bad for her with a raw ass line, he volunteered that Black Iron Industries have a full audit. Cynn and Marius almost started fighting , but then Fisk suggested that recall the Patriarch aka Mordai Uthall aka the motherfucker who ran point on the first and second burnings aka the fucking boogeyman, back to the city. Everyone had opinions on this and the meeting was adjourned so they could discuss (argue) and vote on it.
We headed back to the embassy with Ally, but Cynn was very agitated and left to go see Mathias as soon as we got to the door. Jax tried to stop her, but was tazed by Cael while Char went after her. Carestia was caught up on what happened and offered to do what she could to bureaucratically slow things down. Jax left to catch up to the two elves and Cael recieved a letter from the Roses to keep on standby. When Jax did catch up Cynn told her she was going to her brothers house first. Jax tried to stop her, but eventually Mithros stepped in and put Cynn in time out for a bit. Jax and Char got her in a taxi to the embassy before Jax dipped to catch up with Elton and Cael. They all gound Mathias and brougut him back to the embassy. Upon arriving Elton was told he had a visitor in the training yard and Jax went with him leaving Cael and Mathias yo go see Cynn. Mythros released Cynn and Mathias gave her some tough love while Cael offered to get a message to her brother and then they all headed to the training yard. While that was happening Elton and Jax discovered that Tulip was there waiting to give Elton barbarian lessons which ended up being part therapy part beating each other up. Cynn, Cael, and Mathias arrive and Cynn gets her own tough love training with Mathias and we ended the session.
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En tilstand, hvor man føler sig fuldstændig fanget og fastlåst af omstændighederne. Til tider domineret af vrede og implus til ødelæggelse af sig selv og andre, nogle gange domineret af apati, fortvivlelse og depression.
I denne tilstand oplever man ingen frihed, har meget lidt energi og gennemlever ekstreme og ufattelige lidelser.
Det positive aspekt af helvede er det at kende til, og forstå helvede - ved at kende lidelsen kan vi forstå lykkens værdi, og vi kan udvikle medfølelse med andre der lider.
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arlo713 · 1 year
This is based on a theory i saw on tt abt atsushi childhood sry can't remember the @
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sasukeofcolor · 2 years
Hey so is anyone going to save south or is he still going to be abused by dino, because if not he will still have the dark implus- (there is a loud crashing sound as a grand paino falls over head after someone wakui let go of the string like we are in tom and jerry)
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I'm not gonna question mod's decision to kill of Hibiki. I only hope this implues he's also going to kill off Kanade.
//We shall see, won’t we?
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ernstcrameri · 11 months
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💯 Heute startet uns 3. CRAMERI Erfolgs-Kongress, mit großartigen TOP-EXPERTEN 💯 Heute startet uns 3. CRAMERI Erfolgs-Kongress, mit großartigen TOP-EXPERTEN 🎯Hole dir jetzt gleich das VIP-Kongresspaket, es warten großartige GESCHENKE von den coolen EXPERTEN auf dich https://crameri.de/3.-Erfolgs-Kongress 🚀Am Start sind: Olivia Novello: "Die neue Ära des weiblichen Unternehmer-Tums. Tools für außergewöhnliche Ergebnisse und wahre Erfüllung!" Constanze Hill: "Constanze macht Blinde sehend" Ralf Schmitz: "Ich will nicht sterben, bevor ich tot bin!" Henning Wilts: "Das Leaky-Gut-Syndrom oder warum Hunde und Menschen immer kränker sind!" 🔥Jeweils 60 spannende Minuten warten auf dich, diese Chance solltest du jetzt ergreifen und dir gleich das VIP-Kongresspaket holen, mit so vielen wertvollen GESCHENKEN. Der Vorteil ist auch, du kannst es dir immer und immer wieder anhören. https://crameri.de/3.-Erfolgs-Kongress 💥Als Sonderbonus-Video von Ernst Crameri, ein Implus-Vortrag zum Thema: "Energy is the key!" 🎁Das ist die Zukunft, wenn du nicht voller Energie und Tatendrang bist, wenn du die Menschen nicht mit deiner POWER begeistern kannst, dann hast du verloren. 🏆Dazu passend gibt es für alle Teilnehmer, die sich das Kongresspaket holen, eine Einladung zu einem 2-tägigen Seminar "Energy is the key" im Wert von € 2.970,00 .
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thelasttime · 1 year
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