#imposter steve rogers
charcubed · 9 months
When it’s eventually revealed in the MCU that Steve Rogers was trapped in the soul stone (likely by HYDRA) and that his end with Peggy was a nefarious illusion, I want you all to remember that I said this for years and I am again reiterating it now. Know that I KNEW.
(And after What If season 2 episode 5 – which is a gold mine – I am losing my shit and will be elaborating further)
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imposterogers · 2 years
I am just ill to my stomach bc not only does skrull!steve make so much sense, it would cover up sm bad writing and coordination at marvel. why wouldn’t steve rogers recognize the red skull? bc he’s a skrull. why couldn’t markus/mcfeely and the russos agree on his ending/if the tva deletes branch realities how could steve’s exist? bc he never went to the past. he’s a skrull. why did steve leave sam & bucky w no explanation or guidance? bc he’s a skrull. why wouldn’t marvel tell the malcolm spellman what happened to steve? why hasn’t there been any word on what happened to old steve/where is steve since 2019? bc he’s a skrull. like HELLO. at this point its ridiculous not to take the jump & confirm it but I know they never will 
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evilhorse · 7 months
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Yuh see, Cap—anybody kin’ dress up in fancy duds ‘n call himself Captain America or the Falcon!
(Captain America #217)
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daydreamerdrew · 8 months
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The Avengers (1963) #33
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redroomreflections · 3 months
Gentle Hands Chapter 1
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Natasha Romanoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Natasha suspects Reader is in an abusive relationship and tries to convince her to leave
W/c: 7.7k
Warning: Domestic violence
Masterlist | General Masterlist
Note: Yes, I have a lot of WIPS sue me!
The problem with wearing a mask is that eventually, you can’t take it off. Sure, you can stretch the truth. You can come up with some other lie or story that helps move things along. Wearing a mask is like lying to yourself. You pretend everything is okay. You tell yourself more lies to believe you’re doing a good thing. That you’re keeping others safe. If only they knew.
You nod along to the melody pouring from the custom-built speakers Tony Stark installed in the lounge. You laugh whenever someone makes a joke. You smile politely when something is directed towards you. You’re among superheroes every day that ironically don’t wear masks. Their lives are wide open for everyone to see. Their secrets are all out on the table. You’re amongst the earth’s mightiest heroes and you feel like an imposter. Their personalities are big. Their smiles are bright. Their kindness is everlasting. You don’t know if you should be feeling the way you do when they’ve extended their grace to you. They’ve opened their hearts and their home to you. They consider you one of them and yet you can’t seem to offer them the same.
Your life is messy. Complicated. Normal. It’s nothing worthy of the time they’ve given you. It’s a movie night with the Avengers and you’re tucked into Sam’s side and holding onto Bucky’s arm as you watch whatever movie is on the TV screen. Not that you have much of a choice. They’re two pretty big men compared to you and there was only one open seat. You’re not sure they like each other all too well. It’s not your place to ask. So you sit between them with a question at the tip of your tongue that you may never know. You don’t mind much. It feels nice to be included. You’re not an Avenger. You’re not even a part of S.H.I.E.L.D. You’re just a simple secretary with a 9 to 5 who managed to charm Steve Rogers. You’re not like them.
Strong. Brave. Fearless.
You’re just… normal. You can count on one hand the things you’ve done in life that could even be a smidge of what they do every day. They save the world and all you do is file paperwork and answer phones. How does that compare?
Your eyes scan the room. As you observe them you wonder how is it that you’ve managed to fool them all. Do they notice how uncomfortable you are? Do they notice that you apologize whenever you make a mistake? Do they notice your hands shaking whenever a friendly debate becomes a bit more heated than necessary? No. Why would they? You’re just another person to them. A normal person with normal problems. Nothing could be wrong.
You look at each of them one by one as they enjoy the movie. Tony is munching on popcorn, quoting the movie whenever he can, as Pepper looks less enthused about this particular picture. She’s seen it a dozen times since she’s met him. Clint, a.k.a. Hawkeye, he’s half interested, as he checks his phone every three minutes. He must be a popular man the way it vibrates so much. He rests his arms on Natasha’s legs thrown into his lap. She’s leaning into his side, nosily reading the messages as if they’re her own. Her eyes flick to the screen ever so often as she mumbles the lines to herself. It’s a favorite of hers too. Steve is next to her. He’s more interested than any of you. He’s never seen this one. Bucky hasn’t either as he attempts to stay awake through the entire thing. Sam has taken to throwing popcorn over your shoulder, letting it fall into Bucky’s hair that’s incredibly long. Wanda is settled in a chair with her legs thrown over the arm. She’s reading from her kindle with the display brightness turned down low. She’s not interested in the movie but she’s enjoying the company of the others.
Vision is seated just below her on the floor. He’s trying to analyze some of the jokes of the movie. He laughs at inappropriate times and he looks to you for answers but you just shrug. You don’t quite get the movie either. This entire scene is domestic. It feels like a family. You remembered longing for days like this when you were younger. You would watch episodes of FRIENDS wondering if that would ever be your reality.
It’s refreshing how safe you feel here. How you feel like nothing can hurt you. Life should be like this forever? It’s how you always felt during family movie nights as a little girl. You would lie on the living room floor with your older sister, you would share a blanket, and rest your head on your elbows to see the tv better. You would glance around you ever so often to make sure your parents were paying attention. This night in the Avenger’s tower is reminiscent of that. It feels like home.
Until the lights come on. It pulls everyone from the moment as J.A.R.V.I.S. announces the presence of a visitor. Suddenly everyone is on guard. Bucky sits up. He’s more alert than he’s been in the past few hours. The hairs on the back of your neck stand up as you realize who it is. Sam reaches to grab the remote from the coffee table to pause the TV. Wanda moves to sit upright. Natasha grabs at her pants leg. Was she hiding a gun in those sweatpants? Everyone is on guard but you’re the one that’s afraid.
He steps in with an air of arrogance. He walks like he owns the place. Like he’s not nervous to be trespassing the home of people who could kill him without batting an eye. He gives a convincing smile though you’re not sure anyone is buying it.
“Uh, may we help you?” Tony is the first to speak.
“I’m here for y/n.” He says simply. He folds his arms behind his back and stands shoulder-width apart. His stance is not menacing. It’s quite friendly actually. Everyone turns to you. Curiosity in their eyes. You’ve mentioned having a boyfriend but you never had any intention of introducing them to him.
“I’m right here,” You stand a bit faster than necessary. “I have to go.” You search the couch cushions for your phone and your purse. You reach as far as you can go but you end up finding nothing. All eyes are on the newcomer again. He gives you a soft smile that’s almost convincing. You can feel someone staring at your back though you can’t tell who. Your shirt rises and you straighten to pull it back down. Finally, Bucky lifts and grabs the offending items from his end. He hands them to you. You give him a quiet thanks before turning around.
“But you didn’t finish the movie?” Tony groans. “Hey, trespasser, come sit and watch the movie. Y/n’s not done.”
“I called you.” Keith ignores Tony’s demands. He looks straight ahead to you.
“My phone must have died,” You explain as you press the power button. Sure enough, it is dead.
“You know how dangerous that is.” His voice is friendly though you know better.
“Well she’s not alone,” Sam tilts his head. “How much danger could she be in?”
“Our daughter is home,” Keith looks to Sam. “With a babysitter. It’s important for y/n to be available,” he says. He tucks his hands into his pocket to wait patiently for you. By the tick of his jaw you know it’s not that simple.
“You have a daughter?” Steve chimes in with a question. None of them knew. Not many people know.
“I do, she’s one. Her name is Kaia.” You shake your head in dismissal. “I will explain later. This is my boyfriend Keith. He’s Kaia’s father.” You walk around the couches to stand beside Keith. He wraps his arm around your shoulders to land a kiss on your forehead. He lingers before pulling back.
“Goodnight,” He gives them a wave before leading you into the elevators. Neither of you leaves any room for question. As soon as you’re inside he releases you from his hold. His hand twitches but he doesn’t move to do anything else. He’s not stupid. He won’t do anything in such high security, high-tech building. For a second you’re questioning how he was even allowed up then you remember his charm. It’s how he landed you once upon a time. Keith doesn’t speak until you’re out on the sidewalk. Home is just a fifteen-minute train ride away. “You should know better.” He says before releasing his hold on you.
“Keith, I’m sorry, my phone did die.” You call after him as he walks a bit faster. He’s not waiting for you at all anymore.
“Do you know I had to call around and see where you were?” He turns so suddenly that you almost bump into him.
“Again, I’m sorry.” You feel the frustration rising within you. He’s always like this. It’s no surprise. He thinks he owns you. He likes to micromanage every single one of your moves. He has to know every minor detail about your schedule. Which seems to anger you further. You’re working. You’re always working. Which he so graciously allows you to. “I was here. I’m sure Kaia is fine.” You shrug. Keith looks at you with narrowed eyes. For a second you think he’s going to debate but he doesn’t. Instead, he continues walking towards the train. You let out a silent breath as you look back to the tower. You’d much rather be back inside with the team.
The train ride home is silent. He sits beside you with a possessive hand on your thigh. You allow yourself to settle into him. From the outside, you look like the perfect young couple. You wonder if anyone could see through his gentle touches. You wonder if they know the lingering kisses he leaves on your head are just a warning of what’s to come. He’s not going to let this go so easily.
When you get home, you step into the door and kick off your shoes. You place them neatly on the bamboo shoe rack right next to his loafers. He heads for the fridge in search of a beer. He’s probably had a tough day in the office. He’s the youngest executive at Microsoft and that comes with its struggles. You’re understanding of that. Almost too understanding. You don’t pay him any mind as you walk further into your apartment. Everything you were afraid of disappears when you spot Kaia in her playpen. Kaia pushes against the fabric of the pen to stand. She smiles up at you with that smile. The one that she always has whenever you come home. It’s beautiful and innocent. You don’t hesitate to swoop her in your arms.
You kiss the top of her head before looking over to the babysitter, Maureen. She’s packing up her knitting tools. She’s a nice lady that lives down the hall. She never minds keeping an eye on Kaia when you’re working. You rarely go out so asking her to keep her a little longer wasn’t much of an ask. She just wanted you to have fun.
“How was she today?” You ask.
“An angel.” Maureen smiles. “I’ll see you soon.” Maureen waves her goodbye before exiting the apartment. You stand in silence, bouncing Kaia in your arms, as she toys with the necklace you’re wearing. You glance around the living room. It’s not that messy in here. You figure you can clean once Kaia’s asleep.
“Are you ready for a bath, my girl?” You ask her. You kiss her head again before looking over to Keith. He’s sitting at the kitchen table, his legs are crossed, and he’s sipping from the bottle.
“Are you going to cook?” He asks suddenly.
“What? No, I ate already.” You tell him. “Maureen already fed Kaia. I left her dinner instructions this morning.”
“So, I get nothing?” He deduces. Was it so bad for him to cook for himself?
“Keith,” You sigh. Was this really what he was angry about? You stayed after work with friends one time. Was that so bad? To him it was.
“No, you’re right, I’ll just order out.” He shakes his head. Good. Crisis averted. You walk to the back of the apartment to dress into something more comfortable. You set Kaia on the bed with a toy so that you can strip. Keith approaches the doorway to watch you. He glances to Kaia and then to you. His gaze is strong and heated.
“Can you start a bath for her?” You ask him. He doesn’t respond. You internally roll your eyes. You don’t know what his deal is today but you’re not in the mood to find out. You unbutton your blouse to reveal your bra. It’s new. It’s a part of the new wardrobe you’ve needed for a long while. Your new salary gives you the luxury to buy things like this now. Stark Industries pays pretty well. You’re only a temp but you enjoy the job nonetheless.
“I haven’t seen that one before,” Keith comments. He tucks his hands into his pocket.
“I just bought it,” You reply. Next to go are your pants. You toss them onto the bed. You glance behind you to make sure Kaia is still playing.
“For who?” He asks. You stop your search for comfier clothes to look up at him. What is he getting at?
“For myself,” You frown.
“Are you fucking him?” He suddenly asks. There it is.
“Him who, Keith?” You sit on the bed. You’re in nothing but your underwear but it’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.
“Steve Rogers, Captain America.” He says it as if it’s obvious.
“Where would you get that ridiculous accusation from?” You shake your head. “Keith I’ve barely been there for a few months. He’s nice to me. I’m not sleeping with him.” You stand to look for a t-shirt again. You find one of your mom’s old college shirts that you’re pretty sure is your dad’s. You slip it over your head. You pick Kaia up and she squeals. You’re preoccupied now with the thought of bathing her. You take the few steps to head for the bathroom only Keith is still in the way.
“Does he want to fuck you?” Keith asks. You wish he would stop with the accusations. How could he accuse you of something like that? Especially when he’s the only person you’ve ever slept with. He’s your first. He knows that. He wears it proudly but suddenly he’s voicing insecurity that’s based on nothing.
“I don’t know,” You shrug. You gesture for him to move and he does. He follows you to the bathroom. He watches you without offering any help as you turn on the bathwater. You set Kaia down onto her feet as she holds onto the lip of the tub. She places her mouth on the edge to bite at it as you check the water temperature. “I wouldn’t notice.”
“The Black Widow is hotter in person,” He comments. Again you shrug.
It’s not like you disagree with him on that. Natasha is beautiful. She hasn’t said much to you since you’ve been hanging out with the rest of the team. She only even comes to movie nights because Clint drags her to them. You think she secretly enjoys the bonding.
“Look, the team is nice.” You strip Kaia of her clothes before placing her into the tub. The water is low and enough to bathe her quickly. She splashes excitedly as you toss a few toys in. You can feel the familiar ache in your back as you reach over the side to begin bathing her. “I just wanted to have a good time with them. I didn’t think it would be a big deal.”
“It’s not,” He says.
“Keith, you seem upset that I even stayed at work,” You look behind you. He’s still dressed in his button-up and slacks. “A job you suggested I get remember.” It’s true. He suggested that you go out more and have friends. It was not without you begging for months. He never has his mind made up when it comes to your place in his life. When you first got together he was charming, kind, loving. He’s still all of those things when he chooses to be. It was only after you got pregnant with Kaia that things started to change. It was like a switch went off in his head. Suddenly his behavior was different. He was more possessive, angrier, more physical. It’s almost as if he hated you for even getting pregnant. This much after he begged you to keep the baby in the first place.
“Not upset just curious.” He shrugs. You can feel him coming closer. He kneels, fixing his pants legs so that it’s more comfortable for him to lean over the tub. He pushes his arm sleeves up to reach into the bathtub. He grabs a rubber duck to push it around in the water as it floats. Kaia gives him a toothy grin as she reaches for the duck. You strain your neck to look at him. “She needs a sibling.” You cringe. There it is again. The flipflopping. “Don’t you think ?”
Is that a trick question?
“I think that we should wait,” You say instead. “Until I finish school.” He stops playing with Kaia to give a deep sigh.
“You’re still on that?” He sits back on his legs. “I thought this job was enough.”
“It is,” You assure him. “I just would like to finish my degree. I only have two years left. Isn’t that what we wanted?”
“Yeah, before,” He shakes his head. “Now you don’t need to. I can take care of you.”
You don’t doubt that he could take care of you. You never doubted that. His family is already quite wealthy. They’re powerful. He understands the trade of business. He’s good with his money. He takes care of all of your needs but you want this for yourself. You promised yourself you would. He takes your silence for petulance and tries a different approach.
“Kaia needs you,” He says. “ She needs her mom. I mean with this job you barely have time for her anyways. If you add school to that she’s just going to be raised by a babysitter. I don’t want that.”
“Well you could do it,” You stop yourself from saying it. You’re not in the mood for an argument.
“Would you like a baby brother?” Keith directs his words to Kaia. She splashes at his attention. “See, even she says yes.” He laughs. He helps to clean her hair as you wash the rest of her body. The conversation seems to be over for now. He races for a clean towel as you hold a naked and wet Kaia against you. She’s slippery and still a bit energetic. Hopefully, with one song she will fall asleep. You walk over to the mirror to look into it as she leans her head onto your shoulder while bringing her hand up to her mouth to suck on. You inspect both of you in interest. She has your eyes. Her lashes are thick as her eyes flutter with heaviness. Maybe a song won't be needed. You rock her in your arms becoming entranced by your movements.
You enjoy motherhood. You do. Another baby sounds nice in theory. You grew up with siblings. Keith has two brothers himself. Was it unfair to have Kaia grow up alone? You’re not sure. Thinking about the time it would take to raise another one, the toll on your body, the time off of work. School seems a bit further away as you realize another pregnancy meant no time for it. Maybe that’s his plan.
Keith enters with a towel and he finally takes Kaia into his arms. She grunts in protest before settling into his arms. You follow him into her bedroom where he begins to dress her. He diapers her with ease as she watches him with sleepy eyes. You hand him the lotion bottle, then the baby powder, and finally the onesie pajamas for her to wear. You watch how he interacts with her. He’s a good dad. He is. He’s gentle with her. He plays with her. He loves her.
Why wasn’t that enough for you?
You leave him to put her to bed. You search for your phone. There are a few notifications that you weren’t expecting. It’s a groupchat of some sort you’ve been added to. You unlock your phone in excitement to see the unfamiliar numbers messaging you. The only number you do recognize is Steve’s as he’s sent you museum finds a while ago. You open the chain message to read each of them.
There’s a picture of Tony in a headlock attempting to break from Natasha’s grasp. You find it a bit funny and you heart the picture. You scroll up further in search of the other messages.
Hey, y/n, you missed out on the after-show. You laugh as the replies come rolling in. You type a response quickly after you ask for everyone’s names. Soon enough they reply with answers. Were you worthy to be included in their super-secret and private text chain?
You plug your phone into the charger as Keith enters the bedroom. He approaches you from behind to wrap his arms around your waist. You stiffen in his embrace before allowing yourself to relax. You know him. Your body knows him as it reacts to the kisses he places along your neck. He rubs your belly with his thumbs as you sway in place.
“I’m sorry,” He apologizes though he doesn’t elaborate. It could be for several things. “I’m stressed at work. I was upset when I came home to see you weren’t here. I should have known. Have your friends. You deserve it.”
“Thanks,” You say robotically.
“I like seeing you pregnant,” He says as his soothing rubs turn into firmer touches. His left-hand travels down so that he can trace your stomach under your shirt. You allow his touches. You welcome them. You can feel the slickness coating the inside of your thighs as he nips at the lobe of your ear. He toys with the waistband of your panties before moving to slide them down. “Let me take care of you.” He breathes hotly into your ear and you nod your consent.
The next morning you’re back at work bright and early. You’re typing away at your computer when Darcy Lewis comes to the lobby. She has donuts in her hand which only means she’s here to bribe you. You try to hide your grin as she bounces over to your desk. She places the box smack dab in the middle of your desk as she sits on the edge.
“What’s this for?” You ask. You push back so that you can look down at the box.
“Tony’s having a party,” Ah. There it is. “I want you to come.”
“Darcy, I can’t.” You groan. It’s not like you want to. “Keith wants us to have dinner with his parents that night. They’ll be in town.”
“So, bring them,” Darcy says in a duh tone. At your skeptical look, she resorts to begging. “Tony won’t care. I’ll tell him I cleared them. Keith may be a bit stiff but he loves a good party. His parents won’t complain about partying with a billionaire. Then if they’re happy enough you can avoid questions about having another kid or why you aren’t getting married.”
“What are you getting out of this?” You ask Darcy. She’s kind of your best friend these days.
“A right-hand woman that can drink me under the table if she so pleases,” You raise your brow. Even though she’s right she wants something more. “Okay, I need you to set me up with Steve. I know you two are like besties now and he’s not biting my bait so I need an in.”
“Steve and I aren’t besties,” You grimace at the term.
“But you hang out with him,” Darcy tilts her head.
“I do,” You confirm.
“That makes him your best friend beside me,” Darcy traces her nails along with the donut box. “Unless you’re planning some elaborate thing to keep him for yourself.”
“No, I’m not,” You shake your head. “Besides it’s not him I’m looking at if I were interested in an Avenger…”
“Who are you looking at?” Another voice startles you both as you whip your head around to see Natasha Romanoff standing behind Darcy. Her arms are folded and she sports a look of amusement. How long had she been standing there? Darcy recovers quickly and joins in on Natasha’s curiosity. She steps around the desk so that you’re both facing the Widow. She raises a brow urging you to continue.
You fumble for an answer.
“Barnes?” Natasha guesses and you immediately shake your head.
“Nah,” You frown.
“Sam? He’s nice.” Darcy takes a guess. Again you shake your head.
“Those are two very masculine choices,” You explain. You can’t believe you’re even entertaining them with this. You’re in a committed relationship. It’s just gossip, right?
“So, Wanda?” Natasha throws out. At your blush, she can tell she’s gotten warmer but you won’t admit it. “She’s pretty and smart.”
“It’s not Wanda,” You clear your throat before hurriedly stuffing a donut into your mouth. It’s not even one you like. It has chocolate and sprinkles and overall too much sugar. Darcy’s eyes widen as she seems to catch up before Natasha does. Which is saying something. Darcy squeals before looking between the two of you. You move to pinch her thigh and she yelps.
Natasha eyes her curiously. Oh. She unfolds her arms and it’s her turn to blush.
“I’m flattered.”
“Yeah,” You nod. “It’s nothing you have to worry about.” You shake your head.
“It’s okay, plenty of people have had crushes.” Natasha shrugs. “Besides, I don’t think you could handle me.” She leans in close to say this. She looks directly into your eyes and finds delight in the way your breath hitches. Truth be told it sounds like a challenge. One that has you curious but you don’t say anything further.
Natasha pulls back at the sound of your phone ringing. Why is she here again?
You grab your phone before looking at her apologetically. Darcy takes a donut out of the box as she leans over your shoulder to look into your phone. It’s a photo message of Kaia at the park. She’s playing in the grass while smiling widely at the camera.
“Oh, the kid is so cute,” Darcy coos. “When am I going to be able to squeeze those cheeks again?” Natasha’s back straightens at the mention of the little girl. You realize she’s never gotten to see her. You turn your phone for her to see the picture. Her eyes light up though she makes no other move.
“Cute.” She says. Without another word, she leaves you two to head for the elevators.
“What even was that?” You ask as the doors close.
“Natasha being Natasha,” Darcy dismisses. “Though I sense some major attraction. If I were into chicks I’d be all up on that.”
“Yeah,” You shake your head. You weren’t reading too much into it. Natasha is a spy. She’s a master of manipulation. She’s flirty. You’ve seen her do the same thing to Sam or Bucky whenever she wants something out of them. It’s just how she operates. What could she want from you?
The party is the next time you see Natasha. It’s a bit fancier than you thought. It’s more of a gala than a party. Everyone’s dressed so fancily. They’re dressed like money. It makes you a bit uncomfortable but you’re here to support Darcy and the rest of the team. They received Humanitarian awards earlier in the night after stopping another alien attack in some country. Now with the after-party being in the tower, you feel a bit better. This place you know.
You’re here with Keith, and his parents, Lorraine, and Paul. You’re showing them a good time. Everyone is mingling and drinking to their heart's content. Keith has his arm wrapped around you as you talk with Rhodey about one of his military stories. It’s the first time you’re hearing it but it’s an interesting one.
He’s in the middle of the story when Natasha sidles up to his side. She’s wearing a daring pink dress that has a plunging neckline, feathered hem, and a thigh-high slit. It’s pretty and you admired it when she first entered the party. It’s teetering on inappropriate but it looks so damn good on her. Rhodey greets her before continuing his story. She grins, having heard the story before, saying his punch line before he does. Rhodey looks at her with disapproving eyes before breaking into a laugh. She stole his thunder.
“Hello, Natasha Romanoff,” Natasha introduces herself. She shakes Lorraine and Paul’s hands. They sing their praises to her. They’re admittedly a bit star-struck. She’s amused by it as they question her on her fighting abilities. She answers the questions with ease.
“I am curious if you have any weapons on you now,” Paul questions with a glance down her body. “Where would you hide them?” You follow his gaze. You remember the day in the lounge where she grabbed at her pants leg. You have no doubt she has a knife taped to her thigh or something. Could she hide a gun there too? Natasha’s painted lips pull into a smile.
“A lady never tells,” She whispers to him.
“I do love your dress,” Lorraine comments. “It’s very beautiful.”
“Thank you,” Natasha smiles. “Though I think, y/n’s dress is stunning too.” Oh. All eyes are on you as she compliments you. What was that about?
Your eyes travel down your own body. It’s a bit simpler. It’s black. Form-fitting with its split. Your neckline is higher but you’re showing a bit of cleavage. You like the dress enough.
“I think on the right body, it can be,” Keith says offhandedly. Natasha’s smile disappears.
“The right body?” Natasha’s voice is dangerously low. You shake your head. It’s not worth arguing over.
“Oh, I see what you mean,” Lorraine joins in. “Y/n is still sporting a bit of baby weight so we don’t see the full potential.”
“I think the full potential has been shown,” Natasha raises a brow.
“Maybe she could work out with you?” Lorraine asks for you. You can’t quite believe it but you’re used to it. It’s not the worst thing she’s said to you.
“Is that what, y/n, wants to do?” Natasha looks to you for answers. You shrug. You’re not opposed to it but you didn’t think there was anything wrong with your body. “I think it’s beautiful. Her body. She did give birth just a year ago. I would think you’d offer a bit of grace to her considering.”
“Oh, of course,” Lorrain agrees not wanting to piss Natasha off. Though you figure it’s a bit too late. Before anyone can say anything else, Natasha walks away. You’re all left with the awkwardness of the moment. Darcy chooses this moment to approach you.
“Hi, I need, y/n, for a second.” Darcy excuses the both of you to pull you over to the bar. You wave in apology as Keith releases you. You look at Darcy questioningly. “Steve is over there. He’s alone. Go hype me up. Don’t do too much where he thinks I’m desperate but do it enough where he knows I want him.”
You narrow your eyes. Message received. You leave Darcy to go and talk to Steve.
“Hey, y/n,” He smiles.
“Where’s your phone?” You ask him. He looks confused but pulls it out anyways. “Darcy Lewis, my friend over there, Thor’s friend. She wants to climb you like a tree. Preferably tonight.” It’s the opposite of what Darcy asked you to do but the look on Steve’s face is so satisfying. “Call her.” You pass him his phone back before turning around to Darcy. You give her a thumbs up across the room. She smiles back at you. A win for her. She could thank you later.
It’s sometime later and the party has no signs of ending just yet. Everyone has paired up while Keith’s parents have gone home. You’re both huddled in the hallway, talking heatedly, as he accuses you once again of wanting to sleep with Steve. His breath is hot. He’s drunk. Your back is pressed against the wall as he stands over you. There’s no one on this side of the lounge and you’re sure he chose this hallway purposely.
“Why do you act like that?” He questions.
“Like what, Keith?” You sigh exasperatedly. You were growing tired of this. “I’ve done nothing. I entertained your family tonight. I endured them insulting me. They don’t like me you know that. Now you’re here again accusing me of wanting to sleep with Steve. I’m here with you.”
“So act like it,” He pokes his finger against your chest. “You’ve been ignoring me most of the night.”
“I haven’t,” You argue back. “I’ve been mingling. I told you we could stay home, Keith.”
“I was trying to do something good for you,” Keith grips your chin so that you can look at him. “Let’s go home.”
“I’m not ready,” You tell him. You would like to stay for just a little longer. You’re enjoying yourself despite his hangups.
“The team doesn’t like me,” Keith tells you. “What did you tell them?”
“What? I didn’t tell them anything.” You remove his hand from your face.
“You’re lying,” He grits through his teeth. He grips your forearm this time as he pushes you into the wall further. “You lie all the time. What did you tell them?”
“Keith,” You whimper. It hurts. His hands aren’t gentle or loving. Not right now. “Let me go.”
“Tell me,” He’s menacing as he dips his face closer to yours. “You know. Never mind. We’re going home. You can call and tell them you quit in the morning.”
“Fuck, do you know how crazy that sounds?” You say despite his grip on your arms. “You’re angry because you think I’m fucking someone I’m not. Do you hear yourself? I’m not sleeping with him. I’m here with you. Let me go, Keith.” His grip only tightens. Despite his inebriation, he’s well coordinated.
“She asked you to let her go,” A voice says from behind him. Keith’s grip loosens but he doesn’t let go of your arm. You peek around his frame to find Darcy and Natasha. Your cheeks flood with embarrassment at them finding you like this. Finding you so weak.
“We were just having a discussion,” Keith speaks first. He swipes s a hand over his face. Natasha’s eyes flicker to yours. “We’ll go home now.” You whimper again. You quickly try to hide it but she’s heard it.
“She’s staying with me tonight,” Natasha says. “We were having a sleepover.” She doesn’t address his hands on you. She can see the pleading in your eyes for her not to. You don’t want to fight right now.
Keith doesn’t say anything as he weighs the situation. There’s no way he would ever consider fighting with Natasha. She’s everything you’re not. Brave. Fearless. Strong.
“Fine,” Keith shakes his head.
“No, I can, go.” You speak up.
“Y/n?” Darcy questions.
“No, I’m fine,” You promise them. “Kaia is home and I want to tuck her in.”
“Are you sure?” Natasha’s gaze doesn’t waver. She doesn’t want to let you go home with him.
“I’m sure. I’ll be okay.” You assure them both though you’re not so sure yourself. You nod before following Keith out to the elevators. The two women watch you walk away. They don’t notice the tears in your eyes or the way you tremble as the doors close.
Keith decides on an Uber home. He’s silent the entire time. He relieves Maureen for the night while you go straight for Kaia’s room. You watch her as she sleeps. She’s safe in here. You’re safe in here. He won’t come in and you dread going out.
You’re not afraid of him. You’re not. Not now.
Finally, you muster up the courage to leave her room. You walk slowly to your bedroom where Keith is sitting on the edge of the bed. He’s crying. Why is he crying?
“I hate when you make me do that to you,” He admits. “Why can’t you just listen?” He asks.
“I’m sorry,” You apologize. What for? You don’t know.
“You’re not going to leave me are you?” He asks.
“I’m not going to leave you,” You assure him. You come to sit on the bed next to him. Everything in your body is screaming at you not to.
“You don’t have to go back there,” He begins. “If you quit I wouldn’t feel like this. The problems started when you started working there. It’s just… I’m afraid. That you’ll leave.” You knew this already. Though the problems started way before this. He turns to you suddenly. He can see the light bruises on your arms. “I’m sorry,” He slides off the bed to sit on his knees.
You don’t want to quit your job. You don’t want to quit the only thing that keeps you sane.
“You still love me?” He asks with those big brown eyes. The same ones you fell in love with all those years ago.
“I still love you,” You whisper back. You don’t know how much you believe those words anymore. He rests his hands on your knees before spreading your legs. He’s using sex as an apology again and you’re falling for it. When his nose nudges your clit through your panties you lean back to lose yourself in the sensations. When his calloused hands grip your thighs to bring you to the edge of the bed a gasp leaves your lips. When he finally removes your panties you allow yourself to think of something else. For the first time, you think of someone else.
Red tresses. You imagine her hands holding you still. You imagine the way her lips would feel as they kiss your inner thighs. You imagine that’s it’s Natasha here and not him. A single tear leaves your eyes as you climax.
Did you deserve what you’ve been getting?
You quit the next morning. You don’t even show up to pack up your desk. You ignore Steve’s messages and Darcy’s texts. Sam’s Instagram DMs are left unopened. Your only friends in the city are being ignored. You don’t want to cause any more problems with Keith. You stay home with Kaia. She’s the highlight of most of your days as you walk with her around the neighborhood every day. Today it’s getting colder so you’re bundled up while you walk. It’s the only place he’ll allow you to go.
Kaia is playing with her stuffed bear in her stroller as you walk aimlessly down the street. She’s warm and the extra blanket covering her legs is more than enough. You don’t notice she’s dropped her toy until she’s crying for it. She whines, whirling in her stroller to reach for the toy when you notice.
“Mama,” Kaia cries. You stop to see it’s gone. Damn it.
You turn to go back for it when a familiar figure stands in front of you. She’s holding the bear pushing it towards you wordlessly.
“Natasha,” You say. You take the bear, passing it back to Kaia, before looking back to the woman before you. Her green eyes watch the toddler curiously.
“You’re okay?” Natasha asks you. She trails her eyes away from the little girl over to you.
“I’m fine,” You assure her. She eyes you up and down as if she can see through your layers of clothing. You want to question how and why she’s on this side of town but you know better. She’s been following you. How long? You don’t know.
“Let me take you for hot chocolate,” Natasha suggests before you can walk away. At your skeptical look, she tries again. “Just one cup.”
You fidget in place before a wave of anger washes over you.
“Why?” You find yourself asking. “I’m not a basket case. I’m not someone you can save.”
“I’m your friend and I miss you.”
“Bullshit,” You tell her. “We’ve only spoken a handful of times. Not without any of the other team around.”
“I’m trying now,” Natasha counters. She eyes Kaia again. “Does he hurt her?”
“How dare you?” You ask. She’s not far off from her guesses. It’s not a radical question. You know it’s not. You’re still offended at her questioning. How could she think you would ever allow him to hurt her?
“He hits you right?” Natasha accuses.
“I’m done,” You turn the stroller in the direction of home. You’re not having this conversation. You didn’t want to have this conversation. Not with her.
“Y/n, please,” Natasha begs this time. “We’re worried about you. It was either me or the team would come looking for you.”
“You didn’t tell them?” You stop. You don’t look at her. Too ashamed.
“No, dorogaya, I didn’t,” Natasha promises. You ignore the nickname she uses for you.
“One cup,” You turn. She nods. Just one cup.
The cafe is one you’ve been to a few times. This time of day it’s empty. Everyone is either at work or school. They’re doing something with their lives. You help Kaia out of her coat so that she doesn’t overheat as you and Natasha sit towards the back of the diner. She’s already at the counter ordering your food while you wait. You insisted that you weren’t hungry but she’s Natasha. She cares about you.
It's hard to think about. Her caring. You shrug your coat off and allow it to hang on the back of your chair. You watch as she carries the muffins over to your table. She gives you a finger, asking you to wait, and she grabs the hot chocolate mugs too. She got chocolate milk for Kaia. The toddler takes it gratefully from her new friend. She drinks from the bottle happily.
“Oh, you’re such a big girl,” Natasha comments as she takes her seat across from you. Kaia beams at the praise. You watch how she interacts with the little girl. She’s gentle and loving. For a moment you wonder if she’s ever wanted to be a mom. Her line of work probably wouldn’t permit it. She’d be great at it.
“She likes you,” You inform her. Kaia is enamored with the other woman as Natasha engages in a game of peekaboo with her. It’s a drastic difference from the cold and aloof Avenger you used to see in the tower.
“Well, I like her too.” Natasha breaks the muffin in half to hand Kaia. Chubby hands grab onto the food and she places it in her mouth. Natasha places the muffin back on the plate before looking at you. “You look good.”
You give a half-hearted shrug.
“How are you?” Natasha asks.
“I’m fine,” You reply.
“Where is he?” Natasha asks.
“Working,” You tell her.
“Y/n, we miss you,” Natasha admits. There’s no sense in beating around the bush. “I came the next morning to your desk to see if you were still there.” You weren’t.
“I’m not anyone to miss,” You stare down into your mug. “I was just a temp.”
“A temp who became our friend,” Natasha ducks her head to catch your eye. “You can’t think that that’s all you are.”
“It doesn’t matter,”
“Doesn’t it?” Natasha replies.
“If you’re here to try and convince me to leave him I won’t.” You say.
“Won’t or can’t?”
“Nat,” You frown. “This isn’t some superhero business thing.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Natasha sighs. “He hits you, y/n.”
“It’s not all the time,” You feel stupid immediately after saying it. “What you saw at the party. It was nothing.”
“It wasn’t the first time he’s put his hands on you like that.” Natasha sounds so sure of herself. “I saw the bruises on movie night. The ones on your back.” Shit.
“So,” You shake your head. “I take pilates.”
“Bullshit,” Natasha says firmly. “You don't have to lie to me. He hits you.” Why does she keep saying it?
“He loves me,” You say.
“He loves Kaia too,” Natasha looks down at the little girl in question. “What happens when he hits her too?”
“Natasha, he wouldn’t.” You frown. It’s a concern you’ve had. Keith would never. Right?
“But he can,” Natasha begins. “He can and he will. Y/n, you don’t have to stay with him.”
“Where would I go,” You bite your lip nervously. “He’s all I have.”
“He’s not,” Natasha says. “He’s never been all you have. Steve would love to have you. Sam would love to cook with you again. I’d like to have you.”
“I can’t,” You shake your head. “I can’t just leave him. I’m not strong like you. I don’t want to put you out. He’ll find me.”
“You don’t have to be strong like me,” Natasha doesn’t like the sound of that. “Also, he can try and I’d kill him.” You whimper. “I’m sorry but it’s the truth. If you think he’ll come to the tower he’s even more of an idiot than I thought. If you’re up to it, I can bring you to one of my safehouses. It’s still here in the city.”
“Natasha, you don’t have to.” You shake your head.
“Please, y/n, come with me.” Natasha pleads. Your heart is beating further in your chest.
“Look, I know we don’t know each other that well, but I’m still worried about you. No one deserves to be alone,” Natasha slides a phone out of her pocket. She passes it to you. “It’s a burner. Use it. When you need I’ll come to get you. No questions asked.”
“I care,” Natasha says.
“I have to go,” You stand. You hurriedly put on your coat and then Kaia’s. Natasha watches you as you leave.
Would she ever see you again?
----> next part
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embroid-away · 2 years
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What If: Captain America Were Revived Today? #44 (April 1983) by Peter B. Gillis and Sal Buscema; Original Image by John Romita Sr.
In this What If? Marvel tale, Captain America is unfrozen in 1983 rather than the 1960s. Without the leadership of Steve Rogers, The Avengers disband. Meanwhile, a Captain America imposter, who calls himself a "real American," has decided to use his newfound influential media status to publicly support a National Identity Card to "deal with illegal aliens,” to suggest that members of civil rights groups "ought to think seriously as to whether or not their actions contribute to the strengthening of communist enemies," and declare that if those groups tear the country apart with protests, martial law is justified "for the peace to find a solution.”
Neighborhoods with large black populations (e.g., Harlem) are walled off and forced into poverty, and one character even mentions that Jewish people are being “put back into camps.” The right-wing politicians make sure that things like this aren’t shown on television, keeping the majority of the American public ignorant of the horrors committed with their indifferent support. The public are simultaneously told that with some sacrifices, America can be free once again. The fake Captain America confronts a group of peaceful protestors, and he is shot by a sniper (in what reads like an inside job), allowing the police to have “reason” to attack the protestors. The imposter does not die and instead uses the attack to provide more reason for the violent crackdown against protesting groups.
When the true Captain America is unfrozen, he is horrified to see what America has become, especially with his emblem stamped all over it. He immediately seeks out the resistance forces (who clearly represent the Black Panther Party) and joins their cause, stating that "the wrongs [he's] seen will take much more than one man to right -- but [he's] got a name to clear, a costume to unsoil-- and a country to die for!!"
By the time Steve joins them, the resistance only has one chance left to stop the American downfall: a political convention where the "America First" party will be able to secure its support to sweep the national elections and allow them "to return America to the pure and great nation [the] forefathers envisioned."
The resistance strikes just as the convention begins. The Captain America imposter is no match in a fight against the true Captain America -- especially against a Steve Rogers who's fucking pissed. ("Get up so I can knock you down!!")
With the imposter knocked unconscious, Captain America addresses the convention crowd, warning that an America that does not represent all its people does not deserve to exist at all; that liberty can be "as easily snuffed out [in America] as in Nazi Germany" and "as a people, we are no different from them."
The crowd realizes that the man speaking before them is the true Captain America and cheers. Captain America holds his hand up and silences them, stating that he will not allow them the chance to simply replace one idol with another. He alone can’t undo the horrible damage, and he pleads that there’s still a chance for the people to “find America once again.”
Fascism doesn’t change its tune, just its singers.
A 2021 Marvel Trumps Hate ( @marveltrumpshate ) commission, completed on 22-count aida cloth with embroidery floss and watercolors on a 9" diameter bamboo hoop.
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loving-barnes · 1 year
Never leave me again - Bucky Barnes
A/N: It's been months and here we are - I have written another one-shot with Bucky. If you are interested, please read. Warning, I have not edited it much, so sorry for mistakes.
Pairing: fatws!Bucky Barnes x enhanced!female!reader
Warning: mostly angst, some fluff at the end
Words: 2200+
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Never leave me again - Bucky Barnes
The people stood on their feet, clapping and cheering for the new Captain America. This was the night everyone was waiting for - the introduction of John Walker to the nation. In the middle of the football field, soldiers were holding the American flag; the cheerleaders were dancing to the music and chanting Captain America’s name. 
And then there he was, running to the podium where the TV reporter was waiting for him. The nation was waiting for this interview. They wanted to know the new Captain better. What better opportunity there was than this? All cameras were pointing at him as he greeted everyone. If only he knew how many people he pissed since morning. 
It seemed he enjoyed the attention. He had a bright smile on his face as he sat down on the chair next to the reporter. He put the shield next to him and put down the mask for the admirers to see his face and blond hair. 
John Walker named Captain America - that was the title in the news. They did a parade for him, with fireworks and music. People were losing their minds. Everyone wanted to meet him; everyone wanted to touch him and take a photo with that guy.
Once the reporter started to talk, the crowd went silent and people listened to her. She presented him as a humble guy. She told them about his history and achievements. She tried to point out to the nation that he was as good as Steve Rogers. But then, he opened his mouth and started to talk about Steve as if he was his brother.
There was a moment when he stopped talking, thinking about his next words. That’s when a clapping sound echoed around the football field and everyone focused their attention on the person who decided to interrupt the interview. And it was a big surprise. 
Avengers, as everyone knew, no longer exist. Some of them died, and others decided to go their own path. The Falcon became a well-known superhero who used his ability and connections for good. The Winter Soldier was pardoned and undergoing therapy. 
When Y/N Y/L/N  appeared on the field it got people whispering her name. The reporter had her mouth wide open, not believing who was walking to them. 
She had her long leather coat on, with a custom-made catsuit underneath it. It seemed she just arrived from somewhere. “How dare you,” she said loudly so everyone could hear her. “How dare you sit there and say out loud that Steve Rogers was like a brother to you,” she tilted her head. It was obvious she was angry. No, she was furious. 
Everyone knew Y/N Y/L/N. She was an Avenger who fought against Thanos. She was one of the people who saved the universe. But then she disappeared and no one knew anything about her, until now. 
“Miss Y/L/N,” the reporter said her last name, ready to calm the situation down.
“I don’t understand why are you celebrating this imposter?” she pointed at the man, who had already taken the shield into his hands. 
“Miss Y/L/N,” the reporter stopped her. “As far as we know, John Walker did many tests and he passed them with high scores. This isn’t just-” 
“Woman… just shut it,” she said strictly, not letting her finish. “This is something bigger than you all think. Steve Rogers represented something that this man will never have. You think you can just replace him by giving the shield to someone else?” People started to whisper and point fingers at her. “This never should have happened. And if Sam Wilson decided to give the shield to the museum, why the fuck would you change the deal you made with him and do this?” 
“Y/N, look, I get it,” said John.
“No, you don’t, Walker. And I suggest you don’t cross paths with me.”
When no one had anything to say to her, she slowly walked away from them. This was all she wanted - to speak her mind and show everyone, primarily the government, how upsetting this was. When she was far enough, she used her power to lift herself into the air and flew away from the football field. 
And Bucky saw it all on TV. At first, he was pissed at John Walker and the event they made for him. But the more that man talked, the more he hated him and wanted to take his shield from him. 
When Y/N appeared there, he was immediately on his feet, staring at the screen in disbelief. He had been trying to find her for the last few months, but she practically disappeared. And now, she decided to come to light like this. At least she had the same opinion about Walker. 
He sighed. Bucky knew he fucked up big time. When the war ended and they defeated Thanos, he left without an explanation. Steve decided to travel back in time and be with the woman he loved. He grew old with her. But Bucky walked out on the woman that was his whole world. All he knew was he needed time. And she gave him the time and waited for him until she didn’t. 
She wanted to be with him throughout the process of clearing his name. It was he who didn’t want that. And now, he regretted it all. How he wanted to do anything to turn things around, find her and apologise. 
“Fuck,” he whispered and rubbed his face with his normal hand. Then he realised there was one person who would be able to give him information about her. At least he could speak with Sam about the shield. 
. . .
Things were not going as planned, but at least they found Sharon in Madripoor who saved their asses and brought them to the apartment she owned. To receive information that they desperately needed, they had to stay and enjoy the party she hosted. This was her new life that she wouldn’t be able to do any illegal business in the US. Selling original artwork for big money brought her a new life she never thought she’d have. Sharon already built a name for herself and became a wealthy woman.
“The party is about to start. Try to blend in, enjoy yourselves and wait until I find more information for you,” said Sharon. “Also, try not to ruin the party. I need this one to go smoothly.” 
All three men followed her down to the party. The music was loud and bouncy. When they arrived, they were surprised by the amount of people that attended the event. The first stop was at the bar where they took a drink. Zemo was the first one who went to the floor and enjoyed himself with some dancing ladies. 
“Look at him,” Sam commented. “Lose the cord around his neck and there he goes, enjoys life and shit.” 
Bucky was silently standing next to him, scanning the surroundings. As if he was trying to find something unusual in the crowd of people. He kept thinking about Sharon - how the hell did she manage to become this wealthy here? It raised some questions that he didn’t know the answer - or maybe he didn’t want to know the answer. 
“You should go dancing,” Sam nudged his shoulder. “Or at least mingle with the crowd. You might find different thoughts or a lady to dance with.”
How could people dance to this music? They kept swaying their hips and making some weird moves that Bucky couldn’t understand. Was this considered normal dancing? 
He was about to bark something at Sam when his eyes noticed her lurking between the people, staring at him. He lost his breath for a moment. Was he dreaming or was it really her? His legs went on his own, trying to get to her as fast as possible. His eyes never left her figure. She kept standing in the crowd with arms akimbo, staring at him. Before he knew it, she had a drink in her hand, drinking it in one go. 
“Y/N,” he said her name when he stopped in front of her. “I-” he didn’t know what to say. 
“You know that your little fight in a bar in Madripoor is all over the internet?” she raised a brow, not happy about this information. She took out her phone and showed him the video with the title “Winter Soldier is Back in Madripoor”. “What the fuck, James?” 
He cleared his throat. “I had to,” he said. “We needed to get to someone who gave us valuable information.” 
“You had to?” she rolled her eyes. “When did you start to listen to Zemo? By the way, I will kick your ass for getting him out of prison. Have you lost your mind? You’ve been pardoned. You have the chance to live a new life and this is what you do?” 
He gritted his teeth and without thinking grabbed her by the wrist, taking her somewhere, where they could talk privately. For a second he thought she would use her magic and stop him, but she didn’t. 
“I was looking for you,” he said once they were hidden from the dancers. 
“And I was waiting for you,” she hissed at him. “I waited for you, and waited, but you never came. You had decided that you want nothing to do with me.” 
“That’s not true,” he shook his head. “I know I fucked up big time, I did. But I never stopped loving you,” he admitted. He could see how she swallowed nothing. “I loved you back then, I love you now.” 
She took a deep breath. It was obvious those words did something to her, but she decided to keep her stern face and not give him any more reaction. “I don’t believe you,” she said. “If you did, you would never leave. If you did, you would do anything to get me back.” 
Bucky knew she was right. He didn’t do enough and that was his fault. “What are you doing here, Y/N?” he had to ask. 
“It’s none of your business,” she said. “The fact that we are talking together, is nothing but a coincidence.”
He laughed. “Is it? Because, if it was, you wouldn’t be staring at me in the middle of the crowd of people and waiting for me to get to you. Also,” he took a step closer. “You wouldn’t let me take you to the side so we could talk.”
She didn’t say a word and let him approach her even more. “What’s going on? Why are you really here?” He could see right through her. Something told him, that she came here to see him. Maybe she was worried? His hands gently brushed her cheeks. It’s been months since he last touched her like this. “I can hear your heartbeat. I feel what my presence does to you. I know you, Y/N.” 
She closed her eyes, leaning to his touch. “I’m dealing with Wanda,” she admitted. “I lost contact with her and she disappeared. I know someone who might have some information about her.” 
Bucky couldn’t wait any longer and his lips connected with hers in a deep kiss. He expected her to pull away, but she didn’t. “I’m sorry,” he whispered once he broke the kiss. “I’m so sorry, doll.” When he looked into her eyes and saw tears threatening to escape.
“Don’t,” her voice cracked. “Don’t say anything you can’t promise.” 
“You don’t have to believe me,” he started to talk. “When I’m done with work, I will do everything in my power to find you and fix everything I fucked up.”
Y/N didn’t comment on it. She couldn’t believe his words. If she did, she would be heartbroken again. As much as she didn’t want to admit it, she was still in love with him. That’s why she took a step back and let his hands fall down from her face. “Goodbye, James.” 
“I love you, Y/N,” he said before she disappeared into the crowd. 
. . .
Y/N smiled at the title in the newspaper. It made her happy that he decided to become the next Captain America. Steve believed in him, and that was why he gave Sam the shield. The suit fit him. She loved that he kept the wings and mixed the Falcon and Cap together. 
She took a sip of a coffee and turned the newspaper page, reading more information about Sam. She was genuinely proud of him. Maybe she should give him a call and catch up. 
Her head snapped up and her eyes widened. She left the newspaper on the table and immediately jumped into Bucky’s arms. He kept his promise and found her. It made her happy - everything that was happening around her made her happy. “Holy shit,” she whispered. When she heard a weird rustling sound, she pulled from him and noticed she smashed a bouquet of flowers between their bodies. “Aw, you brought me flowers and I destroyed them.” 
He laughed. “It was worth it,” he put the flowers on the table and quickly pulled her closer to him. “I’m here, doll. I’m here and I’m never leaving again.” 
She kissed him, missing his lips. “I love you. Please, never leave me again.”
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marvel soulmate series ✨
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader (slow buuuuuurn)
Summary: Life threw you a curve ball when you walked in on  your long term  boyfriend making out with someone who definitely wasn’t  you. Since  living with him was no longer an option, you’ve ventured out  at the  advice of a work friend and found the absolute perfect loft to  reside  in. The only issue?
You suddenly have four very odd roommates. 
[00]: Welcome Home
[01]: Rebound Sex
[02]: Mismatched
[03]: Back Up Plan
[04]: Be Nice
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Sharing is Caring [Bucky Barnes x Reader] [1,262 words]
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Fate is Definitely Drunk
[Steve Rogers x Reader]
Summary: Everyone has the words their soulmate will first say to them written on their skin somewhere. You have the most average words in the known universe so you assume you’ll have a soulmate that matches that. Fate ain’t happy you underestimated her.
[one] [two] [three]
The Asgardian Way
[Thor Odinson x Reader]
Summary: When a human hits puberty they get the name of their soulmate written on their wrist. You got the name of a mythological figure and assumed it meant his parents were real big fans of Norse legend. Then aliens fell out of the sky and everything changed.
Interwoven, but Tangled
[Sam Wilson x Reader]
Summary: The red string of fate connects the pinky of one soulmate to the pinky of the other. Not everyone can see them, but since you had this rare gift you figured it was your duty to make sure as many soulmates found each other. At the very least, you could make sure your friends found their special person. What happens when your best friend’s boyfriend isn’t her soulmate though?
[one] [two]
The Color of Blood
[Bucky Barnes x Reader]
Summary: In this world, a person didn’t discover color until they locked eyes with their soulmate. As an agent of SHIELD, finding your soulmate was hardly a priority. Especially since you were currently dealing with the shocking discovery that HYDRA had been pulling the strings behind SHIELD actions this entire time. Life was all about timing, and you were about to find out that your timing was absolute shit.
[one] [two] [three] [four]
[Tony Stark x Reader]
Summary: You were an imposter. You were desperate. You were trapped with no other way out. The fact of the matter was, you hadn’t been born with words on your skin, but now you were wearing the words of a dead girl. How far would you go to save someone you loved?
[one] [two] [three]
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musette22 · 2 months
I wonder if Steve has a significant amount of imposter syndrome, especially when he came out of the ice. People had solidified this idea of him and expected him to excel and be that, hell even his teammates were just like oh I know all about you. (Expect maybe Thor, who I think was one of Steve’s closest friends in the beginning)
He can’t escape these expectations and if he goes against it, he’s berated for it. It’s made even worse with the serum, but at least with that he had the howling commandos to ground him and encouraged him. In the 21st Century there was no one to bounce of and the fact it would have been made worse by his survivors guilt.
Idk Steve is a character that has so many layers but gets over looked because he isnt allowed to fall into a vulnerable headspace. I kinda wished we saw more of that in his character, not in like a reflective sort of way but a kinda overwhelmed by everything portrayal. I’m sorry if this doesn’t make any sense.
Oh absolutely, yes! I think you're completely right. I also think Steve struggles hugely with the expectations people have of him, the dichotomy between the persona & legend of Cap versus the real Steve Rogers. He had to get used to a whole new body first, and then on top of that, he also had to learn to deal with all those expectations and the idea(l) people have of him which he doesn't even recognise himself in, half the time. He doesn't feel worthy of all the attention and hero worship, constantly thinking that if only people knew the real him, they'd be sorely disappointed. At the same time though, I think he feels like the whole celebrity aspect of being Cap is empty and meaningless anyway, most of the time (except for when he can use his fame to do something good, of course, which he tries to do as much as he can because otherwise, what's the point?), so in a way I think he doesn't even want to live up to people's expectations of him. He is also known for his stubbornness and righteousness, after all 😉
And yeah, in the 21st century, there isn't anyone left who knows the real him, who can grab his shoulders and shake them and tell him that it's the real Steve Rogers, that little guy from Brooklyn who was too dumb to run away from a fight, who makes Cap great, that he is worth knowing and loving. That his ideas may be reckless and harebrained more often than not, but that he does what he does for the right reasons, because he is a good man first and foremost, even if others can only see a perfect soldier. He must've felt so enormously alienated and lost, those first few years 😔
While I love the idea that (most of) the Avengers would've ultimately come to understand and appreciate Steve for Steve too, the way things stood at the beginning of TWS, they definitely weren't there yet (thank god for Sam, who at least tried). Which is why I adore the kind of fics in which Bucky, after he comes back, is not only cared for and helped to get back to himself by Steve, but in which he also gets to care for and help Steve to get back to himself in return ❤️ Mutual healing, that's my jam 💫
And yes, Steve Rogers is actually a huuuugely layered and complex and interesting and underrated character, and I will die on that hill!!! The MCU unfortunately did not explore any of this nearly enough (in fact, they cut some of the scenes that would've been the most telling when it came to the state of mind he was in) and they massively oversimplified his character development for the sake of action/tony/heteronormativity/etc. I'll always wish we'd have gotten to see more of Steve's motivations and character in the movies, but I'll also always be grateful that fanfiction has given us what the MCU didn't dare, and a thousand times over too! ❤️
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late-to-the-party-81 · 4 months
Meet, Greet, Indiscreet - Chapter 2
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AN: Thank you all for reading part one. I hope you enjoy this next instalment, about when Steve and Bucky next met, over 10 years later. Catch up here.
Beta’d by @endlesstwanted who is the comma wrangler in chief.
Likes are loved, reblogs are golden
Mood board by me and dividers by @firefly-graphics
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Summary: With their actual initial meeting revealed, it’s time to address the first time that rumours swirled around the pair of them  - the Nouveau Tech Gala last year. With such a large period of time between their first and second meetings, would Steve even remember the young man from the Battle of New York?
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Relationships: Modern Bucky Barnes x Cap! Steve Rogers
WC: 3k
CW: Modern Bucky Barnes, Cap! Steve Rogers, Anxiety, Fluff, TV Interview, Flashback, Flirting, Social Media goes wrong, Nat is a good bro.
Bingo Fills and Challenges
@stuckybingo - G4 - Sunsets 
@steverogersbingo- A2 Steve vs Social Media
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A year ago
Bucky stuck a finger down his collar and tugged at it, desperately trying to reduce the feeling of being strangled. He didn’t often wear suits - in fact, he didn’t often wear anything that wasn’t a pair of shorts and a graphic tee -, but he needed to make a good impression that night. For more than one reason.
Primarily, he was well aware of what an honour it was to be invited to Tony Stark’s Nouveau Tech Gala, and he needed to get that across in his dress. His usual attire, as well as being comfortable, was now his signature for his followers, hence why it had become almost like a uniform by now. However, it was definitely not suitable for an event like this, which had necessitated him squeezing himself into this constricting monkey suit. He had kept his baseball cap on, though - he did need people to actually recognise him.
Secondly, it was highly likely that a certain supersoldier, who may or may not have been his number one crush, was going to be in attendance. He’d never forgive himself if his second meeting with Steve Rogers wasn’t at the very least a mild improvement on the first. Not that he’d really know who Steve was that day, other than the very athletic and very handsome man who’d save him - and yeah, a load of others - from certain death. Even though he doubted it was possible, a small part of him hoped that Steve would recognise him. Obviously it would be even better if Steve agreed to become the person he already was in Bucky’s private imaginings, but that was even less likely than another alien attack on New York.
Having gone through security, his invitation and ID strenuously checked, Bucky made his way into the ballroom of the opulent hotel. He wasn’t sure what to expect, but it definitely wasn’t having Tony Stark standing right there, as if waiting to personally welcome him.
The eccentric billionaire slash superhero clapped him on the shoulder. “Barnes, right?”
Bucky nodded, feeling like a gauche imposter. Luckily for him, Tony didn’t seem to notice. He slung an arm across Bucky’s shoulder and steered him across the crowded room.
“I was waiting for you. My kids told me that if I didn’t get at least three selfies with you then, not only would I be ‘mid’, but they’d ‘put me on blast’, whatever the heck that means. But before that, I need to introduce you to the others. Nat and Clint are avid gamers - something about getting their kicks without being arrested. I decided I didn’t want to know any more than that…”
Bucky looked up as they approached, easily able to identify each of the Avengers and feeling even more like he didn’t fit in there. He could see the faces of Natasha - the Black Widow -, Clint Barton, and Thor. He could see Bruce Banner’s profile. And Steve Roger’s back. His broad shoulders, slim waist, and solid thighs all expertly encased in a tailored suit. He’d sort of been expecting this, but he wasn’t ready for it all the same. How was he going to keep a straight face when looking at the man who’d starred in the filthiest of his fantasies?
What he hadn’t banked on, though, was Steve being in a bad mood. “I don’t even understand what this event is for,” Bucky heard the man of his dreams utter. “Why would anyone want to pretend to play war, and so vividly as well? I just don’t get it.”
Nat cocked her head and gave Steve a look. “You don’t have to get it, Steve. You have other ways to relax and escape the world, like your art. For some of the rest of us, pretending to blow shit up does the trick.”
Bucky could see Steve raising his arms in a placating gesture. “Alright, maybe I do get that, I suppose. But people who make money - their livelihood - from playing these games in front of an audience? That’s weird, right?”
It was obvious from their faces that the others had seen Tony approach with him by his side, but Steve, with his back to them, did not.
Tony coughed. Loudly. Steve spun round and his face went an interesting shade of pink.
“So,” Tony drawled, “I wanted to introduce you all to James Barnes - Bucky. He’s the one that Pete and Harley love, and said they’d disown me if I didn’t invite.”
A round of various greetings sounded from the assembled Avengers, the last one being from Steve himself. Unfortunately, it was more of a muffled grunt than anything else. Bucky tried to fight the heat that was rising in his own cheeks, and swallowed thickly.
“It’s great to meet you all. I feel, standing here, that I have no right to call myself famous. You guys… well. You’re real life heroes and I’m in awe.”
The group smiled and brushed off his starstruck comments, thenstarted to ask him about the games he played and his channel. As Tony had mentioned, both Clint and Natasha were big fans of the CoD franchise, and it wasn’t totally surprising when Dr Banner admitted that he’d dabbled in MMORPGs.
“I like the one with the talking mushroom and the cars and blue seashell,” Thor announced, smiling broadly.
The others chuckled, and Clint leant across to Bucky, his hand held up by his mouth so he could stage-whisper “Don’t be suckered in by his innocent and naive demeanor. He’s a shark at Mario Kart.”
Throughout the whole exchange, Steve stayed silent, and from the corner of his eye, Bucky could see the supersoldier giving him strange looks. He tried not to get too disheartened by it. It was a long shot, thinking that Steve might remember him, and now the man he idolised thought he wasn’t worthy of respect.
The conversation started to wind down, the superhero group returning to discussions about omissions and wounds and bad guys, so Bucky decided to excuse himself. Plucking a glass of champagne from one of the many circulating waiters, he made his way across the vast ballroom and out onto the balcony, which overlooked Manhattan.
The sun, while still fully visible, was low in the sky. Its rays bounced orange off of all the glass skyscrapers and Bucky couldn’t help but think back to that horrific day, all those years ago. The recovery that the city had made was almost unbelievable. Speaking of unbelievable… 
Bucky let out a loud sigh, as he remembered how Steve had disparaged him and what he did. There went his hopes.
As he sighed again, he heard a voice from behind him. A very recognisable voice.
“So, you’ve found my secret hiding place?”
Schooling his features, Bucky turned his head to the side as Steve joined him at the concrete balustrade. “It’s not so secret. The main room is only fifteen feet away.”
Steve snorted and his lips twitched up. “The jig is up. You’ve discovered my terrible secret. I’m no good at small talk.”
“Well, that makes two of us,” Bucky replied. “Why do you think I make my living from behind a screen? I am weird, after all.”
Steve blushed again, looking chagrined. “Yeah, sorry you heard that. It was very rude of me. I know nothing about you and I should know better than that.”
“It’s okay - you’re not the only one to think that way. But my job isn’t just playing games for fun. It takes hours of practice to get as good as I am. I have to study game theory, and for the longest time I was my own PR team and my own accountant. Finding tournament fees at the beginning wasn’t easy.”
“How long have you been doing this - the gaming and Tube thing?”
Bucky’s own lips formed into a smile. “Since college. I studied Games and Game Design there. My parents thought I was crazy, wanting to make it my life, but I was determined to succeed.”
Steve turned his head away to stare out at the view and the gradually setting sun. “Is that why you were there that day? At the bank. Were you getting a loan or something?”
Bucky’s eyebrows shot up into his hairline. “You remember? You remember me?” His heart started to thump in his chest and Steve turned back to him, ocean blue eyes sparkling.
“Uh, yeah. It’s not everyday that aliens try to destroy New York and a pretty young man kisses me.”
Now it was Bucky’s turn to look embarrassed. “Yeah - sorry about that. It was a totally inappropriate move by younger me. My Ma would have had my hide if she’d found out. She raised me better than that.”
“Hey,” Steve said in a placating and amused tone. “I liked the boldness. It was refreshing and just not something I was used to.”
In that moment Bucky realised something. Steve was flirting. With him! Stay cool, Barnes…“So,” he tried to say as nonchalantly as possible. “Tell me about the other things you weren’t used to then, but are now.”
From his inside jacket pocket, Steve pulled out a small notebook with an equally small pencil. “Where should I start?”
The pair of them laughed and Steve took a step closer so he could show Bucky all of the things he had written down. As they talked, Bucky tried desperately to pay attention to what Steve was saying, instead of just staring at him and mooning over how dreamy his voice was. The way the rays of the setting sun played over the planes of his face was hypnotising, and the urge to touch him was almost irresistible. 
It wasn’t until he started to shiver that Bucky realised that the light was almost gone, and with it the warm temperatures of the day. Steve also noticed his reaction.
“We should get you back inside. I sometimes forget that I run hotter than normal folks and therefore don’t notice when it starts to get cold.” 
Steve placed his hand into the small of Bucky’s back and Bucky mentally gave parts of his body a stern talking to as the thrill of the contact, over clothes as it was, zipped through him.
“I gotta ask, with all of your catching up with current day tech, etc., do you actually know how to use Twitter? I see you have an account and the odd thing gets posted, but I wasn’t sure if that was you or a PR person.”
Steve ducked his head down, a lock of his hair falling forward onto his forehead and making him look a lot younger than his physical age of around forty, even with the beard. “It’s generally me, with a bit of help from one of the others. Hence why I don’t use it often.”
“Well, if you want to, or something, feel free to follow me. Or hit up my DMs. Or whatever.” Did he sound cool enough? Had he rambled too much? They halted just inside the doors and faced each other, half hidden by some kind of potted palm.
“Yeah, maybe I will,” Steve answered with a low voice. Bucky looked up into his eyes, feeling for a moment as if he were on the ocean, swaying, drowning. Was it his imagination or was Steve moving closer to him?
“There you are, Capsicle!” Tony’s voice somehow sliced through the general cacophony in the room and it felt to Bucky as if all eyes were now on him and Steve. “Sorry to intrude on whatever this is,” he gestured between them, and Bucky couldn’t tell if Steve was embarrassed or annoyed. Probably both. “But I need your help with General Ross. You’re much better with these military types than me, and Bruce is hiding in the restroom until he leaves.”
Steve flashed an apologetic glance over at Bucky and he couldn’t hold back a chuckle. “Don’t worry about me. It was nice talking to you, Steve.”
As Tony steered Steve away, Bucky took a few deep breaths, trying to process what had just happened. Had Steve been making a move to kiss him? He made his way over to the bar, greeting those he knew in the computing and social media industry who were also present. Perched up on a bar stool, he’d just taken a sip of his cold beer when the Black Widow appeared at his side, her lips quirking into a Mona-Lisa smile. “I gotta say, Steve is really taken with you.”
Bucky spluttered and grabbed at the pile of napkins, trying to quickly clean up the bar top. “What do you mean? He and I only just met.”
Natasha raised a perfectly arched eyebrow. “That might be so, but he’s never committed a Twitter faux pas before.” The bartender placed a martini glass in front of her and she casually picked it up and took her own sip. Bucky was confused by her statement, but pulled his phone from his pocket to see what she was talking about.
His mouth fell open.
Three minutes before, Steve had taken him up on his offer of contacting him through Twitter. However, he hadn’t sent him a DM message. No, he’d outright tweeted, just tagging Bucky in it.
“@BBarnesGamer, If it’s not inappropriate of me, I’d love to meet up again and recreate that kiss.”
The blood drained from Bucky’s face. “Oh no…”
Nat placed her glass back on the bar and opened her purse as though she didn’t have a care in the world. She pulled out her own phone and started tapping at the buttons. “Don’t worry about it, Barnes. I’m getting it deleted now and if anyone asks we’ll blame it on Clint stealing his phone for a prank, thinking it was mine.” She put her phone away and Bucky refreshed the app, letting out a sigh of relief when he saw the tweet was gone.
“But does that mean he didn’t really mean it? If he asked you to delete it?”
“Oh, he means it,” she said, her nose crinkling up. “And he has no idea at the moment that he contacted you the wrong way. I just deleted it because, firstly, Steve isn’t out yet, and secondly, I don’t peg you as the type who wants to be romanced with the whole world peering at you. Now, smile.”
She pointed off to his side and he looked up, baffled. Two things happened at once. Firstly, Nat’s lips came down on the corner of his, almost a full kiss but not quite, and secondly a camera went off. Bucky blinked away the bright spots floating in his vision as Nat smoothed down her hair. “There. Damage control. Now, if I were you, I’d be the one to start up the next DM conversation. Or better yet, pick a more secure platform. Good luck, Mr Barnes, and remember, I know how to use a real gun.”
She waltzed off as if she hadn’t given him the most intimidating ‘shovel talk’ ever, and Bucky wondered what he’d let himself in for.
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The host was chuckling, and Bucky couldn’t blame him. Looking back, it was a pretty funny story. “I always wondered what had happened there. It was a flurry of gossip for a few days, but once that photo surfaced it all seemed to make sense. And you and the Black Widow did seem to make a cute looking couple. Steve, when did you realise what you’d done?”
Steve smiled sweetly. “Only a short time later. Nat came over and let me know what had happened, but that she’d fixed it. I’d never been so grateful for her before. She didn’t tell me about the photo though. That took me by surprise. It was her way of getting back at me for causing her an issue. The worst thing, though, was the teasing I got from Tony. How that man managed to keep his mouth shut in public, I have no idea.”
“Well,” the host said, pushing his glasses back up onto the bridge of his nose, “it all seemed to work out in the end.”
“Absolutely,” Bucky agreed. “And I couldn’t be happier.”
“It does, however, bring us up to the incident of three weeks ago, which it seems there was no covering up for - if you’ll pardon the pun.”
Bucky bit on his lower lip, desperately trying not to laugh. Yes, at the time it happened it was definitely mortifying - for Steve more so, but in the few weeks and with time to reflect, it was frankly even more amusing than the Twitter incident. The big downside, obviously, was that it had forced Steve to come out. Bucky himself had been out for years, raised in a time when it was more acceptable to be gay.
“As I said earlier,” Steve intoned, “it definitely wasn’t the way I would have wanted to come out and announce my relationship, but that doesn’t mean I’m ashamed of either myself or Bucky. I love James ‘Bucky’ Barnes, and that’s something the world is gonna have to deal with.”
“Here, here! But in terms of what happened - can you tell us how that even came about? I don’t suppose that anyone at the tournament was expecting to see what they saw.”
Somehow, despite it all, Steve managed to chuckle, and Bucky couldn’t be more proud of his adaptability. “I can definitively say that I wasn’t planning it, but that’s what happens when you’re tired, post-mission, and not paying attention to the things around you. I’m going to blame the super-robots.”
However, Bucky still wanted the last word. “I’m gonna blame his inability to read a calendar.”
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Tag list: @km-ffluv, @wheezy-stucky, @kmc1989, @kombatfather1796, @christywrites,
@alexakeyloveloki, @doasyoudesireandlive, @galactusdevourerofworlds, @crayongirl-linz, @mightstill, @nicoline1998enilocin, @starrkermarvel,
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charcubed · 1 year
Re: Skrull!Steve and other fuckeries going on, there's another interview, this time to Secret Invasion's director, that gave me pause. When asked (by Collider I think?) who's the man that Olivia Colman's character unveils when they find the skrulls facility in the finale, he answered I can't [confirm that actor's identity] There were moments where we thought “Wouldn't it be fun if that was Chris Evans?"
Like, they actually thought about that. It was a possibility. INSANE
INTERVIEWER: One thing that fans have been pointing out in the finale is the identity of the man that Sonya Falsworth unveils when they find everyone hidden in that Skrull facility at the end. Can you confirm that actor's identity?
SELIM: I can't. There were moments where we thought, “Wouldn't it be fun if that was Chris Evans?” And then there were moments where we thought maybe it should just be an anonymous person to show how much the Skrulls are grabbing anybody. So, I'm not deflecting your question, I just don't really know the answer — other than he's just a guy.
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!!!!!!! They’re just like me for real!!!
Yes it WOULD be fun, wouldn’t it? 👁️👁️
Fucking hell, this is bananas. There are people out there working for the MCU who also have Imposter Steve brainworms. This honestly makes me so happy and in a way it’s indicative of how loud so many of us have been since Endgame! It’s on the radar! HELL YEAH, BABY
Thank you for this!!!
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holylulusworld · 2 years
Before you - Alternative Ending
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Summary: King Steven Grant Rogers once was a good king and a gentle alpha. Now he’s a cruel shadow of his former self. Can he find the light again? 
Pairing: King(Alpha)!Steve Rogers x Maid(Omega)!Reader; Bucky Barnes x Maid(Omega)!Reader
Warnings: angst, a/b/o, fluff, implied claiming, implied characters death, polyamory
A/N: This is the alternative ending you asked about… Please consider that this chapter will partially be the same as the other endings. But I changed a few scenes to match the ending.
Before you masterlist 
<< Part 18
<< Steve’s ending
<< Bucky’s ending
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The day Sharon and Rumlow died you hid in Steve’s chamber. 
You crawled under the bed and didn’t make a sound. It had to be done. 
Sharon and Rumlow did horrid things. They are responsible for your family’s death, but you couldn’t bring yourself to watch them die.
You’re just not like this.
The king had to watch. Just like his brother.
It was their duty. The people expected them to watch Sharon and Rumlow die.
The executioner ended their lives fast. It was your wish. You didn’t want him to hurt them even more. 
Steve respected your wish and told the executioner to use a sharp axe.
“Off with their heads,” the crowd cheered as you lay still under the bed, hands pressed to your ears to fade out the voices. You curled into a ball, waiting for their end. 
You heard a scream. Applause. And then silence. 
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“My love, how are you today?” Steve walks next to you. It’s been a while since you had the time to leave the castle and just take a walk in the gardens. “I know the last months were stressful.”
“I like the dress very much,” you whisper. “Do you think your mom would want me to wear it? I’m not sure. Your father didn’t want me to become your mate.”
“She would have loved you, Y/N,” the king softly says. “I wish you could wear your mother’s dress. I know how important traditions are to an omega.”
In your grasp, you squeeze Steve's hand tightly, "It got lost along with so many things from my past. "But I will gladly wear your mother’s dress.”
“What if you had a new dress?” he stops walking to look at you. “A new beginning for both of us. I know someone who makes the most beautiful dresses.”
“Steve, my king,” you bite your tongue. Can you ask him for a new dress? Can you reject the offer to wear his mother’s wedding gown?
"It's settled now," Steve whispers softly. “I will call for her. She will make you the most beautiful gown you ever saw. I want you to tell her what you want, my love.”
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Two months later, …
“How are you, my lady?” the maid asks as you look at yourself in the mirror again. A woman you don’t recognize looks back at you. You’re wearing a dress that isn’t yours and feel like an imposter. “My lady?”
“How are you, my lady?” the maid asks as you look at yourself in the mirror again. A woman you don’t recognize looks back at you. She smiles, and her eyes shine. “My lady?”
“I’m just…I don’t know,” you press your hands to your warm cheeks. “Do you think the king will like the dress?”
“He will love it, my lady,” she says, but you are too nervous to believe her. “You are a beautiful bride.”
You look in the mirror one last time to admire the gown again. It is made of rich fabric in a white and gold pattern, and the upper waistline is tied with a matching golden sash. The dramatically long angel sleeves are lined with gold satin.
“He will love it, Y/N,” you gasp as Bucky steps into the room. He smiles when you twirl around to grasp his hands. “You look beautiful.”
Bucky fights the urge to just tell you how beautiful and precious you are to him. He came here to decide what to do about his feelings. 
It’s all or nothing now. 
Bucky sends the maid away, aware he only has minutes to confess his feelings. He takes a deep breath when the door closes behind the maid. 
“Is something wrong, Bucky?” you place your hands on his chest, glancing at them. It feels right. Like your hands belonged there all along.
You look up at the alpha, remembering every moment since you met Bucky for the first time. You smile as he was always around. Bucky was there before anyone even noticed you.
He was there to protect you. Always. Unconditionally. A true knight in shiny armor. Even if the armor only consists of his artificial arm and a pair of soft blue eyes.
“Please. Hear me out. Don’t marry him,” Bucky takes you by surprise. It seems like he read your mind. Although you love Steve, your heart pounds so fiercely for Bucky that it is undeniable. “I love you and can’t watch you marry my brother. From the first moment I laid eyes on you, my heart was yours.”
“B-bucky,” you whimper. “I love Grant…I mean Steve. I…I’m so confused. You are so wonderful, and I feel safe and warm with you but…”
“You love him…not me,” Bucky chokes out. “I shouldn’t have said a thing. I’m sorry, Y/N. Please forget what I said.”
“Bucky,” you tear up. “Alpha...I love you too,” you whimper when he takes you into his arms. You immediately bury your face in his chest to inhale his calming scent. “I don’t know what to do. I love you, and I love him. How can this be?”
“I don’t know,” he presses soft kisses on your forehead. “All I know is that you are my omega as much as you are Steve’s omega.”
“What—?” Steve gasps when he sees you in his brother’s arms. “Bucky, what are you doing here? Take your hands off my bride. How can you betray me like this?”
“Please…Grant…it’s my fault,” you start crying bitterly. “I’m so confused and…” you shake your head. “Maybe I’m evil. I enchanted both of you and now you are angry at each other. I should leave and never come back. You deserve a better queen and omega…both of you do.”
“My love,” Steve steps toward you and Bucky. He holds out his hand, waiting for you to choose him. “You are the only queen I want. I won’t give up on you. Please choose me.”
“Please choose me,” Bucky whispers. He presses a soft kiss on your forehead. “I can’t let you go.”
“I-I can’t choose,” you cry even harder when Steve wraps his hand around your arm to get you away from his brother. “Please don’t make me choose. I would rather leave and never see one of you again than tear you apart. I can’t watch one of you be sad.”
“Steve,” Bucky lifts his head to look at his brother. “I can’t watch her cry…”
“You were always kind to her,” Steve drops his gaze in shame. “I was awful to her. You and Y/N deserve to find happiness…together. I don’t deserve her.”
Bucky steps away from you, shaking his head. “I can’t break your heart to find my happiness. I can’t hurt Y/N either. She loves you.”
You tear up as you stand between the brothers. Your alphas. “I love you both,” you whimper. “Please…I don’t know what to do.”
“We’re a pack,” Steve clears his throat, “and I’m the king. If I say that we will share our omega, no one will dare to disagree with me.”
“Share me,” you look at Steve, eyes wide and glassy. You whimper in need when the brothers step closer to you again. To you, their mixed scents smell like heaven. “But…what will people say?”
“That we love each other,” the king says, “and that you are our omega as much as we are your alphas. If you want us, say the words.” Steve takes another step toward you to take your right hand. “Please.”
"Say it, Y/N," Bucky asks, taking your left hand. “Please don’t leave us.” 
“My alphas,” you purr low in your throat. “I want to be yours, Bucky.” You smile at Bucky. “And I want to be yours, Steve.” You turn your head to look at Steve.
“Our omega,” the brothers purr your name, and everything seems to fall into place. 
You did not only become Steve’s queen but also Bucky’s light. The king announced that you are a pack, and therefore you are going to marry both brothers.
Steve and Bucky didn’t waste another day. You married them right after your love confessions. And that night, you became more than their queen. 
The brothers claimed you and insisted on wearing your mark too. No one will dare to get between you and your alphas ever again.
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“A pack, huh?” Natasha watches Stephen Strange walk next to her. “What brings you here? I thought you prefer isolation and silence.”
“I do,” Strange dips his head to glance at Natasha. “Maybe I came back because I found something I liked here.”
“I hope it’s not the king’s omega,” she chuckles darkly. “She already has her hands full with two alphas.”
“I set my eyes on someone even more beautiful,” he smiles at Natasha with a looped grin. “I heard you wanted to learn about my profession. I’d like to share all of my secrets with you...”
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antigone-ks · 2 months
Lantern of Evil
It's been almost 5 years since I posted this on AO3, so I thought it was time to clean up some typos and put it onto Tumblr.
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“You’re in a good mood today,” Natasha commented, holding the phone steady as Tony and Sam devolved into a slap fight. “Haven’t seen you smile this much since, y’know.”
“This is quality entertainment,” Steve said. “You don’t get this every day.”
“No you do not.” She turned the phone toward Bucky, who whistled as he sprinkled sea salt over the meat. He looked up, winked directly at her, then tossed the rest of the seasoning like a long-haired Salt Bae.
“But you seemed pretty chipper when you snuck back in before the show started.”
Or, Steve gets de-serumed and falls in love over art, old movies, and taxi dances.
Rating: E for Explicity, Eventually
Tags: Steve Rogers/Reader; Plus Size Reader; Natasha Romanov (Marvel); Tony Stark; Sam Wilson (Marvel); James "Bucky" Barnes; background Bucky/Nat - Freeform; Skinny Steve Rogers; Pre-Serum Steve Rogers; Post-Serum Steve Rogers; De-Serumed Steve Rogers; all of the combinations of serums and Steves; Slow Burn; Awkward Flirting; Awkward reader; Awkward Steve Rogers; neither of these goobers know what they're doing; shameless Letterkenny reference; False Identity; horrible misunderstandings; love in art galleries; love on bridges; love on front porches; will earn rating in later chapters; I hope; inappropriate use of a history degree; Short Reader; Profanity; Fluff; Angst; Fluff and Angst; Smut; Oral Sex; Vaginal Fingering; Making Out; definitely third base; not all-the-way parking but pretty close; Biting; Cunnilingus; Fellatio; Vaginal Sex; Steve wants to be clear that this isn't fucking; Making Love
Chapter One: The Greens of June
And all the greens of June/ Come blowing through the door/ They make me want to live/ Like I never have before
You settled onto the bench, bag on the floor. The museum had barely opened – a bad sign; it meant you were either blocked or stir-crazy. Or both. Both was bad. You’d had the museum on your list of things-to-do-if-you-had-time, but when you’d first come to town you’d expected that there would never be time. You were getting the change of scenery and relief from responsibilities that you’d always wanted, so of course you never imagined that the same old problems would plague you.
Namely, writer’s block. Imposter Syndrome. “Every word I write is trash and I should sleep in the dumpster”-itis.
You’d gotten this amazing opportunity to take a sabbatical, move half a continent away, and just research the hell out of your magnum opus, a stroke of historical genius. Or what would be your magnum opus, if you could get the damn thing off the ground. Right now it was stuck at brevi opus.
Opus minimis.
You had piles of research, and a good starting point, but you either got stuck on the writing of it or spent days on end organizing the data until the sun coming in the curtains made you feel like a Morlock crawling out of its hole.
So you’d hit the museum.
It’d actually been working pretty well for you, the last few weeks, and you’d started making it part of your routine. Rather than wait for the Bad Times to force you out of the house, you’d come down every two or three days and just . . . pick something. A painting, a sculpture, whatever caught your eye, and you’d study it until your mind felt clear. Sometimes your mind would wander far enough afield that it circled back to your work, and you’d excitedly jot down a new avenue to explore or a turn of phrase you liked. Sometimes you got nothing but a peaceful feeling. Either way, it was good for you, and the initial guilt you’d felt at not being Productive At All Times had faded.
It sort of was productive, anyway. You told yourself so.
For the last couple of visits, you’d sat with Hamilton’s Joan of Arc and the Furies. It was Shakespeare’s Joan, about to be captured by the English and burned for heresy. It’s not . . . good . . . you think, you don’t like it, but there’s something about it. It’s like two different paintings in one, dark and bright, overbearing and reticent.
There aren’t many people around yet, no kiddie camp visits today, so you’re alone in this part of the gallery. The docents are used to you by now, and don’t bother eagle-eyeing you. You lean your chin on your hand and stare hard at Joan, at her Merveilleuse gown, which, like, didn’t Hamilton know she wore pants? Like, famously? But anyway.
“You know,” a deep voice said, “I’ve always wondered what’s going on with the light down by that first fury. What does it symbolize?”
You look over your shoulder at the speaker, a slightly-built blond man with a sketchbook under his arm. He’d shown up a couple of times before, wandering around with more purpose than the average tourist, like he knew which pieces he liked and why. He had a delicate face and serious eyes with just ridiculous lashes. You smiled uncertainly.
“Like, where even is it coming from? Under her skirt?” you ask, and he looks down at you and whoa nelly those are very blue eyes and chuckles.
“Is it the lantern of justice?” he says, quirking an eyebrow.
“Probably not in Shakespeare. Maybe a lantern of evil.”
“She keeps a lantern of evil in her skirt?” He’s smiling openly at you now, and it’s a really nice smile, and that’s the only excuse you have for what comes out of your mouth next.
“Lantern of evil – in my pants!” you chirp, grinning.
His eyebrows shot up and he gave an incredulous hah.
“Like, like the game?” you say hurriedly. “Where you add ‘in my pants’ to a quote, or a movie title?” You can hear your voice rising nervously and fiddle with your glasses to avoid looking at him. “One ring to rule them . . . in my pants?”
He’s laughing now – probably more at you than at the joke – but it’s enough to relax you a little bit.
“I have never played that game,” he said, eyes dancing. “But I know just the person to try it with. I’ve seen you here before,” he went on, glancing back at the painting. The tips of his ears went very pink.
“Yeah, this is turning into my happy place when work’s not going so well.” You look at Joan again and clear your throat. “I think I saw you, too . . . maybe Sunday?” Not that I noticed you. I’m not a creeper. I notice nothing. I can barely see.
He nodded and shrugged. “Probably, yeah. I’ve been here a lot over the past week.”
“Work got you down, too?” you ask. He kind of purses his lips and nods. Taking a breath, you gesture to the empty half of the bench. “Want to share Joan with me? She’ll take your mind off it.”
His smile is a slow, gentle thing, and even though you say nothing more until it’s time to leave, you feel warmer for sitting near him.
“Because they’ll clog up the drain.” Tony’s voice is clipped.
“They get rid of odors,” Natasha points out.
“So it was you.”
“You think I drink that light roast nonsense?” She looks up as Steve enters, the light of battle in her eyes. Well, the light of annoying Tony. It’s not hard. “Weak.”
“Now you’re a coffee snob, Romanoff? You – “ Tony points a pair of tongs at Steve “ – do some reconnaissance, rally the troops, whatever it is you do, and catch this villain.”
Steve clucks his tongue and fails to hide a grin. “Coffee grounds again? You know, we could just get a Keurig and solve that problem easily.” He ducks as both Tony and Natasha turn on him, allied in outrage.
“Just for that,” Tony says, “you get whichever steak I overcook.”
Steve eyes the barstools at the island. He can get into them now, but it involves just enough scrambling that it hurts his dignity. No one said anything the first time he did it, not even Tony, and that was somehow worse than teasing would have been. He’s not broken, for God’s sake. He’s a man of temporarily reduced stature. It’ll be fixed in no time, Bruce and Tony and Helen have promised, but . . .
He’d read a book once that described a gnome as a person whose ‘belligerence was compressed into a body six-inches high and, like many things when they are compressed, had an inclination to explode.’[1] Steve didn’t consider himself belligerent – although he had the urge to cross himself in penance and hope that Bucky was in a different building when he thought it – but he did feel like every human emotion was currently packed into a body too small to hold it all. This body didn’t fit, except that it did, and Steve honestly wasn’t sure which feeling was worse.
He leaned against the counter with – he hoped – an insouciant air and nodded at Tony. “’s long as I can gnaw through it.”
“Are you impugning my grilling skills, Rogers?”
“Wait, you’re gonna grill those?” Sam and Bucky entered the kitchen, apparently fresh off a sparring match. Sam’s skin glistened with sweat, and Bucky wasn’t much better off. Sam might not have super serum in his veins, but he wasn’t a pushover in the ring.
“How else d’you cook ‘em?” Bucky asked, wrinkling his nose at Sam.
“You sear ‘em on the stovetop in a cast-iron skillet,” Sam said, holding up one finger, “finish ‘em in the oven,” two fingers, “serve with a garlic-herb butter.” Three fingers, waved in Bucky’s face.
Natasha leaned on the counter next to Steve and pointed her phone toward the argument. “Every time,” she whispered, hitting "record."
“Every time,” Steve answered.
“In the oven? Cook like a man, Sam!”
“Grill makes ‘em too dry,” Sam insisted.
“Hey!” Tony snapped his tongs at Bucky. “My meat. My rules.” He straightened his shoulders under Sam’s withering look. “On the grill, flip once a minute for the good grill marks.”
“That’s overhandling.” Sam’s tone suggested he was heading straight to church to light all of the candles for Tony’s soul.
“Wait – everyone, wait,” Steve broke in. Natasha quirked her lip at him, annoyed that he was ruining the show. He winked at her. “The real issue here is, aren’t you gonna season those things?”
“Yeah, where’s the salt and pepper, bud?” Bucky asked.
“Don’t start with me,” Tony warned.
“Where’s the steak spice,” Sam asked, rummaging through the cupboards. “I made you a steak spice months ago. My own blend, Tony. I gifted it to you. I’m not eating one of your bland-ass steaks again.” Tony abandoned the meat in favor of bodily hauling Sam away from the cupboards, giving Bucky time to grind at least a little peppercorn on each of the steaks.
“ – my steaks alone!” “ – killing the flavor, man. Killing the flavor!” “ – oversalting!” “ – can’t cook ‘em right, you leave it to someone who can!”
“You’re in a good mood today,” Natasha commented, holding the phone steady as Tony and Sam devolved into a slap fight. “Haven’t seen you smile this much since, y’know.”
“This is quality entertainment,” Steve said. “You don’t get this every day.”
“No you do not.” She turned the phone toward Bucky, who whistled as he sprinkled sea salt over the meat. He looked up, winked directly at her, then tossed the rest of the seasoning like a long-haired Salt Bae.
“But you already seemed pretty chipper when you snuck back in before the show started.”
Steve’s eyes were wide with injured innocence. “Snuck? Back in? I –“
“Can it. I don’t care – probably no one will recognize you – but if Tony finds out he’s going to turn into Chicken Little about security.”
“Tony can go lay an egg,” Steve said firmly, making Natasha snort with real laughter.
She sighed. “As hilarious as this is, I’m getting hungry." her voice carried across the kitchen. "Knock it off of or I’m calling Rhodey in.”
Tony straightened, Sam’s arm still around his neck. “Betrayal, Romanoff. I feel betrayed.”
“Yeah, no calling in the brass,” Sam complained. “We can settle this on our own.”
“Better settle that meat on the grill before the others get here,” Steve said. “Want help?”
“Excuse me,” Tony said, affronted. “I can handle the meat.”
The words left Steve’s mouth before he could stop them “ – in my pants?”
Natasha dropped the phone.
[1] Terry Pratchett, The Fifth Elephant
case/lang/viers – “Greens of June”
And all the greens of June/ Come blowing through the door/ They make me want to live/ Like I never have before
Read Chapter Two
16 notes · View notes
daydreamerdrew · 2 years
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Iron Man (1968) #18
2 notes · View notes
swan-of-sunrise · 1 year
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part II)
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Summary: In the wake of the announcement that John Walker would be the new Captain America, (Y/N) lends a patient ear to both Sam and Bucky, and an open-minded Steve gets an important and well-meaning lesson on modern forms of discrimination.
Pairing: Steve Rogers X Fem!Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings/Disclaimers: Disclaimer for a frank discussion of racism/bigotry
A/N: Writing more Sam and Bucky and their constant squabbling was so much fun, and it really did wonders counteracting how sad it was writing Steve’s emotions about Walker becoming Cap lol thank you for reading, I hope you all enjoy!
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part II) May 2024 Rockport, Maine (Previous Chapter)
Two weeks later, (Y/N) was sitting alone on her wraparound porch and fiddling with Natasha’s old red hourglass-shaped belt buckle, her lost friend’s treasured memento unable to give her its usual sense of comfort as she listened to Sam talk. He’d filtered through a wide range of emotions in the days since Captain John F. Walker had been named the new Captain America – shock, anger, sadness, outrage – before finally settling on heartbreak. Seeing a white man with the same blonde hair, blue eyes and chiseled physique that the country had come to expect in their Star-Spangled-Man-With-A-Plan did nothing short of break Sam’s heart and – although she was nowhere near a trained psychologist – she suspected that it only served to validate his intrusive imposter syndrome. She’d made it a point to call and check in on him every day since, and she was happy that her best friend hadn’t shut her out; just as he’d been there for her during so many difficult times in the past, she was giving him the strength and support that they both knew he needed.
“I decided not to watch that GMA interview that aired this morning,” Sam sighed over the phone. “I mean, why put myself through all that?”
“Believe me, you didn’t miss anything you couldn’t just find out with a quick Google search. The guy’s like a walking slice of plain white bread.” (Y/N) smiled to herself as her best friend snorted in amusement at her joke. “Scott was blowing up my phone throughout the entire thing; Walker had better watch himself, because he’s only been on the job for two weeks and he’s already got Ant-Man pissed off at him.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen Tic-Tac angry before and now I kinda don’t want to; all the shrinking and growing still freaks me out a little, and I haven’t forgotten how that little shit deactivated my wings like it was nothin’.” Their laughter faded away into a heavy silence that was eventually broken by Sam. “Thank you, (Y/N).”
She frowned in confusion. “For what?”
“For not trying to convince me to talk to Steve about all this. I love the guy, I really do, but with all this that’s happened…it’s somethin’ that he can never really understand. Maybe he will someday, but it’s not up to either of us if he does or doesn’t.” Biting her lip, (Y/N) struggled to think of how best to respond to his statements but he continued on before she could say anything. “So, how’s everyone doing today? Enjoying the warm weather up there?”
“Well, Steve took Carina and Indy for a walk after the GMA interview, so it’s just me holding down the fort; I tried working a little on the first draft of my book but I couldn’t get Walker’s annoying mug out of my mind, so I decided to sit out here and give my best friend a call. What about you? How’s your search for these Flag Smashers going?”
A few days after the new Captain America was announced, Sam told her about the emergence of an anti-nationalist group that aspired to return Earth’s governments and society to how it was after the Snap and before the Battle of Earth: a united world without borders or patriotism that cared about helping each other in times of need. As someone who lived through those turbulent five years and who didn’t necessarily agree with everything the Global Repatriation Council was doing, their initial mission statement sounded appealing to (Y/N); however, their methods were violent and destructive and most concerning of all, they were comprised of suspected super-soldiers and possessed a replica of Doctor Erskine’s serum. An Air Force friend of Sam’s had a close call with the group in Switzerland and for the past two weeks, they’d both been tracking their whereabouts to try and apprehend them.
“Pretty good, actually. Torres managed to track them to Munich and Redwing picked up some aerial footage of their suspected base just outside of the city, so we’re flying out of D.C. at oh-nine-hundred.”
“In that case, I should probably let you go so you don’t miss your flight…” (Y/N) twisted the belt buckle around and around in her grasp and tried not to think about the last friend she’d said goodbye to before an important mission. “Good luck out there, Birdbrain.”
Sam chuckled and replied, “Thanks, Booksmart. I’ll give you a call as soon as I can, okay?”
They both said their goodbyes and after hanging up, (Y/N) sat back in her rocking chair and held her belt buckle to her chest as she closed her eyes. “Keep an eye on him for me, Nat.” Her eyes flew open when her phone rang again and she scrambled to answer it. “Hello?”
“Hey, doll, it’s Bucky. Where the hell is Sam?”
(Y/N)’s shoulders sagged in sudden realization. “Oh, shit. I take it that you watched the GMA interview…”
“Yeah, I did, and it’s about time that he and I discussed how he just threw away that shield.” The super-soldier’s voice was filled with ire and she could hear his agitated pacing in the background. “I’m at your guys’ old place in D.C. but he’s not here, so I thought you might know where he’s at.”
“Bucky, none of this is going to change what’s happened-”
“Do you know how much it hurt to hear a total stranger sit there with that shield and call himself a brother to Steve? Do you have any idea how it feels to have Steve’s legacy tarnished by a guy who would’ve gladly kicked his pre-serum ass if we were back in the 40’s?”
Clenching her jaw in growing irritation, (Y/N) stood and started pacing across the porch. “Believe it or not, Bucky, I do. You think I didn’t try everything I could to get answers for what they did? It took threatening to go to the press for Senator Smith’s office to return my calls and when they finally did, I got an incredibly condescending explanation about what constitutes as government property. If I went any further than that, then I’d risk my family’s safety and privacy, so now I’m forced to sit by and watch a man who I know isn’t worthy of the shield parade around as Captain America while all those asshats on Capitol Hill congratulate themselves for preserving the so-called sanctity of a mantle that they’ve never understood.”
She could hear Bucky sigh. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? I didn’t mean to accuse you of not caring or anything. It’s just…that shield, Steve’s legacy…it means a lot to me. And to see Sam just throw it all away for no reason…”
“You want answers? Sam’s scheduled to fly out of Joint Base Andrews at 9 o’clock for an overseas mission, so if you want to talk to him then you’d better make it quick.”
“Thanks, (Y/N). I owe you one.”
“It’s no problem, but can you do me a favor and actually listen to what Sam has to say? He’s really been beating himself up over what’s happened, and you coming in hot with angry accusations isn’t going to make him or you feel better.”
“…Okay, okay, I’ll try. For you.” Bucky’s pacing slowed and she could tell he was weighing his words. “How’s Steve handling all this?”
(Y/N) leaned a hip against the porch railing and looked out at the gentle waves in the distance. “When I figure that out, I’ll tell you.”
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. I should probably let you go now; by the time I drive across D.C. and talk my way past the MP’s, it’ll be time for Sam’s flight to take off. I’ll call you soon, doll. Give Carina a kiss for me, okay?”
After they exchanged their goodbyes and she tucked her cell phone back into her pocket, (Y/N) looked down at the belt buckle in her hand and gave it a small smile. “Could you keep an eye on Bucky too while you’re at it, Nat? Something tells me that Sam won’t be traveling to Munich alone…”
“Dinner was delicious, sunshine,” Steve commented later that evening as they cleaned up the kitchen together; there was a mischievous twinkle in his azure eyes when he spared her a brief glance and continued drying the dishes she’d finished washing. “You know, you’ve come a long way from only knowing how to make spaghetti, tacos and scrambled eggs.”
Narrowing her eyes, (Y/N) playfully flicked some soapy dishwater at her chuckling husband. “This coming from the guy who used to boil all his food and who never touched hot sauce until he was ninety-seven.” They finished washing and drying the dishes in comfortable silence, and it wasn’t until after they checked on Carina fast asleep in her crib and made their way back out to the living room that she decided to bring up the subject of the new Captain America. “Sweetheart, if I ask you a question will you promise to give me an honest answer?”
Steve’s brow arched but he nodded all the same. “Of course. What is it?”
“What was going through your head when you saw the announcement naming John Walker as the new Captain America?”
They sat down on the couch and Steve’s hand automatically found hers, his thin fingers intertwining with hers as he considered her pointed question. “Honestly? For a split second there, I thought that I was seeing a ghost on the television screen.” (Y/N)’s brow furrowed in confusion and he continued. “When I was accepted into Project Rebirth and sent to Camp Lehigh, I joined an entire regiment of potential candidates and over the course of a week, we were ordered to complete training that would determine which one of us would be chosen as the SSR’s first test subject. Doctor Erskine made it pretty clear from the beginning that he wanted me, but Colonel Phillips was gunning for a guy named Gilmore Hodge.” He huffed out a quiet chuckle. “Talk about a horse’s ass. Hodge was a bully; he fought with the other guys in the barracks, he cheated during training to get higher scores and he hated that a woman was the one personally overseeing our training.”
“Wait a sec, was he the soldier that Peggy told me about once, the one she knocked onto his ass with just one punch?” Steve nodded and (Y/N) grinned appreciatively. “Peggy Carter was such a bad-ass. So, Walker reminds you of Hodge?”
“Mm-hmm, right down to the blonde hair and blue eyes. Everything I’d read or heard about him since paints him as the perfect soldier, and it was all summed up in that GMA interview this morning.” Steve bit his bottom and looked over at the wall beside their small piano. He’d spent their first month in Maine framing and hanging some of the sketches he’d completed over the years; scenes of his childhood in Brooklyn featuring his mother Sarah and Bucky, portraits of his fellow Howling Commandos and everyone he’d worked with at the SSR, doodles of the laid-back days spent with the Avengers and more drawings of (Y/N) throughout the years than she could count. Doctor Abraham Erskine’s portrait hung proudly towards the center of the wall, a place of honor for the man who changed Steve’s life in more ways than one, and Steve’s eyes softened a little as he continued. “Doctor Erskine came to the barracks to see me on the night before the scheduled procedure. He told me about the time Schmidt took an unfinished dose of the serum and how he became the Red Skull, but then he said something I don’t think I’ll ever forget: ‘The serum amplifies everything that’s inside, so good becomes great and bad becomes worse.’” His azure eyes flicked back over to (Y/N) while the corner of his mouth lifted into a humorless smile. “The second thought that ran through my head after seeing that broadcast was ‘Thank God that they didn’t get their hands on Erskine’s serum too.’”
Sensing his pensive mood, (Y/N) draped her legs over his lap so she could cuddle up against him and rested her head on his shoulder. “The government did what the government does best: purposefully overlooked the accomplishments of a Black man in favor of maintaining the status quo. It’s a tale older than America itself.”
“But…” Steve’s voice was filled with an uncertainty that she’d come to associate with him being a man out of time. “Sam was the one who decided to give the shield to the Smithsonian. Unless…did he mention if someone contacted him and convinced him to hand it over?”
“No, no one convinced him. Sam doesn’t talk about it much, but he suffers from something called imposter syndrome; it’s when you believe that you’re less capable than those around you, that any success you’ve had in your life is only the result of luck and that at the end of the day, you’ll be outed as a fraudster. Many, many people of all walks of life struggle with imposter syndrome but it particularly affects the BAME – Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic – community.”
The thumb that had been caressing her knee slowed as Steve carefully asked, “So, when Sam said that he felt like the shield belonged to someone else, what he really meant was that it belonged to someone who looked like me?”
(Y/N) nodded. “To you, you were only passing along a superhero name and a vibranium shield to the person you believed was meant to have them but to Sam, he was faced with accepting a mantle that reminded him of the atrocities of our country’s history and a future where he’d be the first and only Black man ever named Captain America. It’s a heavy burden to bear and in the end, Sam chose to put his well-being first.”
“I didn’t think that…I-I should’ve known…”
Sitting up, (Y/N) cupped Steve’s face and gently coaxed him to look at her, her heart breaking a little as she looked into his distraught eyes. “Sweetheart, none of this is your fault. You only did what you thought was right, and there’s no way that you could’ve known any of this on your own. Sam doesn’t blame you, so you shouldn’t go and start blaming yourself.” She gave him a sad sort of smile. “If only there were more people like you and Sam in the world…I guess I should count myself lucky that I have the both of you in my life.”
Her husband’s expression softened and he shook his head. “Nah, we’re definitely the lucky ones, baby.” His thumb and forefinger lightly grasped her chin and held her steady as he leaned forward to capture her lips in a loving kiss.
The next day, (Y/N) spent the morning and much of the afternoon on a conference call with Greg and the editors going over the first draft of Assemble: The Unabridged History of the Avengers and while a freshly-inspired Steve worked into the evening on the cover art, (Y/N) set up Carina’s playpen in the garage and kept an eye on her daughter while she worked up a sweat with their suspended punching bag. Her time with the punching bag was when she allowed herself to reflect on the nightmares she experienced as a result of her PTSD; they were usually memories of all the losses she’d suffered at the hands of Thanos, playing over and over on a constant loop in her mind, but exercising helped her acknowledge and slowly push through them.
While she was taking a quick water break and checking Carina for signs of sleepiness, her cell phone began to play the tell-tale tune of Sam’s ringtone. “You hear that, Cari? Uncle Sam’s calling!” The infant clapped her little hands together and (Y/N) grinned as she reached for her phone, but she arched a brow in surprise when she saw that it was actually a FaceTime request; with a shrug, (Y/N) answered and was met with the sight of Sam’s withdrawn face. “Sam? What’s wrong, Sam?”
“It’s probably easier to tell you what isn’t wrong,” Her best friend sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “Bucky and I went to Munich yesterday and got our asses handed to us by eight super-soldiers, he took me to Baltimore to meet an old man named Isiah Bradley and I got to learn that the Army once experimented on Black soldiers while trying to replicate the serum, Bucky got himself arrested because he missed a therapy session, and I was forced into an uncomfortable couple’s counseling session with Mr. Stares-A-Lot himself.”
“Wow, that was…a lot.”
“I’m sorry for interrupting your workout, (Y/N), but after the day I’ve had, I just really needed to see a friendly face.” Sam’s expression relaxed when he caught sight of Carina playing with her stuffed white wolf. “Two friendly faces, actually. How you doin’, cutie-pie?”
“Say ‘hi’ to Uncle Sam, lemon drop.” (Y/N) helped the infant wave her chubby hand at the screen and grinned when her best friend chuckled. “Hey, that got you to smile! Did you want to talk about it?”
Sam shook his head. “Nah, it’s okay. I’m too tired to go through it all again.”
Before (Y/N) could reply, Bucky appeared from behind Sam and gave her a half-wave. “Nice to see you again, doll. Is Samuel here tellin’ you all about my time in the slammer?”
“Bucky, are you all right?” She ignored the glares that both men were shooting one another and waved her hand in front of the camera to grab their attention. “Hey, if you guys stop doing that weird macho shit, you’ll realize I asked you a question.” Carina let out a particularly loud coo and (Y/N) glanced over at her with an apologetic smile. “Yes, Cari, that was a bad word that Mommy shouldn’t have said, but your uncles are driving Mommy insane right now.” She looked back at the screen and raised a pointed brow. “How are you feeling, Bucky?”
“Well, I feel better,” Sam interrupted as they walked out onto a sidewalk.
Bucky sighed in annoyance. “I feel awful, (Y/N), but thanks for asking.”
A police car’s siren blared through the phone’s speaker, ending as soon as it began but replaced with a familiar boastful voice. “Gentlemen! Good to see you again.” Instead of hanging up the FaceTime, Sam switched to a normal phone call after exchanging a look with Bucky and although (Y/N) was confused by his action, she listened closely as they approached John Walker. “Who were you talking to? Your girlfriend?”
“My best friend, actually. She was checking in on me, but she had to go.”
“(Y/N) (Y/L/N), right?” (Y/N)’s brows rose in surprise but she remained silent, mindful that the phone was on speaker. “I’ve studied the files of all the Avengers in preparation for taking up the mantle, in case I ever have to work alongside them. I sent her an email, you know, giving her my condolences and asking for her personal blessing to carry Steve’s shield, but I guess it must’ve gotten lost somewhere ‘cause I never heard back.”
“That’s because I sent that unopened email directly into the goddamn trash,” She muttered under her breath and heard Bucky cover his snort of amusement with a small cough.
“Look, if we divide ourselves, we don’t stand a chance and you guys know that.”
Sam sighed. “So, what do you got?”
“Well, the leader’s name’s Karli Morgenthau. We’ve been targeting civilians who’ve been helping Karli move from place to place.”
A new voice spoke up, and (Y/N) quickly recognized it as belonging to Lemar Hoskins, Walker’s partner known as Battlestar to the public. “They geo-tagged a location, then scrambled the signal. But our satellites have found their symbol popping up in various displaced communities all across Central and Eastern Europe.”
“We think she’s taking the medicine she just stole to one of those camps.”
Bucky snorted in derision, and (Y/N) could very-well imagine him rolling his eyes in plain view of Walker. “Well, there are hundreds of those all over the planet since the Blip, so I guess you’ll have to look real hard.”
“Good thing I have 20/20 vision, huh?”
“Where is she now, Walker? Do you know?”
“No, we don’t know, Bucky. It’s only a matter of time before we find out.”
“Things are really intense for you, aren’t they, Walker?”
(Y/N) listened to the heated exchange between Bucky and Walker with growing concern, and she was thankful when Sam interrupted them before they could escalate. “Take it easy. Look, Walker’s right. It is imperative that we find them and stop them, but you guys have rules of engagement and all kinds of authorization you have to get. We’re free agents. We’re more flexible, so it wouldn’t make sense for us to work with you.”
There was a moment’s pause before Walker replied, “A word of advice, then: Stay the hell out of my way.”
She could hear footsteps walking down the street and after a minute, the phone call was switched back to FaceTime and she saw Sam and Bucky’s concerned faces on the screen. “So, what do you think of the new Captain America?”
“I think that you two need to be careful around him,” (Y/N) answered honestly, perching herself on the garage’s workbench and shaking her head. “Something seems off with him. I mean, ‘targeting civilians’ was concerning enough, and then he basically threatened you both when you wouldn’t agree to work with him? I don’t know about either of you, but I’m even more grateful that he doesn’t have the serum than I was before.”
“Yeah, me too. Speaking of the serum, it looks like we’ll have to start there if we wanna gather more intel on these Flag Smashers.” Sam glanced over at Bucky walking beside him. “What are you thinkin’?”
“Well, I know what we have to do. When Isaiah said ‘my people’-”
“Oh, don’t take that to heart, that’s not what he meant.”
“No, he meant Hydra.” At Bucky’s statement, (Y/N)’s jaw dropped as she slowly realized what he was intending on doing. “Hydra used to be my people.”
Sam scoffed at Bucky’s implication. “Not a chance.”
“Walker doesn’t have any leads-”
“I know where you’re going with this, no.”
“He knows all of Hydra’s secrets. Don’t you remember Siberia?” Bucky shot an imploring look at (Y/N). “C’mon, doll, back me up here.”
(Y/N) bit her lip and carefully thought their less-than-ideal situation over. “It sounds like you don’t have much of a choice in the matter, but you need to make sure you’re mentally prepared to face him again. I remember Siberia, Bucky, but I also remember how he took control of you in Berlin.”
Sam looked over at Bucky with concern in his dark brown eyes. “So, you’re just gonna go sit in a room with this guy?”
With a slow nod, her best friend glanced between the super-soldier beside him and his phone screen. “Okay, then. We’re gonna go see Zemo.”
Despite the seriousness of their situation, (Y/N) couldn’t contain her huff of laughter. “Look at you two, already starting to work together like a team. Keep it up and you’ll figure all of this out in no time. Hey, maybe you’ll even end up becoming real friends!”
“You’ve got some imagination, doll; it’s no wonder why Steve fell head over heels for you,” Bucky remarked but managed to give her a half-smile. “Take care while we’re gone, okay?”
“I’ll give you a call as soon as we know more about what we’re dealing with.” Her best friend’s assured tone and the look of determination that was written across his features helped to ease some of her worry for the pair, and he smiled a little when she finally nodded. “We’ll see you soon, Booksmart.”
“Good luck, Birdbrain,” (Y/N) replied and when the FaceTime ended, she sighed and stared at her concerned reflection in the phone’s screen. “And stay safe.” She pocketed her phone and lifted Carina out of her playpen, giving the giggling infant a kiss on the forehead and tickling her stomach before handing her the stuffed white wolf. “You’re absolutely right, lemon drop. Your uncles are going to be okay because they’ve got each other’ backs. C’mon, let’s go check on Daddy and make sure he hasn’t fallen asleep on one of his easels again…”
A/N: The next chapter takes place in Delacroix, so buckle up for more angst and shenanigans! Thank you all so much for reading and commenting! I’ve created a Spotify playlist inspired by this series, and I’ll be updating it every time I upload a new chapter. Enjoy!
Spotify Playlist: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3ziGMhEsAw833GQ9eV44nR?si=6dfead09c76848d5
The Falcon and the Winter Soldier (Part III)
Stumblin’ In Book VII: “Superhero Snapshots” Masterlist
Stumblin’ In Book I: “The Winter Soldier” Masterlist
Tagging:  @mrs-obrien​​​​​​ @lahoete​​​​​​ @awkward117 @cminr @natdrunk​​​​​ @momc95​​​​​​ @savedbystyle​​​​​​ @miraculouscloud @awkwardnesshabitat​​​​​​ @marinettepotterandplagg​​​​​​ @mangosandmimosas @supersouthy @benakenalove​​​​​​ @brooke0297​​​​​​ @hufflepeople​​​​​​ @becausewelie​​​​​​ @outoftheregular​​​​​​​ @junipermurdock​​​​​​ @ladydmalfoy @mads-weasley​​​​​​ @username23345 @crist1216​​​​​​ @capswife​​​​​​ @lilmschild​​​​​​ @avngrsinitiative @crowleysqueenofhell​​​​​​ @y-napotat​​​ @mary1raven​​​​​​ @groovy-lady​​​​​​ @ljej95​​​​​​ @innersublimefury​​​ @prettysbliss​​​​​​​  
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evansbby · 5 months
If you don’t look too closely at the hairline it’s okay😊🤣
It’s not just the hairline
To me it’s not STEVE.
It’s some dark blonde buffoon who thought he could make the Ari look work but failed magnificently
Like who tf is this guy he just looks wrong 😭😭 it’s not giving Steve Rogers it’s giving imposter! Steve Rogers is meant to be clean cut and clean shaven and all good boy… that’s why dark!Steve hits so hard is bc physically he looks like he’s so clean cut and good!!!
This man below just placed a monstrosity on his head bc he wanted to make a radical change in himself bc he was feeling emo!!! And it looks bad!!!
It’s like he is trying to emulate Ari but YOU CANNOT OUTDO THE DOER!!!
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