#impulse goblin
neopuff · 5 months
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redwinterroses · 2 years
Casual reminder that, according to Ren and Martyn, Skizz canonically forged the Red Winter axe. Which means that Skizz is directly connected to the two most plot-important weapons of Third Life.
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ineed-to-sleep · 10 months
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Well. He wasted no time
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theadhdgoblin · 1 year
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screamsinsilver · 4 months
this is ur fav singer/guitarist btw
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seraphsfire · 7 months
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the little goblin in my brain is telling me to color. just go hogwild with some crayons.
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fstbmp-a · 1 year
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She's cool, she's mature, she's in a relationship and has a kid. Surely Olympia isn't going to--
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"I make the best projectile."
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buckets-of-creativity · 6 months
Gnawing on the bars of my enclosure because I want a new camera for my collection but I’ve already spent so much fucking money on fun things the past like month and a half and need to give my finances a break
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deathbind · 6 months
I was outlining a lil overview “if Serot is driving the wagon, this is what happens during BG3” post, and Serot’s temper is astounding to me. He is an even-keeled man overall. Doesn’t take offense easily and is not inclined toward violence. Approaches every situation with the desire for peaceful resolution or at least minimizing casualties. I’d almost call him easy-going.
But, there are certain matters that are hard lines for him. Transgress them, and he sees red. Not even in a “angry shouting or walking away” manner; in an “immediate violence” manner. I said before he goes from 0 to “the next 7 generations will be born with my handprint on their face” and yeah. The change is sudden, which is frightening enough, but I think, unless you know him well, it also seems unpredictable. It’s not but it seems that way.
The problem is his wrath rules him once it’s been roused. He does tend to be an emotionally driven person regardless. It’s just his usual emotions are curiosity, compassion, amusement. His other emotions can drive him just as hard, though, when brought to the forefront. When angered, he burns through the situation at hand. Though his anger is usually righteous, I can’t say there have never been regrettable consequences.
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gerbiloftriumph · 1 year
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gobril, in which people draw goblins once a day in the month of april. there’s a prompt list. we might not follow the prompt list. goblins tend to be chaotic, anyway.
Goblin the First
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neopuff · 1 year
How about RobRae + “Walk with me.” For the starter prompts :0
(send me characters/ships + prompts!)
She turned around at the sound of her name, seeing the Boy Wonder jogging down the hallway towards her. “Robin. What’s going on?”
“Nothing, just, uh…” He’d caught up to her and scratched the back of his neck. “Well…walk with me for a minute, will you?”
“Sure,” she said hesitantly. Though she had no reason not to, they were obviously going in the same direction, something about the way he was acting was a little strange. Like he was nervous about something.
Raven was glad her hood was already up, because she suddenly felt anxious. He’d better start talking soon or she would assume the worst.
“So…” Robin started, hands in his pockets. “...we might be having a…visitor. Soon.”
She raised an eyebrow. Okay. Already feeling better about this conversation. “Who?”
“Someone from my old life.” He was glancing up and down the hallway like one of the other Titans might overhear.
“Your old life,” Raven repeated. “So…Batman?”
“Shh!” Robin put a gloved finger to her lips, just for a moment. “I don’t want anyone else to know until I’m sure he’s coming. All he made was an offhand comment, not a plan.”
“Alright, sure.” She was once again glad for the hood, because she knew she was blushing a little bit from that physical contact. “Why tell me, then?”
He chuckled. “Well…I wanted to tell someone. And you know my history better than anyone else here,” he answered with a shrug. “Plus I trust you not to say anything.”
Why did normal sentences sound like charming compliments coming from his mouth? Raven frowned at that thought, frustrated by her nonsensical crush. “Did he say why he might visit? Or is he just checking on you?”
“Convenience, I think,” Robin answered quickly. “He has a business meeting in the city so it wouldn’t be a long trip.”
They’d reached Raven’s room and stopped walking, but Raven wasn’t sure if they were done with the conversation. It was so rare for Batman or Gotham City to come up with Robin, despite the formative years he’d spent there. She always assumed it was a sore subject - that he didn’t want to talk to or about Batman or Batgirl or anyone else from that part of his life. Maybe she’d misinterpreted.
“Are you…excited?” she asked quietly. “I can’t really tell how you’re feeling.”
“I’m honestly not sure. I haven’t seen him in a really long time.” Robin exhaled loudly through his nose. “I haven’t wanted to see him for a long time, either.”
She understood that feeling very well - it was exactly how she’d felt about her mother after leaving Azarath. “Just let me know if I should make him feel welcome or not,” she said with a small smile.
Robin laughed, a sound that made Raven’s heart jump just the slightest bit. “Thanks, Raven. I’ll let you know as soon as I hear from him again.”
She just nodded in response, giving him a small wave as she finally entered her bedroom. The two of them had grown a lot closer ever since she entered his mind - which made sense, of course, but the butterflies in her stomach couldn’t be settled with logic. Being Robin’s confidante was still something she was getting used to.
It was nice, though. Being trusted so fully and completely. She’d never felt that from anyone else in her life - certainly not anyone on Azarath, and all the other Titans had had at least a few moments of concern during their time together.
But not him.
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dangerdeficit · 2 years
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fell into a trance and did this. coming soon to a tumblr blog near you
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wabblebees · 1 year
looking forlornly at my dash full of these
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trying NOT TO TOUCH!! bc im still on ep 3 and im loving it sO MUCH but im WORRIED and i WANNA SEE
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tabikato · 1 year
Had to savescum the grove fight in dark urge run because chat found out we couldn't get Karlach after that. Not for the tieflings, or Halsin, or Wyll. Karlach was the deal breaker of my bad run game.
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tabbyx3 · 2 years
I'm a little gremlin that collects knick-knacks and trinkets
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