whumblr · 3 months
“Welcome back.”
Whumpee blinked a couple times and stared into the amused eyes of Caretaker, who was smiling at him from behind his desk.
“I didn’t go anywhere?” he muttered. Whoa, his voice was all gravelly. Weird. He shifted on the sofa where he’d been splayed out for the afternoon, helping Caretaker finish some work. His body felt all heavy, his movements sluggish… actually, everything from his thoughts to his limbs all went on a slower pace.
And when he couldn’t stifle a yawn, the gears clanked into place.
“Wait, I fell asleep?!” he bumbled, mouth still mid-yawn.
“You were even snoring.”
He gaped at Caretaker, pushing himself up to a slightly more dignified reclining position. The silence between them broke by the slither of paper slowly sliding from his stomach and scattering over the floor.
“Oh shit.” He startled up, hand reaching out in a half-hearted attempt to catch the files.
“Given the content of what you’re reading… not very surprising," Caretaker said, no scorn of judgment in his voice whatsoever.
If those legal documents were indeed the cause of him nodding off, Whumpee swore he’d find a way to smuggle all the confidential files out of the building and use them that very night. But somehow he doubted the dry sentences were the reason.
“How long did I sleep?”
A quick glance at the clock. “Over an hour now.”
“Why didn’t you wake me? I promised I’d look this over for you.” He waved with the papers he now tried to put back in order.
Caretaker shrugged. “You looked like you needed it.”
Whumpee wiped a hand over his face and sighed into his palm. “God, I do. I did. I haven’t slept like this in…” Months? Not since— He shook his head. And to feel groggy, like this? Usually when he woke up, he could feel he wasn’t rested but his body and mind shot to alert as soon as he would open his eyes and wouldn’t go back to sleep again.
To actually feel his body begging him for more sleep now, just to turn over and close his eyes again for a minute. Gods, it felt like heaven.
He gave in and closed his eyes again. Everything turned heavy, but not in a bad way. It was comforting. “Of all places to finally get some sleep,” he mumbled, “it’s in your bloody office.”
“Maybe you feel safe here.”
Whumpee smiled, eyes still closed. Yes, safe. With you.
General whump tag list: @firewheeesky @myfriendcallsmeasickwoman19 @whumpawink @painsandconfusion @auroragehenna @chaotic-orphan
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unlimitedhearts · 7 months
So uh. Im having a thought, Barbosa.
In the scene where Peter is attempting to give the artist soon-to-be-known as Venom back to Harry, it gets pretty damn close to Harry before Kravens knife falls out of Peters side.
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They all stare at it in shock, even Peters a little shaken about it before insisting hes fine and he's going to try again.
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But even with him touching Harry, the tendrils don't get any closer to him. In fact Peter sounds like he's straining to give it back, grunting in a way he just hadn't the first time.
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Venom only gets a little closer to Harry than this before retracting back into Peter.
Im wondering. Why did it take until now for Kravens knife to fall out of Peters side? When hes giving Venom back? Maybe Im grasping here but something tells me that Venom waited to get rid of the knife.
The first time Petes giving it back it moves easily, almost like its saying "You wanna give me up? Fine." And then the knife falls out at that exact moment. "But if you did you would have been dead in an instant."
And then, while Peter is definitely shaken about this he tries again but he just cant. Some part of him hesitates. Almost like somewhere deep down in the back of his mind, he doesnt want to give it up.
The manipulation has already started.
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inhcritance · 1 year
Open starter:
It's a short message, sent after too much hesitation and in a moment of bravery, but for the first time in more than a year, the messages are not all incoming.
[Text] Hey! I'm back :)
And he regrets the smiling face immediately, but the damage is already done. Nevertheless, this is still so much better than silence, when he's strong enough to leave the penthouse at last and he will be seen in public, sooner or later.
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icouldtakeanap · 11 months
general update for the masses: im getting back into my imsomniac spiderman phase while waiting for spiderman 2
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astronomical-bagel · 7 months
Eyebags r really funny bc they’re just lil tattletales. U don’t even see them yourself bc you don’t look in mirrors that often and the change is too gradual anyways you just walk around with eyebags untril your imsomniac friend and twin have to tell you yhat your eyebags are worse than theirs. Fucking snitches is what they are
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yourethepoetry · 6 months
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Nicholas 🤝 Henry 🤝 Me … being a world class imsomniac
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That's what happens when my silly little imsomniac brain listens to Prequelle at 1 AM.
Pencil sketch to be trasferred on primed paper for future oil painting.
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kellykadesperate · 10 months
yes exactly!!!! i bought the book two weeks ago (it was on my list forever) and i'm pretty close to finishing it. i was planning on reading the book fully first and then watching the movie but then the movie happened and i just couldn't look away lmao 😭😭😭 listen i know this gets thrown around a lot but that whole 'a fell first but b fell harder' is like???? the way alex has to wrap his head around being into boys and then also having feelings for the boy he thought he despised for so long. but then, once gets there, he's All In. like with everything, if alex claremont diaz decided to go for something, he goes for it fully and without hesitation and it's so beautiful to see henry fox, who doesn't think he'll ever find or get to have the love he so desperately wants, get alex's unrestrained love and affection!!!!! i saw a gifset of that scene where zahra catches henry in alex's hotel room, and at the beginning when they're in bed, henry is dead asleep, looking so comfortable and rested, next to the man he probably already loves. and it hit me, 'world class imsomniac', the grief that hits him at times and there's nothing he can do but ride the wave, and then alex comes along and is able to give him a sense of peace and calm and he finally gets to rest.
i wanna cry. this is a book i think i'll read every few months or so.
oh 100% about alex being all in! he's like hm ok henry? really? him? well i do kind of like him and then he just starts tumbling down the hill so fast it's insane lmao. henry is literally like hm ok well maybe alex doesn't mind kissing me a bit and then alex is holding his hand is like hey i want to do this again and henry has to be like don't overreact don't get ahead of urself. he has to be the one that mentions they have to keep it casual because if alex won't say it, he's clearly forced to. but alex is like so loudly into him it's insane
oh my god it really is a sense of peace. absolute peace. he's literally like well alex is my happy calm place so yes i can sleep and i can feel safe and loved. the same with the party which literally is top3 scenes of the whole film. like henry is having a blast just sitting at a party talking to alex and you literally see him seize up when the girl is on alex's lap and alex goes off to dance. he literally looks so out of place again until alex drags him to dance and he's dancing around him before the girl drags alex again lmao
sidenote this bit in the book would have killed me in the film but it has such a different meaning considering we literally see henry watching alex the whole time:
“Here,” Alex says, moving his own hips, “watch me.” With a grave gulp of champagne, Henry says, “I am.”
honestly ofc the book has so much more nuance to it but i actually love how many more details and things are picked up on the film. seeing henry so utterly in love with alex at the party is insane because we don't see that pov in the book. the addition of henry looking heartbroken when alex is kissed by those random girls at midnight rather than nora actually took me tf out because you can tell henry is like 'i want to do that, i want to be able to do that' and then he gets to! and then he ghosts alex because he convinces himself that alex just saw that as another wild nye kiss thing. urgh naunce was added in a new and cool way
film adaptations which are true to the book but do things differently are just so so interesting to me!
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nokt-is-insane · 7 months
Hi I just wanted to say that I love your dreams of an imsomniac fic omg so goood 💜💜💜💕💕💕😃 do you have a certain update schedule?
Aww thank you!
And kind of? I try to post something before the end of the month, but that can either be Last Day Of The Month or only a week after the last one. So.
You should expect to see the next chapter sometime before Christmas, and there might not be chapters on march or April coz I’ll have Things Happening, but yeah. Iffy schedule, they’re uploaded as they’re made
Thank you!
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irodimww · 1 year
Uh.. hello???
Twitter wasn't enough to damage my imsomniac artistic brain so now I'm here soo- yeah???
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blueboi30 · 1 year
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thatonegaybastard · 2 years
marrow has eyebags from what i remever so i like to think he is an imsomniac and doesnt get a lpt of sleep. sometimes he sees shadows moving oit of the corners of his eyes too like I do sometimes
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waffleweirdo · 5 months
I reread Imsomniacs After School now that it’s finished and it was wow
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bzzlab · 6 months
Das Sound Kollective. Imsomniac ft. Ruben Hein, 2020.
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Silence of the night.
It has become difficult for me to have a sound sleep till late midnight. I am becoming partially imsomniac. Only a bird expresses solidarity. Birds sound is not a resonance sound but calls in a haphazard way. This bird looks like a humming bird. A long companion of mine. Almighty created male and female to form a pair. Now we frequently change partners. We look for happiness. Even all stars are not alone. A white dwarf is associated with black hole.A soul has a soul mate. We pray for the departed soul. I don't have any idea of the soul male. The peace of the soul is the ultimate word.
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turianhumanclient · 1 year
I read a thought-provoking article today, about the penetration of English language into my home country's public and private sphere. It was authored by linguist Janne Saarikivi (paywalled, https://www.hs.fi/kuukausiliite/art-2000009202458.html) .
The phenomena described within in, from food labeling to store departments to business trade names and such is something I've witnessed with my own eyes, as are the instruction to converse in English over at our IGDA discord server the moment we got our first non-Finnish speaker volunteer join up.
There are moments and situations where this is basic courtesy to allow another to understand, and then there are wider contexts where at large this society seems to be quietly conceding the use of Finnish language in favor of an 'international' English in academia, work and business and denying non-speaking people a chance to learn Finnish.
In his article Janne writes of power, class and international relations. You are probably familiar with the connotation of international == English, of Hollywood, Breaking Bad, Star Wars, Call of Duty and countless other media products dominating the airwaves and our minds. You may have come across a post on Tumblr discussing this phenomenon where the rest of the world sees and builds their image of the world on that of coming out of United States, of Greek teens forgetting what is their emergency number as they've seen so much North American media with 911 in it.
This is a life I also live, interacting with you all folks across the Atlantic and the Pacific conversing in English. Some days I wonder what it would have been like if I'd stuck to German or given more thought to Swedish than I had. There is a breadth of experiences, people, art, games, entertainment and everything at my fingertips that I would have been much poorer without. At what price, though? Anglo-American cultural hegemony? Not trying to find and create the things I sought in my mother tongue but in that of the hegemons?
Not to mention the bitterness I've had in face of time zones. Yes, I can converse with my peers across the oceans, but I am not their peer in real-time activities. I fortunately have some friends with whom I can game together live and I am thankful for their consideration. I remain bitter of the many opportunities where at face value anyone could come, but in reality was North Americans and the imsomniac and umemployed elsewhere willing to sacrifice their sleep and rhythm. So in a way knowing the language has not just opened doors, it has revealed windows I could only look through.
You are not the target of this writing, whoever reads this. I have love and care for my friends and I extend courtesy to strangers. These are machinations of vastly greater powers, many of whom act without foresight. You are not part of any conspiracy, and there is not even such thing. This is poor self-image, misplaced loathe and pride of my home that it is so willingly burying a language which fought to exist outside the peasants' class some century and a half ago. A laboratory on forefront of social change now experimenting with disdain of its own tongue in favor of English.
P.S. I didn't find a good way to incorporate it into the text but one of the reasons why English > Finnish is marketability, consumerism. You know, capital C Capitalism.
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