#in a more intense and non career focused way
darkwood-sleddog · 1 year
People in my life: you should try therapy!!
Me: that sounds exhausting though.
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leviathansshadycorner · 8 months
Hi! I just wanted to say that I love the Cato series!! It’s so good and I’m so exited for the next part! <33
Rope Him In ( Cato x District 10! Reader x slight! Marvel) Pt. 5
Summary: (Y/n) begins training.
A/n: Thank you for the support!!!! I love y'all!! Sorry for the wait lol life has been hard. Sorry for any typos or OOC moments. Again thank you so much for the support it means the world to me especially right now.
Pt.4 Pt.3 Pt.2 Pt.1
Chapter 5: Training pt. 1
“Do you think they’ll have us fight against each other?” Buckley’s voice interrupted your intense glaring to the careers waking up ahead to the training center. 
“Probably not, they’re already making us do that anyway.” You reminded him, scratching the back of your neck since the fabric of the training uniform had a tag that had not been cut off. 
All of the tributes were lined up in pairs. Peacekeepers decorated the walls of the building as they carefully observed the tributes making their way into the arena. The doors leading to the arena were that familiar steel material, and white futuristic lights lit the path towards the center. You could hear the careers boasting about how they couldn’t wait to get their hands on certain weapons, and how much they missed training. It was an odd thing to hear and the non-career districts were visibly confused with their behavior. 
Everyone was lined up in a semicircle, gathering around a lady with two pigtails. She introduced herself as the overseer of the training arena and began to explain the rules. She mentioned how tributes should not only focus on combat but survival skills as well. 
Buckley seemed notably irritated. You had no idea why. Was it something you had said? Deciding to dismiss it, you focused your attention up ahead. Unfortunately for you, all the tributes had to participate in mandatory stations. 
“What should we do?” Buckley asked, his eyes scanning the other tributes as they all dispersed around the training center. Some of the tribute pairs stayed together, following each other around and choosing to train as partners. The rest went on to train individually. It was clear that they either didn’t trust who they came in with, or cared less about them. The careers all huddled around lethal weapons. Quickly it was established that Cato was the leader of the pack. Even Marvel didn’t bother to fight over the role of the leader. 
It was like they had their own private island. All the other tributes steered clear of whichever section of the room they would move to. You and Buckley were still the only ones who hadn’t moved. It was obvious he was hoping to stick together but you couldn’t risk that. You were already a target in the eyes of the career. Not because of your strength, but because you had hurt their leader’s ego during the parade. You’d practically be leading Buckley to his death if he stayed close to you for too long. Then again, you weren’t going to let fear get in your way. 
“Why don’t we stick with each other? That way we can scope out who we have to watch out for.” He nodded, opening his mouth to say something but you cut him off, “Let's start with survival training.” 
There were a variety of stations on the leftmost side of the arena. It was dedicated to building shelters, starting fires, and memorizing edible food. The middle part of the training center was dedicated to more physical training. It was where capitol trainers engaged in hand-to-hand with tributes, reflex tests were, and where obstacles to climb and jump over were placed. The right side was where the careers had set residence. It held a display of weapons and training dummies. It was almost too overwhelming for you. The lights disoriented you and the sounds of clinking metal and forceful grunts overstimulated you a bit too much. The arena was cold. The uniform you had been forced to wear didn’t do as good of a job of keeping you warm. Then again, these were designed to fight against sweat, not the cold. As you attempted to tuck your hands in your arms for warmth, you decided to walk around. You needed to scope out the stations that would serve you use to practice. A couple caught your eye, the fire-making station, rope and knot stations, and the station showing how to properly cook prey. 
Needing to get out of the hecticness of it all, you and Buckley quickly beelined it towards the fire making station. The girl from 12 had previously been there, although she already seemed skilled at it. The two of you sat directly across from each other. The bundle of sticks in the middle had regenerated themselves. The heated ashy remains were now back to firm little twigs. 
“Do you remember what Dolly and Ramsey told us?” You didn’t even need to ask. Of course Buckley remembered.
“Yeah, they told us not to show our strengths.” He replied. “I’m pretty sure that’s what all mentors tell their tributes though.” 
“Well not all of them.” You added, eyes wandering to the spartan soldiers across the room. They weren’t holding back. Each hit they dealt whether it be a punch or a spear to a dummy was filled with pride. It was in fact their way of showing everyone else that they were the future victors. 
“What’s their deal anyways?” Buckley’s hands were rubbing the stick down on a rock to try to ignite it. 
“What do you mean?” You asked, trying to start your own fire now. 
“The careers. They look like they’re ready to kill you and the games haven’t even started.” His eyebrows furrowed out of confusion. 
You didn’t understand him. Surly he had met one of the career’s gazes at some point during your stay so far. “That’s how they look at everybody.” 
“No, it's different with you. It's like- They give you more attention then they do to other people.” He had managed to make the stick smoke. 
“Jealous that they don’t wanna kill you as much as they wanna kill me?” You briefly stopped to look at him with a sarcastic smile. His lips turned into a frown, and you realized he was concerned for you. 
“I think they’re mad I stole their spotlight.” You offered. 
“But that was like a second of time?” Buckley’s tone was in disbelief. “Plus the real star was the girl from 12. No offense.” He quickly put a hand on your shoulder. 
“None taken.” You patted his hand and redirected it back to his task.
“Is that really all? They must have really fragile egos.” He stopped what he was doing, curious as to why they were so petty.
“Well, Cato does. The rest of them are like sheep. They follow him around like that anyways.” You both turned to look at the careers. They were deeply focused. Eventually, they moved onto sparring with the trainers. 
“What are we going to do?” He wondered. He seemed lost. 
“Hope that Thresh takes him out at the start.” It was a morbid thing for you to say, but Cato was a major threat. Especially to you. 
The conversation died out to mundane talk. You both found yourselves homesick even though it hasn’t even been a week.  You wondered how Amaranto was doing. If your father was alright and not ill. If Clarabell was keeping their spirits up or at least trying to. You thought of the smell. Though it may seem unpleasant to the likes of the capitol, it was soothing for you. After years of living there, you’d gotten used to the earthy scent. The capitol smell was overwhelming at times. If it wasn’t sterile and metallic, it was floral and sickeningly sweet. 
As the day went on you and Buckley were getting the hang of things. It seemed like everyone was saving their skills for the arena. The survival section quickly filled up, causing you and a couple of others to switch to the weapons section. Every half hour the tributes would have to regroup and do a series of physical tests assigned by the trainers. The tributes would always go first, wanting to get back to training as soon as possible. It was clear they loved showing off. Even going beyond the one-time requirement and doing the task twice. 
The careers made it their job to criticize every tribute. They stood not at the sidelines- but directly in front of the stations, making it impossible for the tributes to have an ounce of confidence. Sometimes they’d look away, bored at the current subject. They’d give looks of disdain to the ones that showed their capabilities.  Worse of all they’d laugh at the tributes who showed weakness and weren’t capable of making it all the way through. 
It was hard to perform decently when you had eyes glued onto you. Buckley had gone by easily. He struggled a bit with hand to hand combat, but he practically breezed by. He didn’t overdo it however, lucky for him the career pack didn’t look too interested in him. At first they glared at him, probably expecting him to show off, their glares quickly faded and they soon showed no interest at all. When it was your turn you swear you could’ve heard some snarky comment come out of one of their mouths. 
You chose to pay no mind to it. Your palms were uncomfortably sweaty. Your vision was becoming blurred. The constant “Whenever you’re ready.” Weren’t helping. Taking a deep breath in, you went forth. You had to climb your way across some bars, easy in theory. You weren’t the tallest person here, not the shortest either, but the fall seemed detrimental. In fact there had been a previous accident. A boy with dark hair had fallen off the bars and injured his leg. You were concerned for him. Did the Capitol have the technology to cure a broken leg before the games?
The group training ended much to everyone’s pleasure. Buckley was examining the knives. You wondered if he’d give it a go. He was pretty skilled when it came to throwing them. You watched from afar. You yourself were at a station dealing with a fishing line. You’re not sure why it was there hence why you chose it. Buckley was swift with his movements. His fingers let go of the throwing knife and he watched as it glided to its target. The knife barely made it to the center of the dummy’s head, if anything it was lodged in the eye area rather than the forehead, but it was still impressive. 
“Amateur.” Clove insulted. It was loud enough for you to hear, but Buckley was too far to hear it himself. You watched as she resumed her training, Cato being the one to calm her down. She seemed insulted that Buckley was good at her favorite skill. 
Quickly you made your way to your fellow tribute. He seemed impressed by his own skills. “Did ya see that? Right in the eye.” He spoke, his voice proud. 
“Buckley, you’re amazing.” You reassured him. Now that you were next to him you could see how far away the dummy really was. If you were to try there was no guarantee that you’d make it. His strength and past experience with throwing really paid off. 
“Why aren’t you celebrating with me?” He asked playfully once your demeanor shifted from impressed to on survival mode. 
“Clove’s got an eye on you.” You warned him. 
“I can tell.” He processed what you had said. Looking at her direction he was met with her deadly side eye. 
“She seems unstable.” You spoke truthfully. 
“They all do. They are.” He added. “You know, I feel like someone needs to give them a reality check.” 
“What do you mean by that?” His words worried you. 
“I mean we need to show them they’re not the shit.” He said picking up another knife. 
“Buckley!” You grabbed his shoulder and leaned in to whisper and yell at him. “Our mentors specifically told us not to show off.” 
“(Y/n), don’t act like you haven't shown off.” His words hit you like a hurricane. He was right. “Worst they can do is kill us.” He joked as you stepped aside to let him prove himself. 
Your focus shifted from the careers to Buckley as he lifted the throwing knife to give it another shot. In a sense, Buckley was right. The careers really were on their high horse thinking of themselves as unstoppable. It was getting annoying, and you were starting to get fed up as well. Cato already had his eye on you. So clove’s would be next to nothing. 
The thump of wood being penetrated by a knife echoed in your ears as the world froze. The confidence you had a second ago was gone. Time seemed to go by slowly. As if on cue a huff of a laugh came from Marvel. His cheeks round as a smile formed. Buckley had hit a bullseye. 
“Nice job 10.” Marvel shouted from across the room. Sarcasm was in his voice, but you couldn’t tell if he meant it. 
“Done?” You asked Buckley, hoping he’d be finished causing a scene. Clove’s dark eyes filled with rage. It baffled you how seriously she took the whole situation. 
“Oh no, it's your turn now.” He said. Immediately you backed away. 
“I think you’re actually going insane. Do you need me to ask for some medication?” You were snapping back. 
“No. Come on. Try it.” He said, placing his hands on your back as he nudged you towards the table with knives. 
“I’m not good at this. Buckley, If I mess up, they’re going to think I’m weak.” You confided in him. 
“But if you do good they’ll think you're strong.” He countered. “Plus, wouldn’t you rather have them see you weak? Maybe then the meathead will leave you alone.” 
“Your logic makes no sense.” You were about to back out completely when you caught sight of the career pack waiting on your next move. Glimmer gave you a condescending smile. Clove was still focused on Buckley. Both Cato and Marvel were talking, all of them watching you, taunting you. 
“Fine.” You gave in. There was no way you’d give them the satisfaction of rejecting a challenge. You felt like a bull around a red cape around them. They made your blood boil just by existing. The careers had the best lives out of all the other tributes in the game, yet they always liked making people miserable. At times they felt like the enemy. Even though they got here under similar circumstances. 
Buckley smiled as you grabbed a small knife. It was the size of your palm, yet comfortable to hold. You weren’t sure what to do with it. It sat in your hand like a glob of honey as you anxiously looked around. 
“What am I supposed to do?” You asked him. 
He was quick to help you. “Stand upright,” He put a hand on your back to force a good posture. He then tapped your feet with his to give you the correct footing. “You’re gonna want to follow through. Don’t overthink it too much. The tall man stood next to you as he demonstrated what to do with your arms. You mimicked his movement the first time around, soon practicing it three more times. “Remember (Y/n), don’t overthink it.” 
You nodded as you prepared your throw. Taking a short breath you threw your arm backward and then forcefully forward, missing the dummy completely, but hitting the one behind it near its thigh. The knife didn’t stay in however, it fell after being stuck for about three seconds. 
Your eyes were teary. The warmth in your face grew and you suddenly wanted to be thrown into the games. You stood in place, afraid to move. How dare you embarrass yourself?
“That’s a start,” Buckley said kindly. You turned to look at the careers but Buckley spared you the pain and grabbed your shoulders to look at him. “Don’t worry about them.” 
“I. Told. You. I. Wasn’t. Good.” You spoke in pauses. You felt a mix of shame and anger. Shame for not being able to prove yourself, and anger towards Buckley for making you embarrass yourself. 
“(Y/n), I’m sorry. But hey its ok! Here lets try again.” Buckley held your arm. You wanted to leave, but you had about three more hours of training. You said nothing and instead looked off into the distance. You were really wasting time by not doing anything, but you were overwhelmed at this point. 
“Look I just thought since you work with knives back in 10 you’d be-” His apology was cutoff by a sudden thump of wood. Cato had stealthily moved next to the two of you. The career had thrown two knives at the training dummy. Effortlessly.  He turned to face the both of you. 
“Giving up already? What happened to the girl who rode a Capitol horse?” He taunted. He was arrogantly fiddling with a throwing knife. 
Buckley knew better than to start anything, but he wasn’t going to let you take it. “She just got started.” He came to your defense. 
Truthfully, you didn’t want to interact with Cato. You had learned to stay away from him. Everyone saw how he handled the situation with the tribute he thought to have stolen his knife. He was a ticking time bomb. Anything could set him off. You didn’t turn around. Instead you kept staring into the distance. This only seemed to aggravate him. Cato had walked in front of you, knife in his hand as he grabbed yours. He looked at you with intensity as he placed the knife in your palm. 
“Don’t wimp out now 10.” 
Buckley was preparing himself to end the interaction between you two, but he stopped in his tracks when a knife flew past him. It was a reckless throw, but it managed to actually go through the dummy. This time on it’s side. 
“Why don’t you turn around and try that again?” Cato questioned as he leaned against a metal table. 
It seemed like the spotlight was once again on you. People around were now tuning into the scene. Cato’s arms transformed as he uncrossed them, his muscles relaxing. You however were far from relaxed.
“What the fuck could you possibly want from me? Why are you here? Do you have nothing better to do?” You interrogated as you stepped closer to him. It was clear he had finally struck the last nerve. Buckley looked confused but pale as his concern for his fellow tribute grew. You weren’t yelling at him, but nobody dared to get within an inch from Cato. 
His eyes were void of emotion. “I’m just trying to help out the competition. If I’m going to win this, I want to win because I’m the strongest. Not because everyone else was weak and at a disadvantage.” He spoke back methodically. He didn’t move at all. The two of you seemed to be frozen in time- glaring at each other. 
It wasn’t long before he left. Leaving you fuming alongside Buckley.
Tags: @randomgurl2326
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botanicalsword · 1 year
When to start a new chapter • Astrology Transits of New changes
self sufficient, discipline, new knowledge
I personally considered tight orb 0° - 1° for influence here, for observations purpose
Photo credit @le.sinex
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Transiting Chiron / natal Sun
deep reflection, discomforting truths, challenge our self-image / sense of purpose, fears, insecurities, unresolved issues, reveal flaws / weaknesses, feelings of inadequacy, failure, lack of direction, shortcomings within our ego
Transiting Chiron / natal Mercury
Past traumas and wounds, figure out puzzling situations, revisit old insecurities / uncertainties, past hurts, struggles resurfacing, forcing to confront issues you had put aside, reexamining old doubts, opportunity for new insights, growth, outlives initial uncertainties
Transiting Mercury on natal Venus
Your social sensitivity allows you to build meaningful relationships based on trust, understanding, and kindness. Cultivate spaces of comfort, care, and openness, and extend your good will outward to change lives for the better.
Transiting Neptune conjunct natal 7 house ruler / Venus & Transiting Venus trine natal Saturn
New love - long term relationship, new begin, soulmate, creating space, new priorities / perspectives, hazy vision of ideal partner, profound inner change, love and relationships, both insight and illusion, romantic longing, distort reality, growth over repeating past wounds, higher values, self-knowledge , next chapter
Transiting Jupiter on transiting Venus (Square)
New change of relationship, let go of the past relationship
Transiting North node conjunct natal moon
core beliefs align, connect easily and authentically with others, harmony between inner and outside world, relate well to people, attitudes and perspectives in sync, openness / empathy in interaction, gain social acceptance / popularity, generosity, kindness, benevolence, social responsibility, comfortable navigating interactions, diversity
Transiting Lilith 1181 conjunct natal Chiron
strong emotions, confront past wounds, healer, exploring sexuality
The things that inspire you probably come from a wish to assist others in dealing with difficulties you've personally faced. By speaking from the heart with honesty and self-awareness, you can guide others on a journey of healing and liberation.
Transiting North Node on natal Moon
transit, the imagination, accurate psychic sensitivities, reliable impressions, creativity, inner values, social trends and ideals, popularity, generosity
Transiting Mercury trine natal Moon
Transiting North Node conjunct natal Ascendant
discovering who you truly are, focuses on growth, self-discovery and evolution rather than dramatic change, authentic self, a period of renewal and growth, goals and priorities evolve
Transiting Mercury sextile natal MC
Connect with people in your communities - whether business, non-profit or spiritual - with an open, genuine spirit of curiosity and goodwill. Focus on connecting and giving to others. Good things will come back to you.
Transiting Mercury conjunct natal Pluto
the way you are thinking and your messages make things more intense
Transiting Neptune conjunct natal Pluto
deep transformation, spiritual awakening, shredding, new inner belief, regeneration of ideal
Transiting Uranus in 1st House / conjunct natal Asc
internal shift in consciousness, awareness of changes, relocation, move home, new environment, renewal and rejuvenation
Transiting Pluto conjunct MC
New goal, new skills, personal ambitions, career driven
You are at a point in your journey where you can set bold goals that challenge and fulfil you.
Transiting Jupiter on natal Venus
Experience new love, romantic dates, attract supportive resources and relationships, starting new relationship, following your heart, new partner / lover
Transiting Uranus conjunct natal Venus
You seek adventurous connections and genuine relationships that allow you to express yourself. You value meeting people from diverse backgrounds and experiences, and look for partners who offer both intimacy and independence. You seek connections that nourish your soul without judgment or labels.
Transiting Venus trine natal Venus
financial gain, meaningful relationships, personal growth, reignite your passion
This creative opportunity can be exciting and fulfilling. Your social connections and artistic inspiration can help you make progress.
Transiting Jupiter conjunct natal Sun
Learn from past challenges and embrace new adventures with confidence. Cultivate a fulfilling life aligned with your values. You have survived the hard times, now it's time to thrive.
Masterlist @botanicalsword
I am actually quite interested in Asteroid Transiting.
Do you want to know? Should I make another observation on Asteroid? Let me know
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a-d-nox · 1 year
Heyy I just wanted to come on here to say that I reallyyy love your blog. I was just messing around and found an old post of yours titled "Pluto in Aquarius: what's to come" and I thought it was soo well written. I love the choice of pictures for the post as well. You don't even have to answer this ask. I just wanted to come on here and appreciate your work, that's all. Keep up the dedication!
pluto retrograding back into capricorn: a prediction of what's to come
hahaha too funny!!! "i didn't have to answer this" but it was so well planned! i was in the middle of drafting this post when this ask notifications popped up!! so thank you so much for the compliments and i hope you enjoy this one equally!!
house matters:
THIS IS THE FIRST OF TWO PLUTO RETROGRADES THAT WILL OCCUR - this one will last from june 11th to jan 20th, 2024. we likely won't see too much wildness because we only recently started experiencing what pluto in aquarius is like. we know the vibe of pluto in capricorn already and likely still feel comfortable with its predictability. THE FINAL RETROGRADE BACK INTO CAPRICORN will be september 1st, 2024 to november 19th, 2024. then we are full steam ahead with pluto in aquarius until march 9th, 2043.
live in the USA so my post likely will be slightly more focused there examples wise so i apologize in advance! feel free to comment, dm, or reblog with other examples from your country based on my prediction key phrases.
i personally am NOT a witch or anything wild, everything i am saying is purely theoretical - it is not fated to happen just because i am saying it. i am simply socially aware. i know what's up generally in the world today and what was up in world when pluto was in capricorn.
like last time i am going to start light and get darker so mentally prepare yourself for that (tw: COVID-19, assassinations, and other abrasive topics that may make people uncomfortable) depending on where they are currently reading from - but we are talking about pluto so... expect the unexpected?!
let's get to it!
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time and schedule changes
in the US people have been saying that daylight savings hour should be concluded indefinitely because it is unnecessary. we don't need "daylight" like we used to because we have advanced technologically. there are more risks with keeping time change then there is with getting rid of it. i could also see this being about the 4-day work week because it was trialed at the beginning of the aqua pluto transit and it was a success. capricorn is a worker and can be about workplace efficiency too, so we could see the work week become "refined" to be 4 days only.
the rise of new non-tech and/or tech-intensive careers
where there are AI doomers, there is a market. we will see old-school businesses and professionals trying to justify and reestablish their career without AI involvement - ground zero for this prediction is real-estate (people fighting virtual or 3D-tour technology) and politics (look at the tiktok ban nonsense - i can see them saying their jobs are necessary 100% of the time... or they don't need to evolve...). capricorn again represent efficiency when it comes to working, so we could see people commingling with tech to make the most out of AI in new ways to make their careers and the work they do more efficient (and less time consuming to piggyback off of the 4-day work week prediction).
the collapse of dead space
there is a chance we will see some sort of conversation about what to do with places we no longer use - strip malls, movie theaters, mineshafts, etc. pluto retrograde makes me think of fear mongering (yes, i see the irony between that statement and this post) - i can see where with climate issue and the haze that is falling over old-money US currently that people might start talking about building bunkers in preparation of a mass natural disaster or "apocalypse." my logic behind this is that capricorn represents reliability, money, and underground places while pluto is demolition and extremes.
technology failures and setbacks
enjoy your air conditioning when you have it and if you have it - i sense that we will likely face more blackouts and rolling blackouts this summer than ever before. i also think we could see AI doomers in full swing or we will see that AI is monitoring more than it should and people will distance themselves from it.
extreme weather and climate shifts
as we have seen in the past few days, wildfires are on the rise across canada. pluto can represent extremes and electrocution while capricorn can be ashes, dryness, and old trees - people are predicting "dry thunderstorms" and stating that wildfires can occur because of these storm systems/conditions. while it is not winter here in the US this retrograde, the second retrograde will be near enough to the season: expect an extreme and EARLY winter. capricorn symbolizes cold, ice, and snow. the extreme of that being a blizzard, of course. this past winter in buffalo, new york we saw how bad it can get. where i live (almost three hours from buffalo) we had no solid snowfall... i don't think i will say the same in 2024 - the movie the day after tomorrow comes to mind.
repression of freethinkers
pluto retrograde can make people less likely to "fight against the patriarchy". we might see those who were fighting back being prosecuted or jailed (incarceration is pluto ruled). while aquarius welcomed change, shifting backwards into traditionally-minded capricorn can cause this silencing.
real-estate crisis
real-estate is starting to straighten out but i want to point out that when pluto initially entered capricorn in 2008, there was a huge scandal surrounding the housing market. the subprime mortgage crisis caused a recession to occur because the market crash and lenders couldn't return on their loans. we might see similar problems again. right now lots of homes are overpriced and if certain lenders are using the money on loan and we crash again we can see another market crash.
recession or depression
speaking of market crash... it's the roaring 20s. i don't think it is a coincidence that the Great Depression was in the 1920s, while the Great Recession was when pluto initially entered capricorn in 2008. could there be a Great Depression part two? MAYBE. considering pluto in retrograde typically indicates trouble with power dynamics and capricorn can represent business and the economy.
the death of politics and/or the church
2024 the year of the election - it's early to be talking about it for some of us, i know, BUT the campaigns are beginning. i want us to be aware that going between tradition capricorn and utopian aquarius during this time may cause some chaos... we have biden and trump again on the trial... two recent POTUSs... there are a lot of extreme people who are not happy with either of their times in office. i want to just put out there that JFK was just passing through texas on a friendly visit when his assassination occurred. pluto represents assassinations, so it might be in the stars during the retrograde seasons (hopefully not though). i feel like it will be someone close to the presidents if so because capricorn can be a "watchman" while pluto can be betrayal. since capricorn is the church, we could see the death of a pope or higher church official that causes havoc as well. alternatively, we could see people saying (towards the end of the second retrograde) / questioning why we even need a president.
capricorn terms i can't think of change in but seem important to note / keep in mind: colds (COVID being labelled the common cold while it is mutating?), hair, hysteria (another outbreak? panic early in a presidency?), limitations (lockdowns? maybe for COVID or the air conditions because of wildfires?), minerals (running out of them), mining industry (the end of this industry all together and switching to renewable resources by the end of this cap pluto era), old age (the boomers are dying off? or are we going to make a discovery of some sort about aging or age related diseases), orderliness, responsibility, tile, afghanistan, greece, lithuania, mexico, and tombs (are we going to say goodbye to cemeteries?).
plutonian terms i can't think of change in but seem important to note / keep in mind: aliases, alibis (governmental riffing similar to how no plan was in place when for COVID-19), cemeteries (removal of that method if too many are dying at any giving time - mass graves?), convicts (prison release due to overcrowding? the mega-prison of el salvador?), corruption (governmental likely?), earthquakes (more environmental issues on top of the wildfires?), liars, massacres (the rise of crime?), murder, nihilism (the rise of philosophy at the time of war?), ransom (war?), satire (rise of political satire?), stolen goods, and taxes (trump-esque no? likely to be brought up during the presidential campaign).
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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bestaez · 2 years
Strangers (Chapter Seven)
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Strangers from Hell AU
Series Masterlist
pairing: ot7 x reader
genre: yandere, horror/thriller
NEW!! warnings (will update as needed): murder, mature themes, obsessive/possessive behavior, emotional manipulation, stalking, bullying, violence, blood and injuries, non-consensual touching, attempted sexual assault (not by BTS), mc has some self-deprecating thoughts, mc is lowkey in denial. pls heed the warnings, this chapter gets a little intense!!
word count: 4.6k words
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As weeks go by, you find yourself getting more and more accustomed to this new life. Each day at work you spend your time getting more invested in your role, trying your best to make it seem like you’re actually supposed to be there and not just a nepotism case. You don’t know if you’re being paranoid or if your co-workers really are talking about you behind your back, what with the way Jiwan is always snickering and whispering somewhere in your peripheral vision.
But none of that matters, you try to remind yourself. Not when you know you’re supposed to be there, or at least that’s what you tell yourself. And looking at the small photo frame of your family that you keep at your desk and focusing on your mother’s smiling face, you know you have to do your absolute best to not let her down.
Besides, you have the best supporters waiting for you at home. Those seven men are always there to cheer you up when you have a hard day, somehow reading your mood without you even needing to say anything. They all have their own love language, whether it be cooking you meals or offering to give you a foot massage when you can barely stand on your feet. Even the quieter or stranger ones of the bunch are actually quite sweet deep down, you have found. In a way, you feel like Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. Each one has their own quirk but you find them all endearing.
You would almost feel bad getting so close to these men when you have a boyfriend but it’s not like he seems concerned these days. After that weekend where he blew you off for work, you decided not to chase him and just wait for him to reach out again - which, probably sounds like you’re giving up on the relationship but you just found the whole ordeal to be too stressful to worry about. Deep down, you knew Jihoon was just a workaholic and that it was okay to not hear from him sometimes.
He had texted you a few times throughout the week, checking in with you and updating you on how his work projects were going. You had spoken a few times over the phone, but he often claimed he was too tired and asked for a raincheck. You would be lying if you said it didn’t sting a little but you didn’t want to seem like a clingy girlfriend so you let it be. That dream you had where you both were excelling in your careers and moving in together somehow seemed much farther away now than it did before.
But, all in all, things were fine. That’s all you could really say about it, nothing had improved but nothing had worsened, either. Overall, you felt pretty neutral about everything. The journaling had been helping, you thought. Every night you dedicated some time to writing - whether it was about your day or just a short story you had thought of. You’re not sure if it was doing anything to help the stress, but it definitely felt therapeutic.
Sitting at your desk at work, you were mindlessly checking emails as there was nothing currently in your queue to work on. The work day was close to being over but it was still probably too early for you to clock out so the best thing to do was make it at least look like you were busy. You glance at your phone, fighting off the urge to text Nayeon out of boredom. She had been in work meetings all week, mostly out of office, and you missed seeing her around. 
A random thought popped in your head that it would be nice to cook some dinner for your roommates, after they had been taking care of you these past few weeks. Without thinking, you decided to browse on your computer for a good recipe. You had become so absorbed in your task that you failed to notice the presence over your shoulder. 
“Oh, that one looks good.” Barely concealing your gasp, you jumped back to see Jiwan standing there with raised eyebrows. You opened your mouth in shock, but nothing came out.
She smirked condescendingly, “Is that the best way to spend company time and resources?”
You couldn’t bear to look away from her, not wanting to see the stares from other co-workers that you could already feel burning into your skin. But you also didn’t know how to diffuse the situation and it seemed like Jiwan knew it.
“My queue was empty so I was just checking something really quick.” The words felt heavy leaving your mouth, causing you to nervously gulp.
“Oh? Then, why didn’t you come ask one of us if we needed help with anything?” At your silence, she continued. “I mean, that is why you’re here, right? You’re supposed to pick up the tasks we can’t finish.”
“Jiwan,” You hear someone’s voice say quietly behind you, but you don’t dare to look. Your heart was pounding in your chest and you just felt so small.
“No, she needs to hear this. I’m tired of her getting away with being incompetent.” Her venomous tone causes something in you to snap as you step out of your chair, finally meeting her eye to eye.
All of the sudden, you were in the cafeteria from your memories again. Everyone was staring at you, waiting for you to make your next move. That voice in your head was whispering for you to go in for the kill, but you shook it away. You couldn’t let that side win again.
Clearing your throat, you try to steady your voice, “Jiwan, I had no idea you felt that way. If you thought that my work was lacking, you could have just come to me one-on-one. You didn’t have to make a scene.”
She seems taken aback by your sudden strong front, not exactly sure how to respond so you beat her to the punch.
“Is there anything I can help you with right now?” Raising your eyebrows questioningly at her, she can only gawk at your quick change in attitude.
“In that case, I’ll head out now. Seeing as there’s nothing here for me to do,” She remains silent as you begin to gather up your things. No one says anything as they all watch it unfold, apparently shocked to see someone handle Jiwan in such a professional way. They probably weren’t expecting to see the newbie have a backbone. They clearly didn’t know you.
You can feel everyone’s gaze on your back as you walk to the elevator, heart racing as you get inside and press the lobby button. When the doors finally close, your cool façade breaks and you lean against the metal wall with a small gasp. You can’t believe you just did that to your superior, in front of all those people. Panic starts to settle in by the time the elevator doors open as you wonder if you just lost your job. It seems you never truly learned to get your emotions in check.
The walk to your bus stop is a blur, your eyes staring unseeingly before you as you wring your hands nervously. Surely, that conversation alone wouldn’t get you fired, would it? You were respectful but firm. In fact, maybe it would impress some of the right people. But, what if Jiwan just used it as evidence that you were insubordinate? That sounds like something she would do.
You wondered what Nayeon would have done if she saw you. Would she be proud of you for finally standing your ground? Hopefully this didn’t embarrass her, not wanting to get her in trouble. If only she had been there, maybe then Jiwan wouldn’t have said anything.
A sudden buzzing feeling in your pocket interrupts your thoughts, slipping your phone out to see an incoming call from your mom. 
“YN? You there?” The sound of your mother’s slightly raised voice caused your heart to speed up anxiously.
“Yes, can you hear me?”
“Sorry, honey. It’s so loud here, hold on-” The loud background noise lessened after a few moments, a deep sigh coming over the line as it seemed your mother had found a quieter space to talk in. “That’s better.”
“Where are you?” You ask impatiently, anxiety creeping and settling into your bones.
“The hospital.” Your heart stops and before you can respond, she continues. “It’s Minjun. He had an episode.”
“What kind of episode?”
“He had a seizure in school, just out of nowhere. The doctors aren’t sure what caused it but they’re keeping him here for a couple days.”
“I’ll get a bus back as soon as possible,” Before you can even really think about it, your mind is already made up. There’s no way you can sit here idly while your baby brother is stuck in a hospital room probably scared and confused.
“No, no. I don’t want you to miss work. We’ll be okay, I’m here with him.”
“How is he doing? Is he okay?”
“He’s fine, he’s-” She stops herself short, and each passing second of silence feels even more threatening. “Actually, there’s something I wanted to ask you.”
“What is it?”
“They are recommending a certain treatment and it’s, well, it’s more expensive than I had imagined. I hate to do this to you but the restaurant is not getting enough business as it is and now I’m gonna have to take off work-”
“Oh- of course,” You stammer, wincing guiltily at the slight reluctance you feel about forking over the little cash you already have. You would do anything for your family, but your internship salary is pretty small and you’re not sure how much more beneficial you could be in this situation. “How much?”
The number your mom gives has you frozen in shock, forcing yourself to blink after a moment passes. You don’t know how you will afford to send her that and pay rent at the same time. “Uh, okay. I’ll see what I can do.”
“Thank you so much, honey. I’ll pay you back.”
When you arrive home, your thoughts are a swarm of stress over your brother’s health, the medical bills, and now the possible chance of you losing your job. You hadn’t even thought of that when you readily agreed to send your family money - the fact that you may not even have an income soon. Before you could overwhelm yourself with that thought, you pushed it away. Nothing was certain yet. This was just your own paranoia.
You stare up at the residence sign, feeling like this was the first time you truly studied it. The worn out black letters looked so dingy up close. Eden, it read. Perhaps it was a little paradise here. The outside world felt like hell sometimes, one bad thing after another. But right here, you felt safe.
Despite that, after the day you had, you felt like you weren’t ready to go home quite yet. You knew that as soon as you got home, one of the boys would question you on how your day went. And right now, you didn’t feel like talking about it.
Your feet seemed to know where you wanted to go before your mind caught up to it as you found yourself standing before a bar. It was the same bar you met Jihoon at in your first week here. You don’t know why it felt like a long time ago. The memory of the comfort your boyfriend had brought that night gave a bittersweet aftertaste. It had been so nice to reunite with him then but now, it just felt like he was an old friend you were trying to get back into contact with. The truth was, you were needing more in this relationship and you weren’t sure if he really even cared to give it.
You entered the small dive bar in your business attire, not standing out too much from the other patrons. Most were dressed casually in jeans or slacks, but there were a few others who also looked like they had come from work. It was that group that gave you the same understanding look. Hopping up on one of the stools, you raised your hand to get the bartender’s attention.
Downing another shot, you winced at the bitter liquor sliding down your throat. You never understood how people said the taste got better after each drink. It all tasted horrible but you supposed no one was actually drinking for the flavor. Case in point, here you were getting shitfaced at a dingy bar near the residence to drown out your thoughts. You knew it was probably a bad idea to turn to alcohol at such a low point in your life, but right now you didn’t care. For one night, you just wanted it all to go away.
And it seemed to do the trick. It got to the point where you couldn’t even remember what bothered you and even then, you continued to drink in an effort to chase this feeling. You wanted to enjoy the peaceful feeling you got while buzzed. You probably looked crazy to anyone else watching, giggling to yourself as your hands cupped your warm cheeks.
But, of course, your happy little bubble eventually had to burst.
The sudden arrival of someone next to you came as a surprise and you looked up to see it was a man about your age, maybe a little older. He looked handsome enough, although you couldn’t be certain because of your unfocused vision. But his button up shirt made you think he was probably decent.
“Hey there,” his voice was deep but not like Taehyung’s. Wait, what? Why are you thinking about him? “Can I buy you something to drink, honey?”
At that, you immediately felt ready to go home. There wasn’t anything obviously wrong about this guy but you didn’t need to go down that rabbit hole right now. You weren’t looking for a one night stand or anything at all. You just wanted some time to yourself.
“No thanks,” You smiled at him politely, sliding off your stool and collecting your bag. “I think I’ve hit my limit tonight.”
You’re impressed with how steady you are as you walk to the exit, stepping out into the humid summer air. It’s a good thing that you decided to cut it off there because you’re not sure you would have made it home if you had drank any more with the way you’re stumbling every few steps. Still, you’re not that drunk and your place is only a few blocks away.
You’ve barely passed a few streets when you feel a hand cover your mouth from behind, muting your surprised shriek. Using your momentary shock against you, your attacker begins to tug you backwards into a nearby alleyway. It gets darker with each step you take further away from the street lights. 
Eventually, your stunned state passes as you snap into action. When squirming and trying to pull their arm off of you fails, you get desperate as you realize you’re running out of options. You don’t even hesitate to bite harshly into the hand pressing into your face. That does the trick as you hear a disgruntled shout and the tight hold on your figure releases. You don’t bother turning around to see who it is, instead taking off in a sprint back towards the street.
Your heart thunders in your chest as you hear heavy footsteps behind you. Just when you think you’re going to make it, a hand grabs your hair and yanks you back. The searing pain in your scalp causes you to scream before you’re thrown against the brick wall to your right.
“Shut the fuck up,” he pants in your ear, his hot breath fanning across your cheek. His hands grip the neckline of your tank top, ripping the fabric to reveal your chest. Keeping you stuck in his embrace, he roughly pulls your bra down and palms the exposed skin of your breasts. “You should have just said yes when I offered you that drink, honey.”
Not giving you the time to process what he said, you feel your pants being tugged down until they reach your lower thighs. His body presses tightly to your figure, causing the hard bulge in his pants to rut into your ass uncomfortably. You gasp in pain as your forehead scrapes the wall, panting at the feeling of him nipping harshly at your neck. This can’t be happening. The remnants of the alcohol buzzing in your blood lingers and creates the most terrifying numb feeling to take over your body. That with his heavy weight on your back makes you feel so helpless.
“Help! Plea-” The grip returns to your hair as he pulls back and rams your head into the wall again, stunning you yet again. Your head throbs in response as you feel blood trickle down your forehead.
“Make another sound and I’ll really knock you out,” He threatens, clearly fed up with your attempts to escape. You don’t know if you even want to be awake for this, contemplating screaming again just so he would put you under.
Before you can even make a decision, the presence behind you is suddenly ripped away. The feeling of another hand grabbing your shoulder to turn you around causes you to yelp, flinching away before you see it’s a familiar face.
“It’s just me, noona.” Jungkook holds his hands out carefully and you want to cry at the sight of him. You fall into his embrace with a sob, the events of the evening catching up to you as your adrenaline finally runs out. You barely even register the hands pulling your clothes back into place, not wanting to acknowledge the embarrassment you will inevitably feel at people seeing your exposed skin.
“It’s okay, YN. You’re safe now.” You turn over your shoulder to see Taehyung rubbing your back with a deep frown on his face. Behind him, you see Namjoon and Yoongi standing over the man from the bar as his wounded form lays crumpled on the ground. The two holding you turn you back around as they lead you towards the exit, not allowing you to see what causes the man to scream in pain in the next moment.
“We won’t let anything happen to you.”
You don’t remember much after your roommates came to rescue you from that alleyway, too drunk and exhausted to stay conscious. You probably looked a sight to any passerbyers in the street, sandwiched between Taehyung and Jungkook as they practically carried you up to the residence. Anyone outside of the situation probably just assumed you were just a messy drunk with good friends that cared enough to get you home. They wouldn’t be wrong. If you weren’t so pathetic, you wouldn’t have wound up in this mess.
All you know is you woke up some time later to Jimin’s face hovering over yours, studying you with a concerned look and pressing a damp cloth to your forehead. Blinking in confusion at the bright light overhead, you reach up to grasp his arm near your face.
“Oh, you’re up,” He gasps, backing up and helping you sit up after you come to. Upon sitting up, you notice Seokjin standing a few feet away with a somber look on his face.
“What happened?” You ask, licking your lips in an attempt to sooth the dryness in your mouth.
Jimin’s eyes followed the action and as if sensing what you needed, reached for a water bottle on the coffee table. You thank him and take a few gulps, feeling more awake as you do.
“You don’t remember?” Seokjin’s voice sounds almost apprehensive as his dark eyes watch you carefully.
“I- I do but not much after the guys got there. I must have passed out,” You explain, eyebrows furrowing in thought. “What happened to him?”
“You don’t need to worry about him. He won’t bother you ever again.” Jimin reaches to tuck a few strands of hair behind your ear, causing you to freeze at the intimate act. He has never initiated contact like that before but you assume it’s just his way - always taking care of people.
“What does that mean?” Both men merely stare at you in response so after a pause, you continue, “Namjoon and Yoongi were there, I saw them-”
“He’s been apprehended. That’s all you need to know.” Seokjin answers with finality, lips pressed in a firm line. You watch him for a moment before deciding to drop the subject.
“Taehyung and Jungkook?”
“They’re with the others, should be back soon.” The blonde haired male responds, pulling out a white box and digging through the contents for a moment before pulling out some antiseptic products. “If you don’t mind, I’d like to clean this up for you.”
You nod, tilting your head to allow him easier access as he begins swiping across the wound with an alcohol wipe. He mutters a quiet apology after catching your wince at the stinging sensation. Your eyes widen when you suddenly feel a gust of air hitting your forehead, realizing he must have blown on the affected area in order to soothe the sting. Biting your lip awkwardly, you look around the room to avoid making eye contact with him being so close to your face. It’s at this moment that you finally realize where you are.
“They brought me to your room?” You can’t stop the question falling from your lips, looking back at the manager curiously.
“Yes. They knew you would probably need to get looked at,” he explains after applying some ointment and a bandage. “Plus, we didn’t think you would want to wake up alone after...”
Jimin doesn’t need to finish the sentence, you all know what he’s inferring to. You clear your throat and nod in appreciation, looking down and finally noticing the large dark shirt adorning your figure. You still had your work pants on but not the blouse you had on before. “Did you change my shirt?”
“That was Jungkook,” Jimin answers truthfully, leaning back on the coffee table. “Your shirt was ruined and well- we thought you’d be more comfortable this way.”
You don’t respond to that, instead gripping the fabric between your fingers tightly as you feel tears well up in your eyes. You blink quickly in an attempt to rid them away but they continue to fill up without your permission. Jimin must notice the quick wave of emotions passing through you as the silence fills the room, save for a few sniffles here and there.
“Do you want to talk about it?” When you don’t answer, he tries again, “Do you want to go to the hospital?”
“Jimin.” Seokjin's low murmur comes in a warning, but you’re already shaking your head at the mention of the word hospital. There were too many painful memories for you there and you knew you weren’t in the right headspace to go back. They would only ask you questions and questions until eventually, they deemed you weren’t safe to go back home. You couldn’t risk that now, not when you made it this far on your own.
You can tell he wants to press you for more information so you quickly wipe your tears before throwing him a watery smile. “I’m okay, Jimin. Thank you both for helping me. I think I just need to rest now.”
At that, you’re up and walking to the door. You hear footsteps follow you but don’t expect it when your arm is suddenly seized, causing you to turn and see Seokjin peering down at you. His eyes are searching yours for something but you don’t know what so you simply stare back at him.
“YN,” He begins in a quiet voice, but you know Jimin can hear from where he stands a few feet away. “I hope you now know that we would do anything for you. We already feel like you’re one of us.”
You don’t trust yourself to give a proper response, so you merely bow your head in a nod. It takes a little wriggling to pull your arm out of his hold but he allows it, gaze unwavering on your face. Glancing at Jimin over his shoulder, you give them a small smile before turning back to the door.
Your feet carry you up to the bathroom, desperate to rinse off the feeling of that man’s hands on your body. The hot water feels nice on your skin, not caring if you’re just numb to the burning feeling it leaves. You’re not even sure how long you’ve been standing there before you finally reach to turn the tap off. Reaching for a towel, you realize you forgot to bring a change of clothes but you can’t find it in you to care. So what if any of your roommates see you walking around in a towel? It can’t be much worse than the view they got of you tonight.
Catching your reflection in the mirror, you’re taken aback by what you see. Your forehead is already starting to bruise, a nasty cut to go along with it. Your eyes are swollen and blotchy-looking from crying. Your neck has a nasty red mark on it from where he bit you, the sight of it causing a shudder to run through you. You turn away and head back into the hallway, unable to look any more.
You thought returning to your room would be comforting but once the door shuts behind you, you can’t help but feel completely and utterly alone. The thought crosses your mind to go back to Jimin, but you don’t want to resort to that just yet.
Picking up your phone, you dial Nayeon’s number without thinking. After everything, you just needed to talk to another woman right now.
“YN?” Her hushed whisper reaches your ear as if she’s trying not to make too much noise.
“Hey Nay,” Your voice comes across wobbly, trying to keep your tears at bay. “Can you talk?”
“Um, I’m kinda in the middle of something.” At the sound of your sniffle, she pauses. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just.. Something happened tonight. I wanted to talk-”
“Was it the thing with Jiwan? Yeah, I heard.” She sighs, and you feel your breath catch as you remember the events that took place at work. God, what a day. “Listen, don’t sweat it, okay? I’m sure she wasn’t too upset about it.”
“O-oh, right...”
“Honestly, I’m kinda proud of you for going off on her. That bitch needed someone to put her in her place. I’m just sorry it had to be you.” The volume of her voice gets a little louder and you figure she must have moved to a more private space.
“Do you think I’m gonna get fired?” You can’t help the worry in your tone, fingers grasping the material of your t-shirt tightly. “I really can’t lose my job right now.”
“No, no. I don’t think so.” Nayeon responds casually. “If anything, she might just try to give it to you a bit harder out of spite. But don’t let it get to you.”
You hear her speak again but it’s clearly not directed to you as her voice sounds muffled and a little far away. It takes you a moment to work up the courage to announce why you really called but before you can get a word in, she breaks the silence.
“Hey, I’m sorry but I have to jump on another call really quick. Will you be okay?”
Just at that moment, you hear other voices from outside your bedroom. The boys must have just returned. 
“Yeah, I think so.”
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A/N: whew! things are heating up. after this chapter everything’s gonna get a little crazy so be prepared. we only have a few more chapters after this too i can’t believe it😅 let me know what yall think!!
taglist: @min-mingii @micheleinumaki @potaetopic @namjinieesope @mageprincess7 @minshookie29 @outro-kook @nikipedia07 @axniyx @kittykatfey @peaceout97 @kurodach @bex-tk1 @sa7kou @purpuravm @doublebunv @amylouisecullen @rossemayme @unsureofwhathappens @sleepy-time-dreamy @anushaackerman @shyloh-the-cornsnake  @toughbook @urbanbts @carpioassists @millenniumspec @maliyachan @lovely247 @croctears @uarmyhore @shadoweepingscream @inlovewiththehpcast
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archiveofkloss · 7 months
The Gentle Workout Karlie Kloss Swears By by Olivia Rose Rushing
The model, entrepreneur, and mother of two shares her go-to wellness rituals.
At just 31, Karlie Kloss has already lived many lives.
When she was 21, the Missouri native was a Victoria’s Secret Angel. In 2015, she founded Kode With Klossy, a company that creates opportunities for young women in tech. Flash forward to today, and the mother of two has learned a lot about dealing with change.
“With life as a mother, you don’t lose who you are — you evolve,” Kloss tells Bustle. “My fashion career is still a core part of who I am, but I’m also an entrepreneur and I just had a second baby.” While she still prioritizes aspects of her wellness routine, sometimes things slip.
“If something’s got to give, it might be a few extra steps in my skin care routine, but I’m going to make sure that I make time to break a sweat or even just go for a walk and get fresh air,” she says.
In between modeling gigs, educating the next generation of intellectuals with her company, and annual invites to the Met Gala, Kloss is taking on a partnership with Coterie, a subscription-based diaper service that aims to take one thing off a parent’s plate.
Here, Kloss talks all things motherhood, the wellness rituals she swears by, and finding moments of self-care amid her busy schedule.
What has changed since baby number two?
Not to be cliché, but everything — in the most beautiful ways. That's really what the Coterie campaign is all about — the changes. I'm looking in the mirror and I have mascara left over from last night, I don't even think I've run a brush through my hair today. My self-care routine has definitely gotten more efficient, and maybe a little neglected, but that's OK. I'm enjoying this phase of life, which has made me so much better in a lot of ways. As a businesswoman, I've become more efficient and I make decisions faster, and I think a lot of working moms can relate to that. It's impossible to even anticipate what is about to happen, but it's the most beautiful changes that force you to grow.
What’s your skin care routine like these days?
I just take better care of my skin so I don't have to wear as much makeup. I've found that's been a better investment of my time, so I’m diligent at the end of the day about taking off makeup, cleansing, toning, and using a serum and a retinol.
Are there any non-negotiables that you always make time for throughout the day?
I'd say fitness. I exercise for my mental health more than my physical health. I find that's such a core part of my mental well-being. I’m not as focused on high-impact or intensity — I’ve developed a more gentle exercise regimen post-baby number two, so I’ve done a lot of Pilates lately, which I find helps me show up better in every other aspect of my life.
What’s on your workout playlist?
Anything Beyoncé.
What’s the most out-there wellness treatment you’ve ever tried?
There's this guy who is called The Beauty Sandwich who has some sort of ultrasound technology he uses for facials. I've done his treatments before the Met Gala or a big red carpet, and it does some magical thing to the muscles under your face, your jaw, your neckline — it just pulls and tightens in some mysterious, magical way.
Coffee or tea?
Iced coffee always. There's snow on the ground here in New York and I just went out to get an iced coffee this morning.
Physical book or Kindle?
I love an audiobook, actually. Especially now, I always have my hands full or I'm in transit, so I love to have headphones in and listen to an audiobook.
Do you prefer walking the runway or photo shoots?
I do love the energy of walking in a runway show — it's like a live performance, and there's something about that adrenaline rush that never gets old.
What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
My dad always used to say to my sisters and me, "No matter what it is that you do, you should always try to be the best you can be at it." Both my parents instilled this idea of pursuing your passions and doing it with excellence. That always stuck with me.
find the interview here
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ombre-ame · 3 months
Let's start this morning off with some astrology..
How Our Moon Sign Reveals Our Mother’s Personality Traits
In astrology, the moon sign shows how we perceive our mother. It can show what the relationship was like and how we received nurturing. If you lost your mother at a young age, you would want to look at the personality traits of the female influence in your life and who provided that nurturing in childhood.
Below is how each moon sign experiences their mother figure.
Aries Moon: The mother appeared confident, independent, assertive, selfish, and self-centered. She focused on her own goals and desires. She might have been dominant, short-tempered, and impulsive.
Taurus Moon: The mother appeared calm, patient, affectionate, steady, and strong-willed. You might have felt she wanted things done her way and was resistant to change. Material things were important as well as attaining financial security.
Gemini Moon: The mother appeared friendly, talkative, intelligent, and restless. You might have felt she was always on the move, and not patient enough to really listen to your problems. Talking was the way she showed love and providing learning opportunities.
Cancer Moon: The mother appeared caring, affectionate, over-protective, and controlling She stressed about your health and well-being. A homebody at heart, she enjoyed taking care of the home and family.
Leo Moon: The mother appeared charming, social, happy, and generous. You might have seen her always as the center of attention, playful, having fun. She might have encouraged your self-expression, musical interests, and artistic talents.
Virgo Moon: The mother appeared to be high-strung, perfectionist, giving, detail-focused, hard-working, and talkative. You might have felt like you were never good enough in her eyes. Her high standards created a need for routine, structure, and order.
Libra Moon: The mother appeared peaceful, calm, friendly, intelligent, and artistic. You learned a lot about compromise, love, and relationships from her. She avoided conflict and focused on the needs of others first
Scorpio  Moon: The mother appeared intense, deep, secretive, possessive, and strong. You learned about commitment, dedication, and overcoming difficulties from her. She was private about her feelings and did not like to show weakness.
Sagittarius Moon: The mother appeared freedom loving, friendly, adventurous, and optimistic. You learned to be optimistic and positive from her. She enjoyed travel, learning, and experiencing different cultures.
Capricorn Moon: The mother appeared hard-working, career-focused, productive, loyal, and serious. You learned patience and how to plan from her. She might have owned her own business, was in the public eye, or financially successful.
Aquarius Moon: The mother appeared freedom-loving, eccentric, innovative, non-traditional, intelligent, and friendly. You learned how to network and develop social connects from her. She might have been emotionally aloof and detached.
Pisces Moon: The mother appeared spiritual, emotional, compassionate, and artistic. You learned a lot about spirituality, helping others, and expressing your creative side from her. She might have been interested in new age topics, such as astrology.
~Carmen Turner-Schott
I'm an Aries with a Virgo Moon..That Virgo Moon shows in the core aspects of my personality, sometimes more so than my Aries nature. Definitely drives my analytical side . My children all ended up having thier Moon signs in the water elements...Scorpio, Cancer,and Pisces.
June 27/24
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douglas-rain · 5 months
Top Five Douglas Rain Recommendations From Yours Truly
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You want to see more of Douglas Rain, but you're not sure where to start? Well, do I have the thing for you! As the internet's most preeminent Douglas Rain expert (except for Gerry Flahive I guess, but he's kind of slow at answering emails and more focused on other stuff these days. If he wants to reclaim the title, he can meet me in the parking lot <3), I've made you a handy little list of some of my personal favourite performances by DR that I think you should see and/or hear!
And by 'little' I mean 'I got way too into this, so it's pretty long now'. I put it under a cut; you're welcome.
In the interest of fairness, I've chosen one performance from each of his fields of work (namely: ON STAGE, RADIO WORK, DOCUMENTARY NARRATION, TELEVISION and FILM). Please know, however, that I can give reviews of basically everything in the masterpost, so if you're interested in hearing about any of them, feel free to shoot me an ask!
Without further ado, let's get into it...
ON STAGE: Henry V (1966)
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Okay, this one's teeeechnically a TV movie, but it's adapted from Stratford's staged production, so I'm counting it. It's also a rare treat in that we get to see DR in colour! (Everybody say THANK YOU to David Rain, his son, for bullying the Festival into restoring this production and adding it to their online catalogue. I owe him my life.)
This is one of Shakespeare's histories, part of the Henriad (aka the collection of plays about the accomplishments of various English kings). Henry V, the main guy in this one, is actually the crowned version of Prince Hal from both parts of Henry IV, a role that DR had played previously at Stratford, so this is a fun bit of character continuity for him! The play centres around the king's invasion of France, with a lot of ruminating on hope and despair and duty and bravery. Harry - as he is affectionately referred to on occasion - is really going through it, and DR portrays him with such emotional intensity. He's proud, he's fierce, he's clever, he's a BITCH and I like him SO MUCH.
The book has been edited down slightly to fit into a two hour runtime for television, but beyond a few... very funny jumpcuts, it's not really noticeable at all. And while the sets are kept mostly simple, the costumes are gorgeous. I went in not expecting much (a mistake I keep making when approaching Shakespeare plays, for some reason lol), and was thoroughly entertained the whole way through!
It also contains the transcendentally funny line, "Tennis balls, my liege!" because Shakespeare was the most hysterical motherfucker on planet Earth. It makes sense in context, I promise.
Can be found on Stratfest@Home, the online streaming service of the Stratford Festival (there's a 7-day free trial period if you sign up). You may also check my masterpost of performances for a possible alternative, but shhh.
RADIO WORK: Fifth Business (1980)
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I love this one; it's literally so fucking funny. This radio play is a dramatisation of the 1970 novel of the same name by Robertson Davies. Fifth Business recounts the life story of Dunstable "Dunstan" Ramsay, from his boyhood in an idyllic (on the surface only) Canadian village to his experiences in the First World War, his career as a teacher and all the loves and complications he runs into, and the formative experiences peppering his life where he's never quite the main character. He is instead 'fifth business' - neither hero nor villain, but still integral to resolving the play's plot. Ramsay is clever, sarcastic and a goddamn weirdo who's obsessed with saints for non-religious reasons. He dodged a snowball as a kid and the consequences of that haunt him throughout the entire book.
The radio drama features a whole cast of actors, including of course DR as the protagonist (who also narrates everything btw), doing an absolutely delightful job. Fellow Stratford actress Martha Henry, who also happened to be his wife at the time, is in it too!
The entire drama is delightful, honestly. I liveblogged my experience listening to it for the first time, and man there is some wild shit happening in this novel. The entire things is about three and a half hours, but it really doesn't feel that long.
Can be found (in eight parts) on YouTube or on Archive.org. (Or in a junkbox on a sidewalk in Toronto. I'm still baffled by that.)
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A classic. Documentaries make up a sizeable chunk of the masterpost (thanks to the NFB website and archive channels on YouTube), so there were more options in this category than in any of the others. But I decided to go with this particular gem of a documentary.
It's about - who would have guessed - the universe, featuring the most advanced scientific knowledge of planets and stars at the time. The special effects are also quite impressive - if you move around Space Odyssey circles, you may have heard that the visuals of this documentary were a major inspiration for 2001. Also, DR's narration in Universe is what brought him to Stanley Kubrick's attention. You can probably guess how that ended. (Gerry Flahive has some articles about the whole thing if you don't.)
Anyway, Universe is a beautiful and meditative look at our galaxy and the many things it contains, and DR's narration is absolutely lovely. It clocks in at just under half an hour, so not that big of a time commitment either.
Can be found on YouTube or on the NFB website.
TELEVISION: William Lyon Mackenzie: A Friend To His Country (1961)
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It's so hard to find old Canadian TV shows anywhere online and I'm forever bitter about it. Our options here are incredibly limited as a result, so you're just going to have to accept that I'm recommending you a historical short film from 1961, alright? This is as difficult for me as it is for you.
Unsurprisingly, this movie is about William Lyon Mackenzie, who was... *checks Wikipedia* "a Scottish Canadian-American journalist and politician." Yes, DR is doing a Scottish accent in this role. Yes, I adore it. I know very little about Canadian history, so I can't exactly speak to the film's accuracy, but I found it charming and DR is doing a very good job. Most of the half hour runtime is spent on Mackenzie's various political struggles (some sort of failed revolution, I gather, followed by exile in the United States and some jailtime) and him trying to protect his family. His wife is played by Canadian actress Kate Reid in this movie, which I personally find very funny for... reasons. IYKYK.
Can be found on YouTube or on the NFB website.
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I'm sort of cheating again, but the only other options in this category that I have access to are the two Space Odyssey movies, and they seemed like too basic of a choice. So have some more drama instead! This is also a filmed version of one of Stratford's plays, but released in theatres this time.
Oedipus Rex is a breezy 87 minutes and adapts the English translation by Yeats of the classic Greek tragedy by Sophocles, with a little added prologue to set the scene. It was directed by Tyrone Guthrie, who you might remember as the Big Man from The Stratford Adventure. Or from the fact that he was a pretty famous theatre guy. If you need a refresher on your Greek myths: Oedipus was the guy who was prophesised to kill his father and marry his mother. He got done dirty by Freud somewhere down the line.
DR plays the role of the Messenger, a minor part who recounts some of the most famous plot points of the tragedy of Oedipus, which they couldn't show onscreen/onstage. Granted, he's only in this one for like five minutes, but he really rocks up to crash the party wearing the coolest outfit in the entire show. And yes, everyone in this production is wearing Greek theatre masks, so you can't see his face. You get to hear his voice though - and watch his captivating body language!
Can be found on YouTube. Or you can probably buy it on DVD if you really want to; idk, I'm not the boss of you. (I've also clipped his scene if you really, really don't want to watch the whole play. I get it's a big ask. Really beautiful production though, seriously!)
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utopians · 1 year
Hey James! Feel free to not answer if you don't wanna, but I'm a non-American very confused by the concept of "majors" and "minors" in American university.
Over here, a university degree only offers classes directly related to the degree subject - there's no such thing as a major, because what you'd "major in" is just the subject your degree is on. EG you said Psychology and History; over here, if you were taking a Psychology degree, the only way you could also do History would be either by waiting for the Psychology one to be over and then returning to university to take a separate History degree, or by paying for non-university or online university courses during the Psychology degree. But these wouldn't count at all towards the Psychology degree if you did that - all your university course classes would purely be psychology-related.
I think it's why our degrees are shorter? An undergrad degree course is 2-3 years here, depending, coz they're only on the 1 subject.
How do majors and minors work? Do you need a minor in order to pass your major? What's up with that?
happy to answer! just to preface, there is a lot of variation within american schools, and a lot of places have specialized programs that are a lot closer to your experience -- I'm just going to be talking abt the more common model that's present most schools, including the one I attend. this got long as hell so it's all under the cut :-)
essentially, in american universities, you can take classes in any subject you want and a 'major' is just the topic you've chosen to specialize in. in order to graduate with a major in a specific topic, you need to take the specific courses the university considers essential to understanding it, and you need to take enough courses in that topic to fulfill the university's credit requirement (the amount of 'credits' a course is worth is based on its difficulty); for example, I'm a psych major, and these are my university's requirements for a major in psychology. some people also do a 'double major' where you graduate with a degree in two topics by fulfilling the major requirements for both.
the way that the american system generally diverges from others (and the reason that it generally takes 4 years for a degree here when it takes 3 in most places) is that there's a minimum credit requirement for graduating that's unrelated to your major -- for example, my university requires 120 total credits to graduate with a degree at all, even though earning the psychology degree itself only requires about ~40 credits worth of psych classes. the remaining 80 credits worth of classes are filled by classes you take Just For Fun as well as gen-ed requirements, which are subjects that all students are required to take regardless of major: foundational math, english, history, arts, and physical + biological sciences. these are required even for students who have no intention of pursuing these fields because they're thought to provide a more 'well-rounded' education. most students finish their gen-ed classes within the first two years of college.
a minor is essentially just a recognition of experience in a particular subject that also gets tacked on to your degree; it doesn't mean as much as a major to employers or grad schools, and it's generally a topic you have a personal passion for or think would help in your chosen field but don't want to devote your whole academic career to. not everyone does a minor, but it's definitely common. you pursue a minor the same way you do a major, but the requirements are a lot less intense -- for example, to get a psych minor at my university, you just need to take 15 credits worth of psych classes (which is just 4-5 classes).
when you fulfill the credit requirement to graduate university, you get a degree in whatever you majored in with the minor also listed. a lot of people don't like the system because it's less focused than a 3-year program, and I definitely get that (I think that gen-ed requirements can be pretty superfluous), but I think that the opportunity to branch out and take classes in any subject is a massive plus -- I've had the opportunity to take some extremely cool classes and learn a lot that I never would've been able to if I was restricted to just psychology :-)
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red-hemlock · 8 months
𝐎𝐂 𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐀𝐒𝐊𝐒! // 🎭 MASKS - do they act differently around certain people? what's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.? (and/or) 👁️ EYE - what colour are their eyes? do people notice their eyes? is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
OC Emoji Asks @masquenoire
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🎭 MASKS - Do they act differently around certain people? What's different between the way they act around friends, family, strangers, etc.?
If interacting with a friend or a non-threatening run-of-the-mill stranger, there isn't too much difference in how River might act around them. Friends and more are of course treated to a larger helping of physical affection and silliness, but River is generally pretty friendly par the norm. Unless they are outright villains themselves, strangers are usually shielded from knowing of her career proclivities in the beginning, though. They also may or may not find the more feisty and sarcastic side of River to be a bit 'much' too, it all depends on their own personal tastes.
Aliases, however, are an expected part of being an assassin, and certain work-situations could call for certain acts to be put-up and performed. Though it might be a bit 'annoying' to do, River is no stranger to pretending to be weak and meek to cause a target to lower their guard; and she'll certainly dial-up the flirtation in order to get her way as well, if she feels seduction would be the faster tool to utilize.
Outright aggression is specifically saved for targets and enemies, with her own family having earned a 'special' brand of her ire. Aside from Dagny, there's not a single family member of hers alive to her knowledge that she wouldn't try to kill mercilessly on sight, if given the opportunity.
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👁️ EYE - What colour are their eyes? Do people notice their eyes? Is there anything special about them (shows emotion easily, literally magical...)?
River's eyes are a very dark-green, almost-black. The right one, however, is very visibly bloodshot and damaged; and when caught in the light at a certain angle, a slightly cloudy film can be seen over it. It's something other people would definitely find noticeable, but most never will, as she wears a full-cover contact lens on the right eye when in public. If her eyes were to be met, some would probably find the experience a bit intimidating. River has a very focused and intense stare, but one that's also seemingly quite cold as well. Even when those positive emotions are a bit slow to reflect in her eyes.
Call it the mark of her true nature as a predator.
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chainofclovers · 2 years
🎉, 👀, 🧠 for Roy and Rebecca (separately or together 🤠) for the fic ask!
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
This weekend I was beset by an intense desire to write a story from the POV of Ted's mom before we receive any new canonical information about Ted in s3. For now I'll just say that Ted's mom comes to London and meets a lot of people and gets to see some new sides of her son through observing him with the people who know him well. All I've got so far is a few paragraphs and a very rough outline, but I'm really hoping this is going to work. I can already feel that I'm going to have one of those experiences where I am thinking about every word and questioning everything I know about all the established characters because making up a character we haven't seen before and having her central is SCARY. But it's one thing I haven't really done in the context of writing about Ted's family (I've killed Ted's mom, written about her being homophobic and judgmental and a side character, and written her totally off-screen being a cool person, but I haven't really focused on her and written something about who I'd most want her to be), so I wanna make it happen and soon!
🎉 What leads you to consider a fic a success?
That is a great question! I don't really know how to put my finger on it; sometimes I just feel like the way I paced something and articulated something captured a very minute little detail in the way I wanted. That's part of it. And I guess the other part is when someone points out that same line or moment in the comments? Like that would be a super-success, haha.
I definitely feel like my fics vary a lot in terms of how successful I consider them, but if it's truly unsuccessful I just abandon it and it never gets posted. I kind of wish I understood myself more on this, but it's probably good that I don't.
🧠 Pick a character, and I’ll tell you my favorite headcanon for them.
OK I'm gonna be extra about this and give you headcanons for them as individuals regardless of relationship status, them in a monogamous relationship with each other, and them within the context of the love square. :)
This got really long so I'm throwing it behind a cut.
I am completely obsessed (in any and all relationship/household contexts for Roy) with the idea of Roy basically starting to share custody of Phoebe with his sister. My feeling is that Rachel (a favorite headcanon about Roy's sister is that her name is Rachel, lol) is a great mom, but she's had to make a lot of sacrifices for her success at work, and single parenting full-time just isn't going to be what is best for her or for Phoebe. I feel like I've written about this a decent amount; there's something that really appeals to me about a "non-traditional" (within a certain cultural context) child-rearing arrangement that comes about without necessarily having to be centered around dysfunction. (Not that stories about dysfunction aren't important to tell too!) I feel sooooo many emotions about Roy having been this person who couldn't really conceive of life after playing football, and how intense it is in s1 to see him spending time with Phoebe as his career is ending, and for her affirmations of him to be one of the thing that helps him break through to believing he's got other things of value to offer the world even if it takes him a long time to get there. I think the amount of Roy and Phoebe we get in canon is perfect, but I would like to read and write one million words of fic about the family commitment that leads to Roy thriving as a caregiver.
I think about kebab church constantly.
I feel like my biggest headcanon obsession for Rebecca is just around kind of putting together everything we know about what she values and imagining what it would be like for her to be truly intimate with other people and honest with herself about what she wants? We see it in glimpses so far—such as in the alley with Ted when she's too focused on taking care of him to feel self-conscious about her kindness, and her conversations with Keeley in 1x9, when she and Roy talk about parenting (in the form of uncle-ing and godmother-ing), and in maybe a flash or two of her moments with Sam—but it's almost always complicated for her shortly after the moment when she gives of herself. We also rarely see her alone and unfiltered. I think that's part of why the moment when she's trying to find Ted and picks up his jacket in the locker room HITS SO HARD in the perfect way. It's so rare that her face is just doing something entirely on its own, with the emotion is shining out, unencumbered by any regulation. So yeah, it's really enjoyable for me to conceive of a future version of Rebecca who can laugh about sex and share of herself without immediately correcting it and live longer in those sustained moments of sharing. Because those moments are so good when they happen and I feel like Hannah Waddingham has revealed the perfect amount about Rebecca so far through her amazing control over her beautiful face!
With Rebecca and Roy together, I think my favorite headcanon I've had for them in the past might be thinking about Rebecca adopting a cat and Roy feeling hesitant to let the cat into his heart because a) pets die and b) it would mean making this thing with Rebecca more of a forever-thing because he can't just co-parent a cat without taking the commitment seriously.
Even though I enjoy it when others write it, I'm not that compelled by the thought of writing pre-canon Rebecca/Roy. I'm too enamored by the idea of Ted and Rebecca both having sex for the first time post-marriage on the same night! But it's a fun thing to explore. I'm just more likely to want to write them establishing a relationship in the present day...
...like with the love square! Some stuff about them in that context that I either write about a lot or assume is true without writing about it much: When they're staying in the same house, they really value going to bed at the same time. They're the most likely to want to just shut the TV off and turn in. They're very sexually compatible and have a lot of sex on their own. They've been observing each other for years, so now that they're in a relationship they will always advocate for the other's happiness. Rebecca is good at helping Roy translate Keeley and Ted's emotions, although she has to make sure she's not translating in a way that bypasses him needing to have his own conversations. Roy is good at helping Rebecca slow down and connect with what is important. They're both good at being quiet together, but they talk a bit more than you might initially think.
From fanfic writer emoji ask.
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anthonybialy · 5 days
Buffalo Bills Deliver on Time Late
It’s tough to beat the Dolphins when they don’t obey officials.  The Buffalo Bills did as told.  Such limitations led to them passing for 139 yards and holding the ball for a measly 23:41.  Congratulations to Miami on their granted wish.
Bills fans are glad their favorites contributed to another uncompetitive Thursday Night Football game.  Al Michaels and Kirk Herbstreit spending the fourth quarter trying to remember baseball players was thrilling in its way.
The good news for the Dolphins is that they didn’t concede a field goal on their first drive.  They’ve undoubtedly spent this current somewhat long break focused on that.  Buffalo’s fourth down contrast with Miami’s flaming failure couldn’t have set the game’s tone better.  Ed Oliver is Miami’s offensive coordinator.  He says go for it.
James Cook was responsible for a one-play drive that barely used any clock.  What was he thinking?  I guess scoring was a worthwhile tradeoff.  An 18-point game would be a pretty good basketball showing.  In football, it’s a career night.  Cook served as Oliver’s counterpart in how he stepped up this outing to serve as the primary threat.  If trends continue, they’ll each serve as a distraction from the latest featured Bills against Jacksonville.
A multidimensional play jumps off the page.  Options begin up front.  Blocking seems far more accomplished in their first pair of examples.  I blame Ken Dorsey, as that’s always a good idea.  A more straightforward steamrolling technique has enabled the rushing attack that Buffalo relies on in an alternate dimension.  The success following handing off means not having to rely on whoever’s their quarterback to move spectacularly.
Josh Allen loves the Power Glove.  It’s so bad.  Particularly tiresome concern trolls outsiders fretted that a fearlessly intense competitor would be felled by a bruised non-throwing hand.  Coincidentally, they’re the same ones who spent a very fulfilling offseason claiming he’s overrated.
First play’s receiver Dalton Kincaid heard he wasn’t part of the offense.  Four receptions doesn’t seem like a lot except for how it’s four times as many as he had in the opener.  Bettors who look for what’s next instead of thinking what’s now will continue indefinitely should anticipate the de facto top receiver trending upward.
I wish the Bills hadn’t shown they can still defend with Terrel Bernard hurt.  We were one more injury from seeing how good Josh is at linebacker.  The Joe Andreessen story   has a chance to sound even more implausible if he can seize opportunity.
The primary concern for the opposing quarterback is living healthily.  But the Dolphins still have to figure out what to do about the way he played while he was feeling his best.  To honor his favorite quarterback Josh Allen, Tua threw to Bills.  Maybe he’s right-handed.  I’m not saying the arm he uses is weak, but he couldn’t even heave it into the stands.  It’a apparently tough to aim at the crowd and hit it.  Ja’Marcus Ingram’s interception with the score was like homering during an intended intentional walk.  Fans have been urging the wrong quarterback to slide.  If it makes Dolphins fans feel better, Tua makes more than Josh.
Having a saboteur helps.  Jordan Poyer remains so fond of his erstwhile team that he undermined his current employer with a cheap shot.  If that wasn’t enough, his wretched angle before a missed tackle ensured Cook scored his most impressive touchdown.  Players may leave, but the attachment may remain.  A beloved departed player is still the Bills MVP.
I hope everyone has had fun with a season that’s speeding by Cook-style.  A  decent portion of it is already done.  We’re already through 11.8 percent of Bills games this season.  As with winning so dominantly, the math astounds.
Feeling like you waited forever for something that’s over instantly is the welcome downside of starting 2-0 in under four and a half days.  Taking a vacation the week after Christmas seems like revelry is spaced too closely, but you may as well enjoy another Tom and Jerry while presented with the opportunity.
That was one odd time for a Sunday off.  Playing Thursday then a week from Monday is throwing off routines.  Scattering the schedule across multiple days provides countless options for watching professional football just like you’re not stuck choosing the best television option out of three.  That’s why you’ll soon get to tune in to games at 10:37 a.m. on Tuesday.
Winning against Miami constantly is fun.  Why didn’t they dominate a divisional rival like this before?  I guess it’s tricky, what with having to assemble a good team.  But conditions have finally come together.  Similarly, Bills night games haven’t inspired dread in awhile.  Perpetual struggles were long enough ago that you forgot your tweets about them.  Dredging up pain is best when you’re no longer suffering.
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walterassociates · 2 months
Achieving Competitive Advantage Through Strategic Resource Management
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Strategic resource management is the cornerstone of any successful business, especially in the accounting sector. It involves the judicious allocation and optimization of resources—be it human, technological, or financial—to achieve long-term goals and sustainable competitive advantage.
By integrating strategic resource management into every facet of operations, businesses can enhance efficiency, foster innovation, and ultimately, secure a dominant position in the market.
Resource Allocation Strategies
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Effective resource allocation strategies are fundamental to strategic resource management. They ensure that resources are deployed where they can deliver the maximum impact.
This involves prioritising investments, projects, and initiatives based on their potential to drive growth and profitability.
In the context of accounting, this might mean investing in cutting-edge software to automate routine tasks or allocating budgets towards market research to identify new service opportunities.
Strategic Human Resource Planning
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Human resources are arguably the most valuable asset in strategic resource management. Strategic human resource planning involves forecasting the organisation’s future human resource needs and devising plans to meet these requirements.
This could involve training programs to upskill existing staff in new accounting regulations or hiring specialists to tap into new markets.
The goal is to ensure that the organisation has the right mix of skills and expertise to meet future challenges.
Talent Management and Development
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Closely linked with human resource planning is talent management and development. This aspect of strategic resource management focuses on attracting, retaining, and nurturing the best talent.
It encompasses everything from creating conducive work environments to offering competitive compensation packages and career advancement opportunities.
By investing in talent management, firms can cultivate a highly skilled and motivated workforce capable of driving business success and facilitating seamless business integration.
Knowledge Management
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In the knowledge-intensive field of accounting, effective knowledge management is a critical component of strategic resource management.
It involves capturing, distributing, and effectively using the collective knowledge within the organisation. This could be in the form of best practices, client insights, or industry trends.
By leveraging this knowledge, accounting firms can enhance decision-making, improve service delivery, and foster a culture of continuous learning and business model innovation.
Technology and Innovation Management
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Technology and innovation management is another pillar of strategic resource management. In the rapidly evolving accounting landscape, embracing technological advancements can provide a significant competitive edge.
This might involve adopting cloud-based accounting solutions, leveraging data analytics for deeper financial insights, or exploring blockchain for enhanced security and transparency.
Strategic management of technology and innovation can lead to more efficient operations, better client service, and new revenue streams.
1. Strategic Outsourcing
Strategic outsourcing is a key consideration in strategic resource management, allowing firms to focus on their core competencies while leveraging external expertise for non-core functions.
In accounting, this might mean outsourcing IT support or payroll processing. Strategic outsourcing can lead to cost savings, improved efficiency, and access to specialised skills and technologies.
2. Sustainable Resource Management
Sustainable resource management is increasingly becoming a priority in strategic resource management. It involves managing resources in a way that is environmentally sustainable, socially responsible, and economically viable.
For accounting firms, this could mean adopting green accounting practices, promoting diversity and inclusion, or supporting community initiatives.
Sustainable resource management not only enhances corporate reputation but also contributes to long-term business viability.
3. Strategic Procurement
Strategic procurement is an essential aspect of strategic resource management, involving the strategic acquisition of goods and services that are critical to the organisation’s operations.
In the accounting sector, this could include procuring specialised software, research databases, or access to regulatory databases.
Strategic procurement ensures that the firm gets the best value for its investments and maintains a competitive edge.
Risk Management in Resource Allocation
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Risk management plays a pivotal role in strategic resource management, particularly in resource allocation. It involves identifying, assessing, and mitigating risks associated with resource allocation decisions.
In the accounting world, this could relate to investments in new technologies, expansion into new markets, or changes in regulatory landscapes. Effective risk management ensures that resources are allocated in a way that balances potential rewards with associated risks.
Strategic Performance Measurement and Evaluation
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Strategic performance measurement and evaluation are crucial for assessing the effectiveness of strategic resource management initiatives.
This entails setting clear performance indicators, regularly reviewing progress, and making adjustments as necessary.
In accounting firms, performance metrics might include client satisfaction scores, operational efficiency ratios, or financial performance indicators.
Regular evaluation helps ensure that resource management strategies are aligned with overall business objectives.Partnering with Walter and Associates for strategic resource management can be likened to building a strong brand in the accounting industry.
Just as a well-crafted brand identity sets a company apart from its competitors and resonates with its target audience, strategic resource management aligns resources with long-term goals and market opportunities, creating a distinct advantage.
With Walter and Associates’ guidance, your accounting firm can establish itself as a trusted leader, adapt to evolving trends, and secure its position as a powerhouse in the industry.
Strategic resource management is not just a set of practices but a mindset that should permeate every aspect of an accounting firm’s operations.
It’s about making informed, strategic decisions that align resources with long-term goals and market opportunities.
By embracing accounting professionals can not only navigate the complexities of the modern business environment but also set the stage for sustained success and growth.
Accounting,  regulations change, technologies evolve, and client demands shift, strategic resource management is the beacon that guides firms towards achieving a competitive advantage and securing their place in the future of the industry.
Source: Strategic Resource Management
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askgaryfl · 4 months
Embracing Philanthropy in Your Career: A Practical Approach
Philanthropy isn't just for the ultra-wealthy or large corporations. Regardless of your profession or level within an organization, there are meaningful ways to integrate giving back into your career. This guide offers a step-by-step approach to making philanthropy a part of your professional life, enhancing personal growth, and enriching your workplace.
Identify Your Philanthropic Passions
The first step in weaving philanthropy into your career is pinpointing the causes closest to your heart. Whether it’s education, poverty alleviation, environmental conservation, or healthcare, choosing a cause you are passionate about will keep you motivated and engaged. Research to understand the needs of these sectors and identify organizations that align with your values. This alignment ensures that your efforts feel like a duty but a meaningful contribution to a cause you care about.
Leverage Your Professional Skills
One of the most impactful ways to contribute is by leveraging your professional skills to benefit non-profits and charitable organizations. For example, if you're a marketer, offer expertise to help a charity improve its brand presence. Accountants could assist with financial management or annual audits. This approach provides immense value to non-profits and helps you grow and refine your skills in a real-world context.
Organize Workplace Giving Initiatives
Initiating or participating in workplace giving programs can be a powerful way to engage with philanthropy at work. Start by proposing regular fundraising events, charity drives, or volunteer days to your management team. Many companies are open to matching employee donations or contributing some of their profits to charitable causes, so consider negotiating these possibilities. These initiatives foster a sense of teamwork and shared purpose among colleagues, strengthening internal relationships and company culture.
Build Partnerships and Networks
Building networks with like-minded professionals can amplify your philanthropic efforts. Attend industry conferences, workshops, and seminars focused on social responsibility to connect with other professionals interested in philanthropy. These connections can lead to collaborative projects and partnerships that combine resources and expertise for a more significant impact. Moreover, networking in these circles often opens up new career opportunities, focusing more intensely on social impact.
Advocate for Corporate Social Responsibility
Advocacy within your organization plays a crucial role in institutionalizing philanthropic efforts. Work towards embedding corporate social responsibility (CSR) into the core business strategy of your company. Prepare presentations or reports highlighting CSR benefits, such as enhanced brand loyalty, increased employee satisfaction, and positive community relations. By advocating for CSR, you help create a sustainable framework through which your company can consistently contribute to societal well-being.
Measure and Reflect on the Impact
To sustain philanthropic efforts, it’s essential to measure and reflect on the impact of these activities. Whether it’s through tracking the amount raised in a fundraising campaign or assessing the improvement in community services due to your volunteering, impact measurement helps validate the efforts and can motivate further action. Regularly reviewing the outcomes also provides valuable insights that can be used to improve future initiatives.
Encourage and Mentor Others
As you gain experience in integrating philanthropy into your professional life, take the opportunity to mentor others who are interested in doing the same. Share your experiences, the challenges you’ve faced, and the successes you’ve achieved. Mentoring helps others engage in philanthropy, strengthens your leadership skills, and expands your influence within and beyond your organization.
Final Thoughts
Incorporating philanthropy into your professional life is a rewarding journey that benefits you, your workplace, and society. By following these steps, you create a fulfilling path that aligns your career with your values and aspirations to make a difference. Start small, stay committed, and watch your efforts foster a culture of generosity and impact that resonates throughout your professional and personal life.
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ilovevape · 8 months
Unveiling the Hulk Hogan Vape: Exploring the Iconic Wrestler's Entry into the Vaping Industry
Step into the ring, vape enthusiasts! We have some electrifying news that will knock you out of your seat. The vaping industry is about to get a heavyweight addition as none other than the iconic Hulk Hogan steps into the spotlight with his very own vape brand. That's right, folks - Hulkamania is going digital with the introduction of the Hulk Hogan Vape ! In this blog post, we'll delve into the rise of the vaping industry, uncover the inspiration behind Hulk Hogan's foray into this booming market, and explore how he plans to revolutionize it like only he can. Get ready to puff clouds of excitement and join us on this thrilling journey through all things "Hulk Hogan Vape"!
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The Rise of the Vaping Industry
The vaping industry has exploded onto the scene in recent years, capturing the attention of smokers and non-smokers alike. With its promise of a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes, vaping quickly gained popularity as a trendy and socially acceptable way to satisfy nicotine cravings. One of the driving factors behind this rapid growth is the allure of customization. Vapers can choose from an endless variety of flavors, ranging from classic tobacco to mouth-watering fruity concoctions. This level of personalization allows individuals to tailor their vaping experience to suit their preferences, making it an appealing option for those looking for more control over their smoking habits. Additionally, advancements in technology have played a significant role in shaping the vaping landscape. Gone are the days of clunky e-cigarettes; sleek and compact vape pens now dominate the market. These devices offer portability and discretion while still delivering a satisfying hit. Furthermore, social media platforms have facilitated widespread awareness and engagement within the vaping community. Influencers share their experiences with different brands and flavors, creating a sense of camaraderie among vapers worldwide.
The Inspiration Behind Hulk Hogan's Vape Brand When it comes to iconic figures, few can match the larger-than-life persona of Hulk Hogan. Known for his incredible strength and flamboyant personality in the wrestling ring, it may come as a surprise that he has ventured into the vaping industry. But what inspired this legendary wrestler to enter this booming market? Hulk Hogan's passion for vaping stems from his own personal journey towards improved health and well-being. After facing various health issues caused by years of intense physicality in the wrestling world, Hogan turned to vaping as an alternative to traditional smoking. By embracing vaping, Hogan experienced firsthand the positive impact it had on his overall wellness and quality of life. Determined to share these benefits with others, he decided to launch his own vape brand – a brand that embodies both his fierce resilience and commitment to promoting healthier alternatives. Drawing inspiration from his wrestling career, Hulk Hogan's vape brand reflects his larger-than-life personality through its bold flavors and unique product designs. Each vape flavor is carefully crafted to deliver a powerful punch reminiscent of Hogan's signature moves in the ring. Moreover, Hulk Hogan’s strong dedication to giving back is evident in every aspect of his vape brand. A portion of proceeds from each sale goes towards supporting charitable organizations focused on improving health outcomes for individuals worldwide. So next time you take a puff from your favorite Hulk Hogan vape flavor, remember that behind each cloud lies an inspiring story fueled by resilience and determination—an unmistakable reminder that even giants like The Hulkster are committed advocates for change.
How Hulk Hogan is Revolutionizing the Vaping Industry
In a world where vaping has gained immense popularity, Hulk Hogan's entry into the industry is nothing short of revolutionary. With his iconic status as a wrestling legend, he brings a new level of excitement and energy to the vaping scene. Hulk Hogan's vape brand not only captures his larger-than-life personality but also embodies his commitment to quality and innovation. By creating unique flavors that cater to different tastes and preferences, he ensures that vapers have an unforgettable experience with each puff. But it doesn't stop there. Hulk Hogan is not just another celebrity endorsing a product; he is actively involved in every aspect of his vape brand. From product development to marketing strategies, he puts his heart and soul into making sure that vapers get the best possible experience. By leveraging his massive fanbase and influence, Hulk Hogan opens up new avenues for promoting vaping as a healthier alternative to smoking. His presence in the industry helps break down barriers and reduce stigmas associated with vaping. Moreover, by championing transparency in manufacturing processes and using high-quality ingredients, Hulk Hogan sets a standard for other vape brands to follow. He emphasizes safety measures, ensuring that customers can trust the products they are consuming. Through collaborations with reputable experts in the field of e-cigarettes, Hulk Hogan constantly strives for innovation within the vaping industry. Whether it's introducing cutting-edge technology or exploring new ways to enhance flavor profiles, he pushes boundaries like only The Hulkster can. With every cloud produced from a Hulk Hogan Vape device comes a sense of empowerment - empowering vapers around the world to embrace their individuality while enjoying their favorite flavors without compromising on quality or safety.
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eduhubspot · 8 months
PMP Bootcamps: Your Pathway to Certification Success
Introduction to PMP Bootcamps
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Obtaining a PMP certification is widely recognized as a career booster in project management on a global scale. Achieving this certification requires dedication, a deep understanding of complex subjects, and thorough preparation. This is where PMP bootcamps come into play. They offer an intensive and focused approach to preparing for the PMP exam.
Understanding the PMP Certification
Before diving into the details of PMP boot camps, it's essential to understand what PMP certification entails. This certification, offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI), validates your expertise and skills in project management. It's a testament to your knowledge, experience, and competence in leading projects.
Why PMP Certification Matters
Enhanced Career Opportunities: PMP certification opens doors to higher-level positions and diverse industries.
Global Recognition: It is recognized and valued in various industries worldwide.
Higher Earning Potential: PMP-certified professionals often command higher salaries than their non-certified peers.
The Role of PMP Bootcamps
PMP boot camps are designed to help you efficiently prepare for the PMP exam. They are intensive training sessions that focus on the critical areas of the PMI curriculum.
Advantages of PMP Bootcamps
Structured Learning: Bootcamps offer a carefully-planned learning environment that ensures all essential topics are covered effectively.
Expert Instructors: Learn from experienced instructors who are PMP exam mentors, offering insights beyond standard preparation.
Peer Interaction: Engage with fellow aspirants, facilitating knowledge sharing and group learning.
Choosing the Right Bootcamp
When choosing a PMP boot camp, consider the instructors' expertise, course content, duration, and flexibility. Ensure the boot camp aligns with your learning style and preparation needs.
Key Features to Look For
Comprehensive Curriculum: The boot camp should cover all project management domains per the PMI guidelines.
Practical Sessions: Look for boot camps with practical exercises and real-world scenarios.
PMP Exam Mentorship: Please confirm if the following sentence reflects your intended meaning: "Make sure that the boot camp program offers personalized mentorship and guidance that is specifically tailored to preparing for the PMP exam."
Maximizing Your Bootcamp Experience
To maximize your PMP boot camp experience, actively participate in all sessions, engage with peers, and utilize the resources provided. Regularly review and revise the concepts learned during the boot camp.
PMP boot camps are an effective way to prepare for your PMP certification. They provide a focused, structured, and comprehensive approach to learning. By receiving proper guidance, support from peers, and dedicating adequate time to preparation, you can significantly improve your chances of passing the PMP exam.
How Eduhubspot Can Help You With PMP Bootcamps
Eduhubspot stands as a beacon for those aspiring to achieve PMP certification. With our expert-led PMP boot camps, we ensure that each candidate receives personalized mentorship, comprehensive course material, and the support needed to excel in the PMP exam. Our PMP exam mentors are dedicated to your success, guiding you through every step of your certification journey.
Q1. How long does a PMP bootcamp typically last?
A1. PMP boot camps usually last 4 to 7 days, offering an intensive learning experience.
Q2. Is PMP certification worth it?
A2. Absolutely! It enhances your credibility, increases job opportunities, and often leads to higher salaries.
Q3. Can I take a PMP boot camp online?
A3. Yes, many reputable online PMP boot camps, including those offered by Eduhubspot, provide flexibility and convenience.
Q4. How does a boot camp differ from other PMP prep courses?
A4. A boot camp is more intensive and focused, often completed in a shorter time frame, making it ideal for those who prefer a structured, immersive learning environment.
Q5. What is the success rate of Eduhubspot's PMP bootcamps?
A5. Eduhubspot boasts a high success rate, with a significant percentage of our participants passing the PMP exam after completing our boot camps.
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