#in addition to the old one
frevandrest · 6 months
Well, at least we have a new curse. "I wish Ridley Scott directs a movie about your favourite historical figure".
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dkettchen · 7 months
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More lesbian sanami was requested, so please have one of the many headcanons that live in my brain rent-free
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poopystain · 3 months
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short animation intended as a fun little remake of one i made a whole 5 years ago
old underneath cut
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personishfive · 11 months
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in which his life is like a video game
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piosplayhouse · 5 months
My headcanon that I personally believe is 1000% right and that I will never let go of is that sy's biggest tell for not being sj is that he never gets quite used to dealing with the super long hair and elaborate hairstyles so he just fudges it a majority of the time before Binghe starts doing his hair
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It was unfortunately covered by the ears but sj's hair is tensely pulled back on all sides of his head to form a tight topknot whereas sy's bun is much looser and unstructured (he woke up and put his brown hair in a messy bun etc) and he clearly didn't comb his hair to make the initial ponytail for the bun extra tight
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katabay · 7 months
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okay so. jack! jack. what a collection of guys. the overlap between jack and the beanstalk and jack the giant killer, though. that sure is something! sometimes king arthur is there, which always takes me by surprise.
this. specifically. is an idea I've been kicking around. jack and the beanstalk is not a story I've ever enjoyed, as a kid it was probably my least favorite to read. as an adult, I was INTENSELY fascinated by reading j.g. ballard's the drowned giant. I think about it frequently, and somewhere during a re read of it, I ended up revisiting jack.
combining different versions of jack into one character is not a new concept, but it IS a fun one! the version I've been assembling together plays less with the fun elements of a jack story (and adjacent folklore stories), and focuses more on the potential for tragic elements with the addition of the usual grim and jagged narrative edges that I personally enjoy.
jack with the backstory of the devil and the three golden hairs, only jack doesn't find love, he's TIRED, all he wants to do is go home, but there isn't a home to go back to. what is the point of being born lucky if this is what it gets you? jack the giant killer, only he doesn't want to kill giants, jack who saw a body of a giant when he was a small child and cannot bring himself to do as a king commands. jack, who climbs up the beanstalk and stops halfway to look down. etc.
to go back to the drowned giant real quick, both to set the tone about jack seeing the body of a giant as a youth, and also because I've been haunted and obsessed with this excerpt of it ever since I read it:
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J. G. Ballard, The Drowned Giant
anyway! this was originally like, a two illustration concept to get out of my system. however. I'm halfway through outlining a narrative. so. maybe it will also be several illustrations and also comic.
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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✶ hi! my name is maria, i draw pictures under the nickname 0039pf. 2004, ru/eng, college student.
✶ i draw fandom things (ship art mostly, i need a little comfort in this life), i draw commissions, and i also have my original characters, with whom i want to draw a whole comic book
won't list all the fandoms i'm in, there are too many of them.... but current interests are rdr2, star wars and resident evil. will edit if there are changes. and my ships if you interested, this is not all, just from the fandoms i’m active rn: morston, sadigail (rdr2); obikin (sw); wintersberg (re8), serennedy (re4 remake), valeveira (re3 remake), shake (re6). if you don't like any, there's no need to notify me, just move on 🫶
⣿ commission info
⣿ carrd.co
feel free to ask, if you have any questions, but please be nice to me and to each other. i want my blog to be a safe place for everyone.
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art hashtag #by 0039pf // txt posts #0039pf shitposts // ask #ask 0039pf
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sarioh · 6 months
shoutout to you and all the other ethubs warriors who have been here with me in the trenches since 2021. we were right about everything ever since the beginning of time but in the worst possible ways and no one can ever take that away from us . amen
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dishsaop · 5 months
one of the hardest things you can do, but one of the most rewarding, is understanding the fact that if one of your friends is annoyed with or mad at you, they will tell you. and if they are annoyed with or mad at you and they dont tell you, that burden is on them, not on you. catastrophizing in your head about how your harmless interactions might be enraging or disgusting a friend is damaging to you both. if someone respects you as a friend and as a person, they will tell you if they need a change. otherwise, its not your problem, baby. you are both individuals capable of communicating your needs, and neither of you (i am assuming) are telepaths.
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lilybug-02 · 6 months
Do you have any pets?
I do!!! I guess they're more of my parents dogs now, since I don't have them in college, but we have 3 wiener dogs :)))) They are my heart and soul 💖 Here's some silly photos of them.
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I got to see them over the Thanksgiving Break and they were a much needed stress relief 💘🐶
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gerrydelano · 3 months
it's been like 10 hours and i am still thinking about gerry child experimentation canon. fuck my entire life
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #114
Tony has many different nicknames for Peter, and he has programmed FRIDAY to use all of them
Peter is also prone to getting stopped by security and various other employees due to the fact that he looks completely grown up and like he belongs there thank you very much
This leads to a situation in which the many different corners of Stark Industries - after inquiring of FRIDAY their own versions of "who tf is this kid?" - all know him by different names
On one floor he's Roo. On another, Crockett. Mr. Parker. Bambino. Kid. Junior...the list goes on
This only becomes a problem when employees attempt to talk about their strange new...cryptid? boss? intern?... to each other
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vigilbutts · 2 months
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1. OG Aster 1325AE 2. Tower o' Nightmares 1326AE 3. Oops! Branded! 1329AE-Present
BEHOLD. Aster's appearance throughout the years (minus horns) (they're not always visible and are more recent)
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theoneprecioustome · 4 months
Aikoto Moments: FES & P3P vs P3R
Before gathering all the relevant Aikoto tidbits from P3R, I'll start by gathering what was added & what was removed in P3R in comparison to FES & P3P — though I'm only bringing up the latter because P3R's script seems to be majorly based on P3P's lol
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I'll only be focusing on the stuff that happens within the main story, so I won't be including Aigis' S-Link.
As usual, lots of images and SPOILERS for the entire game below the cut!
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✤ In FES, Aigis stops "hugging" Makoto when Ikutsuki shows up. In P3P however, Aigis hugs Makoto nearly throughout the entire scene. P3R goes with the P3P version of events, so Aigis hugs Makoto for much longer than she does in FES.
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✤ Unlike FES, Makoto gets up from his bed and goes to join Aigis and Yukari at the door while they discuss whether Aigis is allowed to stay in his room or not.
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✤ For the Summer Festival, Makoto can actually go with Aigis and Mitsuru, just like in P3P. The only difference is that this time, the player can choose whether to accept Mitsuru's invitation or not. If the player decides to go to the Summer Festival alone, they will get the FES version where Makoto runs into Aigis and Mitsuru but neither of them notice he's there (although a less funny version, since in FES we can see Makoto make a fool of himself while in P3R he remains cool).
✤ Just like in FES, Aigis snaps out of Ikutsuki's control as she and Makoto stare at each other. P3R gives more emphasis to this scene by adding some flashbacks to SEES. However, the biggest addition Aikoto-wise is that we get to see Makoto running towards Aigis and draping an arm around her shoulders.
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✤ While in FES it was just implied, P3R (just like P3P) makes it very clear that Aigis wanted to be assigned to Makoto's room during the Kyoto School Trip lol
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✤ Makoto gets a new dialogue option during Aigis' resolution.
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✤ If the player has Aigis in their party, she will get an extra line of dialogue during the fight with Nyx.
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✤ Just like in P3P, Aigis calling out to Makoto is the last thing he hears before he's called to the Velvet Room.
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✤ While in FES Aigis said that she couldn't allow the world Makoto was born in to be destroyed, this time she gets a line begging him to make it back.
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✤ Just like in P3P, Aigis is the first one to notice Makoto coming back to them after sealing Nyx. We get a new cutscene showing Aigis running to him before she's joined by the rest of SEES.
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✤ Aigis' tears are handled very much like they were in P3P, so we get a new crying!Aigis sprite.
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✤ We now see a couple of flashbacks during Aigis' speech in the rooftop scene, including scenes that seem to be taken from the movies. These include Makoto turning towards Aigis and she holding his Evoker.
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✤ Lots of added extra focus on Aigis placing her hand on-top of Makoto's, just like in the movies.
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✤ This time around, we're briefly shown Aigis from Makoto's POV. She and her smile are the last thing he sees before closing his eyes with a smile of his own.
P3R seems to have based a lot of things on the P3P script, and it also seems to have gone for a Makoto that has less "agency" than in Vanilla/FES, likely to make him a better vehicle for the player. Since Vanilla & FES Aikoto take a lot from Makoto reacting to Aigis and interacting with her outside of player input, there are a few things missing Aikoto-wise in P3R.
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✤ The hearts are gone in P3R, so Makoto finding Aigis attractive is implied by the way she is introduced rather than stated outright.
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✤ In FES, Junpei and Akihiko are disappointed that Aigis is a robot while Makoto isn’t. In P3P there is no contrast because the only one shown to be disappointed is Junpei. P3R once again goes with the P3P script of this scene.
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✤ In FES (and even in P3P), Makoto holds Aigis hand on his own after her fight with Ryoji, while in P3R he just kneels by her side. The way he touches her head in FES as she falls unconscious is also missing here.
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✤ I'm noting this very minute change as well, but just for the sake of being thorough lol In FES we see Aigis walk even closer to Makoto during their Jan 25 scene, while in P3R her model remains standing at the same distance.
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✤ Just like in FES, Aikoto are together during Koromaru's last walk in P3R. The main difference is that in FES, we see Makoto talking to Aigis and playing with Koro as well, while in P3R he just stands there watching them lol
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✤ The moment where SEES is hit by Nyx' gravity is no longer a 2D cutscene, but a rather unimpactful 3D cutscene. As such, we don't see Aigis looking at Makoto falling before trying to stand up to fight.
✤ Arguably the biggest omission is the 2D cutscene focused on Aigis' tears, which also shows Makoto growing emotional as he sees her cry.
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✤ Lastly, in FES we see a split second, very symbolic shot of human Aigis during the last 2D cutscene. In P3R, this imagery is removed.
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possessable · 3 months
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the funniest part about me perpetually referring to Vernon as a prophet/oracle/whatever is that he quite literally Is Not Clairvoyant At All, he just gets possessed by a god like two times, and The God Isn't Even Clairvoyant Either He's Just Using Common Sense
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aria0fgold · 27 days
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The creature... So first things first is some info about them pre- disappearance of The Country. They're a loyal follower and avid worshipper of The Country. They love the Universe sooo much that they made a wish to be able to read the stars, and the Universe answered. I like to think that the stars are talkative, some can predict what will happen in the near future, some are just "chatting" to each other about the stuff happening in the world they overlook. It's a somewhat useful ability that Soleil used to use to be able to either predict someone's future (rarely though, the stars hold many different futures and it's hard to figure out which is whose) or use it during funeral rites to have a more reassuring experience to the ones mourning that their loved one arrived safely among the stars.
And then they found out about The Cursing of Chateau Castle-- they kiiiinda got Really obsessed with the book series that they wanted to know more about it but there wasn't any more copies of it in the Country's language so what better way to deal with that but teaching itself how to understand the Vaugardian language, and by doing that they got to learn more about the Vaugardian culture and was really amazed by it (considering that they spent most of their life with the Country's culture instead, learning about a different culture is a great feeling). One thing led to the other and it also led Soleil to travelling to Vaugarde (something that their family wasn't all that happy with but they stay silly).
And so we're back at the present time! Now to talk about some details on its appearance.
Its Craft type is Scissors! The eye on the center of its chest and the eye by its nape are in fact EYES and not just accessories (although they did try to make the eye on its chest appear to be like a mix between a star shape and the Change Symbol).
After spending some time in Vaugarde, they learned about Body Craft in which case they decided to experiment with it in regards to its eyes.
Since being in Vaugarde, there wasn't much use to its star sight and there also isn't a way to "turn it off." So instead, they decided to separate its Normal sight from the Star sight by adding another pair of eyes on its body.
The eyes on its face are blind. They can't see through it anymore but they Can still see the stars (they can't read it anymore however cuz of the Country's disappearance).
If they focus on the stars using those eyes, they'd get a REALLY bad headache and a star sign appears on its eyes. Nothing to be afraid of probably, its head just Really hurts.
The glass covering the eye on its nape is a one way mirror. You won't be able to see the eye but the eye can still see you.
With its vision split, it actually took them awhile to get used to that. It takes a lot of concentration and focus to see both from behind and from the front. When Soleil gets tired from doing that, they either close the eye on its nape (if the place is safe enough) or unfocus it enough to the point that most of its vision becomes blurry with only being able to see blobs of shapes and shadows which helps them be alert enough in case something comes running at them from behind.
All the round objects you see on its body are Bombs. They found out about Bomb Craft in Jouvente and was so fascinated by it that their inventor brain (inventing, crafting, and repairing stuff is a special interest of theirs). They now like making bombs and inventing new ones (only they have the recipe of those).
The bombs they invented only detonates via a Craft spell, it's basically as safe as an ordinary ball to handle unless detonated. Also the scissors at the top of their head has a cover on its tip. It's Very Sharp. They mainly use that (either the tip or the scissor blades itself) to cut the bombs dangling on its body.
Despite the multitude of bombs they carry, they aren't actually much of a fighter (they just like bombs). Most of its Craft spells are basic/beginner level. The one and only Powerful Craft spell they have is a shield/defense spell that they practiced several times. It's capable of negating all damage for 2 turns with a 5 turn cooldown, they wanted to master that spell to make it so that bombs won't hurt them no matter the close proximity.
Its hand signs are "broken." They used to mimic the hand signs that the Universe (I'm mainly referring to my design of the Universe) makes. But after forgetting about everything in regards to it, they can't remember what hand signs they used to make but the familiar feeling was still there.
A huge fan of The Cursing of Chateau Castle, to the point of practically making it part of its identity now that a HUGE chunk of its memory is missing. Its outfit is a modified version of what they think Lady Irene-Janine-Karine wears.
Its personality is a mixture of Lord Josephandre, Pierre-Jacques-Erneste, and Lady Irene-Janine-Karine (aka the Chateau Trio!!! Love those three...).
Its name, "Soleil" is just something they found in a book and decided to use for itself. They don't remember its name anymore.
#ariart#ariaoc#isat oc#isat spoilers#theres some danger in the fact that sol took pierres personality too considering that pierre betrayed the party that one time--#honestly if i think about sol harder i begin to realize that theres A LOT of things wrong about them mentally#what forgetting a country with a belief system you were incredibly loyal to does to someone i think.#also making it so that sol was the npc that translated that one issue of the cursing of chateau castle from vaugardian#into the language of the Country. if you were to enter its home. youll be greeted by a LOT of bookcases and shelves and books#and therell be at least 4 of those dedicated to the cursing of chateau castle. original version and the ones they translated#there will ofc be sections where its about the Country tho. actually i think if siffrin visited its home he'll be able to know more#about the Country. if he became close friends enough to be able to enter the rooms with the books of it. sol couldnt read them#anymore but feels as though those books were important so they moved it elsewhere for safekeeping. making sure to maintain it too#also yea you can now see exactly how im pushing the isat worldbuilding to its limits via body craft#i like to think that if in case body craft operates in a similar manner to alchemy in that by Changing something theres an equal#exchange to be given. if its Changing your appearance to a new one then the equal value to be exchanged is the Old appearance#but if for example theres a missing body part. youd have to find Something else of equal value to replace it then#and by going off of that same principle. if a body part has two functions (like with sol's eyes having a special sight to it)#then by Changing its appearance. the equal value follows the same principle of the: exchange Old for New#except that in sol's case. with the addition of a body part that has two functions. technically speaking they can Separate the#two functions while still following the usual method. it's just that now theres another set of eyes on its body. still a New appearance tho
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