#tiny stank
vcnorth · 11 months
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comic tony is so cute it fucking kills me
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idk-bruh-20 · 1 year
Irondad fic ideas #114
Tony has many different nicknames for Peter, and he has programmed FRIDAY to use all of them
Peter is also prone to getting stopped by security and various other employees due to the fact that he looks completely grown up and like he belongs there thank you very much
This leads to a situation in which the many different corners of Stark Industries - after inquiring of FRIDAY their own versions of "who tf is this kid?" - all know him by different names
On one floor he's Roo. On another, Crockett. Mr. Parker. Bambino. Kid. Junior...the list goes on
This only becomes a problem when employees attempt to talk about their strange new...cryptid? boss? intern?... to each other
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fldx2 · 13 days
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the stars org loves to be normal about logan’s size (5’8”, 171lbs)
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fox-guardian · 10 months
i have encountered a Problem with my bone collecting
most of the bones i collected previously have been small, from rodents or perhaps birds, even. i store them in jars and set them on my desk when i'm done cleaning them.
i am now in possession of Deer Leg Bones. which are. Significantly Larger. i cleaned them in a pot and a bucket but now i have taken them inside my house.
where the fuck am i gonna put these things
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kenobihater · 9 months
sometimes i encounter that million+ word regularly updated mc.u mall fic when browsing the archive and just.
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apollo-zero-one · 4 months
Snowed in........... While my little brother is visiting. So he has been here an extra 2 nights. We are sharing a bed and he keeps moving the pillow wall over more and more. I am sleeping on like 1/8 of the bed. I am genuinely considering moving to the floor. Kid that is my mf bed give it back 😭 but he's eleven and I'm a grown ass adult so I have to be the bigger person
I can put up with a lot but the tolerance level goes down the more sleep deprived I am and I am putting more effort into not falling off the bed than I am getting sleep 😭
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sleepingdead96 · 26 days
Prepared for Anything Part One
Danny stared at the ceiling, bored, as the creepy clown laughed manically at a camera. Danny hadn’t been in this dimension for two minutes, (he’d portalled directly into Joker’s hideout) before he was promptly tied to a chair. He could get out of it easily.
Thing was, there were others here, restrained more thoroughly than Danny. They wore colourful, armoured suits and were obviously the vigilantes/heroes of this. . .place—Gotham? Danny’d heard the name mentioned a few times now—This Freakshow wannabe was obviously one of their villains. 
Danny had been hoping someone would show up without having to draw attention to himself. What was this dimension’s stance on halfas? Or ghosts?
But no one had come yet, it had been an hour, and he was getting stiff from sitting here so long without being able to move his limbs.
Danny heaved a loud, exasperated sigh-groan at the ceiling. The guy, face-painted like a toddler who’d gotten into their parent’s make-up, suddenly stopped monologuing. 
Good. It was getting annoying.
“Are you done yet?” Danny complained much like the impatient teenager he was. “I’ve got crap to do, wrap it up, would you?”
Danny came here to explore. He was not exploring. He should be exploring and it was all this dude’s fault.
Danny supposed he could go all ghost on him and bounce, but he came all this way. It wasn’t much of hassle, but still. Danny was stubborn. He knew this.
The warehouse was silent. The creepo wasn’t talking, anymore, he wasn’t doing anything, and Danny deigned to lift his head from where it’d been thrown back on the chair.
The costumed people were looking at him in horror.
Danny wasn’t sure why.
The walking fashion disaster began to cackle with condescending amusement.
Yeah, okay, whatever.
Danny ignored the man’s delve into something about Danny’s impending doom, or threatening him with pain, and something, something, something. Something about broken this, burning that, yada, yada yada, when Danny got an idea.
Behind the chair where his hands were bound, knowing no one was behind him, he quietly broke the ropes on his wrists. The vigilantes—a red one with bandoliers crossing over his chest and one who wore a largely grey and black suit with an R emblem on the left side of his chest—were valiantly trying to dissuade the psycho to leave Danny alone, who now realized the said psycho was coming towards him, carrying a crowbar.
How original.
The Joker, as Danny heard someone call him at some point, he’s not sure when, leaned in close. His breath stank. 
Danny made a disgusted face. “Do you not brush your teeth at all? Gross, dude.”
“You won’t be mak—“
Danny punched him in the jaw. The guy went down pretty easily. 
Danny made an annoyed noise as he bent down to untie his ankles from the chair legs. He muttered to himself. “Stupid villains, always gotta get in the way, why can’t I just have one nice vacation, huh?”
“How did you do that?” 
Danny looked up at the red one. “Do what?” He asked, standing and stretching with satisfying pops.
“Get free.”
“Oh. . .” Danny reached into his hoodie sleeve and pulled out a small hand saw. He guessed he coulda used a knife, but it was the first thing he'd thought of.
The guy spluttered. “You just keep a saw in your sleeve?”
“Yep.” Danny popped the P. No need for them to know he can make portals. As tiny as needed. “You guys want help out of those, or what?” Danny gestured to the chains keeping the two bound on the floor.
“No, Joker’s goons outside probably has the keys, we have back-up. . . .coming. . . .where did you get that?”
Danny didn’t miss a beat as he crouched to get a grip on the chain with the large pair of bolt cutters. “Ah, ya know, never leave home without a good pair of bolt cutters.” He offered. The room they were in was pretty bare, saying he found it “lying around” wouldn’t work. It’d be pretty obvious.
“That is absurd.” The younger one said. “Where did they come from?”
Danny snapped the red one free and moved onto the angry eyebrows one. How did they still emote so well through those masks? “Just had it on hand.”
“But wh—“
“Oh look! There ya go! I gotta go, nice being held hostage with ya’ll.” Danny ignored their calls for him, climbing out of the nearest window and disappearing.
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idk-bruh-20 · 2 years
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On War Machine's official wikipedia page, this is the photo they use.
It is 1000% Tony's fault.
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idesofrevolution · 6 months
Sweat and Polyester
Siyu Jiang was in love. After moving to the United States from Guangzhou to get his degree in Software Engineering, it was a hard pill to swallow that he was less than stellar at mingling with his peers. Guangzhou was a mega city, easy for him to blend in and mind his own business, busy enough for him to get a contact-high of sorts to feed his need for socialization. New Orleans on the other hand, while not a small town per se, felt tiny and almost claustrophobic to him. Everyone knew eachother, and everyone took the time to chat, go out, have a drink or a blunt, 'fraternize' if you catch my drift... and Siyu quietly observed from a distance, watching the world bustle by.
That is, until he saw Eduardo. In China, he had never felt attracted to men. Perhaps it was the somewhat hostile environment for queer folks, or perhaps it was New Orleans' more laissez-faire attitude about stuff like that, but when the new semester started and he walked into that chemistry class, it was like fireworks erupted from his eyes. Eduardo was on the basketball team, pretty great at it too. He was tall, he was fit, he had those big brown eyes that made Siyu see sideways. When he plopped down in his seat next to Siyu, still in the gym clothes he'd worn to practice an hour or so before and wafting the subtle scent of salty musk from his tattooed body, their eyes met for the first time. A simple smile and a gentle introduction made Siyu's heart flutter, he was laid back and spoke effortlessly with a relaxed and friendly demeanor. Over the first two weeks or so sitting next to him, Eduardo had really helped Siyu feel less alone and less isolated, simply by being kind and taking the time to strike up a conversation with him.
It wasn't long before Siyu was beneath the bleachers in the basketball court, watching a sweaty, jovial Eduardo shoot hoops and practice with the team. It was no secret around campus that Eduardo was bisexual, having streams of girls as well as several teammates going in and out of his dorm room all the time. As mentioned before, the people around there talk, and from what Siyu had overhead, he was a giver and one of the best beds in town. This only added fuel to his fire, as his obsessive love for this sweet, oblivious jock boy grew stronger with each whisper of his name and bounce of the orange ball.
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Thus it came to be on that Tuesday evening on a cold November night that Siyu decided to make Eduardo love him. Though, there was a problem. Outside of the obvious signs: him being on the basketball team, him fucking anything that moved, him always have the subtle whiff of reefer about him, and some of the company he'd keep, Siyu really knew nothing of Eduardo's interests. Worse even, the ones he did know about were far outside of his own. Siyu was simply too different of a person to snag his crush's attention. Thus, he focused on who did catch his eye.
Enter Ethan Lafferty. Ethan was everything Siyu wasn't: muscular, tall (even more than the 6'2 Eduardo), confident, cocky even. He was point guard on the team, and Eduardo's best friend. The two couldn't have been more different. Eduardo was sweet, kind, relaxed, a flirt, everyone's favorite guy. Ethan on the other hand, was brash, loud, dumb as a box of rocks, stank of a locker room at high noon, and spent most of his time either banging the entire cheerleading squad on a livestream or downing bottles of Jameson and snorting mountains of cocaine at some hole in the wall bar in the French Quarter. Despite their completely polar personalities, the two were nearly inseparable. It always came off as peculiar that such a stereotypical straight alpha dude bro would be best friends with a queer guy, even if they were teammates.
Siyu began to frequent the duo's hoop sessions, masked in darkness beneath the cavernous space beneath the seats, taking notes on his phone of what he could observe. In his mind, he saw himself as a horny, gay Jane Goodall: observing the hot boys in their natural habitat, and how they interact. Their relationship became clearer over time. Eduardo would be the first to arrive, sitting on the bench and scrolling through his phone until Ethan would burst through the gymnasium door, holding his smelly red shoes and making a loud fuss about whatever girl he'd 'bedded' the night before. The two would sit on the bench, side by side, laughing at Ethan's shitty and demeaning jokes while he threw his arm around Eduardo's neck and ruffled his hair. Even from the clandestine cave he'd hidden away in, he could see Eduardo blush just at Ethan's touch. It was beyond him what a brute like Ethan brought to the table, but Siyu realized whatever it was, Eduardo was into it. If being like that mouthbreathing, smelly dumbass was what would make Eduardo love him, then so be it.
He started to wear a gold chain and earrings, just like Ethan. Sure, the earring was a clip on, and the necklace was cheap plate, but Eduardo quickly complimented him once he'd noticed a few days into it. He started to wear athletic shirts and shorts, some that he'd stolen from the dormitory laundry bin of course, but he'd hoped the effect would sink in. Eduardo didn't take as much of a notice of this, and thus began the diminishing returns of Siyu's efforts. He stopped wearing deodorant, thinking his own pheromones would compete, which they didn't. Not even an acknowledgement. He sketched marker tattoos on his arm, saying he was trying out designs to see what worked. He received a raised eyebrow and silence. The more he tried desperately to impress Eduardo, the less and less it seemed to make a difference. Frankly, he noticed Eduardo pulling away. Their nice little chats before lecture started to disappear, the friendly knuckle bump he would get as they ran into each other in the quad quickly followed suit. The more he tried to be Ethan, telling oddly misogynistic jokes and sipping whiskey from his water bottle in class... the more Eduardo wanted nothing to do with him.
It made no sense to him. He was doing everything right. When Ethan did it on the court, or in the dining hall, or in the library, or even in his dorm room as Siyu had his ear pressed against the door; Eduardo ate it up, his big brown eyes looked at him like he was the most lovely creature on earth. When Siyu tried it, it was met with an awkward glance and a miserable nod. He was losing him. All the work was for naught. It was time to take drastic measures.
Siyu searched high and low through every academic paper he could find in that library to find a way to make someone love him. When that came up with dead ends, he searched how to change your personality, which supplied an equal amount of nothing. Psychology, philosophy, sociology, anthropology, neuroscience, even religion... nothing he found seemed to address his quandary. That's when he dug into the dark corners of the library itself: the occult, cults, mysticism, mythology, demonology... That's when he finally came across it. The key. The knight in shining armor. The solution to his problem.
Siyu was absent from class that Friday, the only day he'd ever missed in Chemistry. He was far too busy preparing for what was to go down that evening in the gym. From sun up to sun down, he was squirreled away in his dark dorm room, a single light on his desk illuminating the old archaic book. To his left, the culmination of his research, a small spray bottle filled with a strange yellow liquid. His trash bin was filled with empty envelopes from Indonesia, Mozambique, Paraguay, Lesotho, Norway, and Russia. Remnants of a shopping spree of esoteric ingredients so outlined in the ancient texts, all of which were less than simple and far beyond illegal to obtain. Though, to Siyu, it mattered not. This was to be his final act, there were no consequences that would matter after it was all over.
As 7:30 struck, as expected, Eduardo entered the gym, setting his bag onto the shining wooden floor and scrolling through his socials. Siyu crouched in his standard spot in the shadows, watching Eduardo's feet bounce absentmindedly mere inches from him as he waited for his friend. It didn't take long, as Ethan kicked open the door, shouting his typical "Bruh! You're not gonna believe what happened last night." Siyu turned off his ears, uninterested in hearing yet another story about ecstasy, booze, and his weird thing for Charlize Theron's legs. Instead, he took the little plastic cap off the spray bottle, and sat silently beneath Ethan as he put on his stinking shoes. As he sat there, talking about absolutely nothing of substance, Siyu spritzed his feet gently with the concoction. He didn't notice a thing, continuing to chide and play around with Eduardo as Siyu sprayed the back of his legs and shorts, then his shirt and finally the back of his neck through the holes in the bleachers. By the time they got up and began to play their game, Ethan was entirely unaware he was coated with the elixir.
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Ethan and Eduardo had a particularly impressive match between them. Eduardo had to keep up with Ethan's frantic energy, which he'd never had a problem with before. Hoop after hoop, he would scream and shout, rubbing it in his friend's laughing face. It was their best hoop sesh yet, fitting it would be their last. Go out on a bang, thought Siyu, as that energy quickly began to deplete. Before long, Ethan had complained about his knee giving out before he could dunk.
"Fuck, bruh. I guess kicking your ass tired me the fuck out!" Eduardo laughed at his friend, pushing his head down as he walked past.
"Your coke is wearing off I bet. I haven't seen you play like that in a long time, man! What the fuck did you take?" Ethan rubbed the back of his neck, a subtle ache beginning to radiate at the base of his skull.
"I didn't take anything, fucktard! I'm just that good, and you needed a reminder." The two laughed like morphine-riddled hyenas, before plopping back down on the bench above Siyu. Their delectable scent washed down atop him like a waterfall of pheromones. "But I may need a minute, huhu."
"Yeah man, take a breather. Wouldn't want you to get too exhausted before tomorrow's game." Eduardo winked as he picked up his bag, saying his goodbye before walking out the side door, leaving Ethan massaging his aching wet feet on the bench. It was time. Siyu slowly made his way out from beneath the bleachers, his cheap shoes squeaking on the court as he approached Ethan.
"What does he see in you?" Siyu strolled over to Ethan, who chuckled to himself as he put his socked foot back into his shoe.
"Ahh fuck, man. What the fuck are you doing here?" Ethan was panting. To him, he had a hard workout. To Siyu, the elixir was working.
"You are awful, Ethan. You're rude, you're crass, you treat others like shit, and you smell. You're a real keeper, aren't you?" Ethan turned to Siyu, his indifferent expression melting away to indignancy. He jumped from his seat, ready to pound this 5 foot nerd into oblivion, until that damned knee gave out again, toppling him back onto the bench.
"Fuck. You better be thankful I'm tapped after that workout, fucker. You should thank me really, you'd be in the ground by now." Siyu stared with absolute apathy, knowing fully well he would not be brutalized by this waning star.
"You're scum, but he would do anything for you. I can't figure out why, trust me I've tried. But you have something going on in that empty brain of yours that he can't get over." Ethan turned and snickered under his breath.
"I know you. You're that little fuckin' cocksucker who's stalking Eddy, aren't you? See-who or whatever your fuckin' name is. Listen, buddy, I'll just tell you. He's not interested, alright? You have nothing he's looking for, so just leave him the fuck alo..." Ethan tried once more to stand, only for his legs to once again give out. "Fuck! What the fuck is going on?" Siyu smirked.
"I know. I'm not what he's looking for, again: I have tried. But you are what he's looking for, and you don't even see it." Siyu walked closer to the sweating jock, dripping from every pore as if he were in the throws of scarlet fever. "I've decided to do something about that, Ethan. You're no good for a guy that's as incredible and lovely and glorious as Eduardo, and I'm going to make sure that whatever it is you have that I don't gets put to good use." Ethan looked down at his legs, growing smaller and frail by the second. It looked as if he were melting, his skin sagging, his muscles deflating, his body just sinking into a puddle of sweat on the floorboards. Whatever slurs he wished he could launch at Siyu were caught in his collapsing throat as he gurgled and bubbled. Siyu watched with a gleeful malice, watching the top competitor sink into a puddle of his own fetid sweat. There was but one single glance of abject rage from Ethan's face before it too had plummeted to the ground, leaving behind his sopping wet clothes and a silent gymnasium. Siyu took a couple of seconds to just breathe and bask in his success. He looked down at the clothes and shoes, wafting his enemy's pungent scent, imbued by the puddle of his own essence he'd become.
Now full of excitement, with a pep in his step, he gathered the dripping clothes and shoes, slipping them into Ethan's gym bag before stealing away into the night. He quickly found himself bolting across the quad, hoping and praying no one saw him with another student's bag in his possession. Bursting into the dormitory, he ran up the stairs to his floor, taking a moment to breathe before he gingerly opened the hall door. Tip toeing ever so quietly down the carpeted hallway, praying at the last minute he wouldn't be caught by a languid R.A. or a drunk neighbor. The universe, it seems, was on his side that evening, as he unlocked his door and slipped in entirely unseen. Collapsing onto his bed, the heavy and damp bag sat next to him, radiating heat from within it's shiny plastic confines. It was time to finish this.
He turned to the bag, slowly unzipping it, allowing the dank, wet air within to rush out into his room. Ethan must have lived out of this bag, as it was filled with basketball shorts, sweatshirts, socks, shoes, blender bottles filled with protein shakes, and of course the lone sweat-soaked joint at the bottom. Siyu began shucking the wayward clothes onto his chair across the room, pleased to know he would have a couple of outfits that would fit him once this was all over. He emptied out the bag until the Ethan-infused clothes were all that was left in the bottom of the bag, swimming in a puddle of musky liquid.
Siyu smirked as he took out each piece, laying them out on the ground one by one. Tee shirt. Shorts. Disgusting jock strap. Ripe socks. Even riper sneakers. Finishing it off with the gold chain and single earring. It was all there. Rushing to his desk, Siyu grabbed the very last component to his plan: two facemasks, one white and one black. These two would be the final inoculation that would keep his changes permanent over time. Two weeks of breathing it in, letting it merge with his own essence, he would ensure that the new Siyu would be around long enough to ensnare his sweetheart. He bent down, picking up the jockstrap and a sock, both still dripping, and wringing out a sizeable amount of the stinking sweat to fall onto each mask. The stage was set, the materials were prepped, and it was time to make himself the perfect soulmate for Eduardo.
He started with the jockstrap. Even post-wringing, it still sat warm and damp, yellowed with the sweat and cum that had long sunk into it's fibers. Putting his two lithe feet into the straps, he nervously pulled up, droplets of the sweat rolling down his hairless legs before it fit loosely on his skinny waist. The change was immediate. There was no momentary ounce of silence and some slow change. No, his groin immediately ballooned out, the pouch quickly filling and pushing out tout against the wet fabric. His ass inflated loudly, the sounds of stretching and creaking rubber marked the expansion of his flat rear into two round and hairy orbs like basketballs on a shelf. Siyu gingerly groped his ass, dripping in sweat from the wiry hairs he'd never before had sprout out of his smooth skin. He cackled loudly, pulling the front strap forward, and peering into his hammock. He was met with a long, uncut python and two egg sized balls wafting out his new masculine cocksmell.
Now entirely intrigued, blinded by a sense of foreign hubris he'd long suppressed, he grabbed the shirt, slipping it over his head in one quick motion. The shirt quickly started to quake, turning from white to black, before his arms dropped like sacks of potatoes. Two firm pecs burst out from beneath the slick fabric, followed by his shoulders widening to twice it's former length. Siyu continued his moans of hedonistic pleasure, while his arms bulked up: firm but lean biceps and forest of hair growing from his forearms down to his wrists, before tattoos sprouted down his tan skin. He held out his hands, raucously laughing as his fingers lengthened, callouses appearing on his sweaty palms, and veins snaking wildly all the way up his arms.
"Interesting." Siyu's insane laughter ceased immediately. His eyes darted around the dark room, searching for the voice which had loudly billowed out of the shadows. "Fuck, bruh I thought I was dead fucking meat back there. But shit, it looks like you fucked up your little recipe didn't you?" Siyu's hands began to slowly clap, not at all under his full control.
"What the fuck? Where are you? How are you here?" His sweaty hand clasped over his mouth, sticking his middle finger into his mouth like gag.
"Aww, Siyu. What's wrong, buddy? You didn't wanna get rid of me, did ya? Nahhh. You wanted to BE me." His left hand grasped the shorts, slowly pulling them up his legs while his calves and quads burst out, covered in a thick carpet of black hairs. He shot up in height, easily breaking 6' 3" in seconds. He looked down, the height disorienting him as he gagged himself. "You got your wish, fucker. Kind of, at least. See, you thought you could turn me into a puddle and wear my shit, get all swole and dope as fuck, and what... He'd fall in love with you?" Siyu's eyes widened in terror. "Yeah, fucker I can see it all! I'm in here with you now. I can see how you jacked off to the idea of him plowing your ass after a long game. I can see how you followed him all over fucking town all the time. I can see how you thought some fuckin' magic bullshit would make you like me so you could force him to love you. Gotta say, that's some fucked up shit killing off your crush's best friend so you have no competition." Siyu's body bent over, picking up the socks, before plopping down onto the chair, surrounded by Ethan's clothes.
"See, you think I didn't know Eddy was into me? You think we didn't jack off together in our rooms when we needed a release? You think I wasn't into him too?" The hands slipped on the sopping wet socks, as his feet started soak up Ethan's sweaty essence, quickly followed by the nasty red shoes. As the laces were tied snug, his feet began to crack and swell, his arch growing tall and his toes lengthening out. Tattoos sprawled over the tops of his stinking feet and ankles, as the red fabric quickly turned orange, widening and lengthening even larger than Ethan's, until they were two massive size 15's. "Heheh, he likes feet, just so you know. Right when we get home after a long day, he loves it when I peel off my shoe and shove his face in it." Siyu felt his hand pinch his cheeks, and his middle finger caress his tongue in his mouth. "Thing is, Siyu, I was straight. I only had eyes for pussy, and fuck bruh, I knew how to stick my dick in it. I liked it when he sucked my nasty cock clean, but you know, it was just something between bros, you know?" Siyu slapped his meaty thighs, standing up tall and picking up the white facemask there on the ground. Tears ran down his terrified face as his own hands drew it closer.
"But now that I'm here, now that you and I are one, I think you may be right, dude." Siyu moaned against the hand over his mouth, just before it slipped out and grasped the other side of the mask. "I think we and Eddy are gonna be soulmates." He shrieked as the mask adhered over his nose and chin, and around his ears. Siyu could do nothing as he felt his brows lowering, his greasy hair falling out of his chiseled skull, quickly replaced by a sweaty black fade. His lips pillowed out as his long, meaty tongue licked them as he smirked with his pearly white teeth. Siyu could feel Ethan's consciousness wrap around him, like a tight latex suit compressing him tighter and tighter and tighter, until he visualize Ethan finally penetrating him. He pulled down his shorts and began to pump his greasy dick, while Ethan made himself at home inside of Siyu. Their traits intermingling with eachother- merging everything between them that would have made them distinct, now creating an amalgamation of both. As his balls began to shudder, pre cum dripping from his hooded cockhead, there was no more Ethan, and there was no more Siyu.
The first volley of spunk shot from his dick, memories of fucking gals on the weekends and guys on the weekdays solidified in his mind. Second volley of spunk, a sense of cocky self assurance swelled within him, though washed with a sense of empathy and camaraderie to mellow him out. Third volley of spunk, he was booksmart in his IT classes, but dumb as a box of rocks, choosing to funnel his free time out of class into the team and chilling out with his bros. Fourth volley of spunk, he loved Eduardo. That sweet, adorable, kinky little fuck was the apple of his eye, and he'd do anything for him. Though, he couldn't get too lovey dovey, he knew all too well that being chased and obsessed over was the quickest way to turn him off. He would happily tease, flirt, kiss, suck and fuck him, but he would let Eddy come to him. Fifth and final volley, his identity now centralized and firm: he was Shan Eoyang, a Chinese exchange student on scholarship for basketball. He was cool, he was hot, he was the golden hearted bad boy that made everyone around him go wild. The world was his oyster, and he would be there with his man by his side, and the various others who would worship at their sweaty masculine feet. He opened his eyes, and Shan took his first deep breath, taking in his own scent embedded into his mask.
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"Fuuuuuuuck dude, that's good." He slipped his cock back into his dirty jockstrap, knowing all too well that Eddy would be into it when they finally met up. Bringing his fingers to his ears, he came perilously close to prying off his mask, though something in the back of his mind told him it probably wasn't the best idea. He pulled out his phone, not recognizing it whatsoever. It had his boyfriend's face as the screensaver, but it wouldn't take his password or fingerprint. Must be the previous tenant's phone, he thought to himself, as he opened the window and chucked it from the building. He'd run out and get one in the morning before class, as he had a bunch of scholarship money to burn.
Eduardo waited outside the basketball court, wondering where Ethan was. It was almost 8, and while he was never particularly adept at being on time, he would have at least texted. He looked down at his phone, scrolling through his Grindr, looking for whoever was available after hoops. Ethan would definitely let him suck him off in the locker room, but meh, that wasn't really going anywhere anyway. Thankfully, Siyu wasn't in class, apparently he'd dropped out from what the professor had said. At minimum he was relieved that the creepy little guy wasn't going to be following him home at night anymore.
Just as he was preparing to call it a night, the door burst open at the end of the hall. He turned to give Ethan a hard time for being so late, but the man before him was not Ethan. He was the tall, dark, and handsome archetype personified. He sauntered over to him with a confident stride, oozing a sense of pride and sexual energy.
"Oh... shit man. You uh, you caught me off guard. I was just waiting for my friend." The man approached Eduardo with smiling eyes behind the black facemask on his chin.
"You're Eddy, right? I'm a new student, just got on the basketball team. Coach says you might be able to show me around the place, if you're down of course? Name's Shan." Shan leaned against the wall, letting his hand rest on his neck, and smirking beneath the fabric as his sharp pit musk wafted at his gorgeous new teammate. Eduardo, happily letting in the stud's scent, lapped it up and shuddered.
"Yeah, man. I'm so down, I'm Eduardo. Friends call me Eddy." Shan leaned in close, their noses now inches from eachother.
"Eddy, then. Sounds like a good time, someone like you would probably be able to show me a lot." Shan winked, and Eddy blushed a bright red, nodding gingerly. "Well shit, how's about we shoot a couple hoops, we go back to my room and we show eachother around, what do you say?" Eduardo looked down, seeing Shan's massive well worn sneakers, which had inched their way to his own until they were firmly touching. Oh shit yeah, this guy was perfect.
"I say fuck yeah, man. Show me what you're made of." Eddy made the move, letting his fingers slowly touch Shan's forearm. Happily received, Shan ruffled his soon-to-be boyfriend's hair, as if it were second nature.
"Oh I'm gonna kick your ass on the court. We'll see what I do with it when we're done." He slapped Eddy's back, tossing his sweaty arm around his shoulder as the two walked into the court. They would be inseparable once again, and yet inseparable for the first time.
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winterbuckwild · 1 year
Cat dad Eddie who was adopted by a weird looking skinny white cat with half an ear and a crooked tail. The thing was mangy as hell and stank to high heaven, but Eddie had watch it repeatedly go up to people, meowing and purring only to be met with disgusted looks and occasionally things being thrown.
Eddie could relate.
So he sat outside the front of the trailer wounds aching at the position until the little cat plucked up the courage to approach him. He rewarded the bravery with pets and pieces of chicken from his lunch time sandwich and didn't flinch away when he got a whiff of the cats rancid fur.
After a few days the cat was waiting for him to shuffle out onto the porch. He'd clearly decided enough was enough and darted through the open door into the trailer itself, exactly where Eddie wanted him.
Wayne was...less than pleased but shook his head fondly. Eddie had picked up another stray.
Steve nodded to Wayne when they passed; Steve going in and Wayne on his way to work. He frowned at the little "good luck, son" which soon turned into alarm at sound of splashing water and swearing coming from the tiny bathroom.
The four large strides took only a second and Steve was greeted to the sight of a pale, soaked looking Eddie and an even paler soaked looking cat. Clearly the stinky cat he had been talking about luring in only days before.
Steve sighed and rolled up his sleeves, fully preparing to be used as a scratch post.
"Let me help and we can find something to dry him off with." Hos soft hearted boyfriend grinned in gratitude.
"She's a girl." He said, running a finger between the cats mangled ears. "She got into someone's garbage I think. She's just hungry."
Half an hour later the cat, preciously a dirty brownish grey, had revealed herself as pure white and forgave both of them the traumatic bath as they placed a bowl of chicken between them on the couch.
"Welcome home, Menace." Eddie muttered tiredly, eyes slipping closed as the exertion of the day caught up with him and the cats loud purr lulled him to sleep.
Menace, Steve thought. Great. Now there are two of them.
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tigertales9 · 5 months
Hard Reset X Sneak Peek 👀
I'm still putting the finishing touches on the next Hard Reset chapter. This chapter will take us back to the city for the week 8 lead-up and win against the 49ers. There's also some Halloween night action. 😏
The holidays are cutting into my writing time, but I hope to get the full chapter up soon. In the meantime, I thought I'd offer a tiny sneak peek.
Pairing: Joe Burrow x Reader
Warnings: 18+
Time/Place: Sunday, Oct. 22, 2023 / Cincinnati, Ohio
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
You shimmy into a slinky white t-shirt that's barely long enough to hide your pink lace panties; you check your reflection in the mirror before clicking the bathroom light off and walking into the bedroom, your gaze taking in the delicious sight of your husband sprawled on the bed wearing nothing but black boxer briefs.
You turn your bedside lamp down to its dimmest setting and slide into bed beside him, smiling when he rolls over onto his stomach, a sure sign that he wants his back scratched. "You tired?" you ask, rolling onto your side to face him before trailing your fingernails up and down the muscular expanse of his bare back.
"Yeah," he mutters, his voice muffled by his pillow. "It was a looong day."
"It was," you agree. "Sooo much football," you grumble playfully, laughing when he raises his head and gives you a look. "Sorry," you grin. "I know you love it, but several hours of nonstop football is kind of a lot."
"Good thing you and my mom spent a couple of those hours talking about how to decorate the lakehouse."
"That was fun," you giggle. "How many times did you almost refer to our bye week getaway as a honeymoon?"
"Several times," he admits.
"Me too. We gotta be careful or your parents will figure out we're married sooner than we want."
"For real."
"They were super surprised you bought the lakehouse. I think they were a little upset you didn't let them in on the secret, but they got over it pretty quick."
"They can't keep a secret for shit, and I wanted it to be a surprise for you."
"It was an amazing surprise," you sigh. "I still can't quite believe it." You push up into a sitting position and dig your fingers into his throwing shoulder, smiling when he hisses in pleasure. "You wanna massage?" you ask, straddling his waist when he gives you a muffled "yes, please."
You rub his neck and shoulders for several minutes before he breaks the silence.
"Watching all that football today got me hype. I can't wait to get back on the field."
"Your calf feeling good?"
"Yeah, as good as it's felt all season. I pushed it hard in my last few work-outs, and it responded well."
"Time to unleash hell," you tease, smiling at his gruff "damn right" followed by a groan as you slide a hand into his hair and lightly scratch your fingernails over his scalp.
You continue to scratch and rub him for a few more minutes before he speaks up.
"Do you feel different now that we're married?"
"Yes," you answer, after considering the question for a bit. "I was already fully committed to spending the rest of my life with you, but it feels different now that it's official, even if it's just our secret for now."
He starts to roll over onto his back, and you rise up on your knees to make it easier for him; he waits until you settle your weight back down on him before speaking.
"All the negative thoughts in my head are muted when I'm with you. That's always been true, but even more so now that we're married."
"I'm glad." You give him a smile before furrowing your brow. "Wait … what negative thoughts are you having?"
He takes a deep breath before answering. "Just worried about getting healthy in time to save the season. We've gotta come out swinging against the 49ers and the Bills. If we drop those two games, shit's gonna be bleak." He slides his eyes closed as he continues. "Also, I'm not loving the background noise."
"Background noise?"
"Overrated. Overpaid." He makes a stank face as he plows ahead. "I know what some folks are saying about me."
"You've been playing hurt all season!" you protest, your blood pressure rising as you lean forward and lock eyes with him. "And let me tell you something about those loudmouths spewing all that 'background noise' …"
"Babe?" he interrupts.
"I'm worried about saving the season, but the background noise doesn't really bother me. That kind of shit just fuels me to be better. I shouldn't have lumped the two together."
"Oh … okay." You roll your shoulders to relieve some tension, raising an eyebrow at his bemused look. "What?"
"You were about to unleash hell," he teases, laughing when you stick your tongue out at him.
"I get a little worked up when people shit-talk you, okay?" you chirp. "Most of those loudmouths hate you because you play for a rival team and/or because their woman wants to bang you. Simple as that." You give an emphatic nod as you finish your statement.
"Feel better now?" he asks, wrapping both hands around your thighs and giving a gentle squeeze.
"Yes. I needed to get that off my chest."
Y'all laugh together for a bit before you quiet down. You eventually drop your gaze from his face down to his broad shoulders and muscular chest, lingering there for a bit before moving farther south; you reach a hand out and ghost a fingertip over his blonde treasure trail, your eyes going wide when his flat stomach caves in under your touch.
"Did you just suck in your stomach?" you ask.
"Maybe," he mumbles, giving you a sheepish smile. "Dinner was so delicious that I ate more than I meant to."
"You worked out really hard yesterday and today. You deserved a little treat."
"I'm hoping to get another little treat tonight," he purrs, his hot gaze on your breasts causing your nipples to tighten under the flimsy fabric of your t-shirt.
"Is the door locked?" you ask, thinking about his parents sleeping downstairs.
"Yes, ma'am," he answers, his big hands immediately settling on your waist after you pull your t-shirt off and toss it on the floor.
"You want me to take charge since you're tired?" you offer, a small squeal escaping your lips when he easily flips you onto your back.
"Maybe for round two," he teases, holding eye contact with you as he kisses his way down your torso.
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 10 months
𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆:Earth 42 Miles X F! Reader
𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟐: 𝐘𝐨𝐮 𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐁𝐮𝐬𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐬,𝐃𝐨𝐧’𝐭 𝐃𝐨 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭, 𝐌𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓
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𝐒𝐂𝐄𝐍𝐀𝐑𝐈𝐎: Miles owns a business to help with his job as The prowler, he gets a new assistant thats trying to end his marriage .
𝐀/𝐍: Yall asked and yall will recive , i hope yall enjoyed this took a while
𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆:Cussing,Horrible flirting,Spanish might be a little choppy ( blame apple) For the story HE IS AGED UP
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Inspired by: some tiktok and the obsessed movie
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Miles started to wake up and get ready for work. He left you a quick note “Don’t move too much , Recuerda que estás en reposo en cama“(remember you are in bed rest ) , he left a tiny heart at the corner .
The butler would come , as miles was getting ready “when she wakes up just make her a breakfast sandwich “ miles lets the butler know . The butler nods at the request, he would swiftly grab his brief case and head off to work .
The car would feel with sounds if Miles hype playlist for work . He enjoyed the playlist sense it reminded him that “he’s a boss “
The boss parks a car in the parking spot that was labeled for him. As he walks to the door he seen a new face . “My name is Mr. Morales , and you are “ he questions her .
“Oh me , I’m Iya Barnes “ he shakes her hand “nice to meet you “ he says and smiles .
Miles opened the door for the lady as a gesture of welcoming and kindness. Miles couldn’t help it , Mama Rio raised him right and always made him a gentleman.Yet the lady didn’t take it that way .
“I’ll give you a quick tour “
He starts giving a nice breif tour of the company, she would get to meet all of her new coworkers and she didn’t know it yet but even the boss .
“If you have any questions either ask me or coworkers “ miles told her .
“Well I do have a quick question, do you know where the prowler is “ she asks him . He lets out a chuckle
“Nice to meet you.. I’m the prowler “ he says .
In the moment the lady fell in love , she loved the way he was so cocky with it , how the word “prowler “ rolls off his tongue.
“Well I’m guessing you’ll be my assistant, so I have 3 rules that every employee follows
1. Don’t ever disrespect my wife.
Although she is not here she does come around and see me at least once or twice per week.
2. Don’t be nosy
“ In the most respectful way , mind your business. Sense you are my assistant sometimes you need to listen to calls . If you don’t have to listen , then don’t listen “
3. “Don’t be touchy touchy
I don’t like when people are all one me. You can give me a tap but I don’t really do hugs with most co workers . “
When he was done with rules , let’s just say the new girl was a little ticked off because he had a wife . She wanted him and now that she heard he had a wife , she was going to be a home wrecker .
During her time on working here she already broke one rule .
Rule number 3 to not be in his business, yet she was . She was ease dropping on a call with him and his wife . She heard that you were going to stop by and drop something off for him . But he was going to be in a meeting.
“Looks like someones being nosy “ a random coworker said as they tapped her shoulder. She quickly takes the earpiece off. “ I hope boss dosn't see you “The person whispers in the girls ear, the unknown walks off from the lady.
In that moment she felt caught , like she did some crime .
“Iya I’m going to a meeting , when my wife gets here either ask Arron to excuse me or you can do it “ he walks into meeting room and begins to start . During that time the girl started to do her job for once .
You would come to his job , and bring his lunch for him , the butler made him a sub , gave him some juice, fruit , chips and cookies . You knock on the glass to catch her attention. She looks up at you with a stank face . You were confused why but then you just went to Uncle Aaron because you weren’t gonna deal with that time disrespect. “Hey I brought you and miles some lunch , and he you know told me I can call him out if needed “ you tell him as you grab his lunch from the bag you brought from home . “Alright I got that , and thanks “ he said .
Soon miles would come out of the meeting and you would go to his office.
“You can have your lunch break Iya” miles told the assistant to take her lunch break.
“Miles, no me gusta esa chica , she’s bad news “ (Miles I don’t not like that girl)
“¿Por qué, cariño, qué pasó?” He asks you in a soft tone (why baby what happened) he asked you confused as this was only her first day .
“Well you see I was going to ask her to call you out , but she gave me a stank-“ you say before a knock from a coworker comes out .
“I want gonna say anything but the new girl broke on of the big three rules , she invaded your privacy “ you make a chuckle. “you see what i mean she broke 2 rules in one day” you mumble .
“Tendremos una charla (We’ll have a talk) “ he says
You continue to talk with him about the business and other stuff about the pregnancy.
“ are you going to come tomorrow “ he asks you , you think nothing of it
“Yeah probably “you tell him
He smiles “alrighty baby I’ll see you later tonight ok” you smile as he give you a smile .
You leave and would head back home happy you got to see your husband early .
While you were happy iya was somewhere pressed , realizing that if she was going to try to get his attention she would have to break a rule but good thing for her she was already doing to get a talk , she had already broken more than one rule in a quick span of a day
“wheres is Iya “ miles goes around asking people “she’s in the break room” he smiles thanks , “you’ll probably get a raise” he whispered in the person who told where she was
“Esta nueva chica será mi muerte“ (This new girl will be the death of me).he sighed as he opened the door
“Iya we have a problem “ he says as he walks in “two people have commented on you in the past hour , care to explain “ he says in a harsh cold accent
“I have no idea what your talking about “
“Sí, lo haces”(yes you did) he mumbles
“Did you say something” she asks trying to act surprised”
“Yes you did, one if your trying to say my wife is lying , and why would another say they saw you with head piece on” he says in a annoyed tone , yet the girl enjoyed it , how his tone was Cold and his eyes where low .
“I’m sorry please take my apology, I can make it up to you” she whines as she try’s to touch his chest . He moves so she touches the wall . “Don’t make it 3 rules broken” he says harshly and walks out of the break room .
He walks to uncle Aaron’s office “Tío, me voy temprano, esta mierda es estresante, especialmente la chica nueva“(uncle im leaving early , this shit stressful, especially the new girl) he goes silent for a second
“How does one person breaks the 3 big rules in one day , ¿Qué coño? “(like what the fuck) he says he takes off his badge and places it on the desk
“I’ll talk to her” he says , miles starts to leave to go to his office and get everything he needs to go home .
He starts to undo his tye and smiles knowing that tomorrow his was going to see a nice small on your face with the surprise baby shower
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𝐒𝐄𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐒 𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓: @not-aya @html-nae @mintkookiess @khamanix @erensbbg @marsbars09 @yanghees @melaaaara @xuanzhe @iheartamora @hana-1235 @merlieve @stevenknightmarc @baboon-milk333
-Some didn't work , so sorry 😭😢
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takeomisbitch · 1 year
Ex-Husband Nanami Kento x Fem!Reader
Word count: 948
Summary: You and Nanami are at your daughters Lola’s soccer game. And when you leave for a drink you see one of the single mothers come up to Nanami and asks him out and shames you.
Warnings: Slight jealously, reader being insecure, Someone talking bad about reader, tiny tiny bit of angst, pet names (sweetheart, dear), kisses
Jujutsu Kaisen Masterlist | Ex-Husband Nanami Kento Masterlist
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You and ex-husband Nanami Kento have your moments when you’re both calm and don’t fuck like horny teenagers. Like right now the both of you are at your daughter's soccer game.
Little Lola is running around with her friends occasionally looking at you two with a big smile and a wave. She ends up knocking into a kid and taking the ball from him earning a cheer from her team and the teammates parents and you and Nanami of course. "She's a lot like you, you know" Nanami whispers into your ear with his arm around waist.
"How is she like me," raising your eyebrow with a confused look on your face. "Because both of you are very aggressive when it comes to winning."  Faking an offense gasps you let out a small laugh looking at Nanami with a smile. "I do not get aggressive when it comes to winning." rolling your eyes at him you see a small but noticeable smile creep up to his face.
You both stare at each other for a couple of seconds before you hear loud cheers in the stands, looking up you see that your daughter scored a point, you and Nanami stand from your seats shouting Lola's name. She looks at the two of you giving you a thumbs up before running back with her team.
"I'm gonna go get a drink, do you want anything?" You ask Nanami as you reach inside your purse for your wallet. "Can you get me some water, dear?" Nodding your head you turn to leave for the concession stand, when walking you walk past a woman who gives you a stank face. Which is odd because your daughter plays on the same team and is in the same class as her son. Choosing to ignore it and complain about it when you get back to Nanami.
While you're at the stand getting the drinks you didn't think the lady you walked past would go up to Nanami.
Nanami is watching your daughter on the field and would sometimes sneak a look at you to make sure you're doing ok, as Nanami is looking at you the same lady from before comes to him. "Hi, Nanami. Can I sit here" she lets out with a flirtatious smile on her face, pointing to your spot next to him, before he can respond she takes your seat.
Nanami looks her up and down with a stoic face wondering why the hell is she here and what her name was. "Hi, miss" choosing to call her miss Nanami turns his head and looks at you once more to see you walking back.
'Don't be silly, you can call me Jen." she winks at him and scoots a bit closer to him. "Do you need something, Jen? If not you can leave me be please" malice dripping in his voice as he speaks to her. Jen is a bit taken aback by his tone and chooses to just keep talking, "I was wondering since you are now finally divorced from that crappy wife you had, I wanted to know if you wanted to go out."
Nanami is so confused since you and him have been divorced for 2 years, so what the hell does she mean finally? What the fuck does she mean crappy wife, you were and still are the best wife a man can ask for, you only got the divorce cause his overtime was messing up with your relationship and it was harder with your child always asking were her dad was.
"I don't know what you mean by 'Crappy wife' cause Y/N was the best wife I can ask for." He snaps at her before scooting away from her, "I was just saying that since you guys are divorced you must have realized what a shit wife she was, no man would divorce their wife if they weren't shit." She pushes getting a bit snappy with Nanami.
You hear the words she says to Nanami, you would be lying if you said it didn't hurt a little. Especially since you thought that about yourself too. Choosing to push down those feelings and deal with it later you walk towards them without them noticing. 
"Is that why your husband divorced you?" You speak, handing Nanami his bottle of water, Nanami looks up at you with a small smile on his face. "No, but that's why yours divorced you. All the moms know it." she adds getting up from her (your) spot next to Nanami.
"Thank you, sweetheart" Nanami says to you, kissing the side of your head, "Yeah, whatever. You won't actually go out with her right?" You look at him eyebrows raised and a worried smile on your face. He smiles at you rubbing his thumb on the side of your neck, "No, why would it make you jealous."
"Ha, what do I need to be jealous about? Hm?" Your body is tense and Nanami can feel it, you start pulling at your fingers a habit you do when you're nervous or upset. Nanami reaches for your hand gripping it in his. "Oh sweetheart I was just teasing, I'm not going anywhere. You kind of have me wrapped around your finger," he lets out a small chuckle as he plants a kiss on your cheek then forehead.
Smiling at his words you lean your head on his shoulders letting out a little sigh. "You hear me Y/N, I'm not leaving your side anymore, I'm going to be here for you and Lola." Nodding your head you lift your head off his shoulder to leave a kiss on his lips, "I know Kento."
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borathae · 8 months
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↳ Index [Snippet #40 - Annoying]
"When Jungkook acts like the annoying idiot you fell in love with."
Genre: married life!AU, Fluff
Warnings: Kookie being annoying and cute <33, a summer holiday, our queen OC suffers from holiday indigestion rip to her, she describes her poop to him in vivid detail, listen!! they’re married and in love and the intimacy they share makes me weak
Wordcount: 1.2k
a/n: i had this thought that "dookie" would be actually a really cute (and annoying<3) nickname. And i think that out of all my bois, ogc!koo is the best candidate for such a nickname. So here we are, enjoy this cute lil fluff piece 🧡
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Your husband is where you left him. He is lounging on the sun bed under the shadow of the straw umbrella, wearing nothing more than black swimming shorts and a pair of dark sunglasses perched atop his nose. The only jewelry he wears is his wedding ring, his piercings and a small fake shark tooth pendant on a leather string, which you both got from the street vendor in front of the hotel. He is currently on his phone, moving his foot in a mindless rhythm.
You and he went on a vacation together. Very far away from home. So far in fact, that you had to take a plane to get there. And it was the best decision ever. The beaches are beautiful, the ocean is clean and has just the right temperature and the hotel is gorgeous. Food is amazing as well, but there was one problem with that. You haven’t been able to take a shit ever since you started this holiday and this was five days ago. You can barely fit any more food inside, your stomach has been hard from everything collecting in there and you have been suffering from a strong tummy ache for two days already, but no matter what you did, you just couldn’t get your body to work. Jungkook had less problems this way. This complete traitor already went to the toilet three times. Unlike you, who still hasn’t been able to go.
That is until today when the sudden urge to poop overcame you as you and Jungkook enjoyed piña coladas by the ocean. You abandoned Jungkook by the beach and ran to get back to your room.
Now, almost an hour later you are back. 
Jungkook turns his head to you when he feels your presence. He lowers his phone.
“And? What’s the status?” he asks.
You lie down on the sun bed next to him, letting out a long sigh.
“I did it.”
“Yaaay, let’s go”, Jungkook cheers quietly, throwing his fists in the air in tiny motions, “no more tummy aches for you.”
“Yeah, I guess but I can’t be happy yet.”
“Why? That bad?”
“It was a warzone. You have no idea what I’ve just been through. I have PTSD just thinking about it. I had the sweats and everything, even had to take off my clothes and I kept gripping the edge of the sink and even had to put my feet up higher. I stacked like three toilet rolls for that.”
“And it smelled so bad. You have no idea, I stank up the entire room so bad that I had to leave the windows open when I left.”
“Oh no, that bad?”
“Yeah, that bad. I was constipated at first until it shot outta me like a torpedo and I thought it was over until I got a tummy cramp and then I started to explosive diarrhea everywhere.”
“Ooh damn okay that sounds traumatic.”
“It was traumatic. My ass hurts and I still feel dirty even though I took a shower. With two rounds of soap. But I had to do it in like my own toxic shit fumes and I think they’re burned into my nostril hairs because I can still smell it.”
Jungkook cracks up.
“Awww baby, you’re my little stinker now”, he teases, nudging your arm playfully, “my little stinkbug.”
“No, stop, don’t call me that”, you whine, “it’s already embarrassing enough.”
“Don’t be embarrassed, my stinkbug. It’s only natural to shit.”
“I told you not to call me that”, you get out under your breath, hitting his thigh gently, “what if someone hears you?”
Jungkook snickers, “and it’s okay for you to describe your traumatising shit to me in vivid detail?”
“Yeah, ‘cause I did it quietly. I know you, you’re just gonna call me stinker for the rest of the day and that’s embarrassing.”
Jungkook snickers, “I think it’s cute. My little stinker”, he says and leans over to smooch your cheek. 
“Shut up, you’re so annoying”, you mumble, nudging his chest. 
“Mhm and you married me, so you love it.”
You roll your eyes at him, letting out a small chuckle.
“You’re annoying”, you say fondly and rest back on the sun bed. 
“I’m happy for you though”, Jungkook says, caressing your tummy gently, “I was suffering with you. Holiday indigestions are the worst.”
“Yeah, I’m happy too. Traumatised but happy.”
He chuckles, squeezing your thigh. You laugh, patting his hand. 
“Hey, my stinker?” Jungkook asks then.
“Urgh, shut up. What?”
“Can you lotion up my back? I wanna go for a swim, but I’m scared to burn”, Jungkook asks as he already turns his back to you.
“Yeah, of course”, you say, sitting up so you can comfortably reach his back. You own one of those sunscreens which comes in a spray bottle. You spray it directly onto Jungkook’s back, earning yourself a loud yelp of shock from him.
“This is so cold. No. Don’t do that”, he whines, trying to writhe away which only makes you spray more cream onto his back. 
“It’s what you get for calling me stinker”, you say with a shiteating grin on your lips. 
“Wah, you’re so mean”, he says, making you chuckle.
You place the bottle aside and connect your hands with his back to spread the sunscreen evenly. His body is very clearly warmed up from the summer heat, his back feels hot under your palms. You are sure that a swim in the cool water will do him good. 
“Make sure to get the tattoos”, he says.
“I am”, you promise him, “don’t worry.” 
“Thanks, stinky.”
“Do. Not.”
You pinch his sides, making him squeak and writhe away.
“Don’t call me that.”
You tickle him again, forcing him to laugh and fight you off with his hands. 
“Stinky, please.”
“Don’t call me that”, you warn as laughter escapes you and your fingers squeeze his ticklish waist even harder.
“Sorry fine sorry, I yield”, he gives up,  twisting around so he is facing you, “you win, don’t tickle me”, he laughs, pushing your hands away gently. 
You grin in triumph, “good.”
Then you reach for the face sunscreen, opening it.
“Good idea”, Jungkook says, closing his eyes in anticipation. 
You spread an even layer of sunscreen on his face and neck, making sure to get his ears as well. The remnants of the sunscreen, you spread on his shoulders.
“Do you need it reapplied on your arms as well?” you ask him.
“No, I managed to get everything else. It was just the back I struggled with.”
“Okay, then you’re good to go.”
“Thanks, sweetheart”, he says and gets up, “do you wanna join me?”
“No thank you”, you let out in a breathy laugh, shaking your head, “I still need to recover.”
“Okay. See you later, my dookie”, he says and grins.
“Jungkook”, you gasp, gawking at him with widened eyes.
Jungkook laughs and turns to jog down to the water with snickers of mischief leaving him. 
“You’re annoying!” you call after him with your eyes racing over the other people to see if somebody had heard him. It seems that nobody did. You are simply yet another couple teasing each other lovingly in a sea of strangers.
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legacyshenanigans · 5 months
Helpful Tips to make you NOT sound like a dickhead 😊
If someone HC's something, and your tiny wittle bwain can't see past canon.
✨️You don't have to comment on it✨️
Its really easy 😁 and you can follow these 3 simple steps to NOT be a dick
You see the post
You THINK to yourself "I don't like this" because it's too far from the canon I am used to"
And you simply ✨️move on with your life✨️
💜Here's another helpful tip, on the house💜
Backhandedness ALSO makes you look like a ✨️PRICK✨️
Commenting on someone's HC:
"I like this"
(Good, encouraging, great! 👍🏻)
And then adding something like:
"But it would NEVER happen and I can't even see it happening because its so far from canon and I find it too weird"
(Bad, discouraging, not needed 👎🏻)
THINK before you wanna comment on someone's stuff. People adore their little HC worlds, and 🫵🏻YOU🫵🏻 swooping in with your STANK "I jUsT dOn't gEt iT?" attitude is just
✨️U N N E C E S S A R Y✨️
Thanks for coming to my talk
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onenonlydanforth · 13 days
Heard about this fanfiction thing, this one goes out to my best friend, William. @billyburned
Billy sat in his bitchless room all alone with his zero bitches becuase none of them liked his denim on denim “swag”
He actually also stank like ass because all of the dumbass fabric he wears starts to smell really bad when you sweat a lot and billy sweats a lot because he’s gross and pathetic amd a loser too
He was really sad and depressed because no one wanted to fuck him 💔 but no one felt bad because his face was so ugly that it hurt to look at him for more than roughly like 4 or so seconss
Billy had the idea to go for a walk and try to find just one measly woman that wouldn’t be repulsed at the idea of being in the same room as him and his microscpoic and tiny little cock
He grabbed his ugly ass cowwboy boots and put them on his weirdly abnormally small little baby feet and started to walk down his streeet that was really dark and scary because he lived in a weird little neigborhood because he has no money actually
He didn’t find one single bitch because they all saw him coming and saw the green cloud of smelliness lingering on him and they crossed the street and or walked away as wuickly as they could
And then he got back home and cried little baby pissy tears and then he smelled smoke so he walked back outside and his tiny little house was on fire because of karma or soemthing like that and he watched as his denim house and denim underwear and denim pants and denim jackets and denim shirts all burned down and he cried more baby pissy tears and Derek Danforth (the cool mafia boss CEO playboy who’s pretty handsome and also has a verylarge penis) took pictures of him and they were put in the newspaper and everyone laughed at him
the end
love you billy
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