#in defense of ricky bowen
shoutout to ej caswell for:
overcoming and moving past everything that happened in season three for his own good
accepting that he was only going to be held down by his father’s unfulfillable expectations and distancing himself from him
managing to work four jobs and go to school but still attend clubs
doing things for himself and not because he feels like he needs to do things to live up to some perfect ideal
being the nerd of his new friend group <3
giving ricky the advice he’s really needed to hear since the past few seasons and guiding him through his problem
(and more or less being the backbone of the show whilst doing it because who knows what ricky would’ve done next if ej hadn’t been there to give him that tough love honestly.)
having a good conversation with gina about their breakup and just going with it when she told him about the movie
listening to miss jenn and honestly giving his take on her situation
for being everyone’s therapist and advice giver this season and just vibing with it the entire way
trying to boost ashlyn’s confidence about maddox, then helping them get together with the tree trunk he carved their names in way back when in season three when he predicted they would get together! our boy sees the future
agreeing to take the role of coach bolton when it was spontaneously offered to him on opening night and still managing to pull through with a great performance
and all in just two episodes!
gonna miss you, elton john caswell, king that you are. thank you for your service.
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portwellbabes · 2 years
set after episode 7, directors room
Ricky walks into the directors room looking for EJ.
“Oh there you are Elton, Val is looking for you she needs to check off the “In Summer” choreo.”
Ricky gets no response from EJ, so he moves closer to him. “Hey? You good? Whats…” He notices EJ has tears stained on his cheeks and his voice shifts to a softer tone, “EJ... whats wrong?” Ricky sits next to EJ putting an arm on his shoulder as EJ wipes away his tears.
“Gina broke up with me tonight” he says without making eye contact with Ricky.
Ricky looks at him speechless. He knew that Gina and EJ were kinda tense throughout the night but he had no idea it went this far. “Oh. EJ, I…”
Ricky is cut off as EJ starts to ramble anxiously, “I’m just stupid! I’m so stupid for thinking that I could be good enough for her.”
“No EJ don’t say that”
“No it’s true!” EJ makes eye contact with Ricky before continuing, “first Nini, now Gina! I’m just, a horrible person…I’m not- I’m not worth it” he concludes feeling extremely defeated.
Ricky looks at him upset, with a pang of guilt as he realizes that he unintentionally ruined two of EJ’s most treasured relationships.
EJ looks down at his feet, smiling wryly, “I mean, I’m such a failure that I’m not even good enough for my own father to say that he’s,” he stops for a moment staring at the wall blankly, “that he’s proud of me.”
A moment of silence passes until Ricky speaks up, unable to see EJ in such a weak and vulnerable position. He’s almost shocked to see the graduate so insecure of himself. Maybe he’s not as perfect as he seems to be?
Ricky turns to face EJ. “No you know what, that is absolutely not true you are not a failure EJ, you are so worth it, you are worth so much more than you know. and you know what? If your dad and Gina can’t see that then it’s their loss, because you are so incredible EJ.” EJ looks at him through his teary eyes as Ricky rambles on with a distant smile on his face. “I mean you’re talented, you’re kind and smart, and if I’m not wrong you were voted most likely to become a hollister model” he chuckles and EJ scoffs with a smile. “I see it, Maddox sees it, Val sees it! you’re the one who can’t see it.”
“Ricky you’re just saying that”
Ricky looks at him seriously, “I’m not! and EJ you don’t need someone else to prove that you’re worth it. I get it trust me, we all need validation. But EJ, you need to believe you are worth it. and as for Gina” Ricky sighs, “if you guys really are meant to be, she will come back to you. But EJ, maybe you just need to let her go first?”
“Yeah, i guess you’re right” EJ smiles back sadly.
Ricky smirks proudly to lighten up the mood, “when am i not?”
EJ punches his arm lightly as the two laugh quietly.
“Hey, it’s kind of like in frozen when Kristoff lets Anna go to Hans and when she realizes she loves Kristoff she comes back to him!” Ricky suddenly realizes, making a perfect analogy to EJ and Gina’s relationship. However, EJ doesn’t register this, choosing to focus on the fact that for once, Ricky actually got the plot of Frozen right. EJ looks at Ricky stunned, turning his body to face him.
“You- you actually know the script?” he asks.
Ricky blinks, “I mean, you did tell me to study it,” he replies referring to a couple hours ago at the camp prom.
“And you did??”
“I- wow… thanks Ricky”
“No, thank you. You’re the reason we’re not gonna make a fool of ourselves on national television tomorrow. You might not think so but, I do appreciate you EJ.”
Ricky stands up and walks out, giving EJ a small smile and leaving him feeling a little more confident in himself than before.
i always pictured ricky and ej having some sort of heart-to-heart conversation in s3 after they’ve finally put their differences aside. this headcanon is where i imagine ricky discovering his sexuality for the first time after realizing he’s some what attracted to ej? and where ej realizes that ricky’s not that petty junior he was at the beginning of the school year and they can actually be friends. and it kinda leaves things open ended for portwell, rina, and caswen which they could’ve explored in season 4🤪
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hightwer · 1 year
the early reception of hsmtmts season 4, or what we’ve seen of it so far, has been majorly positive. there have been a lot of negative comments too and while everybody is completely within their rights to criticize/discourse over media, the extent that some “fans” have been going to (mostly bitter portw*lls) is just borderline malignant and i’d like to address some of these reoccurring complaints.
as it relates to ej caswell, he is NOT a punching bag. i’ve seen so many people argue that they’re no longer supporting or watching the show because of its treatment of ej and i’m not mentioning this to attempt to police what people should or shouldn’t support, i’m mentioning this because the arguments i’ve seen for this point are laughably vain, as well as hostile towards every other character who isn’t him.
ej is not some victim of bullying by the hands of the writers. every character in hsmtmts has struggled. every character has had to endure some level of change, because it was necessary for them grow. every character has been penalized for trying to revert back to the things that actively regressed them. rini, that was shown to hold both ricky and nini back, didn’t stick for that exact reason. ej hasn’t gotten it worse simply because the writers wanted him to.
his “character arc” was learning not to give people food poisoning. his “struggle” in season one was losing followers because of a poor decision that he consciously made.
and of course, i couldn’t tackle this entire ej discussion without mentioning the whole “ricky stole his girlfriends” card that people are still playing. nini and gina were not THINGS to be stolen. both of them made the choice to break up with ej for reasons that were completely valid, because people who’re capable of thinking for themselves can do things like that. portw*lls and ej fans have a pattern of degrading gina especially, all because she didn’t allow herself to stay in a relationship that was making her unhappy.
you guys cannot stand that ej doesn’t get to own who he dates. it’s beyond telling.
as it relates to fan service, the people claiming hsmtmts sacrificed “realism” to cater to fans being anti rinas doesn’t surprise me. the disney show is the one you guys are cracking down on about realism, okay.
rina isn’t fan service. gina getting the lead isn’t fan service. those are things that make complete sense within the contextualization of the show, which you guys always choose to ignore. these are things that have been built up through parallel storytelling and through multiple accounts of foreshadowing, but i understand those who are saying these things are happening because the show needs “saving” with olivia gone wouldn’t perceive it that way.
i’m not calling anyone simple minded. but what’s the real reason gina shouldn’t be the lead? what’s the real reason ricky shouldn’t be with a girl who understands him, supports him, and provided the positive change that he needed at a low point in his life? why shouldn’t these characters be happy with each other?
ricky and gina are the truest to themselves when they’re together. ricky sees gina’s ambition, he sees her talent, and he praises her for that. gina sees ricky for all of his potential. she never actively tore him down, she never ridiculed him. was there a point where she set boundaries between them? sure, but they came out on the other side of it the strongest they’ve ever been. certain characters exiting the narrative doesn’t mean that the other characters stop growing or developing, the story doesn’t suffer just because your ship isn’t endgame, or because your favorite character isn’t always happy.
finally, in defense of ricky bowen, he’s had more than enough growth to beat the regression allegations.
just to reiterate, gina wasn’t property for him to claim. gina is the one who told him that he’s been her choice for some time, despite not being her plan, he was still the one she was choosing. ricky didn’t coerce her into saying that. he wasn’t pulling strings or feeding gina lies so that she would break up with ej, either.
ricky has been battling with change and defining himself since the very beginning of the show. over the course of three seasons, we watched ricky genuinely commit to theater. he came to camp to be with his friends, not to sweep gina off of her feet. even with people calling him unreliable, even after being told that he has “no profitable skills”, even after having some bumps in the road. ricky has done nice things for his friends without expecting anything in return.
after being defined by his slip-ups, more or less, ricky finally got to hear that he was a yes to someone. a shot worth taking. i’ve seen people complain that he’s the main reason that they’ve given up on the show, as well as claim that he gets everything handed to him. he had to make sacrifices and lose things to get to where he is. there’s quite literally no denying that.
this has gotten entirely too long, but i’m trying to illustrate that a lot of these story beats are obvious. no one is obligated to watch something that they don’t like, but i’ve seen former “fans” act horrifically racist and sexist, i’ve seen them discredit the cast, i’ve seen them complain about the attention season 3 gave to anxiety and sexuality, just because they weren’t happy nini left the show, and because portw*ll wasn’t together by the end of the season.
this is a disney show at the end of the day, try and relax.
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galaxysharks · 1 year
I have not owned an Au yet. So I shall, bask in my niche interests.
Space Ranger/Military Au
Ship: SS East. AKA: The Wildcat
Reporting Officer: Ms. Jenn (name/rank unknown)
Captain: Kourtney Greene
Co-Captain: E.J. Caswell
Navigation: Ashlyn Moon Caswell
Defense: Regina "Gina" Porter
Communications: Carlos Rodriguez
Engineering: Noah "Big Red" Redonovich
Chef/Botanical: Sebastian "Seb" Matthee-Smith
Supply Liaison: Richard "Ricky" Bowen
Supply Station 77
Reporting Officer: Lt. Benjamin Mazzara
Notable Crew
Docking/Security Officer: Jettson (name unknown)
Supplies Manager/Repair Expert for the 5000th Fleet: Maddox (name unknown)
Main Supplier of natural resources: Dewey Wood.
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fbfh · 2 years
Okay but if Ricky Bowen finds out anyone is giving you trouble???? Especially someone in the cast???????? Oh my fucking god. All bets are off. Remember how messy he was in early season 1?? Yeah that bitch is back. He'll keep a real close eye on this guy and make sure you're never alone with him, that when you're in the same room he is too. He'll stalk him on social media and totally casually get you to tell him everything you know about the guy. He is ready to jump to your defense at the drop of a hat and if things escalate he will not hesitate to talk to Miss Jenn, who also will not let anything happen to any of her figurative children. You feel safe around Ricky, you feel safe in theatre, and he's not going to let anyone jeopardize either of those safe places for you.
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hiddenpxpercuts · 1 year
Hello lovelies!!! As I am coming off my hiatus, a lot of my muses could use some up to date stuff. I will be replying to things already in my drafts, don’t you worry but this is just for people to see my new muses and see if they want to talk to anyone!
Tumblr media
Alexander Lightwood | 29 | Shadowhunters | Detective 
Marina Nunier Osuana | 19 | Elite | College Sophomore/Works at a diner
Patrick Blanco Commerford | 19 | Elite | College Sophomore/Works near campus
Evan Buckley | 29 | 911 | Fire Fighter 
Tyler Kennedy Strand | 28 | 911-lone Star | EMT at Fire Station.
Richie Tozier | 24 | Elite | Comedian
Alice ( ofxscavengcrs)
Reggie Peters | 19 | JATP | College Sophomore  /Works at music store
Max Mayfield | 23 | Stranger Things | Works at a Daycare
Wade Wilson | 40 | Marvel | Private Investigator but not a good one/ part time bartender
Chewbacca ( ofxscavengcrs)
T.J Kippen | 21 | Andi Mack | College Freshman/ Teacher’s Aide
Harry Hook | 23 | Descendants | Chef / Last year of Culinary School
Marco Del Rossi | 21 | Degrassi | College Senior / Teachers Aide
Ben Hargreeves | 30 | TUA | Personal Trainer at Gym
Maxine Baker | 19 | Ginny and Georgia | College Sophomore/Works at occult shop.
Matthew Murdock | 35 | Marvel | Criminal Defense Lawyer
Dean Winchester | 38 | Supernatural | Psychiatrist 
Elliot ( purelybilateral)
Emily Fitch | 19 | Elite | College Sophomore/ Works for Fashion Designer 
Nick Nelson | 18 | Heartstopper | College Freshman/ Part time fast food
Simon Spier | 19 | Love, Simon | College Sophomore/ Works at law firm
Josh ( purelybilateral)
Josette Saltzman | 18 | Legacies | College Freshman / Part Time Barista
Bonnie ( mastcrmiind)
Yuuri Katsuki | 21 | Yuri! On Ice | Works at Skate Rink
Benjamin ( purelybilateral)
Katherine Pierce | 500+ | TVD | Waitress
Blaine Anderson | 22 | Glee |Performer/Song Writer
Ginny Weasley | 21 | Harry Potter | Bartender
Lily Luna ( mastcrmiind)
Chad Meeks-Martin | 19 | Scream | College Sophomore
Bill | 47 | TLOU | Farmer / Chef
Maria Vasquez | 25 | West Side Story | Nurse
Heather Chandler| 23 | Heathers | Stylist
Max Wolfe| 21 | GG Reboot | Male Dancer / Grad School
Viscount Tewksbury | 19 | Enola Holmes | College Sophomore / Matt Murdock’s assistant
Simon Erikkson | 21 | Young Royals | Music Teacher \ Performer 
Gabriel Boutin | 25 | Half Bad | French Ambassador
Penelope Featherington| 21 | Bridgerton | Works for Newspaper
Ricky Bowen | 19 | Elite | College Sophomore / Party Performer
Chishiya Shuntaro| 21 | Alice in Bonderland| Doctor
Lillian Deville | 22 | Rugrats | Soccer Coach
Mason Hewitt | 21 | Teen Wolf | forensic pathologist
David Rose | 35 | Schitt’s Creek | Owns Rose Apothecary 
Barney Stinson| 25 | HIMYM | Business Attorney 
Mickey Milkovich | 28 | Shameless | Bartender / Sponser
Lestat De Lioncourt | 200+ | Interview with a Vampire | Night Club Owner
Dru (bcrncoldx)
Emmett ( ofxscavengcrs)
Mercutio | 27 | Romeo and Juliet | Male Dancer / Stylist
Tiana | 25 | Disney | Owns Tiana’s Place, a diner
Jim Hopper | 45 | Stranger Things | Mayor
Wally Clark | 21 | School Spirits | College Senior
Ak ( purelybilateral)
Lily Tucker-Pritchett | 21 | Modern Family | Social Worker
Diana Barry | 21 | Anne with an E | Unemployed 
Dina | 19 | TLOU | Works at a daycare
Eponine Thenardier | 25 | Les Mis | Waitress
Blair Waldorf | 23 | GG | Law School
Dot Warner | 25 | Animanics | Sugar Baby
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rosesradio · 2 years
If you are still taking requests, could you maybe do a portbowell where Ricky is sick?? (ik sickfics are generic but literally no one writes this ship, and I can’t think of anything else)
you're good, sorry this took me like 4 days for no reason ! i wanna write more portbowell and i have a longfic idea like i said earlier but only like four people would read it...but maybe i will anyway...anyways here's a 550 word drabble for you <33
"Guys, come on! I was just recreating a movie trope, wasn't it romantic?" Ricky asked, though just as he finished speaking he sneezed--once, twice, three times. Not to mention his voice was particularly nasally, his nose pink to match. Damnit, this cold. It wasn't exactly the most romantic look…and he really wanted to be romantic enough. He wanted to just be enough. For Gina and EJ.
They'd already assured him of that once tonight. He'd walked all the way to Gina's in the pouring rain--in his defense, it wasn't raining when he left. He knew EJ was there, and yeah, maybe he was date crashing, but it had to be said. These feelings had been building for months, and now they were all on the table…and Ricky was glad to say the least, because that overwhelming burden was off his shoulders, and now he could try to relax.
"You could have had the same amount of romance with an umbrella, maybe?" Gina suggested, but she was smiling in spite of herself. She was just so cute, and the look of utter infatuation she was giving him now…he'd sleep outside in the rain if it meant keeping her this happy.
“I have no regrets,” Ricky shrugged, though he lit up with relief as EJ walked in carefully, holding a bowl of the chicken noodle soup he’d promised to make. "Thanks," he took the bowl from him, trying a spoonful before offering EJ a smile. Yep, this was most definitely from a can--and Ricky would know--but the gesture was sweet.
"Are you feeling better?" EJ asked, eyes concerned in a way that made Ricky's face flush as a hand moved to his knee. Ricky's clothes were soaked as he came in, so now he was wearing an adorable--or ridiculous--combination of Gina and EJ's clothes. EJ's sweatshirt was a size too big on him, which was fine by him as he snuggled into the warmth. Gina's pajama pants, however, showed a generous amount of ankle that would make any Victorian-era person hot under the collar.
"Yeah, I'm…great." Ricky smiled crookedly. "I'm sorry again for date-crashing."
"Don't worry about it," EJ replied, shaking his head. "We want you here," he frowned for a moment, his gaze contemplative before leaning in and pressing a kiss to Ricky's cheek.
"Yeah," Gina added. "EJ probably would've wanted to go over to your house if you hadn't come over here." she gave EJ a knowing look before kissing Ricky's other cheek.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you," Ricky warned, even as he felt on top of the world with the gesture alone. "You guys could get sick…"
"Well then, maybe when you get better, you could return the favor and make us soup," EJ asked. "You know it's really hard work taking care of you, right?"
"All you did was heat up soup from a can, it took about seven minutes, if that!" Ricky argued with a laugh before taking in another spoonful. It was some pretty good soup. "You exhaust me, Caswell."
"Yeah, well, you exhaust me, too, Bowen." EJ replied, though with his tone, it might as well have been a love confession.
"Enough, you two," Gina interjected with a grin. "You guys are lucky I'm even asking your opinion, but what movie are we watching?"
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melissahausen · 2 years
Aew revolution predictions
As always this is who I think WILL win not nessacarily who I WANT to win.
John Silver and Alex Reynolds vs. Claudio Castagnoli and Wheeler Yuta : Blackpool combat club but I love TDO so much.
2P Mark Briscoe and The Lucha Brothers (Penta El Zero Miedo and Rey Fenix) (with Alex Abrahantes) vs. Ari Daivari and The Varsity Athletes (Josh Woods and Tony Nese) (with "Smart" Mark Sterling)
I mean gotta be Mark and the boys come on.
3 Christian Cage vs. "Jungle Boy" Jack Perry: Final Burial match
So not interested in this feud but gotta be Jack.
4 Chris Jericho vs. Ricky Starks: Singles match
The Jericho Appreciation Society are banned from ringside
Ughh another fued that should already have ended weeks ago but we know Christopher is that person so he's gonna win cause he doesn't put anyone over.
5 The Elite (Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, and Nick Jackson) (c)
vs. The House of Black (Malakai Black, Brody King, and Buddy Matthews) Six-man tag team match for the AEW World Trios Championship.
I can't call this match (you'll see that a few times on this lol), I really can't call it , is it the HOBs time? Hell yeah but has it been built up to anyone taking the titles from the boys? No ...
Gonna go with the elite and hope it's wrong lol but I love them both so I'm good for whoever wins.
6 Jamie Hayter (c) vs. Saraya vs. Ruby Soho Three-way match for the AEW Women's World Championship
But I feel there's gonna be shenanigans with Britt and Toni.
7 Jon Moxley vs. "Hangman" Adam Page : Texas Death match.
Okay now I'm gonna be watching this through my fingers, I love them both but it's time for Jon to have a break he's been carrying this company on his back for almost 8 months.
Team hangy .
8 Samoa Joe (c) vs. Wardlow Singles match for the AEW TNT Championship
Wardlowwwwwww he gotta win this feud.
9 The Gunns (Austin Gunn and Colten Gunn) (c) vs. The Acclaimed (Anthony Bowens and Max Caster) (with Billy Gunn) vs. Jay Lethal and Jeff Jarrett (with Sonjay Dutt and Satnam Singh) vs. Orange Cassidy and Danhausen Four-way tag team match for the AEW World Tag Team Championship:
YO LISTENNNNN , the acclaimed have been so over for a year taking the titles off them was a stupid idea give my boys there belts back!
I'd love to see Danhausen with a belt though...
10 MJF (c) vs. Bryan Danielson 60-minute Iron man match for the AEW World Championship
Honestly I don't know...
Are we getting Tony's usual build up good first defense lose? Or is he actually gonna pull the trigger on max ...
I'll go with Bryan but I'm honestly not sure
Team Blackpool championships club!!
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rinisbowen · 2 years
ricky’s not scheming to break up ej and gina at the end of the episode. i truly can’t tell if they’re intentionally trying to make us think he will, like as a misdirect (bc a lot of people seek to think he will). idk but i just don’t see it as a real possibility as of right now.
if he did it would be a Massive heel turn on his part and as lackluster a job as they did giving him time to he introspective in the first half of the season, i think it should be incredibly clear what kind of person ricky bowen is at this point in the narrative. in my mind, if they actually did go there- have him do some kind of scheme to ruin their relationship as his big idea… i’d actually chalk it up to bad writing. i’d actually be somewhat unwilling to put that on the character with how much of a 180 it would be against what we’ve seen.
i said we haven’t seen a ton of introspection until more recently, but we have seen his behavior… frankly it does not matter that he likes gina romantically in this sense. he’s proven that his plan this summer is to put on a good show and enjoy hanging out with his friends. yes he is (consciously or unconsciously) avoiding everything going on back at home / in the back of his mind, but he has his plan, and he’s been sticking to it more or less.
what i mean about it not mattering in terms of his feelings isn’t that i don’t care about his feelings. it’s that he’s not letting them be a factor in what he’s been doing. all ricky’s doing is being a good friend. in this episode alone he a) didn’t give up gina’s confidence to ej, but also didn’t try to give ej bad advice, b) helped gina with her promposal for ej (and likely was the one to set up the whole thing given she had time to go change clothes and everything). ricky’s doing all he can to do well by both of them, despite how snarky ej was with him prior. (yes ej’s allowed to be stressed but this post isn’t about ej it’s about ricky)
he’s truly just being a nice friend (even though it obviously hurts to watch her so happy with ej, he wants her to be happy). And what his big idea almost certainly actually is… also involves him being a nice friend. a nice friend to jet!
ricky’s probably going to suggest to jet that he hit up madison (aka jojo siwa aka maddox’s ex) to get madison and maddox to reunite at camp prom, where they broke up last summer. if they can patch things up, then that could help maddox see jet in a better light, and get their relationship back on track too. (this is oversimplified but you get what i’m saying)
but yeah i have way more faith in the writing of this show than to expect ricky to have a conscious role to play in the downfall of ej and gina’s relationship. it’s just- not something that would make sense for him right now.
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columbo-of-narnia · 3 years
I am not a Joshua Bassett apologist because he has nothing to apologize for. I will defend him in the most feral ways possible.
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titansarmy · 2 years
y’all realise that ricky’s whole thing has always been that he does not follow things through and has the tendency to leave things halfway and that his whole arc has always been not only accepting change but finishing what he started. with nini, saying ‘i love you’ was finishing what he started and breaking up with her was accepting change. with theatre, staying in the club was finishing what he started and labelling himself a theatre kid is embracing the change. and now, he’s accepted his feelings for gina, which, i would argue, is accepting change. however, the gina situation remains “unresolved”. the difference to earlier seasons though is that the ricky we have now is not one whose default mode is running away but one that is willing to see the end of things. 
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sizzy-ling · 2 years
@ the people who keep shitting on ricky bowen yall are such a cliché..
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magicwithineleteo · 3 years
hi so doppelgänger is an absolute masterpiece in every way and i am in love with it stream it!!!
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ohginas · 3 years
kate.bennett speaking FACTS
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hitchell-mope · 3 years
Characters I’d probably end up becoming an apologist for
Now. I don’t really tirelessly defend characters I like. Take Mal Bertha for instance. I like her. She’s favourite number six. But I will always call her out on her shit. But there are definitely some characters I can see myself being an apologist for
Doug son of Dopey
Dean Forester
Ross Gellar
Ricky Bowen
Jar Jar Binks
Wesley Crusher
Scrappy doo
Neal Cassidy
I’m not saying that they’re pure innocent cinnamon rolls. Cause let’s face it. A lot of characters are rarely as innocent as fans would like to believe. But they’re certainly better than the narrative and/or a lot of fans are willing to give them credit for
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miszswan · 3 years
this is a millie bobby brown and joshua bassett defense squad 
i am taking attendance
for real tho i hope millie is doing well through this whole situation with h*nter 
and its seriously terrifying to thing about how we could’ve lost josh earlier this year during all of the drama with liv
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