#in honor of the milly announcement
alexiethymia · 2 years
summary: Milly knew that being good at chess would come in handy one day. And she liked Mr. Vash, she really did, but she’d always be on Meryl’s side, no matter what.
Or, Milly intervenes in the cuddle battle. 
(post-canon, mix of manga and ‘98 anime)
[read on ao3]
part 1
When Milly came into work to find Meryl in Mr. Vash’s arms, she was more than pleasantly surprised. She was absolutely delighted!
Meryl was sat upon Mr. Vash’s lap, no wait, in between his legs as his long arms crisscrossed over her body to hold her tight against him.
She was loath to disturb them but she really couldn’t help her squeal of delight. The sound she made as she clapped her hands rang like a gunshot. Both of them whipped their heads toward her, Meryl’s face red with embarrassment and Mr. Vash with a sheepish expression on his.
“Oh, I’m so happy for the both of you! It was about time!”
Milly was grinning ear-to-ear. How could she not when she’d been the hapless observer to this strange dance her friends had been in for years and years. They had always been tip-toeing around each other, one person stepping back each time the other gathered the courage to step forward. Nothing much could get Milly down, but watching her dear friend cry, and Mr. Vash’s pained expression when Meryl recoiled from him broke her heart. She had always thought the both of them made something so simple so complicated.
“What are you talking about Milly?” Oh my, that didn’t sound like a twitterpated young lass. Instead it seemed as if Meryl was gritting each word through her teeth, while Mr. Vash chuckled, “Ehehehe”. If he hadn’t been holding onto Meryl, Milly suspects one of his hands would have been rubbing the back of his head in a rueful gesture.
Meryl turned her sharp gaze above. “Don’t you ‘ehehe’ me. When will you let go already?”
Mr. Vash turned his impish gaze down to the young woman cradled snugly in his arms. “Tut-tut,” he moved one arm to wag a finger in front of Meryl’s face. Milly was of two minds whether or not to warn him that it was at risk of getting bitten off. Despite having only one arm to hold her, it seemed to make no difference as Meryl still couldn’t get out of his secure hold. “I promised I’d let you go as soon as you calm down and you promise not to hit me.”
“Ah-ah, more time-out it is then,” and if possible Mr. Vash squeezed her even tighter, almost as if he wanted to meld the both of their forms together. Meryl couldn’t see it from her vantage point, and perhaps couldn’t even feel it with how agitated she was, but Milly could see Mr. Vash sneak in a nuzzle or two as he rubbed his face over Meryl’s hair once or twice.  
“I get it already, Vash,” she says in a defeated tone. Milly doesn’t know if the red on her face was due to embarrassment or anger at this point, and which of the two was the reason she wanted to escape his hold.  By this point, Mr. Vash had encircled both of Meryl’s slight wrists with his large hands, and Milly could practically see the steam lifting off of her boss’ face. “I’m calm, I’m calm, so let go already,” or at the very least she was willing herself to be.
Mr. Vash looked her over and perhaps satisfied with the lack of tension he felt, immediately let her go. As soon as he did, however, it was hellfire and brimstone all over again as Meryl shook her fists at him. But Mr. Vash, as silly as they knew him to be, wasn’t known as a legendary gunman for no reason. With reflexes so fast that Milly could hardly see him move, he had captured Meryl in the same hold, perhaps even tighter if it was even possible.
“I’m disappointed, Insurance Girl,” but he looked anything but. If anything, Milly thought he looked quite gleeful. “Does your word mean nothing anymore?”
Meryl growled at him, “It’s all your fault! How could you lose our thomas! How are we supposed to get to the next town now? Just let me hit you once and I’ll be satisfied.”
“Nope,” Mr. Vash drawled out the word, his mouth in an o-shape, which just incensed Meryl even further, “You’re the one who said I should protect myself better. This is just self-defense, self-defense,” he says self-importantly.
The abject rage Meryl must be feeling at having her words used against her rendered her speechless. In the break of their conversation, Milly decided to interrupt. They had probably forgotten she was even there. She was more than just a bit confused at this point.
“Um?” She wasn’t exactly sure how to phrase her question. Mr. Vash was of no help as he just grinned cheekily at her, while Meryl stewed.
She got her answer only a bit later once Meryl was finally released.
In many ways, Mr. Vash was still the same as ever. He’d run as they chased after him, although he would deign to travel with them sometimes. Although they now knew him for years, it almost felt like the war was some fever dream. It felt like nothing had changed between her two travel companions. Mr. Vash would still flirt or get into trouble, and Meryl would be there hot on his heels to pinch his ear tightly between her fingers as she dragged him away. The same old dance that Milly was getting tired off. It almost felt like a dream, but she had been there. She was a witness to everything, and to see two steps backward for every step forward, now Milly, patient as she was, had to admit to being a tad bit frustrated.
But something had apparently changed, if that hugging episode earlier was anything to go by.
Mr. Vash seemed to have a strange relationship with affection. Although he was often zealous with his advances, he seemed to always expect that he would be rebuffed. She’d often wondered why she and Meryl hadn’t been targets of such abysmal flirtations.
“It’s because he has a type,” Meryl had succinctly put it once.
But Milly didn’t think that was the case. No one could say that Meryl wasn’t beautiful. In fact, if anyone had, Milly would have certain words with them. In her case, it was probably because they had an affable relationship. Mr. Vash certainly reminded her of a few of her brothers with his appetite, and it warmed her to think that he might consider her akin to a little sister.
“It’s because we’re his friends,” she said decisively. Or as decisively as she could in her case. With Meryl, there always seemed to be a question mark at the end. Not that Meryl and Mr. Vash weren’t friends, but the way his tremulous gaze tracked her as she cried or smiled shakily up at him, made Milly certain that he found her beautiful. What confused Milly was why he never said so out loud.
He never asked, at least with words. When he moved forward on his own to envelope Meryl in a comforting embrace, Milly thought that at last there were moving in the right direction.
Although he had become more openly touchy with Meryl, this was still a strange development.
Apparently, Mr. Vash had taken Meryl’s words to heart. Each time Meryl was ready to bonk him on the head with anger, Mr. Vash decided he would put her in a submission hold until she calmed down, so he could protect his ‘poor, sensitive body’.
Meryl seemed to have had the rug pulled out under her with this new development in their routine. The familiar clutch to fall back under was gone. Instead, she had to contend with heat and an ever-increasing heart-beat which was a nightmare to put up with in the scorching atmosphere of No Man’s Land.
And Milly knew, that when Meryl got embarrassed, she got mad, so it was a never-ending cycle, and sometimes it took hours before Mr. Vash was satisfied that she had calmed down enough to let her go.
Once, she had spied Meryl perched sideways across Mr. Vash’s lap as he clutched at her shoulder and his other arm enveloped her wholly and entirely. It may as well have been an iron band, with how futile Meryl’s escape attempts seemed to be. Her head was tucked carefully under his chin as he rubbed it over her hair in a rhythmic motion, as if determined to leave his scent all over her. Huh, she never knew Mr. Vash was a cat. Perhaps he’d meant to relax her, but the motion had a relaxing effect on him instead if his blissed-out, dozing face was anything to go by.
Another time, Mr. Vash had bundled Meryl into his coat, tiny limbs and all, as he deposited her onto his lap. ‘To stop her from scratching me,’ he’d explained with a mischievous grin as Meryl glared daggers at him. Huh, perhaps it was Meryl who was the cat.
But as with anything, her boss was quick to adapt. It was just a few of the reasons why Milly admired her so much.
Usually, Meryl got angry when Mr. Vash did one of three things, got into some sort of trouble, bothered the female population, or got hurt. Oh, and when he disappeared without a word, but Milly knew that the last one just made her sad, and she grew mad to cover up the hurt.
Meryl huffed out a breath causing her bangs to lift, “He’s right,” she admitted reluctantly. “I have no right to get mad at him.”
Although Milly appreciated that Meryl was trying to reign in her temper, she wanted to disagree with that statement.
And so Meryl tried not to react each and every time Mr. Vash caused chaos, tried the deep breathing exercises that Milly recommended to her.
Unfortunately, Mr. Vash noticed. In many ways, Mr. Vash reminded Milly of her youngest big brother. His impulse control was already shaky on a good day, but now it was as if he was like a kid denied his favorite donut. His antics grew more outlandish. An explosion here. Another destroyed car there.
And while Meryl could more or less control herself whenever something bad happened that wasn’t entirely Mr. Vash’s fault, it was another story when he flirted. She couldn’t control her temper then, try as she might. And so, Mr. Vash flirted, terribly, blatantly, and where Meryl could see as much as possible. He seemed to have a precognitive ability whenever Meryl’s fingers would near his ear, or as Milly suspects, he could always tell before and duck out from under the assault, but he still let Meryl do it anyway.
Now, he didn’t let her succeed. Instead, he’d intercept her hand, twist her so she was fit against him, back to chest, as he encircled her. Even as Meryl beat her hands against his on her stomach, it didn’t dislodge the goofy grin on his face.
“Whyyyy, Milly,” she whined pitifully as she finished another shot of gin, “It’s so silly. He can flirt with whoever he wants! Who am I to get mad?”
Milly for once didn’t say anything as she sipped carefully at her drink. She would have to be the sober one this time around. As she watched her boss drown her tears on her crossed hands, she frowned.
“Meryl…is he taking advantage?” Milly hates that she had to ask in the first place. She knew Mr. Vash wasn’t like that at all, but it seemed that he never learned to ask properly.
She remembers Mr. Vash’s contented face, as Meryl ran her hand through his hair to get at another scrape caused by another of his death-defying daring exploits.
Meryl blinks back at her slowly, as she hiccupped. When awareness dawns, she flails, “No, of course not! He wouldn’t. There’s no reason for him to,” she murmurs quietly, but Milly can hear her clearly even in the rowdy bar.
Milly bites her lip, “Meryl, don’t you think…”
But her boss cuts her off before she can even finish. Meryl won’t insult her intelligence by pretending at ignorance. Before it might have worked.
‘As if I could ever like that donut-inhaling, womanizing, human disaster!’
But they’ve been friends for far too long for that. Instead, she dispels her notions with cold logic.
“I can’t be special to him, Milly. It’s just love for humanity, you know?”
Oh, that Mr. Vash. Milly already said she wouldn’t forgive him for making Meryl cry, and now here he was making her second-guess herself again. Meryl looks like she wants to convince herself. But Milly wonders at that strange emphasis.
She’s convinced herself that she can’t be special to him because she’d convinced herself that he loved everybody just the same. Whether it was someone who loved him, like Jessica, or the countless other women who he threw himself at and was rebuffed by.
Meryl and Mr. Vash were both incredibly smart, but often, they were just incredibly silly. Mr. Vash loved Milly, just the same as she loved him, and yet while he was also more open with her now, after putting his burdens behind him, allowing himself to be hugged by her or offering a friendly pat or ruffle of her hair, she remembers that it had not been to her that a promise to return was made or a kiss offered, shyly and hidden though it may have been.
Milly and Meryl had been friends for a long time, braving countless disasters, one humanoid typhoon included, together, so she can hear the words unsaid.
‘I can’t be another person he loses.’
And Milly’s heart breaks because her dear friend is foregoing her own happiness just to avoid the risk, the chance, of taking away from his own. And her heart breaks even further when Milly realizes who she is reminded by.
As Milly takes in her friend’s despondent gaze, she wonders which one Meryl would rather live with. 
As much as she wants to protest and comfort, she knows Meryl can’t be reasoned with when she’s in this state.
Instead, she thinks of her friend’s current dilemma with the Humanoid Typhoon, and smiles sweetly.
“Hey Meryl, don’t get mad. Get even instead.”
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noahschnappinfs · 2 months
"In 2024, Noah Schnapp was featured on the Forbes 30 under 30 list, celebrating his accomplishments in the entertainment world alongside his entrepreneurial ventures." Did you know about this? I didn’t
yes, it was announced by forbes last year but it was right after stickergate so it got overshadowed and people were actually hating on noah for “taking the place away from other people from the cast” which is ridiculous because most of the young cast had been on the list before but on different years. as far as i know, people can be on there once: caleb was on the 2021 list, finn was on the 2020 one, millie was on the 2018 one and sadie was on the 2023 one, the only one missing is gaten so as usual people were just hating on noah for senseless reasons.
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you can check his whole profile here. honestly it’s a great honor that noah was considered but it’s such a shame that it was announced when it was because he couldn’t celebrate properly and it got mostly overshadowed.
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kickmag · 4 months
Flo Milli, Moodymann, J. Dilla Tribute & More At The Broad For Mickalene Thomas Exhibition
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The Broad Art Museum in Los Angeles has announced a new season of programs for the Mickalene Thomas: All About Love special exhibition. The show opened on May 25, 2024, and will travel to the Barnes Foundation, Philadelphia, and the Hayward Gallery, London. The show's title is taken from late feminist icon bell hooks and the exhibition is a celebration of Black feminist creativity, critiques, communal care, and thinking about new ways to love. Tickets are on sale now at thebroad.org. 
There will be Live music, workshops, comedy and a night of films by LGBTQIA+ directors. The Broad is making Black and queer voices prominent within the context of Thomas's exhibition which comprises 20 years of work. The concert series includes a night dedicated to J.Dilla led by Moodymann on July 19th. Rapper Flo Milli will do a show with singers Fousheé and METTE on July 20th. The shows are for all ages and the tickets include access to all galleries including Mickalene Thomas: All About Love.
Program Schedule 
Summer Concerts at The Broad: Dilla’s House Friday, July 19, 2024 | 8-11 pm Tickets: $65 Event Location: East West Bank Plaza at The Broad, First Floor Galleries It’s the summer of J Dilla in Los Angeles, and The Broad joins the festivities by honoring the revered artist who would have been 50 this year. On the heels of Dilla Jazz at The Ford, Dilla’s House at The Broad features artists who knew and worked with Dilla, who have been inspired by his pioneering methods, and who exemplify a spirit of cross-pollination that Dilla and other artists cultivated, including the dearly loved and recently departed Amp Fiddler. With a special focus on the uplifting and soulful side of house and dance music through the lens of Dilla’s legacy, the event will have guests dancing under the stars on the museum’s outdoor plaza. An ensemble performance helmed by Detroit’s Moodymann will feature fellow Motor City icons Dames Brown on vocals, Dez Andrés on the ones and twos and percussion, and Mark de Clive-Lowe on keys and beat machines. The evening will warm up fast with LA’s ownDJ Ashley Younniä; local music maven DJ Rashida will keep the energy levels up to close out the night. The evening will be hosted by The Yancey Boys AKA Illa J + Frank Nitt and is co-curated by Mahogani Music and Fusicology.
Summer Concerts at The Broad: Flo Milli + Fousheé + METTE Saturday, July 20, 2024 | 8-11 pm Tickets: $75 Event Location: East West Bank Plaza at The Broad
Continuing the celebration of Black creativity in music and art, The Broad and RCA Records partner on a special night featuring Flo Milli, Fousheé, and METTE. Tonight, with music we celebrate The Broad’s Special Exhibition: Mickalene Thomas: All About Love. The artists performing embody powerful, positive depictions of Black women that can also be found in the Mickalene Thomas’s exhibition.
Enjoy intimate yet electrifying live sets by these talented Black artists on the East West Bank Plaza, headlined by multi-platinum rapper Flo Milli. Hailing from Alabama, Flo rose from viral TikTok sensation in 2018 to garnering a #1 at Urban Radio and making Billboard’s Hot 100 chart for her hit “Never Lose Me,” which is a testimony to both her talent and tenacity. Flo dropped her latest album Fine Ho, Stay in March of this year and she’s currently a special guest on Gunna’s The Bittersweet Tour. Also on the bill for this special evening under the stars is Grammy-nominated songwriter Fousheé, whose genre-bending repertoire melds alt-rock and soul, and METTE, a boundless artist unrestricted by the need to align with one genre, whose creativity has already earned her an Ivor-Novello nomination for her song, “Mama’s Eyes.”
RCA shared this statement about partnering with The Broad: “We’re thrilled to work with The Broad on this special artist event in celebration of the incredible work of Mickalene Thomas. We believe deeply in the intersection of art and music and our participating artists, Flo Milli, Fousheé and METTE are true creatives, visionaries, songwriters, and performers. We look forward to a continued partnership with the fantastic team of curators at The Broad as we work together to bring art & music to life in new and innovative ways.”
For more information regarding programming and L.A. Intersections, please visit TheBroad.org
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Variety announced just a few hours ago that Noah is being honoured on the 10th August at Power of Young Hollywood party event He is also gonna get profiled and be on their cover as it recognises rising stars "who are making huge strides in their careers, and creating art that will be remembered for generations to come" Twitter as usual (Millie stans) are hating on Noah and thinking he's not deserving lol
I'm proud of him, but I have to wonder if he'd have gotten this honor had he not come out. He's always given good performances in Stranger Things, yet was always overlooked for recognition. He got more publicity for coming out than he ever had for his acting. That always makes me suspicious.
On the one hand, I'm glad that he got such a positive media response to his coming out, but where was all this beforehand? It feels like pandering to me, but maybe that's just because I'm older and used to LGBT issues being used to further a pseudo-progressive machine. Is all this attention for his benefit or that of the entertainment and entertainment press industries?
As for the people on Twitter you mentioned, they aren't real fans if they are willing to treat one of her best friends in such a way. I wouldn't pay them any mind.
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loveallthegays · 1 year
Variety announced just a few hours ago that Noah is being honoured on the 10th August at Power of Young Hollywood party event He is also gonna get profiled and be on their cover as it recognises rising stars "who are making huge strides in their careers, and creating art that will be remembered for generations to come" Twitter as usual (Millie stans) are hating on Noah and thinking he's not deserving lol
Well that is awesome news for Noah! I'm happy for him being honored and getting the recognition he deserves. Sadly there will always be haters but thankfully this will happen whether they like it or not.
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denimbex1986 · 10 months
'When it was announced that Bonnie Langford's Mel Bush would be returning to Doctor Who in season 14, it was incredibly exciting, but after her recent cameo in Doctor Who's 60th anniversary episodes, it is clear that her character's revival may be even better than viewers had hoped. Doctor Who is a British sci-fi series which first began in 1963. It follows a humanlike extraterrestrial called the Doctor, who can travel through time and space. Most recently, Doctor Who has released three special episodes in honor of the show's 60th anniversary. Ultimately, they revealed plenty about what is to come in season 14.
Although Doctor Who season 14 is not set to premiere until 2024, there is a lot of information already out there on what fans can expect from the new season. First and foremost, the Fifteenth Doctor will be played by Sex Education's Ncuti Gatwa, while his companion, Ruby Sunday, will be portrayed by Millie Gibson. Gatwa's regeneration occurred in the 60th anniversary episode, "The Giggle." Another fact about season 14 is that Mel Bush, a character who appeared on Doctor Who in the 1980s, is making a return. However, the scope of her homecoming was not made clear until the final episode of Doctor Who's 60th anniversary specials.
Wait, Is Mel Returning To Doctor Who As A Recurring Character?!
When Mel's addition to Doctor Who's season 14 cast was first announced, it seemed as though she would just be making a brief cameo appearance in Doctor Who season 14, however, "The Giggle" has insinuated that she could actually be a recurring character in the new season. In the latest Doctor Who episode, "The Giggle," Bonnie Langford made an appearance as Mel Bush, who is apparently now working for UNIT. Her return to Doctor Who was definitely a surprise, but her new role in the series is even more shocking. If Mel is working at UNIT, then she could feasibly continue to show up in Doctor Who indefinitely.
Mel's Doctor Who return comes at a time that is full of important homecomings for Doctor Who cast and crew, and in this way, perhaps it is less surprising. For example, David Tennant and Catherine Tate returned to Doctor Who for the 60th anniversary episodes to play the Fourteenth Doctor and Donna Noble respectively. Additionally, the Doctor Who showrunner label was only recently passed to Russell T. Davies, who notably produced the show from 2005 to 2010. In this way, Doctor Who is doing a lot of reminiscing, and perhaps Mel is just another piece in the puzzle.
Doctor Who Can Finally Do Justice To Mel Following Her Mixed 1980s Run
Mel's Doctor Who return was already great, but if she truly is going to be a recurring character, that is even better. By giving Mel more screen time, Doctor Who can finally fix the problems that made her first appearance on the series controversial. Mel Bush's tenure as the Doctor's companion started off in a strange place because she simply didn't get the introduction that companions usually get. Mel just existed, given to the Doctor without any preamble or flair. Then, Mel's reputation was worsened even further when she was characterized as being overly positive and energetic to an annoying degree.
Ultimately, Mel Bush was certainly not one of Doctor Who's best companions, but Doctor Who season 14 has a chance to change that. Although Mel irritated viewers back in the 1980s, the new season can give her a tamer, more likable personality. There could even be a backstory added that would explain why Mel had such intense energy during her previous season. All in all, Mel's return is a much-needed second chance for her character. She can win the hearts of viewers that she never could many decades ago.
Mel's Return Pays Off Chris Chibnall's Best UNIT Change
A final aspect of Mel's unexpected return is that it makes Chris Chibnall's UNIT change have a big pay-off. When he was still Doctor Who's showrunner, Chris Chibnall made it so that UNIT could employ past companions. At the time, this had little to no consequences, but now, Russell T. Davies has taken advantage of this detail and brought Mel back, not just as a cameo, but as a long-standing character. Ultimately, "The Giggle" and Mel's role in it feels like several Doctor Who puzzle pieces finally fitting into place. Now, audiences will just have to wait and see where Mel Bush's Doctor Who character goes next.'
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thelensofyashunews · 1 month
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With his triumphant Billboard Hot 100 debut and current opening slot on Ice Spice’s Y2K! World Tour, the 2024 XXL Freshman and April Billboard Rookie of the Month, Cash Cobain, has announced that his sophomore LP Play Cash Cobain will arrive later this month on August 23rd and shared the album's lead single, "Problem". Bolstered by a prominent sample of Brooklyn newcomer Laila!'s viral hit "Not My Problem", the long-anticipated posse cut boasts a stacked lineup of features from the likes of Fabolous, Big Sean, Kenzo B, Lay Bankz, Luh Tyler, Anycia, Chow Lee, Kaliii, 6lack, Flo Milli, YN Jay, FLEE, Don Q and Rob49. The song first gained traction after Cash teased his remix for Laila!'s viral "Not My Problem" SoundCloud beat challenge. After he started sending the instrumental out to close collaborators like Chow Lee and FLEE, the trend struck fire, and the verses started pouring in daily on social media — to the point that Billboard ranked the star-studded versions pre-release (read here).
Cobain's debut national television performance at the BET Awards reached a staggering audience of 3 millionviewers, while recent powerhouse single "Rump Punch"(15M Streams) continues to explode, solidifying that his long-awaited forthcoming LP is here to extend the Slizzy Summer indefinitely. This week, Cash had an electric pair of performances on Ice Spice's sold-out NYC dates, with Rolling Stone noting -– "Cash is one of the coolest artists in the game, boasting a signature sound replete with a dance that simulates a flowing ocean current. The young crowd ate it up...". After the show, fans were thrown into a frenzy when a picture of Future and Cash hit social media on his well-recognized fan-page Slizzyfeed.  
Cash’s sophomore release, Play Cash Cobain, is the exclamation point on a 2024 winning streak that includes the Ice Spice-assisted "Fisherrr" (feat. Bay Swag) (40M Streams), which was hailed by Funkmaster Flex during Cobain’s Hot 97 Summer Jam performance as the festival's biggest song, as well as a collab with rap legend J. Cole on “Grippy” (15M Streams), a new version of his 2023 track “Dunk Contest” (13M Streams).The rapper and producer also recently featured alongside Charlie Wilson on Don Toliver's new single "Attitude" (86M Streams), appeared on A Boogie Wit da Hoodie’s “Body”, and produced Lancey Foux’s"Daylight"(feat. Teezo Touchdown), showcasing why COMPLEX proclaimed that summer 2024 is “looking very slizzy".
With the success of Cobain’s smash singles "Rump Punch" and "Fisherrr", the latter being an undeniable song of the summer, the Bronx superstar has skyrocketed to over 4M Monthly Listeners on Spotify, entered the Top 3 NYC Shazam Charts, and occupied the #1 and #3 slots of the NYC Apple Music Charts as well as #7 on the Urban Radio Charts. Cash is a visionary, and his recent 'Slizzy Fest' birthday show at Irving Plaza flaunted a stacked lineup of New York’s elite — along with rumors of a surprise set from a certain A-list superstar. With Slizzymania in full effect, the growing crowd caused security concerns and the show was ultimately canceled –– but Cobain, a man of the people, wanted to ensure his fans got their money's worth. Armed with his passion and a Bluetooth speaker, Cash led the ecstatic crowd down to Union Square and threw a makeshift show, an indisputable nod to honoring the traditions of NYC Hip-Hop (read 'I Went to Cash Cobain’s Slizzyfest and All I Got Was That Classic NYC Feeling' via Rolling Stone and his statement in Billboard). Cobain has since hinted at collaborations with Frank Ocean, Travis Scott, Lil Yachty and more –– a sure sign that superstardom is soon to come. With his extraterrestrial R-rated anthems, ethereal production, playful sexy drill sound, and the inescapable Slizzy Movement in full effect — there may not be a spotlight bright enough to shine on Cash Cobain's future.
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blogger360ncislarules · 5 months
[April 30th, 2024] MASTERPIECE on PBS and Mammoth Screen today announce a major new reimagining of John Galsworthy’s Forsyte novels. Planned as a returning series, the first season of six episodes follows the lives of the wealthy Forsyte family in 1880s London and is based on Galsworthy’s Nobel Prize-winning tale of love, loyalty, ambition and betrayal.
The Forsyte Saga reunites MASTERPIECE with acclaimed British screenwriter Debbie Horsfield and UK production company Mammoth Screen, the team behind global television hit Poldark.
The stellar ensemble cast includes Francesca Annis, Jack Davenport, Tom Durant Pritchard, Jamie Flatters, Millie Gibson, Danny Griffin, Susan Hampshire, Owen Igiehon, Tuppence Middleton, Stephen Moyer, Joshua Orpin, Josette Simon and Eleanor Tomlinson.
BAFTA winner Francesca Annis (Flesh and Blood) plays formidable Forsyte matriarch Ann, with Stephen Moyer (Sexy Beast, True Blood) as her eldest son, Jolyon Senior, head of the family stockbroking firm Forsyte & Co. Danny Griffin (Fate: The Winx Saga) plays his bohemian son Jo, Tuppence Middleton (Downton Abbey: A New Era) is Jo’s status-driven wife Frances, and Eleanor Tomlinson (One Day) plays Louisa Byrne, a Soho dressmaker and Jo’s first love.
Jack Davenport (The Morning Show, Ten Percent) plays Ann’s competitive younger son James, with Joshua Orpin (Titans) as James’ shrewd and sometimes ruthless son Soames. Millie Gibson (Doctor Who) plays Irene, the dancer whom Soames falls in love with. Tom Durant Pritchard (This Is Going To Hurt) plays Monty Dartie, James’ son-in-law.
Josette Simon OBE (Anatomy of a Scandal) is Mrs. Ellen Parker Barrington, a wealthy heiress and friend of the Forsyte family, with Jamie Flatters (Avatar: The Way Of Water) as architect Philip Bosinney and Owen Igiehon (Disclaimer) as lawyer Isaac Cole. Susan Hampshire, OBE (star of the 1967 BBC Forsyte Saga for which she received the first of her three lead actress Emmys), plays Lady Carteret.
The Forsyte Saga is directed by Meenu Gaur (Murder Is Easy) and Annetta Laufer (Get Millie Black) and is produced by Sarah Lewis (The Long Shadow). Filming begins in May, 2024 in locations in England, Wales and Italy.
Screenwriter Debbie Horsfield notes, “It was an honor to be asked to write a bold new reimagining of Galsworthy’s epic saga. Our show is in part a prequel to the events of the first book, but also an opportunity to expand the world and place the women of the family center stage. It’s a love letter to the original story while offering an exciting new perspective.”
Damien Timmer, CCO & Founder of Mammoth Screen said, “It’s thrilling to be teaming up again with Debbie on this iconic story. Everything about The Forsyte Saga is huge – it’s an epic canvas, and Debbie’s magnificent scripts have delivered a truly great ensemble cast. I hope audiences worldwide will be captivated by the secrets of Soames, Irene, Jolyon and other Forsyte family members as they are laid bare for a new generation of fans!”
Susanne Simpson, Executive Producer of MASTERPIECE, added, “We’re proud to commission a new, original take on The Forsyte Saga. This sweeping, romantic drama portrays how duty binds a family together until it conflicts with matters of the heart. Debbie Horsfield’s inspired scripts will be realized by an exceptional cast and supported by a lavish production. We’re thrilled to be creating another one of the high-quality period dramas that MASTERPIECE has always been known for.”
The Forsyte Saga was previously adapted as a Hollywood film in 1949 and for television in 1967 and 2002. The 2002 series aired on MASTERPIECE on PBS
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Dr. Dre, Missy, Lil Wayne to be honored at pre-Grammy event
Dr. Dre, Missy Elliott and Lil Wayne will be honored at the Recording Academy’s second annual Black Music Collective event during Grammy week next month.
The academy announced Wednesday that the three Grammy winners and executive Sylvia Rhone will receive the Global Impact Award for their personal achievements in the music industry. The event will be held at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles on Feb. 2, ahead of the Grammy Awards on Feb 5.
“I am so thrilled to honor and celebrate these four giants in the music industry,” said Recording Academy CEO Harvey Mason jr. “Last year’s inaugural event was such a highlight during Grammy week and now with Dre, Missy, Wayne and Sylvia there to pay tribute to this year, it’s definitely going to be another night to remember. I continue to be proud of the work of our Black Music Collective as it’s (a) vital part of what we do here at the academy.”
Black Music Collective is a group created in 2020 of prominent music industry leaders — including honorary chairs John Legend, Jimmy Jam and Quincy Jones — who are looking to find ways to drive Black representation and inclusion.
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Last year, Legend, MC Lyte and D-Nice were honored. The event also highlights LVRN, a Black-founded record label that has built a roster that includes 6lack, D.R.A.M., Westside Boogie and Summer Walker.
Dr. Dre, a seven-time Grammy winner, has produced big hits for Jay-Z, Eminem, Snoop Dogg, Gwen Stefani, Kendrick Lamar, Nas and 50 Cent. He won his first Emmy for his Super Halftime performance with Eminem, Mary J. Blige, Snoop Dogg, Lamar and 50 Cent.
Elliott is a four-time Grammy winner who was inducted into the Songwriters Hall of Fame in 2019. She broke through with her debut album “Supa Dupa Fly” and has collaborated with several top music acts including Aaliyah, Beyoncé, Janet Jackson, Mariah Carey, Ciara, Lil’ Kim, J. Cole, Busta Rhymes and Chris Brown.
Lil Wayne, who has won five Grammys, has a variety of massive hits including “Lollipop” feat. Static Major and “A Milli.” He also helped ignite the careers of Drake, Nicki Minaj and Tyga.
Rhone has been regarded as one of the most influential music executives in the industry. She made history in 1994 when she was named chairman and CEO of Elektra Entertainment Group. At the time, the promotion made her the only African American and first-ever woman to hold the titles.
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maijily · 4 years
Heya Tumblr. How have you been? ;)
It’s time for the Intracodes to be announced~~ But this post is super long so don’t continue unless you want 289347329 years of text
You’ve been warned
GUESS WHAT THE HIATUS IS OVER!!! ...Kinda. There’s still a few things left to do before DC, Omission, and Tumblr can come back to life, but trust that things are moving and it’s only a matter of time before they all start posting again.
BUT FOR NOW, we have intras. I hope you haven’t forgotten about them-- Intra submissions started a few months ago, where anyone could submit an OC who would end up being canon in the world of DC, either in the current lore or a future comic! ARA’s an example of a submission who ended up in DC’s hiatus chapters as a healer outcode, and if you submitted, they’ll show up in one way or another too, some having to do more with the plot than others.
So there were a TON of submissions and only FOUR of them could become intracodes (since intras are ridiculously rare and powerful and all). The REST are either basecodes, outcodes, or outliers, and they’ll all show up in one way or another as interactable characters later on.
Due to lore secrets, I can’t tell you what your characters will be and what they’ll do. Instead, you’ll know the code type, code role, status, alignment, and power level of each. (Keeping the creators secret for privacy reasons~)
IF YOU SUBMITTED A CHARACTER, PLEASE please PLEASE keep the following in mind:
((Your submission probably contains secrets to the character, either in backstory, traits, secret intentions, etc. The character belongs to both you and DC, and there may be some traits about your character that the audience doesn’t know. (say your character pretends to be a good guy but is secretly evil). When they show up, it’d be great for no spoilers on your end as well as mine. We’re both sharing a piece of canon here!))
OK, so now some info before the submissions are released:
Your character is either a basecode, outcode, outlier, or intracode. (this is also in order from least to most powerful).
✦Basecode: Like SK or Cloud. Stuck in a void, their story has been discarded, and they are alone.
✦Outcode: They’ve escaped their void/been rescued, and are living in the wild land of the Interface. They are either living in an outcode community, leading an outcode community, or wandering the interface independently.
✦Outlier: Rare, powerful, and usually feared. Contain powers that outcodes can’t replicate and are often not accepted by the rest of the Interface.
✦Intracode: Gods of the Interface. Live in pain and extreme power. Nearly impossible to kill, and highly destructive and deadly if their power is not kept under control. There are 6 in existence including Digi.
Alright. Reveal time, are you ready?
(Gods of the interface. Highly destructive and deadly.)
Name: Cancor Spiderwick Code type: Intracode Status: Hidden Alignment: True Neutral
Power level: 11/10
Name: Rollo Code type: Intracode Code Role: Outsider/Wanderer Status: Free Alignment: ???
Power level: 11/10
Name: Delta Code type: Intracode Code Role: N/A Status: Void-bound Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power level: 11/10
Name: Millie Code type: Intracode Code Role: Outsider Status: Free Alignment: Chaotic good
Power level: 11/10
Clap it up for the intracodes 👏 👏 👏 We have two chaotic evils (including Digi) so it’ll be a fun ride ;w;
And for the other submissions~~
(Trapped in their void. They are alone.)
Name: Angel Code type: Basecode Code Role: Isolated Status: Void-Bound Alignment: True Neutral
Power level: 5/10
Name: Ceryk Ardor Code type: Basecode Code Role: Isolated Status: Void-Bound Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power level: 5/10
Name: Rox Code type: Basecode Code Role: Isolated Status: Void-Bound Alignment: True Neutral
Power level: 5/10
Name: Sophie Code type: Basecode Code Role: Isolated Status: Void-Bound Alignment: Neutral Good
Power level: 5/10
(Escaped their void, is living in the wild lands of the Interface.)
Name: Ara Code type: Outcode Code Role: Damage Control Status: Free/Famous Alignment: Chaotic good
Power level: 7/10
Name: Badru Code type: Outcode Code Role: Sector 1, Second in Command Status: Free/Famous Alignment: Chaotic good
Power level: 8/10
Name: Edgeblade Rainbow Code type: Outcode Code Role: Outsider Status: Hidden Alignment: (Is Chaotic Chaotic an alignment)
Power level: 6/10
Name: Emilia Code type: Outcode Code Role: Undercover Status: Hidden Alignment: Chaotic good
Power level: 6/10
Name: Ivan Code type: Outcode Code Role: Leader of Sector 3 Status: Free/Famous Alignment: Lawful Good
Power level: 7/10
Name: Jack Servini Code type: Outcode Code Role: Outsider Status: Hidden Alignment: True neutral
Power level: 6/10
Name: Kirai Code type: Outcode Code Role: Outsider/Wanderer Status: Hidden Alignment: Chaotic Evil
Power level: ???
Name: Liva Code type: Outcode Code Role: Sector 2, Second in Command Status: Free/Famous Alignment: Neutral Good
Power level: 8/10
Name: Luna Code type: Outcode Code Role: Exiled/Outsider Status: Hidden Alignment: Neutral Evil
Power level: ???
Name: Tank Code type: Outcode Code Role: Undercover Status: Free Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power level: 6/10
Name: The Storyteller Code type: Outcode Code Role: N/A Status: Hidden Alignment: True Neutral
Power level: 10/10
(Rare, powerful, feared. Usually not accepted by others.)
Name: Neri, Leandro Code type: Outliers Code Role: Assassins (Sector 2) Status: Free Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power level: 9/10
Name: Storm Lycan Code type: Outlier Code Role: Leader of Sector 1 Status: Free Alignment: (Evil Evil should be an alignment)
Power level: 9/10
Name: Liam Code type: Outlier Code Role: Undercover Status: ??? Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Power level: (Varies from 5/10-10/10)
Name: Tacir Code type: Outlier Code Role: Outsider/Famous Status: Hidden Alignment: Neutral Good
Power level: 10/10
(Too lore heavy to reveal)
Name: Lyssa Code type: ??? Code Role: ??? Status: Free/??? Alignment: ???
Power level: ???
Name: Tao Lycaon Code type: ??? Code Role: Exiled/??? Status: Free/??? Alignment: Neutral evil
Power level: ???
Name: “The Sailor” Code type: ??? Code Role: Famous/??? Status: ??? Alignment: (Varies from Chaotic Good to Chaotic Evil)
Power level: ???
WAIT DID YOU THINK WE’RE DONE!??!?! Nope time for questions for those who submitted.
✦What does the status mean for the character?:
Free = They can roam the interface as they please.
Hidden = They are running/hiding from someone/something.
Void-Bound = Accounts mostly for basecodes. They’re trapped in a void.
✦What does the code role mean for the character?:
Undercover = Likely spies/assassins. They are pretending to be something that they aren’t.
Exiled = They were banished from a community they were previously in.
Outsider = They are outside of the main communities of the Interface and live independently.
Wanderer = They don’t have a set home and travel/explore the Interface.
Isolated = Accounts mostly for basecodes. They are secluded from all and can’t escape.
Leader/Second command of [insert Sector] = Has a leadership position in Sector 1-3, all outcode communities.
Famous = They are of high power/influence, known by all.
N/A = None of the above/probably a secret honestly
✦How much is planned about my character?: It’s a little different for each, as some are more developed for the plot than others. But for the most part, all of them currently have a set DC backstory, morals, and role to play in the overall storyline. They’re all included and have relationships with the new main character and each other.
✦This is great and all, but when can I see my character?: I... I really don’t know yet!! There will be many comics following DC, all interactive and character-based. Your submission will be included in one way or another, either as a main character, antagonist, or side character. Those stories just aren’t planned out yet, but I promise your character is there.
✦Yeah, but how long will it take for me to see them in-comic?: That... Depends entirely on how long it takes to make the new comics and actually implement your character. It won’t be a matter of years, but there might have to be some patience involved with how long it takes to make these things.
✦Can my character die or kill other characters?: Yep! None of them are dead yet, but none of you have plot immunity. None. And some of you are all chaotic evil assassins, so just... Keep that in mind.
✦Can I still change my character/request changes?: Yes. If you’re truly unhappy with how your character looks right now or later on, please tell me and I’ll try to change things. They belong to both of us and you will always have a say in what happens to them.
✦Am I being credited?: Absolutely. Either in the credits at the end, description, and/or conversation with the next audience, you’ll be credited for your character all the way.
✦This looks cool, can I submit a character now?: Depends. Tell me your plans and I’ll see if I can fit them in. If not, you’ll have to accept no for an answer. I want to accept characters all the time because of how flexible DC is but there’s a lot of complications involved.
✦This is really long can I stop reading now?: YES. YOU READ THROUGH IT ALL. CONGRATS.
✦I made a submission but it isn’t on here...: WAIT WHAT???? If you made and sent a submission in which I gave you a response and it’s NOT on here, PLEASE tell me immediately through Tumblr/Discord DMs and I will drop everything to get them and apologize for 55 spam messages
I can’t stress to you enough how amazing this was or how brilliant you all are at character creation. Some of you have absolutely incredible ideas and made some golden characters, all of which seriously helped out DC and the cast for future comics. You’re all endlessly talented and it was an honor getting to work with you and add your ideas to this project!! Thank you for making this successful and giving it a chance. I’ll see you soon.
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tabloidtoc · 4 years
OK, October 19
You can buy a copy of this issue for your very own at my eBay store: https://www.ebay.com/str/bradentonbooks
Cover: Pregnant Princess Eugenie betrayed by her own dad -- Queen Elizabeth bans Prince Andrew from delivery room 
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Page 1: Big Pic -- Lea Michele and husband Zandy Reich enjoying a leisurely stroll with their son Ever in a stroller in face masks 
Page 2: Contents 
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Page 3: Contents 
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Page 4: Demi Lovato moving on -- a heartbroken Demi is picking up the pieces after splitting from her fiance Max Ehrich 
Page 6: When Kris Jenner shocked fans with her announcement that Keeping Up With the Kardashians was ending she didn’t explain why she decided to pull the plug on the show after 20 seasons but now she’s gearing up for a big TV interview in which she’ll reveal the real reason she’s calling it quits which is ironically because there’s too much drama going on with her family and she wants to see her children happy again 
Page 7: It’s a good thing Taylor Swift has been sheltering in place at her Nashville farm and not at her posh pad in New York City where bullets were flying outside her $18 million Tribeca townhouse during an armed robbery at a sneaker store next door, after just one season on The Talk Marie Osmond has been unceremoniously given the boot because her ex-cohosts Sharon Osbourne and Sheryl Underwood threatened to quit unless she was canned because they felt Marie didn’t bring anything to the table and just made it difficult for them to get their ideas across plus they thought she was too refined and too nice and too polished, Emma Stone’s recent hush-hush wedding to Dave McCary has her ex-boyfriend Andrew Garfield crying the blues and ever since Emma and Dave were spotted wearing matching wedding bands Andrew has been telling people that he’s happy for Emma but everyone knows that deep down it must be devastating for him because she was the love of his life 
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Page 8: Red Hot on the Red Carpet -- stars are chic in suits -- Emily Blunt, Sandra Oh, Gugu Mbatha-Raw 
Page 9: Olivia Palermo, Charlize Theron 
Page 10: Who Wore It Better? Lily-Rose Depp vs. Kaia Gerber, Mj Rodriguez vs. Kat Graham 
Page 11: Brie Bella vs. Kyle Richards 
Page 16: News in Photos --  Gwen Stefani modeled one of the new styles from her L.A.M.B. eyewear collection while shooting a campaign 
Page 17: Brie Larson and her boyfriend Elijah Allan-Blitz wore masks at a grocery store, Drew Barrymore posed on the set of her new talk show, Katie Holmes and boyfriend Emilio Vitolo Jr. had dinner with his dad Emilio Vitolo Sr. 
Page 18: Kidding Around -- famous parents can’t get enough of their mini-me’s -- Prince William and sons Prince George and Prince Louis, new dad Artem Chigvintsev and his son Matteo, pregnant Ashlee Simpson enjoyed a day of shopping with daughter Jagger 
Page 20: Wells Adams out on a run, Keo Motsepe and Anne Heche take a selfie, Alessandra Ambrosio spending a day at the shore 
Page 21: Arnold Schwarzenegger and his girlfriend Heather Milligan took their two-wheelers out for a spin 
Page 22: Farrah Abraham clad in a patriotic bikini in Venice in California, Olivia Jade and boyfriend Jackson Guthy on a dinner date 
Page 23: While guest-hosting the Ellen show Stephen “tWitch” Boss created a TikTok video with wife Allison Holker and guests Addison Rae and Derek Hough, Irina Shayk served looks for designer Nicole Benisti’s Fall/Winter 2020 campaign 
Page 24: At the Hometown Heroes Live Music Festival Snoop Dogg honored his late friend Tupac Shakur with fellow headliner Nelly, Helen Mirren stunned while attending Prince Albert II’s Monte-Carlo Gala for Planetary Health, Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly 
Page 25: Ireland Baldwin getting her tresses dyed back to blonde, Kaley Cuoco filming a scene for her show The Flight Attendant 
Page 26: Inside My Home -- Armie Hammer and Elizabeth Chambers’ historic home -- the spouses of 10 years are calling time on their marriage and saying farewell to their L.A. hideaway 
Page 28: Julianne Hough and Brooks Laich’s divorce is off 
Page 29: Ryan Gosling will turn 40 in November and there’s just one thing he wants for his birthday -- baby No. 3 with longtime girlfriend Eva Mendes because he loves being a dad and is eager to grow their family and Eva is totally on board and the couple who already have two daughters would be thrilled to have a baby boy, after quarantining in Big Sky in Montana for months Justin Timberlake is itching to get back to work in L.A. but his wife Jessica Biel doesn’t want to let him out of her sight -- while Jessica likes the slower pace of Montana Justin is bored as hell but Jessica wants Justin around to help with their son Silas and their new baby boy but everyone knows she’s afraid Justin will go back to his old habits
Page 30: Rebel Wilson’s romance with hunky new businessman beau Jacob Busch is heating up and the two have been inseparable since she returned to L.A. last summer after shooting a TV series while Down Under -- they hang out at her house cooking healthy meal and exercising and go for hikes in the canyons and Jacob is wonderful and generous and sweet and he loves her sense of humor, Kim Kardashian is close to ending her marriage to Kanye West but she’s holding off on filing court papers until she finishes mapping out the details of her post-divorce life, Oh Baby -- these couples secretly welcomed little ones -- Amanda Seyfried and Thomas Sadoski welcomed their second child which was a boy, Billie Lourd and Austen Rydell welcomed a boy named Kingston Fisher Lourd Rydell, Rooney Mara and Joaquin Phoenix welcomed a son named after Joaquin’s late brother River 
Page 32: Cover Story -- Princess Eugenie’s royal baby drama -- the mom-to-be is worried her disgraced father Prince Andrew will steal the spotlight for all the wrong reasons -- Queen Elizabeth is set on making sure that Eugenie and her great-grandchild are spared any future embarrassment caused by Andrew because she’s had enough of his reckless behavior -- Prince Andrew is crushed by Eugenie’s decision to keep him out of the delivery room and is hoping she’ll reconsider 
Page 36: Sandra Bullock -- wedding and baby and a tell-all -- she is planning for a family-focused future and ready to clear up rumors from her past 
Page 38: Parenting the Pandemic -- Ex Factor -- these former couples may have their differences but they make it work for the sake of the kids -- Gwen Stefani and Gavin Rossdale, Khloe Kardashian and Tristan Thompson 
Page 39: Tarek El Moussa and Christina Anstead, Anderson Cooper and Benjamin Maisani, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck 
Page 40: Interview -- Demi Moore -- the star talks about her bravest roles including her latest in the pandemic thriller Songbird 
Page 42: Primetime Babes -- how this fall’s hottest stars stay in tip-top shape -- Gabrielle Union, Hilary Swank, Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 43: Lily Collins, Nicole Kidman 
Page 46: Style Week -- Becky G’s new collection of sunglasses with Dime Optics 
Page 48: What’s Hot Right Now -- be a trailblazer this season in a statement-making jacket -- Iskra Lawrence 
Page 49: Mad for Mascara -- Rosie Huntington-Whiteley 
Page 50: Think Pink -- shop these pretty items that support breast cancer awareness month 
Page 54: Entertainment 
Page 55: Q&A with Candace Cameron Bure 
Page 58: Buzz -- VanderBump Rules -- Brittany Cartwright and Jax Taylor the latest Vanderpump Rules couple to announce they are expecting celebrated the news at a gender reveal party and among these guests were current costar Lala Kent and their former castmate Stassi Schroeder both of whom are also pregnant 
Page 60: Sound Bites -- Jane Fonda recalling the time she told Kim Kardashian West she had a beautiful butt, Millie Bobby Brown on doing arts and crafts during quarantine, Drew Barrymore revealing her experience on the dating app Raya 
Page 61: Catherine Giudici joking about how her life revolves around poop with three kids, Sharon Stone on how she was madly in love with Robert De Niro before the two starred in 1995′s Casino, Chace Crawford joking about the time he turned down an offer to become a Chippendales dancer 
Page 62: Horoscope -- Libra Cardi B turned 28 on October 11
Page 64: By the Numbers -- Julia Garner 
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curious-minx · 4 years
Left Behind In The Halloween Parade: Late Review of Bob’s Burgers And The Simpsons.
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The First Sunday of November, and the Last Sunday of the Trump and Biden election, found Hulu finally uploading the Bob’s Burgers and Simpsons Halloween episodes. So in the spirit of taking your sweet ass time that is exactly what I did with this review. The Bob’s Burgers Halloween episode is probably the weakest of the series, a series that is practically a Hallmark card company in terms of the amount of holiday-inspired content they have churned out. Episode “Heartbreak Hotel-oween” isn’t a particularly offensive in any way it just fails to live up to Halloween episodes such as my personal favorites Season 8 “The Wolf of Wharf Street,” which remains one of the most visually stunning episodes of the series,  and  Season 4, the series’ second Halloween episode,“Fort Night,” which has incredibly gruesome stakes and the most satisfying entry in the Louise versus Millie feud. 
“Heartbreak Hotel-oween” is still ultimately pretty good and though it took a second viewing to fully appreciate it I do like watching the Belcher children deftly sail through the world of adults. The tantalizing plot thread of a Bob’s Burgers Delivery service is dangled and I would like to see more Delivery based plots. Getting these characters into different areas and expanding upon the ambitious Jersey shore town. Having the kids deliver a burger to an older woman using the burger as a lure for her seance is flattened against a brown and forgettable after thought of a hotel. Everything with the Belcher kids is good and interesting and with the help of Andy Daly voicing the Hotel Manager; Lindsey Stoddart doing Quarantine duty and voicing multiple characters including the old woman Dolores conducting the seance, and Loren Bouchard Home Movies collaborator Melissa Robbins stops by as a bystander character as well. 
The episode starts getting in its own way with the adults blood bank centric B-plot. The entire plot is given in a single exchange with Teddie being excited about donating blood and everyman Bob with his everyman  O-negative blood finds giving blood nauseating and gross. That’s it. That’s the whole plot and besides the blood banker workers being dressed up as vampires there are no other comedic games being played and it is total unmemorable fluff, which has been a common issue for the ongoing series. One thing this episode does right is at least get Bob, Linda and Teddie out of the restaurant and into a new environment. A lot of the verbal exchanges between Bob, Linda and Teddie feel a lot more stilted due to Covid recordings and the lack of non-scripted banter is sorely missed. I have noticed this season having more John H. Benjamin monologue Bob by himself moments, which only work when Bob’s imagination is in full flight. Where was the talking bag of Bob’s blood? Hell I wouldn’t even had objected to hearing a dang song sung by the vampires to help soothe Bob into giving blood or something beyond: Bob doesn’t like giving blood because it makes him woozy, he gives blood and get’s woozy. 
Overall this is a perfectly serviceable episode: three Ghost-baiting cheeseburgers out of five. 
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Fox is certainly using the Loren Bouchard & Molyneux sisters brand like a blood bag with the recent announcement of the new series The Great North. Wendy Molyneux is a frequent writer, (executive) story editor since Bob’s Burgers inception. She is the writer of  “The Wolf of Wharf Street” and the episode of Bob’s Burgers I have watched the most - “There's No Business Like Mr. Business Business,” because I am a cat fanatic, John Oliver fan, and have been the pet companion of a standard poodle exactly like Snoodle named Faust that I love dearly. Basically, I am excited for this show. Molyneux is also a deeply connected collaborator with Megan Mullally writing on all 74 episodes of Mullally’s forgotten by the ages The Megan Mullally Show. A show according to Wikipedia’s citation of Fox News, “viewers were disappointed to find out that Megan is not anything like Karen in real life,” and if there is any white woman out there that is an anti-Karen it is Mullally. Mullally is not the focus of the show but her more visible and commercially accessible husband Nick Offerman is finally being anointed into the annals of TV Dads. With his three sons voiced by Paul Rust, Will Forte and National Treasure Aparna Nancherla and sole daughter voiced by Bob’s Burgers alum Jenny Slate, who recently honorably stepped down from a lucrative tv series Big Mouth deal like the real champ that she is.  Mullally will show up as Jenny Slate’s character’s boss andThe cast is undeniable the backdrop of Alaska has a lot of promise for elaborate or interesting set pieces. I am ready for this show! Will this be Bob’s Burgers Futurama? That’s probably a vicious hex based on how Futurama was infamously jerked around by Fox. FOX has already given the show a promising two-season deal, which is already a lot better than what Netflix did for Tuca and Bertie. Faint nowhere discussions of the Bob’s Burgers movie were also mentioned in an interview with Bouchard who has a cantankerous “theater release only” policy, which bums out a little, but I would much prefer they take as long as possible. The Bob’s Burgers movie cannot end up carrying out the Simpson movie curse.
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I am no Simsons scholar. I could not give you an active ranking of favorite Tree House of Horror episodes. I could tell you that I really like Bart as an Edgar Allen Poe’s Raven. You don’t need to be Simpsons scholar to safely state that “Treehouse of Horror XXXI” should be ashamed to show its “funny face.” For starters the entire appeal of the anthology style of storytelling has been completely deflated by having two of the previous episodes in this season being gimmicky non-standard episodes. The only positive thing I can say about this episode is that it is an important teaching tool for what the most broken and shittiest, laziest satire imaginable would look like and the 2020 Election cold opening is actually pretty solid. All of the good will earned by the strong opening is completely squandered starting with an inexplicably CGI Toys Story sketch. I am assuming the animation department went with CGI because the source material is CGI. The CGI is really bad and makes me really miss the 3D models of Simpsons Hit And Run and perfectly charming The Simpsons Game. Instead this sketch’s particular animation looks like the animators were most inspired not by Pixar’s clean and craftsmen like CGI models but were going for more of a Fanboy & Chum Chum look. A Toy’s Story parody in this day and age is asinine in its laziness, but it’s still an evergreen territory. A good Toy’s Story parody is possible, but simply having Bart play out the role of Toy Story’s Sid except he gets lobotomized by his own toys. I did appreciate the writer’s making the explicit moral of the story to not buy toys, which for a Disney product like the Simpsons is pretty rich. 
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Behold! The last recorded instance of a quality Toys Story satire from China, IL
The next two parodies go down slightly better simply because they aren’t sporting that eye bleeding animation but paying homage to Enter The Spider-verse and Russian Doll/Happy Death Day 2U in 2020 feels just as dated as Toy Story. What kind of fool is still writing about Russian Doll in 2020? The Enter the Homer-verse sketch is at least ambitious and showcases how masturbatory  the show has come whenever it is showcasing Dan Castellaneta’s various vocal talents. I get it dude, you like having dump trucks of money given to you for barely making an effort and doing Hannah Barbara impersonations that sound more like a bad Woody Allen. Regardless, this is still the one sketch that makes the most attempt to have comedic games with its multiple iterations of Homer and even throwing out some alternative universe Burns and Smithers for good measure. The final third Russian Doll sketch that let’s you know that this sketch is more Russian Doll than Happy Death Day by using the same exact Harry Nilsson “Gotta Get Up”  piano riff. This sketch had potential but once again the show writers and creatives seem to only indulge the worst possible instincts and cast Lisa as the lead of the sketch. So that means we get to watch this 8 soon-to-be 9 year old girl and fellow child Nelson get murdered in a variety of banal and brutal ways, and it’s just not fun or pleasant to watch. The obvious choice is an unexpected Springfield resident and if it has to be a Simpson having Marge or one of her sisters be the Nadia surrogate makes far more logical sense and Marge’s birthday would carry more emotional weight. 
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Reminder to myself to check out this lost late series entry where Natasha Lyonne is the voice of Krusty’s daughter. 
I completely understand why The AV Club canceled their coverage of The Simpsons. The whole series has a very masochistic and sadistic pull and tug between creatives and fans. The sweet and simple souls of Den of Geek are still reviewing the Simpsons and offer a far more favorable review: https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/the-simpsons-season-32-episode-4-review-treehouse-of-horror-xxxi/.  Google results also yield one another publication reviewing this current season published on medium that has been taken by for violating medium rules. Will the Simpsons be coming for me next? 
Skip this episode! Judging by the synopsis of the season’s next ep finding the Simpsons, once again, finding themselves somewhere other than Springfield is looking to be another skippable entry. I want to be proven wrong! The latter day Simpsons seasons usually have a memorable or decent episode here or there. So far the only thing remarkable about this season is how much it wants to try to be different and think outside of the Springfield box but in the process give the season an overwhelming sense of hollowness. I shall forge ahead with my coverage, because I am either a masochist or a sadist depending on the weather. 
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alj4890 · 5 years
None But You
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(Thomas Hunt x oc*Amanda) in a regency era romance as requested by @pixieferry
A/N So sorry once again. Holidays and multiple bouts of sickness kept me from finishing this chapter. But here we are, the first night of the house party and one where Thomas and Amanda are ready to share their engagement with their nearest and dearest. Everything should go swimmingly. Maybe. We will take up immediately following the end of chapter 8.
@graceful-popcorn​ ​​ @krsnlove​ ​​ @alleksa16​ ​​ @hopelessromantic1352​ ​​  @pixieferry​ ​​ @emceesynonymroll​ ​​ @buzz-bee-buzz​ ​​ @hopefulmoonobject​ ​​ @cora-nova​ ​​ @rainbowsinthestorm​ ​​ @lxaah11​ ​​ @dr-nancy-house​ ​​ @friedherringclodthing​ ​​ @aworldoffandoms​ ​​ @ab1901​ ​​ @i-bloody-love-drake-walker​ ​​
Summary: Lord Hunt asks for permission to marry Lady Amanda. While many are happy for the couple, there are a few that aren't as thrilled with the announcement.
Chapter 9
"I am not allowing that lecher to ruin our announcement." Thomas whispered. He nodded over to Lady Lucy speaking to Lady Henrietta and Lord Gabriel Rawlings. "Let's go speak to your aunt."
Amanda averted her eyes from Duke Vikotr Montmarte. She kept her hand firmly on Thomas's arm and tried to regain that earlier happiness she had when first approaching the house. 
"...Timothy earned a first in--" Gabe paused speaking when the couple approached. "Kirkwood. Lady Amanda. Is something amiss?"
"No sir." Thomas allowed his frown to ease as he gazed down at the lady beside him. "I come to ask Lady Lucinda for her blessing to marry Lady Amanda."
Henrietta and Lucy both gasped in surprise.
Having known the two women for longer than anyone else in the room, Gabe chuckled. "I believe I can discern from that gulp of air that you have received said blessing. Allow me to be the first to congratulate you." He shook Thomas's hand and affectionately kissed Amanda's cheek. "I wish you both all the happiness I have been fortunate to have with my wife."
Henrietta took her husband's handkerchief out of his coat pocket and dabbed her eyes. "Oh Gabe! Why do you persist in saying romantic gibberish when I am around people? You know it turns me into a sentimental ninny!"
He rolled his eyes to Thomas while wrapping his arm around her. "There, there. I will do my utmost to be a dull, unfeeling husband."
"You do and it will be the last thing you ever do!" She bit out before kissing his cheek. "I don't want you to change."
"Then we are of like mind." He whispered. "For I wouldn't have one hair on your head change." He brushed a corkscrew curl behind her ear. "Perhaps that one."
"Oh! You--" she gently smacked his hand. "Congratulations dear ones. With your permission, I would like to announce it before dinner."
"Aunt Lucy?" Amanda reached out and touched her suspiciously silent aunt. "Do you approve?"
Lucy hugged her tight. "Approve?! My darling, I am in alt over this news! I have hoped you two would realize you were right for one another." She reached over and grasped Thomas's hand. "I will be very proud to call you, nephew."
"I will be proud to be referred to as such." Thomas replied, his earlier joy at having secured Amanda's hand started to return with these reactions to his news.
"I should tell Millie before it is announced." Amanda whispered. "I do not wish her to think I have withheld any secrets from her."
Gabe caught his daughter's eye and motioned for her to come over.
"Yes father?" Millie's curiosity had spilled over in her tone while observing all the happy faces.
"Lord Thomas and I are betrothed." Amanda told her in a low voice.
"Oh!" Millie embraced her while reaching for Thomas's hand to squeeze. "I am very happy for you both!" Her big blue eyes grew even larger. "The wedding! We must use this time together to make all the decisions!"
Lucy laughed sweetly. "Hen you have raised a highly intelligent young woman. I am relieved to know that when you and I become senile, our girls can carry on our work."
Henrietta beamed at her daughter. "She is and has always been a treasure. I could not be more proud."
Millie teared up and asked her father for his handkerchief. He sighed in resignation as he handed it over. "I haven't had possession of my own handkerchief for over twenty-five years."
Lucy snorted and nearly choked on her laughter at the identical expressions of irritation on his ladies' faces.
"Don't strangle me yet." He held his hands up in surrender. "I have the honor to announce this couple's news."
Over dinner, the guests continued to congratulate the couple on their engagement. Lady Hen would go on for years saying how it had set a more excited tone for the young people attending. It was clear to all that this was a love match and thus gave many of the unattached ladies hope that the gentlemen would feel inclined to follow in Lord Hunt's footsteps.
There were a small number of guests that were not as enthused with the shared joy. Ms. Fontaine sat with slightly narrowed eyes as her lips firmed in a thin line. Lady Amanda had not only stolen all the attention with this announcement but she had also snagged one of the ton's most nortorious and most sought after bachelors.
Duke Montmarte didn't bother to hide the glare he settled on the two. He was still smarting from Thomas and Matthew's interference the night of the recital. He could not let such an insult go.
Once the ladies left to allow the men their cigars and after dinner libations, Montmarte apporached Thomas. Conversations trailed off around the dining room as many were eager to hear what the duke would say.
"Congratulations Kirkwood." Viktor's lips curved into a mocking smile. "Having known the lady, I can see why you wished to settle the engagement quickly." His smile turned a bit sinister. "Wouldn't want to allow her a chance to meet a more desirable gentleman."
Thomas gripped his glass of port and nodded. "You are correct." His own smile was strained. "I don't believe in taking anything for granted with Lady Amanda."
"It does make one wonder." Montmarte looked around the room, drawing the other men into the conversation. "Why the hurry in proposing? You have been seen pursuing the lady, even when she was ill. I don't recall anyone hindering your courtship." He paused for dramatic effect. "I don't suppose you and she...surely not."
"Watch your tongue, Montmarte." Ryan warned at the badly veiled insult of Amanda and Thomas precipitating their marriage vows.
"I suggest you cease wondering." Thomas continued in a serious tone. "I am the one who sees no reason to wait. I came to the realization that no other woman would do."
"I see." Montmarte leering grin appeared. "Perhaps I should have insisted on spending more time in her company." He chuckled at the anger growing among Thomas and his friends. "You might all be toasting my happiness at having captured the lady."
"Thank heavens Kirkwood had the good sense to not let that occur." Matthew replied with much laughter from those around him. "Think of the unsavory gentlemen Lady Amanda could have encountered."
Montmarte's eyes narrowed at the insult.
Lord Rawlings cleared his throat to break the tension. "Gentlemen I suggest we do not keep the laides waiting any longer."
"Hmm." Millie sat beside Amanda as they listened to Lucy and Henrietta plan out possible wedding dates. She jumped into the conversation when the matrons paused. "I believe given Lord Hunt's decision to ask Amanda after such a brief courtship, he will most likely appreciate the wedding being as soon as possible."
Lucy nodded slowly. "True." Her gray green eyes rested on her niece. "My dear, do you wish for a long engagement or would you rather marry within the next month or so?"
Amanda's cheeks colored. "If Lord Thomas is of like mind, then I would prefer being married as soon as we can."
Henrietta smiled at her. "I was of the same mindset."
Lucy giggled behind her fan. "If I recall, you even hinted for an elopement to Gretna Green."
"Mamma!" Millie stared at her mother in shock. "Did you really think of running off to Scotland for a rushed ceremony?"
Hen elbowed Lucy for revealing such. "It crossed my mind." She softly groaned at her daughter's eyes lighting up with interest. "I did not wish to wait on the banns being read nor all the fuss my mother was making over the ceremony."
"I believe," Lucy prodded, "that you and Gabe even planned on leaving in the middle of a ball."
"Mamma!" Millie gasped again. "What did Grandmother do when she found out?"
"She didn't find out." Hen muttered. "Your grandfather did."
Millie covered her mouth as her eyes grew wide. "Grandfather discovered the plot? How?"
"He overheard your father speaking to Lord Nicholas about the need for subterfuge." Hen squirmed a bit in her seat as she recalled her father's response. "He decided to wait for us in Gabe's carriage."
Lucy chuckled at the blush staining her friend's cheeks. "Needless to say, the wedding was held six weeks later, as originally planned."
Hen blew out a frustrated breath. "I found out that if I had told Father that I wanted to marry sooner, he would have sent for a special license. Yet since I was willing to do something so scandalous, I was forced to wait the appropriate amount of time."
Millie slumped in the chair she was sitting in. "My own mother, ready to run off with the man she was passionately in love with."
"Yes, well." Henrietta began. "It did not happen and we should focus on Amanda and Kirkwood."
"Maybe they could elope to Gretna Green." Millie teased.
"And deny me a wedding?!" Lucy exclaimed. "As much as I am ready to see the two settled, I would prefer to have some sort of ceremony."
"How about a special license?" Hen teased. "Then you could have a wedding and they could be together that much sooner."
"I'm not opposed to Lord Thomas aquiring one from the archbishop." Lucy replied.
Millie turned her bright eyes toward her friend. "Would you like that?"
Amanda's blush answered it as she struggled with how to say that she would.
They all looked up as the men returned. Thomas scanned the room and smiled softly when he saw Amanda. As he began to approach, Viktor beat him to her.
"Ladies." He bowed before them. "I came to offer the bride to be my personal congratulations." He took Amanda's hand, leering a bit when she tried to remove it. "May you have all the happiness you deserve."
"Thank you, your grace." Amanda responded while attempting not to show her disdain when he kissed her hand.
She looked up when Thomas came around and placed his hands on her shoulders. The gentle squeeze he gave relaxed her as the Duke narrowed his eyes.
"And what date have you settled on?" He asked.
"We have yet to decide." Amanda glanced up at Thomas. "We do have some possibilities in mind, but I should like to hear what Lord Hunt wishes."
"Ah." The Duke cut in Thomas explaining how he would prefer it being as soon as they could. "Best lock her in her room, Lady Bridgerton." His eyes dipped down to Amanda's cleavage. "Wouldn't want the bridegroom to abscond with her to Gretna Green."
Thomas eyed him in silent contemplation. "I don't think my intended should worry about such."
"One never knows what passions may do to the mind." Viktor smirked. "She might even realize after bring in close proximity to a number of gentlemen here that there is another she should run off with."
Amanda gasped in outrage. "I would never!" She dislodged Thomas's hands as she quickly stood up. She completely disregarded the fact that Viktor towered over her. "How dare you insult my faithfulness to Thomas? You clearly have no notion of fidelity when in love."
He slowly smiled at her temper. "Of course. How foolish of me." He bowed his head and walked off.
Thomas gripped Amanda's hand while telling Lucy they were stepping outside.
Once they were in the garden, she jerked her hand from his grasp.
"That--that--" she stuttered as her temper snapped completely. "Despicable monster that dares to call himself a gentleman!"
Thomas folded his arms and watched her without a word as she paced and heaped insults upon Viktor.
"--doesn't deserve the attention of a flea!"
His lips curved as her insults turned toward complimenting him in comparison to the Duke.
"He isn't fit the honor of wiping your boots!" She let out a startled yelp when Thomas pulled her into his embrace.
She automatically slid her arms around his neck, making him smile. His lips brushed hers, pulling her even closer when she kissed him.
After their tender exchange, he continued to keep her in his arms. "We will ignore Montmarte. He only wishes to steal what joy he can from us. With your immediate refusal of his attentions and my apparent dislike of him, he is determined to have some sort of vengeance on us."
"Hateful man." She muttered, resting her cheek on Thomas's chest. "I can't believe his carriage broke down and we are now punished with his repulsive company."
Thomas chuckled softly as he nudged her chin up. He looked down into her eyes as he caressed her cheek. "What date can we marry?"
"That all depends on whether or not we want a special license." Her earlier anger disappeared with the thought of her marriage.
The back of his fingers trailed down her cheek. "I will apply to the archbishop at once if you wish for me to do so."
Her smile slowly appeared. "I would prefer to be married as soon as we can if you wish it also."
His lips landed on hers. "Nothing could make me happier." He whispered.
"Already planning on running off?"
They both turned toward the duke. His cheroot glowed menacingly as he took a long draw. Smoke swirled around him as his dark eyes studied the two. "Careful Kirkwood." His eyes focused on Amanda. "You don't want to scare such an innocent with your passions." He dropped the thin cigar and crushed it under his boot. "She might decide to disappear on you one night."
He left them and returned to the house.
Once Amanda left with Thomas, Millie quickly looked about to make certain Victoria hadn't attatched herself to Ryan, Matthew, or Chris.
"Drat." She mumbled. With a practiced smile, she calmly moved in a determined fashion toward Ryan.
"Oh Lord Summers, you are full of mischief." Victoria teased, lowering her long lashes.
Ryan eyed her skeptically. "Well, it was the only way to beat Winters."
Chris chuckled good naturedly. "I only wish I had thought of it first.
Millie squeezed in between Victoria and Ryan. "Hello." She smiled at the men then glared pointedly at Victoria. "Everyone enjoying themselves?"
"Very much so," Matthew replied.
"What are the plans for this week, m'lady?" Chris asked.
"Oh the usual: A ball, horseback riding, hunting for you gentlemen, games, and of course a picnic or two." Millie responded.
"Well, we certainly won't be bored from lack of activity." Ryan teased.
"I bet you are a marvelous shot, Lord Summers." Victoria cooed.
"He's passable." Millie observed. "Sir Christopher is much more accurate."
Ryan frowned at Millie. "I believe I rate more than merely passable."
She gently patted his chest. "Of course you think that."
His eyes narrowed when he realized she had somehow added insult to injury.
"I for one would love to see you in action." Victoria interrupted their staring at one another. "Perhaps you could teach me how to shoot--"
"You pick up the weapon and aim it at the desired target." Millie rolled her eyes. "Pull the trigger and you are done." She mumbled the rest. "Any normal idiot can shoot."
"But to have such an expert as my teacher." Victoria stepped closer to Ryan, making certain to dig her heel into Millie's skirt, ripping it.
"Oh no!" Victoria raised her hands to her cheeks. "How terribly clumsy of me!"
Millie opened her mouth to tell Victoria to go directly to blazes. Ryan cleared his throat and slowly shook his head.
"It is no matter." Millie bit out. "If you all will excuse me, I am going to retire for the night."
Goodnights were spoken by the gentlemen while Victoria smirked in triumphant. She slipped her hand in the bend of Ryan's arm and looked up at him with adoration.
Millie grumbled as she departed the drawing room. "Blasted, horrible wench."
Thomas paced in his bedroom, pausing every few minutes when he heard a noise in the hallway. His mind replayed over and over all the remarks Montmarte had made.
He didn't know if it was intuition or simple fear, but he knew he had to somehow get into Amanda's bedroom. He suspected that the Duke intended to take her away.
As the clock struck midnight, he sneaked out and quietly crept toward the wing where she slept. He knew if discovered, there would be a scandal, perhaps not as serious as one would think. After all, he had made his intentions known to everyone. Still, he didn't want any unwarranted blemish associated with Amanda.
He gently knocked on her door before trying the handle. His frown formed when it opened. She should have bolted the door, he thought while stepping in. He turned and locked himself in before checking on her
He saw a shadow move out of the corner of his eye as he approached the bed. He just managed to catch Amanda's wrist before she bludgeoned him with a candlestick. He yanked her to him while holding her wrist high.
"It's me!" He hissed.
The wild look of fear in her eyes faded. "What are you doing sneaking into my room?"
His arms dropped as she moved to light a candle. "I wanted to make certain you were...well."
She folded her arms and lifted an eyebrow. "And?"
"And, I believe Montmarte might attempt to steal you away and possibly force your hand in marriage."
Her stance eased. "Oh." She walked over to the fireplace and curled up in one of the chairs. "Do sit down."
He sat across from her. His dark eyes narrowed in thought. "You suspected it too."
"I did. That's why I had the bed pillows lumped under the covers and waited in the shadows." Her chin lifted in defiance. "He was not going to be allowed a moment to touch me."
Thomas ran his hands over his face. "You shouldn't have to worry over such." He stood up and removed his jacket and cravat.
Her eyes widened. "What are you doing?"
"I'm staying here." He replied.
"Have you taken leave of your senses? You can't stay in my room all night!"
"I can and will." He stated in a firm tone. "I will make certain to leave before the servants wake." He stepped over to her and pulled her out of her chair. "I'm not leaving you unprotected."
"I have my candlestick." She mumbled as his lips sought hers.
His hands tangled in her long hair as he kissed her. Her arms wrapped around his waist, hugging him close. He lifted his head and urged her to go to sleep before temptation took over his gallantry.
She smiled softly and kissed him once more.
Thomas broke away and nudged her toward her bed. "A man can only take so much." He warned.
"Where do you intend to sleep?" She asked, once in bed.
"In the chair." He stated while forcing himself not to stare at the empty space beside her.
She pulled her knees up and rested her chin on them while studying his expression. "Thomas, you've seen me in bed before. Why are you--"
"You were gravely ill then, thus keeping my mind occupied." He interrupted. "I ask that you please rest." He sat down in a chair that at first he thought was comfortable. Now it felt like it was constructed with rocks.
Amanda watched him as he readjusted multiple times.
"Wouldn't it be easier to keep me from harm if you were directly between the duke and me?" She scooted over and patted the spot next to her that was near the door.
Thomas softly groaned. "Amanda, it will be a large enough scandal if I'm caught in here. If I am found in your bed--"
"You'll be forced to marry me." She finished with a smile.
He knew she wouldn't sleep until he gave in. Taking a deep breath and reminding himself that he was a gentleman, he gave in and took his boots off. Thomas climbed into bed while trying not to think of the one he would be sleeping next to. He snuffed the candle and then made certain to stay on top of the covers.
Amanda laid on her side facing him. "Thank you for coming to protect me."
He turned his head to look at her. "No need to thank me. I will always do what I can to keep you from harm."
She gently cupped his cheek. He closed his eyes at her touch.
Thomas pressed a lingering kiss to her palm.
"I love you, Thomas." She whispered.
"I love you." He said. "More than you could possibly imagine."
Her smile was tender as she wished him a goodnight. She turned over on her other side and closed her eyes, soon falling into a peaceful slumber.
Thomas closed his eyes and tried unsuccessfully to will himself to sleep. He knew it was going to be a miserable night being beside the one he both wanted to protect and desired.
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sweetestrequiems · 5 years
little special announcement + emotional blurb
hi, it's kit, your local friendly and nervous SIX stan! (that honestly wonders if she belongs here cause... everyone she follows is super popular and she’s kinda intimidated by them. i still love them all though!!) (~i also wish i was brave enough to be their friends cause they’re all such sweethearts.~)
everything you need to know is below the cut. this includes the kinda sad but not really emotional blurb. i say kinda because i get really sad for a moment but i do turn it around.
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i have decided with my heart and soul and everything in between that i will be releasing a multi-chapter Parrlyn fic up here and on my Ao3! i realized i could capitalize on my friend’s idea and instead of leaving it as a little tiny one shot/ficlet, i can turn it into a full written work. it’s also the first time i actually post something of this caliber on both Ao3 and tumblr, so... here’s to hoping people end up liking it?
well, i question that because people seem to enjoy what i’m posting now, since it’s shorter stuff. longest thing i have going on is New Day, Same Queen at six parts, which continues next week with Catherine Parr. i just... i don’t know. part of me is excited because great, people are seeing my stuff and they’re enjoying it! but not so great because... ah, well, self-doubt is a thing. i’m really grateful for the people that do like and reblog it. i’m even more grateful for the people that end up following.
(which hi, by the way! welcome to chaos in the form of a 20 year old girl with a love for Broadway, the West End, and any form of performing arts.)
but i get discouraged rather easily, because of the innate habit of comparing myself to others. i’m a musician, and i’ve done this all my life while on the stage. and i love my orchestra and bandmates. i love all of them, and they are beyond graciously talented and i am in awe at their talents, i can’t help but compare myself. you know where this is going. 
i see all of these people and i just... part of me loses my confidence. they have the most amazing styles of writing and they know what words to use. i sometimes sit here and wonder, is it worth it to continue writing, when so many others do it already?
(and i got to talk to a few of them! oh, they're WONDERFUL! they’re some of the nicest people out there. one of them encouraged me to hop onto Ao3, and i am forever grateful for that )
and to already share a platform with some of these people is... an honor enough, if that makes sense? i don’t know if it’s the pragmatics or the nerves talking, but... sometimes i feel like that my writing doesn’t fit in?
the answer to that first question is yes. it is still worth it, even if the thing i write ends up with like five notes, i’m okay with it. because in the end, i need to be happy with what i put out there. and to... well, just suddenly show up when there’s giants about is a scary feat, but maybe i can rise to their heights one day. 
you’re all probably looking at me (or the screen rather), like this is bonkers that i think like this, but such is the reality of my head.
the answer to the second question is a god honest “i don’t know if this makes sense.” kind of deal. 
but i’ll find my place here. maybe. i hope i will, at least. even if it isn't with the greats, that it’s still somewhat close by. in the end, i just want to be able to bring a little spark of joy into people when i post a new thing.
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now, for the details of the multi chapter work! (sorry, i ramble on a bit when i’m emotional.)
this will be, as most SIX fanfics tend to be, in modern day. most of the portrayals i use are implied to be original West End, and that’s cool. however, slight twist on this one.
for the queens, it’ll be a variation of them. so, this means: -Katherine Howard will be Sam!Howard, not Aimie!Howard. (Sam!Howard and Aimie!Howard might appear in a future work together.)
-Catherine Parr will remain Maiya!Parr. -Catherine of Aragon will be Grace!Aragon, not Jaye’J!Aragon. -Anne Boleyn will remain Millie!Boleyn. (But Andrea!Boleyn and Courtney!Boleyn might or might not appear in a future work with Millie!Boleyn.) -Jane Seymour will be Abby!Seymour, a little change from Natalie!Seymour. -Anna of Cleves will be Nicole!Cleves, so a change from Britt!Cleves and Lexi!Cleves.
to give background as to what the queens do: -Catherine Parr is an author. She’s the comfy and cozy, kind of nerdy type of girl. She stays up late a lot to write, and lives off of coffee. She swears by it.
-Her roommate is Catherine of Aragon. Aragon is a teacher, and teaches Spanish at the local high school. Part of her wonders if it’s healthy for Parr to swear by coffee.
-Jane Seymour is a baker! She owns her own bakery and everything. She finds passion in being able to cheer people up with what she makes.
-And Seymour gets help from her “adopted” daughter in university, Katherine Howard. Kitty’s a vocal performance major. The girl can sing, but she loves spending time with Jane.
-Anna of Cleves is a close confidant to Catherine Parr, and is actually her publicist. The two have a strong friendship past their work, and Cleves is normally the reason Parr gets out of the house.
-Anne Boleyn is the prettiest of them all. Her looks and demeanor give it away that she’s a model of sorts. Look at her Instagram feed once, and you’re drawn in. However, she also gives off the vibes of a femme fatale, and many of the people that see her will say her looks can kill.
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 now, for the summary:
i am not spoiling the summary of this. you can read it when chapter one comes out. i will post it on Ao3 before tumblr, so be sure to check my socials page for the link to that!
aside from that, thank you to the 40 of you that decided to follow me! and thank you so much for reading all of this. it means a lot. the boleyn angst, titled The Tower of London, will be released tomorrow on here. depending on how i feel about it, i will post it on Ao3 as well. uh, yeah, that’s pretty much all i gotta say.
kit out!
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Bassist Reggie Workman, in tandem with choreographer Maya Milenovic Workman, has been awarded a 2020 Guggenheim Fellowship for music composition, the organization announced Wednesday.
The pair joins “a diverse group of 175 writers, scholars, artists, and scientists,” according to the Guggenheim website. Other performers receiving a fellowship this year are experimental composer Ellen Fullman, and musician and filmmaker Robert Millis.
The fellowship is intended to support already-proven talents in their development of new projects and research.
“Not only is he such a creative musician, but he’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever known in my entire life,” bassist Christian McBride said, while discussing his first meeting as a 17-year-old student with Workman.
Workman, who teaches at The New School in New York City, might be best known for his work with John Coltrane, but the bassist’s discography also includes albums by Art Blakey, Bobby Hutcherson and Cedar Walton.
The Guggenheim honor follows another recent accolade as Workman was named a 2020 National Endowment for the Arts Jazz Master. The April NEA ceremony, which had been slated for the SFJAZZ Center in San Francisco, has been postponed due to the coronavirus pandemic.
For additional information about the Guggenheim Fellowship, visit the foundation’s website. DB
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alitheamateur · 5 years
A Taste of Home-Chapter 5
Warnings: Language. 
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(I do not own any of the images used in this piece)
You stood back from him, dancing anxiously and shamefully on your feet, mulling over the pitiful train wreck he must think you are. He was chatting on his phone, you were too preoccupied to care about to whom, or what the call consisted of.
“Ok, so. I’ve got a car on the way since I was totally counting on you to be my ride back to ma’s house. But, in the meantime, gimme your phone.” He opened his hand, and gave you eager brows of demand.
You obeyed his obviously impatient ask, and handed over the nearly dead device, watching him swipe a thumb over the screen. He held yours in one massive hand, and his in the other, nodding back and forth between the two.
“Thank you very much.” He matter-of-factly thanked you, still never looking up but handing back your cellular.
His screen was hidden, and he was tapping rigorously at it, and suddenly you heard the robotic beeps of an outgoing Facetime call. Chris turned his hat backwards, maybe to take away its casting shadow over his face, and his eyes turned dark when the beeps stopped.
“What in the fu-“ You knew that voice on the other end. This would be so pleasantly bad….
“No, no. I talk, you get to shut that ugly fucking mouth.” Chris sarcastically closed his eyes and held up a wagging finger to the person on the receiving end of his call. “Now, I don’t know your name, nor do I give a shit. So, we’ll just call you the very appropriately given name in Millie’s contacts as shithead. Okay, shithead?”
You were horrified, and mortified, and hot, and confused like no drug could ever make you.
The man you once called your spouse made no peeps, undoubtably nearly drunk with confusion and questioning his current grip on reality.
“See, that bullshit, ya’ know, with Amelia’s car, that just doesn’t work for me. So, I thought I’d ask, no demand, as politely as my saint of a mother taught me how, that you reverse whatever little stunt you orchestrated. She was MY ride home this afternoon, and I don’t take too kindly to being left stranded in the middle of Boston. NOR, do I take kindly to any piece of worthless shit like yourself treating someone I care about as such.”
“Woah, woah. Let’s just wait a minute here. What in the hell do you have to do with Amelia?”
Chris’ teeth crunched together like gravel under an 18-wheeler, and like a mood ring, you could see his face illuminate the same red of his boiling internal anger.
“Chris, it’s fine, okay? Let’s just let it go.” You sought out his arm to fiddle with the phone, hoping you could disconnect the interaction with the ‘end’ button.
“Wait, is she… is she there? Amelia?”
“Yes, she’s here, you imbecile. We were having a perfectly nice afternoon, and your smug little fuckin’ face had to crash it all the way from Texas. Millie never mentioned she and I were old friends, huh? Well, how’s that for a surprise, you smug shit.”
“Now, I see what this is all about. Mill had to run to her rich friend and beg for a little money, did she? If only her precious little blog hadn’t tanked, maybe she’d be standing on her own two feet. Do yourself a favor, Mr. Evans. Leave her right where you found her, and keep moving. A man like you doesn’t need a girl like Millie, we both know that.” Your ex drawing at straws attempted very foolishly to buddy up with Chris, playing the ‘we’re men, and we think alike all the time’ card. You certainly agreed with him though. Chris didn’t belong anywhere near you, and for the life of you, none of his kindness made any sense.
Your chin dropped like a beaten, timid dog whose owner mistreated him when no one was looking. Chris cleared his throat, and raised your eyes to his. He spoke at Ben, looking directly into your tear-rimmed eyes.
“This woman is so beyond your fuckin’ league, you rotting piece of trash. She’s talented, witty, fun as hell, and lightyears too beautiful for any to disregard.” He turned a cheek towards the phone, and you heard Ben audibly gulp. “And if…. This is your last warning, you fucker. If you don’t turn that tow truck around and have her car back here in one piece within the hour, you’ll answer to me. I’m not usually one of those assholes to play the celebrity bit. But ohhhhhhh, Benny Boy. We both know that I can absolutely ruin you within minutes.” He hung up as a punctuation to the very real threat, Ben’s hands tangled in his hair.
Hearing the loyal, threatening, protective way he had so thoughtlessly jumped to your defense without hesitation erupted your pupils with need to thank him. But not in the way that a friend would thank another friend. Or, the way that would be appropriate for the middle of the street in broad daylight. Never. Not even your once husband who had made a fucking career out of coming to an individual’s defense, had ever swept in to preserve your honor as such. You couldn’t capture his tongue, or jump his bones out of appreciation, but you needed to touch him. You needed to convey with action what words just couldn’t justify. So, you settled for a smothering, waist clenching bear hug. Connecting your cheek to his stone chest, you squeezed him. Squeezed him and smelled him, but hopefully he didn’t catch on to the sniff you gave his t-shirt.
“Thank you. You meathead asshole, you.”
His chuckle rumbled into your ear as he reciprocated your embrace, rubbing calm hands up and down your back. “Take note, Mills. I expect you speak up for yourself like that the next time that worthless shitbag pulls something like this. I know you’ve got quite the mouth on you, Calvert. Tell that fucker where to shove it. You hear me?”
Your chin perched just below his perfect peck as you looked upward to him smiling down at you. He ‘booped’ your nose curtly, then playfully knuckled a noogie atop your already matted hair.
“Ay, Ay, Captain…” Your cheeks puffed with the withholding of a hearty laugh.
“You’ve had that one on cue, haven’t you…”  Chris rolled his eyes with knowing sarcasm.
A dark sedan with impossibly black windows suddenly wheeled next to a parking meter just down the way from the pair of you, and his phone buzzed in unison.
“That’s our car, you asshole.” He lovingly shoved you away. “Get in before I make you walk home in those shoes.”
“How very un-captain of you, Evans. I’ll be speaking with your agents about such lack of chivalry.” You playfully punched his arm, and smiled when his feet bumbled beneath him.
“There’s that smile, Calvert. I’m telling you….”
Your business meeting with Chris’ connection had came and went without a hitch, and now, only 3 days later, you were stepping off your flight towards baggage claim at LAX.
The shoot would be held somewhere in the Malibu hills, and you’d been informed your styling would be for both male, and female models. It was a collection announcing a breakthrough designer from London, so once you learned his identity, you delved into the world wide web for exploration.
A car was waiting just as expected to pack yourself and your suitcase to a suite at some swanky beach spot near the water where you’d be sleeping the next 3 days. There would be the shoot this afternoon, the edits tomorrow, and the editor of the magazine had simply gifted your third day as a gesture to her friendship with Chris. You were certainly not in Kansas, or Boston anymore, and this was truly your first taste of real success in the world of fashion. All thanks to the mysterious kindness of your generous friend.
When you unloaded your wheeled suitcase from the trunk of the car service at the gates of your hotel, you could’ve drooled with envy. It was bright, and airy, and tastefully large, and you were now more so eager to investigate the extravagance of your suite.
Checking in, a bellboy carefully took the bags from your hand, ushering you into the elevator destined for the 25th floor where another member of staff waited beside your room door with a fizzling mimosa. Tipping the both of them, you latched the door behind you and turned into the window-front view of your home-away-from-home. It was perfectly decorated with whites, and sandy creams, and flowing drapes. The king mattress crisp with plush sheets, and a balcony fit for royalty called your name.
Upon your quizzical assessing around the room, you became pleasingly distracted but a healthy bouquet of creamy alabaster orchids on your counter next to a folded piece of cardstock.
Hope your flight wasn’t unbearable.
Enjoy yourself. You’ll be amazing, I know it.
There may be another surprise later in your day….
Oh, and check your phone when you arrive.
Following his vague direction, you pulled your phone from the pocket of your purse, clicking the button to reveal a text from the very man in question. It was a playlist titled ‘Malibu Barbie’ with a message attached:
C: Wear sunscreen when you go to the beach. Blast this playlist marvelously put together by mwah, and always, always drink before 10 a.m. Only in Malibu, baby.
Scrolling over the array of music, you smiled at the presence of songs such as ‘Hot Child in the City, Malibu by Miley, of course, Soak up the Sun, and a welcomed repetition of Ellie Goulding, your favorite. But, how would he know? You banked it as another of the slightly creepy, but always flattering ways of one Chris Evans.
After finishing the perfectly portioned morning cocktail, topping a wicker hat obviously appropriate for the beachy climate, you checked your watch and called for the return of your car. You’d gotten to appreciate the balcony view for a brief moment of downtime, but planned to wind down with a good read later tonight and hopefully catch the sunset.
The studio where you were scheduled to shoot was quaint, and very minimally adorned with props so the focus would only be on the undoubtably beautiful designs you were to highlight. The same woman, Tess, who you had met with days ago welcomed you as you climbed the stairs to the dressing area.
“There’s our girl. How was your flight, Amelia? You look rather rested.” She kissed each of your cheeks.
“I think it’s only the glow of adrenaline you see, but thank you anyway!” You surveyed the room of cameras, and makeup chairs, and light bars. “Again, thank you so much for the opportunity!”
“No need, love. Your work speaks for itself. Now, let’s get up to the dressing room and meet your models, shall we?”
Tess tucked her arm into yours, making you feel strangely… in place, in this world of fashion and editorials, as you had longed to.
She pulled you into a brightly lit room, unpainted brick walls lined with racks, upon racks of lavish fabrics. There were shoes in every color, belts of any length, and hats for every occasion.
“Now, you’ll be working with a male, and female model today, as the designer is trying his hand at menswear this season. So, wait here, mosey around a bit, and I’ll bring them in.”
You walked the hangers, brushing a hand over the variety of velvets, and suedes, and leathers, and tulle. You let yourself have a bit of a giddy fit knowing Tess had briefly left you to yourself, impulsively squealing and bouncing reservedly from one foot to the next.
“I won’t tell anyone about that little dance for a price…”
Surely. No, surely not.
Propped in the door, all casual and handsome like nobody’s business with his hands smashed into the pocket of his acceptably tight jeans, one sneaker crossed over the other. His eyes seemed a bit puffy with the early hour, and his dirty yellow shaded hair climbing in all directions.
“You followin’ me, Evans?” You narrowed your eyes in skepticism, dropping your purse on the floor by a chair before slowly drawing nearer to him.
“If I say yes, would you be flattered of afraid?”
He pulled your hand to swipe you into a hug, uncharacteristically kissing your hand.
“A friendly helping of both, of course.” You meekly let yourself blush. “Seriously though. What’s going on?”
“Well,” he found his way to sit on the sofa beneath the window. “I thought you might be all nervous, and clumsy, and well… predictably Millie about today, so I figured I could be your model. It will be good for Tess and the magazine, plus, I thought having a friendly face around would make you feel a little more at ease. I had a couple days so I thought, “why the hell not, Chris’”.
It made sense in its own way, but you still couldn’t fathom what made him fly all the way out here with his schedule the way it is. He only had a week or so left in Boston before he leaves for filming, why did he mess with the hassle of a two-day trip across the country?
“And I mean, come on? You know I’m a damn good muse, Mil.” Chris winked.
“I’m just concerned how any of these clothes are gonna cover you, beefcake. You’ll rip through every shirt I put on you.” You retorted, winding up and down, back and forth around the racks.
“I could always just do the whole thing in the nude. Wear a pair of the guys shoes, or something.” He cocked his head nonchalantly in that smug, but mind-blowingly sexy way.
The shoot went almost entirely without a hiccup, and the only little snag you did hit was your female model getting a little too handsy with Chris all afternoon. You weren’t at all going for anything risqué, or romantic in any manner of the word, and although every piece of fabric you put on her looked annoyingly flawless, it took way too long to get her to settle her hormones.
The designers every creation was constructed like the perfect masterpiece, making your job for the day a cinch, and you hoped when he flew in tomorrow to approve the final photos that you’d done him justice with your styling.
“I think that might be a wrap, guys and girls.” Tess clapped, tucking her water bottle in the crook of her armpit to free her hands.
The room followed suit, and clapped and hooted, murmurs of ‘thank you’s’ and other flattering filled your ears.
“Tess, wait. Hold up a second, everybody. I have one little suggestion, if I may.” Chris weaved through the crowd towards his editor friend.
“Let’s hear it then.”
He looked to you, shit eating grin already capturing his face.
“Amelia, our amazing stylist, is too peculiarly beautiful to not get in front of that camera for at least one shot. Am I right?”
Every member of the crew immediately followed Chris’s eyes as his smile fell in your direction.
“Oh no, no, no. I’m definitely a behind the camera girl, Chris. Kourtney did an amazing job, we got more than enough shots for today.” You protested, trying to inconspicuously locate the nearest exit.
“I think he may be right about this one, Amelia. As much it pains me to give this fool any credit at all.” Tess marched towards you. “Let’s head into the dressing you. I think I may have a suggestion as to what you should try on…”
You staggered an uneasy line re-entering the bustling set of photographers, styled at the very capable hand of the publication’s editor-in-chief. You couldn’t break apart the spellbinding crush your eyes suddenly had on your bare feet as the chatters about the room decreased to murmurs.
“You are a vison, gorgeous! Mr. Evans knew what he was talking about, clearly!”
The photographer boasted as Tess escorted you in front of the bleached plainness of white backdrop. His praises were able to miraculously capture your attention, and your pupils to his, finding an observing Chris standing at his side.
His blue-flamed stares were categorically forceful, and accidentally intrusive. His face read blank on one hand, but you could almost see the penetrating waves oozing from him if you tilted your head just right, and squinted hard enough. He was deep in thought with either captivated admiration, or robust disgust at you in your state of very foreign glamour compared to how he’d seen you as of recent. Your throat contracted in a gag analyzing his batting eyes, and arching brows.  
You kept your theatrics and posing to an appropriate minimal, careful not to take away from the calm beauty of your ensemble, and you were able to somehow, with bold effort, let yourself do your job acceptably despite your most handsome audience member.
Chris covered the laughing lines of his mouth as Paul turned the camera toward him, seeking a second opinion on one of your shots.
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“It’s stunning, Mil. I swear to you. You look absolutely phenomenal.”
Paul motioned you over, in clear agreement with Chris, to reveal the already selected shot for the spread. The captured view of your marvelously bold, sharp-turned jaw elicited a baffling gasp from you.
“I think that’s really a wrap, folks. A beautiful one, might I add.” Tess announced.
Chris swooped in to crush you into embracing arms, gifting a prolonged kiss to the crown of your unusually tamed head. He seemed almost more contented than you were with todays turn of events, and never had anyone ever made you feel so, so accomplished.
“As fucking gorgeous as you look right now, how about you go get changed, yeah? I’m taking you to dinner tonight. Seems we’ve got some celebrating to do, superstar.” His muffled, wet whispers demanded the attention of every hair on your body as goosebumps began spreading like wildfire. A kiss behind the curve of your ear to the typically untouched spot made you want to sing out like the tabernacle choir.
TAGS: @eap1935 @miidailyinspiration @mollybegger-blog
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