#in my head they kill dracula but not before mina dies
sideblogdotjpeg · 1 year
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ummmm holiest love you say...????
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The thing about BBC Dracula (2020) as a Jonathan Harker girlie, is that even though much of his time at the castle is adapted excellently (and I mean it. The scene at the top of the tower is tied with the Jonathan/Dracula ballet duet for favorite adaptational scene) how it ends does really subtract from the good parts. Like if you just. If you just ended it before he attacked the monastery, if it was a whole okay, Drac's headed to England, Jonathan's a Revenant of some of kind, and Mina and Jonathan are hightailing it back to Britain to try to stop him whilst coping with Jonathan's... idk undeadness- that would be fucking awesome! If they just ended it there I would be like hell yeah what a way to start your adaptation of Dracula. Can't wait for the next episode! I've already talked about what bullshit it is that Jonathan sentences everyone in the monastery (including Mina as far as he knows) to a horrible death in order for Dracula to kill him like that in and of itself already leaves a bad taste in my mouth but it also provides a real lack of storytelling closure. I don't say for everyone, but at least for the Jonathan Harker girlies.
Like Jonathan suffers in this episode. More than any other Jonathan Harker. That's part of the reason why there are so many excellent Jonathan in the castle moments. Like when you watch that episode you're 100% like. Oh yeah. I can totally see why he would be raving and insane for 2 months in a mental hospital in Hungary. Like that level of trauma would cause The Madness (tm) for sure for SURE. But he does all of this stomach clenching nail grinding hard to watch suffering, just deteriorates into a walking corpse... and then it ends with him betraying everyone and dying and never appearing again. Like. That's so unsatisfying. I'm not a hardcore Jonathan has to live and get his happy ending, but there has to be some kind of... Something other than yep, we watch our main character for this episode movie go through the ringer and then he just dies. Like it may be silly to admit, but I was so happy when I found out that that actor got to be Benedick in a production of Much Ado About Nothing because it felt to me like Jonathan got a chance to leave the castle and he wasn't trapped there anymore. Am I surprised that Mark Gatiss and Stephen Moffat created some excellent pieces of film and then proceeded to ruin it? No. I Just wish they would stop doing it with characters that I'm legally obligated to care about.
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vickyvicarious · 2 years
why are you people hyping up jonathan harker he was fucking useless LMAOOOOOOO
just on the background while the doctors always did actual work and had insight and schemes and godalming and morris used their $$$
meanwhile he just fell on his knees crying I DEFY YOU STARS OH MY DOOMED LOVE
Oh, anon. I know I probably should just ignore you. However, I first of all find this ask very funny, and secondly you are giving me a golden opportunity to brag about my boy, here. I'm definitely gonna take it.
Behold - an incomplete list of things Jonathan Harker has done:
survived for months alone in Dracula's castle, maintaining a delicate balance of not rocking the boat too far and getting killed, but never giving up fully/seizing every chance to try and learn more or find a way out (letters, wall-climbing, etc.)
the only person to harm Dracula (shovel scar) and live (the only others were Renfield and Quincey, both of whom died the same day). the only person to hit him more than once (shovel, cut his coat open, sliced off his head). one of the two people who killed him (sliced off his head if you missed that one)
escaped by climbing down a castle wall and fleeing on foot through mountains full of wolves, without any warm clothes
was the person to recognize Dracula in London, and to direct the group to Carfax
did literally all of the footwork required to track down Dracula's boxes. began this task on his own without being given direction, and was well underway on it before even linking up with the others. (insight!)
bribery! lots of bribery! using his own inherited money at least part of the time ($$$!)
also, lied to/tricked various sources that he was either still Dracula's attorney, or utilized Arthur's status, to get information (schemes!)
suggested to a surprised Seward that Renfield may be reacting to Dracula and is "a sort of index to the coming and going of the Count." (insight!)
was van helsing's biggest primary source confirming what his research said about vampires, as seen in big speech day when he told everyone 'vampires do this (as seen in Jonathan's diary)' like five separate times
was the first to move to attack Dracula on October 3 (at his house not the asylum), galvanizing everyone else into action
um, kinda a big thing that he never considered his love doomed? like. yeah. willing to go to hell/become a vampire himself to stay with Mina. willing to doom everyone else for his love if necessary but never to give up on that. fell on his knees (I'll grant you) immediately... to comfort Mina when she felt unclean. set aside his immediate impulse towards revenge in order to comfort her first.
but also. very much willing to act to prevent such an outcome? urged everyone else to get on the move so he could go kill Dracula for everything he'd done?
nonetheless, didn't put his personal catharsis/revenge above the goal. was willing to take a backseat for the sake of success in the initial plan and just play guard rather than insisting on being the one to stake/behead him.
...honorable mention again for beheading him anyway in the end. Jonathan literally killed Dracula, bud. (fucking useful!)
I love all the main characters, and am not interested in devaluing anyone's contributions. The doctors are very smart (among other things) and important. Arthur and Quincey are very rich (among other things) and important. Mina, who you failed to mention, is extremely clever (among other things) and important as well. Jonathan, surprise surprise... is also all of those things!
And I love him. He's been my favorite character since my first time reading this book long ago. I (don't actually) regret to inform you that Dracula Daily has only increased that love, as well as vindicated it by seeing many other people agree that he's a great character really screwed over by adaptations, and thus even if I were generally inclined to feel upset about these kinds of messages, this'd still miss the mark. Rather, I thank you for the opportunity to reflect on some of the many ways Jonathan was an integral part of this vampire-hunting team.
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Time for me to show my general ignorance on vampire lore. When was it popularly established that killing the head vampire would turn back those they'd turned?
Yes, I know it's technically established in Dracula. But there's at least two sort of takes on the idea of killing the head vampire leading to the return of the humanity of the ones they turned: the one where that happens if the head vampire is killed before the turning is completely, and the one where the killing is after the turning is complete. And I'm not totally sure where the latter comes from, because I don't think that happens in Dracula?
Because I know later in Dracula, Drac begins the turning process on Mina, but how he does that on her is different than how he turns Lucy, and it's never completed. Now, that could be because turning/killing Lucy was a long and drawn out process with several steps backwards whenever Abe and the Squad stepped in with garlic and transfusions, and with Mina it's the result of one attack (if memory serves. It's been a year after all and the Lucy stuff is slightly more fresh).
Stopping Mina from fully turning is one of the driving points of the climax of the story, but she never goes through what Lucy does, and never actually...well. Dies. She never fully turned.
So I guess that's technically different from the idea of killing the head vampire leading to the vampires they have completely turned being released from the curse of vampirism. So where did that idea come from?
And, if at any point, they'd killed Dracula somehow before Lucy's turning, the process would have reversed, right? What about after she fully turned? If they found a way to keep her sealed in her tomb so she couldn't get out and hurt anyone (circle of wafers, garlic, crucifixes, etc), and THEN they killed Dracula, would she have turned back? If yes, would she have turned back alive or just...you know. Died as herself. Hell, what sort of impact would this have had on the Brides if Dracula was killed before them? Would they have regained their humanity? Died? Turned to dust via the power of instantly aging?
I'm sure these questions have an obvious answer. But it's late and I'm not thinking super clearly and I've gone down a rabbit hole of questions.
Including whether or not somebody's written the version where killing Drac early saves Lucy and/or also reverts the brides back.
I'm sure somebody's figured this out already. Like I said, I don't have indepth knowledge of vampire lore.
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murky-galaxy · 2 years
I know we're all frustrated with Seward right now for having had some sleep and thinking Van Helsing has gone mad, and yeah, he would be on the bottom of my list of main cast members I'd go vampire hunt with, so here's the main cast ranked by how good of an idea it would have been to take them vampire hunting, if I had no prior engagements with them:
Number 5: Arthur Holmwood, look I think he'd be really helpful and perhaps top of the list on any other occasion, but you can't just spring on someone who's fiancée died like a week before the wedding that you think their fiancée became a vampire and you need them to fill her mouth with garlic, cut off her head and stake her body. If I were in that situation and someone told me to do that I'd probably stake them on the spot, and I would have been in the right.
Number 4: Jack Seward, not only is this man too fucking rational to accept that vampires might be real, even if one is actively sucking on his neck probably, he also has an asylum he would be all to eager to throw you in, as the last 2 entries have proven. Would have been dead last if the vampire had been anyone but Lucy.
Number 3: Mina Harker, who is already a miles better pick than the 2 below her. Knows about vampires through Jonathan's account, and has a pretty practical can-do attitude. The only reason I'm putting her below Jonathan is because it is Lucy we're talking about. I'm personally choosing to headcanon Mina's lack of reaction to Lucy's death as it being far too painful for her to write about, but if you think she actually doesn't really care that much, she becomes number 2 (maybe even number 1) on this list quite easily.
Number 2: Jonathan Harker, already knows vampires are real and what they're capable of, but has also very recently been completely traumatized by one. Bit of a wildcard this one, because you have no idea how he would react to seeing another, but who knows, maybe killing it would provide some closure? Only barely edges out over Mina though, and that's once again, because it's Lucy we're talking about.
Number 1: Quincey Morris, our trusty cowboy. Even though he also proposed to Lucy, and clearly was fond of her, I really think he'd be most useful in this situation. Already had suspicions that Lucy's illness might be of a vampiric nature, and has probably seen/done some gruesome things out in the Wild West™, so yeah, he'd be willing to go along, I think. He would probably also be traumatized by the whole ordeal, but I don't think anyone is going to get out of Dracula untraumatized, you know.
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bloomblitz · 2 years
Dracula Daily September 29
An eventful day, and a looooooong email? Well then under the cut to save space
Arthur and Quincey came into Van Helsing's room Is he staying w/Seward?
then you are nearer the beginning, both of you, than friend John here he just loves roasting this man at every possible opportunity
"And when in the tomb?" "To open the coffin.” "This is too much!" he said, angrily rising again. Oh man just wait till Helsing says what he plans to do
May I cut off the head of dead Miss Lucy?" "Heavens and earth, no!" If we weren’t in Dracula, this would be the most sane response yet.
we recognised the features of Lucy Westenra. Lucy Westenra, but yet how changed. There it is. Undeniable proof
Lucy's eyes in form and colour; but Lucy's eyes unclean and full of hell-fire, instead of the pure, gentle orbs we knew. This is simply terrifying! Imagine seeing someone you know, and you know well, and what you see when you look into their eyes is something entirely different.
"Come to me, Arthur. Leave these others and come to me. My arms are hungry for you. Come, and we can rest together. Come, my husband, come!" Oh gawd I thought when she was turned she would not remember people but no, that’d be merciful
when you had died, have become _nosferatu_, as they call it in Eastern Europe, and would all time make more of those Un-Deads that so have fill us with horror. You can just call it a vampire Helsing.
o that, my friend, it will be a blessed hand for her that shall strike the blow that sets her free. To this I am willing; but is there none amongst us who has a better right? ...a-are you asking Arthur to kill Lucy?
"My true friend, from the bottom of my broken heart I thank you. Tell me what I am to do, and I shall not falter!" Arthur’s such a strong man!
Arthur placed the point over the heart, and as I looked I could see its dint in the white flesh. Then he struck with all his might. No hesitation!
Now, my friends, one step of our work is done, one the most harrowing to ourselves. But there remains a greater task: to find out the author of all this our sorrow and to stamp him out... Shall you not all help me? Is this the beginning of the Drac Attack Pack?
Each in turn, we took his hand, and the promise was made. It is!
Am coming up by train. Jonathan at Whitby. Important news.—MINA HARKER. !!!!!
I must be careful not to frighten her. Here she is! Did Mina just walk in to Seward monologing his entry?
At the door I paused a moment, for I thought I heard him talking with some one. Ha, she did!
I stayed at the door as I heard you talking, and thought there was some one with you." "Oh," he replied with a smile, "I was only entering my diary." "Your diary?" I asked him in surprise. Yes Mina, Jonathan’s not the only guy to keep a diary.
"Why, this beats even shorthand! May I hear it say something?" I love her enthusiasm!
"Certainly," he replied with alacrity, and stood up to put it in train for speaking. Then he paused, and a troubled look overspread his face. "The fact is," he began awkwardly, "I only keep my diary in it; and as it is entirely—almost entirely—about my cases, it may be awkward He’s so eager to show it off but then he’s like, wait...this has Renfield in it and the whole ordeal with Lucy...
the first half-dozen of them are personal to me, and they will not horrify you Its just about a patient of mine that eats animals that eat other animals. Ya know, boring normal stuff
I was so absorbed in that wonderful diary of Jonathan Harker You too Seward? I know you mean wonderful in the vast amount of info it contains, but its just weird to refer to Jonathan’s plight as ‘wonderful’
the struggle which we have before us to rid the earth of this terrible monster Mina’s part of the Drac Attack pack!
Fortunately I am not of a fainting disposition. I have never seen a Dracula adaptation but from what I hear I bet Hollywood overlooked this line
In this matter dates are everything, and I think that if we get all our material ready, and have every item put in chronological order, we shall have done much. The first edition of Dracula Daily!
Jonathan Harker's Journal. YES! He writes again!
To use an Americanism, he had "taken no chances," Americanism? That was a thing?
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linkedsoul · 2 years
Vampire references in VnC
One of the first things that struck me in Vanitas no Carte were the little references to other literary vampires and figures peppered in the manga/anime. Then I started researching about vampires and realized there were WAY MORE than I thought (Mochizuki-sensei, your brain is big) so I thought I’d compile here the ones I found so far in case others hadn’t caught on either. Some are very clear references, other are suppositions from my part. Tell me which one you’d spotted and if you’ve noticed additional ones! (I’ll update this if I find more)
1. Count Orlock
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Probably one of the easiest to spot: Count Orlock is the vampire in F.W Murnau’s movie “Nosferatu” (1922).
2. Mina
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Sweet little Mina bears the same name as Jonathan Harker’s wife in Bram Stoker’s Dracula (1901). In the book, Mina gets attacked by Count Dracula who puts her under his hypnosis and starts turning her into a vampire. In Dracula, Mina is saved when Dracula dies and in VnC.... poor baby unfortunately doesn’t have the same luck. 
3. People exiting a room by the window / Vanitas leaving and entering through the window
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Very reminiscent of Dracula crawling out of the window at night in his castle, or using the window to enter Lucy Westenra’s room and drain her of her blood. Vampires love windows because they’re informal threshold between the outside and the inside: you enter formally through a door and you need to be invited, but you can sneak through a window. 
4. Walking on the walls
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Just like the previous one, here is another reference to Dracula’s supernatural abilities! I’m actually starting to wonder if one of the Shapeless One’s names wasn’t Dracula at some point because he’s the one who taught Noé that kind of skills.
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5. The bats
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Another Dracula reference! Unlike the vampires we met so far, Dracula could turn into a bat (okay it was a giant bet, those are tiny) and hover angrily in front of people’s windows if he can’t enter. Like that “>:(=“
6. Lord Ruthven
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Lord Ruthven is the vampire in John Polidori’s novella “The Vampyre”, and the very first aristocratic vampire of Western literature. Before that, “vampires” were more like village vampires, undead creatures in Eastern European (and more specifically Serbian) villages that rose from their graves and killed other people until they were staked and their head cut off. I’m not sure there was literature on vampires before Polidori’s novella. Lord Ruthven is rich, charming, seductive, bisexual vibes, and very evil. Looks deceptively gentlemanly but actually a rotten motherfucker. 
7. Louis
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Louis is the protagonist of Interview with the Vampire by Anne Rice (1976), and one of the first (or at least most iconic) "introspective vampire” as Yoshitaka (2011) puts it. He suffers from his condition as an immortal vampire and is plagued by loneliness... hmm "plagued by loneliness” does remind me of someone. 
8. Chloé d’Apchier
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A bit of a supposition there and I think there’s more to Chloé than I found so far, but to me Chloé is a reference to Claudia from Interview with the Vampire. Claudia is a little girl turned into a vampire by Louis and Lestat, who grows up mentally to become an adult woman, but remains trapped into the body of a child and suffers from it, wishing to be able to grow up and change. In the same way, Chloé is an old vampire in a young body (I do love that she truly does act and think of herself as an adult) who at first tries to undo her condition as a vampire because she suffers from it.
9. Moreau
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That one is harder to get: I literally just stumbled upon it today. Moreau is a reference to Dr Moreau, the mad scientist from sci-fi novel The Island of Doctor Moreau (1896) b H.G Wells, who from the wiki description, “creates human-like hybrid beings from animals via vivisection.”
10. Count of Saint Germain
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The Count of Saint-Germain was a mysterious historical figure who was a musician, adventurer, scientist, philosopher and whose origins are unclear. He’s shrouded in legends and reputed to be immortal. Author Chelsea Quinn Yabro wrote a series of novel about the Count where he’s a vampire.
11. Lord Ruthven watching Noé sleep
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More seriously, I’ve always found VERY interesting the parallel between Jeanne and Vanitas’ romantic date, and Lord Ruthven and Noé’s “date”. If you remove the fact that Lord Ruthven is acting more like a mentor figure, the fact that he booked the entire café just for him and Noé to talk gives huge “rich man flaunting his wealth to impress his date” vibes with a bunch of red flags from Ruthven’s intentions and drugging Noé’s tea. Obviously nothing romantic going on here but the “date with red flags that the MC can’t see” vibes are RIGHT THERE. Maybe a ref to Lord Ruthven having bi vibes with his younger male friend Aubrey in Polidori’s novella? That would actually make more sense.
12. Chloé and Naenia’s relationship
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This one might also be a bit of a stretch, but Carmilla vibes?? Carmilla is a vampire novella by Sheridan LeFanu (1872) in which a girl called Carmilla ends up living at the castle of young lady Laura and her father. Carmilla turns out to be a vampire after Laura’s blood: she’s the og “lesbian vampire” and has an interest in Laura that goes beyond gal pals. 
Here, Naenia seems to be very close to Chloé, who welcomed her in her own castle, and seems to almost care for Chloé... except that Naenia has Chloé’s true name and remains as creepy as ever. Then the first time we see Naenia clearly kissing someone, 1. she’s not just a dark blob but actually a woman 2. the shot is clear and 100% explicit. It’s also a kiss that ends up corrupting Chloé. It might be a stretch as I said, but the Carmilla vibes are definitely there. 
13. Dante
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Not a vampire ref, but an obvious literary ref to Dante, the author and protagonist of the Divine Comedy, who descends into Hell and follows the lead of Roman poet Virgil from Hell to Paradise, and meeting there his beloved, Beatrice.
14. Béatrice
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Our lovely Riche shares the name of the aforementioned love of Dante in the Divine Comedy. In the wiki, her full name is Béatrice so I’m not making that up. It’s harder to spot because the English version romanized her name as “Riche”, but in the French version she’s “Trix”, which made it easier to make the connection.  
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Midnight Mass: It’s Time to Talk About That Monstrous Twist
This article contains huge spoilers for Midnight Mass. So help me God if you read this without watching the series first…
The version of Midnight Mass that Netflix advertised still would have made for a compelling horror series. 
An isolated, insular island community? Great. A young, charismatic preacher suddenly coming to town to shake things up? Perfect. That preacher proving capable of performing minor miracles? Love it, no notes! 
Of course, as viewers who have watched at least four episodes of the seven-episode series now know, Midnight Mass has one extra supernatural twist in mind that elevates an already interesting story to true mind-blowing status. Critics were understandably asked to keep this aspect of the show a secret before it premiered. So please indulge me as I finally slay these embargo demons and get it off my chest.
Vampires. Vampires! V-A-M-P-I-R-E-S. VAMPIRES! VAMPIRES VAMPIRES VAMPIRES! Literally like Dracula. And Nosferatu. Anne Rice’s Lestat. Stephen King’s ‘Salem’s Lot. Vampires. VAMPIRES, BRO, VAMPIRES.
For creator Mike Flanagan, a filmmaker influenced by all manner of classic horror, bringing the fanged bloodsuckers to life was a long time coming.
“My favorite vampire movie is (Werner) Herzog’s Nosferatu,” Flanagan told Den of Geek and other outlets prior to the premiere of Midnight Mass. “That film is the vampire story as high art. I also adore From Dusk Till Dawn. I read Dracula young enough for it to really burrow in for me. And I read ‘Salem’s Lot early enough to color an enormous amount of work that I’ll do for the rest of my life.”
Midnight Mass’s depiction of the mythological undead beast and how it can neatly fit into Christian dogma is one of the most satisfying horror twists in years. Now that the truth is out, let’s discuss Midnight Mass and how it conflates vampires and biblical angels. 
Mistaking a Vampire for an Angel
The interesting thing about Midnight Mass is that it clearly takes place in a universe where the average person has no knowledge of what a vampire is. Even Sarah Gunning (Annabeth Gish), arguably the most well-read person on Crockett Island, has to do some research into “porphyria cutanea tarda” (a.k.a. the real life “vampire disease”). This is similar to The Walking Dead’s approach to zombies, in which the “z” word and George A. Romero’s name are never spoken. This strategy in Midnight Mass allows for a truly fascinating case of mistaken identity.
While viewers immediately know that the creature Monsignor John Pruitt (Hamish Linklater) encounters is a vampire, he believes it to be an angel. Given how studied Pruitt is in the Bible and Cathloic theology, it’s entirely understandable why he would think a tall, muscular, bald-headed beast with fangs and leathery wings is an angel. As it turns out, the angels of the Old Testament can be truly terrifying. 
Not all angels are soft-featured human-like creatures with fluffy white bird wings. Some, like Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones are designed to intimidate God’s enemies. In the New Testament’s Book of Luke, an angel visits Zechariah and immediately asks him to “be not afraid” because the angel can see the poor guy absolutely shaking in his boots upon his arrival. Angels being terrifying is even something of an Internet meme, with users contrasting the phrase “be not afraid” with images of truly monstrous beasts. 
Not only does Pruitt’s vampire have the vague appearance of an angel, it also apparently holds the secrets to eternal life as promised in the Bible. By merely drinking some of the “angel’s” blood, a good Christian can live forever just like God says. Does that blood-drinking sacrament sound familiar? It did to Mike Flanagan.
“In Bible school I used to say ‘if the wine turns into Jesus’s blood literally and we’re drinking it so that we can live forever … that seems like a short leap to vampiric myth.’”
Of course, drinking the angel’s fluids in the case of Midnight Mass also leads to some unwanted side effects like a thirst for blood and extreme sensitivity to sunlight. Thankfully, good ol’ Bev Keane always has a Bible quote ready to go for that. When read through the proper perspective, the Holy Bible may as well be the original vampire story. 
The Rules of Vampirism
“The thing that I love about the vampire as a cinematic tool is how malleable it is,” Flanagan says. “We all agree that there is no canon. There are no rules. In fact, part of the joy is seeing what rules people cherry pick as they approach a vampire story.”
All depictions of vampires are indeed quite different. Vampires can range from the classic Stoker-ian monster to Twilight’s nigh-invulnerable sparkle bois. Midnight Mass’s version of the vampire leans towards the classic, albeit with some tweaks. In terms of appearance, The Angel (as we will be calling Midnight Mass’s O.G. vampire for simplicity’s sake) has a more bestial look like Nosferatu rather than an aristocratic one like Count Dracula or Anne Rice’s creations. 
“We winked at (Nosferatu the Vampyr actor) Klaus Kinski a few times when we designed our guy,” Flanagan says.
Though the Angel resembles Nosferatu in appearance, its vulnerabilities owe more to Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles. Religious iconography does not appear to hurt the Angel nor its thralls. Traditional human weapons like bullets or blades also do no harm (at least not mortally). These vampires are, however, tremendously susceptible to both fire and sunlight. Exposure to the latter for even a few seconds is enough to kill the Angel and his many acolytes. 
Read more
Why Midnight Mass is Mike Flanagan’s Most Personal Work
By Alec Bojalad
Midnight Mass Cast: Previous Credits From Hill House to Bly Manor, Legion & Sherlock
By Louisa Mellor
Like in Rice’s works as well, the path to creating a new vampire is quite simple. Step 1: Drink its blood. Step 2: Die. In Dracula and ‘Salem’s Lot, the method of vampire creation is merely being bit by one, zombie-style. Rice and Flanagan’s approach is quite a bit more intentional and interesting. It also opens the door for perhaps Midnight Mass’s most ingenious storytelling quirk: communion. John Pruitt is able to get nearly the entirety of Crockett Island to become a vampire by spiking the communion wine with his buddy’s blood. Then, all that remains is for them to poison themselves to death, Jonestown-style. 
The mass “resurrection” scene in which the congregation awakes as their new vampire selves also provides some insight to just how hard it is to contain the vampire’s overwhelming hunger. Riley Flynn was able to resist it when he turned because John Pruitt babysat him like a psychedelic mushroom guide. The plan for the rest of the congregation was to have their babysitters as well but that didn’t quite work out. Still, Riley’s dad Ed makes it clear to his wife Annie, that even if it’s hard to resist the call for blood, it’s not impossible. 
“When I saw them at the church, I thought it was something they really couldn’t help. Like something impossible not to do. But it isn’t, Annie,” he says.
Maybe if more vampires were like Ed Flynn, a whole island full of vampires wouldn’t be too bad of a thing in the first place. 
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How to Defeat a Vampire
While every vampire story presents its own unique take on the creature, the answer on how to defeat a vampire is usually the same: by doing it together.
“We poor humans only have so much that we can give,” Flanagan says. “We’re ill-equipped as individuals to make any kind of meaningful stand. The only way evil in the world can be brought down is through collective effort. That’s something Stoker understands inherently. It’s clearly something King understands.”
Alongside the aforementioned Bram Stoker and Stephen King, Flanagan presents a small team of humans at story’s end who will do what it takes to defeat evil, even if it means dying in the process. Erin Greene (Kate Siegel), Dr. Sarah Gunning, Sheriff Hassan (Rahul Kohli), Annie Flynn (Kristin Lehman), Warren Flynn (Igby Rigney), and Leeza Scarborough (Annarah Cymone) are the six residents of Crockett Island brave enough to try to take down the Angel. All but two (Warren and Leeza) die. They do succeed in eliminating the immediate threat on Crockett Island but it’s possible the Angel made it away to suck blood another day, damaged wings and all.
What’s interesting about Midnight Mass’s “final crew” is that six appears to be the magic number when it comes to taking down a vampire. Stoker’s Dracula has six heroes: Jonathan Harker, Mina Harker nèe Murray, Arthur Holmwood (Lord Godalming), John Seward, Quincey Morris, and Abraham Van Helsing (of which, only poor American cowboy Quincey Morris dies). King’s ‘Salem’s Lot also has six: Ben Mears, Matt Burke, Susan Norton, Mark Petrie, Jimmy Cody, and Father Callahan (of which, decidedly more than one of them die). This strange bit of arithmancy is something we asked Flanagan about.
“The number was certainly not intentional,” he says. “Once it was clear that Riley was not going to be carrying the torch to the end it really was about asking ‘who are the characters who seem in the very beginning to be at a disadvantage and how do we empower them in the end?’ This was gonna be played out by Sarah Gunning, Sheriff Hassan, and everyone else who would get to just give a little piece.”
Considering that Erin and company were outnumbered about 117 to six, it was a pretty good showing for Crockett Island’s last humans standing.
All seven episodes of Midnight Mass are available to stream on Netflix now.
The post Midnight Mass: It’s Time to Talk About That Monstrous Twist appeared first on Den of Geek.
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alucard-d · 4 years
So in light of all the shitty ass Dracula Adaptations and the realization Dracula FANS should write them. SO after talking about a Dracula Adaptation I’ve wanted to make when I was older for a couple months now I decided to make a post about it here.
-SO first off I’d want it to be a series possibly animated so that cool and warm colours can be shown easier to show the mood of different settings as it goes on.
-Also with how the book changes perspectives, the series would do it by following a certain character more that episode instead of the others.
-Also the whole scare factor of Dracula is to have him be so unknown and everything but I would want him to be almost somewhat like a main character, as him and Van probably could have the spot light but that’s a big Maybe idk if I’d add this in cause it can back fire badly.
Now actual CHARACTERS and character relations
-Dracula’s “Brides” two of them would be possibly the ones that turned him which is a whole other story, and the other one would be his sister, as in the book the way they act towards Drac is a very family kinda feel.
-Now I’d also want to make Vancula somewhat cannon in the story, by having Bram and Drac be exes and also still somewhat not over eachother after Bram broke up with Dracula because of Drac killing people, this also ties into why Dracula is in London and why they see eachother again as they planned to go to London together but as soon as Bram broke up with Drac that plan fell apart. Then Drac was bored and decided to go to London anyways a few years later and coincidentally as he’s feeding on Lucy Seward calls Bram over and he ends up turning Lucy to get Bram’s attention.
- lots of beautiful Jonathan and Mina moments cause I’ve noticed a lot of adaptations shove it to the side to try and make Mina And Drac better and, noooo Drac and Mina together that’S ICKY, Mina deserves better, Mina deserves Johnathan cause Johnathan treats her right.
-earlier on Mina will get an important piece of info from Dracula revealing a weakness or something or a piece of his backstory.
-later on Bram and Drac will meet alone at one point and That’s when their past relationship will be revealed and where it becomes very clear that they’re not over eachother.
-Then Bram will have a chance to kill Drac, as he catches him at a weak point or Drac is sleeping, but he hesitates, as it becomes clear to him then and there that he doesn’t have the heart to kill Dracula as he still likes (loves) him.
-But also I haven’t talked about him yet but I’ve wanted too, Reinfeld ( my boy) will have a somewhat big part in this, as he will be just as unhinged and loyal to Dracula and basically he will realize his willingness to do anything for Dracula is love and also show his struggle coming to terms with the fact he loves Dracula, and Dracula doesn’t love him back as he’s to infactuated with somebdoy else, and he pretty much figures out Drac loves Bram and the same goes for Bram.
-also Mina and Lucy will have a very strong friendship, and it’ll be pretty heart breaking when Mina realizes what happened to Lucy and what could’ve happened to Johnathan.
-now the end, I’ve got two different ideas and one of them contradicts a feeling I said before for a character.
So Ending one: It’s figured out Drac brought the Brides with him and Drac’s sister finds Abraham and tells him how Dracula still loves him and to spare Drac. This ends up with Bram sabotaging Dracula’s death and it ends with Bram sitting at a desk writing while Dracula starts materializing in the corner and as soon as Bram turns around to realky reveal who it is the screen cuts to black. And that’s it.
Ending two (this is the angsty one and the one I literally almost cried over writing,and also I would literally head cannon around this one so this one is highly unlikely): Drac’s sister might still tell Bram but in the end Bram will feel guilty letting Dracula live and will still hesitate and his heart will break as he does it but he’ll still kill Dracula. Dracula also before will plead with him and tell him not to do it and explain how they could fake it and live happily ever after, and also tell Bram how much he loves him, Bram then will feel even worse about doing this to him but in end will stake him, and as Dracula dies he’ll reach out to Bram for comfort or something because he wants His loves comfort even if it was his lovers hands that killed him.
-NOW breaking away from the angst when the show talks about how they were together before it’ll kinda show a flash back kinda thing of their first kiss and all the other things and also the break up,
-also Drac will still have a habit of calling Bram Lubit or Sotul Meul, and Bram doesn’t really know what it means but he has a hunch knowing Drac and he’s equally annoyed and flattered, and lil blushy cause blushy Bram is cute.
BUT YEAH that’s it this has kinda developed over the past months but I wanted to share it.
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sp00kworm · 4 years
A Den of Iniquity (Part 1)
Archive of Our Own Link
Pairing: Dracula/Count Dracula/Vlad Tepes x Female Reader 
Warnings: Child Death, Death, Murder, Blood, Gore, Injuries and Violence. 
Part 2    Part 3    Part 4    Part 5 
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Silence spread like a plague through the bowels of the castle. It was abandoned by all and had been for close to one hundred and twenty years. The banners no longer flew on the poles, and sat in rotten, tangled messes at the bases, ropes in ashy clumps of hemp. The stone was caving in some places, the old cement falling from between the stones. The wooden support for the roof had rotted away in many places, and the main entry way was filled with snow in the winter from the mountains. Still, once a year, there was movement within the castle grounds. Once a year a group of figures walked through the early spring, just as the snow began to melt on the mountain passes. With them, they carried an infant through the chill and into the old, abandoned keep. Winching the gate open, the men helped the mother and her child inside, leaving two to guard the entrance as the rest of the troop moved into the grounds, climbing over fallen stone and rotten wood in order to enter the castle.
“The doors have fallen.” One man remarked in Romanian, scratching at his head as he helped the woman inside, “We must fix them in the summer.” He remarked as he clasped her hand and helped her over a fallen beam.
“There will not be a next time for me.” She spoke plainly as she uncovered her babes face, “Not for our son either.” She clutched the blankets, tears dripping from her eyes, “I can’t do this.” She wept as they descended the stairs into the bowels of the crypts.
 The crypt was musty, stinking of fermented mud and old cobwebs. Dust clung to the stone tombs and rotten wooden spears lay broken in the thick sludge. The corpses had long since dropped off the spears, impaled bodies festering in the mud, now part of the soil that squelched beneath their boots.
“It stinks of death.” Her husband coughed, covering his mouth with a handkerchief as they approached the great stone tomb sat in the room, central to those littered around the sides in rotten holes. Light no longer entered the crypt, the stairway draped with fallen cloth and old curtains. They moved by torch light, trying to ignore the smell and crunch of bodies in the mud. The stone tomb was rotting as well, the stone features blurring with the wash of water and time. The man raised his hand, handing his wife the torch before he heaved a crowbar beneath the stone and pushed the tablet away, revealing a corpse beneath, still and silent as the dead.
“This…This is what I am to give my child to?!” She screeched, outraged, tears dripping over her cheeks, wetting the blankets as her husband wrestled to take the child.
“We have no choice!” He insisted, “This is the blood pact. It is how we survive!” He took his own babe in his arms and felt his throat clench tight as he began to scream, “He will kill us if not…” The man whispered as he moved to lay the child in the crypt, on top of the corpses’ chest.
 “Please! Please, he is our child!” The woman sobbed behind her coat and cloak, weeping as her husband dragged her through the mud.
“We have to go!” He insisted, “We’ve already been here too long!”
With a cry she tore free from her husband’s grasp and thundered through the mud, reaching for the baby inside the tomb with a sob. The baby clutched to her chest, she tucked the blankets around his arms and turned away.
“Put him back!” Her husband roared as he tore towards her.
The two of them grew silent with terror as a clawed, rotten hand curled around the stone of the tomb, claws tearing into the wet stone as a great rumble sounded through the crypt.
“I told you!” Her husband screamed as he rushed towards them, his hands reaching for the baby. His wife screamed and held her baby tighter to her chest, “Why did you not listen?!”
The prune flesh was followed by an ancient body, wrinkled flesh slumping as the creature crawled upwards. The woman caught sight of the fangs inside it’s decrepit mouth and howled with fear, burying into her husband’s side.
 A great gasp of rotten air left the beast as it pulled itself up the stone and out of its burial place, the monster purring, spittle dripping from white fangs, dropping into the mud as it drew closer. A howl rumbled in the stone around them as the gold and red clad monster drew closer. Tattered clothing dripped from its shoulders as it drew ever closer, blood staining the old clothing everywhere. It howled again and the couple walked backwards towards the stairwell, their son screaming with the noise as they did.
Spit dripped from it’s chin, “You would betray your bloodline…over one child?” It hissed in old Romanian, fangs flashing as it prowled over to them, appearing bigger than before, the clothing dripping from its form as an upturned nose faced them, ears long and sharp, skin turning leathery as fur covered its shoulders.
“He is our only son.” The husband begged, shielding his wife as the monster came close, smelling the air, wings spread, “Please.”
“I will not let you beg for your traitorous lives.” It spat as total darkness eclipsed them, the rags of curtains blocking the entrance falling away under the rumble of stone. The stones clattered down the stairs and the beast howled, the noise ricocheting off the walls.
 In total darkness it moved. Prowling close, he reached a clawed wing for the husband and tore open his throat with a satisfied hiss, monstrous mouth closing over the wound as he let the hot blood pour into his stomach, quenching the burning in his guts. The wife cried, her baby screaming, as she crawled through the festering corpses towards the stairs. The vampire ignored her as he drank his fill, letting out a beastly sigh of contempt before the burning ravaged him again. The need to drink. He had slept too long. In the dark, he pried her hands from her child and peered at it as she wept against the stone, her fists balled. Red eyes watched the scene before he hushed the baby, fangs silencing it by compressing its airways. The fresh, new-born blood made his body thrum. Untainted and new. He dropped the child much like his father and felt himself grumble, blood stained face drawing close to the mother. He felt his face shift as the new power coursed through his veins. He was more human, hissing against her ear as she curled tight.
“I have nothing.” She wept.
The beast above her dripped blood into her hair, “You always were nothing.” He spat with venom before grappling her under the arm, baring her throat before he sank his fangs deep. Grunting, he let the last of his meal pour into his throat, burning hatred subsiding as he dropped her into the mud to rot with the rest.
 The taste and smells of the new century burned in his mouth and nose, the blood filling his head with ideas of what was in the world now. They lived sedentary lives, holed up at home in the Winter. He ran his tongue over his teeth at the memory of their newborn’s birth. The anguish. The pain. The defeat of knowing they would have to give their baby away. Feelings and sensations rippled through him as the beast snorted in the darkness, licking blood from his chin and wiping the remains from his chest before sticking his claws into his mouth as well. The first breath of life. The baby was sinking into the mud, silent as he moved to pick it up. He wiped the mud from its round face and peered at its pale skin. Its squalling was silent. He was reminded of a dream he had once had, when he’d laid with Elisabeta, of a child squealing in a crib, wrapped in green silk. When he’d touched the baby he’d heard his wife call for him from the bed. It had appeared in her arms, suckling, and he’d been in a state of adoration. Slowly, they had faded, rot growing over Elisabeta’s face before she and the baby burned into nothing and he was left in darkness. With a grumble he laid the child on the staircase and pulled a rotten piece of cloth away, wrapping it tight in a bundle before he moved the filth of the room away enough to bury it, away from prying eyes. The adults he left for the rats and spiders. A couple bounced over stones before sniffing at the male and squirming under his clothing before beginning to chew at him.
 Red eyes watched as he felt memories and faces flit before his eyes. Hallucinations? He did not know. The ghost of a woman smiled behind a strong glass of absinthe, her eyes full of curiosity as she sipped, eyeing him over the dainty crystal.
“Mina.” He rumbled, stumbling forwards, hands gripping the imaginary back of a chair before she smiled and disappeared, a sugar cube on her tongue as she too rotted away into the mud. The monster fell forwards, feeling his gut churn as he retched, spit falling past his lips as he peered into the next memory. The mud disappeared as he crawled into a simple bed.
“Mina.” He rumbled again as he perched over the woman, so similar, he realised, to his wife. She grasped at him as he kissed her hot skin with cold lips, fangs grazing the flesh before they promised each other everything. Her neck crunched underneath his bite and he felt tears drip from his eyes as she cried in pain. Nothing had ever made him so happy yet so sad as to welcome her into his fold. It burned away like the rest of the images as he stumbled backwards, gazing at his own chest where a great bowie knife pierced the flesh. He howled and reached to tear the blade free, watching as blood poured before the wound sealed itself shut. As he snarled into darkness his eyes widened at the memory of being hunted across Europe. Mina. Mina had pushed the blade through his chest. As he died she had dragged him to the crypt, placing his head with his body once more as she replaced the knife in his heart. A phantom kiss trailed over his lips as she closed the tomb.
 “Sleep, my prince. Sleep and grow strong again.”
 Red eyes glanced at the corpses as Mina’s words burned in his ears, ringing in his head as he growled, stalking close to the male’s corpse. He opened the coat and growled as he struggled to feel for things, his arms cracking and shifting so he could push his fingers into the pockets. After a moment looking, the monster pulled out a wallet and held it delicately in his claws, opening the leather to gaze at the business cards and other trinkets he did not understand. He tugged free a blood red business card and looked at the name.
‘Dracula’s Blood. Wine and Rum from the depths of Transylvania.’
The vampire touched his name on the card and rumbled again as wolves howled outside. The curtains fluttered to reveal the sunset outside. With a snarl he threw the wallet into his tomb and moved back towards the stairs, watching for the curtains moving. They did and he rumbled, pleased as night fell outside. Dracula crawled from the pit, his clawed hands rippling with fur as he pushed his head through the silk and cloth, snarling with fangs as red eyes burned through the fabric. He took a deep inhale and crawled forwards, standing to his full height before he howled at the sky and tearing towards the smell of fresh, warm bodies.
 “They have been gone too long. The beast has had them.” The elder male shouldered his rifle at the noise of the wolves in the surrounding pass, “We have to get home.” The group felt the air grow thick, heavy with a presence unknown to them.
“It is already here.” One woman whispered before she was dragged into the darkness screaming and kicking her legs. Blood splattered over the mud and dripped from her corpse by the castle as the rest of the group huddled together, crosses clutched in their hands.
“We are doomed.” The elder hissed as he watched a wolf jump up the wall, snarling and dripping spit onto the stone. More soon followed it, snarling and barking to one another, holding the people together in a circle, hounding their heels when they tried to move. They were trapped.
The woman clutched her silver crucifix tightly as the great beast crawled from the castle wall, blood dripping over its chest.
“You’ve had your fill, monster!” One woman held her cross defensively.
Dracula eyed the cross and howled again. The wolves closed in tighter as the people gasped, their crosses melting against their hands.
 “We have done as you asked for over a century, my lord.” The elder bowed his head as Dracula prowled along the stone, wolfish nose snarling, blood dripping into the mud. He snarled as he rose to his full height again, fur matted with blood.
“Yet, at the last moment, you sought to deceive me.” His low, booming voice echoed off the stone, “She took her child from me.” He announced, claws dragging over the stone, “Treachery and thievery.” Dracula swung his arms wide with a howl. The wolves snarled in return and dragged a woman from the group by her ankles, tearing her away from the rest. The beasts tore a chunk from her ankle, but latched on again with another snap of yellowed teeth, snarling against her screaming as they dragged her to their master. Dracula sniffed and blew cold air onto her neck before he tore it open, red eyes blazing as he watched the group begin to scream and cry. He drank his fill quickly and grumbled, bones shifting in his undead body as he commanded the beasts in Romanian, harshly, sharp in his tone. They snapped at one another but tore a man free by his arm and leg, two more joining the first in order to drag him from the travellers. Dracula watched their fear, striding from left to right and back again as the one with the rifle aimed it at his head. Ignoring the gun he snarled and tore open the next one, slapping his claws through his tummy, ripping organs free before he let one of his pets have the body.
 He laughed, exposing sharp teeth and his chest to the rifle, “Shoot!” Dracula cooed, “Shoot me and watch your bullet’s work.” They were speaking prayers now and Dracula howled again, the wolves snarling and dragging at a woman’s coat, dragging her by her shoulder and arm to his clutches.
The gun’s safety clicked off and he grinned as he pinned the arms of the woman, teeth bared over her neck, one foot pressed to her stomach to hold her still. She bruised in his grasp.
“God forgive me.” The elder whispered before he pulled the trigger.
Dracula grunted at the bullet, feeling it ping off his organs before it was pushed back the way it entered. With a snarl, the monster held his hand out, watching the bullet fall from his chest, the hole sealing behind it.
“Your God has forsaken you.” Dracula howled before he killed the woman and snapped at the wolves. The pack descended on the rest of the group, tearing them open as he leaned to have his fill of the women before she died. He closed his fangs around her throat and drank before leaving his pack to eat.
 The monster dragged himself back into the castle, blood drying on his skin as it began to peel and wshed from his body, the blood restoring power he had not possessed in many years. He turned toe the door and clicked to the wolves, “Leave one…alive.” He was tired as he climbed over the rotten wood and fallen stone into his old home. Dracula snorted as he crept back into the crypt, stepping over the two bodies as he climbed back into his tomb, pulling the stone over his body as he buried himself deep in the dirt. Before he closed his eyes, he reached for the wallet once more and looked at the cards inside. He pulled the ID from the pouch and tapped the last name with a claw. He looked at the company card again and purred as he buried himself deeper in the soil, skin sagging as he morphed and changed through the beginnings of restoring himself.
 He knocked three times on the door of the home in the town. The devil couldn’t knock three times. The town had changed since his hibernation, the town expansive and huge with the tale of his legend painted on tourist shops and slapped on items of all sorts. Dracula lowered his head at passers-by. They avoided him like most other tourists, and he watched them with curious brown eyes, dark hair tied back from his face and a suitable suit on. The black suit was well fitting, made for this moment to impress with the pretend wealth of an investor. He needed a way out and a way back into civilization. He’d dipped into the insane amount of gold stored beneath his own grave. Gold chalices, necklaces and jewels of all kinds from the church. Just one necklace had given him a fortune from an international buyer. The last member of the family he had indebted to him had organised everything. It hurt him to see such pieces gone, but the money would be enough to secure the business he wanted. The wine and rum business. He looked at the card between his gloved fingers and waited for the door to open. When the door did slide open, he smiled pleasantly, “Mister and Misses Dumitru. I am sorry to hear of your loss.” He bowed his head as Missus Dumitru called over her husband, “I know it is still a sensitive time, but I have come with a proposition. A business venture.” He offered, touching the place over his heart, “May I come in?”
They nodded and let him inside.
 “Your Romanian, you speak it like a nobleman.” Missus Dumitru cooed over coffee. Dracula pretended to sip the liquid and feigned the heat in his mouth before placing the cup down, finding and excuse for now as not to take another sip.
“I was sent to a private school.” He informed her gently as he reached for his small bag and pulled free a contact. It was drawn up to sign the deeds to the land and business over to his name. He’d managed to contact his old law firm to draw it up, “The contract and payments are very generous.” He offered, “I myself would be overseeing it.” He tapped a nail against the papers and reclined in his chair, adjusting his cane against the leg of the old armchair as Mister Dumitru looked over the terms.
“Why do you want our son’s business?” He asked suspiciously.
Dracula spread his hands, “I’m looking to expand abroad. This is the perfect opportunity.” He responded.
“Can I have a name?” Mister Dumitru asked as he eyed the sum of money listed.
Dracula smiled, “Vladimir Székely.” And offered an open palm towards the paperwork, “Give it to a lawyer. Think it over. I will be waiting.” He pulled a card from the inside of his black jacket and laid it on the table for them both to see. “There is a number for my office. Do contact me when you have made your decision.” He tipped his head before taking his bag and cane, “Thank you for your hospitality, Missus Dumitru.” He leaned to kiss the back of her hand, smiling at her giggling before seeing himself to the door.
 “He didn’t drink a sip.” She lamented behind the door as he closed it.
“Perhaps he isn’t a coffee drinker?” Her husband replied. Dracula smiled as he swung his cane, walking down the street.
“I swear he said he preferred coffee.”
 London was a long way in a box. Yet, when he emerged from his resting place, to stalk the night time streets, he could feel the overwhelming sensation of being like a small fish. He looked at the faces passing him by from the alley and peered at the unfamiliar streets. As the vampire wandered, the stone was vaguely familiar. Some old cobbled roads had survived, but most were new, black tarmac and congestion. The taste of the city was riddled with pollutants beyond what he remembered. The foreign taste of unfamiliar blood seemed less tempting as he walked, looking at the newly erected skyscrapers with a hint of fascination. Everything was new. Wondrously new.
“Mister Székely?” He was startled from his admiration as one of his companions touched his elbow. The accountant and the lawyer. The firm seemed to have been taken over by Harker eventually.
Dracula gave a chuckle, “I apologise. London is so different to the cities I know.” He offered as he ducked to enter the firm. It was late, but they had accepted the late meeting. He’d insisted to meet them both as soon as he landed in London. Everything was very new, but he was learning. Dracula was still very sound of mind. A tactician mind still worked within his skull, no matter how dead he truly was.
“It’s fine, really, we have many foreign clients. Most are just as gobsmacked as you!” Harker, the descendant it seemed, of Jonathan, laughed as he let the accountant into his office behind Dracula.
 Dracula settled into the chair offered and peered at the family photo behind the Lawyer’s head. Mina and Harker. Together to the end. He ignored the spite churning in his gut as he sat forwards and opened his palms, “I’m sure you both know why I have you here, no?”
Harker laughed, “I’m your Lawyer. I don’t need to know much else. I made sure your purchases here in London were overseen. A particularly large home for just yourself, Mister Székely?” He offered Vladimir the paperwork, bundled together in files.
“I’m certain the books have balanced, what with your business doing so well. You are a very lucky man.” His accountant observed, Miss Morris looked at him pointedly before smiling, American white smile making him return her sentiment.
“I am very lucky.” Vladimir agreed before taking the paperwork in his hands, “I trust the house is in working order now? I believe I paid for the decorating to be done as I travelled.”
Harker nodded, “It was all completed.” He gestured to Miss Morris and smiled pleasantly.
“They were paid for their work and your belongings were delivered before you arrived.” She handed him the bill and scribbled something in the margin of her book, “Everything is in working order.”
Dracula nodded, “I thank you then, for your hard work.” He offered as he moved to stand, buttoning the suit jacket he wore swiftly before reaching for his black coat on the stand. It had started to rain.
 Harker was quickly on his feet, “Do you not wish to stay for a drink?” He offered as he tucked the corner of his shirt back into the waistband of his trousers, “I have a few things we could open to celebrate, though I don’t have any of that plum brandy you’re so famous for making.” The Lawyer joked.
Miss Morris chuckled and got to her feet herself, taking her purple wool coat in hand, “I should be off too, Mister Harker, I have to meet with some clients in Kent in the morning.” She too pulled on her coat as Vladimir pulled on his own. He turned the collar upwards and smiled as he gestured to the doorway.
“I do not drink.” He smiled at Harker before allowing Morris to walk through the door first, “After you, madame.”
Harker laughed, “Another time, perhaps?”
Dark eyes looked at the lawyer for a long pause, “Another time, indeed. For now, I must go. I have to present my products to investors tomorrow.” With that he turned to the stairs and took them with Morris down and out of the little firm. Morris shook his hand with a brush of her dark hair and popped her umbrella up before leaving the vampire by himself under the streetlamp. He watched his accountant leave before turning back down the street, eyes burning red as he took in the night air and stalked towards his new home, intent on having a feast to break in his new territory.
 ‘You are cordially invited to attend a gathering at the home of Mister Vladimir Székely, CEO and owner of Dracula’s Blood, Brewery Company. The gathering is in honour of not only his settlement in the United Kingdom of Great Britain but also to promote the start to the new line of flavoured Rums from the depths of Transylvania.
 Dracula’s Blood hopes you can attend the event.
 Best Wishes and Kindest Regards,
 Mr Vladimir Székely, CEO.’
 You eyed the card that had appeared through your door. You were used to company promotional material. You were a specialist. Alcohols from all over the globe and in all varieties. Wine, beers, lagers, spirits. You sold everything and more in your shop. Looking at the display in your window you traced the dragon print on the bottom of the invitation and wondered just who set up parties to promote their brands. A very rich man was what your mind supplied. With a curious sniff you brought the paper to your nose. Spiced rum. Very curious but it fit the theme. It made you chuckle as you glanced back at your unfinished display, then back to the address and date on the piece of card. It was a large townhouse in Sydenham, a large suburb made for rather large families or the rich towards Crystal Palace. The townhouses were expensive, and most were very old. You pulled out your phone to type in the address and whistled at the images on Google. Sydenham Hill. It was a huge townhouse. At least six bedrooms. This man had money to waste. Old brick, Victorian style.
 “It couldn’t hurt to go could it?” You jumped against the counter as Harker laughed behind you.
“Jesus!” You hissed at him, “Could you ring the bell next time?!” You smacked his hands away from your invitation.
Harker laughed at you and pointed to his own phone and then the buzzer, “I buzzed you three times before figuring it out it was unlocked.” He shrugged, “I’ve just come for the usual. One of those Sauvignon you always sell me.”
You threw your phone back under the counter and turned to the wine racks behind you, pulling free one of the bottles he usually bought, “How long are you keeping this one then, Harker?” You asked as you scanned the bottle, “This is the third bottle, so you’ve not scared them away yet then?”
The lawyer rolled his eyes, “None of your business.” He teased as he purchased the bottle of wine on his card before eyeing the new whiskey in the crates behind you, “Actually, give me one of those scotch whiskeys too. I know for sure I’m getting dumped so…better to have that on hand than make myself incredibly sick with sharp white wine.” He lamented as you scanned the whiskey and handed it over. He tucked both the bottles into his leather work bag and paid for the whiskey just as quickly.
“But seriously, I’d go. It’ll get you out of this little shop and talking!” Harker cheered as he headed to the door.
“Sure, Mister Harker. Get home safe.” The mousey haired man waved away your concern as he headed back out into the night, his umbrella swaying in the wind and the rain.
 As you locked up late that night, just after eight o’clock, locking the door after the last woman who rushed about with her red wine and waved as you clicked the lock closed behind her. The invitation sat on your countertop still. You took hold of the spiced card and traced the dragon in the corner again as you climbed the stairs to your apartment above the shop. The name was hand signed. The lettering was in old cursive, long letters and small, neat strokes of a fountain pen. You admired the invitation as you opened your apartment and placed the invitation on the kitchen side. The decorative dragon shined on cream paper and you pushed leftovers into the microwave before looking for where to respond to on the back of the invitation. An email. That was easy enough. You crafted a small confirmation email with your business details enclosed and went back to your heated spaghetti. Curiously, the phone vibrated on the counter, spinning with a chime as you received a notification.
 With a hot plate of microwaved bolognese, you peered at the email and frowned. It was from his office. A reply to your email.
‘I await your arrival. Kind Regards, Vladimir.’
Short, but odd. You assumed you would have an email from an automated machine. Still, you shrugged it off and saved the directions and pamphlets attached on the email before sitting down to eat your dinner. You laughed as your black tom cat screeched from under your chair, demanding a piece of beef covered in tomato sauce instead of his cat food.
“Come on Drac, you have your own food!” You petted the cats head and shooed him away to his food bowl as you ate your own dinner.
 Vladimir hummed from behind his desk as he opened the name of your Off-License Shop. A fancy sort, stocking exclusive brands and names from all over the globe. A Wine House and Spirit Seller. He tapped his desk with a claw, ignoring the woman bleeding out on the floor in favour of digging a little more. He was interested. A little woman running a shop. Alone in London. Still. He closed the tab with a click and looked at your email. You were a modern woman. It was an idea he was quickly growing accustomed to. Empowered women. He hummed again as he gently pulled the woman into his lap and pushed hair from her face. She was weak, but not dead. He couldn’t afford to leave a mess.
“You remember nothing.” He whispered against her cheek before grappling her weight tight in his arms and moving to deposit her into a guest bedroom. The vampire pushed his fingers into her hips roughly and watched the bruises bloom. She would run in the morning when she made conclusions of her own. A single night of passion. With a look at her neck he decided the marks would not be an issue. They had, after all, met in an odd club. Dracula left the woman in the guest room and headed back to his own. He looked at the clock and knew that there were some hours left for him in the night. The dirt under his bed could wait for a while. With an obsessive, red gaze, he began to research those who would be attending his soiree.
 A fancy party meant that you were forced to dress up. A sharp black suit and a lilac shirt on, you walked up the drive from the cab and stood in awe of the twinkling candles draped from holders inside and out. It was an old building yet somehow, the old décor choices made it even more amazing. A car beeped behind you as an attendant rolled up in a Jaguar. The car was parked and you watched as a very elegant woman and her large husband climbed out, leaving it in the created car park. You felt out of your depth as you held the invitation in your hand, moving towards the door with a smile. It was open, yet a young woman greeted you on the door, a checklist in hand.
“Invitation, please?” She asked and you carefully handed her the invitation, “Name?” You gave her it and peered inside until she chuckled and gently pulled you inside, “Welcome to Vladimir Székely’s home, Miss.” She let you in and attended to the other guests. It was even more intimidating to be looked at in your suit. Women were in varying dress, though most appeared to have opted for cocktail dresses. You tried to ignore the looks and headed towards the drink’s table.
“Of course, its all his own liquor.” You laughed as you took one of the plum rum varieties and thanked the server.
 Vladimir sure knew how to impress the guests.
 The party was slow. Food and drink had been served for an hour and you were beginning to wonder if the man himself was ever going to show. You pulled open your small clutch and looked at your phone. A message from your mother. That was all. Some business emails which could wait. It was a boring moment of time passing. That was until guests began to gather in the main staircase area. You followed with your drink and peered through the crowd of onlookers as Vladimir Székely appeared on the stairs, a drink in hand, and a scarily white smile shining in a pale face. His dark hair was pulled back into a stylish pony tail and fastened with a blue that matched the silk of his waistcoat, the brocade pattern even embellished into the small ribbon fastener. His smile was surrounded by dark facial hair, a moustache and a small beard, almost pointed. Dark eyes looked at the crowd as his silver suit shined in the candlelight, the polished buttons and silver cufflinks twinkling as he raised his hands for attention. The room went silent.
 “My name, as most of you know, is Vladimir Székely. Welcome to my home.” The crowd raised their drinks and the CEO raised his hands again to quieten the noise, “I hope you will enjoy the comforts of my home as your own. I extend my hand in friendship but also as a businessman. I will be around to answer questions. But, most importantly,” He leaned forwards, dark eyes full of mischief, “I do hope you have fun.” The crowd applauded as he descended the stairs and you felt your throat clench at the sight of him. Romanian in actual origin. At least it wasn’t all for the brand. You took a sip of the rum and turned back to lingering by the drinks. You’d already spoken to a few other shops, wondering just what people were intending to buy stock-wise. Most had no idea about pricing for now, but you assumed he would give deals where he saw it beneficial to. You tapped open your notes and made another point to argue with the location of your shop in Camden Town.
 “Ah, the woman herself.” A voice rumbled from behind you.
With a steadying breath, you turned around to face the infamous owner of Dracula’s Blood, “Mister Székely, it’s a pleasure to finally meet you.” You offered your hand and smiled as kindly as you could after being startled.
Vladimir took your hand in his own and quickly pulled it upwards for a gentle kiss to the back, “The pleasure is all mine.” He smiled and offered his arm, “I have read a lot about your shop. Please, walk with me.”
With a curious look you wrapped an arm through his, “About my shop?”
He nodded with a hum, dark eyes watching you take a sip of rum, “Yes. You have won local awards.” He boasted with a flourish, “I was excited to meet you. To get my brand into such a shop would do wonders.” Vladimir turned by the garden and walked down the steps, “I understand you have online shoppers from across the United Kingdom, no?”
You nodded, “I do…I…” You laughed at his interest, “I’m surprised you have done so much research about me.”
Sharp white teeth were exposed in a smile as he look at his garden and the littering of glasses and people, “I like to know who I am going to sell to…It can tell you a lot about an individual, madame.” He offered as he moved your hand from his arm, “Perhaps we can talk more in a meeting? I am scheduling appointments.”
“I would like that.” You confirmed, “I’m interested in your product, that’s for sure.”
 Dracula felt himself purr, “Delightful.”
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honourablejester · 5 years
So, from what I’ve read about the new Dracula so far, I’m probably not going to be watching it. Even if I trusted Moffat and Gatiss to start with, which I kinda never did, I’m just … not really in the mood for a sarcasm-filled gorefest? With body horror and skinning people and slaughtered nuns and so forth, quipping all the while. That’s … not what I want from Dracula.
What I would like from a hypothetical Dracula adaptation, what I love from the book, what you pretty much never get in adaptations, is the team. Our heroes banding together in the face of a great evil, and doing so quietly and earnestly and with a hundred little moments of gentility.
Moments like:
Mina and Lucy’s letters to each other, full of innocence and trust and loving descriptions of their dear ones and concern for each other’s troubles and happiness for each other’s joys
Mina rushing to Jonathan’s side when he’s found, and Sister Agatha trying to reassure her that whatever Jonathan’s suffered, it’s not because of what he’s done, and that as a prospective wife she has no reason to be afraid of him, and Mina being baffled that this was ever a concern
Dr Seward’s very strong pre-emptive defense/recommendation of Van Helsing to Arthur when he sends for him – he’s a weird old Dutch man with not the best social graces, and this is me saying that, but he’s my friend and he will do everything he can to help, so trust him as you trust me
Dr Seward in general being incredibly stiff and Victorian and uncomfortable with emotion and more than a little sexist but also trying his best to comfort Arthur, pulling down a blind on the carriage to hide Van Helsing’s ‘womanish hysterics’ so he won’t be judged for them, admitting to Mina that Lucy trusted her and so should he and he’s sorry for trying to keep things from her just because they’re horrifying and ‘not for a woman’
Jonathan being so ridiculously relieved by Van Helsing’s presence and questions because it means that his experiences with Dracula and his seeing a youthened version of the vampire in London are real and not just him being insane
Van Helsing immediately babbling to Jonathan about how amazing Mina is pretty much the second they’re introduced, and Jonathan standing there happily basking in someone else’s justified adoration for his wife
Van Helsing basically adopting Arthur as a son despite having to be the one to tell him that his dead wife has come back as a monster, and doing his best to comfort and strengthen Arthur through it
Mina comforting basically everyone as soon as she arrives after Lucy’s death, including letting Arthur basically break down on her chest (while Quincey ‘delicately’ leaves them to it so that Arthur won’t feel pressured to stay strong and manly in the presence of another man), asking him to be her brother for Lucy’s sake and let her support him like Lucy would have wanted, and then kissing Quincey as well because he’s trying so hard to support everyone else when he also lost a woman he loved and needs some comfort as well. At which point an extremely choked-up Quincey basically swears himself to her service before wandering off to pick a cried-out Arthur off the couch
Quincey living up to that oath in every possible way and being fully willing to give his life for her later
Jonathan being not all jealous or bothered by any of this, because clearly everyone should love Mina, that’s just them being sensible and sane when faced with everything about her
Arthur, Seward and Quincey being friends, the whole way through, despite loving the same woman, and trying to support each other after her loss, because, again, loving Lucy was just the sane response to knowing Lucy, and nothing to hold against a man
Everyone promptly rallying around Mina once they realise what’s happening to her (after a few false starts) and Arthur and Quincey being willing to drop everything to fund an expedition to save her, and everyone being willing to risk their lives on said expedition with barely a first let alone a second thought
Mina being concerned for Jonathan and Van Helsing more than herself when she’s becoming a vampire (despite it being arguably their fault)
Mina and Van Helsing facing the brides in the snow and Van Helsing being terrified and hopeful at every example of her continued human feeling and struggle against monstrousness
Van Helsing being horrified at having to kill the brides, not vindictive, and calling it ‘butchery’, and Mina being horrified for him that he had to do it
(I really love this section, because no one ever shows it, Mina and Van Helsing alone on this lonely, vicious journey, her pale and sick and gaunt, with the mark of a holy host seared into her forehead, but grimly determined and still showing pity and horror for Van Helsing and what he has to do)
Van Helsing feeling fear and hope when they’re heading for Dracula himself but also their friends
Mina’s absolute faith in Jonathan the entire time, even with Dracula in her head, almost able to where Jonathan is as well and sure that he will not fail her
Jonathan and Quincey fighting furiously together to reach and destroy Dracula, because it’s to save Mina, and so they will not fail, even if it costs them their lives
Quincey’s last moments
‘Seven years ago we all went through the flames; and the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured. It is an added joy to Mina and to me that our boy’s birthday is the same day as that on which Quincey Morris died. His mother holds, I know, the secret belief that some of our brave friend’s spirit has passed into him. His bundle of names links all our little band of men together; but we call him Quincey.’
‘Van Helsing summed it all up as he said, with our boy on his knee:— “We want no proofs; we ask none to believe us! This boy will some day know what a brave and gallant woman his mother is. Already he knows her sweetness and loving care; later on he will understand how some men so loved her, that they did dare much for her sake.”’
… Few things ever gets the proper earnestness of the book, is my point. It’s not sarcastic at all. People really earnestly love and are gentle with and want to defend each other, even in the face of each other’s small peccadillos (or partial conversion into monsters). Mina, Jonathan, Arthur, Seward, Quincey, Van Helsing, Lucy. They all overtly love and protect each other, with no jealousy or hesitation. That’s what I would like from a Dracula adaptation. You can do what you want with the vampire himself, I kind of mostly don’t care about him, but the team. I want the team.
I think the thing that most people who do adaptations of Dracula don’t understand is that Dracula the book is not about Dracula the vampire at all. It’s about the band of brave, terrified, earnest, gentle people who band together to fight him.
The vampire himself, in short, is really not the point.
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raditzxsthighband · 4 years
A Dragon Ball Z fanfiction based on Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992) American gothic horror film directed and produced by Francis Ford Coppola, based on the 1897 novel.
Prince Vegeta IV as Count Dracula
Bulma 'Bulamina', Bulesabetha as 'Wilhelmina' Mina Harker and Elisabetha
& Yamcha as Johnathan Harker
Tumblr media
The Vaiyan crest, with its three sharp prongs, casts a shadow over a tattered map of the annexed Empire of Trufflomania.
732. The Birth of Vegeta the IV. Son of Tsar Vegeta the II, and his Tsarina, Vasenya.
737. Invasion of the Frieza Empire. King Vegeta and Vasenya, murdered by their own Elite Guards; who had committed treason in the name of Lord Frieza.
752. The Genocide of The Vaiyan People.
The Freiza race come to take what is their payment; the last remaining band of Vaiyans, holed up in their castle in fear.
From Trufflesylvania rose a Vaiyan Prince, who known throughout Eastern Europe for his bloodthirsty ways- leads 7,000 of his countrymen in a bold, pre-dawn attack against 30,000 Truffles. He hailed from the sacred order of the Ōozaru, known as Vraculya...
Vegeta lowered his helm, revealing his flame of raven-black hair. Vrincess Bulesabetha stared at him; her azure curls like a halo around the jagged crown of Ancient Vsadala. He looked down to her, and they kissed. Hungrily, as if they would never taste one another's lips again.
On the eve of battle, his bride, Bulesabetha, whom he prized above all things on Earth; knew that he must face an insurmountable force, from which he might never return.
Vegeta turned away from her as she cried, squeezing his eyes shut, he looked to her once more, and she sobbed as they said their last goodbye, stroking one hand through her azure curls. He looked to her with an intensity in his eyes, as the heavy dirge of the ancient Vaiyan Race thrummed within him, and crescendoed, and the doors of the castle were thrust open; revealing the enemy flags of the invaders, and he rushed into battle, his long, brown tail, lashing at his back.
The Truffles had fallen, their home, invaded; but it was their last vengeful act to attack the Vaiyans with the power of the Entire Frieza Empire.
The jagged outcrop from which they hid, was back washed in the eerie luminescence of the full moon, as Prince Vegeta and Raditz came onto the battlefield, wearing the snarling, red helmets of their angered primate god. They fought bravely, as the last of the Vaiyan army collapsed around them, they impaled the lizard-kind on pikes; earning Vegeta the III his legendary title, Vegeta The Impaler. The foul creatures shrieked, and struggled to stop the lances forcing their way through their putrid bellies, with a hot spray of blood. One last victim languished on a pike, it's white tail wrapping around the spear and attempting to stop the spear from slowly penetrating through its back.
There was a shout, as Raditz stood atop the hill, and tossed his helmet to the ground, panting as he laughed.
"Brother, My Prince! The Truffles have retreated! They've fallen back! They've all been defeated!" He said, and turned to Vegeta, who nodded, and looked across the desolate battlefield, which was now empty, but for the corpses hung like trophies all around them.
Prince Vegeta removed his Ōozaru helmet, his flame of raven black hair revealed, as perspiration ran from his temples in rivers, and he curled his lip back, screaming for all to hear.
"Vsadala be praised, I am Victorious...!" The Vaiyan warrior announced to the dead, Raditz stood beside him, his long, wild mane lashing on the acrid heat.
One last lizard kind squawked, from where it struggled on the lance, clawing to free itself from its imminent death. It seethed, hissing at Vegeta as he approached it.
"One day, we will return... and we will kill all Vaiyans..." It hacked, spitting out magneta blood from its black lips.
"That's where you're wrong." Vegeta growled, clenching his teeth.
"Brother... Haven't enough died on this day..?" Raditz whispered, then flinched, as Vegeta pulled a sword from his belt, and stabbed the foul creature in the jugular, twisting the blade around until the sinew, and wiry tendons crunched.
"Let this be a message, to all who dare defy the Empire of Vegeta." He said cruelly, then dropped the blade quickly as if stung, and stared at his own bloodied white gloves.
"We're the only Vaiyans left. All is lost. But we have won the battle... Our home." Raditz said, and cried as he stared over the great mounds of bodies littering the horizon. Wolves cried out from below the valley, and Vegeta shivered, hearing their cries.
"Bulesabetha..." Vegeta whispered, his eyes wide with terror. He turned; sensing something was wrong.
The Vengeful Truffles had shot an arrow into the castle, carrying false news of Vegeta's death, and the Vrincess Bulesabetha, believing him dead, flung herself into the river.
Bulesabetha runs up to the highest tower of Castle Vegeta, her black mourning gown gathered in her pale fists. She stands before the dark, maroon sky, the blood red river, far below. Her body loses its strength, and she takes the long plunge to her death.
The old wooden doors creak, as they open, and Vegeta stands still, his brow lowered to the floor as the torch lights cast shadows across his chiseled features. His breath comes out in shaking, rapid pants, as he approaches the altar where Vrincess Bulesabetha lies, a single trail of blood dripping down her white cheek. Her cheeks are pallid, as he strokes back the soft ringlets surrounding her heart-shaped face. He notices a letter spotted with blood still clutched in her hands, and reads it.
To all who must know,
My Prince is dead.
All is lost without him.
May the gods unite us in heaven.
Vegeta squeezes his eyes shut, and screams with agony. The Priest, with spikes of black hair making six prongs around his skull, steps forward.
"Her soul cannot be saved. She is damned. It is God's Law." He says haltingly in the Vaiyan tongue, the Crest of Vegeta held close over his breast as he steps forward, casting the pronged shadow onto Bulesabetha's powdery, pale countenance; only made more stark by the thick slash of blood dripping from the corner of her dusky rose, dead lips.
"Is this my reward for defending this so-called 'God's Church' ?!" Vegeta bellowed, his energy rushing out around him.
"Sacrilege!" Bardock hissed, the other priests flocked to his sides and began chanting, holding out the crest to defend themselves.
"I renounce God!" Vegeta bellows, tossing his head back to scream in their guttural language, towards the tall chapel ceiling. He lowers his face, grinning sadistically, and hisses,
"...I shall rise from my own death...To avenge hers with all the powers of darkness!" He seethes, and lashes out, surging forth to clutch Bardock's staff, then takes it, then plunges the prongs into his chest, and he falls. He pulls the trident out, and the others fall back, frightened. He slashes the throat of Paragus, then eviscerates the bowels of the last remaining priest, before turning, and staring up at the large effigy of Vegeta, he tosses the trident into the center of the emblem, from which, a torrent of blood seeps out.
He stumbles forward, over the fallen bodies and grasps a goblet, and allows the blood flowing forth to fill his cup. Blood oozes from the eyes of all the statues as he growls, animalistic, and utters; guttural, "The blood is the life... and it shall be mine!" With tears falling down his sharp, angular cheeks, he cradles the goblet in his hands, and drinks.
A growing lake of blood oozes across the floor, to where Bulesabetha lies, and washes down the altar in a flood, as he stumbles backwards, dropping the goblet. A siren's song rings out around him as the souls of the dead priests curse him with their rhythmic chant, and he looks upon his work with horror, and roars, falling to his knees as a wave of power rushes all throughout his body.
To read more....
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chiiquititamoved · 5 years
ep 1 of bbc dracula - observations
beginning looks very creepy. am i down? not sure. 
there’s a cool nun! i’m getting some very good badass vibes 
wHEw, okay, i was expecting some queerbait-y type stuff from this show but literally before even the intro, this (AMAZING) nun just goes “mr harker. have you had sexual intercourse with dracula?” 
just. right out of the gate
we’ve established that this nun doesn’t have any faith in god
okay now we’re getting into the castle stuff. (this is right after the intro) 
aw mina (from her letter) seems like a sweetheart so far 
this is very beauty and the beast so far. like when belle’s dad goes into the castle and there’s no one there 
oooh we just met dracula. he’s very wrinkly and old 
“they [people of transylvania] are without... flavour.” “perhaps you mean character?” “ahahahaa.”
i feel like i should clarify that harker is staying in a convent, being cared for by nuns while he’s sick. he’s telling his story to badass nun and this other nun and the viewer is seeing what happened through cuts or whatever 
okay you know just some book stuff is happening - dracula’s being a weirdo, johnny harker notices some odd goings on, etc.
so, this has always struck me - in the book as well - why is dracula always climbing up walls like a fucking lizard? why? first of all, he can turn in to a bat, so if he needs to get OVER the wall then he can fucking FLY. if he doesn’t need to get over the wall then wtf is he doing? harker is going to see or hear him - i mean, god knows he’s acted weirdly/suspiciously enough for harker to be scared/nervous around him - like??? dracula really is an idiot psychopath bisexual  
harker’s having an *ehem* mildly i n n a p r o p r i a t e dream. he and mina are having sex but then mina turns into wrinkly old dracula. yucky yuck. 
now harker sees ‘help us’ written on his window
it’s in english! very convenient for mr harker - so our wonderful nun points out: “you are an englishman: a combination of presumptions beyond compare.” (no hate to englishmen)
harker starts to explore the castle. uh oh. 
he gets lost + dracula finds him
our man dracula is wining and dining johnny!
Dracula looks younger now. :| this is suspicious
dracula is EVEN YOUNGER! glow up!!!!
harker is starting notice there’s NO STAFF IN THE CASTLE... and his health is deteriorating 
wow johnny is actually being very brave!! i must say i am proud
johnny is finding a bunch of old pictures in a wooden bin somewhere in the castle. are these dracula’s previous victims?? WHO KNOWS
FUCK there’s a fucking dead lady in the wooden bin. yuckkk i do not approve 
she just chased him down this tunnel, and now dracula’s there and harker passes out
badass nun (agatha) is telling us about the UNDEAD. explains a lot
drac says he found johnny asleep on the floor in the basement, all the while looking SUSPICIOUSLY young. 
HEY drac is calling him johnny! that’s my thing >:(
now johnny doesn’t recognize mina’s picture! what’s going on?
he’s making johnny write three letters to mina: one saying he’s almost leaving the castle, one saying he’s leaving the next day, and one saying he’s left safely, etc. 
john’s hallucinating that a baby’s crying in the distance. OR IS HE?
harker is willing to sacrifice himself for a baby he doesn’t even know exists. i’m actually proud of how brave he is :’(
AGATHA!! i love her
so harker is starting to plot an escape - he looks for a map to the castle. he knows that drac said that it doesn’t exist but his reasoning is that the architect was an artist and would have wanted his art preserved. he finds the map in a painting of the architect’s dead wife (because she’s the sunlight of his life and he built this place to escape the actual sunlight when she died?? i think?? Sorry that was confusing)
so, the architect made hidden passages through the maze of the castle 
harker finds a passage! yay
okay the passage led to a room, and in the room there’s a lady in a wooden box thing eating rats. she comes out of the box, she’s a vampire, and johnny’s talking to her. she left the message on the window earlier? maybe? this is unclear. 
she bites john
harker askes nun agatha why she’s got no “faith” and she says “I have looked for god everywhere in this world and never found him.” “Then why are you here?” “Well, like many women of my age, I am trapped in a loveless marriage, maintaining appearances for the sake of a roof over my head.” GOD I LOVE THIS WOMAN
eww there’s a deadish baby in the box thing
drac kills the lady in the castle
harker: “you’re a monster!” drac: “and you’re a lawyer. nobody’s perfect.”
okay drac and harker have a suspenseful chat, bla bla bla. drac is trying to REPRODUCE? 
If this turns into some fucking mpreg fanfiction bullshit i’m suing 
drac goes outside onto a balcony thing in the castle w/ johnny and they lay down (drac in the shade and harker in the sun) and drac asks johnny to describe the sun to him?? cool i guess??
drac, about the sun: “But that’ll burn me to dust.” my man john harker: “Good.” “fair enough.” 
i LOVE how johnny is literally on death’s door, and still manages to snark at the man who put him there
okay so john’s still outside w/ drac, it’s established that he’s either going to die (fully) or be stuck in the castle for the rest of his “life”. harker is shaking, bla bla, and he goes “drac! spare me!” and drac’s like “how, dude?” and then we cut to agatha and harker in the convent and it turns out that harker just wrote pages of shit like “dracula is my master!” “dracula will be obeyed!” “dracula is god!” when he got to the convent and it’s like... whew
turns out he thought he was writing an account of his stay at the castle but he really just wrote like 100 pages of that 
oooookay - now, johnny’s begging drac to let him go and drac’s like “how?” and john says he won’t tell anyone about drac’s plans to move to england and kill everybody so drac’s like “sure,” and harker’s like “wait really,” and drac’s like “oooh i’m going to destroy everyone you love bla bla bla but if you swear you won’t try to stop me i’ll let you go.” UM. 
but now harker gives this impressive last hurrah thing where he kinda like... climbs up dracula’s body? like drac pulls him? and he goes “i swear that if you let me out here alive... I’LL DO EVERYTHING IN MY POWER TO STOP YOU!” psych 
and then drac kills him and he falls down 
“SO HOW IS HE ALIVE?”, you ask
“HE’S A VAMPIRE,” i say
oh no! he’s not! my lovely agatha reveals that he’s “undead, but not a vampire,”
aggie: “it’s not something that one anticipates asking: but, what happened after you were murdered?”
okay so now johnny becomes undead and he still has a spirit! johnathan harker has a will, etc and he tries to jump off of the balcony thing. drac’s like hey you should stay w/ me! ur kinda like me u kno and john’s like NOPE
then the sun hits drac’s face and johnny falls from the balcony
now aggie reveals that a river, which john fell into, bore him out to sea and a fisherman found him caught in his net. he was brought to the convent/agatha 
agatha: “i am known to have some expertise in the realm of witchcraft and the occult.” johnny: “You’re a nun.” ag: “We can discuss my imperfectly suppressed fascination with everything dark and evil another time.”
oh!!!!!! so - the sun reflected the cross that harker was wearing onto drac!!!! and that’s why drac fell/was hurt whatever 
so basically like minor vampires and shit don’t fear the cross??? but big guy (drac) does?
agatha’s like “i looked everywhere and finally i found god!!!! yay” and she’s happy 
basically aggie found out who he was, traced him back to london, and found mina (she mentions a detective acquaintance - sherlock crossover, anyone?) 
mina: “we are to be married, so who you are will always be my decision.”
they have a really touching “i still love u!!” type scene and then a bunch of fucking bats fly in
turns out drac’s at the convent now
mina got bitten (on her face) by a bat and she’s kinda bloody and harker’s like woooh take this stake so you can stab me if i try to drink that
god agatha has SO MANY good lines!!!
now dracula has turned into a wolf and he’s outside the gates of the convent 
mina hugs johnathan and he licks her blood :(
now he backs her into a corner and tries to drink her blood, but then he stops and tries TO IMPALE HIMSELF ON THE WOODEN STAKE
the wolf has this really gross transformation scene and he turns into dracula as a human
OOKAY so a bunch of nuns come to the gates (i should clarify that that’s where dracula is) and they pull out wooden stakes and agatha’s like drac you’re going down. 
agatha opens the gates of the convent!!! and tells dracula he’s not invited in and he can’t come in
agatha to drac: “I expect a beast to follow rules, I don’t expect it to understand them.”
agatha cuts her hand open and like taunts him w/ the blood 
drac: “who are you?” agatha: “your every nightmare at once. an educated woman in a crucifix.” !!!!!!!!
OH FUCK!!!! johnathan really is dead!!!!! :((( i thought he wouldn’t be but nvm i guess
mina and aggie have a talk and mina says she’ll never love anybody else :’(
oh shit!!! i was right he isn’t dead! drac does that weird lizard wall climbing thing again and goes into his window and tells johnny that “suicide doesn’t work.” great. 
dracula’s like hey bud i can kill you properly! since it needs another person! all you’ve gotta do is invite me in! :))))))
we cut to the mother superior and she’s giving a nice little lecture about god 
and then dracula comes in and cuts her head off
the nuns are obviously terrified BUT they’ve got their crosses and they push him away, whatever, but then drac calls a bunch of wolves 
“I’m undead, I’m not unreasonable.”
the nuns get attacked by the wolves EXCEPT for agatha and mina, who went to agatha’s workshop to escape
harker comes down to the workshop! (which they surrounded by sacramental bread or something) and they’re arguing over whether they should let him in and mina’s like i’m gonna do it! and she almost does but she sees that harker’s eyes aren’t blue anymore, so she’s like hey what’s up with that and then harker starts PEELING HIS FACE OFF and it’s dracula
phewwwwwww. So this is almost 2000 words? And very incoherent. If you’ve had the courage to read this far, thank you. 
IN CONCLUSION: will i keep watching this show? yes. i’m very squeamish so i’ll probably skip some of the gory stuff later on but other than that i will definitely continue.
did i like this show? YES. i honestly started it with very low expectations but so far it’s really good. to be fair, though, i found that in the book the beginning was the best part and i didn’t love it after, so i guess we’ll see. 
did i like it better than the book? so far, yeah. The book was full of bullshit like “ooh you have a man’s brain and a woman’s heart,” to mina, which :/. (obviously it’s not like i could have expected much better from a male victorian author but still.) i love how they made van helsing a woman! I know agatha is going to be wonderful.
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vickyvicarious · 1 year
With Lucy gone now, and Van Helsing saying that they found a diary she had just started, it reminds me how she had started it right after Jonathan had his own sealed up. And that he has not 'spoken' since the wedding or written since his escape. While he was silent, Lucy was starting he own story. Now her own voice is gone, too.
Both of them ill, but while Jonathan was beginning to move out of the bed after his rock bottom and slowly gaining some weight, she was moving to the bed and shrinking. He started his married life, learning to live again, while she was dying close to her own.
I'm answering this together with another ask I got shortly afterwards, talking about very similar things:
It's fascinating how much Jonathan and Lucy's life stages contrast. Even their beginnings and ends, with Jonathan starting out as a poor orphan who could not even dream of ever acquiring a great fortune, and now getting a large inheritance, and Lucy starting out rich and now dying disinherited!
You both (if different anons) are so right. It's super interesting. Both of them are interrupted right at the start of a new phase of life by Dracula, who preys upon them before they can get married. They both encounter three 'suitors' who hope to 'kiss' them, but Jonathan's are the nightmare version who wish to prey upon him while Lucy's are all honorable men and true friends to her. Jonathan's ability to see himself in the mirror is removed and then we get Lucy talking about how she looks at herself in the mirror. All throughout his time in the castle, the parallels between them tend to lean towards Jonathan having the worse and Lucy the better side of similar situations.
But then Dracula leaves Jonathan behind, and goes to Lucy. And then all the comparisons start to flip. Jonathan escapes, Lucy doesn't. Jonathan is recovering as Lucy is getting worse. Jonathan is reunited with his love and gets to have his wedding, while Lucy is barely able to spend any time with Arthur (most of it when she's asleep) and dies before her wedding. Lucy's mother hides her illness from Lucy and keeps distant from her, denies her comfort, removes her medicine, disinherits her. Jonathan's boss steps into the role of a father, tells him he doesn't have long left to live, gives him training and trusts him with responsibility even as he's recovering, makes him his heir.
There's other stuff too, less straightforwardly positive/negative but very impactful. As (one of?) you say, Jonathan doesn't speak when Lucy does. His journal ends before hers begins. And Jonathan is isolated when Lucy is surrounded by allies and friends. It's not total isolation, not after he escapes the castle - but he still is kept apart from the main plot, and so is Mina once she joins him. It is only now when Lucy has died, and thus left the side of her companions, that Jonathan sees Dracula and the Harkers are introduced back into the main plot/begin to hear from the other main characters with van Helsing's telegram to Mina. Lucy closes her eyes in death, and Jonathan's eyes are opened (not fully yet, but with him having seen Dracula, and Mina reading his journal, then it seems apparent they will be back in the thick of things).
And I'm not going to mention all the spoilers, but a couple reversals currently popping into my head are:
Lucy is turned into a vampire and tries to get her love to join her/tries to prey upon him. Then she is killed by him instead. Jonathan's love is (nearly) turned into a vampire and wants him to kill her, but instead he decides he would rather join her.
Lucy preys on children as a vampire, in some of her final waking acts. It's a dark inversion of the motherhood that might be expected in her married life. Jonathan ends the narrative by relating that he has a child who he and Mina are raising lovingly.
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dukereviewsmovies · 4 years
Duke's Monsterween: Dracula
Hello, I'm Andrew Leduc (Imitating Dracula) And Velcome, Velcome My Children To Duke's Monsterween (Laughs Evily)
(Imitating Dracula) Ah, Listen To Them, Children Of The Night, Vhat Music They Make...
Ok, I'm Not Going To Do That Accent Throughout This Entire Review...
But Still It's October, Baby! One Of My Favorite Times Of The Year, And What Better Way To Kick Off Monsterween Than 3 Days Of Universal Monster Movies, Starting With Dracula...
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This Film Sees Dracula (Played By Bela Lugosi) Traveling From Transylvania To England To Prey On Young, Socialite Women And The Only Person Standing In His Way Is Dr. Abraham Van Helsing, Will He Stop The Evil Count?
Let's Find Out As We Watch Dracula...
The Film Starts Along The Mountains Of Transylvania Where A Carriage With A Solicitor Named Renfield (Played By Dwight Frye) Is On His Way To An Inn In A Nearby Village But He Can't Stay As He's Going To Borgo Pass To Meet A Carriage...
(Start At 0:51, End At 2:03)
Leaving Despite The Villagers Warning, One Of Them Gives Renfield A Crucifix Before He Leaves Afterwards We Cut Briefly To Castle Dracula As We Meet Dracula Himself...
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Before Cutting To Borgo Pass Where The Carriage Drops Renfield Off Only For Him To Be Picked Up By Another Carriage Driven By A Mysterious Driver Who Turns Into A Bat The Next Time Renfield Sees Him...
Arriving At Castle Dracula, Renfield Walks Into This Big Lobby With A Huge Stairway Where He Sees Dracula...
(End At 3:52)
Taking Renfield To His Room, He Shows Dracula Papers That Will Give Him The Lease On Vargas Carfax Abbey Before Telling Renfield That He Has Chartered A Ship That Will Take Them To England Tomorrow Night...
Leaving Afterward, Renfield Opens A Window Only To See Dracula As A Bat. Hypnotizing Him, Dracula Then Bites Him Turning Him Into His Servant...
A Few Nights Later On Board The Ship, The Vesta, Dracula Feeds On The Crew, Killing All Of Them. The Next Morning When The Ship Arrives In England, The People At The Dock Find The Entire Crew Dead With Renfield Being The Only Survivor..,
With The Police Believing Renfield To Be Mad, They Send Him To Dr. Seward's Sanitorium Where...
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Some Nights Later At A London Theatre Dracula Meets Dr. Seward Who Is With His Daughter Lucy (Played By Helen Chandler) Her Fiancé John Harker (Played By David Manners) And A Family Friend Lucy Weston (Played By Frances Dade) Who Are In A Box Seated Area Watching An Opera...
(Start At 2:50, End At 4:07)
With Lucy Fascinated With Count Dracula...
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He Visits Her As She's Getting Ready For Bed, Disguising Himself As A Bat, He Hypnotizes Her To Sleep So He Can Bite Her And Feast On Her Blood...
Lucy Dies On Autopsy Table Days Later After A String Of Transfusions Are Given To Her And 2 Marks On Her Throat Are Found...
When Renfield Starts Eating Spiders And Flies The Doctors Including Doctor Seward Visit Professor Abraham Van Helsing (Played By Edward Van Sloan) Who Analyzes Renfield's Blood And Discovers That They Are Dealing With A Vampire
But Despite The Doctors Believing That The Vampire Is A Myth, Van Helsing Promises To Bring Them Proof That This Myth Is A Reality...
Allowing Van Helsing To Talk With Renfield, He Lashes Out At Van Helsing Before Being Asked To Be Sent Away As His Cries Might Disturb Mina's Dreams.
Hearing A Wolf Howling, Van Helsing Knows That Renfield Knows What The Wolf Is And Shows Him A Piece Of Wolfsbane, Lashing Out Again At Van Helsing, He Tells Him That He Knows Too Much To Live And If They Don't Send Him Away, They'll Answer For What Happens To Mina..
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That Night, Dracula Visits Mina And Bites Her Leaving Neck Marks Similar To Those On Lucy, Telling Van Helsing About A Dream In Which She Was Visited By A Stranger With Red Eyes And A White Livid Face, Van Helsing Discovers The Marks On Her Throat...
But Just As They Do That Dracula Drops In For A Visit...
(Start At 0:27, End At 4:21)
Realizing That Dracula Is Their Vampire After That Scene, Mina Leaves Her Room To Meet Dracula In The Garden Where He Wraps His Cape Around Her And Attacks Her...
As Renfield Who Has Escaped His Cell Talks With Seward, Van Helsing And Harker About How They Should Heed Van Helsing's Warnings As It's Mina's Only Hope...
Well, I May Know Someone Else Who Could Help...
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But When Dracula (Who Is Now A Bat) Catches Renfield Talking With Them He Panics Saying That He Didn't Say Anything And He's Loyal To Him...
Keeping His Mouth Shut After That, A Nurse Enters Afterward Saying That She's Found Mina In The Garden Supposedly Dead, But She's Alive Only Further Under His Influence..
The Next Morning, The Newspapers Report About A Mystetious Woman In White Who Has Been Luring Children From The Park With Chocolate And Biting Them...
Oh, I Wouldn't Worry About That, 2 Children Placed Her In An Oven And Killed Her This Morning Before Eating Her Gingerbread House...
But Recognizing The Woman To Be Lucy Who Has Risen From The Dead As A Vampire, Mina Breaks Off Her Engagement To Harker, Afraid She May Hurt Him If She's A Vampire...
Believing That The Stuff Van Helsing Has Been Telling Mina To Be Garbage, John Tells Steward That He's Taking Mina To London Tonight Or He'll Get The Police To Arrest Them...
How Are You Going To Do That, Dumbass?!?
She's Her Father And You're Her Fiancé, I Believe He's Legally Responsible For Her Until You're Married, So Slow Your Roll And Shut The Hell Up!
Eventually Getting John To Calm Down As Van Helsing Tells The Nurse To Keep A Wreath Of Wolfsbane Around Her Neck And Take Care Of Her While She's Sleeping...
Confronted By Renfield Who Has Escaped His Cell Again, Steward Calls A Guard To Take Him Back To His Cell But Not Before Renfield Can Tell Them How Dracula Convinced Renfield To Allow Him To Enter The Sanitorium...
(End At 1:30)
Realizing Dracula Is In The House...
Dracula's In The House....
Seward And Martin Take Renfield Someplace Where He'll Never Escape Again, While Van Helsing Is Confronted By Dracula...
(Start At 0:05, End At 2:20)
Visiting Mina On The Terrace, Harker Starts Noticing Changes In Her As She Tells Him That She Loves The Night And Fog, Eventually When A Bat (Which Is Actually Dracula) Flies Over Mina, She Tries To Attack Harker, But Luckily Van Helsing Shows Up Just In Time To Save Him...
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This Leads Mina To Confess About What Dracula Has Done To Her...
Later That Night, Dracula Hypnotizes Mina's Nurse To Remove The Wolfsbane Wreath So He Can Enter The Room, While Harker And Van Helsing See Renfield Headed Toward Carfax Abbey, So They Follow...
(Start At 0:14, End At 4:59)
With John Reunited With Mina, He Discovers That She's Back To Normal, So They Decide To Leave To Live Happily Ever After While Van Helsing Stays Only To Be Arrested By The Police For Dracula And Renfield's Deaths In Dracula's Daughter...
But That's A Review For Another Time...
Anyway, This Film Is Pretty Good But Without Music In It, It Can Get Boring At Times...
The Story Is Very Well Written And Both Bela Lugosi, Dwight Frye And Edward Van Sloan Do Well In Their Roles As Dracula, Renfield And Van Helsing But There Were Times When I Ended Up Falling Asleep Because It Didn't Have Music...
And Yes, I Did Watch The Version Of The Movie With Music By Phillip Glass And The Kronos Quartet And I Will Say It's Better But Because It's From This Century It Gets Weird At Times...
So, Yeah, I'd Choose The Original Version Without Sound Over The One With Music, And Despite Falling Asleep I Would Say See It...
Be Sure To Tune In On Tuesday As We Look At The Original Monster Movie, Frankenstein...
Till Then, This Is Duke, Signing Off...
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c0untb00z · 5 years
I would just like to clear, I don't hate the BBC Dracula 2020 Show. In fact, I actually like the idea of Dracula being set in modern times like in the show, but I would like it a lot better if it wasn't written like a fucking reader insert fanfiction.
Don't get me wrong, I love me some reader inserts every once in a while but they're meant to be on Wattpad. Sometimes, you can find really fucking good fanfictions that could genuinly be movies, but this really just feels like someone wrote an erotic fanfiction for Dracula. It almost reminds me of a worse version of 50 Shades of Grey with less kinky sex.
First and foremost Agatha Van Hesling. I actually kinda liked her personality, how driven she was and determined to never give up, but she was literally created for a love interest. In Dracula by Bram Stocker, Sister Agatha is a nun that nurses Jonathan back to health, claiming he was 'sick in the head' as he ranted of what he had seen and warning others of Dracula. She doesn't even have a last name.
However there is a Dr. Van Hesling in the book, hes dutch(???) Professor that mentors and taught(????) Jack Seward who was in love with Lucy, who was fed off of and eventually killed and eventually undead by the means of the one and only Dracula. Dr Van Hesling plays a large role in the plot of the book. He has an open mind and was able to draw connections between things that some others couldn't, as he had access to more sources and could speak to most off the charecters involved. He's the first person to present the idea of a vampire, and Lucy turning into one. Thanks to Jonathan he was able to identify the vampire feeding on Lucy as Dracula and finds out how to kill the vampires.
So basically Agatha was literally fabricataed for the sole perpose of being there, to fall in love with Dracula or something.
I know we all are horny for Dracula. I'm horny for Dracula. Vampires are fucking hot but the sexiest part of vampires is that they ya know. Kill you and are mercily and heartless. The show does show that in a lot of parts and even decapiates a nun and yeets it into a gaggle of nuns which i fucking died at. But it also, humanizes him way to much, hes literally a monster. The scene in the boat with lord whats his name really portrayed that. It was really,,,, weird cause me being a kinky fucker I don't find the particular phrases of "you're going to need to be quiet now," and " youre doing so well" that creepy and if anything a little hot but looking at the circumstance and the look on that kids face, it was like r e a l y fucked up. Which is why i liked that scene. It showed just how fucked up Dracula is.
To be fair i did like Cleas Bangs acting and casting as Dracula. He had a certain charm that was ever so s l i g h t l y off. I heard people say he just 'made up an accent' but fuck you guys its a fucking danish accent you incolent twats anyways. He could be really funny at times and i actually apprecited it.
However the casting AND acting of the modern parts is absolute shit. Ep.3 is where i kinda gave up on the show and finsihed it for the sake of torturing myself. FIRST OF FUCKING ALL LUCY i cannot fathom how P I S S E D i am about Lucy. Why did they have to make her a phone obsessed basic asshole with no regards to anyones emotions besides her own and the extent of her personality is 'getting likes on socail media is all i care about because it makes me feel validated so im gonna wallo in self pity because i was obiously written by white man in his 50s that would have made me white if he wasnt forved to throw in diversity points" like shut the fuck up steven king.
Also lucy and mina never meet??? Theyre in different fucking time lines??? Theyre friendship and love for eachother was fucking golden how dare you rob that form me and give me a garbage bag full of shit with a shiny little bow on top in its place jesus f u ck.
The cemetary scene was o k ay i gues?? I liked the little nod to the book with the bloofer lady and the concept of random sprits being undead because of unfinished buisness. But this really just felt like it was slapped in the show for the sake of going on a date with Dracula in cemetary. I actually kinda apperacted it but it just felt awkward.
Also who the f u ck is Lucy's friend? The gay one??? Like,,,, is that supposed to Arthur???? His chatecter was so fu king weird and offset he just didnt feel like he should be in there. Hes literally just there for a-50-year-old-man's-interpretation-of-young-women-now-a-days verson of Lucy to have a gay best ffriend.
Ok i not even sure if i want to talk about Quincy. It just hurts. It physically hurts me to think about how d i r t y they did my baby. His charecter is the defination of american chivalry, just as great as regular chivarly but with a little extra cowboy vibe. Quincy is jist the biggest,,,, sweet haert,, like he asked lucy to marry him in his cool american cowboy voice cause he knew lucy loved it and it always made her laugh. And even when she turned him down becayse her heart belonged to arthur, he stayed. All he wanted was for lucy to be happy and all he requested was that they stay frirnds. Hes also invovled with taking fkwn dracula although hes not a main charecter percice ly as he doesnt have any entires in the book he still has an amaizing precence and sometimes while reading the book ill be readying one of dr sewards passanges and think "huh i wonder what quncys doin. I hope hes dooin good. Cowboy vibes n stuffs" amd boy dles he do that. Everh dracula film adaptataion robs us. R O B S U S of quincy morris best scene. In the middle of dr van helsing ranting about vampires( thats basically what half of the book is. I could write a 4p minute mono louge of his rambling jesus how does sweard take note of all this) quincy litterally just walks out. And nobodg really pays any notice beside glancing ag his leave and shrugging at one anouther and going back tl listneing tl van helsing explaining his vampire fan theories quincy moris , the quincy morris from texathe untited states of the amerkca the land and the free and also cowboys.stands outside of the bouilding and pints his gun up at. Dracula whos in the shape of a fucking bat eves ddopping outside the window and just fucking,,shoots it. Now he doesnt hit it cause thatt wouldnt be as fun as brutally stabbing the fucker witja wooden stake. But S T I L L. And the fucking bullet hits the window that everybodys in anprobably causes arthur to shit himself the ppoor boy. Can you belive that theh didnt fucking flim thatfor any dracul? Now i i under stands why not put in this adaptation because quincy is only mentionsed like three god damned times. And when theh DK mention him jesusnshit they literally jsut made him some popular jock from amwrica just to conter jacks white twinky ass and then they had him propose to lucy in the middle of a fucking night club and she says yes???? Lile ok jut throw Arthur out a window then cause cause fu c k him i guess. And then after lucy dies he jjsy fucking moves ?? The only thing thta makes this version of qincy quinccy is the fu king name and fact hes from america
Ok now jack fucking seward. He reminds me of when ylu forget you had a pb&j in your back pack so in the bos after school you pull it out cause yoyr hungry and yoyr mom put WAY to much jelly on it so now its like. All obsorbed into the bread and joggy and squished. Just sad and really white. They even had some kid call him whate bread and they werent fucking wrong. His obly personality traits were ' omg i love lucy but shes a hoe ;,,,((' and being connected to Zoe.
Now last and definately least the god forbaden ending. Just thinking about it gives me a fucking head ache. So , jesus, zoe, who is agathas great niece or someshit, a d looks exactly like her (its literally the same fucking actress) is a detective lile scitist reasearching dracula. So dracula is illedatly attracted to her becasue he thinks shes like agathas reincarnation or soenshit. So he tries tk drink her blood at one point and spits it all out and pukes and sjit cause her blood is poisonous bevaise she has fucking c an c e r. So later we find out that draculas weaknesses ( the sun crucifix) arnt actually real hes just afraid of dying so he has like irration fears or some shit so for some fucking reason. They deside. Its a good iea to end the show with this:
Dracula fucking drinks all of zoes blood killing her and himself because her blood poisonus. And ghe fucking emd scene is them like,,, in the sun???? Or soemt hi ng??? And theyre naked and like presumably fucked and dracula says some shit like " its doesnt have to hurt" and i almost tore my wrist open wiith my teeth because of how shitty this ending is.
Not lnly is it disrespectful to zoe but agatha, agathas whole thing was K I L I N G. dracula she wanted him fucking D E A D she woULDNT FUCK HKM
anyway if anyone actually goes through the effort of reafing my god damn eS S A Y about Dracula that i finkshed typing (im not gonna bother editing tbh) at 4 fucking am. Then thank you and please get a life
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