#in parallel to eda with canon luz
crimeronan · 1 year
continuing to think about darius raine and eber going into princess/empress luz's mindscape to see what she's up to (and so darius can make sure hunter isn't in danger even though he'd NEVER admit it aloud) it's fucking HAUNTING me it's so good. it's so good!! anon's gettin' me got by making me think about my favorite disaster adults contending with the various horrors in this AU
i jst. god i cannot stop thinking about it . GOD
darius: okay. this girl is belos 2.0 and wants to own/destroy the world and has no qualms about hurting people to get what she wants. we have to move very cautiously. her inner self is likely extremely manipulative and dangerous and snakelike
inner luz, immediately: [pacing around in circles] [mumbling to herself] [anxiously flapping/rocking] [on the verge of tears] stupid stupid stupid you're just belos 2.0 what if you don't care about hurting people you're going to hurt hunter you're going to hurt everyone you can't do anything right you stupid idiot you'll never get rid of the empire if you can't get it together why can't you just stop being like this stupid STUPID
darius: ........hm.
raine: right. so. darius. about how i'm adopting this child,
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Having incomprehensible thoughts rn. Screaming internally. What the fuck.
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sepublic · 10 months
In lieu of my latest reblog about people taking compelling characters and projecting their writing onto some other (usually white) dude, I want to bring up a post I had drafted all the way back from April, but never posted because at the time I still had enough patience not to. But now is different. I do think this analysis is a bit outdated because it doesn’t consider the mediocre white dude angle of Belos that I find paramount, but it’s good enough for my repurposed point.
            I find it funny when some people complain that the narrative was unfair to Belos despite his “trauma” and circumstances, like there aren’t multiple characters out there who parallel his issues, and get sympathy AND a redemption, in all but one case! Belos is narratively condemned not for what he has in common with others, but for what sets him apart, particularly his stubborn ego. Cases in point;
         “Belos deserved to have sympathy for having an unhealthy attachment to his more confident sibling that was mixed with resentment over being abandoned for someone else, culminating in guilt over hurting them and regretting it!”
         Lilith exists. She’s motivated by a massive inferiority complex with Eda, Gwen favors her. She’s clearly salty about Eda going off to have fun with Raine, and claims to Luz that she’s Eda’s ‘real’ family. She cursed her sister and felt enormous guilt over it… But in the end, Lilith IS given sympathy by the narrative, and the chance to redeem herself. And she takes just that.
         A lot of the people claiming Belos deserved better theorize that stabbing Caleb was an accident, and you know what? So was the permanence of Eda’s curse, Lilith expected it to only last a day and certainly not transform her sister. But Lilith still owned up. And she learned to make other friends while respecting Eda’s boundaries.
         “Belos was an orphan raised in a culture that encouraged genocide and a hatred of wild magic!”
         Caleb exists, he went through the exact same childhood as Philip, but still chose to change. And while they weren’t orphans at the time, Hunter and the Collector were also raised on genocide, taught to find wild/Titan magic apprehensive. But they loved it instead.
         “But Belos actually lost his brother, his loved one died!”
         So did Hunter’s! And he was shown to be snappy and aggressive, pouring himself into a mission to cope! But he still owned up, apologized to Willow for rebuking her. He lost Flapjack, and instead of making replicas of his lost loved one to keep to himself, discarding anyone that wasn’t close enough, Hunter made a diverse array of palismen for other kids, to give them the loving relationship he lost! Even his own palisman was clearly carved to be different from Flapjack, reminiscent but still their own thing.
         Then there’s Darius, who lost his mentor the previous Golden Guard; His own ‘Caleb’, so to speak! And he was also unpleasant about it, he took his grief out on Hunter, who had nothing to do with this! The canon audio diaries even confirm the apprehension has been going for a while… But Darius realized he was wrong to have projected onto Hunter, made up for this by practically adopting the kid and giving this kid the happy ending his mentor didn’t have; Passing the cycle of kindness the Golden Guard started. And his own grief is pointed out to the audience by Hunter himself.
         “They should’ve shown how having a hero complex and a desire to live out a fantasy can corrupt anyone!”
         Luz and the Collector. Luz herself makes these comparisons for Belos, and there were times where she hurt her friends trying to live out her fantasy, and/or planned to leave them under the impression she was doing the ‘right thing’. Luz makes a legitimate consideration that she could’ve been Belos, if she refused to listen to others and change. But Luz owned up! As did the Collector, whose escapism and wish to play the role of the ‘hero’, in this case Luz, causes them to do some pretty terrible things. But they still change after being called out, and are still given sympathy over the loneliness and trauma that fueled their escapism, as was Luz.
"Philip struggled with getting over a different type of fantasy, one that relied upon him conquering and hurting others!"
As did King! And King got over that, he quickly learned that other people would always be more important than his fantasies, even if the 'sacrifices' were a lot more minor. King started off the same, the difference is that he still grew up and that's why we judge his antics as so much more light-hearted.
         “Well that’s not fair, Philip’s examples were more extreme!”
         How about Eda’s curse? Belos never brings up his other sources of trauma as an excuse for his actions, but you know what he does invoke? His curse, claiming to Hunter and Luz that it forced him to act certain ways. But we see Eda, who got a rawer deal with her curse; She didn’t bring it upon herself, as Belos did. She legitimately loses control when it takes over. She scarred and disabled her father because of it, and you know what?
         Eda never uses her curse as an excuse. She never lets that justify what she’s done to people, and she even befriends the creature at the source of her curse, the Owl Beast. The curse she deals with is objectively worse, objectively more unfair, than Belos’. But it’s only Belos who actually cites his curse as an excuse, and the palismen at the source of it? He kills them.
         “Belos’ cursed form is treated as ugly and evil!”
         The palismen amalgam in his mind looked almost exactly the same, to the point where Hunter, who had seen Belos’ cursed form in person before, thought they were identical. But in the end, the palismen amalgam, despite resembling Belos’ cursed form, is a sympathetic and tragic victim who is murdered. Luz and Hunter mistaking him for Belos is justified, but it’s also still regrettable that they are judged by appearances.
         “It hurts people to sacrifice their morals for the greater good, you know!”
         Raine did that, they felt compelled to drag Darius and Eberwolf (one of whom was a childhood friend) into a murder-suicide, because as far as they knew, they were already going to be caught and executed, so may as well take their oppressors down with them! And they aren’t called out for it, because they couldn’t have known about Darius’ actual intentions…
         Because in the end, sometimes you have to punch a fascist, and sometimes you have to oppose a friend or loved one because they took the fascists’ side. It’s why Lilith is expected to change for Eda, not the other way around. Raine is not the aggressor here, it’s all from the principle of self-defense for themselves and the isles as a whole.
         And in the end, it’s because Raine is approaching from a place of actual good intent and moral concern that there are lines they still refuse to cross; As soon as they learn about Luz and King, they sabotage their own plans because they refuse to orphan these kids they just found out about for the ‘greater good’. When one of those very kids, Luz, makes Raine promise to keep Eda safe, you can see the conflict between their morals and their obligations in their eyes as Eda accepts the Bard sigil, and ultimately Raine powers through the draining spell to save Eda’s life, simply because Luz asked them to.
         I’ve talked since their debut of how Raine has some similarities to Belos, in particular how they both work their whole lives to infiltrate a group from within to topple it, even as they publicly support it as a celebrated leader. They both had to lie and work under the radar, and make effective rhetoric; They each wear their own masks. Raine has to constantly lie to and rebuke Eda about being brainwashed, and we can see the moral agony it gives them!
         But Raine is opposed to a legitimate threat, whereas Belos is completely making one up; Raine has to work under the micro-management of tyrants with control over them, Philip has been free from his colony for centuries, and even after finding out Gravesfield gave up on its witch hunting mission in the present, still traps himself of his own will. Belos feels no guilt for any of his ‘necessary evil’.
         Raine had actual morals unlike Belos that they did sacrifice, for an actual greater good, and they actually hurt over these choices. They dedicated their whole life to stop a dark and twisted parallel, which makes their inclusion in the finale as the only person outside of the core trio to help against Belos all the more deserved; They even help deliver the killing blows. And Raine is rewarded for all of their effort, allowed to see it come to fruition and rest happily afterwards, because they really were sincere, and actually did make sacrifices, something Belos preaches but never follows. Most importantly, Raine knew they couldn’t justify everything even for their morally-justified mission.
         “Belos was still legitimately wronged by Caleb for nothing, he didn’t deserve to be abandoned!”
         Even if we believe Caleb did ‘abandon’ Philip or whatever; The Collector was legitimately wronged by the Titan, imprisoned and isolated for millennia despite being innocent. But while he justifiably calls the Titan a bully, he never takes this out on King, or any other Titan for that matter, remembering the rest with love. Nor is the Collector expected to forgive the Titan; The Titan accepts she made the wrong call. After all, imprisoning the Collector left them in a vulnerable state to be exploited by Belos, and give him the draining spell…
         The Titan and Caleb’s mistakes were very much that, but the Collector matured for others, without needing an apology from the dead person who wronged him. And based on what we see of Belos’ memories, Caleb probably DID get to deliver that apology when he was alive, and Philip still insisted on being bitter!
         “His only childhood friend just ditched him for someone else!”
         That’s what happened to Willow, and that’s how she understood it for most of her life; Amity leaving her behind because she was too weak, and kids like Boscha and Skara were more popular, stronger, etc. But not only does the show say her rage against Amity is totally warranted and that the onus is on Amity to apologize, even if she didn’t choose to leave Willow (keep in mind she still saw Willow as a weak person to protect without input, as we later see in Labyrinth Runners)…
         Willow is still kind. She still opts to be compassionate to Gus, and to Luz, and in general a nurturing person despite her abandonment. And when Willow is given the chance to take revenge on Boscha by stealing her glory in Grudgby, she doesn’t kick the girl while she’s down to do so; But Willow is also allowed to still hold anger towards Boscha, as we see in Season 3. And assuming Caleb wasn’t malicious about leaving Philip behind, we clearly see how he welcomes his brother back and wants things to get better, just as Amity does; He had his own side of the story. And Willow doesn’t kill Amity despite being primed to very easily do so…
"But imagine finding out they CHOSE to leave you, when you thought they didn't!"
Camila?!?! In fact, Camila was THE precedent for this, and people went and applied her tragic scene to Philip to make HIM into some angsty sadboi! And last I checked, Camila didn't exactly murder Luz... Plus, Philip had infinitely more time to see Caleb and Evelyn interact, and thus figure out that Caleb wasn't being kidnapped or brainwashed; Compare that to Camila who is just dunked into that situation out of nowhere, and is barely even adjusting to Vee's existence on top of finding out Luz was someplace else the entire time, and dealing with Jacob.
"A lot of family members at least start off as well-intentioned when hurting loved ones, they could've shown that!"
Bold of you to assume that Belos' selfish entitlement towards Caleb is the same as Camila or Gwen's legitimate concerns for their daughters; They did unconditionally love and they were misguided. But when shown they were causing pain, they actually shifted gears instead of focusing on how they were fight because they knew better. And what they were doing WAS still harmful, even though they DID care.
         “Belos was probably a weirdo himself, and suffered from internalized hatred for his deviancy!”
         Lilith dyed her hair to fit in with the coven, and be taken seriously. Amity suppressed herself to be a stoic perfectionist, constantly trying to justify her own existence as she says; She had to work to be good at magic while others like Gus, Emira, and Edric were naturally talented, and was made to hate those who weren’t successful as witches. Hunter too loathed his own lack of bile magic!
         Most tellingly, Camila herself was taught to hide her weirdness, grew up thinking she was successful for doing that, and even tried to impose the same on Luz because of that misconception! But Camila realized what was done to her was wrong, and the same applied to her daughter; Accepting Luz’s weirdness meant accepting her own.
         “Even if he still chose to double down in villainy, Belos could’ve at least been given a moment where he was sympathetic, where his sadness was shown, before nevertheless deciding his fate!”
         Kikimora had an entire episode where she agonized over her obligations to a mother that seemed low key abusive, given her threat to disown her. We see her hesitate, cry, and be legitimately disappointed when she’s rewarded for staying with Belos by ‘getting to live’, a reward that doesn’t even last by the Day of Unity! Even after Kikimora makes her choice to betray Luz and Amity, we still get a final scene of her looking uncertain and even regretful of her decision, before she commits. Kikimora isn’t redeemed but is still humanized, despite being less human than Belos, so to speak.
         She’s even a dark parallel to Lilith, having jealousy towards the Golden Guard, an emotionally abusive mother, and an inferiority complex towards other members of the coven despite working directly with Belos! And she is given many chances to escape Belos, a few months where she is legitimately free from him, and chooses to remain in her ways because Kikimora’s difference with Lilith isn’t that life was more unfair to her, it’s that she refused to change.
         Now this is a bit out there, but there’s also the other Coven Heads! Mason, Vitimir, Hettie, and Osran! The show was shortened, so who knows what they could’ve provided for the story… Mason, Hettie, and Osran especially, since they’re not included amongst the coven head loyalists who still cling to power, even after Belos’ death. The show could’ve easily set up sympathetic moments to indicate a possibility of change, paying off in the epilogue; But because of Disney, you can’t blame the writers for not delivering everything they could’ve.
         “How about a character who was just… an asshole, no outside reason given?”
         Boscha, who was popular and privileged. While she does allude to some pressures that motivate her, as far as we know, there wasn’t really anyone or anything that made her be so cruel towards those she perceives as lesser. But despite this, Willow doesn’t see any point in trying to take Boscha’s spotlight as a Grudgby captain, when offered by her teammates; She doesn’t kick Boscha when she’s down. And Boscha is ultimately still recognized as unhappy with the loss of her friends, so even if she does do egregious things during the Collector’s reign, Amity offers Boscha the chance to become better and improve, as she did. And she takes it!
         “Well, none of these characters had to grapple with having done things nearly as bad as Belos!”
         And why do you think that is? Why are Belos’ sins so monumental in comparison, how did they get so bad? Because he kept refusing to change, kept refusing each opportunity, and got worse because of that. His first confirmed murder was Caleb, who right beforehand embraced his brother during what appeared to be a manifestation of the curse. But Philip still chose to commit his first sin despite receiving such unconditional sympathy, because he wanted control, not happiness. He didn’t start off as a genocidal dictator, he worked his way up to that over centuries.
         “They make it seem like Belos was born evil!”
         Our earliest chronological appearances of Philip are as a happy, carefree child who plays games with the brother he loves and looks up to; That isn’t the portrayal of someone ‘born’ evil. This is the portrayal of someone who became that way, over time, because he refused to concede anything to anyone, and wore away what decency he had across centuries, until we see the Emperor that Belos is when the show starts.
         An evil dictator who ravaged an entire world for hundreds of years came from an innocent little kid, and Luz becomes self-aware of how this can apply to her, even as she’s reminded that she also ISN’T like Belos because of this critical reflection and willingness to listen. Belos, on the other hand, consciously cultivated an echo chamber for centuries, killing any Grimwalker he felt disagreed with him, despite their unconditional love and support. He deliberately shut himself off from the isles and ignored the kindness of others.
         Bump reminds Faust that it’s disingenuous to project malice onto children who often simply don’t know any better, and just need to be given a chance to be taught and educated. But kids also have to take initiative to mature when they get older, hence why we hold adults more responsible; The established logic is that Belos wasn’t an evil child, he was simply a child who never grew up and that’s where his evil came from, rather than being some pre-existing source.
         To be honest, I think the narrative doesn’t bother showing sympathy to Belos over his trauma because he’s already HAD more than enough sympathy, across centuries, from his brother, the Grimwalkers, his followers, even Luz and the Collector! So the story doesn’t feel the need to waste tears on someone who already got them, and instead focuses sympathy to characters who haven’t received as much, if any; People like Lilith, Amity, Hunter, etc.
         Belos is the culmination of other characters’ traumas (who prove you can still choose to be better and happier despite these things), and was practically coddled by the people in his life for it. But he still chose to be bitter, never opened up to accept help, and his rejection brought even more pain that he could only blame on himself. Belos’ only tragedy is his refusal to change for the better; Even the narrative has made it clear he had chances, tears wept for him by people he knew.
He is a mirror to so many characters, what could’ve happened if they looked at their own pain and used it as justification to continue lashing out, because clearly they are the underdog heroes who have been wronged and are fighting against an injustice, right? The hero of their own story, if you will. Hell, we still also get that with Kikimora, as I just said! What I’ve listed is not a double standard, but rather proof that Belos was not uniquely condemned by his circumstances, for he is alike many characters as I mentioned. And Belos does not need to be portrayed “sympathetically” in order for the audience to understand the relevance of these parallels; Namely, that Belos has no excuse to still be like this when those similar nevertheless choose not to be cruel, and will accept others’ compassion.
         And besides, with how the show was shortened… Who’s to say the writers didn’t plan to throw Belos a sympathetic moment of genuine loneliness, before doubling down? Not that they really would’ve needed to. But if they planned it, the writers had to leave it out to prioritize the weirdos this show is actually about, due to the shortening.
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lollytea · 6 days
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How I feel about this character
Gus is so fucking cool, man. I love him!! I especially like his characterization in season 1 as a really cutesy silly geeky little fellow with a surprisingly morbid streak. Like season 1 Gus is probably the funniest character in the show to me. They definitely toned down his chaos a bit in later seasons, but his transition into something more than a supporting comic relief character was also good stuff to chew on.
I find Gus, as he's written in the show itself, to be a character who lacks a solid foundation. Even though I personally enjoy him a lot, it often felt like the crew was struggling to find his emotional core. What makes Gus tick yknow. At least that's the vibe I got from Gus centric episodes where they give him a new complex every time. They knew he was insecure deep down but it was like they couldn't decide on the reason WHY. First they tried "being younger than everyone is hard", then it was "my area of magical expertise isn't taken seriously" and then finally "I'm way too trusting."
I'm not saying he can't be a complex character with MULTIPLE insecurities. I just feel like the writing in this regard is kinda weak in terms of consistency. It really did feel like they just kept introducing new Gus angst every time and forgetting about the Gus angst they had already established. I would have liked to see it all weave together instead, yknow?
Overall Gus is fantastic. I love Gus. When it comes to how the character was ultilized, they might have flopped a bit. But yknow. Gus has potential to be SO interesting. All the ingredients are there. So he's a lot of fun to play with. So much to build and expand on. He is the brightest most neon shade of blue putty.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Rumpelstilskin or whatever that gay little freak is called
My non-romantic OTP for this character
They make me giggle
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My unpopular opinion about this character
I kinda like aroace Gus. Idk if that's an unpopular opinion tho. But I don't really have a solid headcanon for his orientation, so sometimes I see him as bi and kissing that one guy. And sometimes he is aroace.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
MAN!!! I've made multiple posts about stuff that I wish they did with Gus in canon. I'll try to briefly repeat a few of them
- I wish Gus and Eda were familiar with each other before Luz came into the picture. Like the Owl Lady who sells human junk and the little witch boy who's obsessed with human junk.
- I wish Gus' fixation on the human realm was used as a parallel for Luz' fixation on the fantasy genre. I wish it was used as the thing that helped them to understand each other. Two kids who feel like a bit of an outsider in their own world and use their obsession with another realm as a form of escapism.
- I wish Gus had an arc involving Grometheus.
- I wish Gus had played a role in the finale. Specifically I wish his problem with trusting too easily had been brought up again and tied into the situation with Belos, who sits on a thrown of lies. Would have been fun. But what do I know
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teartra · 1 year
I’m not going to predict anything for WAD but here’s what I hope to happen in the finale
Mind you, we might not get most of it because the timing etc and I will trust the decision that TOH crew made (except if they kill my favs… I’m going to live in denial)
Characters we all know and love are alive and TOGETHER
Luz still get access to Demon Realm (hopefully without King’s blood)
Lumity and Raeda kiss
Huntlow canon. Like at least like Lumity in knock3in on hooty’s door… I don’t need them to kiss, I. Just. Want. A. Confession
Hunter gets adopted by adults that care for him. Bonus if it’s Camila (cause I’m a Hunter Noceda fan) but anything best for my son
Some Hooty and Lilith’s content because fr they’re my favs
Gustholomule crumbs. I don’t need a hint or anything bc they’re twelve but just a little crumbs like in FTF
Camila interacts with Eda… PLEASE
Eda, King, and Luz finally stick together happily
Some Luz and Hunter are siblings moment like in Thanks to Them
Willow “finished” her problem with Boscha
The Collector becomes good… like seriously they’re like 10, I don’t want anything bad happen to him
Belos die a dramatic and tragic death. I hope Hunter is the last thing he sees
Steve. I just want my boyfriend. Steve
Vee finally deals with her trauma and gets to visit The Boiling Isle again but this time she feels safe
LUZ’S 15th BIRTHDAY, this is like my top theory for the ending and I want it to happen
The new leader of The Boiling Isle is going to be good, cool, funny, and I kinda want it to be some kind of plot twist like Principal Bump
King and The Collector become the semi immortal besties. I still believe that The Collector can be good because do you guys remember how King was like in S1? All The Collector needs is a family
Epic fight WITH The Owl House Theme Song Remix
Some parallel. I love parallel
Raeda wedding? This might be a bonus for me bc I just want them to be okay
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toh-tagteam-au · 2 years
Tag Team AU Synopsis – Agony of a Witch + Young Blood Old Souls
Synopsis Masterpost Link
Previous Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
Next Part [Intermission: Yesterday's Lie]
Season finale, fellas. Season 1 was basically a build up to this moment and to the rest of season 2. I'm just really proud of this one.
Agony of a Witch
Lilith tries getting into the Owl House like canon, and fails pretty miserably like canon. BUT, in the aftermath when the dust has settled, Hunter flies in on Flapjack, enters the Owl House, and is seen by Lilith (who knows his face). Lilith connects the dots, and knows what she has to do in order to capture Eda.
Meanwhile, Hunter is getting ideas about officially leaving the Emperor’s Coven.
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He makes a plan to head back to the castle one last time, grabbing Luz, and getting the hell out of dodge. Also, Eda Magic Spaghetti setup for the witch’s wool cloak. 
CUT TO THE EMPEROR’S CASTLE!!! Luz is leading the tour group! She sees Amity and it’s cute, she’s excited. Amity is So Guilty but also blushing. 
At some point, Lilith comes in. Luz takes Kikimora’s place in canon by pointing her out, but she’s a lot nicer about it. 
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Amity breaks off from the group at this point, and follows Lilith to the throne room. She sees Belos eat the palisman like Luz does in canon, and has a similar reaction. She runs back to the group. 
Lilith reports to Belos.
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Cut to Hunter! Who changes into his GG uniform and is entering the castle.
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So, fight time. Hunter is very outnumbered, but he manages to take down most of the scouts.
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And then we cut back to Luz, who is waving away the students. Amity stays back to talk to her, when they’re interrupted by Kikimora.
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(Kiki’s line is a direct mirror to her summoning Luz in the comic, if u remember)
Cut to Luz walking onto the balcony. Belos is there.
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(There's some HELLA subtext going with Belos projecting onto Luz here, if that isn't clear. This version of Belos is more trusting with her because he's seen the parallels between them. This isn't just manipulation – he legitimately pities her and what she's going through)
Back to the fight! Hunter gets out of the bubble with Flapjack’s help.
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They have a little staff battle, but it ends with Lilith grabbing his staff and Hunter being thrown off the bridge.
Eda tries to save him, but it goes about as well as you’d expect.
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Owlbert catches Hunter.
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Hunter goes back to the Owl House, and finds out that Eda was going to give him the cloak.
Young Blood, Old Souls
For reference, this takes place a day or so after the last episode, like canon.
We open in the Throne room with Eda in owl beast mode. She is made lucid by Belos, the same as canon.
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Cut to Hunter on top of one of the coven carriages and with a bandana over his mouth (also new witch’s wool cloak). It rolls into the conformatorium while coven scouts are milling around. When it goes into the cell area, he drops down and starts kicking ass. Infiltration time. 
Cut to Eda! She’s in her chains when the door to her cell opens, and Luz is there, face covered in shadow. Eda jokingly asks if there’s a way Luz could get Eda out of there, when Luz comes into the light, maskless, and cries. She tells her she can’t get her out, and that she’s sorry she put her in this position. If she didn’t make the deal with her, she wouldn’t be caught.
Eda doesn’t care about that, though. What she does care about is that she’s looking at Camila’s lost daughter. She takes out the portal key and gives it to Luz, saying that if she’s going to bite the dust, she can’t think of anyone who deserves it more than a human. 
The cage goes up around Eda, and she is brought up to the Petrification Ceremony. Luz presses the button on the key, and the portal is summoned. She looks up where Eda disappeared, and goes through the portal, leaving an empty room.
Lilith walks in a second later. 
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Lilith brings Hunter to the elevator platform, when they’re ambushed by Belos.
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Belos tells him the whole deal: He tells Hunter that he would typically kill the grimwalkers who overstep this far, but his priorities have changed. Mainly, to Luz. He just wants to keep her safe, and Hunter has been doing such a good job of that already – not to mention Luz might be upset if Hunter is killed. He can overlook the slights of the past few months if Hunter goes back to the way things were. They can go back to being a family again.
Hunter shoots back with what he has learned from being at the Owl House – that Belos has been faking his “outbursts” and could control them this whole time, that their “family” is incredibly unsafe. Remix of the “You know what I’d like, Belos?” sequence in Thanks to Them. Basically, he tells Belos that he wants nothing to do with him, and he’s taking Luz and leaving. 
Belos is disappointed, but not surprised. He goes to attack and finish Hunter off, but Hunter manages to dodge it using Flapjack, releases all the glyphs he has to distract Belos, and flies up. 
He gets up to the Petrification Platform, and he uses glyphs to destroy the statue and get Eda and Lilith out. They fly away to the Owl House. When they land, Hooty and King rush out. 
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And that’s the end of season 1!
Previous Part [Enchanting Grom Fright + Wing it Like Witches]
Next Part [Intermission: Yesterday's Lie]
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cherrymoonvol6 · 11 months
ok nvm i'll elaborate right now
i think one of the many weird choices in the finale was to make belos possess raine out of all people. one, because it really comes out of the blue. when has belos ever shown any interest of raine? like, i'm sure he must be aware of raine's record of plotting against the establishment, but he never deals with them himself. instead he sends a plethora of other people to do it for him (darius, eberwolf, kikimora, terra). if anything, it is terra that has a bone to pick with them. and in a parallel work where raine got more to do, i believe terra and raine's dynamic would've been something really interesting to explore. kinda like the relationship between atreus and odin in GOW ragnarok, like this "okay i know you hate me and all that i stand for, but i see potential in you so i'll take you under my wing and prove to you that i am worth of your time and loyalty" kinda thing, which is a banger dynamic btw.
but the second part is that there are two way more attractive options. the first one, immediately on demand, is darius. ofc it would take some canon time of developing that dynamic between belos and darius (it pains me that it doesn't exist), but it would make sense that belos would keep a close eye on darius. after all, he was mentored and was a good friend of the previous golden guard, and it's implied in various scenes (mostly ASIAS) that he knows enough about hunter's "ancestors" to praise him when he doesn't follow orders, and ultimately play the long-con to betray belos. he may even be aware in some sense of belos killing the previous golden guard, or even the existence of the grimwalkers. in that case, it would make sense that belos would have built some resentment towards him that ultimately shows in the choice to possess, corrupt and kill his puppeteer-ed body. but then, there's an even better option here, and a character that belos has hide a long-time resentment against: lilith.
look, if belos remembers luz from all those years ago, then he abso-fucking-lutely remembers lilith as well. and in a sense you can interpret the actions in canon as him trying to exert his personal vendetta against her: keep her close in the emperor's coven, trying to get her sister to join and get branded with a sigil with the promise that he'll cure her from her curse, all this while knowing that she would eventually betray him and join luz's side. we know belos kept her close for a reason and he knows the extent of her abilities, her history and relationship with eda, and her weaknesses as well. belos possessing lilith, then, would not only be the definitive "fuck you" to her, but could've also been an effective way to provoke eda emotionally and lead her to abandon her hideout to confront him. and honestly, from the way belos acts in that scene in FTF, his reaction to finding the best candidate to possess would make so much more sense if it was lilith and not raine.
but like, aren't lilith and raine just... insanely similar characters in the show's narrative? both are figures of eda's past, who loved each other sincerely back in simpler times, and through plot-related actions (raine's reason is much better narratively though, IMO) abandoned eda and joined the opposing side, climbing the ranks through their powerful abilities until becoming important figures in the coven circle. trying to think about the things i'd change in canon to make raeda a better couple involve making them go through similar plot beats that eda and lilith have gone through: an emotional, powerful moment where raine has to choose between their position of power and eda's wellbeing, actual tension between them (resentment and guilt from eda's side, frustration and confusion from raine's side), situations where they are forced to colaborate and their chemistry can still come through but still their dynamic is permeated by those lingering wounds... like, all of those things are stuff that already happened in canon, between eda and lilith. there's even that moment in king's tide where eda has the same somber moment with raine and lilith before executing their sabotage:
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to me, it event seems like lilith got a lot of attention and development with eda in S1 and early S2 and then her character got sidelined when raine started to appear, and simultaneously: how raine's backstory and conflict of interest with eda are pretty much an afterthought but they still get to be a key player in the plot through late S2 and S3. i'm really sorry that economic character construction has to work this way, but that's how it is: you don't get to give eda a sister and a significant other and then make those two characters the same one. you have to commit to just one and integrate all aspects onto them.
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Hey, I stumbled across your last post addressing the toh blog critiquing fans of belos and how they engage with the show and i'd like to put my 2 cents in as an au creator who has belos featured in my aus.
When I made arofam, I was just goofing around, it was before s2 officially aired and I thought at work one day "oh, belos and this gg kid look like parallels to luz and eda, wouldn't an au swapping them be funny?". I made that au based solely on that, and everything after that was straight up just me trying to work around everything the show was throwing at me and try and adapt it in the au. It became more emotional with time, but it wasn't built on a foundation of trying to make his canon self less bad nor excuse anything he did. (Undoubtedly that goofy au just made me more invested in those characters over time).
Like we didn't even know belos's plans, his abuse of the ggs, his brother, nothing, when I made the au. The show really had to make me work to make belos likable in my au after that.
I say this because it's why it's wrong to always make assumptions about ppl based on what they create or are engaged in. You don't have to like the content yourself, but there's a variety of reasons ppl make aus with philip in a prominent role. Some wanna explore him in unique ways that canon can't, some are intrigued by his backstory and wanna play with that, and some are like me who just woke up one day and thought " Ok, but what if we did a silly with him?".
It would be wrong to categorize everyone into one box, with the same ideals and same opinions. Not everyone will have the same draws but assuming the worst of a fan who likes to play with the main antagonist in noncanon work or personally have different opinions on his execution in the show is extremely judgemental and hurtful because a lot of these fans are just having fun and have very little malicious intent.
If you have criticism of the work and wanna kindly address it to the creator, then sure, they might be allowed to give their opinions on where they were coming from while they're at it in case the work was misinterpreted.
But you can genuinely hurt ppl and creators by throwing them under a " bad person" label without allowing yourself to understand them or their work and why they made the choices they did.
I guess the point I'm making here is, fans engage with the media they like for a number of reasons, if you're going to make accusations on them, at least have clear solid reasons rather then basing it on pure assumptions based on work that might not even really be that deep in the first place or even just the comments of a few fans.
If they're being purposely malicious and awful then sure.
But sometimes it's really not that deep, some ppl just wake up one day and wanna imagine a swap au with belos or wanted a cooler death.
People shouldn't be crucified online for that.
100% agree with you there! I've stated before that this fandom has a tendency to connect a person's morality to the type of media they consume or how they engage with it. It's really unsettling, tbh.
You don't like AUs that redeem Belos? Or make him a goofy uncle? Or make Caleb the evil emperor?
Then don't read them. You're not the target audience.
In other words...
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I hope any and all creators with a Belos AU aren't discouraged because some ninny on the net, who thinks they're the arbiter of social justice, got mad because they decided to have fun with a fictional character.
Fandom is not activism.
Just chill and let people put the old man in a dress.
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flower-boi16 · 7 months
The Owl House Is A Bit of A Mixed Bag When It Comes To Ships
The Owl House is a show that I love a lot, but when it comes to relationships I have some mixed feelings. Now, I don't hate ships in TOH but I do have some issues with them.
The Good
First let's start of with the good; one of the things I like about how TOH handles its ships is how they don't overtake the plot or anything, which is a pretty easy trap that any show with romance can fall into (looking at you Star vs). There's also no bullshit romance drama in the show (the closest thing we get to that is Luz not opening up in S2 EP11 and EP14 but that was about it and its also executed in a way that's not absolutely insufferable).
Lumity is also the show's best relationship; it's gradually built up over the course of season 1 and the first half of season 2 and they are legitimately pretty cute together. Ships like Veesha and Aladraius are also pretty neat. So now let's get into...
The Problems
NOTE: Any issues I have with TOH's ships are most likely due to the shortening, so take my critiques with a grain of salt. Also there will be some criticism levidied towards Huntlow and Reada, if you don't like that don't read the rest of this post.
I think my issues with TOH's ships have to come with the ship's themselves, mainly Raeda and Huntlow. Lumity is good as I already said but the other two have a few issues. First I'ma talk about Huntlow; I don't hate Huntlow as a ship, It's OK, I just think it could have been done a bit better.
The ship mainly suffers from being less developed than Lumity, as Willow and Hunter don't really have that much-developed chemistry with each other. There is one interesting thing about the ship though, that being how they are both young witchlings that were shunned for not being born strong and called a "half-a-witch". That is an interesting parallel, but I don't really think the show develops they're relationship beyond that. The ship is just kinda underdeveloped which is my main problem with it, they're relationship just isn't that fleshed out to me, and as a result, it feels a little bit rushed.
I WILL say though, the moment they had in FTF is cute, it's neat harmless little fan service that doesn't take away from the plot or characters, which is nice.
But overall Huntlow isn't terrible but I have my fair share of issues with it. I honestly feel like this ship has more developed chemistry in fan works than in canon. Like, seriously, Willow and Hunter are incredibly cute together in a lot of Huntlow fan works more than in the actual show.
Anyways, now let's get into...Raeda. I've already talked about this ship before and why I personally don't care for it so I won't go too in depth here, but Raeda to me just suffers from how Raine, as a character, is heavily defined by Eda, and they don't have much depth outside of that. If Raine as a character had more independence from Eda I would have liked this ship a lot more, but they don't.
Again, my issues of Huntlow and Raeda are purely there because of the shortening. If the show wasn't shortened than Huntlow would've definitely been more developed, and Raine would have been a better character with more actual development beyond "Eda's ex".
So ya, that's my thoughts on TOH ships. The shipping in the show isn't bad but I think it could've been better, though again, it's worth mentioning the show got shortened so these problems aren't necessarily its fault, buuuuuut my points still stand. So....bye.
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foxlored · 1 year
Deconstructing Luz & Hunter and Wittebane Siblings Parallels
Alternatively titled: Luz is actually not a stand-in for Philip and I will fight the show's writers on this myself if I must
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Another Owl House mini-essay because this show's been on the mind. As the previous one, expect some mentions of abuse, murder, colonization, and so on (as per canon-typical Belos awfulness). Technically peer reviewed (my discord friends talked about it with me)
Luz & paralleling Philip/Belos
The show does a lot of work to make you see Luz as equivalent to Belos, partly in order to deconstruct that. I don't mind that actually, I think the subversion of the "just as bad as the villain" trope fits the show's themes of deconstructing the fantasy genre, given its similar takes on the idea of a chosen one and so on. However, I don't think these parallels are narrative as much as they are just a manifestation of Luz's anxieties and Belos feeding into that.
Stay with me here: We have a character who abandons the only family member they have left in order to stay in the Demon Realm. They fall in love with a witch, and fall in love with the world they're staying in. They unlearn the initial ideas they had about the world that dehumanize its inhabitants in some way—and are in conflict with Philip/Belos, who wishes to "save their soul" and get them out of there.
Am I talking about Caleb or Luz? That's a trick question, because it's both. It's literally the same character arc! And more importantly here—there's something to suggest that at least Belos sees them in the same way.
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"We're human! We're better than this!"
Belos has a very peculiar dynamic with Luz in the fact that he is incredibly bent on trying to "save" her despite all she has done to go against him. He sees her as a potential ally, a human corrupted by the sinfulness of witchkind—and offers her an honestly that is pretty much never given to any other character. Now, compare this to the scene in For the Future where he hallucinates Caleb.
"I tried to save your soul. It's your fault this all happened!"
The mentality is strikingly similar—and while we don't have much content to show the specifics of Philip and Caleb's relationship, what we are given suggests a very real parallel between how he views Caleb and Luz.
What about Hunter?
A fair question, as the show poses Hunter as the Caleb to Luz's Philip—especially with him already being a grimwalker of Caleb. However, it's important to note that a significant part of that parallel is that it's incomplete—Hunter isn't the replacement for Caleb that Belos wants.
Because the cycle of killing and destroying grimwalker upon grimwalker is built off the fact that they cannot match what Caleb was. They... aren't Caleb. Even Hunter, who looked the closest, was just that: the closest. Not an actual replacement. Remember Belos had no qualms about branding him with a sigil, a death sentence on the day of unity.
Speaking of that—
King's Tide, & the curious case of Belos' Manipulation
King's Tide gives us two interesting scenes with Belos attempting to manipulate Luz, then Hunter. Both give a surprising insight into his mentality towards both characters.
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Hunter, why are you hurting me? I only wanted to help you!
when trying to elicit hunter's help, belos is very much focused on that emotional relationship he cultivated in order to manipulate hunter. Why are you hurting ME. I only wanted to help YOU. but there's no further depth to it. Its a purely emotional attack. Contrast that both with his earlier scene with Luz, and what occurs in Watching and Dreaming.
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And despite our differences, I want to help you, Luz. I can send you home. I have just enough Titan Blood for one more trip. Please. I don't want to see another human life destroyed by this place.
While Belos certainly isn't above using emotional attacks to weaken Luz's resolve—playing on her fears of being complicit in his crime, comparing his self afflicted monsterous form to Eda's curse, he also tries to connect with her on a logical level (at least from his point of view).
When he calls Hunter to stop fighting, it's purely because he knows he can eliminate a percieved threat by playing on his weakness—when he calls Luz to stop, it's because he wants to work with her.
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You did do something good. I thought this one was another lost cause. Because of you, we can finish our work as witch-hunters, starting with them!
This exchange from Thanks to Them really encapsulates it all. Hunter is a tool for Belos to use, while Luz... I think the ambiguity in "we" in the above quote is purposeful. At face value, it's we as Belos possessing Hunter, an extension of Caleb—him and his brother together again. But he's addressing Luz, thanking Luz, and I don't think that's necessarily because Belos sees himself in Luz. A wayward human who needs guidance back from the clutches of humans... he sees Caleb in her.
Luz & Hunter, two sides of a Caleb coin
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I think the two of them are both supposed to represent different facets of Caleb. They're the two characters who are deeply harmed by his manipulation, and both represent the ways in which Belos views his brother. A lost soul to be saved, family to be controlled; Someone who's loyalty must be maintained by emotional abuse and manipulation.
And I think the show becomes stronger when you look at it through this lens, instead of the forced "they're like siblings so they must be like these other siblings" comparison partially born out of Luz's insecurity.
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wings-of-sapphire · 7 months
(Spoiler warning for Wish and ig some Hazbin Hotel and The Owl House too since I reference them)
(Regular warning bc MATE THIS IS LONG AS FUCK)
(Oh also swear warning)
That gif of Magnifico in the beginning looks way too adorable to be a psychopath
SCREAMS YES instead of “ow my chest has heartburn” I NEED THE GUT-WRENCHING SCREAMS
UGH he’s evil but he loves his wife
Oh bubbles that works too (also irony)
Imma trust that Valentino made it in a bubble too bc YOU ARE NOT killing off the animal sidekick okay I would rather Magmaya win than Val be killed
Man Dahlia you gonna leave your mother behind?
Disney Channel
It’s giving Onward
OOH or Frozen yk Elsa and the staircase scene
Amaya is channeling her inner Gothel rn
Ooh I love Lydia the Bard!
Mysterious language? Star dialect?
”Last star I see tonight” ANNY
Oh so they’re becoming Stars interesting
Dam Eris was one of my first fictional crushes (bisexual ass) so now I’m wondering if Amaya should be one too
”Hate but also love” it’s giving “Out For Love” by Carmilla
Noooo Aster
Hey orchestra of stars above where the heck are you
Aster I love you but they have no humanity left
Yikes Amaya you’re usually the brains now you’re choosing to spare her?
Ig since you’re in love it would be torture for you but cmon girl
Oop gotta add a ToH spoiler warning now too ig
Omfg battle outfit (AND MORE! THAN! JUST! SPARKLES!)
Omg yeah the dress fits so well with the star-chest thing
SHE HAS PUPILS idk why I was so hyped about that
IT’S GIVING “You’ll Be in My Heart”
Wait next chapter? This seems like the conclusion Anny I’m scared
Omigosh these two royal idiots in love
I I bet they’re giggling and holding hands while destroying precious memories of their citizens
”Feels something changing” eh? Sorry it’s just canon!Wish didn’t give us much but the novelization is very AshaxDahlia heavy
Although Asha has her Sabino… maybe ghosts/ spirits of her loved ones? I always imagined the scene “A Wish Worth Keeping” would have her family’s spirits (in blue) smiling and cheering her on… sparkly ofc
YES this scene in the movie was my favorite bc it FELT DRAMATIC
I said before “Knowing What I Know Now” was my fav but Anny I changed my mind “Wish (Reprise)” is my favorite
YES TAKE BACK YOUR KINGDOM FROM THE STRAIGHT WHITE FOLK (Amaya is Greek… what is Magnus? I’m assuming white too)
SWORD YES make it Prince Phillip’s
Gotta admit that falling wish scene in the movie was gorgeous, reminded me of Wall-E
Wait omigosh Asha looks so pretty in that photo where did you get that
*stares at it for hours bc she looks gorgeous*
Referenced as a wand now!
Smiling as she falls bc she knows HER BAE WILL CATCH HER
HOW are they not dead. The gays only have the power of plot armor
So it was nighttime okay
Yep definitely giving Belos
Told you idiots you shouldn’t have spared her. Pride really does come before the fall
Seriously Gothel wasn’t a pussy she stabbed Flynn why didn’t you stab Asha (sorry bby just wondering how they’re so stupid)
THAT’S what you’re worried about man
Lol I’m just imagining a giant whoosh of power and light and Amagnus squeezes their eyes shut waiting for a painful death and then they just. Sneeze. Itchy magic glitter poof
Is this a reference to a past Disney movie? They’re really going the PJO route huh
Uh. Wow. Okay Aster I guess they did kill you
Yay we have the citizens standing up!
Wait you make your wish at 18 was this women pregnant really early orrrr
Later? Oh goodness I’m worried for the next chapter
Uh Starsha is being a bit sadistic and Amaya is sobbing for her love…
Oh btw is Magnus part Spanish? “Mi vida” since Amaya is Greek…
Someone get Gabo some therapy mate
”Love is all they needed” Amaya you’re clever but this was all sort of your fault witch
Tbh I would’ve agreed with Gabo had they injured Val in some way
Discord DID turn to stone too… how about they turn to stone and THEN get pushed off a cliff
OKAY that was long but it was good
Uh I’m scared for the next chapter? We get Amable’s backstory so do they escape? Will Asha become the FG? Will Aster get LEGO Batman-d by the school marching band of Stars? Is their magic the North Star magic? SO MANY QUESTIONS
Overall though great job Anny! This has been an amazing journey and I can’t wait for the final chapter!
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the-owl-house-takes · 11 months
Camila said she is a mother of six==>lumity and huntlow are incest, they are siblings
Willow told hunter he is a family too==>huntlow is incest
Lilith is amity's mentor/mother figure and eda is luz's. Lilith and eda are sisters, which means amity and luz are cousins==>lumity is incest
Willow and hunter have such strong sibling energy==>huntlow is incest
If hunter gets adopted by darius and darius loves alador, this means hunter and amity are siblings too. Luz is dating her brother's sister==>lumity is incest
If lunter is incest because they parallel wittebane brothers, then lumity parallels clawthorne sisters==>lumity is incest
Willow is pan and dates a man==>that's pan erasure, she should date women!!!!1!
Hunter is bi and dates a woman==>that's bi erasure, he should date men!!!1!
Lumity and huntlow are proship==>lumity and huntlow shippers are proship and condone incest
Are these arguments hella stupid? Of course they are, lumity and huntlow are NOT proship in any way. Any person who thinks they are is kinda...why. You can dislike it, but you shouldn't call people proship for liking these ships.
The same shit aplies to lunter as well. For god's sake, it's not proship in any way! You may like it, you may despise it with a burning passion, both are fine. But you can hate a FICTIONAL ship without harassing and calling REAL people proshippers, homophobic or incest/pedophilia apologists geez. You don't have to like it, just be civil about it. You may see them as siblings coded, you may hc hunter being adopted by nocedas, you may dislike their dynamic and see it as purely platonic. That's cool, go for it! But you gotta remember that your hcs are not cannon. Shipping lesbian amity with hunter IS erasing her sexuality, but shipping bisexual luz with huner is not, because she is attracted to both women AND men. And dear god, fan ships do not affect media in any way. Just because fans ship something not cannon doesn't mean the canons will change. It doesn't take away wlw representation omg.
Like, i'm not a shipper myself. I don't care that much about raeda, aladarius, huntlow, lumity or lunter. I don't hate any of these ships, there's nothing wrong with them. Shipping in general is just not my cup of tea i guess. But just because i don't like something, it doesn't mean i have to "justify" it or harass people who enjoy it. It's just sickening to see people harassing other people over FICTIONAL ships like what and why is that
Wow, that was a rant
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numericalbridge · 3 months
Not as thought through as Human Gus - Witch Luz AU, but i've definitely also considered Human!Willow AU with Darius as the mentor witch (because of the parallels).
Other things in the AU:
Luz and Camila are witches. Amity and her family are human with the backstory of Willow's and Amity's friendship about the same but adjusted for the human world. Very messy Vee and Amity encounters?
and unlike Human Gus - Witch Luz AU, Eda still becomes Luz's mentor, and Gus and Luz are already friends too (but Luz probably doesn't start as a Hexside student because of her influence on Bump in canon).
instead of the Blights, Darius is hang on his friendship with Raine and Clawthornes and/or Perry falling apart (yeah it messes parallels but shhh)
actually pre-character development Darius would be a terrible mentor for Willow, lol. Willow: living by 'out of sight out of mind' motto and bottling up one's feelings under the mask of always being strong is good, right? Darius: yes👍
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sepublic · 3 months
I have to wonder about Camila's life and backstory, leading her to the beginning of The Owl House; For example, was she the (grand)daughter of immigrants, or an immigrant herself? For what reasons did she come to the U.S.; Was there a promise of adventure and freedom that didn't entirely pan out? I could see there being additional parallels between Camila and Luz, if they both came to another 'world' and met someone who really made them feel at home, with Camila's person being Manny.
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It isn't exactly canon, being revealed in a unreleased episode that no longer fits with established lore, but Homesick (which seems to have been originally written as a Season 1B episode) reveals that Manny was a hospital driver. Now this is also mentioned alongside Camila being a nurse, when we know now that she's a veterinarian.
But the idea could still be repurposed into HC territory; Camila met Manny, as someone who also shared in the same career. Given her compassion towards animals, it seems Camila chose being a vet because she genuinely enjoys and believes in that work, so it makes me think of how Luz wanted to become a witch, and then found belonging in fellow witches like Eda or Amity, who helped to validate that choice for her by participating in it with Luz. Maybe Manny did the same for Camila, as someone who was also compassionate in helping transport people to medical assistance, and I assume ambulance drivers must also be knowledgeable themselves too!
Looking at it from one perspective, you could say Manny was Camila's Eda, as someone more confident who helped encourage Camila into being her fullest self, making her feel at home as a fellow weirdo, etc. And by extension, Luz is her King; Someone younger that she helps guide and look after, a kid with lots of big fantasies they want to play out. And on Manny’s end, he could be Luz, while Camila is his Amity, as someone less confident about embracing herself, only to find that courage upon meeting Manny. He too would share in the immigrant experience of coming to a new world, and maybe he did so with reckless enthusiasm, like his daughter did?
And if Camila's an immigrant, I wonder what sorts of mixed feelings she might have about Gravesfield, and the U.S. as a whole. How does she feel about the Dominican Republic, if she's ever been there? Thinking of those Mother-Daughter parallels, this new home isn't exactly the nicest, and it has many of its downsides; Like the Boiling Isles for Luz, it suffers from the influence of racist Puritan white guys, which exacerbates a hostility to outsiders. But as I've mentioned with Manny, there are still people to find there, and the existence of kids like Masha further cements that because even if viewers can't find a Boiling Isles, they'll rest assured knowing there's still others like them in this world particularly.
Not to mention, Vee! Adopting Vee, who much prefers the human world, could help Camila appreciate her own home by looking at it from that angle, and relate to her new daughter as a fellow immigrant to Gravesfield. Camila still seems somewhat beholden to the human world, since she and Luz still live there; A part of this could probably be attributed to Vee, but I wonder if there are other ties as well, such as Luz and Camila's Dominican heritage?
Do they have other relatives that they're still in contact with, and how do they feel about them? I don't think they're necessarily on bad terms, seeing as how Luz herself struggled with being a loner while still having loving and supportive parents, and her feeling complete with her found family doesn't negate those pre-existing relationships at all; People simply need as many friends as they can get.
Plus, Camila might still enjoy other aspects of the human world nevertheless, such as her Cosmic Frontier novels, or even something as simple as her latin music. Maybe she isn't entirely comfortable with the isles either, given how four years later she's still a bit grossed out by certain aspects of Luz's new Quincenera, but Camila's still open-minded enough to be accommodating and respectful.
And again, that makes me think about how the Boiling Isles has its ups and downs, as well as locals who are cruel without needing the influence of outsiders. This is part of Luz's arc in Witches before Wizards, acknowledging that, while still being able to love it, warts and all. And I wonder if Camila feels similarly about the world she moved to (while also sharing an unambiguous distaste for the government), if there's a lot to Gravesfield and the U.S. as a whole that she doesn't like.
But there are still good parts and good people, hence Vee's friends, her own relatives, and of course Manny. Vee herself likes it, fellow migrants have a lot in common! So there’s an almost begrudging love, like Eda and King talking about their home at the end of WBW. Maybe like Luz, Camila realized the (American) dream she wanted when she came to this new place wasn't going to play out exactly as she expected... But in many ways, it still did, especially because of people who made it feel complete.
So Camila really is like her daughter; A weirdo who felt the need to suppress herself, only to find people who gave her the encouragement she needed. Someone who moved to another place that wasn't exactly perfect, but there was so much to still appreciate, and it's how she met someone who also moved and loved it there, like the Collector for Luz, or Vee for Camila. Two outsiders wandering and looking for a home, and when Luz found hers, she really cemented Camila rediscovering that belonging when she felt emboldened enough to continue where Manny left off, without him.
It'd have been so easy to just have Luz and Camila both renounce the human world, but that would be cultural whitewashing, and keep in mind the antagonist of the series is colonialism. There’s a lot more nuance in them having connections in both worlds that they want to maintain. And I think Vee helps to cement this for Luz and Camila; The latter would otherwise sacrifice staying in her human home for Luz if she had to, but Vee can function as family in the human world to stay in touch with AND a parallel for Luz to reflect on her choices, etc. Mother and daughter navigating two different worlds that they feel beholden to is the immigrant experience; They're still allowed to hold onto their heritage that way, just as in real life they would be considered both Dominican AND American. That's part of the larger theme of not having to choose nor settle for strict binaries, while maintaining your own identity as you explore entering another community.
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omgcheez · 1 year
Yanno, I feel like with TOH, a lot of people talk about the lgbt rep and the BIPoC rep, the latter of which is of course flawed and criticized by fans, but the show is also one of the few cartoons with ND and general disability as well as mental health featured heavily as themes. You have characters like Eda who has what parallels chronic illness and she eventually loses one of her arms. Luz's whole initial struggle is not physically being able to do magic the traditional way because she is a human, she canonically has ADHD and a lot of the main cast is ND coded in general. Even the way the series ends, you can see how Luz changed the school system for the better, so much better that Eda becomes headmaster for the school, despite formerly feeling pushed out for being different. TOH is about accessibility as well as the outsiders carving a place for themselves where they can be who they want to be, despite what is expected of them. Luz created the world for herself and her friends that her mother could only dream of and helped make a place for future generstions.
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crimeronan · 1 year
I’m new here and seeing a lot of your princess Luz AU, but idk what it’s about really or what’s going on. Is there a master post somewhere?
oh hi!!
i don't have a tumblr master post but i do have an ao3 series, four complete fics so far (56k words total). i'm talking about that universe. keep in mind that the fics are horror-based and much more serious than a lot of the shitposts here.
but this is a good time to put all the important bits of AU canon in one place! so consider this a quick exposition masterpost.
the premise:
luz wandered into the isles when she was four or five years old. she was subsequently caught and taken to belos, who decided to raise her as his heir bc, yknow. god must have brought this human to him. eyeroll emoji
a variety of horrific events unfold, which eventually lead to luz killing belos & taking the throne herself when she's nearly 17. with the intention of eventually dismantling the empire. all of this is pretty awful and traumatic for her, it's.... not a fun time. i CAN write a summary of the horrors if you want but it would have to be a whole separate post
other characters' roles:
hunter - hunter has the biggest role storywise besides luz and belos themselves. he's the captain of luz's guard and has been tasked with protecting her by belos. his relationship with belos is dark in ways that luz does not know about for a long time; he's intensely neurotic about keeping her from knowing anything. also he and luz are like Holy Shit codependent and it is Messyyy.
amity - amity is the youngest member of the emperor's coven and being mentored by lilith with the expectation that eventually she'll lead the coven herself. she and hunter have an intense, vicious, and occasionally violent rivalry (based in various jealousy issues & them both being neurotic). amity is very afraid of catching luz's attention bc of the power imbalance between them. but she also knows that luz killed belos.
lilith - largely unchanged from early canon lilith. she's the head of the emperor's -- now empress's -- coven, and intends to ask luz for help with healing eda's curse.
raine - raine is luz's music teacher, the head of the bard coven, and a secret rebel. they care Very Very Very Much about luz. after trespassing in her mind (fic #4 on ao3), they have a much better understanding of why luz has become so much more closed-off and cold and anxious. they've taken on a kind of protective parental role for luz that parallels eda's in canon.
darius - darius is also his secret rebel self, canon backstory intact. he has however gotten along with hunter for much longer in this AU than in the canon, for reasons such as: hunter is less focused on being a cop, hunter so transparently cares about luz that it's hard Not to care about him, n hunter is A Mess. so darius is constantly worried for hunter's wellbeing. similarly he's mentoring amity as a fuck-you to alador, he's pretty much the only adult she trusts besides lilith.
other characters - there are other characters that have yet to show up in any of the ao3 fics. willow as terra snapdragon's apprentice; gus as a wild witch who's still managed to make adrian hate him; vee having escaped to the human world and quickly blown her cover by turning into a toddler-aged luz; camila, after meeting vee and finding out the truth, trying to get to the isles to find the daughter who vanished well over a decade ago. these are all concepts that deserve their own stories, i just haven't written 'em yet.
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