#in some undefinable fashion
coquelicoq · 2 years
apparently one of the guests at my best friend's wedding this summer liked the wedding crossword i wrote enough that she would now like to commission me to write one for her wedding. we don't even know each other so i don't know if this is going to go very well lol. how do i write a crossword for someone i don't know? should we just start hanging out??? the wedding's not till march so we have some time to become besties i guess. would love to be like "yes my commission rates are you take me out to dinner as many times as it takes for me to understand you and your partner as people and as a couple. but it doesn't have to be anywhere fancy. mostly you will be paying me with Intimacy." yes. great idea. what could go wrong
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itspileofgoodthings · 1 month
have had a bit of my crash after flying too close to the sun this past week and you know what, it’s very annoying and also very good for me in a stabilizing way.
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widevibratobitch · 4 months
#look away everyone this is gonna be embarrassing#nothing new really same old shit that's been going on every day for almost 20 years with me but uhh#at this point i dont even wish i were fucking skinny (<-lying). id give anything to just go back to my lowest ed weight#which was by no means skinny. not even thin. but it was thinnER than now.#anyway. nothing makes you hate your own body quite like trying to buy clothes lol#being a huge hypocrite rn cause yes yes fuck fast fashion we know#but being able to go shopping for clothes with your friends to a mainstream brand shop and only feeling *a little* inferior in all aspects#but not ENTIRELY worthless as a woman and a human being in general. my god. it only happened once in my entire life#and i had so much fun that day. and i felt so good and happy and even a little attractive. we love internalised mysogyny <333#but i miss experiencing the first stirrings of this stupid ass shy little hope that i could actually be considered hot and pretty#for the first time in my fucking life. like hot and pretty RIGHT NOW. not in some undefined future of ✨...if you lost some weight✨#idk it just feels like it was all for nothing. i ruined every part of my life i fucked up my teeth and my skin and my hair and my metabolism#and my relationship with food. forever lol and it was for nothing because at the end of the day im basically back to the weight i started w/#its a goddamn joke. like yeah maybe im not losing fistfuls of hair on a daily basis anymore but id honestly rather just go fully bald#if i was allowed to keep the weight off#god i only hope i die in a way that will completely obliterate my body. it is kind of a comfort#no matter what - at least ill always have the train tracks i used to play on as a kid <33 one of my most beloved places in the world fr
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ddarker-dreams · 2 months
Worthy Motivator.
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Blade x Reader.
Warnings: Typical Blade morbidity, Blade's slightly yan because I can never write him as Normal, and not SFW implications. Word count: 1k.
Author notes are at the end of the story!
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Washcloth in hand, you wipe away the perspiration clinging to your skin. 
While doing so, you squint, an act your reflection obediently mimics, confirming that yes; this disheveled figure is indeed you. You smooth out your hair, moisturize your face, then apply a light layer of toner. The process is completed in a timely fashion. A few hand motions made midair dim the bathroom’s lights.
Yawning, the door slides open at your behest, retreating into the wall like a turtle does its shell. The room is dome-shaped and customized to your liking. A light birch wood floor, pale pink walls, and windows showcasing scenery of a tulip field stretching on for miles. Windmills dot the distance, turning at their leisure. Gentle orange hues from two rising suns envelop the room in a cozy glow. 
If you hadn’t known any better, you’d believe you were actually on the planet Ethos, not traversing the cold, unforgiving space between galaxies.
While playing with the settings to change the time being depicted to twilight, it finally dawns on you that you’re not alone. 
Blazing eyes freeze you in place and your breath catches in your throat. 
“Blade,” you greet, wincing at how gracelessly the word rolls from your tongue, “I didn’t expect…” 
You cut yourself off, figuring that finishing the sentence will strengthen the bizarre atmosphere. What can be said, anyway? ‘Thanks for that,’ or ‘couldn’t have done it without you,’ maybe? Both options seem equally terrible. To make matters worse, he doesn’t explain why he’s stuck around. He continues to stand beside your nightstand, arms crossed over his chest, his lips drawn in a straight line. 
You’re the only one boasting signs of your previous tryst, the most obvious being your unsteady gait. Hoping to convey some decorum, you clasp your hands behind your back and straighten your posture. Surely, he’ll spill whatever’s on his mind and then make himself scarce. That’s been his modus operandi ever since this undefined relationship stumbled into existence. You tried not to take it personally. You’re both adults, if he doesn’t want to stick around for pillow talk, you won’t fault him for it. 
His eyes sear through your being. 
“You’re going to Illij.” 
You blink, thrown off by the flat delivery and the intentions it conceals. He’s either painfully blunt or cryptic in his word choice. It’d be nice if he could find a middle ground between both extremes, but that’s wishful thinking. 
With unusual impatience, he adds, “Alone.” 
A certain magenta-haired beauty’s previous words resurface in your mind. 
“—Alone? Not taking Bladie along for the ride?” she had tutted. “You’ll hurt his feelings.” 
You thought she was teasing, as she’s wont to do, yet your developing dilemma proves otherwise. That, or you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge the truth in her words. 
Whilst shifting your weight from one foot to another, you meekly reply, “Kafka gave me permission.” 
He has the audacity to roll his eyes at you. 
“Permission, huh?” 
The condescension corrodes your former sheepishness. 
Placing a hand on your hips, you reply, “That’s the word I used, yes.” 
Your room pulsates with palpable tension. He stands to his full height — having been seated on your bed’s edge — sauntering over like a cat poised to pounce. You cross your arms over your chest as the distance shrinks. He’s yet to fully dress himself, wearing only his signature gray pants. His bare torso is marred with innumerable scars that vary in length and angle. Every time you both succumb to the heat of passion, his bandages occupy a new spot, depending on the circumstances of his latest battles. Presently, the cloth coils around his midsection and upper left arm. 
He’s close enough now for you to notice the latter unraveling. 
It isn’t anything logical that urges you forward. The sentiment resides deep in the recesses of your psyche, unsuccessfully shoved down by denial and trepidation. This formless substance takes shape as you meet him halfway. Blade towers over you. Given the massive gap in your abilities, you should fear him, but you know your pounding heart isn’t spurred by negative emotion. 
Much to his perplexity, you set aside the nascent quarrel, focusing your attention elsewhere. Nimble fingers resecure the rebellious cloth. 
“You’re terrible at taking care of yourself,” you mutter. “Honestly, what am I s’posed to do with you…?” 
It’s subtle, but this shift in tone relaxes his muscles. That is, until you admit: 
“I don’t like you being my bodyguard.”
Confusion contorts his countenance, then something more raw; something dangerously intimate. 
“I don’t like seeing you get hurt because of me,” you continue, lowering both your voice and head. “It’s… it’s awful and— and then— you don’t even care!” 
Hoping to avoid further humiliation, you stop there, taking deep breaths to prevent tears from flowing. This wasn’t the direction you wanted the evening to take. You wanted to take a bath, dip into a game Silver Wolf wouldn’t stop raving about, and then prepare for your imminent trip. The trip that’d put thousands of lightyears between you and a man whose blood spilled for your sake could rival an ocean. 
“I’ll be fine on my own. I’ve got Silv’s disguise software and she knows how to track me. So — I don’t know — take it easy, or something. You’ve got the month off.” 
His response is immediate. “I can’t.”
“Wh— did you not hear anything I just said?” you sputter. 
“I heard,” he confirms. He raises his hand to the bandage you rewrapped, as if trying to savor your lingering warmth. “When you’re gone, I cannot ‘take it easy.’” 
Blade uses your stupefaction to his advantage. He takes your much smaller hand into his and places it over his heart. It thumps at a slow, steady pace, like it hasn’t been obliterated and formed anew thousands of times. Your fingers twitch. His body, though colder than the average person’s, emits just enough warmth to indicate life. You feel the raised, textured skin that’s present above his every vital organ. It speaks of untold horrors; untold suffering. 
His chest rumbles as he says, “If I’ve no choice but to live… you’d make for a worthwhile reason.” 
You rest your forehead against his chest and squeeze your eyes shut. 
Kafka… are you sure it isn’t my feelings that’re in the most danger? 
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A/N: owing to mental illness, aside from nexus, i devised another storyline for (slightly) less unhinged blade, this time with a stellaron hunter reader. while it has the material to make a series, i don't plan on starting up another multi-chaptered work until i make further progress into my current project 😭 still, i'm happy to talk about it if anyone's curious! here are some tidbits that give additional story context for this universe:
reader isn't super thrilled to be a stellaron hunter. a desperate situation ended in them joining the ranks. they're the emanator of the aeon of illumination, whose name i'm still undecided on. essentially, they're a 'consumer of stars,' capable of absorbing + storing well. you guessed it. stars. as you can imagine, this ability can provide immeasurable energy or devastation depending on its usage.
as a consequence, when reader's performing the sealing process, they're extremely vulnerable. it isn't exactly subtle, people tend to notice when their nearby sun is going cyaaaaaa ✌ and try to stop them. that's where bladie comes in. he kills anything and anyone that threatens them.
ethos is a pretty meadow planet that's known for harvesting clean energy (hydro, solar, wind) and using minimum technology. most of its inhabitants go their entire lives without ever seeing a computer. long distance communication is carried out through a dedicated fleet of carrier pigeons.
illij is a laissez-faire paradise. consumerism galore. ads projected in the night sky, ads projected in your dreams in certain low income areas where people can't afford space adblock™. it's a lot but sometimes reader appreciates the distraction.
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schizochroal · 6 months
Something ive noticed, that while there has been some reappraisal of the early 2000s in terms of fashion, music, and internet culture as one might expect from the "20 year cultural cycle" in a lot of media even that created by young people there is a still a no-longer-nostalgic longing for the social-material culture of the 80s thru early 90s; arcades, skateboards, malls, and more alternative venues that exist more in history and memory than in a real form today. Obviously, all of these things still exist today, but much of the culture around them is far more moribund than they might be portrayed in media.
I think this might be because that vague, undefined time period was the last time where widespread advances in social and material technologies actually facilitated greater (in person) social interaction, whereas most technological advancements since the early 90s have served the opposite result.
The arcade was probably the most social form video games took, at least in terms of real life interaction, after-all. The internet and its incorporation into our daily life has proven far from its promise of enhancing our social lives, it has proven instead another means thru which capitalists can extract yet more value from our lives without the pretense of something worthwhile in return, only further extraction and isolation.
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smallgodseries · 4 months
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His are the ones you remember.
The dolly with the blue hair; the cowboy with the two left feet; the secondhand teddy bear with the patchwork fur and the lizard living inside its stuffing.  The blocks that didn’t include any vowels, so you had to improvise; the cardboard dollhouses; the fashion doll whose face was drawn on with Sharpie.  They’re the toys that make us, the ones who are just different enough, just unique enough, and yes, sometimes just wrong enough to stand out from the rest.
They come off the assembly line destined for the discount stores, or out of the toymaker’s workshop already intended for recycling, and they find their way into the hands of children, for what is a toy without a child?  A child without a toy will make toys, out of garbage or natural debris: children will play with bird’s nests and with broken sticks, with rocks and with shed snakeskins, and while they might prefer something flashy and designed to fit their hands, they won’t question what they have.  But a toy without a child at some point in its existence is merely an object, its purpose unfulfilled, its meaning undefined.
If every toy were perfect, he would not be needed.  If every toy were perfect, he would fade away.  But toys, like gods, are believed in with the bright, pure belief of the innocent and young, and that makes them, at least a little bit, real.  And anything that is real can believe in its own way, in its own time.
Gallopagos is the small god of misfit toys.  He does not create them; he does not inspire them.  He serves them.
And they believe in him.
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Miles' Drawings Compilation
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Sure you don't, champ?
Okay, this will be less of an analysis, and more of a collection of frames showing the drawings of Miles; I will also take notes of how many times someone appears, appearance and other details.
Let's dive in!
For this, I would looking for frames on 3 times on the movie; his sketchbook at the beginning, the wall on the subway, and his sketchbook again in Gwen's hands this time around.
We start with Miles drawing on this sketchbook.
Okay, while looking for frames I realized that some pages weren't completely show or were just being flipped, I captured as much as I could, but again, I am not doing this in any professional fashion, just pressing pause a bunch of times at half speed.
Complete Pages
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First Page we see, Gwen is front and centre in a page solely dedicated to her.
For the appearance of this shot, I am pretty sure this is based on Gwen going down the portal, the last time he saw her.
Gwen appearances: 1
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Gwen is the taking most of the page, but Aaron is here too, alive and looking just like another dude, as he remembers him.
There is some lettering around in the other pages, tho is hard to see.
We have one mysterious person that is mostly being obscured by Miles's head, so it will go as undefined character.
Some ketches of a street.
Gwen appearances: 2
Undefined character: 1
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 1
Lettering: 2
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Okay! At first appearance, Gwen is only taking a quarter of the page; we also have Noir's first appearance, and Miles doing some Lettering, and finally some light doodles close to the spine.
Gwen appearances: 3
Undefined character: 1
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 1
Noir: 1
Lettering: 3
Doodles: 1
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Okay! This entire a mostly Gwen only page, there is some words there but I think that would be more calligraphy than lettering, but would count it as lettering to not have too many numbers to keep track of.
And to give some chance to other things to score points.
Gwen appearances: 4
Undefined character: 1
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 1
Noir: 1
Lettering: 5
Doodles: 2
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Once more Gwen is the biggest thing on the screen, but we have more people this time around! Thought Rio and Jeff some to be just sketches with lineart while he is putting full color to Gwen. Another point for lettering and doodle, which also, isn't that such an adorable little alien?
Gwen appearances: 5
Undefined character: 1
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 1
Noir: 1
Lettering: 3
Doodles: 3
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
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Once again Gwen is the bigger piece, but is also Peter's first appearance! I wonder how he would feel knowing it took this long for him to show up here.
Gwen appearances: 6
Undefined character: 1
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 2
Noir: 1
Lettering: 3
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 1
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Double whammy this time around, Gwen appears big on the top corner, but also on the other page, apparently dancing. We also have a small hooded figure that I think may be Miles himself but I am not sure, and 2 people who I can't be sure who they are, so I will have those last three as Undefined characters, and finally, some more landscapes.
Gwen appearances: 8
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 3
Noir: 1
Lettering: 4
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 1
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Gwen being at the top of the page is not surprising at this rate, but I had also realized now that until this point, every drawing Miles has been actively working on has been Gwen's, except for the second page. I may add the total number at the end of this post because I am already counting a lot of things already.
Some lettering and Landscapes are here as well.
Gwen appearances: 9
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 1
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 1
Lettering: 5
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 1
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Not only Aaron comes back, with Miles writing "Rest in Power," on it, I found this detail interesting because this phrase is also used a lot for people who struggled with systematic oppression; which there is a big chance was Aaron's case.
In the comics, Aaron and Jeff were criminals initially, with Jeff reforming once he became a father. We aren't sure what exactly is Jeff and Aaron's backstory in this universe; but I wouldn't discard the possibility that it was the same; with Aaron feeling he may had no other option not just because he already started this path, but because he couldn't get out due to circumstances.
Aside of this, we have another two drawings of Gwen.
We also have a drawing of Miles fighting against Dr. Oct, I wonder if this is suppose to represent the battle at the collider, or a new fight he may had with her.
Gwen appearances: 10
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 2
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 1
Lettering: 6
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 1
Miles: 1
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Gwen is taking most of the page in this one, but we also have Peni's first appearance alongside her first robot. Also, on top of Gwen it says a small note of "Buy more Red!"
Gwen appearances: 11
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 2
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 1
Lettering: 6
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 1
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 1
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And Noir is back! You know, considering he was the second one to appear, and the first to reappear, I wonder if Miles liked Noir that much, or maybe he is going it as art study of some sorts, since he is quite literally void of color.
Gren Goblin Appears! I didn't even register this before, I guess it does leave you with an impression.
Gwen appearances: 12
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 2
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 2
Lettering: 6
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 1
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 1
Green Goblin: 1
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(FINALLY! This page goes on so quickly it took me multiple times to get it, jeez if anybody has a better idea of how to capture frames, please tell me in an ask or something please.)
Okay! So multiple people this time around, we can see Gwen a couple of times (because of course,) Noir is back (and I think my theory of this being black and white study is becoming stronger,) and on the other page we can see that Peter B is back again. Some equations as well, perhaps he needed to do it on the fly? Seems off to use his sketch book for this but oh well.
Gwen appearances: 14
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 2
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 3
Lettering: 7
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 2
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 1
Green Goblin: 1
The following pages were the ones I couldn't get complete because they were obscured when full on display, or there was never a chance on that shot to seeing the entire page.
Half Pages
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On this one, we see this is the top part of page three, which is another Gwen drawing, surprise surprise. This means now she went for being in a quarter of the page to taking half the page.
Gwen appearances: 15
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 2
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 3
Lettering: 7
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 2
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 1
Green Goblin: 1
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This one was hard to get, but we can see that before his hand got on top of the drawing, there was a doodle not just of Aaron, but Aaron as the Prowler!
Gwen appearances: 15
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 3
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 3
Lettering: 7
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 2
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 1
Green Goblin: 1
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And finally, of course our final doodle of this sequence would be a big, beautiful close up of Gwen. Honestly his memory is impressive.
Gwen appearances: 16
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 3
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 3
Lettering: 7
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 2
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 1
Green Goblin: 1
With that, we go to the next part, the wall!
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Since this one Miles just adding more drawings and such, there is really one frame to analyze. I could in theory talk about who he draws first and in which order, but I decided not to in hopes I can include all drawings in one post without hitting the limit of pics.
Is a big difficult to see everything, specially if seem in one go, so I did a breakdown of each character here.
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The wall is interesting because unlike the Notebook, everyone except Aaron appears an equal amount of times, while Aaron only appears 2 times instead of 3, I found interesting how Miles drawn him both as the uncle he remembered, and the Prowler. I think even if he was technically a bad guy, Miles preferred to remember his uncle for the enterity of who he was, the good at the bad.
Also, front at centre we have Gwen, Aaron and Peter for the most part, which were also important key players last movie.
And I just notice, but this is the first time Ham appears in Miles's drawings! He is also the last one; huh, maybe not too much into cartoony art style?
Gwen appearances: 19
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 5
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 6
Lettering: 7
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 5
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 4
Green Goblin: 1
Ham: 3
Miles Notebook in Gwen's Hands.
. . .
I wasn't sure if they were going to show different drawings when Gwen had the books in her hands, I thought it was worth taking a look in case something was different, but it would make sense to just use the ones they already showcased.
What I did not expect, was to catch a continuity error.
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Notice it yet? The page on the left actually had those exact same drawings on a right page earlier, in fact that page was suppose to come after the page on the right,
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This is not really the first continuity error I had caught, I thought of doing a post about it, but with the news of the overworked animators I felt almost like an insult point out the mistakes when they were already working overtime to finish this movie. Perhaps at one point in the future when things had calmed down.
And if the last paragraph didn't made it clear enough: I don't want to hear anything against the animators for any possible mistakes I may point out or not in the future, I had dealt with far bigger bullshit than this and all things consider the people working on this movie deserve an award for multiple reasons.
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With that out of the way, I came to see that actually, Ham DOES appear in the notebook! Miles shoulders made him difficult to see him as well as the explosion, but here he is!
Gwen appearances: 19
Undefined character: 4
Aaron appearances: 5
Landscapes: 5
Noir: 6
Lettering: 7
Doodles: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Peter: 5
Miles: 1
Peni and SP//dr: 4
Green Goblin: 1
Ham: 4
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And here we have the only drawings that didn't appear before, which is of course, another big one with Gwen on it.
Also, we had seen Miles do some lettering, but, is it just me or this is the first time he has done it with her name?
On the other page we have a bus ticket, that upon closer inspection, is the Hudson Valley ticket from the last movie! This one in particular seems to be going TO Brooklyn, which means this is the ticket he had for when he, Gwen and Peter were coming back. No wonder he keep that one!
There is also a last mysterious person I have no idea who may be, I think maybe Genki? I don't remember his hair being that long but maybe it was like that at point? Will be put as a mysterious person in the final tally.
Final countdown.
Okay! The numbers may be a bit off, and I guess one could argue how many things could count as doodles/lettering, but the results seems to be this!
Gwen: 20
Lettering: 9
Noir: 6
Aaron: 5
Peter: 5
Undefined character: 5
Landscapes: 5
Doodles: 4
Peni and SP//dr: 4
Ham: 4
Rio: 1
Jeff: 1
Miles: 1
Green Goblin: 1
Miles's parents tied up with Green Goblin in appearances, which is kind of funny, but I guess he doesn't spend that much time with his parents, and he has them always in his corner so is not like he misses them like the rest. Green Goblin was probably because it could be interesting to draw.
Then we have Ham and Peni on the lower end of characters that appear, this makes sense since they didn't interact that much with Miles inthe last movie.
Landscape, Doodles and Undefined Characters come after it on the numbers, but I don't think there is much to talk about those.
Peter and Aaron being tied isn't that surprising all things consider, what it is surprised is that Noir of all people appeared more than them; I insist it can be explained by Miles trying to do black and white drawings.
Lettering is the second thing that appears the most, this number can varied depending if you lump together Grafitti style with Caligraphy or not, or even on the fact that there were some words that I didn't count for this. I think is safe to say the number would still be high one way or another.
But nothing is topping Gwen, who appears AT LEAST, 20 times in Miles's drawings.
And Gwen is still the one who won the poll in who has crushing harder, and the worst part is that even with this number she winning makes sense.
They are both so stupid for each other, I love it.
Well, this post was more work than I expected, but it was a lot of fun either way, and this pics will be useful for references later.
I encourage people to reblog this post specially since I believe regardless if you ship Ghostflower or not, this information can come handy for anyone interested in the contents of the notebook or for fic reasons.
Thanks for reading and stay awesome!
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reagansragepage · 4 days
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Another LMK oc of mine! This is Xu Yang! He's the reincarnation of Hou yi! He's a mega Chang'e fanboy, so much that he learned how to make his own merch! (I don't often draw in the lmk artstyle so usually you'll see my lmk oc's in my normal artstyle sgdhdjdj)
Here is his backstory:
Xu Yang was born in a small village nestled at the foot of the towering Kunlun Mountains in China. From a young age, he exhibited an unusual affinity for archery. His father, a humble craftsman, and his mother, a schoolteacher, nurtured his interests but were puzzled by his extraordinary skill. By the age of ten, Xu Yang could hit targets with uncanny precision, and his prowess only grew as he aged.
Despite his remarkable talents, Xu Yang never felt content. A deep-seated unease gnawed at him, a constant feeling that he was not living up to some undefined expectation. This feeling drove him to train relentlessly, often to the point of exhaustion. His parents worried about his health, but Xu Yang was resolute, convinced that he needed to push himself harder.
At fifteen, Xu Yang began having vivid dreams. In these dreams, he was a mighty archer named Hou Yi, tasked with saving the world by shooting down nine suns that threatened to scorch the Earth. The dreams were so lifelike and recurrent that Xu Yang could no longer dismiss them as mere fantasies. He confided in his grandmother, a wise woman steeped in folklore and tradition. She listened intently and then revealed to him a family secret: according to ancient legend, one of their ancestors was Hou Yi himself.
The revelation was a double-edged sword for Xu Yang. On one hand, it explained his extraordinary abilities and his unrelenting drive. On the other hand, it amplified his feelings of inadequacy. How could he, a mere boy, live up to the legacy of a legendary hero who had saved the world?
Xu Yang's sense of duty became a burden. He believed that he had to prove himself worthy of Hou Yi's spirit within him. This belief led him to overwork himself, pushing his body and mind to their limits. He excelled in school and became the star of the archery team, but his relentless pursuit of perfection took a toll on his health and happiness.
Despite his achievements, Xu Yang felt isolated. His peers admired him but found it hard to relate to his obsessive drive. He struggled with the pressure of his perceived destiny, battling feelings of loneliness and inadequacy.
In the midst of his turmoil, Xu Yang discovered an unexpected source of comfort: a popular cooking show hosted by the goddess Chang'e. The show was a whimsical blend of culinary art and ancient folklore, and Xu Yang found solace in the serene presence of the goddess. Her calm demeanor and gentle wisdom provided a respite from his relentless self-imposed pressures.
As Xu Yang's interest in Chang'e's show grew, he found himself drawn not only to cooking but also to the aesthetics of the program. He admired the intricate designs and elegant costumes featured on the show, sparking a newfound passion for fashion design. In his spare time, he began sketching outfits inspired by Chang'e, creating his own line of merchandise that celebrated the goddess's grace and style.
Through this creative outlet, Xu Yang started to find a balance in his life. Fashion design offered him a way to express himself and connect with something he loved without the intense pressure of perfection. He realized that being a hero, whether in archery or in life, didn't mean sacrificing his well-being. It meant embracing his passions and finding joy in the journey, just as Chang'e's show brought joy to him.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
God devout protector Miguel after the you two incident would be AMAZINGLY AWFUL. Man will full on strap your ass to him in like a baby carrier kind of fashion, you wouldn’t leave his sight, let alone his reach.
And the other spiders would be crossed between being mad jealous but also relived because if anyone can keep you on lock, it would be Miguel.
If you did try and leave again tho I FIRMLY believe man would go full feral, foaming and running on all fours, just to get you again.
But also? He’s totally crying the first time he gets to fuck the real you. Man will swear there’s a diff between you and your dopple.
(Post contains across the spiderverse spoilers for Miguel's backstory/family)
Bruh I keep thinking of tons of ways to torture Miguel/the Reader, why do I have a fetish for writing fucking drama like this is some lifetime movie real housewives levels of drama, and I was thinking of a really specific scene sort of idea. So imagine a big reason YouTwo starts trying to steal your identity, really THE reason, is because YOU didn't realize "the severity of your surroundings" in the sense that you don't realize your spidey sense is going off half the time because a big portion of this community is stalking you, but YouTwo DOES. Like lmao, it's not even, totally out of spite against you that they steal your life either, YouTwo may just also share some of your massive insecurity issues and they see how so much of the Spider Society outright adores you and wants that for themselves, they want to feel important and loved, shit maybe YouTwo is even an anomaly who was never supposed to be a Spider but you were and that furthers their own mental health issues
I really like the idea of like, Reader and Miguel having kind of a slow burn undefined relationship which actually plays a role in exposing YouTwo or. Something lol. Idk I kind of struggle sometimes, tone wise, with writing yandere who are just like outright delusional and not at least partially lucid and, I typically don't go for those "I was drooling at the mouth the second i saw you" characterizations myself (not because I don't like them but, I'm apparently obsessed with "having emotional tension build up")
So, imagine if one point in the past Reader had gotten drunk and Miguel was taking them home because a super drunk and clumsy Spider who can crawl up any surface with super strength could be a potential disaster (did yall know Miguel can lift TEN TONS, that's 20,000 pounds, uh, uh, uh, sir thats actually terrifying i think you could deadass One Punch Man, fucking, Doomfist punch an entire fucking skyscraper) and at some point you just kind of. It's a little earlier on in how you know him and imagine you just kind of very extremely sloppily come onto him, just kind of a "fuck it he's handsome and I'm drunk why not just go for it" moment
you kiss him on the lips, and he just totally freezes and, you know, despite him actually having some developing feelings for you, unhealthy obsessive feelings gradually increasing over time, he's not exactly at the Having Sex With You stage yet, or, perhaps he already is but, you're too drunk for him to be comfortable sleeping with you because He's A Good Catholic Boy And Your First Time Together Must Be Special or, he has to be more drunk too so it feels a little less uhhhhh dubcon-y (I also keep thinking about, as a separate concept separate from YouTwo stuff, what if you both got drunk to the point both of you kind of forget who you slept with last night until Miguel remembers but you don't and he's like "oh shit did I actually remember to use protection or was i too drunk and excited in the heat of the moment" and, oh hey wouldn't you know it, Reader just missed their period, when applicable obviously)
But anyways Miguel just gently rejects your advances and, actually is, emotionally vulnerable for a while, like he respects you enough to explain his reasoning and then some, telling you, hey, it's been kind of a long time since he's, you know, been with someone In That Way, he DID used to have a fiance who had been pregnant when she died, and after losing them both as a canon event, and then losing "them" a second time, his heart is just. Still healing after all this time. And I imagine Reader is embarrassed as fuck but also you're crying but it's actually a good crying because you're like "dude i think its so beautiful that you love them that much that they're still kept close to your heart after all this time" and it actually makes you love and respect him MORE, his strength, his devotion, and the two of you just sit there and talk until you eventually pass out and THIS is a huge moment that furthers his obsession with you because he gently set a boundary where he's technically rejecting you, denying you something you want, and you're basically like "dude that's so fucking badass of you, you're like the strongest man I know, sir its an honor working with a man like you"
For one, imagine the fucking pain if after that experience with you, he winds up eventually having his "first time" with YouTwo and you walk in on it and that like, completely breaks your heart because it's like. Wow fuck we've been coworkers and, weirdly defined not-dating-but-everyone-jokes-we're-married status for like maybe a year and a half even, and he just suddenly, in your perception, replaces you with some... cheap copy? What was wrong with you? What did they have that you don't? Why weren't you good enough 🥺 like I imagine at this plot point Reader is already SEVERELY depressed and you just find a man you, you like genuinely LOVE seemingly replacing you with someone who looks and sounds just like you but somehow YOU aren't good enough. Like. Bro it hurts you so fucking bad, part of me thinks you just go to your apartment and don't come out for like a straight week and that makes you feel even worse because YT is still running around fooling people and not everyone notices your absence so one comes to check on you and it furthers your mental illness that "no one cares about me" when that couldn't be farther from the truth
Absolutely torturing this man with the concept of, you guys never sleep together (yet) but YouTwo just kind of automatically assumes from The Vibes they get from the pair of you that SOMETHING must be going on and, during what I'll call the big confrontation, where YouTwo is cornering you with other Spiders who accuse you of being the fake and they're kicking you out, you weaponize that you know things THEY don't. You're standing there desperately trying to think of how to prove your innocence and you take one look at Miguel and the way he's absolutely glaring you down, almost looking at him in a sort of "wait, I want you to see this" kind of way before you look at YouTwo and fall into a character of your own "so how long have you been sleeping with my man? What, i warm him up for you and you steal my boyfriend?" Or something to that effect, and YouTwo is just kind of like, "oh PUH LEASE, Miguel and I have a much deeper relationship than just the physical, you have no right to talk like you know him" and they sidle up to him rather intimately and meanwhile Miguel's expression just DROPS. He looks to you while you stand there glitching out without your wristwatch and you're looking at him with the biggest saddest fucking boo boo eyes and you just kind of like, solemnly bow your head, "it was an honor working with you, sir" and he's just like OH F U C K, man is RUSHING, he scrambles to try and put his own watch on you but it's too late, there's not enough time, he reaches out to save you and your form disappears from this reality just as he's about to snap the cuff on your wrist
Like deadass it isn't your fault, but, you RE-TRAUMATIZE this man. His wife and unborn child, the replacement family, now YOU, and YOU were totally innocent and this was even more his fault than the first two things, like, he is one more major incident away from becoming an addict or a barely functioning alcoholic by the time you stumble back into his dimension by accident
I imagine he and the other betrayed Spiders deadass put scars on YouTwo's face and body so there can never be any mistaking who they are ever again and they're exiled back to their home dimension (and I mean if they kill themselves Miguel just kind of shrugs like "that was their choice" and also I wonder if that would break canon for that universe and kill everything in it or deadass there would just be another replacement Spider and suddenly everyone is like oh wow YouTwo was a fake anomaly all along)
But gooooodddddd, thinking of both Reader and Miguel after the return. Both of y'all are traumatized and you're basically scared of him now, it's hard for you to trust him or anyone else at all, meanwhile Miguel is DESPERATE to try and make things up to you while you're flinching when he reaches for you. I imagine the man starts being more openly affectionate with you. More hands on your shoulder, a pat on the head, he asks Lyla to watch you while he goes to refill his coffee and gives you a kiss on the temple on his way out, meanwhile Reader is just, you know, probably desperately needing therapy at this point, thinking "do I or don't I trust him", but also still having all of those happy memories with him and everyone else and you're just, even if you wanted to you're too physically weak from being lost in the multiverse for several months to really escape if you wanted to
Deadass think at this point the man would microchip you like a cat. Oh, so Miguel has to worry about fakes of his loved ones showing up now, as if he isnt dealing with 2099 other things right now? He'll show them! He'll microchip your ass so he can track you and confirm your identity at all times! Maybe he'll just microchip everyone! Or he'll put some sort of system feature in all the bracelets where they all have ID numbers and such so no one can pretend they aren't who they say they are! He's not mentally ill, he's just well intentioned, promise :)
While you're recovering from bouncing around all the different universes, healing any fractures or broken bones, overcoming any fevers or infections, he is INVOLVED in your care. He's constantly asking any doctors and medics for updates, and really, he's like a genius geneticist, would he actually be directly involved in administering any of your care? He doesn't like seeing other people give you shots or draw any blood because it hurts you so he insists on doing it. He creates a little nook in his office and on his brooding platform (almost typo'd that as breeding platform, but, I mean, it COULD be) so that he can keep his eyes on you once you've recovered enough to be let out of bed. Miguel just, finally getting an actual chair or bench and he's sitting watching all his monitors in the dark while you're in his lap and he's occasionally gently petting your hair. If he sees anything upsetting he just settles himself closer to your body and it brings him peace like no other and suddenly, yeah he just straight up is toxic codependent on you. He wants to protect and fawn and obsess over you and you're scared and vulnerable and start depending on him for protection again, like imagine if you're actually too scared to try running away because you just spent several months being catapulted between universes and you just need to rest, there's so much danger out there you didn't even comprehend before and, at least here with Miguel, it's safe for you, so, you accidentally kind of feed into all his problems
Could you even FUCKING IMAGINE if a THIRD YOU shows up and they might actually have distinguishing features from you that make it like impossible for you to be mixed up BUT STILL the second you see them you literally begin bawling your eyes out IMMEDIATELY and cling to Miguel, SHAKING, "please don't get rid of me please don't get rid of me please I don't have anywhere to go please please please" and like You3 could be the nicest person ever and not want to fuck up anything in any way and the whole ass Spider Society is just still like "nah fam you gotta go home, there's only room for one of you here" which is ironic coming from a a society where 70% of them are like the exact same person, like gee let me go fetch a coffee with Peter Parker and Peter B Parker and Peni Parker and Peter Porker and Peter Parkedcar like. You see what I mean?
Miguel and Reader sharing living quarters after your return and like, do you think he has a decent living space or do you think like nah he's living in a bachelor pad. He's actually the CEO of Alchemax in his universe so I assume he'd be like absolutely loaded, and he's in a futuristic cyberpunk dystopia so like, presumably he'd have a fully kitted-out penthouse apartment, and yeah while there IS room for you to have your own space and own bedroom, for sleeping, you're REQUIRED to be in the same room or bed as him. The entire place is bugged and wired and he has things meticulously organized so even if there were cameras he would know when you touch things or potentially snoop around. Oh, those papers on his desk were a few centimeters to the left before he went to the bathroom kinda attention to detail
And of course he eventually wants to take your relationship even further and finally be with and hold you, the real you, join his bodies with YOU and not some fake this time, and if it's not outright noncon, maybe you're so traumatized at this point you just decide "at least he thinks I'm me, at least someone still loves me enough like this, at least he's devoted to me even though he's totally crazy" and, you know, participating. He's murmuring all these praises and endearments and you're just so anxious and shy while his hands roam your body and he just totally worships you with lots of kisses and nuzzles and teasing little bites and you're holding onto him and are affectionate with him back, basically cuddling the entire time during sex, like man could have you folded into a mating press and you just, reach and intertwine your fingers and look up at him like 🥺 so insecure and scared because is he going to stop and leave if you mess up? What are you supposed to do? And he can sense your anxiety and gives you plenty of compliments and praise and encouragement while showering you with little smooches
You're lying there post-coitus and he's got his huge muscular arms caged around you as he tucks you into his chest, rubbing his hands over your back, telling you how amazing it was, how you did such a good job, and he basically fucks you the entire night until you can't take it anymore and are passing out in his bed while he's holding you, practically purring until both of you fall asleep as he idly wonders what your ring size is.
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holylulusworld · 1 year
History at its best
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Summary: You love history.
Square 1 filled for @ultimatechrisbingo​: Professor!Steve Rogers
Pairing: Professor (Silver Fox) Steve Rogers x Student!Reader
Warnings: language, undefined age gap (the reader is of age), Silverfox!ASteve, light smut, unprotected sex, creampie, possessive Steve, doggy style, Captain & Sir kink, dirty talk, hand around throat (no choking, but I add it just in case), inappropriate relationship
Words: 1k+
This story is part of my: Adventures with your professor masterlist 
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History. You love history. Especially when it comes on two long legs, and makes your panties dampen with only one look.
“Today, we will pick up where we stopped last time. Y/N, can you tell me where we stopped last time?”
Damn that man. Professor Rogers. Steve Rogers. He flashes you a bright smile as you nervously shift in your seat. 
You cross your legs and try to pretend you’re not having daydreams of your professor and his perfect cock. “Miss Y/L/N.”
“Page 385, Lesson 12,” you reply, praying that you remember the page right. If not, he’ll bend you over his desk and punish you for not listening to his lecture.
“Very good, Miss Y/N,” Professor Rogers points out. “As always. You’re such a good student…and a good girl.”
“I-“ dropping your eyes to your notebook you swallow thickly and pray none of the other students heard his last comment.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” he puts on a big show as he walks toward his table. All tall and bulky he makes an impressive sight.
He puts on his glasses. The ones he doesn’t need. Steve Rogers just wants to act like he’s a normal guy.
But when he almost fucks you through a wall, he proves that he’s more than an average forty-plus guy lusting over one of his students. Steve Rogers is still the man saving the world more than once and a super-soldier. 
“Professor, can we talk after classes,” one of the new girls in your course asks. “Please.”
“Sorry, Miss—“ Steve furrows his brows as he can’t remember her name. “What was your name again?”
“Sandi, with an I, not Y,” you dip your head to watch her lean back in her chair to push her tits out. You chuckle and turn your attention back toward the notes you took last time.
If not, Steve will find a way to punish you. And you are not in the mood for a bruised ass and no orgasm again.
Once in a while, you love to be a bad girl and to get some well-deserved punishment. Just not this week. You want to be good this time to make sure he goes easy on you and your still tender ass.
“Right, Miss Y/L/N,” your head snaps up the moment you hear his voice. Steve narrows his eyes as you got lost in thoughts once again. “Do you want me to repeat the question for you?”
“I’m sorry, I was looking over my notes about the Roman Empire and didn’t hear your question, Sir.”
You watch his Adam’s apple bobble when you use the title. “Well, at least you were engrossed in the topic, not some fashion magazine. You are forgiven.”
He smirks as you release a shuddery breath. “Thank you, professor.” Steve doesn’t seem to be mad.
“Anytime, Miss Y/L/N.”
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“Why not? Every other girl would gladly join me at that party,” you roll your eyes as one of the frat boys tried to talk you into going to a party with him.
“I told you; I got a boyfriend at home.”
The annoying guy doesn’t need to know your boyfriend is your professor and the former Captain America.
“What he doesn’t know…” he grins, offering you a good time and more. “You don’t want me to tell everyone you’re an uptight bitch, right?”
“Fuck you,” you storm off, muttering under your breath. “No one gives a shit about your opinion.”
“I bet she’s boring in the sheets, bro. Let’s forget about her,” one of the other frat boys pats the guy’s shoulder. “We will find some other bitch for you.”
“Do we have a problem here?” Steve cocks his head to look down at the guy hitting on you. He was hiding behind a corner to jump in if needed. “What did you just say about Miss Y/L/N? How did you call her?”
“Virgins, you know,” the guy dares to snicker. “I bet she will mewl like a cat in heat when she gets fucked. Needy bitch.”
It takes everything in Steve not to break that grinning frat boy’s neck. He balls his hands into fists and takes a deep breath.
“Maybe she only needs a real man. Someone not treating her like a piece of meat. A man who knows how to fuck. I bet, you’d learn a thing or two listening to an experienced man, not a boy who creams his pants the moment he sees boobs...”
Steve storms off. If not, he’ll gladly kill the boys for daring to even lay eyes on you…
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The moment Steve sent you a message, demanding that you wear a naughty schoolgirl uniform and no panties you knew, someone fucked up big time.
You just didn’t know it wasn’t you but the guy hitting on you.
Now he has one arm wrapped around your chest, hand gripping your left upper arm tightly. He sinks his teeth into your neck to mark your body all over again.
“Who do you belong to, doll?” you whine at Steve’s words. You’re too out of it to even answer. “I asked you a question and I expect you to answer it.”
“Y-you,” you squeak. “I’m yours…only yours.”
“Fuck, this cunt.”
Steve moves his hand to your neck to force you to crane it. He grins as you look up at him with glassy eyes. “Say it.”
“Your cock feels so good, Captain,” you’re out of breath. Steve is fucking you hard from behind, never missing a beat as you struggle to even keep your body upright. “I love it so much.”
“Of course, you do, doll,” he lowers his head to kiss you greedily, lips and tongue dominating your mouth. 
“Not yet,” he growls against your lips while his hips mercilessly snap into your ass. “I’m gonna ruin this cunt first.”
“It’s yours…only yours,” you babble and whine. “Please…Sir…” You’ll do anything to get your high. “I love it when you fuck me.”
“Fuck,” your body goes slack as Steve slaps one hand between your legs to shove two fingers inside your cunt to join his cock. “Fuck…Stevie…Captain…Sir…professor…”
“That’s it. You can cum now, baby doll. Come for me and take all of my spunk,” Steve growls when his warmth fills you. “You’re so good for me. Always so tight and warm.”
You tremble against him. It’s all too much. “Please…I can’t…”
“Shh…I’ve got you baby doll,” Steve immediately wraps his arms around you. “I’ll carry you into the bathroom and we will have a warm bath. Just let me lock the door first…”
“Yes, Captain…”
Steve kisses your temple and mumbles soft words as he pulls out of you. “I’ve got you...baby...I love you.”
“I love you too, Steve.”
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cheralith · 3 months
hihi i was scrolling thru pinterest per usual and i thought i’d let you guys peer into some male pieces i imagine fashion designer!geto would create!!
so i imagine him sort of bumbling around with a plethora of styles, but i'm settling on this sort of vetements x vivienne westwood x balmain fusion—one that mixes opulence and exhibition all into one into a smooth blend of things. one that exemplifies this sort of punk regality almost, ironic as it is, but there's just something so classy, yet revolutionary about his designs.
my personal thought is his mixing of contrasts is probably why he's so renowned in the modern day fashion industry, since to have your style—one that is defined by “you” and only “you” almost be undefinable is a feat rarely anyone can accomplish nowadays. somehow he did it though!!!
as ordered: ann deulemeester (fall 2018 menswear collection), vetements (spring 2022 menswear collection), yohji yamamoto (spring 2023 collection), jun takahashi - undercover (fall-winter 2020 paris collection), balmain (fall 2024 menswear collection)
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heavy emphasis on the undercover collection, since jun takahashi's pieces are the main inspiration behind fashion designer!geto as a whole
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Hii! I was wondering if you knew any coffee shop AU fic??? Thank you!!
Hello! We have a #coffee shop au tag! Here are some more to add to the collection...
Tea-sing with Affection by inflappible (T)
A human AU where Aziraphale works hard at a tea shop and Crowley works hard at wooing Aziraphale. Bad flirting commences.
(It Ain't) Over Easy by ChubbyHornedEquine (T)
Imagine for a moment, if you will, a Waffle House. Apparently they don’t exist in Britain. I don’t know, I’ve never been to Britain. I’ve also never been to a Waffle House, they may not be real. This is to say, there’s a hook by the door, should you need to hang up any and all disbelief before entering The Twilight Waffle Zone.
Served Cold by FeralTuxedo (M)
On a quiet Wednesday morning, a man with flaming red hair and a face tattoo saunters into a London café. But it appears that he’s there for rather more than just espresso.
This was exactly the type of customer Divinitea wanted to attract, Aziraphale thought. Modern, fashionable, rich. Too casually dressed to be a banker. No, this was someone with an undefinable job that was done at posh brunch places with free wi-fi. He probably had the word entrepreneur on his business card. He was clearly a bellend. But a very attractive one. Shame Anathema wasn’t here to admire him. Aziraphale would have to do that all by himself.
Meet Me at the Middle Ground by Not_So_Typical_Girl (T)
On a street corner in Soho, a bookshop under the name 'A.Z. Fell and Co' sits. Across from said bookshop, an eccentric coffee shop titled, 'The Middle Ground' sits. Aziraphale, the owner of the bookshop, and a barista named Crowley have been watching each other through the windows, silently crushing on one another. Yet neither of them have worked up the nerve to wonder into each other's shop. Until one day, Aziraphale works up the courage to amble into The Middle Ground. Crowley just has to make his move. Unfortunately, another barista in the shop has other plans...
Basically, a human! coffee shop AU mixed with a soap opera.
The Grand Design of Art and Coffee by kahlannightwing (E)
When sharply-dressed Anthony Crowley entered Azira Fell's coffee shop, the last thing the ex-bookseller expected was for him to be attracted to the painter. This was just a stop, per Gabriel's insistence, on Crowley's way to get rid of his art block. It was certainly not permission for Azira to develop feelings! Could it be that Crowley can fall as hard as he has?
Echo by snae_b (E)
This isn’t your average coffee shop AU.
- Mod D
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summerofsnowflakes · 2 years
7 Minutes in Heaven 
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Pairing: Andy Barber x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 2.5K
Summary: Not all party games need to be childish.
Warnings: 18+ MDI, this story contains smut. Boyfriend's dad Andy, cheating, pet names, begging, teasing, undefined age gap, drinking.
A/n: This is my contribution to @maladaptivexxdaydreaming Jardin de Poemas writing challenge, congrats on your followers lovely you deserve it! I used It is like a crime that you stole my heart away, and I love you with a passion as my prompt and highlighted it!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Masterlist | A prequel of sorts
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You loved when a long awaited break from college rolled around, you hardly went home to see your parents, you agreed only for big holidays as they lived out of state. 
So most of your time off from college you spent with your boyfriend in his childhood home in the Boston suburbs. 
Jacob wasn’t exactly the love of your life, far from it. You weren’t his. The relationship you’d built together was one of pure convenience. 
The only reason you kept the act as long as you have is to keep seeing Andy. You don’t remember when it started, but it wasn’t long after his divorce. 
You assumed he was just using you to make himself feel better, to prove that he could still get a twenty year old. You were happy to help boost his ego. 
But it didn’t stop there, he kept coming back for more and you fell deeper down the rabbit hole with him. 
What started as late night sex after Jacob was passed out, became cladestine meetings in dorm afterhours, dates out in the city in restaurants no one would ever recognise you. . 
You became attached to one another,  Andy treated you like a queen in the spare moments you could find between your busy lives. You didn’t want to call it love, but it sure felt like it.  
You and Jacob had arrived at the house for the week, only to find a note from Andy sitting on the kitchen island. He was out of town on an urgent business trip and would be back tomorrow. 
In Jacob’s true, immature fashion, he decided to throw a massive ragger, inviting all the kids from his high school who were back from college too. 
It was his chance to show you off and prove he wasn’t still the loser they knew back then. All his so-called friends were assholes, you’d met them a bunch of times in this setting and they were all awful.   
Jacob’s parties at home were unlike the ones you were used to at college. You were used to being the centre of attention, organising the drinking games and getting all your friends as drunk as possible. 
Here it was all about feeding Jacob’s ego, you could fade into the wallpaper and no one would even notice. 
You managed to stomach an hour of the Jacob Barber show. You knocked back three glasses of shity flavoured alcoholic punch before retreating upstairs into the only place in the house you were comfortable. 
Some shitty pop music thumped desperately through the house, vibrating through the expensive floorboards as you ascended the stairs. 
You were met with two of Jacob’s friend’s closing his bedroom door, wishing two people a fun time playing seven minutes in heaven. 
They wandered past you, sniggering under hushed breaths, smirking at you guiltily. That was enough information, you knew who was beyond that door. 
It wasn’t the first time it’d happened, he had cheated on you more times than you could count. It helped calm the rising level of guilt as you fell harder for his dad. 
You knocked on Andy’s door softly, just in case you were disturbing any party goers from their late night activities. 
When you received no answer, you poked your head through the door. You smiled softly at the undisturbed room shrouded in darkness, except the yellow light that poured in from the hallway. 
You wandered in, enjoying the way the scent of freshly washed linen and Andy’s cologne wrapped around you like a warm hug. 
You walked over to his closet, flickering the light on and allowed a warm orange hue lit up the room.
Towards the end of the closet, you noticed a section of empty hangers, it wasn’t in here the last time you’d ventured into Andy’s closet. 
You ran your fingertips over a myriad of fabrics, coming across the powder grey suit jacket he wore the last time you’d seen him in the motel halfway between the two of you. 
You slipped your hand into his pocket, smiling as your fingertips wrapped around the polaroid pictures and pulled them out. 
You flicked through the pictures, furrowing your eyebrows as you got to the end. You were certain he’d taken five photos, but there were only four. 
“The last one is currently sitting in the top draw by my bed. Not a day has gone by where I haven’t looked at it.” The deep baritone of Andy’s voice startled you, but you smiled at his words. 
You turned to face him, eyes casting over his tall frame. He leant up against the doorframe, his shirtsleeves rolled up over his forearms. The top button of his shirt undone, his blue tie pulled loosely around his neck. 
“Well I do look pretty good in those photos.” 
“You look like a dream.” He growled, eyes raked over your body hungrily. You knew he wasn’t talking about the pictures anymore as his eyes remained on your chest, staring intently, willing your breasts to spill out over the top of your dress. 
Your breath faltered in your throat, heart beating rapidly. You loved when he gave you that look, like he was about to drop to his knees and devour you. 
“When did you get back?” You asked, your chest heaved as he stalked towards you, towering over your body.  
“About thirty minutes ago.” He muttered, his blue eyes staring deeply into yours. “You really been walking around the party in this pretty little dress for everyone to stare at you?” 
His hands teased along your thighs, trailing upwards, teasing the hem of your short skirt. He pushed the thin fabric up until the cool air hit your lacy panties. 
“Guess I just like the attention it usually brings.” You tipped your head upwards, exposing your neck. His tongue darted out between his lips, wetting them as he imagined latching onto supple skin. 
“Don’t I know it, sweet girl.” He chuckled, his head tipped back softly, his eyes crinkling sweetly.  
His fingers hooked over the waistband of your panties and dragged them down your legs, until they fell down.
“Not that it matters what I wear, it won’t stop your son from playing kissing games with other girls.” You muttered, his fingers ghosted over your clit before disappearing completely. 
“My son’s an idiot. You look good enough to eat, trust me it matters.”  You placed your hand in his, stepping out of the fabric that hung around your ankles. Andy picked up the discarded panties from the floor and pocketed them with a wink. 
“Gotta show you something.” He said, pulling you through the closet, towards the empty space at the end. You looked at the area with no clothes on the rack.
Andy came up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, slowly rocking you from side to side. “It’s an empty space, Andy.” You pursed your lips, unclear on its meaning. 
“Oh sweet girl,” He smiled, dipping his head down into the crook of your neck, his beard lightly scratching your soft skin as his wet lips trailed up to your ear. 
“Open the top drawer for me.” He commanded hushedly.
You bent forwards, wiggling your hips, pressing yourself into the strained fabric of his trousers. You hooked your fingers round the handle and pulled it open. 
“Are these?” You gasped, turning your head to look into his smiling eyes. 
“All the panties I’ve stolen from you, yes. They’re all clean and sitting in your drawer.”
“This is for my stuff?” Your jaw dropped open, eyes scanning the empty section again. 
“Yes, wanted you to know you always have a place here with me.” He hissed, pushing your dress up further, until your bare pussy was pushing back on his crotch. Your arousal dripped all over the fabric as he slowly rutted his hips into yours.  
You whimpered as the starchy fabric nudged against your clit. Your heart squeezed lovingly, your mind and body elated by Andy’s actions. 
“Oh Andy, thank you.” You whined, moving your hips back to match him. 
“You never have to thank me.” His lips connected to your neck, peppering soft kisses up until he grazed the shell of your ear. “Turn around so we can break in your new wardrobe properly.” 
A wicked smile found your lips, you turned to face him. He pulled you closer and crashed his lips down onto yours. You moaned into his mouth as his hands grabbed your thighs and pulled you off the ground and wrapped your legs around his waist. 
He placed your ass on the top shelf inside the wardrobe. He kissed along your jaw, his teeth grazing against you. 
A whine escaped your lips as you raked your fingers through his fluffy hair, tugging at his roots.  
“What’s wrong, sweet girl, you want to fill you up?” He breathed, pulling the top of your dress down, your breast spilling out.  
“Please” You moaned desperately, wiggling your hips into his. 
“I know, two weeks without you warming my cock has been like torture.” He panted, “Been dreaming of having you wrapped around me again. 
You reached for his belt eagerly, the clicking of the metal clasp had your thighs trembling in anticipation. 
He ripped the trousers down his thighs as you pulled his hard cock from his boxers. You jerked his length in your hand, watching as his head fell back between his shoulder blades. 
“Spit on it.” He asserted, all the blue in his eyes had been overpowered by the pure lust he felt for you. 
You lathered his thick length up with your saliva, you ran your hands up and down at a tantalising pace. 
“As much as I’d love that, sweet girl, I need to feel you.” He stopped your hand, pulling your chin between his large hand and forced your gaze upwards. 
He lined his cock up with your entrance, using his tip to gather up your slick that had spilled from your soaked hole. He pushed into you slowly, your walls stretched deliciously to accommodate his size. 
Your head fell back against the wardrobe wall, whining loudly as he stopped halfway and circled his hips. He pulled out of you slowly, massaging your velvety walls with his tip. 
He held your hips still as you tried to wiggle yourself further down his length. You were desperate for more, broken moans falling from your parted lips. 
“More, please. Andy, I need more.” He smiled down at you, his eyes lighting up as you melted under him. 
He granted your wish, pushing himself further until he was fully seated inside you. Your eyes fluttered shut as he filled you up deliciously. 
Andy pumped his hips slowly in and out of you, allowing you to get used to his size. He groaned as your tight walls sucked him back in, swallowing him greedily. 
He was mesmerised by your face as it travelled through a mix of emotion, he was determined to keep his pace slow. 
He was dying to hear you beg for more and he knew this was a sure fire way to get you there. You were teetering, he could tell by the way you refused to open your eyes, your lips trembling softly.  
His fingers brushed over the hood of your clit, and you whimpered loudly. “Andy, please, move faster. I need you.” 
He smirked down at you, picking up his speed, driving his hips into your mercilessly. His eyes locked onto your breasts as they bounced with each thrust, the sight spurring his movements on. 
You ground your hips into his fervently, his fingers dancing lightly over your pearl. It was sweet torture. 
You whined and begged as he continued to tease you, watching you get more and more worked up. Your walls clenched harder around him as the coil wound up in your stomach. 
You were getting so close, you just needed a little push in the right direction. Not that he was going to let you have it yet. 
“Need to cum, please, please.” You writhed under him, hands gripping the edge of the shelf, nails scratching roughly along the wood. 
Your pleas went unanswered, Andy’s blue eyes locked on the way your lips parted with each rut of his hips. 
“You can beg better than that, sweet girl.” He grunted. 
You shook your head fervently, lips trembling as you peered up into his smug blue eyes. 
“I need you to make me cum, please Andy, let me soak your cock.” You cried at him, but it still wasn’t enough, he began to slow his hips. 
“No, please don’t stop. I need it, I need it, I need it.” You whimpered, saying those three words like a prayer. You chanted them over and over until he was finally satisfied. 
“Good girl.” His fingers pressed down on your clit like a button, he rubbed vigorous circles over your nerve. He felt your walls spasm around his cock, milking him for all he was worth.
With his free hand, he pressed down on your stomach, pushing his cock further inside you and throwing you over the edge. Your orgasm crashed down on you with a silent scream as tears slipped from your tightly shut eyes. 
The feeling of your walls contracting around him was too much, Andy followed you over the edge, filling you up with his hot seed. “Fuck, I love you.” He muttered as he rode you both through your highs. 
Your eyes flew open, staring at his blissed out face, no sign of regret anywhere in sight. “ It is like a crime that you stole my heart away, and I love you with a passion.” 
“I love you too.” You replied, quickly shutting down any doubt that threatened to slip from his lips. You cleaned yourselves up and fixed your clothes.
You didn’t want to return to the party, you wanted to stay in Andy’s room all night, wrapped between his sheets, but you didn’t have a choice. 
He walked you to the door, the reality of your situation overwhelmed you like a deafening power tool. As you reached the door, you turned on your heel, grabbed the back of his neck and kissed him passionately. 
“I’ll see you in a bit.” He breathed against your lips. You nodded softly, smiling as he pecked his lips once more and you slipped out of the room. 
Jacob came out of his bedroom at the same time, offering you a confused look as he swayed slowly from side to side. His hair was a mess, his clothes all askew, but you didn’t care. 
“Babe? What were you doing in my dad’s room?” He hiccuped, stumbled forwards. 
“Party got a little overwhelming, I just needed a breather.” You smiled, “isn’t that why you were in your room too?” 
You knew that was a bitch move, you both knew what he’d just done in his room, you had probably just done worse in his dad’s room. You just couldn’t help yourself.  
You watched the colour drain from his features, his Adam's apple bobbed nervously and he nodded all too quickly. 
You were fine playing the oblivious fool with Jacob, just as long as Andy loved you.
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Tags: @theselilwonders @elemenhoepe @delaber @ramp-it-up @nikole-witha-k @harrysthiccthighss @mistressmkay @im-a-marvel-ous-hoe @aquariusbarnes @ysmmsy @anxiousgirlsarehotter @snugglingbucky
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wishesofeternity · 10 months
“The queen (Cleopatra Selene II) and Juba arrived in Mauretania at the end of 25 BC, taking up residence at a place called Iol, on the coast (modern Cherchel in Algeria). It was originally a Carthaginian outpost that had been developed as a Mauretanian royal city in the second century BC. Its location probably had much to do with the presence of an island immediately offshore (the modern Corniche des Dahra) that provided a certain amount of shelter on a coast otherwise lacking it; except for this, the site of Iol is hardly propitious, with virtually no coastal plain and mountains rising high behind the city. Iol was probably in decline when the new monarchs arrived, and they chose to live there presumably because it lay roughly midway along the lengthy Mediterranean coast of Mauretania.  In the emerging fashion of the era, Iol was renamed Kaisareia, or Caesarea, honoring Augustus; cities with such names were founded by allied monarchs during much of the last quarter of the first century BC.
“...  Decayed Iol was rebuilt lavishly, with all kinds of marble used in constructing the royal city, including Italian, Greek, and African. How much Cleopatra Selene participated in this architectural transformation is not known—the city did include a temple to Isis, her mother’s alter ego—but her efforts are most apparent in the artistic program of the kingdom. As the exiled queen of Egypt, she took care to commemorate her heritage. She would have felt devoted to her mother’s legacy: at the time that she became queen, the demonization of Cleopatra VII was being vigorously asserted in contemporary Latin literature, and Cleopatra Selene would have taken no comfort in reading that her mother was merely the cowardly Egyptian mate of Antonius or that her death caused great rejoicing. As her only living descendant, she had not only the chance but the obligation to set the record straight by commemorating her mother at her new capital, especially through portrait sculpture.
“It may seem that she took a personal risk in promoting her mother’s heritage so vigorously, given the official opinion in Rome, but this suggests that the attitude toward Cleopatra VII was far more nuanced than is generally believed today, and the official point of view—mostly vividly represented in Augustan poetry—was essentially government propaganda. Moreover, Cleopatra Selene was a daughter of Antonius, whose other living descendants were still quite active in the political life of Rome. Her status—as well as the memory of her mother—is well shown on her coinage; a series of autonomous issues (without the name of her husband) having the legend “Kleopatra basilissa” demonstrates royal privileges separate from his. Some of these coins have the Nile crocodile, a reminder not only of Egypt but also of the coins issued in the 30s BC when she was named queen of the Cyrenaica. Juba also had his autonomous coins, indicating that the two monarchs acted independently of one another in certain undefined ways. There was also joint coinage, but even here the distinction between the two is apparent, since Juba’s legend is always in Latin while Cleopatra Selene’s is in   Greek—emphasizing the bilingual nature of the court—and the two monarchs appear on opposite sides of the coins, never together. In at least one case, Cleopatra is identified merely as “Selene,” a memory of the role that she was destined to play before the collapse of the Ptolemaic dynasty. Most significantly, she also issued coins with the legend “queen Cleopatra, daughter of Cleopatra,” strong evidence of her devotion to her mother’s memory.
“Cleopatra Selene’s emphasis on her Ptolemaic heritage was also apparent in the sculptural program at Caesarea. In addition to the expected portraiture of herself and her mother, there was an elaborate display of historical Egyptian sculpture, from as far back as the time of Tuthmosis I (reigned ca. 1504-1492 bc). There was also a statue of the Egyptian god Ammon, and he and Isis appeared on the obverse and reverse of the joint coinage, suggesting divine roles for the monarchs.  
Perhaps the most interesting sculpture at Caesarea is a statue of the Egyptian priest Petubastes IV, who died (according to the inscription) 31 July 30 BC at the age of sixteen. He was perhaps a cousin of Cleopatra Selene and, as a member of the priestly aristocracy, would have been the last indigenous claimant to the Egyptian throne. There is little doubt that he and Cleopatra Selene knew each other in Alexandria, and the setting up of his statue in Caesarea is the most tangible evidence of her memory of that last summer in Egypt. As much as possible, she sought both to establish herself as the last Ptolemaic queen and to create a new Alexandria at Caesarea, bringing Egyptian material culture from more than fifteen hundred miles away.”
- Duane W. Roller, “Cleopatra’s Daughter and Other Royal Women of the Augustan Era”
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7grandmel · 4 months
Todays rip: 27/01/2024
Season 1
Featured on: GilvaSunner's Highest Quality Video Game Rips: Volume FOUR HOURS!
Ripped by toonlink
When looking back at my favorite moments, and by extension my favorite rips, in each era of the channel's life, it's of course always Season 1 that I find most intriguing. If you take a look at the credits behind rips such as Violet Snow Memories, Ganja Man 9: Hash Blunt Hash (Shorty's Stage), and even super fondly remembered ones like Pikmin Park, Turn On Your SEGA Genesis and Just Enjoy Yourself - you'll notice that there's a good number of rippers who simply did all they wanted to do within the channel's first two or so years of life. This is of course also due to behind-the-scenes drama, rippers' individual private lives, and other such matters I don't wish to dwell on - but what I'm building to with all this, is that of all those rippers who moved on to better things only a year or two after they began contributing, few have stuck with me quite as much as toonlink.
And like, this is far from my first post on the blog raving about the guy's ripping prowess, but I think there's a really strong pattern to be drawn amidst almost all of his work. Be it with immensely inspired melodyswaps like DRIFTVEIL CITY JUST GOT A TON MORE GROOVIER, perfect execution of obvious mashups like Dr. Soulja, directing one of the greatest collabs on the entire channel in File Select Fusion Collab, or just flat-out being cited by channel founder Chaze the Chat as the main inspiration behind starting SiIvaGunner to behind with...there's something about toonlink's work that simply stands as the most perfect embodiment of what SiIvaGunner was aiming to be - the spirit of the channel, that which back then often still felt so nebulous and undefined, flowed through his rips so completely effortlessly. And that isn't even to mention the legacy rips such as Wii Shop Bling and how its directly inspired rips such as Mii Favorite Things.
Back in 2016, it was The Reboot that truly sold me on the SiIvaGunner channel, that made me a fan for life. The entire team did an excellent job through rips like I Saw A Brainwasher Today conveying its atmosphere, mood, presenting and revolving its story - yet the one rip I'm always going to remember from the event, the one that encapsulates all of my feelings throughout it the most, is Aphex. It embodies so much of the SiIvaGunner spirit in true toonlink fashion, and is in my eyes perhaps some of his greatest work.
That may just be due to me being a sentimental person too attached to the lore and story of this silly shitpost channel, but it is a genuinely excellent rip even without the context its attached to - mixing elements of various tunes from Aphex Twin in with Undertale's Finale and Hopes and Dreams, without ever truly committing to one song in particular to be mashed up with. Simple mashups are of course a wonder in their own right, but I remember just being in awe at how much of an original work Aphex felt like even back then - no one part of it ever felt like it was to be taken as parody, despite me recognizing so many of its pieces in isolation. And that sort of chaotic nature, that aura of breaking free from the expectations set, was so much of what I loved about The Reboot in its entirety.
My affection and love for Aphex, everything it is, everything it represented and still represents, means that I'm no doubt going to one day cover the absolutely beautiful rearrangement it recieved as part of RIP², in Twin Souls CHANGE the World. All I'll say on it now, is that its placement at the very end of the event, the final chapter to such an incredible trip down SiIva's entire 7-Season long history, felt perfect to me. It doesn't have the most memes, the most characters, the most lore, the most visuals, or the most collaborators, but yet Aphex stands as one of the most SiIvaGunner-ass rips ever released, by a guy who could seemingly do nothing but release such rips during his active period. Godspeed, toonlink.
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bizarrequazar · 8 months
GJ and ZZH Updates — October 01-07
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This is part of a weekly series collecting updates from and relating to Gong Jun and Zhang Zhehan.
This post is not wholly comprehensive and is intended as an overview, links provided lead to further details. Dates are in accordance with China Standard Time, the organization is chronological. My own biases on some things are reflected here. Anything I include that is not concretely known is indicated as such, and you’re welcome to do your own research and draw your own conclusions as you see fit. Please let me know if you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions. :)
[Glossary of names and terms] [Masterlist of my posts about the situation with Zhang Zhehan]
10-01 → #GongJunXParis trended on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun reposted a post from CCTV for National Day. Added caption: "I love you, motherland!!!" The same was also reposted by his studio, added caption: "Recalling the past and looking at the present, I wish our motherland to prosper forever!"
→ 361° posted a photo ad featuring Gong Jun.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of Gong Jun from the Elie Saab fashion show. Caption: "Extremely elegant and timeless. @ Gong Jun Simon made his debut at Paris Fashion Week, explaining what it means to be undefined."
→ Tissot posted a video of Gong Jun from their event on 09-26. (1129 kadian)
→ L'Oreal posted a photo ad promoting Gong Jun's appearance at their Le Défilé fashion show the following day.
→ Gong Jun posted a photo of himself and Elie Saab and five from his photoshoot that day to his Instagram. Caption: " Hi Paris! Thanks @ eliesaabworld"
10-02 → Gong Jun walked in the L'Oreal Le Défilé fashion show! Videos: [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Other people walking in the show included Viola Davis, Elle Fanning, and Helen Mirren.
→ L'Oreal posted four photos and a video of Gong Jun's arrival in Paris from a few days earlier.
→ Gong Jun posted four photos of himself from the Le Défilé show. Caption: "WALK YOUR WORTH" His studio reposted this with the added caption, "@ Gong Jun Simon walks around Paris at midnight, like a glacial elf descending."
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→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him from that day. Caption: "Like ice falling into pieces, and crystal diamonds scattered on the lapels of his clothes. @ Gong Jun Simon came through the snowy night and immersed himself in a feast of inspiration."
→ Tissot posted a commercial (flashing images cw) featuring Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a douyin of him from that day. Caption: "The bright silver shines brightly in the dark night. @ Gong Jun Simon draws a range of colours on the banks of the Seine." BGM is Animals x Starboy by TommyMuzzic and ZeddMusique.
→ An article about Gong Jun's outfit was posted to the designer Julien Fournié's website. Fournié also spent the following few days sharing many fans' posts on Instagram (by and large CPFs) and interacting with them very excitedly in comments and DMs.
→ Gong Jun posted three photos of himself from that day and the douyin to his Instagram. Caption: "WALK YOUR WORTH @ lorealparis Thanks @ julienfournie" Julien Fournié commented on it, "Thank you !!!!!! You are our French Star !!!!! Thank you !!!!" Gong Jun also posted six photos to his Xiao Hong Shu, caption: "Wake up Let’s get to work!
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video of his photoshoot for the Le Défilé show and behind the scenes footage of him practicing his runway walk. [subbed video] Caption: "Don't be satisfied with the cycle, bravely stand between the known and the unknown. Highlights: Watch how @ Gong Jun Simon walks from the practice room and parking lot to the Eiffel Tower." BGM is Light by The Cancel.
→ Julien Fournié posted a photo compilation video of Gong Jun wearing his design at the Le Défilé show. He also posted photos to his Instagram story with "#superstar"
→ Huang Xun posted two more photos of himself with "Zhang Zhehan". Shortly afterwards, Flora posted a thread discussing some evidence of Huang Xun being involved in the scam.
10-03 → Gong Jun's studio posted a photo of him in the outfit he would wear for the Maison Margiela show shortly after. Caption: "The sound of music is rising, @ Gong Jun Simon is waiting for a sonata of fashion and art. (A preview)"
→ Gong Jun attended the Maison Margiela show. Photos and videos: [1] [2] [3]
→ Gong Jun posted six photos of himself from that day. Caption: "Roses can sing 🎵" His studio reposted this with the added caption, "The music score is lively and the fragrance of roses is subtle. The metallic texture reflects @ Gong Jun Simon’s handsome appearance." Fan Observation: The caption is also the name of a song by Jolene Shao released on 2020-05-11. I've only been able to find it on QQ Music which is region-locked, but [here] is a clip on Twitter.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted nine photos of him from that day. Caption: "The rose from Jun dimension blooms in the heart, @ Gong Jun Simon listens to the symphony of art and fashion. Thanks to @ Maison Margiela for the invitation!"
→ Tissot posted six photos of Gong Jun. (1129 kadian)
→ Gong Jun posted eight photos of himself from that day to his Xiao Hong Shu. Caption: "Had fun playing That's weird, I'm still working"
→ Gong Jun posted a photo of himself and the Maison Margiela event host to his Instagram.
→ Gong Jun's studio posted a video from his photoshoot that day. Caption: "Autumn is getting stronger, and the factor of freedom bursts out melodiously. @ Gong Jun Simon shows his frankness and composes modern music." BGM is Nostalgias by Orlando Marconi and Juanjo Dominguez.
→ Vogue+ posted a short video of Gong Jun at the Maison Margiela event.
→ Rocco Liu, the editor for GQ magazine, posted two photos of himself with Gong Jun at the Maison Margiela event. He later also posted a video. [subbed video]
→ L'Oreal posted a photo ad of Gong Jun from the Le Défilé show.
→ Maison Margiela posted three photos of Gong Jun from that day.
10-04 → The influencer Chriselle Lim posted a tiktok from the Elie Saab show which includes a few moments with Gong Jun.
→ L'Oreal posted a video of the people who modeled for the show saying "I'm worth it" and variations thereupon, based on the show's theme of "we're worth it." Fan Observation: Gong Jun was the only solo person in this who said "we're worth it."
→ The Instagram posted ten photos of "Zhang Zhehan" in London.
→ Sina Fashion posted an interview with Gong Jun about the Le Défilé show. [subbed video] Fan Observation: He said that he had the option to wear a more colourful outfit, but decided on the black in order to not upstage the women walking who were more the focus of the campaign, because he's a very good boy. 🥺
→ Gong Jun posted a video in collaboration with L'Oreal of himself in Paris. Caption: "From set to runway, discover boundless inspiration. Join @ L'Oreal Paris to be 'beautiful' anytime, anywhere." This was reposted by L'Oreal.
10-05 → L'Oreal posted a video (flashing lights cw) and made an Instagram post of Gong Jun from the Le Défilé show. They also later posted a photo of him with Delphine Viguier-Hovasse, L'Oreal's international general manager.
→ The Instagram made a post announcing a livestream for the following day.
10-06 → The Instagram held another livestream.
10-07 → L'Oreal posted a video of the full Le Défilé show. Gong Jun appears at 05:48 and from 07:59.
→ Vogue+ posted a video spoken by Gong Jun announcing that he would be the guest editor for a special feature in their October issue focusing on creations by autistic children.
→ The Instagram posted eight photos of "Zhang Zhehan" rehearsing on stage.
→ L'Oreal posted a video of Gong Jun in Paris.
→ Louis Vuitton posted two photos of Gong Jun visiting their workshop in Paris.
→ Zhang Sanjian attended the Anti-AI MY live concert (see 09-08). He apparently has had enough of people making fun of his balloon-like butt pad, because he was completely pancaking it.
→ The Instagram posted eight photos of "Zhang Zhehan".
Additional Reading → An update on the scam's HZ Baobao glasses (see 08-16): buyers were told on 09-24 that production was delayed indefinitely, likely due to the blatant trademark infringement. They were offered a cheap mascot keychain and the option of a refund as compensation; many refused because the other option was the promise of an unspecified "future release".
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