#in the books he went to New Orleans because of his dad or something right?
iwtvdramacd18 · 2 years
If Lestat does have biological children out there.
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welldonebeca · 5 months
The Boy (I)
Summary: During a witch hunt, Jack accidentally turns into a little kid.
The problem is that it wasn’t a spell. Sometimes he just wants his body to reflect the age he sometimes feels like.
The thing is… the guys don’t know about that. Yet.
Characters: Jack, Dean. Sam, Castiel.
WC: 2.5k words
Warnings: Age regression. Fluff. Angst. Canon.
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Jack watched his feet swinging for a moment, too short for the tall bed.
He didn't know when he had gotten this power. Maybe he always had it.
He remembered being a baby in his mother's womb and feeling how scared and afraid to have him out there in the world like a baby, so he made himself grown.
Or maybe it was something that came from absorbing Chuck's power, though most of it was gone - Free will was finally real.
Either way, Jack just knew that one day he was in his bed, watching TV on his laptop, and then he looked down on himself and he was just a small child.
He didn't freak out.
It wasn't like he didn't want it.
So he reached for his favourite teddy - talking Marwin, a gift from Cas - and hugged him close. It was so much bigger now, he needed more than just his hand to hold it close.
"What do I do?" he tried to ask, but the bear didn't answer, so he just went back to his show.
Bluey was very cool. The music was nice, and he wanted to be like her.
He wished he had someone to giggle around and play with, like Bluey had Bingo.
Jack kept watching for another hour, and by the time Sam was back to get him for dinner, he was older again.
He didn't understand what it all meant, but he didn't want to stop.
So, since he was an actual adult, he went online and got things for himself. Colouring books, toys, squishmallows - his favourite - and lots of soft clothes that made him feel very small.
Now, Jack knew he should tell someone. He knew he probably should have told his father, most especially. But thinking of telling him made him think of the empty and how he died because he was trying to save him, and his stomach would act all weird, and he knew he would cry if he was smaller.
They didn't talk about things because Jack had fixed everything!
So why mess it up again?
So, he kept it a secret. Dean always said that usually worked. And it did.
Until it didn't.
They were out to a hunt in New Orleans, in the swamps, and Dean was excited to bring Jack along. He wanted Jack to get better at hunting, which made him excited! He craved Dean's approval and worked hard for it.
Even though Dean's motto was ‘prepare for anything’, they were not prepared for five swamp witches. Castiel was able to take some on his own, but with his limited grace, he had to team up with Dean, and Jack did the same with Sam.
He tried to stay close to him, but then he was thrown into the lake, and when he was out, the witches had his dad in a chokehold of vines.
"No!" he cried out.
"You killed my sister," she hissed cruelly. "I'll take something from you, too, now."
The vines wrapped around him, pulling him into the mud, and Jack panicked.
"No, please," he tried to beg as Sam's face became red.
She couldn't hurt him, no!
"I'll drown you until you die," she taunted Jack. "And kill your father here right in front of your eyes, and you can do nothing about it."
"No!" he shouted, feeling his eyes glowing. "You won't hurt him! I won't let anyone else die!"
A blast of light came out of him and he couldn't stop screaming, until his throat was hurting and he was sobbing, tiny feet stuck in the mud and the vines weren't holding him anymore.
"Jack?!" he heard. "Oh my God."
Sam grabbed him, lifting him, and Jack whined, crying and crying, trying to stop but he just couldn't!
His emotions were too much, everything was too much.
He barely understood what the others said as Sam wrapped something warm and soft around him and rubbed his back, walking.
The floor was so distant now, he was so tall.
"It's alright," he spoke softly. "You are alright, it's alright."
But he just fisted his shirt in his little hands.
Of course he knew he was alright! But he was scared.
She had almost killed him.
"Are you sure he isn't hurt?" Castiel asked from behind him.
"I checked," Sam's big hands rubbed his back. "But he won't calm down."
He sat in the car with him, and he could hear movement around them.
"Boy might be small, but he's got some strong lungs," Dean grunted.
They could have died!
And he couldn’t see them dying again, he couldn’t!
What if he hadn’t saved them, and then they were hurt? And maybe one of the witches was still there and maybe she would come after them, and then his family would be hurt, and…
“Alright!” Dean spoke and the car suddenly stopped. “Give him to me. You drive.”
Sam froze, holding him.
"I will not be driving back to the motel covered in swamp and witch guts with a screaming kid,” he interrupted him. “Hand him to me.”
Jack cried more. Was he mad at him?
Had he done anything wrong? Why was he so loud and angry?
Sam moved and passed him on, and Jack was ready to hear him saying he was crying too much, and was disturbing them and had to shut, up, but Dean just held him close.
“Hey, Jack,” he spoke softly, rubbing his back with a hand and petting his hair with another. “It’s alright. We’re safe, everyone is safe.”
Jack squeezed his shirt in his hand, trying to breathe. But before they weren’t!
“You’re safe,” he assured him again. “We are safe. We are going to be alright.”
He could just sniff, and Dean moved him back, looking at his face, and focused his green eyes on him.
“Can you breathe with me?” he asked.
Jack tried to nod, still sobbing, and Dean opened his mouth like a fish, taking his hand and putting it on his chest and doing the same with Jack.
“We suck in,” he instructed, and breathed in, and he tried to follow him along. “Hold it.”
Dean puffed his cheeks, and he did the same,
He raised his hand, and showed him his closed fist, counting up to five with it.
“And out,” he exhaled slowly.
He nodded, doing it with him, and Dean smiled softly.
“Again, okay?” he asked.
Jack let him guide him, and finally felt himself a little bit calmer, and rested his cheek on his chest, turning to the side as Dean just continued to rub his back, now slowly.
It was only then that he saw Sam.
He was all dirty, with big red marks on his neck.
Oh no!
He whined, unable to stop himself, and Dean brushed his hair back.
“Hey,” he called softly, making him look at him. “You’re scared for Sammy, that is it? He’s okay, it was just a scare. Sammy is a big boy.”
He nodded to himself. Alright, okay.
Yes, he was alright.
Sam was super strong. Well, not as strong as Cas, but still really strong!
He almost dozed off into Dean’s chest - the car was moving so nicely, and the noise felt good. But Jack woke up when they reached the motel, and he adjusted him in his arms.
“Okay, Jack,” he squeezed him a little, opening the door of the car. “Let’s get you cleaned up, uh?”
“I do it,” Castiel spoke before Dean could step out, and he turned to see him standing outside.
He felt him stopping.
“Are you sure?” he asked. “I mean, he’s like… he is a kid, we should-”
“He is my son, Dean,” Castiel interrupted him, firmly.
Jack turned to look at him, and stretched his arms to him, and put his head on his shoulder when his father picked him up.
Cas easily graced all the mud and blood away from him, but he put some warm water to place Jack in the tub, and knelt in front of him to scrub him clean.
He just wished they had some bath toys. The water felt so boring.
"Jack?" he called softly, rubbing soap on his arms and shoulders, to clean him. "Do you know who I am?"
He looked up and smiled. Of course he knew!
"Papa!" he cooed.
Castiel relaxed, his shoulders dropping a little as he relaxed.
“Yes, sweet boy,” he scrubbed his neck. “Do you know how this happened?"
They didn’t know that it was Jack who had done this.
They probably thought it was the witch.
The witch who had been trying to hurt his dad, and then he-
"I hurt that lady," he realised, pouting and running his hand through the water while Cas ran shampoo through his hair.
"You were protecting Sam," Cas corrected him, and covered his eyes with a clean hand as he rinsed it off.
Still, Jack continued to pout.
"I don’t like hurting people..." he confessed.
Even if it was to protect other people.
Castiel sighed and looked at him, sad.
"I know, and you shouldn’t have to," he caressed his hair. "You seem to be all clean, are you ready to come out?"
Jack nodded. He usually liked bath time at the bunker, but there were no bubbles he could make and no toys he could play with, so he just let papa lift him up and bundle him in a towel.
When they walked into their room, seeing Dean walk past them, he raised his eyes to find Sam there in front of a mirror.
"Sam,” Cas squeezed him close. “Let me heal you.”
He shook his head, looking at them.
"No, no, Cas, you’ve used up a lot of grace,” he waved a hand to him, not even looking in his direction. “It’s just the skin, don’t worry."
When he turned around, his face softened the moment Sam saw him.
"Hey buddy,” he walked to him, and tickled his belly, making him giggle. “Your dad got you all cleaned up, uh?”
“He is not a muddy boy anymore,” Castiel joked.
Sam smiled and touched his face, hand looking huge.
"Well, it looks like Jack's clothes shrunk with him, but they’re all pretty dirty,” he told his papa and then looked at him. “So your tighty whiteys will have to do, little man, and you can borrow one of Dean's shirts."
He giggled.
Tighty whiteys.
He was still laughing about it as Sam pulled a Metallica shirt over him, covering him up like a dress - though Jack didn’t quite care - and jumped at the fluffy motel carpet when his feet touched it.
So fluffy!
“Are you sure he should be barefoot on this carpet?” Castiel asked, eyes focused on it as if he could see every stain down the molecular level. “It’s so dirty.”
Jack giggled.
That was a funny word too.
“Well, his socks are all caked with mud,” Sam remarked. “Plus, kids build up immunity. He’ll be alright.”
Jack fell seated, and then slapped the carpet.
Fluffy fluff.
“I didn’t hear the witch say anything before she died,” he told them, sounding more serious. “Are you sure it’s a curse?
“What else could it be?” Castiel asked back, and Sam sighed.
“We shouldn’t have gone on this hunt,” he pinched the bridge of his nose. “But it’s what we do, right?”
The two exchanged looks, and his Papa tilted his head, looking sad and unsure.
“Does it always have to be?”
The question hung in the air before the bathroom door opened, and Dean looked over at them.
"Is that my shirt?" Dean suddenly looked at Jack and he smiled, pulling his legs under it.
"He needed clothes," Sam said simply, walking into the bathroom and closing the door.
He was so tall.
Dean sighed
"That was the only shirt I packed," he huffed, but he didn’t seem to care, laying on the bed shirtless.
Oh! The bed!
He stood up and tried to climb up, grabbing the mattress and jumping a little.
He was too little to climb.
“Unkie Dean!” he whined.
Dean chuckled.
“You got it, buddy,” he flipped through the channels. “I believe in you.”
Jack stopped, surprised.
He did?!
“Okie,” he grabbed the mattress, trying his hardest.
“Do you want my help?” papa offered.
He shook his head.
“No, thank you,” he swung his leg up, propping it against the mattress to help him up. “I got it.”
He was able to throw his arms over, but the quilted blanket started to make him slip down just after he grabbed it, and Jack gasped, falling on his butt on the carpet.
“Oh no, poor buddy,” Dean laughed.
He pouted, feeling his lip trembling and about to cry, but suddenly Dean’s arm swung over the side of the bed, and he didn’t seem to notice it, just watching the TV.
This was his chance!
Jack grabbed his arm and used it to climb up right, and almost missed when he helped him move up, pulling his arm back and holding his leg.
“See?” he asked. “I told you that you could do it.”
He squealed, all excited, and jumped on the bed, happy.
“Papa, I did it!”
Castiel walked to him, putting his arm out, looking a little cautious.
"I’m so proud of you, angel," he smiled.
Jack giggled, feeling a little flushed as he fell and sat on the bed.
“Yeah, you are a baby angel, uh?” Dean teased, tickling his belly.
Jack huffed. Baby? He wasn’t a baby!
“I’m not a baby!” he held up his hand. “I’m five! Not a baby!”
Dean just chuckled
“Oh yes you’re right you’re not a little baby with a cute baby face,” he suddenly scooped Jack into his arms, trapping him between his chest, squeezing and tickling him more.
He couldn’t help laughing more.
“Be careful Dean,” Sam called, and he looked over to find him across the room in his pyjamas. “We don’t know if he remembers being potty trained.”
He wanted to frown, but only managed to laugh.
Of course he remembered how to use the potty!
“Daddy!” he called, squirming away from him. “Help!”
Sam hurried over and picked him up, freeing Jack from his brother's tickling fingers.
“You’re safe,” he smiled.
Jack watched his face, finding him a little conflicted, but just cuddled up to him.
“Daddy,” he yawned.
Oh, he was sleepy.
Sam moved to his bed and gave him space to cuddle up to him.
“Don’t think too much about it, Sammy,” Dean yawned. “Tomorrow we’ll get back to the bunker and we’ll figure out what to do.”
Jack squirmed a bit but tried to keep his eyes closed.
His bigger side was worried about what he could say when they got back home. He couldn’t be a baby forever, but he didn’t want to go back to being just Jack.
He relaxed when he felt a hand on his hair, brushing it back, and a kiss on his forehead.
“Sleep well, Jack,” papa’s deep voice soothed him while daddy held him closer. “I’ll watch over you.”
Maybe he could try to stay little for just a little longer.
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dear--charlie · 2 months
Dear Charlie,
It's been 3 years since I've written to you. Every time I write, I feel like I'm a different person. Life feels like a complete mess but I'm also okay ish? I stress about work, money, family, relationships, the usual things. But it feels manageable. Hard as fuck, but manageable. I'm trying to be a better person. My parents really fucked me up, and now I can see how that has made me a not-great-person at times. Christ, I have a sharp tongue. And I wield it carelessly, and it hurts people I love. But I am trying. I don't want to be like them so I have to work at it. It's harder than I thought it would be. So often I don't even realize that what I'm doing is not only harmful/unhealthy, let alone recognize that I sound just like my mother/acting like my father. It's so hard trying to have a good relationship with them. I love them, I recognize that they're flawed people who have traumas of their own, and I have endless empathy for them. But I'm still so fucking mad at them. Its like there is this anger at the core of my being that I'll never shake. I'm so fucking fucked up and how they treated me was so wrong and they were so irresponsible all of the time. When I was a year old, they took me on a trip to New Orleans w my mom's parents. There's an adorable picture of me riding on my dad's shoulders from this trip, I've heard funny stories from it all my life. Then I find out that when they went on that trip, they were nearly 6 months behind on their mortgage payments. And that kinda encapsulates the irresponsibility and the instability it caused. They couldn't afford that house, but they bought it anyways. I don't know how many times we had our water or electricity shut off because they couldn't pay the bills. Showering by the light of a fucking oil lamp. I was a kid, but I knew something was wrong and this shouldn't be happening. We lost that house in the 2011 housing crisis. There are thousands of other examples but yeah :) all that bullshit, and then immediately afterwards the turmoil of 2011-2015 started.
Anyways, Charlie, I'm working to be better. Need to find a new therapist but I started reading this book about how emotionally immature parents can fuck their kids up. Christ, Charlie, every page is like a punch in the face. An over developed sense of empathy?? Emotionally dissatisfying romantic partners?? Extreme anger that turns inward, causing thoughts of SH???? It's like reading a book about myself and while I hate feeling known, it's really helping.
As a life update: love where I work and my coworkers, but things are...complicated w management and I'm struggling so I'm considering leaving which kinda blows. My little brother has been living somewhat close to me for the last two years but he'll be moving away soon :( I wish I'd taken more opportunities to go see him while he was within a days driving distance. I miss him a lot. He's one of my best friends. I don't think there's been more than a week (at the most) since the day he was born that we haven't interacted in some way. So yeah, kicking myself for not visiting him way more. The relationship is much stronger, but there are still things we have to work through. Unfortunately he has been on the receiving end of my sharp tongue to say the least, which has given me the much needed kick in the ass to get serious about being better. Leo is good, he got some teeth taken out in January but he adjusted very quickly and it was a quick healing process. Words cannot describe how thankful I am for this cat. He is a momentous comfort in hard times, he never fails to bring a smile to my face and peace to my heart. He's laying on the bed with me right now, and when I'm done writing I am going to scratch his belly.
Life is weird, Charlie. There's a Nauhtl proverb that says the earth is slippery. It's hard to be a good person, life is full of shit that will trip you up. You have to work hard at remaining upright. It hasn't been an easy road getting here. I didn't want to live past 17. I'm nearly 27 now. It's been hard and a lot of things still hurt, but it gets better. I would have missed out on so many incredible moments had I ended at 17. I'm glad that I'm still here.
Thank you for being here for so long, Charlie. You'll always hold a special place in my heart ❤️
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nmikaelsonimagines · 4 years
Right Where You Left Me: A Klaus Mikaelson Imagine
Request from @s-r-amikaelson: hi, lovely, i saw your "Evermore" list, so could please do a Klaus x Reader with the song "right where you left me" from Taylor? Kisses, sweetie
Hope this is okay for you lovely, and enjoy x
Want to hear the song? Find a link to it just below:
Right Where You Left Me
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Friends break up, friends get married Strangers get born, strangers get buried Trends change, rumors fly through new skies
He wouldn’t be there to see it all happen.
Klaus wouldn’t be by your side, watching the world change like he had for so many centuries. He wouldn’t watch your friends get married, the idea of your own wedding disintegrating before your very eyes.
He wouldn’t be there to watch his daughter grow up, to watch her become the bright young girl that she was destined to be. He wouldn’t be there to listen to you tell her stories all about her father, to watch you cry in the shadows when she was fast asleep, missing him deeply.
He wouldn’t be there to watch humans crumble into ash, as they always did, buried in the New Orleans graveyard where their loved ones came to see them. He wouldn’t be there to watch any of it.
He wouldn’t be there to watch the seasons change, the leaves falling, holding your hand as you walked through the woods, talking about everything and nothing.
That’s what ran through your head when he looked at you for the final time, sorrow in his eyes, when he whispered that single word that only you could hear.
And you did, his screams as Marcel plunged that dagger into him echoing in your ears for years to come.
But I'm right where you left me Matches burn after the other Pages turn and stick to each other
One year.
One year without him. Hope was three now, walking and calling you her auntie. She had picked up a particular affinity for colouring in, not quite staying in the lines, but that didn’t matter. She had adopted her father’s artistic ability, it seemed.
You looked over at her latest picture, telling Hayley you would tidy up, letting the hybrid get an early night. Hope was already in bed, fast asleep.
You hadn’t slept in a year. Not when you knew that Klaus was in unimaginable pain. Maybe it would have been better if you had the support of his family around, but they were just as incapacitated. You picked up Hope’s picture and made your way to the attic.
It was dark, and you struck a match to light the candle on the wall, the only source of light in that dingy old place. Four coffins came into your view and you strode over to the nearest one. Elijah.
You picked up the book you had left there from the night before and sat. The pages stuck together, but that was its age. “You’re missing out on this one, Elijah. Klaus always told you it was a good read.”
And you started to read, Hope’s picture on your lap as you were reminded of her father, voice catching as you tried not to cry.
Wages earned and lessons learned But I, I'm right where you left me
Two years.
Two years without him. Hope had just turned four, her artistic ability improving as she had gotten better at staying in the lines. The question she asked you still echoed in your ears, your heart hurting as you answered it with a smile. “Do you think Daddy will like this when he comes home, Auntie Y/N?”
When he comes home. Her innocent hopefulness kept you sane most days.
You had gotten a job now, a waitress in a restaurant downtown where no-one knew your name or who your family was. It was something to get you out of the house, to keep your mind off the thought of Klaus going through hell. At first, it had been great, but then your boss had put you on night shifts, and that was when the undesirables came out to play.
You hung your coat up before making your way up to the attic, the ghost of that man’s hands still making you cringe. It wasn’t the first time someone had shown more than an interest in you, but you had always had someone to help you escape.
You walked over to her coffin and sat. You put your hand on the lid, and sighed. “Hey, Bex. Could have used you today.” Rebekah was always the one to get you out of those sorts of situations, usually with a threatening comment. “Klaus would have lost his mind.”
Klaus, always the jealous type, would have run to avenge you. You had always moaned about it, but this time, you realised you missed it.
Missed him.
Help, I'm still at the restaurant Still sitting in a corner I haunt Cross-legged in the dim light
Three years.
Three years without him. Hope was five now, and had moved from colouring in to painting. You had bought her a set of block paints for her birthday and were more than happy to watch her paint flowers with five red petals and a yellow centre, green stalks leading down to two leaves at the bottom. More often than not, she ended up with more of it on her hands than on the paper, and she liked to make you laugh by painting your cheeks with it.
To make you smile for when Daddy comes home, she would say, your heart breaking.
You had quit your job after one too many handsy customers. You were just happy to be the woman in the corner of the restaurant, staring at a whiskey, passers-by telling you to cheer up because it might never happen.
You stumbled home after such an occurrence, alcohol slurring your movements. They were right, you needed some fun, but the only person you could think of having such fun with was lying in a coffin. Up in the attic again, you made your way over to where Kol Mikaelson rested, perhaps in more danger than any of his siblings.
“Don’t you die on me, you git.” You patted the lid of the coffin, the familiar nickname rolling off your tongue. “I need someone to get into trouble with.” You chuckled, remembering. “Someone else for Klaus to shout at.”
Klaus, whose shouts had been turned into agonising screams.
They say, "What a sad sight" I, I swear you could hear a hair pin drop Right when I felt the moment stop
Four years.
Four years without him. Hope was a lively six-year-old now, and her artistic skills had improved greatly. Actual pictures were created now, an ability to rival anyone of her age, maybe even her father one day. But you still held onto that first coloured-in picture, keeping it safe to show to Klaus when he came home.
When. You tried to hold onto Hope’s optimism, but it had been four years now and you were finding it difficult. You still held onto your spot in the corner of the restaurant, watching customers look at you with pity in their eyes. The worst was the recently engaged couple, the woman’s hair pinned up to make her look like a film star.
Once, you had got ready for parties and made an effort to look like that. But, you’d always had help from a friend, a sister really. Of course, that witch was now sleeping with her siblings.
You sat by Freya’s coffin, cross-legged, and laid your head on the lid. “You would have loved her dress, Freya. She walked in and it was like everything just stopped. You remember when people used to look at us like that?” You smiled, remembering your entrances to such parties. “But all I ever cared about was Klaus.”
He would take your arm and lead you to the dance floor, laughing as you tried not to step on his toes.
You had never wanted to dance more.
Glass shattered on the white cloth Everybody moved on, I, I stayed there Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
Five years.
Five years without him. Hope was now seven, a fact that didn’t seem possible. You looked at her in the garden, her little easel set up as she painted, the sun shining down on her. You took a sip of your water, having moved away from alcohol at Hayley’s request. When Klaus came home, he wouldn’t want the love of his life to be a drunken mess, and Hope certainly didn’t want that of her auntie.
When. It seemed like such a useless word. The world was changing before your eyes, and you were still here, waiting for something that would probably never happen. Hayley told you to keep the faith, but it was getting harder and harder with each day that passed. Speaking of, the hybrid walked over and took a seat next to you.
“Yes?” You continued to sip at your drink, looking at Hope.
“Look at me.” You turned to face Hayley, a smile playing on her lips. Her next words made you drop the glass you were holding, fragments scattering over the white tablecloth. But neither of you cared as the dust that had gathered on you as a result of waiting blew away.
“Y/N, it’s time.”
Time to get your family back. Time to get him back. Time for Klaus to come home.
They expected me to find somewhere Some perspective, but I sat and stared
Five years and two days.
Five years and two days without him. Hope was excited to see her father, as were you. You had volunteered to stay and look after her while Hayley went to save the day. She had looked surprised when you suggested such a thing, but understood when you told her that you weren’t quite sure if you could face Klaus in that state, his screams from five years ago still waking you up in the night.
You sat on the sofa, staring into space, waiting and wondering. A small figure curling up next to you snapped you out of your thoughts. Hope. She should have been in bed, and you told her as much. She shook her head, and you knew she couldn’t sleep. Holding her hand tight, you led her back to her room. And that was when she asked.
“Tell me something about Dad.”
You smiled, knowing the perfect place to start. The story of how you met him, of how you had fallen in love with him, about how he was kind and gentle, fierce and protective when he needed to be. It wasn’t long before Hope had fallen asleep and you moved away as so not to wake her.
Then the headlights glared through the window.
Then, as Klaus had told you five years and two days ago, you ran.
Only this time, it wasn’t away from him.
Right where you left me You left me no, you left me no You left me no choice but to stay here forever
Five years, two days and three minutes.
Five years, two days and three minutes without him. Hope was fast asleep, but you didn’t care if you woke her when you opened the front door with such force, it hit the wall. You didn’t care when you saw them. Elijah, your reading partner. Rebekah, your wing-woman. Kol, your partner in crime. Freya, your dearest friend.
And then-
Klaus. He hadn’t noticed you yet, talking to his siblings. But when he turned, the smile in his lips transforming into a look of shock, everything stopped. You felt your heart heal itself when he walked towards you, disbelief in every step. “Hello.”
“Hi, Klaus.”
“You stayed?” You smiled, knowing that Klaus had always believed he didn’t deserve you, probably thought you would take his absence as an opportunity to move on.
“You kind of didn’t give me a choice.” You shrugged nonchalantly, earning a confused look from him. “I love you, you idiot.”
And then that shock turned back into a smile, a grin that stretched for miles. “And I you, Y/N.”
Five years, two days and three minutes.
You would never go that long without Klaus Mikaelson by your side again. You would make sure of that.
Evermore Masterlist
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letterstoseven · 4 years
Killer Queen [Ch. 2]
✏︎ pairing: klaus mikaelson x reader, elijah mikaelson x reader, kol mikaelson x reader
✏︎ summary: y/n Silvius –– daughter of the Alpha of the most respected and powerful pack of the first were-witches (werewolf + witch). She needs to find the remaining Crescent Wolf Pack members as the Elders are planning to reunite the seven packs, namely: Crescent Wolf Pack, Northern Wolves Pack, Moon Shine Pack, River Pack, Lycan Blood Pack, Midnight Stone Pack and the Malraux Pack. On her journey, she met the family whom the witches and werewolves warned her about, The Mikaelson Family.
✏︎ a/n: this is sooooo long but this is when y/n talks about her departure to their hometown and her arrival in New Orleans! thank you so much for taking your time to read chapter 1! here's the chapter 2 :)
✏︎ Chapters: one, two, three, four, five
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After the meeting with the Elders, you and your family went back to your own homes. "I'm going to pack and then take a sleep. Good night, Mom. Good night, Dad." You hugged them both tightly. "Dear [y/n], come here. Your dad and I would like to talk to you before you start your journey in finding one of the Crescent Wolf Pack members."
You walked towards your fireplace and sat on the floor in front of them, "What's up?" Your dad, Adoff Silvius, sat near you and told you something about New Orleans, while your mom, Leah Silvius, got the book of the Ancient History of the Wolves.
"Back when I was on my way looking for the Moonstone, I befriended some of the folks in New Orleans. His name is Alaric Saltzman, a history professor. Of course, he never knew me. The people in Mystic Falls thought that the wolves are not real. However, when one of the Lockwoods, Tyler, I think, activated his curse by killing a person, one of them saw it and that's when they know that legends are real. Eventually, I was able to lure the young Lockwood and got the Moonstone before Aiden's dad." He smiled at you. However, that smile faltered when he started talking about New Orleans.
"Okay, Dad. Now, what does your story have to do with my journey to find the Crescent Wolf Packs?" You looked at them both. Your mom, opened the book of the Ancient Wolf Pack, and said, "You, my dear, will be the one who's going to unite the packs. One of my friends in the New Orleans, Vincent, has told me that it would be best if you try to not do any magic and even use your wolf side. The guy running the town, Marcel Gerard, is known for killing the wolves and the witches if they did not abide by his rules." You are saddened by this fact. You know that it's hard for the witches and werewolves to leave their territory as it is where their powers reside. "You have to find the brother of the Hybrid, Elijah Mikaelson. One of the Original Vampires. He can help you. My guy, Vincent, has told me that he can be reasoned out to." You are now starting to get curious about these Originals, the Mikaelsons.
"Back in the day, the wolves are powerful because they are united. The seven packs and us, being the leader of the seven packs, was able to maintain peace between packs. While the Crescent Wolf Packs needed to kill someone to activate their wolf side. While us, coming from the Sanguine Pack, the curse chooses us if we are deemed worthy. That's why there are some members of the family of the Sanguine Pack that until now, at their 30s, 40s and 50s, still not able to activate their werewolf side." Your dad explained that the reason why some of the packs left is because of a misunderstanding. Some packs thought that they don’t need the help of the other pack. Now, your mom is the one who's going to tell you about the situation in the New Orleans.
"If they are the Original Vampires, aren't I walking in a sacred place and might as well get killed in the process?!" You are in distress. All these ancient history talks are now spiraling in your head. "The Mikaelsons, as the Elders would tell us, are the dangerous, and well dysfunctional family in the world. Legend says that they will do anything for their family even if it means killing or sacrificing their loved ones." Now you are scared. "However, they are the only chance you have to find one of the Crescent Wolf Pack members as his brother is a Hybrid. The hybrid's name is Niklaus Mikaelson. He's got a witch sister too, Freya Mikaelson."
You thought to yourself, Thank God at least there's a witch in the family.
"Now, dear. Your father and I loves you so much. As much as we wanted to help you, this is part of the process. We believe in you. Our daughter, our heir. You are the most powerful were-witch of your generation. And in no doubt, you will be the first female Alpha of the pack." Your parents hugged and kissed you. Well, being an only child has its pros sometimes. You said your good night to them.
You started packing your grimoires, your weapons, a weapon that is made from the ancient white oak stake - legend says that this ancient white oak stake is the best wood to kill or to protect yourself from. That's why ever since you started learning how to create a weapon, you used them to create one.
The next day, you and Aiden trained in combat and learned protection spells as the next day, both of you will start your journey to become an Alpha. "How are you doing, [Y/N]?" He sat beside you. "You know, Aiden, when we were young we've always been competing side to side. Now that it has come to this, I now wish for us to stay alive in the process. Good lord, vampires out there? Crazy." He drank the water and said to you, "If I become the Alpha, you can still be an Alpha. The wife of the Alpha. Marry me, [Y/N]." You chuckled and said, "Aiden! You're like one of my closest friends in the pack! Never gonna happen!" Aiden smirked, "I know that's going to be your answer. Just stay safe and stay alive, okay? Either of us has only one goal: to protect the Sanguine Pack and unite the seven packs." Both of you hugged and went on your homes for the night. Tomorrow is the day when both of you are going to each of your tasks.
Today's the day. Before you and Aiden left the pack, the Elders gave you two a powerful protection spell to ensure your safety and whatever happens, the two of you will come back alive. And as for you, your mom made you drink vervain. She said that it’ll help you to not be compelled by the vampires. You bid your good-byes to your friends and family. Your parents told you that if it is an emergency, then you'll have to call them as soon as possible. Your pack's residing in the Appalachian Mountains in Virginia. You thought to yourself that this is going to be a long ride.
After almost 12 hours of driving, you now reached New Orleans. As soon as you stepped in the New Orleans, you can see that the city’s full of life. Different to the place you’ve grown up to. In the mountains, the life is chill. But in this city, it’s also chill but there’s always a buzz everywhere you go.
Before you go out of the car, you messaged your mom and told her that you just got in the city. After checking in the Palace Royal Hotel, as you were walking, you saw a voodoo shop called Jardin Gris. You went inside and asked for some herbs, and a girl named Sabine asked you, “Are you a witch?” You were shocked by the question, “Uh, no! I was just passing by. I’m a tourist! I’m [y/n]!” Sabine looked at you from head to toe, “Well, I thought you were a witch. You were wearing some kind of necklace that only a person who knows a powerful witch can have. And I can sense it too.” You are now literally breaking into sweats when a blonde girl walked in, “Hey, witch!” You heard the girl talk to Sabine. You tried not to pry but when Sabine asked the girl, “To what do I owe the displeasure, Mikaelson?” You asked yourself, a Mikaelson? The Original Vampire?
“I need a camphor. Now.” You saw the lady Mikaelson wait for the witch. She’s gorgeous, you thought to yourself. You realized that like you werewolves, they’re blending in the humans too. When she went out, you sneakily followed her but you when you went out, she’s gone.
You continued your tour around the place. The night time came and the city’s been livelier than ever. Parties and drinking everywhere. You went inside the bar called, Rousseau’s. A bartender girl named Tanya, greeted you, “Ohhh, new face. What’s up?” You seated at one of the stools in front of her, “[y/n]. Just a tourist from Virginia. Scotch please, thanks.”
After awhile, you feel yourself getting drunk. Someone sat beside you, the blonde girl from the shop and a guy wearing a tailored suit. The guy looked expensive, you thought to yourself.
You heard them talking about a girl named Sophie and about a bunch of witches are plotting against their brother. “We need a witch to do an unlinking spell, Rebekah. It is for the safety of our niece and Hayley.” The girl beside him replied, “We need a witch to do the spell. And after that, I’m leaving this bloody town, Elijah.” You thought to yourself, “Unlinking spell? That’s so basic.” You weren’t sure why but the two of them stared at you, and you asked them, “What?” The guy asked you, “Do we know you? It seems like you’re new in town.” They waited for your response, “What’s with this town and that they keep on asking me if I am new in town?” The blonde girl smirked, “I like her.” However, before they speak again, you left them.
While you were walking, the alcohol starts to leave your system. You sat in one of the bench at Jackson Square. The square is empty, however, there are three vampires who started hovering around you.
“What the hell? What do you want?” One of them started leaning towards you, it looks like they are trying to compel you. But you said to them, “Freaks!” You ran as much as you can but due to you not being on your werewolf form, you cannot ran as fast as you can. “Stop right there! How can you not be compelled? Damn it! Vervain’s in your system. I thought we’ll have a dinner for tonight.” You thought that they were walking away, however, you used magic and you snapped their heads. You ran back in your hotel, and you pray that no one knew that you just practiced magic.
After showering, you heard a knock on your door, you recognize him as the guy from the bar. “Hello, I believe this is yours.” He was holding your necklace, you checked your neck, and you realized that it’s gone. “Give that to me!” The man won’t give it to you. “You realize that you just used magic in New Orleans where a vampire, who runs the town, forbids the use of magic.” You stopped trying to get the necklace and told him, “I just did. I’ll be damned if I let those psycho blood suckers kill me.” The man in front of you gave your necklace, however, there’s a catch. “I’ll give this to you but you need to help me break a link between two persons.” You furrowed your eyebrows and said, “And who are you? Why would I help you then?”
“I’m Elijah Mikaelson, and I need your help.”
102 notes · View notes
strangerobin · 3 years
Rue: Chapter 9 (Jasper Hale x OC Imagine)
Note: I'm literally in tears right now. I have 7000+ words over 13 pages on my word processor just for this chapter.
Night after night, summer and winter, the torment of storms, the arrow-like stillness of fine weather, held their court without interference.’
The swaying wheat and barley waved in the warm breeze; the burning sun burned like the beacon it was. The entire world was brown and golden. It was hot, it was suffocating. It was terrible.
“The land is barren.” Adeline muttered, her body rocking to and fro with the movement of the wagon, her eyes were trained into the far distance, squinting in the broiling sun.
“You’re being over dramatic.” Henriette’s tone was dry, her hands on the reins, spurring the horses to continue its trot.
“I hate it here already.” Adeline announced, crossing her arms in a huff. “Why couldn’t we have gone somewhere else? Somewhere with more greenery than this? There’s still plenty of places to hide in Louisiana-”
“Staying in the same place over and over will attract attention and you know it.” Henriette was losing her patience too, turning her head sharply to glare at her sister. “Your father will find us if we keep staying in the same place.” The lines on her face and around her eyes deepening, the ever growing frown settling over her wrinkled forehead.
“…We left Ralph in Orleans. All alone.” Adeline bowed her head in grief, hiding her face behind her hair and avoiding those piercing eyes of her sisters. “Six feet under and his body wasn’t even cold when we left.”
Her sister sighed again, though this time it betrayed a tenderness and affection that she only displayed towards her loved ones, freeing one hand to gently comb back Adeline’s soft tresses.
“Silly girl. How many times do I have to tell you? Ralph hasn’t gone anywhere, he’s always with you and me. Always.”
“He’s dead, that’s what he is.”
Henriette continued rubbing her shoulder’s soothingly, as if she were comforting a child. “But he’ll always be in our hearts, and that’s what matters.”
“It’s not the same.”
“Come Addie, let’s not fight.” The older woman smiled lightly, turning the younger girl’s head towards her for closer inspection. There were bags under her eyes and an unnatural pallor, a sullenness swirling behind. Even her usual bright eyes were dulled. “I hate it when you’re angry or sad.”
The younger girl shook her head and curled around the older ones side, much like a feline would.
“I still hate it here. Everything’s so dry and barren and ugly. I’m only putting up with it because of you.”
“What will you do when I’m gone?” Henriette sighed.
“Then I’ll just have to die and pursue you."
“Silly girl.” The elder smiled at the other indulgently, yet her eyes betrayed a melancholy she failed to hide. “You don’t mean that.”
He saw them long before they arrived.
Initially a speck in the distance, and then gradually enlarging until he could see their wagon gradually pulling into town along the dusty highway.
In truth, Jasper had noticed the old lady at the front first; her face hard and etched into a permanent frown, doing nothing to dispel the presence of her wrinkles and only succeeding in making more pronounced than ever. He would have turned away back to his field then had he not caught sight of her in the setting sun, the last of the sun rays reflecting a pale face.
She had a simple shawl wrapped around her head, protecting her from the dust. But it did nothing to hide the beauty she possessed, there was an ethereal feel to it; a otherworldliness. There was also a melancholy to the girl; with her head bowed, eyes downcast, looking so dejected. It captured his attention, struck a chord in his heart, and later he would stop to think about her, in his work, during mealtime, before he went to bed, in his walk.
His eyes followed their receding figure unconsciously as they made their way into town.
He did not know her name yet.
But she had unknowingly sent a ripple in the pool of his heart
Except he did not know of any of this yet.
It was another sleepless night.
Adeline clutched at the tattered copy of To The Lighthouse she had found fallen behind the shelf in the library and staggered downstairs.
Sleep had evaded her yet again. When was the last time she had had a good night’s rest? Or perhaps it was herself who was avoiding it altogether. Whichever it was, she barely slept a wink in the past week. she could almost feel the rush of agitation in her nerves now, the lethargy in her frame, the shortness of her temper.
She needed to get out.
This was a paradise for vampires she supposed. A secretive hideout for the Cullens, no one bothered them here. The town was too enamoured by the dazzling family, the town’s police chief was Bella’s dad and the only visitors they ever had were the wolves from the nearby indigenous tribe. And anyways there was ever only one person who came most of the time.
But it still unnerved her. The jitteriness she experienced in Colorado never fully left her. And she was still startled by the smallest things, the tiniest sounds.
It was the house. She finally concluded. It was Jasper.
She couldn’t rest with Jasper around. No she couldn’t.
Pocketing the few cigarettes she still had remaining into her worn satchel, Adeline grabbed the giant coffee flask she had prepared and stalked out of the house into the dreary morning of Forks in only a thin parka and boots.
As she stalked down the clearing at the back of the house, she felt a shiver down her spine and a feeling of being watched. Turning back she just made out a silhouette at the upper left window.
She didn’t need to squint to know who it was.
She flipped the bird at him before turning around to leave in a huff.
Jasper saw her multiple times in town over the next few days. The two had settled down into one of the cottages his parents had owned bordering their own farming fields; he had yet to formally acquaint with his new neighbours. But it would seem that the arrival of the girl had already sent the town into frenzy.
For one, her dress making skill was excellent. Her embroidery so fine and so meticulous that all the ladies of the town were soon sending in requests, until she had to put them on hold until she could finish the earlier ones first.
Two, she was soon the gossip of the entire town. She’d already had seven proposals in the course of a week, all of which she had rejected without even a side eye. Men were in awe of her beauty and wondered aloud at her ever downcast eyes and the enigma that she was. For the women in town though, she was the subject they loved to hate, for monopolising the attention of the other half of the town. Jealously was an ugly sentiment and hostility an ever isolating one. And the girl soon found herself alone and alienated without a single soul to call as friend.
Soon they had a third topic to discuss on.
She was seen trying to storm the local bookshop for new reading materials, but on seeing her, the store owner had kindly redirected her back to her ladies’ weekly digest.
“You don’t make any sense! Why am I not allowed to read?! It’s only a novel!"
“Child, novels are hardly a suitable reading material for a lady. It promotes unrealistic fancies in young minds like yours.”
“That’s a condescending observation sir.”
“Who do you say you live with again?”
“My grandmama.”
“Well young lady, I suggest you have a word with you grandmother then.”
The man slammed his door in her face.
And no matter how hard she pounced on the wooden door, the shopkeeper refused to open the door again to the girl.
“Darling, sweetheart.” A pair of well-meaning elderly ladies stopped in their tracks to regard the girl. “Don’t be mad at the man, he’s only trying to do you good. What kind of gentleman of good status would want a woman with her head stuck in a book? It’ll only spur you on into fantasies after fantasies; no man would want a wife who would neglect the family. What would you possibly do then?”
Her lips pursed now and Jasper could see how upset she was with the way her shoulders were hunched and her teeth biting into her lips so hard it drew blood but somehow her eyes shone with a fierce defiance he had never seen.
“A man who loves me would not ask me to give up any of that.”
She let slipped this one sentence before turning to leave with her head held high.
“What a peculiar young girl.” The lady turned to her equally surprised friend and wondered aloud.
The crowd dispersed to return to their day and errands.
Only Jasper was rooted where he was, his mind replaying the conversation the girl and the lady had, the silent dignity, the crackling flame inside her.
He looked to the bookshop again.
Adeline always thought that their relationship now was like a predator to its prey; Jasper always on the outlook, ready to pounce anytime she showed the slightest weakness. But when she did look closely, it wasn’t difficult to find him shuffling awkwardly in the corner when they were in the same room, looking at her with unveiled longing and then the predator would turn into a wounded puppy.
Adeline wanted to laugh at the absurdity of the entire situation. That he should feel hurt and yet still longed for her, instead of choosing to hate her for all she had done. It was beyond her comprehension. If their fortunes had reversed, she couldn’t say for certain if she would feel the same.
She wondered if he ever thought of the past, their past together. Because she was convinced that he viewed it through a rose tinted lens
Adeline lighted a cigarette and puffed thoughtfully. What she had read at the break of dawn still fresh on her mind.
“There it was before her - life. Life: she thought but she did not finish her thought. She took a look at life, for she had a clear sense of it there, something real, something private, which she shared neither with her children nor with her husband. A sort of transaction went on between them, in which she was on one side, and life was on another, and she was always trying to get the better of it, as it was of her; and sometimes they parleyed (when she sat alone); there were, she remembered, great reconciliation scenes; but for the most part, oddly enough, she must admit that she felt this thing that she called life terrible, hostile, and quick to pounce on you if you gave it a chance.”
She must admit, Woolf’s writings always did have a knack of making one feel and think differently; to approach life, time and memory in a new light; to reflect. The lighthouse, was the never changing vantage point in the passage of time, the ever eluding desire that one chased after but never could quite grasp; ten years was a very long time in a life span, people change, for better or for worse; people die, and all was left was a memory frozen in time. And even that fades, lost in time and space. Nothing was everlasting, no mark or testimony survives the void.
Not even love.
The brutality of life and reality had made sure that it did not.
She briefly considered her own life.
The innocent child Henriette had protected at all cost when she was alive, who was immediately killed by her father after Hettie’s death, gutted and left to her own demise in some dirty gutter. And in her place, all that was left was this new emotionally dead and drained Adeline. Haunted by her own past, her deeds and her misfortunes, completely broken and never quite pieced back together right.
Adeline had taken the gamble with life and lost miserably.
The fog was getting thicker now, the wind lost somewhere in the thicket. The spring air was stagnant, and the soft tendrils of smoke curled around her hair, her frame. For a moment, she stopped in her tracks, just to take in this present moment that would soon morph into another forgotten memory of hers.
He found her at the far end of his parents’ field, looking out into distance, sniffing.
“Hey are you alright?”
“I’m fine.” She sniffed again no doubt surprised that someone had crept on her, scrubbing at her face furiously. “Never better.” Before turning around to scrutinise him.
“Who are you?”
“I don’t think we’ve formally met ma’am, I’m Jasper Whitlock.”
“You’re Mr and Mrs Whitlock’s second son.” The girl gasped, before ducking her head formally and shaking his hand. “I’m Adeline, Adeline Ruelle. Your mother’s told me about you.” She looked around again before smiling awkwardly and gesturing to the fields. “I’m trespassing. This is your land. I’ll go-”
“No, no. It’s uh… it’s alright. I don’t mind, Miss Ruelle.”
“But still. I shouldn’t be disturbing the lot of you.”
“Wait. Uh I… I couldn’t help but saw what happened in the town square.”
“Oh.” She frowned before looking down, clearly getting the wrong idea. He wasn’t there to reprimand her too. “It’s alright, I won’t-”
“No wait, I don’t mean it that way. Here.” He quickly thrusted the bundle he had been hiding behind his back this whole time.
Confused, Adeline clutched at the bundle, feeling the hard texture of the package before looking up to stare at him agape. Her hand quickly dove in to tear at the wrapping paper to reveal a hardback book.
“Frankenstein?” She held the book up questioningly. “Why are you giving me this?”
“You wanted this right? Or was it not this? I could take it back and change it if you want-”
“No, no. This was what I was looking for. But why are you giving me this?”
“Because you wanted it.” He stated as a matter of fact. When his answer didn’t dispel the confused look on Adeline’s face, Jasper struggled to explain himself more. “I don’t think they were right in refusing to let you read just because they think it’s not suitable for a lady. Anyone should be allowed to pursue their own knowledge…”
“This isn’t really the most educating thing you know.” For the first time, there was a playful smirk on her lips. “It’s a novel on a man making a monster.”
“You know what I mean.”
Evidently she was grateful. “I- how can I ever thank you for this? How much does this cost? I’ll pay you back the money… I’ll pay you double for all your trouble-”
“No, no it’s fine. Please don’t pay me. I wanted to help. You looked so sad and I just wanted to cheer you up is all.”
“Wait, where are you going, Mr Whitlock sir?! Wait.”
In his mind he had embarrassed himself. It was a stupid move buying her the book. Now she would think him worse than all her other suitors. He had intruded into her privacy and had condescended her by deciding that she would want the book. He had never lost his cool once before, not in front of the girls who had flirted with him, and this new girl had come along and thrown him off his balance.
He didn’t realise till then that his heart was beating erratically and his hand clenched over it unconsciously.
What a stupid stupid man that he was.
She was momentarily shocked from her thoughts. Looking up, she found that she had come across the Cullens. There was Alice with the little family.
Alice looked concerned, no doubt surprised by her haggard look and her sleep deprived countenance. Even Bella and Edward looked alerted too. Despite being eccentric, Alice was, Adeline concluded, actually quite a nice person, overly friendly maybe.
“You look tired, are you alright?”
“I’m alright.” She shrugged nonchalantly. Even though the exhaustion was catching up on her fast.
Alice hesitated before smiling. “We’re going to hunt. Do you want to join us?”
Ah, so they were going to hunt. She remembered her surprise when for the first time she had heard that they were vegetarians and that they only fed on animals. Henriette had half forced half bullied her to adopt this kind of diet since she was born, yet she had never seen another doing the same before.
But she didn’t like to hunt in the presence of another, it made her self conscious. And anyways, she was trying her best to steer away from the company of the family.
“It’s alright.” She remained aloof. “I’ll hunt on my way.”
“Will we expect you by dinnertime?” Bella spoke up at the back, Adeline could literally see the trying in her effort to be nice. She quickly looked to Edward who’s face remained neutral.
“Hmph. I’ll be back.” She nodded her head at the latter.
Their paths diverging, the rest of the clan soon took their leave of her. And Adeline looked on at their receding back from her spot.
They would all soon be a distant memory of hers, there was no need to be formally acquainted with any of them.
‘With her foot on the threshold she waited a moment longer in a scene which was vanishing even as she looked, and then, as she moved and took Minta's arm and left the room, it changed, it shaped itself differently; it had become, she knew, giving one last look at it over her shoulder, already the past.’
This time she was waiting for him.
The moment she caught sight of him strolling towards the perimeter of his fields after supper, Adeline immediately jogged towards him, a large basket in tow.
“I’ve been looking all over for you, Mr Whitlock.” She chirped, an unusually bright smile graced over her porcelain features, a stark contrast to the melancholy he saw on her first day in town.
He decided that he loved seeing her smile more than anything right then.
“Jasper is fine ma’am.” He ducked his head bashfully. “Mr Whitlock’s my dad if you will, everyone around here just calls me Jasper, Miss Ruelle.”
“Fine. But then you must call me Adeline. It’s only fair.”
“Miss Adeline.” He bowed half out of jest.
“Adeline.” She corrected him, though there was a twinkle in her eyes. “So where’re you headed to?”
“I’m just heading to the creek down below to rest for a bit, it’s been a long day.”
Adeline nodded in understanding and he was somewhat amused to find the girl trotting behind him. Chuckling, Jasper swooped in to take a grasp at the handle of the basket and carried it. When they finally settled at a shady spot near the creek, Adeline leaned forward to open the latch of the basket.
“I wanted to thank you,” she began, pulling out a batch of baked cookies. “For the book.”
“Its nothing-”
“No! It wasn’t just anything! I…” He watched as she frowned and look away, debilitating with herself, trying to find the right words to express herself.
“No one’s ever done this for me… ever.” She finally murmured, her hands playing at her aprons absentmindedly. “So… yeah.” She pulled at her ear sheepishly. “Sorry, I’m sure you’re not interested in my ramblings. I should go… it’s your rest time.”
“It’s alright. I don’t mind.”
They sat in mutual silence, though there was less initial awkwardness.
“Do you-”
“So I-”
They started at the same time. Sheepish, Jasper gestured for Adeline to continue speaking. She smiled another of her easy smile.
“What I wanted to say was that you really don’t know how much it means for me… for you to get that book for me. My grandfather taught me how to read and write. And between the both of us, this was our most favourite book of all time. But his copy was destroyed in the floods some years ago so when he died… I wanted something to remember him by. That’s why I desperately wanted it at the bookshop.” She grew sentimental then. “Of course it’s not the same copy we used to have, but it’s the sentiment of it that’s the most important.”
“Then I’m glad I got it for you.” And he meant it from the bottom of his heart.
“Here.” She handed him a cookie, “you still haven’t tried it yet.”
Tentatively, he took a bite out of it. “It’s delicious!"
Adeline grinned, evidently proud. “Of course. And they said no decent southern gentleman would want me. You’ve just proven them wrong!”
Jasper laughed. “Well you’ve certainly stolen my stomach away with that amazing bakery.”
Adeline reclined onto her elbows in her spot and squinted in the dazzling sun. “You know it’s not half as bad here as I initially thought.”
“Must be because of my company.” He spoke jokingly.
“Hmm. Maybe." Jasper found himself observing Adeline’s every move. Now she was closing her eyes, basking in the glory of the setting sun, humming to herself. The warm ray of light accentuating her long neck and her collarbones and-
She turned suddenly, her excited eyes on him.
“Have you ever read Frankenstein?”
She knew she was getting closer and closer towards the sea, despite the fog being thick and hanging over the threshold. She just knew.
There was the faint crashing of waves now, getting louder by the minute. And the brambles of the forest floor was spreading out.
Now all she needed to do was-
And she stepped out into the sunlight. Despite the sun, it was not the Texan sun she remembered from her memories, it barely gave her warmth. But it did dispel some of the mist that clung around her like tendrils. Here was a cliff of some sort, with the sea roaring right below her feet, the moss and the wildflowers carpeting the entire forest ground until it ended abruptly at the ledge, to a steep drop of some fifty or even sixty feet.
It was indeed beautiful.
Adeline watched mesmerised, how the waves licked the cliff side, thundering, throwing up white foam and algae and whatnots.
Sighing, she leaned back against a tree trunk. The sky was grey and endless in the horizon. It was dreary, and she felt that it suited her more than the Texan sun and blue sky ever did.
She readjusted her sitting position against the tree and took out her book.
James and Cam and Mr Ramsey were heading to the lighthouse now and Lily Briscoe was finishing off her painting ten years later.
‘“It will rain,” he remembered his father saying. “You won’t be able to go to the Lighthouse.”
The Lighthouse was then a silvery, misty-looking tower with a yellow eye, that opened suddenly, and softly in the evening. Now—
James looked at the Lighthouse. He could see the white-washed rocks; the tower, stark and straight; he could see that it was barred with black and white; he could see windows in it; he could even see washing spread on the rocks to dry. So that was the Lighthouse, was it?
No, the other was also the Lighthouse. For nothing was simply one thing. The other Lighthouse was true too. It was sometimes hardly to be seen across the bay. In the evening one looked up and saw the eye opening and shutting and the light seemed to reach them in that airy sunny garden where they sat.’
She closed the book with a sigh.
To be fair, she knew that Jasper thought about their past, just as she did. Except, they each remembered things and events differently. Or maybe it was just that for her, with the knowledge of hindsight, everything was brought into a new light and became tainted.
Could she look back with pure joy now? At her days with him which was now, in hindsight, filled with regret and more importantly, guilt.
There was some truth in it she supposed.
Perhaps there were more facets in their memory than she would give credit for. There was the truth, and then there were all the different angles you could appraise it from. Both were looking at the lighthouse, but he no doubt looked on with fondness and through a rose tinted lens, and she with hindsight could only look on with a sense of dread.
She only wished that he would not be so enamoured by his sentiments that he was blindsided by the truth.
With that thought, her mood soured again and she threw the book into the ground. Subconsciously, her hand went to the locket hidden beneath her shirt where she fingered the engravings to calm herself.
Adeline closed her eyes and listened to the sea.
After that fateful afternoon, Adeline was showing up at the fields every few days. And the creek immediately became their mutual meeting point. And on days when she was too busy with her work to venture out, Jasper would swing by, just to see her, have a chat. They lived close enough, and he was always giving excuses after excuses about why he was there. Excuses he thought she saw through with that complicit smile and the twinkle always present in her eyes. Her grandmother was less impressed however, but she never treated him ill, always being ever cordial, receiving him, making tea, working in the corner, muttering to herself in French.
The days blurred into one, and towards the end of that summer, his parents invited the Adeline and her grandmother over for dinner one fine evening. His mother took an immediate liking towards the girl, and his father called her the daughter he always wanted.
It made Jasper feel giddy, that his family loved her so much. He was almost proud.
It would be the best summer he ever had.
They had read Milton, the Odysseus, the Aeneid, Austen, Dickens, and many more.
He was always surprised to see Adeline brimming with so much knowledge at such a young age. He had wondered at the background of her grandfather, but she always deflected the questions with a wistful smile then he learnt not to ask them anymore.
It was perhaps cliche to say, but she really was not like other girls. Adeline was open, she was kind and sincere and more importantly she was the sun herself, a burning beacon, radiating with warmth. One look at her and he found the day’s worth of handwork and fatigue to be nothing.
Jasper knew the implication of his thundering heart. Romance was not something new to him, he’d heard it from fieldworkers, men who were only a few years older than him.
But he had his doubts too.
He saw how the men tried to talk to her, and though she never mentioned it once to him, he heard enough to know about all the confessions and declarations and proposals she received on a regular basis. Her refusals did nothing to quell his disheartened heart. Her suitors ranged from various backgrounds including pretty boys with wealthy backgrounds and ancestors who were founding members of this town even.
What was he? Nothing but a simple farmer boy. How was he to compete with then?
Every time he heard of another refusal, his hope would get a little higher, that perhaps her smiles and her openness were only directed at him. Yet one look at himself and his meagre possessions, and he would lose what little confidence he had.
Even so, even so she never missed a day with him. Never forgot an engagement, never failed to show up.
That she would welcome him warmly each time, with her radiant smile and her gentle words, even if she would ramble on and on about her long and tiring day and her tedious work.
He was failing miserably to quell his beating heart. Some days It was pure agony, other days he would find himself hope against all hope that perhaps, just perhaps that she would reciprocate even a fraction of his feelings.
But his doubts held him back each time, when he was on the brink of a confession. He would be reminded of the string of failed proposals that came before his and he would become afraid and stopped himself short.
Was it better to protect this friendship, this comradeship that they had?
But with each passing summer day, as he got ready for harvest, his heart was becoming more and more heavy.
It was too much.
He didn’t think he could go on like this.
The ravens cawed and she awoke with a start. Standing up immediately, she was dazed to find that she was not in her simple attire of boots and parka anymore. Gone was the sea and the grey horizon; the pines surrounding her were tall and ominous, a light mist was beginning to form around her, obscuring her sight further on. She was in her Sunday best again, the cream coloured dress with those understated embroideries she had seen herself. There was the chain of daisies at the hem of her sleeves and around her collar. She looked around, trying to comprehend her surrounding.
So she was in a dream then.
A nightmare perhaps.
Might as well walk to the very end of it so that she could wake. Though she loathed to think how it would end, hopefully not with her screaming bloody murder again.
Trudging onwards, the claustrophobia was getting more and more intense, the fog thickening and the trees crowding more and more together until there was no distinguishable path that she could follow. She felt suffocated.
Just then, there was a chill around her heart and it began to thump fiercely. Turning her head cautiously towards her back, she was instantly struck by an intense fear.
Run, her instinct was screaming in her ears.
She ran like the frightened bunny that she was. She could hear the laughters of her sisters, and worse of all. The shoutings of her father.
There seemed to be no end. The brambles tore at her dress, tearing the embroideries, the mud splattering all over her apron, the loose branches leaving small open cuts over her hands and face. The laughters behind her never ceased. She was bone chilled and yet she daren’t stop in her tracks. For fear of being caught, for fear of a punishment worse than death.
And just when all hope was lost, there in the distance was an opening!
And out she ran into a field of wheat and barley. Shocked, she looked back cautiously at the edge of the forest she had just dashed through.
The eeriness had gone and it was only just a stretch of low woodland and shrubberies. Her nightmarish forest was gone.
Cocking her head to the side in confusion, Adeline nevertheless continued to trudge on and at the end of the wheat field, a warm inviting cottage stood in its midst.
The smoke gently curled around the chimney, the vines over the walls, the blue cornflowers at the windows.
It was painfully the same as she had remembered.
She quietly opened the latch to the door and stepped inside the threshold.
“You’re back.” As her eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room, she saw a man in a simple cotton white shirt and dark pants gently settling the white bundle in his arms into a crib. “How was your walk? Refreshing?”
“Yes…” Adeline stuttered. “Jasper?"
“Yes darling?” The man turned with a tender smile towards her, arms opening wide to welcome her. This time she did not hesitate and rushed towards his strong inviting embrace. Breathing in the strong familiar scent, feeling the warmth he radiated. All the while avoiding glancing at the crib she had seen.
“I’m tired.” She murmured. “Take me to bed?” She pleaded.
Jasper only chuckled.
As they finally settled in bed, his calloused hands, overused at the farm, began its motion of combing through her hair slowly, soothingly just like he did all the time when the two were in bed. Adeline closed her eyes and sighed. She didn’t want to wake up from this and back to the icy cold acquaintance that they now shared.
“I had the strangest dream.” She murmured to him, burrowing deeper into his embrace, her ear rested on his chest, and she could hear the strong beating of his beating heart. “I dreamt that I left you. And that it destroyed you so badly that you became something I couldn’t even recognise anymore. And then I hated you so much and you resented me so much for turning you into what you became.”
“Left me…” Jasper repeated to himself, his hand froze momentarily in its motion.
Adeline looked up in desperation. If this was a dream, at least she would keep him happy. This much she could do at the very least.
“It was only just a dream though.” She tried to smile, raising a hand to trace his strong jawline. “I could never leave you.”
He resumed his soothing motion, combing through her hair, massaging her scalp. She hummed and turned to listen to his beating heart again.
“No, because what would happen to us if you actually left?”
Ah… the bundle in the crib.
She imagined a young boy, with golden curls around his temple and warm inviting hazel eyes. Who would call her maman, who she would teach French to, and raise him and teach him well, just as she had done to her handful of brothers and sisters. It would’ve been domestic bliss. It would’ve been what she wanted if she had been human.
She was drifting in and out of consciousness again as she lingered in her impossible dreams.
The soothing motion over her scalp never ceased. In fact it became more and more concrete.
“Adeline…. Adeline…”
There was someone calling to her softly, far away, at the edge of her consciousness. And it was getting nearer and nearer.
Somehow she felt safe, warm and calm. A sense of serenity washed over her.
She was protected.
She felt a light peck over her lips.
A chaste little kiss.
She chastised without opening her eyes, though her lips were slowly pulling into a small smile.
“What are you playing at-” she mumbled in her sleep.
And then she descended into sweet oblivion.
They met in the fields as usual the sun casting its shadow towards the east, amongst the waving barley and the golden wheat. Adeline was chatting animatedly about the latest novel she had been reading.
He cleared his throat when she stopped to take a breath in between.
“I have something to tell you.”
Her brows shot up no doubt finally realising that she had been hogging the conversation table for the last half an hour or so, but she quickly composed herself and gave him a reassuring smile. “What is it? I’m all ears.”
“I’m joining the army.”
“I’m joining the Texas cavalry.”
“Why?” She looked bewildered, and there was a frantic look in her eye. “Don’t you have enough to do in the farm? The harvests and the cattle’s and… everything! Have you talked this through with your parents?!”
“I have. They are in full support of it.”
“But why?” She pouted her lips cutely, but her voices sounded betrayed. “I enjoy our time with you here everyday, don’t you? If you join the army, you’ll be working and training everyday. I-” she stopped and looked away, embarrassed, scuffing the sole of her shoe over the ground petulantly.
He chuckled. How to make her understand? That he was doing this exactly because of her.
“Besides, you’re a landowner yourself. I know the land isn’t much, but it should be enough for you right?”
“So why would you suddenly decide you want to become a soldier?”
“I mean sure I know you’ll excel in it anyways. You’re going to charm you way up. Then you’ll forget little ol me.”
“Adeline.” Jasper finally had to smirk. "You never let people finish what they have to say.”
Adeline huffed in annoyance and crossed her arm. “Fine. By all means!”
What she didn’t expect next was for him to clasp her hand in his.
“You might think that a farmer is well respected enough, but I’m a second son. When my parents die, my brother will inherit the farm. I can help with the farm, but it will never be mine. I’ll never have an income as prosperous as my brother will if I continue to work for him. When I do marry and then someday have children of mine, would I want them to endure the same fate as I have?”
“But if you love her then surely-”
“Would I be able to have better marriage prospect as my brother does? The answer is no. I would never be able to do better than him, I would be at a disadvantage, less likely to get the girl of my dreams. No decent gentleman would marry their own precious daughter to a second son. That is, unless if I make a name for myself in some other way.”
“By joining the army?”
“It was either that or become a priest.”
“There are other ways surely! You can study to be a lawyer or… or a businessman or anything other than joining the army!”
“Don’t you find some of the younger soldiers charming and dashing? I overheard you chatting with-”
“I care about you too much to want to see you get hurt!”
There was a solemnity in her clear blue eyes that betrayed nothing but sincerity and concern. It left him feeling giddy, that gave him a confidence he had been lacking for sometime to carry out what he was about to do that he had psyched himself up to do for weeks now. He couldn’t help but grin.
But it irked her to new heights.
“Stop it, don’t laugh! It’s not a laughing matter!” Adeline pouted again, slapping him in the arm repeatedly, and this time there were angry tears threatening to fall from her beautiful orbs. “I worry about you! Even if you seem no have no care about your own safety!”
“Fine! Go! Go join the bloody army if you love it so much for some bloody girl you think you’ve fallen in love with! See if I care when you get killed off by some stupid I don’t know what!”
She turned around and by the slight tremor in her shoulder and the sniffing he realised with a newfound panic that she was crying. This wasn’t what he had intended to do.
“Adeline.” He soothed, coaxing the girl to turn around to face him. “Are you crying?”
“No I’m not.”
“Hush, then turn around see that I can see you properly.”
When she did turn, he could still see the devastation over her face. The tear trails over the apples of her cheek, those eyes brimmed with unshed tears. But she stared back with great defiance, her chin held haughtily up. He has to suppress a tender sigh, his heart was so heavy with love for this girl, the little treacherous thing thumping against his chest so loudly he was sure she would’ve heard it.
“Adeline, you must know how important this is for me."
She looked away then and feigned boredom. “Why are you telling me this Mr Whitlock? You’re wasting your time on me. Shouldn’t you be looking for your bloody lover to her about this.”
“I really should shouldn’t I? But I need your help and advice.” He studied her closely as she bit her lips so hard it almost drew blood, as she raised a hand to finger her earring in an effort to calm her nerves mo doubt. He slowly reached out a hand to hold her chin and turn her pretty face back to his before delivering the final blow.
“But suppose I’m looking at her already right now as I speak?”
“Looking at her…?”
“Won’t you tell me how do I stop her tears and make her understand that I’m joining the army so that I can have a future with her? So that I can stand on my own and go to her grandmother to ask for permission to court her and marry her?”
He saw the moment the realisation hit her, Adeline’s mouth dropped as she stared mutely at him.
“You… I… I don’t think I understand what you-”
“I’m telling you that I love you Adeline. And I want to marry you.”
He stopped abruptly then to take a deep breath, his heart beating ferociously now, the rush in his ears was almost deafening, he was too fearful of what she would say.
But when her looked into her eyes, there was a newfound vulnerability, one he had never seen before. She wet her trembling lips.
“This isn’t a joke you’re pulling on me is this?”
“I would never joke about this.” He said with resolute.
Bashful, she looked down and sucked at her lips. And if he had looked closely, he would have seen how her cheeks were tinted red, not by the summer heat or the burning sin.
“No one has ever said that to me.” Her eyes were brimming with tears again though her lips were slowly, but surely drawing up into a smile. “I think… I love you too Jasper Whitlock.”
And that was the straw for him.
He stepped forward to close the gap between them, long arms stretching out to hold her tightly. Her arms slowly wound themselves around his neck, their face inches apart, looking straight into each other’s eyes.
“Don’t you think we’re a little too close for propriety’s sake, Mr Whitlock?” The corner of her lips tugging up playfully.
“Hush”. He thought his heart was going to burst. “I’m going to kiss you now.”
And under the setting Texan sun, amongst a golden burning world, they shared their first ever kiss, two hearts beating as one.
The thick clouds above were for once finally dispersing and the radiant sunbeams filtered in between, producing a luminous effect as it struck his skin.
The motion in his hand never ceasing, gently combing through Adeline’s hair as she herself laid on his chest, breathing in and out calmly. Without the hostility and the jitteriness, Jasper was almost fooled into believing that this Adeline was the same Adeline from his past.
But she was not.
Jasper sighed again, his heart so full of emotions it was painful.
He had wandered out after she left the house and subconsciously, or perhaps guided by a vengeful angel, he had stumbled across her, in the midst of a nightmare, curling into herself, whimpering. He acted on his natural instincts to soothe away the frown, and it mystified him that the moment he laid his hand on her head did the whimpering stopped. He couldn’t resist stealing a light kiss from those plump lips.
Looking down at Adeline’s serene sleeping face, Jasper wished he didn’t have to hide himself like this, that he could’ve held her when she was awake, her radiant smile guided towards him and himself only. Not like this, not when she wouldn’t even know that it was him who had comforted her and held her in her sleep, had warded away her nightmares, even if just for a few moments only.
Oh but he couldn’t let her know.
Every small movement now would send him into caution, to extricate himself from her before she woke, lest she would run away, lest he would startle her, deepen this gulf between them.
He surveyed their immediate surrounding, there was Adeline’s cassette player, the tiny thing’s battery had long since stopped running. He made a remark to ask her about the mixtape she had been listening to. The emptied coffee flask, the burnt cigarette butts. And there lying open with its cover up, its spine breaking right in the middle, was Rosalie’s old battered copy of To the Lighthouse. He remembered watching her going all out just to hide it behind the shelf.
It’s too painful. She had finally confessed one rainy day. But I can’t bear to throw it away. It’s like a mirror you hold up to juxtapose it with your own life.
He never read it, not in depth anyways.
He reached out to grab it and randomly flipped through it, scanning the words as he did so.
‘To want and not to have, sent all up her body a hardness, a hollowness, a strain. And then to want and not to have- to want and want- how that wrung the heart, and wrung it again and again!’
“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”
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I'll never let you go
For day 26 of May challenge
hiking | sorry | “You are a terrible liar.”
Book: Nightbound (Nik Ryder x F!MC)
Word count: 1.1k
Rating: Teen
**Twisting up the ending with Nik in chapter 16 just a little bit. Maybe twisted too much…Maybe not... Anyway**
Walking in a garden in the middle of the night was the last thing Alex would have thought she would be doing on her last day in New Orleans. The next day, she would be back in Wyoming. Not a place she could call home, she much rather enjoyed her horror filled days in New Orleans. At least she had friends there. And then the time had come to leave all of them behind.
It was not an easy decision to make. And so, she had asked Nik to take her somewhere she could catch some air, she could use it to think. 
As they sat shoulder to shoulder on a bench, Alex couldn't help but smile as she realised that what she wanted was obvious. It was all clear to her all the while that she had never wanted to go. She wanted to stay and explore the new world that was open to her, with Nik by her side. 
But little did she know that Nik had other plans. And it struck her right in the heart. 
“You don't want me to stay?”
Nik couldn't look at her. He kept his eyes fixed on the ground, avoiding her gaze full of hurt.
“But Nik, what about everything you said?" She shook her head in disbelief.  "You told me I was more than a job. You told me I made you feel something. You told me if I had died you...you told me...” Alex faded off. Her heart clenched. "After everything, you want me to just go away?"
“Alex, it's not like that." Nik said.
“Then what is it like? Are you just gonna pretend it never happened? That we never happened? Well maybe you can but I cannot!"
"It's not easy for me either, Alex. Trust me. But it's the only way."
"Only way to what?! You could have done this sooner couldn't you? You could have just pushed me away when I started getting close to you! And you could have just kept all those feelings to yourself! You had no reason to tell me any of that if this was what you wanted in the end!" 
"Rook -"
"You could have just taken your dad's words and pushed me away! Should you have waited this long? And if you -"
"Rook please!"
Alex paused. After a moment, she spoke, "It would have hurt less."
She got up from the bench. Turning toward the road, she started walking. 
"You don't get to call me that." She stopped to say.
"Alex, wait." Nik said. 
She continued walking, but slowed down.
"Hey, I care about you, okay."
"Yeah, I have seen how much you care."
Nik went around her to stand in front of her, making her stop in her place. Taking her hands in his, he looked at her. 
"Look…" He reached out and cupped the side of her face. "I'm sorry."
Alex turned her head to the side, avoiding his eyes. 
"Ro- Alex please, I know this is hard for both of us."
She sighed. "Go on."
"Alex… you know how much I care about you. Everything I said, it's all true. The reason I want you to go… it's because I care about you."
Alex raised an eyebrow. "Elaborate please."
"Alex, first of all, I was a jerk. I thought… I thought I could protect you. I thought I was the best bodyguard you could have. I was wrong. I couldn't protect you. You died...right in front of me. That monster killed you...and I couldn't do anything.” 
"Nik please, it was not your fault. You don't need to feel guilty about it."
“I will always feel guilty about it Alex. If something happens to you, I won't forgive myself. Really. 
"Even if it's not your fault?"
"I care about you Alex."
She turned to face him. "Then why are you doing this?"
He sighed. "I don't want you to deal with all of this craziness."
"Some deadly ass creature running after me?"
"What if I am willing to risk it?"
"You don't…"
"I am. You don't see how amazing any of this is, do you? Well, I feel that as many monsters this crazy world of night has, it also has beautiful bayous, the best bars, unicorns, crazy torn apartments with broken ceilings," she chuckled,  "and I don't even know about all the things you are yet to tell me about." 
Alex turned to Nik and found him staring at her.
"You are crazy."
She smiled. "But you like me for it, don't you?"
"You bet I do. So…" he continued, "does that mean…"
"I'm staying here? yes."
"Are you sure?" 
Alex took a deep breath and walked closer to him. She waited for him to look her in the eyes, then said, "I said it already, I want to be with you. Not just when chasing monsters. Not just as hunting partners. I want be with you during all the little things, and all the big things. I want you beside me not as a bodyguard, but as a partner. I want you to walk with me, not behind me. And, if you really want me to leave you, it should be because you don't feel the same about me. If that's the reason, I will not bother you. But if you want me to leave because you think that would be better for me, then I'm sorry."
Nik took a deep breath and released it in a hush. He threaded her fingers with his, bringing both hands close together. 
He sighed. "I never would've thought that something like this... I mean, I never was good with relationships, I had told you. In normal cases, I would have asked you to go. But this time..." He looked down, a glimpse of a smile on his lips. "I don't know what you did to me, Alex. But damn, I want you to stay. I don't want you to go. I guess I was being stupid earlier. I feel the same way about you. I don't care if we have known each other for a week or a day. I just know that I have never felt this way with anyone."
"And..." Nik realised that he had just been repeating Alex's words. The previous night, before the Thomas creature attacked...he tried hard to dispel the image. Alex had told him about her feelings for him, and he... 
"And, dammit", Nik chuckled. He shifted his eyes to her's, smiling. "I love you too."
Alex beamed. In a split second, she reached up and covered his lips with hers, making him stumble back a little. Grinning against her mouth, he reached his palm to the back of her head, the other hand held her close to him. Now that he had her, he would never let her go.
-—————- >>>>>>>> <<<<<<<< —————-
Tagging: @lilyoffandoms, @choicesmonthlychallenge and @choicesficwriterscreations
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getoutofthisplace · 3 years
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Dear Gus & Magnus,
I forgot to take a picture today, so here's one from nine years ago when I MC'd the monthly reading series of the UNO Creative Writing Workshop on the patio at a place called Handsome Willy's. That reading probably planted the seed that eventually became Argenta Reading Series -- I loved hosting that reading.
At the time, I had been in a relationship with someone who got extremely jealous whenever I was around a lot of people. I was a year and a half into that relationship by this point, so I had learned to avoid situations where I would be around a lot of people. But being social and talking to everyone in the room and meeting new people is deeply ingrained into the fiber of my being. Hosting this reading was the only time when I felt like I was allowed to be myself and so I held onto it with everything I had.
Looking back, of course, I should have gotten out of that relationship as soon as I realized how much ground I would have to give up, but getting out felt like giving up and I don't like to give up. I wanted to beat it. But we can't always win. There's an idea I learned from David Epstein's book RANGE that says success isn't always about winning as much as it is about recognizing that it's time to abandon something so you can find other things worth investing in. I should have abandoned that relationship before I did, because I needed to get back in touch with who I was/am, and I had your mother to go find.
It's interesting looking at this picture now because so many people in that room scattered to places all across the globe shortly after this. Some stayed in New Orleans, but off the top of my head, I see Hannah who went to NYC, Ross who went to Montana, Kelly who went to North Carolina, Carrie who went to Paris. And, there's Aunt Shelley with the short hair, sitting beside the guy in the plaid.
In addition to MC'ing that night, I also read a piece I used to be proud of. Now, watching the video, I cringe. There are so many things I would change about that piece, as well as how I read it. I didn't realize then -- during my last regular semester of graduate school -- how much I had yet to learn about writing/performing. One thing, I remember distinctly about that reading: As soon as I left the "stage," I went to the back of the room where Richard Goodman was standing and I expected to hear him give me his regular words of praise -- he always loved my work -- but instead, he looked at me with bafflement and said, "Don't ever start a reading by telling the audience you're drunk."
He was so right. And the funny thing is that I wasn't drunk. I said it in an attempt to present a disclaimer for a piece that I'd written the day before and wasn't sure about, just in case it bombed. I hate when people give disclaimers with their readings. Just own it. It's strange now to see myself not owning it.
Always own your work, boys -- whatever it is.
New Orleans, Louisiana. 9.20.2012 - 9.58pm.
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waywardnerd67 · 4 years
My World, My Everything
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Summary: She was everything to him. His entire world revolved around her, but a decision had to be made. He had a job to do and in making this decision he would save everything that meant the world to him. Characters: Dean Winchester, Reader Pairing: Dean x Reader Warnings: Angst/Fluff Word Count: 1899 Prompt: “All Our Own” -Radio Company (Lyrics are bold) A/N: This is for @atc74​ Collab Challenge Contest
His finger traced the worn edges of a small photo. The moment in which it was taken as fresh in his mind as if it had happened the day before. It was meant to be the most important day of his life and ended being one of the worst. Slipping the photo back into its spot held within his wallet taking one last, long look at it before closing it in place. Looking out over the dashboard of his car, Dean Winchester looked up into the darkening sky as the end came barreling his way.
October 29, 2005 - San Diego, California
Dean pulled into his normal parking spot at (Y/N)’s apartment building. It had been a few weeks since he last saw her. His case in New Orleans had taken a little longer than expected but now his plan was back on track. Before heading up to her place, he pulled out his phone hitting his dad’s number.
“Dad, when you get this call me. There’s something important I need to talk to about.”
Snapping the phone shut, he grabbed his bag and ran up the exterior stairs with his key in his hand. The door flew open just as he reached the top of the stairs. His eyes traveled the length of her curvy body marveling in her natural beauty. Her bright eyes matched the smile spreading across her face.
“Stop gawking and get your ass in here, Winchester.”
He jogged over and scooped her up holding her tightly, “I missed you pretty girl.”
Leaving (Y/N) had been the one of the hardest moments he had and finally pushed him to make a huge change in his life. Letting her go, Dean set his stuff near the door and kicked off his boots next to the black heels she must have worn to work that day. Seeing his stuff next to hers had his chest tightening with pure happiness.
Leaning against the counter he watched her cook as she told him all about her clients for the day. The only thought running through his mind was that this beautiful, successful business woman was all his. Instinctively he ran his hand over his right pocket of his jeans smiling softly as she continued to talk. Their dinner was simple and filled with laughter as Dean told her all about the voodoo case he had in New Orleans. The rest of their evening was filled with passionate love making and the most restful sleep Dean had in weeks.
Dean awoke to gentle kisses being pressed against his chest and shining eyes staring up at him. The corner of her lips curling into a smirk as he raised an eyebrow at her. One look from her had him pouncing and their morning began as their night had ended.
“Did you think about what we last spoke of?” (Y/N) was snuggled into his side with her leg draped over his waist.
He brushed his calloused fingertips against her soft skin, “Listen to yesterday long before the way it has become and it all came down to you.”
“I don't really know the way, played out stranger than it seemed. But what went down came true like an all day dream.” He pushed himself up as she propped herself up on her elbow.
Her eyes searched his eyes for the unspoken words he was holding deep within him, “Dean, it doesn’t have to be a dream. You’re twenty-six now and can make your own decisions. Especially when it comes to having a stable life.”
He ran one hand through his hair, “I don't wanna be the one to say it's wrong. When the heavens open and a new day comes along. I know I would rather be together alone in a big top circle and a world we can call our own. It's all our own.”
“Does that mean…” the sheet fell from her body as she sat up hope shining in her eyes.
“In a world we can call our own we'll find shelter, darling. Where I'll always promise to never let be. I’m here to stay.”
(Y/N) launched herself onto him kissing him wherever she could get her lips on, “Handsome, that is all I want is you here all the time. You have no idea how happy I am right now.”
“Well, you can show me how happy you are.” Dean laughed as she playfully smacked him.
She got up heading towards her bathroom, “Maybe I will if you join me for a shower.”
Dean was about to follow her when he heard his phone beep with a new voicemail, “I’ll be right there.”
He watched her go in closing the door behind her. Looking at his phone his body tensed as the missed number was his dad’s. Quickly dialing his voicemail he listened to the strange message.
“Dean...something big is starting to happen...I need to try and figure out what's going on. It may... Be very careful, Dean. We're all in danger.”
There was EVP on the message which had panic tightening around his chest. He heard the shower turn on and his heart began to ache painfully. Pulling on his jeans his hand brushed against the small object that brought tears to his eyes. Getting dressed as quickly as he could, Dean grabbed his things then wrote out a note for (Y/N).
“I have to go. I love you, Dean.”
He shut the door as he heard (Y/N) called out to him. Running down the stairs and to his Baby, Dean took off like a bat out of hell. He knew the path all too well down to Palo Alto where his little brother, Sam, was going to college. It had been years since they last spoke but Dean always made a point to go find him from afar. Now, he needed his help in order to find their dad.
Present Day
Dean stood in front of his car alone facing the greatest threat the world had ever seen. Sam was back at the Bunker trying to figure out another way to save the world, but Dean knew it was pointless. This was his burden to bare. This was his destiny. Dying to save the world and his life was worth losing knowing that he was saving the world (Y/N) was living in. As he watched the dark clouds split open and a figure in a white suit emerging from them. Dean closed his eyes, the vision of (Y/N) clearly in his mind before opening them and heading straight for Chuck.
(Y/N) was wrapped in her favorite blanket when the doorbell rang. A tall man, with long chestnut hair stood there. His eyes were bloodshot and tired looking. He was holding a small shoebox in his hands.
“May I help you?”
“Are you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)?” His voice was hoarse as if he had been crying.
She nodded, “Yes I am.”
The man took a deep breath, “My name is Sam Winchester…”
Hearing the surname made her gasp, “You’re Dean’s little brother. W-Where is Dean?”
His hazel eyes connected with hers with tears in them, “D-Dean wanted you to have this when he… when he passed.”
(Y/N) stared at the box shaking her head, “No. N-No… he can’t be. Tell me, he’s around the corner or on his way. Don’t you dare tell me he’s gone!”
Sam held the box out to her, “I-I’m sorry, but I can’t. He sacrificed his life in order to save the world. He defeated God and defended all the people of this world. The only thing he made me promise to do is deliver this box to you.”
As she took a hold of the flimsy shoebox a blood curdling sob erupted from deep within her chest and her body gave out as she fell into Sam’s outstretched arms. He helped her inside to her couch as she let out all of her anguish knowing the world no longer had Dean Winchester in it. Sam sat with her until there were no more tears left for her to give.
“I’m s-sorry.”
He rubbed her back, wiping away his own tears, “No need to apologize. Would you mind if I stay while you open the box? I’ve been watching him carry this around since he came to get me from college. I’m curious what’s inside.”
She nodded her trembling hands taking the lid off. There were all kinds of trinkets from all his travels. A worn copy of her favorite book, Little Women, with his hand written notes. A small photo album with pictures of him throughout the years he was away from her. Seeing his piercing olive eyes and handsome face brought fresh tears down her cheeks. Then there was a small square box and an envelope. Within the box was a simple diamond ring, a soft gasp coming from her.
“Pretty girl, I know you probably hate me and you should. I had to leave. Not because of my dad or the job. I had to leave to keep you safe. There is nothing in this world more important to me than you being alive, safe, healthy. Even though the thought of you being with someone else tears my heart apart, I hope you found someone who loves you as much as I do. I want you to live a full and happy life.
If you’re reading this then Sam has kept his promise. I’m gone but the world is safe. Don’t be sad that I’m gone. There was no choice in the matter and no other way. I had to save the world in order to save you and that meant my death. (Y/N), I love you. You are my world, my everything. I wanted to give you this ring the morning I left. I kept hoping one day I might be lucky enough to give you this in person. Now, I want you to have it to remember that you were the only woman for me. I love you so much. Live a long, beautiful life. -Dean”
(Y/N) took the ring, slipping it onto her finger, more tears falling down her face, “Damn it Winchester, even in death you’re a charming son of a bitch.”
Sam started laughing and (Y/N) found herself joining him. They began telling stories about Dean to one another until the early hours of the morning. Exchanging phone numbers with promises to keep in touch, (Y/N) watched Sam drive away in the all too familiar black Impala. She looked up to the sky, a cool breeze whipping past her.
“Dean Winchester, if you can hear me then you get your ass back down here to me.” She closed her eyes praying that he would be in front of her when they opened.
A thousand miles away, the Earth split open shaking the ground violently. A large hand grasped the edge of the opening pulling themselves up onto the dirt. Coughing and dry heaving until collapsing onto the ground. Catching their breath and getting up they made their way down the nearest road. Nearly an hour later, they entered a small gas station asking to use the phone.
“This is Sam.” The familiar voice brought a wave of emotions over them.
“Sammy, it’s me. I-I’m back.”
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handonshipper · 3 years
If I Knew Then What I Know Now: Chapter Four
After a while, Landon's eyes slowly opened, and he sat up, taking in his surroundings. He was on a bed. An  actual  clean, larger bed. He hadn't been in one of those for... a while. He felt drained of energy and a bit nauseous. Landon forced down the nausea and focused on everything. His backpack was leaning up against the nightstand on the ground near the bed. He clenched the sheets and looked down at his shirt. He had a different shirt on than before, one that wasn't bloody and torn.
"You're awake" A familiar voice spoke out from near the doorway. He didn't need to turn his head to know who was standing there, watching him.
"Hope" he greeted. "Yeah, I am. How long have I been out?"
"A little less than a day" Hope walked over and took a seat on the bed with Landon. "I shouldn't be here long. It's not safe for you to be around me, but I wanted to see you again. Before..." she fell quiet.  She cleared her throat. "You have a bit of a fever that spiked. Here. It's an herbal mixture. It should help finish up cooling you down more than what I've already done"  She offered him a small glass of a yellowish liquid.
Landon took the glass and drank the liquid inside. "Thank you" he said.
"You're welcome" the tribrid took the glass back from him. She tucked her hair behind her ear and focused on him. "Now what did you mean when you said 'not you'? That's different than refusing to drink blood at all"
Landon didn't answer her and instead pushed himself up. How could he possibly explain everything to her? It was crazy for him to believe, and he lived it. Hope stood up and moved closer to him, placing a hand on his  back to steady him. Her eyes showed concern as she watched him carefully.
"Take it easy. Landon. You seem exhausted"
"I'll be fine. I'm all healed, remember?  I can handle a fever and nausea and lightheadedness. It's mild. It could be worse"
Landon gave her a small smile as he  spoke, grateful it wasn't affecting him  worse. Being Malivore's son certainly came with problems, more than having Malivore constantly send monsters after him over and over again so that he could be possessed by his father. No, that wasn't all. He also had to react badly to hybrid and tribrid and probably regular vampire blood.
"Just get some rest" the tribrid said, looking at him. "My family doesn't mind." She gently nudged him back towards the bed. He sighed softly and sat down on the bed before laying on it and staring at the ceiling. "Good. Look, I'm sorry about... what I did to you. It was an accident. I was lashing out at my Uncle Elijah, and when you came in, I wasn't really paying attention to who you were. I just got caught up in anger. It's not an excuse though"
"It's fine, Hope. I forgive you. So is attacking relatives with super powers something you usually do?" he asked, looking up at her.
"No. No it's not. And what I did was... magic. Magic's real and so are vampires and werewolves but you don't need to worry about that. Just get rested and you can get back to your normal life"
She turned and walked out of the room, closing the door behind her. Landon sighed a little and stared at the ceiling, thinking about everything. He felt drained of energy, but he knew he could do what he needed to do to leave. He'd give himself a little longer here before leaving. However, his mind then drifted to what he knew about Hope during this time period. If she was attacking her uncle violently  like that, she had to have consumed the Hollow's magic by now. Which meant she was slowly dying, growing weaker with each passing moment.
He couldn't leave her like this, no matter how screwed up he was. He had to help her. And then he could worry about how he was handling things. How he wasn't the same Landon he had been when she gave him the page that listed how she viewed him. Though before he could do any of that, he needed to rest and recover from the vampire blood that had passed through his system. He sighed and closed his eyes, allowing himself to drift off to sleep a bit, hoping he would feel back to normal once he woke up again.
Eventually, Landon woke up again and sat up, still feeling a little off but better than before. Sunlight was streaming through his window. He put on his jacket that he saw folded on the dresser.  He grabbed his bag and opened it before pulling out one of blades and concealing it in his jacket. He zipped up his bag and headed downstairs with it. He suddenly heard muffled voices from a side room and looked towards it before looking away.
"Landon, is it?" questioned the mostly unfamiliar voice of Hope's father.
Landon turned his head to look at him. "Yes, that's me"
"Have you ever been to New Orleans before?" Klaus questioned, walking closer to him.
"Once briefly about a year and a half ago"
"Have you tried beignets before, Landon?"
"No, sir,  I haven't" Landon replied Klaus chuckled a little at the word sir being used. He certainly wasn't used to people who weren't full of fear and trying to please him. And even then, it had been a while. "Well, then, you should probably try them while you are here. Come on" he said and led Landon to the dining room. "Make yourself comfortable"
Landon looked at Klaus and took a seat at the long table, looking around a little curiously. He set his backpack down on the ground near him.  Klaus came back with two plates of beignets and set one down in front of Landon before taking a seat himself. Landon looked at the original hybrid curiously. He had read first hand in Dr. Saltzman's books all Klaus had done, but when he looked at him all he really saw was Hope's father. The man who would/had died for her.  But Landon did not want that to happen again. He did not want Hope to lose her family members again. Though he wished that he could have gone back in time soon enough to save her mother as well. Unfortunately, his luck never seemed to go that well.
"You seem unsurprised about the supernatural existing" Klaus  said "Well, you saving my life does help with my perspective" Landon said, looking at him.  "And I trust Hope. Even though she magically hurt me" He would never stop trusting her. Landon looked at the sugary breakfast in front of him. He picked up a beignet and took a bite, sugar falling a little on his shirt in the process.  "I didn't realize you  knew my daughter so well that you trust her. Or perhaps you simply trust easily" "I don't. Trust easily. However, I do trust her" Landon said, looking at Klaus, his expression serious.  "Did Hope tell you about her family when she went to check up on you?" "No, she didn't"  "Well, I am the Original hybrid, part vampire and part werewolf. The rest of my siblings are Original vampires, except Freya who is a witch. We are 1000 years old and are very protective of our family. Killing people that pose a threat to us. Do you have any family, Landon?" "My mother and brother died. Other than that, I have no one I consider family"  Landon said, taking another bite of a beignet.
Malivore certainly did not count. He wanted to use Landon as a vessel and consume all supernatural creatures, including his friends. And Clarke.... well... Clarke was the whole reason Malivore rose. He tossed the final artifact in and was the reason the vase was put in Malivore as well. He's the reason Hope had to sacrifice herself. And he was the reason Josie went dark, which resulted in several other problems.
"I have lost a mother and brother as well" Klaus said, "though I killed my mother. Twice. As well as my fathers. Both biological and not" Klaus said calmly, watching him as he ate as well, despite not needing to. "You seem very cautious, even before you knew what I was"  "I've been through  a lot recently" "Please, enlighten me" "It's something I don't want to talk about. Not because I don't trust you or Hope or anything but simply because I don't feel comfortable discussing it at all" "I noticed your scars and your burn marks" Klaus said, and Landon's hand subconsciously drifted to his arm, powder getting on his jacket. "What happened?" "My foster dad used to burn me with cigarettes"  Something shifted in Klaus' expression as he looked at Landon, the same way it had when he saw Marcel being abused so many years ago. It was something he could relate to very much. He was silent for a moment, his gaze lowering, and he took a bite of his beignet to fill the silence.
Landon was grateful for the silence, still not used to being around people. He continued eating, thinking about everything going on. He knew a lot happened in this time frame, and he wanted to be able to help.  Finally, he spoke up again "Is something... wrong with Hope? She seems to be... hurting, I don't know" "She's going through a lot right now after taking in some dark magic. But that is not your concern. Now finish eating" Landon continued eating and looked at him a bit. His head turned as he heard someone quietly approaching before they were in sight. It was Hope "Hey" Hope greeted, looking at the two. She didn't show it visibly but Landon could tell by the look in her eye that she was in pain. "I went to check on you, but you were already up"  "Yeah. I'm feeling better now. Mostly anyways. Better enough. Thank you for the.. herbal mixture that you gave me" Landon said, looking at her "You're welcome"  Hope said. Landon finished up his beignets, and Hope walked over to Landon. "It was really nice seeing you again." She looked at him and turned away as Klaus approached.
Klaus stepped in front of Landon, who slowly stood up, his bag in hand. "You do not remember anything unusual about Hope or the rest of the family. You saw nothing supernatural. You ran into Hope near our family home. It was getting late so we invited you in to stay the night. When you woke up, you had breakfast with me and are now leaving this city and are not going to think twice about what you could have had for Hope. You are going to find somewhere to live away from that foster dad you mentioned and have a happy human life, safe and away from New Orleans." "Are you out of your minds? How could I forget any of this?" Landon questioned. "Did you do it wrong?" Hope questioned.  "I'm a thousand years old. I am fairly certain I know how to compel people" Klaus replied "Well, it didn't work."  "Obviously it didn't work. He has been here so he couldn't have had vervain. If he can't be compelled, it can only mean one thing. That he is a supernatural being. Unless, of course, he had vervain with him that he took before coming downstairs." Klaus moved at vampire speed to grab the bag from Landon, who instinctively moved defensively but was too slow. Klaus tossed Hope the bag, and she opened it.
"Weapons?" Hope  questioned in confusion, her tone wary as she slowly looked back up at Landon, a wooden weapon in her hand. "You're a hunter?" Landon's lips parted open for a moment before he closed them. "No. Not in the way you are thinking. I swear. Look, we can talk about this. I wanted to when I first saw you, but I had no idea how to explain it"
Klaus moved at vampire speed, pinning Landon to the wall. Landon looked at Klaus, unafraid. "Is that so? Who are you?" he questioned, his grip tightening a bit. "Hope, keep looking"  "My name is Landon Kirby. I wasn't lying. I haven't lied to either of you. Except for why I came here. And that was only kind of a lie"
Hope shuffled through his bag. "I don't see any vervain. He couldn't be on it unless he hid it somewhere" "I can't be compelled"  "Well then I guess you have a lot of explaining to do" Hope said and waved a hand. "Ad somnum" Landon Kirby fell to the ground, unconscious.
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Witches Mates-Chapter 3
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Chapter 3 of Witches Mates is here! I hope you guys like it!
Warnings: None
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6
After meditating for about a hour, I went to my room. Snow was perched on the chest at the foot of my bed, staring at me with her big green eyes. 
 "What?" I asked her. Because she's a familiar, she can talk. I can chose who can hear her, though, so mundanes don't randomly hear a cat talking. 
 "Those were vampires," she said. "It tried to pet me." 
 "That was Ashton," I told her. "And you need to be nice to the vampires and the hybrid. They aren't going to hurt me or you." I patted the top of her head.
 "Why are they here?" she asked.
 "They're Liam's friends and we trust him. Plus, they're my mates." 
 "All four of them?" 
 "Yes, I know. Snow, I can't help it and they can't either." I sat down on my bed and she turned to look at me from her spot on the chest. 
 "How long will they be here?" 
 "Liam and his pack are here for two more days. I don't know about the others but they're welcome to stay as long as they'd like." She glared at me but said nothing. "Hey, did you see who blew out my candles?"
"I did but I don't know who he was," she told me. She paused for a minute. "Jonathan left that." She lifted her paw and pointed in the direction of my desk. I stood up and walked over my desk, picking up the book that had a red ribbon tied around it with a note. After lighting the candle on my desk with my magic, I read the note that was written in his hand writing:
For my daughter, 
Though I can't support your path, I know every new witch needs her own grimoire. You're as powerful as you are smart so I know you'll find a way to fix the unbalance of our world. Happy 21st birthday, Mystia Firelight. 
All my love, Dad
"How did he know the name I chose?" I mumbled to myself as I pulled the ribbon off and looked at the black, worn-leather bound book. On the front cover, engraved in gold, was the Firelight family crest and, under it, my witch name. I opened it to find the pages were made of old parchment paper with ragged edges. I sat down at my desk and picked up my pen. On the first page, I wrote this:
Mystia Firelight 
Daughter of Constance Firelight, the head of the New Orleans coven and Witches Council, and Jonathan Moore, a rouge vampire 
Born on All Hallow's Eve in 1998 at exactly 5 P.M. 
Familiar: White cat with green eyes; Snow 
Mastery of the elements: 
Fire- Age 7 
Water- Age 8 
Air- Age 8 
Earth- Age 8 
Spirit- Age 9
On the back of that page and the front and back of the next two pages, I wrote down descriptions of the 5 elements and drew pictures. On the next ten or so pages front and back, I wrote down the uses of different herbs with the proper ways to use them and drew pictures of them. On the next 35 pages front and back, I wrote the 70 spells and potions I had created over the years with their ingredients, uses, and side effects. 
When I looked at the clock, it was almost 5:30 A.M. I looked back at the grimoire to see I had no pages left to write on.
 "Been a full witch for twelve hours and I have a full grimoire," I said, looking at Snow, who had jumped on the desk and was watching me closely. 
 "That's great but you should sleep," she told me. 
 "You're right," I nodded. I blew out the candle and stood up. I grabbed my grimoire and walked over to my chest, unlocking it and putting the grimoire in before locking it back. I yawned, climbing into my bed and falling asleep quickly. 
I rolled over in my bed and felt air blow on me. I opened my eyes to be met by a huge wolf. It took me a minute to register that it wasn't Liam or his pack. I squealed like a little girl as I fought to get out of bed of the other side. The wolf ran to the other side of my room as I raised my hands, about to light it's furry ass on fire. Just as I opened my mouth to start a spell, Ashton ran into my room. I locked my eyes on him, lowering my hands. 
 "J, it's okay. It's just Luke," Ashton told me. 
 "He about gave me a heart attack," I said, pulling my eyes from Ashton to look at the wolf with sandy blonde fur. "Give me a heads up next time you want to cuddle." Ashton smiled and the wolf squinted his bright blue eyes. I heard a cat meow and turned to see Snow perched on my desk behind me. "It's fine, Snow. Some dogs just need to learn manners." Ashton laughed as the wolf let out what sounded like a sigh before trotting out of my room. 
"Is that who you were talking to last night?" Ashton asked, looking at Snow. 
"I talk to Snow all the time," I nodded, walking to her and picking her up. 
"Sounded like the two of you were having a conversation," he said. 
"We were," Snow said, though Ashton only heard a meow. 
 "We were," I told him. "Snow understands me and I understand her." 
"Like Damien and Annette with their Pitbulls?" Ashton asked. 
 "You met Joker and Harleen?" I smiled. He nodded. 
"How long have Damien and Annette been together?" he quizzed as Snow jumped out of my arms. 
 "Forever." Literally, they're mates. Yes, witches can have mates that are other witches, it's just really rare. "Our parents are all really good friends. Damien and Annette have been a thing since before they were a thing." 
"Must be nice to have met their person so early in life," Ashton said. 
"How old are you?" I asked, tilting my head slightly. 
"If I told you, you'd freak out," he told me. 
"Try me," I smiled. 
"One hundred and fifty-two," he admitted. 
"How old were you when you were turned?" 
"You didn't even get to live," I mumbled. 
"Michael lived as a human the longest. Luke, the shortest." 
"How old?" 
"Michael was twenty-three, Calum was twenty-two, and Luke was twenty." I felt a white hot rage shoot through my body. None of them had experienced life a mundane, not that I had but at least I could enjoy walks in the park without wanting to drain every human of blood. "We've accepted it, J. Michael's one hundred and thirty-six and Calum's one hundred and eighteen." 
"And Luke?" I asked, not really wanting to know the answer. 
"He's twenty-three," he told me. "And he had it the worst. His first time feeding, he triggered the werewolf curse by killing a mundane." 
"Liam and his pack voluntarily triggered theirs. Why didn't Luke?" 
"Liam and his pack help with the Witches Council. As soon as they turn thirteen, they have to kill a rouge. It's not voluntary, they're forced. If they don't, they're killed." Okay, that's news to me. Liam had said they chose to and my mom had never said anything about forcing wolves to trigger their curse. 
"Not sure," he shrugged. "It's just how it is. It would've been better for Luke if he was forced." 
"Why do you say that?" 
"He had to learn to control his thirst and his shifting at the same time. He was in hell when we found him a year ago and he still isn't completely in control of either. Now, he's freaking out about this whole mate thing, which is what triggered the change earlier." 
"Stress?" He nodded. "Is there anyway I can help?" Ashton smiled a sad smile. 
"No one can. We don't know what to do." 
"Oh." I paused, trying to think. "Hey, I'm gonna change and I'll meet you downstairs, okay?" 
"Yeah," he nodded before walking out and closing the door behind him. I quickly unlocked my chest and dug through my families old grimoires. I finally found the one of my grandmother's she had dedicated completely to werewolves. I flipped through the pages until I found what I was looking for. I quickly wrote down the ingredients and spell before putting them all back in the chest. I left mine sitting on my bed, thinking it would be okay there. 
I pulled on black high waisted jean shorts, a red cropped tank top, and a pair of red sneakers. I brushed my hair into a neat ponytail and shoved the list I had made in my back pocket before running downstairs. I found Calum, Michael, Ashton, and Luke sitting in the kitchen. 
"Where is everyone?" I asked, grabbing an ice cream sandwich from the freezer and turning to face them. Snow was standing on the island in front of Luke, staring at him. 
"Just left for food," Michael told me as I unwrapped my ice cream sandwich and took a bite. 
"Where are you going?" "I left something at the shop last night so I'm gonna run and get it. Shouldn't be long," I told him. "Snow, stop staring." Snow turned to look at me and meowed loudly. Well, they heard a meow. I heard: 
"That is the dog." 
"Are you eating an ice cream sandwich for lunch?" Calum asked. 
"High metobolism. I could eat an entire pizza and wouldn't gain a pound," I grinned. "Joker, Harleen, I'm leaving!" The blue nose and red nose Pitbulls came running into the kitchen and Snow jumped on my shoulder. 
"We're coming," Harleen told me but I knew the others only heard a bark. 
"Are you taking all the animals?" Michael asked. 
"No. I don't take, they just come," I told him. "They like being at the shop. Snow was there yesterday but you never saw her. Joker and Harleen are there whenever Damien and Annette are there." 
"They live here, don't they?" Ashton asked. 
"Hell no!" I exclaimed. "They're place is being remodeled and should actually be done tomorrow. I live here alone and living with Damien and Annette the past few weeks has been awful. Trust me, you don't need supernatural hearing to know what they're doing." I shuttered and they all laughed. Well, Luke didn't laugh but he did smile slightly. 
"How do you afford this place?" Calum asked. "I mean, it's a mansion." 
"It was my great great grandmother's. It's been passed down and my mom didn't want it so I got it. The shop pays well enough that I can afford it easy." Calum nodded. "Alright, we'll be back."
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alias-b · 4 years
sins of my youth. 017
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Billy Hargrove x OC! Evie Fenny~ Also posted to my AO3
Summary: It was common knowledge that Billy Hargrove hated Hawkins. Hated Cherry Lane. Even loathed the strange girl next door. Evie Fenny wasn’t too fond of the chaotic Cali transfer either. An awful high school tradition sparks a chain of events that changes everything, ultimately bringing two frayed souls together.
A/N: New chapter! Sorry, it's late! Took a while to edit this one. Evie's birthday bash comes with a flood of feelings and heavy smut! Billy struggles with his heart when emotions get too real. xoxo
Ask box & Tag list are both open!! Come and chat with me after! :)
Chapter 17: Heart-Shaped Shadow Box
   Monday was strange. News spread like wildfire. Carol Perkins and Evie Fenny had a civil interaction. See it and be amazed. All’s well in the animal kingdom again.
   Order restored. Clouds opening. Roll on snare drum followed by velvet curtains.
   Even the snow was thawing to wet slush.
   It all happened at Tommy’s dented locker near the English hallway’s corner. Evie stopped. Hit her mark flawlessly. Found the light. Flashed a pleasant smile which earned Carol’s lip twitching in response.
   And the crowd went wild.
   “Tommy and I are sitting with you. At lunch. Might want to warn Steve and Heather to put the claws away. We’ll come bearing gifts even. Well...promises of gifts we'll deliver on later. Not school-friendly.” Carol fished for a pack of mints in Tommy’s pocket. This was clearly not up for debate.
   “Consider it an early promise for your birthday.” Tommy had added with a beam of teeth.
   “Sure. Cool. See you guys.” Evie held a book to her chest and continued to her locker. Switching items around before she went back to meet Billy at his. Spotted the faded leather of his jacket and ducked a little to sneak upon him.
   A feline on the prowl ready to overtake the dominant male lion.
   "Did you know you're the only girl around here who doesn't cover herself in that Love's Baby Soft crap? The grown woman perfume gives you away, chica." Billy spoke without turning. Evie's made an annoyed sound and dropped her shoulders, inches behind him. "Not a complaint. I like the thrill of it."
   Blue eyes peered to see her there and Evie got the urge to stick her tongue out as a child would. Didn't want to tempt Billy though. Or did she?
   "Yeah, yeah." Air blew a curl from her face. One shoulder nestled into the locker next to him. “Feels weird today.”
   “You’re not getting into a fight for once.” He remarked, smacking metal shut to lean back against it while the student body bustled along. Eyes slipped down and Evie pouted, straightening.
   "My eyes are up here, Hargrove." Two fingers rose to gesture at them.
   Little extra work put into her eyeshadow and lipstick today. Little extra time picking out outfits that weren't for Fredrick. Can't go wrong with a loud print that looked like it was out of a creepy hotel's carpet. Or a short skirt with her tights. Evie felt especially positive about her body today.
   She didn't eat anything bad this morning. See. She was getting better. She was stopping because she was in control and could stop this sickness at any time she wanted.
   "Sure. I'll get there." Gorgeous lashes batted to knock the wind out of her, but Evie puffed. Billy's gaze lifted, flicking with amusement because she was too easy to rile up. Too easy to get blushing. "Must feel weird," he'd repeated, "no battle."
   “That could be. Farewell badass reputation. I knew you all of two days.” She sighed for dramatic effect and he actually smiled, head shaking before an arm swept around Evie’s shoulders. Pulled her taut and flush into his fire.
   For once, she didn’t look at anyone else.
   Leaned into Billy and walked along as if she was meant to be there.
   As if they didn’t look funny together.
   That was a beautiful thing this morning. Something that made her feel full and in control.
   “Weirded me out when Mona let me in to collect Max and you three were snoring on the pull-out.”
   “Sweet that you carried Max home.” Evie teased. “What a good big brother you are.”
   “Yeah, just when I warm up, she edges off me.”
   “How’s that?” Evie peered up at his face.
   “Don’t know, she hasn’t been her annoying self. Growing up or whatever. Might be all her friends.” Billy only shrugged. “Snappier at me. Quieter. Guess I deserve it. She stays out of dad's way, but he has an opinion on everything she does.”
   “She’s a teenage girl. We all have our moments. I'm sure it's not easy for either of you.” They turned down another hallway. Billy stiffened so she allowed him to change the subject.
   “I did have good luck on my Saturday quest.” He sounded genuinely triumphant. Lips turned into her curls to mutter. "Small victories."
   Around them, lockers shuffled and smacked about. Chattering students moved to let them pass. Evie Fenny on the arm of his royal highness, Billy Hargrove. King. What a lucky girl she was.
   If they held her echoing heart to their ears, they'd probably hear rich ocean waves. Evie wondered if Billy had reached deep within in, if he'd find twinkling sea glass and opalescent shells
   “Yeah, you were gone the entire day, where’d you go?” Evie had laughed and he stunned her with the flippant reply. 
   “Got your birthday present.”
   Evie came to a halt at the corner. Spinning to see him. Billy batted his lashes again, smirking.
   “What? It is the 27th, right? Wednesday?” He winced like perhaps he’d been wrong.
   “How and where did you get that info? And you remembered it?”
   “I have my ways, Evie.” He bit his lip. Scanned her. “Surprised I got you something?”
   A blush damned her to hell.
   “No, I just… A little.” Evie looked away at the trophy case. Saw them reflected and straightened up. Shuffling back. One hand rubbed at her collar. Illusions faded like dying lights. Too easily.
   "Well, believe it, I'm full of surprises."
   “My mom is doing something small at the salon that she thinks I don’t know about and then I’m going to Heather's. Party on a school night. Her parents are out this week so free reign in the mansion.”
   “I might have heard something about that.” Billy shrugged, peering away so she could take him in.
   Freckles stunning and sparkling crystals for eyes. Endless ocean waves under a balmy sun. Evie wondered for a moment if perhaps he was oblivious to how candidly beautiful he was some days. 
   She inched toward him. Forgot their reflection. Forgot the students with eyes that burned. Saw Billy glanced back and froze. Caught. 
   “You ever think…?” Billy gave this squint to study her there. Thought he saw flecks of gold within her eyes. Sparking at him. Drawing a charge. New stars giving birth he might be able to count if he looked deeper.
   “Yes...?” Evie hushed, just barely edged up on her toes. Billy never finished it. "I do."
   "Do? Do what?" He flushed there. Sounding vaguely drunk. Inch back toward her.
   Two magnets pining from a distance. Drawing ever nearer.
   "Think. Long and hard." It came out a saccharine whisper. “I think too much in fact.”
   He gave this dumb, little chuckle. Unable to grasp his thoughts. Unable to share them.
   “I think about things I can’t control and I get so mad.” Evie scoffed. Thought her eyes watered due to the intensity. “I can’t stop even though there’s very little I can control. It's like time and space. I can't... But, I know that, Billy, and I can't seem to stop.”
   Abrupt, she pushed up to her toes. Captured his lips. Just hard enough to make her point explicit. Hard enough to send him all aflutter. Bursting to pieces from every vein. A might wave crashed into them both. Swept them away. She stayed close enough to finish the thought. Made him drink it down.
   "And I think you're made of that same stardust." Evie swooped around him. Left Billy dizzy as the bell rang. She didn’t look back at him. Only smiled to herself and let curls bounce as she slipped off.
   Billy spun on his heel to see her. Left drunk in a billow of honey amber. A smile overtaking his expression. A warm tint in his freckles.
   He could have blamed her eyes with their hold. Could have blamed her hair and the way the light illuminated it just so. Hell, he could have blamed that damn perfume. The concoction of oils and lotions you'd find listed in an old witch's spell. Although, she was from New Orleans, so perhaps voodoo. He tried to rationalize it. Make it purely sexual. Make it rough and tumble.
   Either way, too much became clear. Evangeline Fenny was beautiful and she was going to ruin him. And Billy was going to let her do it. Any number of heartbeats it would take, he was going to succumb. This sin he'd be begging for again and again. This lovely sin that filled his soul until it burst.
   A red hot ribbon would noose his heart and twist out to Evie's own. They could sink and float and be just fine. The thought of being tethered to something tangible didn't have to feel like a cage and muzzle. It could be freeing too. Sprinkled in their signature stardust that gave it an ethereal filter. An iridescent shimmer.
   Even if it terrified him to the core.
** ** **
   Evie didn’t need to prep Steve and Heather for Carol and Tommy’s impending infiltration of their lunch table. More news in the animal kingdom.
   Princess Heather and Duchess Carol caught whispering at Heather’s locker between second and third.
   Truly fascinating. Pan in close for a better look.
   Evie passed them and could only blink. Almost running into Robin on her way to Yearbook.
   Heather and Carol standing close to each other as if they hadn’t been in a nasty fight the week before. Giggling and hushing tones. Carol traded a bobby pin from her hair for an elastic Heather had tucked into a coin purse shaped like a pair of cherries.
   That was a serious transaction in girl world.
   Carol tugged playfully at Heather's tee, hand poised to her lips to whisper before the other girl was nodding. Evie had a thousand questions but decided not to bother. Red hair swept to flick as Carol turned to go. Following Evie because they were in Yearbook together with Nancy and Jonathan. 
   Usually, they sat across the room in opposite corners. Today, they shared a table.
   “Heard the bio classes moved the dissections this year up to March.” Carol made a face and sorted through science club photos. Seated across from Evie to work on some new pages. 
   “I always skip school those days and do some make-up work later. I’ll take the grade hit.” Evie grimaced.
   “I just partner with Tommy, make him do it, and he’ll get us a solid C plus.” A shrug. Their teacher flicked on some hippy music they liked to pass the time. Lazy class. “Do a bunch of shots after.”
   “Yeah, I can’t even handle being in the room.” Evie stacked some finished sections aside. “How are things between you and Tommy?” 
   Carol peered up briefly between making little notes. Blew a pink bubble and popped it.
   “He’s still my number one slice. I don’t know, I thought he’d get weird about the whole thing. Kinda shocked me.” She mused, shifting pictures about. “I did say he’s gonna marry me one day. Pretty sure. I mean we’re plenty stupid and we fight. But, we’re allowed.”
   “Good, that’s...good.” Evie felt eyes blaring holes. Stared at the page she was reworking.
   “Feels like you got another question in there, Fen.”
   “I don’t know.” Shoulders hitched higher. Evie tucked some curls back and smacked her mauve lips.
   They sat in silence under dim fluorescent lights for a few minutes. Carol paused to apply a fresh layer of gloss in her tiny compact. Flashed the mirror at Evie’s eyes to bug her.
   “Hey.” One hand swatted aimlessly when she was blinded. Carol snickered, slapping the mirror shut.
   “You’re really into him aren’t you?” A head tilt. “Billy.”
   “Things...shifted after the dance. He asked me out. Then, I asked him out. We sorta went out together. Nothing official. I don't know what's a date and what isn't with him. I don’t. As I said, I don’t think he does girlfriends. I don’t think I'd make a very good girlfriend either.”
   “Not with that attitude." A scoff. "Have you asked?”
   “You’re overcomplicating it because you have major, major trust issues, Evie.” Carol deduced easily. Too easily. Evie sat back. Opened her mouth to protest and shut it. “Billy might have issues too. But, if a guy screws up and spends two months following you around trying to make it right. Not really sleeping around. Obviously it’s crossed his mind. Just quit dragging and ask him. You might like the answer.”
   “I don’t know, sometimes I think it’s supposed to be like a fairy tale. Without all the...ugh.” Evie cringed at herself. Nails tapping the rhythm of a new song she was working on at home.
   “Make the fairy tale happen. Be like Cinder-fucking-ella. Cinder-Evie.” Carol leaned in to roll her eyes. “Evie Fenny wants romance in Hawkins. Some of us can’t even get cable, you know.”
   Evie snorted. Peered up so both of them laughed. Tension fluttered.
   “Just slam him into a wall and ask. Billy will respond to that." A wink before she got sultry. "Lick his balls or something. He’ll probably get the hint. Boys aren't complicated.”
   “Oh, god.” Evie was still giggling silently. Tried to keep it down under the music playing as students went to go develop some photos. Nancy and Jonathan saw the two and couldn’t help whispering. Odd sight. “I kinda have already.”
   “No, shit?” Carol bit her lip. "Evangeline, you absolute harlot."
   “I mean,” Evie blushed, “we’ve done stuff. Just not gone all the way.”
   “Look at you. Ugh, I know he’s good in the sack. I just do. Tommy and I even talked about it cause we’re like that. We hinted inviting him in once at a party and he was too busy mooning over you at that time.” Carol fiddled with a purple gel pen. Played coy. Tongue in cheek. “Tommy’s not bad, we get a lot of practice in though.”
   “Billy...he puts cologne or something...down there. Makes the taste weird.”
   “Uh.” Carol groaned. “You know, I bet Tommy picked up that trick from him cause he started doing it after Billy rolled in. I fucking knew that Cali boy would be a bad influence.” A sly look followed. “Evie Fenny is getting it. And she could be actually getting it if she weren’t a damn coward.”
   "I am." Evie covered her face.
   "Just..." Carol shrugged and tugged one of Evie's hands down by the wrist. Voice low. "Just think about how good it'll be when he's undressing you. Kissing your neck. And those hands. The thing he might whisper in your ear... Look at you blush."
   She released Evie with a light laugh, continuing.
   "Don't make it rocket science. Ask him. Get the orgasm you deserve, Evie. That's my motto."
   “Not terrible... We get heated and during times I’m actually about to tear his clothes off, we keep getting interrupted. It’s like some evil force is against us. I don't know, I still get weird when he touches my body and I'm trying to stop.”   
   Carol only flashed her teeth.
   “Maybe your luck will improve. Burn some more incense.” 
   Evie only hummed in response. They mulled over pages again. Traded images to find the perfect shots.
   “Gonna ask you something, you don’t have to answer because it’s stupid.” Carol’s voice dimmed. Eyes unable to raise for the first time as she tapped her nail. “Do you, like, miss him at all? You know who.”
   Evie blinked at her.
   “That’s not stupid... Ah, sometimes. I don’t think it’s exactly him I miss. Maybe just the good times we did have. Talking. Feeling important and indispensable to someone. The times he held me or gave me things or included me in his life as if I could actually fit. Maybe it was wrong and fake, but he saw something in me and he wanted that to love him back. I’ll bet it did if anything.”
   “Oh.” Was all Carol said, nodding. “Did he put those bruises on you last week? Tommy saw you.”
   “Yeah,” Evie cleared her throat, “and Billy found out. He’d picked up some stuff beforehand. I tried to end it and Fredrick didn’t want to and then he got scared. Tried to scare me which got violent. But, Billy, ah...beat the shit out of him.”
   “I think Tommy would have done the same...if he had a chance. He talked about it. Jumped right into macho man talk when I...when I told him. Looked like he might cry when I told him how long it really went on. He believed me and my own mother didn't.” Carol exhaled a sharper breath.
   "She didn't want to hold the blame," Evie piped up. As if she knew the horrible truth of motherhood and life and what colors should never go together. How some women weren't meant to be mothers and some women weren't meant to be daughters either. "Some mothers...they can't handle the fact that maybe they brought the monsters home. They were blind. Not all of them manifest under our beds, they get put there by people we trust."
   "Miss Mona have bad boy luck?"
   Evie peered aside.
   "You could say that." She paused and had this brief moment of repetition and ferocity. Repeat something. Believe it. Harder each time. "My father though, he loves me. More than anything. He'd be here right now if he could. He would. I made him so happy." This almost manic smile tugged her lips desperately. Carol saw a flash that resonated, but Evie snuffed it. "I bet Tommy is doing what he can to support you, even if he's a little lost about it."
   “These boys. Acting like they can chase all our demons away or something. Scared when we try to do the same for them.”
   “Right. Our demons aren’t remotely tackled, they’re mildly concussed.” Evie agreed. Softer eyes lifting again to meet Carol’s across the way. “I guess trying is what matters most though.”
   They both seemed to accept that gentle sentiment.
** ** ** 
   Mona Fenny was terrible with surprises. Always giddy and singing along to music to drown that out. Bopping against the wheel as she drove Evie into the salon. Parked around back, smiling bright.
   “You go on first, baby. I gotta get some bags out of the truck.”
   “Oh, boy.” Evie pushed out. Mona plucked her from school early that Wednesday. Made her gussy up a little extra. Red sweater dress with a black belt. Gold glitter over her smoked eyes. Red lip to match. Pretty patterned lace tights and boots. Green bomber pulled close, she trudged inside. Through the backroom and out into darkness. 
   Lights flicked to blind her. Spots dancing.
   “Surprise!” A chorus of sing songs. Music picked up. Dolly Parton of course.
   Evie plastered a smile and gawked as if she hadn’t expected it. All the salon ladies. Heather. Susan and Max. Claudia offering a cake decorated with pink and periwinkle buttercream flowers. Candles dancing.
   Evie closed her eyes and made a wish she held close to her heart before blowing them all out in one go. This one would come true.
   “Thank you, ladies.” Evie peered around at the salon decorated in gold streamers.
   “Lets get some cake passed around now. I’m sure these girls have some excitement planned.” Mona clapped her hands and ladies dispersed. “We’ll do gifts and our dinner this weekend. You’re eighteen and you don’t want to spend the night at your mother’s salon.”
   She kissed Evie’s cheek and licked her thumb to wipe the pink print aside.
   “Thank you, mom,” Evie felt something heavy in her gut, “I love you.” Mona was trying so hard to make this nice for her. One day. Then she'd disappear back into her slinky dresses. Into her work. Into those adult parties. Into another man's arms. Away from Evie and whatever glimmer in her daughter's soul was so frightening.
   “I love you. Go sit. We’ll bring the cake over.”
   Evie crossed to Heather.
   “You pack a bag? We’ll take you to school tomorrow.” She bounced in a seat when Evie nodded. “Sure you don’t want to do anything else tonight? We could see a movie.”
   “Nah, a bonfire. Roasting marshmallows. Chinese take out and wine. I just wanna hang out with my friends. Plus, it’s a school night.”
   “Ah, let loose a little. For your birthday.” Heather shrugged as slices of cake were sorted around. Max sat alone in the corner, picking at her piece when Susan left to go to Mona and chat.
   "One sec, Heath," Evie went to Max and sat down. Slow as if she'd scare the younger girl off. “Hey.”
   “Hi. Uh, thanks for having us. My mom keeps telling Mona you guys have made us feel welcome here and all.” She pulled the sleeves of her grey hoodie lower. “She gave Mona some gifts for you to unwrap later. I hope you like them.”
   “Yeah? I'm sure I will. We like you. Can’t wait to open those also.” Evie scanned her. “I had fun, you know, at the sleepover. We should have more.”
   “You don’t think I’m a dumb little girl?” Max peered up. Finally took a bite. Odd to see a growing teenage girl so disinterested in a heavily frosted cake.
   “No, you’re smarter than most of the kids at school.” Evie wondered briefly who could have put that thought in her head and made it stick. Didn’t take long to figure out who. Mad Max was being slowly worn down.
   And she was so small here. So fragile and thin. Evie couldn't help picturing a shadow looming over Max's red hair. The tiny amount of force it'd take to knock her off her feet. Neil in a drunken stupor gunning slowly for the other fresh target in his house.
   “You can come over any time. I have a lot of movies and Blue likes the attention. She's a needy little thing.”
   Max pressed her lips. Gave this small half-smile.
   “Thank you. I'd like to hang out more. I'm only friends with one girl around here and she's being homeschooled until next year."
   “Can I hug you, just as a thank you for being one of the coolest girls I know?”
   Surprise etched.
   “Okay.” Max practically threw herself into Evie’s arms the moment they set the cake aside. Thin fingers bunched up the fabric of Evie’s dress so she cupped the back of Max’s head and held her.
   “It’d be cool to have you as a sister. We could team up on Billy. My skateboard and your roller skates. I saw a pair hung up in your room.”
   “I mean, we could still do that now.” Evie laughed. Tipped Max’s chin up. “You’re gonna be okay.”
   It seemed to resonate. Heather joined them as they ate their fill of cake. Evie unwrapped a couple small gifts. Jewelry and craft supplies. Fabrics she’d wanted and makeup. 
   Heather whisked her away to Loch Nora after some farewells. They practically bounced into the big house. Ordered a ton of food before they got the fancy fire pit out back started so it’d be ready later.
   The doorbell rang.
   “Steve!” Evie perked after answering. Let him squeeze her in a hug. Practically plucked her from the floor which earned a surprised giggle.
   “Got you something, it’s small.” He smiled sheepishly and offered a little box. “You’re a tough girl to buy jewelry for even if you wear a bunch. You know that, Eves?”
   “No, I’ll wear just about anything.” Playing coy, Evie gave an endearing sway.
   “You hardly take the music note necklace off and I’ll never find earrings better than the ones you make.” He swept a hand through gorgeously styled locks. Cracked a pleased grin. "I notice things."
   “Ah. Fair.” Evie poked his chest. Heather waved when she came in from the back. “My dad got me this necklace from one of his trips. Sometimes, I’ll change it or wear something with it.” She touched the gold chain.
   “I found this at a fancy vintage joint,” Steve explained as she opened it. An ornate brooch. Stunning sun and moon. Soft expressions attached with two looping chains. Decorated in shimmering opals.
   Evie stared at it. Had this panicked thought about the one Fredrick gave her. The glittering ladybug.
   The one she swallowed that had not come out yet.
   “Do you like it?” Steve broke into her thoughts. Evie blinked and shook her head to smile.
   “It’s beautiful, thank you. I’ll pin it on my coat now.” Evie kissed his cheek and bounded off. Left Steve there to blush a sweet, dewy pink.
   More doorbells. Clicking incessantly until Steve groaned and opened it. Billy followed by Tommy and Carol coming up the path from another car.
   “Password?” Steve played his bratty self.
   Billy cocked his head and charged in to put Steve in a headlock. Messed his hair up while he got slapped at as Tommy cackled on the way in.
   “Jesus, Holloway, I forgot about your digs here. Bigger than Harrington's place. No offense.” He waltzed by with Carol on his arm. Left Steve and Billy to wrestle.
   “Hey, boys! Not on her birthday.” Heather got between them. "I agreed to this very strange joining of two groups out of love and friendship. We're all cutting the shit now."
   “He started it.” Steve shoved off and reached to ruffle Billy’s curls. Got a hard swat for it. "We're still burying the hatchet." Beating up creepy teachers brings boys together, he figured.
   Evie liked all of them, that was good enough for Heather.
   "Dick." Billy jabbed back.
   Tommy peered back at Steve. Old times. New surroundings. New mindset. The other boy shrugged at him, lighthearted.
   Evie poked her head around the corner. Blinked in surprise.
   “Hey, all… No wonder Heath ordered the entire menu.”
   “We come in peace, Fen.” Carol removed her coat and Tommy presented a couple of bags.
   “Also, we brought the wine and weed. As promised at that first lunch.”
   “I just said to get wine...but, I won’t complain. We can only smoke it outside. The smell will linger and my dad won’t like it.” Heather winked, coming to take the items. “Thank you, guys. We have food coming. Movies. S’mores for the fire pit.”
   “Look who's trying to behave on her eighteenth.” Carol winked. She shared this look with Heather that Evie didn’t notice. Billy stared at her. Watched nervous hands smooth out her dress. “Hargrove, didn’t you bring the lucky lady a gift? Be a gentleman and present it.”
   “Left it in the car.” He cocked his head, signaling for Evie to fall in stride next to him. Without her coat, she clasped her hands behind her back and followed him back outside. Down the stone steps.
   "Still weird?" Tommy came to Steve, hands in his back pockets.
   "Honestly, yeah." He nodded as Carol went after Heather out back. Both of them plotting.
   "Does suck about the princess. We know you liked her and all."
   "Ah, she's happier with Byers. Things happen. Guess it's part of growing up."
   "How about we drink a bunch tonight and start some shit over?" Tommy clapped Steve's arm, earning a cracked smile.
   "I'd like that."
   Outside, Billy and Evie crossed to his Camaro.
   “Glad you guys came. Might be boring, I said nothing too exciting.” She puffed cold air. Billy opened his trunk and fished for something wrapped in newspaper.
   “We...didn’t have fancy wrap so I used the Sunday cartoons. Only part of the paper I can get my dad to let go.” He winced, handing it to her.
   “No, I love the funnies.” Teeth etched at her lip. Evie met his eyes to open it.
   “It’s a little fragile.” He warned. Evie peeled the paper away and blinked a couple times.
   A thin shadow box with a tarnished black frame. Inside pinned was a luna moth. Dainty specimen all glowy in moonlight.
   “Whoa. How-?”
   “I found it in this old antique shop up in the city. Hidden way in the back. They had a bunch of them, different bugs. I don’t know, it made me think of you.” He explained. Too delicate like he might shatter. Evie ran her fingers along the frame. An object of wonder and curiosity. “Kinda strange and pretty...and you’re damn strange and pretty.”
   She gave this breathless snort. Snapped out of it. Looked up at Billy’s eyes with this vulnerable sort of expression crossing.
   “I really love it. Thank you.” Evie took his chin and kissed him. Felt that same sensation whirl that made them both dizzy.
   Billy pushed his forehead into hers. Brushed their noses and dropped aside. Let his head rest on her shoulder. She smelt the blond hair and felt it tickle her neck. One breath hitched.
   “Let’s get back. I’ll put this in my bag so I can hang it up at home.” 
   Evie held it close as they walked along. Not looking at each other or touching. They wouldn’t be able to handle it. She figured this gift is what her heart had always looked like. A deep, dark shadow box with a pretty moth fluttering inside behind glass. Waiting to be seen and admired. Waiting to flit out and feel the wind and sun.
   Going inside, she wondered if Billy had known that. If he placed their stars just so because he knew how they fit together.
   Tension sprang through laughter over take-out boxes. Trading and gorging on food while a horror flick played before them. The Funhouse. Seated on the floor around the coffee table against the sofas and chairs. Odd gathering of souls.
   Tommy was a squirmer. Kept hiding in Carol's shoulder. Steve felt himself looking around. He had his friends back and more. This could be nice again. He hadn't been social since everything fell apart with Nancy. Befriending Heather and Evie was a good start.
   Billy’s leg bumped Evie’s and she gave this blush like someone caught them being obscene. Settled into him for the last half of the movie when they were full and the night rose outside. Billy felt a spark as Evie hid in his chest at a jump scare. Chuckled to himself to play it off.
   Evie Fenny watched horror movies for a living, she just needed a reason to play dumb and get close to him. But, she wasn't gonna admit that. Being tucked under his bicep was too good.
   “Psst, hey.” Evie said in his ear. Billy slid his eyes to see the TV light play on her expression.
   On the expensive screen, a rat-like vampire snarled. Mutated and warped with saliva on his fangs.
   “That’s you.” She hitched a squeal when he pinched her side. Pulled in closer by his arm.
   Carol and Heather were still shooting each other looks. Mugs of cheap red wine got passed around. Bloomed cherries in everyone’s cheeks and mouths. 
   They gathered around the fire outside. Roasted marshmallows and lit up joints. Heather’s family had a fancy pit built into the ground and a stone seating circling it. With most of the snow gone, they all bundled up. Carol draped into Tommy as they shared a smoke.
   “Steve, eat this one. I made it special.” Evie flashed a crooked, devious smile. "For you."
   “I don’t trust you.” He laughed, opening his mouth before she stuffed it in. Marshmallow fluff covered his lips until they cackled. Steve pushed a fresh one back at her that melted chocolate over her mouth. Evie giggled and caught Billy staring as she licked her lips. Wanting to lap it up himself. 
   "Did I get it all?" Evie faced him, breaking the moment. Billy reached up with his thumb and swept it under her bottom lip. Saw her tongue shift like it might jet out before he pulled away and licked the pad.
   "Now, you did," he winked.
   At that point, Tommy and Steve caught on to Heather and Carol's little knowing looks. Took some eye-fucking to get there but they made it.
   Heather was pleasantly blazed. Leaning back with her feet up on the stone. Sighing. Evie puffed and passed a smoke back to her. Started to blow out before Billy angled her face at him. Inhaled some of the pot to enjoy it.
   "Tommy, who supplies your shit?" He hummed.
   "Hill Valley, they supply all the locals. Stoner who gave it to me swore it made you fucking time travel, I think he was right."
   "Go back in time and stop this asshole from beating my keg record." Steve snatched the joint next, gesturing to Billy. Only got a rough laugh in response.
   “So, we’re all fucked. But, I have rooms. Lots and lots of guest rooms.” Heather mused. “I’m so rich and popular, guys.”
   “We had no idea.” Carol faked a gasp. “Prissy drunk.”
   “This is so weird.” Evie rubbed her cheek, lulled into Steve so he put the smoke between her lips with two fingers. Let her inhale it before she puffed out. “All of us, I mean. It’s weird. Life sucks and we’re just like...friends now.”
   “It’s like we wasted all that time on stupid shit when we could have been doing this.” Carol decided with red eyes. Everyone nodded in response.
   Evie fell the other way and put her head on Billy’s shoulder. Slowing, they stared at the flickering fire. Smoke rising to purge whatever was here before.
   "We still gonna share a lunch table after this? Acknowledge each other?" It was Steve who spoke up.
   "Nowhere else to go." Billy reached out to take the joint from him and finish it. That was agreed upon too. Wasn't the worst sentiment at this hour.
   They came down from the wine and pot. Simmered. Put the fire out and trailed back into the house. Watched half of another movie before they started to split off.
   Steve passed out on the biggest couch so Evie covered him in a blanket. Stopped Billy and Tommy from drawing on his poor, sweet face. Gave him a kiss on the temple for good measure.
   “Think it’s time. Midnight. Happy Birthday, Evie.” Heather mashed her into a tight hug. They all left Steve to snore and wandered upstairs. Changed and washed up.
   Billy disappeared down the hall to one of the bathrooms. Evie emerged a bit later from Heather's room rubbing her nose.
   “Tommy and Carol can use this room." Heather was in the hallway gesturing. "Steve’s on the couch. Hey, Eve, you want to use the third floor? Sheets are fresh. The birthday girl should get the best and biggest guest room. Right, Carol?”
   "I couldn't agree more, Heather. We left you something special on the bed. It was too big to wrap."
   Snickering followed.
   “Sure...sure…” Evie ruffled her hair out, not listening. "Night."
   “Enjoy your present,” Carol gave this little sing-song. Arms crossing as she watched Evie climb the steps. Waited until she was gone to plant a slick high-five on Heather. “Idiots.”
   “Totally.” Heather went off to bed.
   Evie pushed the door open and jumped a mile at the same time Billy spun, dropping his shirt.
   “Oh, sorry, they said…” It dawned that Evie had just been tricked. “They told you to sleep here?”
   “Yeah, Heather said...oh.” He clicked his tongue and smiled, head shaking because he had to look away. It was all too good.
   Evie pressed the door shut and planted herself against it. Locked it idly. The snap sparked Billy to attention.
   “I’ll be having a little chat with them about this. It's...um...” She scanned him in his jeans. Saw muscles twitching under flesh. Wet her lips.
   “Yeah, I’ll be getting down on my knees to fucking thank her.” He marched over. Kissed Evie hard against the doorway then brought her flush into his frame. Hands trailing down the curve of her back.
   She hitched a gasp and got one arm around his neck. Felt about to turn the lights down. Moonlight spilled in. Full and bright. 
   Billy’s hands were under her shirt. Bunching it up. Palming her bottom. Tracing the lace edge of her underwear to playfully snap it. They stumbled around toward the bed. Evie on her toes pulled him down for more kisses. Felt like no amount would be enough.
   “Not a motel, but I think we can make this work.” Billy got pushed into the plush covers. Sat up to let Evie climb into his lap. They looked at each other. Stilling.
   "Is this okay?" She mumbled and he only nodded.
   Breathing deep until hearts pounded in perfect sync. Evie cupped his face. Opened her lips against his until Billy gave this visceral moan.
   Fingers slipped under the tee again. Squeezed her breasts. Hurried the fabric up so he could taste her skin. Evie shuddered and tipped her head back. Grinding into him. Pulling his hair because he was ruining her already.
   Because Billy Hargrove was about to be her beginning and end.
   Because she was fine with that.
   “Evie...” Billy groaned. Fingers pushing into her flesh. He sucked little flower petals into her chest. Tongued her nipples to hard, rosy buds. Evie felt one hand wander down into her panties. Cried out at the two digits that slipped against her experimentally. "Yeah?"
   “Y-Yes. Like that. You feel so good, Billy.” She attacked his neck. Kissing and nipping until his legs shook. She would ruin him just as well and he'd already tried to make peace with it.
   Billy brought his fingers up to suckle them. Shifted to wet her nipple and lick the arousal off. Two strong hands, turned them to throw her into the mattress. God, his muscles. Evie felt him crawl up her body. Hovering to just look at her with spun gold spilling around his neck and crown. 
   Felt more intimate than anything they’d done. Just looking. Taking a body and soul in.
   Billy started pulling her shirt off. Going for her panties to toss the flimsy fabric aside. No resistance followed. She wanted him to look. Wanted to be seen. Maybe it shouldn't have felt so incredible.
   Eyes watched her surrender there bathed in the moon. Evie rubbed her thighs together. Covered her breasts with her arms. Billy’s chest heaved. Mouth sweeping down to kiss her until the resolve melted. He pinned her wrists playfully and kissed down her neck, stopping to inhale that perfume.
   "You're pretty." Lips nudged her insecurities up and away. "So pretty."
   Billy brushed dark curls from her shoulders and cheeks. Began to peck soft kisses everywhere he could. Mapping her face out. Every so often she found his lips to steal one back. A soft breath grazed her ear.
   “Lemme see you, too.” Evie got a hand free and cupped him boldly. Billy jolted into her palm. Moaned. Beautiful beyond words. He let her push his pants down and stroke him. Gazes melted together and he stopped her only to toss his jeans aside, up on his knees to breathe even.
   Evie pushed up only to marvel at him. Reluctant hands lifted. Smoothing down the hard contour of his chest. The line of those hips. She wanted to map him out as well.
   "You're beautiful." She brushed her mouth against his hip. A true Eros.
   Billy combed his fingers into Evie's hair, tilting her face up so he could curve over for a lengthy kiss. Moaning when she praised him. Wordless with her simple touch. Explored all the exposed honey skin. Counting little freckles. Billy nuzzled his nose into Evie’s, pressed their heads together, and breathed her in. All of her. 
   “Gonna eat you out.” He nipped down her chest, pushing her back into the bed. Evie tensed on instinct but nodded. Wanting it. Saw those lashes flutter before he buried his mouth into her mound. 
   She cried out into her palm. Spine arching so his taut arms wound under soft thighs. Held her hips to adjust. Spread her open for his tongue. Devoured her shamelessly. Pornographically.
   Billy liked to make noise. Like to force it out of her too. He flicked his tongue inside. Lapped up toward her bundle to tease and cradle it. Slight stubble made red swatches on her tender skin.
   What did she like? What made her pray for mercy?
   It left Evie to twist around. Hands grasped for the sheets. She gave him her voice willingly. Gave him every beat and sigh and pulse. Billy made this obscene suckle against her. Crawled up with slick lips so Evie pulled him into her frame. Kissed those pink lips. Licked into his mouth. Tugged at gold locks and ran her hands along his back.
   Billy was nudging between her legs before Evie shifted so they were on their sides. Shocked him with a murmur.
   “I want to be on top first.”
   “What?” He actually laughed lightly. Pecked her mouth. “No, no, sweetheart. I’m on top.”
   “I called it first and I'm the birthday girl.” Evie pouted. Pushing him on his back playfully. Billy came up on his elbows. Brow furrowed.
   “You’re serious. But…” He sounded breathless when her hand smoothed down to stroke him. Persuading. “But, I’m the man. It’s our first time. The man’s supposed to be on top the first time.”
   “Says who? You’re so cute when you say dumb things, Billy.” Evie taunted, kissing his cheek. “There’s no rule. Maybe I wanna be the man...if you really wanna put it that way. You’ll get a turn. Maybe. You might convince me.”
   He smiled when she winked at him. Evie kept up her persuasion. Swung her leg over his hips. Kissed up his neck because she knew it would make him into putty. Billy could only shudder.
   Evie let her weight rest against his frame. Snuffed out every voice that told her she couldn't be desired and sexy. Billy moaned at the feel of her too. All of her. Grasped fleshy hips and ran his hands up sloping curves. Evie pressed into his chest, curls spilled over her shoulders.
   “I might really die if I don't feel you soon.” Billy just marveled up at her. Cupped her breasts until Evie sighed into his touch. A blush spread over her cheeks. She captured his mouth in response.
   Eyes met and she gave this little nod so he followed it. Muscles tensing. 
   “I want to feel you, too.” Evie licked her lips so they adjusted a bit together. She came up and gave him a few slow pumps. "Do you really wanna feel me, Billy?" His shaft pressed flush into her folds. Hips rocked slow. Torturing.
   Looking clouded, he nodded and tried to find some words.
   "Fucking, please. Evie." He tilted his head back. Chest heaving. “You, uh, took your pill?”
   “Like clockwork.” Evie shuddered. "I want this. You."
   Billy looked down and gave her thigh an encouraging squeeze, biting his lip as she positioned him. Starting to sink down. They both cursed aloud. Went tight after a shared quake. Evie mounted him. Let him fill her all the way up with her hands flat against his chest. 
   “That’s it. Fucking perfect.” He was muttering while she whimpered quietly. Massaging her hips so she’d relax. “You don’t have to move yet. Feel so fucking good. Look at me, Evie.” 
   She did. Darkening eyes peeking through a curtain of curls he moved aside.
   “I got you, Angel. I got you.” Billy lifted for a kiss. Bucked slightly inside her so she gave this experimental rock into him. Mouths brushed together and he whispered. “Fuck me.” 
   He begged that. Begged for her. Only her. Evie pressed him back down. Tilted her head aside at the feel of him pulsing. Started to move with some fervor. 
   Fingers squeezed her hips. Left marks guiding her into his thrusts. Both of them sinking fast. 
   “Mm, Billy.” Evie arched there against the moon and stars. Let them fill the room with her voice. She hitched a cry when he gave her ass a playful swat. Urged her to go faster. Billy wiggled and came up a bit. Pulled Evie all the way down and drank her moan into his lips.
   He held her there, biceps flexing when his hands went around her back so he sat up fully. Teeth nipped at her chest and he undulated up inside her. Took some control back.
   "H-Hey..." Evie was slipping fast. Mouth parting while she clung to his shoulders. "I'm the man."
   "It's your birthday," Billy mumbled into her throat. "Little worship is what a pretty girl deserves on her birthday. Don't you think so?"
   Fingers pushed between her spread legs. Worked her until a cry muffled into the crook of his neck. Evie curved into him. Clung. Rode him harder.
   “So good.” Billy managed again. “Pretty, pretty, pretty.” He pulled her hair. Exposed that creamy throat to his mouth once more. Tormented her until Evie’s resolve melted so he could flip them over. Another cry echoed. Hips pushing with force deep into her. She gripped his shoulders, legs curling around his hips. 
   “Billy, please…” Evie mewled under him. “More.” She tucked some blond hair aside sweetly. Both of them slicked and wanting. Connected utterly. 
   Billy was so ample with her body, chasing her fears away with his hot touch and lovely kisses. He hovered over Evie. Pulled out and looked down to where their bodies met. Loved the sight of himself disappearing inside. One hand brought her thigh higher for a better look.
   "Flexible girl. I'll keep that in mind."
   Evie fluttered around him. Reached down and touched their mixed arousal. Played with herself while he watched and started to find his pace. She licked her digits of their slick. Let him have a taste after. Billy laced their fingers and came down to watch her eyes.
   Panting. He really began to pound into her until the bed was rocking with them. A filthy sound of skin slapping together with each thrust joined their gasps. He didn't care if this whole damn neighborhood could hear them.
   “Love the way you squeeze me.” Billy’s thumb was back against her. Tormenting perfect little circles that had her whining. Evie had this out of body moment like she was watching herself writhe on the bed. Billy Hargrove fucking her stupid. Praising her. Touching her. Uttering nasty things about how she was all his now and he could spend forever making her feel so good. “Gonna come inside this sweet, little pussy after I make you quake. You wanna come for me, Evie? That’s my fucking girl.” 
   “Oh, fuck...fuck, I can’t stand you.” She tightened around him. Eyes rolling back. Relishing his touch so he sped up. “I’m right fucking there, Billy, don’t stop. Stay with me. Stay…” She cupped his face. Found those drunken lips.
   “Don’t have to stand, I,” he shuddered, “I got a perfectly good face you’ll be sitting on later.”
   Cheeky little shit.
   Evie actually laughed. Thrilled. Pulled him all the way against her body, arms under his and around his taut back. Billy stopped all the dirty talk to whimper.
   She felt so good. He didn't know it could feel this good.
   “I’m yours, Billy,” Evie decided at last with a flutter of glowing moths escaping the heart-shaped shadow box carved into her chest. Happy. She so wanted to be his. Mouth against the shell of his ear. “All yours.” Her thighs shuddered and he felt her entire body lock. A graceful arch went through it. “I’m c-coming.” Evie managed so he stroked harder. Made her gush around his cock with the sweetest sound he’d ever heard. Kept thrusting to draw it out as she squeezed him too tight. Chanting cries of curses mingling with his name. All sin.
   All his.
   Billy couldn’t even warn her. He held out as long as he could and began to fuck release inside her. Both of them wrapping tighter around each other. Still trying to rock through it like they were lying on a warm beach being caressed by sweet ocean waves. Evie sagged, out of breath as he collapsed against her body. Still rutting like an animal to finish himself. 
   Gasping, Billy came up to pull out. Watched his own release sink out of her. So fucking hot, he couldn't help pushing it back in. Evie tensed. Overstimulated when he pressed dainty kisses to her tummy and chest. 
   Blue eyes came up to meet her brown ones and something broke. Shattered. Flooded out. They both locked in to feel it. Billy looked at her and the sensation consumed him utterly. Betrayed him. He stared and couldn’t look away. Frozen. Ruined. Evie blinked up at him. Spread open and hair splayed. Reached up to caress his jaw with her brow furrowing.
   “Billy, you’re shaking.” She swallowed to catch her breath. Eyes searching him. She tipped his head forward to kiss his warm temple. Lingered with sweet promises. Both of them on fire and slicked in glowy dew. “I got you.”
   He still trembled so hard. Unable to stop. Let Evie bring his head to her collar so she could pepper more kisses into his hair and comfort him. 
   Billy stared out at nothing. Floated in this sort of subspace while Evie brought him back down to touch the Earth. Gentle as she could. They held each other there. Evie still kissing him. Petting him delicately and humming in his ear. Idly, he let his fingers whirl into her curls.
   “Are you alright? Billy?” She tried again. Massaging his shoulders while he listened to her beating heart. Something wet splashed against her neck as he shuddered. Sniffling once.
   “I just…” He came up. Let awareness flit back. Got near silent. I think I’m happy. "I'm fine." The feeling spread a cold under his bones. "You?"
   Billy cupped her head for a lazy kiss. She smiled up at him.
   “I'm okay. Better than okay.” She soothed again. “I got you.” Naked, they wound around each other. Got under the covers and laid twisted together.
   “Evie.” Billy choked on air. Chest sinking. He had to let one truth out. Just one, he owed her that much. And it ached. “Gotta tell you something.”
   “Yeah?” She sunk into his chest. Held. Evie braced like it might hurt her too.
   “You know you're... You're the best thing about this place.” Billy squeezed his eyes shut. Let her hold him tighter in response. Let Evie give up some of her warmth to him because he needed it and she just liked to see him happy and safe.
   “I didn’t know it could feel like that.” She began, fingers making shapes into his chest. Evie opened her heart. Let him admire it. "Billy, I want to be more with you. Like...Like a girlfriend. This sounds silly. You don't have to say anything. I just...I don't want to run from you because you make me happy. I think I might make you happy too. We're... You were right about a lot. The stars and all. Despite everything, I think we were supposed to find each other and it feels good. I want to be yours-"
   Billy tilted Evie's chin up. Hushed the truths with his lips. Nuzzled her so she'd relax back into him. He couldn't reply. The syllables wrapped around his throat and choked him. And Evie trusted him. So, she didn't ask for them. That made it ache more.
   Placing her head upon his chest when they shifted again. Billy went very still. Stared at the ceiling and wiped his eyes as she dozed. Fingers combed into her hair to coax her off to an easier slumber.
   Billy just laid there. Felt numb. Felt too much. Couldn’t look down at Evie nestled into his body. 
   He stayed there two hours. So still. So lost. So found. 
   These sensations that tried to drown him. They were creeping like dark gossamer veils over his eyes. Unable to be near Evie, he eased out from under her. Rubbed his eyes. Felt like she seared his skin down to bone and marrow.
   He knew it was wrong. Knew it might hurt her. Would hurt her.
   She let him into her heart and he was running. Eros fleeing Psyche the moment she held that candle to his being and saw him for what he was. One speck of wax dripping hot upon his flesh. Blinded by that light, he probably didn't see her crying there after him. Selfish boy.
   Billy thought he would be sick. Tremored there. He just couldn't stop it. Couldn't explain it either.
   And he just couldn’t be near her anymore. Fuck.
   But, he promised. He promised her. He wanted to keep it and instead scrambled to dress. Empty eyes still staring at nothing. Billy finally peered back. Scanned Evie comfortable on the bed. He could have gotten back in. Woken her and told her that he wanted to be all hers too.
   “I’m sorry.” He whimpered.
   It hurt. It hurt too much. Billy actually had to rub his chest. Tried to numb. Tried. All this time they spent together and now he just couldn’t be near her. She broke him. Billy felt himself climbing too high. Up toward the stars. Falling to pieces.
   Aimless steps brought him outside. Into the freezing cold. Away from Evie’s touch and amber perfume. Away from this girl who gave him exactly what he wanted and it was just too much. He couldn’t hold it. Didn’t want to see it shatter before him.
   So, Billy got into his Camaro and drove off. Far away as he could to the edge of Lover’s Lake. Up a hill so he could see the quiet city before him. Evie would wake up. Feel the change that he promised he wouldn’t give her. 
   “Fuck!” Billy crumbled aloud. One fist pushed into his teeth. Quivering until the tears fell hot. Huge and wet down his flushed cheeks. Unable to stop the flow, Billy dropped his head. Began to sob louder than he ever had in his life.
   Because this would break her in turn. Validate everything horrid she thought about Billy Hargrove. Because he should have stayed in that bed mapping more kisses down her spine. Instead, he convinced himself that they weren't made of the same stardust. They couldn't be.
   Evie's heart-shaped shadow box was hung too far from reach amid untold galaxies and when Billy rose to admire it, his wings melted like Icarus before him because that's what he deserved. That was always what he knew he deserved.
   All he could think about was his mother in that tub. Neil's boot squelching his back and the meaty wack of a belt. It wasn't possible for him to be something that could be tangible and loved. Evie had been right. Stars were placed in a certain order and that couldn't change. He'd been stupid. Hopeful.
   He was the coward. This got too real and he couldn't just let himself have it.
   And what made it heavier was the pure thought of Evie waking alone to confirm her biggest fear.
   "I'm sorry." Billy kept chanting these words that were so often too difficult for him. They wouldn't stop this time. "I'm sorry..."
A/N: Local boy crushed under the weight of his own emotions. Eeeep, I finally let them do the deed. Someone make them a 'congrats on your sex' cake. Please if you enjoyed leave words below or chat with me in my ask!! Thank you all so much!!
TAGGED:: @80sbxtch @nottherightseason @orxhidshavana   @alagalaska​ @alongcamedolly @kellyk-chan @10blurredsmoke10 @charmed-asylum @unmistakablyunknown @lukespatterson
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jawritter · 4 years
You and Me...
Chapter 20
***SERIES WARNINGS**** Rape, non con, male!rape, injury, violence, discription of injury caused by rape, nightmares, self harm, panick attackes, implied female non con, language, ass hole Jensen, hurt!jensen, dark fic, smut. If there is anything else I will add it as I go.
***Chatper Warnings***  Language, mentions of rape, Jensen caught up in his own head space, hint of depression, talk of nightmares and flashbacks. Angst? Some fluff maybe? I think that’s about it...
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Word Count: 1582
A/N: As always all mistakes are mine!, Please do not copy my work!! Feedback is gold! I hope you enjoy this one!
Summery: It’s funny how one choice you made can change your whole life. One mistake can alter you course, and set you on a path that forever will haunt you. Two people find themselves getthing through one of the hardest trials of Jensen’s life, on just one small promise. You and Me. We’ll get through it together…
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It had been a long week to say the least.
Not because anything was wrong, it was just a lot more to get done than you thought it would be before Jensen and yourself took your trip.
He'd been up late at night, booking hotel rooms, making dinner reservations in towns that he'd planned to stop in along the way. The whole nine. He was really excited about the trip, and seeing him excited kind of had you looking forward to it.
It was the first time you had seen him that excited about anything at all, and seeing him put so much work into it, really made you see how much it meant to him to do this with you. That wasn't something you took lightly.
On top of all that Jensen had picked up his kids for a few days, they had wanted to see their dad before he was gone from town for a while again.
The days were filled with zoo trips, art projects, and movies in the family room.
Jensen had dropped them back off at their mother's house yesterday, which was awkward, because Danneel still wasn't speaking to Jensen, but Jensen was determined to take it all in stride. He didn't want a lot of tension between Danneel and himself for the children's sake. They had been through enough with the separation, and they didn't need to see him arguing with their mother every time he went to pick them up or drop them off, goodbyes were hard enough as it was...
The rest of the week had been filled with packing, and wrapping up his album so that it could be released when he headed out on his convention tour for season 16.
It felt strange to not be working at the studio anymore, but in all honesty it felt a little freeing as well. People treated you differently since they found out about your relationship with Jensen. Not your coworkers, but just people in general. New coming artists always thought they could get you to get Jensen to notice them, and fans were becoming more aware of you as well, which made it hard to get anything done in Austin period, much less work.
For everything there is a season, and it was just time for the season of you working at the studio to come to a close in order for a new season to take its place. You just didn't know what season that was going to be yet...
The feeling of Jensen's body waiting lowering onto the bed pulled you from your thoughts. You roll over, and snuggle into his chest. Taking a deep breath. Letting his scent surround you, comfort you.
You loved the feeling of his body weight pressing down against you. It made you feel safe. The rise and fall of his chest as he breathed laying next to you. The way he always ran his fingers through your hair until you fell asleep.
Just in a week sense he'd started doing this he'd had you spoiled. It was something you were confident you couldn't live without, and something at the same time you don't know how you ever lived without him in the first place.
"Are you ready for tomorrow?" He asks you in a rough, yet sleepy voice. He was so cute when he was sleepy.
"As I'll ever be." You tell him. Nuzzling into his neck. "You?"
"Oh God yes. You know I'd always try to do things like this with Danneel, but she never would come with me. She never even came with me to conventions all that much. Not even before the twins were born. She only rarely showed up on the set, she never wanted to really go anywhere, unless it was to New Orleans, or something with her family. I honestly almost think she was a little ashamed of me." He said in a huff, settling the covers around the two of you before pressing his lips to the top of your head.
This was the first time he'd ever really talked about any aspect of their marriage with you. It was just something he didn't discuss. You never pushed him either. Honestly when you and Jensen had gotten together there were much more pressing issues at hand than his failed marriage.
"Well her loss is definitely my gain. I'm gonna have to send the girl a thank you card." You tell him, running your nails up and down his back lightly as he turned to the two of you on your side.  He chucked against you.
"Yeah I might have to sign that card too."
"There's a lot that I've still got wrong with me you know. I'm nowhere near perfect. Even though I'm doing better. I'm scared to start filming again. I'm afraid of what it's gonna bring back up. I just got the nightmares under control... I don't want those to start up again...." He said, his grip tightening around you.
"Well whatever happens I'll be right there. In arms reach the whole time you're filming, and if it does bring up any problems they already promised to work around anything you weren't comfortable with." You tell him. Still rubbing his back and shoulders. Trying to keep the tension from building in them.
You knew he was scared, and honestly you were afraid too. You didn't know what it was going to do to him the first time Dean had to be tied to a chair, or the first hand to hand combat with a demon... That's what you were scared of..
"One step at a time.." You thought to yourself as he nuzzled himself into you more.
Jensen's POV:
Jensen laid there in the dark room with you in his arms, your nails running lightly over his skin, trying to keep the fear and stress from building in his body. Reassuring him that everything was going to be okay..
Still memories that you knew nothing about ran through his mind harshly in flashs...
Not caring that he didn't want to see them.
Not caring that they were probably going to keep him up tonight...Like they had every night this week...
Not caring that they might affect his career...
More than the flashbacks that some of the show may trigger for him as he has to act out Dean's struggles. He feared that it would put strain on his already struggling relationship that he and yourself had. Even though you never brought up the rape to him. Even though you never brought up the fact that he'd shoved you that night. He still was afraid that all you saw him as was damaged.
Just a shell of what a real man should be...
Not good enough...
He could feel your body relaxing against his as you drifted off to sleep in his arms. Your breaths became slow, and deep as sleep overtook you.
Tomorrow you two would head out on their trip that he'd taken so much time planning. Taken so much time to make sure it was perfect...
He fought hard against the sleep that threatened to over take him. Even though he knew that he needed to get some sleep to be ready for tomorrow, he still had a slight fear of the night, and the dreams that felt so real sometimes.
Even though they hadn't happened in a few days, and didn't happen every night, that didn't stop the fear that they would every time he closed his eyes....
He didn't know if the memory of what happened to him would ever stop haunting him.
Usually they only showed themselves at night. Like something that was too dirty, and vile to show itself during the day, so it would wait until the sun went down. So that it could haunt him like the things he'd pretended to hunt for so many years.
Except this time....
There was no body to salt, and burn to put the ghost of his attackers to rest. It was a battle of his mind. Something to him that was more terrifying than ghost. Because it was a part of him.
And It was also very much alive....
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blackmissfrizzle · 5 years
Once Upon A Time
Summary: The reader has a cleaning tradition that she’s embarrassed for the boys to find out about.
Pairing: Dean Winchester x black!reader
Warnings: Violence and mention of smut
A/N: 2 Dean fics in one week? Who do I think I am???
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Ever since you were a child obsessed with fairy tales. Not the Grimm brother versions, but Disney’s family-friendly versions. You had your mother to thank for that. She painted her love story with your father as her own fairy tale.
Your mom came from a family of evil witches, but she didn’t share the same values and wanted to help people instead of harm them. As she told it, she didn’t see a way out until she met her own knight in shining armor, your father. He was a hunter and fell in love with your mom while he hunted her family. She helped him defeat them and they ran off to live their own version of happily ever after.
They both hunted until your mom became pregnant with you, their little princess. Even though, they retired from the hunter lifestyle they taught you all about hunting; they always knew there was a possibility for their past to haunt them. While your dad stuck to teaching you about hunting in particular, your mother taught you the art of witchcraft. “There’s a beauty in magic.” She always said.
Unfortunately, your parents happily ever after didn’t last forever. They were right to worry about their past coming back to haunt them. You came back from a sleepover excited to dress up in your princess ‘rags’, sing Disney songs, and clean up the house with your mom. Instead you found their mauled bodies. The remaining werewolves from a pack they killed came back with a revenge. They even tried to kill you when you discovered the bodies, but due to your extensive training you killed them before they got the chance.
Years later you found yourself and your familiar, Aladdin, hunting and living with the Winchesters. To keep the memory alive of your parents, you kept up your mom’s cleaning tradition. Only thing was you always waited for Sam and Dean to go hunting on their own. You may be a little extra with this tradition, so extra Aladdin refused to participate. Sometimes you’ll cast a spell on some birds and sing with them as if you were Cinderella or Snow White. So, if the boys ever caught you, you would never hear the end of it and be deeply embarrassed.
Currently, you were singing your heart out to Part of Your World and washing the dishes when you heard the clearing of someone’s throat. Turning around you saw a set of hazel and emerald eyes filled with mirth and a pair of poorly hidden smirks. “I thought you two wouldn’t be back til tomorrow?” You asked, fidgeting with the hem of your dress and then remembering the bandana a la Cinderella you had on and quickly removing it.
Barely containing his laughter Sam answered you. “You know Dean. Speed limit laws don’t apply to him.” Just as Dean was about to say something, his eyes went wide and zoomed on your shoulder. Raising a hand, he pointed in your direction, “Is that a crab on your shoulder?”
Looking down in fact you saw an annoyed crab glaring at you. In the midst of getting caught, you forgot you turned a reluctant Aladdin into a crab for your Little Mermaid set. “Oops, I’m sorry, Al.” With a wave of your hand you returned your familiar back into his canine form. “Looks like the mutt wasn’t happy being turned into seafood,” Dean muttered as Aladdin stalked off. Your familiar had excellent hearing and growled at the eldest Winchester before returning back to your room.
“Your highness,” Dean bowed before you. Snatching the towel from the sink you balled it up and threw it at Dean’s head.
He caught it instead of letting it hit his face. “Hey, that’s not princess-like,” he reprimanded you. Just to tease him some more you gave Dean the middle finger and he clutched his imaginary pearls.
“What’s up with the Disney routine anyway?” Sam asked, trying to stop you two before y’all got too childish. While you explained the backstory of your cleaning tradition, Sam stood back and mentally shook his head at Dean, who looked at you like a doofus. Sam tried multiple times to get his big brother to admit his feelings for you, but he refused.
Done with your story, you noticed Dean looking at you with that funny face you sometimes catch him with when he thinks you’re not paying attention. “What’s with that stupid look,” you asked him.
Caught off guard, Dean had to quickly come up with an excuse. “Um, I’m just confused about how someone so badass is still obsessed with princesses who always need saving.”
“First of all, me being a badass and loving princesses are not mutually exclusive. Second of all, you must be talking about them older white princesses, because my girls with color didn’t come to play. Tiana, a true boss bitch, Mulan saved a whole country, Pocahontas looked out for her people, and Moana got a whole god together. And third of all, I don’t know why you’re trashing them when you have so much in common with them.”
Dean crossed his arms in disbelief. “Please explain to me how me and a Disney princess are alike.” Chuckling to yourself, you proceeded to explain to Dean. “On the somber note, you have the requirement of at least one dead parent growing up. Sam’s your sidekick, Castiel’s your fairy godmother, Rowena is sorta the wicked witch, just depending on the day, and I’m your knight in shining armor.” Dean couldn’t believe his ears and was about to counter your claim when you interrupted him. “Oh, and you have Rapunzel’s eyes.”
Pointing between him and Sam, Dean responded. “Listen, we don’t need saving that often.” Without saying a word, you cocked and eyebrow and a hip, silently challenging Dean’s claim.
“Ok, you win. I’m a stupid princess, but I’m gonna be Snow White!”
Looking to Sam he had his bitch face while you were confused. He must’ve known why he choose Snow White. You looked to him to ask why and he mouthed ‘You wouldn’t want to know.’ Going against his advisement, you asked Dean why he choose her.
“Because the version I watched, the wicked stepmother was wicked.” His smile suggested it wasn’t the G-rated version you’ve seen before.
With a sway of your hips you walked up to Dean and stared up at him devilishly. “Well, you gotta show me that version. I need to spice up my porn playlist.” Instantly, Dean’s face turned red and Sam off to the side muttered, “You two are perfect for each other.”
You walked off to your room, beginning to sing Kiss the Girl, while leaving the boys in the kitchen dumbfounded. Halfway to your room, you remembered your surprise for Dean. Sticking your head in the kitchen doorway, “Oh, there’s pecan, sweet potato, and apple pie in the oven.” Both boys stared at each other and ran to the oven to get to the treat. Even Sam couldn’t resist your baking.
Back in your room, you found Aladdin in his human form laying in your bed and watching tv. He rolled his eyes as he listened to you sing another Disney song. It wasn’t your voice that he was annoyed by, because you had the voice of an angel, but it was who the song was directed to. Al didn’t understand your attraction to Dean, but he supported you, nonetheless.
“Jordan text you. She needs help with a coven of witches in New Orleans. And she said leave the Winchesters at home if you come,” Al informed you in the middle of your song.
“That would’ve been nice to know earlier. Why didn’t you come get me?”
“I was giving you some time with your precious Winchester.”
Deciding not to address that statement you asked Aladdin if he wanted to go with.  “Nope. I got a crazy ass ex down there and I’m having a Smart Guy marathon.”
“Hey! You were supposed to wait for me.” You pouted.
“That was before you turned me into a crustacean.” Knowing that it was fair, you told him bye and went on to tell the boys you were leaving.
“You sure you don’t want us to come?” Sam asked clearly concerned. They didn’t know your friend and were overprotective of you hunting without them. Standing on your toes, you gave each boy a kiss on the cheek. “I’ll be fine boys, promise.���
Just as you opened your car door, Dean tugged on your wrist. “Be safe and call us if anything’s fishy.”
Snatching your hand back, you laughed at your friend. “Ok, mom.” Crowding your space, Dean looked at you hungrily. “I preferred to be called daddy.” Cheeks heating up quickly, you turned around and rushed into your car, waving bye to the boys while you heard Dean’s deep chuckle as you drove away.
It was setup. Jordan wasn’t just your friend, but your cousin from your mom’s side of your family. The little traitor knew who you were when you ran into her in Atlanta when you were working a job. She continued to earn your trust until she could find the right moment to kidnap you.
Turns out your mom and dad didn’t get rid of the whole family and your grandma somehow survived. The old woman had been plotting against you, since Jordan told her of your existence.
Struggling against the cuffs, you were looking for an escape. “Its useless, my dear. Those cuffs are spelled to imprison supernatural beings.”
Great, the one time being a witch was a bad thing. “Well, can you just kill me now?”
Your grandma turned away from the potion she was concocting and caressed your face. Her amber eyes that reminded you of your mother’s softened. “Don’t be silly, girl. You’re family, even if that didn’t mean anything to your momma. Our coven is growing weak, but you’re the strongest witch ever in our bloodline. With you joining us and the Book of the Damned we’ll return to our former glory.”
All this trouble for that damn book. Even though it saved Dean, that book has been causing so much trouble ever since it came into you and the boys’ possession. “So, this is why you want me. For the Book of the Damned. Well, newsflash no matter what you do to me the boys won’t give it up.”
Stepping away from her potion once more, she knelt down in front of you. “It’s a shame, really. All your power gone to waste. When Jordan informed me of your existence, I thought I would just kill you, but then you got involved with those Winchesters and we were still too weak to deal with them and you. But then I heard Rowena took you under her wing and I felt hope again. I thought Rowena would surely teach you the dark arts, but once again I was wrong. Those damn Winchesters sure do know how to suck out all the fun.”
“If you know I’m so good, then it’s a waste to try to get me to join the coven.” Levitating the mortar, she used to make the potion, your grandma had it in her hands. “Chile, I know I can’t make you do things on your own free will. That’s why I got this little potion for my spell. It’ll make you more malleable to my will. Now open up, girl.”
Refusing to be anyone’s puppet you shut your mouth close. Your grandma was frustrated with your antics and didn’t have any time to play with you. The cuffs dampened your own magic, which allowed your grandma to use hers and get your mouth open. The vile taste of the potion slithered its way down your throat and you knew when you woke up you would be a different person. Hopefully, Sam and Dean would be able to fix you.
Once you returned to the bunker, the boys instantly knew something was off about despite you saying nothing went wrong with the hunt. “Man, something’s up with Y/N.” Dean whispered to Sam while you were in the library.
“I know. Something had to have gone with that hunt.” Their whispers died down when they heard you walking towards them.
Holding the Book of the Damned, you made a beeline to the stairs, but Sam stopped you. “Y/N/N, what are you doing with the Book of the Damned?”
Annoyed but also prepared for this moment you threw the boys against the wall. “You’ll find out soon enough.”
With a flick of your wrist the door opened up, letting in your grandma and Jordan.
“What a cute little place! We’ll have to set up base here, Y/N. That’s after we kill the Winchesters of course,” your grandmother informed you while inspecting the bunker.
“Yes, grandmother. Would you like me to dispose of them now?”
The elder Winchester scrunched up his face in anger. “Grandma??? Y/N/N this isn’t you. Break out of it!” He pleaded with you, but his words had no effect on you.
“You evil bitch! What did you do to Y/N?” Dean asked your grandma.
She stood in front of Dean and traced a finger across his face. “Hmmm, I can see why my granddaughter is in love with you. Such masculine features, so handsome that you’re almost pretty. And the passion that radiates off of you, hmph, you must be an excellent lover.”
Dean turned his head away to escape her touch. “Get your filthy hands off my brother! And what did you do to our friend,” Sam reminded her of the more pressing issue.
“Oh, I just made her more pliable to my will. The girl is headstrong like her mother. Too bad I didn’t discover the potion I used on Y/N when I had those wolves kill her mother.” Your grandmother revealed which stirred a little something in you, but you must complete the mission for her. “Y/N, be a dear and kill these oafs. We have important work to do,” she ordered you.
Imagining liquefying their insides, the hunters started to cough up their blood, but as you saw them struggling you started to feel bad. Something didn’t feel right, but you had to press on.
“Y/N, you’re in there I know it. I know you heard her. That wicked bitch killed your parents! Come out and fight, damn it!” Dean was screaming at you, it seemed that the emotional torture was more painful than the physical torture you were dishing out.
Seeing that Dean wasn’t getting through to you, Sam joined in at trying to break through to you.  With each passing second, they were chipping away through your grandmother’s defenses. It worked well enough for your hold to weaken and the boys fell to the ground. The boys easily incapacitated Jordan, leaving your grandma with no backup.
“Y/N, what are you doing? Kill them!” Your grandmother ordered, terrified of what a free Sam and Dean Winchester could do.
You paid her no mind and pinned her to a wall instead. Dean approached you carefully, as if you were a scared animal backed into a corner. “Sweetheart, I know you’re in there.”
Your eyes darted between your grandmother and the Winchester. You didn’t know who to believe with both of them talking to you simultaneously.
Sensing he was losing you, Dean got desperate. “God, I hope this works,” you heard him murmured before he grabbed your face and mashed his lips to yours. At first, your lips you were stiff, resistant to the kiss, but soon it started feeling right, like home, like your lips and his were meant for each other. Your hands snaked up to the back of his head and you pulled Dean closer.
The screaming of your grandma alerted you and made you and Dean break the kiss. Caressing your face, Dean whispered against your lips, “You back?” He asked, his hopeful searching yours.
“Yeah,” you whispered back blinking through tears.
“I should’ve known. You’re weak, just like your mother!” Your grandma somehow pulled herself halfway off the wall, but you pushed her back.
Taking out your gun from the back of your jeans, you pointed it at an unconscious Jordan and shot it right in the center of her forehead, feeling no emotions for so-called friend.
Next, your sights turned onto your grandma. “What?! You can’t grant me the decency of killing me like a witch? You’re gonna kill me like some filthy hunter?” She screamed with her grey locs falling in her face, spit foaming at the mouth, truly looking like a wild woman.
Raising your gun, you only said a few words to her before granting her the same death as your cousin. “Its more than you granted my parents.”
For awhile you stood above your dead grandmother’s body, grieving the life you could’ve have. Standing there reflecting on her need for power it finally hit you, she was the cause of your parents’ deaths. The emotions overtook you and you cried until Dean carried you away and let him fall asleep in his arms.
Waking up hours later you found Dean gone, but the smell of his famous burgers told you exactly where he was. Making your way to the kitchen, you were granted to the scene of Dean cooking, singing along to an old rock song, swinging his hips.
“Wow, you’ve been holding out on me. Who knew you had such killer dance moves?” Placing your hand over your heart, you acted as if you were offended at this great tragedy.
Rolling his eyes at you, Dean lowered his music and started to make you a plate. “I can do that.” You attempted to grab the plate, but Dean moved it out of your reach.
“I got it. Go sit down, pretty girl,” Dean ordered you before he leaned down and gave you a kiss. You guessed that the kiss from earlier wasn’t a one-off and discreetly smiled to yourself, wondering what this means for you and Dean.
Taking your seat, Sam entered the kitchen and began making a plate of his own. “Hey, Y/N, how you feeling?”
“Mmmm, better now. It still hurts, but I know that my mom wouldn’t want me to dwell on it too long. She lived the life that she wanted, even if it was cut short.”
“Between Samuel and your grandma, we had some crazy ass grandparents,” Dean referenced to his grandfather that would’ve let them die in exchange to have Mary back. Little did he know if he could’ve waited a couple of more years, he would’ve had her back.
Setting down his plate and yours, the three of you began eating dinner. Talk varied from when y’all would take the next case, when you should visit Jody and the girls again, when would Cas and Jack get back, and even a little argument about how turkey burgers taste the same as regular burgers.
At that moment you were trying to convince Dean to watch The Little Mermaid with you, but he refused, saying he was too grown to be watching fairy tales. Deciding that he wasn’t too grown, Sam poked fun at Dean. “So, Dean, how did you know how to break the spell put on Y/N?” Sam knew the answer, Dean confided it in him earlier, but he wanted Dean to say it in front of Y/N.  
Looking at his baby brother as if he could strangle him, Dean dropped his burger. “Lucky guess.” He grunted before picking it back up and biting into it.
Your eyes switched back and forth between the brothers. Obviously, Dean was holding something back by the way he was giving Sam bitch face.
“That’s not what you said earlier,” Sam retorted, hiding his smirk by taking a bite of his own burger.
“Oh, Dean, c’mon tell me.” You pleaded, giving him your best puppy dog eyes that he couldn’t resist.
“Truelove’skiss.” He mumbled quickly.
Hiding a giggle, you asked him to repeat himself, “Excuse me, what was that?” You knew exactly what he said, you just wanted him to be louder.
“True love’s kiss, ok! Now can we drop it?” He snapped, embarrassed he knew this little fact and that he was basically announcing his feelings to you this way.
Abandoning your seat, you jumped into Dean’s lap and kissed him all around his face. Sam silently left to give you two privacy and also, he didn’t want to see anything if you two decided to get explicit.
“I love you, Dean Winchester,” you whispered into his ear.
Dean’s eyes lit up as if you told him he had an unlimited amount of pie. He knew that for a true love’s kiss to work, both parties had to love each other, but hearing you say it confirmed it for him. “I love you, too.”
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you snuggled into Dean deeper. “So, does this mean you’ll watch The Little Mermaid with me?”
“I guess,” Dean accepted defeat as you squealed in his lap. “But only if you sing along. I can’t get enough of that voice of yours.”
“Of course, my knight in shining armor.” Dean put an arm behind your back and the other under your knees to carry you bridal style to his cave.
“And at the end of the night can I kiss the girl?” Dean asked with a mischievous grin on his face, glad that he made at least one reference.
Making your voice a bit softer to sound like a princess, you replied, “Oh my dear sir, you can do whatever you like to the princess. She’s forever in your gratitude.”
“Well, princess, be prepared not to finish that movie, because I got other things in mind.”
Soon, Ariel and her pals became a distant memory with the opportunity of a better time spent with Dean. “If that’s the case, then how about you show me how wicked that stepmother was in Snow White?” You offered, suggestively raising your perfectly arched eyebrows.
With that suggestion, Dean changed his course and headed for his bedroom. “Anything for the lady.” Passing a conversating Sam and Al in the hallway, you conjured up earplugs in their hands. Of course, you could’ve soundproofed the room, but you wanted to gross them out instead.
“Dudes, disgusting!” Sam groaned, but you could barely hear him over yours and Deans’ laughs. This is what happily ever looked like and you wouldn’t trade it for a thing in the world.
Tags: @titty-teetee​ @nervouspetsonanime​ @thefaithfulwriter​ @nerd-lovely​
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purplesurveys · 3 years
survey by xflirtykaosx
Alphabetti Spaghetti (1/3)
And we will fall in love with shooting stars. - A
Have you ever seen an Aardvark? I don’t think so.
Were you ever abandoned in a public place as a child? Where? Abandoned is a pretty harsh word lol. My parents did like playing pranks on me and hide whenever I’d get distracted at the grocery or department store. They’d let me get nervous or even tear up for a bit until showing up again.
What accent do you have? I guess just your standard Filipino English accent that’s common among people who were able to take up English studies. I don’t really know how to describe it.
Is there someone in your family addicted to something? What is it? I don’t think so.
Have you ever been under general anaesthetic? What were you having done? I think so? When I had a tooth extraction done on me two years ago I was told I was going to be injected with anaesthesia, but I didn’t feel as if anything changed throughout the procedure. Either my dentist told me fake news lol or he’s just really good at his job for me to not notice anything.
How do you show the ones you love affection? It depends on the person. Around my friends, I know I’ve had taken a liking to them once I start getting especially talkative with them. For people I have even deeper relationships with, I like...buying them gifts, I guess. Getting them things that remind me of them. I would also bend over backwards to do nice deeds for them, like driving them to their destination even if I find it far.
Are you more passive or aggressive? I tend to be very passive aggressive in the way I deal with things.
Do you like the band Aha!? Not in particular.
Do you know anyone called Aidan? What are they like? Nope.
Ever heard of the band Ajax? No but I know that’s a brand of like cleaner or something. That’s close enough to ‘band’ haha.
Do you know anyone called Akash? I don’t either.
Do the sound of fire alarms scare you? They would obviously be scary if it rang for a real reason. Who wouldn’t freak out over a fire?
Do you live in America? If so, which state? If visited, where'd you go? No, and I’ve never visited either. I’d love to take a trip to cities like New York, New Orleans, Portland, and Chicago one of these days.
Have you ever had an ant infestation in your house? Only when there’s food left out accidentally.
Aora - did I spell that correctly? I don’t even know what you’re referring to, so I can’t tell you if you’ve spelled whatever it is right.
Do you have a preference in Apple? What type do you prefer? I don’t quite get this question - like a preference within Apple products? I mean, a phone and a laptop are essentials for me, and generally I do prefer having an iPhone and Macbook over other brands; but I can live without an iPad, an Apple Watch, iMac, Apple Pen, etc...if this is what you mean.
Are you an Aquarian? Is anyone in your family/your partner/best friend? ...You mean Aquarius? No. I don’t believe in astrology nor pay attention to zodiac signs either, so I wouldn’t be able to name Aquariuses that I know right off the bat.
Have you ever worn any type of armor? Which type? I don’t think I’ve ever had to, no.
Do you use the word ass a lot? Kinda, but it’s usually part of a longer word, i.e. asshole, asshat, deadass, etc.
Have you or your family had an attorney? What for? Not to my knowledge.
Is your car/family’s car an automatic gear or manual? Automatic.
Are you interested in aviation, piloting and aircrafts? Just the slightest bit. I would love to learn how to fly a plane, and I would be willing to pay for lessons. It’s just the type of activity that’s super hard to squeeze into an already-hectic schedule of mine.
What was the last award you recieved for? A academic distinction in college.
Axl Rose - like or dislike? Like, but I’m nowhere near a passionate fan. I just don’t have any reasons to actively dislike him.
Do you like air being spelt ayre or ayer in rap or hiphop or is it nasty? I don’t care.
Is the sky outside Azure? If not, what shade is it? No, it’s pitch black.
Belle amour (we've been here before). - B
Do you call anyone baby? Is it sweet or an overrated name for affection? Just my dogs. I find it sweet; it’s my preferred term of endearment if in a relationship.
Bby - does this shortened version bug you? No; my friends and I use this with each other.
Do you know what BC in terms of time stands for? Before Christ, but I prefer using BCE.
BDf - For or against? I don’t know what this is referring to.
Do you prefer beach breaks, city breaks or winter breaks? Why? Beach breaks. Winter break is an immediate cross-out since we don’t even have winter; and I already live and work in an urban area as it is. Beaches are my way to go if I want to escape life for a bit and completely unwind.
Do you spell out boyfriend properly or put bf in texts/online? I can use either depending on what I feel like typing out. It’s not that serious haha.
Do you know what bg is short for? Upon reading this question I immediately thought ‘background,’ but if this question had another meaning in mind I wouldn’t be aware of it.
Do you know anyone with the last name Bhays? No.
Have you ever been bird watching? What did you see? No, doesn’t sound like my kind of hobby.
Do you like Bjork? Not in particular, but just like the Axl Rose question I don’t have anything against her either.
What does this read: bk 2moz miss u lyk fk. Doesn't this text speak annoy? No one types like this anymore at least among people I know, but I imagine it would lowkey bother me a bit.
Do you like BMWs? They’re whatever. I don’t pay attention to cars much.
What is the nearest book to you called? How many times have you read it? There aren’t any books here up on the rooftop.
BnQ - gone there? What did you buy? Idk what that is.
Are you more brainy or brave? I wanna say brainy, if anything? I’m pretty jumpy lol.
Did you like the BSBs (Backstreet Boys) as a kid? How about now? No, I’m a little too young for that generation of artists and groups.
Burgers, Hot Dogs or Salads at a Barbecue? We don’t really practice ~barbecues~ here. But at Filipino parties I would usually flock to lumpia and fried chicken, hehe.
Do you have a Byro? No, because I also don’t know what that is.
Cold eyes and filthy lies all leave me petrified. - C
Do you have a Cactus (Cacti)? No, I don’t like plans.
Do you know what a CCTV is? Yes...?
How many CDs are in the room you are currently in? None where I am right now but I have all of Beyoncé’s albums save for Lemonade in my bedroom. I also have Paramore’s self-titled album and Hayley Williams’ Petals For Armor. My CD collection is about to experience a revival because of BTS, though. My plan to get all versions of all their albums is rock solid, lmao.
What's your favourite cereal brand? Cookie Crisps.
Do you like children's TV shows still? Which one(s)? I’ll revisit an episode or two of shows I watched as a kid at a given time for old times’ sake, but I don’t regularly watch children’s TV shows anymore. I haven’t for a very long time.
Cinnamon - Yum or Yuck? I’m actually kind of in the middle about it. I feel like too many desserts have been banking on cinnamon, so the taste of it can be a little tiring. It’s delicious if I haven’t had it for a while, though.
Do you know anyone with the initials and or name CJ? Quite the opposite; I know PLENTY of JCs, even my sister is one. I know one or two CJs but that’s it.
Have you ever met a self professed clairvoyant? What did they do/say? No.
Do you watch CNN News? What's your prefered news channel/show? I don’t tune into the channel but every once in a while I will encounter a CNN link on social media that I’d actually click on and read through. As for preferred news sources, I don’t have one as there are matters to criticize about 99% of them lol; but I am most likely to trust articles I from AP or Reuters. Just things you pick up as a journalism student. 
How many cousins do you have? I have 9 first cousins. I lose count by the time I try to go beyond that since I don’t even know all of my dad’s cousins, which makes it hard to track who my second cousins are.
Do you still draw with crayons? When was the last time you did? Drew what? I don’t remember anymore.
Do you know what a CSS feed is? What is it? I’m familiar with the term but never bothered to learn about what it is.
Do you like cycling/biking? What type of bike do you have? ...I don’t even know how to ride a bike.
Do you really like it, is it is it wicked. - D
What is the most dangerous animal you've petted/held? I can’t decide between snake or crocodile.
Do you like Death Metal? If so, which band(s)? I wouldn’t say I do.
Did you ever keep a diary/journal? I did a million attempts to keep a diary when I was younger, but I was never able to keep up with any of them and I ended up having 4598358395 notebooks with one or two entries each at most. Having a Tumblr page for surveys has so far been my most successful streak at keeping some type of journal.
Do you prefer small, medium, large or no dogs? I prefer all dogs.
Do you know what DP stands for in porn? Yes.
Have you ever dressed up as a celebrity for a party/Halloween? I went as my favorite female wrestler once. I wouldn’t strictly call her a celebrity, but she’s a very well-known personality in the wrestling industry so she’s popular in that right.
DS or Wii? Why? Wii. I was able to make more memories with it.
Does dust make you sneeze or cough? Sneeze, usually.
How many DVDs do you have all together? Idk, I don’t buy DVDs anymore.
Do you dye your hair regularly, sometimes or never? I’ve never done it.
Every love lies sometimes . . . - E
What's something you refuse to eat? Most fruits.
Don't you think the word ebb is so pretty? I’m neutral about it. I don’t use it a lot.
Do you like Chocolate Eclairs? I love eclairs in general haha. Chocolate eclairs in particular sound delicious.
Ever tried edible paper? Yeah, with the White Rabbit candy.
Eevee - pretty name or too Pokemon-y? Definitely very Pokemon-y. 
Do you sometimes mix up the spellings/meanings of affection and defection? Erm, no? They have completely different spellings and meanings, so I personally have never switched them up.
Do you have a big ego, low self esteem or somewhere in between? I think I’m somewhere in between. I’m insecure about some things about myself, but I don’t really put myself down 24/7. I feel like that would put such a strain on my mental health, which I certainly would never need.
What Element does your starsign fall under? I think earth? My co-workers were just discussing this last Friday, but I couldn’t really butt in since I can’t bring myself to care about astrology. I know they mentioned Taurus being an earth sign though.
Do you show your emotions easily and freely or hide them? Depends...I can do either depending on the situation.
What is your favourite form of entertainment? Korean reality shows are quickly becoming a favorite of mine at the moment. I also like compilation videos on YouTube.
What will they write on your epitaph? I’ve honestly hadn’t put much thought into this yet, and I don’t plan to anytime soon. It just seems like a super grave thing to think about lol.
Estimate/guess what number we are on now? Maybe 60s or 70s?
Do you know basic social etiquette? I mean etiquette will always differ per country or culture, so what is basic in other countries might not be here, and vice versa. I think it’s hard to measure.
Does your country use the Euro, Great British Pound, Dollar or other? Other.
Do you still get excited on Christmas Eve? Yes. Mostly for the free food and the opportunity to see relatives I really only ever see every December 24.
What animal/creature that is extinct do you wish wasn't? Those that went extinct from human activity.
What colour eyes do your parents have? Black/dark brown.
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despressolattes · 4 years
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─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Lilah had felt sluggish when she woke up, and she hadn't shaken the feeling. Everything for the rest of the day just felt off.
An entire summer's worth of looking into Lorelle's revival and the White Oak Coven had gotten the Mikaelsons nowhere.
Lilah felt sluggish when she woke up, and everything just felt off for the rest of the day. Kol and Lilah helped the best they could, the two Mikaelsons still missing their former lives as witches.
"Perhaps we just let it go," Kol suggested, sighing as he shut another grimoire. "Lorelle is alive, this psychotic coven is nowhere to be found, probably dead to resurrect Lorie. Why can't we just leave it be? Why go searching for trouble?"
That was a question that Lilah had been wondering herself. Did she really want to know why the coven resurrected Lorelle, or did she want to know if there was a way to bring back others as well?
"Maybe Kol's right," Davina sighed, stepping away from the table to grab a drink. "We're spending all this time chasing literal ghosts."
Lilah and Freya shared a look. Before Lorelle even came  back, the two were trying to see if there was some mystical loophole to bringing back Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley. This coven and Lorelle's revival seemed like the only solid lead they had, but even this one went nowhere.
"Okay, we can break for today," Freya nodded, shutting the grimoire she had been looking into.
Lilah walked up the staircase of the compound towards her bedroom. After she and Rebekah had made amends, Rebekah had gotten sentimental about how Lilah should be living in her family home. On her and Josh's next free day, they emptied their apartment, both of them moving into two of the spare rooms in the compound.
Lilah swung the door to her room open, her eyes settling on the blond. Roman was just lounging on her waiting, as if he was waiting for her to come inside. She smiled at the sight of him, but he was yet another thing that felt off. Any sense of deja vu she had with him around didn't lead to the girl in the photo, only made Lilah more confused about her and the Sienna boy.
Had they have been together before? Or perhaps, he just strongly reminded her of someone she repressed when she was a ripper? The little visions she was having didn't get clearer, instead, they stayed blurry and confusing.
"This is an evasion of privacy, Mr. Sienna," she rolled her eyes at him. She went over to her bed, shoving him a bit to make room for herself. She propped herself down next to him, wondering when she had let herself get so comfortable with a guy. "What's up?"
"Caroline called me a few hours ago," he explained, wrapping an arm around her shoulders and letting her fall into his chest. "There's someone she and Alaric need me to pick up, with school starting and everything."
"Hm, I thought that Alaric guy wasn't headmaster anymore?" she hummed.
"He's not, but he and Caroline still kind of own it? I guess. I don't know, the person I'm going to get is special to them I guess, to their friend group."
She nodded and grabbed one of his hands, just playing with it. "This was fun while it lasted, eh?"
He gave her a look and said, "I'd still like for this to continue to be fun."
"You're going back on the road," she sighed, sitting up. "We can't possibly be together when you're not even here."
"You don't do long distance relationships?" he asked.
"I hardly even do relationships," she shook her head, ignoring the flutter in her heart when he said the word 'relationship.' They hadn't even actually had a real conversation about what they were together, and now he was throwing around the word relationship.
She moved his hair of of his face, staring down at him adoringly. "Like I said Roman, this was fun while it lasted."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"The boy who sweats diamonds is gone, huh?" Freya asked, coming out onto the balcony late that night, and Lilah nodded, taking the cup of coffee that Freya offered her.
Lilah found herself out there often, staring out onto the city. She loved everything about New Orleans, but she felt like this wasn't the place she was meant to be.
"Everything still feels wrong, Aunt Freya," she confessed. "We can't figure out why Lorelle is back, we don't know who the girl in the photos is, and I just feel like something isn't right."
"What part feels wrong?" Freya asked.
"I wish I knew who the girl was, too. She obviously meant something to all of us. Any theories?"
"Mass compulsion?" Lilah shrugged, but she knew that couldn't be it because she, Rebekah, and Kol couldn't be compelled. "I dunno. This seems impossible."
"Our family is the definition fo the impossible being possible."
"Yeah, well, at least before we had explanations for things. Dahlia took us, Grandma Esther turned them, their loophole was a white oak stake, I don't have a loophole. Dahlia kept us apart to prevent you from rebelling against her. Things had explanations," Lilah sighed.
"Not everything," Freya shook her head, wrapping one of her arms around her niece. "You said you still don't know how you got out of that cave."
Lilah's eyes widened for a moment, and she nodded. A thousand years later, and she still had no idea who broke her free of her desiccation. Despite blood on herself and the floor, she had never found a body.
"I think for now, it's okay to just be grateful," Freya said to her. "Not everything needs an explanation, and we might just drive ourselves mad trying to come up with a solution we're never going to find."
"We're the Mikaelsons, we're always going to be mad."
Both of them turned around to see Rebekah standing there with Kol. The remaining Mikaelson siblings walked onto the balcony, Rebekah standing on the other side of Lilah, and Kol on the other side of her.
"You had the promise of always and forever without us even knowing who you were," Rebekah said. "And you'll continue to have it so as long as we live."
"Soon it'll just be the two of us, Lilah Rae," Kol said, his dark joke hitting each of them a little different.
Freya was a witch, she was mortal. Rebekah wanted to take the cure once Damon Salvatore was ready. Davina was a witch. Marcel would likely take the cure as well. Soon, the only thing left would be Kol, Lilah, and hopefully Josh.
"You didn't need to go there tonight, brother," Rebekah laughed, smacking her big brother on the back of his head.
"I'm just saying!"
"Well, stop saying things!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Thanks Davina, I appreciate it."
Roman ended the call on his phone, placing it back into his pocket while he drove.
"So, where are we going exactly?"
Arianelle Victoria sticking her head outside of the car since Roman's convertible top was down.
She expected to see signs that said Mystic Falls or even a bridge marked Wickery Bridge, or whatever landmarks her dad once talked about.
"We're going to pick someone up before I take you to a safe place," he replied, "And we have to go fast, first day of school is already today."
She rolled her eyes, pulling her head back into the car.
"And yet we're taking a detour? Aren't we supposed to be in that town my dad grew up in?" she questioned, before saying in a mocking tone, "The wondrous Mystic Falls, from where my mom ran from, and she ran like hell."
Roman glanced at her through the rearview mirror, but didn't respond. Caroline had warned him that the girl might be a bit snarky and sarcastic given her current situation.
"So, who's the girl you were on the phone with? Got a girlfriend?" she asked.
"No, I don't have a girlfriend," Roman replied.
"She dump you?"
"Please be quiet," the vampire told her, and she raised her eyebrows with a feigned scared look on her face.
"Jeez, just tryna make conversation. If my dad's sending me here, might as well know what I'm getting in to," she shrugged.
"And what does me being in a relationship prepare you for exactly?"
She shrugged again, leaning back. It felt like hours before they pulled into New Orleans. She was confused, knowing that Lousiana was a long drive away from Mystic Falls. She gawked at the architecture, but stared long and hard at the large building they parked in front of. This place was known for it's Crescent pack, it's witches, it's Bourban, and one thing her dad used to warn her about: The Original family.
Roman pressed his phone to his ear yet again, stating, "We're here."
They waited about ten minutes before a small group of ridiculously hot people walked out. Of the group, a girl was dragging another girl by her upper arm, and one of the guys was carrying out a small luggage.
Roman smiled, getting out of the car to help put the luggage in his back trunk and wrap the girl in his arms. Arianelle watched suspiciously, wondering who these people were. Her eyes landed on the blond adult with pink lipgloss, recognizing her from some photos with her dad. From the stories she learned growing up, she was Rebekah Mikaelson, a vampire her dad was once in love with.
She stared at them in awe once she realized they were the original family—or at least, what was left of it.
The girl that Roman was hugging got into the car, staring back at the blonde girl sitting in the back. Roman joined them after slamming the trunk shut, and there was a knock on the brunette's window. The girl rolled it down, a bald man sticking his head inside.
"You better take care of her, Sienna," the man warned, giving Roman a scary serious stare.
"I will, Marcel," Roman nodded.
Marcel kept his glare on him, staring for a moment longer before nodding and taking his head out of the door. A girl came next, another brunette. She looked she nice and innocent, the smile on her face wide.
"Have fun, Lils," the girl said to the girl inside of the car.
"I can't believe you guys planned to send me away, Davina," laughed the girl in the car.
"It's not sending you away, it's sending you on a trip," a boy said from outside of the car.
"Oh yeah? And how are you going to handle Rousseau's alone?" Lilah asked as Davina moved away from the window, sticking her own head out.
"We'll manage," shrugged Josh.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"So, when did this get planned?" Lilah asked Roman as they began on their drive.
"I called Davina, asked her to pack your things," he explained. "You said that your memory loss began when you woke up near Mystic Falls, and since I need to take Arianelle over here to the Salvatore School, might as well see if we can jog up some of your memories."
"Well, I'm glad you did. It's been boring around here without me."
"Did a Mikaelson just tell me that New Orleans was boring? Your dad is rolling in his grave," Roman snickered, shaking his head.
Lilah playfully shoved his shoulder.
Arianelle watched with wide eyes, wondering just who these two were. When her mom had all but threw her into his car, saying he was taking her to a better place, she hadn't imagined that he'd be anyone important other than some supernatural creature that worked for the fancy boarding school. Instead, he's friends with the original family, he knows one of their kids.
She was even more confused, knowing that an Original couldn't have kids. Vampires couldn't even procreate.
As if Lilah felt her eyes on her, she turned around to look at the blonde.
"Sorry for the detour to your new school," Lilah said with a smile. "It's nice to meet you, I'm Lilah."
"Arianelle," the blonde said sheepishly, pressing her lips to an awkward line. She looked to Roman and said, "I thought you said you don't have a girlfriend."
"I don't," Roman said as Lilah said, "He doesn't."
"She doesn't do relationships," Roman explained to the fifteen year old in the back of his car, glancing at Lialh with a knowing expression.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
They pulled up to a huge campus, parking in front of it. Lilah and Arianelle both gawked at it, for different reasons. Arianelle had heard stories of the things that had gone down in the house or because of the previous owners through her father, but Lilah's expression was sorrowful.
"Normally, there's a welcoming committee, but there's a different headmaster this semester," Roman said as he took off his seat belt, getting out of the car.
The two girls followed after him. The blonde let out an audible groan when she heard a police car approaching. She turned around irritated, watching as a dirty blonde got out of the driver's seat. Why he was still in his police uniform when he was running for mayor of Mystic Falls, she had no idea.
"Aria," he said, sending her a conflicted smile as he got closer.
"Why are you wearing that?" she asked.
"I'm still Sheriff until I get a replacement," he said. "And it's not like I actually have the mayor position just yet."
"Yeah, whatever," she said, spinning on her heels and walking towards the strangers.
"C'mon, let's get you inside," her dad said with a smile. He looked to the two who had driven his daughter, smiling at them. "Matt Donovan."
"Roman Sienna," Roman smiled, shaking his head.
"Lilah Mikaelson," Lilah said, shaking Matt's hand. She saw the surprised look on his face.
"Mikaelson?" he asked.
"Like... Original family Mikaelson?"
"The one and only."
He attempted to regain his posture, a million questioned running through his head about who she was, why they had never heard of another Mikaelson girl, wondering who she was. Instead, he just nodded.
"Let's go find the headmaster, Dorian, and the Saltzman twins, shall we?" Matt questioned, walking towards the school's entrance, a front door that once led to some of his closest friends' house.
He never imagined it would be a boarding school for supernatural, or that he'd ever be sending his daughter there.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"Well, her papers seem to be all well, just a day late, but that's all right, she won't be behind in any of her classes" Headmaster Vardemus said, snapping Arianelle's file shut. "Miss Donovan, I can have two students here in a second to escort you to your room and give you a proper Salvatore School welcome."
"I go by Arianelle Victoria," she added, earning a scowl from Matt, but he didn't say anything.
Roman grabbed Lilah by her arm, motioning with his head that they should head out. The two of them walked out of the room, leaving the father-daughter duo with the somewhat creepy headmaster.
The Saltzman twins and Landon were called into the room long after Roman and Lilah had left to the dorm room Roman got to stay in whenever he came by after his recruitment travels.
"So... what are you?" Landon asked, before his eyes widened. He stammered out, "I-I mean, I'm not—I'm not tryna be rude or anything... wow, that was really upfront. I meant... what species are you?"
He scratched the back of his head as they walked through the halls of the school, looking embarassed. Lizzie rolled her eyes, looking at her sister with a ridiculous glare as Josie smiled at Landon's actions.
Seriously, Jo? wondered Lizzie, unable to believe her sister liked Landon of everyone.
"Vampire... witch... werewolf...?" Josie added, aiding Landon in his question, but saying it softer than he had.
Arianelle laughed, and she said, "I'm a werewolf."
And immediately everyone thought about how she killed someone.
"We're gonna need Jed here," Josie said to her sister.
"Raf's alpha," she replied, earning a confused look from the new wolf.
"And he's also stuck in wolf form... soo... I'm with Josie... we'll have to tell Jed," Landon said.
"Of course you're with Josie," Lizzie chuckled.
"So, what's up with Mr. Recruiter and his not-girlfriend?" Arianelle asked.
"Who? Roman Sienna?" asked Lizzie, making a face as she spoke since she was sure Roman was single. "Roman doesn't have a girlfriend."
"There's some girl he picked up on our way here," Arianelle responded.
The twins looked at each other before nodding, "Huh..."
"So, Vampire Captain America finally found a girlfriend, that's interesting," Landon added.
"She's pretty," Arianelle responded, "But oddly quiet."
"Well, first stop, here's our bedroom," Lizzie said, opening a door. "You can always just come here if you need something, chances are, you'll find one of us here."
Arianelle walked inside, looking around at their room. Her eyes zeroed down on a picture frame.
"Oh, you guys know her," Arianelle stated, pointing at the picture. "The girl Roman picked up."
"He brought Lilah Desmarais back with him?" Lizzie asked with surprise, Josie and Landon sharing a confused but rushed expression as they wanted to hear more.
"Uh... She called herself a Mikaelson," Arianelle explained. "But yeah, Roman brought Lilah. Why? Do we not like her?"
"Mikaelson?" sputtered out Josie, and Landon seemed to be in his own world, trying to remember where he had heard that last name.
"She's here, right now?" Lizzie asked.
"Yeah...?" Arianelle responded, confused why her tour guides seemed so freaked out over Lilah. She understood the weight of the name Mikaelson, but even her dad hadn't reacted with this kind of proportions.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
"You wanted to see us, Dorian?" Roman asked, walking into the library with Lilah close behind.
Her eyes were bugged out as she took in her surroundings. The Stefan Salvatore Memorial Library. She felt out of breath the whole way, looking at old photos, looking at textbooks. She paused when she got to one about her father, then another, and another, a few about her aunts and uncles as well.
"Yeah," a man said, stepping down from a step ladder and sitting down on one of the tables. "I heard you brought a New Orleans vampire back with you, wondered if I could pick her brain."
"Sure," Lilah nodded, stepping in front of Roman. "What is it that you need help with?"
Dorian stared at her with surprise. He scanned her face up and down, like he had just seen a ghost. It was her, the girl from the files, the girl from the photos. Lilah.
"So, we have this wolf here. He's sort of the alpha of our school's pack. We had some problems last semester, and he had turned into a wolf to help with an attack. We don't really know how he got into his wolf form when it wasn't the night of a full moon, and we also don't know how to bring him back from this form," explained Dorian, shaking his head softly as he tried to get himself to stop staring at her so hard.
Lilah blinked a few times at the information, "I'm sorry... he's been in wolf form this whole time?"
Dorian nodded.
"Did any of the witches put a curse on him?" she questioned, remembering the last time she had heard about a wolf only being in wolf form. "Can he change back into human on the fill moon?"
Dorian shook his head no.
"Okay, well, in my experience with the Cresent Wolf Pack in the bayou... my Uncle Klaus had these reverse kyanite rings made, meant to help a wolf change on command, but it was meant for that specific line of wolves. I don't know the logistics of it all, but I can only assume that whoever gave him a ring like that can be the one to change him back, someone with Crescent blood."
Dorian listened with wide eyes as that information got thrown at him, nodding as he understood what she was trying to say.
"I'm sorry... did you say Uncle Klaus? You're a Mikaelson?" Dorian asked.
She nodded.
"Mass compulsion?" he said under his breath, but with Lilah and Roman's vampire hearing, they heard him.
"Pardon?" Lilah asked.
"Nothing," Dorian shook his head. "Don't mind me, it's nothing. You just... uh... we have files on you... here..."
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
people on my wattpad have been asking for a “lilah in tvd” alternate storyline, so i started one! it’s currently only on my wattpad, so let me know if you guys want that story here, too.
you guys asked for a "lilah in tvd" fic, so... I wrote it!  To differentiate this alternate storyline from the original one, it's getting it's "own" series name, SIDE CHARACTER CHRONCILES — LILAH DIARIES.
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