#in the last 24 hours I’ve cried more over this then I did over my marriage ending hahahaha
mars-ipan · 2 years
oh my god fuck tiptoeing around it i hyperfixate i have hyperfixations and special interests and things i need to squeeze so much dopamine out of otherwise i die someone just fucking . aug
#at this point i’m tired of hiding it from myself lmao#yah i’m nd. most likely adhd but maybe autism who knows#neurodivergency runs in both sides of my family in multiple types so. who knows until i get a doctor to look at me#affirmations. my next wellness check is next month and i can A.) inform the doctor of my tics (forgot last year)#and B.) get contacts for a fucking psych eval bc the place my mom emailed and called never got back to her over multiple months#ANYWAYS. i’m frustrated bc my brain latched onto hl.vr.ai 2 YEARS LATE and now fan content production has slowed#plus it’s a much smaller fandom overall than dr was so it’s like. i’m soaking up all the content too fast i need more :(((#i go through content like a fucking BEAST btw. i am RAVENOUSLY hungry for that shit#like. i’ve probably watched over 24 hours of videos and read like over 500k words so far#it’s been like this for maybe a week or two#SIDENOTE: did u guys know i can’t pronounce ‘hl.vr.ai’ properly#like if you pronounced it like a word instead of an acronym#it SHOULD be ‘hilvrye.’#but i say ‘hivelrye’. i put the l in the wrong spot#this results from me never reading the acronym too closely when it first blew up#and as a result that pronunciation is stuck in my brain#ANYWAYS help help i’m starving for silly images and videos and words help i’ll die#i’m like a kid who drinks a capri sun way too fast and then cries bc he’s out of capri sun.#where’d it go :(( i want more where is it :(((
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photorose11 · 2 years
When the first thing you do before you’re even fully awake is reach for your phone to send the same message you’ve sent for god knows how long now but then you remember ‘oh yeah, I can’t’ lmfao
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letstripdotcom · 3 months
right where you left me- pt.2
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a/n- i’m having sm fun writing this
summary- upon the loss of your favorite person, your life changes completely. you change, your family changes, your every day life changes, but some things never change. your best friend, matt, has always been there and will always be there for you. no matter what
warnings- grief, panic attack
Dust collected on my pinned-up hair
They expected me to find somewhere
Some perspective, but I sat and stared
a couple hours of sleep had passed before my peace was interrupted. i abruptly woke up, my chest feeling tight. my heart was beating through my chest and i was in a cold sweat. i was having another panic attack. great.
i took several deep shaky breaths trying to ease myself. “it’s gonna be okay” i whispered to myself again and again. i tried to use some of the breathing exercises i learned from matt.
when i found out my grandma had cancer, my anxiety got really bad. i would have random panic attacks all of the time. matt was familiar with them, so he taught me how to calm myself down. this panic attack however, was not like any ones i’ve had in the past.
i let out choked sobs and frantic breaths. “please just end” i pleaded as if that would help. i got up and stumbled into the kitchen. i got a cold bottle of water from the fridge and sat down.
“please end, please end” i pleaded over and over again. “this can’t be real” i buried my head into my hands and cried.
suddenly, i felt a hand come in contact with my back. “i’ve got you, it’s gonna be okay” a familiar voice spoke. matt. what would i do without him. “come sit for a little while, and we could watch a movie or something. okay?” he said, guiding me to the living room.
i nodded and followed. he sat on the couch and patted the spot next to him. “what’s your favorite movie?” he asked
“it’s corny” i laughed slightly.
“i swear i won’t judge. it’s your pick.” he nudged my shoulder softly.
i sighed. “promise?” i looked at him and he nodded. “the outsiders.”
“well the outsiders it is” i smiled at his enthusiasm. we turned on the movie i knew all too well. i could quote it if i really wanted to.
as we got further into the movie i calmed down and started to get sleepy again. i leaned over onto matt’s shoulder and closed my eyes. “thank you so much matt” i whispered. “anytime.” he wrapped his arms around me into a tight hug. the sound of the movie became more faint as i fell asleep.
the next morning i woke up with matt’s arms tightly around me. i noticed he was awake when i could feel him rubbing small circles on my back. “hmm” i groaned.
“good morning” he whispered letting go so i could get up and stretch.
“thank you so much matt, really.” i hugged him and went to the bathroom. i looked at myself in the mirror and audibly gasped. i looked a mess. i headed back downstairs to matt.
“hey matt, i really need to shower and brush my teeth and change out of these clothes.”
“do you want me to take you home?” he asked
home was actually the last place i wanted to be. i didn’t wanna be alone in my house with just my feelings and my thoughts. i sighed heavily. “i-i don’t know”
“hey, it’s okay you don’t have to if you don’t want to. i have spares of anything you need. you just shower and take care of everything and i’ll go by your house and get everything you need, just send me a list.
“thank you so much matt!” i hugged him and he got me everything i needed.
matt’s pov
the past 24 hours for everyone has been so strange. nothing inside of me expected last night to end the way it did at all.
i’ve known y/n since she moved to la last year a little after i did. me chris and nick met her at a movie premiere and she was super cool. we saw her videos online prior to meeting her, but we were never in touch.
the following thursday we all went to lunch and an escape room together just to get to know each other off camera. my brothers and i quickly realized how similar she was to us.
one night i’ll never forget is the night she came into our house and she was absolutely hysterical. matt and chris tried to help but it didn’t work. i tired a few breathing exercises that i was taught when im having a panic attack and eventually she was able to tell us about her grandmas cancer.
thursday night activities for us four became tradition. every thursday we took turns planning something we could to to spend quality time together.
this thursday was meant to be an awesome night. it was my turn to plan so of course i didn’t disappoint.
the original plan was to go to our favorite place for dinner, then have a late night beach picnic. we would play games, eat snacks, listen to music, and do everything that makes the beach special.
i wanted so make this night so fun and special for one reason. obviously i’m not psychic and can’t predict the future so in my head this was gonna be the perfect night for me to do the thing i’ve been trying to do for a year.
at the end of the night when nick and chris were off doing their own thing, i was gonna tell y/n i’m in love with her.
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arvensimp · 9 months
Choose Your Own Adventure, Part 3
The penultimate edition! lol sorry for the delay here. my self imposed 1000 word minimum and maximum is kicking my butt. also figuring out choices for what to do next was a little tricky. As a thank you for the 1000 followers, I thought it might be fun to do a Choose Your Own Adventure fic. I’ve got a starting prompt linked below, and each part will be followed by a poll where you, the audience, will pick what happens next. Each poll will only last 24 hours, so definitely act fast if you want your voice heard!
[part 1] - [part 2]
What drop, if any, do you get from the raid?
Sweet Herba Mystica
Arven falls to his knees as the crown on the massive Blissey's head teeters then shatters to the floor in a sparkling display. He gives a shuddering sigh, and you're left to watch between him and the fainting pokemon, trying to make sure he's okay. Based on the quivering smile on his features as Mabosstiff and Scovillain give loud cries of victory, you think everything is alright.
You replant your feet and pull a pokeball from one of your pockets. No point in wasting a perfectly good pokemon, especially one that would be handy in rescues. 
A moment later, and the ball gives a definitive click shut, indicating that Blissey is good and properly caught.
"...You did it…" Arven's voice sounds shaky and soft behind you. "You really…really did it!"
"We-" You're about to correct him when you notice that he's actually only speaking to Mabosstiff and Scovillain, holding both pokemon tight in his burly arms. Mabosstiff licks his face, leaving trails of shining slobber, and Scovillain's two heads are wrapped around Arven's neck, giving him a hug of its own. 
A smile tugs at your lips as you watch the scene, but Ampharos and Azumarill eventually pull your attention away. You give them each a few berries then start to gather all the remnants of Blissey's presence in the cave while Arven gathers himself.
You scramble on your knees through the berries and pokemon candies. You even find a lucky egg! Still, no plants…
That is, until your eye catches on something pink.
You scoot over to it, and lo and behold! There are several sprigs of a soft taffy-colored herb growing from the earth.
"Aha!" You can't help but cry out.
"Find something?" Arven replies from where he's still sitting with his pokemon.  He sounds surprised, if not a bit stuffed up, as if jolted from the moment he was sharing with his partners, but he's already up and bounding over to you.
"I think so! Come have a look!"
"That… That's it! Sweet herba mystica, right there!" He laughs joyously, jostling your shoulders.
Arven drops his backpack and takes out a spade. "Lemme just…"
"Oh! Uh, hold on."
He pauses, looking at you expectantly.
"These are pretty rare plants, like you said." You start, cautious. You don't want to sound like a know-it-all or like you're trying to dampen the victory.
"Rather than dig up the whole root system, just take some clippings. You can get a plant to propagate from that. It'll give the herbs here a better chance of continuing to grow and reproduce, without affecting the ecosystem."
Arven stays silent a moment.
"And you're sure I can get a whole plant to grow from just a stem and some leaves?"
"Pretty sure. Plus there's like… six or seven different sprouts here you can grab. If you take care of them, I'm sure at least one of them will give you roots?"
As you speak, you take out a pocket knife and snip off a sprig for him.
"When you get home, you'll clip it again, just exposing a fresh stem, then put it in water. Give it new water every day to keep it healthy, and within a week or so you should have roots that you can place in soil!"
Arven nods along.
"And…this is better than taking the whole plant?"
"It's more ecologically responsible, for sure, especially for what is effectively an endangered species like this, y'know? Go ahead and also take a separate soil sample, too, just so you've got some earth that you know the herbs can grow in once they've got roots going."
He huffs a sigh, crossing his arms. "When you're right, you're right. I'll see how I do trying to grow a few plants before I uproot a whole ecosystem…"
You smile.
"Exactly. Again, too. There's over half a dozen of them here.  Plenty of chances, hopefully."
"Oh." Arven's eye widens. "Uh… Are we not splitting them?"
You nearly laugh. "What? Pfft, no. I have no real interest in growing this kinda thing for myself. They're all yours. You and your team earned them together. My partners and I just played support after all." You finish with a wink that comes off without thinking.
"...Oh… Well… Thanks. Really." If you didn't know better you'd think that Arven might be blushing in the dim lighting of the crystalline cave, but you chalk it up to the fact that he's leaned down closer to the plants to start making cuttings for himself, and the light must be bouncing in odd ways, painting his cheeks in a dusty, glowing pink.
Rather than stare, you go ahead and make yourself useful by gathering soil samples. Between the two of you, it all makes for quick, if not quiet, work. When he's done, Arven stands.
"And…that's that." He brushes dirt from his pants before offering a hand to help you stand. You take it; his grip is about as strong as you'd expect, looking at his physique. Arven makes for a sturdy perch as you heft yourself back to your feet, but his palm is soft, the mark of someone who puts clear work and care into his hands. Your own hand lingers a bit even after you've stood. It's not that you're marveling. No. It's just…the feel of him, his warmth…
Arven pulls away with a forced laugh. The glowing pink of the cave must still be reflecting across his cheeks because the color hasn't faded.
"Haha, so… Um. Thanks. Again." He says, and the pair of you turn to leave.
"Of course!" You respond. "I hope these work out for the cafe."
"Same… I mean… If it doesn't work, I know who to turn to when I need a…battle buddy?" He clears his throat. "Y'know, to do raids and stuff."
"Anytime." You agree. "But, really, your team did the bulk of the work. You should be proud."
Arven pats the pocket of his jeans where his pokeballs sit. "I am."
You got the [SWEET] ending! Where do you see Arven next?
[Poll here]
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kanmom51 · 1 year
JK's live 4 March 2023 1:47 am KST
Part 1
Cr./ to all the creators of the media used in this post.
This is a hard one for me.
It' took me time to sit myself down and watch the actual whole live, and I preferred to wait for the Weverse full translation before coming here to write my post.
I assume most of you read my post about JK's previous live, but to those of you who haven't:
JK coming back live more or less 24 hours after I posted that, still while discussing my thoughts I put down to paper in that post, that hit hard for me.
I know, as usual there were those wearing rose tinted glasses unwilling to see JK, not for real. Not in the last live and not now either.
I am glad many are taking to heart his honest words about being harassed by so called fans (he was so respectful even though these people deserve no respect what so ever, but that's JK for you in a nutshell), asking, pleading to be able to have the privacy he deserves.
And I saw many enjoyed the live, his singing, his dancing, Tae popping in, and it's alright. It's also alright if you can't see that not all is well. Even though it's screaming in our faces. Because even if you don't see it, just being there, showering him with positive love like many of you do is good enough. It's kind of the most that us fans can do in any case.
That and reporting, blocking accounts and people that are out to harass and hurt him and JM. Not share their disgusting crap. It's not about likes for our accounts, it's about trying to protect those two, make their lives a little easier, a little safer, allowing them a sense of security.
While writing these lines I came by the new postings from that deranged, supposedly not sasaeng that uploaded the clip of JK from the gym. Please do not follow this person. And if you come by her postings, please report them. Send to BH. I, for obvious reasons, will not share her vile posts, but she has to be gone, like yesterday.
Moving on.  I guess I'm here to talk about this over 2 hours and 20 minutes live right?
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I’m not going to get into every single little thing that happened but I do want to touch on a few things.
First of all, the playlist. JK was singing his heart out during this live.  Like the first hour or so is mainly JK singing and dancing and going to get himself some water, and then some beer, and dancing some more and singing some more.
JK on a beer run.
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He does some of that in the second half of the live too, but in that second half is where the interesting talk happens.  His plea for privacy, Tae showing up and JK talking to him, at him, not sure which.  Did I mention he inserted Tae's name into song lyrics too? Lol. 
The way he loves Army, I just cannot describe it.  We know he does, cause, and I’ve mentioned this before, he says it, writes it in letters to Army, writes songs for Army, cries for and with Army, and he does things for Army, to make them happy.
So, he sang Naatu Naatu and Indian Army were overjoyed.  He just wants to please us.  Make us happy.
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I kind of think we should be doing the same.  As Army.  Sending him our love.  Showing him just how much we respect him.  See him for the person he is, the human being he is, and love him for it.  I know there is no IG now, but there is Weverse. And even for the smallest possibility that JK might see our messages, we need to keep sending them to him. You know #to_Jungkook.
Oh, and call out those that don’t respect him too. 
That’s kind of my second name now days…
Anyways, here’s a link to the playlist from his live:
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Ooh, and we got 10,000 hours again. You know, right?
That man is the cutest thing ever (well it’s a super close competition with his bf, but at the moment JK’s in the lead).  Oh, we also had JK farting, bless his heart (I feel like a mama with that joyous feeling after your baby burps and passed gas, lmao).  The way he waves his hand to get rid of the smell though.  And him excusing it with: a. he’s human (yes, he told us we fart too in Busan, we remember that); and b. it’s not his fault, it’s the gassy drink. 
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Did I mention he was cute?  I mentioned he was cute, right? Lol
He kept doing these close ups to the camera, used the light from the live screen to check out where to put the batteries for his mic, lol.  Showing us his beer, showing us the candle, showing us himself.
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We got JK and his ASMR candle (on and off during the live).
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JK listened to Hobi’s song for the first time during this live.  Twice.  Going back to see the lyrics too.
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Have we noticed by now that JK’s coat, JK’s stuff, seem to be laying on the sofa.  Like he just came in or is just going out or just doesn’t seem to give the ora of permanency?
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This is a man that we know to be tidy.  I mean:
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We know which suitcase was JK’s.  He literally showed us.
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And he does have empty, lonely clothes rack just there, you know, waiting for his homey stuff to be hung up… unless, wait, this isn’t much of a home of his…
JK was talking with Army, checking comments, replying to them.  But he wasn’t playing the game, so to speak.  You know, the one where he seems to be available for them.  Do you know what I mean?
The three second or minute “we’re dating game”, he wasn’t up to it.
Someone asking to eat his cheeks (ewww, cringe), he wasn’t having it.
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As I mentioned, and you all know by now, cause you know, no way the cult wouldn’t shut up about it, Tae commented during JK’s live.
JK’s reaction to Tae joining was nice.  Not overjoyed.  Not over interactive with him.  I mean, he did answer his questions, but was also that’s that.  He continued looking for songs to sing, then inserted Tae in the song he sang, went to see if Tae was still there, and he wasn’t, so his reaction was kind of “oh ok, he’s gone”, and moving on.
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The comments above aren’t exactly in the order they were on the live…
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Then he vocalizes - sings:  How fun, Tae Tae’s here…
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JK’s asked to sing Lemon, and he’s going through the process of looking for the song, and just before the song starts this happens...
Tae comments about the beer drinking and gaining weight.  Yeah sure Tae, just the thing to say to the same person that was too skinny just a couple of weeks back and that his bf was overjoyed he was eating. 
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But you see, JK doesn’t seem bothered by Tae’s comments, lol.
His answer is to the likes of “well, I have to finish off the beer in the house, don’t I?” – iron logic indeed, lol.
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So he stops it a second to answer.
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And once again he’s about to start when:
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So, Tae goes on with “let’s have 50 bottles”.  This wasn’t him suggesting that JK drink 50 bottles.  Him saying there being 50 bottles (as in JK has to drink 50 bottles to get through them), to which JK answers that there aren’t even 10 can’s left.
I wonder if the cult paid attention to that chit chat.  Wouldn’t the bf they claim is living with him in that apartment kind of know how many beers are left in the fridge?  Ok then, not exact number, but seriously, there is a huge difference between 10 and 50, even for means of exaggeration.  Or if they are bottled or canned?  That is a bit of a difference in the fridge, which he supposedly shares, no?
Just one more of those little tiny winey things that disprove their shit.  Which they are full of.
And then JK proceeds to sing the song.
In which, at some point he inserts Taehyungie into his lyrics while looking at the monitor, checking the comments and says:
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And continues to sing.
Anyways, once again one of those mate interactions they are so good at.  That’s them.  Good mates.  They are.  They spend time together, talk to each other, play games together, we’ve said it all before. 
But one thing they definitely are not, and that’s a loving romantic couple. 
To be continued in part 2, which I am going to post immediately after part 1 (Tumblr has become nasty again with the 30 image limit of theirs).
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shadowsandstarlight · 2 years
David Kostyk is literally just me. Evidence:
“…pale, reed-thin, and in dire need of a haircut.” Shadow and Bone, page 127
“…bony shoulders and messy brown hair…” S&B, page 128
“…fingers stained with ink.”, “He looked up, blinking owlishly. He was so pale I could see the blue tracery of veins through his skin…” Siege and Storm, page 276
“As usual, he was a mess- hair going in every direction, sleeves stained with ink.” Ruin and Rising, page 23
And in terms of the non-physical:
“David looked up, blinked, gave a curt nod, and bent back to his work.” S&B, page 128 (no cause this is literally how I react when someone interrupts me while I’m working-)
“He began to fidget with the items on his worktable, moving them around and arranging them in careful lines…” S&S, page 276-277
Alina: “And if you get it wrong?”
David: “Either nothing will happen, or whoever’s operating it will be blown to bits.”
A: “Sounds promising.”
D: “I thought so too.” (It is noted that he said this “without a hint of humour”) S&S, page 277
“He looked up, startled, as if he’d completely forgotten I was there.” S&S, page 277
“Finally, he held out his ink-stained hands and said, almost pleadingly. “I make things. I don’t destroy them.”” S&S, page 280
“David hunched over his papers. “I don’t believe in luck.”” S&S, page 281
“”You can have it soon, or you can have it right,” he grumbled.” S&S, page 332
“”If it works, it will be plenty dramatic. And I suppose that if it doesn’t work, it will be even more dramatic, what with the blast.” “David, I think you just made a joke.” He frowned, utterly perplexed. “Did I?”” S&S, page 345 (mood honestly)
“The closest I’d ever come to seeing David lose his temper had been the first time he’s laid eyes on these little domed niches, some of them caved in, all of them lined with ancient books and manuscripts, their pages black with rot, their spines bloated with moisture…”You can’t… you can’t have kept Morozova’s journals in here,” he’d practically shrieked. “It’s a bog.” R&R, page 24
“David frowned. “I don’t guess.”” R&R, page 58
“David and Genya kept falling behind, but he seemed to be the one responsible for the lag. Finally, Tolya hefted the huge pack from David’s narrow shoulders. He groaned. “What do you have in this thing?” “Three pairs of socks, one pair of trousers, and extra shirt. One canteen. A tin cup and plate. A cylindrical slide rule, a chrondometer, a jar of spruce sap, my collection of anticorrosives-” “You were only supposed to pack what you need.” David gave an emphatic nod. “Exactly.” R&R, page 82 (I have had this conversation with so many people so many times. Chronic overpacking for the win)
“”David is oblivious. He’s been babbling about mineral compounds for the last hour.”” R&R, page 87
“David raised his hand. “I’ve been better.”” R&R, page 95
Tolya: “If this thing is keeping time right, we’re well past sunset.”
David: “You have to wind it every day.”
T: “I know that.”
D: “Well, did you?”
T: “Yes.”
D: “Then it’s keeping time right.” R&R, page 97 (this is immediately followed by the sentence “I wondered if I should remind David that Tolya’s fist was roughly the size of his head.”)
“”I know metal.” “What does that have to do with anything?” Genya cried. David furrowed his brow. “I…I don’t understand half of what goes on around me. I don’t get jokes or sunsets or poetry, but I know metal.” His fingers flexed unconsciously as if he were physically grasping for words. “Beauty was your armour. Fragile stuff, all show. But what’s inside you? That’s steel. It’s brave and unbreakable. And it doesn’t need fixing.”” R&R, page 161
“David was murmuring to Genya about the properties of vegetable alkaloids and beryllium dust. I wasn’t sure how wise it was for them to be colluding over poisons, but I supposed this was their version of a romantic moment.” R&R, page 162 (we stan showing love by discussing your interests with your partner! Even if (especially if) those interests are Poisons)
“”David, have I ever told you you’re a genius?” “Yes.” “I’m telling you again.”” R&R, page 256(Talking about why a mentor met with him once and then never again) “”I know why,” said Genya. I waited, wondering if she really did. “Animal magnetism,” she continued. “One more minute in that hut with you, and she would have torn off all your clothes.” David considered this. “That seems improbable.” Impossible,” Mal and I said at the same time. “Well, not impossible,” David said, looking vaguely insulted.” R&R, page 268-269
“”You know David is hopeless…” R&R, page 273“
“”David is kind of a mess.”” R&R, page 273
“”Is this entirely safe?” I asked him. “Nothing is entirely safe.” “How reassuring.” He smiled. “I’m glad.”” R&R, page 351
“David didn’t look up from his worktable when he said, “Are we going to jail?”” R&R, page 407
““Nothing. You’re going to have to go to more meetings.” “I hate meetings,” he grumbled.” R&R, page 408
Also, he has a very beautiful, powerful, and badass wife, which, and I don’t mean to brag, I think I have on all fronts except being married.
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anonymous-dentist · 2 years
Hi! I love your fic ''You're Dead'' but I saw your post about not updateing it/turning it into an original piece. As much as I'd love to read it w/ original characters, I'm also very attached to yd!karlnapity :'3 So I wondered - it's due to Dream allegations right? Idk too much (I saw some stuff on twt about it but there were so many re-tellings I'm not sure what is true) but if the allegations turn out false, will you continue the piece? Or maybe I don't know something and it's all been proven true?
(Here’s what I say as of 8:24 a.m. on the 19 of October:)
At this point I legitimately don’t know what’s true and what’s not. What I do know comes right from Dream’s Twitlonger. He did some weird messaging with fans, and- even if they weren’t minors- that’s really freaky. Shitty, even.
This isn’t my first rodeo with this kind of thing. I was an Achievement Hunter and Funhaus fan back in 2020. I also know to always believe the victim and to not believe, say, random fucking people saying things and then immediately leaving.
I’ve never liked Dream. It’s never been a secret. I’ve never watched any of his videos besides the face reveal and I’ve never watched any of his streams because I’ve never liked him. I’ve never defended him outside of saying he isn’t ugly. All the stuff he’s done in the past has been horrible. I firmly believe that you can grow as a person (I know it firsthand), and I’ve always been able to separate art from artist as you can tell by c!Dream being in my fics, but at this point it’s legit just too much. Because even if the allegations are true, the way he handled this plus the Manatreed situation earlier this year plus him, again, admitting to sending weird and very parasocial messages to fans just makes everything he’s touched tainted.
You’re Dead won’t be continued. I have cried over this. It isn’t the most important thing in the world, and the priority here should be with the victim(s?), but it still hit hard yesterday when I realized I’ll never be able to finish my fic.
Even if I was to play devil’s advocate here, I’d say that he’s still too gross. Dream’s character was going to die in the end, anyway, but I’d still have to write and include him in the second half of the fic, and I’m. Not doing that. So it can never be continued even if the allegations are somehow false. It sucks and I’m heartbroken. There, I said it, but it isn’t worth hours and hours of seeing his name there. He doesn’t deserve even a single hit on the Google search bar.
But! I really like the new concepts I have for You’re Dead: the Remake. It’s tighter and more focused while making adjustments to the characters that bring them to life in new ways and allow them to act like total fucking freaks all of the time (because tbh they were super ooc for a fanfic.) There were a lot of plot threads in YD I don’t think I could have ever successfully concluded in a satisfying way. Things were jumbled and messy and, honestly, pretty bad. But now I can fix it and make it actually good!
If the allegations are somehow false and other creators ditch the asshole motherfucker piece of shit, maybe I’ll be able to write about their characters in peace. Maybe. Karlnapity are so fucking important to me, you don’t understand. But the way things are looking based on what I saw on Karl’s stream last night and by how silent twitter has been on the subject… it’s not looking too good.
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survey--s · 1 year
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1 - When was the last time you met someone for the first time? It was probably when I met Sarah, one of Oakley’s owners. That was ages ago now though, I don’t really tend to meet new people lol.
2 - What’s the longest amount of time you’ve gone without bathing? Just over 48 hours when I’ve travelled to Australia. It was grim but unless we had a long stopover somewhere, I didn’t have any choice lol.
3 - Have you ever cooked with crab or lobster? Could you ever bring yourself to kill a live lobster/crab? No, I’m not really into cooking - I could probably do it though, I’m not particularly squeamish about where my food comes from.
4 - What’s your favourite font? What size and colour do you prefer to use when you’re doing surveys? I like Tahoma size 10 or 12, with black colour.
5 - Have your clothing choices changed since COVID hit and you started to stay at home more? Yeah, I wear leggings a lot more now - in fact I couldn’t tell you the last time I wore jeans lol. I also changed jobs just about when COVID hit and I wear leggings to work everyday too. 6 - When was the last time you went through a drive-through? Uhh, about eighteen months ago lol. We don’t have any drive-thrus anywhere near here.
7 - Which fast food restaurant do you go to the most? What do you tend to order when you go there? Just the local chip shop as we don’t have any chain restaurants nearby. I tend to get chips with cheese and gravy, plus a side order of onion rings. 
8 - Do you own any plaid/flannel shirts? Yeah, one but I haven’t worn it for a long time.
9 - If you eat it, how do you like your steak cooked? What sauces and sides do you like to get with it? If you’re vegetarian, what would you have instead of a steak dinner? Rare please, with garlic fries, mushrooms and onion rings on the side.
10 - Are there any foods and drinks you only have around Christmas? Baileys and full roast dinners.
11 - Does it bother you when dogs jump up at you? Does it bother you less if it’s a smaller dog? It depends. I work with dogs and they all jump all over me when I go and collect them lol. But I wouldn’t appreciate being jumped on by a random dog in the park as I don’t know whether they’re friendly or not. I also hate it when big dogs jump up, mainly because it’s really painful lol.
12 - What kind of animal did you touch last? Was this animal one of your pets? A cat, and yes, his name is Purrlock and he’s eight.
13 - Which colour do you prefer, red or blue? It depends on what shade we’re talking about.
14 - How would you describe your sense of humour? Have you ever offended someone when you were only joking? Dry, dark and sarcastic and yes, definitely lol.
15 - When was the last time you cried - what caused it? I can’t remember the last time I cried.
16 - What’s your favourite flavour of potato chip? Salt and vinegar or cheese.
17 - Do you have a lot of artwork around your house? What kind of art? No. We have a few paintings and a couple of prints but that’s it.
18 - When you paint your nails, what kind of colours do you tend to go for? I haven’t painted my nails in years.
19 - Do you prefer fruit or vegetable juice? What kind of flavours do you like? Fruit, for sure. I like apple, orange (no bits), grape or pineapple the most.
20 - What’s the weather doing where you are? Is that typical for this time for this time of year? It’s raining which is pretty typical for any time of year in England lol.
21 - Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? How did you meet this person? Helen and she’s a client I met through another client, lol. I look after her cats for her while she’s away and she was just confirming this weeks’ job.
22 - Are you eating or drinking anything right now? I have a can of Pepsi Max nearby.
23 - Who was your first celebrity crush? Which celebrity do you like now? Josh Hartnett and Michael Owen. Nowadays I like Johnny Depp and Matt le Blanc.
24 - When was the last time you went to Starbucks? What did you get? Uhhh, about eighteen months ago as we don’t have one anywhere near here. I don’t remember what drink I got either, probably a flavoured latte of some kind.
25 - Do you have a credit card? How much money do you owe on there? Yes, around 2k.
26 - What colours have you dyed your hair in the past? What kind of colours would you like to dye it in the future? Various shades of red and brown, as well as pink, purple and blonde.
27 - What’s your favourite Christmas movie? When was the last time you watched it? Elf, The Grinch (the Jim Carrey one), Love Actually - I watch them all every year.
28 - What’s your favourite brand and flavour of ice-cream or frozen yoghurt? I actually really like Tesco own brand stuff lol. They do an amazing coconut and passionfruit flavour, or a coffee one too.
29 - When was the last time you visited the dentist? December.
30 - What time do you consider to be too early to go to bed and to get up in the morning? When was the last time you went to bed/got up at those times? I’m happy to go to bed anytime lol, I love being in bed even if I’m not going to sleep. I have to get up anywhere between 6am-8am for work, so anything before that is a bit painful lol. I was up at 7am on Friday and in bed by 9pm last Thursday.
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vettechblog · 2 years
Since I got such great responses the last time, I thought I could ask some opinions again.
Some background: My clinic use to be 24 hour emergency hospital before the pandemic. During the pandemic we had 2 doctors quit, so we had become an urgent care. We stopped seeing critical cases and have been this urgent care that feels like an rDVM. We schedule appointments, have a wait list, and cannot see walk ins unless they’re about to die. And when there are cases that walk in, everyone in the ICU sighs and gets upset. Of course, the doctors also whine about not having true emergencies come in as “we can stabilize then then transfer.” But more than half the time, the doctors don’t even want the case if we have to potentially transfer. They say the process takes too long and at the end of it no one will take the case and we are stuck with them. Some of the doctors also shut down the night two hours prior to closing. I feel as though we are not an ER and I spend my days bored out of my mind. The main reason I bring this up, is because we had a case come in, where she had a FB, and was brought to surgery. We had to transfer her to a larger facility. Well that facility has a virtual patient log that uploads their SOAPs to keep other hospitals updated on their transferred case. I read it everyday, and the patient had developed VPC’s and was started on a Lidocaine CRI, was on a Methadone CRI, was on fluids with Bvits and KCL (hypokalemic), a NGT was placed, and a triple lumen was placed as well. Like holy shit doesn’t that sound awesome! Luckily the patient bounced back and went home.
The point: Now I did use to work at a speciality hospital when I was first starting out in veterinary medicine (5 years ago). They were sectioned in different departments and at the time I was very interested in being cross trained in the hospital. When I worked there I was only TX and discharge. I had asked for two months to be cross trained and everyone around me get trained except for me. At the speciality hospital it was the doctors that did literally everything- going over estimates, updating clients, and if the client had more questions the doctor was the only one that could answer them. Once I started working where I am now, I saw how they severely under utilized their technicians were at the speciality hospital. Now that I’ve gained more experience, I do want to be a VTS. The hospital that I work at now is small and does basic ER care, which means I would have to leave in order to achieve this goal. Since I didn’t have the best experience at the first speciality hospital, I am hesitant to go to a different one. I am nervous that I would be under utilized again, and not use the knowledge I’ve worked so hard to learn.
Here are my pro’s and con’s:
Being more focused in ICU and ER- actually seeing emergent cases more frequently.
Have a better opportunity to become a VTS.
Have a better facility; updated ICU, updated technology, etc.
Possible sign on bonus; +/- pay raise from where I am now.
Slightly farther away (45 minute drive).
Possible pay reduction from where I am now.
Being the new girl/risk if going to a toxic clinic.
Possibility of being under utilized.
Questions: Is there anyone here that works in speciality- if so how has your experience been? Do you feel utilized/educated by your team? Has anyone else been in this position- if so what did you do? Was your choice something you’re grateful for, or do you regret it? Do you have any advice?
Note: I do not need to make this decision ASAP. I am registered in a state that I do not practice in. In order to be a VTS, I need to have been registered in the state that I’m practicing in for at least 5 years. Also, the current hospital that I work at is trying to sell, so there is the potential that they will be bought out within the next 5 years (though no guarantee they would be a specialty hospital).
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No One Asked But Here It Is Anyways
(1) Do You Sleep With Your Closet Doors Open Or Closed? 
Technically closed. I hung a pretty scarf I got on holiday over the opening.
(2) Do You Have Freckles?
Yes. More so now that I’m comfortably older hahaha... I think it’s from the amount of time I spend in the sun. Remember your sunscreen!
(3) Can You Whistle?
Horribly but yes.
(4) Last Song You Listened To.
Our Summer by TXT
(5) What Is Your Favourite Colour?
I’m into pinks lately. Specifically soft pinks.
(6) Relationship Status.
Engaged to men who don’t know I exist. Sneaky link of women who don’t even exist.
(7) What Is The Temperature Right Now?
My air conditioning remote says 23 degree Celsius.
(8) Did You Wake Up Cranky?
(9) How Many Followers?
3738. I got rid of some prAWn blogs.
(10) Zodiac Sign.
(12) Take A Vitamin Daily?  
Yes. Vitamin C + Zinc. It was a habit I picked up when I caught the Rona last year and it’s stuck around. Am thinking of adding Multi-Vits to the roster.
(13) Do You Sing In The Shower?  
Sometimes when the stars align.
(14) What Books Are You Reading?
A lot of danmei :)
(15) Grab The Book Nearest To You, Turn To Page 64, Give Me Line 14.
the words that came out of his mouth contrarily had an adult’s traits
(16) Favourite Anime?
I have too many, but lately I’ve been thinking about Death Parade so much, so that’s what I’ll give as the answer.
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i should find time to do a rewatch... i’ll probably cry a lot...
(17) Last Person You Cried In Front Of?  
Me. This morning. Reading ‘My Giant Nerd Boyfriend’ on WebToon.
(18) Do You Collect Anything?
Currently, stickers, washi tapes, and Kpop Lomo Cards.
(19) What Did You Have For Lunch?
A tuna sandwich with a cup of tea.
(20) Do You Dance In The Car?
(21) Favourite Animal?
(22) Do You Watch The Olympics?
Only for Yuzuru Hanyu! He is utter perfection :)
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(23) What Time Do You Usually Go To Bed?
2100 hours. It’s actually my bedtime now.
(24) Are You Wearing Makeup Right Now?
(25) Do You Prefer To Swim In A Pool Or The Ocean?
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(26) Favourite Tumblr Blog?
Is this a trick question?
(27) Bottled Water Or Tap Water?
Bottled because I don’t live in a country with drinkable tap water and I miss the days when I did.
(28) What Makes You Happy?
Good food, good company, good weather. And no one telling me to smile when I don’t want to or go and do things when I don’t want to.
(29) Post A Gif Of What You’re Currently Feeling Right Now.
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(30) Do You Study Better With Or Without Music?  
(31) Dogs Or Cats?
These days, cats.
(32) If You Were A Crayon What Colour Would You Be?  
(33) PlayStation Or Xbox.
(34) Would You Swim In The Lake Or Ocean?  
(35) Do You Believe In Magic?  
I believe that there’s a thread of magic in everyday living.
(36) What Colour Shirt Are You Wearing?
(37) Can You Curl Your Tongue?  
Enough so that I can tie a cherry stem with my tongue as a party trick.
(38) Do You Save Money Or Spend It?  
I have bills and student loans.
(39) Is There Anything Pink Within 10 Feet Of You?  
(40) Do You Have Any Obsessions Right Now?
Unfortunately haha
(41) Have You Ever Caught A Butterfly? 
(42)  Are You Easily Influenced By Other People?  
Lol, no.
(43) Do You Have Strange Dreams?  
I lucid dream and dream of people in my life that have passed. 
(44)  Do You Like Going On Airplanes?  
Yes. I like getting into my seat, buckling myself in, closing my eyes and KO-ing for the duration of the flight.
(45) Name One Movie That Made You Cry.  
Infinity War. I have not recovered (derogatory)
(46) Peanuts Or Sunflower Seeds?  
(47) If I Handed You A Concert Ticket Right Now, Who Would You Want The Performer To Be?
Right now? Stray Kids.
(48) Are You A Picky Eater?  
(49) Are You A Heavy Sleeper?  
Yes and no?
(50) Do You Fear Thunder / Lightning?  
(51) Do You Like To Read / Write?
Yes to both.
(52) Do You Like Your Music Loud?  
Depends on the music.
(53) Would You Rather Carve Pumpkins Or Wrap Presents?  
Wrap presents. I’m the designated family present wrapping person. An inherited position.
(54) Put Your Music On Shuffle, What Is The First Song That Came Up?
Cat & Dog by TXT (it’s been stuck in my head for days now...)
(55) What Season Are You In Right Now? (Weather)
There’s only three sorts of weather where I live; Hotter than Hell, Wetter than Atlantis, Pollution. We are in the Hotter than Hell mode.
(56)  What Are You Craving Right Now?  
A chiropractor to come pretzel me back into coherence.
(57) Post A Screenshot Of Your Tumblr Feed.
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(58) What Is Your Gender?
(59) Coffee Or Tea?
(60) Do You Have Any Homework Right Now? If So, What Is It About?
Haven’t had homework since 2016 lol
(61) What Is Your Sexuality?
That’s for me to know :)
(62) Do You Make Your Bed In The Morning?
Yes. I enjoy the routine. 
(63) Favourite Pokemon?
(64) Favourite Social Media?
Tumblr. Hands down, lol.
(65) What’s Your Opinion On Instagram Stories?
I use it.
(66) Do You Get Homesick?
(67) Are You A Virgin?
(68) What Shampoo And Conditioner Are You Using Right Now?
The innisfree one and the Sebamed one.
(69) If You Were Far From Home And Needed To Sleep For The Night, Would You Choose To Rent A Crappy Motel Room For $60 Or Sleep In Your Car For Free?
I don’t have a car so it’ll have to be the motel room.
(70) Are Both Of Your Blood Parents Still In Your Life?  
Mum still is. Dad passed at the height of Rona.
(71) Whats The Next Movie You Want To See In Theaters?  
Nothing seems to pique my interest. I really do mean, nothing. I’ve only watched the Jujutsu Kaisen movie in theatres this year.
(72) Do You Miss Your Ex?
Do you miss the shit you flush down the toilet?
(73) What Is Your Favourite Quote Right Now?
Be the best but not the only best
(74)   What Eye Colour Do You Find Sexiest?  
I don’t have a preference.
(75) Did You Like Swinging As A Child? Do You Still Get Excited When You See A Swing Set?  
All the time.
(76) What Was The Last Thing You Ate?  
Cornflakes with raisins.
(77) What Games Do You Have On Your Phone?
...candy crush, tsuki odyssey, duolingo
(78) Would You Give A Homeless Person CPR If They Were Dying? Why Or Why Not?
I don’t know how to do CPR...
(79) Been On The Computer For 5 Hours Straight? 
yes. everyday.
(80) Stalked Someone On A Social Network? 
Lol, who hasn’t.
(81) Do You Like Meeting New People?
These days, not really.
(82) Do You Wear Rings? If You Do, Take A Picture Of Them.
Yes, but you can follow my IG for that I’m lazy to get up and put them on.
(83) Do You Sleep With Your Bedroom Door Open Or Closed?
Seeing as I live in a studio, closed.
(84) What Are Three Things You Did Today?  
Cooked, walked, worked
(85) What Do You Wear To Bed?  
(86) List All Of Your Different Beauty Products You Have Right Now.
I’m lazy to go take a proper look at my bathroom sink, but innisfree green tea seed range (serum and eye cream), black tea serum, pomegranate range (capsule cream + serum), cherry blossom tone up cream, rice water toner, Biore Aqua Sunscreen. that’s just the ones i can name off the top of my head.
(87) Are You A Day Or Night Person?
Day. I want to sleep...
(88) List All Of Your Video Games On Your Phone, Console Etc.
See Q.77
(89) Tell Me About A Dream That You Had And When It Happened.
My dad tried to give me a rabbit. I told him i can barely feed myself what more a rabbit.
(90) Favourite Soda Drink?
Soda Water :)
(91) What Sounds Are Your Favourite?
Whispering ASMR or one of those kisses ones
(92) Do You Wear Jeans Or Sweats More?
(93) How Do You Look Right Now?
About ready to be done with this.
(94) Name Something That Relaxes You.
See Q.91
(95) What Tattoo Do You Want?
I have seven already lol
(96) Favourite YouTuber?
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a-shared-experience · 2 months
I tell her I hope we see the boy with the anchor tattoo and she tells me she met him but he wouldn’t let the nurse do wound care.
“ don’t worry he will listen to me. I’ll help you ok”.
I found him outside of the abandoned arena and asked him if we could do his wound care. I introduce the new paramedic and ask consent for walking her through her first wound care. He walks away to smoke a little down and then returns and we help him carry his bag inside the station.
“ ok we will need blue pads, adaptic , lots of saline , abdominal pads, roller gauze, scissors, tape and I’ll set up some bags to use as garbage for the old bandages”
We glove up and she begins soaking the bandages. “ do you think this is good enough”, she asks
“ one more, be very gentle.”
As she peels back the bandages I can see the shock register on her face.
I look up at him and wait for his eyes to meet mine.
“ it’s bad babe. I think today has to be the day. Will you please let me call community paramedics and arrange for interveinous antibiotics”
“ I hate needles”
“‘I’ll hold your hand”
“ ok”
I order an Uber for the three of us because the trains are running on a 20 minute schedule.
The paramedics are asking me a million questions. “Does he have covid, has he been around anyone who has covid, has he been picked up by Ems in the last 24 hours, what is the pain level, is the wound hot to
Touch, is there redness or swelling, is there pus, wait … what did you say your name was?”
“Brett Taylor”
“ you’re listed as his emergency contact”
“ I know. “
“ have you made a goal of care plan with him? Like dnr for example”
“ no , god no. “
“ I’m sorry if that’s upsetting”
After his leg is wrapped I help him up and he grabs me and hugs me tighter than ever before. I feel his body shake first and then I hear it. He’s bawling in my arms. “ you’re ok darling I got you. I always got you “
“ it’s 420, the day my best friend overdosed. I fucking killed my best friend”
“ hey. No no no. You didn’t. Let’s go get some air ok. “ when we are outside he cries again and I just hold him. “ do you know how many times I’ve gotten high with someone , I couldn’t count. Every single time that I made that choice, they made that choice with me. I’m not fucking proud of it but I’ve given people their first hard drug and watched them spiral. There are friends I’ve gotten high with that have eventually killed themselves. I’m really sorry for your loss but you can’t carry that guilt and shame inside of you. Every time someone gets high with you out here you are at risk of a poisoning that likely will be fatal and every time you will have reached for that pipe because you are battling something inside of you. Most people won’t even know what that is. Let’s honour your friend by taking care of you, loving you. I’m happy you’re my friend, you are my kindred spirit and I’ll stay with you for as long as you need today. We will sit through this together”
“ why are you so fucking sweet. You’re so kind to me and I’m nobody”
“ you’re my idiot friend, I love you very dearly and you matter . It’s not apart of my job to do all this, I do it because I care, truly. “
“ you’re my best friend ya know. I haven’t let anyone get that close to me since he died”
“ I’m so glad you’re in my life , I’m not going anywhere”
I run up to the office and grab the funny hoodie , a pair of Jordan’s , a refillable water bottle , snacks and hand him $20. “ he hugs me again and just says I love ya”
I laugh when he asks around for a lighter and no one has one so he walks up to a dude who’s welding and has a huge torch with an 8 inch blue flame and lights his cigarette. What the fuck haha.
I walk him over to the ambulance and the paramedics thank me. “ she’s my bestie” he tells them.
I wait to make sure he’s not scared.
In the office my coworker looks at me and says, “ I’m always shocked by the ways you care for people, it’s inspiring and I hope to be like you someday. You make a huge difference in this community”
“ oh god , you’re doing too much “ I giggle, “ thanks girl. I really do care, just love them, love them because they deserve love”
On the north side we find a lady slumped over on the bench. She cries and tells us she has no where to sleep. She’s freezing from spending the night on the park bench. “ I’m too scared to go to the shelters and I’m scared of downtown. I don’t have anybody out here”
We are in a park that is gated off, apparently the shipping containers inside have been made into low barrier women’s housing. We don’t have a lot of details on it but I tell her I’ll be back.
“ do you promise”?
“Of course darling, trust me”
As we walk outside the perimeter I spot someone who looks like a worker.
“ hey, how do I access this place”
“ intake is on the far side, keep walking until you see security”
I circle back for the woman and help her gather her belongings. It’s a bit of a walk but she tells me her name and that she started methadone treatment and feels too triggered to be around anyone. “All my friends are dying. This dope is killling everyone. I hate these fucking dealers”
“ the reality is that most dealers are vulnerable youth who have no idea how to survive or feel safe outside of gang life, they don’t even know what they’re selling, they haven’t exactly got a choice in this supply chain. I’m glad you’re in treatment. I will advocate for you.”
Security makes the paramedic and I sign in because we are an agency. We walk the woman to the intake trailer and are greeted by other women who seemed thrilled when they read our staff badges. They are genuine and kind and offer a bin to store the ladies belongings. They offer her lunch and a single occupancy room. It’s just that easy.
“ what’s your occupancy rate, do you have many rooms available?”
“ we can take on 30 more women if you know of anyone in need. Thank you for bringing her here.”
We sign out and I’m shocked at how simple the process was. I wish they had this for men.
We walk the long stretch through the hood and I stumble upon two girls, one is the autistic girl I’d taken to the overnight shelter a week ago. She’s excited to see me. I tell her that her make up looks wonderful and ask if she’s still saying at the shelter. She tells me it’s too loud. She has a personality disorder , extensive trauma and autism so people find her strange. I have a soft spot for her and tell her about the place I just visited. Would you like to go there and check it out? Maybe it will be nice to have your own room, some privacy” she agrees.
We end up working late , we are stopped by a man who needs bandages for a severe infection. We offer wound care and he tells us it’s too intense to do on the street. He goes to visit my favourite nurse- the Virgo boy- on the mall team. Another young guy in psychosis runs over and at first he’s hard to understand but when I get him to slow down by way of co regulation he explains that his brother needs help. He needs a bandaid. We agree to walk and meet him and he needs much more than a bandaid. He has severe compartment syndrome with a large portion of his leg muscles missing.
I gasp in awe. “ sorry dude. I wasn’t expecting that. “ we each raid our medical supplies because he needs a lot. I give him two
Bus passes and tell him he needs to go to the urgent care clinic. We aren’t within our scope to help with this. This is surgical. “ thank you for believing me and taking time to see him” the boy is psychosis says in the sweetest , softest voice. “ of course my dude”
“ god bless you both. We really appreciate your team. You guys care”
When we finally walk away the paramedic looks at me and just shakes her head. “ I never thought I would see wounds this crazy. This is intense”
“ you did great today. Thank you for being patient and for allowing me to do things not by the book. We did important things today. We treated a serious infection in my favourite community member and we got two women housed”
Her mother is waiting to pick her up and she excitedly introduces me. I smile, wave and say hi mom.
As we go to drop off our bags I say, “ I can only imagine what you’re gonna tell your mom about me haha”
“ I can’t wait to tell her about today”
I let the other team leave a little early and stick around to do charting.
I cry a little in the stall in the woman’s washroom and thank god for today. It’s so important that these people get help. I am grateful to have crossed paths with them all and to have been able to make even a little difference.
I love them all.
A houseless man stopped to ask for a narcan kit and told me he has used them every single day. “ why does no one care for their lives? Because of the colour of their skin? Because their clothes are dirty? My clothes are dirty but I’m a good person. They are good people. Why doesn’t anyone care”
“ I’ve found it more helpful to focus on the beauty of those who do care. Someone like yourself , I find it inspiring. Thank you for caring in a world where that seems rebellious. We need you to care. I’m happy to do that with you. I know you are people”
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0 notes
suckitsurveys · 2 months
1 - What have you been up to so far today? Is that a typical thing for you to do on this particular day of the week? Just working, which is a typical Wednesday.
2 - Did you get a decent night’s sleep last night? How many hours sleep do you consider a decent amount? I run on 5-6 hours of sleep every night and its “decent” but definitely not enough.
3 - What is one silly thing that really gets on your nerves? I don’t know, a lot of shit.
4 - Who was the last person you saw who wasn’t family? What did you guys end up doing together? My coworker who is in the room working with me.
5 - Do you prefer hot or cold drinks overall? Cold.
6 - Do you own a decent set of waterproofs? If so, what do you use them for the most? If not, do you think that would be something you’d find useful? Not sure what you mean by “waterproofs.”
7 - Do you have any plans for the rest of the day? I have to get my nieces from school and then take them home and then I don’t have much else planned. Probably continue my Bob’s Burgers binge.
8 - How often do you get your hair cut? When hairdressers were closed due to COVID, did you try cutting it yourself at home? Probably like once or twice a year? During covid my sister cut it once.
9 - What did you wear the last time you left the house? Is that different to what you’re wearing at the moment? I’m wearing a hoodie, a tshirt, and jeans.
10 - Would you rather have a relaxing beach holiday or a more active holiday in the mountains? BEACH.
11 - Do you know how to tie a tie? I did at one point.
12 - How old were you when you first had a sleepover at someone’s house? Did you miss home? I don’t remember; I was pretty young.
13 - How often do you spend time with your extended family? I see some of them maybe every couple of months.
14 - When you get up in the morning, do you have a set routine? I do.
15 - Do you remember the last time you cried? Were they sad or happy tears? Yesterday because I am an emotional wreck right now.
16 - What do you have planned once you finish this survey? I'll probably do more. It’s slow today.
17 - What was the last thing you cooked? Did you cook from scratch or just heat something up? I made a bagel earlier, does that count? lol.
18 - Are you a fan of hot chocolate? Do you like it plain or do you prefer to add things like whipped cream or marshmallows? I like all of those options.
19 - What caused your last injury? I don’t know what happened but I .
20 - How many tattoos and piercings do you have? Do any of them have an interesting story behind them? I have 4 ear piercings and 1 nostril piercing and like 10 tattoos. The story is that I wanted them so I got them.
21 - What kind of flowers do you like the best? When was the last time someone bought those for you? Gardenias. Those don’t normally come in bouquets so I’ve never been given them.
22 - What’s the smallest thing you’ve ended a relationship over? I haven’t ended a relationship over something “small.”
23 - Would you rather order a starter (appetizer) or a dessert? Or would you be able to manage a full three courses? Appetizers.
24 - How do you get most of your news, if you pay attention to it at all? No one particular place.
25 - Have you or a member of your family been diagnosed with COVID yet? In my immediate family, not that we know of. But my niece had it once so I’m like 99% sure my sister did too, she just never tested because she never got symptoms.
26 - Are you a vegetarian? If so, what persuaded you to stop eating meat? If not, is it something you’d ever consider? No and no.
27 - Do you prefer rice or pasta? I enjoy both.
28 - Is anything you’re wearing a gift? Who bought it for you? Uhhh my earrings were; my sister got them for me for Christmas this past year.
29 - What’s the dominant colour in the room you’re in at the moment? Purple.
30 - Did you do laundry yet today? If not, do you need to do any before you go to bed? Nope and nope.
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1. First thing you wash in the shower? HAIR.
2. Are you more of a coffee or alcohol drinker? NEITHER ACTUALLY.
3. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? ABSOLUTELY.
4. Do you plan outfits? AS OF LATELY, YES.
5. How are you feeling RIGHT now? - RELAXED.
6. Whats the closest thing to you thats red? - BIRTHSTONE ON MY RING.
7. What would you do if you opened your door and saw a dead body? - PROBABLY FREAK OUT A BIT.
8. Tell me about the last dream you remember having? - UMM WELL … IT WAS A BAD ONE REALLY … BEING FORCED TO GO DOWN ON A GUY WHO KIDKNAPPED ME. YEAH, HORRIBLE.
9. Three of your current feelings? - RELAXED, CONTENT AND A BIT BORED.
10. What are you craving right now? - MONEY. ;D
11. Turn ons? - OH GOSH. TALL GUYS, NICE ARMS AND HANDS, SENSITIVE AND ROMANTIC GUYS(but I’ve got my tall man with nice arms and hands who can be romantic and spontaneous at times) ;D
13. What comes to mind when I say cabbage? - STUFFED CABBAGE (LOVE MY POLISH NATIONALITY).
15. If you could be a superhero, who would you want to be? - ROSIE THE RIVETER (World War 2 Poster Child).
16. Did the one person who hurt you most in your life apologize? - WELL IF YOU COUNT “I DON’T RECALL SAYING SOMETHING LIKE BUT IF I DID, THEN I AM SORRY.” THEN I GUESS SO…
17. Do you bite into your ice cream or just lick it? - LICK IT FOR A WHILE AND THEN BITE INTO IT.
19. Do you like yourself? - YES I DO.
20. Have you ever met a celebrity? - I’VE MET A FEW. Linda Blair is one that comes to mind (the girl who played Regan in The Exorcist film.
21. Could you handle being in the military? - PROBABLY NOT.
22. What are you listening to right now? - THE QUIETNESS IN MY VEHICLE.
23. How many countries have you visited? - 2 THE BAHAMAS AND CANADA.
24. Are your parents strict? - NOT AT ALL.
25. Would you go sky diving? - YES.
26. Would you go out to eat with a stranger? - A STRANGER? NOPE.
27. Whats on your mind right now? - MY FUTURE.
28. Is there anything you want to say to someone? - NO.
29. Have you ever been in a castle? - I BELIEVE I HAVE.
30. Do you rent movies often? - NO.
31. Whats your zodiac sign? - AQUARIUS ♒️
32. When was the last time you had sex? - SUNDAY MORNING. :D
34. Ever had a near death experience? YEAH. WHEN I WAS IN 1ST GRADE, MY SISTER PUSHED ME OFF THE TOP OF A SLIDE. I FELL TO THE PADDED, RUBBER MAT AND SHE COULDN’T WAKE ME UP. IT TOOK MY MOM 20 MINUTES TO WAKE ME UP. (I TOLD MY SISTER TO SIT AT THE TOP AND DO NOT COME DOWN because I was the smarter twin knowing I could fall over the slide LOL BUT SHE STARTED TO COME DOWN THE SLIDE ANYWAY AND OVER I WENT). Yes, I had a black and blue eye as well as a broken wrist
35. Do you believe in karma or predestiny? - KARMA, sure.
37. Do you own something from Hot Topic? - I HAVEN’T SHOPPED AT A HOT TOPIC IN A WHILE SO PROBABLY NOT.
39. Ever been in love? - YES AND CURRENTLY AM.
40. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you do it? - AS LONG AS MY PARENTS AND SISTER WERE THERE WITH ME (because they love ghost hunting) YESSS!
41. If you could trade places with any person living or dead, who would you trade places with? - SOMEONE WHO HAS WON THE LOTTERY, maybe.
42. If you could shorten your life expectancy by 10 years to becopme more attractive, would you do it? - NAH, IM GOOD.
44. What was your favorite bedtime story as a child? - I DON’T KNOW IF I HAD ONE BUT I ALWAYS LOVED SINGING TWINKLE, TWINKLE LITTLE STAR. HAHA.
45. You’re walking down the street, you come across a burning building. A woman says her baby is trapped inside, what would you do? - WELL IF IM ACROSS THE STREET, I WONT BE CROSSING AND IF IM ON THE SIDE OF THE BURNING BUILDING ILL BE CROSSING OVER WELL BEFORE I COULD REACH THE BURNING BUILDING.
46. If you could choose the future profession of your son or daughter, would you? - NO. I WOULD RATHER THEM CHOOSE WHAT IT IS THEY WOULD LIKE TO PURSUE.
47. What was your best experience on drugs or alcohol? - NONE! WHEN I GOT DRUNK I WAS SICK FOR LIKE TWO DAYS TO FOLLOW. AWFUL!
48. What was your worst experience on drugs or alcohol? - NONE ^^ SEE ABOVE.
50. As your walking down the street you find a suitcase full of money sitting next to a parked car, would you take it? - NOT SURE.
51. If you found that a close friend has AIDS, would you still hang out with them? I DID AND YES WE CONTINUED TO HANG OUT.
52. In front of you are 10 pistols, 5 of which are loaded. If you survive you’d receive 100 million dollars. Would you be willing to place 1 to your head and pull the trigger? - THIS SOME CRAZY SAW SHIT, NO. LOL.
53. How old were you when you lost your virginity? - 19?
54. Do you believe in ghosts, werewolves or vampires? - GHOSTS, yes.
55. If you could live forever, would you want to? - MAYBE WHEN I WAS GROWING UP IN THE 90S BUT NOW, NAH.
56. Which fictional movie character most resembles who you are? - NOT SURE.
57. If you could go back in time, which time period would you visit? - 1940s-1970s.
58. If they were to televise a live execution, would you watch it? - NOPE.
59. If you could be the president of the USA, would you be willing to do it? - NO THANKS.
60. If you could choose the sex of your unborn child, would you want to? - MAYBE.
61. Would you rather live longer or be wealthy? - BE WEALTHY.
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jaeharu26 · 2 years
Felt like doing one of those ask questionnaires. No one's gonna ask me shit on here, I'm not even sure if I have asks enabled tbh, but felt like filling it out anyway for whatever reason. If you don't care feel free to scroll past it. Otherwise here's some TMI I just wasted 20 minutes of my life on for no reason. Probably delete it later.
1:Let’s start with a tricky one; what is the real reason you are confused right now? I have no idea how the fuck to do ANYTHING in Blender!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 2:Do you ever get “good morning” texts from anyone? Nah. 3:If your significant other smoked pot, would you care? It'd be a problem, yeah. Better if they just dated another pothead, tbh. 4:Do you find it easy to trust others? LMFAO. No. 5:What were you doing at 11PM last night? Damn, look at CIA Miami over here. I was painting. Probably. Or catching up on Chainsaw Man & Mob. One of those two things. 6:You’re drunk and lost walking down the road; who is with you? No one lol my ass is just waiting to get shanked. 7:What would you do if you found out you had been cheated on? Break-up. Flat out. That shit's not forgivable. And it's not negotiable. Bye. 8:Are you close with your dad? Nope. 9:I bet you kissed someone last night, right? Just the kitties : 3 10:What are you listening to? Spotify playlist, I guess. Someone else's though. 11:You can only drink ONE liquid for the rest of your life - what is it? Without water you die so I guess it's water. -_- I'd prefer coffee or a monster tho. 12:Do you like hickeys? Hell yeah. 13:What time do you go to bed? I'd like to know the answer to this one too, lol. Seems like the only thing cyclical about my sleep schedule is that it's always pushed back by a few more hours every night. 14:Is there someone who continuously lets you down? You mean everyone? 15:Can you text as quickly with one hand as you do both? I can not text with both hands. I wasn't even aware this was a super power that existed until now. Amazing. The youth of today are really going places. 16:Do you always answer your texts? LMAO. No. 17:Do you hate the person you fell the hardest for? No. 18:When was the last time you talked to one of your best friends? Don't have any of those anymore. 19:Is there someone that makes you happy every time you see them? The cats! \o/ 20:What was your last thought before you went to bed last night? I need to brush my teeth lol. 21:Is anyone else in the room with you? Nah. 22:Do you believe what goes around comes around? No. Do I wish it did. Yes. Fuck so many people. 23:Were you happier four months ago than you are now? No significant difference. The only thing that's really changed is my vaccination level. The amount of 5G I give off now must be full bars, baby. 24:Is there someone you wish you could fix things with? Not really. Nothing broke. People just change. And the different stages of life demand different versions of you. Nothing broke. Time just moved on. Wish I could go back and appreciate who we were back then for a short little while though. Miss that time. Miss that you... 25:In the past week, have you cried? Nah. 26:What colour is the shirt you are wearing? Not wearing one. 27:Do people ever call you by your last name? Yeah, sometimes. 28:Is anyone ignoring you right now? Everyone ignores me always lol it's whatever really. 29:Do you have a best friend? Shouldn't this have come before the first best friend question? And no, not anymore. Haven't felt this way with anyone in a very long time. 30:Would it be hard seeing someone else kiss the last person you kissed? Yes.... 31:Who was your last call/text message from? The room mate lol 32:Are you mad at anyone? Everyone, always. 33:Have you ever kissed someone older than you? Have I? Huh, I don't think I have... I've always been the older one, haven't I? Weird. OH SHIT NO THERE WAS ONE GIRL, yeah. I have then. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOW six year relationship and I couldn't even fucking remember she's older lmao. Yeah, I still don't think of her as being older than me though lol. 34:How old will the last person you kissed be on his/her next birthday? Damn dude, I dunno anymore. Still gonna be a punk ass bitch though. 35:How many more days until your birthday? It passed already so like a million. 36:Do you have any summer plans yet? Bro chill, It literally JUST became winter... 37:Do you have any good friends of the opposite sex? My only friend's a girl lol 38:Are you keeping anything from your best friend(s) now? Keeping anything from...? Like what??? Nothing intentional that I can think of, no. I'm pretty open and upfront about shit. 39:Do you have a secret that you’ve never told anyone? Sure. Loads. As does everyone. You can't tell everyone everything all of the time. There's not enough time in the world for that. Lot's of things become unsaid because of that in life. 40:Have you ever regretted kissing someone? No. All of my kisses have been pretty intentional. 41:Do you think age matters in relationships? Yeah. I do. I've got wiggle room for like a 5-year gap, AT MOST. Anything over that you're way too young and I'm way too old. 5 years is really pushing that gap for me, too. I'd prefer like a 2-3 year gap in age at most if there has to be one at all, tbh. 42:Are you available? Depends what for. 43:How many people have you had real, strong feelings for since high school ended? Damn. Just one. If we're talking romantic. Feelings kinda checked out after that. 44:If you had to get a piercing (not ears), what would you get? Bottom lip. Want to get one there. Just really reluctant to because I'm worried it'll get infected. 45:Do you believe exes can be friends? Sure. But that greatly depends on the exes and the relationships. And it's rare. 46:Do you regret anything? Being born. Lol. But no, I regret not having the same opportunity or level of privaledge back in the day that others did, that would've enabled me to start pursuing my art at the same golden time as the big names today. I'll always regret that. But spilt milk and all that. Regret can't change the past. People have to be unlucky, for others to be lucky. Still, a little luck once in a while wouldn't fucking hurt would it? 47:Honestly, what’s on your mind right now? These questions since I'm fucking sitting here reading through all of them like a dumbass instead of spending my time actually being productive. 48:Did you ever lose a best friend? Yes. 10/10 wouldn't recommend. Feels like shit. 49:Was your last kiss a mistake? Whoever wrote these is really interested in last kisses... go write a fan-fic and get it out of your system, like damn. And no. 50:Why aren’t you pursuing the person you like? EVERYONE'S TOO FUCKING YOUNG TO LIKE ANYMORE!!! (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻ 51:Has the last person you kissed ever seen you cry? They're the ones who liked to make me, so yeah, I'd say so. 52:Do you still talk with the person you LAST kissed? No. I can't. 53:What was the last thing you ate? Some shortbread cookies. They weren't very good. 54:Did you get any compliments today? LMAO no. Of course I didn't. Why would I? I haven't gotten a compliment on anything outside of art in years. And even that's rare af. 55:Where are you going on your next vacation? I have neither the time nor the money to go on my FIRST vacation, let alone on one after that anywhere. People really just be out there going on vacations n shit huh? Man, whole different world when you have money, huh. 56:Do you own anything from other countries? ....... like 90% of shit in from China or imported, what are you on about. Of course. Everyone here does. 57:Are most of your friends guys or girls? I dunno. Both. Neither. I don't' consider myself having any actual friends anymore these days, of any gender, tbh. 58:Where have you lived most of your life? Here. 59:When was the last time you took a long drive? Last time I owned a car though I fucking hate driving so yeah this wasn't done unless it couldn't be avoided and it was most likely driving back from someone's house who lived out in the middle of fucking nowhere. 60:Have you ever played Spin the Bottle? Damn dude I'm too old to think that far back I don't know probably. 61:Have you ever TP’d someone’s house? LMAO no, but I still think that sounds awesome. 62:Who do you text the most? My bank to ask where the fuck all my money has gone. But no, room mate probably. For room matey reasons. 63:What was the last movie you saw? Damn. I dunno. 90 bucks says it was an anime movie though. 64:What’s preventing your current boyfriend/girlfriend from going back to their ex? Wow. This question is fucked. I dunno, the fact that they don't exist is probably a pretty big factor. 65:How many boyfriends/girlfriends did you have in 2011? I'm not thinking that far back, man. 66:Is the last person you kissed younger than you? Yeah -_- 67:Do you curse around your parents? Sure. 68:Are you happy with where you live? Fuck no. 69:Picture of yourself? Google JaeHaruArt. You'll see loads of pictures. Lol. 70:Are you a monogamous person or do you believe in open-ended relationships? I couldn't do it open-ended. People can do whatever tf they want though. Different strokes for different folks or whatever. I play for keeps though. 71:Have you ever been dumped? Once. By a person I had an on-and-off relationship with for a lotta years. Wanted to beat me to it I guess lol. 72:What do you most like about making out? I don't. That shit is such a cock-tease. Either you wanna bone-down or you don't. Don't just fucking get people all hot and bothered for no reason. That shit aggravates the ever-loving shit outta me. I don't get how anyone enjoys being blue-balled. I'll never understand it. 73:Have you ever casually made out with someone who you weren’t seriously involved with? Sure. I was 20 once. 74:When you kiss someone for the first time, is it usually you who initiates it or the other? It's always me. Probably wouldn't bother these days though. Pretty dead inside at this point if I'm bein honest. 75:What part of a person’s body do you find most attractive? This changes from person to person. No one's built the same. 76:Who was the last person you talked to last night before you went to bed? One of the cats lol 77:Had sex with someone you knew less than an hour? Probably back in my 20s, yeah. 78:Had sex with someone you didn’t know their name? Lol, I was never THIS bad, no xD 79:What makes your heart flutter and brings a big cheesy smile to your face? The cats! \o/ 80:Would you get involved with someone if they had a child already? Real tough call and not at all an ideal situation. Also not one I've HAD to think a lot about yet either, thankfully. So I'm leaving it at that. That's a problem for its time. 81:Has someone who had a crush on you ever confessed to you? Yeah. Quite a few. Lotta my relationships started 'cause they were annoyingly persistent about it now that I think about it -_- 82:Do you tell a lot of people when you have a crush? Fuck no, that shit dies with me. 83:Do you miss your last sweetie? The candy? I could go for one, sure. 84:Last time you slow danced with someone? Never ToT 85:Have you ever ‘dated’ someone you’ve never met? Uh... that contradicts the very definition... no. I haven't. I've met everyone I've dated. I don't really understand that type of thing... I need to be physical in a relationship. Couldn't do it. 86:How can I win your heart? A million dollars would be a very promising start. 87:What is your astrological sign? Virgo, Sun, Aries Moon, I dunno the rest of the alignment chart or whatever the fuck. Just that I'm a walking contradiction or a really outspoken/outgoing fire-y Virgo or something. -_- whatever that means. 88:What were you doing last night at 12 AM? Watching Game Grumps lol 89:Do you cook? I like staying alive so no, for the sake of the health and safety of myself and others, I do not. I'm pretty indifferent about food and what I eat anyway, it's all a pain in the ass, but outside of a few very specific things, anything I've tried to cook has some how AMAZINGLY turned into a fucking disaster. And the dishes.... THE DISHES AFTER YOU COOK bruh, no thank you I will eat out of the fucking can. 90:Have you ever gotten back in touch with an old flame after a time of more than 3 months of no communication? ....Y....yes..... 91:If you’re single right now, do you wish you were in a relationship? Fuck no that shit always makes me 10x more miserable. 92:Do you prefer to date various people or do you pretty much fall into monogamous relationships quickly? One person is enough of a headache to try to manage at a time, thanks. 93:What physical traits do you look for in a potential interest? I think having all your teeth is a good start lol It all just really depends. I like girls that look relatively girly/feminine, and guys that are guys, not super girly, not super The Rock Johnson or whatever the fuck. 94:Name four things that you wish you had! 1. Enough money to retire on. 2. A paid off house in a city I don't fucking hate. 3. Recognition and appreciation for my fucking art. 4. To be able to learn shit 100x faster 'cause rn Blender and After Effects are a fucking pain in my side. 95:Are you a player? Player of video games, ayyyyy. This reply also answers this question. Too much work. Not enough interest. 96:Have you ever kissed 2 people in one day? Sure. 97:Are you a tease? Only if I like you. 98:Ever meet anyone you met on Tumblr? I find it really hard to believe that I haven't with millions of people in the world having internet access and having to exist outside. 99:Have you ever been deeply in love with someone? Yes. 100:Anybody on Tumblr that you’d go on a date with? I dunno. It's fucking Tumblr, not Tindr. Little harder to figure that out. But if they have a tumblr and they like looking at it, that's def a step in the right direction. At least we have one hobby in common to start out with. 101:Hugs or Kisses? Or?! Why only one?! Both! If I had to choose just one forever then.... Hugs. I don't want to be horny, I just want to be happy... 102:Are you too shy to ask someone out? Lol. No. 103:The first thing you notice about the opposite sex? Opposite and same sex is height, tbh. If you're opposite and you're taller than me though, that kills it pretty fast tbh. 104:Is it cute when a boy/girl calls you babe? That reeeaaaaally depends. 105:If a sexy person was pursuing you, but you knew he/she was in relationship, would you go for it? Fuck no that shit's disgusting, get your crabby ass stds the fuck away from me, please. 106:Do you flirt a lot? If I like you. 107:Your last kiss? Creator is really obsessed with this question.... still.... I look forward to the 50k slow-burn that ends with this, author-chan. o/ 108:Have you kissed more than 5 people since the start of 2012? Again, not braining that far back, thanks. 109:Have you kissed anyone in the past month? Just the kitties. 110:If you could kiss anyone who would it be? Really hate that I immediately thought of him.... 111:Do you know who you’ll kiss next? Def the cats \o/ gonna get their good night kisses. 112:Does someone like you currently? LMFAO of course not. 113:Do you currently have feelings for anyone? Nah. 114:Do you like to be in serious relationships or just flings? Not the fling-type. Either there's potential in it or it's not worth the effort. 115:Ever made out with just a friend? Sure. 116:Are you happier single or in a relationship? I have always, ALWAYS, been happier single. All of my relationships have just made me fucking miserable af, everyone sucks and are so fucking draining. 117:Your own question that you want me to answer. Just write it. When's the 50k last kiss slow burn gonna be done? I'll give it a read.
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d-omin-ic-k · 2 years
I came home.
It felt like a dream that was over in a matter of hours. But I got to see you.
The world paused for a moment & I got to see you.
I got to hear your voice & feel you in my arms.
You held onto me and I told you how much I missed you. We got to catch up & went and visited our nearby friends.
You and I got back to your house & I asked if I could speak to you about something I’d been keeping for a while…
& then I got lightheaded.
I laid down on the concrete in front of your doorstep.
I’m not sure if it was because I was nervous to tell you about how I felt & all my regrets or if it had just been fatigue from the lack of food I had that day & fainting after the car ride to Phoenix from motion sickness. Honestly, it could’ve even been that I had just taken my anti depressants before we left my friends’ house… but that’s besides the point.
Once I got myself together, I asked if it would be okay to continue our conversation.
I wasn’t ready to see you go yet.
I asked if you remembered the last thing I told you in person or the last time I walked you home.
You said you didn’t and apologized telling me you can hardly remember anything from the past few years.
I understood & reassured you that it was okay.
I let you know about our kiss and exchange of words.
I let you know everything, how I’d wished you’d trust me more and that you’d open up to me. & how difficult it was to understand how you felt sometimes.
But I also told you how I meant what I said to you 3 years ago & that I still felt that way. I let you know how much I care for you & how regardless of what place I hold in your life I would be there to support you.
I proceeded to show you everything I wrote about you. I asked you how you felt. You said your brain was blanking from trying to process all of it.
“I have a lot to think about.” You replied.
I thought that was adorable & let you know that that was completely fine. Telling you that I wasn’t showing you any of this to ask anything of you yet & that you could take your time to tell me anything and everything.
I just want you to feel comfortable and safe and supported and loved.
Ending my confession with the statement, “ I’m no longer to afraid to show you how much I care about you.”
You opened up to me about your worries, insecurities, traumas and your life. I told you a few of mine as well.
You cried while explaining some important things & I asked to hold you.
While comforting you, I held your hand.
Conversations continued, we laughed, we reminisced, we shared & I felt the happiest that I had been in a long time.
You were were my dream within that night…
I fell in love at 16 & at 24 I overcame my fear and self doubt.
You changed my life from the day that I met you.
I said I’d be back home in a few months permanently & that I’d like to see you often.
You replied, “you better come back or I’ll come to Texas and drag you all the way here.”
“Please do. I’d honestly love that…”
Holding you for the longest, I ran my fingers through your hair and caressed the back of your head. I never anticipated that the whole world could fit within the reach of my arms.
I can’t wait.
My friend asked how it went.
“Honestly, amazing. I got what I’ve wanted for such a long time. She finally opened up to me, she told about her feelings and about her life and all her problems. I poured my heart out & she did hers.”
I love you.
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Trained For War
“The Lord Who rescued me from the claws of the lion and the bear will rescue me from this Philistine!” 1Samuel 17:37NLT
Is the hour dark in your world? Flat out scary? Has everything you’ve believed about country, church, media, family, educations gone up in smoke? What’s happened? Where have the minds of our leadership gone? Why aren’t our children safe anymore? Do you see Goliath in our world? Does he smell and look like satan? Are his threats becoming larger than life? Could it be, the antichrist is getting ready to take over? Torture for the church? Frightening, if you’re listening to anything other than the propaganda mills of the news media. For certain there’s no truth there. Jesus said— “…you will know the truth, and the Truth will set you free” John 8:32NIV.
“O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?” Romans 7:24NKJV. Who is going to deliver us out of this mess? I propose Jesus Christ will guide our steps and our actions. Beginning with remembering.
What on earth does remembering have to do with tomorrow? If we forget history’s failures, we will be destined to replicate them. This friend is why the government has been hunting for and destroying old history books telling truths about our nation in the beginning. They’ve revised and edited 99% of the truth out of each new book.
Remembering personal history with Christ is important. No. Not remembering the garbage that happened. We must remember what Jesus did overcoming our garbage. The first time doctors pronounced cancer over my body, I ran to the cross. Jesus forgave all of my sins in spite of the fact I was seeking fire insurance— not Him. He knew I’d fall madly in love with Him. When the doctors declared cancer two more times, He revealed His power in my body through healing. Satan can’t kill what God tells to live.
Lou found a job to live at home. Awesome. Instead, it brought about financial failure. Bankruptcy became our future twice. Yet, twice after fasting and prayer Jesus intervened, providing through sinful men our need plus abundance, fully completing what is written Ephesians 3:20NKJV “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us.” By the way, the POWER is Holy Spirit.
Our son-in-law lied, stole, did drugs, raged on a daily basis. We cried out to Jesus for him and our daughter for thirty-four years. I did everything  possible to lead him to Christ. In 2018, we discovered he’d suffered with Huntington’s Chorea for the entire time we’d known him. We find out about his disease after death from videos of him over the last ten years. 
Every symptom I’ve written above are all parts of the disease. The awesome part is “Shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captive delivered? But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children.” Isaiah 49:24-25KJV. The truth of God’s Word came to pass about a year before his death. Again a couple weeks before his death, he asked for help to say the sinner’s prayer to guarantee he knew his future.
From our text we see how God trained David for war— His way. He fought Goliath and won. Our Goliath will be fought the same way we’ve fought the battles of our past— with His Word and our praise. Will you fight or be overcome? It’s your choice. You choose.
LET’S PRAY: Holy God praise You for the past victories. Lead us into battle armed with Your Word and our praise, dressed in Your armor to win, in the name of Jesus Christ I pray.
by Debbie Veilleux
Copyright 2022 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional, as author. Thank you.
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