#in the most oblique way possible but still lol
vaguely-concerned · 2 years
...should I make my god/mercy/augustine tag 'bad cop worse cop and sorry cop'
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optiwashere · 5 months
I stopped reading Gardens of the Moon after 250~ pages because frequent character switches got confusing and I couldn't get a solid idea of the magic system. Does it ever get better?
I liked the the prologue, but I feel like they just dropped me into middle of 50 different powers scheming against each other after that. Also the coin is spinning.
TL;DR — This is a series that I love but really struggle to recommend.
Anon, it took me... ten years (?) to finish that book. I still think it's pretty terrible even having read the whole main series. So, I get where you're coming from lol.
That said, the writing quality immediately skyrockets when you hit Deadhouse Gates due to the fact that he wrote that book so many years after the first. But the books fly around a massive world and constantly switch around POVs, so...
If you don't like frequent POV switches, then you won't like the series. Flat out. There's something like 450 POV characters, but some of those brief POVs are some of the most powerful. Some of the characters are really high up in my faves of all time. Onos T'oolan, Tavore & Felisin Paran, Beak... Samar Dev??? Korlat!!! Itkovian, my beloved... there's some amazing characters mixed in with some truly awful ones.
And if you're someone that likes hard magic systems, you won't like Warrens. I don't like hard magic — when a book touts its "magic system" first, I'm immediately negatively biased towards it through no fault of the writer in 99% of cases — so it worked for me.
Really broad worldbuilding with lots of cultural influences that aren't Western blended in with traditional Western fantasy.
Erikson has an excellent prose style later on (yeah, I know, it's very difficult to believe considering Gardens) and he has a very elegant way of expressing postmodernist ideas.
Extremely varied women characters (hell, Tattersail in Book 1 is already pretty unusual, sadly, in fantasy for being a fat character who's noted as extremely attractive — and Erikson doesn't stop at her when it comes to hot fat women, what a king.)
My favorite withdrawn, depressed, badass, ruthless lesbian commander character of all time, Tavore Paran.
Very strong messages about compassion and what it means to do "the right thing" in the face of overwhelming adversity.
Despite largely dealing with militaries and soldiers, the books are really about kindness, loss, and love, as well as finding the space within oneself to reject the notion of unconquerable despair.
Erikson has, like, four character archetypes and they all blend together (barring a few standout characters.)
The worldbuilding is so broad that it sometimes feels pretty shallow.
Erikson loves using excessive epithets (the soldier, the ex-priest, etc.) and it's wild that those made it through professional editing.
Sometimes, Erikson likes his own prose style so much that we have to listen to identical characters internally monologue over identical woes and dramas. I love the Tiste Andii, but holy shit...
There are so many cases of plotting being hidden from the reader in transparent ways. Conversations where two people will refuse to elaborate their thoughts where they often cut off one another with inane, oblique reasons so that the reader is left in the lurch in a way that is often personally unsatisfying.
Possibly neutral or possibly a con, but there's a trillion content warnings scattered all through the books that are actually really, really serious (lots of sexual assault, and in several of those cases it's either completely unnecessary or actively detrimental to the story IMO.)
Having said all of that, I'll leave you with some quotes for why I still love the series despite its (to me) many flaws:
Open to them your hand to the shore, watch them walk into the sea. Press upon them all they need, see them yearn for all they want. Gift to them the calm pool of words, watch them draw the sword. Bless upon them the satiation of peace, see them starve for war. Grant them darkness and they will lust for light. Deliver to them death and hear them beg for life. Beget life and they will murder your kin. Be as they are and they see you different. Show wisdom and you are a fool. The shore gives way to the sea. And the sea, my friends, Does not dream of you. —Reaper's Gale
"No tyrant could thrive where every subject says no. The tyrant thrives when the first fucking fool salutes." —Toll the Hounds
Against a broken heart, even absurdity falters. Because words fall away. A dialogue of silence. That deafens. & The failure of hope has a name: it is called suffering. —The Crippled God
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fully, fully willing to be the internet's reader insert clippy in this regard if it means it's stop fuckin happening, please
there's like, a SPECIFIC way that third-person fics can work, and that's when there's a character thinking about 'you' but tbh it's damn tricky to do and i haven't seen it done very often, let alone done effectively. but first person? never. never ever.
OKAY SO the thing about writing advice for reader insert stories is that the vast majority of advice falls under general writing advice. if you are a good writer, you will probably write decent-to-good reader inserts. if you are not a good writer (yet! we all start somewhere), then reader insert tips will help you write more accurate reader insert stories, but not necessarily good ones. but! that's obvious. actual tips would be.... hmm...........
this is not an exhaustive list and it's very rambly so i'm gonna put this under a cut, but --
don't feel like you have to make your reader insert character a total blank slate. it Can Be Done, but it is tricky, and personally i find it less fun! i'm sure some people prefer blank slate protagonists/reader inserts, but i think reader insert stories are best when there are (at least) some establishing details abt what 'you' DO and who 'you' ARE.
now, don't make things hyper-specific! don't talk about the color of your hair or eyes or even abt the style of your clothes, unless that serves a purpose (another character provided 'you' with a change of clothes, you're in disguise or in uniform, etc). but -- give 'you' a job! or mention the possibility of one! some friends, even if obliquely! it's great for character-building! scene-setting! plot devices! why not! you can do it in a way that's vague enough to be relatable to a bunch of people, and also not be so specific that it's offputtingly unrelatable to the rest of your readers! just maybe don't insist that 'you' work as the world's premier parakeet trainer instead of, like, working in the zoo gift shop or at a mall kiosk. or, as i most often find myself writing, at some unspecified-but-probablly-minimum-wage-job since swapping shifts was mentioned at one point.
also, remember that not everyone looks like you/a certain way! kind of obvious, right? and a lot of this is very easy to avoid. but you'd be surprised -- i've seen people write a description that mentions 'your pale skin' like 3 or 4 times in fics????? not that much, i guess, but still odd to realize the specific way an author is visualizing 'you.' and that's just in fics that i, personally, have stumbled across and read. all you gotta do to avoid that one is...... not do that. not assume all your readers have light skin. easy-peasy. (and this is kind of a dumb example, but similarly, while everyone can blush, not everyone blushes so visibly with their skin tone. 'you redden/your cheeks turn pink' may not be the most relatable way of conveying embarrassment or being flustered -- tho it's also not 100% definitely gonna be alienating -- but, like. even so. 'your face warms' and other such phrasings are options.)
other things are a touch less obvious, but still not all that hard to do, you just have to consider what may or may not be relatable to people. if a character "runs a hand through your hair" then 'you' must have hair long enough to run a hand through... and that you are willing to let someone touch like that. if 'you' duck to get through a doorway, 'you' must be pretty tall (or the doorway is particularly shirt!) and if 'you' have to climb onto something to reach an object, 'you' must be short enough to justify it.
there was a comment on a fic of mine once in regards to a scene where 'you' sat on someone's lap, and it was something like 'aw, i wish i could do that, but i'm fat, so i'd probably crush him, lol.' and that's stuck with me!! i failed that reader of mine by relying on skinny bitch privilege and that made my writing less effective and less fun for someone! jolting someone out of a scene they would otherwise enjoy is not something i wanted to do!!!
ever since that, i've really tried to consider the physicality of the actions i write -- to make sure that whatever 'you' do, it's written in such a way that it's believable for all my readers, whatever their height or weight or build might be. and you'd better fuckin believe that the next time i had 'you' sit on that character's lap, i tried to make it happen in a way that that original commenter would've been able to see themselves in.
and, like, listen. implying/maybe even outright stating that the reader insert character has hair that someone can run a hand through, or is kinda short or whatever, is not inherently bad.
you are not going to be able to create a reader insert that 100% of readers relate to 100% of the time -- at least, not for longer stories. it's easier for drabbles, lmao. but for longer stories or for a series, there will almost certainly be something that doesn't grok with someone, whether that's 'i wouldn't do that' or 'i wouldn't say that' or 'i wouldn't react like that' or any number of other points that are dissonant to someone reading. and aiming to be 100% relatable, 100% of the time is not only futile, it also tends to result in.... characters who are so firmly middle-of-the-road and blank that the stories are no fun to read.
but. as with anything else, people are willing to suspend their disbelief. give them enough things that they can relate to that if/when you slip up, they're willing to keep going anyway.
on that note, returning to the not-a-blank-slate idea, you can -- and i think you should -- give 'you' some personality!
i struggle to describe how i view this, but like......... you can justify most types of personalities. you can make it make sense. you can make it feel natural. you write the story, and if you want the reader insert character to be anxious, add moments in the story where that makes sense, where people nod along and say 'oh, yeah, for sure, i would react anxiously too if that happened.' bam! however you want the reader insert character to act, just keep weaving in justifications, scenarios that would draw out the desired behavior from a lot of people.
also maybe this is a cheat, but heaping on more personality in the narration than in the dialogue is a possibility! people are often more open in their thoughts and impulses than in the things they say! so then you can write weird shit and have people still relate!
"Oh, I'd love to chat, but I..." You readjust your bag and shuffle back a half-step, using the motion to buy yourself time to think of another excuse. "I really can't stay, sorry; my coworker needs me to cover her shift." It's not a lie, exactly. More like... two unrelated pieces of information. You really do have to go -- if you spend one more minute being ogled by some chucklefuck with no concept of personal space, you are really, truly, going to burst. And your phone has been pinging all day with frantic requests to please, please, please cover this shift, just this once, she thought she'd requested it off ages ago, honest, and the tickets were so expensive and they're nonrefundable, and you're the only one not already on the schedule, so please? He doesn't need to know that the shift isn't until Saturday.
not the best example, but you get the idea.
above all, all else, make it fun. seriously!
i got... a lot of comments about the reader insert character in my saeran fic. positive ones! really positive ones! some could relate to the reader insert, but others just liked them. thought of the reader insert as a well-developed character. does that mean i failed at writing a good reader insert? .........................well, maybe? or... maybe not? people had fun reading it and i had fun writing it, in the end. and a lot of people mentioned that the reader insert character did a lot of things they wished they could do RE: the plot or a character, so it still scratched that itch of wish fulfillment that reader inserts are designed to do, lmao. so maybe it didn't end up being The World's Most Relatable Reader Insert. but would it have been as fun for everyone if it was?
.........yknow what, maybe a lot of this is not actually the most helpful for writing reader inserts, actually. uh, if you want advice on fitting a reader insert into the world they're dropped in/among the characters they're now interacting with, or. like. any other coherent, salient writing advice, lemme know and i'll babble abt that another time but i've been rambling for an hour and i still have homework i need to do, oh my god
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plan-d-to-i · 3 years
I turned away from a fic when the author note said it was set in cql universe because 'wwx's death was too vague in the novel'
which annoys me because the death was explained twice. Wei Wuxian destroyed the seal to prevent anyone bad from using it. Lost control of the corpses, got torn apart and died horribly.
He died saving people from his weapon. Which to me will always beat the "Suicidal jump of a cliff, on no, now I die to prevent jc from killing both me and lan zhan anyway"
:) I agree! I don't hate cql but I can't really say I trust something that comes from a 'cql was better in terms of story telling/plot/narrative' place. I basically watch cql bc I like Xiao Zhan, Wang Haoxuan, Wang Yibo, Song Ji Yang, Liu Haikuan & Zhu Zanjin and uh... not for the story...(¯ . ¯٥) lol
Novel WWX disingenuously gets dismissed as an unreliable narrator a lot, but the only area where he regularly is an unreliable narrator is when it comes to the Jiangs & softening their treatment of him. That's the only reason I'd say the circumstances of his death can appear more vague in the novel- bc he's the one relaying them and downplaying it. So although it's less vague in cql where jc clearly forces him to die to save LWJ it also drops the significance of WWX's choice to not use the seal again and then, as he sees the inevitability of his defeat & death without its power, destroy it to prevent it from falling into the the hands of those who would misuse it against the people.
I also think WWX & Wen Ning's discussion of WWX's death in the novel gets misinterpreted quite a bit. WWX's words are taken at face value and whilst WWX doesn't feel like he owes Jiang Clan anything in his new life, he still doesn't speak about the shitty way they treated him. He doesn't tell LWJ for example that he broke his foot climbing a tree at night because jiang cheng threatened to set dogs on him.
Looking at his legs, Lan WangJi asked, “Why did you climb the tree at night?”
Wei WuXian bent down in laughter, “There’s no why. You know. I love fooling around outside at night. Haha.”
So in this scene Wen Ning's reaction is to me the more telling one. & WN clearly calls bs on WWX dismissing/downplaying jc's role. WWX himself doesn't argue and just shuts down the conversation.
“Wen Ning whispered, “Sect Leader Jiang, Jiang Cheng, brought a siege upon the Burial Mounds. And he killed you.”
Wei WuXian, “I’ll have to clarify this one. He didn’t kill me. I died from a backfire.”
Wen Ning finally looked up at him, “But, Sect Leader Jiang clearly…”
Wei WuXian, “Nobody can walk safely on a single-plank bridge for their whole life. It couldn’t be helped.”
Wen Ning seemed as if he wanted to sigh, but he had no breath to let out.”
Poor Wen Ning. </3
WWX's death is also obliquely addressed when he hears children playing as cultivators in the street:
“Someone else barged in, “No. I’m the SanDu ShengShou. I’m the most powerful.”
The “YiLing Patriarch” replied as if he understood everything, “Jiang Cheng, how is it possible for you to be better than me? Is there even one time that you didn’t lose against me? How do you dare to say that you’re the most powerful? Aren’t you embarrassed?”
“Jiang Cheng”, “Hmph, I can’t be better than you? Do you remember how you died?”
The light smile on Wei WuXian’s face dissipated at once. It was as if he had suddenly been pricked by a poisonous needle. A faint, sharp pain came from all around his body.”
('Pricked by a needle' is totally a common expression so I'm absolutely not saying this is on purpose but I think it's ironic that it's "poisonous" when jc's sword is called "三毒 sandu –three poisons" lolol)
Anyway as it stands, we may not be shown exactly how WWX's death happened in the novel, but I don't think that makes it vague. I mean we clearly see the circumstances jc created that led to it: “if not for Jiang Cheng making a plan that aimed at Wei WuXian’s weaknesses, the siege might not have succeeded”. A siege's worth of ambitious cultivators were also ultimately ok w jc taking the credit for the death of the Yiling Patriarch, so clearly jc enthusiastically applied himself to the task (and was close enough to get his hands on Chenqing first which we know JGY wanted as well). Whether he got close enough to hurt him or close enough for WWX to realize death was imminent it follows the same line of forced self destruction as cql just on a grander more meaningful scale. Much more in line with WWX's character.
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palimpsessed · 4 years
Headcanon for the Trouble at Watford
Why, hello friends! So, I have a fic that’s set post Wayward Son. This fic obliquely references the “trouble at Watford”. It’s not really critical to the fic, since I’m not big on plots (unlike a certain vampire I could name), but I did come up with a headcanon for it and I wanted to share it.
Could I have written all this into my story? Yes. Did I want to? No! Lol. Instead I wrote this up and will link here from my fic.
It was tons of fun coming up with this!
1. Magicians can use each other’s magickal instruments
2. Magickal artefacts are precious and can be scarce in families
3. The Petty family is an older family and likely places high value on its magickal artefacts
4. After Ebb‘s death, her staff would probably have been returned to her family
5. Nico and Ebb were always able to use each other’s instruments interchangeably
6. Nico had his wand snapped when he Turned
7. Nico can enter the Petty family home without being invited
8. Nico is probabaly super super pissed off about his twin sister being murdered
9. Nico and Fiona dated for most of their time at Watford
10. After Natasha was killed, Fiona spent years lashing out in grief and trying to execute plots of revenge and raging against the machine
11. It’s not hard to believe that Nico would respond in much the same way Fiona did in a similar situation
12. Nico looked like he was about to hatch a plan even as a first year
13. Nico also tried to reach Ebb before she was murdered and was prevented from doing so
14. This probably did not sit well
15. Nico goes to the Petty family home and takes Ebb’s staff
16. Nico is hurting and ready to rage at the machine
17. The reason Nico didn’t go along with the Mage’s original scheme to let vampires into Watford was because he wanted to protect Ebb
18. Since Ebb is now dead, and she was murdered at Watford, and because she was trying to protect it, Nico would lash out at Watford as an institution
19. It’s June/July, so there won’t be any students in danger if that would be a problem for him
20. Nico is a vampire without fangs and he knifes and drains a deer that Ebb brings him...so he’s probably routinely knifing and draining other sources of blood in order to subsist...meaning that he probably isn’t too worried about killing
21. His plan to Turn was poorly considered, an act of his youth that he seems to regret
22. It’s not hard to imagine he’d come up with another scheme just as poorly executed
23. He doesn’t rival Ebb for power, but he has enough to break through the wards at Watford and lets himself and the other vampires inside to cause some havoc and strike against the mages
24. Things get out of hand and other dark creatures decide to take advantage of the school’s weakness in its defences
25. In short, the entire magickal world is going apeshit
Here’s where I get more into my thought process:
26. There was that one moment where Baz is in LV and he’s thinking of calling Malcolm for help and he imagines his convo with his father. He specifically mentions Nicodemus [Petty] as showing his face again. (Which doesn’t really mean anything because it was an imaginary convo. But still, it was there.) It mostly stood out to me because there is a typo and he’s called Nicodemus Ebb instead of Petty. So that’s why I started thinking about all this.
27. Baz can’t reach Fiona when he later decides to call her instead, and assumes she’s off hunting vampires. But she could also be home hunting vampires.
28. Nico knows about Baz. So does Lamb. And Lamb apparently has connections and a pipeline of info to the UK vampires. Which puts Baz at greater risk of exposure.
29. Baz is the very thing the vampires are so desperate to achieve. BUT with a magickal instrument, Nico is, too. Nico wanted to Turn, because he wanted more power, but Baz is horrified by the possibility of vampire-mage hybrids (without seeming to get that he is one!) so there is a VERY interesting parallel that can play out here, in how they both approach their power.
30. Vampires have to come back, esp since we know there are more Next Blood out there. And Baz has to deal with vampires because he has to accept that part of himself. Also, vampires and dragons seem to be the two things connecting both books, and also connect to Baz and Simon, so they have to show up to some extent.
TL; DR: Nico stole Ebb’s magickal staff so that he could access his magic and use it to wreak havoc on Watford in revenge for his sister.
So there’s the backstory.
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overthinkingkdrama · 5 years
Please tell us more about your theories about My Country, I'd love to read more of your thoughts on it
Fool! You’ve just activated my trap card!
Lol, thank you so for asking. I was really hoping somebody would. Every molecule in my body is telling me to dissolve into full blown hysterical ranting, but I’ll try to keep this concise.
So my main theory/prediction/possibly wishful thinking is this: The whole cold open scene where Seon Ho and Hwi fight to death that we’re meant to believe all this these machinations are leading up to is a work. It’s a set up. It’s not real.
This is largely based on a couple different little details from the opening scene itself and the events of episode 9, which have convinced me that there is simply no way that Seon Ho, after everything that has happened and especially in light of Yeon’s death, would possibly swallow his need for retribution and revenge and continue to work on his father’s side in hopes of eventually gaining enough power to kill the old man himself. I just can’t accept that that’s what’s happening.
I think the whole set up of the drama is for us to watch, wondering how these two people end up on opposite sides and try to kill each other when they so clearly loved each other and loved Yeon, and both want Nam Jeon dead. How did that happen? How is that the conclusion they both came to? But in actuality, what we think we’re seeing in that first scene isn’t what we’re seeing.
There’s a few things we can glean from the first scene:
First, we know that Seon Ho has certainly not gotten over Yeon’s death and it is still a primary motivator for him, because he still carries her ribbon and from his oblique reference to the sins he has to pay for. Cold blooded killers who don’t care about anything but their own ambition do not talk like this.
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Also, and I don’t have a really good justification for this other than a gut feeling, but the dialogue in this scene feels really artificial and on the nose. Like Hwi marching into the building and declaring that he’s there to kill Nam Jeon and then himself...
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It just doesn’t seem like something he would need to declare to Seon Ho. I mean, this is somewhere around 10 years after the events of episode 9. Hwi’s stated goal has been to kill Nam Jeon for how long now? And the best plan born general and tactician Bang Won and his most trusted and cunning lieutenant could come up with after all this time was to burst into Nam Jeon’s house with a bunch of soldiers?
This is the fight they could not win without Hwi?
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Why? Why is Hwi so crucial for this? Because he’s just that badass? I don’t buy that. Bang Won has plenty of skilled soldiers and what he likes about Hwi isn’t just his martial ability, it’s his fearless attitude and the way his mind works.
No, it feels like this whole showdown was orchestrated for someone else’s benefit other than the two people talking. Who the show is being put on for and to what end, I’m not really sure. Possibly Nam Jeon? Obviously we’re going to need more context for me to put all of this together, but I feel like once we have the context this whole confrontation will be cast in a totally different light.
To me the above scene feels a lot like this one:
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A set of lines that were scripted ahead of time for someone else’s benefit. A show of being on opposite sides, when in fact the two are working together behind the scenes.
To me it would see like Seon Ho and Hwi should have identical goals at this point: avenge Yeon, kill Nam Jeon, and gain enough power to accomplish those two things. Seon Ho has no particular reason to be loyal to the king at this point, and he doesn’t seem to have any special affection for the crown prince. Joining hands with Bang Won would seem to be the most logical course of action. I mean, Bang Won doesn’t have any reason to like or trust Seon Ho at this point but Hwi is someone who has his ear and his trust, and having someone on the inside of the crown prince’s faction, with crucial information and nothing but ill will toward Nam Jeon, could only be beneficial for whatever Bang Won is planning. Seon Ho seems like an ideal double agent.
And this is the other thing, purely from a narrative standpoint, how would this be a satisfying climax? After all the bullshit--Nam Jeon’s cruelty, Yeon’s death, both of them thinking they’ve lost each other over and over again, 10 years of seething and grieving--the two friends never reconcile and fight their common enemy together? They end up forming up on opposite sides of a coup that they both have known for a decade was inevitable and then what? Die on each other’s swords for no reason? Or one of them does and the other one regrets it for the rest of their lives? It just doesn’t make any sense.
In episode 9 something finally snapped for Seon Ho. He’s not the person he was at the beginning of the drama anymore. Thinking he’d lost Hwi did that to him. Losing Yeon did that to him. If he ends up fighting Hwi in the end just so he can kill his father himself once he’s strong enough, nothing has changed at all. Without talking to Hwi about it even once? If that’s what happens then Bang Won’s appraisal of him in episode 10 will turn out to have been a lie, because nothing has really changed at all.
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As with the build up to Hwi becoming one of Bang Won’s people through his gambit with the weapon storage, or the one leading up to Hwi shooting Bang Won in the chest with his red arrows, I get the sense they’ve skipped over quite a bit of important information during which our boys were making decisions and coming up with plans. I think (I pray) we’re going to get a wealth of flashbacks in the upcoming episodes that are going to fill in some of the gaps for these two characters in the past 6 years, and cast the information we were given in episode 10 in a new light. We still haven’t gotten this scene of Seon Ho by Hwi’s sick bed:
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Seon Ho and Hwi need to have had a conversation. I want to believe...I have to believe that the two of them are now in cahoots to bring Nam Jeon down. And I’m going to keep on hoping and thinking that until I get some more solid information in one direction or the other. What would really be satisfying would be if after years of being kicked around and abused by Nam Jeon our two boys, bound by shared history and shared tragedy, decided to fight together against their common enemy, and avenge Yeon’s death using one of the convoluted, high risk plans they’re both so fond of.
Hopefully that was as entertaining to read as it was to write. (That was definitely closer to ranting than it was to being concise, lol.) Have a nice night!
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miss-m-calling · 4 years
Juletide 2020 letter
Dear writer,
Hello and thank you for writing for me. I’m very excited to read whatever you come up with.
Without further ado…
Starred Up
Oliver Baumer, Eric Love
Yes I do ship it, I do, I do!
Ahem. Don’t get me wrong, I liked what the movie did with the father-son relationship and its influence on both men’s character development – but I really wish they hadn’t got Oliver out of the action before the story’s climax (not like that!). The final denouement with Love father and Love son was great, as was the hint at the end that Eric learned something in anger-management group and has a support network that will help him a lot. But. I would have wanted to see more of the intriguing dynamic between Eric the intelligent, semi-feral, yet not-incorrigible, young thug and Oliver the educated, dedicated, kind yet aware of his own potential for violence (what was he on about with “I need to be here”?), slightly older counselor. They had me at Oliver’s “I want him” and Eric later telling his father that Oliver’s a better man than Love Sr. Also the not-flirting and the push-pull in the scene when Oliver picks up Eric from his cell - yowza!
For this canon, my dubcon DNW does not apply.
-I would love to see Oliver return to holding his group in prison, so the two of them can interact more, either in the movie’s immediate aftermath or years down the line, as it’s implied that Eric will be serving a long sentence. Give me more scenes from anger management or the ribald, honest, free-flowing conversations in group, either with the other men present (I liked Hassan and Tyrone especially, among the group members) or a one-on-one session.
-An oblique or open-but-undramatic admission/declaration that they both know there’s something there, even if they don’t know what to do with it. Or, one or both of them knows exactly what to do with it, and the push-pull that would result from that.
-Dirty talk: used for arousal, as a defense mechanism, as a form of flirtation. Eric using slurs to assert dominance, and Oliver not letting him hide behind profanity, when he can use colorful language to express emotion and/or sexual interest. There could definitely be some verbal taunting/flirting about who wants/is eager to do what or is good at doing something. There may be some sniping comments about logistics and (lack of) condoms and barebacking and what men get up to in prison. There probably wouldn’t be deep discussions about sexual identity.
-An emergency in the prison requires a lock-down, so Oliver gets temporarily stuck in Eric’s cell or another room with only Eric for company. Things get porny and/or emotional.
-Eric is eventually released (you can handwave this so it happens soon after the movie or have it happen years later) and crashes with Oliver while he adjusts to the outside world. You guessed it: things get porny and/or emotional.
-How do they get to the point where both can cross that line from friends/whatever the hell they are and become, to lovers? (There’s Eric’s personal history and general discomfort with vulnerability, plus all the ways prison sex can be or make things complicated, and if it helps, I headcanon Oliver as either gay or bi and at least somewhat closeted, at work especially.) Who initiates and “directs traffic”? How does their always-contentious dynamic shift during and after sex? Is the sex an isolated (series of) occasion(s), or a progression/escalation over multiple encounters (how would I love especially an escalating series of encounters, let me count the ways)? Eric might seem like the logical initiator and/or dominant partner as well as using the possibility of sex to manipulate and exert control, but then Oliver might (or might not!) surprise him and is definitely the one more in touch with himself as well as aware of his custodial duty toward the men in the group.
-At some point in their intimate relationship (probably not right at the start, and probably not in prison, though if you can make it happen in prison, more power to you!), Oliver decides he’s going to take his sweet time and make Eric fall absolutely apart with pleasure, while using dirty talk to both arouse and empower Eric to own his desires – by that point, Eric is in a place where he can let that happen and enjoy it, even if he still talks tough.
-Role reversal: Oliver as the con (jittery, shut off, sticking out like a sore thumb in prison with all his fancy learning, yet no pushover) and Eric as the newbie counselor (kid from the wrong side of the tracks made good? Youthful hoodlum turned around his life, now trying to help others via tough love and lots of swearing and maybe a bit of manipulation when called for?)
  Witchblade (TV) Sara Pezzini, Danny Woo
I used to love this show back in the day, and loved it again in all its hokey gloriousness when I rewatched it recently. Sara figuring things out and being a principled badass, but maybe out of her depth with the Witchblade, and her dynamic with Danny, whether he's a ghost or alive, it’s all catnip to me. Sara is not extremely quippy, she has a job to do dammit! and don’t look at her vulnerable side, just don’t look at it!, and I love that about her (she’s much harsher in S1, after Danny’s death, than in S2); ditto that Danny is somewhat softer than she is, but still can hold his own thanksverymuch (well, when the plot doesn’t require him to get nabbed by bad guys) and has a bit of a deadpan snarker side too. I’d love something that plays around with their canon dynamic from either season, or uses canon as just a starting point. Some of my prompts lean dark or horror-y, so don’t be shy about going there; I’d also enjoy a story in which the Witchblade itself ends up not being very significant (say, they start to investigate a possibly mystical case and then nope, plain murder). Canon-specific DNW: Irons and any version of Nottingham appearing (you can mention them if you need to).
-The Witchblade is more parasitic than symbiotic, and instead of Sara learning to control it, its feeding on Sara affects her more and more over time. Or, the visions and dreams ramp up into full-blown paranoia and/or disassociation. The Witchblade's POV, maybe (it is sentient)? Asking for help is the hardest thing for someone like Sara, but what are (more than) friends for? I’d also enjoy a dubcon scenario (exception to blanket DNW) where Sara really shouldn’t be having sex when her head is all messed up by the Witchblade’s influence, but… well… they do. The Witchblade canonically enjoys violence and bloodshed perpetrated by its wearers, so it stands to reason that it might lower other inhibitions too.
-Witchblade v. mythological monsters. In S1, even with everything else that's going on, Sara absolutely scoffs at the possibility of vampires. So of course I want: Witchblade v. vampires! The scarier and more feral, the better. Or, it's implied that the Witchblade was forged from a meteorite, so it's basically an eldritch artefact from outer space. Yes, please lean all the way into the Lovecraftian tropes! (The moon is turning red, the Old Ones are back, it’s the end of the world as we know it, but Sara’s got her partner by her side.) Or something from Chinese mythology, so Danny can kick extra ass. Or, for a silly take on Chinese culture: Sara and Danny in the world of Big Trouble in Little China (another old fave of mine, the entire plot of which revolves around… a woman with green eyes and an unwanted connection to the supernatural).
-The Witchblade has a reputation for abandoning its wearers just when they need it the most. True to form, it slips off of Sara’s fist, leaving her and Danny to save themselves with good old-fashioned guns, fisticuffs, martial arts, and of course having each other’s back.
-More of the psychedelic-ness in many of Sara’s fight scenes, where now she’s a woman in a leather jacket with a gauntlet on her arm, now she’s a knight in armor! Now her opponent is human, now he’s a wolf-shaped spirit of evil and hatred! Playing around with the characters’ senses and perceptions – yes!
-Instead of seeing only Danny and needing him to play intermediary for Sara to talk to other ghosts, the Witchblade makes Sara see ghosts all over the place, and it's getting to her. Ghost!Danny may or may not help with that. Or, ghost!Danny is basically always around, whether Sara can see him or not. He manifests when Sara is masturbating, and you can't really feel guilty if the ghost of your dead partner whom you’ve always had a thing for helps you out, and anyway you’re probably going crazy and none of this is real, so it doesn’t count anyway... right?
-Case fic/stakeouts and banter. Flirting to pass the long and stressful days at work. Quick and guilty sex because Danny's married. Slow and intense sex if handwave he's not married but “oh noes we’re partners, we shouldn’t be doing this, but somehow we keep doing it anyway.” Hooking up in the car. I've always headcanoned that they had a thing pre-canon which ended for Reasons, but they both kinda wish it hadn't, hence the hand kissing, and the “I can’t even touch you,” and the coffee bringing/stealing, etc. So feel free to play around with that.
-Undercover as married, undercover as a gangster and his moll (LOL at Sara as a moll, or have Sara as the gangster and Danny as her arm candy), undercover as “they think we’re fucking, better fake it real good for the people listening in, oops shit got real fast, careful don’t say each other’s real name or you’ll blow your cover.”
-More timey-wimey shenanigans with the Witchblade. Maybe it allows Sara to manipulate time more than once. Maybe she starts doing it way too often, throwing the continuum out of whack (something non-linear would be very interesting). Maybe she and/or Danny remember some or all of what happened in S1. Something about all the multiverse versions of them, possibly splitting off from a dramatic moment. Time loops and feelings are a combustible mix.
-Apart from the super obvious shippiness, what I like about S1 especially is how Sara rolls with the weirdness the Witchblade has brought into her life, instead of reaching for rational explanations. More of that (I can't think of a better way to put it), and double extra brownie points if alive!Danny figures out at least some of what's going on with Sara's bracelet and somehow gets in on the action. Maybe a Danny saves the day divergence? Or how about a loophole that allows a man close to the Witchblade's wearer to wield it temporarily, but There Is a Price to Pay.
킹덤 | Kingdom (TV 2019)
Prince Lee Chang, Seo-bi
I fell so hard for this show. So hard! The beautiful production values, the wonderful cast, how the characters develop, how the show slowly but surely unfolds one reveal after another and packs so much into two short seasons, all the period detail, the genuinely tense action scenes, the moments of humor and intense emotion, the intertwining of political intrigue and zomg! really scary zombies, how the zombie outbreak works on multiple levels both literal and metaphorical…
I love the brave, kind-hearted, but sheltered prince, whose whole life has been so privileged yet shadowed by the possibility of death if he loses his position as heir, learning what it means to actually rule and lead people, to protect them and be protected by them in turn. And I love Seo-bi the fearless, dedicated, selfless physician, who notices things and figures things out regardless of whether this annoys the people in power. I ship them, but I also love their platonic interactions, how instantly and fiercely loyal she is to him (not just because he’s the crown prince, but because she’s seen how brave and altruistic he can be) and how he immediately takes her advice and experience seriously despite her being a woman and a commoner in this super-hierarchical setting. So I’m good with either / or & for this pairing, and you can work with any of my prompts accordingly. In a / fic, I’d even be good with a totally sublimated, “they both must kinda know what’s going on between them but for reasons of both their personalities and their respective genders and social positions, nothing overt ever gets said or done” scenario! So don’t stress too much over which flavor of dynamic you write for them.
Also, I love most of the cast (not a huge fan of Chancellor Cho, but he is an effective antagonist), and would be delighted to see any of them in fic too. Especially the loyal and funny and badass Mu-yeong (he was loyal, despite the Haewon Cho clan’s blackmail, and if you want to diverge from canon so he lives, I would not mind that at all), the even more badass and wounded and snarky Yeong-sin (or is that “Yeong-sin”???), Chang’s sparky, exiled uncle several times removed, and the terrifying and frankly unhinged young queen are my favorites. I even have a soft spot for that mostly-useless coward Cho Beom-pal, but really, they’re all great and I would love reading about them too, or just about the prince and the lady physician – whatever works!
Finally, before I get to prompts, I know a bit about the Joseon period, but we’re talking the bits and pieces I remember from a college class, and what I’ve read on Wikipedia and picked up from this and other Korean movies and shows. I know a bit more about some of the cultural background, like the Confucian values, the social stratification and feudal system, the gender segregation among the aristocracy, the wars with Japan, but again – my knowledge is limited. So if you want to teach me stuff about Joseon, go for it! If you want to invent or handwave stuff, as long as it fits the canon’s mood and broad cultural parameters, go for it! And if you want to treat me to some worldbuilding, period detail of any kind, and/or costume porn, definitely go for it.
Zombie fighting anything! Learning to survive in a society that’s rapidly breaking down, having to transcend their habitual social roles and challenging each other, anything! Maybe one of them teaches the other to hunt, or to make herbal medicines, or to fight with a sword, or heck, to cook or clean dirty clothes. (FYI I wrote most of these prompts before I was quite done with S2, and the time-skip took me totally by surprise. So while my prompts ignore Chang renouncing the throne, I’d also be down for the untold adventures of the former prince and his traveling companions, as Chang learns how to be just regular folks and they pursue clues about the resurrection flower, or for your take on what happens in S3. Use whatever works for you in my prompts in any way you want!)
Figuring out how the zombie infection continues to evolve and/or working together to find a cure beyond dunking the infected in water – whether that means to destroy large numbers of the undead, or to develop an antidote, or to cure and bring back those afflicted. One plot detail that really struck me: more experimenting with zombies, like Chancellor Cho started to do, might also hold the key to a cure?
Political intrigue anything! Having to fight zombies and/or factions at court with both friends and unexpected allies (not gonna lie, I would have loved to have seen the young queen unleashed on some zombies, even if that did not make her the prince and Seo-bi’s ally).
More road trip/survival/battle goodness – maybe Seo-bi offers Lee Chang some advice while they’re navigating their new situation, or she witnesses him developing his leadership muscles, and it brings them closer together than before. Or maybe a moment of humor, relaxation, or quiet affection on the road or in between zombie-slaying, especially if it catches them both a bit by surprise. Or one of them gets a non-zombifying injury (nothing too gruesome or life-threatening, please!) and the other one has to care for them – extra points if Seo-bi is injured and the prince kind of bumbles through the most basic things so she has to talk him through her own treatment. Or nightmares/being triggered by something, like we saw both Chang and Seo-bi react at the sounds of zombies growling and people screaming in S2E5.
We have seen Seo-bi insist on staying loyal to the prince, and Lee Chang rely on her repeatedly to the exclusion of all his other people – give me a situation in which he has to make clear his own loyalty to her, as a part of both his becoming a better leader and as a step in advancing their relationship. Or, there comes a time when Seo-bi really pushes against the rules of what someone like she can and cannot say or do to/around a crown prince – we’ve seen Lee Chang refuse to stand on his dignity to the point where so many of his interactions with commoners would end in the commoners’ death, but I imagine even he has his limits, and that kind of clash can only drive this dynamic forward!
Canon divergence in which Seo-bi gets sent to the capital and assigned to be the personal physician to the petulant, frustrated prince we meet at the start of the show (handwave the gender segregation and impropriety). She knows her place, but she also does not suffer fools or male nonsense. Sparks fly, social conventions get tested, zombies may or may not happen, and a new mutual understanding is born.
Canon divergence from the scene in S2E2 when Seo-bi finagles her way to being allowed to see the prince and he instructs her to resurrect Ahn Hyeon – what if instead of that, they came up with another plan of escape? Or maybe Lee Chang sending Seo-bi to spy on the queen goes a different way than in canon? And really, anything that requires those two to pass secret messages while grabbing each other’s hands and staring intently into each other’s eyes is A++ with me!
One theme which emerges gradually, and I really loved, is people having to compromise their principles to survive and ensure the safety of those they feel loyal and/or obliged to: Ahn Hyeon agreeing to turn the sick villagers into zombies, dear Mu-yeong having been a spy but also protecting the prince all along, Seo-bi resurrecting Ahn Hyeon, Lee Chang instructing her to do it as well as his thousand-yard-stare after having to finish off what’s left of his father… I’d love to see more such compromises, how their consequences ripple out, and the emotional fallout.
In addition to zombies, other magical and/or supernatural events and creatures start to appear in Joseon. If you want to bring in something from Buddhist mythology or Korean folklore, please do, and any and all worldbuilding would be awesome. One possibility that occurs to me – and I’m going for broke here – is: a dragon awakes in his cave and shit starts hitting the fan.
Post-canon something in which Lee Chang is king, possibly of only a part of the country (maybe a zombie-free enclave, or a part he won in a civil war against the Cho clan or a cadet branch of his family), and Seo-bi is there as his advisor, physician, and unofficial chancellor. Gimme policymaking to deal with the lingering zombie issue, and assassination plots, and servants/guards/ladies in waiting gossiping like it’s their real job, and all the palace intrigue!
Kind of related to the previous: even as a “spare” prince, Lee Chang can’t marry a commoner. Would he ever think to offer Seo-bi to become his concubine? I don’t think she’d go for it, and he might realize it, but maybe I’m wrong! Or maybe being intensely platonic at each other is as good as it gets for them, and they’re kind of okay with that. Or they get married in secret and have to very careful not to let slip anything by word on gesture in public, or not to let Seo-bi get pregnant. Or, y’know, one day or night on the road or in a fortified town, in between scavenging for supplies and fighting zombies, they decide to bone just because their lives are weird enough now to forget about propriety and all that jazz for an hour.
Role reversal: Seo-bi is the sheltered, willful princess fearful for her position (especially since she’s a woman as well as the daughter of a concubine only) and Lee Chang is the proper yet willful provincial physician. Do they meet as in canon, or under different circumstances (maybe she must flee the court to escape assassins, accusations of treason, or an arranged marriage, with or without bonus zombies)? How would their dynamic be complicated (and made awesome of course!) by the gender reversal? Also, burning question: does Princess Seo-bi already know how to fight (because she forced Mu-yeong to teach her back at court, of course), or does she have to learn once zombies/brigands/insurrection/whatever happen? And does Physician Lee Chang know one end of a musket or sword from another, or does he need rescuing at some point?
I realize that some of these prompts could work as well (better?) as a no-zombies AU, and that’s fine if you want to take it in that direction. Just so we’re clear. J
I love pre-canon, canon, post-canon, canon-divergent, and missing-scene stories. I love character-driven and plot-driven stories equally, and I love fics which mix humor and angst/serious business when appropriate for the canon.
I love stories about characters at work and play, group dynamics, family dynamics (including constructed families), professional partnerships, friendships, alliances, rivalries, intimate couples (new lovers/first times as well as long-term/established couples), UST-ridden couples who are not just UST-ridden but connected in other ways too, etc.
I love irony, snark, humor as well as angst arising from the characters rather than the plot crowbaring it in, linear, non-linear, and 5+1 stories, hopeful endings, happy endings, bittersweet endings, worldbuilding, spiky characters who keep their jagged edges and spikiness in adversity as well as when their lives are going well, square-peg-in-round-hole characters, characters who are their own worst enemies as well as those who can get over themselves when the occasion calls for it, characters with conflicting values which may or may not be reconciled/resolved, characters who treat each other with respect and as equals even if they hate/annoy/can’t stand/love to dislike each other.
I especially love workplace stories (this can mean anything from an actual workplace/casefic/procedural setting to anything that revolves around the canon world in which the characters live) in which the characters are competent and dedicated to the job, and while they may not be exactly friends and they may well irritate one another, they still manage to rub along to get the job done and maybe even grow to care about one another (much to their surprise and sometimes reluctance/discomfort). Or, if they can’t get along, show me why not and what’s preventing them from finding common ground.
In terms of ship dynamics, I love (where it fits the characters) banter, competitiveness or antagonism shading into attraction (this tension need not be resolved), oh-god-why-did-it-have-to-be-you-what-did-I-do-to-deserve-this, bickering yet loving couples, characters who are serious about their romantic interests, characters who think they are much better at flirtation than they actually are, characters forced to work together only to prove much more compatible than they initially assumed, fics which mix an exploration of characters’ professional and everyday lives with shipping. A dynamic I cannot resist is shipping a couple who are incompatible in some important way (they are ideological enemies, cop and criminal, spies from opposite sides, one betrayed the other or they betrayed each other), and while they love and want each other they’re also not willing to change sides or surrender/compromise their identity for the other’s benefit, and how they might (or not) make their relationship work anyway.
I don’t have any very specific likes for smut, other than smut fitting the characters – show me how their canon dynamics spill over into the bedroom (or other place of congress). I also like sexual scenarios that subvert expectations a little and surprise the characters themselves (e.g., the person who’s usually quiet or more passive taking charge, the more aggressive person goes with it possibly snarking or commenting on it as long as they can). And I like sexual scenarios that contain an element of competition, antagonism, oh-god-this-is-a-bad-idea-but-we’re-going-for-it-hammer-and-tongs, not wanting to admit feelings or show vulnerability except oops it happens anyway, whether the characters acknowledge it or not, or just people getting way more into it or being more affected by it than they thought they would. When it fits the characters and their canon dynamic, you also can’t go wrong with we-both-wanted-this-for-forever-and-now-we-both-know-it-so-here-we-go-diving-in-headfirst. For het and/or slash, oral, vaginal, anal incl. pegging, manual (ifyouknowwhatImean) – it’s all good. You can go as veiled or as explicit as you like, but please avoid excessive medical jargon – I don’t find a lot of mention of “penis” or “clit” sexy.
MPREG, A/B/O, knotting, D/s, kinks, incest, underage, genderswap/genderbent characters, xeno, non-/dub-con, torture and abuse (this and non-/dub-con can be mentioned if the story needs it, but please don’t dwell on it in loving detail or subject any of my requested characters to it), dwelling on bodily fluids (mentions of gore/blood and come are fine), toilet humor, character bashing, issuefic, gender/sexuality/race/ethnicity/religion/ability/identity headcanons, unrequested ships, soulmates and soul marks, major character death (the exception is Laura Moon in American Gods dying so she can become undead), serious illness or injury, pregnancy and children, holiday or wedding setting/theme, secondary characters shipping the main pair like it’s their job, reference to RL current events, 1st/2nd person POV, unrequested crossovers or fusions, AUs which have nothing to do with canon
0 notes
galadrieljones · 7 years
Hello. As I've told u, I'm currently struggling a lot with my ongoing chapter. (Context : It's my first fic !) I was wondering whether you had some chapters of the dead season that you absolutely hated, and did you manage to come to terms with it eventually ? Luv u, xo
Hey Amburu!! (*^_^*) xoxo
First of all: Yes, yes, yes. Writing can feel like a struggle sometimes, especially when  just starting out. Part of this is because we just don’t always know what to expect out of our writing process yet, and so we’re often left wondering, “At what point will this start to feel right or finished?” It’s hard to trust ourselves, as writers, and this can be discouraging, but just like with any skill, we can’t get better unless we persevere. I like to think that writing improvement exists like a series of plateaus. It is not incremental. It’s like, you are on one plateau for a really long time, and then one day, you sort of hit critical mass. You’ve written so much, a pattern has struck. You’ve figured something out, even if it is not conscious, and suddenly, you’re just better. This process never ends.
Now, to your question: In terms of the writing process, it can take a long time and a lot of words to hit the point where you feel like you can actually trust your instincts. Or, at least it did for me. In fact, The Dead Season is my first project in which I feel like I’ve actually honed a writing process that works, and I have been writing fiction for a long, long time. Part of my writing process is experiencing a great deal of doubt, at some point in the week, as to whether or not the chapter is going to come together at all. This makes me anxious, as it would many of us, and certain chapters have made me more anxious than others. I wouldn’t say that I’ve ever hated any of my chapters themselves, but there are certainly chapters that have given me a lot of stress and self-doubt, and this is a feeling that I very much dislike.
For example, my early chapters, ie: about 1-7, feel super experimental and are very small. I’m not terribly happy with them by any stretch. But I have, over time, found small things that are working, and things that, in the long run, I actually like very much and would not change. For example, there are some rare, very strange and dark moments in the Fade, and we don’t actually go to the Fade all that often in TDS, so this is good. This is important. There are also some early seeds planted per Solas’s complex friendships with both Sera and Dorian, and Sene and Sera as well, plus Sene and Cole. These are big relationships that I was already investigating early on, and so while those chapters certainly aren’t perfect, I feel good about the fact that this has ALWAYS been a story about friendship, first and foremost, and that’s something I have not forgotten.
I’ve also accepted the fact that I was still new to the story back then and still feeling my way through and figuring out what was to come. So of course my early chapters weren’t going to be as careful and multi-layered as chapters that would come much later. This is a serial piece, which makes it feel, to me, a little like writing for TV, in terms of methodology. It took me a minute to figure out my formula, my process, my characters, but once I did, things started to take shape much more quickly and reliably.
Writing is hard, and it can be a struggle, but that is normal. The most important thing to remember, especially when writing more or less publicly, like for a fandom, is to not compare yourself and your writing to others and their writing. That is a toxic beast that we all fall prey to from time to time, but it will hamper your creativity more than anything. Also, and more practically, a lot of the time, when a chapter is causing problems, it might just be that you need to step back, locate the problem, and solve it in the quickest way possible so that you can move forward. Can’t get a transition to work? Then fuck it. Take the transition out and just put in a page break instead. Writing is sometimes just grunt work. It’s just problem-solving. Getting from point A to point B. The art we read on any brilliant page of any piece of writing we love takes many gruelling drafts to complete. It is a process. No writing comes out perfectly on the first try.
UNDER THE CUT: I go through some specific chapters in TDS that I really struggled with, mostly to give you some concrete perspective on the fact that YOU ARE NOT ALONE in your struggle to bring a chapter together. This is for anyone who’s interested!! (It was no bother and actually very productive!
Chapter 10: Hallelujah
I wrote that entire chapter while sitting on a bar stool at a cafe in my hometown in Wisconsin. I pulled a Patrick Weekes on this chapter, and it was hard, ie:  For all the Fade stuff with Sene and then Sene and Cole, I adapted the meter of Leonard Cohen’s Hallelujah, hence the title. Looking back, it’s a little precious, per my aesthetic, but I’m glad I gave it a try and somehow made it work. It was just a blatant nod to Weekes and his brilliant writing in DA:I.
Chapter 21: It’s Raining in Val Royeaux, Chapter 22 & 23: Man of Faith, Pt. 1 & 2
These chapters were logistical nightmares. This was also my first go at using the stakes and politics of the world, plus a quest in the game, to really propel the plot AND Solas’s character forward. At first, what was so difficult, was navigating Josephine’s plan and introducing the “game” in a way that felt like it was informed by Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts without piggy-backing it completely. This would be an innocent affair. No murder, only sly quips and earning the favor of the Comte and Comtess Berrande. Plus, romance. Also, this whole thing was me building toward Solas’s diplomatic charm, which is HUGE per his history with Mythal, and then I just had to get to that scene with Blackwall like…I had been working toward that scene for weeks. So a lot was at stake. All told this was a LOT of writing, and I had a really bad head cold when I did it, and I was very very worried about these chapters for a LONG time. I still have not gone back to read them. I assume they’re okay?? Lol.
Chapter 25: The Mother We Share
This is the purple chapter, and I still think there is probably TOO MUCH purple and TOO MUCH mother imagery dumped in. This chapter took me FOREVER and was the moment I realized Solas had become too soft, and that he needed a shove in the other direction. So I had to introduce Abelas, and also, at this point, my stuff with Mythal/Flemeth disassociating began to take shape. Bleh. Thinking about this chapter feels like wading in molasses sometimes.
Chapter 30: Dust of My Dust
This chapter was hard, because it was transitional. I had to get us OUT of Crestwood, and Sene and Solas were in two different places, which had never happened before. Sometimes it is SO HARD to just get from one scene to the next. And so in the end, to save myself more pain, I ended up just splitting the chapter up into a couple separate sections and skipping the transition altogether. This was so useful that I ended up using the section format in multiple future chapters and will most certainly do it again. Half of writing is just problem-solving, it turns out.
Chapter 34: The Elves are Asleep
This is the chapter that comes after Sene learns the truth about Solas as an ancient elf, which comes right after he finally tells her about the miscarriage. This chapter was VERY hard, as it starts in the Fade, and then they come back hard to reality. Huge tone shift. Dorian is there, etc. I’m still a little unhappy with this chapter, especially the ending. It was difficult to find the thesis, ie: what is the ultimate goal? I knew it had to be something with Sene’s character, as this is when her flaws and fears truly start to take shape, but I just couldn’t get a grip on the ending. I probably wrote 14 different endings until I finally figured out what her state of mind needed to be and even still, I’m a little unsure, because I just couldn’t mess around with it anymore. I was going nuts. So I just published it and moved on. Moveon.org. Sometimes you just gotta. Bleh. Oh well.
Chapter 36: Hey, Morrigan. Spin me a tale.
THIS CHAPTER KILLED ME. Lol. Looking back, I am actually very pleased with it, but at the time, it was so much that I had to delay publishing, because I just could not get it right. In the end, it just ended up being a series of impressionistic, almost paratactic scenes, all with very oblique titles. Again, problem-solving. Though I love writing like this. It’s totally my wheelhouse. But to earn this kind of thing, I knew I needed to establish a really strong thematic drawstring to unite all the pieces. I had like thirty metaphors going at once with the knitting and the gloves and the hands, and then creating that sense of confusion in the end, between what Solas is experiencing NOW and what he is remembering–that was really fucking hard. This chapter took me two weeks to draft, and I remember publishing it at 2am and then dragging myself to bed like TIS FINALLY COMPLETE.
Chapter 38: Assassins
This chapter was another logistical nightmare. I don’t typically write a ton of consecutive, immediately chronological scenes, or scenes where the tension completely shifts based on real-time action. But in this chapter, I had to locate Sene’s state of mind with Mythal, coordinate the accidental reveal of Solas’s identity, then cue the assassins, trigger Sene’s response, locate Mythal’s state of mind, and then get everyone down to the brig. FFFFFF. Like this is NOT my strength as a writer, and so this chapter was a huge challenge and I feel like I actually learned a lot. Also, I remember I initially wrote past the ending of this chapter by like 2500 words, only later to realize I needed to save all that for later. So yeah. :deep breath: This chapter, in my mind, feels full of sharp knives.
@thevikingwoman, per your interests.
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topfygad · 5 years
Travel Rewards Program Linking, New Citi Rule, Best Stopover Deals, Disney Hacks, AA Sweet Spots
We deliver you all of the journey rewards program linking partnerships, the brand new Citi 48 month rule, the perfect stopover offers, welcome a brand new web site titled Disney Hacks, all of the AA candy spots, all of the world borders by age, all of the states ranked by weight problems, wonderful aerial images, we expose the identical previous manner of running a blog by pretending to be useful to unsuspecting readers who’re clueless and pump them with affiliate hyperlinks, expose clickbait crap which is much more insulting and it’ll solely cease if YOU cease clicking on it, one other airline goes dynamic pricing mode, the Amex RATs are at it once more, nice trying new First and Enterprise class seats by ANA, ebook JAL flights on-line within the AA web site, a tremendous private finance hyperlink you’ll love as a lot as I did, find out how to renew International Entry, really feel the pleasure of Marriott getting Bonvoyed, my first marathon plans and rather more.
TBB Weblog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Encourage. In That Order!
Help TBB by making use of for CREDIT CARDS, purchasing with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS
You want my weblog? Ship a hyperlink to somebody please!
  Buckle up, that is going to be an extended one! I could possibly be doing different issues with my time you guys…why do I preserve doing this? Possibly as a result of I prefer it? Or possibly as a result of I’m an fool. After I retire from this gig, I’m going to be like Mile Nerd and put up as soon as a month, not like Ingy or Rene (see BLOG BUZZ part)
In case you missed this week’s visitor weblog put up, right here it’s once more: Is Alaska Airlines Mileage Plus Program the Best? Sweet Spots, Award Space, Stopovers!
Nice reddit reference: Travel Rewards Programs Partnerships/Linking.
Isn’t it peculiar how journey bloggers who promote bank cards discover each purpose to inform their readers how modifications that occur usually are not so unhealthy…when they are surely! Lastly, we get some information correctly analyzed by somebody who doesn’t promote bank cards and, due to this fact, can weblog freely for YOUR profit: The New Citi 48 Month Rule Now Covers All Citi AAdvantage Cards INCLUDING Business Cards and No, It Isn’t Good!!
The brand new Citi coverage that modifications the AA playing cards bonus availability from 24 months to 48 months makes issues for many mile-and-points fanatics worse, not higher like some of us appear to imagine. Once more, most doesn’t imply everybody, and there are people who find themselves going to learn, which is completely fantastic. In case you are likely to examine baggage and infrequently fly American, your free bag profit alone can pay your annual charge many occasions over. No purpose to shut down the cardboard after the primary yr. That is clearly a churn-combating measure, and simply to make clear: I’m not faulting Citi for preventing churners, simply making an attempt to set the file straight. I feel the brand new coverage will unfold to ThankYou playing cards too.
I discovered it extremely pleasing to see Marriott within the information this week, having to face a monster fine for not protecting our data after which getting sued for pricing practices and scummy resort fees. Lets simply say I’m not getting an invite to any occasion from them anytime quickly lol.
Good reference put up on all of the best stopover deals worldwide. I might ask a lame blogger questions like “what’s your favourite?”. However I’m simply going to return out and say what I actually really feel you guys…that my favourite is something from a bank card you bought with my links
If you’re because of renew your International Entry membership, Journey With Grant has a very detailed post about it.
It seems that Shawn, of Miles to Reminiscences, has a brand new enterprise out: Disney Hacks. If in case you have been studying my weblog for some time, you’ll know that I’m NOT a Disney fan! Hey, we’re all completely different!
With none warning in any way, ANA launched nice trying First and Enterprise class seats: East Meets West: ANA Launches New Luxury Cabins in Collaboration with Famed Japanese Architect and British Designers.
Artistic 3D panorama maps of National Parks. Attention-grabbing hyperlink.
Since we’re into maps, here’s a massive map showing all of the world’s borders by age. I discovered the video hyperlink fascinating too!
There’s a lot BS on-line. And many it’s generated by, you realize, intelligence companies trying to hurt us. Sadly, a number of morons click on on this clickbait crap. Right here is who’s behind the Seth Wealthy “story”: The true origins of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
MUST CLICK hyperlink if you’re into private finance. Simply Click on it, you gained’t be shocked. However you’ll be educated immensely! “This I Believe, Money Edition“.
A group of 41 amazing aerial photography shots. With drones!
Picture Credit score: OvidDPop
Very miserable in the event you stay in one of many states close to the highest in these lists, unhappy! The States with the Worst Eating and Exercise Habits in America.
We at the moment are coming into BLOG BUZZ, a bit for superior hobbyists and veterans of this quick imploding interest and in addition a bit the place I am going on and on about some stuff that occurs in my life as a result of it helps me really feel higher about myself.
All PR is nice PR. That was evident when the brand new proprietor of RenesPoints got here right here to inform me that. So, within the subsequent replace of the TBB Blogs To Ignore, I wish to make an announcement that the weblog Pointchaser will likely be added. Why chances are you’ll ask. And it’s a legitimate query. I might have simply saved quiet and simply shake my head in oblivion each time a one more MS play by play account was posted there. However nope. So, what was it TBB? It was the choice of Rick/Ingy/founding father of Frugal Journey Man, a loyal reader of my weblog, to return out of retirement (you knew that was coming) and unleash his “craft” in writing at Pointchaser ( who, in the event you missed it, is a giant fan of Rick). So, we’ve some weblog posts which are the identical previous crap concentrating on newbies and being “useful” to them and getting them to click on on the affiliate hyperlinks in every weblog put up (which in fact it’s disclosed someplace on the positioning nobody will search for and even suspect). And that is of us how running a blog is completed. Running a blog as in “conversions is all that issues”. Welcome again Rick. What iz da matter, working low on cash huh? In case you solely had not bought so early, unhappy!
Beechy had no clue they have been affiliate hyperlinks. Rick, smelling $$$, goes in for the kill/conversion within the feedback!
Apparently, that is the way it works on-line. Serving to readers by solely posting straightforward recycled “content material’ stuffed with affiliate hyperlinks the readers by no means suspect that the author has an ulterior motive and would possible by no means be running a blog within the first place if it was not for, cough, conversions. In case you see a DIRECT hyperlink right here that makes me cash, I’d add REFERRAL or AFFILIATE hyperlink subsequent to it simply so, you realize, you realize! Oblique hyperlinks don’t rely…which makes me really feel higher about myself. Will I ever recover from this hangup? Nicely, after virtually 7 years running a blog away…I’d not guess on it, unhappy!
Talking of mailing it in to make some cash from the Uber hyperlink, right here goes the founding father of RenesPoints once more, smh:
It’s 90*+ Outdoors – Would you Order Ice Cream by way of Uber Eats from Chilly Stone Creamery?
Hey, I get it. Truly, I don’t. In case you ever see me posting clickbait crap like this don’t make me ever neglect it okay?
Andy once more with all the American AAdvantage Sweet Spots That Are Still With Us. Seemingly not for lengthy…Fast, earlier than they go the dynamic route too any day now!
Talking of going dynamic, one more airline went that manner too. I’ve been warning you it is a secular pattern for some time! El Al Goes Dynamic, Removes The Ability To Search For Standard Award Tickets; Here’s What It Means For Matmid And Qantas Members.
Good that we are able to now book JAL awards online at the American Airlines website.
Causes #889 and #890 to inform Amex to go screw themselves (oops, there goes one other invite, unhappy!): The RAT team is at it again, I swear these guys most likely get bonuses by what number of factors they claw again! After which, please sit down, they killed all of the Precedence Move restaurant entry from their cardholders…I imply, that’s simply one other unhappy blow! Did I say I can’t wait to cancel my Platinum Enterprise card. Oh sure, I did.
I signed up for the Detroit Marathon in October. I’m assembly with a working coach tomorrow, time to take this significantly so I can end. If I might solely get again to my earlier kind earlier than I left for Greece…The warmth doesn’t assist in any respect for that!
The notorious Ann Arbor Artwork Honest DO is subsequent weekend once more. Good to see so many regulars once more. I could have one other announcement about that quickly.
Ben at One Mile at a Time for just a few days was outposting all the complete time writers at The Factors Man, wow! Does he sleep? Is he a robotic? Can I’ve a few of his conversions too? Superb work ethic!
And I go away you with this…Ought to have posted this on July 4th lol
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Opinions expressed listed here are writer’s alone, not these of any financial institution, bank card issuer, lodge, airline, or different entity. This content material has not been reviewed, authorized or in any other case endorsed by any of the entities included throughout the put up.
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TAGS: AACitiDealsDisneyHacksLinkingProgramRewardsRulespotsStopoverSweetTravel
source http://cheaprtravels.com/travel-rewards-program-linking-new-citi-rule-best-stopover-deals-disney-hacks-aa-sweet-spots/
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artemissarrows · 6 years
Queer Book Report: The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde (in honor of the movie)
I just heard that Rupert Everett directed a biopic about Oscar Wilde’s final days, called The Happy Prince. It’s named for the fairy tale that Wilde wrote when he was young, of the same name. The movie looks pretty good, although I am not always a fan of biopics about authors’ lives. Wilde, though, basically invented modern homosexuality as we know it, so there’s an awful lot there and I’m excited to see how it turned out. 
Here’s the trailer! And a nice picture from the movie of Wilde and Alfred “Bosie” Douglas strolling together before it all went to pieces.
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In honor of the eponymous movie, now seems like a great time to discuss the tale of The Happy Prince, my favorite of Wilde’s fairy tales. I first encountered these during a literary seminar I took during college, and ever since then I’ve been a huge fan. We get to see young Wilde working out a lot of the ideas that pop up during many of his later works: creating oblique homosocial spaces, the “usefulness” of art, the mismatch between how people look and how they act (a la Dorian Grey) and lots of other interesting things.
It’s also the one piece of literature I can recall that makes me cry literally every time I read it. And I’m not a crier.
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This story is in the public domain now, so here’s a link. Read it! (It’ll take you 5 mins). I’ll wait! He is a handsome prince, no?
Okay, and we’re back. First things first:
The big thing I’m sure folks noticed was the not-very-thinly-veiled-at-all commentary on homosexual vs. heterosexual love, when we think about the Reed versus the Happy Prince and the Swallow.  The Reed has a “slender waist” but does not talk, has “far too many relations” (lol), and is stuck in one place. She’s no match for the Swallow. On the other hand, the Prince, who enlists the Swallow in his good deeds, and through the power of love and sacrifice enables the transformation of the Swallow from self-absorbed to very noble indeed as the Swallow executes each good deed.  Sigh, it’s a bit sexist in how vapid the Reed is, at least according to the Swallow.
There’s also some noteworthy themes about transformation and how as the Prince loses his outer beauty he becomes more innerly beautiful by doing good deeds, and therefore more Gd-like. He’s also literally a work of art transforming into, well, not one—or is he still art without his adornments? In giving parts of himself away to help people, has he been “useful”? The Art Professor says, “As he is no longer beautiful he is no longer useful” and we know this entire story is refuting that. It’s also interesting to juxtapose his transformation to Dorian Grey’s in The Portrait of Dorian Grey, where his personal transformation goes the other direction and Dorian’s self shows no change whereas his portrait does. Good stuff!
And as someone who also cares about social justice, watching the Happy Prince (so aptly named!) give actual parts of himself away in order to make the world a little bit better just seemed so sad. He can give the little match-girl a sapphire now, but her father will still beat her later. He can give everyone gold leaf and they’ll be a little less poor now, but it’s ultimately futile. It’s just so heartbreaking. And we contrast the Happy Prince’s actions with those of the Mayor and the Town Councillors, who have the power and ability to do something about the problems that the Happy Prince identifies, but they are so selfish that they don’t see them, only caring about themselves.
My lovely partner Mx. Arrows and I also view ourselves as social movement do-gooders in the world, so it’s kind of interesting to think about the Prince and the Swallow as early queer counterparts of us and of people like us. Because the Prince lives above the city and is a part of it but not of it, he can see poverty and injustice most clearly. The beautiful homosocial space that the Swallow and the Prince are able to create is also only possible above the city, not within it. In that way, other-ness is a gift. So, too, queerness.
Yet it ends in death. Even here in fairy tales, queers aren’t allowed to be happy—at least not yet. At the very moment that the Prince’s and the Swallow’s homosocial relationship shades into actual romantic love, the Swallow kisses the Prince and then expires from the cold. The Prince’s leaden heart breaks, and then they throw both the Prince and the dead Swallow on the trash heap. I wish it weren’t true (and I’m lucky enough to have supportive family and friends) but that’s what a lot of people think about us and our existence.
But the most heartbreaking part of the story for me is the epic misdirection in the ending. We’re supposed to think it’s happy—it’s not at all!
'Bring me the two most precious things in the city,' said God to one of His Angels; and the Angel brought Him the leaden heart and the dead bird.
'You have rightly chosen,' said God,'for in my garden of Paradise this little bird shall sing for evermore, and in my city of gold the Happy Prince shall praise me.'
So all’s well, the two experience apotheosis and live forever happily in heaven. Right?? Not so much. Gd does not reunite the Prince and the Swallow ! He puts the Prince in a heavenly city, and the Swallow in a heavenly garden, but he refuses to reunite them. The entire point of the story is about the good deeds that the Prince and the Swallow did together, and how much they sacrificed to remain together. As the Prince and the Swallow served Gd through their good deeds in life, so to do they do so in death—but not together. That’s the real tragedy of the tale. Even Gd, it seems, is part of the patriarchy (in which no one is surprised).
If you liked The Happy Prince, there’s lots more Wilde fairy tales to choose from! You can read them here.
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geniuszone-blog · 7 years
New Post has been published on Geniuszone
New Post has been published on https://geniuszone.biz/good-and-bad-in-gaming/
Good and Bad in Gaming
Gaming is certainly one of the largest pastimes or even careers in the world. People play games for fun or gaining knowledge of while others file videos approximately the games. In this newsletter, I will cognizance more on gaming itself and not so much the facet of how to make gaming movies. Gamers are available all different ages, genders, religions, places and shapes. The backgrounds of individuals who are gamers make gaming that much more fun.
  Backgrounds of gamers can play a component in the form of video games that people play. There are all varieties of combinations for special categories regarding the form of games and type of gamers. You really need to look at the sport’s website to get all the pertinent records previous to shopping for.
  There are many on-line systems where you could purchase games from which includes Steam or Humble Bundle. Those web sites will come up with the description, videos through the organization, images, person and non-user tags, critiques, website, organization and their social account(s). Be aware the game’s internet site may not display you the whole thing you need to understand. As a minimal, a gaming company will show a brief income pitch description, the small quantity of images (5 at best), one or videos by means of them and their social accounts. The maximum they’ll provide is an informative description, their social accounts, person evaluations and videos via them.
  Let’s dive properly into what is perceived as poor about gaming. The majority of the poor matters approximately games come from the actual-life humans on those games, the sort of games and the styles of games for the wrong character. A recreation may be poorly made but it’s not continually the case where the sport itself is awful. It may be where it changed into the wrong form of recreation for the incorrect man or woman. This is where the types are available in. Maybe a recreation has a bit of violence. That would not make it bad; it just makes it the incorrect type of sport for a seven yr vintage. Or maybe you bought a puzzle recreation for a person who loves motion type video games. So the motion loving person won’t enjoy it, but that does not make the puzzle sport bad!
The styles of video games are infinite from nudity, capsules, and alcohol, horror, playing with money and extra. These differing types are wrong for youngsters gamers in addition to incorrect for people who don’t like seeing such matters.
  Gaming has good and horrific aspects much like the entirety else. The secret’s how top and terrible are the one’s facets. For instance, a few video games have an awful aspect with gamers that like to fight a lot. This is commonplace in games. Understand for a variety of game enthusiasts this is not a huge deal; but, for youth who are new to the sport or even gaming in standard, this may be irritating. There are instances whilst you want to keep away from the terrible aspects all collectively. There are times when the best outweighs the horrific. If this happens and there aren’t any problems with the game itself; then the horrific aspect is simply that one little fly in your room which isn’t any big deal. Caution: If the bad outweighs the good, I could strongly advocate keeping off that sport.
  Another component that people will nag a recreation developer or author approximately is representation. Should I say a lack of illustration which isn’t confined to race, frame type and message in the game? If you’re able to personalize your individual, then of the path you may not have a problem with representation. There is a trouble in some games where they do not represent sturdy and smart ladies, minority ladies and adult males, large, small, tall, and brief women and men. Notice how I failed to put “adult males” after a woman for strong? That’s due to the fact males in video games are ALWAYS represented as sturdy and smart.
  In games that display a male robust and clever, he’s going to normally probably be white, tall, skinny, movie famous person looking and buff. You will rarely see him be a minority, quick, obese, now not buff, nerdy looking, whilst still being strong and smart. You see this even LESS for females. Some girls in games are also white, tall, skinny and strong even as showing skin like no tomorrow. You only see THESE females in MMORPG video games (Massively Multiplayer on line Role Playing Game) although. RPG video games are supposed for fantasy worlds where you by and large combat human beings and monsters. Of course, the women’ stats may be sturdy but they may not look sturdy.
  In maximum video games, after they add a person in an effort to play they usually add a white male first, then a white lady, then a black male, after which a black woman. They do not even actually add those who are mixes of races or in among. When it involves the black characters they best add one shade of “black” or “African-American” and not each black man or woman on this planet is that color.
  In games, the general public of the characters is constantly skinny and tall. You don’t absolutely see characters which are short and skinny, tall and overweight, short and chubby, and so on. There are a variety of folks that aren’t skinny and who are not tall.
Then finally, there may be the mental message that is going with the gender, race, and body kind. What do I mean through the mental message? Some games ship an oblique message approximately that man or woman being robust and smart or some thing else. While for different video games it is able to be an intellectual message either on the motive or now not. For instance, in the sport, you play and you see a minority girl who is short, overweight, nerdy searching and her tendencies are to be a goof ball, naive, and dumb. It may want to send an intellectual message to you that people that appear to her are much like her. They’re no longer smart, they are not thin, and aren’t tall. They did poorly in school and many others. And many others. So you begin thinking the one’s matters based on now not handiest seeing this in that recreation time and again, however, whilst it takes place in other video games too.
  The worst element is NONE of this stuff is authentic. Yes, some humans are not skinny, tall, and perhaps now not that shiny; but now not EVERYONE is like this! You do have quick chubby minorities who are clever as all get out! You have all kinds of combos of those who ARE clever! Of course, all this stuff approximately gender, race, body type, and messages are not just in gaming; they may be in movies, TV shows, ads, etc. What’s exciting is that some of the creators who make the video games, movies, TV shows, commercials, and so forth., are minorities themselves and they make up the populace of the earth. (Search “world populace by using race 2016” and click on the first three hyperlinks in case you don’t believe me.)
  Quick disclaimer: I AM NOT BASHING ANYONE! Yes, I became shouting that. This phase of the item is telling you what I realize, examine, listen and experience in gaming.
If you do not agree with me move has a look at present day TV shows, films, advertisements, and video games. A display to look at for proper illustration is Milo Murphy’s Law. Two video games to study as a reference for suitable illustration are OverWatch and Atlas Reactor. Now in those fields, it has gotten better for illustration specifically gender, race and simply now starting body kind (in particular in this order). Some games even upload robots and creatures as playable characters to keep away from having troubles with representation. This eliminates the hassle of customers wanting an individual to symbolize their actual or preferred gender, race, or frame kind because now there may be a man or woman maximum users can agree on. After all, you can not please every body.
Alright, now that I ranted and got the bad stuff out of the manner; allow’s get into the good components of gaming! You have game enthusiasts as young as three years old and as vintage as 90+! No, be counted your age, race, gender, faith, culture, or vicinity gaming may be precise for all people. Gaming cannot most effective be amusing, however beneficial and academic.
  A gain with gaming is it could help adolescents have greater self-assurance in themselves and be extra social. If they play an online multiplayer game and speak to different players around the arena, this could help then get used to talking to different human beings except for family and that they gain self-belief in what they’re saying. They can move from an introvert to a social enthusiast! It can show up rapid or slowly. Even if it’s now not a recreation but an area for gamers, artists, style designers, vehicle enthusiast, and so on. To speak; it’ll nevertheless help them be more social. Keep in mind although, typing to someone after which voice chatting to a person are specific experiences. Youth may be very social when typing however very shy whilst voice chatting.
  This is how I am. Before I turned into shy while speaking to humans I did not recognize whether or not it become online or offline, now I’ve emerged as greater at ease with it because I realize the way to manage myself and believe in myself. But with regards to voice chatting on-line, I’m the quiet individual on the chat. Counterproductive right! You would possibly even forget about I became a name with you! Before when the people on the financial institution said: “Hi” I would not say some thing, now I definitely respond and say “Hi. How are you?” After that, I do not absolutely assume to talk with them so I’ll be quiet once more lol. See what I suggest? After socializing, in preferred, through the years you get better at it and come to be less fearful and more assured in yourself.
  Another advantage with gaming is group paintings. Sometimes in video games, the best way to win or accomplish an intention is to paintings with one or more gamers. In positive games, gamers are allowed a challenge can be finished with handiest one player, but it is probably more difficult unless you have got greater players than your self. Other instances certain obligations can’t be achieved with one player and want or greater. There are instances you’re making a group along with your friends or own family to complete the purpose. Other instances you could make a group with people you didn’t realize.
  This is where it can get difficult. If it is a game wherein you could make a set this is inviting simplest, you would simply invite your pals or own family. You can strategize with them, you’ll be greater secure speak with them, and you may all conform to work collectively. If it’s a game wherein there is no institution device however you could nevertheless paintings with others, aka loose for fall, and you can speak with them there may also nonetheless be a goal that could only be finished with a couple of gamers. Do you have to play with other gamers you have in no way talked to before in case your circle of relatives and buddies can not be a part of you and you really need to complete this goal?
  This is not a terrible thing although! This is where you no longer most effective turn out to be more social however you discover ways to work with other players you’ve never met earlier than. If you continually play along with your circle of relatives and friends you both already realize the way to work collectively, how the opposite thinks, etc. But if it’s someone you have never met it can be a bit difficult. I and my brother grew up doing the whole lot collectively with out truly having any pals, perhaps colleagues and friends but no longer in reality buddies. So we were very used to understanding what the other desired or how they played and many others. But when we surely were given two friends, it becomes very hard to agree on many stuff. So if you play and work with different people now it is going to be less complicated later. I and my brother have progressed our abilities to work with others.
Another advantage is persistence which ties in with crew constructing and socializing. After all, in order to get higher at some thing you no longer simplest should hold doing it however you have to have patience even as doing it. There are many instances in video games in which you need to wait. Just like studying is in everything, you have to have persistence for everything. In video games, you usually have to look ahead to some thing. You need to have patience for locating some thing, something to finish cooking, some thing to finish death, your buddies to come back lower back from going AFK (Away From Keyboard), the next wave of monsters to return, the subsequent stage to open up, etc. Etc. I had to have endurance while writing this article! So gaming will let you have extra endurance in gaming and regular lifestyles.
  Another benefit is hand and eye coordination. When you’re gaming you need to pay attention to what’s happening on your display even as additionally urgent your controller or keyboard button to do extra things on your display. If you want to move your person in that sport, you have to use your keyboard and mouse or a controller at the same time as nonetheless searching for your display screen. It’s like getting to know a way to kind. Most of the time you’re presupposed to learn how to type phrases and sentences whilst looking at your display with out searching for your keyboard. This same aspect applies to gaming. You have so as to press the needed keys for you to accomplish that element you’re looking to do even as looking at your screen. After all, if you’re urgent your keys but now not looking at your screen, how can you recognize in case you’re doing it right?
  Now, this one is a gain and academic gain – reminiscence. Games can help improve your reminiscence. How? Let me tell you. Take what I stated above approximately typing. The individuals who can look at their displays and type with out looking at their keyboard have some thing known as “muscle memory”. When they want to make a sure letter seem on screen they just ought to press that key and that they don’t must study the keyboard due to the fact they have got a press that key so commonly they themselves and their muscle groups remember wherein that certain keys. You have muscle reminiscence already. Don’t trust me? Take a look at your keyboard right now. You see in which all the letters, numbers, and emblems are proper? The letters aren’t in alphabetical order. So whenever you tried to kind your call or something on a digital keyboard wherein the letter have been alphabetical; Did you’re taking you longer than normally to type that word and was it bizarre and perplexing? It becomes. I’ve done it. You understand why?
When you kind or text to a person you know the phrase you need to make seem on display screen and also you don’t forget wherein the keys are. Maybe you can not tell them so as if a person asked you however if they requested you to kind a phrase you’d be able to type it due to the fact you understand in which the keys are. For me, I recognize how to spell positive words after I’m typing however perhaps no longer how to spell it verbally. This is because I’m seeing the word being spelled in front of me. Technically when we type to each other we’re spelling out words and then analyzing them in our thoughts. But when you talk out loud you don’t see the words you simply pay attention them. Sure, when you study textual content on the screen you pay attention them to your mind, even proper no longer you listen to these phrases I’m typing, but you do not verbally hear them and you’re seeing every letter make up that word. When someone spells something incorrect you straight away notice it because it’s not spelled proper and you examine it. When a person speaks something you don’t read any letters, you best hear the word.
  So video games assist you to build up muscle reminiscence and mind memory. If you can save objects in game you need to remember where you put it, or in case you want a recipe to make some thing you may keep in mind the recipe, or perhaps you don’t forget a detail about some thing important, or perhaps you do not forget the manner through a maze or the way domestic. Some games are even built simply to help enhance your memory or the best manner to maintain progressing is remembering positive information. My mother can type with out looking at the keyboard, however, struggles with trying to stroll in games.
So now allow’s get the educational benefits. One academic gain is math. Now, the game would not need to have an aim to teach you math so as for it to have math. The point of going to high school is to get a training! Not socialize, however you still might make friends. So this is applicable to all video games. The recreation would not always have a goal of J but it would include J. Its aim is probably X but it’d nevertheless have J. In a few games you may construct houses and use recipes to make objects. How big do you need your the way to be? 30 blocks X 10 blocks X 60 blocks? Did you recognize what I just said? Let me say it differently. 30 blocks on the X axis (left and proper on the floor), 10 blocks on the Y axis (up and down on the ground), and 60 blocks on the Z axis (up and down within the air). This is the way you’d build a house, the use of math, in a game referred to as Minecraft. With these coordinates, it approaches your home will be a rectangle with a very tall roof. Let’s use Minecraft once more for this subsequent example.
  If you need to make 4 swords for instance, what do you want? You want wood and iron. How a good deal wood? How plenty iron? We’ll start with the take care of. You want two sticks to make the manage for one sword. One wooden log can be changed into four wood planks, take and you could then make four timber sticks. You want to make 4 sword handles. So what number of timber logs do you need? One. For the sword itself, it takes portions of iron. You need to make four swords, so how tons iron do you want? Eight. See? Depending on what you’re making and how many of that element the recipe can call for plenty of assets or only some.
Another instructional advantage is hassle fixing. There are lots of games with puzzles or none but it may nevertheless encompass problem-solving. A good sport as an instance is Scribblenauts Unlimited. In this recreation, you visit to make one of a kind places fixing people’s issues to make them satisfied which offer you an item to cure someone. In order to remedy their troubles, you need to use adjectives and nouns to solve the hassle itself or make some thing to remedy the hassle. The great component is you can remedy that trouble many different methods and no way is the wrong way. Some games even trade primarily based on your selections and we call these “paths”. Some paths can change, stay on the equal direction, or end. So you need to resolve every problem the great way otherwise you could choose the wrong direction or a path that ends.
  Another educational benefit is reaction timing. If you don’t need to die in a certain sport your response to something may be the deciding truth of your survival or grave. The extra you check your reaction timing the faster you’ll get and soon you’ll be able to react to matters speedily. This can come from games with combat like MMORPGs, shooters, and PvP (Player V Player).
You do quite a few these things in games without even understanding it! When you play that recreation you simply must do A, G, M, and S to do some thing it’s far you’re looking to do, without knowing the real world the ones abilities are technically referred to as B, H, N, and T and utilized in three, 6, and 9. See? So you just should get used to applying the one’s capabilities within the real global.
  Some games are higher for positive ages or interests. Some video games are meant for little children, some are for teen and teens, and others are for adults. Then there are video games only for human beings interested by robots, motors, fashion, princesses, ice skating, etc. So the games should have the equal advantages, however, those advantages might be better for certain humans than others.
  Some video games are being utilized in schools or college, as checks for robots and even to educate positive subjects. I these days was given a game a good way to teach me how to study and write the Japanese characters while surviving in a sport international. Some people who do not speak English now are aware of it sufficient to talk to English audio system just by gambling or looking video games in English! If you find a person who knows how to talk, study, or write a little Japanese; ask them if they have watched Anime. Most English speakers understand some Japanese because they play or watch Anime things.
  So whilst you see your youngsters or grandparents playing some games, don’t suppose it’s horrific. It may be helping their memory, problem-solving skills, math capabilities, or they’ll be mastering every other language or mastering greater about a topic.
  As you examine, there are right and bad sides to gaming. I propose you simply have fun and be secure while gaming. There are masses of video games out there for every sort of individual and greater video games are nonetheless coming. Games allow you to improve and teach you abilities you now not most effective use in sport, however, you may use in faculty and within the actual global. Games allow you to get sharp and stay sharp. Have amusing gaming and y’all stay safe!
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Travel Rewards Program Linking, New Citi Rule, Best Stopover Deals, Disney Hacks, AA Sweet Spots
We deliver you all of the journey rewards program linking partnerships, the brand new Citi 48 month rule, the perfect stopover offers, welcome a brand new web site titled Disney Hacks, all of the AA candy spots, all of the world borders by age, all of the states ranked by weight problems, wonderful aerial images, we expose the identical previous manner of running a blog by pretending to be useful to unsuspecting readers who’re clueless and pump them with affiliate hyperlinks, expose clickbait crap which is much more insulting and it’ll solely cease if YOU cease clicking on it, one other airline goes dynamic pricing mode, the Amex RATs are at it once more, nice trying new First and Enterprise class seats by ANA, ebook JAL flights on-line within the AA web site, a tremendous private finance hyperlink you’ll love as a lot as I did, find out how to renew International Entry, really feel the pleasure of Marriott getting Bonvoyed, my first marathon plans and rather more.
TBB Weblog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Encourage. In That Order!
Help TBB by making use of for CREDIT CARDS, purchasing with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS
You want my weblog? Ship a hyperlink to somebody please!
  Buckle up, that is going to be an extended one! I could possibly be doing different issues with my time you guys…why do I preserve doing this? Possibly as a result of I prefer it? Or possibly as a result of I’m an fool. After I retire from this gig, I’m going to be like Mile Nerd and put up as soon as a month, not like Ingy or Rene (see BLOG BUZZ part)
In case you missed this week’s visitor weblog put up, right here it’s once more: Is Alaska Airlines Mileage Plus Program the Best? Sweet Spots, Award Space, Stopovers!
Nice reddit reference: Travel Rewards Programs Partnerships/Linking.
Isn’t it peculiar how journey bloggers who promote bank cards discover each purpose to inform their readers how modifications that occur usually are not so unhealthy…when they are surely! Lastly, we get some information correctly analyzed by somebody who doesn’t promote bank cards and, due to this fact, can weblog freely for YOUR profit: The New Citi 48 Month Rule Now Covers All Citi AAdvantage Cards INCLUDING Business Cards and No, It Isn’t Good!!
The brand new Citi coverage that modifications the AA playing cards bonus availability from 24 months to 48 months makes issues for many mile-and-points fanatics worse, not higher like some of us appear to imagine. Once more, most doesn’t imply everybody, and there are people who find themselves going to learn, which is completely fantastic. In case you are likely to examine baggage and infrequently fly American, your free bag profit alone can pay your annual charge many occasions over. No purpose to shut down the cardboard after the primary yr. That is clearly a churn-combating measure, and simply to make clear: I’m not faulting Citi for preventing churners, simply making an attempt to set the file straight. I feel the brand new coverage will unfold to ThankYou playing cards too.
I discovered it extremely pleasing to see Marriott within the information this week, having to face a monster fine for not protecting our data after which getting sued for pricing practices and scummy resort fees. Lets simply say I’m not getting an invite to any occasion from them anytime quickly lol.
Good reference put up on all of the best stopover deals worldwide. I might ask a lame blogger questions like “what’s your favourite?”. However I’m simply going to return out and say what I actually really feel you guys…that my favourite is something from a bank card you bought with my links
If you’re because of renew your International Entry membership, Journey With Grant has a very detailed post about it.
It seems that Shawn, of Miles to Reminiscences, has a brand new enterprise out: Disney Hacks. If in case you have been studying my weblog for some time, you’ll know that I’m NOT a Disney fan! Hey, we’re all completely different!
With none warning in any way, ANA launched nice trying First and Enterprise class seats: East Meets West: ANA Launches New Luxury Cabins in Collaboration with Famed Japanese Architect and British Designers.
Artistic 3D panorama maps of National Parks. Attention-grabbing hyperlink.
Since we’re into maps, here’s a massive map showing all of the world’s borders by age. I discovered the video hyperlink fascinating too!
There’s a lot BS on-line. And many it’s generated by, you realize, intelligence companies trying to hurt us. Sadly, a number of morons click on on this clickbait crap. Right here is who’s behind the Seth Wealthy “story”: The true origins of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
MUST CLICK hyperlink if you’re into private finance. Simply Click on it, you gained’t be shocked. However you’ll be educated immensely! “This I Believe, Money Edition“.
A group of 41 amazing aerial photography shots. With drones!
Picture Credit score: OvidDPop
Very miserable in the event you stay in one of many states close to the highest in these lists, unhappy! The States with the Worst Eating and Exercise Habits in America.
We at the moment are coming into BLOG BUZZ, a bit for superior hobbyists and veterans of this quick imploding interest and in addition a bit the place I am going on and on about some stuff that occurs in my life as a result of it helps me really feel higher about myself.
All PR is nice PR. That was evident when the brand new proprietor of RenesPoints got here right here to inform me that. So, within the subsequent replace of the TBB Blogs To Ignore, I wish to make an announcement that the weblog Pointchaser will likely be added. Why chances are you’ll ask. And it’s a legitimate query. I might have simply saved quiet and simply shake my head in oblivion each time a one more MS play by play account was posted there. However nope. So, what was it TBB? It was the choice of Rick/Ingy/founding father of Frugal Journey Man, a loyal reader of my weblog, to return out of retirement (you knew that was coming) and unleash his “craft” in writing at Pointchaser ( who, in the event you missed it, is a giant fan of Rick). So, we’ve some weblog posts which are the identical previous crap concentrating on newbies and being “useful” to them and getting them to click on on the affiliate hyperlinks in every weblog put up (which in fact it’s disclosed someplace on the positioning nobody will search for and even suspect). And that is of us how running a blog is completed. Running a blog as in “conversions is all that issues”. Welcome again Rick. What iz da matter, working low on cash huh? In case you solely had not bought so early, unhappy!
Beechy had no clue they have been affiliate hyperlinks. Rick, smelling $$$, goes in for the kill/conversion within the feedback!
Apparently, that is the way it works on-line. Serving to readers by solely posting straightforward recycled “content material’ stuffed with affiliate hyperlinks the readers by no means suspect that the author has an ulterior motive and would possible by no means be running a blog within the first place if it was not for, cough, conversions. In case you see a DIRECT hyperlink right here that makes me cash, I’d add REFERRAL or AFFILIATE hyperlink subsequent to it simply so, you realize, you realize! Oblique hyperlinks don’t rely…which makes me really feel higher about myself. Will I ever recover from this hangup? Nicely, after virtually 7 years running a blog away…I’d not guess on it, unhappy!
Talking of mailing it in to make some cash from the Uber hyperlink, right here goes the founding father of RenesPoints once more, smh:
It’s 90*+ Outdoors – Would you Order Ice Cream by way of Uber Eats from Chilly Stone Creamery?
Hey, I get it. Truly, I don’t. In case you ever see me posting clickbait crap like this don’t make me ever neglect it okay?
Andy once more with all the American AAdvantage Sweet Spots That Are Still With Us. Seemingly not for lengthy…Fast, earlier than they go the dynamic route too any day now!
Talking of going dynamic, one more airline went that manner too. I’ve been warning you it is a secular pattern for some time! El Al Goes Dynamic, Removes The Ability To Search For Standard Award Tickets; Here’s What It Means For Matmid And Qantas Members.
Good that we are able to now book JAL awards online at the American Airlines website.
Causes #889 and #890 to inform Amex to go screw themselves (oops, there goes one other invite, unhappy!): The RAT team is at it again, I swear these guys most likely get bonuses by what number of factors they claw again! After which, please sit down, they killed all of the Precedence Move restaurant entry from their cardholders…I imply, that’s simply one other unhappy blow! Did I say I can’t wait to cancel my Platinum Enterprise card. Oh sure, I did.
I signed up for the Detroit Marathon in October. I’m assembly with a working coach tomorrow, time to take this significantly so I can end. If I might solely get again to my earlier kind earlier than I left for Greece…The warmth doesn’t assist in any respect for that!
The notorious Ann Arbor Artwork Honest DO is subsequent weekend once more. Good to see so many regulars once more. I could have one other announcement about that quickly.
Ben at One Mile at a Time for just a few days was outposting all the complete time writers at The Factors Man, wow! Does he sleep? Is he a robotic? Can I’ve a few of his conversions too? Superb work ethic!
And I go away you with this…Ought to have posted this on July 4th lol
Observe TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2.
You may subscribe to TBB beneath, winners solely!
Opinions expressed listed here are writer’s alone, not these of any financial institution, bank card issuer, lodge, airline, or different entity. This content material has not been reviewed, authorized or in any other case endorsed by any of the entities included throughout the put up.
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TAGS: AACitiDealsDisneyHacksLinkingProgramRewardsRulespotsStopoverSweetTravel
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2LPkefr via https://ift.tt/2NIqXKN
0 notes
topfygad · 5 years
Travel Rewards Program Linking, New Citi Rule, Best Stopover Deals, Disney Hacks, AA Sweet Spots
We deliver you all of the journey rewards program linking partnerships, the brand new Citi 48 month rule, the perfect stopover offers, welcome a brand new web site titled Disney Hacks, all of the AA candy spots, all of the world borders by age, all of the states ranked by weight problems, wonderful aerial images, we expose the identical previous manner of running a blog by pretending to be useful to unsuspecting readers who’re clueless and pump them with affiliate hyperlinks, expose clickbait crap which is much more insulting and it’ll solely cease if YOU cease clicking on it, one other airline goes dynamic pricing mode, the Amex RATs are at it once more, nice trying new First and Enterprise class seats by ANA, ebook JAL flights on-line within the AA web site, a tremendous private finance hyperlink you’ll love as a lot as I did, find out how to renew International Entry, really feel the pleasure of Marriott getting Bonvoyed, my first marathon plans and rather more.
TBB Weblog Mission: To Educate. Entertain. Encourage. In That Order!
Help TBB by making use of for CREDIT CARDS, purchasing with our AMAZON AFFILIATE LINK & clicking our REFERRAL LINKS
You want my weblog? Ship a hyperlink to somebody please!
  Buckle up, that is going to be an extended one! I could possibly be doing different issues with my time you guys…why do I preserve doing this? Possibly as a result of I prefer it? Or possibly as a result of I’m an fool. After I retire from this gig, I’m going to be like Mile Nerd and put up as soon as a month, not like Ingy or Rene (see BLOG BUZZ part)
In case you missed this week’s visitor weblog put up, right here it’s once more: Is Alaska Airlines Mileage Plus Program the Best? Sweet Spots, Award Space, Stopovers!
Nice reddit reference: Travel Rewards Programs Partnerships/Linking.
Isn’t it peculiar how journey bloggers who promote bank cards discover each purpose to inform their readers how modifications that occur usually are not so unhealthy…when they are surely! Lastly, we get some information correctly analyzed by somebody who doesn’t promote bank cards and, due to this fact, can weblog freely for YOUR profit: The New Citi 48 Month Rule Now Covers All Citi AAdvantage Cards INCLUDING Business Cards and No, It Isn’t Good!!
The brand new Citi coverage that modifications the AA playing cards bonus availability from 24 months to 48 months makes issues for many mile-and-points fanatics worse, not higher like some of us appear to imagine. Once more, most doesn’t imply everybody, and there are people who find themselves going to learn, which is completely fantastic. In case you are likely to examine baggage and infrequently fly American, your free bag profit alone can pay your annual charge many occasions over. No purpose to shut down the cardboard after the primary yr. That is clearly a churn-combating measure, and simply to make clear: I’m not faulting Citi for preventing churners, simply making an attempt to set the file straight. I feel the brand new coverage will unfold to ThankYou playing cards too.
I discovered it extremely pleasing to see Marriott within the information this week, having to face a monster fine for not protecting our data after which getting sued for pricing practices and scummy resort fees. Lets simply say I’m not getting an invite to any occasion from them anytime quickly lol.
Good reference put up on all of the best stopover deals worldwide. I might ask a lame blogger questions like “what’s your favourite?”. However I’m simply going to return out and say what I actually really feel you guys…that my favourite is something from a bank card you bought with my links
If you’re because of renew your International Entry membership, Journey With Grant has a very detailed post about it.
It seems that Shawn, of Miles to Reminiscences, has a brand new enterprise out: Disney Hacks. If in case you have been studying my weblog for some time, you’ll know that I’m NOT a Disney fan! Hey, we’re all completely different!
With none warning in any way, ANA launched nice trying First and Enterprise class seats: East Meets West: ANA Launches New Luxury Cabins in Collaboration with Famed Japanese Architect and British Designers.
Artistic 3D panorama maps of National Parks. Attention-grabbing hyperlink.
Since we’re into maps, here’s a massive map showing all of the world’s borders by age. I discovered the video hyperlink fascinating too!
There’s a lot BS on-line. And many it’s generated by, you realize, intelligence companies trying to hurt us. Sadly, a number of morons click on on this clickbait crap. Right here is who’s behind the Seth Wealthy “story”: The true origins of the Seth Rich conspiracy theory.
MUST CLICK hyperlink if you’re into private finance. Simply Click on it, you gained’t be shocked. However you’ll be educated immensely! “This I Believe, Money Edition“.
A group of 41 amazing aerial photography shots. With drones!
Picture Credit score: OvidDPop
Very miserable in the event you stay in one of many states close to the highest in these lists, unhappy! The States with the Worst Eating and Exercise Habits in America.
We at the moment are coming into BLOG BUZZ, a bit for superior hobbyists and veterans of this quick imploding interest and in addition a bit the place I am going on and on about some stuff that occurs in my life as a result of it helps me really feel higher about myself.
All PR is nice PR. That was evident when the brand new proprietor of RenesPoints got here right here to inform me that. So, within the subsequent replace of the TBB Blogs To Ignore, I wish to make an announcement that the weblog Pointchaser will likely be added. Why chances are you’ll ask. And it’s a legitimate query. I might have simply saved quiet and simply shake my head in oblivion each time a one more MS play by play account was posted there. However nope. So, what was it TBB? It was the choice of Rick/Ingy/founding father of Frugal Journey Man, a loyal reader of my weblog, to return out of retirement (you knew that was coming) and unleash his “craft” in writing at Pointchaser ( who, in the event you missed it, is a giant fan of Rick). So, we’ve some weblog posts which are the identical previous crap concentrating on newbies and being “useful” to them and getting them to click on on the affiliate hyperlinks in every weblog put up (which in fact it’s disclosed someplace on the positioning nobody will search for and even suspect). And that is of us how running a blog is completed. Running a blog as in “conversions is all that issues”. Welcome again Rick. What iz da matter, working low on cash huh? In case you solely had not bought so early, unhappy!
Beechy had no clue they have been affiliate hyperlinks. Rick, smelling $$$, goes in for the kill/conversion within the feedback!
Apparently, that is the way it works on-line. Serving to readers by solely posting straightforward recycled “content material’ stuffed with affiliate hyperlinks the readers by no means suspect that the author has an ulterior motive and would possible by no means be running a blog within the first place if it was not for, cough, conversions. In case you see a DIRECT hyperlink right here that makes me cash, I’d add REFERRAL or AFFILIATE hyperlink subsequent to it simply so, you realize, you realize! Oblique hyperlinks don’t rely…which makes me really feel higher about myself. Will I ever recover from this hangup? Nicely, after virtually 7 years running a blog away…I’d not guess on it, unhappy!
Talking of mailing it in to make some cash from the Uber hyperlink, right here goes the founding father of RenesPoints once more, smh:
It’s 90*+ Outdoors – Would you Order Ice Cream by way of Uber Eats from Chilly Stone Creamery?
Hey, I get it. Truly, I don’t. In case you ever see me posting clickbait crap like this don’t make me ever neglect it okay?
Andy once more with all the American AAdvantage Sweet Spots That Are Still With Us. Seemingly not for lengthy…Fast, earlier than they go the dynamic route too any day now!
Talking of going dynamic, one more airline went that manner too. I’ve been warning you it is a secular pattern for some time! El Al Goes Dynamic, Removes The Ability To Search For Standard Award Tickets; Here’s What It Means For Matmid And Qantas Members.
Good that we are able to now book JAL awards online at the American Airlines website.
Causes #889 and #890 to inform Amex to go screw themselves (oops, there goes one other invite, unhappy!): The RAT team is at it again, I swear these guys most likely get bonuses by what number of factors they claw again! After which, please sit down, they killed all of the Precedence Move restaurant entry from their cardholders…I imply, that’s simply one other unhappy blow! Did I say I can’t wait to cancel my Platinum Enterprise card. Oh sure, I did.
I signed up for the Detroit Marathon in October. I’m assembly with a working coach tomorrow, time to take this significantly so I can end. If I might solely get again to my earlier kind earlier than I left for Greece…The warmth doesn’t assist in any respect for that!
The notorious Ann Arbor Artwork Honest DO is subsequent weekend once more. Good to see so many regulars once more. I could have one other announcement about that quickly.
Ben at One Mile at a Time for just a few days was outposting all the complete time writers at The Factors Man, wow! Does he sleep? Is he a robotic? Can I’ve a few of his conversions too? Superb work ethic!
And I go away you with this…Ought to have posted this on July 4th lol
Observe TBB on Twitter @FlyerTalkerinA2.
You may subscribe to TBB beneath, winners solely!
Opinions expressed listed here are writer’s alone, not these of any financial institution, bank card issuer, lodge, airline, or different entity. This content material has not been reviewed, authorized or in any other case endorsed by any of the entities included throughout the put up.
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TAGS: AACitiDealsDisneyHacksLinkingProgramRewardsRulespotsStopoverSweetTravel
from Cheapr Travels https://ift.tt/2LPkefr via IFTTT
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