#in the shadow of his memory
x-ladyathena-x · 1 year
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In the Shadow of His Memory
Chapter 2–The Rhythm of a Broken Heart
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Warnings: graphic violence, morally grey sebastian, morally grey reader, angst, fluff, alcohol
Word count: 1k
Summary: It's been 10 years since you were faced with that awful decision: turn Sebastian in for casting an unforgivable curse or lie for him.
You chose to lie for him and take his secrets to your grave, but that wasn't enough-the authorities found out soon after and Sebastian went on the run.
You never stopped loving him and when an unexpected visitor arrives in your home in the dead of night, you realize he never stopped loving you either.
It had been days since your encounter at the acromantula den and your mysterious rescue. Nothing, not even a bump in the night had happened since.
The injury on your head had healed enough to remove the bandage and you were able to diminish the cut with a simple healing charm.
Your footsteps echoed on the cobblestone street and you pulled your bright emerald overcoat tight into yourself as the January wind cut cold down to your bones.
The road into Hogsmead was a short one, but you'd be happy when you reached the Hogshead Saloon's warm interior.
Darkness had long since fallen but even though it was still early in the evening, the streets were unusually sparse of pedestrians.
The after work crowd was your busiest rush on nights that you bartended. You didn't mind though, especially tonight. You needed to get your mind off of what happened the other night or you'd drive yourself mad trying to make sense of it.
The fact of the matter was, it didn't make sense, and you should've been scared, but at the same time a thrill shot through you at the idea that someone scooped you up at your most vulnerable and deposited you back into the safety of your home.
You drug your hand over your face and groaned. What was wrong with you.
The brass bell afixed to the front entry of the Hogshead tinkled when you entered. Your coworker Darius waved hello from behind the bar before going back to pouring pints of ale.
Once your coat and purse were stowed in the break room on a mounting hook, you tied a stained cotton apron around your waist and joined Darius up front.
"Light crowd tonight," Darius remarked.
"Don't jinx it."
"Sorry," Darius threw up his hands jokingly, "where you been lately, anyway?"
"Just needed a few days off."
"You okay?" He asked with concern.
"Fine," you dismissed the topic with a wave of your hand and looked at the two new customers that slid into the open seats in front of you at the bar.
"Double fire whisky." One said in a raspy voice.
"House ale," the second requested.
His voice made you pause, but you shook it off. It had been a long week.
You poured and served the whiskey first. The patron took it and went over to a group at a nearby table. You'd assumed the two Men arrived together but it seemed the second man was alone.
Foam sloshed onto the bar top as you placed the ale in front of the hooded guest. Not unusual for Hogshead goers to dress incognito.
The man reached out for the pint and his hand brushed your fingers, "thank you, Love."
Electricity jolted through your body and you felt like your heart would beat out of your chest.
You excused yourself to the back and gripped the wall trying to catch your breath. It was nothing new to be called a pet name by your male clientele, in fact it was downright common, but "Love" in that voice. Damn if that didn't sound exactly like him.
But that was impossible. He wouldn't be here in the middle of Hogsmead Village on a Thursday night where anyone could spot him.
That voice had been haunting your dreams for near a decade. You'd know it anywhere, anytime.
You mustered up your courage and walked back out but the hooded patron was gone.
"That's for you," Darius called, hoisting an ice bucket over his shoulder. He pointed at the bar top where a shiny gold galleon lay.
You stared at it.
"Cloaked guy left it for you. Maybe I'll get lucky later and get a 500% tip too," Darius joked.
The night wore on and you couldn't stop thinking about the moment your hands touched with the hooded man. You hadn't felt a magical connection like that since, well—
You didn't want to think about it.
Though your time at Hogwarts was bursting with joyful memories, it was also a time when you began to dabble in things that ought not to be dabbled in.
At least not by polite society.
He had introduced you to many things. Many abilities. And when the two of you were working in tandem, it was, well, electric.
The two of you fed each other's powers in a way you'd never known before or since. Everything about Sebastian made you better, more powerful, and visa versa.
The power and passion grew between the two of you and it was addicting. He was addicting. And so was everything he had to offer.
He would've killed for you. He did kill for you. Had Sebastian not ended Solomon, Solomon's curse would've hit you and it would've been your body being carried out of the Scriptorium in a bag, not Solomon's.
Your body worked of its own accord as you lost yourself in memories, until you were sharply brought back to reality when you pumped the tap for ale and nothing but air spewed out.
"Be right back," you called over your shoulder to Darius.
A lone candle burned on the wall as you descended the staircase to the cellar. Water dripped from somewhere overhead, and the sound of mice scurrying over the stone floor made you look around.
"Lumos," you lit you wand and placed it between your teeth while you untethered a fresh keg from the wall.
Feet scurried across the floor, but this time it wasn't mice. It was something big.
"Whose there?" You spun around, shining your wand light into the dark corner of the cellar.
Fear held your stomach in knots as you saw the fringes of a tattered cloak hidden behind crates of inventory.
"Show yourself," you commanded. "I'm not above blasting curses first and asking questions later."
A familiar but somewhat deeper chuckle echoed through the cellar. And a tall, brown haired man emerged from the shadows. The wand light danced over his angular and freckled face, "that's the you I remember."
You froze.
"Need any help with at keg?" Darius' voice called from the top of the cellar stairs making you jump and look over your shoulder, but when you looked back to the crates, no one was there. He was gone.
"No." You called back to Darius while staring at the place Sebastian had been standing, "i got it."
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haunted-xander · 5 months
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Looking for an angel
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puppetmaster13u · 8 months
Prompt 209
Now Jason was planning on, well, a lot of things, when he came back to Gotham. He had a lot of plans, several of which had to do with the old man and even more that had to do with cleaning up Crime Alley, making it safer and all that. 
What he was not planning on was to find some sort of lab in the basement of where he was planning on setting up a safehouse. Nor was he planning on finding several literal children in cages inside said lab. Oh and Lazarus Waters- but children! With muzzles! Being experimented on!
Now he’d like to say he had a plan in what happened next, but if he’s honest everything had gone Green and he didn’t remember what happened next, only that he’s back home with said children and covered in blood. Oh and everything smells of smoke. 
… And apparently there’s more of these things dotted around Crime Alley with the rest of these kids, er, siblings? Family? Fright does mean family? Okay kids, he’s not turning into Bruce but you can stay here while he deals with this… however long that takes. 
He better not be turning into Bruce he swears-
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orionshounds · 6 days
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don't judge him too hard sonic, he's having a rough day
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bet-on-me-13 · 8 months
Reincarnation AU but it's not Danny
So! In basically every single Reincarnation AU I've seen, it's always Danny who gets reincarnated as a DC character. Sometimes it's Jazz, other times it's his Friends, but it never really strays from them. And I think we've been ignoring some people...
The Ancients! Danny is always reincarnated as a "Vacation" from his Ghost King Duties, so why not give the same courtesy to the other Ancients?
Specifically, Fright Knight.
Fright Knight has been a loyal servant and Knight of his Master for Millenia. Ever since he first formed as the Autumn Spirit, the Embodiment of Fear, the Fright Knight, he had declared his Servitude to the Ghost King, whomever it may be at the time. And he stayed in that position, through the passing of the Crown, through the Violent Coups, through every single Ghost King who had taken to the mantle. He was their Loyal Knight. Never Wavering. Never leaving their side.
Until Pariah Dark, but that situation was different. No previous King had even tried to take the human world before.
Thankfully, Pariah had only taken the Throne for a mere 5000 years, so he had not had to put up with him for long, and much of that time was with him stuck in his Coffin. That was the first time Fright Knight had ever left his Masters Side.
Then, that insolent Halfa he had met before came into the picture and Fright Knight had a new master.
King Phantom was...different.
Perhaps it was his remaining Humanity poking through? Or was it was the influence of the Human Realm that he still regularly visited? Or maybe he was simply just a Good Person, and there was no deeper meaning behind it?
Either way, Fright Knight noticed that he cared for his subjects in a far deeper manner than any previous king had. He had personal connections with as many Ghosts as he could, and often called the Ghosts he ruled his, Friends. It warmed his Long Frozen Core to see a King valuing his Subjects as much as he did.
He did not realize that the kindness Phantom extended to his people, also extended to himself.
One day, Phantom had been discussing his Human Life with some of his friends. Not his First Life, but his most recent Vacation. Over the Eons since he had taken the Throne, Phantom had been encouraged to take a Vacation every once in a while. It was not healthy for a Ghost to work non-stop like he did, especially for a Halfa.
It was not an uncommon practice in the Realms, many would take a break from the Endlessness of Death to embrace Life once more through Reincarnation. Although, many were too weak to retain their memories upon their second Forming. Mostly, it was Ancients or Kings who would use this as a Vacation, rather than a New Beginning.
There came a break in the conversation, and King Phantom turned his attention to his Knight. "Frighty, when was the last time you Reincarnated? Pandora did so recently, and it got me thinking."
"I have not taken leave of my post for thr Eons since my Forming, My Lord" Replied the Knight with Pride.
"What? You haven't taken a Break since you formed!? Frighty! That's not Healthy!" Exclaimed his King.
This lead to a whole conversation about how unhealthy his lifestyle was, which was another quirk of his Master. He cared for his Sunjects beyond their happiness.
"Fright Knight, as your King and as your Friend, I implore you to take a Vacation. It doesn't have to be forever, just a simple Human Lifespan, but please take a break, for your own Good."
And how could he refuse a request like that? One based in the kindness that his Majesty always showed his Subjects.
It took a few more years to finally iron out the plan for his Vacation, but what are a few years in the face of Eternity?
Finally, it came time to take his leave to the Mortal Realm, and to Life itself.
"Farewell, my Leige." Bowed Fright Knight, "I thank you for this opportunity."
"There's no need to thank me. Now go, and have fun, My Dark Knight."
That day, in Gotham General Hospital, a baby was born.
"What will you name him?" Asked the Doctor.
"I think I'll call him..." Began the need Mother, "...Bruce. Bruce Wayne."
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darkfluffydragon · 5 months
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Decided to make a quick height chart for the Phantasmagoria Beasts, though I only drew SM, ES and BS since they were the only ones with designs I'd decided on XD. Knowledge is the only pre-corruption one since he actually goes through a height change after being sealed in the silver tree.
They're really tall, tall enough that they don't...exactly feel like 'cookies'. Except for Knowledge, he's an exception. The others tease him about it lol.
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weirdozjunkary · 2 years
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@smallpwbbles you say that I can’t keep getting away with this, when YOU are the reason that I make this shit
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deadscell · 5 months
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jo-the-intellectual · 5 months
Sonadow fanfic authors who forget how integral Amy was (and still is) to Shadows development and that she was the first one to properly reach him, and then write Shadow like he has no idea who she is beyond “Sonic’s friend” or “the girl who likes Sonic”
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shaadowmilkcookie · 16 days
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Let’s take another stab at it. I think I’m getting somewhere!
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x-ladyathena-x · 1 year
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In the Shadow of his Memory
Chapter 1–Ghosts
Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Warnings: graphic violence, morally grey sebastian, morally grey reader, angst, fluff, alcohol
Word count: 927
Summary: It's been 10 years since you were faced with that awful decision: turn Sebastian in for casting an unforgivable curse or lie for him.
You chose to lie for him and take his secrets to your grave, but that wasn't enough-the authorities found out soon after and Sebastian went on the run.
You never stopped loving him and when an unexpected visitor arrives in your home in the dead of night, you realize he never stopped loving you either.
There it was again.
You sat bolt upright in bed, having been awoken again by some unexplained noise coming from outside your window.
It couldn't have been a pedestrian, you lived far enough away from the main Hogsmead foot traffic that it would've been unusual for someone to have accidentally wandered by your window.
Even tipsy patrons leaving The Three Broomsticks and wandering off the main road.
Carrot, your fluffy orange cat yawned and stretched out his front paws, also awoken, but for him, it was because you got out of bed and disrupted the blankets. He glared at you sleepily as you lit a candle and walked to the window.
Nothing but moonlight peered back at you from the small window and you felt like you were going crazy.
You sat back down on the edge of the bed and let your head drop into your hands. You'd been dreaming of him again.
It had been 10 years since that night in the slytherin dormitory when Sebastian made his escape. 10 years since you watched the love of your life disappear, never to be seen again.
And he truly was the greatest love of your life. Sure other men had come and gone over the last few years. And there were even some that you'd cared deeply for, but no one that you would ever love like him.
The memory of Sebastian hung in your mind like a ghost that never gave you peace.
Because you knew he was still out there somewhere. If he'd have died, surely a body would've been recovered by now. And if he'd been arrested, they'd have plastered it all over the Daily Prophet.
No, he was alive, you could feel it.
Gravel crunched just outside your door and this time Carrot heard it too.
So, you weren't crazy. Someone or some thing really was out there.
You swung your house coat on over your thin cotton night gown and pulled it tight to stave off the cold air.
Embers from last evening's fire burned low in the hearth, but they weren't enough to warm the late night chill.
Carrot watched you retrieve the candle from your nightstand and walk to the door, your wand in your other hand and at the ready.
The door handle was cold in your hand, you could feel your heart hammering in your chest.
You took a deep breath and swung the door open wide with your wand raised.
There was no one or nothing there. Just the quiet empty street.
You sighed in relief but before you could close the door, Carrot darted outside.
"CARROT!" You hissed. "Get back here!"
But the cat was gone.
You groaned in aggravation, "Accio slippers."
Your house shoes flew into your hands and you slipped them on your feet as you ran out the door after the cat.
"Carrot!" You called as you watched his fluffy tail disappear into the forest.
The Forbidden Forest.
"Why?!" You complained as you ran after the cat.
"Arresto Momentum"
Spell after spell danced passed the cat. Ugh magical companions and their abilities. If he didn't want to be caught, he wouldn't be.
"Arres— ow"
The smell of dirt and decaying leaves engulfed your senses as you found yourself face down on the forest floor.
You'd tripped over something.
Your hands dug into the soft ground as you pushed yourself up. To your horror, you realized it was a spiderweb that you'd gotten tripped up on.
The web was tangled around your ankle and before you could utter a word to free yourself, something sharp pierced your shoulder.
An acromantula venom dart.
The acromantula scuttled toward you as more of the enormous spiders burrowed up from the ground.
"Confringo!" You yelled, and a bright beam of red burst out of your wand and hit one of the spiders. The beam broke into two more beams and hit two of the others next to the first.
They flipped over onto their backs and screeched.
You managed to free your legs with incindio but by the time you stood, you were fully surrounded.
You hadn't faced this formidable of a foe since your time At Hogwarts. But that time you had help from—
It didn't matter. You could do this.
You cast spell after spell, including a few unforgivable curses, and the spiders fell one by one.
As you faced off with the final spider, you couldn't help but notice it was more intelligent than the others. It moved differently.
Almost as if it were being controlled?
No that couldn't be.
You raised your wand to deal the death blow but the spider was faster. It slung out its web onto a nearby tree limb, ripping the limb free and bringing it down on top of you.
Everything went black.
When you came to, you realized it was morning and you were back in your bed.
Back in your bed??
You sat up but your head ached where the limb had hit you.
As you reached up to inspect the wound, you felt a bandage covering it.
You ran to the nearest mirror and as sure as the sun shone, someone had dressed your wound and brought you back home.
Your slippers sat next to the front door, muddy, your house coat hung on its hook, ripped from the fight with the spiders. And Carrot lay curled at the foot of your bed sleeping soundly.
Who did this?
Whoever they were, must've left the same way they arrived:
Like a ghost.
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soultiio · 3 months
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how funny it is that you are the first to crack
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stormbros · 1 month
This isn't a theory or anything, just based on vibes alone. If Bells Hells do happen to seek out other prime deities for guidance or boons, the Moonweaver would be so juicy for Dorian...
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daddy-long-legssss · 7 months
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thanks to the - uhhh - the wonderful string players as well for ... helping us out there 😜🎸
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pacdevil · 2 years
shadow shoving rouge out of the way of omegas all out assault even though they just woke up from being in a pod for who knows how long and has no recollection of past events and rouge means everything to me
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bigkickguy · 1 year
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Shaodw the hedgehog doodle thinking of that "'Shaodw! Continuous use of your super form will cause you to disappear!" quote from finalhazard again : )
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