#what if axel watched this go down and and smiled. what if he decided to use marluxia and sora and namine all.
haunted-xander · 27 days
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Looking for an angel
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avatar-anna · 8 months
When You Fall In Love...
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so i've been reading icebreaker and it's been putting me in the hockeyrry mood
part one, part two, bonus, bonus
Harry watched from the empty stands as Y/n ran through her routine for the fifth time. Her teammates had gone home, her coach asked Harry if he would lock up on the way out, and now it was just the two of them in the empty rink. There wasn't even any music playing anymore, Y/n was just skating and performing her tricks as if there was.
Every time she did it, it was flawless. Her routine was fast and intense and incredibly difficult, but Y/n performed with ease every time. She landed her tricks like they were nothing, tricks which Harry now knew the names of and could tell the difference between a lutz and an axel. She was incredible, and he was in awe of her every single time.
But even in her perfection, Y/n had yet to smile once.
Harry decided she'd had enough after she finished her fifth run-through, quickly jogging down to the edge of the rink before she could skate out to the middle again. He leaned over the barricade and kissed the top of her head. This close to her, he could see her rosy cheeks and heaving chest, a sign that her routine did wear her out, despite making it look so effortless.
"You were phenomenal as usual, baby," Harry said while he gathered her things.
"I bobbled a landing and my timing was off for a whole four counts," was her reply.
Harry frowned, not pleased by her recent negativity. Any athlete could be critical of their ability, but Y/n seemed uncharacteristically hard on herself lately, and he had no idea why. "Everything okay?" He asked, shouldering her duffle bag as they walked away from the rink.
"I'm fine."
She certainly didn't sound fine, but Harry decided not to push. Not now, anyway. Changing the subject, he said, "I got an email from the recruiter. I should be receiving my contract soon."
Excitement didn't even begin to cover how Harry had been feeling lately. Last week, he'd met with an agent of a minor league hockey team, one that was a feeder to an NHL team. He expressed their interest in Harry moving to the east coast after graduation and join them for spring training. And after giving it some thought, Harry accepted.
He was over the moon, thrilled that years of hard work was finally paying off. He'd made his passion into a career, and had the potential to really make a name for himself. Life couldn't have been better.
But where Harry seemed to be flying high, Y/n seemed stuck. She was happy for him when he told her the news, had gone out to celebrate with him that night. But something felt off between them. Harry couldn't put a name to it, but he just knew.
"That's great," Y/n said with no amount of enthusiasm in her voice. Harry tried not to take it to heart, she was clearly in a mood from her practice. She was under a lot of pressure too, he reminded himself, and sometimes had a knack for not knowing how to express herself with words.
"Is there something on your mind? You've been quiet recently," he said, hoping he wasn't overstepping her delicate boundary.
Y/n shook her head as she approached her car, sliding into the driver's seat without a word. Harry couldn't help but feel more and more like there was something on her mind, but he let it go again.
Before pulling the car out of the parking lot, Y/n rested her hand over his and leaned in to kiss him. "I'm sorry. I've just got a lot on my mind."
"It's okay. As long as you know you can talk to me about it."
Her throat bobbed, but she nodded, then turned her focus toward the road. Harry filled the silence with rambling. He talked mostly about the NHL, about his contract and where he wanted to live and how everything was happening so fast.
So caught up in trying to break the tension, he didn't notice Y/n's white-knuckle grip on the steering wheel.
"Styles! What the hell are you doing? Focus up! Let's go!"
Harry rested his hands on his knees, breathing heavily during the brief pause in the game. His eyes flicked up to the stands, searching the crowd for a familiar face, but he didn't see the one he needed the most.
Despite being recruited by a minor league hockey team, Harry was probably having the worst game of his life.
Not one pass connected, he was letting second-rate players get by him, and he'd spent more time in the penalty box than in the actual game. Nothing about this was right, and still all he could do was look for Y/n.
She wasn't there, and even though things had been weird between them recently, he was still surprised. When she wasn't at a competition of her own, Y/n came to every one of Harry's games. It had started out as Harry wanting to impress her, maybe show off a little, and then as time went on and they grew closer and their relationship became more than two people having sex in secret, he wanted her to be there just because it felt good knowing she was watching him play. All his nerves floated away when Y/n was sat in the stands, sometimes in his jersey, cheering him on.
And of course there were times when she couldn't come, but this wasn't one of those times. Y/n had purposely not shown up. He knew they'd fought before the game, but he didn't think she would abandon him just to be petty. They were past that now.
His sole focus should've been on the game he was playing, but instead his mind kept drifting to the fight.
Harry could feel Y/n pulling away from him. He finally felt like he was getting everything he wanted—a spot on a minor league hockey team on the east coast that would eventually lead him to the NHL, graduating with semi-decent grades thanks to Y/n, and of course being with his dream girl. At first, she'd seen him as some douchey athlete that was only good for one thing. He remembered seeing her for the first time their freshman year, performing tricks on the ice that he'd only ever seen on TV, and when he whistled and clapped loudly—perhaps a little obnoxiously—after she'd finished, she'd rolled her eyes at him and told him to fuck off.
It was love at first sight.
Harry had been so careful around Y/n. He played by her rules and followed her lead, trying not to let the comments about them not dating get to him too much. He liked their initial dynamic, finding it funny when he got under her skin because she made it so easy. It became a kind of game, this push and pull that was fun and exciting and eventually led to their arrangement.
He knew that she cared about him on some level, he just needed to bide his time and show her he wasn't who she thought he was. Not entirely, anyway. And when she finally did, and they became more than just people who screwed around, everything was perfect.
They'd been through so much together. Y/n pushed Harry to be better, and he worked with her to master new tricks and nail her routine. There wasn't anyone else who understood his level of commitment to hockey, but she did, and that just made him love her more.
So when he got the call offering him a spot on the minor league team, Y/n was the first person Harry told. She'd been happy for him, and he was over the moon, his mind already making a million plans—where they'd live, her coming to his games, him helping her find a new rink to train at. It felt like the doors to a new and exciting world had opened for them, but she then she started pulling back, and Harry practically watched as that door slammed shut.
Harry pushed himself to focus back on the game, on the hockey stick in his hand and the ice beneath his skates. He felt like it took more effort than it should've to get his head back in the game, but his team managed to pull out a win, and he managed not to get benched before it happened. That didn't stop his coach from ripping him a new one in the locker room, but Harry sat there and took it, shaking his head and promising his piss poor performance would never happen again.
Exhausted both physically and mentally, he trudged out of the locker room and toward the parking lot, debating whether to take the bus home or call an Uber. Even in his senior year, he still didn't have a car, but Y/n was usually there to give him a ride home. To their home. Moving in together for their last year of school seemed like a no-brainer, and it had been amazing so far, though the last week had been kind of a disaster. Harry could feel the tension between them growing, but every time he asked Y/n about it, she'd say she was fine even though they both knew everything was not fine, and the cycle continued. He wanted to be excited, he wanted to celebrate the success he'd managed to create for himself, but he felt rather deflated instead.
To Harry's surprise, Y/n was waiting for him in the parking lot. He didn't hesitate putting his gear in the trunk and coming around to sit in the passenger seat. Y/n leaned in to kiss him immediately holding onto the sides of his face fervently.
"I'm sorry," she breathed. "I'm sorry for not being here tonight and I'm sorry for acting strange, and I'm sorry for—"
"Y/n, what's going on with you?" Harry couldn't help but ask.
"Can we wait until we get home to talk?" She asked. I want to be able to talk to you properly, and I can't if I'm driving.
When Harry nodded, Y/n must've deemed it enough. She peeled away from the rink, silent tension filling the air between once again. It had been following them around all week.
That ended tonight, though. He didn't care how much Y/n hated confrontation or hard conversations. They couldn't move forward if they didn't move past this roadblock first. Harry loved Y/n more than he ever thought possible, and stubborn as she was, he knew she loved him just as much. He would get to the bottom of this, no matter how hard she tried to fight him on the way down.
"Y/n, you know I would be ecstatic if you'd told me you qualified for the Olympics. This is a huge step in my career! Why can't you be happy for me?"
"I am! God, Harry, I am."
"Then why are you pulling away from me? I feel like I can't be excited about this around you when you're the one person who should understand how this feels."
"I can't do this. I can't have this argument with you," you said, trying to step away from him.
Harry was quick to grab your hands in his, keeping you from walking away. "What aren't you telling me? Do you want to break up?"
"Do you not love me anymore? What? What is it, Y/n?"
"God, I didn't—I didn't ask for this," you cried, feeling like a damn had burst inside you. It was out now, and now you had to see it through to the end. "I didn't plan on falling in love with you. I wasn't prepared to love you this much. You're the one who wanted to take things further, and now you're—"
You're leaving me, you couldn't bring yourself to say. You really were happy for him. All of his dreams were coming true, and he had an ambition that matched yours, which made you love him more. And now that ambition was taking him far away from you, and you weren't handling it as well as you thought you would.
"I'm happy for you, H, I'm so happy for you that I could burst. And maybe even a little jealous," you joked, though there was some truth to what you said. "But I guess I just...I guess I didn't expect to love you this much. And I don't—I don't know what to do because you're going soon and I'm..."
You had no clue, and that alone was terrifying.
At the start of all this, you never imagined falling in love with Harry. He drove you absolutely insane, and despite your physical attraction to him, you kept your distance. But he kept doing these things that made you like him, and eventually care about him, and finally made you fall in love with him. It just wasn't something you saw coming. Love was definitely not on the brain when you met Harry.
Because you knew this moment was inevitable. The moment when one of you would be given an opportunity you couldn't refuse and would pull you away from each other. Once upon a time, you thought you would be given your dream job of a lifetime—competitive skating and hopefully the Olympics—but somewhere down the line, skating stopped bringing you joy, only pressure and anxiety. And now Harry had his dream job on the other side of the country, and you were left to flounder and wonder how you would survive waking up without him next to you.
"You're making it seem like it's a bad thing that you're in love with me," Harry said quietly, but the low tone of his voice didn't hide anything. You knew he was getting upset. After all the avoidance the last week—on your part—yours and his emotions were coming to a head.
"It's not! It's just that you're leaving!" you said, resisting the urge to run a frustrated hand through your hair. "And all week you've talked about how excited to get out of here and leave this all behind and start a new chapter in your life. I mean, would it kill you to act like you're a little torn up about leaving?"
It was so selfish, and you knew it was. It was why you'd been avoiding Harry, this conversation. Harry had every right to be proud and ecstatic for leaving to play in the professional league. He worked so hard, pushed himself farther than anyone you'd ever met, except for maybe you. Your pain was clouding your good sense, and now you'd shown just how horrible you could really be.
You couldn't look him in the eye after saying what you did. Even if it was how you felt, you still felt ashamed for raining on Harry's parade. "Y/n—" he tried to say when you hastily wiped a tear from your eye.
"I shouldn't have said anything. I'm sorry," you said, getting up from the couch and scurrying off to your bedroom.
Flopping on the bed, you pulled the covers over you, trying to hide from everything happening around you. It was too much. Your senior year was supposed to be fun and full of unforgettable memories, not arguments and heartache.
You weren't sure how much time had passed before the door opened and Harry slipped inside. He slid into bed next to you, and you didn't fight it when he rested his face in the crook of your neck. Because despite everything you were feeling, this was all you really needed.
"I'm not leaving you behind," he murmured gently. "You mean too much to me."
You sniffled, and Harry pulled you closer to his chest. "You're going to be thousands of miles away."
"Says who?" he said, kissing your cheek. "Who says you aren't coming with me?"
"And do what?" you huffed, even though the thought slightly lifted your spirits. "Be one of your...puck whatevers and follow you around like a puppy? I need a life of my own too."
You were being stubborn and argumentative and you both knew it. There was some relief in knowing Harry wanted you with him, but you also didn't want to just move because Harry was. You needed purpose, you needed to feel like your life had some sort of direction in it. But it was unfair to put all of that on Harry, and you didn't know how to express how you felt without sounding insane, so instead you said nothing, and that obviously went over brilliantly.
Harry chuckled. "See, because you just said how in love you are with me, I can tell that you're frosty attitude is just an act. Now turn over and look at me."
You reluctantly turned over, brow furrowed exaggeratedly because you couldn't cross your arms over your chest. It used to infuriate you how easily Harry could get under your skin because he knew you so well, that he knew just what to do or say to pull you out of a bad mood. In this moment, you were thankful. He could see past all the harsh words and see to the root of the problem. You'd said some things that were perhaps out of order, but Harry understood. Despite everything, he understood.
"You've worked just as hard as me, Y/n. I want to be there for you the way you've been for me. You can achieve your goals too."
"I just...I don't know if I want to achieve them anymore," you said quietly.
It was the first time you'd said it out loud. Since you'd learned to skate, there had only been one goal: the Olympics. Getting there wasn't just a matter of training, it was about devoting your life to your craft, it was barely having a life outside of training and competitions and giving all your time to winning. And after spending nearly your entire life doing it, you felt yourself slowly burning out. You'd go through your routines flawlessly, but your heart wasn't in it. All you could think about was the future—the next competition, the next training session, the next qualifier. It took seeing Harry so happy about being drafted to the minor leagues to realize the fire had gone out in you. Thinking of Olympic qualifiers and training and affording coaches and costumes and picking the right music only filled you with dread when you should've felt joy.
"But I don't know who I am if I don't have skating."
"You don't have to compete to skate, you know," Harry said. He rested his hand against your cheek, rubbing his thumb along your temple lightly. "You can c—"
"Oh God, don't say coach," you groaned. "It's perfect. You'll be a hockey superstar and I'll be the washed-up figure skater who couldn't handle the pressure of being an athlete and wound up coaching instead."
"I know you're being like this because you're scared, and that's okay," he said. "But I'll help you find a new dream, Y/n. I promise."
You had to blink away tears because your heart couldn't take how much he cared about you. "Even when I've been a complete bitch?"
"You haven't been. I'm sorry if you felt like I was leaving you behind. I guess in my mind we would always be together, no matter where we ended up."
"God I hate how much I love you sometimes," you grumbled while flinging yourself on top of Harry and holding him tight. "It's too much, you're too much, and I can't stand it—"
"There's a compliment in there somewhere, right?" Harry asked, but you could hear the grin in his voice.
Sitting up, you perched yourself on him, your legs straddling his waist. Dipping down, you made sure your noses were brushing, but you didn't close the distance. Not yet. Your heart was racing simply because Harry had been so kind to you, because he knew you so well and said exactly what you needed to hear. It felt ridiculous to know that there was a time when he pissed you off so much you saw red, that his teasing remarks and cocky grin grated on your nerves. Now you didn't want to imagine a life without him.
"I'm sorry for saying all of those things," you murmured. "I really am proud of you. No one deserves this more than you do."
Harry's hand reached up and threaded through your hair, his fingers gentle as they passed over your scalp. "I know you are. And I mean it, Y/n. I'll help you. I know you love to skate, we just have to find a way to channel that into something else. If not coaching, maybe performing?"
"What? Like Disney on Ice?" you asked skeptically, your nose wrinkling at the thought.
Harry shrugged as his hand dipped beneath your shirt to stroke your back. "You'd be a cute princess."
"With my luck, they'd make me a tree."
"Then you'd be the cutest tree there ever was."
Shaking your head, you nudged your nose against his again. "Can we hit pause on talking about the future? I just want to be with you here. Right now."
"Course," Harry said, one corner of his mouth turning up into a crooked grin. "And then maybe we can circle back to you being my puck whatever."
"Shut up."
"Make me!"
And that was something you knew how to do better than your skating routine.
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riki-riks-chick · 2 months
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★Blind Date★
︱Enhypen Sunghoon OneShot
︱nsfw! oral sex! sexual intercourse! fucking on the ︱first date!
Third Person POV~
  "Heeseung, I don't wanna go on another blind date... The guys are always weird.." You were annoyed. Your best friend was once again trying to talk you into a blind date. There was no way you'd agree. "Come on Y/n.. He's really good looking! And he's a gentleman. Just give him a shot.." He wouldn't quit until you agreed, so you simply nodded. "Fine.. I'll do it.."
  "Alright.. I'll let him know.. Trust me on this one.. I really think you'll like him.. You have a lot in common." He smiled before leaving your room so you could get ready for your newly scheduled rendezvous. 
 You spent a few hours getting ready, wearing a periwinkle colored maxi dress that stopped mid thigh. Adorning yourself with a decent amount of makeup, your favorite jewelry, and a thin fur coat for the occasion you got cold. You also made sure to put some essentials into your clutch.
 After that, you were ready to go. Heeseung drove you to the restaurant. "If you need me.. Call me, I'll be close by. If you don't text within an hour I'll go home.. Be safe.. I love you." He smiled, kissing your cheek as you smiled. "Alright.. I love you too Heeseung.. Bye.."
  "Don't come home or the date is unsuccessful." He made sure to add as you laughed. "Okay.. Bye Heeseung." You got out of the car, tugging down your dress as you waved at Heeseung, watching him drive off before walking inside. "Reservation?" Upon being asked, you simply responded Lee, as Heeseung had told you to. The man led you to your table shortly after. 
 You arrived at the table, immediately gasping as you met eyes with your blind date. He was extremely handsome. You smiled, taking your seat as he smiled at you. Your heart fluttered. "Hello... Nice to meet you... I'm Sunghoon." He smiled, reaching across the table to shake your hand as you gladly took his hand. His hands were warm and smooth. "I'm Y/n.. Nice to meet you as well.."
 "You're really pretty Y/n..." He smiled as you blushed. "Thank you, you're really handsome." He smiled at your response. "Let's glance at the menu.. Order whatever you want, I'm footing the bill.." His words made your stomach do a flip. No guy had ever offered to pay for your dinner. They were always down to split it fifty-fifty. He definitely had your best interests. "I can't let you pay for everything Sunghoon.."
 "Just leave it to me.. What do you want to eat? Any cravings? I'll have whatever you're having.." He gently gestured towards the menu as you sighed, skimming the selections for something that suited your taste. You had eventually decided on something, pointing it out to him as he smiled. "I like that too.. Alright then. White wine or red?" 
 Everytime he asked for your preference, you felt special. No guy had ever been so considerate. "I prefer red.." You answered shyly as he nodded, gesturing towards the waiter. "Hey can we get two (insert food) and a bottle of your best red wine?" He asked as the waiter nodded. He repeated the order to make sure it was written properly, and then he left with a promise to bring the bottle of wine.
 "So, what are your interests Sunghoon?" You asked as he hummed. "I'm a figure skater.. I'm currently in talks of doing it professionally, but as of now, I work at my parents' ice rink.. I teach skating classes." He said as you stared at him, stunned. "You ice skate too?" You asked as he nodded. "You do as well?" 
 "I used to.. I was about to go pro, but I slipped during a triple axel, and I tore a ligament.. I haven't been able to skate the same since." You explained as he pouted. "That's so sad... If you wanted.. We could spend some time together after hours.. I'll help you get conditioned to skating again." He offered and you couldn't resist.
  He got better and better with each sentence. "I'd love to try.. I haven't skated since the incident happened a few years ago.. I tried skating once my leg healed, but I kept falling.. It was frustrating.." You didn't notice how emotional you were becoming until he reached across the table to rub your hand. "It's alright... We'll take it slow.."
The night was long and you enjoyed every second of it.. He was offering to drive you home, and at first you were reluctant, but he was adamant. 
  "Actually.. Can we go back to my place? I don't think I want this night to end yet." He asked so politely and you couldn't resist. Heeseung wasn't lying about him being a gentleman.
 He took you to his apartment, opening the door as he led you to the living room. He sat you down, offering you a glass of water to sober you up. Your alcohol tolerance was low, but  every interesting topic over dinner was paired with another glass of wine.
 Sunghoon had apologized, saying that he wouldn't have kept pouring you glass after glass if he'd known of your low tolerance. You insisted it was okay though.
 "Here... Take a few sips.. It might make you feel a bit better." He took your coat, setting it down with your other belongings before turning on the tv. Some random movie was playing on low volume. It provided background noise. "Thank you.. For everything tonight.." You set your cup down, only just now noticing the small distance between you.
 "I enjoyed talking with you.. What do you wanna do now?" He asked as you hummed, inching closer to him, your thighs were now pressed against each other. "What do you want to do Sunghoon?" You let your drunken state lead you, leaning in to whisper in his ear as he let out a shaky breath. "I- I.. It doesn't matter what I wanna do.. I'm happy pleasing you.." 
 "So, are you fine with this?" You pulled him closer, your lips ghosting over his as you turned towards him, crossing one leg over his lap. "If that's what you want.." He swallowed, hard, eyes flickering from your lips and back to your eyes, his heart beating out of his chest. "What do you want Sunghoon?" You wanted an answer. He gulped, "I want you.. Y/n.. I want you.." He finally spoke as you smiled. 
 You pressed your lips against his, letting him have control as he pulled you to straddle his lap, your dress riding up as you sunk into the new seat. His hands naturally found the curve of your hips, squeezing occasionally as his lips melted into yours.
 You grinded into him, rolling your hips into his until you could feel his erection through his slacks. He slid his tongue past your lips, licking, swirling, and sucking to his hearts content as you let out needy little mewls every now and again. 
 The kiss was heated, both of you needily pressing against each other as he let out impatient groans everytime your hips met his in a concentrated roll. "I.. I need you.." He pulled away, panting against you as you smiled, already out of breath. "You can have me.." He smiled, watching you move off of his lap, attempting to remove your heels, struggling in the process. "Let me do it.."
 He easily unstrapped the heels, taking them off your feet as he pulled you up from the couch. "Follow me.." He spoke in between heavy breaths, unbuttoning the top buttons of his silky white shirt as you followed him to his room.
He had pulled you against his chest once entering the room, leaning down to leave wet and sloppy kisses across your neck and shoulders, knowing that his nipping and biting would leave many marks in their wake. You moaned at the contact, feeling him ease your zipper down as the thin strap of your dress slid off of your shoulder.
 "Hurry up and take it off.." He was eager, unbuttoning his own shirt to reveal his ab line. You had turned to face him, easing your dress down your figure as Sunghoon watched attentively. You had taken an interest in his slim, but fit physique. Faint, yet toned abs, and strong, toned arms that were revealed once he let his shirt hit the floor. You were fascinated.
He gestured towards the bed and you gently obeyed, climbing onto the bed as he followed, hovering over your figure. He kissed you again, this time more needy than before. His hands roaming your skin as he rubbed your clit through your lacey underwear, drawing small and breathy moans from your throat.
He had pulled away, kissing down your torso as his lips met waistband. He had tugged on the thin fabric, pulling it off of you and discarding it before focusing in on your perforation. He left a few gentle kisses before going in, licking and sucking to his hearts content. You let out small yet musical sounds, which all went from Sunghoon's ears, and straight down to his throbbing dick. 
  "Fuck.." You swore, the world falling carelessly from your lips as he went down on you, enjoying every liquid that poured out of you. "Sunghoon.." His name fell from your lips so easily, and he moaned at the sound, sending pleasurable vibrations through your body. You were so close.. "I'm gonna cum-" You could barely speak as he increased the intensity of his attack, leading you through, what you now acknowledged as, the best orgasm you'd ever experienced.
 Multiple expletives fell from your lips as he lingered against you, soon pulling away with glossy lips and hazy eyes. "I've been dying to do that all night..." He sounded satisfied, working on his belt as he removed it, his pants following soon after.. You could already tell he was big. 
 He used his fingers, sliding two into you as a means of prepping you for his package. You were far too horny to wait, as was he, but his fear or hurting you overshadowed his raring erection. You let him finger you until he was able to easily slide in three fingers, and then you stopped him.
 "Just fuck me.." You mumbled and he nodded, reaching towards his nightstand for what you assumed was a comdom. "No condom.. Just fuck me already.." You spoke as he glanced at you, worried. "You sure? I don't know if I can pull out in time.." 
 "I'm on the pill.. It's fine.." It took some convincing, but he finally complied, removing his underwear and letting it litter the floor along with all your other clothes. He spit into hand, giving his length a few slow and languid strokes before pressing his tip against your entrance. "Can I?" He asked your consent again, wanting to be sure as you nodded. "Please fuck me Sunghoon.."
 He had pushed in almost instantly, his tip touching spots that had never been touched before. You felt full.. He was huge, and he knew it. He gave you a few seconds to adjust properly before moving slowly, letting your wetness coat him. 
He let out adorable moans and other pretty noises that made your stomach turn. He was so perfect. "Y/n... Shit.." He cussed, head dropping in pure pleasure as he increased the speed of his thrusts, making sure to fuck you deep. "Sunghoon- mhhm.." You moaned his name, pulling him closer as you pressed your lips against his. 
 Every sound in the room was lewd and hot, skin-slapping, the wet sounds you guys made everytime you parted lips, and the heavy breaths and moans each of you let out. Sunghoon was in pure euphoria, as were you.. "I'm.. I'm gonna- cum-" He was already close, having not expected to last long, and you were already nearing your second release. 
 "Cum with me.." You spoke, gripping his bicep as he thrusted harder, cumming inside of you as you came undone on his dick. He continued to thrust to ride out your orgasms, hips slowly coming to a stop as you smiled. "That was great.." You kissed him again, throwing your head back against the pillows. "Thank you for tonight.. I had fun.." Sunghoon thanked you as you smiled. "So did I.."
 "Let's get you cleaned up."
  The next morning, you wake up to soft, golden sunlight, and an empty bed. You yawn, stretching your stiff limbs before getting out of the bed. You were wearing an oversized shirt and some sweats that barely managed to stay on your hips despite being tied as tight as possible.
 You checked your appearance, and surprisingly, even your makeup had been removed. You were so sleepy after sex with Sunghoon last night, you had barely stayed awake during your shared bubble bath. Looking at your neck, you could see every pretty little love bite he left on your skin. You barely remembered him helping you tie your hair up and take your makeup off.
 You left his room, easing your way to the kitchen where you heard soft humming. Sunghoon was there, cooking breakfast. "Good morning Sunghoon.." You smiled, garnering his attention as he glanced at you with a smile. "Good morning Y/n... Did you sleep well?" He asked as you nodded. "Mhhm.. How about you?"
  "I slept a lot better with you beside me.." His words made you blush. "Sunghoon..." You were flustered, hiding your face against his arm as he ruffled your hair. "You're cute... Let's go out again sometime... Okay?" He asked, glancing down at you as you nodded. "I'd like that.." He leans down to kiss you. "Then I guess it's a date.."
(if you've seen this b4 i also posted it on ao3 so its my work not stolen)
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heavyhitterheaux · 16 days
I Miss You
First Babies of Private Garden Fic
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Synopsis: You and your triplets miss your favorite person, so you decide to do something about it
Pairing: Husband!Jack Harlow x Wife!Reader
Requested by a beautiful anon 💖
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
Waking up to a dark room, indicating that it was still the middle of the night and hearing sniffles, you reached over and turned on the bedside lamp to see Axel crying and upset sitting next to you. Ivy and Autumn were still sound asleep on the other side of you opposite of where Axel was.
“Bubs? What's going on? Did you have a bad dream?” You asked as you slid him onto your lap once you sat up, but all he did was cry harder.
“Come on baby, you have to tell me what's wrong so I can help you.” You said trying to comfort him as you rubbed his back.
“I miss daddy. I wanna see daddy.”
Your heart broke seeing how upset he was, but you completely understood. Jack had been on tour for a few weeks and you had to get used to the new normal of not being with him all the time since you now had three little ones to take care of. The both of you had been going back and forth on whether to take them on tour, and you both decided that they were too young and you would wait until they were older.
“Can we call him?” Axel asked with a hopeful look on his face, but it immediately left when you shook your head no.
“It's the middle of the night, bubs. Daddy’s probably sleeping like we're supposed to be doing right now.”
“But…” His bottom lip started to quiver, breaking your heart even more.
“Okay, tell you what? How about later on after we sleep, we go and see daddy?”
“Really?” Axel asked through sniffles and wiped his nose on his pajama top sleeve.
“Yes and I know he misses us too. But it's going to be a surprise so we can't tell him, okay?” You told Axel and he simply nodded. Since he definitely stole your phone and called him earlier.
“Now, let's try and get some sleep.” Axel nodded as he agreed with you and slid back under the comforter on Jack’s side of the bed as he hugged his pillow.
“This smells like daddy.”
You smiled to yourself as you watched him drift off back to sleep and instantly grabbed your phone to text Urban.
You- Call me when you wake up
Not even two minutes later, you got a response
Urby Baby- I'm awake now, you okay?
You- Sir, you should be sleeping
Urby Baby- I'll sleep later, anyway what do you need bestie?
You- I'm surprising Jack and bringing the triplets so your job is to keep him occupied until we get there
Urby Baby- You got it. Not a problem.
You- Axel woke up crying and upset and said he misses him 😢
Urby Baby- You sure he didn't mean me?
You- URBAN 🙄
Urby Baby- Just kidding! I'll see you later. What time should you be here?
You- In time for his show. I'm letting them sleep a little and then we'll start to get ready
Urby Baby- Sounds good. Text me if you need me.
You- Okay, goodnight and go to sleep NEOW
Urby Baby- For you to be barely 5 feet, you sure act like you run shit
You- Urban, I will jump through this phone this instant
Urby Baby- Violent as always. Anyway, night bestie.
Later on in the day, the four of you were on your way to see Jack when he cornered Urban, because you hadn't answered your phone all morning and he was now growing concerned.
“Urb, Y/N hasn't answered her phone except for when I sent a good morning text.”
“She's dealing with your three big ass headed children. I'm sure she's fine.”
“But she never goes this long without answering me and I can't even see her location.” He said while trying to check where you were.
“Will you calm down? I know she's fine and so are the babies. She's probably just a little busy. I mean they are three years old.”
“I guess you're right. I just…. I already don't like leaving her and them for long periods of time but she just about damn near threatened me to go on this tour because if it was left up to me, I would have stayed home.”
“Yep, sounds just like your wife.”
“I was just saying!” Urban exclaimed while holding up his hands in defense while all Jack did was shake his head before attempting to call you again, except a text from you came through and he was finally able to let out a sigh of relief.
Wifey- Been busy all day, I'll facetime you later. Love you boo bear 😘💕
Jack- Now you know I worry about you and was starting to low key panic. Glad you're okay, love you too ♥️
The four of you were now at the arena, and Urban had met you at the gate in the back. He was immediately attacked by the triplets and they showed him the homemade gifts that they made for Jack.
Urban picked up Autumn as Ivy and Axel were walking beside you and led all of you backstage to where everyone was. Seeing all their uncles kept them occupied as they spotted them, but Axel quickly became uninterested when we walked back over to you and tapped your leg.
“Yes, baby?”
“Want daddy.”
“He's around him somewhere, bubs. He's probably getting ready right now and then we'll see him.”
Axel let out a huff being unsatisfied with your answer as Urban stifled a laugh.
“He might look like Jack, but definitely has your attitude.” Urban leaned over to whisper in your ear as you pinched him.
“Urban Wyatt….”
“Don't get mad at me for telling the truth.”
“Where is he anyway?”
“He was just in here before I walked out to get you so I'm not sure.” Urban answered as he shrugged his shoulders.
Just then Jack walked back in the room, eyes glued to his phone and suddenly your phone went off indicating that you had a text from him.
Baby Daddy- I'm about to go on soon and you haven't called me yet. If you don't love me anymore just say so 😔💔
He had obviously heard it, because he looked up confused and smiled when he spotted you. But before he could make his way over to you, Axel made a beeline towards him.
Hearing him exclaim startled Ivy and Autumn who then ran over to Jack too as he had picked up Axel and the girls were holding one leg each.
“Is this why mommy wasn't answering my calls?” He asked Axel and he simply nodded as he kissed his cheek.
“She said we couldn't tell you. I missed you daddy.”
“Me too!”
“I missed you the most!” Autumn said and both of her siblings made a face at her which made you and Jack laugh. Axel looked at her as if he wanted to fight her.
“Well I missed my wife and babies too. Have you three been good for mommy?” He asked as he made his way over to you and leaned down to kiss you with Axel trying to push you away from Jack.
“Axel!” Jack said as he turned to him, but all he did was smile as you laughed.
“I missed daddy, so I deserve a hug and kiss too.” You said and Axel just looked at you before holding Jack tighter.
“Mine.” Was all he whispered as you rolled your eyes. He was infamous for doing that.
“Hmm, I bet you did miss daddy. That video you sent me the other day was all the confirmation I needed.” Jack muttered so only you could hear as he sat down and you pinched him, just like you did Urban.
“I am! Just wait till later. Anyway, my babies still didn't answer my question.’
“Yes! Now mommy help me please!” Autumn said as she was trying to hop up on the couch to sit next to Jack.
You helped her up and placed her next to Jack while Ivy was on the other side of him and Axel still had a death grip on him.
“Still think I don't love you?” You asked him responding to his text from earlier as you leaned over and put a hand in his curls.
“I know you do, I was just being dramatic.” He said as he shrugged and Axel had laid his head on his shoulder.
“Oh, so you admit that you are?”
“Hold on, wait. That was a trick question.”
“I can assure you, baby that it wasn't.”
Since Jack had two shows back to back in the same city, once the show was over, the two of you had just put the triplets to sleep in the hotel suite not too far from the venue as you two were on the couch flipping through channels since neither of you were tired.
“Baby…” Jack said as he leaned down to kiss you.
“Yes, smush?”
“Thank you for today. I needed it. You have no idea how much I missed you and our babies.”
“Of course. Axel woke up crying and said he missed you so I had to fix that. Like homeboy was BAWLING.”
“Not too much on my mans now. You used to always do the same thing when we had to be away from each other for an extended amount of time. It would be like three days before I had to leave and you would be crying.”
“I literally have not been away from your dumbass since I was fourteen. Excuse me if I have separation anxiety. I still do to a certain extent, but the triplets help keep me occupied. You mean the absolute world to me even though you know that. I just…” You trailed off as you started to get tears in your eyes and Jack quickly noticed.
“Babe? Why are you upset? Talk to me.”
“More often than not, I think about how I almost made you a widow and a single parent of three children. Like the thought never leaves my mind. Ten years with you wasn't enough. And to then be separated from you forever?”
“No amount of years will ever be enough. I love you in this lifetime and all the ones after that. You fought tooth and nail to come back to us and all of the doctors and nurses could see it. I knew when I first laid eyes on you that you were my soulmate.” Jack said as he lightly stroked your face and kissed away your tears.
“I love you and I will never get tired of saying it. And I'm always here to remind you of how important you are to me. We've shown each other how much we want this marriage to last. Being away from you for that month when everything had gone to shit, I just knew that I had lost you. I was literally waiting for the divorce papers.”
“That never crossed my mind. I wanted to make it work and we did just that. I love you more than anything and I'm so happy that I can still tell you that in person. I noticed your eyes literally light up every time I say it.” You giggled as you kissed his nose and he immediately turned a shade of bright red.
“And I can still make you blush.” You said while laughing harder.
“Baby, stopppppp.” Jack responded as he hid in your shoulder and you played in his curls.
It was quiet for a few minutes as both of you were watching the movie that Jack had decided on before you broke the silence.
“Hmm, did you forget?”
“Forget what?” Jack asked as he looked at you confused.
“How much I missed daddy. I think I need to show you. The movie can wait.” You responded as you hopped up from the couch and walked backwards to the bedroom as Jack smirked before running after you.
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close to home | chapter nine
close to home | chapter nine
plot: the reader meets Daryl's brother and an old member of the group, while trying to go through the motions of being around people again. she and Daryl grow closer while on guard duty.
series masterlist
Pairing: Eventual Daryl Dixon x f!reader Word Count: 1,683 Warnings: violence, blood A/N: thanks for reading!
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The sun was beginning to set by the time Rick returned to the courtyard, and you were surprised to see Daryl with him and a man that looked like his brother. There was a heavy tension in the air, and you felt like someone would get killed if anyone said the wrong thing. But Rick paved the way and told Merle, you learned to dig a grave for Axel. 
With the tension level down, you followed the group into the prison, where arguments broke out over what to do with Merle. You knew you didn’t have any opinions on the matter because you didn’t know the history behind their obviously strained relationship. So you went up to your cell to drown out the arguments with Tora, who was sleeping peacefully as if nothing had happened. 
You kicked off your shoes and climbed into bed, pulling her against your body. You were exhausted, starving, and all you could think about was a hot shower. You missed hot showers most of all and scented soaps. You missed feeling clean. 
Sleep found you well and quick, and soon you woke to sunlight streaming into your cell. Your stomach growled with a painful demand, and you realized you hadn’t eaten last night. Not that you would’ve been able to anyway, after all, that gunfire. You weren’t a stranger to death, but it didn’t make anything easier. 
Both Carol and Daryl were sitting in the main room of the cell block, and Tora was perched on the table getting affection from the woman. 
“Where is everyone?” You asked. The silence was one of the first things you noticed besides the sound of Merle snoring in the front cell. 
Carol gave you a smile while scratching the cat behind her ears. “Rick took Carl and Michonne to start clearing some of the bodies outside, and Beth is walking with Hershel. Glenn and Maggie are on guard. Breakfast is on the counter.”
You nodded and said nothing, grabbing some of the food Carol must’ve made earlier and a water bottle. You felt bad about sleeping in later than everyone else, but your body must’ve needed it after the night you had. 
As you sat down, Judith started crying, and Carol jumped up to tend to the baby. 
You gave Tora affection as you ate and watched Daryl clean the crossbow and sharpen his knives. “I’m glad you’re back,” you told him. Daryl gruffed and didn’t say anything, causing you to laugh. “I understood why you left. I would’ve done the same thing.”
“Leaving was the wrong thing, just took me a day to figure that out,” Daryl said. 
You didn’t say anything else as you ate, eventually reaching over to take the block on which he was sharpening his knives to do your own. In the cell across from you two, Merle stopped snoring and grumbled awake. 
“Little brother, you get me some food, okay?” 
You raised an eyebrow at the man and looked at him briefly before returning to your knife. 
“Oh, lookie here, I didn’t get a chance to make nice with you yesterday, missy. Why don’t you get ol’ Merle here something to eat, huh?”
You snorted and set the knife sharpener down, “I don’t think so,” 
“Prettier than a peach with a mouth on her, I see,” Merle said and looked at Daryl, “This why you came back here?”
“Man, shut up!” Daryl yelled as he walked over to the counter. “Can’ you tell nobody ‘round here gives a shit ‘bout ya? Stop tryin’ make things worse,”
You decided not to stick around for their sibling argument and instead went to go find Rick and see if he needed any help. 
Just when you thought things couldn’t get any more eventful, a woman named Andrea showed up. She was met with unexpected hostility, but eventually, the group relaxed around her. You kept your distance from her but were polite. There was a lot of tension with her around, and you didn’t really feel like being involved in any of it. So instead, you helped Daryl clean more weapons and stayed quiet while the group and her caught up. 
Eventually, she left, and things again settled into a new rhythm. Rick set out with Carl and Michonne the following day to get more guns, and everyone else was left to continue working on the prison. By sunset, you were physically exhausted and mentally awake. Everyone was a bit on edge because they weren’t back yet. 
You were finishing up helping Carol with the after-dinner dishes when she handed you a bowl of the water-based stew you’d helped her make. “Can you bring this out to Daryl? He’s on guard duty.”
You took the bowl from her and grabbed one of the water bottles, “Okay,” 
The night air was unsurprisingly warm as you crossed the courtyard. The stars were just starting to come out, and it was that perfect summer dusk setting. If the world was normal, you would’ve loved it. But now, seeing the space between the stars… it just reminded you how small the world seemed now. 
Daryl seemed surprised when you popped open the floor hatch and climbed up. “I got some food for you. Had to keep Merle from eating it all tonight.” The hatch dropped behind you, and you sat a few feet away from him after handing him his dinner. 
He nodded and started to eat. You leaned back against the wall and pulled your legs up, wrapping your arms around them. The soft nighttime breeze barely touched your face from where you sat. 
“You don’ gotta sit up here with me,” Daryl said, looking you over. 
You shrugged your shoulders but stayed quiet. It was peaceful up here. You felt safe being so high up, and you enjoyed the quietness. Judith wasn’t trying, and no one was trying to talk to you. It was nice. It reminded you of the treehouse, which ached in a way that almost made you wish you could turn back time. But you felt safer here, with other people and your family, despite the disasters of the governor and his attacks. 
It was mostly quiet for a long time. Grasshoppers sang their song, owls hooted and an occasional frog crocked, More stars came out as the sunlight fully disappeared. The breeze got a little cooler and it reminded you again of the treehouse. 
Daryl looked at you occasionally, but you didn’t mind it. You hoped he didn’t mind the company and hadn’t been put on the guard rotation yet, so you didn’t spend much time up here. You hoped that would change soon. 
You felt him look at you again, and this time you glanced at him, your eyes meeting his in the moonlight. “What?”
“You regret coming here?”
“No,” You shook your head, “I’m glad I did. Even if we’re about to fight some crazy guy. You regret bringing me?”
“Nah, Carl likes the cat. And your good with the baby,”
Your heart ached, and you looked down, playing with a hangnail that developed because of all the labor. “I was pregnant once,” You weren’t sure why you said that. But once you did, you didn’t wanna stop. “Liam and I, we got pregnant right after we got engaged. I was in a car accident when I was about five months, and we lost the baby. That was a month before the world went to shit.” 
Daryl was quiet. 
You laughed softly, “I used to believe in God; I went to Sunday church with Uncle Hershel and the girls. Now I’m not… I’m not so sure about how I feel. Not sure why a God would do this. But when it did, I remember thinking to myself that God took my baby away to keep it from this world. I know that sounds silly.” 
“It don’,” Daryl said quickly. “Plenty of people believe weirder shit. Makes you feel better. It all that matters.”
You smiled at him before looking away and back up at the stars. “Whatever reason it was, be it God, fate, or just the damn drunk driver, I’m thankful for it. I understand women making the choices they do now when it comes to that. I respect Lori for keeping the baby, but… I don’t know,” You rambled on. 
“I get it. Not like any of us had a choice. But the ass-kicker is here, and we gotta do right by her. Right by Lori,”
You nodded and leaned your head back, closing your eyes. “She’s a cutie,”
Daryl snorted and spit over the ledge, “Where’s the cat?”
“Carl’s got her. I taught him a few tricks she knows, and he’s going crazy,” You said quietly. “It’s nice out tonight. It would be a nice night for a bonfire if things were normal. Do you count us cooking dinner over a fire as a bonfire, or do you think a bonfire is special? Meant for roasting smores and singing silly songs while being eaten alive by damn mosquitoes.”
It was silent for a minute before he answered, “Probably somethin’ special. I wouldn’ call heating a can a soup a bonfire,”
You opened your eyes and looked at him, “Yeah, I think so too. Maybe once things get settled, we should do one for Carl. I bet he’d like that. Beth too. We can make a run to find marshmallows somewhere. I know how to make ‘em homemade, too, in case we can’t find any.” You laughed. 
Daryl shook his head at you and was about to reply when headlights appeared. He used the scope of his gun to look. “They’re back. Let’s get the gate.”
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seriouslysam8 · 1 year
Brumous Sneak Peek #2
Since I couldn't post over the weekend, I decided to spoil you with a second sneak peek! New chapter is up on Sunday!
Chapter Sixteen: The Reunion
When the meeting was declared concluded, Sirius was one of the first people to stand, keen to get back to the kids in the other room. Then, Dumbledore called him to stay back, as well as Remus, Dora, and Tegan. Sirius squinted as Remus rose from his seat, gathering a few pieces of parchment together and tucking them away neatly in a folder.
Sirius bent down, his face pressing close to Remus’. “What’s going on?”
Remus shrugged. “Haven’t the foggiest. I’m intrigued because Tegan was called as well, so it can’t have anything to do with Harry.”
Everyone slowly filed out of the room. Molly shot Sirius an inquisitive look but Sirius threw up a hand to indicate that he didn’t know. Tegan made her way around the table to stand with the others, a small smile crossing her face in greeting. 
“Do you have the inside scoop?” Dora asked, leaning in close to Tegan. “The boys are clueless, like always.”
Sirius rolled his eyes up to look at the ceiling while Tegan chuckled.
“Nah, no idea,” Tegan replied. “Oi, I heard you were dumped that Cooper case. Gawain has a contact in the Met that may be useful. He was going to get you his contact information, but he’s shit at remembering so make sure you get it off him.”
Dora sighed. “Merlin, thanks, yeah, Axel and I had no idea where to start. Of course, fucking Dawlish was a bloody wanker when he dropped it in our laps.”
Tegan snorted. “What else is new? I swear, Dawlish lives to make everyone’s life miserable.”
Sirius arched an eyebrow at the two. He didn’t know much about Dawlish, but he had never heard anyone say anything even remotely nice about him. He glanced up to see Marlene looking back at him as she exited the room with Andromeda and Ted. He raised his right hand to give her a small wave and he received a smile in return. That was a start, he supposed. Once everyone was gone and the door closed, Dumbledore smiled at the group. 
“I won’t keep you long,” Dumbledore announced as he walked over to join the group. “I had a mission for the four of you, if you’d be so inclined to accept.”
Sirius perked up at the words. He hadn’t been on a proper Order mission in, Merlin, probably since he had watched Edgar Bones die right in front of him. Remus’ gaze bore into him but Sirius ignored it. He wasn’t going to let Remus ruin the moment for him. Whatever it was, he was game to do it. He knew it must be an important one if he was assigning four of them to one mission – two of which were Aurors. Honestly, there wasn’t a group he’d rather go on his first mission back with. He trusted Remus with his life. Dora was his family – the good kind. Tegan had proved where her loyalties lied when she risked her career to help prove his innocence.
“It has come to my attention that a group of wealthy Death Eaters have been buying tickets to the St. Mungo’s fundraising ball and auction next weekend,” Dumbledore explained. “You may know that this function takes place yearly with Narcissa Malfoy always being one of the main organizers as she holds a spot on the board. What is surprising is within the past week, purebloods who normally do not attend are buying tables for the event such as the Crabbes, Goyles, Macnairs, as well as a few others. Table prices run a bit steep and there’s four allowed to a table. Sirius, I was hoping that you would be willing to pay for the four of you to attend.”
Although Sirius suspected that he was only being offered to go so he would finance the operation, he didn’t fucking care. He was more than happy to get out of the house and back into the field. If some silly charity ball was the only way to do that, he was more than happy to buy some nice dress robes and clean up a bit. He’d do a bloody fantastic job at it too so he’d be assigned more and more missions.
“Yeah, I’ll fund it,” Sirius agreed without hesitation.
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munsontm · 1 year
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'my most significant influence is just real life.' A candid discussion with Corroded Coffin frontman Eddie Munson. Gerri Miller.
Metal Edge, 8th March 1991.
On the fifth of February, 1991, Corroded Coffin, a four-piece heavy metal band from Hawkin's Indiana, a rural town rife with tragedy and mystery, made Grammy and music history by being not only the first of the genre to win album of the year but said album also happened to be their debut. The album in question, entitled Stranger Things, is being hailed all over the country as a truly original and thought-provoking journey with a multitude of themes contained in a fantastical and, frequently, dark world narrative. I caught up with the band's frontman, Eddie Munson, in hopes of learning more about the mysterious and polarising figure who shot for the stars on his first try and made it all the way to the moon.
It was a rare rainy morning in downtown LA when I met Eddie at The Beverly Hills Hotel. He told me he'd have preferred to meet at Starbucks or something, but management insisted on somewhere 'fancy' in his words. There's not a shred of his theatrical stage wear or make-up to be seen except for chipped black polish on his nails. He's dressed down in stonewash jeans, a black vest, and a red plaid shirt complete with Nike sneakers that he tells me aren't his. Eddie offered me a cigarette once we got comfortable in the hotel bar, and I felt struck by the disarming power of his smile. I couldn't say no to him, and apparently, neither can America.
How's it going, Eddie?
Eddie: Yeah, you know. Pretty good. This hotel is weird, though, right?
You don't like it?
Eddie: Ehh...it's just kinda snobby for my tastes. It's not very me, I guess. And it's not what I'd like Corroded Coffin to be associated with. None of us come from money, and neither do our fans. We're a band for the 99%, and we're determined to stay true to that. I think I'd straight up quit music if someone told me that Bush liked our tunes.
You're not a fan of the president, then?
Eddie: Dude, what do you think? I grew up with Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan, each more useless than the last, and determined to keep up the status quo of anti-queer, pro-guns, and the nuclear family. That's all they do, like glorified caretakers, I guess. People bitch about change, but they still keep voting for the same two dumb fucks every single time. Where's the progression? It ain't there, man.
Anti-queer, anti-guns and the nuclear family are pretty polarising subjects. How do you feel when people in the industry label you as a polarising figure?
Eddie: I fucking love it. I knew years ago that if we ever made it big, people were gonna hate us. I've always been loud and weird and annoying, never knowing when to shut my mouth. But I'm at peace with it, proud even. Yeah, I'm queer. Freddie (Mercury) doesn't hide it. Why should I? Yeah, I'm pro-feminism, anti-government, anti-society, an atheist, anti-guns, pro-abortion, and pro-drugs. Whatever has been said about me in pro and anti-contexts is probably all true. I'm the antichrist to the normie Americans, and that makes me giggle at night. Let them be mad about it and live in fear of the other for once.
People back in my very conservative hometown hated me, too, because I was different and poor. It's no different from that, and I'm not scared about it anymore, like when I was that kid in Hawkins. The difference now is that there are people out there who like my big mouth. There are freaks all over the country who are just like me. It's pretty fucking cool.
Those are some pretty brave statements to make.
Eddie: Nah. Lots of them are already there on the album. I've never been shy about any of 'em, even when meatheads at our gigs decide to throw bottles at us and act like little bitches. Go watch Axel Rose if you want some fresh bigotry with your metal. Although, is it even really a metal concert if someone doesn't throw something at you? The answer is no. The point is that the stage and the studio are my space to say what I want and then reach other people with the same thinking. I'm not going to stop doing that ever.
What's your private life currently like?
Eddie: Private. Next.
You're very secretive about that part of your life, aren't you?
Eddie: Yeah. Cus, like I said, bigots exist. I might like to suck both dick and eat pussy, and be okay with admitting that to the world. But I'm not stupid enough to give away my private life details where any creep can read them. Can we move on now? [This next part was originally redacted by Eddie, but then he changed his mind.] Still, my partner could be the shit outta any phobe. They fought a bear once and won...more than once.
Sure, Eddie. What first got you into music?
Eddie: I think the first time music really crawled inside my brain was when I heard All Along The Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix on the radio one summer. Mmm, I can't remember if I was four or five, but it was around then. It wasn't even about the lyrics. I didn't learn what they were until later. It was the guitar work that blew my tiny baby mind to somewhere else, maybe another plane of existence, albeit temporarily, so unfortunate. But I couldn't get that raw sound out of my mind, and I became instantly addicted, looking for similar sounds everywhere. I'd heard guitars playing before, but never like that. Never that level of genius. It kinda made me wanna cry with the emotions it brought out of me because I grew up in an environment where emotions weren't allowed if you were a boy. Jimi gave me my first outlet, and I'll be eternally grateful for that. Rest in peace, dude.
Is that what music is for you, an expression of yourself?
Eddie: Well, yeah. Music is part of who I am. Even when it's not a personal expression of myself, it's still an expression of my beliefs and ideals. Music is art; music is political and radical. But I also can't deny there's plenty of very personal shit in my lyrics. The day I write a fluff song is the day I'll have officially lost my marbles.
Who inspired you to make music?
Eddie: Haha, I'm pretty sure this is the most well-known fact about me, which is my boner for Black Sabbath and Ozzy Osbourne. In 1972, Children Of The Grave was released, and I was lucky enough to see it performed live on TV. If Christ were real, that moment would have been my coming of Christ. I was like eight then, so the lyrics mattered more. But Ozzy himself was like a fantastic madman, and no one was doing it like him. He just didn't and still doesn't give a shit about what anyone thinks of him. I admire that so much, and I strived to be like that, too, for as long as I can remember. Not giving a shit was my shield in high school. People were afraid of that, that I didn't follow the rules or pretend to be good as gold. Yeah, it invited trouble, too, being loud and annoying. But it felt great at the same time.
How would you describe the music that you typically create? What are your influences?
Eddie: Uhh, if you wanna talk genres, then I guess I'd describe it as horror or fantasy metal. I wouldn't want to be described as your average metal band. That'd be the freaking worst. Many of my influences come from Dungeons & Dragons, Heavy Metal (the science-fiction and fantasy magazine/comic), and Lord of The Rings. But then you got literary influence from Edgar Allen Poe, Stephen King, Mary Shelley, and H.P. Lovecraft.
But I guess my most significant influence is just real life. Take real life and smash it together with all the aforementioned shit. Things get crazy pretty quickly. I've been able to channel a lot of the bad things that happened in my life through those things, and apparently, I'm not the only one that likes it. Although, my dad probably hates that I'm getting rich from what a cunt he is. But I love it.
Who would you most like to collaborate with?
Eddie: Ozzy Osbourne, of course. But there's also DIO too. Slayer would be sweet too—ugh, and Judas Priest. Basically, there are too many potentials to pick from, and I'm indecisive, so I don't think I should be allowed to pick in any realistic context. Gare and Jeff can deal.
What is one message you would give to your fans.
Eddie: First of all, I love them very much. Each and every single one of them made Corroded Coffin possible. Artists are nothing without their fans. Right from the three drunks back in Hawkin's to the dude who flashed his pink nipple tassels at me during every indie gig, he's awesome. We wouldn't be here without them. I hope they continue supporting our madness and being just as mad themselves. The world always needs more freaks in it.
What is the most useless talent you have?
Eddie: I can tuck my dick and balls back and do Gonzo impersonations with em'. Just draw some eyes on my guys, and wiggle it all about. It's a great party trick. But I'm not allowed to show it to anyone because that's embarrassing, according to my partner. And I can quote Lord of The Rings by page number, depending on the edition. Though people in my circle consider that to be pretty cool, just saying.
Do you sing in the shower? What songs?
Eddie: Man, all I do is sing around the house. It drives the neighbours fucking nuts. Fortunately, my partner is fully endeared by it. But I usually sing what comes to mind or whatever trash is on the radio. There's a WHAM song stuck in my head right now, and I hate it. Fully hate it. I want to make it stop.
What would you be doing right now, if it wasn’t for your music career?
Eddie: Honestly, I don't even wanna think about it. Music is all I ever wanted to do. Considering something else was never an option for me.
What's a typical day like for you?
Eddie: I have to be dragged out of bed wherever I'm sleeping. Whether it's at home, the studio, or in a hotel. I'm not a morning person, and it's a lucky day if I manage to hit the toilet rim without a cup of coffee in me. After that, I'm usually writing for most of the day, right now, until my partner makes me eat and take a chill pill. There are also lots of scheduled interviews and shoots going on, what with the Grammy win and all. I'm not used to such hectic schedules, so it's been completely nuts as of late. I only get around four hours of sleep, and that sucks. But it's just part of the job.
What is your favourite song to perform?
Eddie: Fuck. I hate this question because I can never answer it the straightforward way. There isn't one song to beat all, but it's usually a tie between Red and Sword and Shield. They're my magnum opus, at least for now. Because as a musician, I always strive to outdo my last song.
Why those two songs, what do they mean to you?
Eddie: Red is just a sick tune, ya know? I took inspiration from a person in my life, a kid who used to live in the same trailer park as me. She's probably one of the bravest people I've ever met, and my batshit brain couldn't let go of the idea of making a song about her bravery. If it wasn't for them, myself and many others wouldn't have made it out of the Hawkin's earthquake alive. That's why Red is so bassy and riffy, and Gareth even broke a fair couple of sticks while we were recording—the musical energy needed to match her intensity and what she went through to help people. Women's heroics ain't recognised enough in any media, so it was a no-brainer to me to include her story as part of Stranger Thing's overall journey.
As for Sword and Shield, that's way more personal. The context behind that changed my life. It's about two people casting aside preconceptions of one another and fighting their inner demons together cus I found out around the time of writing it that you can't do that alone; fight your inner demons and get past your past. And yeah, there's a splash of homoerotica; sue me. It's one of the...no. It's the only balladesque song on the album cus it's the only balladesque song I've ever written. Most of the music for Sword and Shield was me and a guitar; everyone else is a more subtle background, I guess. It needed to be like that. I needed it to be a private experience for me and my sword.
Your sword?
Eddie: Yup. Next question.
What is the most trouble you’ve ever gotten into
Eddie: Aw, c'mon. Do ya'll really gotta bring it up in every interview? Every goddamn tabloid in the country went off about it. Murder accusations and Satanic worship, which were all overwhelmingly disproven. The state even apologised to me. I'm done talking about that part of my life.
Apologies, Eddie. You're right. What is the best advice you’ve been given?
Eddie: Smooth recovery, buddy. Alright. I've had plenty of decent advice from people like Ozzy, Doro, Dio, and Dave Mustaine. Lots of D's, for some reason. But, I think my Uncle Wayne probably gave me the best life advice, which was always to be myself. Never pretend to be someone you're not, even when it's hard. He told me that when I was thirteen, and I've always stuck by it. What you see is what you get. I don't have a stage persona like a lot of people do. It's all just me. I don't think I'd be able to handle this kinda life if I had to pretend to be someone else, ya know? Being true to myself and my vision is what has gotten me here, that and my boys, my fellow losers and freaks.
If you could change anything about the metal industry, what would it be?
Eddie: Well, shit. That's a loaded question, and it's gonna get one of those so-called controversial replies that I always apparently have. There are not enough women in this industry, at least not in the American mainstream, aside from Doro, and she takes a lot of shit. Bands like Girlschool, Black Knight, Messiah Force, and Rock Goddess, they're all absolutely badasses, who are just as good, if not better, than many of their male contemporaries. Man Metal, let's call it that for a moment, has way too many tunes about sexualising cars and having sex with women and boohooing about our drug problems. It's all repetitive, gets boring, is boring.
I think heavy metal should be more of an open genre. Manufactured pop music always has centre stage in the music industry, sadly. But rock 'n roll is about rebellion and doing what society doesn't deem normal. Why is the heavy-metal movement just entrenched in working-class dudes? Bearing in mind I am one of those dudes. We've got more in common with the many marginalised groups in this country, mainly that the government hates us, instead of the upper classes who use pop culture, music included, to promote the fake American Dream. If we could all come together under the power of rock 'n roll. I think beautiful things could happen. We could have a revolution.
What do you think are the chances of such a grand scale thing happening?
Eddie: Uhh, pretty much zero.
What’s next for you?
I'll be writing Corroded Coffin's next album while on a national tour that I think is being announced next week. I can't remember. Maybe I wasn't supposed to talk about that. Oh, well. Surprise! I've also been asked to pose for Playgirl, which is fucking wild. I didn't see that coming in a million years.
What? Like full frontal?
Eddie: God, I fucking hope so. The pearl clutching will be spectacular.
Corroded Coffins album, Stranger Things, is out now via Mercury Records.
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ask-idv-baker · 1 year
» *insert silly wedding on Red Church here* (I'm your lil devil on your shoulder, feed me more Axel x Beth-/IH)
(Please note that I've never really been to red church weddings so idk how one really goes oof. Actually I've barely been to weddings in general-) @idv-intellectuals
It was a match in red church and the hunter had decided to go friendly. While the rest of the participants were playing around with the hunter, Beth had decided to explore the map a bit before stopping inside the church to sit down on one of the pews. Although it wasn't long until she saw Axel vault over the window by the alter and when he noticed her sitting, he came over and sat next to her. They sat in silence for a few moments, until Beth got up the courage to say,
"T-This place is... rather peaceful when you're n-not being hunted.."
To which Axel nodded and let out a small hum in response, although, he seemed to be thinking about something before he got up and gently brought Beth up in front of the altar with him. She was confused at first, until she saw him get down on one knee and pull what looked like a certain type of screw that fell of a cipher machine from his pocket and slide it on her finger. And right when he did that, they heard cheering from the pews of the church, the other survs and the hunter were watching the whole thing and Beth had to grab her hat to cover her face because of how red it was getting.
"Beth my fairy, will you do me the honor of being my wife?"
And while she was only able to let out a small squeak, when she pulled her hat away, the smile on her face gave him all the answers he needed
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dreamsburntdown · 2 years
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After very silent months in the summer of 2016, we got news that Yuzuru was back in training, and a bit later, that he would skate to two new programs in the upcoming 2016/17 season. Yuzu chose 'Let's Go Crazy' by Prince for his new short program, which was again choreographed by Jeff Buttle. For his new free program he chose Japanese contemporary classical music, View of Silence and Asian Dream Song by Joe Hisaishi and he named his program 'Hope and Legacy'. It was chorographed by Shae-Lynn Bourne.
Yuzu started the season at the Autumn Classic International in Canada where he became the first man who landed the quadruple Loop at a competition when he landed it in his short program. We could see his quad Loops at galas before, but it was finally time to introduce it at competitions, too. It was Yuzu's own decision (as opposed to Brian Orser's), and later it turned out that it was a very smart decision from him.
His new SP was fun, intricate, with extremely difficult step sequence, or spins. Even if the 4Lo was a new jump for Yuzu, he put it in both the SP and FS. He also changed to 4T-3T combination to 4S-3T in the SP. His new free program was beautiful, elegant, and very complex from start to finish with great choreography, transitions in and out of the elements and great spins as well. Yuzu increased the difficulty of his jumps, he not just added 4Lo, but he had 4 quads and 2 triple Axels overall, from which there were two quad Salchows, the second one in a combination in the second half of the program. The triple Axels were also in the second half.
In the Grand Prix Series, Yuzu won the NHK Trophy. It was this competition where he changed his white costume in the SP to a purple one, which was even more form fitting than the white costume. The NHK Trophy short programs were in the morning on Friday in Europe so it meant that I had to watch it at my workplace - in secrectly, of course! I still remember vividly when I saw in the warm-up that he had purple pants on, and seconds later he took off the jacket and the top of his costume was also purple. I smiled so much but I had to contain myself there. The program was very rock starish but in a different way than Parisienne Walkways, when Yuzu was still a teenager. The SP was great choice and the costume looked great on him. Not many could wear a costume like that, but Yuzu could do it!
So, at the Grand Prix Final Yuzu became the first (and so far only) male skater who won four consecutive gold medals. His SP was the best there in the season even if the landing from the 4Lo wasn't completely perfect.
Yuzu decided to compete at the Four Continents too, which was held in PyeongChang, in the arena which would host the Olympics in 2018. The last time Yuzu was at 4CC was in 2013. He again collected a silver medal, albeit he would have deserved to win this time. The sudden rise of points, especially the components of the young American Chen raised eyebrows.
I was a bit sad that I couldn't watch Yuzu in person in 2015/16 especially because GPF was held in Barcelona then. So I decided not to miss the opportunity and I traveled to Helsinki for the World Championships to watch Yuzu and cheer for him. It was a really important competition, firstly because it was the qualifying Worlds for the 2018 Olympics and also because Yuzu didn't win in 2015 or 2016 either. The pressure on him was so much.
Helsinki Worlds was the most exciting competition of my life and I won't forget what I saw there. The rollercoster of emotions was overwhelming.
In the SP, Yuzuru kneeled down from the landing after his 4S, so he couldn't add a Triple Toe-loop on it (the 2T he added got invalidated as well), and he was only 5th after the SP. Oh no.
I felt sorry, really sorry for him. I even cried a bit later, because I didn't find it fair after what Yuzu went through in the past months, years. Javier skated a good short program and he got 109 points for it, so the difference was 11 points. Then I remembered that the situation was a bit similar a year before and anything could happen.
On the day of the free skate, snow was falling in the cold streets of Helsinki. I headed to the arena with a newly found optimism, while I was walking I was listening to the epic music of Yuzu's Romeo and Juliet 1 program and I remembered his roaring he made during the program at Worlds 2012. I thought: 'Fight, Yuzu, fight, you can do it!'.
Yuzu skated first in the last group. And what he did on that day will never be forgotten. He was completely in the zone and he laid down the most gorgeous performance ever. Everything was perfection from start to finish, the 4Lo, the spins, the the quad Salchows, the step sequences (the StSq as well as his spins all got level 4), everything he did was in the highest possible quality. The complexity of his program, the elegance of his performance can be barely described with words. It was magnificient and magical. The spectators were in tears, there was standing ovation for Yuzu. He got a new world record for his performance (223.20) which was - despite being the highest score - still a bit underscored compared to what he showed on the ice there. With this fantastic performance, Yuzu finished from 5th to 1st, and he became a two-time World Champion. It was so well deserved for Yuzu! He could bring out his best at such an important competition.
I was so happy and grateful that I could witness this and that I could cheer for Yuzu at this competition.
On the last day, Sunday, I met some photographers from my country who had media accreditation for the competition. One of them was an elderly man, who proudly showed to me that he got a signature from Yuzuru before the gala rehearsal. We had the same flight back home so he gave me Yuzu's signature for the duration of the flight. I was really cautious not to make it dirty etc. (the batter of my camera was empty but I could take some pictures of the signature with my not so good phone). What an end was it for my trip! I was really happy.
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After Worlds, Yuzu also competed at World Team Trophy where he won the gold medal for Japan.
This was a very successful season for him. Firstly I was happy that Yuzu came back after his very bad injury and he did so well. The first man who landed the 4Lo, the 4th GPF title, the second Worlds title, two fantastic programs, etc.
I was very looking forward to the Olympic season and I hoped everything would be okay for Yuzu.
[Part 1] [Part 2] [Part 3] [Part 4] - to be continued soon.
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tina-nina · 2 years
Do you have any ideas about your fanfics that you really want to talk about? Like, headcanons, character relationships/interactions, backstory and stuff? Thank you very much!!!
Okay first im SOOOOO SORRYYYY this took me a year to actually answer this, i swear i thought about it at least once a week this whole time.
I was originally gonna get into my headcannon/AU version of how the Radiant Garden Political system works, but I wasn’t feeling very inspired, and so instead im gonna share something I wrote for the lovely @sekhmet-rye, because she loves Xallux and i just had to spoil her. Most of this is canon to my AU, though whether those two are actually gonna be shipped together explicitly or not is something I'm still deciding, since I’m planning on keeping my series pretty much exclusively Gen.
With that said, enjoy!
One of Roxas's earliest memories is Axel walking with him aimlessly through the sprawling corridors of the Castle That Never Was, chattering about the day to day
"-don't question that rule, Vexen will make you regret it. And Rule Number 3: don't question whatever Xaldin and Luxord have going on."
Roxas had blinked in confusing because um? What? But Axel had waved him off and he had been left wondering.
Now, months into his service, he got it.
If Xaldin wasn't ranting and raving while Luxord calmly sipped a cup of tea until the taller man ran out of steam (always one, as if the man had timed it down to a science, rarely two but always no more and no less than that), then they stared at each other at the weirdest times, or made faces at one another in meetings while Xemnas politely pretended not to notice (there was no way he didn't notice, Roxas didn't know much, but he liked to think he was good at reading his colleagues, and The Superior sometimes got a lost, wistful look in his eyes when he saw them like that, before it was gone, and he ignored them).
Roxas rounds a corner, on his way to the kitchen to get something to eat, but has to stop when he sees the two, Luxord against the wall, arms crossed, a calm and smug smile directed at the man looming over him, Xaldin snarling in fury.
Roxas blinks, evaluates the situation like Vexen had taught him all those months ago, and spins on his heel. "Remember rule number 3, Roxas; you don't want to know"
Unfortunately for Roxas, he finds that he does, actually, want to know. Xion is right behind him in that regard, and they've put their heads together to try and muddle their way through describing just what it is Luxord and Xaldin have "going on"
--- They do what they do best after fighting. Observing.
Every world, every mission, they make it their mission to watch everyone around them.
And they slowly, slowly, start to understand.
It's the way Jasmine and Aladdin hold hands, the way Alice gushes about her sister in the same breath she complains about how she drives her "madder than the Hatter!", the way Beast looks at Belle and the way Belle looks at Beast.
It's the way the kids in Twilight Town chase after each other and share ice cream at the end of the day, it's the way Axel's eyes get distant and soft in the rare times he talks about when he and Saïx were younger, the way Vexen had clucked over Zexion and Zexion had pretended to be bothered by it. The way Lexaeus had placed warm blankets on the two or bullied them into resting.
It's the way Xemnas is always searching for something he cannot remember, and the way Xigbar barely holds himself back from something he does.
"What's crackin' kiddo, poppet?"
"What's love?"
"....it's a million different things. It's different for everyone."
Silence. Two pairs of eyes meet, and a thousand words pass without a single sound leaving their throats. Twin, sharp nods.
"I think we get it."
Xigbar watches the two retreat and says nothing.
The next time Roxas and Xion catch Luxord and Xaldin doing their thing, they understand.
They love each other. It is as simple as that.
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pred1059 · 1 year
Just A Chance Chapter Thirty Two
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Secret Report: Axel V
When this all started I couldn’t care less about anyone here, much less Naminé. At best I might prod her at the right time to throw a wrench in Marluxia’s plan at a major point. 
Now? I’ve honestly started to root for her, and it’s not just the fun of seeing Larxene getting knocked down a peg. She’s actually got more courage than I thought. Probably because of Roxas.
Though really he’s been the biggest surprise. This whole bet lit a fire under him, and it’s not slowing anytime soon. Just a week, and the difference is like night and day. It’s almost like he’s got…
…I can’t finish that sentence. But I can’t say what he’s got isn’t nothing. Hell,  I’m willing to bet Naminé has it too.
Maybe that’s why they’re so close nowadays.
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“There they go again.” Axel watched as Naminé and Roxas left the room they had eaten in. The two had eaten their meal quietly, but were in decent enough spirits. Most of Roxas and Naminé’s  conversation during dinner was some variation of ‘We’re fine’ or ‘We’re tired’. 
Zexion shrugged as he stacked the trays and put their silverware on top of the stack. “It’s been a rather full day with Ursula and the fight against Larxene. That they decided to head back early is hardly a shock”
Axel couldn’t help a quick snicker, and Zexion’s face fell to a flat look as he muttered, “I didn’t mean that pun.”
“I still enjoyed it. And you’re right, today was a bit more than usual.” With Larxene’s ‘test’, it was hardly a wonder that Roxas and Naminé would prefer time to themselves. Not to mention the heights Ursula grew to was a stark reminder that Heartless weren’t the only thing the Organization had to deal with. But right now, Axel’s biggest worry was coming from within the Organization. A worry he couldn’t help but vocalize. “Hopefully, Marluxia can talk with her so Larxene doesn’t blow a gasket.”
Nodding, Zexion dumped the used trays and wiped his hands clean. “Especially since she seems to focus her ire on Naminé and Roxas.” Crossing his arms, he looked to Axel and asked, “What are those two up to with them? From the beginning they’ve been almost laser focused on anyone with a keyblade.”
Axel grimaced, as he pondered the wisdom of telling Zexion that Marluxia and Larxene had rebellion in mind. It’d be good to have someone on his side in taking the two down. And after what Zexion and him went through this past week, Axel was willing to trust him.
Still, there was the problem of Larxene and Marluxia walking by any second. Which meant he needed to be subtle. Axel walked up to Zexion as he began to explain, “You’ve got to remember, they wanted to get Sora under our control to start.”
Rubbing his chin, Zexion began to theorize, “If their plan worked, that power might be considered theirs by virtue of controlling Naminé.”
“And in trying to keep a keyblade in their pocket, they’re getting desperate,” Axel finished. Zexion didn’t need to know the details of the coup. All he needed to know was that Marluxia and Larxene would do anything to get their hands on a keyblade wielder.
“And their ambition makes them all the more dangerous.” With Zexion’s nod and tightening fists, Axel knew the point was made. The question now was what to do with it. His pondering was stopped however as he felt Zexion put a firm hand to his shoulder. “You’re closest to their plans. If something goes awry, let me know. We can’t let Roxas or Naminé get hurt.”
Sensible enough, and probably what Axel would default to. However, that last point got Axel’s attention. Raising an eyebrow with a smirk, he asked, “Speaking as a member of the Organization, or as their friend?” Zexion rarely let his professionalism slip, and it was just too fun to poke at the gaps.
Yet instead of flustered denial, Zexion sighed as he gently pulled his hand away. Slowly, a smile came to his face as he admitted, “I suppose it’s both.”
That was really it, wasn’t it? Sure there was the standard duty of making sure the Organization runs like clockwork, but Axel couldn’t deny to himself that this had slowly been becoming because Roxas and Naminé started to matter to him. With a grin, Axel gave Zexion a gentle pat on the back as they turned to leave. “Then as a member of the Organization and a friend, I promise you’ll be the first to know if it all goes sideways.”
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After watching the fight, Roxas was just as drained as if he’d been the one fighting the senior Nobody. Dinner was a simple reprieve instead of a chance to talk. Part of him just wanted to go back to bed, another wanted to just spend time with Naminé. 
Though another part of Roxas wanted to talk to her. As quiet as she was, there seemed to be something more to Naminé's simple answers during dinner. As if she wanted to get back to her room and do something important.
Still, probably best to wait in case it was something Marluxia or Larxene shouldn’t overhear. Since Naminé had won her fight, Roxas was in no hurry to give them something that could be used against them. 
So he waited until after dinner. After the two of them walked hand in hand back to her room. Though a few stray glances from her along the way gave him a sense that it was something to do with him. 
When they had finally reached the safety of her room, Roxas relaxed and asked, “Naminé, what’s on your mind?”
Looking at him with a smile, Naminé gently pulled him to her chair. “I want to do something for you. For helping me get this far.”
Roxas gave a faint chuckle as she let go and made her way over to a pile of notebooks.“You do a lot to help me already with your keyblade.”
Naminé sifted through the stack to find one particular book before turning back to him.“Not just that. Ever since we’ve met, I could always trust you.” Picking up her crayons, she walked over to where Roxas stood as she continued,  ”You’re the first one here that’s really listened to me and…” Letting go of a breath as she sat down, she admitted, “You’re important to me, more than anything.”
“Naminé,” Roxas murmured back as he heard her confession. It shook him to his core, yet he couldn’t regret hearing the words. Not when they resonated so much with what was in him as well. As she flipped through the book, Roxas placed a hand to his chest.  “You’ve shown me so much, helped me realize what’s important in life.” His own words caused Naminé to look at him with widening eyes. “ I don’t think I’d be who I am now if I hadn’t met you.” 
For a moment, she looked at him with a beaming smile. And something in Roxas couldn’t help but thrum in contentment. Then with a nod, she took one of the crayons and put it to paper. 
Roxas watched as she began to sketch on the page, A hue of yellow taking shape. Curiosity stirred and he asked, “What’re you drawing?”
Without taking her eyes off the page, Naminé continued to move her crayon across as she answered, “A charm.” By now, a yellow star had taken shape.
Seeing her take a silver crayon and add a top to the yellow star with a loop, Roxas pondered, “What kind of charm?”
“I came up with it. It doesn’t really exist yet except in my head.” Link by link Naminé built a chain from the star. “I started thinking of a wayfinder to protect someone close to me.” Setting it aside, she grabbed another crayon and began to shade the charm. “Then a star shining in the sky, like a guiding light.” Every darker hue helped to make it more real, till eventually she reached for a brighter crayon. “And finally a paopu fruit, that I’d share with someone I’d want to be with forever.”
With a few more touches, she gave it a hint of a shine. As the picture neared completion Roxas murmured, “It’s beautiful.” He couldn’t say if it was her art, or her description of the charm. Either way, he could feel the thought she put into it. And he couldn’t help but put the pieces together from her description.
Something that protected the one you cared about, to guide them home, a symbol of an eternal promise.
Wouldn’t it be something you’d give to someone you loved?
And then the spell was broken when Roxas heard tearing paper. 
Seeing Naminé pull the page from the notebook, he sputtered, “H-Hey! You worked hard on it! Why are you tearing…it…?” But his fear subsided as he saw the drawing was intact.
Naminé glanced at the unharmed picture with a wistful smile.“It’s not a real charm, and it may never be real.” She held the drawing of the charm to Roxas as she looked in his eyes. “But if it was, I’d give it to you. So I’m giving you what I can.”
Gently, Roxas let one finger touch the paper, then another. A tiny part of him feared his grip might slip and crumple it in their hands. And he couldn’t bear it if he ruined this picture. Not when it meant so much to her. 
She wanted to give it to him.
Something inside him felt like it was tight, yet at any moment it could burst.
What was inside him.
He didn’t know if it was real.
It might not be real at all.
But he wanted to share it with Naminé. 
Finding his breath, Roxas held onto the picture of the charm and managed to say, “I...I promise I’ll take good care of it!” Feeling a warmth come to his cheeks, he laid a hand on top of her own as he continued, “I promise, one day when this is over, I promise you’ll be free. Wherever you want to go, whatever you want to see, you’ll be able to do it!”
Whether or not it was love she was giving, It was the only thing Roxas could offer Naminé in return for this gift.
Naminé’s eyes looked to his, a blush coming to her as she gently pressed her hand to Roxas’ the paper in their grasp. “Can you promise me one more thing?” 
It was a quiet, trembling question, but Roxas answered it with a firm nod.
Keeping her eyes on his as she rose from her chair, Naminé asked with a murmur, “If I’m free someday, will you be with me? Wherever I go? I want to see it all with you.”
Roxas hardly had to think about the answer.
“I promise.”
Living with her was something he wanted. With all his hea—
“Huh? Roxas!” 
“Wha?” Naminé’s startled cry was a shock, but Roxas couldn’t bring himself to let go of her hands or the paper. Paper that seemed to glow with a brilliant light as Roxas felt it shift in his hands. But as the light faded and the paper disappeared, he realized there was something besides Naminé’s hands he was holding. 
Pulling away her fingers, Naminé gasped as she saw a flash of yellow and a small silver chain fall from her grip. Slowly she lifted her hands, revealing the charm she had just drawn and murmured in surprise, “It’s real?” 
Roxas looked at her with a growing grin. “We both want it to be real, right? And it’s real enough for us to make our promise. So…”
The shock on Naminé’s face ebbed away, and she began to giggle as she ran a thumb over the yellow star in their hands.“So the charm might as well be real.” She let go of her gift, and Roxas brought it close to his chest with a hand. A miracle created from her magic and what had grown between them.
Though it was a miracle he didn’t have too much time to contemplate as Naminé brought her arms to his back and pulled him close. With Roxas stunned in silence, it was easy to hear her whisper,“Thank you, Roxas. For everything.” 
Slowly, Roxas returned the hug and quietly answered, “Thank you, Naminé.” Right now, he wasn’t worried about his fight to survive, or having to protect others. Being here in her arms right now?
This just felt right to him.
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From darkness he watched. Watched the two nobodies embrace as they made their promise. In all his observations of the Organization, none of the number would go this far in trying to recall sentiment. 
And from what DiZ knew, their original selves had hardly gotten to this point in their own relationship.
If Roxas and Naminé had forged such a bond themselves. Then perhaps there was something more to these two. Perhaps it was something he could turn them to his favor when the time was right. 
And King Mickey might be instrumental in that.
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A spark of light illuminated the cosmos. Faint and distant, but Mickey was well aware how rare such light was in the dark world. Moreover, it was close to where Riku was. The connection between them faded now that Ansem had taken over. 
Mickey tried to help Riku hang onto himself, but a moment where the boy was overwhelmed caused the control to slip. A chance that Ansem had seized.
But even so, some part of Riku hadn’t quite given up. A part that was slowly becoming bigger. Sending what energy he could as he traveled to the sparks, Mickey muttered, “Hold on Riku. I’ll get you out.” 
“I promise.”
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The three of them were separated, even though they were in the same world, in the same castle.
Riku struggled from within Ansem. His heart trying desperately to grasp more control than maintaining his form. Even in the swirling maelstrom of shadows holding him back, he held onto one thing. One light that held the darkness at bay each day.
Kairi had set up refuge in one of the castle saferooms. The quiet ascent to find her friends was slowly wearing on her. Though the memory of seeing one of her friends was one thing that kept her going. The other was that which spurred her to travel here and drove her to continue.
Sora was still having trouble sleeping. Floor after floor and there was no sign of Kairi, Riku, or Naminé. Honestly, he was a little worried about Roxas too. But despite the danger, he couldn’t give up on them. Not with the promise he had made to himself.
The same promise, shared in three of their hearts.
One day, we’ll be together again.
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trevuorzegras · 2 months
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summary: in which y/n y/l/n falls for the wrong guy, who turns out to have just bet on her. 1/4
mark estapa makes a bet that y/n will fall for him, for a great price of $100 from his friend, adam fantilli.
strangers to lovers to enemies to lovers.
pairings: mark estapa x fem!reader
next part
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Y/N’s world came crashing down the moment her body went numb after trying to land a Quadruple Axel. Her vision was blurry as the medics stood above her, asking her questions that she couldn’t quite comprehend. Her breathing was heavy, and rapid as she was rolled onto a stretcher. She felt someone take hold of her ankle, untying her skate, as she cried out, “Stop! Please!”
To no ones surprise, they didn’t stop. Her ankle felt limp as they brought the stretcher up, wheeling her out of the arena. Y/N had no choice, but to watch as the lights passed by her, whines leaving her lips everytime they hit a bump.
When Y/N finally got wheeled into the back of the ambulance, her vision began blurring again, slowly losing her consciousness. She heard voices around her, as her head spun. She tried to understand the voices around her, just like she tried to keep her eyes open, but she was unsuccessful at both.
When Y/N had finally woken up, she looked around only to be met with the boring white walls of what she had assumed was a hospital room. As her eyes fluttered open, she saw her mother sitting beside her, her head down, with her hand holding onto her own. When she saw her eyes open slowly, she smiled, before saying she’d go get a doctor.
Y/N wasn’t sure how long had she had been there, or how much school she had missed. She mentally laughed to herself as she was worried about missing school. To anyone else it may have been silly, but not to Y/N. School was her escape, the same way the ice was. She never had the best home life, but being away in Michigan, a whole new state, was refreshing.
Her eyes landed on the door as her mother opened it, a doctor following close behind her. The woman smiled, as she flipped a page on her clipboard, “Mrs, Y/L/N. I’m Doctor Thomas, glad to see you awake.” Y/N gives her a small smile, before she speaks up, “How.. how long have i been here?”
The doctors eyes dropped down, as if trying to find a way to tell her, “You’ve been out for about five days. You took a major fall, resulting in you hitting your head. You’ll be out of skating until at least next year, and that’s if you attend all your physical therapy classes. You’ve been cleared of any signs of a concussion, however your ankle is definitely broken.” Y/N’s eyes began watering as the words left the doctors mouth, no skating?
It had been a whole week before Y/N was able to attend classes again. Per request of the doctor, and her mother she made sure she was a thousand percent ready to get back to classes. She was excited. Her mom had gone off back to Florida, and she could finally get back to her schooling.
So there Y/N was, a week later, on a Tuesday walking into University of Michigan with her crutches tucked tightly under her armpits. Y/N had gotten many looks on her way to English 2. Most were pity, some were worry. She ultimately decided to ignore the looks, believing they weren’t even worth a second glance.
Class hadn’t started when Y/N arrived. She took a seat towards the back of the classroom so she could easily avoid pushing her way through at the end of class on her crutches.
After Y/N had settled, a boy she had only seen around a couple of times took a seat beside her. “Hey.” Y/N looked up at the boy as he spoke. “Oh uh, hi?” the girl watched as he took a seat beside her. She glanced around the room to notice it was mostly empty, why is he sitting here?
“I’m Dylan, but you can call me Duke if you’d like.” her eyes drifted to the boy once more, scanning over him. “I’m Y/N, but you can call me Y/N.” the boy laughed at the girl, which caused a smile to overcome her features.
“Well, Y/N, i came here to say i’m sorry about what happened, you know. On the ice. I’m sure you’ve heard it a lot, but i know how much the ice can mean to one person, and you seemed to really love it.” Y/N couldn’t really place her finger on where she knew the boy from, but hearing him say he knew how much the ice could mean to someone sparked something in her brain. HOCKEY! He was on the hockey team, she was sure of it.
When she finally snapped out of her thoughts, or more so her investigation, she simply nodded. She didn’t trust herself to talk about the accident without crying, or at least a voice crack. When Dylan had taken notice of this he spoke once more, “I know we don’t know each other, but.. i, uh, i’m here if you want to talk about it, or anything, you know? Sometimes speaking to strangers is easier than speaking to someone you know.”
Her eyes moved up, meeting his, as the two of them smiled at one another softly, “Thank you, Duke. I’m sorry, but i have to ask, do i know you from somewhere? You seem really familiar.” She heard him chuckle lowly, a sense of comfort washed over her, as he sucked in a breath. “I play for the ice hockey team. Possibly seen me around, not sure. I’ve watched you preform a couple of times, maybe seen me in the crowd?” knew it. hockey.
Y/N always, always hated hockey players. She’s not too sure why, possibly the hockey player who broke her heart back in highschool. She had sworn herself off of hockey players since then. She moved around a lot growing up, so it was relatively easy for her to move on from him, or at least she told herself she had moved on.
“Yeah, probably.” Y/N turned her attention to the professor who had been speaking for a while, but she hadn’t noticed, too intrigued with the boy sat beside her. The class didn’t last much longer. She hadn’t really payed much attention to what was going on around her, as her thoughts were racing. Just as the girl finished packing up her things, the boy that had been in her thoughts spoke up, “Could i maybe, uh, get your number? I’m sorry if that’s weird, but i’ve seen you skate, and would really love to get to know you, Y/N.” She simply nodded, grabbing a sticky note, and writing her number down.
Call me sometime, Duke. I’d like to watch you skate sometime! you’re good company btw (: (000) - 000 - 0000
With that she put her pen away, folding the sticky note, handing it to him, and walking away. Of course she wasn’t going very far, very fast with the crutches that she had grown to hate tucked under her arms.
next part
check out my college hockey masterlist, here!
everyone say thank you hales for this story! @wnderify!
mark will come in very soon don’t worry, but i needed bestfriend duker content for this all to make any sense <3
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j-graysonlibrary · 3 months
Heartbeats; Paradise XVIII
Title: Heartbeats; Paradise
Author: Jay Grayson
Word Count: 112K
Genres: Psychological thriller, drama, sci-fi, LGBT+
Available on: Kobo and my website
Synopsis: Melvin Hardy and Kade Axel appear to be a match made in heaven. After a meet-cute in the rain, the two quickly find themselves in a burgeoning, wholesome relationship.
Yet, things feel…off. It isn’t the ghosts of their pasts that resurface to test the strength of their partnership—no—it’s something nebulous. Something indescribable. Melvin can’t put his finger on it but, the more time he spends with Kade, the more he starts to wonder what’s real and what’s pure fiction. 
Cameron is away at college and I suppose it’s something like empty nest syndrome that rears its head. But, before Gavin and I swing by the local animal shelter to make a life altering decision, we decide to have a road trip the likes of which we always talked about but never committed to.
We may be old now (especially according to our son and his hip, young peers) but we aren’t dead. And a lot of items still remain on that bucket list we drafted during our first year of dating—back in ye old high school days.
Our goal is to drive all the way down the east coast, stopping in Florida to see some tourist spots, and then come back. We have some other interesting stops along the way ranging from a bigfoot museum in Georgia to a hotel on the ocean in North Carolina.
I’m looking forward to a lot of our stops, even as I struggle to stay awake in the passenger seat.
It’s still early but at least the sun is starting to come out. We have the radio playing softly and, as I flutter my eyes closed occasionally, I hone in on the music. An oldies station is playing. It’s some rock band from the early two thousands. I remember my uncle really being into them back in the day.
“Getting to be about time to stop,” I hear Gavin mumble to himself.
I crack open an eye and peer over. The tank is almost empty and we’ve barely gone far from home. We’re in the next state, sure, but considering how much farther there is to go and how long it’s scheduled to take us to get to our first stop, it’s not an impressive distance.
But, I suppose, that’s also what we get for breaking out the old gas guzzler from the back of our garage.
Cameron has one of our electric cars and the other is too nice to take for a road trip—Gavin spent years saving up for it. Plus there’s a more plain, aesthetic reason in that the gas car just looks like the type of car one should road trip in.
We’ve got to be one of the few people who even still own a gas car, I think as Gavin cranes his head at the next exit sign, looking for gas stations nearby. I know they still exist—I see them sometimes in town. They’re always empty, yes, but they’re there.
“Ah ha,” Gavin keeps his voice down as he finds one. He must think I’m still asleep so he’s just talking to himself. “Now, to see if they’re open…”
I smile to myself and lazily watch the scenery pass me by.
The sun may be out but everything is a pale gray color. Many of the trees remain barren but some have the first signs of spring nestled in little buds and bright green leaves dotting their branches. I feel cold just by looking outside.
There is no one at the gas station, as expected, but there hadn’t really been anyone on the road either. It’s about time most people are headed to work so I’m surprised to see so little traffic.
Gavin mentions it as he pulls in as well. “Empty, huh?”
I finally rise, letting him know I’m awake but I stretch my arms up as if I’ve just emerged from a restful slumber. I can feel his eyes on me as he parks by a pump.
“Sleep well?” He asks with a smirk.
“Just a little nap.” I shrug.
Gavin nods and turns the key, shutting off the car. He glances from me to the building. “Should we grab some snacks? Coffee?”
That doesn’t sound too bad—especially the coffee. I nod and already start thinking about what I want. “I wonder if they’ll have those big cookies.”
“I can check,” my husband offers, his grin growing in size.
“I’ll pump gas then,” I say.
We accept our assignments and I, begrudgingly, leave the warmth of the car. It’s actually not as cold as I had thought but my cheeks are hit by a brisk wind and I shiver. I check behind me, out of instinct, to watch Gavin head into the shop.
It’s just us out here so there’s nothing to be concerned about, I remind myself. I keep my head down, blocking out as much of the wind as I can while I get the pump set up.
I lock in the lever and then promptly tuck my hands into my jacket. The screen on the gas pump plays some movie from early 2020 and I smile in fond remembrance. I actually recall seeing it with my mother when I was in middle school.
The nozzle clicks, letting me know I’m done so I risk the chilly air to put it up and close the tank on the car. I give the old girl a little pat in appreciation and then stare over the top of her to see if I can spot Gavin inside the store.
The glass is too dark to tell and I let out a sigh before allowing my eyes to wander. The area we stopped in is pretty barren—a few shops are down the street but, directly behind the gas station there is a grassy knoll and, seemingly, endless woods. I’m sure there’s a road through the other side of the trees but it gives the illusion of wilderness.
At the top of the hill, I catch sight of what I think is a bird at first. My eyes narrow as it barely moves, suspended in the air. If it is a bird, I think, it’s, for one, huge, and two, in trouble. But as I continue to stare, I get less and less convinced it’s anything living.
I get more curious, however.
Gavin is taking his sweet time getting us snacks and coffee and I’m already outside in the cold, I may as well have an adventure of my own. It’s not that far anyway—if I can easily see it from the car then Gavin will be able to easily see me when he comes out.
I step onto the grass, hearing a satisfying crunch under my boot. A few real birds fly from a nearby tree to one in the distance and I guess I disturbed them. “Sorry,” I mumble under my breath as I carry on.
The hill is much steeper than it looks and my thighs burn by the time I make it to the top. I’m really out of shape. All those jokes Gavin and I keep making about needing gym memberships are starting to seem less funny now.
I take a deep inhale, the cold air burning my lungs.
“Geez,” I huff and take a few more breaths to try and calm my heart down, “At least going back will be easier…”
I let out a final, loud exhale and then train my eyes on the phenomenon that brought me over in the first place. The strange object floating in midair.
It’s still bird shaped—kind of—or at least I can see how I mistook it from a distance. The actual shape, now that I’m in front of it, is impossible to say. It’s got a lot of edges and nothing looks like anything I’ve seen before and, when I move from side to side, it goes from looking dark to light and, sometimes, metallic.
I’m tempted to call it alien.
“Liam?!” Gavin’s voice reaches me and I look back toward the car. He’s holding a bag of snacks and a travel tray of coffee.
I wave him over dramatically and I can tell he’s laughing by how he moves. But he sets everything on the roof of the car and starts to head my way.
“It’s a steep hill!” I shout out as he begins the climb.
About halfway I can already see him regretting his decision. “No kidding…”
I chuckle and help him up when he gets close enough. I let him catch his breath, knowing how tough the climb is myself. And, when he’s better, I point to the strange, floating object. “Do you see this?”
Gavin scrunches his face as he leans forward to get a better view. “What is it?”
“I don’t know,” I answer honestly before reaching my hand out. “Should I touch it?”
My husband snickers. “Why not?”
I grin and press my index finger to it’s surface. Only, there is no surface.
As I begin to pass through the object, I try to pull my hand back but it’s already too late. Gavin must see the look of concern flash over my face because he grabs me almost immediately.
And, in the next instant, we’re somewhere new entirely.
It’s not cold anymore, I notice that, and it’s much brighter and more colorful. I’m also sitting rather than standing and, under my palm, there is greener grass that’s a little wet but I think that’s due to how much moisture is in the air.
I look to my side to see my husband, throwing his head back and forth, taking in the strange scenery. “What in the..?”
“Did you not see what happened?” I guess based off of his reaction.
His head snaps to me. “Did you?”
I shake my head. “No…”
We stand up and start to walk slowly around this place. A bird flies in front of my face, squawking as it goes and my heart starts beating like crazy in my chest. I rub my hand over my sternum and frown. If this is some weird hallucination, it’s lasting too long for my liking.
“Did we get…teleported…somewhere?” Gavin asks as we part the huge, tropical leaves that hang down and block our path.
I frown. “That’s not possible.”
“Well…?” He gestures around at our surroundings. I see his point but I know there must be some, more reasonable, explanation.
We were just at a gas station, topping off for our road trip—this doesn’t fit.
I hang my head and don’t respond. I don’t have anything to say and I keep hoping that I’ll wake up and be back in the car. That would make sense.
Gavin pushes past the last bit of foliage and we are met with a wide open space. I can see a rock formation far into the distance and I hear the flow of water but I can’t find the source. A few more birds fly overhead and there is a faint rainbow in the sky.
The strangest thing, however, is the humongous plant in the center of the field. The roots of it stretch out in all directions and are as thick around as my torso while the stem is as wide as our car. An even larger, red blossom rests at the top and, because of it’s massive weight (I’m guessing), it rests on the ground.
I look toward Gavin and see a very complex combination of expressions on his face ranging from confusion to wonder and, finally, to horror. More than likely, I would guess my face looks the same.
“What…in the hell?” he mutters under his breath.
As if activated by sound, the flower begins to move. I stumble backward, nearly tripping and falling due to the roots all around us. I throw my arms out and catch myself but I have no time to celebrate the small victories—not when such a monstrosity is rising up in front of us.
The blossom points down toward us as if looking at us. As illogical as it is, I get the feeling that’s exactly what’s going on.
“You do not have permission to be here,” a voice booms from the plant.
If logic wasn’t out the window before, it is now.
I feel my body begin to tremble as I stare up at this red bud that’s now, inexplicably, talking. I have no idea how to respond—if I’m even capable of doing so.
This must be a dream.
It has to be.
As real as this fear feels, I can’t wrap my mind around the possibility of this actually happening.
“You…talk?” Gavin finally manages to squeak out.
The flower ignores my husband and asks, “How did you come upon this place?”
I try to answer—I want to—but nothing comes out. Thankfully, Gavin is able to talk for the both of us.
“We found this weird floating object and touched it. Next thing we knew, we were here.”
The flower makes a low rumbling sound as it moves about again. I feel the ground shift under me and I glance down, only for a second, to see some of the roots twitching and pulling.
I fear this thing is irate with us for some reason.
“A tear in the reality…?” The plant’s “voice” lowers as if it’s thinking aloud.
“Look, we don’t want to be here,” Gavin has a tremor in his words. I look at him and see how stiff his body has become. He’s terrified. “If you could show us the way out…”
That rumbling sound grows louder and I’m nearly thrown off balance again. “You have committed a great sin by coming here. It cannot go without punishment.”
My heart stops and I can’t make myself move even though I’m screaming at my body to start running. Whatever this thing is…it’s dangerous. But no matter how much I acknowledge that, I’m glued to my spot.
Gavin isn’t though.
He runs over and throws his arms out, using himself as a shield in front of me. “You won’t hurt, Liam! Just send us back!”
“You wish to fight me?” The flower asks and rises higher into the sky. The stem looks almost serpentine as it winds upward and, as I think that, I’m reminded of the roots around us.
Finally, I’m able to move and I lift my feet up as the roots attempt to circle around my ankles. “Gavin! Watch out!” I shout as I leap to the side.
He turns around to look at me, his mouth parted to respond to me but no words come out.
Blood does though.
My eyes widen and a scream sticks in my throat but doesn’t leave me. I trail down his body and see a bright green tendril protruding from my husband’s stomach.
Gavin winces and, slowly, reaches out for me.
I throw my hand out to try to grab him and our fingers touch but the flower doesn’t allow us more than that. Gavin is flung across the field—his body bouncing up from impact and rolling even farther away.
I watch him, mortified.
This can’t be real, I keep chanting in my mind, hoping to force myself to wake up.
That low rumbling is the only thing that gets my attention back on the flower. I don’t really want to look at it but my instincts are screaming at me to keep fighting despite my will leaving my body.
I stare up at the blood red petals, closed into a bulb, and I see a glint of light shining from within. It’s all I have time to notice before a vine screams through the air and I’m on the ground.
Red floods all around me and I zero in on my legs which are a shocking distance away from me.
I can no longer deny this as reality—it definitely hurts enough to be real.
And that’s the last thought I have.
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balladofaldelis · 8 months
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A little bit of Axel and Goldnus! Got this one done just in time for day 3 (and the final post for today also)
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One night, instead of sleeping, Goldnus decides to go bug his parents. It's not a rare occurrence by any means: he loves their attention, especially at the most inopportune of times, but tonight he's especially restless, unable to calm and get to sleep. So he wanders into his parents' room where he finds his baba not in bed but at the desk. Mama sleeps soundly in bed, enjoying having the whole thing to himself. It's unusual to see his baba up like this, at least from what Goldnus has overheard from conversations between him and mama.
While he tries to copy the way his baba can sometimes walk completely silent, he hasn't quite mastered the art of silence yet, and so he's disappointed when he sees Axel's ear twitch knowingly at his arrival. Goldnus stops dead in his tracks, debating whether he should run back into his bedroom or face the repercussions, and eventually he settles for the latter; baba is much more lenient than mama.
"You're not as sneaky as you think you are, zouzoúni," Axel smiles, taking off his reading glasses - he must have been practising his reading, which he's terrible at - and turning to face Goldnus. He stares back at him wide-eyed, blinking, unsure what to say, but Axel fills the silence. "Quiet enough that you haven't woken up your mama, though."
"Don't wake up mama!" Goldnus hisses quietly, his eyes flickering to the sleeping body in the bed, planning his mad dash in the worst case scenario.
"I'm not going to," Axel laughs, getting up from the desk with a stretch. He's in plaid red pyjama bottoms that he soon completes with a black shirt before he comes over to Goldnus. "You know, I'm getting bored of reading. Let's sneak out."
Goldnus knows baba only says 'sneak out' because he thinks it makes it more exciting, but by now Goldnus has figured out that they can go where they want when they want; that's only appropriate for the second King and his Prince son. He doesn't ruin the fun, though, putting himself in the frame of mind to be sneaky. Who knows, baba might teach him some tricks if he plays along. "Where are we gonna go?"
Axel comes over, grabbing Goldnus' hand and unlocking the bedroom door. They both greet the guards at the door, then start their little adventure. Axel is really good at sneaking around, able to lower his body much closer to the ground than Goldnus can thanks to his draconic tail, but Goldnus gets as close as he can. Axel looks back to him with his white eye bright, "It's a secret."
Goldnus follows him around the palace for a few minutes, trying to figure out where it is they're going, but he hasn't quite got the grips of the place yet and where everything is, so it's a total mystery where his baba is going until he stands, looking both ways, and opens the big doors to the outside.
They sneak into a vast garden together, a beautiful thing on the edge of the cliff. It's beautiful, with moss and vine-covered pillars and small, square pools and low hedges. Red and purple flowers sprout all along the sides of the paths, hardly any spots that aren't built on devoid of life. In the middle of the garden is a pavilion but they go past it until they're right near the edge where a small stream runs through - in fact, it surrounds the entire garden. Axel finds a spot among the flowers, pulling Goldnus along eagerly, before plopping himself down, at first sitting, then laying back with his head in the plants.
Goldnus hesitates to follow, unsure if he's keen on being so close to the bugs and whatnot, but he follows soon enough, trusting that if his baba is okay then he will be too. They both gaze up at the stars, his baba with a smile on his face. Goldnus has never properly looked at the stars before. Sure, he's seen them, knows they're there, sometimes watches them appear at night, but not once has he sat and stared at them, admiring their beauty. They're everywhere, speckled like the freckles on his face, and among them are particularly bright stars that shine down on them brightly.
"The bright stars are made by Regus or the gods," Axel explains, pointing up at one in particular, a constellation resembling a phoenix. "This one's the Mother, or Mother Artemis. Regus made that one. It watches over all of Aldelis, you can see it from anywhere in the world and it always leads to this mountain. If you're ever far away, you can trust Her to bring you home."
Goldnus feels deep in his heart that she's someone important but he can't place it: he's never known an Artemis, no matter how much something inside of him claws at him at the mention of her name. "Who is she?"
"Nobody knows," Axel says with a sigh. "She's our sky's greatest protector and mystery, unlike the others."
"Maybe if I asked Regus he'd tell me," Goldnus suggests mischievously. He knows the topic of Regus gets under his baba's skin a little, but it is a genuine idea too. He's closer to Regus than most of the family, it could be easy to get a bit of information out of him if he tried.
"Only if you'll tell me the answer," Axel chuckles, taking it well. His baba must be in a good mood. "I think, one day, you'll have a constellation, Goldnus."
"Of course I will," Goldnus beams, "I'm going to be the best Prince. One day I'll be the best King, too!"
"I know you will," Axel reaches over to ruffle Goldnus' hair affectionately, "you better put it somewhere good. I don't want my son leading me into the sea to be swallowed by sea beasts."
"Hmmm, Treokyrin then!" Goldnus grins, but in truth he's imagining exactly where to put his star. He thinks that he wants to have it near Mother Artemis. If she's the protector, then Goldnus is the ruler. Yes, and this entire world will one day be his - the sky, the stars, the sea, and the land in the palm of his hand.
"Wherever you put it will be perfect, no matter what," Axel says softly. "Whenever I look to the sky I'll see it and know I'm proud of you, my boy."
"Thank you baba," Goldnus smiles, reaching out a hand to the stars, wishing to touch them, to climb so high that he can feel them in his hands, no matter how much they burn. He'll show his baba and his mama just how great he can be.
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dividers: by saradika
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manygalaxiesinone · 1 year
Disgaea/Persona Crossovers I want to see from Least to Most.
((It's no secret that I've wanted a crossover of some kind between these two games for the longest now. Just any type mention between the possibility of this puts a genuine smile on my face. That being said, there are games in the series I would like to see crossover more than the other. While I'm going to get excited no matter what it is, I'm going to list of which titles from their games I think would work the best. Though keep in mind, I'm ranking them not just in terms of gameplay, but instead of potential interesting interactions with the characters. Not including Disgaea 6 or 7 since Persona 6 and 7 aren't out yet, nor am I including Persona Q since Disgaea RPG is no longer available outside of Japan.
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Now this might come as a shock, but I'm putting the original Persona and Disgaea in last place. Even if we include Disgaea D2 and the Snow Queen route, I don't really see many interesting segments between the characters aside from making Laharl a secret boss or Eriko helping Etna creep Laharl out. I'm sure whatever comes out of this would be entertaining, but the cast from the later titles are personally more interesting together for me.
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After that it's Disgaea 3 and Persona 3. Now I can imagine plenty of interesting scenes between S.E.E.S and Mao and his gang, mainly in terms of comparing and contrasting their schools. Just imagine the look on Mitsuru's face once someone tells her she would be considered a delinquent at Evil Academy and the look on her and Yukari's faces together when they hear Junpei would be an honor student. You won't be able to stop me from laughing my ass off. Then there's Mr. Champloo teaching Fuuka how to cook and Sapphire trying to pet/hug Koromaru at every opportunity. Now the reason I rank it this low despite everything
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is because I think Soul Nomad and the World Eaters to be more fitting instead of Disgaea 3, at least in terms of Aigis's story. It could be like S.E.E.S getting familiar vibes being around Revya and Gig while still trying to cope with the loss of Minato/Hamuko and Ryoji. Maybe this could lead to an alternate ending of the story as well.
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Taking the bronze medal is Persona 2 and Disgaea 2. Combining my favorite Disgaea title with my least favorite Persona title? How's that for something? I was going to put this below the third titles, until I realized something. Now, there are a couple of interesting takes you can do with this like having a rock off between Eikichi and Axel or having Maya become a reporter for Pleinair for a bit. You can also have Tatsuya and friends dress up in Featherman outfits during the bonus Prism Rangers battle. And just as I was typing that, I'm already pictuing Lisa forcing Adell to dress up too so they won't feel outnumbered while Rozalin either sits down and watches the show while eating popcorn or willingly joins the fun herself. But the reason why I put it this high is because Adell and Tatsuya having conflicting views on family. If I recall correctly, and correct me if I'm wrong, but throughout Persona 2, Tatsuya is rather distant from his family as he's envious of his older brother and ashamed of his mother and father, while Adell is nothing but caring for his family to a fault, though he does have a grudge against his blood parents for leaving him when he was a baby. This has the potential of causing some sort of conflict between the two main characters, the sinful fires of main igniting on two different ends.
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Taking the silver spot is Persona and Disgaea 4. It was around this point here where I decided that I wanted to have a crossover between the two series I believe. Not only do you have Valvatorez and Fenrich commenting on Yu and Yosuke's bond and Halloween costume, but I can also see stuff like Rise trying to keep Artina happy and relaxed with all the shit he has to go through, trust me if there's anyone in the group that understands burn out, it's either Rise or at least Yukiko, Teddie trying to play and befriend Desco, but getting mixed results as she constantly blasts him, Naoto and Emizel talk about how to be mature, the list goes on. Hell, I can even see Adachi and Nemo having a "what are you in for" meme bit together.
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But come on guys, you know the 5th titles of both games together are taking the #1 spot. The overall premise of the titles are similar together as they're about rebel groups trying to take down a corrupt system of power and both of the groups are the most likely to get along with each other swimmingly. Hell, I'm still working on my own crossover story featuring these two groups that you can read on AO3 right now (will try to update soon). But let me know what you guys think.))
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GX Month- Reunion
A missing scene from my fanfic aptly titled 'Reunion'. Jaden has returned, just in time for the overseas champions to leave in the morning. Jesse wants a few words.
For @gxmonth
AO3 for GX month: https://archiveofourown.org/works/41403294/chapters/104789304
AO3 for Reunion (the fanfic, not the prompt): https://archiveofourown.org/works/17122073/chapters/40268219
Warnings for this one is panic attacks and PTSD symptoms, same as for Reunion itself
The few hours after Jaden’s return quickly became a blur, of tears and hugs and gratitude to all be safe. Jesse could barely stay focused for it, trying to find his own private space and stay grounded with Ruby’s help, desperately trying to find the appropriate time to ask to search for the stuff he’d left in Jaden’s room before everything had gone down. Yet as minutes turned to hours he was increasingly trying to decide if it was even worth asking, or just leaving to try and get some sleep before they departed in the morning.
Yet eventually people were wanting to go to sleep, with Syrus and Hassleberry both wanting to spend the night in Jaden’s room. Jaden smiled and laughed, but Jesse could see the apprehension in his face, as had Jim, who’d instead insisted that Jaden probably needed some space to breathe, and that if he wanted to sleep alone that night, without roommates who didn’t even live in his dorm keeping him awake, then he should be allowed that. The look of disappointment on his friends faces when he confirmed that he would like a bit of quiet was heartbreaking, but they listened to his wishes, walking him back to his room as if he would leave once more if he left their sight.
Jesse was at the back of the crowd as Jaden disappeared into his room, everyone turning to leave as he pushed his way towards the door, trying to catch it before it closed on him, his foot in the doorway, his hand grabbing the frame. “Uh, Jay? Do you mind if I look for some of my missing stuff? I think I left it in your room,” Jesse called through the gap. The rest of their friends paused, turning to watch as the door reopened, Jaden’s slightly surprised face appearing once more.
“Sure Jesse, you’re welcome here anytime,” Jaden pulled the door open wide, allowing Jesse to walk in, turning back to see Jim and Axel hovering close by.
“I’ll walk back on my own, don’t worry,” Jesse suggested, “you two should get some sleep.”
“Are you sure?” Jim asked. “We don’t mind waiting.”
“I’ll be fine,” Jesse assured him with a smile. “See you in the morning.”
Jaden slowly closed the door on them, leaving just him and Jesse alone in the dorm room once more. It wasn’t as he’d left it, back before they’d been transported to the desert. It was a mess then and now, sure, but Jesse couldn’t help but notice that his stuff had been moved. His spare cards, his clothes, as if someone had been picking them up and putting them down. Jaden opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came for a few minutes. Jesse reached to pick up the cards from the floor.
“How have you been?” He asked, “I didn’t get a chance to ask, what with everyone…”
Jesse swallowed hard; he’d been lying to everyone else, and he knew no-one bought it. What was the point of another see-through lie? “Better, since my family returned. Thanks for keeping them safe.”
“Thanks for trusting them to me, I wouldn’t have gotten back without them,” Jaden gave a small smile, moving to sit on his bunk bed. Jesse continued to gather his things. “You can stay here, if you want. You don’t need to move your things.”
“We leave in the morning,” Jesse explained, feeling the sudden tension in the air. Jaden didn’t know, he hadn’t even suspected… “Jim, Shirley, Axel and I. Adrian didn’t…”
“Adrian didn’t return,” Jaden finished. The half memory of what Yubel had done to Adrian flashed behind his eyes, and Jesse gripped the cards he’d picked up tighter, feeling the card stock dig into his hands. Ruby’s sharp trill suddenly sounded from near his ear, and he finally let out the breath he’d been holding. “Oh! It’s good to see you Ruby!” Jaden greeted her brightly, which was followed by the cheerful trill from Winged Kuriboh.
“And you, Kuriboh, it’s always a pleasure,” Jesse greeted the little fairy with a smile. Ruby tried to reach out and swipe Kuriboh, before jumping to the desk for the two to play more properly. Jaden and Jesse watched them a while, before Jesse turned to the pile of his clothes that had been shoved in a corner, picking them up and trying to fold them neatly, to save himself the job later.
“Jesse,” Jaden started, but quickly faded out, his face screwed up in thought. Jesse paused what he was doing, waiting instead for him to continue. “I wish I came back sooner. I wish we had more time together. After everything that’s happened… It’s not fair. After all that happened, and I only get to see you again tonight and tomorrow? It’s not fair!” Jaden yelled, grabbing at his hair in frustration. Jesse involuntarily stepped back, as if Jaden’s anger had frightened him, and Jaden noticed it too, his face falling, “I didn’t mean to… It’s my fault. This, everything, it’s all my fault…”
“Your fault?” Jesse asked, abandoning the clothes and sitting beside Jaden on his bed instead. “What’s your fault?”
“All of it, Jesse,” Jaden muttered, wrapping his arms around himself. “People died in that world because of me.”
A shiver ran down Jesse’s spine, and a sudden feeling that he was being watched came over him, as he glanced around the room for whoever, or whatever had caused it. But the only souls her besides him and Jaden were Ruby and Kuriboh, who’d abandoned their game as Winged Kuriboh made his way back over to Jaden, to offer comfort. “I’m sure you just did what you had to do to survive…” Jesse offered, the twists in his stomach desperately wanting to talk about anything but this. Anything but what had happened.
Jaden turned his face away from Jesse, hiding it in his hands. “No, I didn’t. I hurt Jim, and Axel, I failed Alexis, and Chazz, and Hassleberry, and Atticus. Zane died trying to help me. No-one had to die, but they all did.”
The blood in Jesse’s veins ran cold. “But they’re not dead,” he whispered, a dread settling in his mind, he’d seen them, talked to them, they were very much alive and still here. Weren’t they?
“Yubel saved them,” Jaden started, but the name made Jesse hiss, leaping from the bed in fear. Jaden’s eyes widened at his reaction.
“Don’t say their name,” Jesse demanded, gripping at the front of his shirt as he tried to recatch the breath that had been shoved out of his lungs.
“Jesse?” Jaden asked, standing to his feet. “What’s the matter?”
He was suddenly feeling lightheaded, and the look on Jaden’s face suggested he probably looked like shit too. Instead he turned back around to his things, trying to gather them all up as quickly as possible. “Jess, talk to me. I know Yubel-” Jesse shuddered again at the name, dropping some of his things with a loud curse, trying to pick them all back up again as quickly as possible, “I know that they hurt you, and your family, you can talk to me, alright?”
Jesse let out a laugh, more out of fear than true humour, as he finally managed to gather everything up. Ruby was watching him with wide, worried eyes. All Jaden saw was him possessed, he didn’t know half of what Yubel had done… and Jesse wasn’t prepared to talk about it either. “I need to go, early morning tomorrow!” Jesse splurted out, trying to make a quick dash towards the door, but Jaden beat him to it.
“Jesse, please,” Jaden asked, an imploring look on his face that Jesse closed his eyes to. “Talk to me, what’s the matter?”
“Nothing, I’m just tired,” Jesse lied, trying to laugh it off, reaching towards the door handle, but Jaden put himself between them. Jesse swallowed hard; he didn’t want to talk about it, he didn’t, he didn’t… “Get out of my way, Jaden,” Jesse warned, trying to reach around him. The look of hurt on Jaden’s face stung, but Jaden complied, stepping aside as Jesse wrenched the door open and ran outside, the cold night air hitting his lungs, and he was glad for it.
So glad to not be trapped anymore.
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