#in this house we love and respect the jedi
leia-organaa · 3 months
I have just started watching The Acolyte and I’m nervous about jumping into the tags, I don’t want to see yet another wave of anti-Jedi discourse. It’s just so tiring to see people wilfully misinterpreting and misunderstanding them again.
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breakfastteatime · 1 year
Bode: Hey, uh, shouldn't we be going after Dagan?
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kazoosandfannypacks · 9 months
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"i knew you'd never agree, and we didn't have time..." "typical. always a plan, never a good one." PERCY JACKSON AND THE OLYMPIANS (2024) A GOD BUYS US CHEESEBURGERS AHSOKA (2023) FAR, FAR AWAY
do not repost my gifs. do not download my gifs to use for other edits. if you’d like to know how to add these gifs to a post without violating tumblr’s t.o.s., or want to know how to find the clips i made these from, just shoot me a dm or an ask. i’d love to share what i know! 
image id and taglist under the cut.
a series of gifs, one column of them featuring the reunion hug from pjo and the olympians epsiode 5, the other showing the reunion hug from the ahsoka series episode 6.
the first two gifs are annabeth and sabine, respectively, both with awestruck smiles.
we then see a shot over annabeth's shoulder of percy, returned from the river, and a shot over sabine's shoulder of ezra leaning on the door of his space house.
there's a gif of percy waving and shrugging next to gif of ezra smiling and shrugging.
next we see annabeth walking towards percy, paired with sabine walking towards ezra.
we then see percy, guesturing with his hands as he makes an explanation, and ezra doing the same.
the next two gifs are annabeth hugging percy and sabine hugging ezra.
we then see close ups, in the first gif of percy's face, from confusion to a slight smile, and ezra, smiling very happily.
the last two gifs show annabeth, letting go, almost as if a little confused of what came over herself, and sabine letting go as well.
artist's notes: these edits were a nightmare to try and convert: tumblr said the clips were too small to covert to gifs, my video editor app won't let me loop gifs, and i ended up with several road bumps while using canva. eventually i got them working though!
sabezra taglist: @laughingphoenixleader @accidental-spice @kanerallels @piraterefrigerator @jedi-nurse @dootchster @lucasbridger @redroverrider @light-umbra @commander-tech @jedimandalorian @notanodinarygirl {if you’d like to be added to or removed from my Sabezra taglist, let me know!}
percabeth taglist:  { i do not currently have a percabeth taglist, but have a feeling that i may be making more percabeth gifsets/fanart/fics in the future. if you'd like to be tagged in these, let me know in the notes or tags of this post, or shoot me a dm or ask!}
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mamuzzy · 4 months
What is considered child mistreatment in Mandalorian culture (legends)?
I was inspired by this post but I didn't want to ruin a mood with my AcKcHuYaLlY vibes so I made a separate post about it.
While I agree with a sentiment of Cuy'val Dar should have rioted seeing children being mistreated, given they are a very heavily family and child centered culture, I've just recently read a few quotes from Republic Commando which made me wonder...
what is considered child mistreatment in their culture?
Because training children to be soldiers are not one. It is a perfectly normal thing to do for them.
What you will read here about: -- Potential reasons why the Cuy'val Dar didn't refuse the job -- Relationship of a Mando parent and their child: How Munin Skirata adopted Kal and with it giving him a predetermined path of life -- Little detour to the topic of how modernday parents don't include children in the household chores -- Pav-Ti and Ahsoka -- Walon Vau and Dred Priest's approach -- Kal Skirata's approach of training -- Little about Mandos and Jedi -- Sorry (not really), people. I still love Kal. -- I won't tag this as anti/pro/critical fandom fuckery. Only a Sith deaIs in absolutes.
Rest is under the cut.
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Why would Cuy'val Dar accept such assignment in the first place?
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So why didn't they say no? 1. Loyalty and Respect for Jango Fett 2. In need of money 3. Needed a place to hide 4. It could be HONOUR: If a mando bounty hunter accepts a job, they won't back down from it. That's why they are the best. A mandalorian either completes the job or they die in the process (see: Hard Contact). 5. Child soldiers are nothing out of place.
But the latter is debatable, depending on which bounty hunter you ask. Kal was horrified when he was presented with the facts. Scene from Triple Zero, where Kal realizes what Jango is expecting of him:
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Jango Fett indeed didn't tell them the whole truth. I'm pretty sure there would have been people who would have accept it anyway. But I'm also sure most of them were conned this way.
We even know Kal's reason of accepting the job.
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He didn't have any outside ties anymore that required his physical presence, so at this point he could just accept a decade long assignment.
And when he met the Nulls, he gave himself a purpose out of this nightmare. Raising these children as Mandalorians.
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But where this is come from? From Kal's own buir.
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Another quote about how Munin adopted Kal.
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Awfully practical people. But also, compassionate. Kal is guided by the same compassion as his buir.
Overprotected children of our modern age
Family centric and child centric views are really distorted today which is about overprotecting kids from literally everything. Even from basic household chores: a parent who is too tired and impatient for their child constantly making mistakes during learning a task, so they simply take it out from the child's hand and doing it instead, because teaching them comes with much more mess to clean up, therefor more work for the parent. Children won't learn that helping out around the house can be a quality time with the parent, because most parents don't consider being together with their children a quality time. This later leads to those awful fights between a teenager who never helps around the house on their own only when asked/ordered. Children are glorified exotic pets, one task from a bucket list or worst, investments. But part of the family? Less likely. Not unconditionally.
If you think about Ahsoka's backstory in the Tales of the Jedi, her mother also brought her on the hunt and made her look when she skinned the animal. Teaching her that death is a part of life and even when they take resources from the nature, they should do it with respect. Pav-Ti was already teaching her to be a part of their small community.
I think Mando culture is the same: they involve their children in their profession from early age. Probably teaching your children how to kill for money is not exactly ethical by our earthling standards. Regardless, they do it together. Little mando'ade won't go to school, they spend their time with the family and learning skills they will need if they choose the same profession and lifestyle as their parents.
So that's why I think that even if the members of the Cuy'Val Dar had seconds thoughts, training child soldiers are nothing out of ordinary. I can't speak for the remaining non-mando trainers what was in their mind.
But when Dred Priest and Isabeth Beau started their own little figthing rings in the guise of "preserving the old ways", it was really considered fucky even among the other mando trainers Death Watch couple-goals: torture children together <3. Dred Priest despised the clone cadets and they actually died under his care and this is one of the reason why Mij Gilamar killed Priest later in the books.
Walon Vau wasn't introduced to mando values until he ran away from home as an adult, but his abusive upbringing shaped his worldview on how he trained the cadets. Strict codes and harsh punishments. He had his regrets of it later.
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From O66, Walon Vau to Kal Skirata
Love has many shapes. Vau wanted them to survive because he loved them. But loving them and treating them good/bad is not the same.
We know about Kal that he taught by experience. He never gave an assignment to his cadets before he first showed them how to do it.
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And then we have these notorious parts of him regarding the clones which can be interpreted so many ways but often used as the evidence as child abuse:
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And this one also:
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(sometimes I throw my brain outtaaa windoooOOooOooOow what people call abusive these days...)
What is my stance about this particular passage? I think he didn't abuse the clones. He wanted them to survive too. He wanted to make it easier for them which was really hard considering the circumstances. He wanted to be a father to the clones like Munin was to him.
We saw the differences between Omega Squad and Delta Squad. The Delta first left Walon Vau behind because they were ordered to do so. Delta left Sev behind because they were ordered to do so. As far as we know, no one deserted from the Empire from Vau's commandos. They remained loyal to the Republic/Empire. Darman could have been with his son and with Clan Skirata but he choose to remain with Niner in the Empire. He remained loyal not the empire, not even Kal Skirata but his brother. Just like Kal thaught them.
What makes them different from the jedi and at the same time so similiar?
The Jedi seek out force sensitive children to teach them how to control this power within them and make sure, they won't use it for personal gain. And later, when they grow up, they will do the same.
Mandos take pity over war orphans (usually that's the case), take them into their clan of soldiers and they teach them a profession and one day, they can do the same.
Both faction are doing it, guided by the same principle: COMPASSION.
Jedi are practicing compassion toward every living, while Mando compassion is just much more personal on the individual level.
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Dialogue from Imperial Commando between Arligan Zey and Kal Skirata. I think this baby stealing prejudice comes from that force sensitive children are separated from their parents and all this goes against the family centric view of the mandalorians where family is above all and the children are only safe with their families.
In conclusion...
My personal take after this little research that Mando trainers didn't abuse children, not in their own mandalorian standards. I say this because of Dred Priest who was condemned for actually hurting his cadets, forcing them to fight against each other, and lots of them actually died.
After the failed experiences with the Nulls, the kaminoans and trainers didn't expose the clones to live rounds and bombs until so much later, that's why the commandos and Alpha-class ARCs feel much more balanced in their phyche.
I think Walon Vau abused his cadets but he justified it with love.
Kal made them to do horrible exercises and said a lot of shitty things to the clones (though I think it's kind of like when you call your cat a whore out of affection) but overall he tried to make their suffering bearable.
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bungalowbear · 6 months
Across the Stars X
Pairing: Hunter x Jedi!reader
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: It’s time for you and the children to flee Ibaar, but an unexpected and deadly adversary makes an appearance.
Warnings: action/fighting, mention of death and blood and a body being cut in half, major character death
A/N: It’s been almost a full year since I last updated this story. So sorry for the long wait! I struggled a lot with motivation for this series but the recent season has lit a fire under me. I’m excited to share this with you and what more I have in store. Let me know what you think, or come to my ask box to discuss the show! I’d love to hear from you :)
Series Masterlist
Staying on Ibaar for this long was always a risk. You knew this, and yet it turns out even you aren’t immune to the temptation of normalcy, a coveted comfort promising a respite from your troubles. And now, your weakness might prove to be your and the children’s doom.
You and Tara race across the dirt and back home. Ushering her in first, you look over your shoulder before the door slides closed with a swift thud. The others scramble away from the window and crowd around you.
“What’s happening?” Lyra questions, looking up at you with worry painted across her face.
“It’s the Empire,” Petro says. His expression is even, but you can see the panic in his youthful eyes. “How did they find us?”
“Yes, the Empire is here.” Speaking slowly, you look at each of them before you continue. “But not for us. We know they’ve occupied other planets, and unfortunately, Ibaar is next.”
Gungi chimes in, asking what happens now.
“We’re leaving.” All four voices protest as soon as the words pass your lips. They talk all at once, lamenting their established lives on this planet. It pains you to take this away. You shouldn’t have given it to them in the first place. You silence them with the clearing of your throat. “This isn’t up for discussion. We’ve been here too long, and staying any longer will only put us in unnecessary danger.”
“We can’t just leave these people to be taken over by the Empire,” Tara objects. “They’ll be pushed around and exploited just like on Saleucami.”
You frown, shaking your head. “We can’t help them, Tara.”
“You are a child.” The word forces itself out of you, stressed by her actions against the troopers. Tara’s eyes widen before she turns away from you. You sigh, addressing the other three as well. “You are children first, Jedi second. Do you understand?”
Petro, Gungi, and Lyra nod their heads solemnly. Tara still doesn’t face you, but the drop of her shoulders tells you she accepts your words.
“There is nothing of greater importance to me than making sure you all live long, long lives.” You open your arms and three bodies step into your embrace. Lyra tugs on Tara’s sleeve until she eventually joins. You stretch your arms as wide as they will go and hold the younglings close. “Yes, we help others when we can. But this is not one of those times. We’ll leave for the mountain just before first light.”
You tell the children to pack a bag and that you’ll check on them before it’s time to sleep. They’re quiet as they trudge toward their respective rooms, a few sniffles interrupting the silence.
After you tuck the children in one last time, you station yourself in the living room. Sleep doesn’t come for you, so instead you keep watch through the window. The house, the street, the whole town, is suffocated with a deadly tension. Once again, you sense the impending approach of an obscure force. Your mind’s cloudiness has improved, the shadow of the dark side slowly withdrawing from your psyche, but it’s still left you with a numbness you have yet to break out of. Your visions are not to be trusted yet. Not even worth considering. Not when the lives of four children hang in the balance.
Your heart aches for them. They are too young to have to endure what they have, but it’s also their very youth that helps you face another rising sun. Petro’s confidence, Gungi’s loyalty, Lyra’s gentleness, and Tara’s compassion remind you each day that there is still light and hope in this galaxy. 
No one knows how long this dangerous time will last for the Jedi, but you swear to yourself you will do all you can to protect their light. It doesn’t burn as radiantly as it did before, dimmed by the circumstances it finds itself in, but you’re glad you could foster it even if for a short time here on Ibaar. You cling to the hope that someday it can shine freely once again.
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The sun has yet to rise when you feel a shift. Someone very dangerous to the Jedi has landed on Ibaar. It’s dark and menacing. It’s searching. 
You wake the children and help them gather their things. You raise a finger to your mouth, pressing your hand to the panel beside the door to open it. You step outside and make sure the coast is clear. Then, you signal for the children to follow after you. Quiet, careful steps make their way across the dirt into a narrow alley. Your small group sticks closely together, only the rustle of your canvas knapsacks make noise as they gently brush against your cloaks.
When you reach the far end of the street you hear the commotion. It’s coming from behind, from the direction of your home, and you realize you’ve been found out. You don’t know how but it’s not what’s most important in this moment.
“Hurry,” you tell the children.
But your quickened pace is not enough to outrun what’s behind you.
A blaster shot whizzes past your head. Turning, you see a squadron of troopers approaching. You pull the children behind a pile of stacked crates and untuck the blaster from the holster strapped to the back of your trousers. You wait until several rounds of fire stop before reaching your arm around the crate and firing back.
The troopers pause their assault, finding their own cover as you continue to fire. You manage to hit a few of them, but there are still too many for you to flee safely. You pull back behind the metal crates and face four worried expressions. 
“I’m going to cover you while you run to that next pile.” You jerk your chin to the crates diagonal to where you’re crouched. “On my signal.”
Lyra places a hand on your arm. A frown pulls the corner of her lips downward.
“I’ll be right behind you,” you assure her.
You look between each of them as you count to three and then start shooting again. You step into the middle of the alley while the children dash toward the crates. You dodge a blaster shot. Taking out another three troopers, your feet move backward toward the children. Another blast just misses you as you roll onto the dirt and land at their feet safely behind the crates. 
Getting to your hands and knees, you peek around the corner of the barricade and count four troopers remaining. You start to think it won’t be as difficult to get out of this situation as you initially predicted. But then you see a dark figure emerge from the cloud of dirt.
He wears robes as black as a moonless night sky. His tall yet built figure halts to position himself behind the remaining troopers. He reaches beneath his robe and reveals a circular object, a large ring with a handle running through the middle that he holds onto. He lifts it and a beat passes before two red sabers burst from either end. Glowing crimson eyes meet yours and you can’t fight the shiver that runs down your spine.
“Okay,” you say as you retreat behind the barricade. “Here’s what we’re doing. You’re all going to go ahead and get the ship ready.”
“What?” Petro asks.
“Master, no!” Lyra shouts.
“You’re all going ahead,” you repeat firmly, looking at each of them. “Get the ship ready. If I’m not back before the sun touches the mountain, then you leave without me.”
Tara’s brow creases, her lips part to voice her own disagreement, but you speak again. 
“You must do this.” Four pairs of shoulders deflate. They must recall your words from the night before because they don’t argue further. “Stay together and don’t stop until you reach the mountain.”
You manage an encouraging smile before you count again. On three, the children jump to their feet and sprint toward the end of the alley. A few blaster shots fly past you and you turn your head to make sure they made it off safely. You catch sight of Lyra’s cloak as they disappear around the corner before turning back and advancing on the troopers. You take out the last of them, and now it’s just you and the mysterious figure left in the alley.
“You’re not what I expected,” he states inquisitively, voice altered by the modulator within his mask. It hides his true face and you’re not sure if that makes him more menacing or not.
“Sorry to disappoint,” you respond, dryly.
“Nevertheless, Lord Vader will be pleased with your capture. He’s been searching for you.”
“Vader?” You’ve never heard the name before. Must be some new Imperial tasked with capturing any remaining Jedi. But why would he be searching for you specifically? “I don’t know any Vader.”
“But he knows you.” The mysterious figure hums, a deep and unsettling sound. “And how do you think I’ll be rewarded when I return with not just one Jedi, but a batch of younglings?”
“Unfortunately for you,” you tuck your blaster into its holster, “you’ll never find out.”
You take a deep breath in as you take your stance. He wields a lightsaber, so you suspect he might also be a Force wielder. He won’t be easy to defeat like the troopers who lay scattered around you.
Wind blows through the alley, disrupting more of the dirt and clouding the battleground between you. He charges first, swinging his dual saber, but you quickly side step his attack. You crouch down to swing your leg and take him off his feet but he leaps high, higher than any regular life form should. He confirms your suspicions about being a Force wielder when he uses the Force to hurl you against the pile of crates. Your head smacks against the hard metal, and you barely have time to blink before he’s on you again. He towers above you and raises his weapon. He brings it down without hesitation, but you raise your hand before it can slice through your shoulder. It’s a battle of strength. The prize is your severed arm. The Force vibrates chaotically between you and your adversary. Drops of perspiration bead down from your temple as the heat of the saber inches closer. 
Your eyes flick down to his hand. In a quick movement, you grab the hilt of the saber where the horizontal handle meets one end of the ring above his hand, twisting up and in the opposite direction of his hold. When his grip on the hilt weakens, you push off your feet and take control of the saber. You continue the disarming movement so that the saber makes a fluid arc that slashes clean through his torso.
He grunts as realization dawns on him that it’s over. You won. His body drops to the floor in two halves. You wait until you see the life leave his eyes, then you power down the saber. It’s a strange design, one you’ve never seen before. Part of you is intrigued. But the longer you hold it the more darkness begins to bleed at the edges of your mind. You toss it to the ground unceremoniously and hurry toward the end of the alley, leaving the town behind and heading toward the mountain.
The sunlight is already touching the mountain but you’re confused when you reach the cave and the ship is still inside, surrounded by the haphazardly discarded large rocks that covered the entrance. Immediately, you feel something is very wrong, and it becomes even more apparent when Lyra comes running down the open ramp of the ship. She’s calling your name as she holds out her hands that are covered in blood.
You sprint inside with Lyra right behind you and find Tara lying on her back on the floor with her head in Gungi’s lap. He has a paw pressed to her torso to stop the bleeding, but Lyra takes over again when she drops by her friend’s side. 
”While we were running out of the alley Tara was hit by a ricochet.” Petro’s not looking at you as he speaks. He’s rummaging around frantically through the compartments for a med pack. “She’s lost a lot of blood.”
You sink to your knees beside Tara. Her breathing is slowing down. You can feel her fading away. Your left hand takes hers and you smooth the hair from her face with the other. She stares up at you with watery eyes. 
“I’m sorry, Master.” Her voice is weak. It’s a soft plea for forgiveness. “I didn’t mean for any of this to happen.”
“It’s not your fault. None of this is your fault,” you assure her gently. “You were very brave. You have such a good heart, Tara. I’m so proud of you.”
You hold back your tears and try to keep a comforting smile on your face. You don’t want her last moments to be filled with sorrow. You hold her hand until her grip loosens and she releases her final breath. 
Gungi lets out an anguished howl. 
Lyra begins to sob. 
Petro drops silently beside you.
Tara lays before you all, lifeless.
i do not have a taglist. please follow @bungalowbear-archive and turn on notifications.
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colibrie · 4 months
Confrontations- Doubling Down, part II
Art credit (and all the love)to the amazing @trilobitepunch.
“You have both heard about the Clone Wars, and the role the Jedi played in it as military leaders and defenders of the Republic. It was a dark time for the order. So many Jedi were killed, and the Republic was pushed to the brink as the war dragged on and more funds and resources were redirected to the war effort. Public opinion turned against the Jedi. We were blamed, framed as the perpetrators, and eventually we were betrayed. The clones who had fought with Jedi turned against us under the command of Order 66. They slaughtered their generals and marched on the Jedi temple on Coruscant.”
“You were all so young then. Children still in the creche, caught up in the maelstrom and chaos,” Splinter’s voice softened, sorrow coating his words as he shook his head, turning away.
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“I grabbed you four and tried to evacuate you to the lower levels through the sewers. I had hoped that such an exit would be overlooked. But the clones were through in their orders. They followed, and when they found us, they opened fire, forcing us to run. Their carelessness caused the tunnel to collapse, and Raphael and Donatello were caught in that collapse and crushed…or so I thought. With more clone troopers quickly approaching, I had no choice but to grab you two and flee.”
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Insects sang, chirps and clicks drifting on the breeze that sighed through the treetops as the three of them stood, unmoving.
“I never knew any of that,” Mikey mumbled eventually, knuckles pressed to his lips as he struggled to take in the full weight of their father’s story. “I don’t…remember.”
“You wouldn’t,” Splinter replied heavily. “You were so young, Michelangelo. I had to carry you through much of the lower levels. And with Leonardo injured in the aftermath, it is not surprising that a young mind would repress such stressful events.”
“That…that makes no sense,” Leo cut in, slowly shaking his head. “That’s not…what I saw…”
“What do you mean?” Splinter demanded, turning to look back at them with sharp eyes.
“When I saw Donnie, I had a…a vision. I think?” Leo replied, staring hard at his hands as if they could reveal the answers he was looking for. “We were… kids. We were wearing our temple robes, but they were all torn up. He was…he was screaming for me. And I was reaching for him. How could I have been reaching for him if we were running away?”
“Force visions are unreliable,” Splinter replied quickly…a bit too quickly.
“This wasn’t a force vision!” Leo denied, shaking his head so hard that the tails of his mask lashed the air. “It wasn’t some abstract blob or vague feeling! It was real!”
“Plus, you said I was hurt,” Leo continued. “You kept me in bed for so long after we got here, but all I remember were a whole bunch of bumps, bruises, and scrapes. No broken bones, no sickness. Nothing would have kept me down. So, how was I hurt?”
Their father turned away.
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“You aren’t telling us everything,” Leo accused, leaning in towards their father as anger flared red hot once more.
“It does not matter,” Splinter stated, staring down the path in the direction of their house, “what’s done is done.”
“What do you mean what’s done…Donnie and Raph are alive!” Leo exclaimed; arms waving is frustration. “We need to know everything before we go after them!”
“You will be going nowhere,” Splinter barked, whirling to face his eldest remaining son with clenched fists.
“You heard me!”
“But Donnie and Raph are-”
“They are lost, taken by those who hunt and kill our kind! I will not sacrifice you for a hopeless quest!”
“But you’ll sacrifice them?!” Leo screamed, shock and rage contorting his face as the storm finally broke free from its tether.
“Do not take that tone with me young man! I am your father, and you will respect me!”
“I have no respect for cowards,” Leo sneered back, leaning further into his father’s space “I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You’ve already sacrificed them once, what does one more time matter?!”
“Guys, stop!” Mikey tried, but his words fell on deaf ears as the two continued to scream.
“I do not need to justify my choices to you!” Splinter bellowed, one hand snapping in Mikey’s direction. The youngest stumbled as the holocron was ripped from the inner pocket of his coat, the cube whizzing through the air till it met Splinter’s palm with a loud smack.
“You are both grounded! No one leaves the house, no, your room, unless I say so! We will need to relocate, and then I will be destroying this thing!”
“You can’t do that!”
“I can, and I will!”
“I hate you!
“So be it!”
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Mikey’s heart sank into his heels as he watched his brother and father whirl around and stomp away in opposite directions, Splinter towards the house and Leo into the shadows of the trees. For a while he simply stood where he was, watching, waiting, for one of them to come back. But neither of them did. The sun and the breeze remained his only companions when he eventually turned to head down the path himself, feet dragging through the dirt as events and emotions screamed for space and attention in his mind and heart. The house was silent when he entered, the colorful murals he had taken so much time and care to paint subtly muted by the absence of laughter and conversation that usually flowed like water. His father’s door was closed, locked tight when Mikey half heartedly tested it.
“He didn’t mean it,” he softly called, resting his forehead against the door jamb for a moment. “We love you, dad.”
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kaylinalexanderbooks · 2 months
Character voice
Thanks to @the-golden-comet here, here, and here, @paeliae-occasionally here, @melpomene-grey here, and @mysticstarlightduck here!
Rules: write a given phrase in your OCs' voices!
Got long; below the cut!
“Okay, confess: WHO ate the last bite?!”
Lexi: "I'm not mad, I just want to know: who ate the last bite? I'm not accusing anyone."
Maddie: "There was one bite left. Who ate it? Cause we weren't supposed to."
Ash: "I know who did it, but I'll give you two dollars if you admit it to everyone else."
Gwen: "Um, guys, there's a bite left. I know you probably didn't know this, but that bite was actually being saved for my youngest brother. And he'll be fine, of course, but I'd like to know what happened to it."
Robbie: "Woah what happened to the last bite? I swear there was one left."
Akash: "Someone ate the last bite?? Who does that?! I'd never do that. [Pause] I mean I guess someone has to eat the last bite, but like, check first?"
Jedi: "Pardon me for asking, but did anyone take the last bite?"
“We’ve run out of gas/fuel.”
Lexi: "Oh, no! We're outta gas! This will delay us and now we're gonna be late! Oh, God, I need to text Trixie now and tell her we're behind!!"
Maddie: "Hey, uh... The gas tank light is flashing."
Ash: "Guys, I think we just ran out of gas, the car's acting weird."
Gwen: "Not to be rude or anything, but don't you think we should start looking for a gas station?"
Robbie: "Shit, where's the nearest gas station??? Siri GAS STATION WHERE???"
Akash: "I know the gas light is on, but trust me, we have enough gas to get to the next station."
Jedi: "I am aware that the gasoline in the tank of this Ceteri vehicle is merely a quarter empty, and while that may not be too drastic, we should stop at a station and refuel, just in case we don't pass by another one."
Carmen: "Ceteri vehicles are so asinine; why must we waste non-renewable resources on fueling a car?"
“Why would you call ME?”
Lexi: "Look, I love you, but I'm confused. Why'dja call me? I don't know anything about this. Maybe call [Name], they know so much about this topic. They could help!"
Maddie: "I barely know you; why didja call me?"
Ash: "I mean... I'm not sure why you called me of all people. Couldn't you call, I dunno, a closer friend?"
Gwen: "Oh. Um, I'm flattered you called me, but I don't think I can help with that. Sorry. Maybe you can call Lexi, she'll know who can help you."
Robbie: "Haha, uhhh... Look, man, I'm... Not sure why you called me?? Like, I'd love to help you, but I dunno if I can."
Akash: "...well, thanks for uh...thinking of me I guess.... Uhhhhhh maybe you could call someone who knows more about this? Who do you know that could help in this field? Oh, them! Yeah yeah, uh, go call them! Uh... Thanks. I mean you're welcome. Bye."
Jedi: "Forgive me for asking, but may I inquire as to your reasoning behind calling me? I am unsure if I am capable of helping you in your predicament. Perhaps you may call someone with greater expertise."
Carmen: "... And you called ME?!... Why should I help you with your problem?!"
“Not in my house, you don't.”
Lexi: "Please don't do that in my house. My parents wouldn't like it."
Maddie: "Why are you doing that in my house?"
Ash: "Hey, uh, this is my house. I don't want you doing that."
Gwen: "Please don't do that in my house."
Robbie: "Woahwoahwoah hold on, what are you doing??? My mom's gonna kill you!"
Akash: "Hey--Hey! This is my mom's house! What are you doing??"
Jedi: "I would rather you not do this in my house."
“Where did you put my ______?”
We're only gonna see one side of the conversation.
Lexi: "Where is my blue pen??? Where is my blue pen???? I know I put it here last, and now it's not there!!! Someone had to move it... How am I supposed to write down my math assignments without blue??? You found it!!! No, that's my CYAN pen, not blue!! Aghhhh!"
Maddie: "Where'd you put my Obi-Wan Kenobi Star Fighter LEGO set? I uh.... Can't find it.... Because you're the one who organized my unopened LEGO sets! You do it weird; I don't like it. It makes more sense to be the order I got them."
Ash: "Hannah! Where is my cross ring? My cross ring! Y'know, the one I wear on my left middle finger? No, not cross like crucifix, the criss cross one! How do you not know what that looks like; I wear it every day! I'm tearing the room apart until I find it! It'll be a meeeesss."
Gwen: "Chris! Cody! Where are my drumsticks? I know one of you two did it. Get back here! Ugh. Mal, do you know where the boys hid my drumsticks? I need them for tomorrow!"
Robbie: "Shit. Goddammit. Shit. Shit shit shit. MUTTI! I can't find the permission slip you signed! Yes, I know you told me to put it in my folder immediately so I won't lose it. I forgot! Yes, in the time it took me to walk upstairs and down the hall. Mutti, please, help me; you always find it."
Akash: "Robbie. *balanced inhale* Please, please tell me you did not move the hair gel. Robbie, it's the only thing that makes my hair look good. No, I don't look like Jimmy Neutron when I put it in! Robbie, did you hide it on purpose? No, so where is it, then? You don't know. You set it down, and then forgot. *Sigh* it's okay. It's fine. I'll just go like this then."
Jedi: "Oh, dear. Er, Carmen? You have not happened to run across my tablet, have you? Yes, I know this is quite irregular. I have never misplaced it before, but it appears to have slipped my mind. No, I did not get a lot of sleep last night, but that is typical. Perhaps... I may have left it in my quarters. I shall look there."
Carmen: "Where is my throw pillow? Fine, it's not my throw pillow, but I always sit in that spot on that couch, and I lean on the throw pillow that is no longer there! Yes, I know there are other throw pillows, but I don't CARE! Jedi, that's mine. Did one of the kids take it? I bet it was Mr. Stafford. Ugh, I'll go ask him."
“(sighs, done with life) Alright, what did you do now?”
Lexi: *disappointed sigh* "Can anyone tell me what happened?"
Maddie: *irritated sigh* "Hm. What happened?"
Ash: *exhales while buzzing lips* "Okay, what's going on?"
Gwen: *deep tired sigh* "Alright. What did we do?"
Robbie: *dismayed sigh* "Oh, God, what did y'all do?"
Akash: *irritated sigh, then one to calm down* "It's okay, it's fine. What did you do?"
Jedi: *resigned sigh* "Please enlighten me as to what took place."
Carmen: *impatient sigh* "What could you have possibly done NOW?!"
This was so much fun, actually!
Tagging @sleepyowlwrites @dyrewrites @aalinaaaaaa @eccaiia @mk-writes-stuff
Your phrase is “Wow, look at that view. [Describe the view]”
TSP intro
TSP tag list (ask to be +/-): @thepeculiarbird @illarian-rambling @televisionjester @finchwrites
@nebula--nix @literarynecromancy @honeybewrites @the-golden-comet
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rarepears · 1 year
Listen, I know that in this house we Love and Respect Obi-Wan Kenobi, but what if when the empire started hunting down jedis, another master hid on a far-off world... and so Yue Qingyuan's shizun was Mace Windu. Spread the weirdness around a little.
You know what would make this even funnier? Mace Windu being the founder of Cang Qiong. He was the one to create the sect, decide how many peak lords there would be, was aware of the rumors painting Cang Qiong sect as being thousands of years old and did nothing to stop it (maybe he even encouraged it), and acted the shit out of being a "cultivator" instead of a jedi.
Guy is such a theater snob already - I can totally see this.
Oh and you bet that the Old Palace Master continued to look down on Cang Qiong and Mace for that dark skintone. Colorism never left the chat.
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ninjigma · 2 years
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QuinFox Week Part 2/7 - First / Next
Day 2: Dance With Me + First Date Track: 'Paint It Black' - Wednesday Addams (Spotify / YouTube)
"This is not part of the plan."
Quinlan grinned. He couldn't help it, the situation and the way Fox was trying so desperately to figure out how to dance without admitting anything was too amusing.
"Maybe, but every good plan is adaptable."
"And what exactly are we adapting for?"
Quinlan's hand gently pressed against Fox's side, encouraging him to begin a movement that would carry them left. Learning quickly, Fox followed, his feet starting to fall more naturally as they continued.
"Here, you have to follow my feet, not mimic them," Quinlan slowed to a half pace, still fast enough to blend in with the fast stringed music but slow enough that Fox would have a chance.
He was unable to see any blush or real expression past the mask Fox wore, but he could sense the slight tension of the Commander trying to do as directed. That and the lack of a quip showed that this was something Fox did not want to dwell on long, though Quinlan noted he followed the instructions perfectly.
"Overheard something was being unveiled tonight and I have to stay and find out," Quinlan offered in a rushed voice, trying not to get lost in watching Fox move. "You head out, can wait at the safehouse if you want, but this is Jedi related, so you don't need to be involved and one of us needs to make sure that information gets back."
The way Fox tilted his head forward and looked up through thick lashes was filled with fire. In short, he was not pleased at all.
"The mission-"
"Doesn't include putting you at risk for something unplanned and unrelated." Quinlan shrugged, kept a smirk plastered in place as he spoke the official line with ease. A way to keep Fox out of things.
"This room is filled with more Separatists than our intel informed us, and they already seem suspicious. Plus, we are already running out of time until they notice the information is gone. You can't stay. We have what we came for, we should leave."
Fox was correct, but Quinlan knew it couldn't be so. He had to get his hands on what he overheard. Failing that he would destroy it. Kept in a museum or not, he knew the artifact would be too dangerous to just leave behind, especially in separatist and therefore Sith territory.
"Fox," he sighed, face becoming uncharacteristically soft. "I am sure I'll be fine. You can wait in the safe house then and I will be quick. For now just enjoy being my date, yeah?"
Fox was quiet.
Quinlan watched him sway, curving and moving easily in sync with him now. He was assessing things, weighing options that Quinlan knew from experience he should not say a word about until Fox was done, which also meant until Fox had made his decision and wouldn't be swayed anyhow. It spoke of the man's determination and wit, and Quinlan thought highly of him for it, respecting how the clone choose to do things. And more privately he thought it matched the Fox inspired outfit he had chosen quite handsomely.
"Just so you know, before you rush off to be an idiot," Fox's voice was even, measured, didn't truly allow Quinlan a read besides Fox was potentially agreeing to do what Quinlan said. "This is a lousy first date."
Quinlan snickered and spun them a bit faster with the tempo, eyes subconsciously watching for any new signs of his quarry. "What do you mean first? What about all the times I bring you food or travel with you?"
"You sneak me food," Fox corrected, nose now turned upward. It was the much more familiar dance between them, and Quinlan was privately relieved for it and this meant Fox had fully relented, he would be safe soon. "And I only travel with you for missions. This is the first time you have deviated so far it is a whole different direction, and have specifically used the word date. So I am telling you, a double heist in a museum's masquerade gala full of separatists that would love to see us both dead is not a good first date. Horrible even."
Quinlan swayed closer, pressed more fully into Fox like he had his own gravitational pull. "Come on Foxie, we both know the only issue you really have with this as a date is because I called it one."
Commander Fox, the brilliant, cunning, mischievous man he was, didn't offer any response. But Quinlan noted with pride the slightest upturn to his lips.
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jedimasterbailey · 5 months
Hello, friend. 🖤🤍📖💀 for the ask game, please. 🙏
Hello there friend 💙💚 Thank you for the ask and thank you for choosing some questions that really make me think 🤔 let’s do this!
Link to the original ask questions below if y’all wanna play along which please do because I love to snoop 👀
🖤- Which character is not as morally good as everyone seems to think?
Dooku and yes I know he’s a Sith Lord and not considered a hero by any means but since the Tales of the Jedi episodes (which I love btw don’t @ me there) but I feel that fandom kinda looks at him like they do with Anakin. That even though Dooku and Anakin have done HORRIBLE INEXCUSABLE crimes that killed so many people and betrayed their loved ones that just because they “had their reasons” then that makes them worthy of sympathy when in reality that shouldn’t be the case. Dooku didn’t do what he did for the greater good or to serve others; he did what he did to serve himself and what he wanted. Dooku knew what the Empire was going to be (I.e. an all human regime that oppress alien races) and yet still went along with it thinking he could rule that regime himself one day. I don’t care that he was hurt by losing Qui-Gon or Obi-Wan; he still hurt and betrayed them regardless. If you ever read the Master and Apprentice book by Claudia Gray, you would come to find out Qui-Gon was 1.) terrified of Dooku because of his very dark actions 2.) Overlooked him for his first Padawan (Aveross I think his name was?) and 3.) Fixated on his own interests over being a proper teacher for Qui-Gon. In short, Dooku is a pretentious self serving privileged man of status and power and that’s that. The moral compass he has is whatever benefits him.
🤍-Which character is not as morally bad as everyone else seems to think?
Mace. Windu. For fucks sake y’all he is NOT a bad man! Had it not been for Anakin’s choices, he would have ended the Clone Wars once and for all and brought peace to the galaxy avenging every single soul who have lost their lives or sacrificed so much in the war that never needed to happen. Anyone who has read the Legends Shatterpoint novel or pay attention to Mace’s actions/words in the Clone Wars show and in the movies can see that Mace is a very admirable Jedi that anyone should look up to. His fighting style is all about using the Dark Side against those who use it which means this man has had to master his own demons for sake of doing good. That is a very rare quality even amongst the Jedi. He stays true to himself and Jedi philosophy within reason despite others trying to sway him. He also raised Depa who we all know is a wonderful woman who went on to teach Kanan who was a great Jedi. So yes, Mace was more than deserving of his rank and if he was such a bad man who come no one in his lineage ever turned to the Dark Side or left the Order? Clearly he was doing something right. And don’t even go down the tone deaf “he was mean to Anakin” route because Mace was always understanding, trusting, and respectful of Anakin, he was just trying to save Anakin from himself. We love and respect Mace Windu in this house 💜
📖-If you had to remove one book from the series, which would you choose?
The Ahsoka book for sure, sorry to those who like it but it’s not for me and that’s okay since not all books are gonna be everyone’s taste. As a Barrissoka stan I can’t stand whatshernuts constantly being up Ahsoka’s ass and causing her problems. Ahsoka was doing just fine on her own trying to survive after very traumatic events, losing everything she knew, and learning to survive in a galaxy that wants you dead for who you are until of course the stupid ass village needed saving. The book could have had a much better plot. The only parts of the book I liked where when Ahsoka was alone in her thoughts processing and trying to decide her next move. We could have had a very healing story much like Obi-Wan did in his show but nope. Furthermore, I’ve got beef with E.K Johnson for many reasons, the major one being that she’s a very ignorant person that tries to be the “white savior” so… yeah not fond of her work, her views of these characters we love so much, or the story she made for Ahsoka.
💀-If you had to choose one major character to die, who would you choose?
Palpatine of course because without out him the entire galaxy would be spared from mass genocide, destruction, pain, suffering, and pure evil. All of our favorite characters would have a much happier ending 😭 we also wouldn’t have dickheads like Tarkin rising to any position of power.
Link to original unpopular opinion asks
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The Bond Between Us ~ 80
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< previous chapter
Word Count: 2,675ish
Summary: You try your best to keep Ben in the light.
Notes: Honestly, I cried while writing this. So tread carefully.
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Ben often questioned you about secrets in the family, saying that you, his parents, and his uncle Luke were keeping something from him. Out of respect for Leia and Han, you couldn’t admit to Ben that he was right. That something was being kept from him. It had been decided early on in Ben’s life that he would be kept unaware of his Sith heritage. There were very few who knew the truth about Anakin Skywalker and Darth Vader and they all vowed to keep it a secret until Leia and Han felt like Ben was ready.
As Ben grew, you could feel that there was an internal struggle inside of him. You had tried to coax him to talk about it, but he never would. Always brushing you off.
Despite Leia and Han’s wanting to have Ben live a normal life, Ben’s power required guidance. It was strong and raw, easily controlled by his emotions.
Ben was ten when he got in a fight with his parents and his power broke multiple fragile objects in the house. The two parents didn’t know how to handle this, as they never dealt with a Force welder like this. That’s why you were included in the conversation. Han and Leia felt like they were equipped to make a decision on Ben’s future themselves.
You sighed. “I sense much of Anakin in him,” you admitted. “It’s both a blessing and a curse, depending on how we go about this.”
“There have been talks in the Senate of a mysterious dark Force wielder named Snoke,” Leia explained. “I fear that he might try to influence Ben if he isn’t trained.”
“Do you believe he needs to be trained?” Han asked you.
You bit your lip nervously as you thought through an answer. “I’m worried that his training didn’t start sooner… There’s a reason why Jedi were trained young so that they could grow to use their emotions and power, not allowing one to control the other.”
“You and Anakin began training at nine,” Leia said. “Ben is ten. Are you saying that’s too late?”
“For me and Anakin, I… I don’t know if we should have been trained the way we were. But I can’t say the same for Ben. Things are different now and I don’t foresee Ben’s powers fading… Without some training, I fear his power will grow beyond his own control. No matter what though, I cannot promise that he will keep himself in the light. That is a choice only he can make.”
Leia and Han shared a look, having a conversation with their eyes.
“That’s it then,” Han said, looking back at you. “Ben will join Luke’s initiative to restore the Jedi Order.”
“Are you all ready?” You asked Ben as you stood in the doorway of his room.
“I guess,” Ben mumbled. There was a small bag packed, only filled with clothes due to the Jedi Code.
“It’s okay to be nervous and sad that you’re leaving… though Luke and the Code will tell you that attachments are dangerous, they are a natural part of life. I would still be careful.”
“Is it sad that I will miss you the most, Aunt Y/N?”
“Oh, Ben.” You walked over and made him look at you. “I will miss you so much. As I know your mother and father will.”
He scoffed. “No, they won’t… they’re always too busy saving the Galaxy. They won’t even notice I’m gone.”
“Ben Solo, you stop that. Your parents love you and have only ever wanted what’s best for you. They will miss your presence around here. I know I will.”
“Why can’t you come with me? Aren’t you a Jedi? Can’t you just train me?”
You sighed. Oh, how you wished you could fully explain why you couldn’t train him. How the past and your training still hurt you and how he needed what Luke could provide. There was also something in the Force telling you that you were not meant to train him.
“I wish I could, Ben,” you told him. “I really do. But your uncle Luke is a great teacher and you will learn so much from him.”
“But I would learn so much from you,” Ben argued.
“Not what you need to learn… I’m sorry that I can’t go through this with you. But know that I will be cheering you on every step of the way.” Your answer still wasn’t easing Ben. “I have something for you to take.”
“But mom said that I can’t take anything.”
“This will be our little secret.” 
You reached around your neck and unsnapped the chain that Ben had broken years ago. You pulled the chain off of you, revealing to Ben the ring that hung from it. Looking at it, you almost began tearing up.
Go ahead, little star, Obi-Wan’s voice filled your head, gasping you to gasp lightly. It’s alright.
“This chain and ring belonged to my husband, Obi-Wan Kenobi,” you began explaining. “He was a marvelous Jedi. He saved your mother more than once… he saved me and your grandfather. He is who you are named after.” You inhaled deeply, trying not to get too emotional. “This chain and ring were made out of one of Obi-Wan’s lightsabers. I have a matching one.” You wiggled the finger that your ring sat on. “I’m giving this to you as a reminder of where you come from, of who loves you. Obi-Wan and I wore our rings on the chains under our robes in secret.” You reached around Ben’s neck and clasped the chain. “No one will have to know.”
Ben’s hand came up to hold the ring, studying it. “Are—Are you sure, Aunt Y/N?” He wondered. “I know how much this means to you.”
“Which then should prove how much you mean to me… besides, I have a feeling Obi-Wan would want you to have it.”
Ben quickly hugged you tightly. “Thank you.”
You hugged him back. “I love you, Ben… always remember that.”
Luke was committed to re-establishing the Order’s teachings (despite your continued protests), which included teaching Ben that detachment and distance were necessary to gain the pure focus that every Jedi aspired to. Though being taught that, Ben often snuck messages to his aunt about his adventures with Luke and discovering old Jedi lore and artifacts.
As Luke’s new academy grew, he kept reaching out to you to try and get you to help him with training. You always said no, saying that you did not agree with all the Jedi Order taught. Finally, one day, Luke came to you personally. He showed up at your door with a beard and pleading eyes.
“Please, aunt Y/N,” he pled. “You’re the longest-living member of the Order I can find. I need your help.”
“Why?” You asked. “You seem to be doing so well.”
Luke sighed. “There is something up with Ben. I do not want to worry Han or Leia much about it. I know that the two of you have a special bond, I’ve seen him sneak messages off to you and the chain around his neck. He will not talk to me about what’s wrong and I fear I don’t know enough to truly help him. Please, Y/N, you may be his only hope.”
You could tell that Luke was seriously concerned about his nephew. You had been feeling something off with Ben in the Force more and more lately, but you couldn’t exactly pinpoint it.
“I will come to Ossus,” you told Luke, who looked relieved. “But I will teach what I want.”
Luke nodded. “That’s fine with me.”
“Aunt Y/N!” Ben exclaimed. The now twenty-year-old rushed over to you as you exited your ship.
You smiled. “Ben.” 
Your great-nephew eagerly wrapped you in a hug. You laughed as he lifted you up. It had been a long ten years since you had physically seen him in person. And now that you were just thinking of it, why were you always separated from those you love for ten years?
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Ben told you as he set you down.
You placed your hands on his cheeks. “You’ve grown up,” you said.
“And you’ve grown old.”
“Hey! I’m only sixty-five. Master Yoda lived until he was 900 years old.”
“My apologies, aunt Y/N. You’re just beginning your life.”
“That’s right.” The two of you started toward where the huts were located. “Now, how’s my favorite nephew doing?”
“I thought Master Luke—“
“Shh! Don’t argue with me. I'm your elder, remember?”
“Yes,” he chuckled. “Sorry. I’m doing… well. Better now that you’ll be teaching.”
“Didn’t Luke tell you? I’m only teaching the younglings.”
“But I can still make time for you.” Ben only nodded as you both kept walking. “Ben, is everything alright? I sense that something is troubling you.”
Ben sighed and you couldn’t tell that he was having an internal struggle. You stopped walking and got in front of him.
“Ben,” your voice was serious, yet gentle. “You can talk to me.”
He shook his head, but not necessarily at you. More like he was trying to shut out a voice inside your head. “I’m fine.” He forced a smile on his face. “I’m good.”
You gave him a look, trying to show that you didn’t believe him. “Just… don’t shut me out, okay? I’m here if you need anything.”
Now that you were near Ben, you could sense more of what Luke was sensing. And, honestly, you believed it to be more of a problem than Luke could even sense. You were sensing the struggle between the light and dark that you had once sensed in Anakin and chose to ignore. There was also a familiar sense of Palpatine surrounding the darkness in Ben, something you had also sensed with Anakin and didn’t speak up soon enough. You weren’t going to make those mistakes again.
You found Luke meditating in his hut. He could sense your urgency to speak to him but didn’t bother moving from his meditative position.
“Luke,” you called, coming fully into his hut. 
“I know you’re here to talk about Ben,” he responded. “What have you discovered?”
“I fear he’s much more like Anakin than we feared… there is a familiar darkness in him, trying to coax him away from the light. It’s the same darkness that took your father.”
“Are you sure?”
You nodded. “Yes.”
“We must speak to him then.”
“We can’t speak to him together. He will see that as an attack like we don’t trust him.”
“Then what do you propose we do?”
“Just… I know that he has begun helping train the younglings, and I think that he should do that still, but perhaps I teach him.”
“What would you teach him?”
“I have enough life experience with the Force and, even at my age, I could still easily defeat you in a duel. He has things he can learn from him. We already have a relationship where he trusts me. Give me some time—“
“Do we have time?”
You sighed. “I don’t know, Luke, I really don’t. Just trust me on this.”
“Alright. Let me know if you need any help from me.”
Ben was actually excited to begin taking lessons from you. You had a different view of the Force than Luke did, so he was eager to learn what you knew.
As you spent more one-on-one time together meditating, dueling, and talking, you could feel that darkness that was troubling him slowly begin to diminish. It gave you hope that you wouldn’t lose Ben to the dark side like you had Anakin.
That hope was crushed though all too soon…
Trying to make Leia look bad to the Galactic Senate, a Senator she thought was an ally found the truth about the Skywalker lineage and shared it with the Galactic Senate. The information shared included:
you and Anakin being twins
How you and Anakin were separated and you were given a different surname
Anakin and Padme’s relationship
Anakin’s fall to the dark side and becoming Darth Vader
The death of Padme and the birth of the twins
How Leia wasn’t actually an Organa, but a Skywalker
Leia had sent you a tearful message about it all after she had sensed Ben’s struggle with it all. She pled with you to talk to him as he was ignoring her. Before you could even go looking for Ben, he appeared in the doorway of your hut.
“Is it true?” Ben’s voice was rough and dark, his black hair shadowing his face.
“Ben, please, listening to me—“
“Is. It. True?”
“All of it’s true,” tears pricked your eyes. 
“My grandfather was Darth Vader? Why wasn’t I told this?”
“Your parents felt like it needed to wait until you were older.”
“Older? I’m twenty-three. How much longer were you going to wait?”
“It wasn’t my information to tell.”
“But it was! Anakin was your brother! I am your nephew! I had every right to know!”
“Your parents asked me not to, and I’ve done my best to respect that decision.”
Ben scoffed. “I’ve always struggled with trusting my parents, but I’ve never struggled with trusting you… until now.”
“We were just trying to do what we thought was bet, Ben… you have to believe that.”
“I don’t know what to believe anymore.”
Ben left your hut and you immediately sensed the darkness growing back within him. You couldn’t help but cry, not knowing how to fix this.
Two days later, you woke up in the middle of the night to the smell of smoke. Your eyes snapped open as you quickly sat up. You used the Force to pull your sabers to you as you left your hut. You gasped as you saw that the main building of the academy was on fire. There were dark storm clouds swirling in the air above the whole area, with lightning striking down and setting fire to more buildings. There was a figure standing outside of the burning building. 
You rushed over to see that it was Ben. His lightsaber was in his hand, ignited. He was breathing heavily, with sweat and specks of blood littering his face. His eyes were glued onto the fire… and a new shade of gold.
“Ben?” You breathed out. “What happened?”
You could sense the darkness in him, consuming him. You knew that he had done this.
“You should have told me,” he rasped darkly.
“Ben—“ You tried to reach for him but he spun and aimed his saber at you.
“I know… I’m sorry… but we can’t change that now.”
“Just as you can’t change what I’m meant to do.”
“Ben, please. Don’t do this. Don’t go down this path. Please.” You were crying now, begging him to come back to you. It was Anakin all over again, and you were failing to stop the darkness.
“This is my destiny, to finish what Vader started.”
“You don’t know what you’re—“
“SHUT UP!” He stepped forward and hovered his blue lightsaber too close to your neck. “You can’t stop me… but I’ll give you an opportunity to join me.”
Your heart felt like it had stopped. Anakin had asked you to join him, and you never did. You were repeating some of the worst memories of your life.
You shook your head. “I can’t, Ben… you know I can’t… please don’t do this.” He stood resolute in his decision. “Ben…”
His free hand went to his neck and tore off the chain you had given him. He threw it at your feet, his eyes never meeting yours. Ben didn’t say another word as he turned around and walked off into the dark and storming night. You fell to your knees, allowing all of your emotions to finally hit you.
You had failed Ben… You had failed him.
The darkness had won and taken away one of your family members, yet again.
next chapter >
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gffa · 2 years
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Hi!  This is an interesting question because there has been a fair amount of Jedha lore being expanded on in The High Republic, but the era that's doing it is set 350 years before the prequels (382 BBY, so almost 400 years if you're going by when the Republic fell and the Empire rose) and it's really contained to a handful of sources.  I would say the main ones exploring it are: - The Battle of Jedha audiobook - The High Republic 2022 ongoing comic book (issue #6 came out just this week, it's still pretty new) That's really about it for that era and the other book I would suggest if you want to catch up on things yourself is Guardians of the Whills by Greg Rucka, which is set not too long before Rogue One and has Baze and Chirrut running missions on Jedha and showing them trying to protect the people of the city while the Empire encroaches on more and more of them. Which means there's not a ton about it yet, most of which is just setting the stage and introducing various religious groups and their basic dynamics--which is pretty much "the Jedi are still the big kids on the playground, some love them, some resent them, but generally they try to do their best to respect everyone and let people do their thing, it's just that by dint of being the strongest Force-users in the galaxy, they're always going to be in the position of being the big kids on the playground", while other groups tend to squabble a lot, sometimes with, sometimes against the Jedi, and none of them have really stood out yet. You've got the Church of the Force, but it's just one group among many and they're probably the second biggest group, but they haven't really done much yet. Then there's the Path of the Open Hand which were introduced in Path of Deceit (the opening novel for this era of the High Republic) but all you really need to know is that they're benevolent seeming and their mission is that the Force must be "free" (ie, no one can use it) because their belief is, if you use the Force to save a person here, then over there the Force kills someone else, to bring "balance".  So they reeeeeeeeeally hate the Jedi, who actively use the Force, and they're lead by the Mother who is being set up to be a villain, who we don't know her full motivations yet, but likely she wants to grow them as a cult and give her all the power.  In The Battle for Jedha, they stir up chaos and then go help people by creating an alms house to heal them, get people to "safety", etc.  So, they look like heroes, their members genuinely believe in their cause, they seem very nice, but ultimately no good is going to come from there. They've recently arrived on Jedha (in the High Republic ongoing comic) and are demanding a seat at the Convocation of the Force's table, to be part of their Council, but they've been denied so far and are making a big racket about how they're being shunned just for ~dissenting~. The other major players so far are the Guardians of the Whills, which seem to be in their prime here.  It's not super clear what they believe or how they operate, they don't seem to be able to use the Force much (other groups do have Force abilities, but don't seem especially strong, either) and are kind of more like guardian monks who keep order on Jedha and protect it. Sometime previous to the set-up of this era, the Jedi were fully in charge of Jedha, but no longer are.  Whether they chose to step down, were asked to step down, others stepped up, or what, I'm not sure if we know yet, only that the Jedi used to rule the place, but haven't in some time and some people are fine with it, some seem like they might resent it.  (Par for the course with the Jedi, some love them, some resent them.) Ultimately, the set up is "a bunch of Force religions create a council to facilitate interactions between the different groups and organize festivals for everyone to come to" and there's some squabbling, but also some good work being done, the Jedi can't help but be the biggest player (in part because this is Star Wars and they're our main characters, but also because of their sheer history and ability) even as they deliberately try to step back. There's a large gap of history between the High Republic era and what Jedha looked like by the time of the Empire rising, but my impression is that it had been falling out of favor for awhile, that the Rogue One visual dictionary still described it as a place of pilgrimage and holy to a lot of religions, it still had a bustling city, but it wasn't the same central hub of religious organizations in the galaxy and hadn't been for a long time. A lot of interesting stuff is happening on Jedha at this time period (and you could probably just Google for where to find the 2022/2023 High Republic comics, that should tell you almost everything you might want to know) or just scroll through the "Sites of Interest" section on Wookieepedia to see if any of them sound like places Ahsoka might want to mention--as a Jedi, I think she'd probably know of a lot of the places, you can decide if she'd have visited at some point (Jedi did take their initiates on field trips, after all), and might want to visit the Kyber Mirrors, which held a lot of significance for Force-sensitives, even if the Empire had probably mined it for kyber by then. But you'd also be fine just ignoring all of it, because most of this is from 400 years before and would be interesting history, more than a direct involvement!  I would say the Guardians of the Whills book tells you more about the status of the planet in that era, but you can basically guess, it's a lot of orphanages because a lot of parents are dead and everyone is poor and struggling to eat or get medicine, even the local orphanage struggles despite Baze and Chirrut's help, because the Empire sucks. Other than that, it's mostly introductory stuff so far, so a skim over Wookieepedia or some judicious Googling should cover it!
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valemya · 2 months
Idk how I’m supposed to do this but for the prompt thing 💐🍑👒🌲🍒🔥
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this is so many at once... I'm going to keep it short and simple for everyones sake
💐 bouquet: who are you most excited to meet in your dr?
In my dr I am definitely the most excited to meet my pookie Tech -`♡´- but also incredibly excited to meet my padawan Ezra (yes I ripped him from rebels and brought him to tcw. reality can be whatever I want) these two have my heart in such different ways but they are both so dear to me.
🍑 peach: who are your closest friends in your dr? how did/will you meet them?
Closest friends gotta be just about everyone. Naturally its the people I'm spending the most time with yknow, Tech (obviously), Rex, Anakin.. shoutout to Shadow badbatch @badbatchbruna when she comes along too.
I knew Anakin for a long time before the war, I'd say he was my first/only friend at the temple in the beginning, so there's a special type of closeness associated with that.
Rex I haven't had the pleasure of knowing for nearly as long, but when you work alongside someone so closely and in such severe circumstances you're bound to develop some crazy levels of trust. He's the one I tell all my secrets to. We met the day before I met the rest of the 501st, in a stuffy meeting with some other newly minted Generals and Captains being assigned to their respective battalions.
Aside from being my boyfriend I get along with Tech like a house on fire. I'm drawn to people that are funny and fuck does he make me laugh. On a deeper level I'd say we understand each other like no one else, and it means I'm content to stay up late listening to him talk about anything for the rest of my life. He was very chatty the first time we met- I think I might have been the first jedi that took the time to answer all his questions about the force. Or maybe the first jedi he'd really interacted with at all. It was early on in his time as a soldier, on a mission where we had the small luxury of being able to talk for a while.
👒 hat: what’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
I've already answered this here
🌲 pine: what’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened in your dr/that you’ve scripted?
Not to get into the dirty details but there's a comms button on the Marauder's control panel that goes straight to the batches helmets, and I've probably bumped it and not realised it at least once while in the throes of passion.
🍒 cherries: what drew you to shifting? how did you learn about it?
What drew me to shifting is that I've always been a big daydreamer and wanted to find myself living in the universes that I loved. It began with the faraway tree. I learned about it through tiktok in 2020 and while everyone had their hogwarts dr I was committed to shifting to my queen (band) dr based in London in 1969. It sounded too good to be true of course, but I kept seeing it on my fyp and I was bored and lonely and it was a nice thing to daydream about. I started actually attempting to shift a few months later. Still going (semi) strong
🔥 fire: what’s your most controversial opinion about shifting?
I disagree with people that think having multiple s/os across realities is cheating. I understand their view, and it makes me feel a bit sad, but its not that black and white. To each their own though
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valeriianz · 10 months
10 fandoms / 10 characters / 10 tags
tagged by @virgo-dream and @seiya-starsniper, thank you! this took me a while... the way my hyperfixations work is, i'll completely devote myself to a piece of media for a time... then once i find something else i move on almost entirely lol. i of course still have a very soft spot for the shows/video games listed here (as well as my blorbos, such as they are) but the only fandom im currently active in is, of course, Sandman.
1: Levi Ackerman - Attack on Titan
I am in a love/hate relationship with AoT lmao (and some day i WILL finish the final season) but nothing, not even fandom war, will ever change my love for Levi. I'm obsessed with his backstory, how he came into the Survey Corps, and how it all sheds light on the decisions he makes and the tragedies he suffered through. I was fascinated by him since S1 and after the No Regrets manga came out, I was done for. He has been through so much and despite how cruel and unforgiving he seems, he actually has the biggest heart and-- guh I just love him. He deserves the world ;^;
2: Zuko - Avatar the Last Airbender
Truly was torn between Zuko or Katara... but I have always had mad respect for Zuko's redemption arc and how brilliantly it was written. I love how it takes a full season and a half for him to have this war within himself, that he makes the right decision but then regresses... before literally becoming sick with indecision and change. And then he finally proves his worth and becomes the most loyal friend and a perfect leader to rebuild a broken society. I'm a sucker for good character stories, and Zuko's arc in ATLA is my hands down favorite ever.
3: Roxas - Kingdom Hearts
God I just love tragic male characters, huh? lmao. This one is a no brainer to me. Roxas is the OG blorbo. I fell in love with him at the tender age of 17 and have never looked back. He is kind and loyal but also a feral gremlin. He is so goofy but sad and god dammit, I love his voice and his baby blue eyes. Also this line, "This could have been the other way around." *shakes fist* MY BOY!
4: Faye Valentine - Cowboy Bebop
We love complex characters in this house! Faye has all the traits of a character I usually wouldn't vibe with: she's arrogant (without much to back it up lol), lazy, and is susceptible to addictions. But oooh do I love a character who uses negative traits to hide how emotionally vulnerable they are. Faye appears strong, mean, and confident to a fault, but inside she craves companionship and is incredibly lonely (despite her lone wolf tendencies). Rewatching the show as an adult, I found Faye and I have a lot in common lol. She needs a hug.
5: Hob Gadling - The Sandman
Do I really need to say anything? lol I love that Hob is the fandom's plaything; molding and shaping him and writing him in all sorts of different ways... but I do adore his canon character. He is brash, stubborn, at times cruel and violent... but then immeasurably kind, loyal, and forgiving. He takes on immortality in unexpected ways. he thrives, he suffers, he works, he regresses, he makes mistakes, he learns from them, he changes... he is THE human experience.
6: Daenerys Targaryen - Game of Thrones
Robbed. Robbed. Absolutely robbed. The writers did Daenerys so dirty, I refuse to accept the final 3 seasons of GOT as canon lmao. (and here's another thing: I would totally accept her spiral into "madness" if it had been handled seriously. If the writers didn't just pull this out of their ass and instead thoughtfully worked in justifiable reasoning for her to go crazy). I'm 100% a stan and there's actually nothing you can say that will change my mind :)
7: Cal Kestis - Star Wars, Jedi: Fallen Order
My SON. My BOY! I have the adoption papers ready.
8: Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII
Another OG blorbo lmao. She's been with me since I was a teenager (also I always shipped her with Cloud, not Aerith. I do however ship Aerith and Zack... the latter whom almost made this list. Anyway-). Tifa is the badass motherfucker with a heart of gold. She is insanely loyal and truly the wisest of the bunch.
9: Mickey Milkovich - Shameless
ANOTHER BROKEN CHARACTER WHO GOES THROUGH EXTREME DEVELOPMENT? Can anyone sense a pattern?? This motherfuckerrrr *shakes Mikey and slaps him in the face and sobs* God I love it when a seemingly irredeemable character goes THROUGH IT and comes out shining a new, yet somehow the same old, sarcastic bitch.
(Also please note that Lip Gallagher almost made this list. Another shining example of the writers doing his character the WORST injustice just to keep him on the show. He should have stayed in college. He almost GOT OUT. He almost broke the chain. What he did was not in line with his character and I will stay mad about it).
10: Cesare Borgia - The Borgias
THIS. GUY! AURGH!! Arrogant, violent, sexy bastard. You piece of shit. Cesare actually did everything wrong, he doesn't want to be redeemed. But he is so fucking charismatic and I love that he uses it to his advantage. He's so fucking smart and quick on his feet. He's SUCH an asset on the battlefield. And he LOVES his family! He will kill a bitch with his bare hands if they dare insult his mother or sister. I love that he grumbles when given advice from literally anyone that isn't his most trusted friend, bodyguard, and assassin, Micheletto. Doesn't even flinch when he discovers Micheletto is gay, actually teases him for being a momma's boy, and genuinely grieves for his loss when he flees. He says out loud how he misses him and actually begins to doubt himself without Micheletto there to counsel him. Cesare is everything to me, actually.
tagging, no pressure!: @rainy-days-and-nights @the-cloudy-dreamer @kemurai6-dominion-of-dust @ferelden-loser @teejaystumbles @tj-dragonblade @hardly-an-escape @sutoribenda @quillingwords @mathomhouse-e
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flamingfuzzydice · 2 years
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☆NSFW/ 18+, defending luke skywalker being bby grl but not a baby AND a dom w my life☆
some of us, at least what i have seen on tiktok, has gotten into the habit of infantilizing luke. not to say one can’t have their indulgent baby gyal luke hc’s and preferences, but i feel like we’ve almost come to this luke=baby conclusion. this man, admittedly with his soft baby blue eyes, has come a long way from being a whiny farm boy from the first movie. he’s been through the death of his aunt and uncle, the death of uncle ben, and then the death of his father after suffering in his war—where many of his peers DIED— and yet luke was able to guide anakin back to the light anyway. not to mention yoda and how hard he worked to become a jedi !! and not to say you can’t have all this and be a mess in the sheets IM !!JUST SAYIN the fit he absolutely kills in return of the jedi shows a confident, controlled, collected jedi. he’s rather removed from who he was several years ago just joining the resistance and calling ✨the millennium falcon✨ a piece of junk. he’s not that same luke, i even think the de babyfication began when he saw his dead fam just smokin outside their house.
FURTHER MORE it is my fervent belief that while luke is very respectful and polite because he wants to be, i also believe he knows what he wants and he is very good at jedi mind tricks(i wonder why he learned those 🫣🤭🐱🫦). and luke doesn’t need anyone to protect him for sure not physically but emotionally too. he stands up to han all the time and even the emperor of the galaxy !! this mf in his all black ensemble and knee high boots is gonna sweep me awf my feet FR !! he is so assured in himself and i’m swooned
i would also like to state if anyone’s their daddy’s child it’s luke. anakin also very powerful but possessive, over protective, and willing to do literally anything for those he loved(and whiny). they are literally so much alike, luke is like padme’s grace and etiquette with anakin’s need to protect and control(“if it works” head ahh). (i also see this is leia as well but this post is abt luke) but i feel like luke is much more emotionally regulated than anakin, so
also i dabble in the occasional din x luke which is a popular ship and if ANYONE is baby girl even slightly in that relationship it’s din. i swear yall gotta SEE in that show! you gotta focus or you’ll miss it, you gotta see the way those beautiful brown eyes be beggin for someone to grab his waist i can feel it through the mask too i would not lie to y’all TRUST !! ME !!
also this is mainly just purely indulgent preference pls understand but i just can’t buy the totally submissive luke. like y’all do me a favor imagine, theatre of the mind if you will, that kind, controlled jedi but you just make him lose his mind and he has to fight not to go feral around you and just take you for him self like just LISTEN TO ME !! like imagine that gorgeous smile dropping a moment and he just glares at you and a gloved finger motions for you to come where he is, like just a hand gesture with the GLOVE!! y’all gotta think 4th dimensionally with me PLS😭😭
this is all its midnight thirty i gotta go to be but pls understand dom luke is something near and dear to my heart FR !!! also if we could not infantilize him pls (,:
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dotthings · 1 year
Some Star Wars Rebels rewatch thoughts:
There’s just something about how there is this idea for the Jedi to manage feelings carefully, and how Ezra breaks down sobbing and Kanan holds him
Rewatching this series for the first time since The Mandalorian has me noticing things. Sabine has cultural traits and even personality we might associate with being Mandalorian, but she’s also got her own independent Sabine type thing and her attachment to the Ghost crew, and she’s an artist. And how any time Sabine gets near other Mandalorians, she becomes the most Mandalorian to ever Mandalore, which now I realize is true of many Mandalorian characters. On The Mandalorian, all that in-fighting, and how intense they are about their various cultural beliefs, yet proud of their overall shared identity, but they fight each other so hard, and Rau pushes all of Sabine’s buttons, hard. She’s furious about Hera getting hurt. The Mandalorian of Sabine intensifies.
Sabine is Clan Wren of House Viszla. She’s also Clan Ghost crew.
Similar to how Hera’s Ryloth accent re-emerges during the argument with her father. Her first family and her heritage are an important part of her, but her current identity is very much tied to the Ghost crew.
Or Zeb. Who has lost his home but is proud of his heritage and keeps Lysat culture alive. Child of Lysat. (Legends of the Lasat is one of the most spectacular eps the animated series ever made btw. It’s stunning).
Ezra who is an orphan and chooses the Ghost crew as his family yet he feels attachment to Lothal
It’s like the Ghost crew are a family of no nation (planet) and yet their respective heritages are very important still.
Kanan is the only Ghost crew member with no strong lingering affiliation to an origin culture or planet. He’s a Jedi with a very big heart who loves his chosen family deeply. He breaks and remakes so many Jedi order rules, he has to create his own rules for this era he’s in. The Jedi without a Jedi order. And in the process Kanan embodies so many of the best ideals of the Jedi. Because it’s not about dogma or rules, it’s about what’s in the heart of a Jedi that makes it work (and that’s what the sequel films were getting at too)
Ezra, who started the series taking care of only himself and putting himself first in order to survive, who then opened himself up to his chosen family and caring about others first, being so disappointed in Cham Syndulla, muttering that nothing matters more to him than family was a Moment. Ezra’s all the more disappointed because he was where Cham got to, out of desperation, to survive. Maybe he shouldn’t judge so harshly, because he’s been there, but it’s heartbreaking that Ezra has such a strong reaction, because he knows. He’s been through it.
Zeb and Kallus in The Honorable Ones. Steve Blum and David Oyelowo went next level with the voice acting and I love this ep so much. Actual seismic change moment for the show that doesn’t seem like it yet. Thinking about Kallus in his lonely cell-like Imperial quarters at the end and how he keeps the glowy warm rock Zeb found for them, that helped keep them alive. Zeb found and re-awoke Kallus’ heart, symbolized by that rock. Kallus always had a heart but he buried it and rationalized what he was doing, what the Empire was doing, he froze it over, Zeb melted it. With his glowy warm rock. These two…absolutely outright murderous towards each other when the series begins. And it ending where it does. Legendary.
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