#in which case I'll go for the grizzly
yarnings · 1 month
Look, I'm not a fan of the "well of course women are scared of men, they're dangerous!" subtext, but before I tell you who I'd rather be in the woods with, can you let me know what kind of bear we're talking about? Because the bears that I would have a chance of running in to in the woods IRL are black bears. Hell yes I'll take that over a completely random man. (I'm aware of predatory black bears. But look at the odds.)
But if we're talking a polar bear? I'll take my chances with Colonel Williams or Paul Bernado in that case.
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pudding-parade · 1 year
Old Capa's Forest by Vany
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I hesitated to overview this one, for reasons which I'll go into under the cut, but in the end, I do think the world is beautiful and deserves some attention, so here we are.
As usual, the title of this post is a link to a page that has the world up for download, and also as usual I have re-uploaded a .world file here, just in case the linked paged vanishes. (The .world file goes in your game install files at GameData - Shared - NonPackaged - Worlds.)
There is also a German-language forum thread here in which the creator describes the backstory of the world and shows in-progress pics, etc. My German is extremely rusty, but sufficient to understand that the backstory is about Native (North) Americans, a famine, and grizzly bears, and then settlers moving in. That being said, much of the world looks very German/Alpine/central European, and while that's very pretty, it doesn't fit as American in any sense, native or otherwise. But as a German/Alpine-inspired world created by a German-speaking creator, I think it's wonderful. In any case, I did manage to glean from the forum thread that the world uses all EPs up to Generations and also the SPs that were released up to that point except for the Outdoor one but I'm too lazy to look up what SPs those would be. Sorry.
BUT ANYWAY! There are several reasons for my hesitation in overviewing this one. Among them…
1) In general with these overviews, I want to feature worlds that are complete enough that you can drop in some sims, maybe let Story Progression create some other families, and just play, without having to do anything else. With this one, you can't do that because the residential houses are all empty, some of them not even partitioned into rooms inside. In order for Story Progression to put families in them, you'll need to go through and put at least a fridge and beds in them, plus cribs if you want families with toddlers to move in.
(But speaking of families, many of the houses are tiny one-bedrooms on teeny-tiny lots, which is a huge minus for me, but I suppose may be a plus for others.)
2) There are a ton of trees and other plants. There are so many that it makes it hard to take pics of the lots, frankly. And even though the playable area of the world is relatively small, there are so many trees that I fear the world will lag when it's fully populated and played, unless they are thinned out. And arguably, they should be thinned out on the lots because many of them intrude into the buildings and/or would make playing more difficult because the "plantings" are so dense. Like so:
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Now, it is supposed to be a forest-type world, of course, so there ought to be lots of flora, but I think it's a bit excessive. Many of the lots make me want to pull out a chainsaw and a giant weedwhacker, but maybe that's just me.
3) The blurb on the download page (again in German) says the world uses the rabbithole rugs/doors by Jynx, and there's a link to them. I don't normally use that set, but I went ahead and downloaded them and then installed them in the folder that I use to take pics for these overviews. However, they still don't function as rabbitholes in the world. I don't know what's up with that. So when it comes to many of the community lots, I am uncertain as to what they are supposed to be. Some of them are obvious -- one is called a school (in English, so this may be a lot that the creator downloaded), one is called the Krankenhaus (German for hospital), and one is called Wissenschaft (German for science), and one looks like a military base with a barracks and exercise equipment, etc. -- but there are others that aren't so obvious, and I'm not going to go through them and offer my guesses. So, that will require some fiddling if you want to play this world.
4) The world uses store content, at least some of which I don't have -- particularly doors and windows, as you'll see in some of the pics -- so I can't tell you what all might be needed. Other than the rabbithole rugs (which as far as I can tell don't work even if you have/download them, as I said), it doesn't have or require CC, though.
5) Some of the lots are very, very large. There are a couple that are entire mini-villages including both residential and commercial spaces on one lot, so the size is justified, but some of them are just danged big single-purpose lots. Personally, I don't like huge lots at all unless it's livestock-related, so this is a minus in my book, but of course YMMV.
So there are the big downsides, as I see them. On the up side, the world is gorgeous. For reference, this is the world where I took the pictures for this little 'story.' It's big, but not too huge, and the distant terrain makes it feel larger. I'm guessing it's 2048x2048 (but don't quote me on that), but the playing area is fairly small, so it shouldn't take a long time for sims to get from place to place.
What makes the world unique, IMO, is that, as you can see in the first pic of this post, it's created at high elevation with most of the surrounding distant terrain sitting lower than the playable area, increasing the feeling of height. The height allows for, among other things, some truly massive waterfalls, three big ones and a couple smaller ones. Adding to the feeling of altitude (as well as moisture from the massive waterfalls) is the use of fog emitters, so that you feel like you're up in the clouds.
Layout-wise, the world is broken out into discrete sections, which I like. There is an "old town" area with remnants of walls/gates and small residential and community lots built close together, reminiscent of a German/central European town that dates back to the Middle Ages. Then there's a "newer" part with small, densely-packed, more modern-style lots. Then, larger lots are spread around the rest of the world, mostly on roads that are big circles.
The lots are all original, as far as I can tell. As I said, in my game, many are missing doors/windows because I don't have a lot of build content from the Store, but if you have that stuff, this probably won't be an issue. The world has some, but certainly not all, of the "standard" community lots. There's a library, two gyms, a graveyard, a couple dive bars, a vampire lounge, a nectary, and several markets as well as a couple of "real" rabbitholes, namely the movie theater and the police station.
Overall, I feel this world has some excellent bones to it, and it has some truly spectacular scenery. So, I think it's a excellent world to have if you like to finish/renovate lots but not build them from scratch, especially if you like the architectural style. With finishing and, in my opinion, taming some out-of-control flora, this would be a completely gorgeous world that (hopefully) would run well. Or, if you want to take some beautiful, atmospheric scenery pics, it's good as-is. But, it's not as "plug and play" as I'd generally want for these world overviews I do. I do think it deserves a feature, though, just for the world sculpting/decoration and the prettiness of many of the lots.
But enough talk! Time for pictures. Since the rabbitholes don't work, I'm going to dispense with the usual map view and Edit Town pics and just post a bunch of random pics.
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heroinelace · 1 month
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fem jeff x ej, yes they're dating your honor.
Hello! if you've been here you probably remember me saying tested concept designs for fem jeff (jennifer) and EJ, ( jacquline) this is what i came up with
Jennifer has strabismus, but trust me, she can still see and aim very, very well. she's overly erratic and aggressive. Cocky and conceited, i can describe her as overactive including in her tendency to yap a lot which EJ doesn't mind.
Jen prefers to impulsively kill others, not being strategic as it takes away from the purpose of killing in her eyes, she keeps three blades on her. A large hunting knife and two daggers in case of emergencies.
Jen typically targets unsuspecting couples or teenagers. she doesn't enjoy killing kids at all, but maybe a pet instead.
Jaq is like a still lake, with a gator just below the surface. Rarely making others known of her presence until its perfect timing.
Jacquline is more on the hunting side, she can't see very well so she relies on her sense of smell, taste, and hearing. she is considered a top predator in the food chain next to something like the Rake.
Her targets are anything she can feast on, including other monsters or things larger than herself.
She prefers other predatory creatures. Often viewing them as trophies that she collects.
Yeah, that's Jaqculine.
The two of them together is a weird mix, Jen climbs and messes around with Jaq a lot, expecting a reaction of some sort but nothing occurs other than a gentle kiss by Jaq. Jen appreciates this as she's rather violent and tends to only feel remotely calm around Jaq.
Jaq is very territorial of Jen, she is more of the jealous and possessive one. Often she would rid of anyone she felt was either a genuine threat to Jen, or trying to take her away from her. Jen acts like she isn't aware to this, often playing coy, and sometimes places others in that position knowing the result of what's to come. including the aftermath for herself. (iykyk.)
As far as builds and appearances go, Jen is skinty, short, and very flexible she can contort her body in odd ways, and Jaq likes this, for reasons. Anyway! Jen has long thick hair which is as you can tell red and black. she likes tight fit clothing and punk accessories. she could be considered the more flashier type than her girlfriend.
Jaq is muscular with a large frame, her hands are claws and built for hunting, and despite her tall, sturdy figure, she is incredibly fast and quick on her feet. she wears a mask decorated with black lashes that forms two distinct teardrops, her mask also contains two open holes on the area for the septum piercing.
She likes to wear tight and loose fitting clothing, compression shirts and sweats or cargos is her choice of appearance.
it is rare when she is seen without her mask, even for Jen. Jen is more use to her lips and some of her nose.
Jaq has double fangs, and a long tongue, her jaws can stretch open and she is capable of eating a human whole.
Anyway, i'll probably share more as time goes on, i'd consider this the start of an AU if anything. lol
tell me what you think? if you're seeing this!
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wyvchard · 12 days
Idea from this prompt by @screams-n-shackles
"So, how did you track down this location?" The interviewer asked, blue eyes narrowing in suspicion. "You clearly went great lengths to look for this place. What's your goal?"
"... I wanted to thank someone. And if there's anyone who may know a thing or two about them, it would be this place." I looked at her as she noted down my answers.
"It must've impacted your life significantly if that is the case. You spent years to uncover a single lead, not knowing if it would lead to what you're looking for."
"Of course it would. You should know the situation. Doesn't this place deal with cases like that? You know, rescue people trapped in horrible situations? Especially those not of their own fault?"
"Please... Please stop it." The dark basement was enough to cause me to shiver as the water fell on top of my head. "I don't even have what you want from me. Please let me go!"
"I don't think I will. You see, you are innocent in all this but you wasted my resources and effort and you need to pay."
She looked pensive for a while. "I see." Her eyes glanced over my answers in the form I was given. "You said you were rescued from a basement after someone accidentally teleported in?"
"Yes. It was the worst time of my life. I don't know if it was coincidence or not but someone saw me and rescued me."
"Still alive. Thank goodness." Their voice was laced with relief as they placed a gentle hand on my neck. "Hold on. I'll get you outta here."
"To be honest, I don't even remember what they look like. But there was something that stuck out to me."
As I was being carried, the cold sensation of a spot of metal kept me conscious as the warmth of healing magic kept me drowsy and dealt with the worst of my injuries.
"A ring. My rescuer was wearing a ring. Everything else is a blur. But, I want to pay that favor back. I want to thank them, tell them that I managed to recover from this. That I have a life back."
My sincerity must have affected her as she sighed deeply. "You do meet several of our prerequisites. However, if you do wish to join us, there will be more evaluations that will take place. This would not be a glamorous career. Just like your rescuer, you could see some rather grizzly sights. This is not for the faint of heart."
"I'm willing to accept that if it means I can help people like them. I want to help people find hope the same way I did."
"Come back tomorrow." She handed me a leaflet and a bag of cookies. "Here. This contains a basic rundown on what you're getting yourself into. Read this and prepare for an evaluation to see which tasks you would be given. The cookies are just to make sure you don't leave this place hungry. We did take a while."
I smiled as I headed outside the room. "Thank you."
She waved me away as I headed back home, taking a cookie on my way back. Something about its taste was nostalgic.
"Ugh... Where am I?" When I came to, I was in a hospital room, my injuries bandaged as the last of the precautionary healing magic did its job, giving way to the long recover.
"You're finally awake. Sorry, no healing magic. We don't know if the type we can use will have any long-term effect on you." The doctor was looking over my chart as he walked to me.
"I-i see. Who brought me here?"
"I'm afraid I can't disclose that. However, I can say that all you need to worry about is recovering and becoming healthy again. That stay in the basement caused some problems but I'm sure you'll recover well if you're willing to cooperate."
I do not remember my benefactor's face but I remember his quite well. He made sure I recovered well, arranging my recovery to make sure I was comfortable.
He was there in the building. I doubt he remembers me since he passed by me when I was filling out those forms.
One more step closer to finding out who saved me back then. After all, the cookies I am eating now taste the same as the ones I had eaten back then.
"Okay. Which of you set me up?" The interviewer walked inside the break room, seeing the rest of the team suppressing a laugh.
"Oh, come on. You need to see how much your actions change people's lives for the better."
She merely frowned as she grabbed her mug and poured herself some coffee. "It wasn't me. I just paid someone to do those things for me. Those aren't my actions, it was my employees'. I am only the one who gave them the resources and orders to do it, but it wasn't me. I won't take credit for what other people did."
"You were pretty thorough with your directions though. Treating their injuries on your way to get help, arranging proper meals to make sure they're recovering properly, paying their hospital bill so they wouldn't worry about anything else? I mean, pretty sure you had someone monitor them to make sure the one responsible for this won't get them back." The doctor smiled, provoking her as he observed the changes in her facial expression. "Also, get some sleep. You look like your eyes are about to carry luggage. Wait-"
"Not another word. I'll sleep when I pass out." She drank from her mug as she glared at the doctor. "I know I'm a workaholic."
"More like a work addict." He crossed his arms, knowing full well he'd have to deal with the aftermath of her passing out once more. "Don't you dare pass out."
She raised her mug up. "Give me a few minutes for the coffee to kick in. I was awake for several days. Give me a break. When I crash, that's when I'll sleep."
"This is why you're being pushed to take your vacation." He sighed, feeling the upcoming headache once again. "But I'll leave you be. I haven't fallen asleep in a while either."
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animehouse-moe · 7 months
Ron Kamonohashi: Deranged Detective Episode 7: The Case of The Observatory Murder (Part 1)
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I think there's a lot of reasons that this case is interesting. Starting from the top, we've got a new boarder/episode director in Keizou Kusakawa (a longtime Diomeda staple), we get more information about BLUE, we get more about Ron's past, and we get more of an isolate Isshiki. There's really a lot to like, and a lot to talk about!
Starting off with Kusakawa, I'm very curious to see how they do. They've certainly got someof the Ibata style, but they really like keeping characters in frame with their work. Where Ibata enjoys focusing on details, Kusakawa is using the characters to explore those details. I don't think it's bad or anything, just a different approach, and can create some appealing layouts like this one.
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They're just very aware of the characters, and it's very evident with character blocking that promotes a feeling of space more than anything. Just look at how the stage the group in these two moments in the episode. It's certainly very natural, but it also prioritizes a hierarchy and telegraphs the "direction", if you will, of the conversation and interaction.
It strikes out groups and relations very smoothly, while not forcing the smaller pieces into isolation to provide that separation. Also, I just like the first image because the group naturally stays close to the entrance of the observatory as more and more people funnel in. Might sound a little obvious, but placing them at that point in the observatory just works well for introducing the new characters, and for something else I'll explain in just a moment.
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Anyways, let's break down this murder case first. Or well, let me explain how the episode breaks down this murder case. Because, I mean, they kind of put it right in front of us from the get go, what with showing off a smoking gun in the opening tour of the observatory and all.
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Now, the question is whether or not that gun is the legitimate murder weapon used in the episode, or if it truly is a replica and a weapon from the outside was brought in to commit the act.
To explain, the possibility exists in my mind of this: there is a "replica" gun in the lobby of this observatory that is so well crafted that Ron comments on it. People are uncertain as to whether or not the gun is actually real. It's based on an actual gun, so what happens if someone prepared in advance by bringing a real gun to the island as well? That would mean that the murderer could safely use the murder weapon while leaving behind the replica, creating a false smoking gun.
Of course, this could very easily be debunked by checking if the gun had been discharged in any capacity, but we'll leave that as an assumption for later.
Next up is the possibility of the door. They really put our focus on it with the closeup as it's opened, and for only a few possible reasons I feel.
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The one that immediately springs to mind is that the door can only be locked from the outside, and why would this make sense? Well, because the lock is on the outside. I don't know of any doors that have a double sided key lock in my experience. It's always a key lock on the outside, and a physical lock on the inside. Because of the act of opening this door, we know that the door is not kept locked at all times. One could presume that it's left 'unlocked' as the default, which begs the question of why Ron would ever need the key.
And let's keep the ball rolling! Onodera, the woman found dead, starts her interaction off by antagonizing Ron. It's very interesting behavior to have appear, which we'll see again later on in the episode. Though it's also important to note that the owner of the observatory tried to encourage Ron to learn about the mystery of the observatory as well. And then there's John Grizzly who appears as well. It's all... a little too convenient.
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But the icing on the cake is the interaction with the star obsessed idol, who appears in the room.
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This is a big one, a very big one, because it answers the question (sort of) of how someone could enter or leave the observatory if the door or dome was not an option. Orihime appears adjacent to the group in the observatory. She doesn't appear from behind them, and with the existence of the chef in the observatory it means that already being in there is impossible. And she doesn't enter the room through the front door as the guests would have spotted her. So how does she get into the room? A question for later on.
Anyways, let's get back to Onodera. During the dinner on the rooftop, she's consistently focused on Ron, even leaving the rooftop shortly after Ron does. Even going the distance as to make an interesting face as Ron leaves. There's a lot of setup for Onodera to have "reason" to be Ron's victim in this case, which just adds to the pile of curiosities.
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And finally, we make it to the murder. Up on the rooftop at the time of the gunshot there is: the observatory director, Toto, weird haricut guy, and John. This rules these 4 out indefinitely from the murder of Onodera, as none have left the rooftop since Onodera has.
However, among the culprits alongside Ron there is also the chef, and Orihime. So, let's take a closer look.
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Putting the facts together, Onodera is lying on their stomach, having suffered from a gunshot wound, while Ron is laying on his back, unscathed. The biggest thing here is that Onodera is wearing shoes, while Ron is not, and alongside that, the gun is not directly touching Ron.
This is a big one because it provides the possibility that Ron's prints are not on the weapon, and further speaks to his unprepared nature in carrying out this murder.
Look closely, they're lying on top of glass shards. This implies that the lights were shot out prior to the dome opening (at least in the areas that Onodera and Ron are laying in), meaning that the final shot was (most likely) the one that killed Onodera. Building backwards, it is then possible that Onodera was trying to get help before she was murdered. Or, that the murderer wanted to have Isshiki and John discover this scene before Ron could awake.
I think most important though is the dialogue that we got from John earlier on in the episode. When Ron "awoke" from his bout in the testing incident, John states that he was "in a haze". Ron was very much standing upright, with the weapon in his hand. Here though, he's unconscious and on the ground. The disparity in information regarding Ron's state leads me even further towards it being a set up.
Speaking further on John, did you notice he wasn't being a very good detective? I mean, what kind of ace detective turns their back on interaction at a dinner party? He's shown willingly isolated from the group, looking out over the night sky.
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And then there's the whole break in scene with the observatory. John's pounding away on the door and making no headroom, but once Isshiki and the director step up, the trio breaks through in one go. Not saying that it's unlikely in any way, but just that it adds to the pile of interesting pieces. John doesn't ask for help breaking down the door, rather, it's the other two that step up.....
And then he keeps going. Stating that an autopsy needs to happen first to confirm the cause of death, but then saying that it's the gun, swiftly taking it into his own possession before Isshiki can examine the weapon.
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And then this suspicious response. There's a few possibilities with it. John has discovered something and is hiding it, whatever it is. A false section of wall? A removable vent that exposes a traversable path? It's hard to say, because his detective work is very shallow.
If I were to try and strike up a guess though, it'd be that one of the buttons in the observatory has the ability to open or close some hidden path, as it would help connect why Ron was playing with the buttons in the observatory earlier.
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And here's the proof of what I'd said earlier. The door has a physical lock on the interior, so why would Ron need the keys?
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It's at this point though that you start to get a different idea from John, with things like this comment.
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And then there's Isshiki's point that Ron's acting weird.
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The pieces continue to pile up, endlessly high, giving viewers a mountain of information and ideas.
And where does it bring you to? To the point that BLUE, Ron, and John, are testing Isshiki.
I mean, the case of the murder in the most sensible way possible is that Orihime did it. Able to sneak into the observatory without alerting a single person, not present on the rooftop when the gunshots went off, they're the most likely culprit of the bunch. But I don't know if you could call them a culprit, if it's going down how I'm thinking.
Isshiki's not allowed to touch or pronounce Onodera dead, so that greatly increases the odds of it being a fake body of some sort, prepared in advance. The question is, how likely is it that Ron is in on this mystery? I mean, they bring a BLUE detective in that's an expert with locked rooms, and is someone that Ron looks up to. Considering the effort taken to get Ron to go to this observatory, I do wonder about direct involvement. Regardless, if he's not directly involved (so as to avoid giving Isshiki any hints), Orihime has that covered. It's an easy to miss thing, but she is shown holding a wooden club at one point, which would be used as a blunt weapon to knock Ron out.
But yeah, that's my grand theory as to what's going on: Isshiki's being tested by BLUE on this case, to see if they'll take him in. I'm really really excited to see where things go and how they're done, and am quite hopefully that Kusakawa will direct the entirety of this mystery, but that's all conversation for next week.
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on-a-lucky-tide · 2 years
emoji ask game: 🧠 for...Geralt!
Headcanon: Geralt
It was very difficult to pick! But I'm going to go with my headcanon about Roach's name. I've seen lots of cute and funny reasons, so I'll add mine to the bundle, and it comes from two avenues.
The English term for the fish ("roach") shares its origin with "roche": both terms come from the French word for "rock". We know the original name for Roach in the polish translation is Płotka, which is a diminutive of the word Płoc (Roachie; cute), and also gendered, suggesting Geralt's preference for mares. However, płotka has a secondary meaning, which is "small fry". This is brought up by Morvran in the Polish version of the game during the quest "Broken Flowers". Now, if we smoosh these two things together, we get my headcanon:
A young Geralt, with barely a year on the Path under his belt, has finally saved up enough to afford a horse. He's always loved horses and regularly volunteered for the unpopular work detail of cleaning out the stables at Kaer Morhen, just so he could spend more time with them. There's something calming about their presence. Touching their glossy coats quietens his mind, their warm bulk makes him feel safe, and they don't mock his dreams.
With his pipedream of becoming a knight, a horse was always going to be a necessary part of his life on the road. So, for young, barely scratching on twenty-two-year-old Geralt, having enough money in his pale, shaking hands to purchase his very own steed makes him feel light-headed.
There's no way he's going to be able to afford a destrier or something with muscle and grunt, but if he goes to the right yard he might find something fierce and stubborn.
His first Roach is a small mare that the farmer is desperate to be rid of. She can't be mated because she will kick stallions that come near her, and she's too small to pull carts or take the yoke for a plough. The first time Geralt meets her, she bites his arm. She's small, scrappy, and more stubborn than an ox. If she could talk, Geralt has no doubt she would have a razor-edge wit that would cut all to ribbons.
She's perfect.
He doesn't name her. He's too frightened that if he names her, then destiny will take her away.
In the months that follow, they bond. Roach kicks a drowners in the face. Geralt isn't sure whether it's an accident through sheer panic at first, but when there's a repeat performance, he figures she's doing it deliberately.
When a bandit tries to steal her, she bites him so hard it draws blood and they abandon her to make her own way back to Geralt. He wouldn't even have realised she'd been stolen if his kit hadn't been rifled.
He still can't bring himself to name her. Just in case.
She keeps him steady when he wants to give up. She demands oats when it would be much easier for him to walk away from a contract. He works hard because she needs shelter, and care, and love. She deserves it. She is a living, breathing thing that deserves respect, and she's relying on him.
He talks to her to break up his loneliness when it threatens to swallow him whole. He misses his friends, his brothers; he misses Eskel, and his silly stories and his stupid grin. He misses the stupid, repetitive jokes muttered by the instructors and the witchers on the path, and he misses the easy acceptance of being around people like him.
He still calls her 'horse' though.
And then they have to make their way up to Kaer Morhen. It's his first year making the journey and Geralt's left it too late. He was arrogant and believed he would stomp triumphantly up the trail with all his riches in tow.
Geralt and Roach get snowed into a cave. It's so cold. He can barely keep his eyes open long enough to maintain the fire. He lays her down as close as he can to it, and drapes his cloak over them both. His teeth stop chattering eventually, and he knows that's bad.
With a harrowing stab of pain, he realises they're both going to die in the cave. A grizzly reminder for everyone else that ever takes the trail to respect the mountain. He can't let her die without a name. Nothing should die without a name; that's what Vesemir had said when he had named each of the boys privately before the trials. He was meant to wait until they lived. He couldn't.
So Geralt names his horse. He names her Roach. Meaning small fry. Meaning "my rock".
The following morning, Eskel digs Geralt and his damned horse out of the cave, cursing Geralt every second. Eskel looks between the pale, quivering beanpole clutching onto his shoulder for support, and the small, demonic creature glaring at him in challenge.
"Thank you, Roach," Eskel says, knowing her body heat kept his idiot best friend alive. She bites him so hard he yowls, and Eskel knows instantly that destiny had a hand in bringing Geralt and Roach together.
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musecaravan-info · 9 months
Gail Addams
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"The short answer to that is 'no.' The long answer is 'fuck no.'" ~ Stephen Fry ~
Basic Information
FACE/BODY CLAIM: Janeane Garofalo
NAME: Abigail 'Gail' Addams
AGE: This depends on the time period we're writing in. For reference, Gail was born in 1967.
EYES: Dark Brown
HAIR: Dark Brown; Long and wavy, but it's usually pulled up into a high bun on her head
PRIMARY OUTFIT: Jeans, combat boots, and usually a retro rock band t-shirt. Depending on the weather, she might also be wearing a dark flannel or hoodie, too.
Gail is a pretty straightforward and laid back person as an adult. She speaks her mind and doesn't really care all that much what other people think of her. However, she's not cruel, and doesn't go out of her way to say things that will upset people.
Powers & Weaknesses
Gail has all of the typical abilities a graduate of Hogwarts should have. Her magical strengths have always been in Potions and Herbology, while her biggest weakness has always been Transfiguration. Her patronus is a rhinoceros and you can read more about it here. Her animagus is a grizzly bear, which you can read more about here and here.
Gail is demiromantic and demisexual, so although a romantic/sexual relationship is possible, she’s not actively interested in either one. If someone she considered a friend were to show interest, she might be willing to see where things go, but she’s not likely to be the one to instigate things.
Where to Find Her
At her bookstore - Her store, Uniquely Portable Magic, is located in Muggle London. And for the people who know the right way to ask (and are willing to pay the price) she can find just about any book you might need.
Forest/swamp/beach/mountain - Just because Gail isn’t fond of the Wizarding World doesn’t mean she doesn’t like to experiment with magic. She is fascinated by potions and the things they can do, and she’s always on the look-out for rare bobs and bits to test in her concoctions.
Hogwarts - Gail’s time at Hogwarts doesn’t fit into any of the canon ‘generations’, and from what I can tell, the only canon student she might possibly have interacted with was Regulus because they were in the same House. However he would’ve been a 7th year while she was a 1st year. With that in mind, I would be willing to adjust her timeline for an RP set at school. I’m also open to RPs with a professor set during this timeline.
Just because a verse isn't listed here doesn't mean I'm not interested in writing it. I adore all kinds of AUs, and welcome the chance to get creative with my muses. If you've seen a verse that another of my muses has, and you'd like to see this muse in something similar, let me know. You can also check out my 'Plot Ideas' tag, too. ^_^
Main Verse:
To avoid repetition, Gail's main verse can be read about here and here.
Current/Ongoing Threads
If your thread with Gail isn't listed here it's probably because it's been long enough since your last reply that I thought you'd dropped it. Message me to let me know you're still interested, and I'll happily add you to the list (with no pressure for a reply.) ♡
Elizabeth/William/et al.:
Time Would Tell (Main Verse)
Stuff That's Good to Know Before Starting a Thread
Depending on the timeframe of the thread, Gail can sometimes be wary around other witches/wizards, especially if she doesn't know them. However, she's usually more friendly around muggles. (This is typically only the case in her post-Hogwarts years.)
Please keep in mind, this blog is an ongoing work in progress. Not all of these links may lead somewhere, but they're here because they link to potential tags for this muse.
All Things Gail
All Threads
Ask Replies
Meme Replies
Special Links
Original Blog
Gail's Appearance
Gail's Home
Gail's Magic
Gail's Pets
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Gail's Shop
Hogwarts House
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aspenmissing · 1 year
𝙳𝚊𝚛𝚔 𝙿𝚞𝚕𝚜𝚎 (𝙿𝚝 𝟷)
Ban coughs up blood, his head turned to look at King.
"Come on." He says, annoyed. "Now what's the big idea, King?"
"Well isn't it obvious?" He asks. "I'm here to save you." Ban smirks.
"Isn't that special? Thanks a lot, pal."
"Oh thank nothing of it, anything for the Captain, Lieutenant and Diane."
"I see." Meliodas and Y/N watch King with a smile while Diane lays closed eyes on the ground. "But not for me?"
"Hmm, no not really." King agrees. "But my sister cares about you a lot." The group are interrupted by a loud explosion, crystals going everywhere, and they look over to see the holy knight standing with her hand up in the air, her rapier pointing upwards.
"Wow," Y/N says, jumping over to the group while staring at the Gulia, her axe over her shoulder.
"It's true that your betrayal is not completely unexpected." Gulia holds out her hand, "Yet, King the Grizzly Sin, I am rather disappointed."
"Well, that's an unexpected thing to say to me," King says, tilting his head. "I didn't even swear I'd be your lifelong partner in whatever your plans were. The realm wanted to defeat the Eight Deadly Sins, and I wanted to see Ban destroyed. We had neutral interests for a while, but that's no longer the case."
"Blah de blah. I'm sick and tired of you talking behind my back." Ban says, hands-on-hips.
"Very funny," Y/N mutters.
"Poor King, an entirely predicted excuse," Gulia says. She begins to trail a small line of fireballs from her rapier. "Shot Bomb!" She shouts, sending them towards the group.
King simply lifts a finger, pushing his chastiefol out of Ban's chest, causing him to cough up more blood, and sending his now spinning chastiefol towards the bombs. He destroys each one with ease which causes an even bigger explosion that could be seen for miles. King's Castiel slowly stops spinning as the dust settles. The chastiefol begins to slowly spin.
"How magnificent. The Spirit Spear Chastiefol. Forged from the Holy Tree located in the Fairy Realm. More durable than steel. Possessing the awesome powers of the holy tree itself. Your magical ability can summon all those properties. I thought I was only going to have the fortune of seeing Y/N's weapon. Guess it's my lucky day, huh" The chastiefol spins up into the sky before coming to float at a slant above King, pointing at Gulia.
"Disaster. This should make things a bit more interesting. Since Y/N won't fight then I guess you'll have to do." Gulia gets into her stance. "Please feel free to attack me four on one."
"No," King says bluntly, his chastiefol spinning above his head as he floats closer to her. "One on One will do." Gulia frowns.
"Seriously?" She says, sounding disappointed. Y/N, Ban and Meliodas all share a look before sitting on the ground.
"Alright King, go for it!" Meliodas shouts to him.
"You've got this!" Y/N shouts. King's heart slightly flutters as he holds back a blush or flustered smile. However, Ban instantly made his heart fluttering stop.
"You know I'll kick your ass if you lose," Ban shouts. Behind the three, Diane groans.
"C-Captain. A kiss before I slip away." She says, her voice shaky. Meliodas doesn't reply and the three continue to watch the fight.
"As you wish." Gulia says, pointing her rapier at King "So whenever you-." She is suddenly cut off my King's chastiefol flying past her head, cutting her hair into two parts. It takes a second for the cut on her cheek to open, blood squirting out.
"Now that's no good," King says. "Try and dodge a little." Gulia jumps away and looks up in the sky to see chastiefol pointing at her. She moves her body to the side slightly, barely missing the spear that implants itself into the ground causing dust to cover them. While the battle rages on, Y/N looks down at her double sides axe. She closes her eyes, sighing.
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(This is a continuation of where we left her and Tyran off the last chapter!)
Y/N opens her eyes, lifting her head to look down at Tyran.
"Accept it?" She asks. Tyran nods, lifting his head off her shoulder. "How do I accept it?"
"It's simple. You turn to face away from me and let me walk away. No looking back. Not even a glance." Tyran says, standing up and dusting himself off.
"That's it?" Y/N says, lightly scoffing. "That's all it takes to accept someone that you cherish is gone?" Tyran nods again.
"But you've already mourned me for a long time," He says. Y/N stands up as Tyran hugs her. "It's time to let me go." Y/N bends down and hugs him, nodding. Tyran pulls away from the hug, smiling up at her. She weakly smiles back at her as he turns around to walk away.
"No goodbye?" She asks. Tyran turns to face her again, shaking his head.
"It will only make it harder for you." He says. "And besides, it's not a goodbye mama. It's a see you later, right?" He says. Y/N's eyes widen slightly, remembering that when Tyran's gran had died, she had said the same thing to him. She smiles, her eyes slightly watering.
"Right."  Tyran smiles and begins to walk away again as Y/N turns her back to him. She clenches her fist to resist the urge to turn around and chase after him. The urge to scoop his body into her arms and take him with her. She hears his footsteps going further, them matching with her heartbeat...
Her heartbeat...it  shows her life... shows that her blood is pumping through her veins.
She looks up at her sacred weapon, remembering Tyran's words... 'You see, you are neither alive nor dead' ...' it sorta cancelled each other out."
She lifts her battered and bruised hand and looks at it before she begins to smile. Tyran continues to walk away with a smile.
He jumps slightly and turns around to see Y/N punching the crystal with one hand. His smile drops, brows furrowing.
"I told you, mama, it's won't be"
The crystal cracks slightly.  Tyran's eyes widen slightly before making his way back to Y/N. She continues to punch the crystal as it cracks more.
"How are you doing that?" Tyran stands beside her and his eyes widen more at the sight...Her hand is pierced through her chest.
"You said that I was neither alive nor dead."  Y/N chokes out, punching the crystal again. "So I thought to myself, there is no way to possibly make myself more alive." Another punch. "So why not tip the scales, and make myself dead." Another punch. "But of course, I don't wanna be dead so how about a cheat?" She punches the crystal again, she smiles widely. "I'm merely squeezing my heart to slow down my heart rate so I appear dead." She punches again. Tyran frowns, tear welling up in his eyes.
"W-Why would you put yourself on the brink of death for me?" He asks. "I'm already gone, this is all that is left of me. You can't bring me back mama!"
"I know I can't. But it doesn't mean I have to accept that you're gone!" She says. "You'll forever be with me, and a stupid ghost world like this will not change that!" She punches one last time and the cracks spill all over the crystal before it shatters, her sacred weapon falling to the ground.
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"Brilliant Detonation!"
Y/N snaps out of her daze and looks up at Gulia stood on the top of a giant crystal, holding her rapier with both hands as a massive fireball of some sort is being formed above her.
"I don't like that," Ban says as the sins look up at it in slightly worry.
"Come on King, you can do this," Y/N mutters, looking from the fireball to King. He is floating with his chastiefol beside him spinning around. The fireball soon explodes and hundreds of small fireballs head for King.
"Chastiefol, fifth configuration," King says, his weapon spinning as a bright light surrounds it. Then hundred of small daggers surround him. "Increase."  He snaps his fingers and the daggers begin flying towards the small fireballs, causing a chain of explosions as they both meet. The Sins sat on the side-lines looking up at the explosion as their hair whips back with the explosions. Y/N with a smile in adoration as the pure power of King. Gulia looks down in shock before she gasps as the sound of all the daggers surrounds her from behind. King bends his hand and the daggers come down onto her. The entirety of the crystal is now destroyed, with no Gulia insight.
"Hey!" A voice shouts. Hawk comes running towards them with Elizabeth on his back. "You were raising a ruckus!"
"Nobody got hurt did they?" Elizabeth shouts.
"We're all good," Meliodas answers turning his head to face her as they got closer. "There's no need to worry."
"I'm so glad," Elizabeth says, sighing in relief. King turns his head, before smiling and turning his full body. Y/N catches his gaze and she smiles at her, nodding. He blushes slightly and moves his eyes away, taking small glances at her. A shuffle at the crystals causes the Sins to look as Gulia wobbly comes out from underneath. King's eyes widen.
"At a range as close as this..." She says, jumping forwards to King. He turns his head to look at her in surprise. "Even the power of the spirit spear can't save you from me!" Gulia's blow is suddenly deflected by Y/N with her axe. She smirks at Gulia.
"Right back at you."
"Damn! Recoil!" Gulia thinks as she's encased with a bright light before an explosion is replaced.
"Y/N," King mutters.
"I don't sense Gulia anymore," Diane says.
"I forgot how strong Y/N's recoil is. Almost as strong as my full counter." Meliodas says.
"M-My ears are disappearing." Hawk panics, and indeed his ears are beginning to light up and disappear.
"Oh no, Hawk," Elizabeth says before noticing the same thing happening to her body. "Huh, wait, not the same thing's happening to me. What's going on!"
"Tell me, is it better after I do this?" Meliodas says, squeezing Elizabeth's breast. Diane quickly gets angry.
"Hey!" She shouts. "You get your hands off her!" Diane looks down at her hands, seeing them too disappearing. "Now I've got it!" Y/N stands with King and Ban, looking over at the other Sins. They too are slowly disappearing.
"It seems the necropolis is now pushing everybody out. Soon you'll be gone from here." A voice says from behind them. However, it seems only Y/N heard it because she's the only one who turns around. She turns around to see Tyran, smiling up at her. "I hope you remember your promise."
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Y/N falls to her knees, her hand pulling out of her chest as she takes heavy breaths to maintain steady breathing. Tyran's eyes water, tears falling down his cheeks as he falls into her arms. He cries into her shoulder as she hugs him back, smiling.
"There there. Mama's here, let it all out." She says, coughing slightly.
"I'm sorry I left you alone mama, I'm so sorry." Tyran cries out. "We promised to never leave each other alone, and I broke our promise!" 
"You never left me alone. And you never broke our promise." She says, smiling. She pulls away from the hug and places a hand into the pocket inside her jacket and brings out the bear carved wood. "You gave me this, and with it, you were always close to my heart. I mean I thought I lost it a couple of years ago but it cropped up, and I knew that I was supposed to find it. I knew that you were with me." Tyran grabs the bear carved wood, smiling at it with tears still falling down his cheeks.
"You know, granny made this for me. Told me that a bear symbolizes protection when needed." He wipes his tears with his sleeve. "I think it protected me by sending you to save me all those years ago." Tyran gives it back to Y/N. "And now he's going to protect you."
"I don't think a carved piece of wood is gonna protect me from the people we're fighting against," Y/N says, putting the bear back into her inside pocket. Tyran lets out a little giggle.
"I didn't mean the wooden carving." 
"What do you me-" Y/N looks back to Tyran to see him gone. "Tyran?" She looks around before sighing. She slowly stands up, wobbling slightly before making her way to her sacred weapon "I wonder where your sister is." She says. Her hands wrap around the handle and she breaths in deeply as power surges through her body. All the wounds she had gotten are healing up, leaving nothing but smooth and clean skin. Tyran straightens herself up and proceeds to take off the bandage from around her hand and chest. She flexes her hand. She does one last spin around the place. "I will see you again. Maybe not today. Maybe not tomorrow or for years. But we will be together again. That I can promise." She says before she turns around. Tyran appears just as she turns around and watches as she runs off into the direction of where the others are. He smiles as her figure soon goes out of range.
"See you later mama...we will be together again, one day."
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Y/N chuckles, smiling down at the young boy.
"How can I ever forget my promise." She says. Tyran smiles up at her. "I hope you'll be fine here."
"Of course, I will be, mama!" He says, before pointing behind him. "The nice lady is going to look after me." Y/N follows his pointing to see a young woman. The woman looks at Y/N with a soft smile. Before Y/N could even say anything, she is suddenly back in the living world. She looks around, seeing that everyone else is with her. She smiles lightly at the fact that she got to see her boy again and say everything that she wished to him...
That's everything that she has ever asked for...
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babylooneytoonz · 3 years
The Vessel. [ Pt. 8 ]
Pairing: Geralt of Rivia x Fem! Reader
Summary: Tissaia de Vries pays you a visit and you are met with a startling revelation that can change your life, and the Witcher's forever. How are the two of you going to act upon it?
Warnings: None
[My Masterlist] [My Witcher Masterlist - Read the other parts here!]
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"Why won't this fucking spell let me in?" Jaskier whined; in frustration, having tried for perhaps the tenth time to step into your chambers, but the spell that Yennefer had placed, had not allowed him to enter. And even Geralt, for that matter. Geralt had already experienced it once, and his sensible self didn't try it again, but Jaskier was headstrong, not wanting to stop trying until he had found a way to break that spell.
"Jaskier, let it go. Will you let her rest? Yen's put the spell to protect [Y/N]." Geralt tried to intervene, but the bard threw out both his hands in the air; dramatically and glared at him.
"I mean her no harm, Geralt. I'm sure you are very much aware of that. I love that woman."
Although Geralt knew that Jaskier meant it entirely in a platonic way; given the fact that the two of you had developed a deep rooted friendship ever since the whole knock you up with the Witcher baby drama had begun; a part inside of him flared with jealousy.
Jaskier, on the other hand felt guilt pierce through his heart, ever since he had found out exactly what had happened through Geralt. A part of it was his fault— although the entire conversation in the celebration revolving around Henrik had been a sodden joke from his end, because he had seen Henrik's eyes on her; he had never thought he would go to this extent. He felt guilty, finding himself responsible to a limit for what you had gone through, and he had to talk to you, get it off his chest; but the damn spell.
Geralt grabbed Jaskier from the collar of his shirt and began dragging him away from your room, without muttering a word, when finally, you emerged from your chambers, your eyes sullen, sleep deprived and deep dark bags already formed under them.
"Geralt, [Y/N]—" Jaskier tried pulling his shirt off the Witcher's clutches, trying to bring to a halt to the Witcher's dragging, "—Gods, you're such a big grizzly bear, would you look? She is here."
Geralt's head turned towards you and he let Jaskier go, his facial expressions changing almost instantly, from cold and unemotional to soft, and concerned; the second his eyes landed on you. You looked like a wreck, and Geralt mentally cursed himself, and his inability in that minute to reach out and provide you with comfort, or anything that could make you feel better, made him feel worse.
Instead, he decided to keep quiet, and let the bard talk to you instead, as he was already hovering around you, like a mother hen, concerned.
"[Y/N], I'm really sorry, I didn't know, I had no idea he was such a pervert, I swear to the Gods, had I known, I wouldn't have made those jokes—" he began, and you gave him a weak smile, reaching out and letting your hand rest against the side of his arm, aware of Geralt's eyes fixed on the exchange between the two of you.
"You had no idea, Jaskier. Stop beating yourself up, I'm alright."
Jaskier looked visibly relaxed upon hearing those words although he still wasn't entirely convinced, but decided not to push you any further.
"Would you like some breakfast? I'll ask someone to bring something up here for you," Jaskier asked softly, to which you simply shook your head, and turned to Geralt.
"I want to go home, Geralt. If you don't mind, can you arrange for a horse for me?"
Geralt stiffened when he was addressed directly, and he immediately nodded swiping his palm over his jaw and looked at you, "Give me some time, I'll arrange it."
"Thank you, Geralt," you whispered, giving him a meagre smile, before the smile was overshadowed by a painful look in your eyes, and Geralt forced himself to look away as he left you alone with the bard.
The bard did leave you alone shortly, with a promise to come back with a plate full of bread and ham for you; and you conceded because, as much as it pained you to think of it, you did want to be left alone, and this was the only way to make the hovering bard leave.
You were thankful you didn't see the sorceress all day, for you weren't ready to deal with her. But, you were shocked to have a visitor on your door, and a person you had least expected to see— Tissaia de Vries. When she stepped into your bed chambers, Yennefer's spell being no barrier for her, you weren't surprised, because you knew who she was.
"My name is Tissaia de Vries—"
"I know who you are, you are a member of the Chapter of the Gift and the Art, you are a powerful sorceress who created Yennefer of Vengerberg," you stood up from the side of your bed, your palms reflexively fixing on your bump as you stepped closer to the woman, eyeing her carefully from the corner of your eye. You noticed her lips curl into a smile, and she nodded, bringing her palms together and rubbing them lightly.
"Indeed, but the girl grew her wings, and she flew away."
You watched, noting how her smile faltered for a bit, and her eyes grew distant, as though she was suddenly plagued by certain memories, before she blinked, and turned towards you again; smiling at the curiousity that laced the features of your face.
"You must have questions."
"Yes, what do you want?" You pointed out, bluntly, without leaving a room for any further blabbering.
"Straight to the point, I see. Which is good. Saves me the effort, and the time," she slowly stepped closer, her head turning slightly to look for any unwanted ears out in the hallway prying into the conversation. Suddenly, she reached out and grabbed your wrist, although the grip was light; as she pulled you towards her, so her lips were lined to your ears.
"Yennefer hasn't been entirely honest with you. There are a lot of things you don't know, and you must know," you blinked, listening to her as she continued, "Now this mansion has ears, but if you wish to know more come find me, child. I will be at the tavern in the village below, just until dawn tomorrow."
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Sneaking out of the mansion in the death of the night was easier than you had thought it would. Your face was almost covered, the cloak wrapped around your body, covering your face partially as you hurried down the secluded street of the village. You had walked for over a kilometer, and hadn't experienced anything dangerous so far, and you were thankful for it.
The village lights were finally in sight, and you breathed a sigh of relief, when someone caught your arm and pulled you to the side of the road. He pulled off the cloak off your face; and you were met with the Witcher's golden orbs, his lips pressed together in a firm line, that only told you that he wasn't happy with the way you had sneaked out.
"You followed me. All the way."
His nose twitched, and he let go off your arm, your fingers feeling tingling due to the lack of his touch.
"I wanted to see how reckless or stupid you could get," he mumbled, his voice raspy.
"And?" You parted your lips to let out your breath, still looking at him.
"You like to play with fire."
You rolled your eyes, and turned away as you began walking towards the village once more, and Geralt cursed under his breath, before he began following you.
"You think you can just leave in the middle of the night? I am arranging for you to leave, but like a normal human being, in the light of the day."
You let out a snort; your pace slowing down a bit to let the Witcher catch up with you, but you didn't stop walking. You turned your head slightly to look at him, "I'm not leaving, Geralt. I knew you were following me. I saw you."
Geralt's lips twitched, almost faintly but you caught it before he looked at you with all seriousness again.
"I'm sure you didn't want to just go out for a walk."
"Well—" Your hand flew to the back of your head, as you scratched it lightly, and pulled your gaze away. The village was already upon you. "— You wouldn't exactly have let me if I had asked for your permission."
Your eyes spotted the tavern, and a rush of adrenaline surged through you. You wouldn't lie; you were curious as to what was it that Tissaia knew, and you didn't.
"It's funny, Witcher, you barely used to say words to me. Look at you now."
He grunted in response to you, his own eyes now having captured the destination where you were headed; the tavern.
"The tavern?"
You ignored him as you stepped into the tavern, and your nose immediately scrunched upwards, as the horrid smell of ale; too much of it, filled in your nostrils. Ignoring the pang to throw up, your eyes began looking for Tissaia until you spotted her, sitting at the back, at a farther end, smiling and watching you. It was as though she knew you were coming.
"Tissaia de Vries?" Geralt mumbled, and you nodded. Before he could even stop you, you were striding towards her. He decided to simply follow you, now that he was here with you. It was better to keep his eye on you, in case she decided to pull up an antic.
"I see you're not alone, [Y/N]. Witcher." The sorceress nodded her head in his direction and motioned for the two of you to sit down on a bench in front of her. You looked at Geralt, and he craned his neck slightly, his eyes darting around, scanning the tavern for anything unusual, while you sat down. In a minute, he sat down too, the bench now feeling cramped with his massive frame just next to yours.
"Tell me what you told me earlier. About what Yennefer hid from me."
Geralt tensed beside you and you chose deliberately not to look at him, at the mention of her name, keeping your eyes fixed on the sorceress in front of you.
"I think it's time, Geralt. Yennefer's been keeping things from you, I thought you would have understood, but unfortunately—"
"Tissaia, I don't understand what game you are playing," Geralt leaned forward, his palm placed on the table, his eyes narrowed at her, his shoulders tense.
"Geralt," you whispered, "let her speak."
The White Wolf grumbled under his breath, but didn't say anything else. His shoulders remained tense, heat radiating from his body; that you could feel but you were too curious to listen to the sorceress to feel any different.
"There are certain spells that can take a human's life," Tissaia began, her solemn eyes now fixed on you, "they are strong enough to destroy a human body. Because a human body isn't strong enough to take it." She leaned forward, letting her elbows rest against the table as she picked a piece of red meat and tossed it into her mouth, chewing on it and swallowing it. "The point is, the spell that Yennefer used, to grow his child within you wasn't an ordinary spell. No human can endure the power of that spell, and come out unscathed. You did."
You turned towards Geralt and shot him a look, before turning back to the sorceress again, "I don't get it. I survived the spell. Which is why this happened," your hand flew to your belly, and you looked down at your stomach, feeling Geralt's gaze on it too, before the two of you turned towards her again and she nodded.
"You think it was a mere coincidence that Yennefer picked you, out of all the women in the world, to carry that baby?" She pointed to your stomach.
"I needed the coin."
"The coin was a facade, child."
She turned towards the Witcher and he blinked, "You didn't know it too, Wolf. She never mentioned [Y/N] before, did she? I doubt it. Yennefer never betrays her own plans."
"Get to the fucking point, Tissaia," Geralt growled, and you shifted uncomfortably towards him, agreeing with him on this. Tissaia was making you uncomfortable.
"Twenty five years back, Queen Calanthe gave birth to a girl, this was before Pavetta was born. Someone stole the baby the night she was born, but they never found her."
"I think we should leave." Geralt intervened.
You turned towards Geralt, confused and helpless, before turning back to the sorceress again.
"That baby had the Elder Blood running through her veins. She had immense power, power that could disrupt everything around her by just one scream from her throat."
"What happened to the baby?" You asked; your heart thumping wildly against your chest.
"That baby grew up until Yennefer of Vengerberg found her in Redania, and a Witcher put his child in her."
Tissaia found herself a smile, you couldn't help but gasp, and Geralt just deadpanned, "Well, fuck."
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"You're telling me that I'm the Princess of Cintra? Gods you must be mistaken, I don't know anything about magic. I'm just a commoner that got trapped by these two for coin." You turned towards him, giving him a glare, and he grunted in response.
"You were never trapped, you chose to do it."
"You think Yennefer wants to be a mother?" Tissaia spoke again, but this time, her eyes were on Geralt. You glanced from him to her, and then back, until you had your eyes fixed on his uncomfortable form. His fingers had clenched into a fist. "Combine the Elder blood, with a Witcher's blood. No sorceress is powerful enough against that baby." She pointed towards your stomach, and instinctively, your palm flew towards it, trying to shield your bump from the woman's eyes. You felt Geralt stiffen too; as he shifted towards you, his own protective side spilling out at those words as he glanced at you.
"If you knew your lover well, White Wolf, you would have known. Her lust for power would never end. She wants that baby because that baby is the key for her to slide to the top."
Geralt swallowed thickly. His palm came to rest against the table in front of him, his grip tightening over it, his knuckles almost turning white. He knew Yennefer was power hungry; but never had he realized that her hunger was now out of control. He felt stupid now, and more than stupid, he felt relentless rage, because she had played him. All this while, he thought that she wanted his child— but all she wanted was a Witcher's child, mixed with the Elder Blood, so she could have, for herself, the most powerful magic yielder in the form of a child.
"It wasn't a coincidence then, that Yennefer wanted me to carry this baby," you whispered to Geralt who just looked at you blankly. You then turned to Tissaia, who tossed a piece of red meat into her mouth once again, her eyes fixed on you, "What power does Yennefer have over me?"
She smirked slightly, as though she had thought about this quite a lot.
"Well, your powers need to be harnessed, which is why she has an edge over you. Once you do learn to harness your powers, Yennefer wouldn't be a problem." She suddenly closed her eyes, and her lips started moving as she began chanting something and your eyebrow shot up. Within seconds, she was already done. "She wouldn't be able to track you for a while. You can go wherever you want. The effect of the spell should last five to six days."
Somewhere outside, a rooster suddenly crowed, signalling that it was morning. Tissaia de Vries suddenly lowered her cloak so that it covered her face.
"It's dawn, I will take your leave, [Y/N]. Find me whenever you need me," You watched, numbly, only nodding your head at her as she stood up, and placed her hand on your shoulder, squeezing it lightly until she was already out of sight. You kept sitting there, bellowed in silence, both of you breathing laboured, lost in your own thoughts.
Geralt finally pulled you out of your thoughts, "A Princess? I need a fucking drink."
Geralt stood up and walked away, to get himself a drink. You just kept staring at him, too shocked to even react, or process anything. This was all too much to process in a single night. You were a Princess, and not just any Princess, you had Elder Blood running through your veins.
Your baby —
You pressed your palm to your mouth, rather abruptly and stood up, dashing towards the exit of the tavern.
Geralt's head shot towards you like missile as he watched you leave.
You ran outside, Geralt's heavy footsteps racing behind you as you bent over in a corner and began throwing up.
Geralt's warm palm fixed on your lower back; and you felt him pull your hair away from your face, holding them up for you while his other hand ran soothing circles over your lower back.
You weakly stood up straighter, but your legs suddenly felt weak which is why you held on to the wall for support, as you wiped the corners of your mouth with your sleeve.
"Too much information for one night," You muttered in a low voice, your eyes not meeting Geralt's.
"Not the only one," Geralt responded, his lips twitching with humour, but that immediately washed away when you tried taking a step towards him but found yourself unable to hold yourself on your feet. He reached out, grabbing you by your shoulders to steady you to your feet.
Finally, letting out a soft exhale, the Witcher bent, and lifted you up in his arms, almost effortlessly, his hand holding you from the base of your thighs. Your hand wrapped around the Witcher's neck almost reflexively, as he held you against his chest and began walking back.
The first few minutes were quiet, until you finally spoke— your fingers unknowingly playing with the Witcher's hair.
"This complicates things."
He hummed in response but chose to stay quiet; so you continued.
"Where does this leave you, Geralt? Because I have .. already made up my mind."
A silence took over the two of you, causing you to flick your gaze to the side of his face. His lips were pursed together, as though he was thinking. You didn't stop toying with the strands of his hair, and neither did he stop you. Finally, he exhaled, and craned his neck slightly lower so he could look at you.
"And what did you decide?"
You bit the insides of your cheeks nervously. Geralt had been nice to you, until today, if you were to ignore the first few weeks you had known him. You had seen the change in the man; having grown from cold to lukewarm towards you, but that didn't mean you didn't know what Yennefer meant to him. Now, would Geralt really let you go? Especially.. if you were carrying his baby?
"I .. I want to go home.. to Cintra.. I want to see my mother, I want to.. see my kingdom, and I want to learn to harness .. my magic.." You whispered.
Geralt nodded, but he didn't reply.
He slowly let you down, and you looked up to realize that you had been so distracted talking to Geralt, you hadn't realized that you were standing on the bottom most step that led to the sorceress' mansion.
"I won't stop you."
You abruptly stopped walking when you heard those words, your legs almost freezing when you felt that he wasn't behind you anymore. You turned back around to find him standing on the bottom most step while you had already made your way to the door.
"Thank you, Geralt. For everything."
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de-cryptid · 2 years
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(I think the fact that Simon both has no idea how his species reproduces but also is assured that their long lifespans must indicate they evolved before humans doesn't quite add up, but that's not what I'm discussing today)
I'm going to post this before I forget, because it's truly an interesting idea that Simon seems intent on hanging to, despite it being so blatantly at odds with how evolution and the natural world function.
I've gone over it before, but I'll break down predation and the effect it has on both the predator and prey species to illustrate the issue with this idea. (Long post ahead)
So, the entire history of predation and how it appears in our fossil records, how it influences evolution, it's all extremely fascinating. And, according to Simon, the Cousins species has existed since before humans.
Cousins are ruthless and kill ceaselessly and without mercy when not consuming human flesh specifically. Remember, they evolved before humans, so this is how they intended to live. Whatever interaction human flesh has with their physiology is coincidental.
Simon's digestive system, also, is equipped to gain energy from any and all forms of meat and plant matter. This clearly indicates Cousins are omnivorous.
The evolution to omnivory isn't a singular process, but it is strange for a blindly ravenous beast to consume vegetation purposefully. But I digress.
Simon consumes 10,000 calories per day on average. Let's compare this amount to other apex predators.
A grizzly bear averages 20,000 calories. Wolves roughly eat 8,000. Lions eat 7,000. A whale shark consumes 6,000.
Those are daily averages, which is what Simon states his 10,000 calories represents. A bear can consume upwards of 50,000 in a day when preparing for hibernation, a wolf can go several days without any food, same with lions. Those are outlying cases.
A creature roughly the size of a human who does, I'd estimate, less physical activity than a whale shark (something Simon would more closely be related to than a mammal) and consumes the equivalent of 15 pounds of meat daily would be, to say the least, morbidly obese.
Simon's species is closer to marine creatures than us humans, and one of the many fascinating aspects of marine life is the metabolism they've evolved. As a general rule, things that live in the ocean have evolved slow metabolisms to help them survive long stretches without food. They're ridiculously efficient with their intake. Same goes for reptiles, such as the alligator, which only needs 3 calories per kilogram of mass per day. (This averages to under 1,000.)
It seems incredibly unlikely and inexplicable from an evolutionary standpoint for Simon's species to forgo all of this efficiency and need more than ten times the calories of a creature over double their mass.
To consume so much on a daily basis would put a strain on the ecosystem Simon's species resides within. Simply put, it's not remotely sustainable, especially not for a creature that persists for centuries. There wouldn't be anything left to eat!
On top of that, Simon's FAQ explains quite stubbornly that eating humans is a necessity. Something he needs to do. How on earth does that make sense, given you evolved before your required prey existed?
In conclusion, the lore of Cousins and their diet doesn't measure up to how biology and the environment function.
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nightswithkookmin · 4 years
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Thanks to everyone who's taken the time out to read my posts and has enjoyed it so far. It's really been fun and entertaining exchanging thoughts and having these much deeper ship discussions.
I thought this issue was gonna go away but I woke up this morning to more people messaging me about finding my last video analysis on several other platforms without appropriate credit.
But that's not disturbing. The disturbing part is the people sliding into people's DM'S on other platforms to get them to take down my video because they don't want people sharing my content on other platforms as they believe it would only make my blog popular.
For those worried about this whole credit business, thanks for showing this much concern for me? I really appreciate the love and concern if it's from a genuine place of concern. Thank you...
I think some of you already know this by now or might have figured it out, I am a law student, I am very much well aware what is and what isn't within my rights? Lol
I honestly didn't see this whole credit thingy as a big deal. It's not. Not to me. Lol. I repost people's photos without credit too all the time. Often, it's because I don't know who to credit and most time my lazy ass just forgets to. Lol. I think it's normal? It's inconsequential I mean.
The videos I use are usually often water marked by the appropriate owners so I don't go through the hustle of figuring this whole credit business out. If I should decide to come back here again I will check that habit of mine?
While this whole credit business is not a big deal to me, malicious slander and defamation to my character is and I don't take it lightly.
It has been brought to my attention that some Jikookers from Tumblr have since been sliding into people's DM's on other platforms asking them to take down my video and or remove the credit they give to my post.
They are telling people I am problematic, calling me the Taekook Lives of the Jikook community. That I have been spreading lies about Jikook, that the Jikook Tumblr community hates me or something like that and to further caricaturize me and make me appear more evil in order to get people to turn on me and hate me, they make up the most ridiculous lies about me claiming that I believe a notorious serial killer is innocent.
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Now I have since deleted my YT account because I don't want my colleagues to find out I am into shipping too lol- shipping is a guilty pleasure of mine and I know how this fandom works unfortunately. I've been a silent part of it since 2014. I mean it's started already. The Doxing and shit.
The original post under which these replies are from couldn't save sadly as my account has been deleted but you can see from my notifications the general feel of what my interests outside shipping looks like.
I am interested in a myriad of topics, from literature, Aliens, writing, Harry Potter, history, activism, advocacy, philosophy, law, politics, NASA, and mystery and murder among other things.
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My quora is mostly filled with notifications from my Book community and True crime community and often I do share my thoughts and answer questions with regards to the psychology of murderers, legal evidence, notorious villains in literature- well I guess now you know the kind of lawyer I want to be if and when I'm able to complete law school.
But what has my interest in these topics got to do with Jikook and shipping please?? How does this prove I hate Jikook and spread lies about them?
This Kookie Min Monsta person slipped into someone's DMS and asked the person who had put up my video analysis to take it down or discredit me because to her I am problematic. She is not the only one.
You want so bad to paint me black- no pun intended just to win an argument? You claim I am the evil malicious person here but I am not the one sliding into people's dms trying to take credit away from people for their hardwork, spreading hate and negative energy, making things up to manipulate people's perception of others and get them to hate and turn on them- and all because of A SHIP? Damn. This is pathetic.
Who died and made you the gatekeeper of the jikook shipping community? Honestly antics like these don't work on me try again.
I made a video commentary on my Booktube YT account- yes I am part of the book YouTube community as well sue me or better still slip into their inboxes and tell them I voted for Trump therefore I hate chipmunks.
The commentary I made on YT months ago was when I was in the highs of finding a new passion and it was on Ann Rule's book, The Stranger Besides Me- a true crime novel on Ted Bundy which I found so poorly written that at the end of the book it left with me wondering whether or not Ted Bundy was guilty at all!
The Author's writing style which deviates from most writing styles of True Crime novels I have read gave me trust issues as I stated in the video. It felt more as if she was writing a made up fictional novel than an actual True Crime novel but because she knew Ted Bundy in person she made it seem as if we just had to believe her account.
Then there was this whole thing about the police not being able to match the DNA samples taken from his rape victims, to his own Semen because his Semen was DNAless- in lay man's terms. I'll spare you the technicalities involved.
As I stated in that video, I do believe Ted Bundy was guilty but I do not have much faith in the Judicial system, or criminal procedures or even the Author of that book- a sentiment most people within the true crime community share as well. We just had differing views on whether the writer's style took away from the narrative and waters down on the extent of Bundy's guilt.
We had a Similar conversation about Chris Watt. If the community I was engaging in didn't have a problem with my commentary why do you? Please don't meddle in things you know nothing about. It's embarrassing.
The conversation about whether or not Ted Bundy is innocent is moot but a philosophical one. It has nothing to do with Ted Bundy's guilt but more so the criminal procedures involved in his case and the different accounts that exists surrounding his case.
He was electrocuted, he confessed to his crimes no damn person with brains would think or assume he is innocent and I never said anything of that nature drew any conclusions to that effect.
Besides, I moved on from Ted Bundy a long time ago. Now I am into the Serial Killer who writes death poems and signs it off with drawings of the size of his dick at his crime scenes- mind your own business please or don't and let's have an intellectual discourse about him? Lmho.
I am also into cat memes if you care to know and have a whole IG dedicated to cat memes. I believe human beings are the most dumbest species in all the galaxies and when the Aliens arrive I am snitching.
When my mind is at rest, I often wonder if Aliens have masculinity complex and if they do whether or not their masculinity is contingent on the size of their dicks or whether they have to engage in a battle to the death with an alien grizzly bear to determine who is the man.
I love BTS memes too- a little too much and often end up debating over the internet with random people over whether BTS memes are funnier than cat memes- I'm weird, true. But how does all of that make me a bad person?
It's crazy how these people can go on these other platforms to ask people to take down the credits to my posts as well as my posts itself but can't ask people who run to these other platforms with misinterpretations of my work to take those down.
Instead they come on here to call me out for people's interpretations of my work?? It doesn't work that way. You are the author of your own opinion and interpretation of other people's work. You don't call out the original author for someone's opinion of their work. If that were so I would be emailing Stephanie Meyer for Anna Todd and her After series. Get some education.
I have since blocked this person and others whose Tumblr I have been able to find thanks to all those that's helped me finding them on here.
My gf also tried reaching out to the persons who shared my post after we realised this was becoming an issue and had asked them to credit her or my blog- but honestly I don't care about that yet she won't give it a rest. Lol. My ride or die this one. Sigh.
However, we realized soon that this is not about 'stealing' credit- can't call someone out for not giving credit when I suck at that myself. Lol.
This is about people's malicious intentions and their attempts to silence me and take away my right to freedom of expression however way that they can. This is wrong and evil.
I honestly don't care for all these ship politics these people are engaged in. I've had enough intelligent conversations to know the distinction between arguments that flows from bruised egos and actual conversations around a subject matter.
This whole I am right, she is wrong politics... y'all get that the point of having an opinion is not to be right, right? We all cant have the same perspective and you can't call someone a liar for holding views that is different from yours. That is a bizarre mentality to have.
As I stated in my post, that content I made was a rebuttal to the Taekook theories running around on the internet alleging JK glared at Tae when he pulled on his shoulder because he was jealous Tae and Jin were having fun behind him. He wasn't. He was worried Tae was gonna expose him and JM holding hands behind Suga.
If you don't think they were holding hands then Taekookers were right and his reaction was because he was Jealous of Taejin I guess...
But thats your truth. That's not my truth. I don't believe Taekook is real. JK isn't jealous of Taejin he is not Twelve- but then again he was sneaking around behind Suga holding his boyfriend's hands so I guess he is twelve? Lol. Jikook!
Do you.
But please stop the evil malicious attacks and seek immediate help. There is such a thing as right and wrong and this is just plain wrong. Your Karma and chakra are in the negative nodes and you need to fix it. It is not funny anymore.
Thank you to everyone who has shown genuine concerns for me in the past few days and thank you so much for trying to stand up for me. There are good people on here and I have met and interacted with a lot of them and thank you so much for such a wonderful experience and insightful discussions.
I don't hate people because of our differences in thoughts, beliefs, opinions. There's always room for dissenting opinions in every sphere. At the very least, we can agree to disagree and shake on it. But You can't make up shit about people just to prove your opinion is right and their opinions and views which differ from yours are 'wrong.
I am not a victim though, and they are not bullies, psst. They are just vile pathetic human beings exposing the greens of their insides. What you do says more about who you are as a person and human being. And this is who they are.
Just be a nice decent human being. That's what this world needs. Fix whatever is broken inside of you and free your mind and spirit. Hate is never the answer.
I'm going to be away for a while because I have studies, work and other interests I want to pursue at the moment- it's just my AADD flaring up so if you see me henceforth raving about Nana at least you'd know why. Lol. She's wrecking my Jimin bias. Lmho.
Spread positivity, do the right thing, stand up for a good cause and keep supporting Jikook. Jikook is real.
Until we meet again.
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