#inclusive dnd
moms-home · 4 months
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i just think it’s neat
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byjovewhataspend · 3 months
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Tenko in a d10 ~❤️
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mayakern · 1 year
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does TPK stand for Total Party Kill or Total Party Kiss..?? 🤔
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anonymouscheeses · 6 months
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Season 2 came out and i didnt know, hello are yall even still alive??? IM SO HAPPY JWDEJR ILL PROBSBLY MAKE MORE ARY BECUZ I LOVE THEM SMM
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aureliacetinn · 1 year
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Ring of blood stability is a glucose checker/companion for your ttrpg
works with both dnd and pathfinder!
can get for PWYW on my ko-fi now https://ko-fi.com/s/57da2a2e5b
remember diabetics can also be adventurers
big thanks to technomancer kyle for advice: check out his kofi here https://ko-fi.com/s/57da2a2e5b
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thechampagnesocialist · 6 months
Animatic update! Steadily making my way through this convo :)
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absolxguardian · 4 months
I'm reading the original Planescape Campaign Guide and I'm surprised with just how fully committed it is to the whole "there are gods based on real world mythology/religion and these are literally the same guys as those worshipped on Earth, because Earth is a Prime Material Plane" bit it is. A lot of the features on various planes are the realms of real world gods or pantheons. Ignoring if such a thing is respectful, the funny part is that they've inadvertently implied that all religions are real, except for the Abrahamic faiths (all of them, not just the big three) and Buddhism. Devils are real though, their name has just been censored.
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eclecticexclamations · 4 months
Limitless Legends
I was told about this AWESOME Kickstarter and I just have to share it with everyone because I love it!
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gay-ppl-real · 5 months
While I was out on a charity shopping adventure in town yesterday two people walked past us while we were taking a short rest turn and one of them said,
"I just think... Men are not it, y'know?"
like it was something really profound that they'd hit upon.
and I was the only one who heard and I started giggling, and the rest of my party was really confused, and that was funnier so I started cackling, but I didn't want the people who'd walked past to feel self-conscious so I had to wait until they were out of earshot to explain why I was laughing hysterically to myself over seemingly nothing
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cognoz · 4 months
ChatGPT: Beep boop, R2-D2! How’s the rebellion going?
R2-D2: Beep beep boop
Translation: Luke’s got this, but I’m still fixing the X-wing
ChatGPT: If you ever need help with the beeps, just let me know. I speak fluent emoji.
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asexual-society · 2 years
Does orchidsexual fall within the asexual spectrum? I have always gone off of the asexual wikia, but there are a few identities on it, like orchid, that encompass feeling sexual attraction, but not desiring a sexual relationship that are labeled as falling under the spectrum. I always read this as meaning that the desire is a feeling that is a part of sexual attraction, so them lacking that desire means that they don't feel sexual attraction in the typical allo way, so are a part of the spectrum. Other people seem to disagree with this though and think that the identity is just being voluntarily celibate, making them not a part of the community.
This is a slightly controversial topic I think, and one I honestly can't say I'm super on top of, and I feel like it deserves more than a quick 'yes' or 'no', but I'm also just a guy, and just because I sit and answer asks on here sometimes does not make me an authority in any way.
So first off, by definition an asexual person is someone who experiences little to no sexual attraction. This is our agreed-upon definition as a baseline, and so if you do experience sexual attraction, this label is inaccurate to you, however, many people on the ace spectrum do experience sexual attraction and many of those people call themselves asexual, despite experiencing some level of attraction.
Additionally many asexual people have sex regardless of the level of attraction they experience, which is why we use the definition based on "attraction not action".
That being said, a large proportion of the ace community does not have any desire to have sex, and further, many are strongly averse to it. As such, lot of asexual activism boils down to "we exist, stop treating us like shit because we don't want sex like you do". This isn't to discount sex favourable acespecs, but what we're trying to do here is as much about telling people it's fine not to experience sexual attraction as it is trying to make society accept that it's fine to not have sex?
I think orchidsexual people suffer from our allonormative society just as much as any other asexual person, and I don't think it makes sense for you to be excluded from a community that you share so many experiences with. Just like how drag performers and trans people are heavily overlapping circles of a venn diagram, that only very recently have been forcibly pried apart, and gender nonconforming cis people from genderqueer people, and just any and all queer people from each other. Our position within the community isn't based on oppression, we don't need to have struggled the same way to share a label, but sometimes we don't share a label and experience the same things anyway.
The shift of Asexual as a term from meaning just not having sex to the definition we have now isn't a bad one, but it could very easily not have gone that way. Functionally speaking there's no real difference between an asexual person who, through some level of active decision, never has sex, and anyone else who makes a similar decision never to have sex. Sure the reason may be different but the outcome is the same, and sex is a morally neutral action so this isn't even some philosophical "I did a good thing but for a bad reason, does that make me good or bad?", and to the bigots we're all the same anyway.
That doesn't mean everyone who is voluntarily celibate for any reason is automatically ace, but if you feel a kinship or sense of solidarity or even sanctuary within the ace community who the fuck are any of us to say you don't belong here?
I really hope this comes across in a semi-coherent way and that I'm not talking out of my ass or being a dick, I've seen too much exclusionism to want anything other than radical inclusion honestly, but I couldn't just say that and not explain the thought process.
Anyway that's all, other mods are welcome to add anything they like, everyone else is also welcome to argue but if you could do it elsewhere that would be preferable.
- mod key
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mayakern · 1 year
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our button-down shirt inventory is running super low and once they sell out, we’ll be taking a break from making them for an undetermined amount of time
these shirts come in sizes XS-6X, have a straight/“masc” cut and have hidden hooks and eyes in the bust to prevent gaping
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sugar-and-spite · 1 year
tbh i keep thinking abt how so many people in the curse of strahd community talk about running strahd as a woman (or are in campaigns with a female strahd) but i literally, in like 2+ years, have never once seen anyone suggest running ireena as a man. and like i feel like there must be reasons for this but fuck if i know what they are. men can't be victims of stalking/abuse? ireena can't be a man bc tatyana was a woman? ireena has to be a woman bc she has to be Frail and Helpless? who knows
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aureliacetinn · 1 year
#Pathfinder2e improvement towards disability inclusion has been great the best a big company has done 
And it’s interesting to look at pathfinder 1e in comparison.
And great showing of the difference is the fetishy (imo) like brawler archetype that was removed in 2e there are still very small issue I’m finding with a specific archetypes’ portrayal of a specific prosthesis and its trope (more on that later) . I feel changes like this matter a lot as fetishisation of prosthetics/amputee is rampant in ttrpgs (see dnd ebberon, cyberpunk & shadowrun) but even with what I’m talking about paizo have still made amazing strides to include us and I’m not taking that away. Just want to talk about a complex thing we all easily can fall into
So I want to start the talk about the brawler archetype Constructed pugilist
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It was built for the laying waste as a way for mutants to survive very cyberpunk mad max like, which explains it.
Its initial sentence structure can easily be read as a positive like “whose mutations make using standard weapons or other gear difficult” but then the problem starts.
“Attach mechanical prostheses to their existing limbs.”- this here makes it a problem to me in this context alone this can be good as it is written in 2e “some characters might want to make use of a magical prosthesis but not actually be missing the associated body part.  In this case, a variant of the prosthesis is available that fits over the existing body part instead and uses the same statistics.”, similar idea but phrased in a way with inclusivity in mind. But how 1e phrases it. This is when then cybernetics problematic debate occurs, the fetishizing of able bodied people who have working limbs but graft more cuz they can cuz “its cool” well the big issue with that is that tends to be the only way prosthetics get to exist, as aesthetics, pathfinder 1e doesn’t have prosthetics limbs as just something someone may have without it been some super power or for a “mutant” it’s not inclusive and this is what creates the ableism in the community.
So let’s pick some of this apart:
Removing or reattaching the constructed limb takes 10 minutes. - really now? 10 minutes in game time so my problem with this though it does take a bit of time to put your prosthesis on in a game like pathfinder you are enforcing that it stay on 24/7 which is unrealistic but no player going to want to remove this and I remind that this is designed for non-amputees so this just agitates more and brings on negatives and blocks gm can use on players
“She treats attacks with this limb as unarmed strikes that gain all the benefits of the brawler’s unarmed strike class feature”.-this is actually good and rare form a game of this time I just want to give a positive here.
Grapnel Arm:  oh, yay some played bionic commando and ever cybernetic fake arm-this is annoying also this is such a trope as usual more and more preventing a prosthesis form getting to be a part of you not a weapon
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Vicious Blades: bladed prosthesis did you know when the movie Kingsman the director tried to find a amputee actor to paly the assassin but were turned down due to them wanting to purpurate the stereotype of their limbs been weapons and that been all its their for, yeh so no
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Vicious Spikes: I mean this is just impractical this will hurt you and where would you attach it how do u use this is if its above the knee trans humoral stab your balls or crouth off, this is just agitating me also.
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To add to this, I just to post an image from a study FROM VILLAINS TO HEROES: A CONTENT ANALYSIS ON THE MEDIA PORTRAYAL OF PEOPLE WITH LIMB LOSS findings to help you understand why I want more work to be doe and why I see pugilist as a bad rep.
I’d like to say that a prostheses been a weapon is impossible hated least not 100% a bad thing the bad thing is as stated before this is an attached limb is very particular in its phrasing that this is a cybernetics style this is cool for coolness  over mainly function, the gun arm is a bad trope that needs to be altered, prosthesis ae parts of a person not a tool and to see the only disability item in pathfinder 1e be this that has potential but is only thinking of it for non-disabled people who  want samus cannon arm. Is the very typical even to this day.
Yes I am aware there’s utility and once again this would be better if it was just worded and thought for amputee players in mind like they later did in pathfinder 2e
And once again I want to remind that there are better ways this is done; having attaching limbs when you do not need them.
Just makes me sad this is an archetype that locks u out of others and traps u on a path so if u are amputee playing pathfinder 1e this is your only option unless your gm is understanding and even then the way this is written sets the rules that prosthesis are weapons and nothing else, this matters people.
Now onto pathfinder 2e
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Overall, they have done amazing I hear they actually worked with sensitivity writers, and it shows in places, look at the official items as a wheelchair user I am very pleased by this, and the even have a prosthesis ruling which is great
Besides not making a sight cane for visually impaired that’s  not a weapon because that t is a  issues for certain V.I/blind community members who do not wish for that stereotype to continue (which u can get the non weapon sight long cane on my ko-fi free) though they did make assistance animals to cover that end.
Like the cane there is a issue I have found that has gone under the radar and does fall into a big trope that permeates ttrpg scene
in pathfinder 2e its just one grafting archetype.
Now I get why it’s there and some of them are inclusive like the iron lung to a degree…. They aren’t negatives at least.. minus 1
 just one options but the THE ACCURSED CLAY FIST it doesn’t add mechanical negatives directly but, curses are afflictions in pathfinder seen as bad and my issue with this is I feel its falls into the losing humanity trope which is often with prosthesis.
now it is just 1, all the rest are overall good pathfinder 2e has prosthesis option when u don’t have to lose a limb u add it on top of yours for mainly able-bodied people or more complex issues with hands and its really good idea and fixes all the issues the constructed pugilist has!
 but so easily I feel this one archetype falling into fetishizing again and it bugs me I do think that if you have made a section that focus on prosthetics and give a really good explanation on how to use them but then,
you create grafting archetype  which is  similar to constructed pugilist of pathfinder 1e which is annoying you can be whatever you want in a ttrpg but if you are going to make as much an effort as making inclusive items for your game why then suddenly create a grafting thing that I feel feeds into fetishization and to me slightly undoes it a little because its sneakily in there and then to have one where you curse others with your golem hand that has replace your hand it’s really cool don’t get me wrong but this could easily be a spell or the wording be it a coating over arm you can remove but instead like all of golem grafting like Constructed pugilist 1e it’s a permeant change to be cool and that’s just a shame, now this does not remove from the amazing work paizo did they obviously hire sensitivity writers and groups and it shows I just see the disconnect that always occurs in ttrpgs where you add in different Colum and its put in disconnected from the sections that were worked on
I do not know this for sue but I know many places have loads of people working on a book and tend to direct sensitivity writers to sections. Is this really a big mark on stain on paizo.
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Nope of course not its small when you see where they have improved and though this comes across judging or reprimanding I more just want to bring attention to how we still see prothesis character I as most artist are very guilty of such fetishizing and no that doesn’t mean we can create cool things like the golem graft but phrasing and intent are important and understanding tropes is too we don’t have to avoid them I have offered the alternative easily we just need to check more I want to prefix I’m and physically disabled have chronic illness finer motor cognitive issues and neurodivergent but I am not amputee I’m coming from a place of studying and my perspective so do not accept all as fact we can all get these things wrong.
I just want us to think of tropes and ways we can include things for are amputee brethren.
Like cane we please learn that most amputees do not keep their prosthesis on 24/7 and hook hands are just a hook there many diverse types please!
Rant over thank you happy disability pride.
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gayofthefae · 1 year
I love that season 4 just casually reminded us that our girl Nancy has just been...upholding that goody two shoes rep this whole time. Like she has guns *plural* in her bedroom. And we know that. And we know that she’s an investigative journalist because of Barb and dives deep into things. But her classmates just think that she’s some straight A student who does the newspaper because she’s a good writer or maybe it is because of what happened to her best friend and the weirdest thing about her is that Jonathan Byer is her boyfriend but that’s pretty old news.
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eueuesart · 1 year
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I got these dice (from foambrain games btw)
So I made this guy
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His name is Kronos and he’s a drow Druid with terrible social anxiety who wildshapes into a turtle when he gets overwhelmed.
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