#income tax saving schemes
thetaxguyin · 6 months
Deductions which can be claimed under the New Income Tax Regime
Are you navigating the complexities of tax planning under the new income tax regime? Are you looking to maximize your savings by leveraging all available deductions? Look no further! In this definitive guide, we’ll walk you through the myriad deductions offered under the Income Tax Act of 1961 in the new regime, empowering you to make informed financial decisions and optimize your tax…
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babatax · 2 years
Bank FD vs Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS): Interest rate, tenure, tax benefits
When it comes to saving for the future, there are a lot of options available. Two popular options are bank FDs and the Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS). The Senior Citizen Savings Scheme (SCSS) was a big support for senior citizens during the covid pandemic when most of the banks were offering a low interest rate around 6% to senior citizens on long term fixed deposits (FDs). However, things…
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amtrak-official · 2 months
What's your 'murica gets its head out of its ass wishlist' for urban planning and other major policy shifts?
Mine is:
Left side driving
Changing to metric already
Universal income, extra for disabled people
Universal healthcare for everyone in any part of the US
Defund the world spanning military, grant statehood or subsidized independence to our colonies. Maybe just like idk patrol our own waters and skies perhaps?
Defund the police, and create community outreach orgs to help all suffering ppl, including jerks who struggle so much they think killing ppl is ever okay.
Establish limits on copyright law being 20 years like patents. (With none of the bullshit loopholes)
Establish that all intellectual property deemed a public good by someone kind is forced into the public domain irrevocably. (Careful I will rant about the patent on heated boxes or life saving meds)
Requiring any company that operates in the US to pay taxes to the US, and hold their executives responsible for damages to anything or one they cause.
Public trains to/from anywhere with more than double digit population. Some other form of public transit that gets its own lane at least for anywhere that is infeasible.
Make safe, secure, private, and well made housing, a right and not a commodity.
Make food a right.
Make clothes a right.
Make good internet a right.
Make electricity a right.
Make privacy a right.
Make education an unlimited right.
All people in the US are eligible for all rights and protections etc. (Citizenship is not a requirement to be treated well)
Ban plastics in anything where natural materials are better.
Subsidize growing actual food people want to eat, not industrial resources.
Ban golf courses anywhere they cannot naturally survive.
Exclude all organizations from exerting powers like the law except for the government.
Anyone making disproportionate use of a public good like water, transportation, etc, gets taxed proportionately. (Semi trucks bad, trains good)
Provide water reclamation resources to areas without renewable clean water, no matter the cost.
Require that people in any position of power be good kind people.
Make rule of law actually mean something, if the law applies to everyone equally than enforce it equally. (Including the government and military)
Make corporations not legally people (they aren't)
No nukes or WMDs
Give NASA 10% the national budget or smth, they deserve it.
Require that companies pay the union dues of their employees.
Encourage unions.
Make the NSA about aquatic biology instead. Say the National Aquatic Association or smth.
No guns in civilization, wilderness or rural only for civilians.
Disband the CIA.
Full audits of the government all the time, no classified or secret bullshit. With great power comes great scrutiny and actual responsibility.
Establish an actual nationwide recycling system to turn trash into compost or useful materials.
Establish restorative justice practices nationwide.
I uh went off a bit sorry, I miss anything?
I agree with most of this except left side driving, that is an evil British scheme.
Also how the fuck do you require people in power to be "good kind people" do you not see how that could be abused, it's completely subjective
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kyokosasagawa · 3 months
Hi everyone! Opening emergency commissions, lowered my prices down to lower levels, all under 15 dollars.
Backstory: My brother decided to steal 500 dollars from my disabled mother and I a few months ago and since we have no family to really ask for help, we ended up in a payday loan cycle because we couldn't afford groceries for an entire month! Woohoo! Yay! Yippee! (No, he still hasn't paid us back.)
We currently have like, 90% of our income going towards debt. Throughout this month I'm going to be receiving good ol' tax refunds, so that'll help us be under the "things are gonna bounce" threshold.
However, we will need groceries next month. I don't WANT to end up taking out another loan to pay for more groceries, and if I can just get enough to go into a savings account so that I can get through next month, that will help me a lot and maybe even take us out of the payday loan scheme.
I thank you kindly for any consideration. You can contact me through discord at "_larissa" for more details.
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thatbadadvice · 1 year
Help! My Girlfriend Bought Me A Million Dollar House And Raised My Kids And All I Got Was This Million Dollar House And Someone To Raise My Kids, When Is It Finally Going To Be My Turn To Get A Break??????
Pay Dirt, Slate, 17 April 2023:
Dear Pay Dirt, My longterm girlfriend and I disagree about whether a $30,000 inheritance left to her by her great-aunt should be “her” money or “our” money. She wants to spend a large part (almost a third!) of it on expensive supplies for her hobby. I think that we should save most of it and use some of it on a vacation since we both find traveling extremely romantic. My argument is: 1) I don’t care about her hobby, but we’ll both enjoy a trip abroad; 2) we’ve lived on only my (admittedly low, since it’s academia) income for over a decade, so according to her own rule about entitlement to “her” windfall, shouldn’t she technically have been entitled to none of my wages all these years? Her argument is: 1) she had to put aside her hobby for many years to raise our children (it’s not a safe art form for young kids to be around) and yearns to return to it; 2) she paid entirely in cash for our $950k house at the beginning of our partnership (though my income pays the property taxes and maintenance costs), therefore she alleges that we haven’t actually been living on solely my income because I’ve been saving on rent all these years. I feel resentful of the double standard about control over finances and hurt that she would rather prioritize her own joy over our shared joy. She feels impatient to reconnect with her hobby and hurt that her contributions to our lifestyle are unseen. How do we reconcile our different viewpoints? How should the money be allocated? Is there something that we’re missing? —I’m About to Glass(Blow) a Fuse
Dear About to (Glass)Blow a Fuse,
I hope you don't mind that I corrected your very clever parenthetical sign-off! You're understandably dealing with a lot of hurt right now at the hands of the cruel and self-absorbed girlfriend who bought you a million-dollar home and abandoned her beloved hobby to raise your children, so I totally get why a brilliant, overworked, and under-appreciated academic genius such as yourself would fuck up something so incredibly simple and obvious, you poor thing. Really speaks to the distress you're in as the victim of this woman's sordid scheme to steal every ounce of joy from your life by experiencing some of her own after decades of managing your household for you for free.
Great relationships are built on the exactly equal division of all resources, and it sounds like your girlfriend has trouble grasping this because she seems to believe that the home you live in and the time she has invested raising your children for you have value, when of course they do not. The only thing that has value in this world is cash money, which is why we call it money. If parenting were valuable, you'd be able to trade it on the stock market! And what was your girlfriend going to do, not live in a house? These are things she'd have done with her life anyway, and they don't get to count toward her contribution to the household just because she did them for and with you instead of expressly and specifically pursuing her art. Whereas who knows what you could have done with your life if you hadn't been locked into a free house and a partner dedicating herself full-time to keeping your children alive for you?
Now, after all these years of being nothing but a worthless freeloader whom you support out of the generous goodness of your kind heart, your girlfriend has finally acquired something of value, and she wants to keep an entire third of it for herself? To do something that doesn't directly benefit, enrich, or entertain you personally? That's not equity, and it's certainly no way to repay you for periodically writing checks to the plumber. Isn't it about time you finally got something out of all of this for your trouble?
What benefit is there for you in having a partner who enjoys the sweet satisfaction of creative fulfillment after years of yearning to express herself? What kind of weirdo wants their girlfriend to have her own interests? And what kind of ungrateful hussy doesn't jump to spend thousands of her own money on a romantic vacation with someone who actively resents even entertaining the possibility of the idea of her doing something that makes her artistic spirit sing?
The balance sheet of this relationship is indeed all out of whack, and it's too bad that it's taken this long for your girlfriend to see just how uneven your bargain has been. If we're going to get technical about what has "value" in a relationship — and it does seem like your girlfriend is an inveterate bean-counter in the worst way around this stuff — the best way to reconcile your mutual account, as it were, is to present your girlfriend with an itemized bill for all the services you have provided her over the years, such as allowing her to buy you a home, permitting her to forego a wage-earning career, and gifting her with the opportunity to abandon her favorite hobby. That should pretty swiftly put everything you're "missing" in stark relief, and solve the question of how she should allocate her money in the future.
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Our Guest Chapter 3 - Part 1
Vampire!Sun, Vampire!Moon, Vampire!Eclipse x Hunter Reader
(You arrive at a sinister and luxurious castle with the innocent intention of checking why its mysterious residents haven't been paying any taxes or utilities for the past several centuries. Very useful excuse for a vampire hunter to have when trying to do some good old infiltrating. The three vampire lords however, fully intend to capture and seduce you, but that is a bit difficult when you keep asking them about their financial books. Will they be able to make you theirs? Are they onto your little schemes and playing along? Will you finally get that plate of cupcakes? We'll find out)
The Grand Duke was graciously guiding you to an area he deemed appropriate for a duel, one of his right hands on your shoulder, his other right hand gently placed on the small of your back.
In your personal opinion, the corridors would have done just fine for such an activity. Eclipse, of course, did not deem them exalted enough and had proclaimed that he would take you to one of the grand halls instead.
We cannot be sufficiently dramatic in a lowly castle corridor, after all.
You had wondered how he would be transporting the heavy chest containing all the weaponry, but he had quickly solved that mystery through another one of his “parlour tricks“, having it dissolve into diamond dust and safely teleport to the desired location in advance.
Practical and stylish, you couldn't deny that.
His remaining arms were elegantly folded behind his back, his stride regal and dignified, perfect balance and seemingly not a single physical weakness for you to exploit. Immaculate composure, absolute control over each movement and gesture. A vampire lord par excellence.
No matter, there was plenty of other useful information for you to deduce.
Rich amber scent, the soft sound of his cloak moving, the faint echo of his steps, almost imperceptible despite his imposing stature. This was very important to memorize for potential encounters in the dark or if any obstacle were to limit your sight. Moreover, with proper concentration and precision, it was possible for you to use a variant of echolocation if necessary. Air movement itself could betray someone's location or if there was an incoming object.
Eclipse had four arms and therefore it was safe to assume skillful ambidexterity, but you were unsure if he would utilize that against you in a “friendly“ duel. You could use his unfair advantage as an argument for potential disqualification if he got too carried away. One should never underestimate the importance of formalities, they could save you even when the cards were stacked against you, all actions of the other party could be declared null and void due to a simple irregularity.
A dull ache in your stomach reminded you that you were still rather hungry, and a more rational part of your mind began to chastise you for agreeing to play around before getting a good meal first, but you couldn't afford to miss out on an opportunity to get to know your foes better. You wondered whether your dinner could simply be delivered to your chambers after you were done with the whole spectacle. Playing with clingy vampires does take a lot of energy.
A clawed finger wrapped around a lock of your hair.
“You are quiet and pensive, my dear. What devilish strategies are going through that lovely head of yours?“
“Oh, nothing, I am just working on a masterplan that will help me steal all the cupcakes from your kitchen. Beware.“
“How dastardly of you. Has this been your plan all along?“
“All is permitted when one's objective is to acquire treats.“
You blushed as he pulled you closer, placing a part of his cloak over your shoulders as if he were sharing a blanket with you. The gesture was intimate and the soft texture of the fabric reminded you that you couldn't wait to finally take a nap after dawn breaks. One couldn't sleep while the vampires were still awake, after all. Even Sun needed a short rest, despite his eternally insomniac ways.
Eclipse continued to play with your hair, combing his fingers through its softness.
“An intriguing statement, morning star. Are we using a narrow or a broad definition of treats?“
“What would be the broad one for you, sir?“
His hand temporarily left your tresses, claws tenderly sliding down your cheek, passing the jawline and finally caressing along the silken skin of your neck. Your pulse was right under his touch, warm and nectarous blood concealed by such a fragile barrier. The most precious parts of a flower had nothing other than delicate petals to protect them, after all.
“For now I will say that it is open to interpretation.“
Electric tingles danced along your spine and you closed your eyes, fully aware of the rather compromising position you were in, having such a vital area exposed to the tender mercies of a vampire. However, the cacophonous chaos of fear and panic were silenced by the symphony of curiosity, wondering how far he would let you go on with your little performance.
“Forgive me for being so bold, my lord, but if an objective bystander were to interpret the way you are looking at me right now, they may assume that I qualify as a treat in your books.“
“I never made an attempt to hide that I consider you a special type of treat that I intend to savour eventually. There is a proper time for everything.“
“Really? In that case, I warmly suggest you head on to the State Intellectual Property Office to inform them that you created a way to have your cake and eat it, too.“
“Oh, do they offer rewards?“
“Licenses, patents, exclusive rights and such.“
He leaned closer, whispering in your ear, completely concealing you in his cloak as he did so. A playful purr came from him, his eyes alight with mirth.
“Exclusive rights to enjoy our treat whenever we please?“
Your cheeks were ablaze from the sudden closeness, his touch offering pleasant sensations to coax you to relax in his arms. Eclipse's presence was indeed a feast for the senses, the strength of his body, the soft fabric of his fine garments, the timbre of his voice, eyes of gold.
Now, now, do not lose your head just yet. You had anticipated his amorous behaviour, nothing out of the ordinary and all according to your calculations. You told yourself to remain focused, no matter the temptation.
Still, you did not push him away yet. Certain concessions had to be given to keep a vampire lord's interest alive, which is why you indulged him and his brothers when it came to their silly courtship shenanigans. Moreover, it was of crucial importance to continue extending the metaphorical olive branch and show no direct hostility. Antagonizing them could only cost you everything in the end.
You cannot lead monsters astray if you get devoured along the way.
“You are free to apply, but make sure to fill out all the forms correctly or they will ask you to do the paperwork all over again. Bureaucracy is a silent killer.“
“The prize is worth the toil. Although, why bother with such administrative nonsense when there is a myriad of other tools at our disposal to help us mark that delicacy as our own? Quick, effective, delicious, a bond stronger than death.“
“Fair warning, sir, I won't be held liable if eating the treat too fast ends up making you feel unwell. You may direct all of your medical complaints to my nonexistent secretary.“
“Cheeky little thing.“
“I only speak the truth.“
“We can handle whatever you have to offer, be it heaven or hell, bitter or sweet, a true gourmet appreciates all that stimulates the palate.“
“Even poison?“
“Give me every last drop of it to study and analyze, allow me to memorize its structure, I shall cherish it like liquid jewels.“
“Such things you say, lord Eclipse.“
“Permit me to keep entertaining you for the rest of eternity, I promise it will be worth your while.“
You closed your eyes as one pair of his hands squeezed your hips, the other pair rubbing at your sides to ease the tension in your body. Honestly, you had half a mind to simply ask him for a massage. After all, Marquis Moon had been pretty good at it, maybe the same talent ran in the whole family. You hummed, showing contentment, and the Grand Duke took it as a sign to keep playing with you.
Ghostly kisses were placed along your neck, your jawline, then his lips finally settled at the sensitive corner of your mouth. He wanted a proper reaction, waited for you to concede and lean closer to form a proper kiss, but you remained perfectly balanced on that fine line between stern professionalism and playful coquetry.
Eclipse reached for your hand and you allowed him to do so. His lips lingered on the sensitive skin of your inner wrist, right above the pulse. A hint of red circles appeared in his golden eyes, desire and thirst providing exquisite torture, the hymn of your blood calling for his primal instincts to awaken. He spoke, voice darker than the night:
“Has anyone else tried to make you theirs?“
“Alas, I am married to my work for the moment.“
“Are you now? Work does not warm your nights nor does it provide a proper appreciation of your charms. My brothers and I would love to offer a solution for such a glaring problem.“
“If you insist, you may submit a written application and I shall review it when I have the time. Possibly right before sleep.“
He continued to nuzzle your inner wrist, almost as if waiting for your radial artery to tell him your secrets.
“Be careful who you allow into your thoughts before slumber. We may follow you to the lovely realm of your dreams, and there is no escape from your own mind.“
“That works both ways, my lord. If I cannot get out, then neither can those that are there with me. We will be sharing one big happy nightmare together.“
It was difficult to determine who was leading the metaphorical dance. By all logic, he was the one that should be granted the role of the hunter and subduer. And yet, there you were, seemingly allowing him to have his way, but simultaneously keeping your distance and messing with him. Will-o'-the-wisp, fairy light, sneaky nymph trying to lead him across a broken bridge and doing your best to convince him that you only had the purest intentions. He wondered how many beings of the night had met their demise by following your siren song right into the light of the sun.
Nevertheless, he was delighted with your nonsense. You were absolutely adorable. Darling Red Riding Hood trying to outsmart the Big Bad Wolf and the Twin Hunters.
Aggressive mimicry was a common thing in Nature, predators pretending to be prey, but he had never seen someone in your profession apply such a tactic before. It was far more common for people in that line of work to focus primarily on making a direct onslaught, quick and sudden attacks, unexpected raids. A somewhat reasonable logic. After all, the objective of an average “totally legitimate tax inspector“ was to accomplish as much as possible in the short amount of time they were given. They were always plagued with a sense of urgency, needing to act before their more potent enemy retaliated.
You, on the other hand, were playing the long game. Entering the belly of the beast, making yourself comfortable, confusing everyone around you and acting as if your presence there was the most normal thing in the world. The risk of death hanging over your head, danger all around you, two wrong words and one wrong move away from being caught in your little scheme, but there you were, at ease in the eye of the storm.
Eclipse had encountered plenty of humans in his long existence, yet none had managed to provide such an interesting object of study. It was pure absurdity, your actions were both calculated and whimsical, you had created a conundrum specifically designed to awaken a vampire's curiosity, giving them a riddle to solve, grains of sand to count. It was the equivalent of handing them a piece of paper that had “turn around“ written on both sides, using their own obsessive nature against them.
Clever tactic, Y/N, wonderful novelty, finally a breath of fresh air on the scene, he applauded your effort. No matter, he would find a way to tangle you in your own web, nicely wrapped up as a gift for all three of them and they would take very good care of you. One may even say that they were saving you from the fate of potentially falling into the hands of the more ferocious members of their kind.
In a world of debauched immortals, a human with blood as sweet-scented as yours would be a priority target. Special little gems like you were rare, akin to very expensive bottles of wine, and undoubtedly many beasts wouldn't miss on the opportunity to get their hands on you. It was not uncommon for various Lords and Masters to bring forth a captive human during banquets to be shared with their esteemed guests. Bleeding a prized prisoner and distributing their blood in crystal glasses was a sign of being a good host.
He couldn't let that happen to you. A star's place was in the sky.
Nevertheless, he had every intention of making it clear to you that you had an obligation to descend from the heavens each time he or his brothers called for you. You needed to be taught some humility and gratitude for their kindness, it was only fair. Respect held the same value as gold.
As for your side of the playing field, dear Y/N, all was going according to your plan. Well, with a few modifications in comparison to the initial version, but things were as they should be and you still had your head attached to your shoulders, so good for you.
Balance mattered most, your modus operandi was simple in its essence. Dance for them, keep them intrigued, enthrall them, but never let them truly claim their prize. Never forget your advantages nor your weaknesses, both were useful tools in their own manner.
Regular vampire hunters were terrified of placing themselves in a passive position and therefore they would lose plenty of opportunities. Error in philosophy. One simply needed a change of perspective.
The dynamic of predator and prey completely shatters into a myriad of mirror shards when the parched predator writhes in agony, while the prey smiles sadistically, just out of reach, just enough for the predator to dream of a feast that will never come. The former becomes the one who begs the latter for mercy, a single drop of blood to keep him from the abyss of starvation. The prey begins to dictate when the predator gets to eat, pulling at the newly made leash as they pleased.
Of course, all of those tidbits of wisdom had come to you after years of practice, intense study and certain other unpleasant situations that had given you a more detailed insight into the inner workings of elite vampire society.
You had been in a very unfavourable position when you had first entered your line of work. Lost, inexperienced, driven only by the strength of a promise and the power of determination. Trial and error had been your initial mentors, holding you by the hand as they introduced you to the more chaotic aspects of the supernatural, assisting you in finding a stable musical rhythm in a dissonant world of death, darkness and deranged tomfoolery.
The brutal world of vampires and hunters was madness incarnate, completely different from the comfortable environment you had known for most of your life. Your home and your family meant everything to you. Playful ghosts and poltergeists, a kind harpy, a supportive werewolf and a gentle bear yeti had done their best to raise you, giving you all of their love ever since you had been left on their doorstep as a child. You had to persist in your endeavours of making the world a safer place for those that wished to live in peace, both humans and benevolent supernatural beings alike.
Undaunted, you had kept marching onward, making your way through the hellish landscape of reality, walking from page to page of the book that was writing itself as you went along.
Still, you had never been truly comfortable in the role of the protagonist, on display for all to see and for all of your foes to know who you were. You desired privacy, the veil of secrecy and the infinite knowledge of the narrator, always present yet never seen. And so, you had adapted accordingly.
Discretion and disguises. Observation and mimicry. The camouflage and wisdom of serpents, the patience and humility of spiders, the continuous flexibility of plants in the wind, ethereal skill of ballet dancers, the silent presence of ghosts, the endurance of ice and the softness of freshly fallen snow, all of it had contributed to the development of your own special philosophy of dealing with powerful opponents.
You were very well aware that you had been blessed with blood far sweeter than that of most humans and therefore you were perfect bait. Your blood had become an important part of your arsenal, on par with blades bathed in holy water, hawthorn stakes, needles, toxins and your trustworthy hand mirror that could create temporary illusions.
Well, even your umbrella that had met its untimely demise in the wind. There had been a small dagger hidden in the handle, and you were rather fond of such a practical weapon. Alas, you would have to procure a new umbrella of that sort. May the old one rest in pieces.
There were many practical ways of dealing with ravenous creatues of the night when desperate times demanded for desperate measures, especially when you needed a quick way of getting a particularly problematic group away from an inhabited area. Weapons were only useful when their target was in range and when one was certain that there would be sufficient success. Confidence was the downfall of the mighty and you had learned that vampires were most confident when they had a bleeding victim in their line of sight.
One time, you had made a few cuts along your forearms, allowing the precious nectar to flow, an invitation to the fountain of life, then you had waited for them to flock. You still remember the sight of glowing eyes in the dark alleys, all of them summoned by your scent, enchanted by the sight of your wounds. You had simply walked away, tricking them into believing that you were on death's doorstep, luring them to follow you to an old underground bunker.
You had stood in one of the dark chambers below ground, hearing them come, hearing them cackle as they thought you were trapped with them. When a sufficient number of vampires had arrived, you had pressed a button on the wall, causing the entrance doors to close, sealing all of you inside, much to the confusion of the entire congregation. Who in their right mind would willingly trap themselves with monsters?
You had been perfectly calm, your eyes colder than death as you struck a match and held it up to activate the fire alarm, sprinklers raining holy water upon every person in the room.
It goes without saying that such a thing had been akin to a rain of acid to them, agony unlike any other, to the point where they barely had the strength to retaliate against you. Sufficiently weakened, they had been powerless against your hawthorn stakes. Problem solved.
Of course, something as simple as that could never work on someone as potent and ancient as a vampire lord. They demanded a completely different treatment altogether and the process would be harrowing. Going against the Celestial Coven was nothing short of insanity and, by the heavens, you were definitely a few cards short of a full deck, Y/N.
Your gracious host noticed that your mind seemed a bit distracted, so he decided to get your attention again.
Eclipse made a swift gesture with his hand, akin to a magician performing a trick. A decorative hair comb appeared in the palm of his hand, adorned with miniature diamond stars and crescent moons. You barely had time to admire its beauty, for he was already positioning it in your hair, adjusting it to stay in place.
“There we go, icing on the cake.“
“I do hope you won't slice me open like one, sir.“
“Preposterous, my dear. You would complain too much and I am just a simple old gentleman that values what is left of his hearing.“
“I'll be taking your word for it. Otherwise I shall be suing you in a civil case for damages and additional compensation for emotional turmoil.“
“You will sue me from beyond the grave?“
“Do not underestimate the power of being petty. Also, you're in pretty good shape for a simple old gentleman, though. What is your secret? Do share.“
“What type of answer do you expect? Macabre rituals, nefarious deeds, unforgivable crimes?“
“Possibly. Unless you wished to say that the key to eternal life is the simple act of getting plenty of fresh air.“
“I would also add the act of surrounding oneself with beautiful company. Therefore, I must thank you for extending my lifespan.“
The whole exchange was absolutely absurd, an immortal flame having a conversation with a whirlwind of snow, one delighted by the whimsy of the other. Two opposite forces, none capable of making the other expire, acid and alkaline, cancelling each other out as their energies meet, dancing in a perfectly neutral zone together.
The mad scientist within him appreciated the way the structures of your souls formed bonds with one another, evolving, changing, approaching a beautiful alchemical transformation.
And yet, each time he tried to fully grasp at the core of your essence, far beyond the area he had been given permission to visit, the soft snow would turn into hard ice, denying him access, refusing to be his playmate. The Night remained incapable of claiming the Morning and Evening for itself, condemned to forever linger on the blurred border where dark blue bleeds into pink and vermilion.
Perhaps a change of tactic was in order.
To your surprise, he moved away, giving you a pat on the head. He then slightly ruffled your hair to tease you. As expected, you had the expression of an offended royal as you tried to get your tresses back in order. You two continued to walk side by side, raindrops making gentle sounds on the glass windows.
Eclipse spoke:
“Do you perchance play chess, morning star?“
“I was never a fan of it, believe it or not.“
“Really? What did that poor innocent game do to you to merit such a low regard?“
“It takes itself too seriously.“
“Do elaborate.“
“One wastes a lot of effort and there is very little payoff. What do we do and what do we gain? Moving a single piece in a limited direction and then having to wait for your foe to do the same thing? Unrewarding. Where is the cost and benefit balance in that? I'd have better results by simply telling the opponent that there is a bomb under his chair and that he should forfeit the game.“
“Morbidly practical. Is there a bomb, though?“
“I am probably bluffing, but he doesn't have to know that.“
“A creative as that is, you would still be avoiding the rules of the initial game, almost as if admitting that you cannot win by ordinary means without cheating. You could put all of that cunning to some good use by figuring out how to capture the enemy king.“
“It is rather unfair that such a stagnant piece decides the game. Catching other pieces is far more fun, they are dynamic and interesting. A challenge. Players are far happier when they capture a rook or a queen. Who would want to go around in circles afterwards to get to the king?“
“I cannot help but notice the mentality of a bounty hunter. Little mercenary on their merry way to collect whichever toys had caught their fancy that day.“
You gave him a rather stern look, your playfulness disappearing, your voice embodying the spirit of Winter.
“I do not appreciate being compared to bounty hunters and mercenaries. They deserve their own circle of eternal damnation. Those who place a price on life know little about its true value.“
You were truthful. You despised your “colleagues“ and you had little empathy for vampire hunters that worked for money. There was nothing more vile than shedding blood for a fee.
You deemed their morals to be as low as that of any other villain. Blood purchased for cash, loss of life placed in proportion to monetary gain, protection given only after a transaction had been made. Unforgivable, deplorable.
Eclipse had sensed a change within you, whimsical snow becoming a downpour of rain, threatening to drown all in its path. He had hit an unexpected sore spot. Interesting. He wanted to know more, he needed that information. For research purposes, of course.
A good alchemist knew when to introduce a proper catalyst and induce a certain reaction. External stimuli held immense power over inner stability, regardless if he was working with inanimate matter, living tissue or spiritual energy. Too bad he didn't have his gold-rimmed workshop goggles with him. Safety measures were important, especially when dealing with a special little star like you.
“Forgive me for being so bold, my dear, but is it not counterintuitive for someone in your specific profession to scoff at monetary value being attached to living beings? Financial inspection is hardly the pinnacle of morality.“
“Potential tax fraud is not really an act of charity, either. Besides, it is important to contribute to the well-being of general society.“
“I would say that my brothers and I are doing an adequate job of keeping worse evils at bay. We are a necessity in the grand mechanism of the universe. Therefore, the cosmic forces permit us a few acts of self-indulgence from time to time.“
“A mountain of lesser evils shall never reach the tower of the greater good, lord Eclipse.“
“Look at you, child of Spring and Winter, all wise and mighty on your high horse. Beware, for the beast's loyalty to the rider is fickle and one day it might rear up and run off, leaving you on the ground with a broken neck.“
“Bold of you to assume I hadn't already survived many falls, sir.“
“And you always get up and pursue the same madness?“
“There is no other route for me.“
“I do hope the Revenue and Audit Bureau values your heroic work. Which bright mind in that fabled insitution had decided to send you, morning star? Are you certain they had your best interests at heart? No good deed goes unpunished, regardless if you are a noble warrior or a mercenary.“
“Does it truly matter? In the end, I act within my discretion and according to my own sense of duty and justice.“
“A tax inspector with a conscience. I suppose I have seen it all now.“
“I lose no sleep, sir. Unlike the others.“
“Such a relief to hear that your slumber remains undisturbed. It would be a shame if dark circles were to appear under those beautiful eyes.“
Fate had a very bad sense of humour for even allowing such a topic to appear in what was supposed to be a casual battle of wits. You had to pull yourself together. You were on a job, you had to keep your mind stable and collected. Nevertheless, the comparison still bothered you. The mere insinuation was enough to cause a miniature storm in your mind.
You had your own reasons for entering the perilous world of hunting monsters and villains. Your actions were born out of necessity and it sickened you that there were scoundrels out there that had turned such a vocation into a lucrative career, having their wealth and glory built upon the bones of others. You had no qualms with going against your own kind in order to protect peaceful communities of supernatural beings from corrupt hunters.
May the heavens have mercy upon such people, for you had none.
You had certainly not given any all of those years ago, when hunters had shamelessly shown up at your house after being tipped off that preternatural creatures were living there. There had been no glory nor honour in that situation. Only a terrified child trying to protect their home and their family, first blood on their hands, tears in their eyes, dead men all around the room, broken vases, torn curtains, shattered mirrors. No winners.
No, no, none of that, you had to keep the balance. Sorrow was a terrible emotion, one that had a corrosive effect on both the joyful mania of Spring and the stern rationality of Winter, dragging them both into the depths of woe, an ocean of overwhelming despair.
Your emotions had momentarily melted some very important protective barriers on the threshold of your mind. Inconvenient timing, especially when there was an obscenely powerful vampiric telepath nearby.
Your luck, Y/N. Tragic.
Focus. You took a deep breath, commanding your inner chaos to freeze in time, each particle of rain suspended in the air, reminiscent of tiny crystals. Not a proper solution, dark clouds were still covering the sky of your mind space and more rain threatened to follow.
Honestly, you truly were blaming your empty stomach at this point. Mood swings and hunger went hand in hand. You sighed, knowing that you had to repair the damage caused by your words. It would be ludicrous to have all of your efforts sink over one moment of emotional weakness.
“I apologize, sir. I was unnecessarily rude and snappy, my anger was not meant to be directed at you. Probably just low blood sugar levels. I will be fine after dinner.“
In your temporary moment of grief, you had failed to notice that Eclipse was far from offended.
The Grand Duke was a scholar and an artisan, gifted with infinite patience, confidently strolling through the darkest forests towards his goals, shadows and monsters bowing with infinite reverence as he passed them by. Master of self, master of all.
Eclipse did not fear setbacks and obstacles, he welcomed and encouraged them, embracing each difficulty as if it were a dear friend. He would then proceed to dissect and disintegrate them, transforming them into something new, all in the name of the eternal cycle of alchemy. One had to place a problem under a microscope, analyze it, extract every particle of new information from its core.
So far he had only been able to read the exterior parts of your soul, the outer courtyard and surrounding areas of your mysterious sanctum. It was a magnificent facade, but he desired to visit the forbidden gardens of your fortified inner castle. Eclipse wanted access to memories, dreams, desires, and the only thing that could truly create such a key, the only substance that could open the cruel gates, was none other than the precious nectar of life that coarsed through your veins and arteries.
The future offered so many possibilities. Your blood on his lips, your blood under a glass lens, something to both savour and study, granting the bliss of a drunken haze where he could grasp at secrets yet uncovered. Exquisite, truly as if observing a star and the many stages of its life in the celestial plain.
He placed a hand on your cheek, his touch unusually tender.
“Morning star, look at me.“
And you did. No matter how brief our grief, human instinct would forever urge us to seek comfort and relief. Even if a monster were the one offering it.
There was something marvellously ironic when it came to the old saying about the eyes being the windows to the soul. It just so happened that vampires were very talented when it came to sneaking through windows and captivating the minds of their victims with their gaze alone.
One single second of eye contact, one glance into the fields of the mindscape, that was all that he needed to latch his claws onto the windowsill of your inner sanctum, crawling within, as if entering the precious chamber of slumbering prey.
When you had first arrived on their doorstep, his initial attempt had failed, your spirit strong enough to banish him from its sacred realm. The keys that had been used to unlock the gates of your mind at that time were Curiosity and Infatuation. Short-lived results. The current key was Sorrow, far more potent, but he was aware that you would eventually command him to leave once more. Therefore, he had to use his time wisely.
A majority of vampires possessed psychic abilities, but none had ever reached Eclipse's level. His true kingdom was the Subconscious. Desires, dreams, memories. The echoes of Self were not merely present in the “head“, but also coursing through the body, dynamic and ever-changing. Our blood remembered each moment of stress, joy, terror, pleasure, it contained the collective experience of each and every cell it had ever paid visit to on its journey.
A few drops of blood were enough for Eclipse to form a bond that could grant him infinite access to the psyche, and what better way to immortalize such a union than by binding the blood to the intricate structure of a glowing jewel?
One may say that Eclipse's magic was an inverted version of Sun's, both being a subset of a vampire's natural telepathic power. However, Sun focused on external illusions, tricks of the eye, visibility and invisibility, colours that existed in the reality around us, controlling the perception of others and making them see what he wanted them to see.
Now, let us resume with the Grand Duke's perspective upon entering the foyer of your mind. Well, the outskirts would be a far better word.
Springtime paradise along the border, gentle dahlia flowers of all shades and hues resting in the labyrinthine gardens, each flower containing a gem in its center, emotions and memories stored within. Dahlias were members of the Asteraceae family, coincidentally once more affirming the astral motif that had been so prominent about you.
Eclipse's cloak billowed in the wind as he walked through the field, the flowers around him turning to ice as soon as he went past. The environment had made it known to him that he was not welcome. Snowy mountains were in the distance, where Winter reigned, the horizon a deep midnight blue, a layer of pink and violet aurora borealis undulating like gauze in the faraway skies.
He kneeled down, wishing to caress the soft petals and inspect the gems residing in each bud. And yet, as soon as his clawed fingers reached for a pink bloom, cruel frost took over, denying him access. Within seconds, the initial vernal bliss was replaced with a realm of crystalline plants.
“My darling doth try to hide behind the frost of wintertide.“
Ominous clouds gathered above, undoubtedly remnants of the storm he had caused earlier. Soft thunder, subdued, yet resolute. Raindrops made their way towards the ground, but suddenly their progress was hindered and they froze mid-fall.
Enchanted by such a display, Eclipse held up his hand, gathering a few icy raindrops that were floating around him. He inspected them. Beautiful, clear, cold, almost akin to a diamond. No, not a good fit, diamonds did not fully encompass your personality. He had never had such difficulty determining the proper jewel for someone.
Frost had begun to gather along the fabric of his cloak, spreading into a myriad of intricate patterns, almost as if trying to entrap him. He grinned, waving his wrist and summoning miniature flames to remove the glistening verglas from his garments. The environment was sentient and it seemed quite offended by his actions, and for a second he could have sworn that he heard an indignant “hmpf“ echo across the fields.
A spectral version of you appeared in front of him, an embodiment of your subconscious mind, subtle annoyance present in the apparition's glowing eyes. Your inner Self commanded the raindrops to condense together and form a blade of ice, swinging it towards Eclipse. Suave as ever, the Grand Duke caught the sharp edge between his fingers as if it were as gentle as a feather, using a minimum of his strength to shatter it into a plethora of crystal shards.
Before your inner Self could properly react, Eclipse grasped their hand, bringing it to his lips for a kiss, acting with the ardent reverence of a lover.
“Wonderful security system you have here, my dear. Point already taken, I am not wanted in your kingdom. I shan't be disturbing for long tonight, we have plenty of time to enjoy our happy little nightmare together.“
Blushing and flustered, your inner Self scoffed, disappearing in a gust of smoke. Wrought iron gates materialized from the ground, blocking Eclipse's path from the rest of the area. He was about to turn around and leave, but suddenly he could hear the whispers of the past coming from the other side of the fence.
It was not for his ears, not for his eyes, and he was fully aware of it. Nevertheless, he approached the gates once more, bearing witness to the many shifts and changes of scenery. A quaint old mansion appeared in the distance. It had a sophisticated style, but one could definitely see the signs of Time taking its toll, several parts falling into disrepair.
You, or rather a memory of you, were sitting on a garden bench, reading, an additional pile of books waiting for your attention next to you.
A trio of silly poltergeists with propeller hats appeared above your head, giggling as they snatched your book away. You looked upwards, surprised, slightly irked, but not truly angry. In a way it reminded Eclipse of the same look he would give to his brothers when they were teasingly reminding him of that one time he got stuck in the castle's secret passageways.
You reached for your book, but they merely floated away. Suddenly, a ghost of a fox-like pirate manifested to chastise the poltergeist siblings for their mischief. The trio made a little apology and returned the book to you, after which they all managed to land on your head and read along with you.
A bear yeti with kind eyes and a gentle smile came out of the house after hearing all the commotion. He was accompanied by a stern werewolf lady that was assisting him as he walked, helping him keep balance, his limp indicating an old injury that had never properly healed.
The whole group assembled around you, keeping you company as you began to read out loud for them all. A cheerful harpy joined you soon after, bringing a tray of cupcakes for everyone to enjoy.
Interesting. Very, very interesting.
Eclipse pressed his palm against the cold metal of the gate lock, assessing its strength. Impossible to open, not without the key that only your precious blood could procure for him. Such a mind, playing between two extremes, as enticing as the cogs within a clock, as unfathomable as the power of a nascent star.
The skies began to clear, clouds dissolving into oblivion, replaced by the gentle pink and blue hues entwined in their eternal celestial dance, impossible to tell whether it was early morning or late evening. Nevertheless, the legendary star was visible, watching over all.
Loving memories seemed to serve as a stabilizer for you, a comfort that brought equilibrium. Eclipse's golden eyes looked down at the frozen plants once more, having noticed that a single dahlia flower had freed itself from its glacial prison, tender petals showing off their magenta splendour. The gem in its center reflected the astral majesty in the sky.
Without further ado, the Grand Duke reached to claim his prize, holding the flower and the gem in his clutches with the fervour of an astronomer that had finally discovered a new world.
“Ever-changing star sapphire, pleasure to finally make your acquaintance. Do pardon my intrusion, but I will require your esteemed assistance in the process of reaching your owner's core, I hope you do not mind. Shall we?“
With a silent yet sinister laugh, Eclipse transformed into a shadowy phantom, his spectral form making a final bow to show reverence to your inner kingdom, before disappearing completely.
Mere seconds had passed in the “real“ world and thankfully your conscious self had not even realized he had paid your mind a little visit.
You moved his hand away from your cheek.
“As I said, I will be fine after dinner, no need to worry about me. You seem rather focused, though. Is there something stuck in my eye, sir?“
“Yes, but I scared it away.“
“Oh, look. Here it is.“
You tilted your head in confusion, blinking at him as if he were mad. Well, he probably was, but still. Eclipse made a few elegant gestures with his fingers, not unlike earlier when he was conjuring that beautiful decorative comb for you.
An oval star sapphire appeared in the palm of his hand for you to see. Its colours were shifting from pink to blue, forming lovely shades of indigo when blended together, before parting ways once more. As accustomed you had gotten to Eclipse's magic, you would probably never fully get used to it, the sheer limitless absurdity of it.
“I was wondering what stone to use to make a perfect ornament for you and I finally found it. This little treasure represents you in every sense of the term, my love.“
Instinctively, you reached for the jewel, but Eclipse moved his hand out of your grasp.
“No, no, you haven't earned it yet.“
“Wasn't it supposedly mine in the first place, though?“
“Pardon, I should probably change my wording. I meant that you haven't earned it back, yet.“
“And I can earn it back how?“
“Either defeat me in our duel or in a chess party. Here, an additional incentive for you. Another one of our infamous parlour tricks.“
He made a circular motion with his finger, commanding the matter of the gem to morph into whichever shape he desired, going through various forms before settling for the elegant shape of a chess piece. Magic and beauty notwithstanding, you were slightly disappointed with the type of piece he had chosen. Eclipse noticed your displeasure and spoke:
“No need to pout, my dear. It will be all yours, I promise.“
“Why am I a pawn, though?“
“You need to work a little bit to get promoted from pawn to queen.“
The storm outside had subsided in the meantime, but only for the moment. After all, it had to clear the stage for the tempests that were yet to come.
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lira456 · 1 year
Naruto failure of hokage in every front like his ancestors
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Many things needed fair conclusions which were overlooked so what naruto did what kind of reform he enforced regarding clan laws and treatments because of uchiha tragedy, regarding reformation of child soldiers and anbu matters becuase of rin and itachi, regarding reforming continental laws and regulation if invasion of small coutries and villages happening and their rebuilding and reparation because of wrongdoings 5 NATIONS AND KAGE have caused in the past,
also how he gonna bind all shinobi villages and even countries in the mutual trust and common ground so that nothing unlawful conclusion happen like that of shikimaru shinden and who gonna maintain or correct it in future that's why you need solid effective laws that equally and equitably benefit and treat and question everyone( author only just blink of some years bring phone,computer and video games but still maintains feudal sytem does not have international laws we have under UN so that no one can easily go to war even israelis are condemned against by UN but in naruto we don't have any such organization,laws,platform for time to time problem which can connect all shinobi countries and villages on the continent, even villages can not oppose their daimyo's order meaning they have no alternative source of income so naruto did not find another way for complete econmical survival without shinobi missions on 80 percent level such as using chakra and exporting chakra tech not for warfare especially and chakra natures lol feels like he still wants to maintain system in 60 percent ground: pure bad writing to continue boruto),
also what about orphanage system for other villages especially orphan from small villages or destructive land or from remote area like that of ryogi and kabuto and kara children and ame child how did not naruto send no shadow clone or shinobi for such purpose as he always preach about how he understand everyone's pain so called messiah or any welfare like system for poor shinobi from impoverished village shinobi or even his own village especially their widows and orphans did not shown or pension like something for shinobi especially who lost their body parts such as guy or some especial payment for shinobi like kawaki's father and give him alternative employment becuase of being war hero could have saved kawaki feels like villages abandoned many remaining shinobi or why not give them alternative employment because of their past service (just simply dispose of them if they lost value so cruel, just how pain said), by checking all the shinobi they could have but becuase they don't have correct and effective database like system even without tech that's how inaffective their shinobi system is because it's only focus on deciphering stupid message that would do no good for average shinobi and their family, collect tax from people building hiring,build some stupid building, maintain shinobi academy and its doctrination and missions and ranks and secret non transparent scheme meaning they don't have any citizen or shinobi benefit only jonin and upper echelon have that luxury even nothing special fund for orphan that's why ryogi doest not send to kabuto nothing specific, only all connected to glrifying and worshipping their anscestor that's why they don't have effective database maintained because of that after the war they lost track many shinobi and who knows how their family survived not shown not even regarding the other villages saddening, also about their individual desire or dream for that can they stop being shinobi suddenly or leave the village, did not shown regarding such issues especially how they panicked when mitsuki left and send their kids to die really sad.
it seems they even don't have unique trade that could connect all in a way that not one can lie or go to war meaning kakashi did not create any trade system only how they can rebuild and maintain ninja system which was in threat because lack of manpower(losing most of the shinobi in the war) meaning focused mostly making buildings,transportation,long distant upgraded message device and sharing shinobi missions with other villages, so kakashi did not change any political,children curriculam,ideological and law related issues in the village, naruto not even focused on changing of dangerous social struture in kiri village and lack of resources problem in iwa country and village, even we did not see how sand village's lack of resouce problem and how they solved it under gaara, really half baked, so many things overlooked,
so even did not even focus on what law or regulation he would establish to maintain clan's inner environment and conflicts becuase hyuga slavery( ther are maybe no large clans left in konoha anymore because in boruto we never see any clan meeting like that of hyuga or many clan fighting together like sarutobi and akimichi only showed some yamanaka power but not said whether they are members of yamanaka or not that's likely most died in the war, ony maybe at bare minimum members around 20 to 30 and they maintain no more clan positive harmonious tradition like clan meeting and practice just stop the heritage as we are not shown, meaning some cultural genocide, naruto as hokage could have celebrated each clan's power as culture festival making it show in public like we see chinese,european cultures etc. in many carnival and festival, in this way he could have connected and create harmony and pleasure for these lost heritage clans because naruto was suppose to be a hope that connect people it seems he has forgotten his own theme in boruto cooperation through understanding and sharing pain lol he is not doing that kind of effort to maintain harmony,peace and love among village,clan and outsider instead he is busy in collecting more power and benefit from amado and eida and katasuke and even from kawaki, that's strategic why both kawaki and boruto remained in konoha and not in other village, so much for mutual trust lol.
This is why naruto as a hokage and MC is complete bulshite and loser especially kishimoto's false half baked writing surrounding lack of insight of political atmosphere felt so underserving and hypocritical because i felt so much ideological and behavioral difference between zabusa arc naruto and ending &boruto naruto, really dissapointing.
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A jury in Manhattan has found former President Donald Trump's company guilty of a long-running criminal tax fraud scheme that lasted into his presidency.
Though Trump and his company have repeatedly faced criminal investigations, this case marks the first time his company has been charged, tried, and convicted on criminal charges.
Trump built his political brand, in large part, on his claim that he was an aggressive and successful businessman.
In all, the jury found two entities controlled by Trump guilty on 17 counts of criminal tax fraud and falsifying business records. The maximum penalty is $1.6 million.
Prosecutors had previously secured a guilty plea last summer from Trump's former longtime Chief Financial Officer Allen Weisselberg, who became the star witness for the prosecution in the case.
But Weisselberg's co-defendants, two Trump business entities, remained under indictment.
On Halloween, prosecutors made their opening arguments in the trial of the Trump Corporation (which encompasses most of his business empire) and the Trump Payroll Corporation (which processes payments to staff), arguing that the case was about "greed and cheating."
Trump Corporation attorney Susan Necheles told jurors in her opening statement that the trial is not a referendum on Trump, and asked them to keep an open mind.
Both sides emphasized that Trump was not a defendant, yet the former president's name came up frequently.
Some of the most attention-grabbing evidence presented to the jury were documents with Trump's signature: a rental agreement for a luxury apartment used by Weisselberg, a private school tuition check written for a grandchild of Weisselberg's. Weisselberg admitted he did not declare these benefits as income, as required by law.
In his summation, Assistant District Attorney Joshua Steinglass pointed a rhetorical finger directly at Trump, saying Trump sanctioned tax fraud. The defense vigorously objected, and the objection was sustained by the judge.
During the course of the trial, outside the four walls of the courtroom, Trump declared he was running for president, and frequently lambasted Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg on social media.
Weisselberg previously pleaded guilty to 15 felony tax charges. He admitted hiding the part of his salary that was paid through untaxed benefits like a luxury apartment, Mercedes-Benz leases for him and his wife, and private school tuition for his grandchildren.
The compensation was never reported to New York State or to the IRS.
As part of his plea deal, Weisselberg agreed to testify truthfully and to serve five months in jail.
During his testimony, which laid out the details of his criminal tax fraud, Weisselberg acknowledged that he still receives a $640,000 salary from the Trump Organization – though he has been placed on leave – and of hopes to receive an end-of year bonus.
At issue in this trial was whether Weisselberg and another top executive, Trump Organization Comptroller Jeffrey McConney acted "in behalf of" the corporate entities when they compensated Weisselberg and other top executives by paying for the apartments and luxury benefits that did not get reported to the tax authorities.
In his instructions to jurors, before they reached a verdict, Judge Juan Merchan said that did not mean Trump's company benefited from the scheme, although there was evidence that it did.
Weisselberg acknowledged knowing taxes were owed on that compensation, but it was never reported.
Prosecutors argued that by compensating top executives in this fashion, the Trump Organization was able to save significant amounts of money.
This trial unfolded at a moment of complex legal peril for Trump and his business, with his attorneys playing defense in recent weeks in three different New York City courtrooms.
Last month, a judge required Trump's firm to submit to an outside monitor as part of an on-going $250 million civil case brought by New York Attorney General Letitia James.
James' lawsuit claims Trump and his children fraudulently manipulated the value of its real estate holdings for more than a decade, deceiving lenders and and cheating tax authorities.
Trump and his attorneys have pushed back, arguing that prosecutors in New York have overstepped their authority and engaged in a a political witch hunt against the former President.
Trump also faces federal probes involving his role in efforts to block the peaceful transfer of power after he lost the 2020 presidential election and his decision to keep classified documents after leaving the White House.
Last month, the U.S. Justice Department appointed a special counsel to oversee those investigations. Trump has also described that process as politically motivated.
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eaglesnick · 6 months
"Once you realize that trickle-down economics does not work, you will see the excessive tax cuts for the rich as what they are--a simple upward redistribution of income, rather than a way to make all of us richer, as we were told."  Ha-Joon Chang
Limited (public) company directors often receive shares in the company they are employed in as part of their salary. These shareholdings can be substantial and the dividends they receive from these shares can be considerable, especially as income from dividends is taxed at a lower rate than PAYE income.
Under the PAYE scheme ordinary working people start paying tax at the following rates:
TAX BAND                           TAXABLE INCOME                      TAX RATE
Personal allowance                 Up to £12,570                              0%
Basic rate                                £12,570 – £50,270                      20%
Higher rate                              £50,270 - £125,140                     40%
Additional rate                         over  £125,140                              45%
If you are fortunate enough to have unearned income from company share dividends the rates are as follows.
Basic rate             8.75%
Higher rate            33.75%
Additional rate       39.35%
There is a trend in big business for mandatory director share ownership:
“Research by consultants William M Mercer has found that nearly a third of the top 100 businesses in the UK now require top executives to have a substantial shareholding in their company. Some directors must own as much as five times their salary in company shares.” (ereward: 27/02 2017)
Even at lower income levels, company directors can make substantial tax savings.
On a total salary of £50,270, a company director can, by taking much of their salary in share dividends throughout the year and by having their non-dividend salary below the National Insurance threshold, only pay a total tax bill of £3,255.
If you or I earned £50,279 we would pay a total of £11,310 in taxes.
At the other extreme we have Pascal Soriot, the CEO of AstraZenica, who is reported to be in line for a £18.9 million salary this year. However:
“… a scenario outlined in the firm’s annual report showed the total amount could be boosted to as much as £25million if the shares were to rise by 50 per cent.”  (This is Money: 20/02/24)
Soriot has a base salary of £1.43 million per annum, the bulk of his massive income being made up by other payments. . For most people Soriot’s basic salary is beyond their wildest dreams, and to be paid nearly £19 million is obscene. I don’t know how much (if any ) of Soriot’s income comes from share ownership and dividends,  as this information is near impossible to find out.
What we do know is that “insider individuals” – board members and other top managerial officials of AstraZenica  – own at least £41 million worth of AstraZenica shares. (Simply Wall St: 20/01/22.)
 As well as having assets worth £41m, these “insider individuals” will receive dividend payouts on their share holdings, and if paying tax in Britain will enjoy considerable tax benefits unavailable to the majority of hard working people in this country.
We all know there is one law for the rich and one for the rest of us, and nowhere is this more apparent than when it comes to paying taxes.
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wack-ashimself · 5 months
A new way I learned the fuckers entirely FUCK you.
The rich DON'T pay their #taxes. They take out #lifeinsurance policies on themselves (& others) at the MAXIMUM monetary value, accruing interest the whole time, then, taking that money out WHENEVER they want, tax free, in and out. Private savings account exclusively for the rich.
THEN they take out #mortgages on #houses to rent out. Rent out those houses, tax free since mortgaged, use the rent they collect on those houses to pay off the mortgage fees, and any extra income from said rent they use TO GET MORTGAGES ON EVEN MORE HOUSES TO #RENT OUT.
All this is basically #taxexempt since 'they don't officially own it.' But they can CLAIM that as an #investment, making them appear rich. WTF is going on. Our entire #economy is a ponzi scheme.
(and I learned ALL this from the guy doing my interview for a job. I didn't expect to learn something today at an interview, but am I glad I went. Interview went pretty solid too. A job exactly like I wanted.)
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dollsonmain · 11 months
Ok if I had called before sending the previous payments, it would have saved $3k in physician's fees, and then another $3k for having paid that stuff off quickly.
Isn't a lot actually, in the grand scheme of things. It's just under a month's wages for That Guy so.
That one's on me since I didn't know that I should call them and ask for a reduction for the physicians' fees or to have my account flagged for the prompt payment discount. I just pay the bills when they come in.
Maybe I would have known if I'd had medical care for the past 16 years.
I've been completely separated from how life works.
But since I DID call, the remainder has been reduced about $6k assuming That Guy pays it off all at once before Nov 30, and that would be a good idea for him anyway because then he can claim it all on his taxes for the year without having to consider the -7.5% of gross adjusted income- that's not deductible twice for having spread the payments out over two years.
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mwananchicreditbest · 7 months
Mwananchi Credit Highlights the Importance of Teaching Financial Literacy In Schools
How many times have we read numerous newspaper articles about children who squandered their inheritance money or how they trusted quick “get rich” schemes and was dubbed out of it? Again, how many times have we seen an employee who worked tirelessly for 30+ years and went on retirement, only to splurge away their pension pay-outs and suffer in their old age? Better yet, how many young people currently employed are living from paycheck to paycheck with debts overwhelming them, credit cards here, over-drafts there, revolving loans, the list is endless. The most common reason is that many heirs, pensioners or even the young workforce are simply inexperienced at handling money.
A million dollars can be put to so much good use. However, once it is spent recklessly, it can no longer produce income. Isn’t it amazing that we all completed high school knowing algebra, the scientific table, and the human anatomy, but not how to open a bank account, how to file a tax return, the importance of having funeral covers or even something as simple as budgeting and saving?
The current education system is slow to teach simple money management habits/techniques to children growing up. Most young people will graduate from universities or start new businesses with no financial foundation. As a society we lack basic financial literacy thus teaching financial literacy in schools is critical in passing on general wealth.
Financial attitudes and habits begin to mold at a very young age. It is extremely important to expose children to how to use money wisely and to smart financial decision making. School curriculum can range from budgeting and cash flows so that young people understand the concept of ‘money in, money out’ and how that will impact them in the long term.
Our young people need to know how loans work, how interests are charged on these loans and how it can impact their financial situation over the long run. Notwithstanding the above, the importance of retirement planning the power of putting a little bit of money away today and where that can land you in the future, are all critical. By teaching financial literacy in schools, we can change the narrative from poverty to debt-free lifestyle, from inheritance money being a “curse” to a gift.
Furthermore, we can pass on generational wealth by enabling our young people to make informed decisions. In this digital and social media era, we find that our young people take out a personal loans today just to finance a trip to Paris or California and only to realize that upon their return, they must start repaying this loan with a very high interest rate for four years. Just to take out another loan to offset that and find themselves in a pool of financial difficulty.
I know that many might argue that if you are a high school teenager, you most likely don’t have much money, you don’t have access to credit, you don’t have a job- so is there really any point in teaching such a youngster about savings, investing, taxes or budgeting? However, many of us were taught religious, moral education and life skills in school and that shaped us in many ways for life. We learned basic principles of respect, sharing, caring and discovering our identity. Another subject that was introduced in recent years was entrepreneurship because it uses developing real world skills that will help learners lead exceptional lives in a rapidly changing world by teaching children to think outside the box.
Many western countries have introduced Financial Literacy in their school curriculum examples of these countries are Australia, Canada, Denmark, Finland, Germany, Israel, the Netherlands, Norway and Sweden just to name a few.
Our current school curriculum equips children how to be great doctors and individuals with great business skills. Since the children of today are going to be the leaders of tomorrow, financial literacy will equip them with the skills they will need to become financially literate adults. In the end their future and that of our country Kenya is depending on it.
Mwananchi credit is the leading Microfinance company in Kenya providing log book loans and other secured emergency loans, Mwananchi Credit is at the forefront in championing for financial literacy good finance planning for individuals and SMEs.
Welcome to Mwananchi credit, Investor in people
PLEASE CALL 0709 147 000  SMS:’’LOAN’’ TO 23877 OR DIAL *684#
Article by Gitonga Muriithi, Head of Commercial, Mwananchi Credit
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the-daily-tizzy · 1 year
China does NOT hold the largest amount of U.S. DEBT; U.S. Social Security Administration does!
A woman, or man dies at age 65 before collecting one benefit check.
She/He and her employer paid into the system for almost 50 years and she collected NOTHING
Keep in mind all the working people that die every year who were paying into the system and got nothing.
And these governmental morons mismanaged the money and stole from the system, so that it's now going broke.
And they have the audacity to call today's seniors "vultures" in an attempt to cover their ineptitude.
The real reason for renaming our Social Security payments is so the government can claim that all those social security recipients are receiving entitlements thus putting them in the same category as welfare, and food stamp recipients.
By changing the name of SS contributions, it gives them a means to refute this program in the future.
It's free money for the government to spend under this guise.
The Social Security check is now (or soon will be) referred to as a Federal Benefit Payment ?
The government is now referring to our Social Security checks as a "Federal Benefit Payment."
This is NOT a benefit.
It is OUR money, paid out of our earned income!
Not only did we all contribute to Social Security, but our employers did too!
It totaled 15% of our income before taxes.
If you averaged $30K per year over your working life, that's close to $180,000 invested in Social Security.
If you calculate the future value of your monthly investment in social security ($375/month, including both you and your employers' contributions) at a meager 1% interest rate compounded monthly, after 40 years of working you'd have more than $1.3+ million dollars saved .
This is your personal investment.
Upon retirement, if you took out only 3% per year, you'd receive $39,318 per year, or $3,277 per month
That's almost three times more than today's average Social Security benefit of $1,230 per month, according to the Social Security Administration. (Google it – it's a fact).
And your retirement fund would last more than 33 years (until you're 98 if you retire at age 65)!
I can only imagine how much better most average-income people could live in retirement if our government had just invested our money in low-risk interest-earning accounts.
Instead, the folks in Washington pulled off a bigger Ponzi scheme than Bernie Madoff ever did (or Lyndon Johnson).
They took our money and used it elsewhere.
They "forgot"(oh yes, they knew) that it was OUR money they were taking.
They did not have a referendum to ask us if we wanted to lend the money to them…and they didn't pay interest on the debt they assumed.
And recently they have told us that the money won't support us for very much longer. (Isn't it funny that they NEVER say this about welfare payments ?)
But is it our fault they misused our investments?
And now, to add insult to injury, they are calling it a benefit, as if we never worked to earn every penny of it
This is stealing !
Just because they borrowed the money, does not mean that our investments were for charity!
Let's take a stand.
We have earned our right to Social Security and Medicare.
Demand that our legislators bring some sense into our government.
Find a way to keep Social Security and Medicare going for the sake of the 92% of our population who need it.
Then call it what it is: Our Earned Retirement Income .
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swarajfinpro236 · 8 months
Maximizing Savings through Income Tax Planning Services in Jabalpur with Swaraj FinPro
Residing in Jabalpur and seeking avenues to reduce tax burdens? Implementing income tax planning strategies can serve as an investment avenue to retain a larger portion of your earnings.
Through astute financial management and capitalizing on available tax-saving avenues, you can curtail tax obligations and bolster your savings.
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Here's a breakdown of how you can minimize taxes through Income Tax lanning Services in Jabalpur:
Familiarizing Yourself with Tax Deductions and Exemptions: The Indian government offers various deductions and exemptions to individuals aiming to mitigate tax liabilities. By scrutinizing your expenditures and investments, you can pinpoint opportunities to claim deductions under sections such as 80C, 80D, 80CCD, etc., of the Income Tax Act. Contributions to schemes like PPF, EPF, life insurance premiums, home loan EMIs, and health insurance premiums are instrumental in reducing taxable income.
Harnessing Tax-Saving Investments: Allocating funds to tax-saving instruments like Equity Linked Savings Schemes (ELSS), National Pension System (NPS), and tax-saving fixed deposits not only aids in tax reduction but also fosters wealth accumulation over time. These investments offer the dual advantage of tax savings and potential returns, making them an appealing choice for individuals aiming to optimize tax planning.
Retirement Planning: Planning for retirement can yield significant tax benefits. Options such as the National Pension Scheme (NPS) and Public Provident Fund (PPF) facilitate systematic tax deductions, offering a tax-efficient approach to building a retirement corpus. These avenues ensure financial security during retirement and provide a steady income stream.
Seeking Guidance from Financial Advisors: Consulting with proficient Financial Advisors in Jabalpur is pivotal in formulating a comprehensive tax-saving strategy tailored to your unique financial scenario. Given the challenge individuals face in allocating a portion of their income to taxes, the Indian government provides diverse options to enhance income retention, secure retirement, and offer flexibility and diversification.
ELSS scheme : ELSS scheme is a great tax saving option under section 80c, allowed by Income tax department aims to save on tax and build wealth in longer term. A very important feature of the ELSS i.e. Equity Linked Saving Scheme is it has lowest lock in period for say only 3 years. If invested lumpsum or one time, it will be available to withdraw just after completing 36 months means complete 3 years. Another good point is it gives much better return than other tax saving options. Third very important aspect of ELSS fund is it's tax efficiency. It attracts Long Term Capital Gains Tax after completing 3 years tenure.
In such equity oriented schemes, Long Term Capital Gains rules are different from debt funds. In such cases, profit upto Rs 100000 is tax free and above Rs 1 Lakh profit, only 10% tax is applicable.
These all features make it a favourable case to save tax through ELSS.
In summary, income tax planning presents abundant opportunities for individuals to optimize tax liabilities and bolster savings. By staying abreast of tax-saving provisions, making prudent investment decisions, and soliciting professional advice, you can efficiently manage taxes while safeguarding your financial future.
Embark on your income tax planning journey today to pave the path for a financially secure tomorrow.
For personalized assistance and expert advice on income tax planning, don't hesitate to reach out to Swaraj Finpro, a premier financial services provider in Jabalpur.
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chimax-crypto · 9 months
Introducing Choice Group: Your Secret Weapon for Financial Awesomeness in India
Choicese (CHC-SES) Transforms Asset Management Landscape in India with a $10 Billion Fund
Choicese (CHC-SES), a renowned financial institution, has entered the Indian market with a resounding impact, revolutionizing the landscape of asset management and empowering individuals to achieve their financial goals. With an impressive $10 billion fund under its management, Choicese brings extensive experience and expertise to cater to the diverse needs of investors in India. Unveiling a Comprehensive Suite of Services Choicese offers a comprehensive suite of services designed to simplify personal finance and provide tailored solutions to meet individual needs. From seamless trading to insurance coverage and retirement planning, Choicese aims to empower individuals with a wide range of financial services.
Seamless Trading Solutions: Choicese's platform provides a seamless trading experience, allowing individuals to trade equities, commodities, and currencies with ease. With advanced tools and real-time market data, investors can stay informed and make informed decisions to optimize their investment portfolios.
Diversified Mutual Fund Portfolio: Choicese serves as a convenient hub for buying and selling various types of mutual funds, providing investors with a diverse range of investment options. Whether it's equity funds, debt funds, or hybrid funds, Choicese offers accessibility and convenience for individuals to diversify their investment portfolios based on their risk appetite and financial goals.
Tailored Insurance Products: Choicese recognizes the importance of safeguarding one's financial well-being in times of uncertainty. Therefore, it offers a diverse portfolio of insurance products to provide individuals with tailored coverage options. Whether it's life insurance, health insurance, or general insurance, Choicese ensures that individuals have the necessary protection to secure their financial future.
Hassle-Free Personal Loans: Choicese simplifies the process of obtaining personal loans, offering hassle-free solutions with minimal documentation. Whether it's for education, medical expenses, or any other personal need, Choicese provides individuals with flexible loan options and competitive interest rates to meet their financial requirements.
National Pension Scheme (NPS) Facilitation: As a facilitator of the National Pension Scheme (NPS), Choicese empowers individuals to plan for a secure and regular income post-retirement. With Choicese's expertise and guidance, individuals can make informed decisions regarding their pension contributions, ensuring a financially stable future.
Bond Investments for Optimal Returns: Choicese presents opportunities to invest in bonds, diversifying investment portfolios and optimizing returns. With a wide range of bond options, individuals can explore fixed income investments that align with their risk tolerance and financial objectives.
Public Provident Fund (PPF) for Long-Term Tax Savings: Choicese offers the popular Public Provident Fund (PPF), providing individuals with stable returns and long-term tax benefits. By investing in PPF, individuals can enjoy tax deductions while accumulating wealth over time. Why Choose Choicese (CHC-SES)?
Choicese stands out as a trusted financial partner due to its commitment to technological innovation, market insights, and a proven track record of success. Through the Choicese FinX Trading App, individuals gain access to a sophisticated and user-friendly interface, enabling seamless wealth management. Additionally, Choicese provides valuable market insights and expert analysis, empowering individuals to make informed investment decisions.
Choicese (CHC-SES) has made a remarkable entry into the Indian market, offering a comprehensive suite of services to empower individuals in their financial journey. With its seamless trading solutions, diversified mutual fund portfolio, tailored insurance products, hassle-free personal loans, NPS facilitation, bond investments, and PPF offerings, Choicese caters to the diverse financial needs of its clients. Backed by a $10 billion fund managed with expertise and excellence, Choicese is poised to transform the asset management landscape in India. Visit Choicese's website at [https://choiceses-india.com] to embark on a transformative financial journey towards prosperity and financial freedom.
Choicese (CHC-SES) Revolutionizes Indian Asset Management with a Groundbreaking $10 Billion Fund
In a move that signifies a major shift in the Indian financial landscape, Choicese (CHC-SES) has recently entered the market, wielding a formidable $10 billion fund. This entry not only diversifies the asset management options available to Indian investors but also introduces a new paradigm in personal financial management.
Key Offerings and Strategic Impact
Innovative Trading Platform: Choicese debuts with a cutting-edge trading platform, enhancing the trading experience in equities, commodities, and currencies. The integration of advanced analytical tools and real-time market updates positions investors to capitalize on market movements effectively.
Expansive Mutual Fund Selection: The company provides an extensive array of mutual funds, including equity, debt, and hybrid options. This broad selection caters to a variety of investment strategies and risk profiles, empowering investors with choices that align with their long-term financial aspirations.
Personalized Insurance Options: Emphasizing the need for comprehensive financial security, Choicese introduces a range of customized insurance products. This initiative ensures that clients have access to the right insurance coverage, from life and health to general insurance, catering to their unique circumstances.
Simplified Loan Processes: With a focus on accessibility, Choicese streamlines the process for obtaining personal loans. This approach minimizes paperwork and maximizes efficiency, addressing diverse needs like education, healthcare, and other personal investments.
Retirement Planning via NPS: Choicese actively facilitates participation in the National Pension Scheme (NPS), offering guidance and expertise to secure a stable retirement. Their advisory services help clients navigate pension contributions for a financially secure future.
Diverse Bond Investment Opportunities: The firm introduces a variety of bond investment options, broadening investment portfolios and enhancing return potentials. These investments are tailored to suit different risk tolerances and financial objectives.
Public Provident Fund (PPF) for Long-Term Savings: Choicese offers the PPF, an established avenue for secure, long-term savings with tax benefits. This is particularly appealing to investors seeking stable and consistent returns.
Why Choicese (CHC-SES) is a Game-Changer?
Choicese's approach is underpinned by a commitment to technological advancement and deep market insights. The Choicese App exemplifies this, offering an intuitive, user-friendly platform for effective wealth management. Coupled with expert market analysis, Choicese is well-positioned to guide investors towards informed and strategic financial decisions.
In conclusion, Choicese's launch in India is a significant milestone in asset management. Its comprehensive suite of services, backed by a substantial $10 billion fund, sets a new standard in the industry and promises to transform the way Indian investors approach their financial planning. For more details on Choicese's offerings and to begin your financial journey, visit [https://choiceses-india.com].
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samarthcapital · 9 months
How Can NRIs Invest in India With NRI Services?
Non-resident Indians (NRIs) hold a unique position in the Indian economy. They are not only a valuable source of foreign exchange, but also a potential force driving the country's growth story. Navigating investments in India can be a bit confusing for NRIs. Understanding where and how to invest amidst regulations, tax implications, and diverse options can feel tricky, which is why, NRIs willing to invest in India can rely on NRI services, which make investing easier as per the rules set by RBI and SEBI under the Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA).
Where Can NRIs Invest in India?
NRI services encompass a range of financial solutions tailored specifically for non-resident Indians seeking to invest, manage their wealth, and connect with their homeland. It is vital to understand where NRIs can invest in India.
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NRIs can invest directly in Indian stocks through the Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS) by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI).
Mutual Funds
Investing in Mutual Funds offers various choices like Equity, Balanced, Bond, and Liquid Funds. Unlike direct equities, NRIs investing in Mutual Funds do not require PIS permissions from RBI. However, some restrictions may apply to NRIs from the US and Canada due to reporting regulations.
Government Securities
NRIs can invest in government securities on NRE and NRO basis, each with different tax implications based on the type of investment.
Fixed Deposits
Investment opportunities in fixed deposits are available for NRIs through Banks or Non-Banking Financial Companies (NBFCs), each with its tax implications based on the NRE (Non-Resident External) or NRO (Non-Resident Ordinary) basis. NRIs can also invest in Foreign Currency Non-Resident (FCNR) fixed deposits.
Real Estate
NRIs can invest in real estate except for certain property types like agricultural land, farmland, or plantations.
National Pension Scheme (NPS)
NPS, a retirement savings plan, offers tax benefits. Contributions can be made from NRE or NRO accounts, but the pension must be received in India.
Portfolio Investment Scheme (PIS)
PIS allows NRIs to trade in shares and debentures through a designated bank account. It helps regulate NRI holdings in Indian companies, preventing breaches of set limits.
How Experts Simplify NRI Services?
Experts like Samarth Capital simplify the investment process by providing guidance, ensuring NRIs make informed decisions aligned with their goals. Here’s how they make investing easy for NRIs.
Helping open NRE / NRO savings and PIS bank accounts.
Setting up brokerage and demat accounts for trade.
Monitoring your portfolio regularly.
Engaging tax consultants for compliance.
Understanding Taxes and Rules
For NRIs, it's crucial to understand tax implications in India and their country of residence. Compliance with the Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) and filing taxes in India if taxable income exceeds the exemption limit is important.
Wrapping Up
Investing in India as an NRI offers diverse opportunities. With guidance and a grasp of regulations, NRIs can navigate this landscape effectively and make the most of available avenues. Samarth Capital, not only facilitates NRI investments but also helps foreigners invest in India with FPI services. So, whether you're an NRI or a foreigner, investment in India isn't a far-fetched dream anymore.
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