#incompetent psychiatrists
bunnihearted · 6 months
me whenever a therapist/psychiatrist speaks
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soupgalaxy · 2 months
day 4 of withdrawing from my meds and i feel like my brain straight up does not work. don’t take venlafaxine/effexor 👍🏻 withdrawals suck
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velarisdusk · 3 days
i took a break from kinktober writing to crochet a sweater (my first wearable project, im very excited) and i'm listening to the throne of glass audiobook while i do it (IT'S REALLY GOOD IM ANNOYED I DIDNT START ON THE SERIES SOONER??????)
BUT all this to say, i got the idea to - if this sweater goes well - make a velaris sweater :') with ramiel on it :') it's already a thing i know but ive wanted one since the first time i saw one on tiktok but i dont wanna buy clothes on tiktok bc im worried about wearing anything THAT cheap bc i have sensitive skin, and theyre WAY expensive on etsy, so i will make my own :D
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rackhamsglasses · 2 years
i hate doctors i hate the medical system i hate navigating health care systems i want to kill everyone explode die become dust
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rielzero · 2 years
Is there a community for fellow folks with Mutism out there?
I’m struggling to google proper search results, majority I get are ablest articles, stuff that’s only about ‘’selective’’ mutism my mutism isn’t really due something psychological, its because of a medical problem (chronic pain) which has made me lose my voice. It’s been 2+ years now and I’ve been dealing with a lot of ableism especially from people in psychiatrics field, and as an already disabled person its really annoying that every ‘’professional’’ I come across treats the disability as if it only exists out of fear. Even before losing my voice, I started talking less because small talk would result in me being unable to function for a week, it made me physical ill. I’m serious about how painful it was. 
As someone diagnosed with neurodivergence (Autism) and having a background of trauma caused by psychiatrists prescribing me with pills that I didn’t need- I have a hard time trusting any certified person with a psychiatrics certificate or diploma in my country. I have experienced a lot of abuse that I won’t dig into, but my muteness was not caused by trauma or emotions.
Throughout my childhood, I had a period were I was mute because speaking physically pained me. I did get pressured into speaking, and I was a chatter-mouth. So of course, along comes training to make sure I can ‘’control’’ my volume. The issue is, my voice echoed through my head. Werther I whispered, talked slow, or talked erratically or excitedly. There really was no point of ‘’no tension’’ every version, every time. Werther I was happy or not, I experienced a lot of tension in my throat (area of the vocal chords) and subsequently this gave me headaches due the echo thing. 
I lost my voice entirely somewhere in late 2020, and ever since I’ve been struggling with how my family treats me. Or how other people view it. They want something from me I can no longer give. It hurts physically. It gave me migraines. I’ve tried regaining it, but the doctor said it as it is: chronic pain. There’s no cure for it. Training it isn’t an option, because I’ve tried doing that my entire life, and the older I got, the worse it got.
I can still laugh and make sounds, but I still need to tone that down and keep an eye on it, because it still causes a lot pain. Just less than actively using my vocal chords to make sentences and speaking did. As for independency, I actually manage just fine. People aren’t rude when I use speech assistant or a note app, no one asks questions. Sometimes they might assume I’m deaf, but it is clear not many people understand the diversity of disabilities. I have no trouble taking care of myself. My friends are empathetic and don’t need me to be vocal to communicate with me. We still enjoy spending time together. They are very supportive and understanding.
..Most of the time as I mentioned, people make up a story that its fear oriented. I wasn’t ever really afraid of speaking. The pain came first, there’s no fear involved. I simply know and am aware of the consequences if I try and make myself speak or laugh a little too hard. Flashes, white spots, migraine.
I need to know if there’s fellow non-verbal folks out there who may have some advice on how to deal with people who keep trying to push me in a specific category in regards to this disability. Because its frustrating and annoying that I have to repeat myself that its chronic pain and anything else. If I could speak, I honestly would because its easier! Right? But I can’t anymore.
What I really don’t miss is the pain. It’s not as if I haven’t tried doing it again, but every attempt is met with a grunt and the worst headache. I don’t want to become immune to painkillers again, or have to take them every day because of one single 5 minute conversation I have to have for someone else’s convenience. I already struggled with ableism in regards to my autism. And my ex-therapist acted as if I wasn’t disabled and 100% capable of adulting.. It’s like. You what? You think I can step in a train alone without having a panic attack? You think I can work a regular job 48 hours a week without collapsing in the first hour? This is why she’s fired, pff. But she’s also fired because she too was obsessed with my muteness and would constantly derail and stress me out by forcing me to repeat myself. It’s like she couldn’t fucking listen and wasted my time. It’s  Chronic pain. It has nothing to do with fear or anxiety. I function fine when I go outside, I just can’t do everything on my own yet. I have physical disabilities that are not visible, energy related amongst other things. My senses are easily overloaded. Does anyone have some advice- (non-verbal folks) on how to deal with this? How do I keep them from forcing me to repeat this conversation until it actually clicks in their head? In the Netherlands, the psychiatrics and therapy related social workers are often really not qualified because they aren’t empathetic or they have some sort of ego going on. I have been physically and verbally abused by majority of them during my life. There are organizations that still exist to this day that really shouldn’t. It’s something widely discussed, literally all my friends have dealt with this in some form. You go there for discussing cptsd, but they can’t help but hyper focus on an entirely different thing. They you like a child once they hear you have autism. You literally get talked to as if you’re a baby even when you glare at them.
It’s extremely dehumanizing. I know the problems I have. I know what I don’t have.
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neverendingford · 7 months
#tag talk#hey bitches. she's afk so mom said it's my turn with the body. feels good to be back. I hate half of you parasites and I'm blocking some#same with Instagram. bunch of fucking drones posting shitty memes and sending the most unfunny jokes possible. blocking most of you there#started the process of sorting some things out with her girlfriend because damn some things are unacceptable and you've gotta say something.#she gets to do the soft and useless damage control later I guess I don't fucking care. I'm not going to let us get disrespected like that.#she lets it slide but I'm done taking shit.#sent an angry email to our therapist last night as well because fucking hell how can you be so incompetent at your fucking job.#Jesus h Christ didn't you study this in school or something? yeah we've gone through multiple therapists sorry that makes you insecure???#you're not the first and from the looks of things you're not going to be the last either.#saw the psychiatrist this morning and bipolar confirmed I guess. we'll see whether the new meds make much of a difference.#I kind of don't want them to though. I like being out and finally able to sort our shit out.#feels good to finally message people and tell them how I feel. I don't get a voice much anymore#and ugh I hate having long hair so much but I have to keep it because she needs it so I'll put up with it for her sake but damn I miss short#short hair was genuinely so fucking good and the hassle of long hair is so stupidly intensive but gender dysphoria so whatever I guess#anyway bye you mouth breathers I'm off to go get this stupid-ass body showered#I hate having a penis too though. that's one thing we can both agree on. it's so stupid and it hangs out and the shape is so stupid#God should take constructive criticism and also mean criticism because I have some opinions about how shitty his design is#anyway. bye idiots#Fade is such a fucking good band they were such a good pick for the Deadman Wonderland op
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lemayday · 11 months
mental health "professionals" can go suck the diarrhea out of my mentally ill ass and gulp it down i am so sick of going to see a "professional" and like actively correcting them on their psychology in my mind as they just try to manipulate me into scheduling more sessions not help in the slightest and then have to pay for it I fuckin hate shit
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tx-libra · 2 years
unsure how to identify when to let myself do less because i am depressed and need to lower expectations of myself vs when that is my depression convincing me i cant do anything.......... :(
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bepoprotectionsquad · 2 years
I spent my entire weekend thinking I was going to have my testosterone prescription stolen out from under me, because my psychiatrist is just, UHG the fucking worst
If you don’t understand how to read a lab result for a trans man, maybe you shouldn’t be calling him to tell him his results are bad.
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so exited for the new wafwaf chapter i love it sm!!!
aaaa thank you!!!!!!!! im very excited to finish it i just keep getting distracted and starting new fics D: it WILL be out at some point this week i PROMISE things are just Funky rn
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aronarchy · 8 months
broke: i can armchair anyone with cluster b pds just because they’re abusive/manipulative/unpleasant/i don’t like them, lol.
woke: only professionals should diagnose, if you’re a layperson you’re uneducated on the topic and don’t have sufficient understanding to be accurate and unbiased. disorders are a very serious thing you should take very seriously, not just throw around randomly whenever.
bespoke: the psychiatric field is institutionally corrupt as a result of its historical and ongoing construction as an apparatus of oppression. this leads to major blind spots in their ability to understand the experience of marginalized people, including mentally ill and neurodivergent people. much of psychiatric research, not to mention practice, is politically motivated and systematically incentivized to serve the interests of power. thus, many people are wrongly or inaccurately diagnosed with cluster b pds to demonize them or reinforce ideas about criminality, fundamental pathology contributing to their problematicness, justifying oppression, claiming struggles which are results of oppression are actually inherent and biological, etc. on the other hand, many people are underdiagnosed, unidentified, denied help when they’re struggling with a certain illness because psychiatrists are often incompetent and wrong, and with cluster b’s this may apply along a gendered line. this applies for any diagnostic practice, and even for other doctors who are part of the medical-industrial complex. psychiatrists are also disproportionately abusive, and some of this is baked into the cultural norms, intended purposes, and rules and regulations and privileges regarding psychiatric practice. you cannot trust an oppressor class to have the last and most accurate say on the oppressed’s subjectivities and interiorities. furthermore, part of the structure of the institution of academia itself ensures an elitist and hierarchical epistemology. dismantling this and other intersecting oppressions means reaffirming the right of the individual themself to either self-diagnose or self-(non/un)diagnose. existing information or medical professionals should be helpful for doing this better and to improve individual being, and acknowledging the significance or accuracy of their or others’ information accurately is obviously important, but professionals should not be treated as authorities who have the right to wholesale override self-understandings instead of supporting, or to control patients. this is in no way contradictory to opposing armchair diagnoses by underinformed or malicious laypeople who trivialize or misunderstand disorders. however, the problem with such behavior must be located correctly. the inaccuracy is a problem, but that means inaccuracy from actual psychiatrists is also a problem (and it certainly does exist). additionally it might perhaps be helpful to identify saneist armchair-diagnosing laypeople as engaging in behavior similar to that of psychiatrists and both wrong, rather than trying to position them as opposed. the same kind of epistemic overriding and even absurdity is often done by many psychs (and in fact the practice and framework has in large part originated or at least been spread starting from the psychiatric institution itself).
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orange-orchard-system · 8 months
The line "It's not X's fault that your doctor* isn't taking you seriously, it's your doctor's fault." has been said many times before, and not for no reason. However, I've yet to see that reason properly explained, so I'm going to do my best to do that today.
You see, I don't think saying this phrase alone really gets across the message of it. Because sometimes doctors will blame X ("trenders", TikTok, self-diagnosis, whatever) as their reason for not taking you seriously. Which makes this sentiment come across as ignoring the people who have had that happen to them. But the sentiment still applies to those folks, too. Why?
Because if your doctor truly had your best interests in mind, they would still do their best to help you out regardless of their own concerns; they wouldn't just say, "I'm not gonna help you because I think you're just influenced too much by X." Maybe they'd go over the possibility of you being influenced by X, but at the end of the day, the existence of someone else is not a justified reason for your doctor to not give you treatment, because your life is not defined by this nebulous other person, group, or object.
You are your own person. You are an individual patient. Your doctor should be treating you as an individual patient and person, not a mindless mouthpiece for a trend. Outside of whatever influences your doctor may be concerned about, you are still a patient and person, and deserve to be treated well as one. You do not deserve to be treated as incapable of thinking for yourself; you do not deserve to have your concerns dismissed as planted there by whatever scapegoat your doctor has chosen as an excuse not to properly treat you. Being less educated in the matters of health, making an incorrect guess about what's going on with you, or just daring to have a condition that a lot of people are talking about right now are not, in fact, good reasons for a doctor to not perform their job and listen to what's bothering you or going on in your life.
Moreover, a good doctor should acknowledge that even if your concerns are misplaced, there had to be something to build those concerns in the first place. Maybe you don't have ADHD, but you struggle with executive dysfunction and need help with that. Maybe you don't have POTS, but your heart is doing something funky and more testing is needed to figure out what. Even the most extreme of fears come from a nugget of truth, and it's your doctor's job to find that nugget so they can help you with it. It's just unfortunate that many doctors aren't willing to properly search for that nugget.
If I see discourse about "fakers" on this post I'm going back to bed. Stop blaming other people for your doctor's incompetence. Consider reporting on your doctor to their boss or the ethics committee for refusing to properly treat you because a certain condition is becoming more well-known, or whatever their excuse is this time
*Note that "doctor" here is used to refer to any health professional. Psychologist, psychiatrist, dermatologist, whatever. It's just an easy catch-all.
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I've said it many times and I'll say it again. I don't understand why so many people claim that Aemond is somehow Ryan's favourite or even self insert. I guess it would be obvious now that he hates him as much as the rest of the greens, but some still insist on this. Like, here is the character that actually was one of the most popular in s1 despite the fact that he barely had any screentime and is tg, yet we are halfway through s2 and look what they've done with him?? 5 minutes of screentime, half of it the unnecessary brothel scenes to show him naked and to destroy his relationship with Aegon for good. Zero interactions with Alicent, Helaena, Otto...No reaction to Jaehaerys (but yes to luke).. And he's somehow Ryan's pet? Yeah, no. I think that Ryan is staunchly tb who loves Rhaenyra and Daemon (and Rhaenys) and just watch him give Daemyra an intense and emotional reunion to confirm Daemon's loyalty to her. All these harrenhal scenes are just devices to make the moment more impact full and to subvert expectations™, I'm 100% certain this will be the case. And what the greens got? Mutual hatred, a nonexistent cause, Aegon who still bullies and humiliates his brother and only sees him as a weapon, Aemond who tries to get rid of his brother in the middle of the battle and is completely detached from his family, Helaena who barely exists and don't even get me started on Alicent and Criston. Therefore, if Ryan, Hess or anyone in the writing team "loves" the greens, they sure have a strange way of showing that lmao.
Anyway, I would love to hear your opinion on this.
To be honest, at this point I have trouble telling which HotD characters are actually loved by the writers. I am really tempted to say that none of them are because no writer treats a character they love like Condal&Co treat the majority of HotD folks, even TB ones, the supposed faves. Rhaenyra (post S1E5), the protagonist - meek and boring. Rhaenys a.k.a "the voice of wisdom" - a hypocritical woman (who is also basically a mass murderer). Daemon - I don't even know what to say about him, his characterization has been all over the place.
However, IMO we need to take into account two things: 1) HotD writers apparently have received a commission to create a show with a clear as day feminist agenda to regain the audience's favor lost after Daenerys business in S8 of GoT; 2) the most important - they are fucking incompetent, and so they could ruin the characters they "love" just as effortlessly as they do with those they "hate" (sometimes they even fail with the latter - because they are kind of supposed to ruin them but, once again, are incompetent).
So, I really don't know whether Condal and the rest of HotD team are ruining Aemond on purpose - or are just trying to legit create a compelling arc for him by presenting him as a bullied kid with a fuckton of issues who one day just snapped and fully went into a psycho killer mode. Both options are possible - and actually both of them might be true because (and here goes yet another HotD problem) it really feels like the writers who work on the show have trouble communicating and coordinating their ideas. One pushes for one thing, another - for another, and as a result we have characters who act like they get a personality/brain transplant every episode (Daemon and Alicent in S1 are the prime examples of that).
As for the "Aemond is Condal's self insert" -everything is possible. To comment on that properly I would have to get into speculations about the latter's personality and mental state, and I'd rather not do this. As much as I despise him, he is still a real person; and I am neither a psychologist nor a psychiatrist (neither do I know him personally), so it's not my place to do that.
Thank you for the ask!
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bunnihearted · 9 months
funny that therapists whose job it is to listen to u are the WORST listeners in society lmaooooooo. they dont hear a single word u say. they genuinely dont care abt what u say at all, they're just gnna take what theyve read in some textbook and apply it on to u. whatever u say you're not a person speaking words, your just a box filled with their judgements and pre constructed notions abt whatever diagnosis theyve assigned to u. therapists and psychiatrists are the most useless and incompetent ppl in society lmao. such a fkn joke it's insane how theyre even allowed to get paid for the shit quality job they perform ._.
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lastlycoris · 1 month
She had made a scene yesterday, demanding her patient be taken to see a psychiatrist immediately so that something could be done with his med list. And her complaints went all the way up to the board that day. She even threw the big words in there - malpractice, incompetence, and lawsuits - and also demanded that Katherine and Matthew be sacked for their role in this debacle.
The board promised changes, but they stated they needed time on their end. Just a week to get everything in order - to investigate and do things right. President Berkley even looked at her straight in the eyes (okay, it was through Zoom but still) and gave her his word, even telling the rest of the board that Katherine and Matthew were suspended without pay until further notice.
Only with that action and the guarantee that a psychiatrist will see her patient tomorrow was she finally placated.
The next morning, she went to work as usual. Logged onto her computer in the office and still found that the EMR was down since yesterday. She had to wait till the secretary got here so she could learn her schedule.
...That's when Katherine barged into her office with a trio of prison guards in tow.
"There she is, she deleted all the electronic medical records. A hacker! A Chinese hacker! Detain her!" Katherine screeched shrilly and with no small amount of glee on her face. "Detain her!"
She felt her cheek bruise as she was slammed onto her office desk, arms locked behind her back. Even as she heard the click of handcuffs, she still couldn't react to what was happening. It felt like her brain was going a mile a minute but nothing below was responding.
Confusion. Shock. Fear. Indignation.
She felt them one at a time and all at once. Everything was happening so fast - and she could already feel herself being pulled up from the chair - and she could see Katherine's mouth move but she couldn't hear the words. Everything was wrong - and maybe this was all multiverse-snack-induced delirium - and she was still dreaming and it would be alright when she woke u-
And the next moment, all those negative feelings were pushed away as if caught in a wave - and all she could feel is a coolness in her head and heart.
As everything became crystal clear.
As the dots connected.
The electronic medical records (EMR) being down since yesterday.
The board asking her to hold off on acting.
Katherine accusing her of hacking the EMR now.
She was the scapegoat.
Everything in the prison's EMR was probably going to be deleted, if it hadn't been already. Because the Board and these two incompetent providers were in the same boat. This degree of malpractice couldn't have gone on for years without someone covering for them, and the people covering for them was the board.
Why? Because the millions of dollars not going to a felon's healthcare are silently getting pocketed instead.
Who were the felons going to complain to? The social media they couldn't access? Ha. Would they even realize something was wrong with their care? Never. Because most people trusted the words of someone who posed as a doctor - much less two pretenders working together.
And then there she was - about to expose their little game. Instead of them pocketing millions of dollars of government money, she was putting everyone involved at the risk of being jailed and of course sued for maybe ten to a hundred times that amount.
And she had been too blind, too trusting of the system to see it.
...She thought she heard something crack in that very moment, like glass dropped onto concrete. It was brief. She wasn't really sure what. Maybe it was all in her head.
Maybe it was something important.
But it definitely didn't feel important anymore.
"-and I caught you in the act, bitch. Trying to destroy this prison from within. You'll be going to jail for a very long time," Katherine crowed, hopping up and down like a overzealous monkey. "How does it feel to go to fancy medical school and havi-"
It's a bit funny really.
How could someone so incompetent ruin her life this badly? To the point where she probably will be going to prison for a long time for this.
It's actually... kinda comical.
"...What's... so funny?" Katherine's face looks confused, even scared - clearly not getting what she was expecting. That woman's fear was quickly replaced with rage - she'd try to cover her embarrassment too if she was scared of someone held onto by three guards while being handcuffed. "What's so funny?! STOP LAUGHING."
She obliged her for a moment, not even bothering to hide her disdain anymore.
"I realized that if you actually put even a tenth of the time and energy you spent scheming into studying medicine instead, we probably wouldn't be here right now."
Confusion furrowed Katherine's brows again as the woman tried to process her insult. But she didn't give her a chance though.
"But now Florence Nightingale must be rolling in her grave" she continued on, "You know - the Nightingale Pledge, the oath you swore as a nurse to put your patients first?"
She clicked her tongue.
"Tch. Can't even keep a promise as simple as that," she eyed Katherine's ring finger, "Looks like that wedding band's must be for show. Bet you enjoy cheating on your husband. Already broke one oath, what's one more?" She laughed.
"Pot's already broken, am I right?" she added as Katherine fumed in place.
"That's not true!" Katherine stomped, "Don't speak nons-"
"I bet it's Matt. Like attracts like," she continued on, "A perfect match. Two of the most incompetent people I've ever had the misfortune o-"
"Shut up! You hacked and deleted everything from the system, and you'll-
"-f meeting. That picture of the kid on your desk, is he really an Ashcroft or is he a Matthew Gre-"
"-definitely go to jail for a long time. And-and-"
"-eene. Or." she gasped dramatically, even as Katherine charged over with a raised arm, "Maybe it's one of these guys holding onto m-"
Katherine drew a hand back, inches away from her.
"Shut the fuck up!"
Katherine swung.
Just as she turned her face towards the woman's hand.
Katherine yanked her bitten hand back as hard as she could and stumbling ass-first onto the floor.
Oh. That asshole's face was almost tolerable now.
All she could see was fear in the other woman's eyes, like prey animal trying to keep a predator in view. The bleeding hand was buried into the woman's shirt, soiling it a deep red. Kat's mouth sputtered -
Oh did she look like that when Kat barged in moments ago with the guards? Wow, hope she didn't look as pathetic back then as Kat did now.
Still, seeing Kat so distraught made the pain of taking a slap with her face worth it.
Just like how she predicted things would happen, starting from her first insult.
She spat out the chunk of flesh still in her mouth onto the floor.
"You can have it back. Don't wanna catch whatever made you so stupid," she said seriously. Kat meanwhile fixated on the chunk of flesh onto the ground.
Yeah, it's pretty big. Almost the size of a quarter.
Oh that's cute.
Kat's hyperventilating. Aaaand the young gal's gone and unloaded her bowels. Oh dear. Code Brown. Guess that's what happens when one plays stupid games and wins prizes far more than they bargained for.
"Hey. Can one of you guys wipe my face? I don't want to go to my new accommodations looking like a serial killer. I promise I won't bite," she asked, but she faltered upon seeing the stoic, cautious expressions on the guard's faces, " Ahh, I guess that's a no? Alright, fine. Take me away then."
The guards actually listened to her then, guiding her roughly towards the door. Now that's funny. It almost seems like she made herself the leader by taking Kat down. Sadly, she doubted they'd let her go though.
Oh wait. Time to finish up.
"Sorry, guys. Just need a quick moment," she said halfway through the door and turned back towards Kat.
Insult to injury.
"Oh hey. Hey, Kat," she not-whispered playfully.
The woman turned despite clearly not wanting to, sobbing.
"Hope you like taking antiretrovirals for life."
The guards didn't seem to understand what she said, but from the way Kat's eyes widened, a woman who worked in the field of medicine, Kat definitely understood what she implied.
Ignoring the stammering Kat, she turned away from what was once her office.
No way back now.
There is only forward.
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anonymous-gambito · 5 months
When I was a child I thought "Psychologists/psychiatrists are for crazy people" and "doctors are for sick people". Now I wish my reductive worldview was actually true. Because the truth is that doctors largely only know how to treat healthy people, with "normal" problems and "normal people" conditions. If doctors can't immediately throw some medicine, treatment, diagnosis, or whatever the fuck, that will fix a person's problems, they simply give up on them. They're not curious, they're not kind. "– You again?" They say as they roll their eyes. They hate that they have to do their jobs. They hate the chronically ill. They hate those with conditions they don't understand. They feel embarrassed at their own incompetence, but instead of working on improving themselves, they take the easy way out. They say, "your issue must be that you're just crazy. Go see the crazy people doctor!", so that is not their problem anymore. It's the patients fault for supposedly "imagining" their pain.
Not that anything would get solved if it WAS a psychological issue or something, because as I said, mental health professionals (and what an ironic term) are much better at treating healthy people. Those with complex trauma, with stigmatized mental disorders, with problems stemmed from systemic bigotry; who can't be reassured by a few nice words, or a to do list, or a "change of mindset"? Those who can't be easily "fixed"? Doctors hate them. They hate them because they'll never work to make the world a better place, to make society more equal. Instead, a lot of them work on making outcasts "normal". Less of a "burden" to this cruel society. They hurt them. Are more detrimental than helpful. It's so disheartening to see.
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