#incorrect deathnote quotes
montic0 · 7 months
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trancylovecraft · 11 months
Yandere light yagami headcanons?
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• Eep! NOT a good yandere to have in deathnote at all.
• I headcannon him as delusional, Obsessive and MANIPULATIVE TO HIGH HELL (what a surprise)
• Delusional in the way that his god complex plays into his obsession. He believes he’s entirely right and believes you to be pure and completely innocent. If he is a god, You are an angel. That sort of thing.
• Obsessive in the way that he just loves to dig up all the information he can on you. Light uses this to his advantage to be the perfect boyfriend. Keep his image up for you and appear like the most loving partner in the world
• And manipulative in the way.. well, You know. Light likes having control of you and your life. He decides your friends to your wardrobe. Tells you he's doing this for your own good, And with his delusional tendencies he believes it too.
• I can see two ways that he gets invested in you.
• One, You were in the same class as light. You were smart too, Always keeping up with him and being a sort of academic rival. It infuriated Light, It tempered his ego and made him want to tear his hair out.
• Number two, You were an awful student. You got in trouble with teachers, Slept in class and had general bad behaviour. But you were smart, You were clever, You aced all your tests. This interests light, Surprises him even.
• I’m picking number two.
• You often skipped class, Went out to smoke and drink underage. You were intelligent but you never cared for academics or any high-profile careers suggested to you by your counsellor. You instead had a passion for something else, Something away from here.
• Light wasn’t interested in you at first. He view you as a slack-off and had a slightly negative opinion of you when you WERE in class. You didn’t like him either because he was a snitch who tattled to the teachers about you smoking.
• But that changed one day.
• You were off for about a week, And completely missed your homework. So as the respectable man that light was, He offered to bring it to your home.
• But when he got there, Light was stunned. Your father answered the door, Slightly stumbled in his movements and a pungent smell of liquor on him.
• Light handed over your homework to your father, Barely getting a peek into your dirty and unkempt home before the door was slammed shut on his face.
• From then on, Light became much more understanding to your situation. He’d sometimes turn a blind eye to your unhealthy habits, Lend you notes that you missed or help you out if you asked.
• But it wasn’t obsession. Well, Not until he got his hands on the deathnote that is.
• As soon as Light does, That’s when his mental health starts to spiral. His insanity and god complex become much more.. Visible.
• Not visible, Light hid it very well. But the affects the deathnote had on him just amplified all his worst traits to the absolute maximum.
• Including his obsession
• Light started to grow more and more enamoured with you. He grew antsy on the days you didn’t show up to class, Mind wandering to you in late night study sessions.
• It starts off as that, A distraction. A persistent one that distracts him from his goal of becoming god, But just a distraction.
• Of course though, You saw the title and pressed read more so of course it isn’t gonna stay that way. The distraction becomes obsession.
• It invades his mind, Every second of the day is him thinking about your smile or the way your hair smelt of apples. He tries to shake it off, But Light just can’t.
• Then, His delusional tendencies start to kick in.
• All of your slights, Your smoking and your drinking. Your wide vocabulary of insults or your snarky attitude all get written off. You are perfect, You are innocent.
• He starts walking with you to school despite your protests, Keeping his perfect attitude up as a kind and caring man. You tried to get away but somehow he finds you (Well not him, But a certain god of death has eyes on you.)
• Light brings you lunches since you never brought any of your own. He makes sure you eat every bite.
• When you talk with Light, You find out you have a lot in common! Almost everything, In fact (You don’t know that Light stalks all your social media and in real life to get a taste of how to be the perfect man for you)
• You also notice that what little friends you do have start to drop out or avoid you entirely for some reason, Leaving you with Light.
• He often invites you to study sessions at his house, Making sure to hide the notebook too of course. He uses this as a way to get closer to you and as a cover for when L is surveying his house.
• The Kira case is now ongoing, You don’t really have an interest in it but Light seems to have. He tends to mention it in conversation, Trying to get your opinion on Kira.
• When you tell him that you think Kira is a good-for-nothing criminal who should be locked up, He isn’t happy to say the least.
• You’re weirded out by his behaviour, You don’t understand the sudden change of attitude but get brushed off when you try to bring it up.
• Until you decide to go out for a midnight snack run, You wanted to watch a newly-released movie and you didn’t have any food in the house thanks to your drunkard father eating it all.
• But when you leave the convenience store with your goods, You’re suddenly pulled into an alleyway and a gun is shoved into your face.
• You’re terrified, Barely listening to the mans yells and threats for you to stay quiet. All before his gun drops from his hold and falls to the ground, Dead of a heart attack.
• After that night your opinion on Kira has taken a turn for the better.
• As soon as you get to school the next day, You’re shaken up. You admit to light what happened to you. Light of course is very understanding and concerned for your wellbeing.
• You tell him that your fine and that Kira must’ve gotten to the criminal. This is where his manipulative edge comes in and he starts to push you towards Kira with words like:
• “I don’t want to think what would’ve happened if Kira wasn’t there, If he wasn’t, You could’ve died.”
• Positive reinforcement. You don't have any other friends at school except for a few smoking buddies, Even then you don't talk much. Light is your only source of socialisation, You trust him.
• This is where he starts to manipulate you more and more.
• By now you two are both in college, You go to the same one as him after he convinced you to join. You don’t know how you got in with your horrid grades but you passed the entrance exam with flying colours, So that was probably it.
• After that his behaviour gets stranger and stranger.
• He becomes much more clingy, Following you around everywhere now and constantly asking you to come over to his house on the guise of studying for college.
• You’re both a strange pair. Light being the perfect man, Perfect grade student that everyone loves while you’re some girl with bad attendance and a smell of liquor.
• You cant make any friends at school, Anyone you talk to instantly avoids you the next day. It takes a toll on  your self esteem so you decide to just stick with Light.
• There is Ryuzaki too, A boy that shared the top spot with light. But you think he’s creepy and just avoid him as best as you can.
• It’s also why you excuse his behaviour, You have no one else to talk to and you just write off his behaviour as being caring.
• All until your hand accidentally brushes against a certain notebook in his bag.
• You didn’t mean to, But as soon as you do you see a shadow looming behind Light, Who is cackling to high hell.
• You cant say anything before Light pushes you to the wall, Grabbing you by the neck and starting to choke you.
• This is where you become aware of who he is, Your best friend is Kira. A man who has killed thousands.
• Light lays down how this is going to go, He looks crazy, Insane as he tells you that from here on out you’re going to do as he says.
• You try to protest but suddenly Light silences you by kissing your lips roughly. You’re disturbed, Shaken and terrified as you struggle.
• When Light pulls away he tells you that if you struggle he’ll kill everyone in this school, Telling you how the deathnote works.
• While you aren’t the best person, You don’t want thousands of innocent people to die.
• He says that you have no choice, And you don’t.
• After that, You enter the domestic stage.
• You dropped out of college for what was said to be bad attendance when In reality, Light just doesn’t like you being outside.
• You spend your time at his house and after explaining your exaggerated sob story she quite sympathetically lets you stay to your horror. You don’t want to stay but Light was watching your every move.
• He doesn’t let you out of the house, Telling his mother that you’re sick from your domestic life and that you need rest. She brings you food, You want to say something but you can’t risk the life of thousands
• As much as he wants to kill your deadbeat father he can’t. It would fuck with his plans and you have no other guardians, Throwing you over to the legal system.
• Its not like he’ll know you’re gone though, He won’t report to the police in favour of another shot.
• When Light comes back he often plays up his delusional tendencies, Showing what he calls affection with kisses to the lips and embraces that you wish you could escape from.
• When his sister Sayu asks about you, Light tells her that you’re his girlfriend but not to tell mother. Sayu of course, Tells her anyways and she gets excited for him. Light planned this of course, Giving you more pressure to stay when his family loves you so.
• And as his girlfriend, You two sleep in the same bed. Its uncomfortable, But after Light threatens to whip out the ‘note you need to bear with it.
• When Misa comes into the picture, She is instantly is jealous, But is told a lie by Light that you’re just there to further his plans and she is the one he truly loves when its really vice versa.
• You do somehow end up becoming best friends though, Misa shows you pictures of her shoots and brings you food for a girls night. Its nice, You have someone else to talk to other than light. (good luck if she goes yandere for you too)
• If you ever get Stockholm then Light would be overjoyed. You’d actually be allowed out on dates with him and go do stuff normal couples do.
• But of course, Anyone who looks in your direction for a little too long suddenly disappears. Anyone who dares to flirt with you is destroyed.
• Good luck with Light, He’s hard to deal with.
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derkhue · 10 months
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Light Yagami 😈
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rvros · 1 year
Mello: if I'm gonna have to do things his way, I'm gonna do them my way
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naomi: youre a bug
BB: why?
naomi: small
naomi: crawls around
based on a text from my boyfriend last night
which im also sure is based off of a post he saw on instagram
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BB: *on all fours like a cat, crackling or laughing idk what he does*
A: *turns the light on and immediately turns it back off* Yup, probably going to have nightmares for a living.
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aishaena · 1 year
Death Note
L: Yagami Light Kiradır.
Soichiro: Oğlum kira olamaz.
Aizawa: Light'ın kira olmasının imkanı yok.
Matsuda: Light , Kira * kahkaha atar.*
Near: Yagami Light Kiradır.
Soichiro, Aizawa, Matsuda:  Haklısın!
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Light: I’m the smartest person in my friend group
L: Light, I’ve only ever observed you hanging out with Misa and Matsuda. That is not the flex you think it is
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krutomu · 3 years
*Mello and Matt skipping stones on lake* Mello: It’s such a beautiful evening. Matt, whispering: Take that you fucking lake
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hitmewithachairs · 5 years
"Dear diary, my teenage angst bullshit now has a body count"
-light yagami
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secretqueennacho · 3 years
death note incorrect #1
L: light is kira
Police force: Light isn’t kira
L: If I die light is kira
L dies
Police force: light isn’t kira
Near: light is kira
Police force: ok
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Light: Hey Ryuzaki! Wow I keep bumping into you today do you think it's fate trying to bring us together?
L: I'm handcuffed to you, Light-kun
Light: *sighs* the universe truly does work in mysterious ways
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trancylovecraft · 1 year
Can I get l lawliet x reader headcanons?
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⦁ Oh wow, This isn't looking good for you.
⦁ L as a yandere is Possessive, Obsessive and you guessed it.. Manipulative.
⦁ He's possessive in the way he just won't let you go, You are his. That is that. Don't try to fight him on this, He won't listen and simply just won't care.
⦁ Obsessive in the way he must know every little thing about you. Your schedule, The way you think, What is your favourite dessert or why you act the way you do. L must know it all, It's compulsive, An itch he just can't scratch out until he figures everything out.
⦁ Manipulative is pretty explanatory. This man uses his inhuman intelligence to his advantage. After he does figure out how you think and the fundamental basics it's extremely easy to make you do the things he wants you to.
⦁ I can see this starting a few ways. I don't think you or L would ever come into contact at first, I'm imagining it that maybe you were a figure in the Kira investigation. Maybe you were Lights sibling or maybe you were just a figure he saw one day going throughout their daily life.
⦁ Either way. There was just something about you that he couldn't stop thinking about. It could've been the way you looked or something you excelled in like intelligence or a particular skill, Whatever it was it captivates him and makes him want to know more.
⦁ L will instantly use his influence to get information on your life. He's gotten access to your camera's at work, He's gotten Watari to set up cameras everywhere in your apartment and made sure to keep a log of your every move.
⦁ Anyone around you he'll instantly take a disliking to, He doesn't really know why he just doesn't like people being around you at all.
⦁ He's multi-tasking both the Kira investigation and his not-so-guilty pleasure of observing you on the side. L likes looking into the monitor, Watching as you come home as he bites his nail in interest.
⦁ Of course that's all it starts as, Simple interest. It's nothing more than that at first and he's completely content with just observing you.
⦁ But of course, If that's all it became I'd be out of a hobby. As time goes on and the investigation progresses he starts to feel strange. L doesn't understand it, It bothers him and distracts him from the investigation and makes him watch you more and more.
⦁ Watari himself has to explain to L what he's feeling and at first L shoves it off as preposterous, He doesn't believe that can be the case at all. But as time goes on and on it starts to become more reasonable than he thought, All until it becomes the accepted yet surprising truth.
⦁ Afterwards just monitoring you isn't enough to quell his obsessive urges.
⦁ L gets Watari to steal stuff from your apartment, Thing's he will replace with the exact same product once taken. Stuff like clothing, Makeup, Jewellery or special trinkets that remind him of you.
⦁ He keeps these close to him while doing the investigation, It keeps him focused for a while. L even starts eating stuff that you enjoy, Mostly your favourite treats but if you don't like sweet stuff this point is moot.
⦁ If any of the task force ask him about what these objects are doing around him L will just shoo them off. He doesn't need to explain anything to them, Besides they'll probably just shrug it off as another one of his quirks.
⦁ Watari is really the only one okay with this. If this keeps L focused on the investigation and his detective work then he doesn't care, If not pity you a little bit.
⦁ Eventually even the objects surrounding you is too little for him. L needs you, He can't think straight when its not about you. He momentarily sets aside the investigation until he's got you in his clutches.
⦁ You've been living your normal life this entire time, You're completely unaware of everything that's been going on. So when you enter your work the next day you're suddenly met with your boss, Who tells you that you're fired.
⦁ You are shocked. You've been doing everything right, Getting your assignments in on time and have generally been a pleasure to work with. When you ask them however your boss tells you that you've been slacking off and therefore let go.
⦁ You're angry and confused as you leave the building, Even more confused when a non-descript white van pulls up out of nowhere and you're suddenly tossed inside by a squad team.
⦁ You're thrown to the back, Mouth duct-taped and your hands tied behind your back. While L would've manipulated you into his hold before he just couldn't wait to have you anymore.
⦁ Besides, Now that he got you fired from your job there's no one left to report your missing file. You have no family and your rent is being paid off by him, There's no one who will miss you.
⦁ After this, You two will enter the domestic stage.
⦁ You'll be confined to a single room with basic necessities. Bed, Bathroom and a few books for entertainment also with a single TV. You're confused and terrified once it turns on and a single "L" appears on screen.
⦁ He explains to you your situation and why you are here. Stating the fact that he's in love with you without any emotion or feeling whatsoever making you horrified and baffled to what's happening
⦁ Watari delivers your meals being mostly your favourite food. L knows it from all the times he's been watching you and it's one of the only comforts in this place
⦁ You'll not see L in person. Sometimes he comes back on the TV to give you announcements or orders but on rare occasions he'll try to start up mindless conversation, To which you ignore easily in favour of your stubbornness.
⦁ Every time you go to sleep, In the deep hours of the night you can swear you feel someone running their fingers through your hair. Sometimes you can barely make out whispers not coming from the TV anymore and sometimes you can even feel a body cuddle up next to you. But as soon as you try to awaken you instantly fall asleep with the single prick in your neck as a reason why.
⦁ The Kira taskforce will have no clue about you. Especially once Light is in the fold he makes sure to make it known to only himself and Watari for your protection and not to give Kira any blackmail.
⦁ L will provide whatever you request. More books, Blankets or different food though it all goes through a screening process to make sure it's safe or isn't anything you can use to escape.
⦁ Then again, If you do escape there is absolutely no way it's staying that way for long.
⦁ L will put your face on no flight lists. Watari will be 24/7 focused on finding you again, Police will be informed and told that you're a major suspect in the Kira investigation and will be patrolling for you.
⦁ Once you're forcibly pushed back into his arms that's when you finally get to see the bastard. Sitting there in such a weird position as he scolds you with a mechanical look on his face.
⦁ You know you'll never get away as he places you on his lap, Whispering little passive-aggressive remarks into your ear. You know you can't fight back either with your wrists restrained.
⦁ All you can do is sit there and hope to whatever god is up there is that it's all just a bad dream
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derkhue · 10 months
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imk1ra · 3 years
y/n: Looking left 'cause you don’t treat me right
Matsuda: Looking right because you left
L: Looking up 'cause you let me down
Misa : Looking down 'cause you fucked up
Light: What is wrong with you guys
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Mello: You know what Near, I used to look up to you. Yeah I thought man, he's got great grades, he has great hair, he has it together, he's number 1. I wanted everything you had and for to have have nothing.
Near: So you didn't look up to me, you envied me?
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