#industrious labs
kp777 · 2 years
By Ben Geman
Oct. 26, 2022
A new advocacy group staffed with climate movement vets just launched with a laser focus on big U.S. industrial sources — think metals, cement, chemicals, paper mills and more.
Driving the news: Industrious Labs intends to work with "labor, impacted communities, elected officials and industry to find solutions."
The big picture: Its work will span campaigns, research and analysis, supporting other groups working on industrial decarbonization and communications.
Industrious Labs has a $3 million 2022 budget raised from climate foundations and other groups, organizers say, and 12 staff members.
The goal is to revitalize these sectors with cleaner tech to create jobs. The launch follows months of quiet organizing, such as creating a network with other green groups focused on aluminum.
Why it matters: Heavy industry's impact doesn't get the attention of power plants and tailpipes, but it's a huge chunk of U.S. and global emissions.
This graphic below about U.S. emissions adapted from analysis by Rhodium Group, a climate research firm, shows why tackling industrial sources is such a big deal.
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https://datawrapper.dwcdn.net/7uKhw/1/Data: Rhodium Group; Chart: Axios Visuals
Zoom in: Three co-founders and partners — Victoria Chu, Nachy Kanfer and Evan Gillespie — once worked for the Sierra Club's "Beyond Coal" initiative.
The group is also out with an interactive map of U.S. plants and emissions.
What they're saying: Chu said data "accessibility and actionability" is vital.
"That data — most critically the emissions and who is harmed — is often proprietary or hidden behind paywalls and technical jargon," she said in a statement.
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heartspark · 2 months
Have you ever wanted to play a cute monster taming game with lots of love and heart put into every inch and corner of it by a Team of fantastically talented artists?
Me too!! Too bad it got cancelled literally a few weeks before it was going to be anounced!
Artist Nicholas Kole on twitter along with many other talented artists have been sharing their work of nearly 4 years on this game. I cant imagine the heartbreak of working so hard on this project only for it to get canceled right before Release and everyone on the Team to get laid off.
It was meant to be an open world, minecraft inspired builder, with all sorts of unique creatures with various skins, variations depending on biomes, and even petting animations. That you could tame! It also had a large amount of beautiful and unique character customization. Here's some of the art ( NOT MY ART ) for the project!
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Apparently alot of this game was near finished, coded, etc! ( ART ABOVE IS BY NICHOLAS KOLE , JOHANNES FIGLHUBER, INES MARSAL, AND MARIA LOBANOVA )
I dont know if the artists can look into crowdfunding ( the Studio still may own the IP ) , but myself and a few others have been trying to get the hashtag #bringbackprojectdragon get some traction on twitter! Maybe if the internet raises enough stink, the Studio might pay attention. Im not sure how likely that is but I desperately want thus game to exsist, it would be a dream game for me and many others im sure. So please consider joining in if you have a twitter.
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beepboopappreciation · 5 months
Those machines that make constant humming noises? They're singing for you! Show them some love!!!
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talism4niac · 2 months
Actually you know what, here's a Megathread of the folks behind Project Dragon / Everhaven
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I figured the least I could do is highlight as many people as I can that had involvement with the project and has posted their work. If there's anyone that I missed please DM and I'll be sure to update this when I can! Go and show these folks some love! </3
Nicholas Kole : Portfolio | Twitter | Instagram
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Airborn Studios : Artstation | Twitter
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Ines Marsal : Twitter
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Camille Peyrebere : Twitter
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Leslie Van den Broeck : Artstation
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Chloé Labbé : Twitter
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Janneke Bruijnes : Twitter
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Malte Sturm : Twitter
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Andrea Orioli : Twitter
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Charlène Le Scanff : Twitter | Artstation
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Julien Allard : Twitter
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Lucas St. Martin : Twitter | Instagram | Artstation
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Andy Hansen : Twitter | Artstation
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Florian Coudray : Twitter | Artstation
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Malwina Czech (Mawluna) : Twitter
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Joey Vergara : Twitter -Game Designer
Mel Ramsden : Twitter -Game Designer
Shaan Joshi : Twitter -Game Developer
Bethany Higa : Twitter -Narrative Designer
Dave Huddleston : Linkedin -Lead Animator
Cris Velasco : Twitter -Composer
Hunter Howe : Twitter -Director
Michael vicente - Orb : Twitter -3D Artist
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drumlincountry · 3 months
This is going to sound so stupid but I only today realised that a significant number of people like....look down on retail & service industry work.
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onemillionfurries · 5 months
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how the actual fuck do these incompetent assholes always end up ruining one thing and then immediately get hired to ruin something else??
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yellowistheraddest · 4 months
so much money gone.... i hate capitalism
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halo-eight-94 · 20 days
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NIИ | Down In It | Released on September 15, 1989 | Directed by Eric Zimmerman and Benjamin Stokes (H-Gun Labs) | Halo 1
TW: Flashing ⚠️
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pepperbenmin333 · 7 months
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Phighting oc stuff i forgot to share (lore in tags)
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opens-up-4-nobody · 12 hours
hey um not to be parasociall but how did the meeting with your advisor go???? also would it be possible for you to switch advisors/program or something so you can change your research interests if that's the issue? Im a doctoral student as well so I get how tricky that stuff can be depending on your program.... Anyway I hope things better for you xoxo
Lol, ur fine! It went alright
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moonlight-stalker · 1 year
#1 Dcxdp
I have not seen many where danny and phantom are separated people from the beginning in a DC Crossover
Danny let's phantom hide in his body and rest when he needs and to get a way from hunters and make things for him and phantom to fight with and in return phantom let's danny use some of his powers and protects him
I was thing they effect each other like danny will have glowing green eye when emotional and when he uses any power from phantom and may be a little bit ghostly like sharp teeth, slightly pointy ears, slower heart beat low boddy temperature and has a obsession of space. Phantom looks a little more like a human no pointed ears, sharp teeth and once and a while will have a heart beat. And danny is very difficult to catch on camera while phantom appers perfectly fine in them. Phantom obsession is protection especially to danny
They could be in Gotham and danny get caught in a hostage situation when phantom is wondering though the city and the bat come busting in and start fighting during the fight one of the goons try and take a hostage and run one that happens to be danny and the red robin sees and star to chase the guy only to wetness the guy go fly into a wall and what looks like a meta take the hostage and disappear. Of course the bat's thing the Meta is a new up and come Villain and start try to get information. And in a apartment danny is being check over by phantom from injuries while phantom cuses the criminals and is apologizing to danny for leaving him
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kp777 · 4 months
By Brett Wilkins
Common Dreams
June 7, 2024
"When it comes to our industrial sector, we don't have to boil the planet to boil water," said one campaigner."If Southern California can forge ahead and do this, so can the rest of the nation."
Climate and environmental campaigners on Friday applauded a Southern California regulator's passage of a new rule that proponents say will sharply reduce emissions produced by more than 1 million water heaters and boilers by mandating a major shift from gas to electric-powered equipment.
The South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) approved Amended Rule 1146.2, which will require smaller heaters and boilers in newly constructed buildings to meet zero-emissions limits beginning in 2026. Existing buildings will have until 2033 to comply. The new rule follows another first-in-the nation SCAQMD measure approved last year requiring zero-emissions standards for commercial ovens.
"What we're trying to do is figure out how to transform industry and drive the right types of investments... that prioritize low- and zero-emission technology," said Evan Gillespie, a partner at Los Angeles-based Industrious Labs, which co-sponsored the legislation along with the climate and environmental justice group Earthjustice.
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According to Earthjustice:
The South Coast Air Basin, which covers Orange, Los Angeles, Riverside, and San Bernardino counties, is home to the worst air quality in the country. In order to bring the region's dangerously polluted air into compliance with state and federal laws, the air district is tasked with reducing harmful emissions from all major pollution sources. While less visible than emissions-spewing pollution sources like refineries and trucks, fossil fuel-powered boilers and water heaters are a significant source of smog-forming nitrogen oxide (NOx) and deadly particulate matter (PM 2.5) in the region.
"When it comes to our industrial sector, we don't have to boil the planet to boil water," said Adrian Martinez, deputy managing attorney of Earthjustice's Right To Zero campaign. "With this pivotal rule, Southern California is set to replace over a million pieces of gas-powered equipment with zero-emissions technology."
"This is a major step forward in our region's fight to clean the air for over 17 million people and invest in zero-emissions solutions," Martinez added. "If Southern California can forge ahead and do this, so can the rest of the nation."
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moonlit-borderline · 2 months
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Went to OMSI (Oregon Museum of Science and Industry) got to behind the desk to see what the volunteer was doing in the paleontology lab.
She was working on separating rocks from triceratop horns!!!
An old lady stopped me to tell me that I looked beautiful, like a character from Wicked, called me a walking advertisement for it.
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abyssalzones · 4 months
i keep seeing news about a potential gravity falls reboot. as someone who very much despises reboots and who thinks gravity falls ended very well (it's something gf has been REPEATEDLY praised for,) do you think there's actually a chance they'd legitimately reboot it?
I watched a bit of hana's interview with alex hirsch out of (somewhat morbid) curiosity and from what I could glean there, it seems less likely gravity falls is going to get a legitimate "reboot" any time soon and more that there's potential for spinoffs when alex's contract with netflix expires. my honest prediction is that the book of bill is a prelude to more if it sells well, as it's very possible they're testing the waters to see if gravity falls nostalgia-hype is alive and well.
as much as I dislike reboots- and I have some strong feelings about the book of bill as a concept- I actually wouldn't be mad about some of the concepts alex has in his back pocket, such as a miniseries set on the stan o' war, or potentially more comics. I criticize elements of writing and what's being done with the story now because, obviously, I love gravity falls dearly, and I do think it could be adapted or continued faithfully... in the right hands, under the right circumstances. reboots exceeding the production of new, director-driven stories is symptomatic of a larger problem in the entertainment industry, but I don't think they're the disease themselves. people love strong stories, y'know? I would be a massive hypocrite if I acted like there was something wrong with wanting more, I've been actively making art for this show since I was 12.
so, do I think they're going to fully reboot the show, take us back to the mystery shack for "summer 2013" or potentially something further ahead in the future? ...mm, probably not. the series ended at two seasons for a reason, and in the age of, yes, pointless cash-grab reboots in a time where the entertainment industry is hopelessly dependent on selling established IPs, I respect that decision a lot. but I feel like it's inevitable there will be more gravity falls in some form or another in the future, which I honestly wouldn't have guessed if not for alex's words himself and the release of a new book this july.
whether or not it's any good... I guess we'll have to wait and see?
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stimmy--cryptid · 1 year
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chase davenport with tech for anon!
X | X | X || X | X | X || X | X | X
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blvckfawn · 4 months
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Purple dyed onion skin under a microscope
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