#infant mortality rate
gwydionmisha · 11 months
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coochiequeens · 1 year
Ladies pleas share are to raise awareness for an issue that impacts new mothers and leaves them even more vulnerable.
“20 years on – progress but not enough! Act now to end fistula by 2030!”
Obstetric fistula is a hole between the birth canal and bladder or rectum, caused by prolonged, obstructed labour without access to timely, high-quality medical treatment. It leaves women and girls leaking urine, faeces or both, and often leads to chronic medical problems, depression, social isolation and deepening poverty. Ninety percent of pregnancies involving fistula end in stillbirth.
Health systems and communities are falling short in ending obstetric fistula. Gender discrimination and social marginalization create additional risks, resulting in fistula disproportionately occurring among impoverished, underserved and marginalized women and girls.
Three cost-effective solutions can prevent fistula: timely access to high-quality emergency obstetric and newborn care, trained professionals with midwifery skills at childbirth, and universal access to modern contraception. Health systems can reduce fistula by tracking prevalence, correcting gaps in care and ensuring universal access to a competent health workforce. National health plans must also address gender discrimination and other factors making women and girls more vulnerable to maternal mortality and disease.
Bold political leadership and investment could eradicate fistula. Ambitious partnerships and scaled-up investments are imperative to ending fistula by 2030 – our global target under the Sustainable Development Goals. 
UNFPA leads the global Campaign to End Fistula, a drive to transform the lives of vulnerable women and girls. The 20-year-old campaign represents a global commitment to fistula prevention and holistic treatment, including surgical repair and social reintegration and rehabilitation. Despite progress, elimination by 2030 demands accelerated action, starting now. To that end, the theme for the international day this year is “20 years on – progress but not enough! Act now to end fistula by 2030!”
Ending obstetric fistula by 2030
2020 marked the count-down towards the goal of ending the problem of obstetric fistula by 2030, according to the last report of the Secretary General.  
Obstetric fistula is preventable; it can largely be avoided by delaying the age of first pregnancy; the cessation of harmful traditional practices; and timely access to obstetric care.
Besides, it is expected that 13 million more child marriages could take place by 2030 than would have otherwise. Families are more likely to marry off daughters to alleviate the perceived burden of caring for them, especially in the anticipated economic fallout of the pandemic.
Due to all these reasons an increase in cases might occur and new strategies will be required in the post-COVID-19 recovery period to address the expected backlog of cases.
With this possible future scenario of preventive measures in danger, now more than ever, it is important to call on the international community to use the International Day to End Obstetric Fistula to significantly raise awareness and intensify actions towards ending obstetric fistula, as well as urging post-surgery follow-up and tracking of fistula patients.
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Related links
Campaign to end Fistula
UN Population Fund (UNFPA)
Nairobi Summit Commitments on ICPD25
World Health Organization - 10 facts about obstetric fistula 
WHO: End fistula. Restore Women's Dignity  
Related documents
UN Secretary General’s Report
Resolution on supporting efforts to end obstetric fistula (2012)
Resolutions on intensification of efforts to end obstetric fistula (2014 and 2018)
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Rest In Peace, Tori Bowie
While some vehemently deny that structural racism exists and that even individual doctors hold internal biases against Black women, maternal mortality rates do not lie.
👉🏿 https://firstandpen.com/torie-bowie-serena-williams-allyson-felix-pregnancy-black-maternal-health-mortality/
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Even though 60% of all childbirth-related deaths in the US are preventable, the "[racial] disparities around maternal health are not improved by access to insurance, access to education," according to double board-certified neonatologist and pediatrician Dr. Terri Maior-Kincade.
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"Having a higher socio-economic status for Black women is not protective," Major-Kincade told Insider. "These disparities are related to systemic issues, and they're not going to get better until we provide equitable care. So we have to improve the way we deliver care to Black women so that we can have the full joy of pregnancy."
👉🏿 https://www.insider.com/allyson-felix-near-death-pregnancy-issues-black-moms-face-2022-6
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Moscow Marge.
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sickofthis666 · 13 days
The french government having the fucking Audacity of complaining about France's low birth rate when the medical care for women before, during and after birth, has been heavily deteriorating for the past 20 years??
How the fuck can it be more dangerous for me to give birth in 2024 than it was for my mom in the late 90s/early 2000s!? Why the fuck are we going backwards!?
How the fuck can we be one of the wealthiest country on the planet and yet have among the highest infant mortality in Europe!? Are we a fucking joke??
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tired-fandom-ndn · 7 months
Thinking about (my version of) Alastor's mother, one of the more than a dozen children of a freed slave and a Choctaw woman, growing up in the miserable conditions of the Indian Territory where her people were forced to, eventually growing up and escaping south in a way that felt like returning home despite the dangers. Trying to pass on the traditions that her own parents taught her to her son while also being intimately aware that the only way he could survive was by hiding everything that made their family what it was.
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realian · 13 days
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incredibly strange to say that antisemitism itself is a lesser issue than active genocide as if these things are in opposition. as if you cannot criticize the antisemitism in leftist spaces while also opposing Palestinian genocide. odd to say all that and then end with a completely different and reasonable statement to I guess distract from what you just said.
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jekyll-doodles · 1 year
I wonder what the human lords favorite modern advancement is, or at least what it would be if the foundation let them have it lol
If i had to wager a guess, most likely modern medicine and general medical advancements.
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gwydionmisha · 11 months
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 11 months
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"MIXED MARRIAGES IN ONTARIO MANY," Windsor Record. October 30, 1913. Page 1. ---- Toronto, Oct. 30. - That the Ne Temere decree is not working out to the absolute stoppage of mixed marriages is shown in the annual report of the registrar-general of the province issued today.
According to the figures, 820 men and 1,096 women married outside their faith.
The number of marriages totalled 28,445. Nearly two-thirds of those married were between 20 and 30 years of age. The unusual marriages included a man of 25, who married a woman over 70 and three women under 30 marrying men over 70.
The province showed a reduced death rate for the year, lower than in many other countries. On the other hand there is the announcement that one of every ten infants in Ontario dies before attaining the fifth year.
The birth-rate was 22.4 per thousand, the lowest since 1902. In 1911 it was 22.6.
Deaths numbered 32,150, or 12.4 per thousand, or 2 lower than in 1911. Illegitimate births showed an increase of 168. Seventy-two per cent. of these births were in cities.
The battle with the white plague showed good progress. There was a total of 2,250 deaths, but this was a decrease of 103 and a decrease in percentage of 05. About seven per cent. of the deaths in Ontario were from tuberculosis. The heaviest death rate from the disease is between 20 and 30 years of age.
One out of every ten infants die before its fifth year. There were 8,230 of such deaths, while 6,494 died before completing 12 months. Two hundred less died from diarr- hoea than in 1911, the lowest in six years.
This was attributed to the greater interest in child welfare and the successful efforts to educate young mo- thers in the care of children.
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reasoningdaily · 11 months
The US infant mortality rate rose last year. The CDC says it’s the largest increase in two decades
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NEW YORK (AP) — The U.S. infant mortality rate rose 3% last year — the largest increase in two decades, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
White and Native American infants, infant boys and babies born at 37 weeks or earlier had significant death rate increases. The CDC’s report, published Wednesday, also noted larger increases for two of the leading causes of infant deaths — maternal complications and bacterial meningitis.
“It’s definitely concerning, given that it’s going in the opposite direction from what it has been,” said Marie Thoma, a University of Maryland researcher who studies maternal and infant mortality.
Dr. Eric Eichenwald, a Philadelphia-based neonatologist, called the new data “disturbing,” but said experts at this point can only speculate as to why a statistic that generally has been falling for decades rose sharply in 2022.
RSV and flu infections rebounded last fall after two years of pandemic precautions, filling pediatric emergency rooms across the country. “That could potentially account for some of it,” said Eichenwald, who chairs an American Academy of Pediatrics committee that writes guidelines for medical care of newborns.
Infant mortality is the measure of how many babies die before they reach their first birthday. Because the number of babies born in the U.S. varies from year to year, researchers instead calculate rates to better compare infant mortality over time. The U.S. infant mortality rate has been worse than other high-income countries, which experts have attributed to poverty, inadequate prenatal care and other possibilities. But even so, the U.S. rate generally gradually improved because of medical advances and public health efforts.
The national rate rose to 5.6 infant deaths per 1,000 live births in 2022, up from from 5.44 per 1,000 the year before, the new report said.
The increase may seem small, but it’s the first statistically significant jump in the rate since the increase between 2001 and 2002, said Danielle Ely, the CDC report’s lead author. She also said researchers could not establish whether the 2022 rise was a one-year statistical blip — or the beginning of a more lasting trend.
Overall in the U.S., the death rate fell 5% in 2022 — a general decrease that’s been attributed to the waning impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, especially on people 65 and older. U.S. maternal deaths also fell last year.
More than 30 states saw at least slight rises in infant mortality rates in 2022, but four states had statistically significant increases — Georgia, Iowa, Missouri and Texas.
In numbers, U.S. infant deaths surpassed 20,500 in 2022 — 610 more than the year before nationwide. But Georgia had 116 more infant deaths than the year before, and Texas had 251 more.
“It would appear that some of the states could be having a larger impact on the (national) rate,” Ely said, adding that smaller increases elsewhere also have an effect — and that it’s hard to parse out exactly what places, policies or other factors are behind the national statistic.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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• https://www.npr.org/sections/health-shots/2023/03/16/1163786037/maternal-deaths-in-the-u-s-spiked-in-2021-cdc-reports
• https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2022/05/bill-cassidy-maternal-mortality-rates
• https://amp.theguardian.com/global-development/2023/mar/17/texas-black-women-maternal-healthcare-crisis-medicaid
• https://laist.com/news/health/april-valentine-childbirth-death-centinela-hospital-los-angeles-black-maternal-mortality-investigation
• https://people.com/health/tk-dad-raising-sons-alone-after-wife-dies-in-childbirth/
• https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1246841
• https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/amp/wellness/story/calls-change-26-year-black-woman-dies-childbirth-71698417
• https://www.goodmorningamerica.com/wellness/story/calls-change-26-year-black-woman-dies-childbirth-71698417
• https://www.wsj.com/articles/black-mothers-in-new-york-are-more-likely-to-have-life-threatening-complications-in-childbirth-11597268700
• https://www.nbcnews.com/news/nbcblk/harris-pushes-make-black-maternal-health-national-priority-rcna24630
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opisasodomite · 1 year
I’m reading a book about the Gilded Age and let me just say, given the choice between living in the 19th or the 18th century, if you don’t want to die in a boiler explosion, pick the 18th for the love of god
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feral-catgirl · 1 year
could people on this site who claim to care about racism as a social issue please learn what internal colonies are and how they factor into the class analysis of imperialist countries
i promise you that native american reservations, the segregated black belt, and the people of the colonized pacific islands do not have the same high standards of living as the average (white) usamerican and posting cia world factbook data of average lifespan by country is not in fact effective evidence to the contrary
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dr-dendritic-trees · 1 year
Arram was the youngest student by far. He performed a number of written and spoken tests, then demonstrated the magic he had been taught.
Hopping back in time because I bought cheap sticky notes and I just found this one on the floor.
What's the literacy rate in Carthak? Because TBH from what we see of Carthak in general, I don't get the sense its that high? Like... what the fuck would they have done if Arram, as powerful as he is, was illiterate?
When we get to Wild Magic we learn that Thayet specifically plans around that, for the Rider's. But that's Thayet.
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