#infinite tech
dailycharacteroption · 7 months
Infinite Tech Witchwarper (Witchwarper Alternate Class Feature)
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(art by Methiston on DeviantArt)
I do love a gadgeteer hero, someone who always has the right equipment for the job on hand, even when it doesn’t always make sense.
An interesting subtype of the gadgeteer hero, however, is the “arsenal” hero. Typically a “battle mage” of some kind, their whole gimmick is that they have a weapon and/or armor set for every situation, often conjuring them to their hands to replace whatever armament they previously held or wore.
And with the witchwarper, a spellcaster that literally calls upon objects and energies from alternate realities, it only makes sense that there would be some among them that utilize their talents in such a way!
I doubt that this specialization would manifest by accident, so I imagine that those that wield this power trained themselves to focus on weapons and armaments when they tap into the possibilities of other worlds and realities. Perhaps they are soldiers or mercenaries, or they desperately wished for a weapon to defend themselves when they were in danger, and their power awakened and answered.
Either way, their gifts have given them a way to answer any question that their foes and the hazards around them may ask.
With an expenditure of magical energy, these mages can conjure a suit of light armor (with upgrades if resolve is also spent), a basic melee weapon, or a sidearm. Though these armaments may resemble familiar models, they are extradimensional in nature and as such the skill of the mage and the amount of energy they expended determines their damage output and defensive capabilities, allowing them to tailor the armor with the upgrades they need, or the weapons with the damage type and special properties they need.
The greater the magical energy they expend, the more potent their creations become. Armor gains elemental resistances, additional upgrade slots, greater durability. Meanwhile, weapons gain critical hit effects, additional properties, and increases to their damage output.
With this specialization, this version of the witchwarper is less a battlefield control specialist and more a secondary combatant able to tailor their gear to the situation at hand, especially if you’re using the enhanced version of the class that gets a lot of extra uses of infinite worlds. I recommend combat feats to flesh out their ability to stand alongside more combat-focused classes, as well as spells that can hamper and damage foes to make hammering them hard with your conjured weapons as well as your more real mainstays easier. From there, make a list of useful armor upgrades so you can quickly pick them out when going on the defensive.
I said before that these weapons and armor may resemble familiar models  despite using a level-generated stat line, but they don’t have to if you do not wish. You might wield armor that resembles medieval designs, or weapons that function but are very different in terms of design aesthetic, such as an electrical pistol that is accompanied by deafening peals of thunder when fired, or a staff that bleeds flame along it’s length. Feel free to be creative with it!
Hoping to starve them out of advanced resources, the Jolin Corporation blockaded the planet in hopes of quelling the copaxi revolts at their facilities. However, they sorely underestimated the flexibility of the coral-folk. Not only have their biotechnicians begun replicating the advanced tech of the outsiders in biotech form, but more than a few copaxi guerillas have a knack for warping reality, conjuring living weapons from their imagination to fight the company’s occupation.
In order to learn about the mysterious weapon-conjuring mercenary the party has repeatedly encountered, they need to sneak into a server room owned by the corporation that he seems to be connected to. Doing so means braving the automated defenses, including a serpentine hybrid tech guardians, an arcane asp!
The recent string of killings that have occurred seem to have no connection at first, but as one looks into the details, one begins to realize that the murder weapons are all strange and unique devices, leading the investigators to conclude that the wielder must be a tinkering weaponsmith, have raided a warehouse of experimental designs, or perhaps strangest of all, is making them up as they go.
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lord-squiggletits · 8 months
The thing about forged medic hands is that in my personal headcanon, I feel like all forged medic hands baseline should act like Pharma's Luna-1 hands; not the ability to transform into (basically) anything, but because from what I can recall, Pharma is the only instance of a TF medic who isn't just holding tools in his hands and operating that way, but he literally has panels in his arms opening up while his hands are transformed into another tool so he's operating like 3 or 4 tools at once and I think that's so fucking cool.
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Especially since they're alien robots whose most prominent feature is transforming so it really feels like having hands/arms that can split or transform into a bunch of tools like a hyper-advanced Swiss army knife should just be like, baseline. It seems like a much better way to take advantage of worldbuilding based on alien robots instead of having forged medic hands just be like, normal shaped hands but extra speedy/flexible/graceful or something.
Just look at the way that real life robotic surgery systems have multiple arms with different tools-- because the fact that they're machines means they're not limited to human physiology's limitations of movement and using hands to perform.
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Makes way more sense that forged medic hands should be able to transform their fingers into different tools or have extra limbs stored in their forearms to hold even more tools. Plus it would lead credence to Ratchet's claims that forged hands have certain abilities that constructed hands can't replicate. (After all it makes sense that building medic hands, as opposed to just finding someone who was forged with them naturally, would be really complicated and resource intensive, so in Functionist Cybertron no one would bother building cold constructed hands to the same standards as forged medic hands bc they're not seen as having the same value.)
Granted if all forged medics had similar capabilities to Pharma's Luna-1 hands, it'd be hard to make Pharma's Luna-1 hands stand out as distinct. Then again the fact that "they can transform into anything" seems like it would be extremely special considering that you can only pack so many transformations into a single pair of hands. Plus, in Lost Light, Pharma-Adaptus is shown being able to transform his hand into a freaking blaster which means due to Luna-1/Adaptus' blessings or whatever, his hands don't just hold sets of doctors' tools but can turn into things completely unrelated to the function of medicine at all, including apparently multiple kinds of weapons. Quite literally infinite transformation.
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heyclickadee · 11 months
Anyway, Tech and Phee would (will) be that hyper-competent adventure couple who would also absolutely awaken the ancient horrors on purpose on a bi-monthly basis.
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underwater-utopia · 2 months
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Rosalind and Robert Lutece stimboard for @sillyarchliker
⏳|🎈|☁️ ⏳|🧬|☁️ ⏳|🎈|☁️
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canyouhearmeow · 8 months
lrt this radically changes what central processing looks like in my mind because yes i suppose an open bath immersion cooling system could still mean individual server racks like below
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but what if all of sayer's hardware was in one big tank filled with dielectric fluid (think world's deepest pool in Dubai), it would make maintenance very hard but think of the water imagery potential.......
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(Infinite Crisis #1)
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1o1percentmilk · 8 months
Inside, the supercomputer loomed over me, thrumming like a waterfall. Seventy-four sleek black cabinets were arranged in rows; each contained six hundred and forty processors. Pestian and I ambled among the cabinets. Above us, thick cables delivered enough electricity to power a town. Below, hoses carried six thousand gallons of water per minute for regulating the computer’s temperature. I opened a cabinet and felt heat on my face. from The New Yorker - "Can A.I. Treat Mental Illness?" by Dhruv Khullar
that was its pussy
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hussyknee · 5 months
Scrolling my news feed today and the Algorithm has somehow decided I would be interested in the history of "computer-generated poetry". Don't care if it turned out to be a criticism of AI (unlikely, given the headline) but the very word turned my stomach.
"Computer-generated poetry." Jesus fuck how does your very soul not curdle.
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amethystsoda · 10 months
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Time Princess sure was thirsty when they designed the new companion Theos 😅👀
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inkher0 · 2 months
Andrew just called me FURIOUS because he saw a Cybertruck in person for the first time
"Babe it's over, humanity is finished. Babe it looks even worse in person. It doesn't look like its done rendering. Babe I'm so fucking scared right now I feel like I just saw the Devil"
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lostparadox · 5 months
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It’s time
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elbiotipo · 1 year
I really hate, however, the whole "billionaries could solve world hunger" rethoric. We already have billionaries "solving world hunger" and they are called food/agro megacorporations, and they are the ones causing hunger. Solving hunger needs collective action by farmers, the state, whole societies. A guy throwing money at the problem solves nothing, especially when that money doesn't even exist as such, just as metaphorical financial masturbation.
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blueskiesofsaturn · 2 years
I love the name for those comics, The Bonk Saga. It's perfect! But they have left me with a question. Are all Donatellos' staffs imbued with Bonk Energy, or just Rise's? Because I could really see it either way, tbh.
Hmm. An interesting question.
In my quest of sampling bits of the rest of the tmnt library I've come under the opinion that all Donnies are secretly at least a little unhinged, its just rise Donnie has decided to stop pretending he isn't. I think the bonk is there, but it's subdued, and sometimes you'll see bits of it in the others if they ever get their hands on the bo. Granted, I've gotten a lot more bonk vibes from Mikeys, Caseys and even Splinters of all people rather than Donnie. (03 Donnie especially barely seems to have ANY from what little I've watched of him so far? He's either too sweet of a boy or it just takes a LOT to push him around) I think I'll have to extend this question to the wider tmnt fandom, tell me about the other Donnies. Tell me all about the purple boys, do they posses the bonk™?
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princesssarcastia · 6 months
listen to me. are you listening? tiktok is not uniquely anything when it comes to the internet. it is a tool and a platform like any other, used by all kinds of people—by nearly every kind of person or entity to whom it is available, in fact! and while what the u.s. government is doing right now to force the ownership of the company to change hands is bad and happening for the wrong reasons, to put it mildly—
claiming that the u.s. establishment is interested in shutting down tiktok because its been sooooo good and revolutionary for progressive/left-wing organizing is uhh. horse shit. that's not true. everyone uses tiktok. you, statistically, probably use tiktok. so do some of the congresspeople endorsing legislation that might end in tiktok being banned. so do right-wing influencers and terfs and trad-wives. just like everyone uses every other social media site.
don't fall into that trap of thinking that just because you and the people in your circle use this tool for good, that this tool is only used for good. it is actually just a tool for everyone!
here's an excerpt from a book called, The Wires of War, by Jacob Helberg which, if you're interested in why the u.s. congress is actually pulling this shit with tiktok, is a great read. this excerpt follows a section where Helberg described the role social media played in the Arab Spring in 2011. emphasis mine.
It would be several years before the 2016 election awakened the West to the ways in which the Internet could exploit the vulnerabilities of their societies. But for the autocrats in Bejing, Moscow, and Tehran, the Arab Spring was a technological awakening of their own. Seeing other repressive governments around the world crumble, illiberal regimes in Russia and China accelerated their treatment of the information space as a domain of war. "Tech-illiterate bureaucrats were replaced by a new generation of enforcers who understood the internet almost as well as the protesters," write Singer and Brooking in their book, LikeWar: The Weaponization of Social Media. "In truth, democratic activists had no special claim to the internet. They'd simply gotten there first. "
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linisiane · 2 years
Been thinking about a Modern!Babel AU centered around colleges aimed around Silicon Valley
Immigrant kids being funneled into CS because it’s the field where the money is (linguistics? Where’s the money in that? You want to starve?).
International students coming to America because all the Big Programming Languages and their documentation are in English, because translations of documentation is to err and to betray, because English is the programming lingua franca, because if you don’t know English then you’ll be “trailing edge.” Source
“As an American and native English-speaker myself, I have previously been reluctant to suggest this, lest it be taken as a sort of cultural imperialism. But several native speakers of other languages have urged me to point out that English is the working language of the hacker culture and the Internet, and that you will need to know it to function in the hacker community.” Source
So they come to America to improve their English because you have to be fluent to be taken seriously. Or maybe they’re born in America and can feel the rot of their native tongue as they grow up, even as they learn more and more programming languages.
Java, C++, Ruby, XML, Python, Swift, PHP, etc.
It’s funny, but programmers, even as they’ve decided on English as the one true language, they create more and more programming languages to suit their needs/problem solving efficiency:
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[ID: XKCD comic that is titled "How Standards Proliferate (See: A/C chargers, character encodings, instant messaging, etc.)" It reads,
Situation: There are 14 competing standards. Cueball (stick figure): 14?! Ridiculous! We need to develop one universal standard that covers everyone's use cases. Ponytail (other stick figure): Yeah! Soon: Situation: There are 15 competing standards.
End ID]
(transcript taken from the ExplainXKCD wiki)
And of course, the students from countries on the Indian subcontinent are acutely aware of the unbalanced nature of the work they do, the way they’re expected to do export IT work, despite the digital divide in India, Bengal, Pakistan, etc. Especially since it’s a sign of being well-educated (wealthy) to speak English fluently thanks to the history of British Imperialism on the subcontinent.
Chinese IT students sink or swim thanks Mandarin monolinguism making it difficult to learn English. Americans programmers struggle not to link choppy English with choppy code, even while being monolingual themselves!
Not to mention the heavy sexism in the IT field! Female programmers taking on nicknames on emails and resumes to pretend to be men, so they’ll be taken seriously. Despite the history of women like Ada Lovelace being foundational to computers.
And of course we gotta bring up the ethics of AI, how it’s a march towards the inevitable that only Luddites would oppose. Despite the millions who’d lose their jobs once implemented into the workplace.
Commercial transportation sector lost to self-driving cars.
Digital artists lost to DALL-E.
Manufacturers automated.
But can’t they tell that progress is inevitable? That this is the future and to try to stop it is foolish?
As Anand Giridharadas put it in Winners Take All:
“In [Silicon] Valley, prediction has become a popular way of fighting for a particular future while claiming merely to be describing what has yet to occur”
Elon Musk is a genius. Bill Gates is so charitable. Bezos is customer obsessed, and they’re the future, don’t you see? Infinite growth forever and ever.
Tower of Babel? Valley of Silicon.
Unfortunately I suck at STEM, and I’m an uncultured Asian American, so I don’t know programming languages well, nor do I know enough about other cultures to do Ramy, Victoire, Robin, or Letty justice. Just the bare bones to see the structure of this AU and put it out in the world to see if anybody would like to play with it or add on.
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agoddamn · 2 years
It's out of character that Tobirama didn't invent frag grenades
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