dundealentnew · 6 months
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Do you or a friend want to create an Ebook and publish it on Amazon?
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win-a · 9 months
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    ✾  🥛  . sanrio mb event! ◍ i want to make a event to apologize for being very inactive on tumblr since school started and i even got alot of likes, reblog and followers but i didnt make a appreciation post when i hit, im sorry!
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    ✾  🍼  . infobook. ◍ direct/private message me any number of 1-9. and i will give you the sanrio character you must make as a moodboard!
◍ if you want me to notice your moodboard you can tag me @et-a or add tags #sanrio et-a
◍ the deadline is the start of october ( 1 / 10 / 23 ) and it could be changed if i didnt get have the prize ready or im delayed. ◍ reblog this event post + comment your joining!
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    ✾  🌀  . event prize.
+ 1st ˚ 100 reblogs, 5 locs + 50 robux (tax depends on your note)
+ 2nd ˚ 50 reblogs, 3 locs + 30 robux
+ 3rd ˚ a kiss from me, 30 reblogs, 2 locs.
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✦📖 @v-ico @od-i @i7kyu @egorls @yumjins @y-vestual @i6yunjins @07yjn @lorlita @yeritos @baesol @eliatopia (not forcing to join! But. plz do)
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cursedvibes · 5 months
(re your academics post!) IIRC, isn't it that all the core/non-sorcery teaching is handled by the assistant managers and sorcerers handle the jujutsu side? I feel like I rememember one of the Q/As or infobooks specified that Assistant Managers are the only ones who get actual teacher certifications bc they handle regular academics? Anyway, I'm SO glad I'm not the only one who dislikes people seeing that chart and taking it as Yuuji/Nobara/Hakari being 'stupid'. I kinda interpreted the academics difference partially as an extension of the entire 'conservative vs new' conflict, since the Kyoto branch being more associated with the traditionalist side of jujutsu society. I feel like it's pretty well known even outside of Japan that a big criticism is the school system being harsh and unforgiving, so it surprises me that people don't recognize the academics as a part of the stories overall criticism of the drawback of a too traditionalist society. Especially when we see how in a non-traditional enviorment Yuuji/Nobara/Hakari all are INCREDIBLY creative and quick to learn. It just feels to me like simplifying to an idea of 'bad academics=genuinely stupid' misses MAJOR messages of the story!
Yes, as I said in my post, the assistant directors and windows handle the academic side. Gojo and Utahime are still the respective classroom teachers and responsible for overseeing everyone's education, jujutsu related or not. And Gojo doesn't have a teacher's license, but he can still teach at Jujutsu Tech, that's not affected by that (otherwise he would be out of a job).
Agree with your point about the school system and criticism of traditions, although I don't quite understand what you mean in regards to Kyoto. Kyoto is more conservative overall, but then based on what you said they should do worse in school because of the pressure, but they don't. I think in their case the environment is a big factor because the Kyoto students are closer to each other across the board, no matter the grade, and even if someone is lagging behind, they help each other. Meanwhile in Tokyo the students are more restricted to their respective classes and spend less time together on off days (it's more explored in one of the light novels, I think the second one). Only Shibuya and the Culling Game really brought them together. Not to mention that they have more direct contact to the higher-ups and even when they aren't threatening to execute some first years, they still terrorize the students who don't fit the mold like Hakari and Kirara. Kyoto has Gakuganji, but he's much easier to deal with. So besides Kyoto potentially having better, more educated and experienced teachers, their atmosphere is also more forgiving and encouraging for the individuals, which I think might be a reason they perform better in regular classes. On the other hand, the assistant directors in Tokyo (as seen through Ijichi) are struggling not to give in to a mental breakdown on the daily and I can't imagine that has good consequences for the quality of their teaching. The students also seem to get more time out in the field on mission, which would make learning for classes pretty difficult. Yuuji, Nobara and Megumi almost all died on their first mission. I guess it doesn't matter then what grade you have in Math.
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sneezemonster15 · 1 year
Hi. What did Sasuke mean when he called Sakura annoying when she confessed? In some databook/infobook/fan book it's written that "annoying" cares a different meaning which had changed during their missions.
And why did Sasuke put Sakura in genjutsu? Did she just annoyed him or he really didn't want her to interfere in their battle with Naruto? Some ss think Sasuke did it to protect Sakura (but he just went to fight with Naruto and put her in genjutsu only after her whining. if Sasuke really wanted to protect her, he should do so before she started to cry) and when he called her annoying he was sad because of eyeshades and because his leg shook😵😵😵 those people even think sasuke didn't put sakura in genjutsu (and did it with naruto instead) because kakashi said she woke up...
Databooks aren't canon. They are Not to be taken seriously. They are just extra material, merchandise, to keep loyal fans happy and interested.
Sasuke didn't want Sakura to interfere in his business with Naruto. His imminent battle in vote two is symbolic in more ways than one. It's his final attempt at breaking his bonds with Naruto to be alone, so he would be able to carry on his plans and obtain his objectives. Sakura would have been a needless obstruction in it. He doesn't care about Sakura, doesn't even flinch before putting her in a genjutsu where he stabs her through the chest. The whole point of a genjutsu is that even if the attack itself is in one's head, it still hurts like a real attack. Which is why when Itachi attacked Kakashi with it in part one, Kakashi was hospitalized and then was on bed rest for a considerable period of time. Sasuke obviously didn't care if it would hurt Sakura and why would he? She assumed her feelings for him were more important than his goals that are about the future of the entire shinobi world. He just wanted to shut her insignificant ass up and get on with his goals.
His leg didn't shake. It just paused for effect. You can also see the bubble for sound effect. It has been added for the effect, before he says in a big panel - You really are annoying. The pause enhances the effect of what he says. Because even at the end, Sasuke knew that Sakura won't change, and it was just proven to him by the way she confessed to him, making it all about herself, once AGAIN.
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Meaning he knew she would never change and keep being the same self absorbed person that she is, who cannot see beyond her nose no matter what happens. And this is all consistent behaviour from Sasuke towards Sakura.
This is what a shake or tremble looks like.
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Single lined. Manga iconography, or manpu, is not random, it's very specific. Such as speed lines, borders of dialogue bubbles, flashback screentones, facial expressions etc. One cannot simply be replaced with the other, otherwise the meaning would change. Manga has a very distinct iconography and it doesn't follow the whims and fancies of SS fandom, no matter how much they think the world revolves around them, just like their fav.
Look at the shake lines around Sakura's hands and Obito. It's because Sakura is nervous about stabbing Obito. And Obito is anticipating his eye being taken out.
Apart from that, it doesn't even make sense that Sasuke's leg would shake, and even if it did which it didn't, what would it even mean? Lol. He doesn't like or respect Sakura, doesn't care for her at all in Shippuden. Which he proves several times, especially in kage arc and war arc. All the rest is just in SS's candyfloss filled heads. Hehehe.
This is just SS being SS. Don't expect logic from them.
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yumeirochaser · 1 year
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art from the Tadao Nagahama - Romantic Robot Animation Chronicle infobook!!
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offtospacezine · 2 years
Contributor Applications are open!
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For a chance to work on Off to Space, a Bee and Puppycat zine, apply now!
Contributor Application 💫
Infobook 💫
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parallelmc · 10 months
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Hey everyone,
While the Parallel Team is busy working tirelessly on Part 3 of the Community Update, we've whipped up something else to bring to you...
Have you ever wanted to live in a high-rise apartment building with all of your friends? Do you want to be part of an eclectic area where things are always happening? Welcome to **Parallel Heights,** your brand new home away from home!
To get to Parallel Heights, head to the portal pad at spawn or head behind Nojoe tower at the back left of the Shopping District. Be sure to read the InfoBooks at the front desk (and say hi to Buddy, hard at work!) and then click the sign to deposit 100 riftcoins and get build access! Once you've done that, head upstairs to claim a vacant room and get started on creating your very own personalized apartment room!
Parallel Heights is also complete with a cafe run by one of our builders, Asher, an indoor pool, a working elevator, and much more! We're also open to suggestions for decoration, and players with apartment access actually have building access to everywhere upstairs!
We hope that Parallel Heights gives all of you a neat little extra thing to do in the interim before our last part of the Community Update, and we can't wait to see what all of your rooms become!
*Happy $2800/month rent,*
**The Parallel Team**
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nomadicism · 7 months
omg you have the robot romance + daltanious art and infobook! can you upload pictures please? im from a third world country and i cant buy it on amazon. once again thank youuuuu! what did you like about the book?
Hi Anon, thank you for the Ask!
The book—called "Tadao Nagahama's Romantic Robot Animation" (長滇忠夫ロマンロボットアニメの世界)—is mostly a digest guide with series and episode summaries, monster-of-the-week guide, staff interviews, summary of other materials (such as manga), and some illustrations (sketches, mechanical designs, and settei) from each of the series with some description.
Much larger images (including some of the same images in this book) can be found in the Roman albums (art books) that were released for each of the series. Unfortunately, the Daltanious section uses scenes from the animation for most of its content rather than illustrations.
I like the monster guides the most. They are a concise way to look at all of the monsters at one time. It is interesting to see the progression of designs across the different series.
Below is an example of what one of the spreads from the Tōshō Daimos section looks like. This one is about some of the vehicles that appear in the show and which episodes they are in. The Triper 75S is in the lower right, and it's such a fun design. That would be a fun model kit to have.
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I don't have a lot of energy/focus for scanning art books, but if there is something specific you are looking for, then let me know and maybe I can find it.
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kihaku-gato · 1 year
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Eye-catchers at the Thrifts
Stuff I did not buy but that still caught my eye. Mostly fantasy books and one infobook that had a really bad online rating which made me avoid it. I am not familiar with any of these but either the title looked interesting orthe coverart gave promise;
A Rumor of Dragons
The Dragon at War
The Dragon Revenant
The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs- A New History of a Lost World
The Invisible Library
Seeds of Yesterday
Flowers in the Attic
If There be Thorns
Garden of Shadows
I definitely think I dodged a bullet for The Rise and Fall of the Dinosaurs, since even just sampling some of the reading gave me the same criticisms I read in the online reviews of it. All the books in this list from the Seeds of Yesterday onwards I've only just been able to look up online at the time of this post and despite how tantalizing the book titles sound by names alone I don't think those 4 books are the right kind/genre for me tbh.
Of these eyecatchers, Elvenblood (half cause the coverart and half cause I've seen this book the thrift MULTIPLE occasions), The Dragon at War, and The Invisible Library still pique my curiosity, but not enough that I'd want to necessarily buy said books without actually getting to read them at a library first (assuming that my local library even HAS these books).
Still hoping some books from my younger days of reading eventually come up while thrift searching, like any of the Dragonriders of Pern books, Dinotopia, Jurassic Park, The Pit Dragon Triology, or among the younger age demographic The Guardians of Ga'hoole.
I'll keep scanning over the shelves whenever I visit the thrifts until I score some of the ones I'm really after. It's only a matter of time and luck.
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yusukeslibrary · 4 months
Infobook on characters in My Hero Academia: The Magic of Hope through Izuku's notes. Current: Pg 1 - Kitsuro Ryotsume
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A kit and infobook about turning trainer-kids into mlm hunbots arrives
A gift from @riseteam
NICE. Time to give out ‘consolation prizes,’ when they can’t BEAT ME, this’ll be GREAT for me and my students.
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oriigami · 5 years
Ultra Analysis: Dabi
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(This translation was requested by Anonymous! If you’d like to request a translation, please send a message or an ask!)
B in Power
C in Speed
C in Intelligence
D- in Technique
A in Mysteriousness
Summary: A mysterious man. Because he sympathized with Stain’s ambitions, Giran acted as a middleman to bring him together with the League of Villains. He doesn’t just hate heroes; he’s even willing to burn potential allies to death if they don’t agree with his ideology. He’s sometimes entrusted with commanding the group on operations. He tells no-one about his origins or past life, not even his companions, and the name he uses is an alias.
Shigaraki: Came into contact after Stain’s apprehension. They were initially on bad terms but later learned to work together.
Toga: Joined the League of Villains at the same time as Dabi. They have fought together several times and consider each other trustworthy.
Twice: During the attack on the forest training camp, he was under Dabi’s command. They’ve been compatriots ever since.
(Since I know people will probably ask: Todoroki Touya has a brief mention elsewhere in the book, in a blurb talking about Fuyumi and Natsuo, but all it says is that he exists and is the oldest sibling.)
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world700 · 3 years
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Comment comprendre votre horoscope - Germaine Holley
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infobookworld · 4 years
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thegoodgloss-blog · 4 years
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Fun fact about our CEO: she has a degree in Christian Theology. 🤓 . . Reach out anytime for guidance, support, or interesting stories! . . [email protected] #thegoodgloss #faith #bibleverse #believer #lipglossbusiness #shopsmall #support #lipgloss #smallbusiness #infobook https://www.instagram.com/p/CBwZGEJnwt8/?igshid=1pbbuxzlk9ny1
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