#ingo is like this is a totally normal thing to think about
mipmoth · 5 months
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They were having a moment until emmet said hmmm not that one...
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factual-fantasy · 1 year
27 asks/walls of text where I ramble about FNAF <XDD
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Actually I have 2 swap AUs. A true swap and a partial swap. In the partial swap, only Chica and Freddy switch places with Foxy and Bonnie respectively. The rest of the characters and world are slightly altered because of this change, but otherwise the story continues as normal. With Gregory coming to the Pizzaplex and the overall back story of the AU remaining the same.
Meanwhile in the true swap, which I haven't drawn yet.. everyone is paired with someone and swaps places with them. Freddy and Bonnie swap, Chica and Foxy swap, Roxy and Monty swap, even DJ and DA swap. And most importantly, Gregory and Vanessa swap. Which means that everyone's role and design are completely swapped.
And this means that Gregory is the adult sus security guard, and Vanessa is the scared little child living in the basement.. 👀👀
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I'm glad you like my Octonauts and submas stuff! :DD I was actually just thinking about Ingo and Emmet funnily enough XD I've been considering finally committing and playing Legends: Arceus, so that I can learn more about that world and Ingo. Also so that I could come back with more knowledge about the twins and make a proper AU :00
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Thank you for asking first! And as long as it isn't directly taking my idea, then yeah that sounds fine to me! :}}
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That would be cool yeah! :0
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To be completely honest, the multiple arms thing is mostly just a running joke <XD
But also magically growing a 3rd arm when ever I need it is very convenient XDD
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That's a good question, hmm.. Well, I guess I'll go in order.
Gregory's fears cant really be revealed for lore reasons, but Freddy's can. Freddy has a lot of fear surrounding Gregory. He fears for Gregory's safety, his health.. but most of all, he's afraid of the others finding about about Gregory. If the others found out about him, surly they'd call security, right? If that happens Gregory would be taken away by Vanessa. Which would destroy Freddy..
Now Chica, Roxy, Monty, Foxy and Bonnie don't.. really have a #1 biggest fear that I can point out exactly.. or at least I cant think of any atm..
But DJMM? He doesn't have a biggest fear per se, but he is worried sick about the Daycare attendant. He hasn't seen him in months by this point. And no one has really told him anything straight. He has no idea why he's been gone for so long and if he's okay or not.. :(
And DA's biggest fear is definitely being caught in the dark. He knows very well that something is wrong with him and that he doesn't act like himself when in his moon mode. So he is terrified of the dark and does everything in his power to avoid it..
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I do know of monster high actually! :00 I think its pretty neat, I've seen a lot of dolls being customized by Dollightful on YouTube. I highly recommend her! (Totally not a Dollightful advertisement XDDD)
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(Post in question)
Thank you so much! :DD I'm a bit late to respond to this ask <XD But I'm all better now. My cold is gone and my leg healed up nicely :}}
And the cones name is Cody! :D
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@burningmusicfunnygiant (Post in question)
Monty and Roxy do look different in this AU, although they still run the Golf course and Raceway respectively.
As for the bots meeting their other selves.. I image swap Monty would be rather surprised by his counter parts severe temper. OG Monty is so crushed by grief and shame that he's just constantly angry and lashing out. Also because of his shame he has closed himself off all these years which has only made his anger worse..
In the swap AU, Foxy was there for Monty. They became best friends and really helped each other through the grief and pain. Foxy helped Monty with his anger and in present day he's a really mellow person. Just sore with grief but not angry.
Meeting the others as well, OG Bonnie would be surprised by how.. mean his swapped form is.
Swapped Bonnie comes off as a real jerk. If you try to talk to him he'll either just stand there with a vacant stare and refuse to look at or talk to you. Or he'll be short and rude with you and just overall have a vibe that says "I don't want to talk to you, leave me alone". After every performance he just sneaks off to his room and stays there all night. If anyone tries to talk to him about coming out of his room more often or engaging with the group, he just snaps back. Telling them to leave him alone. His and Foxy's friendship has greatly suffered in this AU..
OG Bonnie would be floored by this version of himself. Bonnie would never speak to his friends like that. He would never brush them off if they were standing outside his door in tears. Begging to just talk to him. He couldn't believe the way his other self was acting..
But the thing is, Swapped Bonnie is just under an extreme amount of stress and pressure. He is an Animatronic that was designed only for smaller groups and a more quiet environment. He is a naturally slow animatronic and has a really relaxed personality. The only times he would be put on stage in front of a big crowd is every few weeks or so when the band would do a big performance together. Then right after it was back to the slow and relaxed bowling ally..
But after Freddy's accident, he was put on stage in Freddy's place. Bonnie is now on stage every day. Huge crowds, lights, noise, constantly on the move, go go go, noise noise noise- Bonnie come do this- Bonnie take this picture- Bonnie sing these 3 songs- Bonnie move that- Bonnie come over here- Bonnie sing happy birthday- Bonnie its time for another performance- Like-- it never ends!!
So whenever Bonnie has the time, he just completely shuts down. If he has a 5 minute break to just stand here? He's going to stand completely still and not do or say anything. If he gets to go to his room, he's going to turn off the lights and sit in complete silence for as long as he can. Any time anyone tries to talk to him he just pushes them away. The last thing he wants to do in his free time is more talking, more processing, more movement. He just wants to be where its dark and quiet..
Swap Bonnie is being pushed to his absolute processing limit, every. single. day. If you were constantly being overwhelmed and pushed beyond your limit every single day, for years? Well you'd probably be a grump and just wants some peace and quiet too..
I could go on with the others, but these paragraphs are already super long- <XD Maybe in another ask if anyone is interested!
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In the OG au and the Partial swap AU, Sun and Moon are the same person. There are no separate animatronics or separate personalities. The "bug" just only really seems to effect DA when he's in his moon costume. And in the Partial swap, no it doesn't effect his Sunny side..
Although in the true swap? It might actually switch and effect his sunny side instead.. 👀👀
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Foxy! :}}
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I have fully recovered from my cold, thank you! :} And you got it right! Foxy is Gregory's favorite character and he takes Freddy's role in protecting him :}}
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:DD Thank you so much!! I would like to come back sometime and do a deeper dive into the Wario bros. I had so many ideas for them that I never got around to.. <:/
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Bibi is a boy! :}
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Aw, comparing yourself to people you perceive as better isn't going to help you feel better.. <:( Just keep trudging on with your own work and you'll improve over time. I believe in you! :}}
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Oh yeah, I've seen Bluey alllll over the place XD It seems like a really wholesome show! I've seen a lot of clips and art of it, although I haven't really gotten into it or watched it myself. My go to pre-school type show is Octonauts <XD
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Maybe someday! :}}
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:DD Thank you so much! Maybe I'll come back around to it sometime! :}}
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0___o; Well uhh... so here's the thing about Paani. No offence to anyone who likes him, but personally? I reeeeeaaaaalllly don't like Paani. :x
The first episode just gave me a really sour taste in my mouth. And I just haven't been able to like him since 😅
I have intentions to add him to my Octonauts stuff in the future. But what I plan to do is re-write/make an AU about above and beyond which involves uh.. removing everything I don't like about it.. Including Paani. :x
I mean he'll still in it!-- But my AU will completely rewrite his character and remove all the things that people criticize him for. He will basically be Paani 2.0, and will be a completely different character... I feel bad for wiping his personality clean off my AU, but maaaaan I just cant like Paani, sorry! 😭😭
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I might not be understanding the question here, so my apologies-
My Gregory and canon Gregory are very different characters for a few reasons. For one, I completely rewrote the events of the game so they did not experience the same things while at the Pizzaplex.
I also made up a backstory for my Gregory that justifies him being more shy and skittish then canon Gregory seems to be.
I also didn't like how evil/gremlin-ly Gregory is in canon/fanon. So I thought screw it, I don't like canon/fanon Gregory being a lil turd, so I'm just going to make my own Gregory that acts the way I want him to <XD
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XD Aw, that's a nice idea. But poor Bonnie might be embarrassed to have a hook put on his stubby arm. It might just make him look tacky and draw more attention to it. Poor Foxy might have to keep his hook for now :x
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You know, Bonnie likely did have a few custom bowling balls made just for him. But who knows where they are now.. Rockstar row? Somewhere in the bowling ally? In a box in the basement somewhere? They may never know.. :(
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Aww!! That's so cute! Wet floor cone buddy for the win!!! 💗💗
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Thank you! 😎😎😎
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Misplaced Super Train is absolutely AMAZING and is for some reason scratching a bit of my brain so if you don't mind I had some possible thoughts that could maybe be incorperated for like. AU World Building, if that's alright
what if the Super Train "Clan" end up building their camp around the ruins of the battle train, both for the easy shelter it offers but also to keep any other people from poking around and finding Future Stuff
bouncing back and forth between teaching Ingo about who they are and where they came from but also stuff about Hisui and trying to differentiate the two so his "past" and "future" knowledge won't get muddled
the STC's giving the other Clan's/Galaxy Team a HEART ATTACK with just how calm and relaxed they are with their pokemon becuase they've all seen how strong they are
they do bond with Laventon tho since he's very interested in all these new, seemingly domesticated pokemon as well as how powerful they are
I was actually going on the assumption that their camp is where their totaled train is! I still don't know where exactly I'd want them to crash at, I don't want them in either Pearl or Diamond territory, and I don't want them near Jubilife Village. So it just leaves the coastlands and the highlands, I think. And, if Ingo still becomes Lady Sneasler's warden, it makes more sense for the train to have crashed in the highlands.
So I suppose they're, like, the new official Highlands Clan. On account of the fact that they can't live anywhere else. They don't know how to build tents. Have to stick with the train cars.
(Okay I guess I now know where I want them to crash at.)
As for teaching Ingo, he may be able to understand what these people are saying, but despite knowing he has a brother and a family and works with trains etc, he doesn't remember any of it. It becomes clear to the depot agents that telling him these things aren't actually helping his memory at all, just forcing him to feel pressured into remembering, so they stop trying altogether. They'll tell Ingo things if he asks, but otherwise, they're not going to try and force remembrance of certain things anymore.
Akari's own amnesia and the fact that she has no expectations of Ingo or knew him previously is actually part of the reason why Ingo is so comfortable with her, and why he finds it so much easier to remember things around her.
Anyways, I don't think the clans are all too alarmed by being close to Pokémon so much as the Galaxy Team are, honestly speaking. I mean, they all seem to have Pokémon partners? I think it's more normal for the clans than the Galaxy Team, but understandably EVERYONE is very wary of the fact that their Pokémon are just. So insanely strong in comparison to everyone else. Because these crazy people battle for FUN. Nobody else does that! Battling is for survival, judging someone's character, asserting authority, or proving a point. It is NOT for enjoyment!
Every time a Clan or Galaxy Team member passes by them while they're battling, they sort of just skirt the edge and stare wide-eyed at them like they're absolutely insane. Because by native standards, they are.
As for Laventon, he's literally the kind of guy to just run up to a stranger and start a conversation, so I imagine he does actually get along with the depot agents and Ingo quite well. Even if he does ask enough questions to remind them all of reporters.
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icys-junkyard · 1 year
What if the Depot agents knew (partner bond AU) and were just really good at pretending to be oblivious? I just think it'd be funny. Like.
"There's Boss Emmet, he's accidentally tased a guy and is trying the Joltik excuse again. Sure we "believe" him. Why not. Let's drag the (unconscious) body to the hospital real quick."
"Boss Ingo has once again failed to realise that he's set himself on fire. Again. I should comment on something smelling smoky so he might catch on before some random commuter panics."
Also, I feel bad for the poor worker who has to edit out any and all instances of Ingo and Emmet having superpowers from the security camera footage. An unsung hero. Because I doubt those two would even think about checking for cameras. (Most people forget they exist entirely, to be fair.)
(I know this isn't technically a question, so once more, feel free to not percieve me.)
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long answer (and doodle) under the cut!
As mentioned before, the depot agents do have more concerning and sometimes weirder things to deal with than whatever the heck is going on with the Subway Bosses... but that doesn't mean they're totally oblivious!
There's some plausible deniability if the bosses have a pokemon with them, or if there's something that could be brushed off as a coincidence or the viewers' eyes playing tricks on them. No big deal!
But when it's a depot agent that has been working at the station for a long while... it adds up. It definitely can't get written off when you see something strange every few weeks and never get a straight answer about it. Over and over. For years. The veterans know not to make a big deal out of it (and the newbies who keep asking end up conveniently transferred to a different station a train stop or two away).
Ingo and Emmet themselves aren't oblivious to their slip-ups. They keep themselves well-disciplined when in the crowds of commuters of course, almost never showing anything visual, but when they relax a bit alone in their train cars? When they're in the employee-only areas? That's the Prime Time to accidentally get a peek of what's really going on. A slight change of appearance, an inexplicable change in temperature, an odd high static field with no pokemon in sight, a phrase spoken to the other that sounds decidedly unlike something a normal human would say.
Ingo and Emmet know some agents are aware of something weird happening, and that there's some (incorrect) theories shared in the break room. How could they not notice when the new hires are openly curious, and the veterans are seemingly oblivious to the things any newbie can spot?
I do think, though, that the bosses somewhat trust those "oblivious" older hires to keep quiet about everything. They do their absolute best to keep it subtle and trust that those agents are willing and able to cover for them despite the questions. They won't ever tell them if it can be helped, but they do rely on the insiders of Gear Station staff to keep things safely under wraps!
(There are definitely some shenanigans between the bosses and agents who are aware; some inside jokes and teasing directed at both sides, some vague and mutually sus conversations where neither are sure if the other party knows they know they know.)
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creatrixanimi · 7 months
as a submas fan who recently got into hazbin I would absolutely love to hear your au thoughts!!!!
Ok ill have to try to write out everything i've got so far!
So the original premise was that ingo and emmet got mixed up and ingo got sent to hell instead of emmet as an oopsie (emmet didnt do anything overly bad in life but heaven/hell stuff is so arbitrary they probably just made a weird decision somewhere down the line lol) but i thinkkk i have switched it to Ingo gets sent to hell because Volo successfully sacrificed him in a ritual and emmet, while dying in the same place, wasnt actually part of it so normal rules still applied to him. Ingo's soul is all messed up and corrupted because of the ritual which caused his amnesia. Emmet finds out about Ingo being sent to hell after he cant find ingo anywhere in heaven and rightfully gets upset at heaven's lack of action because he see's ingo's situation as a huge injustice. So Emmet's whole thing is basically just causing problems until he finds his way to hell and reunites with ingo.
Ingo's situation is where the fun is lol. So he wakes up after spawning in hell and is just a total odd-ball. Half because he doesnt remember ANYTHING from before he died. Maybe not even his name? Which is weird. And also because he's a total sweetheart. No one can figure out why he's even there because it's not like he's a hellborn so he must have done something to end up in hell. After a brief period of wandering around aimlessly, Lady Sneasler, who is an overlord in this au, kinda adopts him and takes him places because she thinks hes so charming and adorable. Melli is just a guy that hangs around lady sneasler even though he acts like he doesnt like her? She's the poison overlord (kinda like an aqua tofana situation for sneasler) and melli is a poison guy. So they kinda just fall into the same group. So they both become friends of Ingo. After a while of character introductions and some brief fun stuff like Sneasler getting Ingo to do all kinds of fun stuff he probably wouldnt do on his own (like the clubbing thing lmao) Ingo has his first blackout, probably triggered by some sort of memory thing, and its kinda terrifying. When he has those blackouts he shifts into his full demon form and his power goes haywire causing a lot of destruction. Its a huge shock because normally regular sinner demons dont really have much in terms of inherent power and also because Ingo cant actually use his powers while conscious so there was no sign of him being capable of that level of chaos. Anyway, after he has his little blackout his body sustains damage from exerting that kind of power and is kinda down for the count for a while afterwards. His story from there on is figuring out what is going on with him and trying to stop those blackouts before it either destroys him or a good chunk of the city, whichever comes first lmao. Sneasler is kinda just there to reign in ingo and melli she just loves a good show lol Melli is kinda where i wanna connect it more to the existing hazbin characters/storyline. Because this is lowkey more of a crossover. He accidentally becomes charlie's new pet project which no one is a fan of 😂 melli did not volunteer for this at all but his character arc is learning to make friends and care about other people after pushing people away for so long because he's a huge ball of self-hatred. He's kinda perfect for the "i can fix him" thing the hotel is all about. SO he's stuck learning to become a better person and being the narrative connection back to the core of the actual show lmao. Not sure if they ever even stay at the hotel. Maybe ingo and melli could flip flop between sneasler's place and the hotel. They dont actually have places of their own so its one or the other. In terms of intra character interactions i think its like this (this is prolly set post-s1 so no sir pentious): Charlie: thinks ingo is nice, wants to fix melli and is working with ingo to do this. Her relationship w sneasler is similar to rosie in my head. Alastor: finds Ingo somewhat threatening because Ingo can read him like a book. would otherwise find him pleasant but because he has a hard time keeping up his mysterious scary image around him he avoids him if possible. Ingo really likes him because "he reminds him of someone but he cant put a finger on it", will teleport away if melli is in the vicinity, finds sneasler charming. would gossip with her 10/10. When emmet shows up they try to kill each other which is entirely unsurprising. Everyone else in the hotel is more or less "theres something not right about that ingo guy but he's nice enough i guess", "FUCK melli get him OUT OF HERE", and "lady sneasler is chill" and when emmet shows up theyre just like "oh this explains why he likes alastor so much. Now theres TWO OF THEM." I would like to develop the other character's opinions on the situation more but this is getting. so so long. misc other character stuff: 
Lady sneasler still has sneasels, usually 3 of them. they just have tiny wings and horns but otherwise look like regular sneasels. No clue what their deal is they just exist. 
Rosie and Sneasler get along great. they are kinda similar but fill different power-niches in hell. 
Rosie finds ingo SO charming. She loves his odd vintage flair despite literally dying like. in the 2020s lol. He's very popular in cannibal town because he's a train freak and edwardians love trains. He takes the cute edwardian cannibal kiddies on train rides.
im not really sure what goes on with emmet in this au i just know he's having a shit time of it and eventually finds ingo. I havent decided if he actually falls or just leaves heaven because it sucks and no one cares enough to stop him. Also only slightly related but i actually have a voice-canon for him which is will wood which works great for this au lmao. Also emmet plays killer jazz piano and alastor is so mad about it because its actually good.
emmet and alastor dont really have all that much in common besides the smile thing but its just enough for them to beef over it. really its a similar feud as alastor and lucifer, alastor sees emmet as a threat both because of his power and the smile thing and emmet doesnt like that ingo is following alastor around like a lost puppy. emmet is def way less mysterious, he's just pissed that his brother is suffering even if ingo doesnt seem to notice his own problems.
volo doesnt really come back up in this au because he's still alive. just imagine that akari is kicking his ass in the living world or something lmao. 
i cant decide if pokemon exist in this universe. It would be funny tho to have chandelure exist in a world where souls are like whole ass people who can die for a second time. worlds nicest guy's pet lamp eats people until theyre perma-dead for breakfast.
Elesa (and probably also drayden and iris depening on your headcanons) are very sad :( i like emmet/elesa so it makes it extra hard on elesa tho. there is no solution for this.
not sure what the arceus situation is here. hazbin as far as i know doesnt have a canon god design so for all we know god could be a dumbass llama i guess. its doesnt really matter besides stylizing volo's ritual
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aquilacalvitium · 2 years
I'm going to list every sign of autism in the submas twins that I can think of for no reason other than I want to
1. Facial expressions
Probably what they're most famous for, neither of them seem to be able to control their facial expressions in a "normal" way. Ingo is constantly frowning and Emmet is constantly smiling. They're both canonically capable of having other facial expressions, but they always default back to these.
2. How they speak
Ingo. Shouts.
Need I go on? He's so loud and doesn't seem to have a cap on how loud he can possibly be at any given time. He's very enthusiastic, very loud and his voice is far more expressive than his face is.
Meanwhile, Emmet's voice is quite monotone. He's not noticeably loud or quiet, but he doesn't seem to put much expression into his words. He likes to repeat phrases over and over (e.g. "I am Emmet") probably in an effort to pad out sentences to make it sound like he's got more to say. He prefers to talk less than Ingo and is very direct and to-the-point, so he probably repeats things multiple times so that trainers he's battling don't feel disappointed if he has very little to say about their performance. This could also be a form of vocal stim considering he repeats specific phrases.
3. Their aesthetic
Okay yeah I admit pokemon trainers sometimes have aesthetics they stick strongly to. I.e. bug catchers, dragon tamers etc. But I'm yet to see any other character as dedicated to an aesthetic that doesn't centre around pokemon types as these two.
They are fully ride-or-die with their train aesthetic, which could very well be a hint that trains are a special interest for them both. So much so that they made the world's first Battle Subway, when every single other region has a tower instead. Neurotypicals could never.
4. Social cues
Emmet is infamously bad at social cues. He's seen multiple times in the manga very clearly walking up to two trainers having a private conversation and asking them to continue as though he isn't actively leaning over their shoulders and listening. Ingo has had to physically drag him away from these situations several times.
He's also so straight forward that sometimes people have to remind him to not be rude. While Ingo seems to have a better handle on social cues and politeness, Emmet is constantly saying or doing things that may make other people a little uncomfortable. Never with any malicious intent, mind you. He also rarely caters to people's feelings and simply states facts. For example, here's his dialogue upon winning his battles:
"I am Emmet. I won against you. But I think I just got lucky. In a Double Battle, if you misread one thing, the rest will be totally different. You know. Please win 20 battles in a row, and fight with me!"
"I am Emmet. I won against you. But this is not the end. I am sure you will show up here again. I will wait for it and win against you again. Because I am a Subway Boss. I am Emmet."
He's not being outwardly rude in either of these instances, nor is he congratulating his opponent on their battling skills, unlike Ingo who always makes sure to state how impressed he is with his opponent even when he wins. He is simply stating facts and encouraging his opponent to try again.
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yanban-san · 2 years
Hii! I'm back again! 💖
I love when the twins get all jealous and protective of their darling, but I think there's some great potential with darling getting jealous in return too! Its silly and irrational, because they're her bosses. But there's a tug inside her heart every time she sees them with someone else, even if can't even begin to understand why she feels that way (it's totally a soulmate thing).
She can't say anything, bc they're her bosses and it's wayy out of line, but they'd figure it out eventually - either from listening in to chats with Elesa or from watching the way she acted.
Do you think they'd try and clear the air immediately and shut down the advances in front of her? Or would they let her stew away in it just a bit? Either way, I'm sure they'd be tickled their darling is experiencing even a taste of what they usually feel (and maybe hopeful that this could be the start of something more!)
-Scale Anon
Oh boy No beta time :D
Tags: Mostly Fluff, little possessive/jealous behavior, AFAB reader, Demon/Monster AU, very mild/slight NSFW mentions
As Darling falls more and more in love with her bosses, desperately trying to deny it to herself, she would absolutely get hit by her own emotions hard, no matter what she tried to do.
Ingo and Emmet are jealous, driven more jealous every time Darling tries to put aside her unprofessional and totally inappropriate feelings by trying to ask someone, anyone else out- Vain attempts to get over her infatuation with her beloved bosses.
Of course, she feels nervous and jealous and strangely pained when she has to watch her bosses have happy interactions with fans or trainers- Emmet and Ingo are encouraging and kind to trainers they have to fight on the Subway, but very stiff about doing so. Darling doesn't exactly see this, and- Especially when a fan grabs one of them for a hug and photo, or, on a rare occasion, tries to smooch one of them? All she hears is Emmet flirting with them, hearing the "come visit the Station again sometime!" As a statement filled with double meanings-
Her face turns bright red with blush and terror, her stomach churning. And yet, the way they act disgusted afterwards... It makes her feel a terrible wave of relief, and also a terrible wave of a shame and guilt, thinking how they'd probably be disgusted if they knew what she was thinking about them- The dreams she'd had, the fantasies she'd indulged in... She knows she's being irrational, and she's trying to keep it together, but- It's difficult. Her infatuation grows worse by the day, feeling the terrible tugging on her heartstrings. She doesn't just picture Ingo and Emmet ravaging her, she pictures waking up beside them, just being held in their arms, leaning against them on a picnic... Oh no. The infatuation's gone domestic.
I think Darling would also get the absolutely wrong idea about their relationship with Elesa as well.
All the times Darling has seen Elesa heading into- and out of- her bosses' office?
Her heart practically breaks right then and there. Putting two and two together, especially as she recalls the awkward first time meeting with Elesa in their office. The way she acted so odd, like she was hiding something...
Asking Elesa about her relationship with the Subway Bosses makes her flustered- Elesa isn't sure what to say to how she became the resident matchmaker for the two demons, her thoughts drifting back to the long nights thinking Emmet was going to pop out of her wall and murder her- But her nervousness makes Darling's suspicions a hundred times worse. Of course. Of course. Elesa is clearly their girlfriend. And why not? She's beautiful- A celebrity, a gym leader, a perfect woman- Certainly, everything they could ever want.
Elesa put down her drink at the coffee shop. She'd switched to tea, as the extra caffeine was putting a little too much pep in her step, especially when battling. She'd called you like she normally did, asking if you wanted to go out for coffee- and you responded yes, for the first time in almost two weeks. The Station Masters had even questioned you sudden avoidance of her- Had Elesa made you uncomfortable, somehow...? Oh, if she had...
She drank her tea nervously, waiting for you to arrive, watching patrons come and go as they ordered and received their beverages- Taking note of interesting sounding combinations. What else was she to do? The weather outside looked pleasant- Hot, but a wild breeze was gusting through Nimbasa, providing much needed cooling to the city. The frigid A/C in the coffee shop wasn't near enough to calm Elesa down, though.
She barely noticed as the door swung open, the tell tale ringing of the coffee shop's bells announcing the arrival of another customer.
Elesa waved you over, smiling brightly, and you sat down, tentatively. Elesa noticed the furtive glance you stole, the tense smile you gave her- "How's it going?" She asked, sipping her almost-empty-tea cup. Playing dumb.
"It-It's going well, I suppose." You answered honestly. "Haven't had any luck with any of the dates I've tried going on." "Oh no! It hasn't been too bad, I hope?" You shook your head. Except it had been... pretty bad. It seemed every person who you tried to meet suddenly ghosted you, or found someone else-
Elesa shrugged, listening to your woes. "Those people sound like jerks, in all honesty... I'm sure you'll find someone eventually, though. It can be tough..."
"What about yourself, Elesa?" You took your iced coffee in hand, sipping from it nervously.
"Oh, you mean- Dating?" She asked quizzically.
Her hands fiddled with the edges of her hair nervously. "It's uh- Oh, you know- It's been... You know. Being a Gym Leader- and a bit of a celebrity, it's hard. Most people have ideas about how I'm supposed to act, you know? And when they get to know me- They find out I'm different from what they expected. Or, some crazy fan will try to ask me out. Happens alll the time. Though I can spot them real quick- I've got Luxray vision for them now."
"Uh-huh." You watched as she- nervously- took the empty cup in front of her and pretended to sip from it.
There really was no use Swanna-stepping around the question, was there?
"Elesa... I really hate to ask you this, but-" You began. Elesa's cup went down, hanging on your words. What Sinnoh-forsaken request or headache-inducing question were you going to ask next...?
"You... and... the Station Masters..."
Oh no-
"Are you guys dating?" Your table fell silent, Elesa staring ahead like a deerling caught in the headlights of an 18-wheeled semi truck barreling down the Castelia Connector. Her mouth fell open, as though she were about to object, but no sound came out. Oh no. Perhaps you hit the nail on the head-
You fidgeted nervously at her incredulousness.
"It's just, I see you come by Gear Station pretty frequently, and- Jackie always lets you back to their office... And I've seen you come in and out of there more than a few times- And I've even heard Ingo call you over a couple times and I know it's not really my place to ask, but it's been bothering me but I don't want you to think I'm judging you or make you uncomfortable I was just-"
"Hold on, Hold on there a second!" Elesa sputtered- Arceus Above she needed more tea-
"Oh- uh, er, Sorry-"
She coughed a few times, composing herself. "I'm not- We're not- No- I visit them purely on business. Absolutely not, goodness- I would never date either of those two, oh my gosh-"
"Are- Are you sure? Because- I really don't mind, I'll keep it a secret if you need me to!"
"Look- Absolutely not. They are not my type. Nope, No, Nada, Never. Not for me. I'd sooner ask Clay out."
Now it was your turn to choke on your coffee. "Gym leader Clay?"
"The very same. Man with the Chaps. Man with zero fashion sense, who wears the turquoise chaps. Man nearly three times my age with the chaps-"
"Oh thank Sinnoh!" You clapped your hands together, stifling back the slightest hint of a snicker at Elesa's obvious displeasure at being reminded of Gym Leader Clay's er, outfit- and-
"That's- a good thing...?" Elesa asked. And a smile dawned on her face.
Oh no. You hadn't meant to be so enthusiastic upon learning that they weren't dating-
You blushed. Oops.
Elesa smirked. "You... You like the Subway Bosses, don't you?"
"Wa- We-Well- Kind... of?"
"Kind of?" She raised an eyebrow.
You turned bashful. "I- I've mentioned it before, just a little bit... but... I do have a smidgen of a crush on them."
Elesa watched as the flowers outside the cafe suddenly sprung to vigorous life- blooming and growing far too big for this time of year and bending immediately in the vicious breeze outside. "So you do like them. And you were nervous that... I was dating them?"
"W-Well... Not quite nervous you were dating them, er- well, I guess so...? But I- It's not like I'm going to ask them out or anything, it's just-"
"Why not ask them out?"
Your words faltered- Did Elesa really not know why...?
"E-Elesa, look at them! They're the Station Masters of the Unovan Transit System! They're famous pokemon trainers, they're also my bosses, they've got a million other women and men flocking for the opportunity just to meet them- Why would they even bother with one of their Depot Agents?"
Those were, by your point of view, perfectly acceptable reasons not to ask them out- And yes, they normally would be- But not to Elesa.
"Well, for starters, they've called you cute to my face before." She answered point blankly.
You'd been blushing before- Now you were truly beet red. No- No, why did Elesa have to say that? You were so hoping to get over your infatuation, not make it worse- Not give it the hope for it to become reality-!
"They've called you cute, they specifically asked for you to be the one to deliver documents to their office... They try to have lunch with you..."
"N-Nonsense, that's just- I mean, Emmet called Agent Shuusan cute the other day too!" Shuusan being one of your coworkers- One of the shortest and smallest of the Depot Agents, you'd almost thought him a child- Only for him to angrily show you his I.D, standing on tip toes to wave it in your face and prove that no, Emmet and Ingo were not violating Child Labor Laws and that he was, in fact, a 22 year old man. Who was barely five feet tall. He stopped shaving to prove it, giving his baby-face a comical appearance, but certianly making him look older. "-Besides, they have meals with the other Depot Agents all the time... and I'm still a junior Agent. I don't drive any trains, I'm not an electrician or an engineer, I'm still- I'm just a paper pusher for the most part- Why else would I be having to run back and forth between their office to bring them whatever they need? The other Agents are all doing actual work while I'm still in training! I mean, granted- I'm- almost ready to start actual conductor training, but-"
Elesa sighed.
"-And not to mention, they- They're always so friendly with some of the trainers who come to fight them..."
Your head fell as you stirred your coffee-
"Wait a minute." Elesa interjected, "Are you saying- You're jealous of them talking to other trainers?"
Your gaze shot up. "A-absolutely not! It's just- Sometimes a trainer tries to hug them, or flirts with them- And- It's so dumb, it's so idiotic, but- I... I feel horrible and so guilty for feeling so sick when I see them so close with other people- I don't think it's jealousy- I'm just- Really anxious that... They'll find someone. Or one of them will find someone. And- If they knew- If they knew I felt this way-"
You took a deep breath. "They'd probably fire me..."
Elesa shook her head. "No, no I don't think they would! Emmet and Ingo care far too much about you to ever think that, dear-"
"It- It's alright, Elesa. I'm sorry for burdening you with that. It's just a stupid little infatuation of mine. It's- It's really nothing. I'll be over it soon enough." You grabbed one of the cafe's menus off your table.
"I'd like to move on, if that's alright-? I'm going to order a muffin."
No, No you really should keep going with this line of talking it's the most progress she's made with you in months-
But as Elesa rubbed her temples- On second thought, maybe taking a break from the discussion would help a little bit.
"How in the name of Hell- Did she ever, ever arrive at such a conclusion?" Emmet hissed, angrily pacing in his and his brother's office. Elesa was sitting across from him and Ingo- Between the two, it was impossible to tell who looked more pained. Emmet turned his face towards Elesa, studying her intently for a second- Before backing off, his abnormally long tongue extending as he made a disgusted face. "Absolutely not. I do not like Miss Elesa. How. How did our sweet, dearest Darling ever come to think we liked you?"
"-Not to say we do not like you, Miss Elesa- As friends, of course-" Ingo interjected.
"...Of course." Elesa dryly returned. She was used to having vague insults hurled at her by the twins at this point-
"And we do not like it either when those cretins touch us without permission-! I tell them off immediately and tell them to never come back to our Subway! How has Darling missed that...?"
"...Honestly if she saw it from afar she probably didn't hear you guys admonishing your fans..."
"Ingo, new rule. We do not let them touch us. Understood?"
"Of course."
Elesa was quick to catch on, alarm bells ringing in her ears. "How are you two implementing that rule." She asked- No, demanded to know.
Ingo thought for a minute. "Simple. We can easily predict their movements- And simply back away-"
"Or break their hands for daring to touch us-"
"...That will be for extreme cases."
"No, you really shouldn't-"
The debate continued back and forth for some time still- Emmet really couldn't just even use a Joltik to electrocute their hands? No? Yes? No. But it would be entertaining- Still no. Emmet sighed. "Remember. You two are trying to be normal humans! Normal humans don't cut off each other's hands for touching them!" Emmet's hand curled up, his fingers pulled tight in a clawed position. "Then maybe I should stop acting so much like a normal human. I'm best we could win our Dearest's affections even if we were less human." "Absolutely not! You're not going to get anyone's affection if you remove their extremities!"
Emmet sat down at his desk- A massive spider crawling onto his lap. "I've earned someone's affection at least," He spat back, petting the head of his beloved spider, curling around him affectionately. "...Do you think our Sweetheart would fall in love with us if they were a spider? I would certainly love them even if they were a spider." He puffed up, hugging his Galvantula tighter. "I would love darling verrrry much. I know how to take care of spiders now."
"I think our Darling does, er- Prefer being human, I think, Brother." Ingo interjected, eying the look of terror on Elesa's face.
He adjusted his tie, sighing as he stood up. "As for now, however- We- We really should continue this discussion later." He noted, looking at the watch on his wrist. Elesa jumped up. "But-" "No buts, Miss Elesa. You have your duties to attend to, as we have ours. We shall not be turning anyone into spiders," He added, glaring down at his brother, who sheepishly ignored his glare and continued playing with the giant arachnid. "It was just a joke, brother. You're verrry mean."
Ingo looked back at Elesa. "Very well. Now, Miss Elesa?" He offered her his hand, and she sighed, taking it. He pulled her aggressively towards him and-
She was standing in front of her gym, almost tripping over her own feet from the force of Ingo pulling her.
"Those two..." She grumbled, flicking back her hair as she righted herself. Well. If she started having coffee with a spider, she'd have some choice words to share with them- And probably a very miserable looking Galvantula to shove in their face.
The twins were curious now- You'd admitted to being, at the very least, infatuated with them- And you felt how they felt, watching you flirt and talk with others when you went out- Jealousy. A sickening and powerful emotion, they knew. Ingo considered using it against you- But- The thought of attempting to feign interest in another human? He recoiled at the thought, his shadows around him reflexively scratching at the discomfort. It made him uncomfortable enough to approach you, desperate to assuage himself-
And you almost didn't notice your boss silently moving behind you- claws flexing, borderline outstretching- and wanting to grab at you. Jealousy may have been a sinister emotion, but obsession- posessive obsession- The beast that consumed the twin demons was far more terrifying. How easy it would be, Ingo thought, looking at how small and delicate you were- To just grab you, daze you, delude you, mark you up, pin you down, wrap you in the coils of his tail, in the grasps of his shadows-
And suddenly you jumped in horror as you turned your head- Noticing the dark shadow behind you.
"Good Arceus! Ingo-! Er, Sir! Station Master Sir! I'm so sorry, you gave me an awful fright there- I don't know how I didn't hear you behind me, goodness-"
You clutched at your heart, thudding in your chest from your sudden panic- Ingo could hear it plainly, and he'd already returned to normal by the time you looked at him. Had he really just-
"Er, is there anything- I can do for you, Sir?"
"Ah, er, No, no- You're good. My apologies for frightening you there, Miss. Are you alright?"
"O-Of course, Sir!" You took several deep breaths, Ingo offering you his arm to lean against.
"How goes your day?" He asked, after you had sufficiently calmed down.
"G-good, Sir. I delivered those work orders to Emmet like Agent Jackie told me to."
"Good." Ingo remarked, turning his attention down the hallway you were both standing in- Before looking back at you.
"You know, it is quite nice having you to run around for us. I'm sorry you've been stuck doing secretarial work for so long..."
"What? Oh, I don't mind Sir! I understand, training takes a while..."
"It's partially our fault, truly." Ingo apologized, before continuing on.
"-However, instead of continuing with such menial tasks... we'd like to ask you to accompany us on some other charges we must attend to. It's about time- You could begin learning about electrical system management, or perhaps- Becoming a conductor yourself. Of course, you'll still be expected to attend to maintenance- We all are, after all."
Ingo continued on, shifting himself down to your height. "What do you say to embarking with us for such assignments? You'll have the Depot Agents from time to time, but... Emmet and I must also attend to routine maintenance. We would be more than happy to train you on occasion."
You were wide-eyed- A little too surprised by your bosses' words. "I-I'd love that, Sir. But-"
Ingo clapped his hands together with such force it startled you. "Wonderful!" His voice becoming louder- "I shall inform Emmet immediately. You'll begin with us tomorrow morning."
And with that he turned away, walking off- Silently and secretly thrilled. They would be with you even more now-!
You blushed- Unsure what to make of the conversation that had just transpired.
But no matter- Now you'd be working and training alongside the Subway Bosses. Your poor heart thudded happily in your chest. More opportunities to indulge your wishes- Your dreams- That maybe, just maybe- The Subway Bosses really did- Truly-
Like you?
But only just a little bit, of course.
You breathed heavily, still a little shocked at how Ingo had snuck up on you-
In fact. How had he done that?
You knew you'd been alone in the hall- You'd looked around you only a second ago-
How did he do that, you wondered?
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feroluce · 1 year
Extremely in love with the idea of a time loop scenario for submas, because PLA made it just so PERFECT for them. ♡♡♡
I love thinking of it from Ingo's POV because that would be so confusing. Like he goes to bed with Emmet totally normal and fine one night, and the next morning, the change is just so. STARK.
Emmet looks exhausted, in a way that Ingo has no idea how to deal with, because it doesn't look as simple as Emmet not having slept well. He's tired in a way that sleep won't fix, he's listless, he's quiet, all of his energy and chipper attitude that Emmet usually displays even in the early hours of the morning has been completely sucked away and left him looking hollow and empty.
Emmet seems resigned to something, and Ingo has no idea what it is or what to do about it.
Ingo himself has had a strange anxiety lately, something he's left unspoken so as not to worry his darling brother, an odd ominous sensation that haunts him constantly, but all of it goes on the back burner immediately. It's probably nothing. It's certainly not his main concern anymore.
His day only gets weirder as it goes. Not only does Emmet evade Ingo's questions trying to figure out what's wrong with him, he also refuses to explain odd things that he shouldn't have or know. Ingo finds a pokeball that doesn't match any of their team, it's one he's never seen or even heard of before, gold on one side and silver on the other-
Emmet lays his hand over Ingo's, carefully takes the pokeball from him, quietly tells him not to worry about it. Everything will be ok. Emmet will explain everything, he promises. But later...ok?
Ingo doesn't push. Emmet goes back to cooking breakfast. He somehow manages to make exactly what Ingo's craving.
When they get to Gear Station, Emmet asks to do the multi train instead of running their own separate lines, and Ingo is so distressed about Emmet's behavior so far that he doesn't have it in him to refuse. Ingo would do just about anything right then to see Emmet actually smile, not the crestfallen, stitched-on expression that's been fooling everyone else all day.
Emmet goes on to correctly predict every single pair of trainers they face that day, to the point that it becomes uncanny. He's always been an extremely able battler, Emmet has excellent intuition and he can quickly adapt to almost anything thrown his way. Ingo has always admired and been so, so proud of him.
But that's a little different from Emmet adjusting to a trainer's attack pattern before they even toss out their pokeball.
Over their lunchbreak, Emmet doesn't leave Ingo's side for even a moment, much as he's done for the entire day. They normally stick pretty close together, they prefer to function as a pair after all, but there's a strange desperation to it today. Emmet pulls out the lunches he'd made that morning; it's all of their favorites.
Ingo watches Emmet savor it like a last meal.
And then, that night, at the end of their shift, well after dark when the hour is closing in on midnight. Ingo gets a message that a bright light was seen down in one of the abandoned subway tunnels. Must be a flashlight; a trespasser, probably. Ingo turns to tell Emmet to go home without him; Ingo is the night owl between them and Emmet has had an off day. He deserves to go home and rest, Ingo will be home as soon as he's done with some more work.
Ingo has no more opened his mouth when he realizes Emmet already has all his things gathered and is taking his hand. "I'm going down with you."
Ingo hadn't told him about the message yet. He shouldn't have known.
The whole way down the tunnels, Emmet has a vice grip on Ingo's hand, fingers laced tight together. He barely even seems to investigate, he just kind of walks with Ingo, pace slower than usual, always watching their steps.
Ingo sticks his head around a corner to check for intruders, and hears a quiet intake of breath behind him before the hand in his suddenly redoubles its grip.
Ingo turns around. Emmet is looking down. Ingo follows his gaze.
There is light. Bright, searing, white light, that is not Emmet's flashlight, not Ingo's flashlight, but is wrapped around Ingo himself, coming up from the bottoms of his shoes.
Ingo tries to jump back but finds that he can't move, he's rooted to the spot, there is light pouring out of him and flooding the ground, spreading outwards, lapping at Emmet's ankles who is suddenly right up against Ingo and holding onto him like he might disappear.
"I am sorry. Ingo, I am so, so sorry." Ingo pushes at Emmet's arms, but he won't budge, he won't get out of the way- "I tried. I really did!" the light wants Ingo, just him, he can feel it, Emmet needs to get away from him- "Many, maaaaany times!" he has no idea what he's talking about but he can't let Emmet be collateral, he can't, he can't, Ingo shoves at him again, harder, Emmet stubbornly clings on, Ingo's panic is rising like the tide, like bile in his throat, only growing more desperate in the face of Emmet's disarming calm, the light is obscuring everything, warping it, twisting it- "But I could not keep you here with me."
Everything, all of it, his entire world turns violently on its head, and when the light finally lets him go, Ingo sees bright blue sky all around him. Emmet looks up at him, the force of the shift having put them at arm's length, but unable to break their grip on each other. He can see the entire expanse of the landscape sprawled behind his brother, far far below. Pinpricks of tears bubble up from Emmet's eyes and spatter against Ingo's cheeks as they hurtle like a comet towards the ground.
"So let's Fall together."
#blankshipping#submas#pokemon ingo#pokemon emmet#subway master ingo#JUST. OUGH#that gap between Ingo having no idea what's going on while Emmet knows exactly what's happening#the implied horror of Emmet going through loop after loop after loop trying so so hard to keep Ingo with him Unova and never succeeding#and realizing that. he's never going to succeed. he wasn't meant to. he won't be allowed to.#and now he has a decision to make. Emmet can either let Ingo go- make his peace with the loss of his brother and try to live without him-#-or he can go with him. Emmet can give up everything and everyone he's ever known and throw himself into the rift with Ingo to follow him#and maybe it's an easy decision. but it is not one he makes happily or without agonizing. but he still makes it.#Emmet knows exactly what he's doing and that it will be the most horrible thing he will ever experience in his entire life#and still he does it because Ingo is worth it. Ingo is worth EVERYTHING to him- even the loss of their home.#so all that's left is to try to get in one last good day before they lose everything#Emmet makes Ingo his favorite foods and savors his own last meal because he doesn’t know when he'll ever be able to eat it again#Emmet gets them to do one last run on the multi line because that was always his favorite- getting to battle as a team with Ingo at his side#and he sticks by Ingo's side all day so that he'll be ready#because whatever wants Ingo is going to have to take him too#ingo#emmet#time loops#my fics
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blaiddraws · 2 years
Is there a summary of the fulcrum au?
undoubtedly but i don't feel like looking for it so. quick recap!
twin dragons au -- ingo is Zekrom and emmet is Reshiram. the way it works in this is that they can be Either human Or dragon but not physically both at the same time. zero dragon traits in human form, etc.
which is why it's Really Freaking Weird And Alarming when emmet finds himself half-reshiram'd one day. (especially once he later realizes ingo is missing--)
anyway. ingo gets eeby deebied and something about the trip to hisui smushes his human and pokemon form together. and since he and emmet/reshiram are so closely connected it kinda. pushed back to him as well.
various side notes under the cut;
- ingo arrives in hisui with no memories, but does have a somewhat easier time regaining them, especially once akari shows up and helps him
- dad ingo. adopts akari. we love to see it
- he also isn't technically a warden but the pearl clan lets him do what he wants. they treat him like a person, for the most part, but not really like a Human, if that makes sense. he's treated normally but there's always a strange tone to most of his interactions with the residents of hisui.
- pearl clan also decided he must be a gift from sinnoh. adaman saw this, decided ingo is a gift from HIS sinnoh and actually belongs with his own clan. ingo ignores this and hangs out in the highlands the majority of the time. but does spend a lot more time with the pearl clan because they're the ones that found him and took him in
- meanwhile. emmet stays out of public eye for a hot minute. and by that i mean a month or so. which isn't that surprising considering his brother disappeared. people figure he's just trying to cope.
- but. he's driving himself insane he can't stay away from the subway that long he has GOT to get back. or he will die. (he says this, dramatically, to elesa). and there's no leads on getting him back to normal.
- (technically, he could take a trip to sinnoh and call up arceus. but with ingo missing he feels that leaving the region would be a bad idea and totally irresponsible.)
- so he just. Shows Up At Work One Day. all half-reshiram'd. as if there is nothing wrong. depot agents, after a moment of baffled staring, have to just roll with it.
- the Public, however. dhkshsksbsksjd
- all he can say is that he has No Idea why he is Like This (true) and it happened when ingo disappeared (true). "But why do you look so much like Reshiram?" "you expect me to know the answer to that?? i'm a train conductor." (blatantly skirting around the truth without directly lying).
- eventually unova accepts that. yeah okay their subway boss is fluffy now. weirder things have happened tbh.
- surprisingly enough, the whole thing stays pretty well contained within unova, ESPECIALLY nimbasa. emmet is THEIR subway boss and he's Going Through It. he deserves to be treated well. etc.
- ANYEEWAYE. cut back to hisui. ingo adopts akari etc etc etc. she starts helping him regain his memory. and the more things he remembers, the easier it IS to remember.
- once akari finishes the pokedex, he remembers a significant amount of his human life. not quite enough to be Normal, but a fair amount. (he also remembers some stuff from being a legendary dragon, but a legendary dragon is a LOT more long-lived than a human. there's a Lot there to remember. and is a lot more... nebulous of a mind than a human's.)
- akari takes him with her when she goes to fight arceus. ingo has a little chat <3. arceus puts ingo and emmet back how they were before, because they cannot exist in the long-term with their forms smushed together like that.
- (Emmet wakes up one day human again, doom-brains himself into thinking ingo died despite how that would be impossible (considering zekrom is literal deity, the embodiment of the concept of ideals.). spends like two hours like that before elesa and drayden and iris have to knock some sense into him.)
- arceus. like. because Ingo asked nicely, arceus retcons (not Really retcons because it knew ingo would ask this when it did it. time is weird) kyurem into having a human form. caveats of this includes. kyurem doesn't Know or Remember that they're kyurem. they can't shift into kyurem. etc. because kyurem shouldn't be able to have a human form in the first place because of their. them-ness. their existence. makes it impossible. but arceus makes it possible because ~hadwavey seals their power away and uses its own to keep the human form intact idk~ Arceus-ness.
- ingo and akari spend the next few weeks tying things up and saying goodbyes before they go home. (ingo goes around saying his goodbyes and expressing his gratitude to people. COMPLETELY forgetting to mention the very important fact that he was that one dragon guy. he goes around to the same people a second time, significantly more mortified, and explains.) (akari was there most of the time and let it happen. it was hilarious.)
- ANYWAY eventually ingo and akari go home. happy reunions time!!!
- (and then, of course. we get into what is almost like the postgame plot equivalent of the au dkshksdhksjsjd. Who Is Kyurem?)
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answrs · 1 year
okay! have a possible thought on Ingo & Eelektross falling together. specifically if you go with lost memory identity shenanigans for them both:
Ingo looks at eelektross and knows that its trainer is blunt. quiet. to the point. smiling. so why isn't he the way he remembers him being?
eelektross looks at Ingo and knows his partner is graceful. beautiful. outwardly calm but with a roiling, angry power hidden under soft chimes. so why does it not feel anything like that?
they don't remember enough to realize they're mismatched, only the vague impressions of what their fellow faller's partner is supposed to be like. (important thing i need to clarify: no, eelektross doesn't think it's a ghostly light fixture. it knows it’s an eelektross but remembers certain personal qualities of Ingo's ace and thinks that's supposed to be them. ingo doesn’t think he’s emmet, he just knows eelektross’s trainer didn’t act like he’s behaving now, like he ought to.)
so they try to act like they "should" as the other's companion but keep failing miserably. Ingo tries to smile, to be quiet, offer only brutal honesty. the facade fails quickly and often but he tries to do it for his friend, give it stability in this unknown world. eelektross forces itself to keep still, tamp down its curiosity to investigate shiny rocks and strange pokemon, not squirm and tangle and cover Ingo in wet sucker kisses when it's excited or happy or worried. it wants to give ingo whatever comfort it can through being the partner it remembers of him, with both of them lost as they are.
and their attempts make the other confused and upset, not matching the person/pokemon in their minds. but each take it as they must not be trying hard enough and need to act better. so the other one can be happy they have their Normal partner back.
and the thing is, it’s not like they’re unfamiliar with battling with each other! the subway bosses’ teams were really just one big group that mixed and matched on the regular - they’re extremely proficient at reading each other’s commands and strategizing on the fly while staying in sync, just like a normal trainer and their partner. so rather than clue them in it just makes things more confusing whenever there’s doubts that come up in the “I should act like this” schtick. if he’s not its trainer, if it’s not his ace, how else could they possibly know each other so well, be so practiced at fighting together?
this was supposed to be a funny thing about eelektross using flamethrower instead of any other sparky worm moves and then whoops i made them both total messes because Of Course I Did. 🙃
(also yes. emmet and chandelure are Very confused when they rip arceus a new one and stomp their way through spacetime to a very oddly acting duo.)
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pykanico · 10 months
Day 17 - Silly Arguments
Fic if you want to read every posted day : https://archiveofourown.org/works/51386731/chapters/129854215
In normal time, Cameron was not the worried type….
No, he was a totally a liar, As far as he knew, he was always very nervous, nervous about nearly everything he did or would do. The nervousness was always there, and he could never escape it even if he did get better these last few years, especially after he became a depot agent under his two Boss.
He was still not very confident in his own skill as a trainer because of how he was usually feeling, but even so, Emmet and Ingo’s reassurance helped him a lot.
So it was an understatement to say that he was worried sick at the moment about his boss, The reason? He was simply walking to go to the break room when he suddenly jumped at the sudden raise of a familiar voice not that far from him.
He know, he shouldn’t have eavesdrop, but it was rare to hear his boss, nonetheless Emmet of all people, being that loud was abnormal, That was rapidly followed by Ingo’s own voice who was seemingly arguing with Emmet?? the voice was suddenly less loud but.. .
That was worrying to say the least, so against better judgment, he decided to get closer and see what it was all about….he was unable to see the scene, not wanting to go into his boss office uninvited, but he was able to pick up on some of the discussion….
“...How dare you!….You …. wrong….You know that….Bad…..Why….. listen to me!!” That was definitively Emmet talking right now, whatever was the subject the two boss were talking about, that seemed to strongly upset Emmet.
“…..Don’t you see…You….too…...stubborn---” and by the sound of it, the anger was shared too, Cameron never thought that he would be the witness of hearing such a scene and even more between his two boss.
“…..Can’t….believe...you….looks….I am going…..to Leave…..You can’t stop me!!!” there was a sudden noise that the depot agent couldn't describe at all, Are they getting physical with each other now!? no...no that was not the only thing who made him stressed right now, Did he hear it right? Did Emmet say that he was going to leave!! He didn’t stay any longer, he ran immediately into the break room trying to proceed the information and what was going on, He needed to search for more agents to stop their fight first and then convince Emmet to not leave the Gear station!!
“...How dare you!” Emmet put his hand on his table strongly, glaring at his brother with as much seriousness as he could. “Tynamo should be placed in the S-tier of the ranking!! They are adorable, how can you say that they are under Litwick!!”
The two of them were supposed to work on some security change in the subway system, It wasn’t urgent, but they needed to think about it before taking a break …. but they may or may not have accidentally deviated from the track of their work at the mention of a Pokemon he and his brother fought in the morning, From there, things escalated as they started to debate who could be considered the cutest Pokemon, their ranking put on a white board that his older brother decided to place in the middle of their share office.
Most of their choices for the ranking were the same, but when it was the turn to decide the Pokemon that should be the best of the best, the two disagreed strongly, him first, “You want to know why you are wrong!? Well here are all my point, Tynamo are cute, they are strong, and verrry cuddly and you know that!! You have a bad view if you can’t admit it! Why do you not accept the truth like it is, They are perfect, it is nearly like you don’t listen to me!!”
Ingo shook his head, frowning slightly more as he immediately responded, “It is not that I don’t listen to you Emmet, but it is evident Litwick are better, don’t you see how beautiful their lavender flames are? How their small eyes sparkle with the envy of winning a future challenge, You are yourself ignoring the sign of how perfect this Pokemon is!” His older twin did not let him the time to say anything against him before he continued.
“Tynamo is too difficult to find in normal time anyway, any passenger with a minimum of good sense would not go find them, I may also add that there are far from the most safe Pokemon in a station with their electric attack, as well as being too stubborn--”
Emmet can’t stop himself to dramatically gasp at what his brother said “Ingo you did not go there!! I am Emmet and I Can’t said if I am wounded or impressed by the audacity, It’s unbelievable, I don’t believe my ears, did you really say this!”
As he started to walk around his part of the office, he continued to glare at his very smug twin “It looks like you are not giving me a choice, I am going to do what you did to my feeling, pound them” Ingo did not look impressed by what Emmet said, that do not stop him to say his point.
“Litwick do not look great safety wise, they are just verry dangerous candle, They are going to leave a passenger dead if we are not careful”. Without hesitating, Emmet tried to grab the marker of the board to mark that Tynamo had won this argument, And of course, Ingo tried to intercept him before he could do anything “Tynamo are the best, I won, You can’t stop me!!!”
As Emmet was trying to get to the marker, he accidentally tripped on his own feet, falling on the ground before he could catch himself, The two twins stayed silent for a moment as the chaos of before seemed to have stop.
“….Are you okay Emmet?”
“I fell on the ground, but I am fine”
and then they just laugh, laughing at the ridicule of the situation as the older twin helped Emmet to get up on his feet.
“It seemed that we derailed ourselves quite a bit, don’t you think it would be better for us to stop this debate with a tie?”
“It is a satisfying result, yup, I like that, Litwick and Tynamo are both the best, so no more argument”
As they were going to put the two Pokemon at the top of the ranking, the door of the office suddenly opened with a loud noise, revealing most of their depot agent looking in panic.
“Please stop whatever fight you two are having!! That is not worth it if the end result is Emmet departure!!” said loudly Cameron, sounding more than scared.
…..Every single Depot agent looked at the twins in silent, then the white board were the ranking was made, then yet again Ingo and Emmet as the two started to feel embarrassed…. Finally, Jackie broke the silence, his face hinted how much he wanted to laugh.
“….Is that a tier list?”
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r0-boat · 2 years
Au idea!
Oh God please I think y'all are going to like this one
Submas Coraline AU
Your Other Husbands!
Edit: leggerefiore already did this Au and I wasn't aware reading the shit out of this right now.
You moved in with this new house with your boyfriend's Ingo and Emmet, but everything hasn't been as fantastic and dreamlike as you thought.
Your boyfriends have been working non-stop for the past months. All they do is wake up, go to work, eat and go back to sleep sometimes; it feels like they ignore you intentionally.
Something is odd about this house, but when you try to raise your opinion, you need to get shot down by either Ingo or Emmet before they rush to work.
While you were rearranging the furniture, you saw some of the old wallpaper was peeling, but that wasn't the only thing you noticed. Something else underneath it—a door. Odd... when you stand completely still, you can almost hear a whispering of your name.
You decide to cover up the door for now. You meant to make dinner for your husbands...
You waited for hours the dinner getting colder and colder it wasn't until you fell asleep that your boys came in from work, with eye bags under their eyes, cold coffee cups in hand, and took them out.
They apologized for getting home so late and kissed your cheek, you understand, but it still hurt.
Why you stayed up picking up the food with your fork? The sound of your name whispering caught your attention.
It was coming from that door. That old wooded door that leads to who knows where finally peeks your curiosity...
On you crawl through the door, ignoring the old cobwebs and rickety flooring.
Only to come out...through the other side of the door?
Ok, you're just tired... You sigh up and dust yourself off, and turn around to make your way to the bedroom.
" where are you going dear? you're not dinner?"
You turn around seeing your husband, but something is drastically different. The first thing that catches your eye is his button eyes, you scream, and he panics, asking what's wrong and coming to comfort you.
Your other husband Emmet comes running down the stairs.
"I'm Emmet, and I heard screaming. Are they okay?!" Emmet also has the same button eyes, white instead of black
You have been coming back to this other world for about 3 days now everything has been a dream but you can't help but feel...off.
Other!ingo reassures you that everybody has 'other self' but if that's the case why don't you have one.
The talking joltic know. Like a spider on the wall, it has heard of their plans to replace your true husbands and have you all to themselves; it sees through their lies.
The other!twins( totally normal not Eldritch demons at all)nare jealous they're human counterparts don't deserve you. Look how they ignore your needs.
They Don't love you as they do.
How come you still choose your human husbands they give so much more for you why can't you see that?!
You still move away from their more intimate touches... Why?!
They want you to accept them, be with them leave your world for theirs.
How they smother you in affection is almost uncanny, they know everything you love.
They assure you that it's normal for a husband to know everything their spouse loves. But you are more wary.
They're jealousy, and rage only emphasizes when your original husbands, finally taking a break from their busy schedules, spend time with you.
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anyway thinking abt that hanahaki reread post again bc my fav hobby when i'm in a bad mood is to inflict it on fictional characters, and we've already talked extensively abt ingo but seriously i feel like there are SO many pla characters who are soooo repressing their emotions and would be so good to write in this universe. i'm envisioning this as a world where hanahaki is like, very mild to start out with, and it's just recognized as a thing that everyone will probably experience at least once in their life, to explain why it hasn't really affected any grand changes on society, but like.
cyllene's so completely allergic to actually showing how she feels so she just has a persistent cough that never goes away, but fortunately it looks like for the flowers actions do in fact speak at least sufficiently loud enough to Count, so considering the lengths she goes to for the People She Totally Doesn't Love Mhm Nope it never goes very far beyond that. it's just part of her life at this point.
palina would so badly like to talk to her dearest friend about her anxieties and insecurities about arcanine and her clan and also the man she loves but can't be seen with—she longs to talk to her about so many things but can't because she barely recognizes post-leadership irida anymore. she feels like her sister is gone, and the person who's replaced her is almost a stranger with her friend's face. and that strange grief, of a relationship rather than a person, just adds to the overgrown garden
and volo feels very obvious to me at least. he's been faking about his severe depression for yearsandyearsandyears to the point where it's just a normal part of his routine to go hack up a handful of marigolds behind the wagon and then go right on back to smiling with blood on his teeth. miserable and dead inside and barely sees the point in living but that's bad for business so quick pretend to be normal! the fact that he's also secretly doing an apocalypse barely even puts a dent in it at this point
and also also the protagonist. who is trying SO hard to be The Hero and face down every challenge and be confident and good and not take up space—so consequently they feel like they're not allowed to tell anyone how fucking scared they are. how much the constant suspicion hurts, the fact that they don't want to risk their life over and over but they have to they have to. -and then they start coughing, and this is just even more terrifying.
...anyway. you get it.
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peacheenie · 2 years
thinking a normal amount about animals and beasts (click images to read better ig)
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think it would b rly funny if, in just a real ass life situation, these two totally normal lookin dudes who work on the subway lines just have the most whack ass pets and will happily go volunteer at the local vets/animal wellfare places and work with like scorpions and crabs and shit. 
they take elesa back to their flat for the first time and she looks at the floor as something scurries past and shes like “what the hell was that” and ingo just bends down and scoops a whole bearded dragon off the floor like “this is my son haxorus :]”
they WOULD also keep other animals at home but they dont want to cause any problems by having so many different species in one flat so instead they just turn up to the places they volunteer like “how is my baby doing?” and the ppl there are like “oh archeops? he wont stop screaming today but otherwise hes fine” and theyre like “ah yes that sounds about right”
think as the basis everyone would expect emmet to be a dog guy and ingo a cat guy but in reality its emmet likes all the animals (ofc) but has his few favourites whilst ingo will literally hang out with anything. if you have a dog/cat then hell yes he wants to pet it. if you have a crab hell yes he wants to hold that thang. you say you have a pet rock??? fuck yeah lets pretend to give this thing a snack there is no bias he just loves beasts.
emmet keeps trying to get rid of a trashbag of pappers they have sitting near their door for disposal but ingo keeps bringing it back in (because its not smelly or anything and the creases kinda look like a face emmet) like “what are you doing this is our good friend garbodor” and emmet wants to throttle him
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sneasedtomeetyou · 1 year
send me   “eavesdrop”   and my muse will describe your muse like they’re talking to a third party. + @volnixian
He still hasn't noticed... I mean. I doubt ny ever will, honestly. Even if ny did, our relationship isn't like that... It's. Different. I don't know. And that's okay, really! I'm not that broken up about it... Sure I wish we were something more sometimes but that's totally normal! It's fine. I'm happy. Ny's happy.
...Don't look at me like that. I mean it! Have you seen how Ingo makes him feel? That's enough, if you ask me.
Bonus, Zorrik:
I dunno why I end up being best friends with Zoroarks don't ask me! Maybe it's the fact that I have multiple dark types already?
Yes I know Zorrik isn't actually- I don't know!
My folks like him. Too much, really. But sometimes he does feel like a friend I would have from my days back in Sinnoh. I wish I knew it back then. We would've had fun I think! Back when I was hiking more often and poking around in places I probably shouldn't have...
Okay. I know this is gonna sound weird but don't laugh. When I sleep cuddled up with it I feel a lot better like... mentally. If that makes sense. Obviously I like being close to people but its different somehow! Seriously! Even when I was having nightmares every night in Sinnoh having it there helped me just... Sleep normally. Do you think that's a ghost type thing?
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feroluce · 2 years
I've decided Ingo and Irida can bang once, under sex pollen circumstances, because it would be hilarious.
My ideal is that it's actually only Ingo who gets sex pollened, so poor Ingo is kind of a hot mess and meanwhile Irida is totally fine and normal and just trying to take care of her Warden. Hisui has different values and views than Unova, and Irida just. She does not care. She doesn’t see what the big deal is. She thinks Ingo is the weird one. And I think Ingo would be appalled by his own behavior later and be embarrassed about it and he's cute and funny when he's suffering through his own self-imposed Catholic Guilt akldjlafsjdlka
Ingo has some weird reaction to a pokemon attack or whatever on his way to the main settlement, so he isolates himself in an empty hut reserved for clan members from outside of the icelands. Irida eventually goes to check on him, because this is extremely unusual behavior. Ingo is typically pretty social, and as clan leader, he always goes to her to announce his arrival first thing.
Irida finds him basically in a rut, Ingo has shoved himself into a corner of the bed up against the wall and bundled up under all the blankets, all she sees at first are two silver cat eyes staring out at her. He feels weird, like he's burning up with a fever, and he can't sit still, he keeps shifting around uncomfortably. Irida asks what's up with him and Ingo takes way too long to answer, he keeps trailing off like he can barely think and just staring at her.
Irida finally declares that she knows what's wrong with him, she's seen this before! And if they leave this alone, it'll get way way worse before it gets better, but luckily Irida knows what to do for it! Ingo sags forward with relief because oh, thank goodness, he feels wretched, like the worst flu and just miserably uncomfortable, it's already been a couple hours and he can't take much more of this.
And then he sits back up and nearly keels right over again because WHY ARE YOU STRIPPING?!?!?
Irida: ??? You've seen me bare before, we've been in the hot springs together more than once?
(Ingo says this facing the wall with his hand over his eyes because he turned around so fast it made him dizzy skzjskskx)
Ingo is very determinedly staring at a spot on the wall and he nearly jumps out of his skin when Irida just casually crawls up onto the bed and sits behind him. Irida tells him he can suffer through it if he really wants to, of course. She doesn't really get why he would, but she's seen people make that decision before. The clan will watch over him until it passes. Ingo asks how long it will last, because he already plans on doing so.
Irida: Days.
Ingo: ...
Irida: Several days, sometimes.
Ingo: ......
Irida: The longest recorded was maybe almost a fortnight?
Ingo: ............
It's only been hours and Ingo is already feeling desperate, and he's going to be like this for days? Possibly over a week? And Irida mentioned it would get worse? Ugh, just kill him.
But then Irida presses up against his back and even through all his clothes and the blankets, Ingo can feel her body and it's weirdly relieving for his current condition, like a heat pack on a sore muscle. Irida tells him he can do that, OR he can just let her help him. No one's ever died of this or anything, but it can get dangerous. Irida wants to help! Ingo is one of hers now. And she doesn't want to risk the life of one of her people.
Ingo doesn't really say anything, but he uncurls a little bit and stops gripping the blankets around him quite so tight, which she takes as a good sign! He has his knees drawn up to his chest, so she has to straddle his feet and lower legs a bit to make it work, but Irida manages to wedge herself between Ingo and the wall so she can at least get him to look at her and give her a straight answer. Ingo tries to start speaking a couple times, but he can't quite seem to string words together, he trails off just like earlier, staring at her like how Irida has seen people stare at the hot springs after being half frozen in the wastes of the icelands.
Irida nods and tells him physical touch is supposed to help, takes the hand that Ingo hadn't even realized he'd reached out, and sets it on her shoulder. She manages to get him to give her his other one, too, and sets it on her waist, and Ingo sighs. It really does help. It's not even that it feels good, it's just that he feels less bad.
Irida presses in closer, happily and proudly rambling poetic about how it must be a blessing of Almighty Sinnoh, that the cure for something so terrible is simply for two bodies to share the same space together so closely they interlock, isn't it nice?
The next morning, Ingo wakes up all groggy, and just kinda lays there blinking at the ceiling for several minutes until he realizes he hears someone else in the hut with him. So he rolls over and almost immediately has a fucking heart attack because there's Irida, still naked, kneeling in front of the fire and poking at with a stick trying to get it going again.
Ingo finally croaks out a quiet little please help me and Irida pats his arm and tells him of course she will. He's her Warden, he can lean on her when he needs to. 💕
She has bruises! And handprints! And oh god, did he seriously leave those bite marks on her?! NOOOOOO-
He behaved as though a depraved animal! A beast!! He shouldn't even be allowed near people anymore!!
Ingo is facing the corner, moping and red-faced and dealing with his Catholic Guilt, and meanwhile Irida is trying to decide what she wants for breakfast VSKDKXJKSKXKX
(About three weeks later, just when he's almost able to look her in the eye again, Ingo goes to Irida to report on some happening in the highlands. Irida pats him and tells him good boy. Ingo lights up and all but purrs for a second before his brain catches up like WAIT WHAT, NO.
Irida: Oh. Is that not ok? You liked being called that that one time.
Ingo, steaming red face in his hands: MY LADY, PLEASE.)
((Gaeric is unfortunately within earshot when this happens, and he laughs so hard he wheezes, and then when he and Irida depart, he slaps Ingo on the back so hard he stands straight for a few minutes afterwards ndodjwkskmdkx))
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