tiberius-kirks · 2 years
ooohh i wanna favorite pasta shape and veggie u LIKE the most, please
oooh, for pasta shape I really like any of those little spiral guys, like rotini or fusili. sometimes the long ones with a hole all the way through are good, and shells can be wonderful
for a veggie I like! I was really vibing with raab (kale or broccoli) a while ago, since it's fun to put in stir frys. I don't know if I can choose one I like the most, but I will destroy a good plate of roasted asparagus...
ask meme!
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judesstfrancis · 4 years
yellow and teal for shore 😌
I dread writing professional emails so much but I would do it for u <3
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sodrippy · 4 years
ingoldenlight replied to your post “everyone else: meticulously creating character profiles, backstories,...”
me in the morning and me in the afternoon are two entirely different persons, why would i impose unrealistic standards on my characters and expect them to be [checks notes] ""consistent and fleshed out and making sense""?
hfdjcxm ok huge mood ur so right, i myself go through 4 personalities a week, who says my characters need anything less??
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evnbuckley · 5 years
@ingoldenlight replied to your post: 20 Questions Game RULES: Answer 20 questions, then...
i just wanna say you’re an absolute ledge katie and seeing you in my notifs made me smile while my train’s having some real performance issues so THANK you. for being a ledge ��
I LOVE U YLVA <33333333
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gingerwerk · 6 years
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pacificbigbangblog · 7 years
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Title: in gold light, lakeside and backlit Author: @ingoldenlight / rebelsquad Artist: @andyhaldanes​ Pairing: Andrew “Ack-Ack” Haldane/Edward “Hillbilly” Jones, Robert Leckie/Hoosier “Bill” Smith (background) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: There are minor instances or references to homophobia (no physical harm, slurs or internalized homophobia though), depression (Leckie, and receives support for it) and discussions of religion (basically pulled from canon and slightly expanded on). Word Count: 75 390 Summary: All Eddie wants for his last months of high school is to have a good time with his friends on the soccer team and to figure out what to do about these feelings he has for his best friend and team captain. A change in league regulations that puts five new guys on their team does not make this an easy feat. And neither does Andy, who is not only incredibly easy to pine for, but who also will move a thousand miles across the country for college come fall. Turns out growing up ain't easy. Turns out it doesn't have to be that hard, either. Link to fic: Here Link to art: by @andyhaldanes, can be found here, and - just because i love it so much - here
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perfectmayuge · 7 years
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This had to be the place. From what Maria had told him, apparently he needed permission if he was to give some kind of education. Of course that’s understandable! To go to a relative and seek their permission was the proper way in doing so. 
Ishimaru had rang the doorbell, slightly anxious of who this person was that maria had spoken about. It seem that she cared about this relative of hers, and would like to give a good impression. Seeing the door open, Ishimaru took a moment before speaking. “You must be Battler, correct? I apologize for being so formal, but that is the only name I know you by. Would you happen to know someone by the name Maria?”
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greetingsprogramms · 7 years
okay sorry that these are so many but that's such a cool ask meme thingy: 1, 5, 7, 10, 11, 17, 18, 21, 24, 26
well this took me like a week to answer i’m sorry ;:f,zae,fzmklg,a
1. favourite place in your country? sadly i haven’t been to a lot of places around france. i’ve been to périgord a couple of time (south west of france east of bordeaux) and i loved it, it’s such a beautiful country. i also really love going to normandy and see the beaches. i’d love to visit east of france (strasbourg etc). 
5. favourite song in your native language? alright i don’t really know about recent music but here are a couple oldies i love : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-cYQKDm26Kc & https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ogb2dJEVds8
7. three words from your native language that you like the most?
- there are a couple of expressions that only lawyers use and me being me, i tend to use those expressions in daily life. for instance : “en l’espèce” (in this case) or “toute chose égale par ailleurs” (all other factors being equal)
- schmilblik : this word is used in the expression “ça ne fait pas avancer le schmilblik” (to make the schmilblik move ahead). basically there was a tv game in the 60s where the contestant had to guess the “schmilblik” and i guess it stuck in french pop culture.  
- bitoniau : i had to check the spelling. it’s used to refer to a small button, like a button on a controller. it sounds so funny. 
10. most enjoyable swear word in your native language? “putain” is the one that slips out the most obviously
11. favourite native writer/poet? so i gotta say victor hugo but really i’ve technically only read les mis haha. i also like alphonse daudet a lot.
17. are you interested in your country’s history? yes very much!
18. do you speak with a dialect of your native language? i do not. i don’t even have an accent (people in the south in particular have strong accents)
21. if you could send two things from your country into space, what would they be? marine le pen. salted butter.
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country? belgian people are part of many of our jokes (but i feel like it’s a bit outdated now)
26. does your nationality get portrayed in Hollywood/American media? what do you think about the portrayal? my biggest petpeeves about our representation in us media : 
- being portrayed as cowards
- being portrayed as libertines/sex addicts
- casting french canadian actors to play french characters (seriously, the second they start talking we know) 
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fireswamps · 7 years
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sorry for the dirt in your mouth aesthetics | couples
andy haldane and eddie jones
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charlesanthonybruno · 7 years
5, 12, 14, 24, and 25 :>
Thanks for playing!
5. favourite song in your native language?
Full disclosure, I consume very very little media in my native language, so all questions about this are going to be tricky. One favourite song is nigh impossible to pick, but the entire Starmania album is brilliant and possibly one of only two French-language albums I listen to. (The other being Le Soldat Rose, it’s lovely.)
12. what do you think about English translations of your favourite native prose/poem? 
Nothing as I have never read any translations of texts originally written in French? :/
14. do you enjoy your country’s cinema and/or TV?
Oh, boy, um, okay. French cinema? Has some nice stuff. But mostly? You know the cliché about it being too pretentious and artsy and pseudo intellectual? Well. It’s not entirely inaccurate. It’s that or it veers wildly towards the extreme opposite and we get some of the dumbest, most moronic movies ever (I  mean, for fuckssake, Camping? No.)
24. what other nation is joked about most often in your country?
Belgium. Definitely Belgium. We love them. But Belgium.
25. would you like to come from another place, be born in another country?
I don’t know. There’s a couple of countries that I hold very close to my heart, but not being born there is part of what makes them so interesting to me, so if I’d been born there, it wouldn’t be the same. I kinda wish I’d been born in Germany though, spent the first years of my life there, with my mum’s family, and only moved to France later.
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tiberius-kirks · 7 years
I love ! music asks & games okay here goes: 3, 13, 36, 47, 53, 79, 81, 93
okay so for the music in my top 100 songs of spotify 2017!! (i’m 98% sure that’s what this ask is from if not sorry!)
3. Puerto Cabezas, NI - Lewis Del Mar
13. Elsewhere - Young the Giant
36. Wave(s) - Lewis Del Mar
47. Quesadilla - Walk the Moon
53. Bones - Dotan
79. Harlem - New Politics
81. Mess is Mine - Vance Joy
93. Girl, Mother, Crone - Anna Wise
thank you for asking!! i’m shocked this didn’t have too many repeat artists and also somehow missed my fav bishop briggs but!! v fun also v true
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st-louis · 4 years
1) thaNK you for your thoughts on the carter hart nature v. nurture philly vibes debate 2) "the hypercompetitiveness was always there but we gave him the biiiitch attitude about it" i think this 100% tracks and further solidifies my theory that philly is actually a living breathing entity that consciously pulls in their preferred people, see kevin hayes, and also molds them so they truly become sons of philly in (almost) every sense of the word. thank u for ur thoughts!
i hope you don’t mind that i am publishing this (i can make it a private post if you want) but i love these thoughts and wanted them on the blog. i absolutely agree with you about philly and its molding tendencies.
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judesstfrancis · 4 years
i know we're all talking abt least favorite tropes but i can't think of anything rn because i rediscovered my love for coffee shop aus so this is me severely breaking the rules to say i love coffee shop aus, i love the completely unrealistic settings, i love how basic and non-exciting they are, i love that they sell me these romantic fantasies that i, crippled by social anxiety unable to go into coffee shops without dying, can't experience. good shit! love that! always wishing for more of that
ylva I love u so much and u are CORRECT. coffeeshop au's are still always so cute!! like are they unrealistic maybe so but the part of my heart that constantly yearns any time a barista is nice to me still says I want to consume every single one. there is a certain tenderness that only coffeeshop au's can convey
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sodrippy · 4 years
ingoldenlight replied to your post “ingoldenlight replied to your post “lesbianbobbiedraper replied to...”
HOOP SKIRTS: HOW TO SURVIVE THE PANDEMIC LOOKING SEXY AS HELL. fuck. fuck! i hadnt even thought of that. youre a genius.
social distancing queens!!!
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sea, satin and angel c:
sea: what music, art and/or literature brings you peace? This is a tough one, Chopin for music, he always had brought calm to a storm.
satin: what never fails to make you happy? Writing. Even when creative writing can bring stress, it takes me to another world where I can escape my own.
angel: what is your dream aesthetic? Aha, I suppose, lounging on a balcony in Paris, drinking champagne, wearing simply lingerie and a satin robe, waiting for my girlfriend to come home.
Thank you, bb!
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gingerwerk · 6 years
3 facts: would die for sledgefu (like i knew it was bad but i didn’t know it was that bad); caps and flannels babey!! but also really nice going out outfits like u have a fashion duality i admire; takes abt three years to no longer be intimidated by u
ylva. my love for sledgefu is in fact That Bad. this is just who i am now and forever 
it is very important to me that i cultivate as many looks as possible to that people can be confused by me but ultimately still know i dress well 
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