#inktober list 2018
brewing-mischief · 2 years
Day 1. 'Poision'
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sknow-and-ink · 1 year
Annnd... it's time for all my 2018 drawings!
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winchester-reload · 8 months
The Suptober23 Check-In!
As you may have noticed, today (October 15th) marks the last consecutive day of our prompt list for 2023, and that means no more daily reminders. But that doesn't mean it's all over--and I'm not just talking about that day 31 prompt either! If you're anything like me, you've still got a few days to catch up on (including today's haha oops!) Or, maybe you wanted to join, but you missed the start and thought you couldn't. Jump on in and post those things! Use the rest of the month to get them done! And don't forget to add them to the Ao3 Collection. Also, hey, keep on using that #suptober23 tag so we can find your stuff!
If you managed to knock this challenge out of the park and complete all 15 prompts already, this doesn't mean you have to stop creating. If you're still hungry for more, I'm betting you can find some prompts on old suptober lists, or from friends, or, hey, you could even jump onto the #inktober prompt list if you wanted! The sky is the limit, and you've unlocked God Mode. Congrats to you, my friend. I am envious of your time management skills.
I want to give a massive shout out and thank you to all of you who have worked so hard these last two weeks to bring us such a treasure trove of new art and stories. Thank you for the time you spent creating, and thank you to all the people who've been so kind and encouraging to each other throughout the event. Suptober only is what it is because of all of you. And it is pretty incredible, if you ask me.
Now, how about a few resources? Prompt Lists
2018 Archive
2019 Archive
2020 Archive
2021 Archive
2022 Archive
2023 Ao3 Collection/2023 Tumblr Archive
Still got questions? Send me an ask!
See you all again on the 31st!!!
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synthanimal · 9 months
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#inktober number 1 // I feel for you, but when did you believe you were alone? / You say that spiders crawled inside and made themselves a home 🕷️
Can't believe this is my first post back on Tumblr since 2018!
A late start to this year's #inktober2023 challenge, but a start nonetheless! This challenge has always been a favorite of mine, but I haven't had time to join the last few years. The last time I completed a full month of prompts was back in 2018 (what is time!) after Twenty One Pilots released their record Trench and I was so inspired by the lyrics and color scheme of the album era that it became the theme I drew off of for the whole challenge. I created most of my favorite pieces during that time and I loved the lil' community I formed back then :)
It's also been ages since I've picked up a pen and drawn traditionally. My work, both personal and commercial has mostly only lived digitally, so my inking skills are rusty. But I've been missing drawing on paper, so I'm really eager to get back into it! I might not be as strict with the theme this year and instead jump around between different prompt lists or even just create my own— we'll see!
This first one was inspired by @jlauser.art's "phobias" list this year— the first one being #arachnophobia. 🕸️
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dreaminginpencil · 2 years
What are you looking for?
Here's a handy list of links to get you to what you want... 🥰 (It's not everything, but it's the important stuff!)
Other Social Media: - Twitter: →shinydirtycoin (fandom, NSFW content) →jess_bookish (original work, SFW content) - Instagram: →shinydirtycoin (fandom, SFW) →jl_rad (fandom and original work, SFW content)
Shops and Links: - Prints: →INPRNT →Redbubble - Etsy: →Steddie Lenticular →Bi Steve Sticker →Eddie Sticker Set
Stranger Things: - Steddie: Steve/Eddie - Harringrove: Steve/Billy - THE GIFS: ➡ Steddie: →tongue →kiss 1 →kiss 2 →stress ball →grinding →scoops →shotgun →kiss 3 →lap hug →kiss 4 ➡ Harringrove: →chin lick kiss ➡ Other GIFs: →bloody steve - Other ST tags: →Munson Twins AU →Steve/Chrissy →Billy/Eddie
Critical Role: - Vox Machina - The Mighty Nein - Bells Hells - EXU
Fandoms: Captain America // Cruel Prince // The Demon Cycle // Disney // Galavant // Grisha-verse // Hades // Harry Potter // The Magnus Archives // The Mortal Instruments // One Direction // The Raven Cycle // Red Rising // Star Wars // Supernatural // Teen Wolf // The Witcher // YA Fiction
Challenges: - Critical Role Inktober 2018 - Mermay 2020
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fallinglntokillugon · 3 months
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💙💚KilluGon in April 2024! 💙💚
(created by me this year!) (+ a long update)
Hello, everyone. I'm not entirely dead, but I sure feel like I am. Still thinking about KilluGon every day as per usual, but my time to draw and write has been greatly depleted. School gets more difficult the older you get...
Currently, my iPhone6 doesn't have enough data to install Tumblr on my phone anymore. All my Instagram accounts have failed because it's all children on there... stupid western-minded children. My Wattpad got deleted when they got bought by Canada and I didn't feel like having that happen over and over again. My AO3 is fine, sending me emails almost every day of someone liking one of my works (thank you all so much for that). I want to update and add there, but nothing I've written in the past 2-3 years is edited, let alone finished past a paragraph or half a page on GoogleDocs. And most of them deal with my KilluGon Dimensions, in which Series 1 [2018-2023] has concluded and Series 2 [2023~] has begun (yet I still love Series 1 too much to fully let it go... ). My Discord activity is pretty dead, though I wish I could create a KilluGon-only group that could thrive on there.
I'm mainly on Twitter(X) now, participating in Japanese-limited HunterxHunter merch culture. Collecting all those Killuas and Gons is so draining and my Japanese isn't all that good (I'm an English KilluGon fanfic writer after all). Still, for the sake of my boys, I keep moving forward with them by my side. Killua is even on my face every day because I bought the collaboration glasses.
Well, now that all my rambling update is finished, it's time to start KilluGon in April 2024! For people who are new or have forgotten, it's the April equivalent of Inktober, but for KilluGon. As usual, I'm not sure how far I'll be able to get this year, but I made the prompt list myself this time. Randomized the days and randomized the words from two separate online generators. If you too would like to participate in KilluGon in April 2024, please go ahead! If it's anything other than KilluGon, such as you like the prompt list, use it quietly. Even in my year of absence, I haven't changed. KilluGon is life. 💙💚
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doorbloggr · 2 years
What is Inktober?
And what's the controversy?
Sunday 23/19/22
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So in 2009, a concept artist and creator named Jake Parker started a challenge, mostly for himself, to complete a hand-drawn art piece for every day of October. In subsequent years, other artists worldwide joined in on the challenge, and from 2015(sic), Parker has posted a list of prompts prior to October for artists to inspire what they'd draw each day.
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Originally, as the name suggests, Inktober participation would only count if you completed ink-drawn pieces on paper, often with a fountain pen, but it has since grown to a challenge incorporating all artistic mediums, include paints, music, writing, and even digital art.
But in 2019, Jake Parker made the decision to copyright the term "Inktober", meaning that artists trying to sell art under the "Inktober" title were receiving cease and desist notices or legal action would be threatened. Parker has given several reasons for the decision, including protecting his own work; books of his own art, and about doing ink art; and to not allow predatory profiting off the brand; people using the Inktober name of discriminatory tshirts or posters, selling merchandise using the brand name without permission from Jake Parker and his team.
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He has assured artists that it is not his intention to scare artists away from participating in Inktober, or selling their own art made during the challenge. But there are guidelines on how to avoid action from his team. Artbooks must use Inktober as a subtitle and not as the main title, ideally, together with the year of the challenge (e.g. Doorbloggr: Inktober 2022), and avoid using the official Inktober Logo in any merchandising.
In August 2019, it came out that Parker may have plagiarised most of the content for his book "Inktober All Year Long" from an artist named Alphonso Dunn, and their book "Pen & Ink Drawing".
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Rightfully so, this brutal stance and the controversy around it scared away a lot of artists from participating in the Official Inktober challenge. But luckily, the variety of artists that this original challenge brought in gave rise to iteration and elaboration on the idea. And so the Inktober spin-off was born.
October: A Month of Art
In the same way that Parker made prompt lists for each new October, many different communities made their own challenges with their own names and flavours. Many still have prompts for 31 days, while others ease it down to 16 days, or even once a week.
One of the first offshoots was Drawlloween in 2012. And from my own limited research, it may have not even been inspired by Inktober. It just so happened to also take place in October. Since October is Spooky Month, Drawlloween prompts are all based on Halloween, many very specific to pieces of spooky media and horror stories. In a similar vein, other Halloween themed challenges are Witchtober, Spooktober, Drawtober, and Goretober.
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INKTtober is a spin-off I've seen on a couple different social media's I'm on that focuses specifically on Tattoo art. OCtober or OC October is a common one I see on Tumblr where each day is about an artist's Original Characters or OCs.
Other artists have grown the idea of a monthly challenge beyond October. And I wanna specifically shout out @regal-bones for their beautiful work on Swordtember (Sword designs in September) this year. Amazing work.
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Day 2: Candle, Day 25: Spider
And finally, the one that I have been partaking in, Linktober. Linktober is a celebration of the Legend of Zelda series. The challenge began in 2015 as a spin-off of Drawlloween, and in 2016, the team created their first full month calender of prompts.
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Each year of Linktober has brought a new calender of prompts and in some years, they even introduced alternate challenges that spice it up beyond just Legend of Zelda art. 2018 introduced Linktober Chance, where the prompt is only half finished and you roll a d6 dice to generate a more specific prompt. 2019 introduced Linktober Quest, where each day is part of a story about a Zelda OC you make and the adventure they go on to save the world. Linktober 2020 introduced Linktober Shadow, a counterpart to the regular challenge where every day is spooky, or about the villainous side of the Zelda series.
I want to talk more about my experience with Linktober, but I fear this post may be getting too long. So I will talk more about Art and Deadlines in a Part 2(?) to this post.
Thanks for Reading
A lot of the information I wrote in this blogpost I sourced from the following article, so I implore you to read it too if you want to gain more insight:
The Controversy with Inktober, Alexis Epinoza (September 2020) The Telescope
Also, if you don't already, please follow the tags #drawlloween #witchtober #linktober #swordtember or any other drawing challenges promoted across this and other sites. Artists love reblogs and if there's a fandom you like, there's likely to be creative people making things for you. So show them some love.
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watercolourcritters · 2 years
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[ID: a pen and ink drawing of the moon and some stars on a pure black sky. End ID.]
moon - Inktober day 1 - ish! I went looking for a prompts list on Instagram, found one I loved, and was done my drawing by the time I realized it was a list from 2018 (Courtney Crider’s list, found here). I’m not sure if I’ll use this years prompt list or keep using the one I found, but we’ll see!
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ressayez · 1 year
Some closing thoughts before I leave these accounts behind and move forward:
Roasty would like you to believe that they were a victim of abuse, but not just “a victim,” the victim in a mutually destructive and toxic codependent relationship.
I’ve kept quiet and allowed them to spread this narrative, only reaching out once to someone I thought was a mutual friend to apologize for the frankly embarrassing arguments that Roasty and I got into that their friends would have to be witness to and try to mediate. That was a mistake on my part, and I wasn’t aware before contacting them that Roasty and their friends were posting about me painting me as The Abuser™ in, again, what I believe was an incredibly mutually destructive and toxic codependent relationship. They and their friends would like me to keep quiet on this and not fan the flames, while Roasty is free to talk about me and even my current partner however they please. But I’m going to talk now, and I’m going to go through everything and give my side so I can have some peace of mind and finally get this off of my chest. And that’s that, I won’t be returning to this account and I won’t be checking anything again, it’s too stressful.
So, as I’m making new accounts and finally logging out of these ones for good, transferring over block lists, I’m forced to confront whatever’s at the top of Roasty and their friend’s pages, and each time I have, there’s some bullshit about me abusing them and how oh, woe is them, and woe is Kristen, the person that they told me that accepting an apology from and just  would make me a “bad person.”
So here’s my side:
I came back to Facebook in late July of 2020 because I was lonely and in need of a friend. I was coming out of a bad breakup in which my ex manipulated and cheated on me, ultimately leaving me, no explanation, no apology, nothing, and I was left to pick up the pieces. I no longer felt comfortable with either of my friends at the time, my ex boyfriend ruined that. So on a whim, I reached out to Roasty, remembering the good times we’d had previously, and desiring something familiar and safe. Ever since I left Facebook in 2018 to focus on my struggle with depression, I never completely got over losing Roasty. It’s lame, but I remember I dreamt about visiting them and our other friend, and I was happy. I missed my old friends. That longing combined with my naivety about why we don’t go back to people we cut off due to things getting toxic clouded my judgment.
Things were okay at first, Roasty’s controlling and possessive behaviour was innocuous at first. I remember the first time they freaked out on me. It was in October, I remember it because I was doing Inktober; I wasn’t feeling the best that day, so I didn’t message them first, I did, however, respond to rps. Roasty came to me panicked and upset and made that my problem. They always made it my problem that you were panicking and anxious. It was never “Hey, are you feeling alright today?” it was “Um, you didn’t message me, why didn’t you message me? Do you hate me? I’m anxious! I’m freaking out!” Roasty told me that by not messaging them first, I was ‘leaving them on read,’ since they were always, without fail, the last one to message before bed and ‘they didn’t double text.’ They believed that messaging me first on a given day if they had been the one to send the last message the night previous was ‘double texting.’ They would go to their friends about this and they agreed with Roasty that they were right to feel slighted by ‘being left on read’ and me ‘making them double text.’ This was a pattern that continued throughout our relationship. Roasty would run to friends and others to confirm that I was the one with the behavioural issues, and they would side with Roasty, more often than not.
I believe it was around this time in October or November when Roasty said they had feelings for me. I agreed to give things a chance, but I was unsure about a relationship. This is when (and I can’t remember if this was before or shortly after getting together) that Roasty ‘couldn’t take being friends with someone they had feelings for,’ and that they would probably end up cutting me off and blocking me if we couldn’t be together.
Initial infatuation for me towards them faded rather quickly, I think, seeing as those initial feelings for me towards them for lasted no longer than a week. I wasn’t sure why this was at the time, but I chocked it up to my last (and very first) relationship being one in which everything that could go wrong had gone wrong, and I internalized it that those lovey dovey chemicals making me stupid were to blame.
From the start, I wasn’t sure that I was ready for and wanted to be in a relationship. I was painfully aware of the previous ex’s impact on me and then there was my struggle with depression, and I did often think about how this might not have been the best idea for two people with pretty severe mental health issues to be in a relationship with one another. I felt like a bad person for feeling like I did not want to be with someone with so much unresolved trauma and anxiety and for wanting a partner that was more stable and, well, more and not less functional and emotionally mature than I was? I was also vaguely aware about the risk of becoming codependent, but I persisted anyways, feeling an obligation towards Roasty to do my best as their friend.
In the beginning even though I was hyperfixated on them and anxious about leaving them for any period of time because of the anxiety I had developed around texting (fucking thanks to who else, but Roasty!) I would still try and make an effort to spend time with other friends, like my two IRL friends that I’ve known since birth. But Roasty couldn’t let me spend time with them or anyone else without getting upset and making that known.
They had to know how long I would be gone for, or they would be upset, panicky, anxious, etc, as if I was just going to abandon them or some shit because I wanted to go play Stardew Valley for a couple hours with people who weren’t Roasty, my other friends. Roasty never deserved a timeline on what I was doing every hour of every day, I should not have had to give them a timeframe every time I wanted to hang out with my friends for a couple hours, but it seemed to be the only way to get them to calm down and be less anxious about me leaving them for any period of time. They were jealous I had a couple of friends and yet again made that my problem, getting upset, without fail, every time I would mention I was gonna go hang out with these friends. I was lonely at this point too. I had not, in the two years I was in a relationship with Roasty, felt like I was close with any of my friends, and they were jealous of this, just because I still technically had them, people I could call friends, even if I wasn’t really able to do anything with them because of Roasty’s excessively clingy and possessive behaviour. And as a direct result of the anxiety Roasty pushed onto me surrounding not having me 24/7 to themselves, I was not able to put in the work to maintain these friendships. The only time I could talk about my other friends was if I was complaining about them, that was the only time I could be sure that Roasty wasn’t going to panic and freak out about me leaving or being replaced or get jealous. 
Roasty also told me, after saying that they could not deal with just being friends with me, that they needed to meet me in person and that ‘they could not deal with an LDR.’ They gave me a deadline for this: summer. Threatening that the relationship would not last, and if, as you may recall, that meant that we could not be friends either, that I needed to meet them in person because they ‘couldn’t handle it’ if I wasn’t able to.
They repeatedly clipped my wings when it came to job opportunities and school, and even when I was considering getting on a waitlist for top surgery, they selfishly once again told me that 'they couldn’t handle it.’ The idea of me working or going to school and spending less time with them was too much for them. Me needing to be up in Canada for a surgery that would take a few months to recover from was too much for them. My aunt offered me a job as a doorperson (greeting people at a club and taking their coats and such for a few hours a couple days a week) and Roasty once again told me that the relationship would not work for them if I was working and ‘away from them all day.’ So I turned down all of these opportunities. I didn’t follow up on getting on that waitlist, I didn’t take that job, I stopped looking for work and schooling opportunities.
I became anxious to voice differing viewpoints and opinions. I wasn’t able to have a bad opinion without it blowing up into a huge spat, because it was always made very personal, a bad opinion was not just a bad opinion, there was this perpetual black and white thinking from Roasty that having a bad opinion made you a bad person.
When we would get into fights, I was afforded no space. In general, I was afforded no space, but this was just exacerbated when I went to stay with them in NY. Quite literally sharing a single room with them for months, with nowhere to go to get away from them if I was anxious and frustrated and needed space to cool off, and just the shittiest family members imaginable. A father who was a serial cheater, overbearing and snippy mother, autistic brother with a mood disorder who would scream and act out constantly, even communicating with a minor while on parole for. Otherwise, my own separation anxiety that they had encouraged and out of fear that they would hurt themselves with no one else to go to when we fought made it extremely difficult to pull back and take time to myself. Not that I had anyone I felt like I could talk to at this point. Didn’t exactly feel like I could talk to our so-called mutuals at the time, which were less ‘mutuals’ and more ‘the people that Roast allowed me to talk to.’ Over the course of two years, I became gradually more and more anxious, depressed and frustrated, I felt like I was trapped. 
And here’s the thing: in tail end of 2022 when I finally got the courage to push back against this and leave? They begged me to stay. It put them in the hospital the night I broke it off with them.
This person was absolutely obsessed with me and was intent on me being perfect for them, when from the start, we were not very compatible. Despite what Roasty or their friends would like everyone to believe, this was not a relationship that could have been saved by compromise on my end. I did nothing but compromise and fold in response to Roasty pressuring me. They pressured me into a relationship, they pressured me to ignore my doubts about being in said relationship, they pressured me to visit them, they pressured me to turn down important opportunities in my personal life, and seriously expected me to spend every waking moment with them or tell them where I was or who I was talking to at all times because Roasty is fucking selfish and so afraid of being alone that they felt the need to manipulate me time and time again so I would stay, regardless of if that was what was best for me, again, under threat that things would not work out and they would cut me off and leave me if they didn’t get what they wanted.
And yet I still struggle not to blame myself. I was extremely naive, this was my second relationship ever and I felt like I was pressured into it, regardless of if that was Roasty’s intention, that’s what they did, they would threaten me to get what they wanted. That is coercion. Also, I’d just like to add as a nonsequitur, there is a six year age gap between us and I’ve known Roasty since I was 13. Not grooming! Definitely not grooming, as they only took an interest when I came back at age 19, but definitely a weird dynamic with a residual power imbalance. I dunno! I feel taken advantage of. I feel like I was in a vulnerable place when I came to them and I don’t like how they simultaneously put me on a pedestal while also devaluing me time and time again. I did not feel like I could have unironic enjoyment of things, because I was afraid they would think I was cringe. 
That said, I’m still extremely embarrassed about how my anxiety would manifest as frustration and outbursts in response to this whole situation. But you know what? I don’t have these issues with anyone else. Leaving Roasty was the best decision I could have made, and I’m much better off for it. So I suppose if they’d like to continue spreading it around that they were horrifically abused and feared for their life at the hands of the 19 year old who used to idolize them, they’re free to continue to do so, but I am also free to share my side of the story. Even if none of their friends asked for it and have already made up their minds about everything concerning the situation. This isn’t for them, though, this is for me, because it makes me feel better to finally get this out there.
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therainbowfishy · 2 years
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I think I’m signing myself up for a trip back to The Enchanted Bookshop, a comic I revisit every other Inktober. But for my sanity, I’m going to try to keep it casual!
The rules for myself that I may or may not follow:
1. Use my friend Abhi’s prompt list
2. Use traditional mediums (just felt tip pen if I can bear it looking rough and 2018 sketchbook style!). Kill as much perfectionism and eyestrain/screen time as possible.
3. Try not to plan ahead too much and instead make it episodic like Carson Ellis’s Egg Sisters
4.  Focus on story, dialogue, puns, and having fun rather than making good quality art...but do a few nice illustrations, here and there, when the mood strikes.
5. KEEP. IT. CASUAL!!! It’s just inktober!
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artofcaitlee · 2 years
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🖋️ Inktober is once again upon us, this hellhound is totally not judging you.
I’m using the Dark Fantasy prompt list from 2018 by @wardmir on instagram.
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spriteveon · 1 year
Hi Spriteveon! Thank you for your amazing PMD-tober. I've drawn every prompt until today and the plan is to finish the list. I'm doing it on Instragram, because I have no Tumblr ^^' the drawings are a bit crappy, because I'm doing the Inktober too and I'm really busy, but after I saw the list I had to do this! I think what I want to say with this mail is: Wuhuu, I found another Mystery Dungeon Player (and thank you for making the list.) Yours, otaku_laulau (or just Laulau ^^)
Okay, so like…this ask did not appear in my inbox until today, but it says it’s dated to 2018????
I know it’s late, but I just want to let you know that I’m super glad you enjoyed doing PMD-tober back then, and thank you so so much for sending this message in to tell me!!
Years down the road, I hope you’re having a good one, Laulau!!
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kinoumenthe · 2 years
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Sorta Inktober/witchtober (old prompt list) 7 "machine".
Featuring one of my characters from Inktober 2018.
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winchester-reload · 2 years
Hi Jacks,
Are you doing Suptober this year?
Jus' wond'rin'
Pimms x
YOU KNOW IT! I live for the pain of Suptober. I hope that means you'll be participating this year too!!
For anyone not in the know, suptober is the Supernatural-themed creative challenge I make a prompt list for (and host) every year in October, much like inktober but better because, you know, ***Supernatural***. This will be the fifth year of this challenge, and the only difference this year is that I won't be maintaining a tumblr archive (like the ones linked below). Instead, I'll be focusing on completing art for each day and otherwise enjoying talking to people.
More details coming soon. The prompt list drops a few days before October 1st.
Check out the stuff people made in the past:
Suptober 2021
Suptober 2020
Suptober 2019
Suptober 2018
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cthulhubert · 2 years
*jesse pinkman voice* tag game, bitch!
I was tagged by: @toegrub! Thanks for thinking of me.
Fav color: So there’s this certain wavelength of light.... No, seriously, I like different colors for different purposes. Though my plan is to find a way to get everything at my computer desk in a colorway of dark, shiny red; black; and gold. Meanwhile, my favorite die bag is black with silver and purple on the inside.
Currently reading: I’m between every book! I just finished Nona the Ninth. Not sure what my next fiction book will, be, thinking of Southern Reach.
Last song: T Raumschmiere - Do Not Open The Hatch In A Diving Submarine.
Last Movie: Just rewatched Night Before Christmas with the peeps.
Sweet/Spicy/Savoury: I enjoy them all, alone, in combination. Variety is the best taste. Though I do have more of a sweet tooth than most people.
Currently working on: My niece picked up a random Inktober prompt list (from 2018) to practice this summer, and insisted that when October rolled around, I should do it too, so we could compare. Dicking around with a simple SimCity clone to try to solidify my grasp on designing a larger architecture.
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artistsfuneral · 2 years
Nikki, your Inktober this year is so amazing!!! 💖😍🤩
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I knoooowww!!!!! 🤩🤩🤩
I think I tried it the first time in 2018? But I never completed it until maybe hopefully perhaps this year?! It definitely helps that I'm just doing whatever and don't follow a prompt list, it keeps me a lot more motivated to draw something each day. ☺️
Glad you like the lil drawings too! ❤️
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