#innovative solutions to your hotel
phonesuitedirect · 2 years
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AI-powered customer service automation are able to handle tedious and time-consuming tasks, such as answering frequently asked questions. Read More...
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theambitiouswoman · 1 year
How To Spot Opportunities
Opportunities are all around us, waiting to be recognized and seized. In conversation, in something you see, even in your own thoughts. Learning how to spot opportunities can lead you to growth and success. People often tend to overlook them, believing that they only come to certain people. The truth is that opportunities are available to everyone. We just need to change our perspective and learn how to identify them.
The Mindset:
Openness to Possibilities: Adopt a mindset that looks for possibilities in any situation. Instead of focusing solely on obstacles, view every challenge as an opportunity to innovate and grow. This shift in perspective opens the door to potential breakthroughs.
Adaptability: Being flexible and adaptable is key to spotting opportunities. Embrace change and be willing to venture outside your comfort zone. Adaptability helps you see potential where others might only see disruptions.
Positive Attitude: A positive attitude can work wonders in identifying opportunities. When you maintain optimism, you're more likely to recognize the silver lining in challenging circumstances, leading to the discovery of new pathways.
Always Learning: Embrace a curious mindset. Continuing to learn exposes you to new ideas and helps you stay ahead in a rapidly changing world, enabling you to recognize emerging opportunities before others do.
Examples of Spotting Opportunities:
The Airbnb Story: In 2008, two struggling entrepreneurs, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, saw a unique opportunity in the midst of a sold-out conference in their city. With hotels fully booked, they decided to rent out air mattresses in their living room, turning their apartment into an "air bed and breakfast." This marked the inception of Airbnb, which has since become a multi-billion dollar global enterprise, disrupting the hospitality industry.
From Hobby to Empire: Many successful businesses have started as hobbies. For example, Dov Charney, the founder of American Apparel, began making simple t-shirts for himself. When people showed interest in his designs, he realized the opportunity to create a clothing brand that offered stylish basics, catapulting his hobby into a thriving fashion empire.
Turning Failure into Success: Walt Disney's first animation studio went bankrupt. While many would have given up, Disney saw an opportunity to learn from his mistakes and create a new, revolutionary entertainment venture. The result? The birth of Mickey Mouse and the eventual establishment of the global Disney empire.
Networking: Opportunities often lie within our social circles. A chance encounter at a networking event led to the founding of YouTube when Steve Chen, Chad Hurley, and Jawed Karim connected with early PayPal employees who provided funding for their video-sharing platform.
You can train yourself to spot opportunities in the most unexpected places. The examples shared above show that success often comes from recognizing potential in everyday situations.
How to train your mind to spot opportunities:
1. Actively Listen: Listen to what the other person is saying. Avoid interrupting or preoccupying your mind with what you will say next. Paying full attention allows you to pick up on cues, insights, and potential areas of mutual interest.
2. Identify Pain Points: While you are listening, look for challenges or frustrations the other person may mention.These pain points could represent opportunities for you to provide a solution or offer assistance.
3. Explore people's Interests: Discover the other person's passions and interests. You might find common ground, or their interests might spark ideas for potential collaborations or projects.
4. Ask Questions: Ask open-ended questions that encourage the other person to share more about themselves and their goals. Ask them about their aspirations and how they plan to achieve them. Seeing how people arrive from one point to another will better help you exercise your minds and use problem solving strategies as a way of looking at things moving forward.
5. Be Curious: Approach conversations with a curious and open mindset. Be receptive to new ideas and different perspectives.
6. Networking: Use conversations as an opportunity to network and build relationships. Meaningful connections often lead to new opportunities down the road, whether it's a job opportunity, collabs, or a chance to participate in new projects.
7. Body Language: Pay attention to non-verbal cues and body language. Sometimes, opportunities can be inferred from the other person's gestures, expressions, or tone of voice.
8. Problem-Solving and Offering Help: If the conversation veers towards a problem the other person is facing, think about how you might be able to help.
9. Be Proactive: Don't be afraid to share your own aspirations and ideas during the conversation. Sometimes, expressing your interests and goals can lead you to opportunities when the other person sees potential in working with you in some capacity.
10. Following-Up and Staying Connected: After a productive conversation, make an effort to follow up and stay connected. This can potentially lead to more opportunities as you continue to build a better relationship with the other person.
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totothewolff · 8 months
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Season of Love (5/?)
+18 | Toto x reader fem!teamprincipal, romance, comedy, and some good drama.
Summary: One night on a pier in Monaco, while admiring the sea under the night skies, you tell Toto: "I came to the conclusion that love is simply not meant for me." That's the answer to a question you have been asking yourself for the longest time. But what if he proved you wrong? Author's note: This is a multichapter Toto Wolff x team principal reader fic set along a season of F1. It's a very immersive story full of drivers, team dynamics, races, mystery, and smut. You just bought the Williams team, but nobody really knows who you truly are.
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Dances with Wolff Arc Chapter 5: Cold tires, warm heart
The weather stays cold all day long at Silverstone; the crisp air bites your skin, causing shivers down your spine, and your breath forms small clouds before you as you walk briskly to the campsite area where the luxury motorhomes & RVs are parked, yours included, huddled in layers of warm clothing, feeling drained as the rest of the grid feels, seeking an opportunity to lay down and rest. 
Everyone warned you the mid-season was tough on the body, and they were right! As you drag yourself inside your luxurious, trendy, and sophisticated RV. The sleek and clean design aesthetic greets you; it's a zen monochromatic color scheme space full of high-end finishes, innovative storage solutions, elegant sofas, and a large comfy bed with a kitchenette and bathroom, creating the perfect getaway place for you away of the chaos at the paddock.
You share your location and access code with Toto, but he doesn't reply to your text. You assume he must be busy, so you fall soundly asleep on the bed there until you feel a pair of muscular arms hug and softly spoon you, half-waking you up.
You feel Toto's firm body against yours, with no inch of space between you two, as he wraps you in a tender and affectionate display of intimacy; your bodies intertwine as he seeks your warmth.
—I missed you so much —you turn to tell him, kissing him softly. —It feels wrong not having you by my side —you find the courage to let Toto know how you felt these past days without him, breaking the room's quietness, then burying your face in his neck, feeling shy and vulnerable and softly smooching it. 
He caresses your cheek with his index finger and slowly kisses your lips, leaving you breathless after a few minutes.
Toto seems exhausted as you peek at him while patiently waiting for him to comment on your confession, but he only looks pensively at your words as he rests his temple on yours. You sense his right hand caressing down your arm on its way to hold your hand. Then he pulls you closer to his chest, where you get cozy and fall asleep again.
One text, two texts, five texts.
—She is not answering —Michael says, a bit taken out.
One call, two calls, five calls.
—He is not answering —Niki says, quite concerned.
Once again, you wake up after a bit, feeling dozy and disoriented as you hear an iPhone ringing in the distance, still nestled in Toto's embrace, overwhelmed with tranquility and happiness but fucking annoyed at that damn ringtone. 
The softness of the bed, the heat of Toto's closeness, and the gentle rise and fall of his breaths make it a cozy heaven you don't want to leave, but that goddamn annoying phone doesn't let you nap and is about to wake him up too, and you want him to rest.
So you bravely drag yourself to your feet, hating life, and walk straight to Toto's duffel travel bag to search for his iPhone buzzing inside. To your surprise, you find it next to a torn and used voucher for "Cocktails for 2" at The Savoy Hotel in London, along with his passport. 
As you pick up his phone to turn it off, you wake it and notice that Toto still hasn't changed his wallpaper; he appears there posing in a pottery studio couple session, all smiley, with Susie wrapped in his arms, both of them looking in love and joyful as the professional camera lens captures their handsomeness, they look like they belong together. 
You can't avoid the sting of pain and insecurity washing you over, but you take the thought off. It's probably nothing, you try to convince yourself. So you finish turning his phone off and leaving it where you found it.
Then you turn off yours, ignoring all the red bubbles in it, on your way back to Toto's arms. All you want right now is him and you, and fuck the rest of the world. This "relationship," if you can call it that, is meant to crash soon, so you want to hang on to it as much as possible.
Two hours have passed since then, and Toto's hands are now roaming across your back, guiding your movements as you are in a cowgirl position on him. At the same time, his tongue dances erotically with your tongue, adding a sweet and sinful layer to your passionate embrace.
Your moans echo throughout the RV, blending perfectly with the rhythmic creaking of the bed frame beneath you. Toto's breathing grows heavier as you ride him hungrily, showing how much you miss him.
As he explores your curves, Toto begs you: —Bounce on my cock —with a voice husky with desire and with trembling hands, and you give him what he craves, exploding with pleasure as each time more desperately you go up and down his shaft.
Your nipples stiffen, them peeking out from beneath the fabric of your dress; this time, you didn't even care to take all of your clothes off; they were begging for his attention. Toto can't resist it; he leans in, pulls down the upper part of your dress, and captures one in his mouth, sucking it gently as his tongue teases its sensitive tip.
—Oh, God! —you cry, arching your back with pleasure. —That feels heavenly.
Toto releases your breast, looking up at you with a sultry grin. —Wait till it's my turn to show you how much I missed you —he purrs, hands dancing all over your ass.
As you are about to reach an orgasm, you can't escape the guilty thought in the back of your mind. —We shouldn't even be here, less doing this —you say in between tiny breaths and moaning a bit. —It was irresponsible for me to text you to come over —you protest weakly. —This could be no good for our careers —releasing a big moan as you finish the sentence, not being able to stop rocking yourself on Toto, moving now your hips in circles. His dick is so hard, and it feels so delicious all the way inside you.
Toto shrugs nonchalantly, then growls, his eyes smoldering lustfully, enjoying the sight of you going all over him. —I was planning to look for you anyway. Do you want us to stop and leave? —he replies, out of breath.
Toto gives you an "I agree" in the form of thrust, hitting you with such force that causes you to scream out in pleasure and unstabilize you, making you quickly place both of your hands on his chest to not fall on his face.
Then, his strong arms wrap you around the waist, holding you steady as he moves in rhythmic strokes that push your boundaries. Each withdrawal leaves you craving more, and each entry pleases you; he starts speeding up, making you moan out his name many times as the sounds of your body colliding fill the air. It's a symphony of pure passion.
—You make me feel so... complete... and free... and loved —You gasp out, voice shaking as Toto's powerful thrusts drive you deeper into the realm of satisfaction.
For some reason, feelings are bursting out of you in the form of words lately, freeing your thoughts without thinking much about the repercussions, being weirdly open and sincere for once in your life. Maybe it's because your period is near, and you always feel more emotional around that time; you lie to yourself, not wanting to admit falling for him because you know it will hurt more when it's over, which is sadly approaching.
It's not only the sexual part that makes you feel so whole with him. It's also his small displays of affection, his caring texts every morning to know how you slept, to let you know you are one of his first thoughts of the day, or the long conversations about anything you two share, the pictures you send to each other of the most mundane things to share life.
That makes you always feel him present and being taken care of. Also, the many times you advise each other, from billionaire businessman to billionaire businesswoman, or the quiet moments when you two are silently wrapped in each other's arms, just enjoying your presence and bodies.
—Toto, I'm so close! —you moan loud as he manhandles you around; you feel yourself dripping and so warm, like your pussy is burning. Your pussy folds, rubbing around Toto's shaft, who positions himself to pound you against the mattresses.
Then you feel him shifting his entire weight on you, topping you, and placing his thumb finger inside your mouth for you to suck it. —Then cum for me —he whispers, hot against your ear. He starts to fuck you hard like that, making your ass wable, and the bed squeaks so loud as he pins you down against the sheets, but all get muffled by the sounds he is provoking you to release. You feel a bit of pain in your hips and lower back as he slaps hard against you.
With a big moan, you cum all over him, all red and sweaty.
Toto has never had this before, someone so willing to please him, in all senses, someone so light-spirited and carefree. He is trying so hard not to fall for you, too. You please him like no one else in bed but also outside of it. You are the whole fucking package. 
If change didn't fright him, he would be willing to try.
He would venture for more if he weren't so scared of failure.
Toto feels a responsibility for Susie and her feelings and heart; she counts on him for this, and Toto has never missed his duties since he was a young man, even if his heart desires something else.
He ended up agreeing to try the "open relationship thing" after saying no to it at first and breaking things with Susie because she showed up very distressed one night at his hotel room door, crying and saying how much she still loves him and how hard this is, that he shouldn't punish her for not wanting children. Toto felt so guilty; that wasn't his intention, but what if she was right?
But you happened in the middle of this. By accident or destiny is a cruel joker. This fling started like that, and it was supposed to stay there, not this. 
He pays attention to you more than you think; he has noticed the meaning and sentiment of your words lately and can't avoid feeling guilty for not being as open and honest as you deserve and how you are being. But Toto knows you will end it as soon as he lets you know you are his free pass on an open relationship agreement, so he is hanging on to you as much as possible. It's selfish and wrong, but he doesn't know how to quit you, how to say no to this, how to say goodbye.
Only if Toto knew.
Only if you knew.
—Is Torger still in London?! —Niki asks out loud, now absolutely annoyed, addressing Sam in the middle of the circus inside the Mercedes garage as he tries to manage everyone for the opening ceremony of the F1 anniversary race, set to start in about 20 minutes. 
Toto is always on time and never misses something without previous notice; this is uncharacteristic. Niki hadn't seen him all day; they had different schedules.
Lewis and George are scheduled to make donuts driving along with the other grid drivers. They all will do the same simultaneously to create a fog while AC/DC performs on a high-stage platform.
—Toto is here. I saw him a couple of hours ago. His phone seems out of reach —Sam has sworn never to lie to Niki. She quickly picks up her phone to call you, knowing you are also missing after being asked for the fourth time by several Williams team members if she had seen you around. WHAT A COINCIDENCE! It is evident for her where you two are. 
Since you don't answer the texts she bombards you with, she takes action and puts her feet in motion.
"You can't act this recklessly!" Sam thinks and looks visibly irritated. People are going to start wondering, especially when you two idiots arrive late with "we just fucked" hair and satisfied expressions at the paddock, and God forbids you two to show up together at the same time! Or worse, you two do not arrive at all.
Sam shows up at your RV's door, almost tearing it down, betting Toto and you were in there this whole time.
—Are you mental?! —Sam tells you, looking stressed, as the door's mechanism finishes opening.
—I'm sorry —you honestly apologize, knowing quite well what she refers to.
—Niki is furious! —she informs you, still at the bottom of the stairs and out of the RV's entrance, with no visible intention to come in. —Toto is still in there? —she asks in a low voice, pointing with her head.
You nod.
She comes closer to you, almost whispering to your ear. —Please don't get offended. I love you, but I know you are not here because of the sport, nor do you care which team wins or not; I know this is not your actual job. But please, could you...
You interrupt Sam, finishing for her in a sad tone. —Not interfere?
—I... —Sam sighs; she doesn't want to blame you or make you feel bad; she gets it, knows what you are going through, and wants more than anyone else for you to be happy. —Listen, our team is working its ass off; there are thousands of us relying on performing the best, and this is our livelihood; it worries me that this could...
—It won't happen again; I get it. I know we acted unprofessional. Sam, you understand how hard it has been for me... I'm just... I'm just trying to enjoy life for the first time, to feel happy and free for once; YES! I'm sorry it wasn't the place or the moment, but...
—I know, I know —she quickly adds. —Listen —Sam gets a little nervous and hesitates before adding. —I think you two, really, should talk openly and honestly about your "situation." I don't wish any of you hurt. Please talk —she sounds insistent, which worries you a bit.
—Yeah. Okay. I agree.
—Are you showing up for this Massi's wet dream? —Sam tries to lift the mood and return to the main topic.
—Toto is —you inform her. —He is finishing getting ready in the bathroom. I'm not. I will watch it at the hotel —now is your turn to come closer to Sam's ear and whisper. —I have to prepare for the call; Pascal set the meeting at 2 a.m., and we will rerun the scenario.
—It's good to know; I hope it all goes as planned and well —Sam says, looking relieved as she hugs you goodbye and leaves before bumping into Toto.
Toto claims "food poisoning" to excuse himself and that he spent hours feeling nauseous at his motorhome, as he makes it just in time at the garage. It's a white lie everyone buys. Actually, this happened once to him in Spain after going out for dinner.
Niki notices he has far too much color on his cheeks, for that matter, but chooses to let it go. Toto has been far more than responsible for many years, which has significantly cost him a lot in his personal life; Niki feels he deserves and needs some recklessness and happiness in his life. So, he plays along.
He softly pats Toto's shoulder and gives him a small smile as he sits beside him at the workstation and places his headphones and gear on.
The show is about to start.
The F1 anniversary's opening ceremony is the most glamorous affair! Bringing together a star-studded guest list of celebrities, like every big name, is there. 
And there are way too many influencers wandering around the garages for Michael's likes; he lets you know as soon as you call him back, excusing yourself for leaving the circuit, calling it a personal emergency.
Minutes later, you turn on your hotel room's TV to watch the start of the ceremony. A spectacular video mapping and drone display showcases the sport's rich history on the circuit track. It displays iconic footage on the many kilometers of asphalt as broadcast to millions of viewers worldwide. 
This is followed by a visually captivating driver's parade in which current drivers donned old-fashioned racing suits representing different eras of their teams, paying homage to the evolution of the sport as they get driven around interloped with cars with performers giving it all and working the crowds, till they make it to the main stage, where AC/DC comes out to close the show. 
In the middle of their set, all the grid drivers exhibit their coordination skills, making donuts together as the cherry on the cake, leaving fans ecstatic. You must admit it looked so cool. Massi must be shitting his pants!
Your room service order comes just in time as the race starts; you asked for too many desserts and sweets along with your salmon; you are feeling low and are taking comfort in the delicious food you savor, an unhealthy habit of yours, eating your feelings. 
Toto let you know before leaving, in between kisses, that he was attending a Mercedes team dinner after the race to celebrate with the team so that you would be sleeping alone tonight. You were so grateful for it, avoiding the trouble of making out an excuse to be able to attend the late-night meeting in private.
Sam is right; you aren't taking any of this seriously enough. 
The entire Mercedes team gathers in one of the most glamorous and lavish restaurants in London, "Amazónico." It is the coolest place Sam has been in a while, full of foliage-festooned walls and decor inspired by the rainforest of Brazil. Gorgeous velvets, greenery environments, and deco touches give the place an exotic yet luxurious vibe.
The mechanics and engineers, usually in their sports attire, look sharp in elegant outfits, and the mood is ON! Drinks flow as Toto gives a motivational speech to start the night, congratulating the team for their performance so far and inspiring them to give their all to secure the championship, acknowledging the fierce competition from Williams and Ferrari.
Susie and Toto are by the bar; she is sitting on the stool with her arms resting on the shoulders of a standing Toto as they chat, almost mouth-on-mouth, looking joyful.
Niki looks bemused as he watches them from afar, already sitting at the main large table the venue arranged for them and where they are about to have dinner. He addresses Sam, sitting to his right, without moving his gaze from the couple. —Weren't they..?
—Apparently, they are not —Sam gives him a look as she looks for something in her purse.
Niki looks as disappointed and surprised as she is as he nods to her, lets out a small, barely audible sigh, and sips his bourbon.
As Sam gets hammered with Bono and Annalise, Toto reaches them at the booth near the back of the place. He stays on his feet, waiting for them to finish their round of shots on a spinner wheel, and then bends to talk to a very comfortable, sitting, and tipsy-looking Sam with pink-red cheeks.
—What are your plans for tomorrow? —he asks her a bit loud, over the set the DJ is playing.
—Nothing, just chilling and recovering from this night; why?
—To hang out and tourist around, like we always do or did, how about that?
—Aw, you miss me, asshole?
—You are a necessary evil, but yeah, I miss you. 
—Why does everyone seem so emotional lately? I hope it's not contagious.
—We have lots to catch on to; I feel it's been ages and pure work between us.
—Please tell me if it's terminal.
—No, you moron, I'm totally fine —he swings his hand a bit too hard, spilling some of his drink.
"Then tell your eyes, liar! Yeah, all drunk at a work event? Sure, you are TOTALLY fine," Sam thinks. —I'm free, then. Will she join us?
—Who? —Toto looks taken off guard, thinking of you instead of Susie, whom Sam refers to.
—Sus, since she is around again.
—Sam, I...
—Oh, no, it's none of my business. I would rather it that way; I'm just asking.
—No, she isn't; it will be just us.
—Good —she ends the conversation.
"Is Sam mad at me? She sounded like it." Toto thinks. It's always hard to read her.
As the night is about to end and everyone seems drunk, Toto comes to cool down and relax after being forced to hit the dance floor against his will. He is not feeling it tonight, so he chooses to sit next to Niki and chat with him.
Toto is not on his usual dumb and lively drunk ass; he is weirdly somber. In the middle of their casual conversation, Niki asks him: —So, who changed their mind? —knowing what's up as he looks at Susie dance with George.
—Having children.
There is a long silence while Toto looks at Susie, laughing and throwing some moves around the dancefloor.
—I'm giving it a try.
Niki slowly nods and says nothing, and Toto stares at him. He recognizes Niki's disappointed face when he sees it, and Toto takes another big sip of his drink, swallowing hard.
You wake up late the following day after falling asleep around 5 a.m. once the call ends, feeling emotionally drained and not wanting to leave the bed. But when in Rome, you mean London. Nothing will lift your spirits more than going shopping; you are a shoes and purses maniac, and that new Miu Miu collection screams your name.
You are in the middle of buying half of Harrods when you receive a text from Toto.
"I won't be able to stay with you these days as I was hoping, I'm expected at Brackley. See you on the weekend. I miss you already."
Great, just what you needed.
Still in the UK
The British GP is here! And most of you already feel like you had enough Silverstone already.
Since Lewis swept the floor with everyone on the anniversary race, a similar result is expected for this weekend.
The FIA calls you all into one of the now traditional meetings, but this time around, Massi is expected to join in.
So when you arrive at that sad meeting room, he is standing right there next to the door; you are the last one to join, so he is facing you while waiting for you to finish stepping in to close the door after you, and you don't let go an opportunity like that.
As you step in, you hand him your coat and purse as if he were the receptionist and thank him, motioning to tip him as the entire room laughs.
Massi looks so confused and appalled at you, getting taken entirely off guard, but follows along, not knowing what else to do, or if you are serious or just messing around, still holding your things in his hands, and places your coat on the hanger and your purse on the empty chair next to yours.
—The nerve —Sebastian tells you in a low voice and takes a discrete bow at you with his hands as you sit on your chair next to his. Vettel is hiding behind Charles in the row in front of him, trying so hard not to burst out laughing. Both your eyes sparkle as your looks lock and smile at each other. Seb has the most gorgeous eyes on earth.
Then the meeting starts.
After being freed from that, you are walking down the pitlane on your way to free practice, chatting and fooling around with Carlos, Lando, and Mick, but suddenly, you stop just meters away from the Mercedes' slot. 
Lewis and George join you as soon as they notice you guys and come out of their garage, staring amusedly at a very frozen you as they reach you.
—Is that..? —you say, peeking inside the Merc's garage. —Oh, my God! Is that ROGER FEDERER?! —you let out in a funny and pitchy little scream.
George starts to laugh behind his hand, covering his mouth. You sound hilarious, and he looks at you in delight as you act all star-struck. Who would tell?
Carlos takes a few steps nearer you and closes your mouth, softly pushing your chin up with his index finger. —You are drooling —he jokes.
You go all red, tomato red, as you return to your senses.
Lewis sees the perfect opportunity for mayhem. —Oh, I'm so introducing you two! —He returns to the garage as quickly as possible to look for Roger.
—WHAT!? NONO! —you say way too loud as you watch him go, causing a couple of mechanics to raise their heads and look your way.
Lewis abruptly interrupts the engaging conversation Federer is having with Toto.
You start hyperventilating as Lewis walks alongside Roger straight in your direction. Toto observes the scene from the distance, with his muscular arms crossed. You feel his dark eyes on you.
You can't even form a greeting sentence when the Swiss introduces himself to you. A funny sound comes from your lips that sounds like a "Hi!" 
Millie looks at you, astonished, as she comes closer with Normani after the guys pointed at her with their hands and arms a "Come see this, please." She pivots her gaze from you to Normani and back with an "I think she broke" expression.
Meanwhile, your brain goes: "Roger is tall, hot, hot. Jesus, that smile! Is that chest real? Oh god, don't you dare peek down at his grey sweatpants!" as you stand there like an idiot without moving or saying something.
There are a couple more seconds of pure and awkward silence till Lando's stupid, mocking little laugh gets you out of your trance. Oh, the group is living for this!
—Delighted to meet you, Roger. I'm Y/N!
The group burst out laughing at your expense, enjoying the spectacle from afar, watching you try to act human around Federer until he turns his head their way. Now, they are all gathered together, sensing their stares, and the group quickly goes apart, acting like nothing has happened, returning to their activities.
—Is it me, or is Wolff not enjoying their interaction? —Normani asks Millie as they both intertwine arms and walk away together.
—Toto!? —Millie turns her head, looking back at a serious-looking Austrian inside the garage. —I don't think so. He always looks serious. I guess it's just his resting face, but he is such a cinnamon roll.
—A cinnamon roll? What language do you speak?
—English, Miss Posh Britain Got Talent.
Normani rolls her eyes at her. She is bonkers.
—In my defense... —you start to tell the table later, as all of you try to fit into a tiny table in the McLaren cafeteria; this time, Lando is sponsoring the lunch, and as you munch your veggies wrap.
—There's no defense —Carlos mocks you.
You toss your arms in the air, mouth still full of food, to protest as everyone laughs again at your interaction with Federer.
—We witnessed one of your canonic events —Mick jokes, making Millie almost fall from her half of the chair they are sharing.
—Oh, it was hilarious —Lewis adds.
—A masterpiece —Lando admits. —That coming from me —he points at himself with a thumb finger. —It means A LOT.
You finish passing the food and clear out your throat before continuing. —In my defense, Roger was wearing the slutiest thing a man could wear, and my brain was trying to process it.
All the boys look inquisitive at you with a please tell us more face.
—The grey sweatpants! —Millie and Normani answer for you simultaneously, agreeing with your statement.
—See! —you give them all a funny face.
—I still don't get it —Lando says.
—OH GOD! Go put on a pair of grey pantsuits and look down at your dick, and tell us —Sam teases him, done with him.
—Don't you remember that viral Lewis "I have an anaconda down here" mirror Instagram selfie with the grey sweatpants? —Millie says.
—That a friend told you about! —Seb jokes, addressing Millie.
—THAT A FRIEND OF HERS TOLD HER ABOUT! That that friend isn't me —Normani joins in the fun.
—With all due respect, Sir —Millie adds, looking at Lewis, who is laughing and trying to hide his red face in the gap his flexed arms are creating, lying on the table's surface.
—So... Do you like your men in grey sweatpants? Good thing I have four of those to wear —Lando tells you, moving his eyebrows suggestively up and down several times.
—OH GOD, PLEASE NOT! —the entire table screams.
Toto joins you that night in your hotel room; the two of you don't feel like doing anything fancy; just spend the evening together. After playing a competitive round of "Talk, Flirt, and Dare," as you stack up the board game cards for the next round, he asks you. —So, Tennis? Of all sports... Tennis?!
—Yeah, it's fun! —you slowly approach Toto; he is sitting on the rug next to the game placed on the coffee table between you in the living area, looking comfortable, relaxed, and shirtless after taking a dare card, currently only wearing his briefs. 
You slide a hand on his neck and chest before sitting on his lap, facing him. He wraps your waist with his toned arms and pulls you closer. Whispering against your lips —How?
—If you say so... —he shrugs. —For me, it's boring; there's not much adrenaline in it.
—Well, not all sports have to be lethal, you know? I thought you would like it since it is fast-paced —you make a thinking gesture by rubbing your chin.
—You have seen him play?
—Who? —you reply, trying to act dumb.
—Federer —he says pretty sternly.
—Several times, yeah.
—Are you one of those girls who follow him around? He told me about his groupies —he teases, but there is a jealous undertone.
—What? No, no. I don't like him like that.
Toto gives you a look that you read as "Really, girl? Closed fist, big long acrylic nails." —Uhm! If I remember correctly, you went all over him today; I think I have never seen you smile that big before —he adds. —You must look delighted in those selfies you took with him before you gave him that private tour of the Williams garage. Did he really get into the car? He passed with us. Did he like the driver's helmet you gifted him?
How on earth did Toto know about all that? That man has eyes everywhere.
—Hey, listen, I met one of my heroes FOR THE FIRST TIME and, AND, I got a bit excited! —you comb your hair with your hand. Toto's eyes can't avoid peeking at your tits as they wiggle with your arm movement. You also ended up shirtless; that sheer bra leaves nothing to the imagination.
Then he arches an eyebrow at your answer. A "bit excited" is downplaying. —He made you lose words, at first, then got you all over him, but sure "a bit excited", so, he looks better up close, or..?
—AND I got carried away. I admit it was a little embarrassing —Yep, Toto is envious. —He is okay, yeah. Are you jealous?
—Yes, completely —he purrs dangerously against your mouth, and you feel his warm breath brushing your lips. —Lucky for me, that guy is off the market —he looks intensely at you.
You kiss Toto, melting for him inside. —I wouldn't pick him over you —you pause to reassure him and keep kissing him. —I wouldn't pick anyone else over you —more kissing. —You are all I want.
Toto reacts weirdly. He gives you a look you don't know how to read; it's full of devotion, but there's something else, like anger. Is he that possessive, or is there something else?
You feel like following Sam's advice, and this may be the perfect moment for it.
But he senses you are about to open a conversation he isn't ready to have. Toto hates himself for it, so he quickly and softly moves you to get on his feet and asks you if you want another glass of wine. He is already taking your glass and walking to the winery, leaving you alone with your thoughts.
To be continued... < Previous chapter | Masterlist | Next chapter >
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elemmentz · 4 months
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Modern Kitchen Interior Designs by Elemmentz
At Elemmentz Interior Design, we believe the kitchen is the heart of the home, where functionality meets aesthetics. Our modern kitchen designs blend cutting-edge technology with sleek, contemporary styles to create spaces that are both practical and beautiful. Here are some of the key elements we incorporate into our modern kitchen interiors:
1. Minimalist Aesthetics
Clean Lines and Sleek Surfaces: We emphasize simplicity and clarity in our designs, using smooth surfaces and clean lines to create a sophisticated and uncluttered look.
Neutral Color Palettes: Shades of white, gray, and black dominate our modern kitchen designs, providing a timeless and versatile backdrop that can be easily accented with bold colors.
2. High-Quality Materials
Quartz and Granite Countertops: Durable and stylish, these materials offer a luxurious feel while being resistant to stains and scratches.
Stainless Steel Appliances: For a sleek and professional look, we integrate high-quality stainless steel appliances that are both functional and visually appealing.
3. Innovative Storage Solutions
Hidden Cabinets and Drawers: Maximizing space and maintaining a clean look, our designs feature hidden cabinets and drawers that provide ample storage without disrupting the minimalist aesthetic.
Pull-Out Pantries and Corner Units: These solutions make it easy to access and organize kitchen essentials, ensuring that every inch of space is utilized efficiently.
4. Smart Technology Integration
Smart Appliances: We incorporate the latest smart appliances that can be controlled via smartphones or voice commands, enhancing convenience and efficiency in the kitchen.
Under-Cabinet Lighting: LED lighting installed under cabinets not only provides ample illumination for cooking tasks but also adds a modern touch to the kitchen ambiance.
5. Functional Layouts
Open Concept Designs: To facilitate a seamless flow between the kitchen and adjacent living areas, our designs often feature open concept layouts that enhance social interaction and make the space feel larger.
Ergonomic Workspaces: We prioritize ergonomics in our kitchen designs, ensuring that countertops, sinks, and cooking areas are placed at optimal heights and locations for ease of use.
6. Custom Design Elements
Bespoke Cabinetry: Custom-designed cabinets tailored to fit the specific needs and preferences of our clients, available in various finishes and styles.
Unique Backsplashes: Incorporating distinctive materials and patterns, our backsplashes serve as focal points that add personality and style to the kitchen.
7. Sustainable Practices
Eco-Friendly Materials: We source sustainable materials and opt for environmentally friendly options whenever possible, contributing to a greener home environment.
Energy-Efficient Appliances: Our designs include energy-efficient appliances that help reduce energy consumption and lower utility bills.
8. Attention to Detail
Seamless Integration: Every element, from hardware to fixtures, is carefully selected and seamlessly integrated to create a cohesive and polished look.
Personalized Touches: We work closely with our clients to incorporate their unique tastes and preferences, ensuring that each kitchen is as personalized as it is functional.
At Elemmentz Interior Design, our modern kitchen designs are crafted to elevate everyday living. Whether you’re cooking, entertaining, or simply enjoying a quiet meal, our kitchens provide a perfect blend of style and functionality that meets the needs of contemporary lifestyles. Let us help you transform your kitchen into a modern masterpiece that you’ll love for years to come.
+91 88860 02044
No. 103, KKR Square, Rd Number 36, opp. Best Western Hotel, Sri Rama Colony, Jubilee Hills, Hyderabad Telangana 500033
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flightsgoogle · 3 months
Travel Tech: Gadgets and Apps That Will Change the Way You Travel in 2024
Traveling in 2024 is set to be a tech-savvy adventure like never before. With cutting-edge gadgets and innovative apps, your journeys will be more seamless, enjoyable, and efficient. Here’s a look at some of the latest travel technologies that are transforming the way we explore the world.
Smart Luggage Smart luggage has evolved significantly, offering features like GPS tracking, built-in power banks, and biometric locks. Brands like Away and Samsonite are leading the charge with luggage that not only keeps your belongings safe but also charges your devices on the go.
Top Features: GPS Tracking: Never lose your luggage again with real-time location tracking. Biometric Locks: Secure your belongings with fingerprint recognition. Built-in Scales: Avoid overweight fees by weighing your luggage with integrated scales.
AI-Powered Travel Apps Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing travel planning. Apps like Cheap Flights for android and Cheap Flights pro for ios use AI to predict the best times to book flights and hotels, potentially saving you hundreds of dollars.
Must-Have website: CheapFlights365: Predicts future flight and hotel prices with 95% accuracy. TripIt: Organizes your travel plans in one place, giving you a master itinerary. PackPoint: Helps you pack by creating a customized packing list based on your destination and travel plans.
Virtual Reality (VR) Tours Before you even leave home, VR can give you a taste of your destination. Apps like Google Earth VR and Expedia VR offer immersive virtual tours, helping you decide where to go and what to see.
VR Highlights: Google Earth VR: Explore any city or landmark in the world from your living room. Expedia VR: Experience hotel rooms and tourist attractions virtually before booking.
Portable Language Translators Language barriers are a thing of the past with portable translators like Pocketalk and Travis Touch Go. These devices offer real-time translation in dozens of languages, ensuring smooth communication wherever you are.
Translation Devices: Pocketalk: Translates 82 languages with two-way voice translation. Travis Touch Go: Supports over 100 languages and can be used offline.
Wearable Tech Wearable technology, such as smartwatches and fitness trackers, is more travel-friendly than ever. Devices like the Apple Watch Ultra and Fitbit Charge 5 not only track your fitness but also provide navigation, weather updates, and even emergency assistance.
Wearable Benefits: Apple Watch Ultra: Offers GPS, cellular connectivity, and fall detection. Fitbit Charge 5: Tracks your health metrics and provides stress management tools.
E-SIM Cards E-SIM cards are making connectivity abroad easier and more affordable. With apps like Airalo and GigSky, you can purchase and activate data plans for your destination without needing a physical SIM card.
Connectivity Solutions: Airalo: Buy eSIMs for over 190 countries directly from your phone. GigSky: Offers global data plans without the need for a local SIM card.
Solar-Powered Chargers Eco-friendly and efficient, solar-powered chargers like Anker PowerPort Solar allow you to keep your devices charged using the power of the sun. Perfect for camping or traveling to remote areas.
Top Picks: Anker PowerPort Solar: Lightweight, foldable, and capable of charging two devices simultaneously. Goal Zero Nomad 7: Durable and compact, ideal for outdoor adventures. Conclusion The travel tech landscape in 2024 is brimming with innovations designed to make your trips smoother, safer, and more enjoyable. From smart luggage and AI-powered apps to VR tours and portable translators, these gadgets and tools are set to revolutionize your travel experience. So gear up, tech out, and get ready to explore the world like never before!
What travel tech are you most excited to try in 2024? Let us know in the comments!
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interior-design-nepal · 4 months
Interior Designer in Nepal
Looking to elevate your interior design in Nepal? Look no further than NextGen Interiors, your trusted partner for transforming spaces into stunning masterpieces. Elevate your hospitality and commercial spaces with NextGen Interiors, the leading hotel designer in Nepal. With a decade of experience in interior design, architecture, and construction, we specialize in creating captivating hotel and resort experiences that reflect the unique culture and ambiance of Nepal. Our team of skilled interior designers and architects brings innovation and creativity to every project, whether it's crafting bespoke restaurant designs, designing luxurious residences, or conceptualizing striking architectural exteriors. Trust NextGen Interiors to transform your vision into reality, delivering tailored design solutions and comprehensive project management for all your interior design and architecture needs in Nepal.
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swastikprofessionals · 4 months
Discover the Best Commercial Kitchen Equipment Dealers in Delhi
When it comes to setting up or upgrading a commercial kitchen, finding the right equipment is crucial for ensuring efficiency, safety, and quality. As one of the leading commercial kitchen equipment dealers in Delhi, Swastik Professionals is dedicated to providing top-of-the-line kitchen solutions that cater to a wide array of culinary needs. Our extensive selection of high-quality kitchen equipment guarantees that your business will run smoothly and efficiently, allowing you to focus on what you do best—creating delicious meals.
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Why Choose Swastik Professionals for Your Commercial Kitchen Needs?
Comprehensive Range of Products
At Swastik Professionals, we offer an extensive range of commercial kitchen equipment designed to meet the diverse requirements of our clients. Whether you are running a restaurant, a catering service, a hotel kitchen, or a food processing unit, our products are tailored to suit every need. Our inventory includes:
Commercial Ovens: From convection ovens to combi ovens, we provide advanced baking solutions.
Refrigeration Units: Our range includes walk-in coolers, freezers, and under-counter refrigerators.
Cooking Equipment: We offer high-performance ranges, fryers, griddles, and charbroilers.
Food Preparation Equipment: Find mixers, slicers, food processors, and blenders in our collection.
Dishwashing Equipment: Ensure spotless cleanliness with our efficient dishwashers and glass washers.
Quality and Durability
The quality and durability of our equipment are paramount. Each product is sourced from reputable manufacturers known for their innovation and reliability. By choosing Swastik Professionals, you invest in equipment that withstands the rigorous demands of a commercial kitchen, ensuring longevity and consistent performance.
Customization and Installation Services
Understanding that every kitchen has unique requirements, we offer customization options to ensure our equipment fits perfectly into your space and workflow. Our expert team provides professional installation services, ensuring that your kitchen is set up efficiently and correctly from the start.
Our Commitment to Customer Satisfaction
Expert Consultation
Navigating the myriad options for commercial kitchen equipment can be overwhelming. Our experienced consultants are here to guide you through the selection process, offering personalized advice based on your specific needs and budget. We help you make informed decisions that enhance your kitchen's functionality and efficiency.
After-Sales Support
Our relationship with our clients extends beyond the initial purchase. We provide comprehensive after-sales support, including maintenance services and technical assistance, ensuring your equipment remains in optimal condition. Our dedicated support team is always ready to address any issues or concerns you may have, providing prompt and effective solutions.
Competitive Pricing
At Swastik Professionals, we believe that top-quality kitchen equipment should be accessible to all businesses. We offer competitive pricing on all our products without compromising on quality. Our flexible financing options make it easier for you to equip your kitchen with the best tools available.
Understanding the Importance of Choosing the Right Equipment
Enhancing Efficiency
The right equipment can significantly enhance the efficiency of your kitchen operations. High-quality appliances reduce cooking times, streamline food preparation processes, and ensure consistent results, allowing you to serve your customers faster and more effectively.
Ensuring Food Safety and Hygiene
Commercial kitchen equipment plays a crucial role in maintaining food safety and hygiene standards. Proper refrigeration, storage, and cooking equipment help prevent contamination, ensure proper food handling, and comply with health regulations, safeguarding your customers' health and your business's reputation.
Reducing Operational Costs
Investing in durable and energy-efficient equipment can lead to substantial cost savings in the long run. Reliable appliances reduce the need for frequent repairs and replacements, while energy-efficient models lower utility bills, contributing to overall operational cost reduction.
Spotlight on Our Popular Products
Commercial Ovens
Our range of commercial ovens is designed to meet the high demands of any professional kitchen. From versatile combi ovens that offer multiple cooking functions in one unit to powerful convection ovens that ensure even cooking, our products guarantee superior performance and efficiency.
Refrigeration Units
Proper refrigeration is essential for any commercial kitchen. Our refrigeration units, including walk-in coolers and freezers, are designed to keep your ingredients fresh and safe. Advanced temperature control features and robust construction ensure reliable performance, even in the busiest kitchens.
Cooking Equipment
Efficiency and precision are key in any kitchen, and our cooking equipment delivers both. High-performance ranges, fryers, and griddles allow you to cook a variety of dishes simultaneously, while our charbroilers provide the perfect solution for grilling and broiling needs.
Food Preparation Equipment
Streamline your food preparation processes with our range of mixers, slicers, food processors, and blenders. These appliances are designed for speed and accuracy, helping you prepare ingredients quickly and consistently, saving time and labor costs.
Dishwashing Equipment
Maintaining cleanliness and hygiene is crucial in any kitchen. Our dishwashing equipment, including efficient dishwashers and glass washers, ensures that your dishes, utensils, and glassware are spotless and sanitized, meeting the highest standards of cleanliness.
Our Installation and Maintenance Services
Professional Installation
Our team of experts ensures that all equipment is installed correctly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and disruptions to your operations. We handle everything from setup to testing, ensuring that your kitchen is ready for use as quickly as possible.
Regular Maintenance
To keep your equipment in top condition, we offer regular maintenance services. Scheduled maintenance helps prevent unexpected breakdowns, extends the lifespan of your appliances, and ensures they continue to operate at peak efficiency.
Emergency Repairs
In the event of equipment failure, our rapid response team is available to provide emergency repair services. We understand the impact that equipment downtime can have on your business, and we are committed to getting you back up and running as soon as possible.
Swastik Professionals is your trusted partner for all your commercial kitchen equipment needs in Delhi. Our extensive product range, commitment to quality, and exceptional customer service make us the go-to choice for businesses looking to enhance their kitchen operations. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you achieve your culinary goals with the best equipment available.
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traveltricksblog · 4 months
Seamless Travels and Dazzling Events: Top Destination Experts Agency in Dubai
Welcome to the world of unparalleled travel experiences! As the top travel agency in Dubai, we take pride in creating unforgettable journeys tailored to your desires. Our renowned Destination Management Company (DMC) combines innovation and excellence to craft bespoke travel experiences that cater to both leisure and corporate travelers. Dive into a world where every trip becomes a seamless and memorable adventure.
Destination Expertise: Your Gateway to Dubai's Wonders
Beyond the well-known sights, Dubai has many hidden gems. Our destination expertise extends to those off-the-beaten-path experiences. Discover the rich history at the Dubai Museum, explore the artistic Alserkal Avenue, or enjoy a peaceful day at the Al Qudra Lakes. We know where to go for those special moments that make your trip unforgettable.
Customized Event Experiences: Bringing Your Vision to Life
Every event tells a story, and we ensure yours is unforgettable. As experts in event management, we handle everything from intimate gatherings to grand corporate functions. Our customized event experiences are tailored to meet your unique needs and preferences. With our meticulous planning and creative flair, we transform your vision into reality.
Corporate Travel Solutions: Enhancing Business Journeys
Traveling for business should be efficient and enjoyable. Our corporate travel solutions are designed to make every business trip seamless. We handle everything from flight bookings to ground transportation, ensuring you arrive relaxed and ready for work. Our services cater to individual business travelers and large corporate groups alike.
Customer-Centric Approach
We listen to your needs and preferences, creating travel experiences that are uniquely yours. Our customer-centric approach ensures you feel valued and understood. We build lasting relationships with our clients, many of whom return to us for their travel needs.
Trusted Partnerships
Our trusted partnerships with hotels, airlines, and local providers give us an edge. These relationships allow us to offer exclusive deals and experiences you won't find elsewhere. We leverage our connections to provide you with the best value and service. Trust us to deliver a travel experience that exceeds your expectations.
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mariacallous · 1 year
For thousands of Ukrainians, Mark Hamill is the voice of the air raids. The first notice of an incoming attack is an ear-splitting whoop-whoop coming out of cell phone speakers, followed by the voice of the Star Wars actor in full Jedi Knight tones. “Air raid alert. Proceed to the nearest shelter,” he says. “Don’t be careless. Your overconfidence is your weakness.” In mid-May, following a few months of quiet in the skies over Kyiv, Russia restarted its almost nightly bombardments of cruise missiles and kamikaze drones. After a week of alerts, the novelty of “May the Force be with you” sounding asynchronously from a dozen phones in the air raid shelter wore off, and it was hard not to start blaming Hamill personally for the attacks.
The air alert app was developed by a home security company, Ajax Systems, on the second day of the war, in a process that epitomizes the scrappiness, flexibility, and back-of-the-envelope creativity that have allowed Ukraine to, at times, run its war effort like a startup, under the guidance of its 32-year-old vice prime minister, Mykhailo Fedorov.
On February 25, 2022, as fighter jets dueled low over Kyiv, Ajax’s chief marketing officer, Valentine Hrytsenko, was driving west out of the capital, helping to oversee the evacuation of the company’s manufacturing facilities, when his phone rang. It was the CEO of an IT outsourcing company, who wanted to know if Ajax had any experience with Apple’s critical alert function, which allows governments or emergency services to send alerts to users. The municipal air raid sirens were, in Hrytsenko’s words, “very old-style pieces of shit,” built during the Soviet Union, and often couldn’t be heard. People were already cobbling together their own mutual alert systems using Telegram, but these depended on volunteers finding out when raids were incoming and posting to public groups, making them unreliable and insecure.
From his car, Hrytsenko called Valeriya Ionan, the deputy minister of digital transformation, whom he knew from years working with the ministry on tech sector projects. She, in turn, connected him to several local “digital transformation officers”—government officials installed by Fedorov’s ministry in each region of Ukraine, with a brief to find tech solutions to bureaucratic problems. Together, they figured out how the air raid system actually worked: An official in a bunker would get a call from the military, and they would press a button to fire up the sirens. Ajax’s engineers built them another button, and an app. Within a week, the beta version was live. By March, the whole country was covered. “I think this would be impossible in other countries,” Hrytsenko says. “Just imagine, on the second day of the war, I message the deputy minister. We’re talking for five minutes and they give us the green light.”
When he came into government five years ago, Fedorov promised his newly formed Ministry of Digital Transformation would create “tangible products that change the lives of people,” by making the government entrepreneurial and responsive to the needs of the population. The process is working exactly as Fedorov envisioned. The products aren't quite what he had in mind.
Fedorov is tall and broad with wide schoolboyish features and close-cropped salt-and-pepper hair. Almost always seen dressed in a hoodie and jeans, he looks like a movie star unsuccessfully geeking up for a role. When we meet, he’s just come offstage after headlining a press conference to launch a new digital education initiative. In keeping with the government’s carefully curated image, it’s a slick affair, with strip lights and hi-def screens, celebrity cameos, and a Google executive giving a speech via video call. It’s held in a five-star hotel near the Dnipro riverside but, as a concession to the ever-present threat of airstrikes, it’s taking place in the underground parking lot. The gloom and the neon and the youthful crowd in sneakers and branded sportswear gives the whole thing a kind of subversive glamor.
It’s not a packed room, but Fedorov is the main draw. Since the invasion began, he’s been one of the Ukrainian government’s most visible figures at home and abroad, more so even than the minister of defense, and second only to President Zelenksyy. Which makes sense. This has been a war fought in parallel in cyberspace, with information operations from all parties, diplomacy done at small scale on platforms, and relentless news flow, stories of hope and horror leveraged—and exploited—for gain on both sides. It’s one where, oddly for an active conflict, digital marketing, social media campaigning, crowdfunding, and bootstrapping have been vital skills. That is Fedorov’s world.
Within days of the invasion, the ministry had launched an appeal for donations: Fedorov tweeted out the government’s crypto wallet addresses, raising millions of dollars by the end of the first week. By May, the ministry had turned this into United24, a one-click ecommerce-style platform where anyone with a credit card, Paypal account, or crypto wallet could contribute to the war effort. Superficially simple, it was a radical move for any government—let alone a government at war—to open up its state finances and military supply chain to donations from the public. “But the world hasn’t seen such a huge, full-scale invasion, broadcast live, 24-7,” Fedorov says, speaking through an interpreter. “If we’d waited for people to donate through the organizations that already exist, they’d have got to Ukraine’s needs very slowly, or not at all.”
Since the start of the war, United24 has raised a reported $350 million to buy drones, rebuild homes, and fund demining operations. It has attracted celebrity endorsements from Hamill to Barbra Streisand to Imagine Dragons, helping to keep the conflict in the public consciousness around the world by giving ordinary people an opportunity to feel like they’re participating in Ukraine’s struggle for survival—something Fedorov says is more important than the money. “The same way the president talks to people abroad by broadcasts or on stage, this is the same way United24 speaks to regular people,” he says. “The main point of United24 is not fundraising itself, but keeping people around the world aware of what is going on in Ukraine.”
The initiative, and the projects that have spun out of it over the first 500 days of the war, have also been a vindication of Fedorov and Zelenskyy’s peacetime vision for the Ukrainian state. Since taking power in 2019, their administration has been trying to rewire the country’s bureaucracy, running parts of the government like a startup, communicating with and delivering services to citizens directly through their smartphones. They have nurtured their relationships with the local and global technology sectors, presenting themselves as an open, transparent and tech-forward nation, contiguous with the European Union and the democratic world they want to be part of, and whose support they now depend on.
Nothing could have prepared them for the total war that Russia launched in 2022. But Fedorov has been able to mobilize an extraordinary coalition of volunteers, entrepreneurs, engineers, hackers, and funders who have been able to move fast and build things, to innovate under fire to keep soldiers fighting and civilians safe—to get smarter. To win.
Until 2019, Fedorov was a little-known figure in Ukraine. His first foray into politics was as student mayor of his hometown of Zaporizhzhia. In 2013, as a 23-year-old, he founded a digital marketing company called SMMStudio, specializing in Facebook and Instagram ads for small businesses. One of its clients was a TV production company, Kvartal 95, founded by a comedian called Volodymyr Zelenskyy whose biggest hit was a political comedy, Servant of the People—in which a schoolteacher is unexpectedly elected president on the back of a viral video. Zelenskyy’s political party, also named Servant of the People, was spun out of Kvartal 95 in 2018. Fedorov signed on as an adviser.
In 2019, Servant of the People ran an extraordinary insurgent campaign for the presidency. The Ukrainian electorate was desperate for change, four years into a slow-burning war with Russian proxies in the Donbass region in the east, and exhausted with the crony politics of the post-Soviet era. Zelenskyy’s pitch was a new kind of politics: consensual, based on listening to the people and taking advice from experts, and decoupled from the oligopolies that corrupted administrations and slowed economic and social progress. Challenging those vested interests meant cutting the party off from the oligarchs’ financial resources, so they had to fight smart.
Fedorov ran the campaign’s digital strategy. He used Facebook, Instagram, and Telegram to sidestep the mainstream media and talk directly to a young, very online population. On Facebook, Zelenskyy crowdsourced policy ideas and asked for nominations for his cabinet. While TV was still a more important medium for the electorate at large, Zelenskyy’s campaign was at times able to dictate the news agenda online, driving viral stories that then made their way onto mainstream channels. They micro-targeted demographics that could be mobilized to vote on individual issues, with categories from “lawyers” to “mothers on maternity leave” to “men under 35 who drive for Uber.” With a full-time team of just eight people, Fedorov’s unit used social media to mobilize hundreds of thousands of volunteers, coordinated through a hub on Telegram.
Zelenskyy won the election in the second round against the incumbent, Petro Poroshenko, with nearly 75 percent of the vote. At 28 years old, Fedorov was appointed to head the newly formed Ministry of Digital Transformation, with the brief of digitizing the Ukrainian state. The new government had inherited a Soviet-era bureaucracy that had been hijacked by oligarchs, manipulated by Russia, and was corrupt at many levels. In 2019 the country ranked 126th out of 180 countries on Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index, a common benchmark. By bringing services and government processes online, the administration hoped they could create a more transparent state, where corruption couldn’t fester in dark corners. “A computer has no friends or godfathers, and doesn’t take bribes,” Zelenskyy said at a Ministry of Digital Transformation summit in 2021.
The ministry’s flagship project was Diia, a “state in a smartphone” app, launched to the public in 2020. The system stored users’ official documents, including driver’s licenses and vehicle registration documents, and let them access online a growing list of government services, from tax filings to the issuance of marriage certificates. Ukraine became one of the first countries worldwide to give digital ID documents the same status as physical ones. Initially met with skepticism by a public used to governments overpromising and underdelivering, it’s now been downloaded onto 19 million smartphones and offers around 120 different government services.
“We wanted to build something that Ukrainians abroad would brag about when they went overseas,” Fedorov says, knowing full well that they already do. In its early days, Ukraine’s plans to digitize the state were often compared to Estonia, the small Baltic state that has become synonymous with e-government. This year, Ukraine is exporting Diia to Estonia, which is white-labeling the service for its own citizens.
Diia wasn’t just about building a practical tool, it was a way to change the perception of the Ukrainian government at home and abroad. Under Fedorov, the ministry was very visibly run like a startup. Its minister dresses and speaks like a tech founder, and the ministry has cultivated an air of accessibility and openness to experimentation. It has positioned itself at the center of the country’s booming tech sector, facilitating, investing, and supporting. In 2020, it launched a new “virtual free zone,” Diia City, offering tax breaks and other incentives for tech companies. The ministry has been a cheerleader internationally, with Fedorov himself conducting state-to-company diplomacy to build links between the government and Big Tech. A few months before the full-scale invasion, in late 2021, Fedorov was in Silicon Valley, pitching Ukraine to the US tech sector. On Facebook, he shared a picture from his meeting with Apple CEO Tim Cook, posting effusive praise for the “most efficient manager in the world.”
In peacetime, it’s easy to look at these initiatives with a cynical eye as the branding exercises of a country competing for a slice of the global tech dollar. Eastern Europe and Central Asia are densely populated with former Soviet states trying to reorient their economies toward services; what country doesn’t have a putative tech hub? But when the full-scale war finally began, this groundwork meant that Ukraine had a leadership with enormous experience of running asymmetrical digital campaigning; it had immediate access to a network of innovative and highly motivated engineers and tech entrepreneurs; and it had direct lines into a number of powerful global companies.
The war didn’t come s a surprise. Intelligence agencies had been warning for months that the huge buildup of Russian troops on Ukraine’s borders wasn’t a bluff. Fedorov’s ministry had been on a war footing since November 2021, working to harden national infrastructure against cyberattacks.
When the invasion began, the ministry went on the offensive, mobilizing the local tech community and using a weaponized version of its 2019 electoral playbook. Fedorov promoted a Telegram channel, the “IT Army of Ukraine,” which gathered volunteers from across the country and all over the world to hack Russian targets. Admins post targets on the channel—Russian banks, ministries, and public infrastructure—and the digital militias go after them. The channel now has more than 180,000 subscribers, who have claimed responsibility for hacks of the Moscow Stock Exchange and media outlets TASS and Kommersant. They got into radio stations in Moscow and broadcast air raid alerts, shut down the ticketing systems of Russian railway networks, and took the country’s product authentication system offline, causing chaos in its commercial supply chains.
At the same time, Fedorov, the ministry, and members of the tech community were pulling strings in Silicon Valley, mobilizing support for a “digital blockade” of Russia. On February 25, Fedorov wrote to YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki, Google CEO Sundar Pichai, and Netflix CEO Ted Sarandos asking them to block access to their services in Russia. He asked Meta to shut down Facebook and Instagram for Russian users. He reconnected with Tim Cook at Apple, asking the company to stop selling products and services to Russia. “We need your support—in 2022, modern technology is perhaps the best answer to the tanks, multiple rocket launchers … and missiles,” the letter read.
The ministry had friends in America who helped spread the word, like Denys Gurak, a Ukrainian venture capitalist based in Connecticut. “I knew lobbyists, and I knew journalists, so I started picking up the phone and calling just everybody, asking, ‘Who can you connect me with?’ So we could start shaming Big Tech that they’re not doing anything,” Gurak says. Some of the Ukrainian demands were wildly improbable—there was a campaign to get Russia disconnected from GPS. “In the minds of Ukrainians, that totally made sense,” Gurak says. “If you ask any Ukrainian back then what had to be done in tech, they would say, ‘Just fuck them all,’ [cut them off] from GPS from the internet, from Swift.”
Gurak and others didn’t just target CEOs of tech companies, but employees at those companies too, urging them to pressure their bosses to act. When Zelenskyy and Fedorov wrote to executives, including Meta’s president of global affairs, Nick Clegg, and COO Sheryl Sandberg, asking them for assistance, Gurak helped make sure the emails “leaked” to The Ink, a newsletter read by tens of thousands of tech workers.
It’s hard to say whether these interventions directly resulted in what the companies did next. Netflix was already under pressure from new laws in Russia that would have restricted the content of its shows and compelled it to broadcast propaganda. Meta had been publicly dismantling Russian disinformation operations on Instagram and Facebook for years, leading to intense criticism from the Kremlin. Apple’s exports to Russia were inevitably going to be hit by looming sanctions. But nevertheless, they acted. Netflix, which had roughly a million customers in Russia, suspended its service there in March, closing it fully in May. YouTube blocked access to Russian state-affiliated channels worldwide. Apple halted all sales in Russia. Amazon gave Ukraine access to secure cloud storage to keep its government functioning, reduced fees for Ukrainian businesses selling on its platforms, and donated millions of dollars' worth of humanitarian and educational supplies. Facebook blocked some Russian state media from using its platforms in Europe, and changed a policy that blocked users if they called for the deaths of Russian and Belarusian presidents Vladimir Putin and Alexander Lukashenko. In response, Russia banned both platforms for “Russophobia” in March. In October, Russia declared Meta an “extremist organization.”
These are tech companies that have often studiously avoided taking overt political stances, at times dancing on a razor’s edge between neutrality and complicity in autocratic countries. Taking sides in a war between two sovereign nations feels more profound than simple commercial calculation. At the launch event in Kyiv where I met Fedorov, a Google executive gave a gushing presentation on videoconference, in front of a yellow wall that echoed the Ukrainian flag. A couple of months earlier, I saw Fedorov give a video address to a Google for Startups event in Warsaw. Wearing military green, he described the tech sector as an “economic front line” in the war with Russia. The support in the room was unambiguous. “When the invasion began, we had personal connections to these companies,” Fedorov says. “They knew who we are, what we look like, what our values are and our mission is.”
Of all Fedorov’s callouts to the tech world, the most tactically significant was probably his February 26 tweet to Elon Musk: “While you try to colonize Mars—Russia try to occupy Ukraine! While your rockets successfully land from space—Russian rockets attack Ukrainian civil people! We ask you to provide Ukraine with Starlink stations,” Fedorov wrote. “Starlink service is now active in Ukraine. More terminals en route,” Musk shot back.
It could be argued that this was a fantastic marketing opportunity for Musk’s company—Starlink being a solution in search of a problem—but the devices have at times proved decisive. The satellite broadband service has been used by frontline troops to communicate with one another when other networks go down, and to fly drones for surveillance and artillery targeting. Starlinks have kept government agencies and health care facilities online despite Russia’s routine targeting of power and communications infrastructure. When, in February 2023, Starlink said it was restricting Ukraine’s military use of the system, there was an outcry. (Although true to form in a Musk company, there was apparently little follow-through, and Ukrainian users said they experienced no meaningful disruption to their service.)
When asked about the early days of the war, what Fedorov reaches for isn’t the big picture, but the details—the small changes to processes that made the state more nimble. They figured out how to securely send training materials to military volunteers. They changed the law on cloud storage for government data to make it harder for the Russians to take out vital systems. They tweaked financial infrastructure to make sure donations from the global public went straight into transparent national accounting systems. United24, a platform where you can donate bitcoin to buy drones to kill Russian soldiers, has a banner saying it’s audited by Deloitte, one of the Big Four global accounting firms.
These things must have felt small and needlessly bureaucratic during the opening days of an existential conflict, in which government business was being conducted from bunkers and leading political figures were reportedly being targeted for assassination by the Russians. But they mattered, Fedorov says, because the administration couldn’t afford to be anything less than performatively incorruptible. “It was a test [set] by the president,” Fedorov says. “Make all this happen fast, but also keep the bureaucracy in place.”
Fedorov’s ministry was able to use that solid base of bureaucracy to bypass the military’s slow procurement processes, taking in money and buying drones and other high-tech gear from whoever could get it into the field quickly. “United24 shows how many unnecessary chains there were in this decisionmaking, and how it could be streamlined or optimized,” he says. In practice, what that meant was they could buy things that soldiers wanted, but the army’s procedures wouldn’t let them have. “Procedures work like anchors,” says Alexander Stepura, founder and CEO of Skyeton, a Ukrainian drone manufacturer. “The guys on the front line, they don't think about procedures.”
In a farmer’s field an hour’s drive outside of Kyiv, a man in combat fatigues kneels in the dust like a supplicant, one arm raised to the heavens, holding a quadcopter on his outstretched palm. A few meters away, two of his comrades take cover behind a concrete pylon, watched over by an instructor in aviator sunglasses. After a long wait—long enough for the kneeling soldier to have to get up and stretch his legs—the drone’s propellers start to spin. It lifts slowly from his hand, then zips away, heading for a distant tree line.
The team of three—pilot, navigator, and catcher—are learning how to launch their drones (the instructors call them “birds”) and bring them safely home in a low diagonal line that’s hard for the enemy to track. The rule of thumb is you have 30 seconds in the open before someone spots you and the mortar bombs start to fall. “Priority number one is for soldiers to survive,” the instructor, who spoke on condition of anonymity, says. The second is to get the drones back intact, since it’s getting harder and harder to get hold of the Chinese-made DJI models that were ubiquitous in the early days of the war.
These fields, strung with electrical cables and dotted with smallholdings, are where Ukraine’s “Army of Drones” trains. Over the past year, hundreds of Ukrainians have come here to learn to fly unmanned aerial vehicles in defense of their homeland, being taught how to surveil enemy lines, spot targets for artillery, and drop explosives on Russian vehicles. There’s an informality to the operation—at the battery charging station a spaniel belonging to one of the instructors barges between the trainees’ legs—but the trainers have honed their skills in combat, and many of their students go from the school directly back to the lines.
The Ukrainian army’s use of drones in the early days of the war was another master class in tech innovation. Ordinary soldiers collaborated with engineers and programmers working out of living rooms and office spaces to bootstrap a weapons program that helped drive Russia’s armored columns back from the edge of Kyiv, often using drones costing a few hundred dollars apiece to destroy millions of dollars’ worth of high-tech military gear. Since then, the enemy has begun to develop countermeasures, so the Army of Drones has had to adapt and refine its tactics and its gear. “If you want to win, you have to be smarter,” the unit’s lead instructor, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, says. “And the only way to get smarter is to learn.”
Many of Ukraine’s innovations in drone warfare were made in sheds, offices, small industrial premises, and in the trenches themselves. Soldiers jury-rigged drones to carry grenades or mortar bombs; engineers and designers helped refine the systems, 3D-printing harnesses that used, for example, light-activated mechanisms that could be fitted to the underside of DJI Mavic drones, turning the UAV’s auxiliary lights into a trigger. But the country also had a sizable aerospace industry clustered in Kyiv, Kharkiv, and Lviv, which naturally pivoted to meet the threat of obliteration. Skyeton was part of it. Founded in 2006 as a maker of light aircraft, it’s been making UAVs for close to a decade, selling long-range surveillance drones to coast guards and police forces in Asia and Africa. One of its drones was put to work in Botswana, protecting the last remaining black rhino from poachers.
Converting its products for military use wasn’t straightforward. They needed to be adapted to fly without GNSS or GPS signals, and to be resistant to electronic warfare. Their software needed to be rewritten to identify military targets. “A lot of engineers in Ukraine are obsessed with fighting the enemy, so you just say ‘We need you guys’ and they come to the company and help,” says Skyeton CEO Stepura. They quickly built a new system that could fly without satellite navigation and took it to the military—who turned them down because it hadn’t been through testing, a process that typically takes two to three years in peacetime. The Army of Drones said yes straight away, and Skyeton’s drones headed to the front, where they’re still flying.
Stepura, and others I spoke to, are convinced that this approach has given Ukraine an edge. This is a war between competing technologies, he says. “Today, we have in this test field in Ukraine everything that was developed around the world. And it turns out, it doesn’t work.”
Surveillance drones like Boeing’s ScanEagle, previously billed as best-in-class, were too heavy, too slow to deploy, and too easy for the Russians to spot, he says. So the Army of Drones has gone for war-as-product-development, beta testing with “end users,” getting feedback, refining, picking winners. “The Army of Drones, all the time they communicate with end users, they collect information,” Stepura says. “They continue to invest into those companies that provide the product [about] which they've received good feedback.”
It’s easy to see Fedorov’s fingerprints on this approach. The deputy prime minister is taciturn, factual in his answers. (He’s far more expressive on Twitter.) But he’s at his most enthusiastic when he recounts a recent visit to a base on the front line near Zaporizhzhia. “The base is like an underground—actually underground—IT company. Everything is on screens with satellite connections, drone videos,” he says, with evident satisfaction. “The way people look and the way people talk, it’s just an IT company. A year ago, before the invasion, you wouldn’t see that.”
When I mention my meeting with Fedorov to Stepura, he beams. “He’s really good,” he says. “He’s really good. He’s a champion.” He might well be happy. The war, terrible as it’s been, has also been good for business. Skyeton has gone from 60 employees to 160. The drone industry is booming. A consensus estimate among half a dozen people I spoke with in the sector is that there are now around 100 viable military drone startups in Ukraine.
With the first, desperate phase of the war over, and the front line settling into more of a dynamic equilibrium, the Ministry of Digital Transformation wants to turn this startup arms business into a bona fide military-industrial complex. In April, the ministry, working with the military, launched Brave1, a “defense-tech” cluster to incubate promising technology that can first be deployed on the battlefield in Ukraine, and then be sold to customers overseas. In early June, the same fields where I watched new recruits learn the basics on DJI Mavics hosted a competition between 11 drone startups, who flew their birds in dogfights and over simulated trenches, watched over by Fedorov and an army general. The winner gets a chance at a contract with the military.
“The defense forces and the startup communities are different worlds,” Nataliia Kushnerska, Brave1’s project lead, says. “In this project, everybody receives what they need. The general staff and Ministry of Defense receive really great solutions they can actually use. The Ministry of the Economy receives a growing ecosystem, an industry that you could use to recover the country.”
It’s been a balmy spring in Kyiv. Café crowds spill out onto street-side tables. Couples walk their dogs under the blossoms in the city’s sprawling parks and botanic gardens, and teenagers use the front steps of the opera house as a skate ramp. From 500 days’ distance, the desperate, brutal defense of the capital last year has slipped into memory. What’s replaced it is a strange new normal. Restaurants advertise their bunkers alongside their menus. On train station platforms, men and women in uniform wait with duffel bags and bunches of flowers—returning from or heading to the front. During the day the skies are clear of planes, an odd absence for a capital city. At night, there are the sirens: Mark Hamill on repeat. When I left, the counteroffensive was due to happen any day. Here and there people dropped hints—supplies they’d been asked to find, mysterious trips to the southeast. It began in June, with Ukrainian forces inching forward once more.
Victory isn’t assured, and there are many sacrifices yet to come. But there is now space—psychological, emotional, and economic—to think about what comes next. Before I left Kyiv, I spoke to Tymofiy Mylovanov, a former government minister and now president of the Kyiv School of Economics, who is known for his unfiltered political analysis. I asked him why this young government had defied the expectations of many pundits, who expected their anti-corruption drives and grand plans for digitization to founder, and for them to crumble before Russia’s onslaught. “Because people weren’t paying attention to the details,” Mylovanov says. Of Fedorov, he says simply: “He’s the future.”
The war has provided proof of concept not just for drones, or the tech sector, but for a government that was idealistic and untested—even for Ukraine, as a nation whose borders, sovereignty, and identity have been undermined for decades.
Brave1 is a small way for Ukraine to look forward, to turn the disaster it’s living through into a chance to build something new. The incubator isn’t hosted in an imposing military building staffed by men in fatigues, but in the Unit City tech hub in Kyiv, with beanbags, third-wave coffee stands, and trampolines built into the courtyard. It’s emblematic of the startup-ization of the war effort, but also of the way that the war has become background noise in many cases. Its moments are still shocking, but day to day there’s a need to just get on with business.
The war is always there—Fedorov still had to present his education project in the basement, not the ballroom—but it’s been integrated into the workflow. In March, Fedorov was promoted and given an expanded brief as deputy prime minister for innovation, education, science, and technology. He’s pushing the Diia app into new places. It now hosts courses to help Ukrainians retrain in tech, and motivational lectures from sports stars and celebrities. Ukrainians can use it to watch and vote in the Eurovision Song Contest. And they can use it to listen to emergency radio broadcasts, to store their evacuation documents, to apply for funds if their homes are destroyed, even to report the movements of Russian troops to a chatbot.
Speaking as he does, like a tech worker, Fedorov says these are exactly the kind of life-changing, tangible products he promised to create, all incremental progress that adds up to a new way of governing. Small acts of political radicalism delivered online. “Government as a service,” as he puts it. He’s rolling out changes to the education system. He’s reforming the statistical service. The dull things that don’t make headlines. Ordinary things that need to be done alongside the extraordinary ones. “The world keeps going,” he says. “While Ukraine fights for freedom.”
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kimoana · 7 months
The Evolving Landscape of the Travel Industry in the Past Five Years
Over the past five years, the travel industry has undergone a transformative journey, navigating through a dynamic landscape shaped by a confluence of factors. The profound impact of the global pandemic, coupled with rapid technological advancements and the ever-evolving preferences of consumers, has molded the industry into a new paradigm. This report delves into the multifaceted changes that have unfolded, analyzing the interplay of these influential elements and their implications on the travel sector. From adapting to unprecedented challenges posed by the pandemic to harnessing the power of emerging technologies, the travel industry finds itself at a crucial juncture, seeking innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs and expectations of a discerning global audience.
Rise of Experiential Travel Travelers have increasingly sought out unique and immersive experiences over traditional sightseeing. This led to a surge in popularity for activities like food tours, cultural encounters, and off-the-beaten-path adventures.
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So ditch the dusty guidebooks and prepare for an adventure-filled future! Whether you're seeking soul-stirring experiences or celestial escapades, the world and maybe even beyond awaits!
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eretzyisrael · 1 year
If you’re lucky enough to be staying at the Beverly Hilton or the Waldorf Astoria Beverly Hills hotels any time soon, your green conscience can rest clean – the two luxury hotels are now cutting down on fossil fuels and reducing carbon emissions using an Israeli technology based on ice.
Israeli startup Nostromo Energy has a solution that stores energy in modular ice capsules installed on the roof, walls or basements of commercial and industrial buildings and then directs it to cool down commercial spaces, a procedure that usually accounts for up to 45 percent of global power demand during peak hours.
Read More: Israel21c
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maiosx · 1 year
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This is exactly why Elon was kicked off rally 5.5
he is really not smart at all. A single baby wogue video on LLM used in the file explorer of gnome has more usable code than his entire ChatGPT project did but bc ppl don’t understand it, they flock to elons side, and regardless, Apple GPT wouldn’t be used to make instructables for ppl to cheat on apps or crypto projects, it would be used for real world interactions instead, like the real gnome project, humanity - Apple GPT is Fuck your trolly billionaire wannabe status LLM set kinda tech bc they have the power to actually implement it system wide instead of just as a single app that can’t interface with anything. This is the problem with normie billionaires, they don’t understand how to make things that are actually useable day to day. Too many of them think they can just get rich selling some crypto and super fast thing, but in the end, the people that take their time to work on their ideas actually end up making better things, and he purposefully took off tweeted from an iPhone or android just to piss off ppl that don’t wanna work at Tesla bc the pay is low and FSD upgrades are BS. Since when has Apple charged for an iOS update.. never. All their OSes are free to use if you can attain the hardware. It is up to users to decide whether they want to brew their own software experience or use something that people that understand bits down to the networking protocol bytes make. I don’t support any of Elon’s companies or projects and neither should anybody. They are all pre-made things others worked on that he bought and imposed restrictions and upgrade services on bc instead of innovating further, for example like creating a bunch of Tesla hotels with solar roofs for ppl to visit or Tesla locations to airbnb at, using his boring tunnels, with his own “teslabnb”, he wouldn’t need to charge for FSD, and if those teslabnbs had starlink Wi-Fi that ppl paid to use, then twitter wouldn’t need 8 dollars a month and Tesla employees wouldn’t have low wages. His ego is literally trolling users. People are not so smart to see it but if they did, they would say Elon is full of shit bc all the examples I just gave took me two seconds to come up with and billionaires practically live at hotels, so he probably already thought of it but would never do that just to keep that carrot on a stick metaphor in our minds and so he can keep pretending he is anti-1984, keeps feeding us that lefty righty political bs but never really implements the solutions above to stop it. It is billionaires that created 1984 and they know a way out, but they are full of shit. I can’t even long post this on Twitter bc he wants 8 dollars to do so, and this dude has been riding on apple’s platform success since twitter launched on iPhone and it should just be deleted off the App Store for not even using usps logic.
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ledvideo · 1 year
About the LED display leasing market
At present, the development of China's LED display leasing market is very hot. Let's take a look at the future LED leasing market and hope that China's LED leasing market has a bright future. Free to give you LED stage rental screen program.
LED rental screen market scale is huge, the future development prospect is immeasurable. All the time, all kinds of video conference, large-scale opening ceremony, wedding ceremony, signing ceremony, opening ceremony, star performance, product recommendation, hotel rental and other activities are the main market of rental screen, the scale is very large. In terms of stage design, the global LED stage market has reached $740 million this year, up 14% year on year. The growth rate is expected to slow slightly in the next few years, but it will still maintain growth momentum. It is expected to grow to $1bn by 2020.
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The leasing market cake is so huge, the entry barrier is not very high, fierce competition will be a long-term situation. After more than ten years of development, LED rental display has become mature in terms of technology, process and third-party supporting system. The rental market is developing towards standardized product specifications, high-definition display and intelligent interaction.
Different from fixed installation screen, LED rental screen customers are mainly leasers, whose purchase of display screen is not consumption, but a way of investment. The leaser makes money by renting out the display and recouping the cost. Therefore, in order to save costs and create greater value for customers, "multi-use" will likely become one of the important development directions of display leasing products in the future.
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As the LED rental market expands to a broader field, it will become another trend for LED rental screen manufacturers to develop different products for different application fields. Therefore, the combination of LED rental screens and third-party display devices in the future, forming an interactive development model, may also become a reality.
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