kitsuneudon743 · 1 year
On a roll with practicing my drawing today ~
Here's some from the new gen ❤️
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princess-temari · 10 months
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Not as cool looking as I thought they were gonna be....but!!
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Shikamaru is looking hot in the hokage robes! Temari probably losing her shit
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murasakiirohana · 1 year
Honestly, since Hidan was in the Nara forest which is closed off to outsiders, it would have been infinitely funnier if Shikamaru had just left the hole open so that Hidan would just sit there and scream his lungs out to no avail
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waffliesinyoface · 2 months
a fun thing in the naruto universe is how names work
because like, in japan, the polite thing to do is call people by their LAST names, with given names being like. a friends/family thing?
except, in the naruto universe, they had the clan wars, which went on for GENERATIONS before the hidden villages were formed. And clan tensions were so tight that if you introduced yourself by your last name, someone might just try to kill you because your clan is allied with a clan thats allied with another clan who is an enemy of the person you're talking to.
obviously, this was a hassle.
so, there was like, an unspoken rule of only giving your first name, as seen with Hashirama and Madara. Because if you didn't know for a fact that someone was a senju or an uchiha, you could just treat them as another ninja and mutually decide not to kill each other. Things like the sharingan or any notable techniques would be a dead giveaway, but as long as you're not fighting, everyone can just. Politely not ask questions.
but also, because clans are important, they still want to have something which ties the clan together, if last names are omitted from conversation with outsiders.
This is less important in the modern era, but it's still present - everyone in naruto's academy class, even students who aren't friends, exclusively use their classmates first names. Even the teacher isn't immune, he's called Iruka-sensei, not Umino-sensei.
Which is why most clans have first names with common, repeated elements, especially where the main line comes in.
Ino/Shika/Chou is the obvious one, but you also have things like the Hyuuga having a history of the first-born having their name start with Hi (Hizashi, Hiashi, Hinata, Himawari, etc.) or the senju having -rama (Hashirama, Tobirama, Kawarama), the Inuzuka being named after animal body parts (Tsume - claw, Kiba - fang, Hana - nose), all sorts of stuff like that.
It works both in universe (clan loyalties and traditions) and out of universe (group similar characters together)!! its really neat!!!
kishimoto did a lot of dumb things with the Lore and consistently forgot details he'd written about earlier on, but when he DOES have a consistent worldbuilding thing it's super cool to think about.
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 1 year
Naruto Ramblings:
Ino-Shika-Chou patriarchs not reprimanding their children’s bad habits and not being so strict to their training is them being cunning. Because they don’t want their children to be enlisted from them by the anbu at the young age or being kidnapped by Danzo. Like they realized what happened to prodigies and how they are handled by the village. *cough* Itachi and Kakashi*cough*. Inoichi and Shibi got their clan kid took away from them. (In Shibi’s case it was supposed to be Shino who is the CLAN HEIR. Torune just volunteered in Shino’s stead.) Shikaku having a prodigy strategist as a son also had a fear that Danzo will took his child too. And Hiruzen just let this war criminal run amok doesn’t he?
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babygray · 1 year
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Gintama - Gin-san's Hanafuda flower cards (銀魂 銀さんの花札編), rubber mascots produced by Megahouse, 2016.
If you have Gintoki, Katsura, and Takasugi, together they make a special hand in Koi-koi, "Ino-shika-chou" ("boar, deer, butterflies"). Hijikata's "sake cup" card and Okita's "curtain" card can make the special pair "Hanami-zake" ("cherry blossom viewing"), and Kamui's "full moon" card is worth 20 points.
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jacksgreysays · 3 months
Primadonna Girl (sounds through the earth and skies), (2024-03-23)
For some lighter bleak!primadonna AU brainrot (ah, the juxtaposition) I present to you the following:
Primadonna Girl (fills the void up with celluloid)
There is a castle on fire. An unsettling number of civilians, slightly singed but otherwise unharmed, are staring at them. The mayor—who called them here in the first place—is cursing them out from his tied up position on the ground, fake monster costume in pieces around him.
Isahiko is trying to settle the crowd with mixed success—they are, perhaps, only calming down because he seems to be increasingly more nervous as the danger dissipates—while Kazuto grins widely, chattering at their indulgent client with an unwarranted air of accomplishment. In contrast, Kumayoshi silently meets eyes with Kako Heijo’s manager and tries not to consider how much trouble they’re all going to be when they head back to Konoha.
Considering none of them have the corresponding names, they are an almost stereotypical example of the Ino-Shika-Chou arrangement: which is to say, straight down the middle average, no specialized skills pointing them in the direction of any particular department, and only remembered—if they ever are—as a team not as individuals.
Which is fine. None of them are especially ambitious—or, well, not in the way that would make Kazuto’s clan worried—and they would much rather stick together as a run of the mill team of chuunin than be separated…
But it would be nice, sometimes, if the clan heads would stop assigning blame to the three of them when, really, it’s only one person at fault and it’s not like they have any ability to control her when the Hokage couldn’t.
Kumayoshi stares at his beer, betrayed. He does not look up to meet the deceptively kind eyes of his clan head, not even when a hand lands on his shoulder, equally deceptively comforting, trusting. Kumayoshi keeps looking at his betrayal beer.
What an honor, said Kumayoshi’s parents, Chouji-sama has invited you for drinks. He wants to talk to you in person. You must have done so well on your last mission.
Kumayoshi did not do well on his last mission. They set a castle on fire on his last mission. They upended the local government in less than a week. Kazuto has developed a worrying fascination with explosions!
“We would appreciate it,” Chouji-sama says, “if you continue to accept mission requests from that particular client.”
We? Oh no, that’s not even an order from the head of his clan alone. That’s from all three heads of the alliance.
“I, personally, would be indebted if you kept her as safe as she will allow you.”
A personal debt from the clan head. Kumayoshi’s parents would be over the moon. They don’t know the cost. They wouldn’t understand. He is a broken man.
Kumayoshi closes his eyes and doesn’t audibly sigh. He nods. “Of course, it would be my honor.”
Isahiko cracks almost immediately.
To be fair, Ino-sama’s slit pupil stare is far less kind than Chouji-sama’s.
She also doesn’t bother with the pretense of drinks or the Yamanaka equivalent of it which is to coincidentally share a shift in the greenhouses and have a sideways conversation about something unrelated but which somehow, pointedly, conveys the exact message required.
No, he is not treated so nicely. Instead, Ino-sama summons Isahiko to her office in the depths of T&I and stares at him as he fidgets in the seat across from her. There is a bouquet featuring delphiniums and zinnias on her desk. The smile on her face is simultaneously grim and victorious.
“Okay! Yes, okay! I’ll do it, I promise!” Isahiko yelps, only vaguely aware of what he’s agreeing to, but swearing all the same.
“Thank you,” she says, a rare moment of soft honesty, before she turns to the paperwork on her desk. “You can go now.” She waves a hand dismissively.
Excused, Isahiko scrambles to leave, but before he can reach the door, Ino-sama adds.
“Does your, hmm, what’s his name?” The hum is a lie. The uncertainty is a lie. It’s always mind games with this clan. It’s why he has anxiety. “Does Kazuto still not know who she is?”
Isahiko cringes, this time in embarrassment rather than fear. “No, he does not.”
“So I read the report from your last mission,” says Kinokawa to Kazuto. They are in the Nara library viewing room, watching a movie that is mostly explosions. Takatori despairs of them both.
“Pretty rad, right?”
“… you had fun?”
Kazuto doesn’t hesitate. “Hell yeah, man, it’d be cool to work with Kako Heijo again. Did you know she really does her own stunts?”
Kinokawa looks at Kazuto. Kazuto looks back.
“Yes. I did know that.”
“Right, right, you giant fanboy. Hey, if I work with her again, I’ll see if I can get an autograph for your collection.”
“… you’re a good cousin, Kazuto.”
“Yeah, I am.”
The next time a mission request comes from the suspiciously blandly named civilian manager of Kako Heijo, the equally blandly named mission desk nin does not put it in the general pool of C-ranks, but instead sets it aside for a team of not particularly memorable, run of the mill chuunin.
A/N: I just really wanted to make an “unimpressive” ANY team that Shikako (or, rather, Kako Heijo’s totally a civilian manager) keeps requesting to do, like, the film crew stuff that is too dangerous for actual civilians and I also really wanted the Nara member of the team to not know who she actually was. I like to think that Nara are geniuses in most things and can also be oblivious in equal measure to other things—like Shikako’s lack of awareness of how powerful she is. I also like to think that Kazuto’s explosions are not seal based at all but, like, him trying to manipulate wind and fire natured chakra. Understandably it is less controlled and thus more concerning than to do the same with seals It probably wasn’t clear, but during the mission at the beginning, the mayor had invited Kako Heijo to film at the castle and wanted to do some kind of insurance fraud/crime framing thing, a la Scooby Doo but worse because maybe some dissenting townspeople had been trapped in the basement which was set to explode. This installment is because sometimes even I have to change things up from getting TOO sad/politically charged—although, you know, I’m still going to sprinkle in some hinted politics in my comedy relief.
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narutocharacterpolls · 11 months
What do you think of Shikamaru?
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Pie splat deserved
To actually get into it though I do have a rather up and down relationship with my feelings of Shikamaru. Overall I would have to say I do not like him, but my feelings for him have always bounced around.
In a positive light I really truly adore his fighting style, he genuinely has one of my favourites. His battles are always very entertaining to watch, and I enjoy how he works with his teammates. It’s lovely to watch Ino-Shika-Chou work together and fully rely on each other rather than believe that one in particular has to end up carrying the fight, or is undeniably more powerful. They truly are a team and they work together so seamlessly, I love it. Even Shikamarus battles on his own or with other people than his team are incredibly entertaining to me. I genuinely love his battle strategy and his analyzation during fights. I think he’s generally pretty cool.
HOWEVER my issues with him do overweigh what I like about him. He obviously is incredibly sexist which genuinely pisses me off. I also think he ends up getting rather annoying with his apathy towards most things, his “what a drag” phrase just ends up getting bothersome to me. I also have issues with how he treats Naruto, however I think most of my issues are with the fandom ignoring canon (the manga) and acting as if he is best friends with Naruto and has always been there for him, when he wasn’t, and actively contributed to Narutos mistreatment as a child. Another issue I have is something else that is rather tied to his fanbase which is the way they treat his revenge for Asumas death. I understand why he would want to kill Hidan/Kakuzu for killing his sensei, however he was not entirely justified in doing so. Asuma was on duty, and it was most genuinely a serious risk in his job that he was clearly willing to take. Shikamaru was on his way to get back at the two without village permission until the very last second.. He was not supposed to go because it was so clearly just a part of Asumas job that had to be accepted, and a properly planned way to take out the Akatsuki had to be developed before action. The only reason he got support was because Tsunade and Kakashi understood that whether he was aided or not he was going to leave whether it meant becoming a rogue ninja or not, they did not want to lose Ino-Shika-Chou, plus they did want to get rid of the Akatsuki which is why they sent him with Kakashi and various support. The Akatsuki certainly would have been handled in a different manner had he not been persistent on leaving. Now I don’t blame him for this, however what ends up bothering me is not particularly him, but his fanbase. I’ve often seen Shikamaru fans praise him and talk of how justified he was for avenging Asuma (again, a man who knew the risk and was on duty), yet will also hold the opinion that Sasuke was not justified in killing Danzou or wanting revolution against Konoha. Someone whose actions and thoughts are absolutely justified to the core, and is right about everything he criticizes about Konoha. Do I understand why Shikamaru wanted to kill Hidan and Kakuzu? Absolutely. Was it justified? Mmmm not particularly. So it really just bugs me the way the fanbase will treat Shikamarus revenge vs Sasukes revenge. There are certainly issues I have with his actual character which made me not like him (heavy emphasis on the sexism), but interacting with his fanbase made me dislike him even more, sorry. Although I understand some of his appeal, which is why I said I had originally really gone back and forth on my feelings for him a lot.
Plus I genuinely think he would understand being pied, he’d just think it was a drag and annoying. He’d probably get it though. LOL.
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hellcifrogs · 2 years
Do Ino or Chouji ever find it strange that their clans AREN'T animal clans, even with how they and their fathers include the kanji for boars and butterflies in their names? Is that a tradition among Ino-Shika-Chou as a way for the Yamanaka and Akimichi to show solidarity with the Nara? Or just playing off the Hanafuda reference?
No, not really weird... It is like a tradition since they work together and all, but not really 'solidarity' since the animal clans had no problem before the Nine tails attack...
I also only saw it most like a coincidence... since I can't exactly change their names hahah
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loveless-scribes · 2 years
100 Days, 100 Drabbles: Day 5
I make no apologies, I love these two so much and canon can go to hell. 
Day 5: First
ShikaIno musings after all is said and done.
She loved Sai.
But Shikamaru was her first.
It wasn’t some sort of forbidden memory she held on to in the dark of night, where her husband’s eyes could not see. It was simply a part of her being. A part of the story that made her who she was.
Ino did not think Sai cared, at least, he had never asked and anyway, it was all in the past now.
Shikamaru was the first to have comforted her when she cried. All those years ago, when Sakura had declared they could no longer be friends, crushing Ino’s heart, Shikamaru had been there. He had patiently listened to her berating her so-called friend, calling her the worst of names for destroying their friendship over a crush. She had been furious, ready to break something.
When Shikamaru yawned, he had made himself a willing target.
She’d grabbed him by the collar, asking him if he was ready to die. But he merely looked her in the eye and said, “Do you always go on a rampage, instead of just admitting you’re sad?” She’d released him as if he’d burned her and turned away in a huff, unwilling to let him see the effect those words had on her.
“What a drag,” he’d muttered. “It’s okay to cry, you know?”
She was going to say something snarky and deny she felt anything of the sort, but a gentle, comforting pat on the back blocked the words in her throat. It was a half-hearted tentative gesture on his part, but it had sent the tears bubbling over. She’d turned around and bawled into his chest before she rightly knew what she was doing. He’d continued patting her back awkwardly, and embraced her loosely while muttering reassurances, likely hoping the storm would pass soon.
They were too young to know better back then. This was the third generation of Ino-Shika-Chou and she might have jeopardized it – and for what? Things wouldn’t have worked out between them. Shikamaru was as lazy as they came, she thought to herself with a fond smile. Too lazy to add sugar to his tea, although if truth be told he preferred it a little sweeter. Too lazy to make his bed in the morning. Too lazy to fight for her.
Ino thought back on the memory with a smile as she folded the laundry. Inojin was going through another growth spurt, his wardrobe would need restocking soon.
She didn’t regret her choices, they had all led to where they needed to be, hadn’t they? And Shikamaru was happy where he was. Yes, all was as it should be.
Ino started as a knock sounded at the door. Her thoughts had gotten away with her again. She rose to her feet and made for the door as she wondered, in a small voice in the back of her mind, as if she had to protect the idea from someone who could read her thoughts, what might have happened if Shikamaru wasn’t so lazy.
Ino pulled open the front door, only to find Shikamaru standing beyond, as if summoned by her musings. He glanced at her from beneath perpetually furrowed brows, a new feature of adulthood, a small frown on his lips – a wordless complaint that she had taken too long answering the door.
“Well, look what the cat dragged in,” Ino smiled, crossing her arms over her chest. She knew how to mask her true feelings, something she had in common with her husband. While Sai’s mask was placid, hers was so vibrant no one would think to look past it. No one but Shikamaru.
“I’m on-call, mind if I crash here for a bit?” He scratched the back of his head and yawned, already making his way past the threshold. They’d been in and out of each other’s houses since they were children, he wasn’t about to start asking permission now.
“Be my guest,” Ino waved him in and shut the door behind him. “I was just doing some housework.” She gathered the rest of the laundry into the basket and set it aside to fold later.
Shikamaru sprawled onto her sofa and laid the back of his wrist over his eyes, immediately aiming to get some sleep. Ino glanced at her friend fondly before making her way into the kitchen. “Is Temari still in Suna?” she called, opening the fridge to seek out some refreshment for the tired strategist.
“No, she’s home. I just didn’t want to bother her. And the walk would be a drag, they’ll be calling me any minute.” Shikamaru’s mumbled answer only half-reached her ears, she filled in the blanks herself, knowing him well enough. Not only did he not want to bother Temari, he didn’t want to end up nagged into helping around the house when all he really wanted was a nap.
Ino reentered the common area and pressed the can of lychee juice she had retrieved from the kitchen against his temple. It was a blisteringly hot day and Shikamaru’s eyes blinked open at the cool touch.
“Thanks,” he muttered, taking the can from her. Their eyes met. They shouldn’t have. Ino smiled coolly, it was up to her to keep the balance. To not let anything from the past rekindle and ruin their friendship. No, her marriage, she reminded herself. To not let it ruin her marriage. And his, if she was being fair.
“You know, if you would help out a little on your own, Temari wouldn’t always be chasing after you.” Ino returned to the laundry she had been folding, a convenient excuse to deflate whatever that brief moment of eye contact might have meant.
Shikamaru sat up and popped the tab of his cold drink. “I know.”
Ino was used to this. It was a part of every interaction she had with them. The tightrope-walk of staying the best of friends and nothing more. She almost didn’t even think about it anymore.
He glanced around the neat house where Ino lived with her family. It wasn’t as big as his near the woods, and much closer to the Hokage tower, but it was neat and filled with Ino’s touches. Curtains the color of her eyes, little knick-knacks of things she liked, the little hand carved image of a deer he had given her once, and flowers in every room – he suspected she picked each bouquet with the language of flowers in mind. She’d often gone on a tangent about such things when Choiji had asked on their breaks. Chouji liked to hear Ino talk, and Shikamaru had successfully tuned her out on such occasions, observing the cloud formations instead or simply napping.
The place was neat as a pin, and the smell of something delicious they were likely having for dinner wafted through from the kitchen. He never would have imagined that domesticity would suit Ino. Even now, he wondered if she missed the adrenaline rush of the battlefield. She had seemed more suited to it than either him or Chouji, but, he supposed, she had seen enough after the events of the fourth world war. Maybe her flowers were like his clouds.
He drank from the cool can, the lychee juice was cold and delicious. His favorite, but of course she knew that.
He remembered another time she had pressed such a can into his hand. When he had been craving something sweet after a night on the town. He had had no desire to go drinking, but Ino and Chouji had persuaded him with more than a little browbeating. It had begun to rain on the way back, and Chouji had taken off towards home leaving himself and Ino to do the same.
Who had mentioned that the way back to his place was too long a walk in this weather? It was Ino, then, wasn’t it, who’d said her place was nearby? Her father was on a mission and her mother was visiting Ino’s grandmother so the place was abandoned. Shikamaru hadn’t known that, but even if he had, he would have gone anyway. They were friends, and nothing more. Besides, he knew Ino’s type. Guys like Sasuke and Sai. He was barely even a man to her, or so he’d thought.
They’d been tipsy and when he’d moved to toss the can, they’d nearly stumbled into one another, causing Ino to burst out laughing. It really wasn’t that funny, Shikamaru recalled, but she’d always been a funny drunk. How had they ended up on the sofa together? Ino was telling him something about his ears. How they were there just for show even though he never listened to anything she was saying.
“Earth to Shikamaru,” she’d whispered into his ear, “can you hear me?”
He still recalled the jolt that had travelled down his spine when her soft breath brushed the shell of his ear. He had shivered, which made her giggle. And because he had felt she was laughing at him, he’d wanted to get the better of her. How had that ended with his mouth on hers?
Shikamaru sighed and rubbed his forehead. What was the point of all of this? He glanced at the can in his hand. The juice was to blame. Clearly.
“You okay?” Ino glanced at him, genuine concern in her sky-blue eyes.
“Yeah, sure,” Shikamaru drained the contents of the can before setting it down. “Maybe I’d better head home after all, Temari’s likely to give me hell.”
“As you like,” Ino shrugged, folding a t-shirt.
Shikamaru watched her a moment longer. Her movements were controlled and graceful. She had an elegance about her that was pleasant, like the way the clouds drifted across the sky. Beneath her confident, smug exterior was a woman who cared so deeply for the ones she loved, that she allowed herself to be hurt for them. And then she bore that hurt alone. He had always thought that guys like Sasuke and Sai would never see that. But apparently, Sai had. Good for him.
Shikamaru rose to his feet, “Thanks, Ino.”
Ino smiled again, that cool smile that said neither too much nor too little. Friends, it seemed to say. And if Ino was monitoring her smiles, then he could at least have the decency to monitor his thoughts. After all, it had been almost two decades since she’d pinned him to her family’s living room floor. And at least fifteen years since he’d returned the favor.
When would he stop wishing to upset the score just once more?
When would Ino settle into the backdrop of his life and stop being the light at the end of a tunnel?
He loved Temari, he truly did.
But Ino was his first.
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jesseevelann · 2 years
Got a bit of controversy, who are your bottom three, least favourite characters and why?
Hinata, Ino and Gai. Absolutely appalling characters. I can't fucking stand them.
As for why...
Hinata: I hate how she interacts with Naruto the most. There's not a lot of interaction in part 1 through to blank period, besides sprinkles of moments. She always watches Naruto from afar, which in some cases wouldn't be too bad but she's literally fucking stalking him. Watching him from behind trees, or poles, and he doesn't have a clue. I'm fairly sure if he DID know he'd rule her out as a love interest, because it's fucking creepy. He called her creepy when she was first introduced. Their relationship and marriage is super unsafe, because of that past where Hinata watched him obsessively without him knowing she's there. It's not a cute love story, it's unhealthy and not at all good. I also hate how the anime hit her with the skinny bitch stick. In the Manga Hinata's got actual weight, she's a bit wider, and I can actually relate to that because it's more realistic than just copy pasted stick figures like the girls are drawn. Hinata's outfits throughout the series also bother me. In part 1 her design was really cute, but in part 2 and the blank period her outfits her really impractical. Mostly blank period. In part 2 she doesn't look at all like she's going to be doing Ninja things, she looks like she's wearing pyjamas. And her blank period mission outfit is so skintight and constricting. She's not getting far at all with that. I also dislike how her clans tradition are thrown out the window, with her hair. It's an important part of the Hyuuga clan, to show rank. I liked how her hair is longer in part 2 and the blank period, because it shows her progress within her clan. It shows that she's grown, even if her actual fights don't show it too much. Hinata could have and should have been written so much differently than whatever the fuck we were given. There's a lot of opportunities and potential with the Hyuuga clan, and only Neji really holds that up.
Ino: Ino is a terrible person. Fat shaming people, being a snotty brat, she's outright terrible. She fatshamed Chouji for literal years, constantly picking at his weight even with Shikamaru, and even Naruto, getting up her for it. Even after learning it's linked with his abilities and he saves her life, she barely tones it down for a short time. And she continues to do it in Shippuden, although lessened. Realise, Ino-Shika-Chou wouldn't happen in the next generation because of Shikamaru, Chouji and Ino. I don't think Shikamaru and Chouji are stupid enough to let their kids near someone as toxic and terrible as Ino. It'd happen in the academy if Shikadai and ChouChou decided to make friends with Ino. Ino even shamed Anko for eating at the Chuunin exams. I wouldn't be surprised if she'd pick on ChouChou for her weight as well. It doesn't even stop there - with Sakura, who a lot of people consider to be Ino's "best friend", she treats like garbage. Constantly attacking Sakura's insecurities (her forehead), telling her she's less of a woman and less than her. Some people can improve how they are, but Ino isn't one of them. There is no redemption for that. On a nicer note, I dislike how her design when from bandage accessories to fishnets. It seemed unnecessary to change, and bandages are also more unique.
Gai: Gai is obnoxious, annoying, and an abusive prick. Punching and hitting Lee for no damn reason. In Naruto SD he punches Lee just for getting excited. He's physically and verbally abusive to Lee, and neglectful to his other two students. Horrible, horrible man.
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aknosom · 2 years
since i've been thinking it nonstop, working more on the bestie au made me realize how much i hate writing. anyways here's a snippet:
“Yeah yeah whatever.” Shikamaru glares at the back of Sasuke’s head, unknowingly coming close to matching the intensity with which Sakura’s also staring at Sasuke. “Anyways, are we still gonna visit Chouji after school today?”
Ino scrunches her nose and says, “Yes, and I brought some money to bring him takeout from Bell Ramen.”
Shino lifts the bee -- wasp, it’s a wasp -- to his face and peers at it intently. “If Sasuke will not accept her, perhaps Chouji will be more amenable to this gift.”
Ino clicks her tongue. “Shino, we don’t recycle gifts. Chouji wouldn’t want to be your second choice. Look, Shikamaru’s an idiot, I think you should just go ahead and give the wasp to Sasuke.”
“Weren’t you the one just calling me a genius?” Shikamaru asks, this time anticipating and dodging Ino’s halfhearted swipe at him. He lets his irritation get the better of him for a second and his response comes out angrier than he’d meant for it to be. “Watch it, Ino.”
She narrows her eyes at him, reminding Shikamaru of all the reasons he doesn’t want to be on a genin team with her. “Shikamaru,” she says, making sure to keep her voice low enough that Iruka won’t deem it a major disruption.
He sighs. “Sorry, sorry, I got it, I’m an idiot and a genius and whatever else you wanna call me.”
Ino takes a deep breath, not letting the guilt Shikamaru knows she’s feeling show on her face as she says, “No harm done. I guess.” She clears her throat. “Maybe we’re both idiots.”
Yeah, this is why they need Chouji with them.
i have a lot of complex feelings about ino-shika-chou please ask me about them
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murasakiirohana · 1 year
For a while, whenever Ino was getting on Chou and Shika’s nerves, they’d threaten to tell Sakura what happened with Neji in the Forest of Death and she’d immediately shape up.
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mdgrissomv · 4 years
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OnigiriNaTatami on Twitter
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 2 years
Ino-Shika-Chou and Shino would support Sasuke's revolution with their correspondent constructive criticism and lot of amendment strategies.
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valynnz · 4 years
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