#inquiry answered
Does Jain do whippits? Do you let him hit the nitrous so he can get silly?
Absolutely fucking not. He can get high on anything but Whippits.
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breelandwalker · 1 year
You seem like you're more familiar with the broader occult community than my scholarly shut in ass. I'm curious. If there were a few lessons you wish you could drill into the head of every prominent social media occultist, what would they be?
Ohhh the number one thing I wish I could drill into the head of every aspiring occultist and magical practitioner is that CRITICAL THINKING IS YOUR FRIEND.
Study magic but keep fact-checking! If there's a claim in a book on witchcraft that should be able to be backed up by mundane sources, look for those sources. If they're not cited in the book, that's a red flag. If the sources you do find don't support the claim, that's another, bigger red flag. This is especially true with claims about history, science, medicine, psychology, anthropology, and religion.
Also, be wary of anything New Age. There's a pipeline to anti-science, eugenics, and racism there that runs directly through portions of the modern pagan and witchcraft communities and it's brightly painted with New Age buzzwords.
If something seems too good to be true, it probably is. If something seems geared to appeal to your emotions, especially that which seems formulated to make you feel special or "chosen" or to fire up some kind of righteous anger or feelings of superiority, you should immediately be suspicious of it.
If a source tells you to disregard science, modern medicine, or recorded history, or tries to tell you that some people are inherently more special or magical or deserving of power than others, discard it immediately. That is a bad source.
Don't believe everything you see or hear online. Too many witches roll their eyes at their parents and grandparents believing everything they read on Facebook, then turn around and insist that everything they've seen on TikTok or Tumblr or YouTube is Absolute Truth.
Believing in and studying magic does not mean that common sense goes out the window. You should be supplementing your magical studies with parallel practical topics (i.e. botany, geology, chemistry, mythology, etc) and ALWAYS keep one foot squarely planted on the ground.
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askyofexplodingstars · 3 months
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lil sebastian doodle page (ft my farmer)
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erinwantstowrite · 5 days
guys if you had to cast Adam Sandler to play one DC character who would you choose please this isn't for anything specific it just made me burst into laughter thinking about it
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tarobii · 9 months
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you can check out the listings on my ko-fi!
please note that there are limited slots available <3
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Does mimikyu count as a pikaclone?
You could argue that. It's more of a meta-type reference to the Pikaclone phenomenon than a typical Pikaclone. I'm not involved in the Pokemon fandom enough to know where the boundaries of these definitions are usually defined.
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dwightschrute11 · 2 months
favorite ocs/mcs in the hl fandom?
Thank you for this ask anon!! I have so many MCs I could fawn over in fifteen page essays, but here are the ones off the top of my head in no particular order. This is a long list so prepare yourself.
@ladyofsappho’s Nettie Mulloy, who is such a strong, well written character with a super intriguing backstory and story, which you can read in the creators *AMAZING* fic the Nettie Chronicles, one of my favorite fics. Not to mention her swoon worthy relationship with her girlfriend, Mia Boyensberry, who I also love dearly. She is a witty, sweet, and caring witch with a story just as epic as Nettie’s. And of course, there’s Carlotta Ellerbee, who may be Nettie and Mias enemy but has my heart in A CHOKEHOLD. She is fashionable, badass, gorgeous, and not only has stolen my heart but Calypsos as well 💕
@silvyadrakkons Lyssa Edwards , who is SO AWESOME! She may be short but she is badass, hilarious, gorgeous, caring, and one of calypsos best friends 🥹💕💕 she is an amazing MC and her pal Morgan the chicken is just as incredible. Not to mention Calypso will forever be fighting with Sebastian for Lyssas heart 😂💕
@ethniees Inger Eve Nilsdott, another absouletly *INCREDIBLE* MC who, despite the creators words, I have NOT. drawn. ENOUGH. Badass, hilarious, iconic, I am so happy to call her one of calypsos best friends. Not to mention her relationship with Garreth is SO cute, and I am so excited to read more writing about them!!
@masqueradereveler21s Gwendolen Hedera, a badass mc I admire so much: from her well developed story and personality to her beautiful design and love triangle which I am eating up, everything about her is amazing and I am excited to hear more things about her in the future. And an honorable mention to Hypatia Goodwin, who is super awesome and interesting, and her story is SO intriguing!
@wrongcogs Siobhan Moriarty, whom I am IN LOVE WITH!! An excitable, girlboss, stunning, fun and all together amazing MC whom I have many ideas for drawings with her. Not to mention her design is so cool, and her and calypsos dynamic is to die for 🥹💕
@sallowslove Jean Vestit, a super intriguing and GORGEOUS MC whom has a role in the creators upcoming fic, Where We’ll Go After Battle: which from Snippets I’ve read looks absolutely fucking amazing and I am so excited to obsess over it.
@morelikeravenbores Aurélie Collins, WHOM I WOULD DIE FOR. She’s badass, amazing, gorgeous, spell binding, and Calypso is her number one fan girl. She has an amazing fic called How To Make A Villain, which you should totally check out. Aurélie is also another MC Calypso is fighting with Sebastian over 😩💕💕
@plxnetn1nes Calliope Venzak, a gorgeous, badass, and super intriguing MC with a very interesting backstory and family lore. She looks absouletly beautiful in game and in the creators drawings as well!
@keri-mcberrys Lyla Estaris, the first MC I fell in love with and canonically Calypsos first crush LMAO. A cute, badass, hilarious Hufflepuff with an amazing design. Also the first MC I ever drew haha 😂
@choccy-milkys Clora Clemons, a well written and well developed MC with a wonderful story you can read in the creators fic, The Raven and The Snake. Cute, caring, funny, and all together wonderful—and, ofc, calypso will fight Sebastian over her 💕
@faustinio27s Faustine Daemon, WHOM I LOVE SO DEARLY!! Cute, intelligent, and a total badass—not to mention I absolutely love her design. I still need to draw her and her other amazing MC, Bonnie Hutchinson: whom is just as amazing and I am genuinely so in love with her story!! She is so intriguing, stunning, girlboss, and I just know calypso would have a little crush on her haha.
@magicallylegacys Valle Dunnes. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her in one of the creators just AMAZING screenshots. Her design is gorgeous, and I’m so excited to hear more about her.
@wit-grizzlys Bear Whiteclaw, a caring and badass Ravenclaw with an awesome design! I’m always so excited to see more of the creators awesome art 🥹💕
@siboom777s Sally Salamander, an absouletly awesome MC who is always such a joy to draw. Caring, hilarious, sweet, and altogether awesome, I love her with a full heart. Not to mention she has SUCH an awesome design!
@lorrainmorgans Lorrain Morgana, WHO IS SO AWESOME?? Fun, excitable, hilarious, I would most defintely want to be her friend in real life. Her and calypsos dynamic is adorable (foreshadowing), I love her design, and not to mention her relationship with Ominis is so cute?? Go read her fic “Looking Thru My eyes”!
@the-ozzies Millie Claire. I fell in love with her caring, energetic, and badass personality the moment I saw her, and the creators comics including her are hilarious. Not to mention her design is GORGEOUS
@ravenwind-75s Johanna Newman, who is so amazing, hilarious, badass, and sweet, and she is written and developed wonderfully in the creators amazing writing. Also someone whom is very good friends with Calypso 💕
And finally, my friend-who-isnt-on-tumblrs MC Cori Condrego. A sweet, fierce, badass Slytherin who I love dearly, her design is so cute and her relationship with Sebastian is very sweet 💕
Thanks for all being such awesome people in the fandom!!
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expos8ionfairy · 10 months
You don't really sound happy.
Maybe you should take some time to self reflect on the actions that lead you here?
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kiwinatorwaffles · 1 year
What's Hels' reaction to hermitgang
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it made him rethink diabolical
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qrowscant · 1 year
hello i am asking about your supercomputer oc with every disease and also flesh
are they single
IS can answer for himself !
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narcotic-pharmacology · 11 months
How much would you charge for us to slam meth together and then for you to chase me like a slasher?
And what happens when I catch you? Does the request end there, or do you have more planned out?
I'll throw out a price of $250.00
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breelandwalker · 1 month
#30 What do you think is a scam in witchcraft? (Go off!)
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Wow, y'all had your priorities in order, didn't you. 😆
There are SO many things in the witchcraft community that I think are scams. Here's a sampling, in no particular order.
The Law of Attraction / Assumption / Lucky Girl Syndrome / "Manifesting" (aka victim blaming, thought policing, and confirmation bias dressed up in buzzwords). The whole Burning Times / Unbroken Line narrative. (In fact, any narrative that paints the victims of witch trials as actual witches as we define the term today just pisses me off, it's so fucking disrespectful.) All the ancient aliens / star people / indigo children / pyramid conspiracy bullshit that gets passed around in pagan circles. The "need" for a bevy of expensive crystals and tools and clothing and accoutrements in order to be a "proper" witch.
The idea that you have to abandon belief in science in order to believe in magic. The essential oils racket (where it overlaps with magical practice). The way that some witchcraft and pagan spaces push homeopathy and naturopathy over modern medicine because Witchy Reasons.
People who offer familiar spirits or astral helpers for sale (especially the ones with the clickbait descriptions). People who market themselves as pagan self-help gurus who can "fix" your mental health or life issues through magic. People who offer ridiculously overpriced classes or courses to "uncover the secrets of the universe / discover your past lives / realize your psychic potential / whatever."
But tbh I think the biggest scam in witchcraft is the idea that there are people out there waiting to curse anyone and everyone that crosses their path, just for shits and giggles, and that they can ruin your life just by knowing the slightest thing about you or your practice. And on the heels of that, I think the idea that being a witch or practicing magic makes you more visible and appetizing to spirits / demons / evil forces and therefore you need SO much protection Or Else is equally scammy. It just rubs me the wrong way when anti-Catholic or anti-witchcraft scaremongering rhetoric gets incorporated into community beliefs.
witchcraft ask game
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capn-twitchery · 5 months
I love your ocs but I fear I am a bit out of touch with some of their lore. how much does Grace know about the red honey fuckery?
thank you sm!! :D♥︎ don't worry--i'm not sure i've actually spoken about this a whole lot!! (plus my lore is scattered around random posts like a ransom note. imagine being organised, couldn't be me)
for context: the two of them are a ridiculously slow slowburn bc neither of them know how to talk about feelings, they go in different directions a lot, twitch's response to Having Feelings (or anything) is to disappear to zee. everything takes forever. there's a summary of their timeline here if you want it !!
ANYWAY to answer:
tl;dr summary: most of the time, nothing! eventually, more than anybody else.
so, for most of the time, grace knows absolutely nothing. nobody does, really--twitch doesn't tell anybody, they don't want to talk about it, nobody sees their face at all.
as far as anyone knows, including grace, twitch's bad memory, lying & inconsistent stories are just a personality quirk. and they get sick sometimes, they just need bedrest & won't be available for a few hours, a day, a couple of days. nobody is allowed to see them.
grace remains mostly unaware for a long time--he has inklings that something is up. once he gets to know twitch better, he can tell they're not themself sometimes. but prying would push twitch away, so he just offers help, if they want company, for their headaches the surgeon mentioned. he'll leave the cabin door unlocked, just in case.
he has no idea how bad the "headaches" are until it's happening right in front of him, once they're close enough for twitch to trust him to that degree. he has no idea why it's happening, but he knows twitch doesn't want to tell him, either. and when they're sobbing in his lap, pleading for something he doesn't understand to stop, begging him to help them tie a blindfold because they don't want him to see their face, it's not exactly the time to pry.
it happens a few times. it never gets easier, and it never gets any clearer. it's not til after grace leaves for the new sequence and comes back that he finally sees their face uncovered. he doesn't connect any dots-whether that's because he genuinely just doesn't make the connection, or because twitch doesn't want him to make a big deal about it, who knows!
while he was gone, twitch starts connecting some dots: something's weird with their memories. they don't know how to process it. they bring it up subtly, ask grace if he knows anything about red honey, and maybe he can figure it out himself. he tells them he does, he learned about it during nemesis, in the palace cage gardens. it still haunts him, sometimes, the prisoners with their crying, the suffering the hollow looking eyes-
the eyes.
everything clicks all at once-twitch's eyes, their headaches, the memory issues, the inconsistencies, the lies. it only gets worse when twitch tells him they're starting to wonder if the memories are all theirs.
oh, god. how could anybody do that to them? who did that to them? but twitch doesn't want him on any kind of revenge mission, they don't even think they remember where the cage garden was, and they don't want to try either. he settles for comforting them the best he can-but what can anyone do to help, really?
at the very least, trusting someone enough to talk about it is a huge weight off twitch's shoulders. grace can help them try to figure out what's going on with their memories, it makes them better at talking to each other. it's not easy, but it helps twitch to move forward-slowly, but surely
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emilyjunk · 4 months
could we get a synopsis of what your ongoing fic is about?
To say that Regina is making an effort to be a better person would be, in her personal and superior opinion, an understatement. Just this morning in homeroom, for instance, after Kevin G. made a math pun that functioned as a raunchy innuendo truly so horrific that everyone in the vicinity lost several brain cells, Regina bit her lip so hard in an attempt to hold back her comment that she drew blood underneath her several layers of lip gloss. Growing pains.
Still, despite her efforts to change, she kind of thought senior year might not be that different. She thought everything would go back to normal, or at least some version of normal in which everything stayed the same except for her. Obviously not everything is about her, but, like, this is her moment of growth, hello? Can the universe not acknowledge that?
But it turns out that a semester of high school in which a math teacher is falsely accused of pushing drugs, a new girl with zero fashion sense wins Spring Fling Queen, and Regina gets hit by a bus is wont to transform the entire DNA of the senior class population. 
This is probably great news for everyone else. 
For Regina, well. Like a caterpillar in the chrysalis, she temporarily died. Only for 15 seconds, but still. Metamorphosis is a real bitch.
Anyway. Back to the point. 
So, Regina thought things might be the same this year, or at least similar enough that she could follow the initial blueprints of teenage socialization she’s been carefully crafting since 6th grade, barring a few modifications to fit her new and excruciating improved outlook on life. The world of course has other plans because it’s a cruel and unrelenting place (re: Regina got hit by a fucking bus). She’s attempting to adapt, but there are a few crucial changes to her life that are making it difficult, such as follows:
The Plastics become friends with the Art Freaks
Regina comes out 
Cady and Aaron break up
Regina joins the lacrosse team
Regina falls in love
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generic-sonic-fan · 5 months
If you care to entertain the thought:
The Finnish language has a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun for people and an "it" pronoun for objects & animals = not people. In official/book language at least. But 90% of the time in casual speech, we use "it" to refer to people as well. (It feels like night and day to use "it" in Finnish for people compared to English.)
Do you think Neo would thrive off of hearing people refer to it as "it" so casually if it interacted with (& translated) language speakers with this type of convention? Or would "it" being used like a "3rd person pronoun" feel strange/not fulfilling to Neo, due to the lack of distinction unless written down? (I assume "neutral 3rd person pronoun", by itself, might be like they/them for Neo?)
Similarly; you hc Omega with a strong he/him preference &, IIRC, an even stronger distaste for it/its. Would he tolerate a language that uses "it" so casually when meaning *3rd person pronoun*, not meant to sound objectifying in any way? + All while only having gender neutral pronouns in the first place, even if one was speaking properly (or in writing) & actively not using it/its. >No existing masculine pronouns to affirm gender anywhere (not counting using "Mr/Ms" type of titles).
I suppose it's up to interpretation on how difficult/easy it would be for them (compared to organic characters), to adjust to different language conventions like this, but I'm curious if you have any thoughts?
Ooooh, this is a fantastic question.
I think that Neo would be flattered with either pronoun! Sounds like both forms of "it" within the Finnish language lack a gender or pluralness- and gender is what Neo is seeking to avoid. It would be very pleased with this, and it would also wonder why it was programmed to think in a language as silly as English instead of the clearly superior Finnish. Neo's a bit more, shall we say, cerebral than Omega. I think it would adjust to the different language conventions very quickly.
Omega, meanwhile, would definitely have a preference. He would not tolerate the pronoun that's meant for objects and animals. He'd see it as incredibly demeaning, and you'd have to have a long talk with him to explain that the inanimate pronoun is not demeaning in the context of Finnish culture. He's got a little bit of a self-centered view of the world and doesn't handle the idea of different traditions very well? Mostly he just thinks they're weird and perceives himself as not being a part of any culture (despite that being untrue. He's kinda got the stereotypical American thing going on lol.) He's already a bit of a rebel in his own cultural context, let alone understanding the connotations of different cultures, if that makes any sense? He wouldn't adjust to the different language conventions very easily is what I'm saying.
Thank you for sending this ask!
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dwightschrute11 · 2 months
how did you develop calypso as a character? or has anything changed since you first created her (sorry I don’t exactly know how to phrase the question, hope you understand! 💗) ?
Thank you so much for this ask anon!! Warning: yapping
Calypso was actually originally a Hogwarts mystery character, like a few other MCs I’ve seen in the fandom! Her last name was also randomized so that’s why it’s weird haha. When I got Hogwarts legacy, she was just the first thing that came to mind when I was creating my character.
Calypso was basically a self insert at first, I based all my likes and traits on her and imagined the scenarios in game—it was a way for me to imagine myself in the wizarding world I always wanted to live in as a kid. Besides the fact her backstory was heavily inspired by Hogwarts mystery: originally, she would a brother and he (again basically Jacob) would have been a very big part of Calypsos life. I still often think of giving calypso a brother actually, I can just imagine it so vividly.
But as time grew, she grew into her own character actually very different from me. As a lazy introvert who has 200 hours on Baldurs gate 3, Calypso being an adventurous extrovert and having 200 hours fighting poachers and learning spells, the difference is stark LMFAO. Do not ask me how long I’ve spent on sims 4
Trigger warning: horrendous old art (also calypso with blue eyes)
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As for lore wise, it was very messy. At the time I was doing terrible with body dysmorphia and otherwise, so I projected that onto Calypso along with my other mental health issues. I’m doing way better now thankfully, and so is calypso 😼👍
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