#inquiries (answered asks)
breelandwalker · 1 month
#30 What do you think is a scam in witchcraft? (Go off!)
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Wow, y'all had your priorities in order, didn't you. 😆
There are SO many things in the witchcraft community that I think are scams. Here's a sampling, in no particular order.
The Law of Attraction / Assumption / Lucky Girl Syndrome / "Manifesting" (aka victim blaming, thought policing, and confirmation bias dressed up in buzzwords). The whole Burning Times / Unbroken Line narrative. (In fact, any narrative that paints the victims of witch trials as actual witches as we define the term today just pisses me off, it's so fucking disrespectful.) All the ancient aliens / star people / indigo children / pyramid conspiracy bullshit that gets passed around in pagan circles. The "need" for a bevy of expensive crystals and tools and clothing and accoutrements in order to be a "proper" witch.
The idea that you have to abandon belief in science in order to believe in magic. The essential oils racket (where it overlaps with magical practice). The way that some witchcraft and pagan spaces push homeopathy and naturopathy over modern medicine because Witchy Reasons.
People who offer familiar spirits or astral helpers for sale (especially the ones with the clickbait descriptions). People who market themselves as pagan self-help gurus who can "fix" your mental health or life issues through magic. People who offer ridiculously overpriced classes or courses to "uncover the secrets of the universe / discover your past lives / realize your psychic potential / whatever."
But tbh I think the biggest scam in witchcraft is the idea that there are people out there waiting to curse anyone and everyone that crosses their path, just for shits and giggles, and that they can ruin your life just by knowing the slightest thing about you or your practice. And on the heels of that, I think the idea that being a witch or practicing magic makes you more visible and appetizing to spirits / demons / evil forces and therefore you need SO much protection Or Else is equally scammy. It just rubs me the wrong way when anti-Catholic or anti-witchcraft scaremongering rhetoric gets incorporated into community beliefs.
witchcraft ask game
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dwightschrute11 · 2 months
favorite ocs/mcs in the hl fandom?
Thank you for this ask anon!! I have so many MCs I could fawn over in fifteen page essays, but here are the ones off the top of my head in no particular order. This is a long list so prepare yourself.
@ladyofsappho’s Nettie Mulloy, who is such a strong, well written character with a super intriguing backstory and story, which you can read in the creators *AMAZING* fic the Nettie Chronicles, one of my favorite fics. Not to mention her swoon worthy relationship with her girlfriend, Mia Boyensberry, who I also love dearly. She is a witty, sweet, and caring witch with a story just as epic as Nettie’s. And of course, there’s Carlotta Ellerbee, who may be Nettie and Mias enemy but has my heart in A CHOKEHOLD. She is fashionable, badass, gorgeous, and not only has stolen my heart but Calypsos as well 💕
@silvyadrakkons Lyssa Edwards , who is SO AWESOME! She may be short but she is badass, hilarious, gorgeous, caring, and one of calypsos best friends 🥹💕💕 she is an amazing MC and her pal Morgan the chicken is just as incredible. Not to mention Calypso will forever be fighting with Sebastian for Lyssas heart 😂💕
@ethniees Inger Eve Nilsdott, another absouletly *INCREDIBLE* MC who, despite the creators words, I have NOT. drawn. ENOUGH. Badass, hilarious, iconic, I am so happy to call her one of calypsos best friends. Not to mention her relationship with Garreth is SO cute, and I am so excited to read more writing about them!!
@masqueradereveler21s Gwendolen Hedera, a badass mc I admire so much: from her well developed story and personality to her beautiful design and love triangle which I am eating up, everything about her is amazing and I am excited to hear more things about her in the future. And an honorable mention to Hypatia Goodwin, who is super awesome and interesting, and her story is SO intriguing!
@wrongcogs Siobhan Moriarty, whom I am IN LOVE WITH!! An excitable, girlboss, stunning, fun and all together amazing MC whom I have many ideas for drawings with her. Not to mention her design is so cool, and her and calypsos dynamic is to die for 🥹💕
@sallowslove Jean Vestit, a super intriguing and GORGEOUS MC whom has a role in the creators upcoming fic, Where We’ll Go After Battle: which from Snippets I’ve read looks absolutely fucking amazing and I am so excited to obsess over it.
@morelikeravenbores Aurélie Collins, WHOM I WOULD DIE FOR. She’s badass, amazing, gorgeous, spell binding, and Calypso is her number one fan girl. She has an amazing fic called How To Make A Villain, which you should totally check out. Aurélie is also another MC Calypso is fighting with Sebastian over 😩💕💕
@plxnetn1nes Calliope Venzak, a gorgeous, badass, and super intriguing MC with a very interesting backstory and family lore. She looks absouletly beautiful in game and in the creators drawings as well!
@keri-mcberrys Lyla Estaris, the first MC I fell in love with and canonically Calypsos first crush LMAO. A cute, badass, hilarious Hufflepuff with an amazing design. Also the first MC I ever drew haha 😂
@choccy-milkys Clora Clemons, a well written and well developed MC with a wonderful story you can read in the creators fic, The Raven and The Snake. Cute, caring, funny, and all together wonderful—and, ofc, calypso will fight Sebastian over her 💕
@faustinio27s Faustine Daemon, WHOM I LOVE SO DEARLY!! Cute, intelligent, and a total badass—not to mention I absolutely love her design. I still need to draw her and her other amazing MC, Bonnie Hutchinson: whom is just as amazing and I am genuinely so in love with her story!! She is so intriguing, stunning, girlboss, and I just know calypso would have a little crush on her haha.
@magicallylegacys Valle Dunnes. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her in one of the creators just AMAZING screenshots. Her design is gorgeous, and I’m so excited to hear more about her.
@wit-grizzlys Bear Whiteclaw, a caring and badass Ravenclaw with an awesome design! I’m always so excited to see more of the creators awesome art 🥹💕
@siboom777s Sally Salamander, an absouletly awesome MC who is always such a joy to draw. Caring, hilarious, sweet, and altogether awesome, I love her with a full heart. Not to mention she has SUCH an awesome design!
@lorrainmorgans Lorrain Morgana, WHO IS SO AWESOME?? Fun, excitable, hilarious, I would most defintely want to be her friend in real life. Her and calypsos dynamic is adorable (foreshadowing), I love her design, and not to mention her relationship with Ominis is so cute?? Go read her fic “Looking Thru My eyes”!
@the-ozzies Millie Claire. I fell in love with her caring, energetic, and badass personality the moment I saw her, and the creators comics including her are hilarious. Not to mention her design is GORGEOUS
@ravenwind-75s Johanna Newman, who is so amazing, hilarious, badass, and sweet, and she is written and developed wonderfully in the creators amazing writing. Also someone whom is very good friends with Calypso 💕
And finally, my friend-who-isnt-on-tumblrs MC Cori Condrego. A sweet, fierce, badass Slytherin who I love dearly, her design is so cute and her relationship with Sebastian is very sweet 💕
Thanks for all being such awesome people in the fandom!!
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expos8ionfairy · 10 months
You don't really sound happy.
Maybe you should take some time to self reflect on the actions that lead you here?
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qrowscant · 1 year
hello i am asking about your supercomputer oc with every disease and also flesh
are they single
IS can answer for himself !
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capn-twitchery · 7 months
Is there an in-universe reason why Twitch chose the name Twitch?
i've been sitting on this ask in hope i would find a more insightful answer than "they chose it at random," but the more i thought about it the more i realised that choosing a name at complete random probably is the most twitch thing they could have done. so i don't think it has any particular meaning behind it to them!
their surname, lazaret, is part of a ship, though!it's a small cargo hold used for storing equipment or corpses, i just learned
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generic-sonic-fan · 5 months
If you care to entertain the thought:
The Finnish language has a gender neutral 3rd person pronoun for people and an "it" pronoun for objects & animals = not people. In official/book language at least. But 90% of the time in casual speech, we use "it" to refer to people as well. (It feels like night and day to use "it" in Finnish for people compared to English.)
Do you think Neo would thrive off of hearing people refer to it as "it" so casually if it interacted with (& translated) language speakers with this type of convention? Or would "it" being used like a "3rd person pronoun" feel strange/not fulfilling to Neo, due to the lack of distinction unless written down? (I assume "neutral 3rd person pronoun", by itself, might be like they/them for Neo?)
Similarly; you hc Omega with a strong he/him preference &, IIRC, an even stronger distaste for it/its. Would he tolerate a language that uses "it" so casually when meaning *3rd person pronoun*, not meant to sound objectifying in any way? + All while only having gender neutral pronouns in the first place, even if one was speaking properly (or in writing) & actively not using it/its. >No existing masculine pronouns to affirm gender anywhere (not counting using "Mr/Ms" type of titles).
I suppose it's up to interpretation on how difficult/easy it would be for them (compared to organic characters), to adjust to different language conventions like this, but I'm curious if you have any thoughts?
Ooooh, this is a fantastic question.
I think that Neo would be flattered with either pronoun! Sounds like both forms of "it" within the Finnish language lack a gender or pluralness- and gender is what Neo is seeking to avoid. It would be very pleased with this, and it would also wonder why it was programmed to think in a language as silly as English instead of the clearly superior Finnish. Neo's a bit more, shall we say, cerebral than Omega. I think it would adjust to the different language conventions very quickly.
Omega, meanwhile, would definitely have a preference. He would not tolerate the pronoun that's meant for objects and animals. He'd see it as incredibly demeaning, and you'd have to have a long talk with him to explain that the inanimate pronoun is not demeaning in the context of Finnish culture. He's got a little bit of a self-centered view of the world and doesn't handle the idea of different traditions very well? Mostly he just thinks they're weird and perceives himself as not being a part of any culture (despite that being untrue. He's kinda got the stereotypical American thing going on lol.) He's already a bit of a rebel in his own cultural context, let alone understanding the connotations of different cultures, if that makes any sense? He wouldn't adjust to the different language conventions very easily is what I'm saying.
Thank you for sending this ask!
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elenscaie · 2 months
Which Harry Potter character do you think would have been most interesting to get an in-depth backstory from?
Honestly, I have to choose Bellatrix (yes I'm very biased on that matter now shush). I've always wondered at her upbringing in the Black family, the relationship between her and her sisters, especially with Andromeda and how much she was against everything their family stood for in canon. Plus, how Bellatrix became a Death Eater, her devotion to Voldemort, her time in Azkaban for all those long years—not to mention that she may very well have been around Sirius during said time in Azkaban, so I do wonder how that went and if they ever interacted with one another and how Bella took to him being thought of as a Death Eater and a traitor when she, presumably, knew otherwise. So her relationship with Sirius during their Hogwarts years and younger is another facet of her life that I would like to learn more of~
Also, the fact that, in canon, given that Harry nearly mistakes Andromeda for Bellatrix, I have to wonder how Andy herself went through life pretty much wearing the face of one of the most infamous Death Eaters and witches of the era~
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pochapal · 8 months
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when will people learn that this is categorically the wrong question to be asking
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Do you have a favorite food, Onyx Cream Cookie? Caramel Brownie Cookie?
Honey coated biscuits! :D
...Is it cannibalism to say frozen brownies?
I- is it?-
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mysticstarlightduck · 3 months
8. 🧢 CLOTHING: What is your MC currently wearing in the most recent scene of your WIP?
Thanks for the ask!
I'll go with some characters from Supernova Initiative and Scrapyard Boys (a spinoff to my WIP Mutant Inquiries)!
Jack Tithus - In the most recent scene that I worked on for that WIP (that scene being a part of the 5-chapter/episode backstory act), Jack is wearing a worn-out, black leather jacket, a simple white T-shirt, old combat boots, grey jeans and his trinket necklace.
Kye Thalax - I still haven't reached the scene where he is first introduced in this WIP, but when I do reach that scene, Kye is going to be wearing a pitch-black coat with an also pitch black long-neck shirt, dark grey pants, and spy shoes.
Gabi Ophyria - In her first scene, which also happens to be the most recent scene I have of her, she is wearing a black bomber jacket with multicolored, neon ornaments, leather boots, multiple bracelets of different colors, fingerless dark grey leather gloves, white jeans and a long sleeved shirt.
Valen - He is wearing a ripped denim vest (short-sleeved), an old black shirt with the logo of his favorite punk rock band, ripped-up jean pants, worn-out red sneakers, and a bunch of resin/plastic bracelets.
Saoirse - She is wearing an oversized yellow hoodie, a stripped purple and grey shirt, a choker with the biohazard symbol etched onto it, high-neck white sneakers, and grey sweatpants.
Max - She wears a fun T-shirt with a blue flannel longsleeved shirt over it, black jeans, boots, and some assorted necklaces and keeps a beige leather jacket on her backpack in case she needs it.
Supernova Initiative Taglist (-/+): @ray-writes-n-shit, @sarandipitywrites, @lassiesandiego, @smol-feralgremlin, @kaylinalexanderbooks,
@saturnine-saturneight @diabolical-blue @oh-no-another-idea
@cakeinthevoid, @clairelsonao3, @sleepy-night-child
Let me know if you'd like to be added!
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breelandwalker · 1 month
These asks are BUCK wild. Howsabout 32: what's your hottest take in the witchcraft space? I’d love the cayenne hot Bree takes on this one, please! 🤩
........I hope y'all brought a fire extinguisher.
My hottest take on witchcraft?
A large swath of the witchcraft / pagan community, encompassing all paths and experience levels, needs to stop worrying about whether their spells worked or what a deity is contacting them or what their latest dream meant or how to gain magical power like it's a level-up process, and start worrying about their gullibility.
WAY too many witches are out here being WAY too willing to put stock in pseudohistory, pseudoscience (or straight up science denial), conspiracy theories, and New Age / New Thought nonsense.
Do I realize that some of this is down to relative levels of experience, lack of access to good information, long-standing issues in modern occult circles, and the inherent attraction of emotional appeals over logical ones? Yes.
Do I still get irritated by the ridiculous amounts of credulity, unwillingness to put in the time and effort to research, and widespread lack of critical thinking skills in witchcraft and pagan spaces? FUCK YES.
(Also every time I see a community leader or educator encouraging this shit, it makes me want to fight people.)
Y'all need to focus less on what might or might not be a sign from the spirit world and more on building functional bullshit detectors.
witchcraft ask game
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dwightschrute11 · 3 months
What would Calypso do if her fellow Ravenclaw Johanna is yelling at Sebastian in her sleep? Girly sleep talks a lot!
Thanks for this funny ask @ravenwind-75 , had to draw another comic for it 😂
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yea calypso got a bit too into the imaginary argument
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ebi-noodle-doodles · 3 months
Hiya, I have some questions regarding your commissions!
Would one be allowed to print out a commissioned drawing and transfer it to a shirt or bag or other clothing?
You said no edits to the art itself is allowed, but would it be okay to add a simple gradient background or something like that for the purpose of using the art as an icon (eg a character's Toyhouse profile thumbnail)? Something like this (art and character by me)
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"Would one be allowed to print out a commissioned drawing and transfer it to a shirt or bag or other clothing?" Ans: Yep. Its your commission! You can do anything you like :D Although for the sole purpose only of using it personally and not commercially! I generally do not mind and in fact am happy to see you got to print and keep a physical item of the commission!
"You said no edits to the art itself is allowed, but would it be okay to add a simple gradient background or something like that for the purpose of using the art as an icon..." Ans: Yep! I don't mind. I generally put that no edit clause due to a previous client that heavily edited parts and whole of the entire illustration :( Like changed colors and overpaints. Simple bg is fine with me!
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ask-runaan-anything · 10 months
is it cold inside the coin? Does it smell like socks? How’s the internet speed?
1. Yes.
2. It smells like pocket lint and decay.
3. Variable, often depending on Storm dragon hotspots.
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vault-tec-official · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if it would be possible to request spots in Vault 112 for me and my family?
Of course! We would love to have you there!
If you're interested in staying in a Vault, you can fill out our application here: https://forms.gle/ssoCwrNDCMjYw7nD9
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capn-twitchery · 6 months
24 and also because it's relevant to him, 25 for grace
rebelling by answering both for both of them, nobody can stop me
24.  Is sex something that they’re comfortable speaking about? To whom? 
i feel like these answers are gonna be incredibly predictable but:
for twitch, yes, they absolutely do not care or find it awkward to speak about with anyone! they're smart enough to not mention it in "polite" conversation with strangers out of the blue, but it's fair game for gossip material, or to joke about around less Distinguished Company. or to annoy stuffy company.
grace is almost the opposite. he doesn't think it's bad, just a private topic! he's surprisingly comfortable talking about it with a partner, but not anybody else. the neath's more casual attitude has loosened his opinions on it a lot, though! it's a lot less strict than the surface, and that's rubbed off on him
god forbid, sometimes he even laughs at twitch's terrible vulgar sense of humour that would get you ejected from a fancy party immediately. his past self would be Horrified
25. What are their thoughts on marriage?
twitch...i think is surprisingly indifferent to it? but that's only because they don't attach any real meaning or value to it. marriage in their head is an excuse for a party. they see marriage about as serious as a las vegas drive thru wedding. they'd get married for the bit.
grace, on the other hand, was raised in a fairly fancy, well-off english family. so marriage had meaning. marriage was about commitment and starting a family and social status and- oh god, that sounds terrifying actually, he does not want to be married, that's a lot to handle.
plus, he'd heard a lot (from books, mostly) that marriage was supposed to be about love, but he never fell for anyone, even Slightly. it's not like he could force it.
eventually, though, his family put their foot down. a promising 30something navy officer with no wife? people are starting to gossip, edward!! it's reflecting badly on everyone! how could you do that to your poor mother??
so he was betrothed to a family friend's daughter, also tragically unmarried. they got on fine, they'd been friends for a while, it could be worse! maybe they could make it work. they just had to actually get married. and then start a family. and then-
oh god no grace come back don't join an arctic expedition to delay making important decisions and avoid conflict and commitment noooo
,,anyway grace is, unsurprisingly, not in any rush to get married. it's slightly less terrifying, in the neath, when marriage isn't about his family's status or settling down to have kids, but still not very appealing.
(for the record i think him & twitch would either joke about it and then never get married or twitch would convince him to get married for a really, really stupid reason. like a legal loophole to get their ship back quicker while they're on the slow boat or something)
asks from here!
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