#inquistorial squad
aci100 · 3 years
Fire and Ice
Fifth-year AU: A rebellious streak burns inside Harry as Umbridge descends on Hogwarts. Its raging flames burn unchecked until it is met by another, opposing force of equal strength. Harry/Daphne Winter One-Shot
Disclaimer: This is a work of fanfiction based on the Harry Potter universe. All recognizable characters, plots, and settings are the exclusive property of J.K Rowling. I make no claim to ownership.
Acknowledgements: Thank you to my editor Athena Hope, as well as my other betas 3CP, Fezzik, Luq707, Raven, Regress, and Yoshi89 for their incredible work on this story.
Self-Promotion: I have a Discord server where you can chat and read all of my chapters early. If you would like to join, simply copy the link on my profile. You can do likewise to follow the ACI100 Twitter account — @ACI_100 — for live updates and to check out my official website.
If you would like to get my chapters even earlier than Discord and receive other, exclusive benefits whilst generously supporting me at the same time, I have a P*T*E*N page. My top-tier patrons got this one-shot back in September and are entitled to these kinds of stories four times a year. The link to that platform can also be found on my profile.
Dedication: This story is dedicated to my first ever Deity-level patron, ShadowWolf, as well as my first ever Primordial-level patron, Lillian. It is because of support like that which you two have given me that I hope to one day make writing a profitable full-time career. I will never be able to repay such generosity, but I hope you enjoy this one-shot nevertheless.
Fire and Ice
By ACI100
September 27, 1995
The Second Floor, Hogwarts
6:21 PM
Harry strode onto the first landing of the marble staircase with light and purposeful footsteps. The din of conversation rising from the Great Hall almost directly below him wafted up like thick, billowing steam. Its sound was as tempting as the scent of freshly baked bread with the butter still melting, but he did not relent. The longer the meal stretched on downstairs, the more convenient it was for Harry. So long as the toad-faced tyrant stayed seated at the staff table, his plan should go off without a hitch.
The noise grew fainter as he moved further away from the staircase and took turn after turn. The corridors really were a maze. Many of the newest crop of first years must still be struggling with them, just like Harry remembered doing himself four years earlier. The twisting halls seemed to never end and there was often very little to distinguish one ancient stone wall from another. Torch brackets hung on most of them, and the suits of armour that lined the corridors were uniform. It took a great deal of practice to know where one was at all times.
Harry had wished for the noise to fade a minute or so earlier so he could focus, but he found himself missing it now that it had. The meal could end at any moment and he would be caught unaware. There was also a certain level of comfort provided by the herd of voices. Now, he was left entirely to his own thoughts and doubts.
He had found himself both wishing for and hating the quiet as of late. The constant droning of people who wanted things from him was draining in ways he couldn’t seem to handle. Friends who wanted nothing from him had become few and far between this year. Harry was quickly realizing they were a precious commodity that he could do with more of.
He could have used one of them now. Never before had he attempted to break into a professor’s office. Not one that had defences and not alone. Of all the chaos he had stirred whilst residing in the castle, that was not among his many escapades and he began to doubt his ability to pull it off the closer he drew to the horrible room.
Harry forced himself to remember all that had happened during the summer and since arriving back at Hogwarts. Everything since Voldemort’s return had been a colossal pain in the neck. There was hardly a single second of it he could look back on fondly, and the more time that seemed to stretch on, the more and more riled up Harry became and the less he desired to wait for others to take action. He had found himself sympathizing with Sirius lately. He could scarcely imagine what it must feel like to be locked up in Grimmauld Place whilst the world descended into quiet chaos as a three-way cold war was waged from behind the scenes.
This past summer was hardly the first miserable one Harry had ever been through. It was the worst to him because of the anxiety induced by not knowing what was going on, but it was hardly the first. Awful summers had become a sort of annual tradition since his enrollment in Hogwarts. What had been less standard thus far was the school year itself.
Hogwarts had been the first and only home Harry had ever known. He had always been able to rely on the castle, even when things on Privet Drive had looked especially bleak. Despite the dangers that seemed always to loom just out of sight and lunge at Harry from areas unseen, there was no place on earth that made him happier than Hogwarts.
Until Dolores Umbridge had shown up in all her lurid glory, descending down on them like a pink demon from the depths of hell.
She had been annoyingly successful so far. Not only had she sucked the life out of Harry’s favourite subject and single-handedly ensured that half of his year would fail their upcoming OWL exams, but she had also gone to horrendous lengths to secure her position as Hogwarts’ newest and most cruel authority figure. Argus Filch suddenly seemed like the most popular kid in school next to Umbridge, the metaphorical outcast loathed by all.
Just thinking about the woman made Harry seethe. Anger bubbled in the pit of his stomach. It was red hot and so turbulent that he felt it sloshing about like restless waves surging forth with destructive vigour. It was the same anger that had risen within him that first night at Grimmauld Place; an intense, all-consuming haze that made everything else fade to the background. Everything but the stabbing prickle of pain emanating from the still-raw skin on the back of Harry’s hand. He paused his stride for a moment and lifted his arm, allowing his hand to protrude just enough from under the invisibility cloak for him to make out the swollen pink letters that had been painfully carved into his skin.
I must not tell lies.
The words echoed inside Harry’s head. It was like someone had stood inside his skull and shouted them, just to hear them thrown back. It was deafening and it crushed all of Harry’s lingering doubts in a single heartbeat.
When the door of Umbridge’s office loomed up ahead, his vice-like grip tightened still on his wand and he marched forward with renewed purpose.
October 1, 1995
The Great Hall
8:33 AM
By Barnabus Cuffe
“This rag can’t be serious,” Ron muttered after scanning the newspaper Hermione had passed him and Harry.
The school had been in quite the frenzy since the news had leaked that Umbridge had returned one night to find her office in complete disarray and many of her possessions damaged beyond repair. Harry had listened to all of it with a triumphant glee.
Umbridge had been in a storming mood ever since and she had made his most recent Defence Against the Dark Arts lesson a living hell. It was no secret who the High Inquisitor thought was responsible for the chaos, but there was no possible way for her to prove it. Not that she cared about proof or ethics. Harry had been issued more detentions on the pretence of disrespect shown during the last lesson, but he hardly cared.
Yet this had not been part of his plans. A group of select students made up almost entirely of Slytherins that would serve as Umbridge’s personal enforcement squad. The article made it sound like they would have all the powers assigned to prefects and that they would serve not the school, but Umbridge and Umbridge alone.
It was horrid. Harry could see that many of the staff agreed with him. Professor Flitwick was considerably less energetic than normal and Professor McGonagall looked as though she had bitten into something foul. Dumbledore looked as unperturbed as ever, but Harry was sure even he was beginning to grow uneasy. If Umbridge was allowed to continue her reign of terror unchecked, there was no telling how dark and dreary the halls of Hogwarts could become.
Harry glanced from the newspaper, to his friends, and back again. “Fine. I’m in.”
Ron’s head jerked up. “You’re… what?”
“I’m in. I’ll do it; I’ll teach you lot Defence, along with whoever else wants in.”
Ron looked like he had been run over by the flying Ford Anglia his father had once owned, but Hermione’s beaming smile stretched so wide it looked fit to fall from her face.
October 7, 1995
The Slytherin Common Room
7:44 PM
Daphne’s head lulled as the crackling of the fire played like a soft and soothing harmony. Her eyelids flickered in unison with the fire as she fought to stay awake. It had been a long and tiresome month. Many of the students had wondered after the first week or two whether the workload would relent. Some thought the teachers were just giving them a brief taste of what they were up against this spring, but those optimists had been disproven in short and forceful order. The work just didn’t stop coming; it seemed to slam against all of them like how the black water outside sloshed against the common room’s porthole over and over again.
That wasn’t helping her stay awake, either. Once the sun set, all light beneath the Black Lake’s surface vanished and their common room was plunged into complete and total darkness sans the fire, torches, and lanterns casting ghostly green light about the room.
She realized she had fallen asleep some time later when she heard the sound of stone grinding against stone. It was quiet and subtle, but it was there any time their common room opened to admit one of them inside. This time it was her sister. Her skin looked unnaturally pale in the light of the room and her brown hair did not give off the same sense of warmth it did in most lighting.
Astoria’s appearance mattered naught; what mattered was that her arrival had jolted Daphne awake. Tracey was doing her homework beside Daphne and she must have noticed her friend’s movement, for she looked up and between the Greengrass sisters with a questioning stare.
“Don’t worry about it, Tracey,” said Daphne. “This isn’t worth slowing down your essay.”
Astoria was watching her closely. Daphne could tell this had come as no surprise to her. It really shouldn’t have, but her sister would do well to wear fewer of her emotions on her sleeve. Daphne was hardly impassive, but she liked to think she didn’t shout ‘I am guilty and proud of it’ for the world to hear whenever she broke some sort of rule.
The two of them departed the main room and trudged through one of the stone tunnels that sloped still further down into the bowels of the castle and led to their dormitories.
Daphne’s was empty for now, so she led Astoria inside and rounded on her almost at once. “What were you thinking?”
Astoria’s chin jutted out as she looked up to meet her sister’s eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“Astoria, don’t lie to me.”
“Then don’t get involved in things that aren’t your business.”
“You’re my sister—”
“Exactly! Sister, not daughter!”
Daphne felt a wave of heat roll up her body. She tried to stop it from flooding her cheeks, but judging by Astoria’s smirk, she had been unsuccessful. Was it so wrong of her to want to protect the people she loved? “Would you actually listen instead of making snarks?”
“Would you get to the point instead of lecturing me all night?”
“Oh, for the love of… fine.” Daphne was now scowling and not at all pleased about it. Astoria had a special talent for frazzling her. No one could put her in a foul temper faster than her devil of a sister. “What do you think you’re doing getting involved with Potter and his friends?”
“Learning what?”
“What the toad is—” her voice was cut off when Daphne took a step forward and clamped a hand over her mouth.
“Idiot,” she hissed. “Do you not realize that most of our housemates are in the woman’s pocket?”
“There’s no one here!”
“That’s not the point! The point is that you shouldn’t say those things in the dungeons.”
“You’re as stuck up as Grandmother!”
“And you’re as reckless as your new friend, Potter!”
“I don’t even know him!”
“But you trust him to teach you?”
“Does it really matter? He can’t be worse than her. Honestly, Daphne, I’m going to fail my exams because of her. I don’t know how any of you are going to pass your OWLs.”
“Some of us put in actual effort before this year, so one bad teacher won’t ruin everything.”
“Ha! So you admit she’s a bad teacher?”
Daphne rolled her eyes so hard she thought they might fall out. “Don’t be a child. Just because I don’t go around shouting about it doesn’t mean I don’t see what’s going on.”
Daphne glared at her. “Yes, she’s not teaching anything. I doubt anyone would deny that.”
“So, there you go. I’m making sure I pass my exams.”
“You could do that without Potter. The older students are running a tutoring program for Defence Against the Dark Arts.” Astoria shrugged and Daphne felt her temper flare. Her sister’s constant disregard for caution was going to get her in trouble; trouble Daphne feared she wouldn’t be able to save the girl from on her own. “Why do you insist on running off with Potter and his group of morons? Do you not see what’s going to happen?”
“They have a plan. They’re not stupid, whatever you think of them.”
“Well, they’re clearly not subtle. Did you see the new educational decree? She’s onto them already. It’s only a matter of time until they’re caught. I bet she’ll expel Potter once they are.”
Astoria snorted. “She can try. I doubt Dumbledore will ever let her.”
“Dumbledore might not be around forever. Not if Fudge and the ministry have their way.”
“I guess we’ll have to wait and see,” Astoria said with a shrug.
“So, what? You’re going to keep doing… whatever you’re doing — even though it’s going to lead to disaster?”
“I’ll take my chances with Potter and his gang before I end up alone in a room with Bletchley and his so they can… teach me Defence.”
Daphne winced. She wished she could tell Astoria that none of the more nauseating rumours about that crew were true, but she was far from certain. There was a reason she would not be joining that tutoring program despite Umbridge’s subject being one of her weakest.
“If this blows up, if you get caught… you know what that will mean?”
“Personally,” said Astoria as she moved for the door, “I’d rather not think about it.”
October 8, 1995
The Third Floor
8:11 PM
All had been calm and peaceful until they reached the third floor. Harry had been walking alongside Ron, the twins, and the rest of the Gryffindor team as they made their climb to their common room. One minute, they had been gushing about Ron’s incredible save that practice. So brilliant it had been, it mirrored one made not long ago by the Irish national keeper, Barry Ryan. Even by his lofty standards, it had been considered magnificent, so for Ron to do something so similar was a big deal. Especially after weeks of poor play. They all hoped this was a sign of things to come and perhaps a glimpse of a future in which Ron would match Oliver Wood’s old brilliance.
That conversation had been taking place before a group of Slytherins descended on them. Spells flew in all directions as bodies threw themselves to the side in order to avoid the haze of light. A shriek tore through the corridor seconds after the melee had begun. There had been a second’s pause to see what had happened during which Alicia Spinnet must have been hit with something vile. Her eyebrows had swelled so horribly that they now obscured most of her face. She couldn’t see a thing and was stumbling about the corridor.
The pause gave the Gryffindors time to draw their own wands. When the skirmish began anew, it returned with a vengeance that had not been present the first time.
Harry made to draw his own wand but never got the chance. Something grabbed him with a grip so tight on his wrist that he felt the tips of his fingers go numb. He tried to spin out of their grip but winced when dagger-like nails pierced his skin. Blood welled up and threatened to spill forth if he pulled away, so he allowed himself to be dragged backwards, ready to draw his wand and fight at the first available opportunity.
It turned out that Harry had been standing near a doorway, for he swiftly found himself pulled inside what appeared to be one of the castle’s many abandoned rooms. Whoever had a hold on his wrist released their grip and Harry whirled to face them, bringing his wand up to fire a spell as he did so.
“Would you really curse a sweet and innocent maiden, Potter? That wouldn’t be very chivalrous of you, would it? Dumbledore might even be disappointed.”
Harry held up his left arm. The skin where her nails had dug in had quickly swollen. There was now a ring of it that had puffed out and turned pink. “I don’t know what you call innocent, but I do know this definitely didn’t feel very ‘sweet’.”
“It would be boring if all of our taste buds worked the same way, wouldn’t it?”
Harry scowled as he straightened his shoulders and looked at his assailant for the first time. She was tall and slender, with pale skin, honey-blonde hair, and ice-blue eyes. Her pink lips had an upward curve to them that indicated she was resisting the urge to smirk.
Harry was too aware of the danger the girl posed to look away from her face. He searched for any sign of movement or impending attack. He found none. The slim nose and perfectly shaped brows betrayed her prestigious ancestry, but no sign of a threat. Harry found it hard to look away once their eyes met. Hers were bright and wide with the rush of the moment. They seemed to have their own gravity and it took a concerted effort to pull his gaze away from hers.
Harry recognized her, if vaguely. He could never remember saying so much as a word to her, but he knew her name if nothing else. Snape had praised her often enough in Potions and Hermione had mentioned her once or twice. If only she could be convinced to join the DA. Perhaps then, the Order would one day have a potioneer they could rely on without expecting a dagger in their backs at every turn.
“What the hell do you want, Greengrass?”
The girl raised a thin eyebrow. “Touchy, are we?”
“I think that describes you better than me,” Harry bit back, showing her the marks on his wrist again. He flicked his eyes away from her face and pointedly down to her hands. “Do you touch up every bloke you come across?”
“You seem awfully bothered by a couple of scratches. Between the two of us, it doesn’t exactly make your fairytale about last June seem any more believable.”
Harry ground his teeth together. Of course she was going to side with Voldemort. She was a Slytherin, a snake, the enemy. He had been foolish to hope for a second that she could believe in him.
“I guess it would be a fairytale to you, wouldn’t it? What, with your snake-faced bastard of a master back again? Have your parents already kissed the hems of his robes? Or maybe he prefers they do lip service somewhere—”
Harry’s ears rang and his head snapped back as the loud smack of Greengrass’s hand against his cheek rang through the room. “Don’t you dare talk about my family!”
Harry raised his hand and felt the cheek she had slapped a second earlier. It felt hot to the touch and he suspected it too would swell up before the night was at its end. He hadn’t even noticed her step forward before her hand had left yet another impression on him. She had yet to step back. If Harry leant forward even an inch, their bodies would be in contact and perfectly aligned, curve fitting against curve like a human puzzle made only from two pieces.
Daphne’s chest was heaving up and down from her angered breathing and her mouth was slightly parted and turned downward with her disdain. She had slapped him and was still acting as righteous as any Gryffindor could ever hope.
“Then make your point and be quick about it,” Harry spat at her.
“If you hurt my sister or drag her down with the rest of you idiots, you’ll have worse to deal with than scrapes and bruises.”
“Your… sister?” Harry’s rage broke all at once. He wasn’t sure what he had been expecting, but that had not been it. Something about Umbridge, perhaps. Greengrass was a part of her Inquisitorial Squad, after all.
This had apparently been the wrong thing to say. A reddish-pink tinge had taken refuge in Greengrass’s cheeks and she suddenly looked ready to slap him again. “Yes, Potter, my sister. Glad to know how little you care about the students you’re teaching.”
Harry opened his mouth to snap back, but he closed it just as quickly. If Greengrass was a member of Umbridge’s band of sycophants and she knew about the DA, that meant that others might, too. Perhaps the Top Toad herself knew more than even her most recent educational decree indicated.
“I don’t—”
“Oh, can it. I’m off-duty and don’t plan to sell you out to Umbridge. It wouldn’t matter if I did. Your little group isn’t going anywhere unless you’re stupid enough to let someone prove that it exists. Not as long as Dumbledore is Headmaster.”
“Then what are you after?”
“I told you that already. Merlin, you’re dense. My sister. She was stupid enough to join up with you. I want your word that you won’t let her get into any trouble.”
“My… word?”
“Yes. I’d offer to use smaller words, but I think I might have a hard time coming up with many shorter than four letters.”
“You’ve made it pretty clear you don’t trust me,” said Harry. “What good is my word to you?”
Greengrass’s expression shifted to something more stoic. “You’re a lot of things. I think you’re an idiot, but I don’t think you’re as big a dick as Malfoy says you are. A bit too attention-seeking for my tastes, but I do think you care about other people — even if you don’t remember all of their names.”
Now, it was Harry’s turn to blush. “Look, there were dozens of people there. I couldn’t have—”
“I get it,” sighed Greengrass. “That part… might have been a touch harsh. I do actually believe you care. I don’t see why you’d have started this group if you didn’t; it’s not like you’re starving for attention as of late.”
“Then why come after me so hard?”
“I just… you’re not smart enough to make sure this whole thing doesn’t go up in smoke. Neither is Granger, no matter what you think. I don’t want my sister caught up in your mess. Your word, Potter. Your word that you’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
“You just said I’m not smart enough to keep myself and the group out of trouble. What makes you think I can keep your sister out of Umbridge’s line of fire?”
“That’s not what I said. Your group will go up in smoke, but you’ll get away — you always do.” She was looking at him differently now. There was a probing look about her stare. It was strangely intense, almost as though her eyes were trying to swallow him whole. It was like she was trying to pull answers out from under his skin just by looking at him. “If there’s one thing I’ve always respected about you, it’s your knack for getting out of impossible situations.”
Harry understood her meaning. “I’ll make you a deal, Greengrass.” She tilted her head to the side and did not break eye contact with him the whole time. “I’ll keep your sister out of trouble if you’ll hold off on slapping me in the face next time we run into each other.”
The last thing Harry expected to happen took place then. Greengrass actually smiled at him. It was a strange sight after how furious she had been glowering a moment earlier.
Harry preferred her smile; it suited her well. “I’ll hold you to that,” she vowed. “I won’t make any promises about what will happen if you don’t hold up your end of the bargain.”
“Between the two of us,” said Harry as he moved towards the door, “I’m going to really hope we don’t need to worry about that possibility.”
The next night, in the Room of Requirement…
There was something incredibly fulfilling about watching the members of Dumbledore’s Army practicing the Disarming and Shield Charms. Simple as Zacharias Smith might have made them out to be, a great number of the students had struggled at the beginning. Many of them had gotten the hang of at least one of them over the course of the lesson. Even Neville was casting Expelliarmus perfectly more often than not, though his aim was more worrisome for people nearby than it was for its target.
The expressions on many faces as they left the room made Harry smile. This was truly what learning was all about. Umbridge, Slinkhard, and that damn book could go burn in whatever hell awaited them. This was how it ought to be done; with students learning magic, forging friendships, and enjoying themselves all the while. Ron and Hermione appeared to agree with him if the ear-to-ear grins they wore were any indication. It really was a euphoric feeling. Not unlike winning a heated Quidditch match in a lot of ways. The feeling was so uplifting it had even purged him of the dread he felt at Umbridge’s inevitable retaliation. He had skipped detention with her tonight in order to host the DA’s first official meeting.
Somebody cleared their throat from nearby. The spell that glee had cast upon him did not break when he saw the girl standing before him, but it did waver as he remembered a stinging pain on his cheek and an icy-eyed glare.
“Greengrass, right?” Harry asked the girl who had probably been watching him all lesson long.
“Astoria, yeah.”
Harry could see the resemblances to Daphne, but the sisters were far from the same. Their faces were shaped in similar ways and they both had a perpetually haughty look about them. Astoria’s eyes were brown as opposed to ice-blue and her hair was of a similar colour — several shades darker than her older sister’s. She looked warmer somehow, looser and more inviting in a way her sister had certainly not seemed.
“Can I help you with anything?” asked Harry, suddenly aware of the many pairs of eyes that watched them as he wondered how much of the previous day’s events Astoria might have known. He tried not to tousle his hair or look away as he waited for her answer, for both impulses felt as pressing as the need to scratch an especially vexing itch.
Astoria too seemed aware of the watchful eyes all around them. She appeared a great deal smaller and less confident than Daphne had been the day before, but she held his gaze. “I just wondered if my sister had given you any problems.”
“We… had a discussion,” Harry admitted.
“Sorry,” Astoria muttered, suddenly blushing. “She shouldn’t have done that; I told her to stay out of it.”
“It’s fine, I get it. If I had a little sister, I’d want to make sure she was all right, too. She was just… uh… forceful.”
Astoria winced. “Yeah, she is a bit, isn’t she?” She twirled a lock of brown hair around her finger. “I hope she didn’t do anything like make threats or something.”
“She… had some choice words.” When Harry saw the flush return, he sighed. “Look, it’s all right. She’s not the first person I’ve dealt with threatening me for things I never did or haven’t done yet. And after Voldemort, your sister doesn’t scare me much.”
Astoria looked dumbstruck for a moment before she hid a giggle behind her hand. “No, I guess she wouldn’t, would she?”
“Not really, no. Don’t worry about it. I can handle myself and I can handle your sister. Just don’t make me regret letting a ‘slimy snake’ in the DA. I’d hate to have you turn against us when we crush you bunch of gits out on the pitch.”
A smile returned to the girl’s lips; a slight, thin smile that teased the coming of more. “Keep telling yourself that, Potter. Be careful out there; Daphne might not hit that hard, but I bet a bludger will.”
It was the most she had resembled her sister all lesson and Harry resisted the urge to smile at the reminder of Daphne’s flare. “From Crabbe or Goyle? It would probably hurt like hell. I’d have to ask the spot about ten feet to my left; I reckon it’s more likely to get hit than me.”
Astoria giggled once more as she shyly waved and made off for the exit. Harry watched her back as she left. It was so strange how unlike each other siblings could be.
October 10, 1995
The Entrance Hall
6:52 PM
Umbridge’s rage had been something to behold after Harry had skipped her most recent detention. He would now pay for it by spending at least one evening each week in her office writing lines until the end of the year. Harry had broken her first cursed quill the night he’d broken into her office, but she had evidently ordered another. The words on the back of his hand had already begun to heal less effectively than they had the first few detentions. Soon, he was sure they would cease disappearing altogether. Harry suspected that by the year’s end, they might well be visible from half a room away.
His lesson with the vile woman that day had been the worst yet. Gryffindor had lost more points than they had ever lost during a lesson with Snape. The pink-clad pest had been fit to explode and Harry had been told to wait outside the Great Hall once he finished his meal that evening.
That was where he stood now. Ron and Hermione had offered to wait with him, but he ushered them off ahead. If Umbridge was going to personally escort him, it would do no good for them to be in her crosshairs. She might well assign them detentions for her own sick amusement since by now, she was far beyond caring about the castle’s rules or any ethics that supposedly came with the position of a professor.
“Come with me, Potter.”
Harry snapped out of his daze as though he had suddenly been pulled from a deep and vivid dream. It was not Umbridge who stood nearby waiting, but Daphne Greengrass, tapping her foot upon the floor much like Astoria had done last night as she waited.
“Umbridge sent you, I take it?” Greengrass nodded curtly. “Figures. She would send one of her attack dogs to do the dirty work for her.”
Daphne’s expression was completely impassive. “Professor Umbridge has better things to do than to make sure students make it to detention on time.”
“Yeah, I’m sure she’s having a right old time trying to come up with new and creative ways not to teach us Defence Against the Dark Arts.”
“Come along, Potter. I also have better things to do than to make sure students make it to detention.”
“Is she doing this for everyone?” Harry asked.
“No, just you. She’s set up a rotation.”
“Aren’t I special?”
“That’s certainly one word for it.”
“I prefer spectacular, but it will do.”
“Stupid twat might suit you better. Now, follow me.”
“I think you’re getting me mixed up with your boss,” Harry said as he finally began to follow in Greengrass’s footsteps. “Maybe you can take that up with her next time you’re nose deep in her—”
“She is our teacher; get a grip and stop being a child.”
Harry shrugged, hesitated, and held up his hand right as the two of them passed by a line of flickering torches. The words stood out starkly in the torchlight, and even though she spared him but a quick glance, it was apparent by the widening of her eyes that Greengrass had spotted the results of Umbridge’s cruelty.
“Sorry, Greengrass. I must not tell lies.”
November 17, 1995
The Seventh Floor
8:41 PM
Dolores Umbridge was a lot of things. Harry listed unattractive, abrasive, annoying, and a complete and utter bitch chief amongst them. What she wasn’t, unfortunately, was stupid.
This attempt at breaking into her office had not gone as successfully as the first. Unlocking the door had obviously triggered some sort of warning sign because before he had finished trashing the place for a second time, the Inquisitorial Squad arrived in all its green and silver glory.
Harry would have liked to put on his invisibility cloak and just vanish into thin air, but that was quite difficult when being chased by a bunch of inbred, pureblood fanatics. Their spells were basic, but many were vicious and clearly carried ill intent. They just kept on coming. Harry was faster and well-practiced at these games. They had made up a large part of his existence on Privet Drive. He also had a much deeper understanding of the castle and its secret passages.
What he was not, unfortunately, was able to multiply. There were considerably more of them than there were of him, which made losing them altogether more difficult than he had anticipated. A couple of the spells actually managed to get through — a nasty Cutting Curse had opened a fair-sized gash right above his ribs; one that stung like a hundred pointed needles. He was also beginning to tire as they reached the seventh floor.
He could think of only one escape as he hurtled around a familiar bend and plunged into a corridor that was marked by an absurd tapestry of an old, bewildered-looking man trying and failing to teach a number of mountain trolls the art of ballroom dancing.
More spells flew past him, but he had put some ground between himself and the others. It had been told to him by Dobby that he needed to walk back and forth three times in front of the blank stretch of wall. The elf had never mentioned anything about sprinting both ways. He had never told Harry he couldn’t, so the Gryffindor youth supposed it was as good a time as any to test that breakthrough theory.
The door materialized on the third pass just like it always had. Its arrival came not a moment too soon, for they were well and truly on him now.
Harry’s body thudded against the door as his hand scrambled to find the knob. His momentum forced it open and he toppled inside. The last sight he saw before frantically scrambling to his feet and slamming the door closed once more was the sharp, knowing gaze of Daphne Greengrass.
November 26, 1995
The Third Floor
9:34 PM
Daphne ran a hand through her long blonde hair as she stepped out from the broom cupboard she had just been confined to. She was grateful no one was around to see her now. Her hair was a tangled mess and her robes had been jostled and were in a state of disarray. Creases showed all over and they were far from straight. Anyone who spotted her then would have been surprised by how unlike herself she appeared.
Cormac McLaggen was far from the most pleasant fellow she could have chosen for the day’s… escapades, but he was the very definition of a brainless Gryffindor. It had taken almost no effort at all to get him into a compromising position and even less to convince him to talk once he was there. He had also been the surest bet she could come up with for someone who had pissed Umbridge off enough to earn himself detention. Daphne had felt her own mood dip after three minutes of being in the boy’s presence. If he had lasted this long without detention from Umbridge, she’d have swallowed Lucius Malfoy’s famous cane.
Not only had he served detention, but he had been the second Gryffindor she had spotted with odd scarring on the back of his hand. His had been much less distinct than Potter’s and the words had been different. She hadn’t been able to decipher exactly what they were, but she quite liked to think they said something along the lines of: ‘I am a bumbling troll who should never have pretended otherwise.’
She wondered whether the fainter scars were what made it seem different now. She had felt nothing when looking at McLaggen’s; just a dull sense of dread when thinking about exactly what she had gotten herself into.
When she’d looked at Potter’s… it had been different. Something had stirred inside her. It had been massive and restless, writhing with furious displeasure when she had glimpsed the words carved into the back of the boy’s hand.
She shook herself from the thoughts and glanced at her reflection in a nearby window. She looked as out of place as expected, but that was not what she was focusing on. Her blue eyes watched the tiny silver badge she wore. From afar, its design was impossible to decipher. Up close, one could make out the faint outline of a wizard with his wand held high, surrounded by a witch, a centaur, a goblin, and a house elf. Daphne recognized the image. It was eerily similar to what was depicted by the Fountain of Magical Brethren, situated in the Ministry of Magic’s main atrium. It was about as subtle as a speeding bludger, but it sent a very clear message.
A message that Daphne had questioned in the best of times. A message that had become murkier still when she began to watch her peers falling further and further behind in Umbridge’s class. A message that became even harder to buy into the second Astoria had thrown her hat in with Potter and his friends.
But now?
How difficult was it going to be to support the message and its sender now? Now that she knew exactly what was going on behind closed doors at Hogwarts and now that she had seen what the woman was putting Potter through.
No… that last thought did not warrant consideration. It was stupid; he was stupid — just a simple-minded attention seeker draped in crimson robes. She should cease sparing the thought of him her time or energy.
Daphne could see her expression in the window. She had a way of looking emotionless and robotic when she was confused or lost in thought. It was ironic, really, for that was how she would need to act if she wished to maintain this facade.
Daphne shook her head slowly at the sounds of movement from behind her. It was coming from the broom cupboard; her cue to flee the scene of the crime had come.
December 2, 1995
The Dungeons
3:43 PM
Harry really despised Helga Hufflepuff’s taste. Of all the places she could have situated her common room and the kitchens, why in Merlin’s name had she chosen the dungeons? They were dark, dreary places often disturbed by dusty drafts and dampened by desolate air.
And, most unforgivable of all, there were Slytherins in the dungeons.
Harry had never exactly gotten along with the fourth of the school that traipsed around in green and silver, but their relationship had grown more toxic than ever since the return of Voldemort. Accusing the parents of some of the house’s more prevalent members hadn’t exactly bolstered any shreds of goodwill he may have had left within the house of cunning. Nor had pissing off Umbridge, who had treated their house with almost as much partisan favour as Snape.
This had been his first undisturbed trip down to the kitchens in quite some time. Lately, he’d found himself plagued by malicious snakes more often than not. They were almost as troublesome as the Inquisitorial Squad. It was no surprise. Tensions between the two houses had been at an all-time high since the violent conclusion to their most recent clash out on the Quidditch pitch. Green and silver-clad figures had been making his life hell ever since. Intruding upon their domain in the dungeons was really just asking for trouble.
This afternoon had been different. Harry had made it all the way into the kitchens without drama and was on his way out with his pockets full of sweets when he noticed something was off. There was shouting from not far away. Several different voices appeared to be arguing with one another.
Harry ought to have used the distraction and fled the dungeons right then and there. Most students would gladly have seized the opening, but Harry was more curious as to what was going on than he was averse to spending any more time in the dungeons.
Having an invisibility cloak also helped. He made it all the way to the scene of the shouting without trouble, but his eyebrows rose at the sight before him.
A fourth-year Slytherin boy was sprawled out on the floor. Bits of his hair were strewn all over the corridor and what was left on his head was chopped and uneven. Good, Harry thought. That was what the prat got for taking one of Umbridge’s silver badges.
“His hair,” Harry heard someone whisper from nearby. “Someone said it tried to strangle him and had to be cut!”
“That’s ridiculous,” another voice replied. “I’ve never heard of a spell like that.”
“I have,” said a third, “read about it in a book I took out of the Restricted Section once. It might look funny, but it’s actually a dangerous spell. People have died because of it.”
Harry too knew the spell. It was one he had used as an example in one of the more recent gatherings of Dumbledore’s Army. He hadn’t taught the class how to cast it, but he doubted it would have been difficult to learn once the members knew of it.
“I didn’t do it!”
That voice jolted Harry from his thoughts. It was a relatively new voice in his memory, but it was one he still recognized. He crept closer to the centre of the crowd and saw her.
Astoria was standing with her back against a wall. Dolores Umbridge was looming nearby with an ugly sneer upon her toad-like face. She just had the most cursable face — Harry wanted to try out some of the more vile magics he’d read about any time he saw it.
Umbridge gave her usual, tittering laugh. “My dear, you’ve been caught red-handed. We have an eyewitness report.”
“Well, your eyewitness lied.”
“And why would she do that?”
Astoria scowled. “Beats me.”
“That’s not a very convincing defence, if you don’t mind me saying,” Umbridge said with that same, tittering laugh.
Harry’s eyes swept over the crowd. The entirety of the Inquisitorial Squad was there, but Harry’s eyes rested on one member in particular. Her lips were pulled in a tight line that would have made Professor McGonagall proud and her eyes looked ready to shoot sparks.
Harry remembered the conversation they’d had earlier in the year after the girl had dragged him forcefully into an abandoned classroom.
“I’ll keep your sister out of trouble if you’ll hold off on slapping me in the face next time we run into each other.”
That had been a promise Harry had thought nothing of at the time; merely an amusing quip that got Greengrass off his back. Now, it was suddenly more relevant than he had ever planned on.
If Astoria had snuck out after curfew or violated one of the educational decrees, that might have been one thing. Harry supposed he had never specified the offence had to be DA-related, but he thought he might have been able to get away with standing back in one of those cases.
But this had resulted from a spell he had indirectly taught her, and Astoria was definitely guilty. Harry had grown up around Dudley — a boy who had spent half of his time in elementary school lying his way out of similar situations. Harry knew exactly how to tell when someone was guilty of these kinds of offences.
He looked at the eldest Greengrass sister once more. Something tugged inside him at the sight of her expression. She seemed so tense. It bothered Harry. There was something about her that was gone. A sort of smooth, elegant confidence that was maddeningly hard to ignore. He felt himself tense as his muscles seemed to solidify along with his resolve.
He audibly sighed as he stepped forward and swiftly pocketed his invisibility cloak. Damn his Gryffindor chivalry, damn his profound lack of foresight, and damn Daphne Greengrass, too.
Umbridge’s beady eyes found him at once and he knew without needing to hear what came next that she was about to conveniently forget both Astoria’s existence and her eyewitness report. Anything to pin the crime on her least favourite student.
December 10, 1995
The Seventh Floor
10:11 PM
Hogwarts’ High Inquisitor had many vexing qualities. Her utter refusal to teach Defence Against the Dark Arts, her loathing for any colour that wasn’t pink, her disdain for anyone who opposed her ideals — the list went on for as long as the sprawling bit of parchment hung in Filch’s office stating exactly what he forbid all the students from doing. Harry thought that among Umbridge’s most horrid qualities, the one that annoyed him most may have been her knack for not making the same mistake twice.
Her Inquisitorial Squad had chased him onto the seventh floor again. He had briefly contemplated making a break for the Gryffindor common room, but he had dismissed the idea just as fast. Malfoy would absolutely be petty enough to go to Umbridge directly, who would absolutely be stuck up enough to barge into the common room.
His next thought was to flee once more to the Room of Requirement, but that was when his plans ran head-first into a brick wall about as thick as Umbridge’s ego.
Two seventh-year Slytherins guarded the mouth to the corridor he had vanished in last time they had chased him. Thank Merlin that patrol wasn’t a regular fixture of the castle. It would have made DA meetings impossible if it had been.
Harry could hear pounding feet behind him drawing closer and closer. At least the two students up ahead had not yet spotted him. In a bout of desperation, he dove sideways, hit the floor, and rolled behind the nearest suit of armour just as the first pursuer flew around the corner.
It was Greengrass. Her chest was heaving, her hair was tousled, and her complexion was uncharacteristically marred by a thin sheen of sweat. Seeing her so dishevelled was odd, but Harry found something about it entrancing. The soft yet persistent sounds of her weary breathing, the way thin strands of her bright hair stuck to her forehead and shone in the torchlight, the rhythmic movements of her chest…
Harry forced his mind to move on; now was not the time. He knew he was finished as soon as she entered the corridor. Her eyes had honed in on him at the last possible moment. She must have caught his movement or otherwise spotted the hem of his robes. It mattered not what she had seen, he supposed. All that mattered was that she was about to alert the Inquisitorial Squad to his predicament and the chase would be over. He could see it now. Her eyes flicked around the corridor and her lips were parting to call forth the death blow…
“He’s disappeared again! I don’t see him anywhere!”
Harry almost choked on his own breath.
What had just happened? Why the hell had Daphne Greengrass lied for him? Lied to her friends and companions.
Many curses streamed from the group of now panting students who had stopped dead upon hearing Greengrass’s proclamation.
“Let’s check this way!” called Montague — the Slytherin Quidditch captain. “He could have slipped off down here; there’s a tapestry down this corridor and to the right.”
Harry’s pursuers regained their vigour and charged off in the direction Montague had indicated. Daphne Greengrass hesitated for a moment before glancing around, almost as though she wanted to be sure no one was watching her.
Her hand moved swiftly. It vanished into her robes for a moment before re-emerging and falling to her side. It happened so fast, Harry might have thought she was scratching an itch if not for the roll of parchment that fell to the floor and skidded towards him just as Greengrass took off after the others.
Harry gawked at the missive as though it had fallen from the stars. Among the deepest, darkest secrets of the known universe, Harry counted teenaged Slytherin girls as being right near the top.
December 11, 1995
The Black Lake
6:45 AM
The next morning dawned with all the vibrant glory one could expect from a December morning in the Scottish highlands. In other words, the sun had shown no signs of emerging whatsoever by the time Harry left the castle that next morning, bundled in his warmest travelling cloak and shivering against the vicious winter winds.
If anyone would have asked him the day before, Harry would have told them that Daphne Greengrass could not become any more perplexing. It was a statement he would have been about as confident in as he was in the return of Voldemort, but it was one he would have swiftly needed to retract the second he read her conspicuous letter.
Why in Merlin’s name she would want to meet before seven in the morning in the dead of winter, Harry would never be able to comprehend. It was a horrific time of the morning on the best of occasions, but in the middle of December, his travelling cloak seemed about as useless as wrapping himself in a layer of parchment.
Snow had fallen in the dark of night. When Harry had closed his eyes yesterday, there had been but a thin dusting of pale flakes splattered across the frozen earth. There was now a layer of it that shone pearly white in the darkness of the early morning and blanketed the grounds like a gleaming layer of icing. He could still hear the water sloshing in the Black Lake as he drew near. It must not have frozen over quite yet, but Harry knew the ice would soon come. He shivered at the thought. Diving into its frozen depths last February was one of his worst memories from fourth year. Which really was saying a lot considering all that had happened as a result of Voldemort’s master plan.
The wind picked up as Harry neared the lake’s bank. Leafless branches rustled above his head as the now frail-looking trees teetered under the wind’s malicious wrath. It kicked up the snow, blowing it this way and that. Some of it hung in the air like a pale layer of fog while most of it just blew into Harry’s face or broke against his cloak.
“Glad to see you look comfortable.”
She was standing on the edge of the water as she watched him, dressed in a travelling cloak of her own. Hers had a hood so large that her head was almost lost in it, but her blue eyes shone in the darkness all around them. They looked like strange muggle traffic lights, but Harry was happy to see them. They were oddly familiar and seemed to soften the harsh touch of the loudly whistling wind.
This time, Harry knew what was coming and looked away before he could become lost in those eyes. “Comfortable’s one word for it,” he said as he stepped up beside her and looked across the water to the towering cliff the castle rested atop. It was one of the only things that seemed unfazed by the arrival of winter.
“You look awake; that’s more than I expected.”
Harry did his best to raise an eyebrow despite the fact he was shivering and she likely couldn’t see it anyway. “Did you think I wouldn’t show up?”
“I wasn’t really sure. I expected you to look like a corpse if you did.”
“Sorry to disappoint you. You’d have needed to summon Ron at this time if you wanted a corpse.”
“If I wanted Weasley, I probably would want his corpse. Talking to that would be just as interesting.”
“Oi!” Harry protested, but he could not hold back the laughter that spilled from him. “What did you want me for, then?” he asked.
Greengrass turned away from him for the first time that morning. There wasn’t enough light to tell for sure, but Harry had a strange suspicion she might be blushing. “To thank you.”
Harry’s eyebrows rose again. “Thank me for what?”
“For getting Astoria out of trouble. I know she was the one to curse Harper. She had been going on about him the night before. I… didn’t expect you to help her out of trouble if it didn’t have to do with your little study group.”
Harry ran a hand through his already windswept hair. He could feel Daphne looking at him again. He remembered the expression she had worn during their first meeting in the abandoned classroom. He shivered at the memory — no, it must just have been the cold, but Merlin… there had been something desperate in her stare; something he could not place. It was a look that might belong to someone who had fallen upon hard times staring at one far more fortunate as they passed by their battered alley.
“It sort of did have to do with our group,” he admitted after a pause, shifting uncomfortably as he did so. “I mentioned the spell she hit Harper with in the last meeting before she cursed him. I’ll bet she heard me talk about it and then looked it up.”
“That does sound a lot like Astoria.” Daphne hesitated again. “She’s getting better, you know.”
“At Defence Against the Dark Arts. Her grades these last few weeks have been better than they ever were. I don’t think she’s the only one, either.”
Harry shifted from foot to foot. “I’m… uh, glad to hear it.”
Merlin, would she look anywhere but at him? It was unnerving. “You have no idea what you’ve done, do you?”
“What I’ve done?” Harry asked
Greengrass sighed. “It’s more than just helping them pass their exams. You’ve made them better. I’ll bet more aurors come out of this crop of students than any in the last two decades.”
Harry opened his mouth, but closed it again when he realized he had no idea what to say. He had never thought of it like that. The DA was supposed to help them all pass their OWLs and for the other students to pass their own sets of exams. Harry had never once dreamed that it might do more than that. It was a jarring thought, but a nice one. A pleasant feeling bloomed inside his chest and suddenly, the frigid air seemed bearable at last.
“I’ve… never really thought of it like that,” he admitted.
“You should think more. It would do you wonders. Who knows? Maybe if you did, you might not even be in detention every second day.”
“Plenty of thought goes into those detentions,” Harry said with a smirk. “Trust me, I plan every one of them.”
“You’re as mad as Dumbledore.”
“I could do worse if that’s who you’re comparing me to.”
Harry could just make out the edges of her smile now. The faintest bits of light had crept into the air all around them and, if he squinted, he could make out her expression more clearly.
“Well,” she said, “thank you for helping Astoria. Both with getting out of trouble and Defence Against the Dark Arts. I still wish she never joined your gang, but you’ve done a lot for her.”
“It’s not my gang. I just teach anyone who wants help.”
Daphne shrugged. “Whatever. I wish she wouldn’t have. I still think it’s going to end poorly, but I appreciate that you at least put in the effort.”
“Was that why you helped me yesterday? To pay me back for helping your sister?”
Daphne stumbled on her words for a moment, but she recovered quickly. “Sure, it was only fair. Chivalry and all that, right?”
Harry laughed, his voice lost in the rush of wind all around them. “Yeah, sure, chivalry. I think I’ll be chivalrous this time and warn you that if you don’t get inside soon, you’ll be lucky to escape without frostbite or hypothermia.”
Finally, it was her turn to laugh — the first time Harry had ever heard it. It was softer than his; quieter, too, but the wind had ceased blowing for a moment so he could hear it clearly. His own lips fought to curve upwards, but he resisted the tug. Why would he smile just because she had laughed?
“I think I’ll take your advice. I’ll see you around, Potter.” She was moving away from him before he could say another word and by the time he moved to follow, she had quickened her stride and was all but gone.
December 18, 1995
The Dungeons
12:02 PM
Astoria cringed watching her sister’s eyes follow Potter as he walked a few paces ahead of them, flanked on either side by Weasley and Granger. Daphne liked to say that Astoria always wore her emotions on her sleeve, but lately, her sister might as well have made a wardrobe out of hers.
Not that Harry was much better. Astoria had not missed the way he looked at her more often than the others during DA meetings. She knew Harry wasn’t interested in her. She knew it wasn’t her who had caught his attention, and she knew it wasn’t her who he saw every time he looked her way. Astoria had seen that enough times in the past few years. Before she had aged into her body, many people who were more interested in her sister looked at her. It had bothered her then, but now, it vexed her in an entirely different way.
She didn’t care that Harry Potter was interested in her sister. She cared even less that her sister seemed incapable of taking her eyes off of Harry Potter. All she cared about was the fact that it was making her life a touch more inconvenient and several times more awkward. Astoria hated cringing and she had done it a lot lately when watching Harry or Daphne.
She thought back to all those times Harry had watched her in the Room of Requirement. It had been especially easy to tell during this last meeting. Harry’s house elf friend, Dobby, had decorated the room for the last few meetings before the winter break. Astoria had been able to see Harry’s emerald-eyed stare reflected in the glass baubles as she practiced the Reductor Curse and the Impediment Jinx.
Dobby… that was a thought. The elf had not only decorated the room, but he had done it up in Harry’s image. It was strange. She had never heard of a house elf ever being so fond of a witch or wizard who was not its master, but perhaps the oddity could be of use to her.
The elf had given Harry instructions about how to use the room, after all…
December 20, 1995
The Room of Requirement
9:43 PM
The DA’s final meeting before the fast-approaching winter holidays had been the most joyous Harry had yet experienced. Seeing the students learn and make friends always made for a pleasant evening, but there had been something special about that night.
Harry wondered if it had anything to do with the nature of the Patronus Charm. Patroni were spirits born from pure and unadulterated happiness. They were literal creations of euphoria. Harry wondered if that was infectious somehow or whether just seeing them cast had been enough. He had been mightily impressed by the members of the DA. A number of them had managed to cast the charm at least once; it was by far Harry’s proudest moment as an instructor.
Something about the meeting stuck with him. The Room of Requirement just seemed more inviting after the night’s affairs. He found himself not quite ready to go when all the other members began filing out. Harry even told both Ron and Hermione to go on ahead and that he would meet them in the common room.
Despite being alone, Harry could still see Neville’s bear traipsing about as he peered around the room. He could still hear Hermione’s otter, still see Luna’s hare bounding through the awestruck students. He wondered whether or not he himself might be able to use the memory for his own patronus in the future. It was among the happiest he could ever remember feeling.
The creak of the room’s entrance opening drew Harry’s attention and he spun on his heel, grasping for his wand as he moved. It was fortunate he never got there, for he was sure he would have dropped it out of astonishment at the sight of the girl standing in the doorway.
She stepped slowly inside and closed the door behind her. “Potter.”
“How did you get in here? I thought—”
“Thought that only members of your gang could get in? That was true until a friend of yours told me how. Don’t worry,” she said, taking several steps towards Harry when she saw him move to protest, “I have no plans to tell anyone else how to get in.”
Daphne had a scent about her that he had never been able to place. Now that they were closer to each other than they had ever been, he thought it smelled vaguely of cinnamon.
“I… appreciate it, I guess.” Harry suddenly found looking at her to be oddly fatiguing. His pulse seemed to quicken every time he did, as though he was partaking in something strenuous. “What are you doing here?” he asked.
Daphne looked him up and down. She had that look again. It made Harry shiver and want to move; towards her or away, he did not know.
They were only inches apart from each other now, both bathed in the light of a nearby torch. Harry liked what it did to Daphne’s hair. It seemed lighter in its glow and it sparkled just like the snow had that morning out by the Black Lake.
She saw where he was looking and glanced towards the torch before something else appeared to draw her attention. Harry saw her glance up and followed the motion, only to freeze, staring up unseeingly at the smooth-edged plant with oval leaves and berries bright as any freshly fallen coat of snow.
“Well,” said Daphne, “I suppose that now, I’m going to thank you properly.”
She was on top of him before he could place her meaning. Harry’s eyes widened as she lurched forward, but her lips met his before he knew what to do. His initial impulse as he felt something he realized a moment later was her tongue was to pull away, but something stopped him. Something forced him to part his lips. It must have been something about the room — he would never have acted in such a way under normal circumstances. That would have been completely ridiculous.
He did it again. She tasted like she smelt; it was a remarkable taste. That morning out by the lake, he had been so terribly cold. The air had chilled his bone and the wind had frozen his blood.
This was different. He was warm, so very warm; he could never remember being so warm in all his life. He liked the warmth; cold suddenly seemed a distant memory, even a foreign concept as he felt his muscles melt and his blood turn to liquid fire. In that room, in that moment, Harry wondered if he would ever be cold again.
Author’s Endnote:
This is extremely far from my normal writing style, so not my best work, but I value practicing things oneself struggles with.
I would like to give a special shoutout to my editor, Athena. Her and I had it out several times over this one. We had very different philosophies on how to make a number of things work, but her input was integral to making this story what it is now. I thank her for not just the input, but for her unwavering patience. This story would absolutely not be what it was without her.
Thank you so much once more to both Lily and Shadow. Seriously, your guys’ support has boggled my mind and I still cannot comprehend it, even now. Thank you both so much for all you have given me and I look forward to keeping up with both of you as time continues to pass.
Happy holidays, everyone!
P.S. I will now be posting one-shots four times a year, roughly on each solstice. If you are fond of them, I look forward to seeing you again this spring!
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"What the actual fuck Bones!?" 
Susan looked at seventh year student Cassius Warrington. The Chaser and Inquisitorial Squad member was standing in front of Dolores Umbridge desk, with a very angry expression.
All this time looking at that toad bitch in the face for what!? Sending everybody on a wild goose chase for what!? “Getting jinxed and hexed for what!?”
“What was the point!?” Warrington threw his hands in the air exasperated.
“You're upset.” Susan observed. 
“Upset is the fucking understatement of the year Bones!”
“Goyle and Crabbe are dumb and dumber. Parkinson is far from Sherlock Holmes or Nancy Drew. That little shit Malfoy doesn't know whether to scratch his watch or wind his got damn ass! I thought this was going to be breeze.”
“But oh no! Did a spell backfire knocking you all in the fucking head during Potter's lessons!?” 
“I have come to the conclusion that you all have lost your bloody damn minds!”
“I don't understand-
“Help me understand Bones, because I'm at a fucking loss here!”
“Answer me this one question, "How'd you all get caught!?"
“You left out Montague and Bulstrode”
"Don't change the subject!"
“Leave Graham alone. He doesn't care for this bat-shit crazy woman or her agenda. He only joined caused he thought he would get extra points towards his N.E.W.Ts and recommendations after graduation, not to be spinning out of control through the Twilight Zone!"
"You're lying." Susan shot back.
"Okay, okay Graham was in on it too about spying on Toadbridge for Dumbledore. Doubt he'll remember it now!"
“That doesn't change the fact that one of you idiots waltzed your asses into this very office and said that you're apart of a secret defense against the dark arts club named after the Headmaster of the school!”
Susan stared blankly at the Slytherin Chaser.
Cassius shook his head and heavily sighed. That's the oldest shit in the book."
“You ever heard of Edmond Dantès and Fernand Mondego?”
"The greatest betrayal never comes from your enemies" Susan said quietly.
"Exactly, how you think the Order of the Phoenix fell during the First War?" Cassius hissed. 
I know for damn sure there aren't any Slytherin students in Dumbledore's Army. Cassius rolled his eyes and growled "you lot really believe in that evil house shit.
Susan frowned. 
“Show some damn respect to Marlene McKinnon, Benjy Fenwick and Sturgis Podmore.” Wasn't no serpent that fucked over the Order.
"I know that!" Susan shot back. "What happened with the D.A. was more out misunderstanding and fear."
"That’s even worse Bones."
It doesn't take a scholar to know who it was though. That 's some vicious shit on Edgecombe's face.
"Word of advice, wise the fuck up and get you all's shit together because it’s naive and sloppy."
“You understand me Bones?”
“Loud and clear Dearborn.”
Cassius huffed and plopped down into the nearest chair.
“Question? Have you ever confided in any of your teammates who you really are?”
“Hell no! For my safety and theirs.”
Warrington nodded toward her leg his voice softened “I heard, apparating can  be a bitch in the beginning.”
"It's alright, I'll get the hang of it." Susan gave her right leg a little shake.
"How's your face?"
"Tch, child's play. Greengrass little sister and her friends are worse than George and Fred." Took Parkinson to the Hospital Wing, she sprouted fucking antlers."
"Daphne's sister hexed you and Pansy!?"
Both Susan and Cassius burst into laughter.
"Heard my name. What's so funny, Warrington did you find the papers yet?" Millicent Bulstrode walked in carrying plates from the kitchen.
"Hi Susan, heard about your apparating accident. Are you alright?"
Hi, Millicent I'm fine. Madam Pomfrey reattached my leg, stayed in the hospital wing for a week.”
Cassius turned and stared in disbelief. "Where the hell were you!? You were suppose to be the look-out. What if Umbridge comes back?"
“I brought you a snack we haven't eaten since breakfast, She's not coming anytime soon.” Millicent said ignoring his comment.
“Why?” Cassius frowned, Susan looked surprised.
“She's being chased by Peeves.”
Ha! Serves the wretch right." Cassius bit into a muffin.
"Wow her idiocy never fails to amaze me" Susan shook her head.
Millicent slammed her hand on the desk, speaking of idiots Bones, you all should rename yourselves "Dumbledore's Dumbasses."
Cassius started laughing hysterically.
"That's not nice Millicent."
“I'm not here to be nice, I'm here to collect intel and report. ”
But you already know that Susan.
Augusta Longbottom, my grandfather Odell, and great-uncle Neville Bulstrode are siblings, triplets to be exact. They were former Aurors who fought on the front lines at Numergard Castle during Gellert Grindlewald's era.
“Oh shit.” You too? Cassius exhaled.
"Her son, my mother, and great-uncle's daughter were first cousins. They were also Aurors. Augusta’s son Frank was tortured into insanity by Bellatrix Lestrange, her husband Rodolphus, brother-in-law Rabastan Lestrange, and Bartemius Crouch Jr."
"My mother was killed and their cousin was injured along with a hundred other hit-wix and aurors during the First Wizarding War."
She grabbed Susan by the collar. “You think I want to be here!? That either of us wants to be here. That Montague wants to be lying in a hospital bed!
"You should not have involved him or Bletchley." Fix it! Millicent snapped at Cassius.
"I don’t want to be near this woman no more than I want to be near a Blast-Ended Skrewt.” 
"I saw Edgecombe too. This shouldn't be put all on her."
"The ministry's been watching Harry since the Triwizarding Tournament. Fudge is paranoid."
“Now everyone knows about your little group and they think you're a faction of the Order of the Phoenix. That Auror who came last week and questioned Edgecombe was Kingsley Shacklebolt who just happens to be a member of the newly reconstituted Order of the Phoenix.”
That pub that you all thought you were "secretly" gathering at belongs to Abeforth Dumbledore. Our headmaster's younger brother.
Did any of you goofs notice a old witch wearing a thick black veil? That was a disguised Order member spying on you lot under the orders of Professor Dumbledore. 
“On top of that there was another creep who was heavily wrapped in bandages, overheard you all and reported it to Umbridge and Minister Fudge. Bet you all didn't notice him either!”
“Since you all think you are soldiers be ready for war and it’s consequences.” 
Susan shoved Millicent’s hand away. “They are not soldiers and this isn’t my little group Bulstrode.”
“That right there is what I’m talking about Bones, naivety."
Potter get a pass just this once, but you and Longbottom understand the severity of this situation you're in. Hell I would think even the Weasleys, maybe not Ron or Ginny but George and Fred were old enough to remember their uncles."  Cassius pointed.
“What do you think an army has? You all signed your names on list right? When a person chooses to enter service they enlist!” “Are you all that daft in the head!?” 
“Anyways I fulfilled my duties and I am Wizengamot members Griselda Marchbanks and your aunt Amelia Bones. Dolores Jane Umbridge torments and uses corporal punishment. I have proof.”
Cassius noticed the back of Millicent’s hands had deep gashes and slices.
What the hell?" Cassius growled.
"The quills", Millicent whispered.
"This isn't punishment it's torture."
“I was too slow in getting to Potter and Prewett. Umbridge tried to use that on Terry Boot once but I “interrupted” her and she sent him off before getting the chance.”
Susan remembered the red scarring on Harry hands in the Room of Requirement. Mafalda Prewett a second year Slytherin student was also in the Hospital Wing for a time with Susan. Mafalda's left arm was heavily bandage but the young witch refused to tell Madam Pomfrey how she was injured.
"Quills did this?"
Cassius started yanking opening drawers tossing out everything until he found a small rectangular sized case. He opened up case and picked up a black feathered quill and examined it.
“No don’t touch those!” Millicent practically screamed yanking Cassius back and  knocking them on the ground.
“She calls them Blood Quills but there one different from the rest. I believe she used it on our second year girl.”
There was a quill whose cream-colored feather looked gnarly and sticky. The item had stripped scarlet-red barbs and insets of tips.
“What on earth is this?” It looks like skin,“ gulped Susan. All three students looked horrified. I once heard her call it the “Flaying Quill.”
Susan snatched a Frolicsome Feline plate from the High Inquisitor's collection and smashed it on the floor in frustration.
“She is not going to get away with this.”
“We agree.”
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starkidpotty · 4 years
In Cahoots [HJP]
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Request: hey omg your writing is so good! can I request Harry and reader being friends and having detention with umbridge together and then walking back together to the common room late at night and taking care of each other and then they admit their feelings for each other? Have a wonderful day! 💕💕 - anon
You never mean to say or do most things, but this time it works out for the better.
Pairing: Harry Potter x Reader
Word Count: ~2.2k
Warnings: mentions of blood, scars, and wounds
A/N: I deviated from them being friends ;( i love awkward teen interactions too much. i hope u enjoy it regardless! <3 
Punishments for misbehavior at Hogwarts were never bloody. Scary, perhaps, but never bloody. Umbridge made it clear she did not care much for this unwritten rule, and had a taste for a more medieval way of disciplining the students. Harry was the first person to incur damage from Dolores’ sadistic black quill, until you found yourself in detention with him. Your reason for detention was stupid (Umbridge’s rules were stupid) as you were found by the Inquistorial squad with a dungbomb you had no intention of using in your pocket. Meanwhile, Harry was serving day three out of his 2 week detention with Umbridge. You mournfully hated that this was the most interaction you and him have had outside of the DA meetings.
Both of you were tasked to repeatedly write I must not break rules until it was scabbed and bleeding onto your hands. You were sat next to Harry, on your 28th or 29th repetition of the line–you lost count, as the pain started to amplify the more you wrote. Umbridge was looking quite pleased with herself, as she paced back and forth while watching the both of you with a nefarious grin plastered onto her ugly face. Tears had started to pool in your eyes making them appear like watercolor-painted puddles. You were trying your hardest to suck them back into your tear ducts to no avail. Tear by slow tear began to crawl its way down your face and onto the empty parchment as you wrote with your quill. The effect of the quill for some odd reason was extreme on your hand. You were bleeding more profusely than your contemporaries, you noticed.
Umbridge finally relinquished the both of you from the painful task and you immediately took hold of your book bag, haphazardly dropping the black quill onto the floor, and flounced to the exit, beating Harry to it.
Your lips were pressed together in a fine line, trying to stifle in a cry until you rounded a corner and sat on the nearest bench. In a desperate attempt to get the bleeding to stop, you carelessly unknotted your Gryffindor tie and tied it over the wounds. You sat for a few seconds, pressing firmly on the wound to get it to stop bleeding. Your tears were now free flowing at this point.
Harry spots you from his peripherals, as he exits detention. Harry walks over to you to comfort you, as he knows how terrible the wounds are the first time around. You, on the other hand, were so fixated on the wound, that as you stood up to go to the girl’s lavatory, the top of your head made contact with Harry’s jaw. 
Harry takes a few steps back, surprised by the sudden contact between your scalp and his chin. And, you are now nursing two boo-boos instead of the one. Harry composes himself quickly and takes steps toward, while still clutching his jaw. You are holding your head and while your hand bleeds freely over the floor, even with the tie wrapped around it.
“You’re, uh, bleeding,” He stammers as his eyes follow the drops of blood. He swoops to take your hand and unravel the red-stained, makeshift Gryffindor tie bandage, carelessly placing it in his front pocket. He tries his best to be gentle but failing as you wince, “Quite a lot.”
“I am fairly well-aware, Harry.” You didn’t mean for this to come off as snarky, but as the pain and bleeding on your hand intensify, you really couldn’t control your tone, even if it was Harry that was talking to you.
“Of course, sorry.” He replies to you sheepishly, “I’ll help you clean it up, if it’s alright.” Harry took this opportunity to not only help you, but to be able to stand in such close proximity to you–something he’s been pathetically inching towards the whole school year. 
He doesn’t wait for your response and leads you to the girl’s lavatory, heading straight to the sink. He turns the faucet on and gently takes your hand under the running water. He wipes away the blood with both his hands, and you stare at his hand. Underneath the newly minted wounds were faded and healing wounds spelling out “I must not tell lies”. 
The pain made its presence on your hand very clear, but your thoughts were swirling around erratically. Harry Potter was tending to your wounds, holding your hand, standing oh-so painstakingly close to you in the girl’s lavatory. Your little schoolgirl crush on him started after the Yule Ball and stayed ever since. So, regardless of how much pain you were in, you were enjoying his presence. 
He’s fixated on your hands as quite literally, the bleeding wouldn’t stop, no matter how hard he pressed. Also because he was too shy to look at you, square in the face. 
“With all the bleeding, I’d guess you were a hemophiliac,” Harry declares seriously, trying to make the atmosphere more comfortable.
You didn’t know whether to take this as a joke or an insult as you, being the pureblood you were, did not know what a hemophiliac was. You give him a confused look, head tilted slightly, brows furrowed at the center. Harry, on the other hand, was beating himself up for trying to cut the silence in such a dumb way. 
“Sorry? Is that a muggle joke?” You question. 
“Oh, er, sorry,” He awkwardly stammers out, “It’s a muggle condition where your wounds don’t quite necessarily know when to stop bleeding.” 
All you muster is a softly-spoken, oh. You were still awkwardly standing with your hand in Harry’s. Harry turns off the faucet and  grabs your tie out from his pocket. He dabs it gently and presses it firmly onto your wounded hand. With his free hand, he fishes his wand from his pocket. 
Uncovering your tie from the wound he says, “Episkey,” while pointing his wand at your hand. The wounds scabbed over, stopping the bleeding. As your tie is drenched in blood (you were astounded at how much blood your hand let out, perhaps you were what muggles called a “hemophiliac”), Harry unties his own tie and wraps it around your scabbed hand for good measure. You take this opportunity to wipe your face dry with your untouched hand. He hands you your bloodied tie and you shove it into your bookbag. 
He stares at you and smiles, “I hope that would help, one way or another.” He’s still holding your wounded hand and stares at you. You look to meet his eyes and for a few seconds your eyes lock. You get red in the face and look down quickly. Harry lets out an awkward chuckle and gently drops your hand out of his. 
“Thank you, Harry, but what about your wounds?” You ask him as now you take his wounded hand. You examine the scar on his left-hand. You rub your thumb gently near the wounds, paying extra attention to not gloss over the newly formed scabs. He tamely takes his hand away from you and hangs it at his side.
“I’ll manage.” He replies to you. Not wanting to give you the chance to contest he continues, “Uh, would you like to head back to the common room together?” 
“I don’t think we’ve much a choice,” you respond, smiling lightly.  
Walking out the girl’s lavatory–thanking Merlin that no one saw Harry scamper out the door–and make your way to the Gryffindor tower. The silence is extremely awkward. Harry sneaks glances at you, as you look out to the Hogwarts courtyard to ease out of whatever mental bind you’ve put on your tongue. 
“So, Ha–” you begin. At the same time, Harry opens his mouth to speak uttering the first syllable of your name. You both look down at the floor, grinning like idiots. 
“Sorry,” Harry says, “Please, you first.”
You let out a breathless half-giggle, “Umbridge’s quill is quite evil, isn’t it?”
“Indeed.” Harry wanted to scream into a cauldron. Months of imagining a full-on conversation with you in his head and all he could muster was a puny indeed? 
Another awkward pause takes a hold of the two of you. 
You begin again, “So… are you and Cho, er, together? In cahoots?” You mentally slap yourself on the forehead. What kind of teenager  says cahoots unironically?
“Me? Cho?” Harry questions you, looking bewildered. Harry was surprised at your question, as he thought his pitiful pining over you was already painfully obvious.
“Is-is it not a thing?” You stammer out, a bit surprised. 
“Not in the slightest.” Confirms Harry. 
“Well, I only ask,” You pause, trying to recollect your thoughts and choose your words carefully, “because you too seem very close.”
“Well, she’s a good friend, but no. We aren’t together. She’s still mourning Cedric.” 
“Oh, I can only imagine.”
A third awkward silence takes you both once more. You are unaware, but Harry is just as nervous as you are. You and Harry have finally made it to the moving staircases, you two make your way up. Just as you hit the middle of the staircase, it moves, leaving you and Harry stuck until it returns to its original position. Harry wanted to throw himself off of the magical staircase right about now.
Harry thinks this is as good a time as ever to sneakily confirm–hopefully deny–his suspicions and continues the conversation, “What about you, and, uh, Anthony Goldstein?” 
Your face reflexively cringes and Harry smiles at the scene, “Have I said something?” 
“Yes, you said Anthony Goldstein.” 
“Well, I thought you and he were in cahoots.” He jokes at you, trying to fake confidence.
You bury your face in your hands, “Merlin, he was a git. He was quite rude to me after he told me how he felt about me because I confessed I had a little crush on you.” You immediately regret the oversharing of information as Harry eyes widen. But deep down, he’s more relieved than not, as you had accidentally made the proverbial first move.
You try and play it off with a laugh, “Well, I mean, they say you are the Chosen One, and, uh I think you are quite nice-looking,” Nice-looking? you think to yourself. You continue to save yourself the embarrassment, “you’re great at spells too, and, uh, very brave, I’d say.”
Harry goes red in the face at your flurry of compliments, but he only repeats, “Nice-looking?”
Harry doesn’t know what force propels him to start acting all cheekily with you but he says, “I think you’re, er, quite nice-looking as well. Talented at spells, too.” 
“So I guess it’s agreed upon then?” you ask him. 
“That we both think we are nice-looking...and good at spellwork.” You joshed. 
“If anything, I think you’re more than quite nice-looking–you’re very beautiful.” Harry says so quickly, it’s almost a miracle he didn’t trip over his tongue.
It’s as though your’s and Harry’s faces were having a contest on who could make who redder–you were sure you were winning.
“That’s you, I think.” You say to return the compliment, then subsequently groaning realizing how it came out.
“You think I’m beautiful too?” Harry bantered.. 
“Much more beautiful than me, I suppose.” 
The staircase finally shifts to the correct landing and the both of you ascend to the Gryffindor tower entrance, Harry says the password, gesturing for you to step in first. You turn to him to thank him but your lips meet his cheek instead. You inadvertently tell him you have a crush on him and then you inadvertently make a move on him, not even 2 minutes apart? What a mess. 
“Merlin, sorry, Harry! I didn’t realize you were so close.” You apologize. 
“No worries, [Y/N]” He says without looking at you as his stomach suddenly turned into a trapeze artist and started doing flips upon flips. 
Thank Merlin there was no one in the common room to watch you and Harry make bumbling fools of yourselves. You both pause at the entryway of the common room, until you begin to speak.
“I want to say thank you, by the way,” You say. You begin to unravel his tie from your hand, seeing as your hand was no longer hurting. “Here’s your, uh, tie, by the way. Thank you for tending to it, even if you didn’t have to.” 
“Anytime,” Harry replies. 
You turn to head to the stairs to make way to your dormitory but Harry calls out.
“I just want to repeat that me and Cho aren’t, er, dating or, as you call it, in cahoots. ” He says to you.
“You’ve said that,” You tell him while smiling. 
“Perhaps, you and I could be in cahoots–I mean it could be something you and I could work toward, if it’s alright with you, but if it’s not, it’s completely fine, I’d still think you’re very beautiful regardless.” Harry is rapping at this point, heart beating in his ears.
You’re surprised and extremely elated at Harry’s burst of confidence, “It is alright by me, Harry. I think I’d like that–I know I would, actually.”
“Brilliant. Absolutely excellent.” He beams. 
masterlist here
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dramionediscussion · 4 years
I honestly believe that antis don’t know what dramione is actually about, and believe we just ship a bully with his victim–and refuse to deviate from their reasoning.
But dramione is NOT about that, because literally NO ONE in the dramione fandom (except a few bad apples) would ship a childhood bully draco with hermione. We understand that yes, doing that would make it toxic/abusive. 
draco’s racism was taught to him, just like the weasley children were taught that muggles and wizards and muggleborns were equal. the first eleven years of his life, he grew up with lucius malfoy as a role model–one of the chief blood supremacists. we know that canonically draco worshipped his dad. he learnt that muggleborns were scum of the earth. why would he question that? when we’re kids, we don’t question what our parents teach us–we just assume they’re right and that’s how the world works.
the same concept applies to his classism. the first thing he said to ron was “red hair. hand-me-down robes. you must be a weasley.” now, keep in mind that this is the first time draco is meeting ron. how is an eleven-year-old who’s never met the other child before, know exactly who the child is, and how the child would look?
again, the parents. lucius malfoy worked with arthur weasley in the ministry. he would obviously go home and complain about the “blood traitor and his poverty” to narcissa, and draco would probably overhear, and assume that that’s how you treat the weasleys, because they’re “bad people” in his father’s book, and by extension, his. 
the second book: at the start, lucius puts draco down because his marks were lower than hermione’s. draco is obviously put off, but he understands why–he’s a pureblood. he’s a malfoy. he’s supposed to be doing better than the muggleborns, because according to his father, they don’t deserve to attend hogwarts. later, he calls hermione a mudblood–again, where would he learn that type of language? definitely not the internet, because that didn’t exist. that takes us to his parents. 
now, the question probably is why wouldn’t draco see other non-racist people in school and change? because he didn’t hang out with other houses. slytherins are very isolated, and usually pitted against the rest of the school. draco’s friends, children of death eaters, were probably raised in the same way he was. if his parents taught him pureblood supremacy, and his friends’ parents taught them the same thing, why would he think to question it? 
draco malfoy was taught right from wrong, but those values just happened to be the opposite of what everyone else, like the weasleys, was taught. but just as the weasleys went in knowing that draco was wrong for believing in them, draco went in knowing that the weasleys were wrong for believing in theirs. 
in the third book, I think the whole buckbeak incident was realistic. if a child provokes a dog, and the dog bites it, the dog is the one that’s put down no matter what the child did. I’m not saying it’s “right”–I definitely thin draco 100% deserved to be punched by hermione–but it’s how the world currently works–maybe it will change later but for now, it’s reality. 
and as for the slytherins’ hatred towards hagrid–I’d say it was justified, because hagrid himself was no sweetheart to them. don’t get me wrong–I love hagrid, but he didn’t like the slytherins–you can see this when he talks about them in the first book. again, the books are from harry’s pov, so even if hagrid didn’t like the slytherins and said something about them, it would be biased. but yes, the slytherins often took it too far. 
the fourth book–draco’s bullying wasn’t even that bad. he actually warned hermione to get away at the world cup, in his own twisted way. he accidentally hit her with a curse meant for harry. he made “potter stinks” badges–juvenile things. 
now for the fifth. let me get this absolutely straight: I hate umbridge. I hate the inquistorial squad. I hate that the slytherins joined them. 
but we have to go back to slytherin inequality for this. the slytherins are booed at quidditch matches. the whole school, including most of the teachers and their headmaster, are against them. in fact, I could say that the only teacher that favoured the house was snape, and have canonical evidence. it’s basically the slytherins vs the rest of the school. 
now, comes along a lady that actually seems to favour slytherins. for the first time, they’re made to feel important. she wants to form a little group to catch their worst enemy in an illegal act. who would say no? 
but again–the golden trio was no less. they purposely excluded the slytherins from the DA. forget malfoy and his cronies. not EVERY slytherin would be devoted to umbridge/malfoy. but the trio didn’t invite ANY of them–and not all their parents were death eaters. 
now, put yourself in their place. imagine your school formed a club excluding your house. why would you protect them, instead of catching them? they had no reason to protect the DA, so they didn’t. 
in the sixth book–I think at this point, draco’s grown out of his blood prejudice and realised that it isn’t a game. his father, probably the person he expects the most to protect him is in azkaban. voldemort has his mum, and will kill her if he doesn’t murder the wizarding world’s most powerful wizard. but why did he continue his discrimination? 
do you really think that draco malfoy, bully and blood supremacist for five years, suddenly stopped bullying muggleborns, that word wouldn’t reach his house? his friends/housemates would tell their death eater parents, and somehow, it would reach his father, or worse–voldemort, who would just find it an excuse to kill his mum. 
but admittedly, he didn’t bully the trio that much that year, and I think he called hermione a mudbblood only once–at the top of the astronomy tower, when he was trying to kill dumbledore. 
also dumbledore KNEW that draco malfoy had been ordered to murder him. he knew who had been making those attempts the entire year. and then five minutes before the death eaters got them, he offered protection. draco was expected to make a life-changing, life-threatening decision in five minutes? when he didn’t even know whether he could trust the order? for all he knew, they could hold his family hostage to draw voldemort out. 
but even then, he began to lower his wand, but it was too late. 
IMHO, I think draco only referred to her as “mudblood granger” at that time as a last-ditch attempt to constrain to his father’s beliefs–which would be VERY advantageous to him at that point, because then he would be able to find a reason to murder dumbledore. but we all know he wasn’t able to do it. 
in the seventh book, he refuses to identify harry, even though it’s obvious he recognises him and his family could gain EVERYTHING–but that’s a flimsy redemption arc at best. he stands by while hermione’s being tortured, yes, but that’s because it’s bellatrix lestrange–probably the most feared death eater of all time. would you do anything? I think not. 
draco malfoy was brought up in a different way, having different beliefs ingrained into him. do you actually blame a child for doing what his father said, when the child should have been old enough to make his own choices? do you still blame that child for having been exposed to only one sort of right their whole lives, and having a biased opinion because they were never taught to see from a different perspective? and do you still blame that boy, despite everything he’s faced, that he never went through with it? 
people who say “draco had a choice and he made the wrong one” are just wrong. what kinda choice would they make if a genocidal maniac was sitting at their dinner table, holding their mum hostage, until they killed the president of their country? 
 to me, I think draco and ron were both very insecure people, though for different reasons, and just had different ways of showing it. ron cut people off when he thought they were going to succeed without him, and draco made comments about the other person’s insecurities, probably to make himself feel better. ron was insecure about harry’s fame, but since he was harry’s best friend, he just had to put up with it (until the 4th book). draco had no such obligations. 
and to say that draco malfoy isn’t redeemable, is saying that people who mess up when they’re kids, will remain that way for the rest of their lives. it’s sending a message to all young people out there telling them the consequences of making a mistake–no one will like them. 
I’m not “excusing” draco’s racism. he was a piece of shit, plain and simple. but I’d say 98% of that is because of the way he was brought up. 
also isn’t it the whole point that we want people to wake up and realise their mistakes? half of america would have LOVED for donald trump to get up one day and realise that he’s a racist misogynist. ofc it wouldn’t change the past, but it would change the future.
now, onto the dramione argument. 
first off, saying that hermione wouldn’t forgive draco for the past is going against every aspect of her character. she had a soft spot for kreacher, the house-elf that grew up in a racist household and was therefore racist and called her and ron “mudblood” and “blood traitor” (quite similar to draco, actually). she understood where he was coming from, and why he was the way he is, and ultimately didn’t care. after that, how can you say that she wouldn’t forgive draco for having beliefs and values ingrained into him from when he was a child? 
second, who is the real enemy in HP? yes, you could say voldemort, but it’s more about what he represents, which is prejudice. having draco, a former blood supremacist and the son and nephew of death eaters, getting together with hermione, a muggleborn girl, would show that he’s thrown his beliefs out of the window. it’s his character growth and how he matures through the war and its aftermath. 
putting draco and hermione together as kids without any change to their characters is toxic and abusive, no doubt about it. but that’s not what dramione is about.
even in hogwarts fics like isolation, what the room requires, and clean, the authors make sure that he repents. they make sure to explicitly write his character arc, and to show that he is no longer a bully or blood supremacist. 
hermione is NOT draco’s redemption, since canonically he shows signs of awakening, if not actual repentence. she’s the conclusion of his redemption. it’s officially showing the world and society that he is no longer a blood purist. 
dramione isn’t about crazy fans thinking it’s adorable for a bully and a victim to fall for each other.
dramione is about change. and if you believe that people can’t change, that’s on you.
I agree with most of the points you’ve made except for the second paragraph. The majority of Dramione fans do indeed ship Hermione with redeemed Draco, but there’s nothing wrong with reading fics in which their relationship is toxic (I do that every once in a while) because neither Hermione nor Draco is a real person and you can put them in all types of circumstances. They’re both fictional characters and thus can’t be hurt.
- AgnMag
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theonlyblaisezabini · 4 years
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☆ ━━ 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄 |  -- Blaise Dionysus Zabini ☆ ━━ 𝐒𝐎𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐌𝐄𝐃𝐈𝐀 | @blaisezabini ☆ ━━ 𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘 |  -- August 3rd, Leo ☆ ━━ 𝐀𝐆𝐄 | -- 46 ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄𝐓𝐎𝐖𝐍 | Florence, Italy ☆ ━━ 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐃-𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒 | Pureblood ☆ ━━ 𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘 | bisexual ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐄𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 | 6'3 ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑/𝐄𝐘𝐄𝐒 |  brown and brown ☆ ━━ 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐒𝐄 |  -- Slytherin ☆ ━━ FORMER 𝐂𝐋𝐔𝐁𝐒 |  --  Astronomy , Dueling , Potions (president), Inquistorial Squad, Slug Club and Keeper ☆ ━━ 𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐃 | 9" Vine Wood, Thestral Tail Hair that is temperamental, intelligent and selfish. ☆ ━━ 𝐒𝐏𝐄𝐂𝐈𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐁𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐄𝐒 | -- Blaise is one of the best at potions, a skill inherited from his mother. He also has a gift in Divination, but he really just predicts a lot of people's deaths and the professor enjoys that. He has been practicing dueling for a bit and is skilled in it. ☆ ━━ 𝐏𝐎𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐅𝐅𝐈𝐋𝐈𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍 | Neutral but has alliances with both THE WRAITHS & THE ARCHANGELS "We're not better because of our blood. We're better because we're Zabinis." ☆ ━━ 𝐅𝐀𝐂𝐄 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐈𝐌 |  Idris Elba 𝕮𝖔𝖉𝖊 𝕹𝖆𝖒𝖊: 𝕬𝖘𝖒𝖔𝖉𝖊𝖚𝖘 & 𝕴𝖓𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖚𝖓𝖎𝖚𝖒
BLAISE was raised by a single mother. His father is powerful African wizard and his mother knows who he is because of the circles they run in together but pretends she doesn't know who his father is and won't speak of the man. BLAISE stopped asking her a long time ago and doesn't care. He figures she thinks it's for the best and he trusts his mother unlike anyone else. 
BLAISE is a troublemaker but it ruins his day if someone actually wants to fight him. He can and will defend himself but he always gets a bit 'You really wanna fight?' because everything is one big joke to him. If his jokes offends the weak, that's on them and not him. 
BLAISE thinks he's better than everyone else. It's not necessarily his fault, his mother taught him that he was better than everyone because of who he is and the blood that runs through his veins. His family is the MINISTRY OF MAGIC in Italy and he truly believes everyone else is beneath him because they're just not a ZABINI.
BLAISE may have friends who are DEATH EATERS and most of the people and families he grew up with are, but his own political views aren't killing all the MUDBLOODS. He really could care less about them, he just knows how to label people in ways that also destroys them. But he would do that with anyone, any time. However, growing up as a person of color, he doesn't like people being called out for things they can't change. He won't mention it, he even plays into it when it helps him, but he doesn't like it. His mother is a goddess to him, regardless of his faults. Because of this, he is extra protective of the SLYTHERIN girls, even if they do not need it. He's the first to tease them, but no one else is allowed to demean or degrade any of them. He's often nicer to girls of color, cause it's a lot that they gotta put up with and he knows it. He knew that if things get too bad, his mother isn't going to make him stick around for a war between people fighting over blood status. He's more than happy to go back to his home in Italy and be waited on. However, he keeps that to himself, because he knows appearances mean everything. He's not going to let himself be ostracized for saying the wrong thing. BLAISE understands there is a delicate game to be played and if he has to appear sympathetic to a cause, then so be it.
BLAISE has never had an house elf at home. THE ZABINIS do not believe in the enslavement of anyone. They pay their maids and butler fair wages.
BLAISE DIONYSUS ZABINI was the only son born to APHRODITE ZABINI, a witch that is part veela and known for her remarkable beauty. She only had the one son but raised her twin brother’s son, ADONIS ZABINI. DIONYSUS died during the first war and his baby mother was never in the picture. Losing her brother to a war she hated made her incredibly protective of her boys. BLAISE’S father has never been specifically announced to him, there is whispers in the magical community about who it is. Despite APHRODITE’S attempts, the man knows his true lineage. BLAISE has always known about his mother and who his father really is. APHRODITE refuses to speak about the young man who got her pregnant and left and will deny knowing anything about him. But he went behind her back to do digging of his own when he noticed a few kids looked like him at a party they attended when deciding what school he would attend. He almost ended up at UAGADOU, but at the last minute (when the Potions teacher was introduced), his mother decided HOGWARTS was a better fit, even if everyone else disagreed. He's so close to his mother, he refuses to hurt her feelings or bring up painful memories, but he knows he is related to BABAJIDE AKINGBADE, as the resemblance is striking. However,  he knows if he confronts her, it'll destroy the image she's built for him. And in the end, it doesn't matter because he's a ZABINI but he does wonder what having a father might have been like. Even then, his mother spoiled him and ADONIS, but she protected them as well. 
APHRODITE couldn’t care less about the wars and everything being fought. She was a pureblood, Italian and most of all, she thought they was above it all. She was neutral, but seems to come off as Death Eater because of who their friends are. So when things got more intense, BLAISE & ADONIS were not allowed to take the mark or even try it. She had lost her better half due to the nonsense and she couldn’t lose her boys as well. So when his friends joined and BLAISE tried, his mother refused to let him join in. He absolutely tried and she read him the riot act: "We're not better because of our blood. We're better because we're Zabinis." She was not  afraid to let them know that before they died protecting something as unimportant as bloodlines, she would take them out. If your friends jump off a bridge, are you going to follow them too? Despite that, Blaise is still good friends with Nott and Malfoy during school. He does not enter the war however though he leans towards them. Both boys asked her opinion, both never asked again after they got thoroughly cussed out. Going to HOGWARTS was a chance to be free and BLAISE was a whore, proudly so and used sex as a way to avoid any connections with people. The person he wanted to be with was heads over heels in love with DRACO MALFOY, another friend of his. PANSY PARKINSON and him had a history, they slept together and that was all it was on her end. He was someone fun to fuck when she wasn’t chasing DRACO. He knew that often bothered THEODORE, who had to hear all of his stupid rambling about the girl. He never said out loud he was in love with her, but his best friend knew.
6TH YEAR changed a lot for the male, he spent most of the year trying to help DRACO, avoid trouble and making sure he appeared as sympathetic as possible to the cause that seemed to be at the heart for most Slytherins. BLAISE recognized how important appearances were. Even if his mother didn’t like it. She always told them no to stuff with the likes of Malfoy and other known death eater children, not afraid to let them why. While she attended the social events, the boys were with her and she kept a close eye on them. However in order to make sure that the families didn’t influence them or make the boys engage in behaviors she didn’t want, there were no sleepovers outside her home or allowing them to go to parties. Of course both boys snuck and did some things, but were respectful for the most part of her wishes, especially ADONIS, who seemed not to have the pull to the people APHRODITE didn’t want them around. BLAISE became stuck between a rock and a hard place when 7th year returned. His family was ITALIAN and he didn’t have to go to HOGWARTS. ADONIS had graduated 3 years ago and it wasn’t like his life in ITALY was boring. His family were deep into the MINISTRY OF MAGIC there and he could use that. However, he choose to return to school, not wanting to abandon DRACO, THEO & PANSY. Only he got there and found only 2 out of the 3 had returned. He busied himself trying to take care of the younger Slytherins by being fun BLAISE. However, he hated being there. He hated a war ripping everyone apart. He saw what it was doing to ASTORIA, someone he had had a sibling type relationship with, a gentle soul and there was nothing he could do. As things got worst, HE RAN. APHRODITE made an excuse and before the battle happened at school, he was back in ITALY.
After the war, he didn’t immediately return to the UNITED KINGDOM. Instead, he went to AMERICA. He kept in contact with his friends, but he was haunted by the movies of that place. He opened several adult clubs with the money given to him. APHRODITE married 10 times before she decided that marriage was a young people game and she decided to keep a string of lovers half her age and to run her own business. All her husbands died mysteriously but no one could prove if it was her or just the series of unfortunate accidents that seemed to meet them. Taking their family money, even if it wasn’t the MALFOY wealth, and adding on with the money she got from each husband, APHRODITE soon was one of the richest widows in the community. She put her money into her own business. It started off as a matchmaker service for the elite magical community and expanded to a phone application. Both are hugely successful, the app having both a magical and muggle base. Think Tindr and Grindr, aptly named WANDR. APHRODITE is the chairman of her company and keeps a hand in everything, even if she’s retired from the day to day. BLAISE is the CEO of the companies and the businesses. 
When BLAISE finally returned to the UK, he was married to his wife ZENIA. They had their son, DIONYSUS as well as a few more kids. However, he never really got over his first love. If PANSY has a problem, he went ti her. Even if his wife hated it, he always felt he had let her do and had to go to her. He was spending a lifetime making up for leaving her behind. He could have tried harder to get her to come with him, but he didn’t. He simply left her. There hasn’t been any sex between them, BLAISE is faithful to his wife physically. However emotionally, there’s a part of him that he can’t fully give to his wife. Not even if he wanted to, and he desperately wants to. He wants to give her everything, but he can’t and he knows that is his fatal flaw. He can spoil his kids, his wife and give them the world, but the one question reminds for him, WHAT IF SHE HAD LOVED ME LIKE I LOVED HER?
❝ I remember I was 18. Money, pussy, parties, I was on the same thing. You gotta give a boy a chance to grow some. ❞ Merlin’s beard, what is ( BLAISE ZABINI ) doing out at this hour? For a ( PUREBLOOD ) who is ( 46 ) years old, ( HE ) really ought to know better. You know, I hear that they’re aligned with ( THE DOUBLE AGENTS ), but that could be just a rumor. I do know that they’re ( MALE ) and a ( SLYTHERIN ) alum who works as a ( CEO ) though. They’re very ( CHARMING ) and ( AMBITIOUS ) but also quite ( MANIPULATIVE  ) and ( PESSIMISTIC ), which could be why they remind of ( DARK WHISKEY POURED OVER ICE, ITALIAN SILK SUITS, BURNING FIRES AND GOLD FRAMED MIRRORS. FLASHING LIGHTS, NAKED WOMAN, CRUMPLED SHEETS. FANCY MEALS, CLASSICAL MUSIC MIXED WITH TUPAC, PAPERS SPILLED OVER HIS DESK. LATE NIGHT ARGUMENTS, THROWN PHONES AND GUILT GIFTS ). Some people say they’re the spitting image of ( IDRIS ELBA  ), but I’ve never heard of them. Word on the street is that they’re ( THE TEMPEST ) and their prophecy is ( PROPHECY 26 ), but only time will tell if that’s true or not. [ A, 28, SHE/HER, EST ]
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Oooooh, I’m reading OFTP and Umbridge and her little Inquistorial Squad reminds me of Principal Isa and her hall monitors.
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theinfiniteyet · 12 years
this week i found all my old High Inquisitor Posters, so i decided to put them up around my sixth form centre, but no-one's realised it was me and i keep hearing people's conspiracy theories about it and it's just generally the best decision i've ever made in my life.
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Fifth year Megan Jones, Lisa Turpin, Tracey Davis start a secret writing club in a hidden classroom. Lisa refuses to write with quill and parchment and brings a typewriter. Eventually all three acquire a typewriters. Influenced by love of quidditch, the quidditch teams of Hogwarts and primarily Megan's aunt pro player Gwenog Jones.
They write a series of short stories for their growing fanbase/readers around school. Aptly named Passion on the Pitch, Quidditch Conquests, and Secrets of the Locker Room becomes an exclusive must haves. The authors are anonymous.
The character poll gets an increasing popularity. Their artists includes illustrations for an extra sickle. Madam Hooch she finds it hilarious, she always sent the first issue of each story.
Cassius Warrington finds their hideout but they rope him in and make him become an editor of the short stories much to his chargrin and amusement.
It even becomes a hit among Dumbledore Army and Inquistorial Squad members. Lavender Brown, Padma Patil, Susan Bones, and Millicent Bulstrode become subscribers.
It starts to make its way to the pro league, legendary fomer Chaser Catriona McCormack is a subscriber. World Class Seeker Viktor Krum request a copy.
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