ibukunwrites · 7 years
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We live in a society where we are becoming insensitive to the vulnerability of the people we know and we are more welcoming of the vulnerability of the people we don't know. . . I have been blessed tremendously by the truth of people who are far away from my continent and also by the truth of women like Sunmbo Adeoye, Lara Kudayisi, Moji Coker etc. and you know what I think, I think their truth, ministry and vulnerability is as weighty and important as that of women like Joyce Meyer, Sarah Jakes, Heather Lindsey, Christine Caine, Kimberly Porter, Adara Butler, Aline Milfort, Brittany Miller and more. . . So I wonder, does it matter? Why do we exonerate certain truths above the other? Why do we think it's okay to 'understand' the truth of others than those we do know? ________ There was a time i used to have this mindset that you gotta be like Oprah in achievement weight and 'renownically' before you can throw it all back into the journey but who makes these rules? You're on your way up that's true but you don't have to be up finally before you open up, let up, speak up and inspire. _________ And you know what I say to myself these days, I say the ministry of these women will forever inspire and bless me, so God it doesn't matter who is uneasy and uncomfortable and unwelcoming of my truth, let those who need it find it redeeming. ________ The set time is always in the present - now! and somebody out there needs your own truth! Don't hide a generation's blessing in a sealed mouth💕 #happyTuesday ❤ ________ #ibukunwrites #truth #vulnerability #ownyourtruth #inspiration #God #salvation #motivation #edification #instaministry
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pastormassey · 8 years
ATTENTION Y'ALL: Help Preacher Man Massey Ministries out by commenting the City and State that you are watching from here in the USA - For those watching outside the US, comment you Country your viewing from. #instaministry #goyetherefore #reachingtheworld #proclaimingthegospel #comment #like #pmm2017 #reapyear17
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envybetty · 7 years
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God works in seasons. He moves people into your life and moves people out. Here’s the key, not everybody can go where God is taking you. The higher you go, the tighter your circle will become and the more selective you have to be. God wants to take you further. #instaministries #blessedthursday
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In need of prayer!!!! #prayersneeded #instaministry #prayer #powerofprayer
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ibukunwrites · 6 years
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there's always a difference between when your life was without God and when it's now with God. you realize He's the real life. everything you ever lived before Him was no life contrary to what you had thought. then you come to the knowing, that God's not just a phase we go through, He's the life we live through❤️ . . . . . . . . . . . #ibukunwrites #lettertoself #faith #God #art #gospel #spilledink #poetry #poem #poet #wordsmith #musings #writing #caption #positivity #positivevibes #poetsofig #quotes #living #word #instawriter #poetrycommunity #qotd #writingcommunity #writer #quotes #inspiration #motivation #instaministry #purpose #happyfathersday
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ibukunwrites · 6 years
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(If) He promises to fight all your battles, (it's) cos He knows He can win all of them. ~ ©Ìbùkúnwrites. . . . . . . #ibukunwrites #word #musings #God #trustGod #Godovereverything #heneverfails #instaword #edification #encouragement #inspiration #christian #instaministry #redeemed #battles #Purpose #positivevibes #positivity #depth #womeninministry #inspirationalquotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #instawriter #writing #qotd #spilledink #caption #quotes #writer
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ibukunwrites · 6 years
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(If) He promises to fight all your battles, (it's) cos He knows He can win all of them. ~ ©Ìbùkúnwrites. . . . . . #ibukunwrites #word #musings #God #trustGod #Godovereverything #heneverfails #instaword #edification #encouragement #inspiration #christian #instaministry #redeemed #battles #Purpose #positivevibes #positivity #depth #womeninministry #inspirationalquotes #motivation #motivationalquotes #instawriter #writing #qotd #spilledink #caption #quotes #writer
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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A few potholes has never really stopped anyone from reaching their destination. . . Sometimes the drive sucks but no matter how much we sulk on it, we look forward to the destination cos that's how we know in that car, on that road is not really what we set out for. . . When plans fail (believe me, it does at times), keep your interest alive! It's how you don't stop taking the shots . Don't let your dreams fade. . . . . PS: There's a new post on the blog. Read. Comment. Share❤ . . #happyfriday #hope #believe #holdon #interest #plans #survive #writers #writing #words #thoughts #ink #motivation #wordsmith #truth #qotd #spilledink #motivationalquotes #inspiration #inspirationalquotes #quotes #instaministry #instaquotes #writersofinstagram #writersofig #poet #poetry #positivevibes #positivity #musings
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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I did a lot of self-asking this year and this was one of the questions that popped up. . . . _______ 1. I remembered having a conversation (more like an argument to me) with an online friend about if it was right to listen to a particular song or not (an occurrence that made me realise that sometimes, Christians are the wrong persons to argue with). Some people will look at you and say "I'm disappointed Ibukunwrites actually think that way" (because I'm not supposed to have an opinion or my opinion doesn't tally with the 'level' of Christianity I portray.). . . then it occurred to me how much of a joke this online Christianity is! I think the easiest thing to quote in this digital age is the Bible. . . then it became obvious, it's really not about Christ anymore, it's about selling an impression. . . seeking validation! I'm supposed to care what that Sister with 'Jesus and Ministry' bio thinks about me. . . I'm supposed to exalt their following and friendship more than I exalt my relationship with God?. . . I think we miss the point - face your Christian walk and thirst for souls not trying to criticize other people's walk with God! . . . Then I said to myself this year, "let everyone be their own kind of spiritual and Christian. The quest for validation from one another (Christians) is so derailing and draining (gaskiya walahi!👌) _______ 2. I try to imagine all these brand ambassadors - imagine you being a Glo ambassador and you don't even use the line. . . how do you speak of a thing you don't patronise or really subscribe to? I think we do a lot of public display than we check what it looks like on the inside! Looking rich is not enough if you still go home to an empty treasury! . . . Let Christ not be for the gram only! #goodnight #ibukunwrites #instaministry
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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I did a lot of self-asking this year and this was one of the questions that popped up. . . . 1. I remembered having a conversation (more like an argument to me) with an online friend about if it was right to listen to a particular song or not (an occurrence that made me realise that sometimes, Christians are the wrong persons to argue with). Some people will look at you and say "I'm disappointed Ibukunwrites actually think that way" (because I'm not supposed to have an opinion or my opinion doesn't tally with the 'level' of Christianity I portray.). . . then it occurred to me how much of a joke this online Christianity is! I think the easiest thing to quote in this digital age is the Bible. . . then it became obvious, it's really not about Christ anymore, it's about selling an impression. . . seeking validation! I'm supposed to care what that Sister with 'Jesus and Ministry' bio thinks about me. . . I'm supposed to exalt their following and friendship more than I exalt my relationship with God?. . . I think we miss the point - face your Christian walk and thirst for souls not trying to criticize other people's walk with God! . . . Then I said to myself this year, "let everyone be their own kind of spiritual and Christian. The quest for validation from one another (Christians) is so derailing and draining (gaskiya walahi!👌) 2. I try to imagine all these brand ambassadors - imagine you being a Glo ambassador and you don't even use the line. . . how do you speak of a thing you don't patronise or really subscribe to? I think we do a lot of public display than we check what it looks like on the inside! Looking rich is not enough if you still go home to an empty treasury! . . . Let Christ not be for the gram only! #goodnight #ibukunwrites #instaministry
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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Are you one of those Christians that make other Christians feel inferior because you received Christ since 19BC?. . . _________ When Apostle Paul was talking about milk and babies in (1 Pet. 2:2), he wasn't talking about age or time frame, he was talking about growth/speed. (1 Cor. 3:2) - it is not age that makes y ou grow, it's what you expose your body system to - what you feed, grows you! Age sometimes has nothing to do with being babies, and that's why you can have a 27-year old open his mouth and when he starts talking, all you see is age and no maturity. Paul was simply saying, nurture them to maturity, one step at a time! Growth = Maturity; not Age! _______ Don't go calling someone a baby Christian because historically, you received Christ long before his father's mother was born. Don't let that be all you get to show for being born again. Some believers will brand another 'false' because 'ojo re bi ana' when he got born again and his revelations are mighty and they'd tell people, be wary of that sister/brother. No, be worried about you! God is not a respecter of persons but a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Nothing can stop you from receiving just as much except we're not sitting our asses down to receive (Heb. 5:12-13). Instead of beefing and throwing 'anti-Christ' alert on another believer and celebrating salvation anniversary, get down with God, His words and cut off the devil's fangs! _______ Stop counting your years in Christendom and start counting your revelations. Keep your baptism certificate and sit up for some God-You time! _______ Walking with God is not how long but how consistent. Father Abraham walked with God and he was called the Father of Faith. And he was 99 years old at that time and then lived a one hundred and seventy five!!!! _______ Growth I've come to realise isn't time-based in Christendom, it is Consistency! How much you're willing to invest determines how much you'll get in return😉 (I'm no Preacher, just my take). . . #Happyweekend ❤💕 _______ #ibukunwrites #gospel #truth #Christianposts #Saturdaymotivation #Bible #oldchristians #youngchristians #superioritycomplex #rhema #revelation #edification #instaministry
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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"So many of us have done things we are not proud of. Things we spent years regretting - and we regret because we wish we can have that gone moment again and make it right. I've lied more than a couple of times and then I would ask myself 'why did I lie?' And then I realise that I lie most of those times because I don't trust anyone, that people don't care, that people won't understand and most importantly, I don't want to let anyone into my business. So because I've been judged more than I could count, I'd rather protect myself and my pain from your judgemental and self-righteous self by lying about whatever. . . see, the fear of how people will receive our truth and what their perception of us will end up being makes us lie most of the time👌 _________ The point is, it is very normal for people to clothe us with a particular personality because of the way we look, act etc. For instance, it is normal for people not to ascribe certain experiences to me because I'm 'small' (body-wise) the same way it's easy for people to judge someone righteous/unrighteous by what they say or don't say. . . _______ WHEN YOU LET PEOPLE BUILD YOUR PUBLIC PROFILE, WHO YOU ARE IN PRIVATE WILL CONTINUE TO BE AT WAR WITH WHO YOU ARE IN PUBLIC. Instead of having a flow, you'll find yourself continually trying to match up with the person people are sure you are thereby trying to fit in all the time and then it becomes difficult to live and be confident in your own truth. Be You by You!!! Within and Without!!! Don't let people's expectations fall on you!😉. . . I don't sell perfection outside Christ, so don't be coerced into saying untrue things about you because of how people perceive you! . . . it can happen to anyone, so learn, move on and don't judge!❤ _______ #ibukunwrites #wordfortheday #truth #positivevibes #image #publicimage #positivity #inspiration #motivation #writersofig #instaquotes #inspirationalquotes #motivationalquotes #edification #writing #spilledink #lifecoach #instaministry #becoming #selfloveadvcoate #wordoftheday #writer #writersofinstagram #motivationalspeaker #lifecoach2women #unashamed #purpose #quotes #musings #weekendmotivation
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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"You are not weird or insane for missing that mess. I know all about being messed up and staying in messes! I know about identifying and realizing that my situation is called nothing but 'a mess!'. Believe me, I know just to walk away just as I know how to find my way back into that mess hoping it would miraculously upgrade from being messy to being healthy but you know what I've learnt at the end of the day that sometimes even in your goodbyes and resolutions to live for God, you'd miss that mess and when you do, set your mind on Christ and draw strength from Him, and if by chance you are weak for a moment, I pray grace for you to be disgusted and not to stay comfortable where you're less of who you are in God!❤" ~ ©2017. Ibukunwrites. #HappyTuesday ________________ #ibukunwrites #mess #messedup #dontdigitup #strength #setyourmindonChrist #writing #Christ #positivity #positivevibes #instaquotes #inspiration #musings #writersofinstagram #writer #purpose #repulsion #spilledink #motivation #instaministry #edification #edification #writersofig #ink #unashamed #emotions #grace #instawriting #christianquotes #truth
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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As you step into the weekend, I feel it's expedient that we all know and remember daily and each time we feel 'behind' that Fulfilment is not mediocre. Fulfilment is success! Ever wonder why people who seemed to have it all never really 'have it all?'. . .why people feel frustrated and unhappy even with a steady cash flow bank account? Like something is missing. . . Financial success is a type of success and not success itself! Don't aspire wrong and tweak your life❤ . . . I am not limited to my now buh I'm enjoying this phase; there are pressures, people trying to dictate the next step, telling me what I'm supposed to be doing, what might make me 'blow' if I focus on it buh there's more to my life than I sometimes could fathom so I'm not gonna be pressured. . . you gonna have to wanna live that way cos at the end, you live for no one but God and yourself💯 . . . In Omawumi's way "na ur race you ey run o see I dey run my own o. . ." #HappyFriday 💕 _____________________ " You're not simply successful because the society recognises you neither are you unsuccessful because the society 'overlooked' you!" ~ ©Ibukunwrites. 2017. ____________________ #ibukunwrites #pressure #success #financialsuccess #living #purpose #writing #aspiration #positivity #positivevibes #instaquotes #inspiration #musings #writersofinstagram #writer #lifecoach #aspireright #spilledink #christianquotes #motivation #instaministry #life #writersofig #ink #successmindset #wordsmith #instawriting #weekendword #weekendvibes
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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Sometimes people don't wanna help you but are swift to humiliate you! And sometimes instead of trying to read people enough to fault them and misread, it's always noble to ask. Cos believe me we'll never know how wrong we are and our level of misconceptions as regards someone unless we drop the judgemental attitude by the door and hold their hands through prayer and fan their face with love!. . . trust me, that man/woman isn't accountable to you but they can be if you give me reasons to! God hasn't called you to be the judge of anyone not even yourself! ______________ The calling isn't to be the accuser, the condemner or the executioner, that is the devil's calling, that's what he does best. He is the accuser of the brethren. Let's not make that our ministry. God has called us into His marvelous light, the light of love, that light that says it's okay not to have it all together. . . cos He loves the work in progress! ______________ #HappyEaster . . . Selah ❤ _______________ #ibukunwrites #eastermonday #easter #easter2017 #Jesus #God #hesalive #salvation #stopshaming #struggles #prayforthepainsofothers #pray #love #quitplayingGod #letyourwordshealnotwound #devil #stopjudging #agape #abbafather #redeeminglove #writing #faith #writer #instawriting #positivevibes #musings #positivity #instaministry #spilledink
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ibukunwrites · 7 years
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For many years, I'd let myself be treated like crap, I'd take shits and it'd smell like lavender to me. Sometimes when my nose keeps picking up the shitty smell, I'd tell myself to picture vanilla. . . I didn't know how to feel like I deserve anything than being given shit! Trust me, it doesn't take 5 seconds for a guy to identify a needy, battered self-esteemed young woman whose synonym is nothing but brokenness. . . _____________ Because the understanding was never there, I'd stay, I'd become so comfortable in that state, so used to brokenness that when there is a counter reaction, I'd long for that brokenness that used to be. . . ____________ Even in finding Christ, some days I struggle. . . some days my traumas and experience would come out to play but on these days or many days after, He'll bring to my remembrance how the Father feels about me. . . that this is not where I want to stay or what I want to take. . . that there's the very best on His side. . . many years ago, that mindset for me never existed but it does now because I have understanding _____________ See, God treasures brokenness so much that your scars are just too powerful to be manipulated and exploited by a man who only sees visions through his sexuality! ___________ This I know that getting understanding is a daily thing and UNDERSTANDING CHANGES PERCEPTION!!!💯 __________ "With all thy getting, get understanding." ~ Proverbs 4:7❤ __________ #ibukunwrites #beautifullybroken #brokenness #understanding #perception #Godtreasuresbrokenness #scars #purpose #valuable #powerful #Godlovesugly #mess #message #writing #writer #instaministry #instawriting #2017 #positivity #positivevibes #instaquotes #inspiration #musings #writersofinstagram #spilledink #mondayvibes #writersofig #truth #wordsmith #newweek
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