#instant pudding mix
fullcravings · 7 months
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Guinness Chocolate Cake with Cake Mix
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what-marsha-eats · 2 years
Change the frosting flavor by changing the flavor of the pudding mix. Change the frosting color by using food coloring.
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bloggerliveshere · 1 year
"Coconut Pecan Rum Cake"
Do you have a specific time of day you bake during the summer months? Or does the temperature outside not matter to you? For me, time of day really doesn’t matter. I try to bake early in the morning no matter day of the year. Like with this Coconut Pecan Rum Cake I baked late one Saturday night and finished on it Sunday morning. This cake has been around the block many times throughout the years.…
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awesome-recipes101 · 1 year
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Pistachio Cake
15 servings
This cake is very tasty and moist.  The frosting is great too.
1 (15-16 ounce) package white cake mix
3 eggs
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup lemon-lime soda
1 (3.4 ounce) package of pistachio instant pudding
Prepare a 9” x 13” baking pan by generously spraying it with non-stick baking spray.
Combine the cake mix, eggs, vegetable oil, soda, and pistachio pudding in a stand mixer bowl and beat these ingredients for a couple of minutes until blended. 
Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
Pour the batter into the baking pan and bake for 30-40 minutes until the center is no longer shaky and a toothpick inserted into the cake comes out cleanly.
Set aside to cool completely before putting on the frosting.
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clovermarigold · 2 months
Late Night Snacks
Various Valorant characters x Reader
Clove, Cypher, Yoru,
Props to anyone who recognizes this reference.
might do a pt.2 if people are interested
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You really needed to fix your sleep schedule. You swear agreeing to that night mission was a terrible idea. Then again, you would likely be in the same situation if you hadn't. Going to bed before the early hours of the morning was just never your thing.
You used to joke about being a creature of the night, but now you were starting to think it was truer than you'd like.
It didn't help that in your endless doom scrolling you had come across a video that left you with an insatiable craving for the perfect snack. So here you were at 4 am, moving as slowly, quietly, and gently as possible through the kitchen trying not to wake anyone.
Clove- Chocolate pudding (romantic)
"Is it burning? I can't tell if it's burning or if I'm just sleep deprived" you whispered to yourself, stirring carefully to decipher if the clumps you felt were burnt pudding or powder you didn't mix well.
"What are you doing?" you dropped your wooden spoon, looking up to see someone staring at you.
"Clove?! What are you doing up?" They gave you a lopsided grin stepping into the kitchen to peer into your pot, "Eh, mostly watching cooking videos. Looks like I can watch the real thing though".
"I'd hardly call this cooking" they give you a look. "What would ya call it then?".
"Ugh... I don't know, something along the lines of making instant noodles or microwaving a hotpocket" you slowly returned to mixing the pot, growing more comfortable with your guest audience.
"The hells a hotpocket?" you immediately dropped your spoon "Oh we are getting you a hotpocket! It's like a calzone but a cheap frozen version that burns the roof of your mouth when you eat it". They laughed, "Sounds terrible, I'm in".
They watched carefully as you poured the chocolate into two separate bowls along with a spoon, "Are ya sure? I don't want to take yer late-night snack... or would it be morning?".
"It's fine, pack made too much for one person anyways" you blew on the spoonful in your hand before taking a bite. "If ya don't mind me asking. Why puddin?" you snorted a little, remembering the meme that had inspired your insomnia plagued kitchen raid.
"Because I've lost control of my life" their eyes shot open before realizing you were joking. "Righty then" they smiled, joining you in eating as you sat on the kitchen counter and ate. Something Brimstone or Sage would no doubt scold you for if they were awake.
You swear the joke about being the 'parents' of the protocol were serious. "You know you should probably get some sleep" If you couldn't save your own sleep schedule, the least you could do would be to save theirs.
"Eh, I'll sleep when I'm dead. Can't say the same for you" you look away embarrassed. It was humiliating enough to be caught in your pjs making pudding because of a meme you saw at 4 in the morning.
"Ya know... I'm usually up pretty late too. If you're havin' a hard time falling asleep. You could always hang out with me in mah room" honestly, that sounded nice.
"I'd like that" you both smiled at each other, accidentally staring too long. Damn in! you looked away quick. That was awkward. It wasn't your fault they were cute. It was definitely the sleep deprivation. Nothing else. No other possible feelings or thoughts. No siree.
"What the hell are you two doing up!? Is that pudding?" A half asleep and grumpy neon walked into the kitchen. "Scatter!" Clove yelled running towards their room, hand wrapped around your wrist dragging you close behind, giggling. Eh, sleep is for the weak.
Cypher- Tea & Crackers (Platonic or Romantic)
Lavender. Thats what the internet said the best tea was to help you fall asleep. You had tried everything else, warm milk, hot shower, counting sheep, etc. You looked at the stove's clock and groaned at the painful looking 4 am. You had a mission tomorrow, so you needed as much sleep as you could possibly get. Your brain didn't seem to understand that and fought you every step of the way.
The kettle let out a sharp whistle pulling you from your daze. Shit! Why did you think it was a smart idea to make tea at such an ungodly hour. You quickly moved the kettle off the burner.
You rubbed your eyes with a groan, hoping that didn't wake anyone. A high-pitched whir caught your attention. A camera? It looked like one of Cyphers.
The camera zoomed on your fresh pot before darting to the cup cabinet. "Uh ok" you opened the cabinet grabbing a mug and going to close it, only for the camera to move wildly.
"Oh, I get it" you moved to grab a second mug, pouring two drinks alongside a plate of tea crackers. The camera began to shake up and down, lens zooming and Un-zooming like an excited puppy.
"Ok buddy" you laugh, "Where is he?''. It gave a sharp turn to the left instructing you out of the kitchen, only to see another camera ushering you in another direction. You forgot how many cameras he had. Finally finding yourself in a shipping container on base you knocked lightly, "Come in".
"Ah" Cypher let out a pleased hum swiveling in his chair to face you, the army of monitors illuminating the room. You yawned, handing over the warm cup into his greedy hands. "ohoho" he chuckled to himself, "Now this is just the treat I needed. Too bad it's decaf".
"Why are you still up Cypher?" you asked through blurry eyes. "I could ask the same of you my dear" he turns back to his monitors, fidgeting with what you could only guess was lens sensitivity? You've owned maybe one camera in your life.
"Suffering" is said bluntly, followed by a long sip of tea. Why wasn't this working. "Hmm" He looked away from his screens to give you a once over that made you a little self-conscious, given your messy and sleep deprived state. He stood up before ushering you to sit in his chair, "What are you doing?".
"Just giving a helping hand" reaching under his desk he pulled out a blanket, too thin for your liking but it got the job done in covering you. Something told you it wasn't used often enough.
"I don't think-" he cut you off before exiting the crate, "Just sit down". From your seat you could watch him take the same path you did through the cameras to the kitchen, pouring another mug with the last of the hot water and making his way back.
"Lavender is good. Buuut, chamomile is better" the warm cup was swapped for the fresh new one. "What are you doing?" you take a cautious sip as he changes his monitors.
"Just a little trick I used to do with my- ...... Someone I used to know", well that was cryptic. The light sound of crashing waves surrounded you as white noise played from the screens surrounding you. With a light pressure Cypher rocked the chair.
"Really? Now I'm a baby?" it wasn't really insulting, but you had to admit it made you feel a bit childish. "There's a reason it works on them. Don't you think?" you had to admit, your eyes were starting to feel heavy, the soft padding on the chair was heavenly. It must have costed a ton, either that or he definitely stole it from Brim's office. Probably the latter.
In a matter of minutes your mind couldn't fend off the urge to rest, and you slipped into unconsciousness with relative ease. Cypher watched over you for a moment, making sure you were fully asleep before stopping his motions.
Just like he remembered, first they're fussy and then they're out. It hurt a bit, if he was being honest. But it also felt...good. Like it was healing a part of him. The part of him he lost with his family.
Nothing could ever replace them, he knew that. But that didn't mean he couldn't move forward. And if helping you sleep did that, you could stay on his chair every night. He'd just need to buy some more chamomile the next time he went out
Yoru- Instant Ramen
You were definitely going to go deaf at some point with how loud you blasted music. But hey, you were using headphones, so it wasn't like you were going to wake anyone up with your tracks.
Besides, this was your perfect ritual. Finish training at 5, play video games with Gekko till 7, shower, play on your switch till 9, play on your PC till 12, Listen to music and read till 2, then your pièce de résistance, post-midnight snack. It would be more appropriate to call it a late dinner... or early breakfast. Considering you didn't eat with the others, too busy with animal crossing.
Tonight's late-night snack comprised of your favorite instant noodles and a single egg. Depressing at face value, delicious at stomach value. Nutrition value? Zero.
Not like you cared though. All the hallmarks of the perfect youth, unhealthy food, video games, staying up all night, and ruining your ear drums.
So here you were, making noodles at nearly 3 in the morning while you danced in your oversized pj's that were totally not covered in pizza stains.
As you went to spin you unfortunately turned to see a very irritated looking Yoru staring back at you.... Ok, so maybe you should start turning your music down.
"The hell are you doing?" he asked as you slowly pulled off your headphones. "Noodles" was all you could say when he pushed past you to look into your pot, lightly shoulder checking you.
"This is sad" he huffs, shaking his head before walking over to the fridge. "I'll have you know I am anything but sad when I eat this" he rolled his eyes, pulling out a container of leftovers from a previous dinner along with some seaweed and a brown looking container.
"What are you doing?" you leaned over his shoulder as he started to move the boiling water into a larger bowl. "Showing you what real food is" he snapped.
"Geeze. Alright, grumpy" you put your hands up and hopped up onto the counter, only making his brows furrow deeper, "I take it you're making some for you too?".
"Damn right. Like I'd go through all this trouble for you" he scooped a portion of the brown.... goop? into the pot. "Put your lazy ass to use and pull this meat off the bone" he slid the container of Brim's leftover ribs towards you.
"Don't you think he'll eat these later?" he laughed. "Like I care. Old man has a minifridge in his office, that's where the good shit is. He probably forgot about those already" you shrugged, tearing the fat and meat off and placing it into the container.
You and Yoru didn't interact much one on one. you would join group smash bro tournaments and do missions together but other than that your interactions were limited.
"...Soooooo, what are you doing up?" you tried to fill the silence now that your music was gone. "Fixing my sleep schedule. Something you should be doing" you hummed, not quite agreeing, too focused on the way he carefully cut the seaweed into strips.
"No thank you, I'll stick to my routine" he gave you a look, "4 hours of sleep and shitty packet foods?".
"Well when you say it like that of course it sounds bad" you huff a laugh. A light splatter sounded as he dropped the dry noodles into the boiling broth.
"You don't add the noodles before the flavoring?" A look of disgust spread across his face as he threw the intact flavor packet at your face.
"None of that prepackaged chemical shit!" you rubbed your forehead lightly, sliding the packet into your pocket for future use, "Throw that away!".
"That's wasteful" you argued, making him grumble. "Open" he held a spoon of broth in front of you. Curiously you leaned into drink, ignoring the awkwardness of him feeding you, "Holy shit! That's good".
He turned back to the pot, sliding in the meat, "That is why you don't use that instant crap. Miso and dashi. Even an idiot like you can figure it out ". You frowned, only for a shot while as you saw him break up the ramen into bowls, topped with eggs and nori.
Handing you the bowl, you paused when he didn't release it. "No more fake shit?" it was more of a statement than a question, but if it meant you could eat the heavenly smelling bowl in front of you, then you would swear off instant noodles for the rest of your life. "No more fake shit" you nod with a smile, and he releases his grip.
Yoru watches as you scarf down all of his hard work like a ravenous animal. That was a lie, it wasn't hard work. Which made your inability to do it yourself all the more concerning. He knew you weren't going to fix your sleep schedule any time soon.
Maybe he could hold off fixing his for a few more days. No doubt your little promise would be out the window if he left you to yourself.
Some one-on-one time wouldn't be the end of the world.
Requests open!
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rootedincuteness · 3 months
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Ashleaf and Mabel decided to whip up a quick batch of cool, vanilla instant pudding to help beat the Summer heat today. It was super easy! All you do is add the mix to some cold milk, whisk for two minutes, and voila! Delicious pudding! They're not going to waste any time in eating it, though, lest Mudpie get to it first. XD
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heavenlybackside · 3 months
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Mandarin Orange Salad - Don't LOSE this recipe
1 pkg Vanilla Instant Pudding Mix (use dry) I would use sugar free1 Large can Crushed Pineapple (undrained)2 Medium/Large cans Mandarin Oranges (drained)1 pkg Cool Whip 8 oz ( and you could use fat free)
Mix together Cool Whip and Instant vanilla pudding (do NOT make the pudding, just use it dry).Add undrained crushed pineapple and both cans of drained Mandarin Oranges. (Use as many mandarins as you like, more/less) Save a few mandarin oranges to decorate the top of salad. Refrigerate until it thickens again maybe a couple of hours before you need to use it.Use as a side dish with a meal or serve with ice cream as a dessert!You can make this healthier by choosing low/no sugar instant pudding mix and cool whip, and fresh mandarins. I particularly like the whipped cool whip for my salad as per the original.Try it a few times to see what suits you best.
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basuralindo · 29 days
I've been fucking around experimenting with a new kind of frosting, and just made the most DMV lighting ass cake
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Yes I know the decorating is shit that's not important. This thing is the color of a florida motel room in the 70s where you'd discover a dead body. It's giving the walls you stare at while waiting to get foodstamps. Hollywood rendition of a tijuana afternoon. It is Beige and Gruelingly Depressing.
Anyway the flavors are butterscotch and custard. You can make a light fluffy and not-overly-sweet frosting by adding pudding mix to whipped cream. (if using instant pudding, whip the cream until it makes very soft peaks before adding pudding mix, then beat the rest of the way. for stovetop pudding mix, add to cream before beating). The proportions are 100g pudding mix to 500g cream (or one pint of cream to one box of pudding)
Here's my much more aesthetic first attempt (red velvet cake with cheesecake flavored pudding-cream frosting)
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hachama · 2 months
Three ingredient dessert that makes me think of chocolate cheesecake mousse but is nowhere near that fiddly to make.
Instant pudding Cottage cheese Milk
Measure out the milk like it says on the pudding package
Add the milk and an equal amount of cottage cheese to a blender
Blend until smooth-ish
Add pudding mix
Blend until well-mixed
Pour/scrape into bowls and shove it in the fridge for a couple hours
I've made this with skim milk, whole milk, fat free cottage cheese, regular cottage cheese, store brand and name brand pudding, and as far as I can tell it doesn't make a difference. Use what you want. It makes a bowl of chocolate stuff that is kind of like a cheesecake and kind of like a mousse and better than regular pudding.
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recipeshub24 · 4 months
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Cherry Cheesecake Lush
1 and 1/3 cups cherry pie filling
1 cup powdered sugar
1 and 1/3 cups chopped pecans
3 and 1/3 cups vanilla wafer cookie crumbs (about 76 cookies)
4 cups cool whip, divided
2 packages (8oz each) cream cheese, softened
1 cup (2 sticks) butter, melted
2 cups milk
2 packages (3.4oz each) vanilla instant pudding mix
Preheat the oven to 350°F. Grease a 9×13 inch baking dish with butter.
Crush vanilla wafers into fine crumbs until you have 3 and 1/3 cups. Pour the vanilla wafer crumbs into a bowl and mix with the melted butter until coated.
Press the buttered vanilla wafer crumb mixture evenly into the bottom of the prepared baking dish. Bake for 15 minutes. Allow to completely cool.
While the crust is cooling, make the cheesecake layer. In a large bowl, beat together the cream cheese and powdered sugar until smooth. Fold in 2 cups of the cool whip until fully incorporated. Set aside.
In another bowl, whisk together the milk and vanilla pudding mixes for 2 minutes until thickened. Let stand for 5 minutes to fully thicken, then fold in the remaining 2 cups cool whip.
Spread the cream cheese mixture evenly over the cooled vanilla wafer crust. Top with the cherry pie filling, spreading evenly.
Carefully spread the vanilla pudding mixture over the cherry pie filling layer.
Top with the remaining 1 and 1/3 cups cool whip and sprinkle the pecans evenly over top.
Refrigerate for at least 2 hours before slicing and serving. Enjoy
note:nuts are optional
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Wilt-resist your whipped cream! (A cheat, by Doc)
Okay, the phrase "by Doc" is doing a lot of heavy lifting here--I actually learned this tip from a gal I was competing with years ago in state fair (she beat my ass) and I'm sure other aunts and grandmas know it. But, whomst else on tumblr will deliver it to your eyeballs?
Because you know the trouble with whipped cream and whipped cream frostings is they tend to wilt over time, especially if they have to deal with absolutely any level of heat. A simple room temperature can make your pie or cake look weepy and sad. Your bowl of fresh whipped cream now looks worse than the fuckin' cool whip. Tragedy.
Now, I assume you, erudite and exceptional readers of this blog, are already using powdered sugar/icing sugar instead of standard sugar to make your whipped cream, not only because of greater stability but because it functionally removes the possibility of graininess. This is a "I want to make this whipped cream the night before" tip. Other tips like milk powder, I find, just don't have the same longevity as what's below:
Professionals use gelatin or agar-agar, which I don't like for two reasons: 1) Gelatin is not vegetarian and in the US is often made from pork, so fuck your Jewish or Muslim guests and 2) you have to bloom the gelatin or agar-agar, and it can be tricky to work with, and if you aren't the 'working with high-level mousses and creams often" type, it may be a waste of space in your kitchen.
But gee whiz, did you know there's a very cheap and intensely easy solution for busy housewives to keep her man loving her whipped cream, and by extension, her? Tell her, Don!
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Why little lady, it's Jell-O (tm) brand instant pudding mix! Don't tell the ladies at the church bake-off...we won't.
This is the easiest possible way to get nice, stiff whipped cream that holds up for, I think my record is three days. It can also tolerate sitting in a warm room much much better than whipped cream really ought to be able to.
"But Doc, isn't Jell-O, uh, gelatin?"
Jell-O itself is, but Jell-O pudding is actually kosher. I assume other brands are as well, but I don't know this for a fact--so make sure to check the label if you're using a different brand. What's doing the work here is 'modified food starch' which is a stronger version of cornstarch, which I find, added to whipped cream, to require too much to be added, and the texture gets odd.
This is cheap! Your grocery store may vary, but this small box was 99 cents.
This is easy! All you do is add about 1 tablespoon of pudding mix per one cup of heavy/whipping/double cream* and then whip as usual.
It does lightly flavor the whipped cream, which I've never found to be a problem--I use regular vanilla mostly, but french vanilla is nice for banana cream pie, I used coconut cream for the pie I just entered WHICH WON BEST IN SHOW I MIGHT ADD. Chocolate is great for chocolate whipped cream. You're smart people, you got this. The only ones I don't recommend are tapioca (pearls) and Oreo (having about three bits of oreo in the whipped cream looks dirty rather than intentional.)
Go forth, and set your whipped cream on the sideboard with confidence!
*I'm aware these all actually contain different levels of fat, but let's get real here, they are often used interchangeably and only the craziest among us is going to seriously get into "What cream should you be whipping?" discourse.
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Birthday Event: My Beloved
Translations may not always capture the exact nuances or tone of the original text. Expect grammatical errors. This is a rough translation.
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I want to celebrate with all my heart that you, my beloved, were born into this world.
One afternoon.
Mitsuki: "Alright, next question."
Drake: "Hm, go ahead."
Mitsuki: "You don't have any likes or dislikes, so do you have any favorite foods in particular?"
After having a meal with him, I bombarded him with questions.
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Drake: "Food, huh? I like both meat and fish, but if I had to pick a favorite..."
Drake: "Oh, pudding!"
(Hehe, he's so cute.)
Drake: "I mean the dessert kind of pudding. It's completely different from the pudding I used to eat before. It's really delicious."
Mitsuki: "Are there any other types of pudding besides dessert pudding?"
Drake: "Yup. Sailors often make a pudding by steaming leftovers with eggs during voyages."
Drake: "Once, I mixed a bunch of stuff a bit too much, and it ended up tasting really awful."
Drake: "That taste was so terrible that I'd rather starve to death than eat it."
Mitsuki: "Sounds intense. Alright, I'll note that your favorite dessert is pudding."
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Mitsuki: "Then, what's your favorite drink?"
Drake: "Rum. Oh, and mojitos. You know, the one with lime and mint added to rum. I like that too."
He occasionally pondered and answered the questions while I nodded and wrote the answers in my notebook.
Writing this sort of made me feel like Sebastian.
Mitsuki: "Alright, next question. Is there something you want right now?"
Drake: "You."
Drake: “I want you, little fawn.”
He looked straight at me, and in an instant, my heart started pounding.
Mitsuki: “That’s not what I meant. Geez.”
(He always manages to make my heart race whenever he gets the chance.)
Drake: “Haha! It’s true. But man, you have a lot of questions today.”
Mitsuki: “This is an important survey. Okay, last question.”
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Mitsuki: “When is your birthday?”
Drake: “----!”
That’s right. I was asking these questions in preparation for his birthday because I’d never heard of him celebrating it.
(That's why, from now on, I will prepare the things he likes and celebrate him.)
I was getting excited just thinking about making him happy. However, Drake furrowed his eyebrows and seemed to be struggling to answer.
Drake: “Birthday, huh? Um, September, I think.”
Mitsuki: “Drake, don’t tell me you don’t remember your own birthday?”
I asked, and he let out a troubled laugh.
Drake: “Well, that’s a possibility. I must have forgotten without realizing it.”
(I didn’t find his birthday in history books, so I had to ask him directly, but I can’t believe he forgot about it. How is that even possible?)
He rested his hand on his chin as I tilted my head in confusion, wondering if it was something easily forgotten.
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Drake: “I think I celebrated it with my parents, but I moved from town to town and eventually got separated from them. I guess that’s when I forgot my birthday.”
Drake had a childhood where he had to flee from his mother’s relatives.
After that, he became an orphan and struggled to survive until a pirate ship picked him up. That was probably why he hadn’t had the luxury of counting the days or enjoy the changing seasons.
(In that case, it’s not surprising he forgot.)
Thinking about his life made my heart tighten.
Mitsuki: “But at least you remember it’s in September.”
Drake: “Nah. I decided it was in September from some point in the past.”
His answer made me blink again.
Mitsuki: “So, does that mean you chose your own birthday?”
Drake: “Well, something like that. I think, oh yeah, it’s September 7.”
(Does September 7 hold any special meaning?)
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Mitsuki: “Why did you choose September 7 as your birthday?”
He looked a little distant and began to speak quietly after I asked about the reason for that specific date.
Drake: "That was when I was just recruited by the Queen."
The year was 15××, September 7th.
Noble 1: "To our great ruler, Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth, we wholeheartedly celebrate this day of your birth!"
Noble 2: "Long live Her Majesty the Queen!"
Queen Elizabeth: "Rejoice and enjoy the night to your heart's content."
Nobles knelt before Queen Elizabeth, the most dignified woman in the room. On this day, a lavish party was being held at the palace in England to celebrate the Queen's birth.
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In a corner of that grand hall, Drake and his crew members huddled together.
Drake: "Wow, royal parties are quite something."
Crewmate 1: "Hey, Captain. Doesn't it seem kinda weird for us pirates to be in a place like this?"
Crewmate 2: "Yeah, even though we've got fancy drinks and food right here, it just feels kinda scary to actually go for them."
Drake: "You're right."
---------Flashback Ends---------
Drake: "That year, we were invited to the birthday party as the Queen's pirates."
Drake: "But we were just a bunch of ruffians who lived on the sea."
Drake: "Being suddenly invited to the palace completely overwhelmed us."
Mitsuki: "True. Being in the same room with all those important people must have been nerve-wracking."
Drake: "Exactly."
Drake: "Well, that's how the Queen planted a sense of subservience in us, pirates who had enjoyed our freedom."
Drake: "I guess that was also the Queen's intention."
Hearing his words, I recalled the glimpse of his meeting with the Queen that I had seen through his past.
(The Queen seemed to have gotten hold of him under the pretext of a deal.)
(It wouldn't be unreasonable for him to have thought about it that way.)
Drake: "But becoming like a toothless shark would tarnish our reputation."
Drake: "If I, as the captain, were seen bowing to authority, my crew wouldn't find that respectable."
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Drake: "And it wouldn't be fun to be constantly manipulated by the Queen."
Perhaps recalling his old feelings, a fleeting sharpness appeared in his eyes.
Drake: "So, I did something to maintain the reputation of the pirates."
Mitsuki: "What did you do?"
He took a sip from the tankard of ale he had ordered and smirked mischievously.
Drake: "I stole her birthday."
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Part 2╎Sweet╎Premium End╎Epilogue
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orgyporgy · 6 months
Did you know you can put 1 box of chocolate cake mix, 1 box of instant chocolate pudding mix, 8oz cream cheese, 8oz sour cream, 1/2 c water, and 2 eggs into a mixing bowl, beat until combined, then bake in a Bundt pan for 50 mins at 325°, cool completely, top with whipped cream, and it’s all completely legal
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kushblazer666 · 3 months
This orange dreamsicle salad takes a few minutes to prep and then it chills until you are ready to serve it.
1 box orange Jell-O
1 box instant vanilla pudding
1 cup boiling water
1/2 cup cold water
1 Cool Whip 8 oz.
1 can mandarin oranges 14 oz. , drained
1 cup mini marshmallows
In a large bowl combine orange Jell-O and boiling water.
Whisk until Jell-o is dissolved.
Add cold water and allow to chill for 15 minutes in refrigerator.
Slowly whisk in vanilla pudding mix until smooth and chill for another 15-20 minutes or until it becomes slightly thickened.
Fold in Cool Whip, mandarin oranges and marshmallows
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sweethoneyrose83 · 5 months
Caramel Apple Dessert Cups
3 cups Granny Smith apples, peeled, cored, and finely diced
⅓ cup light brown sugar, packed
3 tablespoons salted butter
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
2 cups crushed vanilla wafers
¼ cup salted butter, melted and cooled
3.4 ounces instant vanilla pudding mix
1¼ cups cold whole milk
¾ cup salted caramel sauce, divided (¼ cup and ½ cup)
1 cup cold heavy whipping cream
Make The Apple Mixture: Heat the apples, brown sugar, butter, and cinnamon until the apples have softened and the brown sugar sauce has thickened to canned apple pie filling consistency. Stir in ¼ cup of salted caramel sauce. Allow the apples to cool completely.
Coat The Cookie Crumbs: Stir together the crushed cookies and melted butter to coat. Add the buttered crumbs to the bottom of each cup.
Prepare The Pudding: Mix together the milk and instant pudding until the pudding begins to thicken. Mix in the remaining caramel sauce and heavy cream until the mixture has thickened.
Create Your Cups: Pipe the pudding on top of the buttered crumb crust, about ⅔ of the way full, and cover with the cooled, cooked apples.
Serve: Place the lids on the cups and keep refrigerated until ready to serve.
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recipeshub24 · 3 months
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No-Bake Eclair Cake Ingredients: 1 package (14.4 oz) graham crackers 2 packages (3.4 oz each) instant vanilla pudding mix 3 1/2 cups cold milk 1 container (8 oz) whipped topping, thawed 1 container (16 oz) prepared chocolate frosting Instructions: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the instant vanilla pudding mix and cold milk until smooth. Gently fold in the whipped topping until well combined. Arrange a single layer of graham crackers at the bottom of a 9×13 inch baking dish. Spread half of the pudding mixture over the graham crackers evenly. Place another layer of graham crackers over the pudding layer, then top with the remaining pudding mixture. Finish with a final layer of graham crackers. Spread the prepared chocolate frosting over the top layer of graham crackers, covering completely. Refrigerate the cake for at least 4 hours, or overnight, to allow the graham crackers to soften and the flavors to meld together. Slice and serve chilled for a deliciously effortless dessert experience. Nutritional Information: Prep Time: 15 minutes Chill Time: 4 hours Total Time: 4 hours 15 minutes Calories: 300 kcal per serving Servings: 12 servings
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