#instead of giving myself extra time to pack and get myself together i am instead
doyouknowhoyouare · 8 months
whyyyy didn’t i ask for the day off today
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lovelyhan · 1 year
Sexting with Jeonghan -Have fun! Sam @dkakapizzaboy 🩷
SAM>!!?!?!!?!/ i... don't even have words anymore i'm just going to
⟣ sexting with jeonghan ⟢ wc: 0.6k words minors do not interact!
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You wouldn't call yourself needy.
In fact, you're sure you're fairly independent yourself. Your relationship with Jeonghan has a grounded give-and-take dynamic, which you honestly didn't expect when you first got together with him. This means that he doesn't necessarily leave you wanting for too long that you'd resort to becoming needy.
But just because both of you have your heads in the right place for the most part, doesn't mean it erases the fact that your boyfriend is a busy, busy man.
You're hit with a particularly unscratchable itch when Jeonghan has a day packed with shoots and dance practices. You know better than to bother him when he's got his hands full with their most recent comeback, but you suppose a few texts hinting at what he's going to come home to won't hurt, right?
Me: hannie, what time do you finish up today? i have a little surprise for you ><
It takes Jeonghan an hour to reply, but you don't really hold that against him, being a full-time idol and everything.
Jeonghan: hey, angel. we should be done by eleven! miracle, right?
Me: your producers are way too hard on you sometimes :/ anyway, aren't you curious abt the surprise?
Jeonghan: i am, but something's telling me this "surprise" of yours is an occupational hazard.
Jeonghan: angel, if you're going to send what i think you're sending...
Me: :) [1 Attachment]
You know better than to distract Jeonghan while he's in the middle of work, but it's not like you're actively there with him on whatever set he's at. You're simply at the comfort of your home, wearing the lingerie set that drives Jeonghan crazy whenever he comes home to see you wearing it -- stockings, harnesses, garters and all.
He doesn't have to know that you're internally cackling to yourself as the three dots indicating that he's typing back a response hover in and out of the screen. Like he's at a loss for words, and has to type out an entire spiel before deleting it again.
When he finally manages a proper reply, though, you end up clenching your thighs together as you go over each word.
Jeonghan: i hope you're ready to take responsibility for the problems you're giving me.
Jeonghan: we're shooting a music video right now, and you made me pop a hard-on in the middle of the set. are you happy with yourself?
Me: mhmm <3
Me: can't wait for you to shove your cock down my throat, hannie~ we both know you need it more than you're willing to admit
Me: you can finish all over my tits if you want <3
Jeonghan: you're being extra cheeky today, aren't you?
Jeonghan: no, sweetheart. you're going to swallow every last drop i'm going to give you. then you're going to ride me right after.
Jeonghan: that's the least you can do for making me want you in the middle of work, isn't it?
Me: anything you want, hannie.
Me: i just miss you so much... i'm already touching myself wishing it was you instead.
Jeonghan: oh? are you so desperate that you can't even wait for me to come home?
Jeonghan: my needy little angel. be good for me, will you? no touching yourself until i get back.
Me: fine. but i want a reward for being good :(
Jeonghan: how does a pretty pussy dripping with my cum sound like, sweetheart?
Fuck. You're the one who's supposed to be riling him up -- not the other way around. But then again, you've been with Jeonghan long enough to know that it's completely futile to outdo the doer.
Me: you have yourself a deal.
Me: now, get back here sooner or i might just decide that i want to be a brat tonight after all.
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a1307s · 6 months
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I Hate You #2
(Wally West)
[Art is not mine! Credit to lord_zephyr]
Requested by: BeatleBee  and Fandom_Princess_21
Y/N: Your name
Word Count: 5,575
Warnings and/or Pre-notes:
Mentions of domestic violence
Mentions of sex life 
Playing into the memory lost again but in fairness this was planned before my "Flickers of Green" series so my bad for the over used trope
     The first thing I hear is the whoosh of air being pushed through tubs and different beeping sounds. My head is pounding behind my eyes and my body feels heavy. Heavy and painful.
     I blink my eyes open. Huge mistake, the lights above me only make my head and eyes hurt more, so I close them again. Pain management at its best. My jaw is locked around something plastic for God knows why. It takes a second but I manage to put the pieces together. I'm hooked up to a ventilator. What the hell is going on?
     I shift my limbs around, causing different pops to release from my joints. Once my body feels like me instead of a bag of sand, I work on getting the ventilator detached from myself. I'm pretty confident I can manage breathing on my own.
     My body still feels heavy as I move around, but the weight seems to shift as I move. Cautiously, I slowly open my eyes again, making sure to give myself time to adjust to the lights and added pain. Once they're focused, I'm left with more questions than answers.
     A man is lying against my side, his head resting on my shoulder, the majority of him laying against my chest and side as his arms are curled around me. That explains the added weight but who the fuck is this and why is he here?
     I repeatedly blink, trying to work these questions out on my own. I can't remember who this guy is for the life of me. I can't remember anything. It's all just... black. This can't be good. Maybe I was kidnapped. I don't think a kidnapper would hook me up to a ventilator though.
     As I try to work different angles of the situation, the man lying on top of me stirs a bit. I should probably be scared of this but for whatever reason it makes me feel calmer. Maybe I am supposed to know him.
     His eyes slowly blink open, tiredness still very evident on his face. As I settle on the green color of his irises, my chest fills with warmth and my heart rate picks up, which is very obvious when the beeping from the heart mentor picks up. I better know this man or else this situation is going to be very weird when I can remember stuff again.
     The guy blinks his eyes a couple of times as he sits up in the bed, removing the extra weight from me in the process. His face keeps switching, sadness and then happiness before the cycle begins again. "I... love you," he pushes out, his eyes still rapidly blinking at me.
     "Thank... you?" I answer, shifting a bit and turning my focus away from him. Pain shoots up my side as I shift. I attempt to try and hide my wince but it doesn't work very well.
     "Let me get you some pain meds!" The man says, stumbling out of the bed before rushing across the room. I watch him struggle to unlock the glass case packed full of pills.
     Am I in rehab? That would make sense, rehabs, and hospitals lock up their pain medicine. This room does not look like a hospital so it has to be a rehab. Am I an addict?
     I look down at my arms, scanning them for puncture wounds. There are small nicks and scares littered on my arms along with an IV needle shoved into my vein. Maybe I am an addict. Though the nicks look a little big to be a needle wound.
     "Okay, so, you prefer Tylenol but Dick said to start you on ibuprofen instead so I don't know. Which one do you want to take?" the man asks, walking over to me as he reads the back of both bottles.
     He steps next to my bed, the pain medication forgotten as he steers at me. He repeatedly blinks again, this time tears are forming in his eyes. Maybe he's family? Rehabs let you see your family. I don't think they let them spend the night but I could be wrong.
     The guy looks a lot different than me though. He has red hair that's shaggy on top but trimmed on the sides, and freckles decorating his face. As I'm looking over his face, a fuzzy thought - memory? - of kissing his birthmarks crosses my mind, which washes all ideas of familia-relation out of my head.
     "Please answer. You're making me nervous," the guy says, pulling me out of my thoughts. That's quite saddening. I like thinking about kissing his freckles. God, I hope we're not related or else I'm a pervert.
     "Um... I don't know who Dick-" I stop for a second, thinking over that phrase. Dick is a person, right? If not that would make this situation even weirder. If it is a person, who the hell names their kid Dick? "-is, so Tylenol should be fine."
     "What?" The man asks, dropping the medication bottles. They clink and shake the pills up as they hit the ground, not helping with my headache. "What do you mean you don't know who Dick?"
     I shrug, sending him a soft smile. Apparently, I'm supposed to know this Dick person. "I just... don't know who you're talking about. Or... who... you are," I drag out the second half, not sure how he's going to respond. If he's not someone that I should care about - or someone who doesn't care about me - who knows how he's going to react?
     "You're... I'm... okay," the freckled boy stumbles over his words before settling on not adding anything. I carefully watch as he bends down and picks up the bottles before placing them on my lap. "I'm going to... go get Dick," he slowly pushes out, struggling as he walks back and forth between the door and me. "Take... take something?" He says more as a question than a statement, confusion written all over his words and face. He looks at me for a moment longer before he rushes out of the room.
     I'm guessing it's safe to say I'm not an addict. If I was, I don't think I'd be left unsupervised with medication. I obey the boy - more because of the pain than him personally - and take a couple of Tylenol, racing it down with a cup of water resting on the table next to the bed I'm sitting in.
     I really like looking at the freckled boy and hopefully, I'll get to again.
     "Stop freaking out," comes a voice from behind the door.
     "I'm not freaking out!" Says another voice. It takes me a second, but I recognize the voice as the freckled man I woke up with. He's been gone for about an hour, so I'd say it's safe to assume the other voice is this Dick person I'm supposed to know.
     "You're totally freaking out! You need to stop freaking out before you make me freak!"
     "You can't freak out because I'm freaking out!"
     "You said you weren't freaking out, Wally!"
     Hearing the name makes my heart rate pick up again, filling the room with louder beeping from the heart mentor hooked up to my chest. The door creaks open a bit, the green eyes from earlier glancing at me and then my heart rate before the door is closed again. "I'm totally freaking out," the Wally guy says, his tone hushed but still audible through the door.
     This 'freaking out' conversation continues for a while, keeping me quite entertained as I repeat the freckled boy's name in my head in hopes of shaking a memory loose. It doesn't work very well; the only thing in my mind is the fuzzy memory of kissing his face that I had earlier. I'm going to safely assume it's a memory and not just a thought.
     "Don't... I can't... I'm not ready!" Wally stumbles out seconds before the door is swung open. There stands Wally, his face once again fighting between two emotions, this time it seems to be fear and happiness. Standing next to him is a shorter man with clipped raven hair. There's a mask covering his eyes which I take as a bad sign. Ideas of this being a kidnapped situation circle my head again.
     "Hi," The raven-haired - Dick? - man breathes out.
     "Hello," I answer, watching as the two men walk into the room and shut the door behind them. I continue watching as they walk towards me, each pulling a chair up next to my bed. Wally untucks an iPad from under his arm, setting it on my lap as the two men have an unspoken conversation with their facial expressions. "So... You are Wally, ya?" I ask, tilting my head some as I look at the redhead. He nods softly, his eyes soft and eyebrows scrunched as he looks back at me. "Which makes you... Dick," I mumble the last word, tilting my head in the other direction to look over the other man.
     "You... usually call me Richard," the other man answers softly, snapping his mask off his face and placing it on the arm of his chair. His eyes are blue, dark blue like the ocean. They're very pretty.
     "Okay," I answer, dragging out the 'o'. I look down at the iPad weighing on my legs. It's upside down, the screen facing the blanket and the case facing me. The case is a collage made up of eight photos. There are three pictures on each side, framing the two larger pictures in the middle.
     The top middle picture is an image of me, wrapped up in a loose, flowy green dress. An older man with sandy blonde hair is dressed in a suit and tie. I'm standing barefoot on his shoes, one of his hands around my back and the other one holding my hand as we waltz. The other bigger picture, stacked under the one above, is a picture of me and the Wally guy. We're sat on a beach, me comfy in his lap as we both face the water, his arms around me and his lips pressed against my forehead. I guess I am supposed to know this man, and I'm sure it's safe to assume I am not kidnapped.
     The top left picture is of this Dick guy and me. We're sat up on the hood of a car, both of us with masks on as we stick out our tongues and flip off the camera. I look a lot younger in this picture. Probably sixteen, maybe seventeen. 
     The middle-left picture is of a blonde girl with really long hair. Her arm is wrapped around my neck, the two of us holding different bottles of alcohol and very obviously wasted. A dead giveaway from the half-lidded eyes and the messed-up mascara under our eyes. 
     The bottom picture is an image of me another guy. He's built buffer than Dick but has the same color scheme. He towards over me, a frown stamped on his face. Cat ears are tucked on his head with the basic cat nose and whiskers colored on his face. I'm dressed the same but with a smile and peace sign thrown up in the picture.
     The top photo on the right is another redhead, but his build isn't slim like Wally's, it's more of a buff build like the off-brand Richard. Both of our heads are tilted, similar frowns drawn on our faces as we look at the camera. We're both propped up with arrows in our bows, ready to be released at the slightest movement of our holds. 
     The middle right picture is of a green-skinned girl and me. We're in a kitchen somewhere, covered in flour as we laugh. 
     The last picture is of myself and some guy who looks like he has gills sliced into his neck. We're mirror images of each other, both of our arms crossed on some dock as the rest of us are dipped into some body of water as we smile at the camera.
     "I know a lot of people," I mumble, sliding my fingers over the smooth casing.
     "You care about a lot of people," Wally says, his eyes burning into me as he watches for a reaction. I'm a bit sad I can't give him one. "Do you remember any of the events or people from the pictures?"
     I think over it for a while, trying so hard to pull something - anything from my mind. "Not really. I only remember one thing, but I don't know if it's just a thought or a memory."
     "What's your thought?" Richard asks, his body language relaxed, unlike Wally who's pretty much vibrating in his chair. I watch Wally for a second, trying to make out his movements. I'm pretty sure he is actually vibrating. That's... definitely something I'll have to ask about.
     "Umm..." I mumble, trying to make sense of Wally's ability to do this. "I think I remember kissing Wally's freckles. It might just be a thought I'm having."
     Wally's movement freezes, a huge smile growing on his face as the man next to him chuckles a bit. "Ya, you... you like to count my freckles with kisses," Wally says, his breath a little fast as his eyes jump around me. "You do it every night. It helps me fall asleep."
     "Oh," I murmur, turning my attention to the picture of us again. "So, we're... dating?"
     "Ya, ya, we are," he answers, scooting closer to me. He goes to grab my hand but stops himself. "We've been together for seven years. I was fourteen - you were thirteen - when we went on our first date and we just... have been together ever since."
     "Just us, the whole time?" I ask, glancing at him.
     "Just us. The whole time," he echoes, deciding to gently grab my hand.
     "What? No ring, Wally?" I tease, smiling at him as I scan over his face again. I like his freckles, and I'm glad he lets me love them. Or, at least used to let me.
     Both men chuckle a bit, causing my smile to grow some. "You want to get your degree before we get married. You always tell me if you're doing the work, your last name is going on it, not mine. Which I fully support."
     "Oh, that makes sense," I mumble, looking down at our hands. His fingers feel nice laced up in mine. "Who are the other people in the pictures?" I ask, turning back to the iPad case.
     Richard moves forward, pulling the iPad with him so we can look at it closer. "This is Oliver Queen," he starts, pointing to the top middle picture. "He adopted you when you were nine or ten. His wife's name is Diana, you call her Mom, but you call him Ollie."
     I nod a bit, continuing to look over the picture. "What's with the fancy dress-up?"
     "Oliver owns Queen Industries, which is a multi-billion-dollar company. You and his son help run it, which is why you're going to school for a business degree. Once you graduate, Ollie intends to teach you the business and then you and his son will take over and inherit the industries. So, you tend to get stuck going to a lot of fancy business parties."
     "Damn, guess I'm like a super-rich bitch," I say, once again causing the men to laugh a bit.
     "Ya the only one richer than you on the team is this guy," Wally says, motioning towards Richard. "I'm not with you for your money, by the way. The tabloids say that a lot, but... it's not true."
     "Ya, no shit Wally. It's not like you're the main breadwinner of the home and Y/N gets to play house-wife," Richard teases, putting my mind at a bit of ease. It's a weird thing for Wally to mention but I guess it makes sense since I'm apparently from a pristine family or whatever.
     "This picture is from our last vacation," Wally says, letting go of my hand for a second to point to the picture of us. "We went to Greece for a week to celebrate our sixth anniversary. This year you wanted to go to Brazil." His hand is back in mine, his thumb rubbing against me as his face is scrunched up.
     "Who's this?" I ask, pointing to the picture of wasted me and the blonde girl.
     "That's Artemis. She's an archer. You don't like using your bow for crime fighting but you do archery as a hobby. You two bonded over that and she ended up being your best friend," Wally answers, his face continuing to scrunch up as he blinks some. "I... need a breather. I'll be right back, okay? I love you," he rushes out, standing and kissing my forehead.
     "I... um..."
     "You don't have to say it back, Y/N. I know that... you are very confused and don't know who you are, so you don't have to say it back," Wally says, cutting me off before I can get the words out. 
     A ting of sadness mixes with the relief that fills me from his words. I know I'm supposed to love him, and I know I feel something towards him, but I can't bring myself to say the words back. How can I love someone I don't know anything about? How can I love someone if I don't even know myself? It would feel wrong to say those words if there's no meaning behind them.
     "I'll be right back," Wally repeats, running his hands through my hair a couple of times before kissing my forehead again. "I'm going to go on a walk, and I'll get you something to eat, okay? Do you know what you want?"
     "I... don't know," I answer softly, worried I'm going to upset him more.
     "That's okay," he answers, his hands cupping my cheeks and softly forcing my head up so I'm looking at him. "I'll grab some of your favorites and we'll have a little buffet." He places a couple more soft kisses, littering my cheeks with them, before he leaves the room.
     I watch the door, even after he leaves, for a couple of minutes before turning towards Richard. His eyes are soft as he watches me, scanning for something but I'm not sure what. "Am I upsetting him? Am I upsetting you?" I ask, figuring it would be easier to upset this unknown person than the person I'm supposed to spend the rest of my life with.
     "We're not upset with you. We're upset with ourselves, and each other, and that your injuries won't let you remember how amazing of a person you are. It is not your fault, and we are not blaming you or upset with you. You've done nothing wrong, Y/N," he answers, slowly sliding his hand into mine, replacing Wally's hand from earlier.
     I look at it for a little while, trying to read between the lines to see if this is okay or not. "Why are you guys upset with yourselves and each other?" I don't like him touching me as Wally was, so I move my hand away from him.
     Richard looks a little sad at my reluctance but doesn't push it. "You got hurt on a mission. When you got home, Wally was really upset because you gave up crime-fighting a long time ago. I... asked you to start again, and you did but you didn't tell Wally, so when he found out... you guys got into a big fight. Like, screaming in each other's faces fight and... he said he hated you. You stayed at my place for a couple weeks and then I distracted you on a mission and... you got hurt again and ended up in a coma. So," Dick chuckles a little, shaking his head before he continues. "We hate me because I got you hurt, and we hate Wally because the last thing you heard him say was that he hated you."
     He falls silent, giving me time to think over the new information he gave me. I focus on the wall across from me, rolling the story over on repeat. As I do so, small cracks in my mind come through as I try to focus. I remember crying as I knocked on Richard's door. I remember him getting pissed at Wally. I remember Wally saying he hated me. I remember telling him he was acting like my father. Were those going to be the last words Wally ever heard from me? That he reminded me of the man I hated the most?
     "Does Wally really love me?" I ask, a bit confused. A heated fight with venomous words being the second thing I remember about him isn't helping me love Wally like I'm supposed to. If anything, it's making me really confused. Do we fight like that all the time? Or were we just having a bad day? If we do fight like that all the time, why would I stay with him so long? Does he hurt me? Is that why I stay? And what's with all this getting hurt and crime-fighting stuff?
     "Yes, Wally really loves you. He loves you more than anything in this world. He would do anything for you. If you were drowning, he would give you his lungs so you could live. He would willingly die for you without a second thought."
     Dick's words help a bit, but not as much as I would like. How much of our relationship could he really know about? As if he can read my mind, Richard speaks up again. "Wally and you have a healthy relationship. You guys rarely fight. The shit before your coma was just a bad situation. I think in the ten-plus years I've known you guys, other than this, you've had maybe three bad fights. You're in therapy for... personal stuff, and since you guys were, I don't know, fifteen or sixteen, you've gone to couple's therapy together."
     Those words make me feel better. It lets me know that Wally tries, that I try, to make us work. It erases all worry of being stuck in a bad relationship. Wally loves me, more than anything in this world.
     It's been about a week since I woke up from my coma. Things are coming back, slowly, but they're coming back. Batman says that's a good sign, and that it points towards me getting all my memories back over time. The furry also says that all my wounds should heal fully too but to take it easy until I'm hundred percent again.
     Once I was cleared to leave, Wally took me home. It was weird coming back to his - our - apartment. It felt like home, but I couldn't remember anything about the place. The whole time I walked around the space, Wally kept rambling about how it's usually a lot cleaner and that he was sorry he didn't clean it better before I got back.
     Over the week I haven't been left unsupervised. Batman says it's not necessary, but Wally wouldn't stop freaking out. So, while he's at work I spend time with different people. The blonde girl - Artemis - is my best girlfriend. She says we go get our nails done every other Friday, and that one Saturday a month, she, me, and the other hero girls go for drinks. Artemis also said we usually call every day and talk over the day and such. Unless we hang out anyway, which makes sense.
     I also got to re-meet Conner - the off-brand Richard. He says he's my best guy friend. He also says that he and M'gann - the green girl - go on double dates with Wally and me one or two times a month. I think that's cute. Conner says that M'gann can't wait to re-meet me but she's a bit busy with Garfield. I don't know who Garfield is, but from what I've collected, I'm pretty sure he's the adopted son of Conner and M'gann. I'll have to ask Wally about that.
     Dick came and sat with me the day after Conner did. We talked more about Wally and me. He's Wally's best friend so he knows a lot about us, about me. Apparently, he's one of Batman's sons. Batman has three sons, Richard, Jason, and Tim. He told me I used to be close to Jason before he died because he was close to Roy and I'm close to Roy too. He's Ollie's son, so my brother technically.
     Yesterday I hung out with Ollie and Diana. It was nice seeing them again, I felt safe and loved the whole time they were here. They showed me a lot of pictures and videos from my childhood with them. We talked about a lot of deep stuff too; my life before them and my life as a crime fighter. It was a very sad day, but it helped clear up a lot of the fog and questions in my life.
     Today I got to meet my brother again. Apparently, he doesn't like Wally very much. It's not because Wally is bad, Roy just thinks I deserve more than Wally. I don't know how he can think that. From what everyone has told me - Ollie included - Wally is as perfect as a man can be; most of the time. I think it's just him playing the overprotective brother role. I technically have a niece because Roy has a clone. I don't know. That just confused me a lot. However, he said he'd explain it more on a different day and would set up a lunch day with our technical brother and niece. That's going to be nice - very confusing - but nice.
     Wally got home about an hour ago. We don't do much, usually, just talk and eat dinner. He refuses to even watch a movie together, let alone sleep in the bed with me, even though I said I don't mind. He keeps tip-toeing around me, like I'll shatter if he's too loud. Richard said Wally doesn't want to put expectations on me or even expect me to want to stay with him. I think Wally is worrying too much. If I loved him before, I'll love him again once I remember our life together. It's hard to remember that life though if he's too terrified to even talk about us, let alone act like there's an us.
     I hear the water from the shower turn off once Wally is done washing off from work. I turn my attention away from my iPad, giving my eyes a small break. I've spent the day prepping emails for my college. Ollie says if the emails don't work, he'll handle the dean. Roy says that emailing the dean and asking for a meeting with him and my teachers should work just fine. We shall see. I watch the bathroom door, glancing between the screen in my hand and the wood as I wait for Wally to walk out.
     After a couple of minutes, the door swings open, filling the frame with Wally. A towel is wrapped around his waist, leaving his chest bare. His hair is wet, making it extra floppy. He looks hot. I have a hot boyfriend, a really hot boyfriend. Despite being retired, he still has the frame of a hero. Toned muscles, a soft outline of abs, and nice arms. I wonder what our sex life is like.
     "Wally?" I call, my eyes on repeat as I scan over him.
     He blinks a few times, looking at me as if he forgot I was here. "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring my clothes into the bathroom. Before... I don't usually get dressed in the bathroom. I get too hot, so I usually need a few minutes to cool down in our bedroom before I get dressed."
     "I don't mind. I'm just glad my boyfriend is hot," I tease a bit, giving him a soft smile before looking at my email again. I don't want to make him uncomfortable either. I know he's struggling with me not being fully me yet.
     "I... um..." I glance up, watching Wally looking between me and the wall to his right as he thinks over his words. Maybe I did make him uncomfortable. Maybe he doesn't want to be my boyfriend anymore. I wouldn't blame him, I'm a lot to handle right now.
     "Wally?" I call again, setting my iPad down. I think it's time for us to talk instead of letting Wally avoid our conversations.
     "Y/N?" He calls back, glancing at me before diverting his gaze again.
     "Do you still want to be my boyfriend?" I push the words out before my emotions can stop me. It's going to hurt if he doesn't. Especially after spending the past week listening to everyone tell me how much Wally loves me and how much I love him.
Since being home, some of those feelings have started coming back. Certain things he does cause small fragments of memories to come back. With those memories, fragments of my feelings have come back too. I want to keep my life, my schooling, my family, my Wally. But, if Wally doesn't want to keep me, I can't expect that from him, the same as he doesn't expect anything from me.
     "What?" He asks, his face scrunching up either in confusion or anger. I don't want him upset. I just need to know if it's a waste trying to remember a love that isn't going to be returned. Why force a heartbreak when I can just leave it forgotten? "Of course, I still want to be your boyfriend. I love you, so much, Y/N." Oh. Well, that's good. "Why the hell would you think that?" His words are soft, filled with sadness instead of the anger I expected.
     "A few reasons," I whisper, turning my focus to his face. I like his freckles. When we're having a serious conversation and I need a breather, I count them. I count them mentally now instead of with kisses though.
     Wally shifts his weight, his eyes still glancing between me and other things. "Let me get dressed and then we can talk, okay?" I hum a yes, which is good enough for him. My eyes trail after him as he dips into our bedroom, but it's cut off when he closes the door.
I wait for a couple of minutes, my anxiety growing with each passing moment. I try to calm myself with deep breaths until Wally reappears in front of me, fully clothed this time. He moves slowly, sitting on the couch next to me, making sure to leave a space between us. "So... you don't think I want to be your boyfriend," he mutters, glancing at me before looking at the black TV.
     "Well, a bit ya. You won't talk about us, refuse to share our bed at night, won't do anything with me-"
     "We talk every night, Y/N," Wally says, cutting me off. His eyebrows are scrunched together again and his eyes are welled with worry.
     "Ya, but we don't do anything. You won't even watch a movie with me let alone go out on a date or something." Wally stays quiet, blinking his eyes repeatedly as he stares at me. "How am I supposed to remember my life, us if you won't even acknowledge it?"
     Once again silence fills the space between us. Wally blinks at me as the wheels in his head turn. "I'm... I don't mean to make it come off like that. I just... I don't want to expect you to stay with me and then it turns out you don't want me anymore."
     "Oh, Wally... I know I don't love you in the way you're used to but it is coming back, in pieces. It's harder for it to come back if you keep treating me like a child instead of your girlfriend. You heard Batman say that sticking to my normal routine would help. What part of you ignoring me is part of our normal routine?"
     Wally's eyes jump around from my face to the TV a few times before fully settling on me. "I'm just worried. I don't know what I'd do if I lost you again."
     "Oh, Wally," I murmur, sliding forward to close the gap between us. I gently wrap my arms around his waist before resting my head on his shoulder. "You're not going to lose me again. I just want to remember you, remember us. I want our relationship back."
     Wally tilts his head, resting it on top of mine as he wraps one of his arms around me. "I want our relationship back too."
     We stay like this for a while, the two of us curled up on the couch together. It feels nice, getting to touch him, sit with him, feel his body heat. "I want to take you on a date tomorrow," he murmurs, picking his head up for a second before laying it back down.
     "I'd like that," I answer, a smile playing on my face. I don't have to look up to know he's smiling too. This is good for me, for us. We're working to get back to our normal.
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fayrinferno · 6 months
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The (printed) collection
From time to time I get a question like, "do you have this or that book?" So, a few weeks back, I finally took them all out of their hiding place and grabbed some photos. Wish I had used my camera instead of phone, I had to stand on a chair to get it all and yeah, the picture is not the sharpest.
Anyway, I have some other stuff, figures and such, although I admittedly DO focus more on books as an artist/writer/translator. These books are the ones I translate from so I wasn't going for mint conditions, although a few of them are. You can see some of them still packed in the store bags. I included the CDs cause... well, they were next to the books and they do have some printed material as well.
The Shiren Suiki book gets a separate photo cause after taking the photos at home I realized I had left it at work when I scanned it... practically crying as I did cause it was barely opened when I bought it and it's a beautiful book. My Anvils are also very fragile.
I may do a complete list one day but for now, here are the quick descriptions.
ARTBOOKS & FANBOOKS I have pretty much all of the major official books I think, missing maybe 1-2 pieces. The one that may look less familiar is Hiroshi Osaka's personal artbook. I also have four of the relevant Nobuteru Yuuki artbooks. The bottom right one with the orange title is the issue of Newtype Magazine with a feature about Esca.
SMALLER BOOKS (let's pretend that's a category) Here I got all the novels (they are out of their sleeves cause I was working on them), all the filmbooks, Secrets of Escaflowne, Escaflowne Bible, and the Energist Memories manga/doujin collection.
DOUJINSHI I was mostly going for stuff I haven't seen online so I only got a handful. Besides the Shiren Suiki book, there are three Minato Tajima doujins (one of them is racy heh but I'm not hiding that I have it). One of the other doujins may look unfamiliar; it's a compilation book that includes other series (the character on the cover is from DN Angel). People who talk to me on Discord probably recognize the Nanoka doujinshi cover.
CDs AND THE LIKE I don't have all the soundtracks for some reason, probably cause I thought the missing ones wouldn't be hard to get. The PSX game is the special edition with the tarot cards. The LDs that I literally bought just for the covers and inlays. I also have all the audio dramas, some CDs with extras... and a phone card that was for some reason packed in a CD case lol (kidding, it's precious that they would give it that kind of protection). Oh, and there are two movie posters which I guess don't fall under either category.
I have some other stuff that is kinda related to Esca "by association" such as by artist or things that "looked similar" but I didn't include them. Also the figures. I may update this post with those but this is the brunt of it. I will be posting some goodies from these soon!
Same goes for the ongoing translations that I've been doing updates on in this post. Life is too short to delay them for months and years because of perfectionism, or rather, being self conscious about one's imperfect language skills. I am thankful to everyone who has helped me so far, proofreading my translations (coverteyes, pikafwance, sevenstars, and radical-rad1986)... I'm not tagging you guys but know that I'm VERY grateful, also to the other people who are helping me with other projects). I always had fun working together with you but it's no longer sustainable and I likely bit off more than I can chew. So I will get myself out of the way. There are two books that are almost complete as of today so I will just probably go chapter by chapter. I hope to be done with this asap but also December is a busy month for me so I'm not sure how smoothly it will go. Let's hope it does.
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fuck-customers · 4 months
hey gang! me again (from /post/741038774641983488, bitching about the two coworkers and the filthy deli slicer), and i guess we couldn’t go three days/two shifts without more bullshit from J1! as i write this it’s currently the morning after the shift described below. thankfully, i have the day off today, due to a prior appointment, so i might be able to wind down again before going in again tomorrow afternoon.
so before Chef C left on the hell shift prior, he asked me to be there at noon, when the first folks are showing up for their prep. good thing, too, because shortly after i arrive, before i even clock in, the head line cook (M) that showed up the same time i did informs me that he’s just gotten a text from C saying that both the sous chef S and the pantry cook J1 have called out for the day, leaving me as (currently) the only person available with any experience on pantry.
before i switched mostly to dish, this was fine, because i could rest assured that the old pantry lead (name irrelevant; no longer works there) would have as much as possible done and prepped for the next shift, even with the one day off we had between. the only time she wouldn’t is if the store was going to be closed for 3-4+ days straight and we needed to be concerned about spoilage. thus i would be left with minimal prep actually needed to be done and could just focus on the essentials.
considering this prior prep cook is the one who trained me and J1, it’d be safe to assume that she’d follow the same practices, right? well, clearly, that’s giving her too much credit, because again, i never got trained to any degree on how to make the vast majority of what gets “cooked” for pantry, and apparently she’s incapable of planning ahead even if for no other reason than to simply make her own job easier.
to make matters worse, we had just gotten a shipment, so the walk-in was packed full without any room to get around; i’d have put it away myself, but i don’t know where the vast majority of the shit goes, and i don’t want to fuck up the already tenuous inventory log situation that C constantly grouses about. i’m resultantly unable to get counts for anything we already have, so for the time being i focus on what i am able to easily access to get done, which is mostly plating desserts.
after a couple hours, a temp (E) comes in to help. there is a language barrier and she has never worked pantry before, only line, so i have to train her (through translation apps and my own rudimentary kitchen spanish) while also trying to figure out what the hell i’m doing myself. chef doesn’t get around to teaching me how to make two of the items we need until about half an hour before service starts, meaning i once again did not get a break and had to rush through making them myself, while i also try to get E set up with making sure everything she could put together was ready for service.
as you can probably imagine, this doesn’t go particularly well! E does great with the actual prep stuff, with dressing the cold cured meat dish and this that and the other, but as soon as we get to service it becomes an absolute shitshow. apparently nobody taught E on line that you need to send dishes out in the order the tickets come in, so we’re 15 tickets deep with more printing, and she’s ignoring things i specifically showed her how to make while we were slow to, instead, pull from the end of the queue to make salads that i keep having to drop what i’m doing to coach her on how to make correctly when they have a special request applied.
ultimately this results in me getting scolded by the GM/service lead to send tickets out in order, to which i just respond that “i’m trying,” and M comes to my defense when i can’t hear it to point out that i really wasn’t set up for success today, and folks kind of back off. thankfully we only end up with one extra dish (to my knowledge? something was said about extra carrot cakes but they were never brought back) and it’s just like. a half salad that E didn’t prep right so we couldn’t send it out.
insult to injury is that there were actually others present who had worked pantry before. one of the expo cooks (D) actually comes back to help J1 all the time, but because of S being absent he had to focus on expo—and he ended up leaving before dinner service without raising a finger or even pausing to ask to make sure i was going to be okay with just me and the temp. D’s got a problem habit of leaving without doing everything that needs done, anyway, which ended up resulting in J2 getting forced into overtime to pick up his and J1’s slack on that front, which is why he wasn’t there for this shift. probably ultimately for the better but i really would have appreciated the extra pair of hands.
due to the string of buffoonery that resulted in us missing no less than 3 kitchen staff and damn near everyone who knew how to do anything of substance on pantry, i wasn’t really given an opportunity to call for help. thankfully M had my back and nobody seems to have any hard feelings now that it was made clear to them that i wasn’t given room to do anything but struggle, and the GM and service staff took it pretty well when i apologized for how much of a shitshow pantry became, but i really should not have been left drowning like that in the first place.
Posted by admin Rodney.
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thebluestbluewords · 10 months
Friday means WIP day
Censored for tumblr-safe audiences, this is the current WIP section of my endless ot5 series. (There’s a nsft section directly before this, but the important part to know is that it’s a little Ben/Carlos ice cream date and they’re having a great time and no angsty plot-relevant conversations happened directly before this :) )
 “Do you want to try a bite?” Ben tries instead, holding out his ice cream. It’s pretty good. His pack only ever shares food with each other, but he gets to be a part of that now, because they’re his. And he’s theirs. And sometimes, when the stars and their schedules align, he gets to take one or more of them out on ice cream dates in town, because his people deserve to have nice things like ice cream and time spent in the sun, and Ben can help give that to them. 
Carlos takes Ben’s wrist to steady the cone. “You’re too kind.” he says drily, and takes a bite out of the side of it. Not a giant bite, like Mal would take when she feels like being annoying, but a normal-sized bite, appropriate to have when you’re sharing with a close friend. Because they’re in public, and they’re good friends, who are having new experiences together. 
The ice cream is pink, and there’s a little smear of it on Carlos’s lip as he lets go of Ben’s wrist and does something very important and attention-worthy with the ice cream in his mouth. Or maybe it’s not attention-worthy, and Ben just likes looking at his mouth. 
Either way. 
“Right. Uh, I give this flavor a ten out of ten.” Ben says, in the most normal possible way. “It’s really good. I think I’ll get it with the blueberry drizzle next time.” 
“Yeah? What flavor is it?” Carlos asks. His eyes are bright, like he’s teasing, and he knows that Ben’s distracted by the gorgeous curve of his mouth. Like he knows Ben won’t remember the answer. “If it’s so good, maybe I’ll try it next time.” 
“Strawberry…cheesecake?” Ben guesses. It’s strawberry something, and it really is good. If they were going directly back to school, he’d bring some home for Mal to try. 
Oops. “Right, that’s the one. It really is good. You can steal another bite if you want.” 
“Hmm,” Carlos makes a considering noise, and then takes a huge, crunching bite of his own cone instead. “Noted. Can we head on soon? I wanna get some of the stuff in the toy store for Jay.”  
“Sure. Am I funding this adventure?” 
Carlos blinks at him. “Do you want to help me cover Jay in silly string?” he asks finally, with the general tone of someone who is talking to a particularly stupid child. “If you’re too busy I can buy a can or two myself.” 
“With the size of cans these days, I think you’ll need at least four to cover him entirely,” Ben says thoughtfully. “Unless that’s not the goal, in which case I still think you should buy at least four cans, because then you can plant the extras in the girl’s room and try to divert any revenge onto them.”
Carlos grins, and it feels like Ben’s heart is going to burst. Like this is it, this is where he’s meant to be, and what he’s meant to be doing. “Unbelievable!” he crows, voice rising in a familiar teasing cadance.  “I cannot believe that the king of Auradon would stoop so low as to try and frame an innocent bystander for his crimes!” 
“The girls are hardly innocent,” Ben points out, but he’s laughing now, and it’s hard to get the words out. “And I hardly think it’s a crime to cover your roommate in silly string when he so clearly deserves it.” 
“That’s what you think!” Carlos crows, delighted and loud about it. “I’m hearing direct support from the kingdom of Auradon here!” 
Ben swallows back his laughter. “Am I wrong?” 
“Silly string is a crime worthy of a thousand prank-backs.” Carlos says seriously. “If  you’re funding this, we’re getting enough for everyone, and it’s a war we’re starting.”
There’s a right answer here, and it’s obviously the one that’s going to end with silly string all over their rooms. 
“Sure, I’ll start a war for you,” Ben says, like that’s a normal thing for him to say to anybody. It’s probably not something he should be saying so lightly, especially not in public, but it’s also true. He would start a war for any of them. He’s not exactly a perfect judge when it comes to the isle kids, but in his biased opinion, if there is anyone in the world who deserves to have people who are so devoted that they would start a war, it’s his family. “But I want no credit for whatever nonsense happens after we plant the extra cans around the school.” 
Carlos grins up at him, close and warm and slightly sticky. “Does this make me Helen of Troy?” 
“I don’t think I’m much of a Menelaus.” 
“You can be Paris. Mal can be Menelaus, and you can steal me away from her and launch the war of a lifetime.” 
“And the silly string….” Ben says, grinning back. “That’s just a casualty of the war?” 
“Exactly. And you’re funding it, so let’s go before they sell out of purple.” 
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minuy600 · 2 months
LEGO On A Budget 2024 #8: 60428 Space Construction Mech & 31145 Red Dragon
Peak has been acquired. Although we still got 2 more blogs after this, I think nothing will top what you're about to see right here. Just watch.
LEGO City - 60428 Space Construction Mech
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Okay first of all, how cool is the space theme? Honestly, every time I go to the Kruidvat and see the more expensive Space sets, like the 4+ Spaceship and Asteroid Discovery one or better yet, the Insterstellar Spaceship, I have to pinch myself to ensure I don't throw away another 18 bucks then and there. This one didn't seem as compelling at first, but that's the budget life, baybee.
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This is just the Ninjago set but better. I mean. The fact you got a couple extra small builds instead of merely some minifigs definitely adds to the experience to me. You may miss the cool swords, yet you get compensated plenty with how unique many of the pieces are. In terms of the mech itself, I find them to be fairly even, though considering the Space Construction Mech's more formidable amount of pieces, I am giving the edge to this one. It manages to be a bit more stable to stand upright, and it has the cool little gimmick of being able to move the left hand's fingers more or less freely.
Ninjago felt more unique, yet this was ultimately the more fun set to put together. A 'stellar' finale to LEGO City's pretty stacked budget lineup of early 2024. Haaaa.
LEGO Creator - 31145 Red Dragon
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Oo hoo hoo. Hoohohohoo. Hohohoho.
Yeah I love Creator 3in1. Such a novel concept, essentially tripling the value of your purchase by giving ya 3 things to build. Of course, the two builds that aren't the focus are gonna be smaller, but all that matters is what design you prefer. You're still getting your money's worth.
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Gonna start off with the smallest and my personal least favorite, the fish. And even THEN, this one is still excellent! It feels rather nice and chunky in the hands, like it's definitely a substantial build. Plus, there's plenty of movable parts too, like, everything you expect to move *does*. Certainly left a solid first impression, and this is the bottom.
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The bird is certainly a bit less unique as there's plenty of LEGO birds around I feel, and the idea of it flapping it's wings isn't AS compelling to me. The extremely adorable design more than makes up for it though. Look at it. Lil goofy cartoony bird. I really liked having this as a lil decoration for a couple days while I was busy doing birthday things.
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But here comes the bingus. The dragon from the cover. He thwarts all with his imposing (not actually imposing) size. Flexible arms and legs that look better than any other one so far. Flexible tail and wings, too. Hell, you can even open and close his mouth as was shown on the box. Extremely impressive and very cute to boot! The only mild concern is that it doesn't stand upright as easily as some earlier sets. Oh well, at least it ain't one of those Friends minifigs.
Current rankings:
The Space Construction Mech would've been number 2 at worst if it wasn't for the absolute delight that is the Red Dragon and co. It's a very cool set, maybe a touch boring for a Space theme, yet still very flexible and solid, with loads of unique pieces. Well worth adding to your extraterrestial collection.
LEGO Creator is quite handily my favorite theme, though. The value for money is rather extreme. For 9 bucks, you get two slightly smaller builds that look goofy and fun, AND a similarly cutesy dragon that can be messed with however you desire. 100% my favorite build by a long shot, it's not even on the same level as all the others. If there's any budget set to buy, it's this one. Same with most other Creator sets, honestly.
Creator - 31145 Red Dragon
Friends - 42608 Tiny Accessories Store
City - 60428 Space Construction Mech
City - 60411 Fire Rescue Helicopter
Marvel - 76275 Motorcycle Chase: Spider-Man vs. Doc Ock
Ninjago - 71805 Jay's Mech Battle Pack
Super Mario - 71428 Yoshi's Egg-cellent Forest
Friends - 42606 Mobile Bakery Food Cart
DREAMZzz - 71471 Mateo's Off-Road Car
Friends - 42607 Autumn's Baby Cow Shed
City - 60401 Construction Steamroller
City 4+ - 60410 Fire Rescue Motorcycle
City - 60400 Go-Karts and Race Drivers
Friends - 42612 Cat Playground Adventure
Minecraft - 21251 Steve's Desert Expedition
City 4+ - 60399 Race Car
Just two more sets left that I could actually review very soon. I'm excited to be done, my retro games have been giving me a stink eye for like 3 months now. The final FINAL post related to LEGO is scheduled for a later time, when i've already resumed the reviews of that OTHER major hyperfixation.
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pbandjesse · 2 years
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We accomplished so much today. It feels really good. Somehow I am still fighting feeling like I didn't do enough. But we did enough. We see on a great track. And I have to keep reminding myself of that.
I slept s lot better last night. I stayed up talking at James once they got home from the game. The ravens won and they were able to get home right before midnight. We talked about a lot of the stuff that's been giving me stress. And it let me sleep easier.
I woke up and was feeling alright. Me and James laid together in bed for a long while. And we weren't in a rush to get up. But eventually we did. There were things to do.
James would handle a lot of stuff. I would be a little cold and would have trouble getting going.
I got dressed though and just felt so cute. I had a little snack breakfast. And we started knocking stuff off the to do list.
In the end we got about 11 things off the list. Some more solidifying if jobs. Final packing of decorations. Alcohol ordered. Final paperwork for the caterer. It was just one after the other.
Eventually I wanted to go get lunch. I also wanted to get dried plants for bouquets. So we looked to see what Aldi's were close to lunch places.
We ended up at IHOP. And while our lunch was really nice, the Aldi was a bust. It was kind of a shitty one. So I asked James if we could go to Lidel instead because those are all know. And James said of course.
And it worked out really well. We did get a little turned around because Google thought a street existed that didn't (because there was new construction on the college). But we figured it out. And it was a brand knew store. Almost all the Lidels are really nice and this one was extra nice in my opinion. They didn't have dried lavender, but they did have grains! And so I would mix that with the lavender I already had at home and just made some great seasonal bouquets for my bridesmaids. And I'm super excited for how they will look.
When we got home I made a huge less putting those together. I used a rubber band to secure each bundle and then wrapped them in a nice twine I had. I like that wheat and lavender have symbolic meaning. And I am just very proud of them.
James helped me vacuum up all the plant bits. It made the living room smell nice.
James wanted to go for a little bike ride. So after they left to get some sun, I finished the packing up organizing totebag system for decorations I have come up with. And then it was time to catch up on my knitting.
I had been very bad about it the last couple days. And so I had 6 rows to do. But I did them all. And I enjoyed laying under my blanket. I think I will do one again next year. I think I want to do a grey scale one though. I think that would be really cool.
James got back here and once they cleaned up we laid in bed and watched tiktoks for a long time.
Eventually we ordered pizza for dinner. And James walked to pick it up. And also picked up our friend Lane! She needed to print some stuff because she has to fly to Canada in the morning. She will be back for the wedding. But work is work.
It was so nice seeing her. She had to work on those documents and James was finishing laundry and I was eating pizza. I was just really happy to have someone over. I miss when we had people over all the time.
She did have to leave eventually though. And me and James had a phone call with our dj, Yonah, and he was so sweet. I was a little less prepared then I expected. A little nervous about my music tastes. But also he was so warm and nice that it didn't feel to horrible. There is some timeline stuff I'm not sure about. We have our first dance at the end of cocktail and right before dinner. Do we also have father daughter dance then? I have no idea?? I think that should happen after dinner or like a toast from my dad and then dinner. Or maybe dad does toast before dinner. Then Jess does her speech and one of the groomsmen does theirs and then after dinner maybe my mom says something and introduces me and dads dance and then Yonah invites everyone else to dance too?? I have no idea. It will be fun but I am just not sure.
I am still worried about the timeline. I am worried the whole thing is to short and that it's not enough time but I know it will be okay. I am excited. More then I was before. It's hard to let myself be really excited because I'm scared something will be completely wrong and then I'll be so disappointed. But I am like. Quietly excited with a vibration under the surface.
Now though I feel exhausted. After our call we finished framing our last thing. Which was our seating chart. I got a shower. James packed their overnight bag. I did some fussing around the apartment. Took a shower. And now we are in bed. I am like. Bone tired.
Tomorrow James is doing a lot of running around. Picking up alcohol. Dropping off all our decorations. I am not exactly sure what my day will look like. But I am feeling happy.
Goodnight everyone. Sweet dreams.
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thebawdybaldurian · 4 months
#BG3FicFeb Day 1
SFW: Tav performs at a fertility festival the night she is kidnapped by mindflayers.
NSFW: Tav heads home with an handsome tiefling, not knowing that she is about to go on an adventure.
Some of the prompts I've pretty much already written in Tale of the Tadpoles, so I'll be skipping those SFW prompts and maybe linking to snippets or chapters. I'll be doing all the NSFW prompts :). I will try to post them separately, but I was able to tie in both of today's prompts into one story that gets progressively spicier...
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SFW: What was Tav doing when they were abducted? The Golden Sow was as packed as ever, with multiple performances planned for the Festival of Fertility. As a former devotee to Sune, Tav jumped at the chance to close the final performance of the night. She had a vast repertoire of bawdy songs to choose from, some tavern standards and a few original compositions. She’d had her golden locks dyed a vibrant red to match the fiery-haired love goddess and some long extensions sewn in to give her mid-shoulder hair some extra length. Her beloved lyre had gotten new strings and the wood had been shined to a gleam.
The crowd was well-watered by the time she went on, hitting the stage to a cacophony of whistles and shouts. She started them off with a particularly vulgar tavern song, encouraging them to sing along as she playfully stole drinks from the crowd near the stage. She followed up with a slower, sensual piece of her own mind, several old and new couples drifting upstairs to make their own music.
She also took the opportunity to scan the crowd, looking for someone to go home with for the night. She caught the eye of a shy, auburn-haired half-elf and a tall, muscular tiefling that was already undressing her with their eyes. Tav continued through her set list, unbuttoning her doublet when she got too hot. The half-elf looked away with a blush, Tav’s pink nipples visible through her sweat drenched undershirt. The tiefling, however, licked their lips. They would be her lover for the night. The half-elf might come back in a few more shows with some more courage. Tav finished her set with one final overture, her hips gyrating sensually as she plucked her lyre. She climbed off stage to more applause and whistles, and headed straight to the bar.
The bartender had her regular order ready for her when she arrived, a fresh towel, a mug of water, and a shot of Neverwinter Ice. She downed the mug, letting a bit of the water dribble down her chin to cool her. The tiefling had claimed the barstool beside her by the time she had finished it. “How did you like the show?” Tav grinned, dabbing herself with the towel.
“I found it very…enticing,” they grinned, their tail swishing around their thigh. They wore a low-cut corset top that pressed their breasts together and a pair of tight leather trousers that highlighted a thick bulge. “Can I buy you another drink?” They asked as Tav downed her shot.
“I drink for free here,” Tav motioned at the bartender to bring two new shots. “But how about breakfast instead?”
“I love breakfast,” they smiled and leaned closer, their tail moving to her thigh. “So…your name is Chardonnay Brandywine, but you are drinking…ice gin?” they sniffed the shot that bartender set in front of them, downing it when she did.
“I don’t like to limit myself to one thing,” Tav grinned, moving her knee so that it was barely touching their cock.
“That’s a great attitude to have.”
“So who I am drinking with?” Tav asked, ordering them a round of fruit ciders.
“Call me Ell,” they smiled.
Story continues to the NSFW Prompt ;)
Content and Warnings: Female Elf x NB trans Tiefling. Groping, nipple pinching, biting and sucking, genital touching with a prehensile tail, oral sex.
First Time
They flirted and chatted for a bit longer, their hands and eyes lingering on each other. “Are there any rooms left?” Tav finally asked to the bartender, as Ell gripped a generous handful of her ass.
“I think your performance made us full up,” the man laughed. “Someone was even asking about the renting the cloak room.”
“To Sune then,” Tav grinned at the tiefling and downed the rest of her drink.
“To Sune,” they both added, finishing their last drinks of the night as well.
“Tav, come by tomorrow for your fee. I think you deserve a cut of the rooms as well,” the bartender added, taking their glasses.
“You are too good to me, Farvil,” Tav smiled and gave him a hug across the bar.
“Watch out for this one,” he teased Ell. “She’s trouble.”
“I can only imagine,” Ell laughed and gave her ass a generous squeeze.
The pair made their way to the back, so Tav could grab the leather case for her lyre from the dressing rooms. Someone had set it outside, the grunts and groans from the other side of the door telling them that the crowd weren’t the only ones feeling amorous. The other dressing room was similarly occupied. “It seems everyone is in the mood tonight,” Ell pressed her up against the wall after she’d stowed her lyre. They kissed her with plenty of tongue, gripping her thighs to pull her closer.
“I believe the advertisement for this show was ‘Get some ass before Greengrass’ or something to that effect,” Tav flicked her tongue across their lips.
“Clever,” they smiled and kissed down her neck, pulling open her doublet and letting their nails pinch her nipples through her undershirt. “I have room close by,” they added, pinching their teeth around her nipple next. “Nothing fancy, but it has a bed…and they serve breakfast downstairs.”
“That works for me,” Tav grinned, letting her hand grip the growing bulge in their pants.
They left through the back, their hands groping each other as they wandered back to the Ell’s room. They cut through an alley, stopping to make out in the darkness. “I can’t wait,” Ell moaned as Tav sucked on one of their nipples, their tail slipping under her pants to tease her clit. “Can I at least taste you here?”
“Please,” Tav trembled, their dexterous tail rubbing her in just the right way. She unbuttoned her pants as Ell knelt, pulling them and her underpants off her hips. Their long tongue met her dripping sex immediately, lapping up her arousal and beckoning more to come. “Oh Gods,” Tav moaned, pulling on their horns as their tongue tickled her swollen lips. She closed her eyes tightly, focusing on the sensation of the tiefling’s forked tongue. It snaked up inside her, sampling every bit of her engorged folds. “Oh fuck,” she moaned, pressing her head back against the wall, looking up at the night sky. She caught only a glimpse of the mysterious thing coming at her from above, shouting “Oh fuck” again before she was instantly phased inside the spelljammer that hovered silently over the city.
“What the fuck?!” Ell stumbled to their feet, narrowly escaping the other tentacle that had come to take them. They ducked into a nearby doorway, forcing the door open to get away. They stayed there all night, terrified, only venturing out once it was light out. They saw no signs of Tav, aside from her lyre that still sat in the alley. They picked it up, heading back to the Golden Sow to ask about her. “Do you know Chardonnay?” Ell asked the worker who had taken over for Farvil.
“Tav?” The man asked.
“Uh, yes, I think so,” Ell set her lyre on the bar. “I was with her last night and then she just…disappeared.”
“She’s a bard, she’s been known to run off after a…” the bartender began before the tiefling cut him off.
“I mean, into thin air,” Ell exclaimed. “With my tongue still inside her.”
“Oh,” the bartender frowned uneasily. “Uh…I’ll ask around and put this in the back,” he picked up the lyre case. The instrument was one of her prized possessions and he knew she wouldn’t just leave it with a one night stand. “Come back later when my husband is awake again. He knows her a little better.”
“Alright,” Ell nodded and left to wander the city for a few hours.
They noticed a few other people nailing up sheets of paper that said MISSING on them. When they inquired about it, the people all explained that their loved one had gone missing some time last night, disappearing without a trace. Ell wondered what could have happened to all of them. They returned back to the Sow a few hours later, finding both Farvil and his husband at the bar. “Have you heard anything?” Ell asked, sitting down in front of them.
“Nothing. She should have been by for her performance fee,” Farvil shook his head. “She’s a bit cloud-headed sometimes, but she never forgets her money or her lyre.”
“Do you think it’s that cult we’ve been hearing about?” Farvil’s husband wondered.
“I saw others putting up missing posters. What’s this cult?” Ell asked.
“I dunno. Just rumors around the city. People gone missing or killed.”
“You think she may have been killed?!” Ell’s eyes widened. They hadn’t known her for long, but still hoped nothing had happened to her.
“No…I dunno,” Farvil chewed his lip. “I’m sure she’s fine. Probably just dashed off for an adventure on a lark, no offense to you. She does it all the time.”
“Can I leave my address or something for her? I just want to know if she’s okay.”
“Yeah, sure,” Farvil handed them a scrap of paper and a pencil. Ell scribbled down the name of the tavern they were staying in. “You’re staying in that shithole?” Farvil looked at it when Ell handed it back.
“I’m new to the city and they were the first place that would rent to me,” Ell frowned. After Elturel, tieflings had few places they were welcome.
“You have a job yet?” Farvil asked.
“Day labor for now.”
“Well….we’re looking for another bartender, if you are any good with those hands. Room and board included in your wages. We don’t care who you are or where you came from, as long as you keep the customers happy.”
“Alright,” Ell smiled. “I’m good with my tail too.”
Bonus First Time with Tav's main LI, Astarion.
I love Ell already and they will definitely make a reappearance in Tale of the Tadpoles at some point.
0 notes
3 March 2023
It's a weird thing this change of season. Nights are getting lighter and the weather's getting warmer. It happens every year and still we're always so shocked about it.
I think I am definitely over due a change. When I was 18, I was such a lost little bunny. I wasn't ready for uni, I wasn't ready to start a career, and I wasn't ready for a lot of things but I made it work, I adapted. I toughened up my shell and put my guard up. There was a rocky couple of years with George where my guard was non existent, but as that relationship my guard went back up again. With sam, my guard cam down very quickly and I enveloped myself in this new life we made together. 4 years on, I'm wondering maybe why over time those walls have slowly come back up and perhaps it's time to put them back down again.
I've said it before, I sometimes play things up in my head and blow things out of proportion but I also think Sam is very good at gaslighting, whether or not he calls it that. Tonight, we got drinks with his boss and an older friend of ours. I told sam that I wanted to be home early as I had an early start in the morning. So I'd like to be home after happy hour ends at about 7:30. 8pm hits and our friend wants another one. I start telling them no, I want to go home as I need to pack and make dinner for us, to which he said 'you're right, you're the boss' and sam replied 'She very much is the boss but I'm the negotiator' jokingly. I know he wants to stay for another one and tries to persuade me into getting a takeaway which I know I wont like, I much prefer my own steak that I have waiting for me. But I've come to learn that sometimes, when it comes to a takeaway, it's just easier to say yes.
Sam buys me 2 meals, a chicken wrap which I'm not 100% sure I'll like and a kebab meat which sometimes I do like but it gives me a bad belly sometimes. I smile at him because I think it's sweet that he knows me so well that if I don't like one, I'll like the other.
We get home at about 9 and he helps me with packing up the car ready for tomorrow, as promised, very helpful. But the real problem is when the food comes and we start eating.
It's not tasty, I really really don't like it. I'm frustrated because I know I could've had a nice steak instead but sam wanted a takeaway so he gets it. I start thinking as I'm picking away at this weird chicken, 'does he just not like the food I make? is this actually tastier? how can he crave this but not my cooking?' and just like that I've given myself this complex and my stupid mouth starts looking for a fight.
He gets upset that he's paid for this food and I don't like it. But it's been 4 years, I've never ever liked a takeaway in 4 years. He says he's helping me out by getting a takeaway- it's quicker and I don't need to think about cooking. In my head I think he's gaslighting me here. He didn't do this because he wanted my life to be easier, he did this because he's had a few drinks and now he's fancying a kebab meat pizza, extra large, with stuffed crust. He might've had me in mind but I'm almost sure it's not the only reason, he's just mentioning it to be a hero.
Next thing I know, he's lost his temper with me, tears have been shed and I'm selfish for wanting him to change and I haven't changed.
Sometimes I think what do I actually need to change? I could be more supportive but when he's choosing to play games over his work how can I be in his favour? So to that I've had to say to myself- not my business. I've tried to keep my mouth shut and not look for a fight- tonight doesn't count. I don't know why I feel the need to say things. I think it's because I just know I'm right. That's not a narcissist thing, I genuinely am right all the time. Sam wanted to buy new work boots, I said no you just need to use a black shoe polish, he was adamant that it wouldn't work so I bought him shoe polish and lo and behold- the shoes look great and I've saved him upwards of £150 for new shoes.
Speaking of money, I could spend less that;s for sure. We didn't have any internet earlier in the week and so I didn't buy anything, My wedding season has just started so I've been assisting Kate, a fellow artist, a lot this week. Sam mentioned how he's spent money to this disgusting takeaway so I said fine, and sent him £20. He said I didn't spend a penny tonight, fine here's £100.
That's definitely something I could change. I should stop taking so much on board. Like he's said how I haven't spent any money on my drinks tonight- fine I wont let anyone buy me a drink again. He said I'm getting too used to him buying me food- no problem I will buy my own food from here on out.
Thing is, we went on a date last night and it was great. I got giddy at the thought of him and how this is what it's going to be like forever. But tonight? I don't want that. Who would want this? The constant resentment of me wanting him to lose weight (so he doesn't keel over and die how selfish of me) and me wanting him to be a calm and collected man that doesn't scream at me anymore. I just don't want to argue anymore. I don't want him to gaslight me anymore. Say it how it is. Stop telling me it's all in my head.
Is it all in my head? Maybe it is. Maybe I need to see a doctor about it. Maybe I'm actually going mad and I need to be medicated for it. I'll make an appointment.
But is it normal? Normal to blow things out of proportion in my own head and spiral? If it is, why would I need to get checked out. What's going through my head is how I'm feeling in that moment. Maybe it's my gut telling me something. Crazy or not, it's a horrible feeling. I don't think I can cope with this feeling for the rest of my life. What's actually wrong with me? I can't keep asking myself this, I can't keep doing this for the rest of my life however long or short it may be.
My new mantra still stands and I just need to really follow it. If I don't talk, I won't get in trouble.
0 notes
katoktm6 · 2 years
I Made it!
When I originally planned this trip up the Costa Brava my plan was to make it to the border of France at Portbou, and here I am… but for some reason, I did not book my Airbnb until the 26th…so that gives me 2 extra nights…so, I may as well consider hiking the next steps. But first….
What a spectacular start to my solo hike with the pack today. Up before the sun and when I stepped out onto the balcony, I could see two tiny islands lit with hundreds of lights and the lighthouse circling light. As I started the walk, the sun kept making the view more and more beautiful until, Wallah!!!!! Look at that sunrise!
(While I’m sitting here writing this, people in town are gathering to start the festivities. The flag is going up the national anthem is being played…it is 6:00… remember biggest festival of the year in Spain is tonight. Celebrating the longest day of the year.)
Hike today was spectacular…for two hours walked along coastal sidewalks and pathways with railings…beach after beach…
(Loudest firework I have ever heard..Chimi would have died of a heart attack)
When I got to the last town before the hike up over the eastern end of the Pyrenees… I met two women from Switzerland. They were heading south and I was heading north. We talked for about a half hour. Then they said, “oh you should probably know that at the top of the mountain the GR 92, the path was closed. They weren’t sure if it was closed the direction I was heading but suggested just to be safe to take the old highway to Portbou instead. Thank God we had that conversation because again it was mid day and I don’t know what I would have done if I had gotten to the top of the mountain in the blazing sun and not been able to go down the other side into town. It would have been disastrous.
Photo stops…trees decorated in the plazas!
Also fountain in town
Also.. I need Sheila to explain the World War II and Spanish revolution history of this town. But it has something to do with the French not wanting the Spanish or the Spanish not wanting the French to cross the border…so one railway was built to town from France and the other from Spain, but they did not connect! Also a famous Jewish German Philospher fled here over the Pyrenees in bad health…he survived the journey/escape from the Nazis and planned to catch a boat to the United States, but the Spanish sent him to the French border and the French would not give him papers to pass. So he committed suicide in this town. There are all kinds of stories and memorials for him. I will just post the pictures in case you want to read them.
Remember that sunrise? When I was in middle school my mom had a friend named Joy. They travel together can you get together for lunch together did everything together. She was a single teacher. Unfortunately she passed away way too early. But I find myself talking to her often. After I saw the sunrise today I thought to myself, “Of course, Joy is walking with me today, I am not alone”
So off I went up the old road still in the blazing sun but at least I had an idea of where I was headed. Except I didn’t. And I was on the wrong road…the main highway 🤣🤣. Fortunately I checked my map enough times today that I realized the mistake and backtracked only a half hour lost instead of three hours this time… just when I thought I was going to have troubles with the heat again I came to some really long tunnels on the road. They had sidewalks in them. So I was able to walk through the tunnels maybe four or five of them down into the town and arrive by 1 o’clock! Only a seven hour hike with only one slight mishap today.
Got to town and took a shower did my laundry headed out to eat something. Had a glass of local red wine, a Coke Zero, and an anchovies and hard boiled egg sandwich! Tammy, it was delicious. Breakfast today was just a banana and some cherries and one empanada. As you can see from the photo the beach is set up for the big bonfire tonight that is the guy they are going to burn, St. Joan. Dancing starts at 11 PM. Fireworks after that. My hotel is about one block from all of this.
My hotel room is about the size of a cruise ship room. But the hotel is really cute. See the pictures. And only $47. Today I get messages from both of my Airbnb‘s in France. It has been impossible to find places to stay in France. But both messages said if you would like towels or sheets we will rent them to you for €15! Oh my goodness France, come on $$$$$.. I was reading articles about this town when I got here today and apparently the French tourist come here because it is so much less expensive in Spain than in France.
I am going to cut this short, at least short for me, and head down to the festivities. I think I will do a completely separate post on this night. I’m sure there will be plenty to say.
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0 notes
soulwillower · 3 years
housesitting •  richie tozier
(richie tozier x reader)
requested: no
had this in my drafts and figured i’d finish it and post it, sorry for being away, but idk if i’ll keep writing! hope you enjoy, i’ll prob still come back and update/post fics on this account on occasion. love u guys lots and i hope you’re all doing okay <3333
warnings: drinking, unprotected sex, oral (fem and male receiving), light deepthroating/face fucking, praise kink, degradation, use of the words slut, whore, etc, suuuper unedited
(losers + reader are 21+.)
4.7k words
the moment you stepped back into your flat, dropping your bag heavily on the ground with a sigh, you finally felt like you could breathe. 
today and yesterday had been a nightmare - you and your roommate bill had gone home, planning to stay for a week with family and friends back home. 
you'd spent the first night out with old friends at the bar enjoying yourselves and  you'd even gone home with a handsome boy you'd had a crush on in high school. but just as he was about to go down on you, after you'd gone down on him despite how terrible his b.o. was, he said he wouldn’t because it was 'gross.' 
you hate to admit but you were slightly tipsy and horny, so you still stayed for ten minutes of awful, boring missionary before he fell asleep. then when you'd left in the uber, a voice message from your boss threatened to fire you if you didn't come in and finish a project - so you had to scramble for a flight home, leaving bill back with your friends in maine for a few days, and now you're just ready for a shower, a nicely packed bowl, and a large dinner. 
because good god, that was an awful trip. 
"hello?" you call, rubbing your eyes as you walk towards your kitchen, wondering if your roommate's best friend was still here - he was supposed to stay and take care of the apartment while you were away. 
but instead, your eyes landed on a complete mess in the kitchen; solo cups everywhere, trash, empty chip bags, furniture moved and counters sticky from spilt beer. 
"what the fuck?" you project, eyes landing on the figure who walks into the kitchen, towel hanging low on his hips as water drips from wet, shaggy curls of hair. you meet the bright eyes of richie tozier, your roommate’s best friend. 
he looks like a deer in headlights, his glasses slightly fogged as he blinks his eyes owlishly and you swear his eye lashes tangle together as he blinks. "oh, hey y/n, why are you here?" 
and honestly, richie has always made your fingers tingle and your abdomen clench when he so much as looks at you, despite bill’s groaning and glaring when you refer to him as ‘hot friend number one.’ (he had a lot of hot friends). 
but you’re wound up, stressed, frustrated, and exhausted so all you can do is look from the boy to the mess and then back, stunned, "this is my apartment." 
he chuckles, wiping a drip of water off of his chest. you have to fight to look away, feeling burning from irritation and also something else as your chest heaves. you're just so tired, and this boy who you don't know very well has trashed your place and maybe even had a party and you just want to smoke and go to bed and- 
"say, what are you doing back so soon, toots? thought i had the place to myself for the next five days." he says too casually, grinning like he's catching up with an old friend. his hand runs through his wet hair, droplets rolling down his bare skin and causing you to fight the urge to keep your eyes on his face.
you shake your head. "richie, why does my kitchen look like a scene from dexter?" you say, trying to keep yourself calm. 
he tilts his head in an irksome, handsome way that makes you want to scream, "pretty sure dexter was....murdering murderers, not slamming smirnoff at three am."  "clean it up! what gives you the nerve to have a party in someone else's fucking apartment? while they're gone?!" you yell, throwing your hands in the air. richie shrugs uncomfortably and you're briefly in shock at how much faith richie is putting in the small tuck he's made with the towel, barely keeping up on in his waist. he laughs somewhat nervously, "sheesh, doll, it would've been cleaned by sunday, you just surprised me and almost gave me a heart attack while i was in the shower. bill told me we could throw at your place as long as we were responsible." he sounds pretty genuine, but you're just so tightly wound and frustrated.
"well this," you gesture to your place, "is not responsible." you glare, "i'm going to shower. i've had a long fucking day, and when i get out the place better be fucking spotless and you better be gone. i'm not asking." you snap. 
he grins as you push past him, turning to watch you storm towards the bathroom with an apologetic grimace on his face. 
you took as long as you could in the shower, savoring every warm drop until you stepped out of your bathroom, expecting to see an empty apartment. 
"what are you staring at?" the boy with the curls mutters as he fixes the wine glass he'd placed on the counter. you're pretty speechless as you look around, wondering how richie had managed to get your place more clean and inviting than how you'd left it. dishes are all clean, put away, the counters spotless; the oven is set with a timer for two hours, and the smell of lasagna invites your nose with a rumble of your stomach. two glasses of wine are poured, sitting at the counter as richie chews on his lip anxiously, hair glinting in the dark mood lighting from the lamp near the window. 
"i felt bad. you seem like you had a long day and i didn't mean to make it worse." he admits. 
you step forward, suddenly feeling hot as you watch him, his jaw clenched slightly and sharper than you remember it. he's actually really fucking beautiful, you realize. 
"you didn't have to do all this." you say, biting your lip as you take the wine glass from his hand. 
"i know." he says with a cocky smirk. your face feels hot as you watch him slide out the stools by your breakfast bar, sitting down and sipping on his own wine. 
with a smile, you sit next to him. he was always the friend of bills that made you the most flustered - he's a tall, loud, garish bartender who spends most his time doing stand up at the clubs on the weekends even though he studied applied mathematics in school. he's the kind of boy that everybody has a crush on, because he's got that dorky yet beautiful sculpt; dark, curly locks, pale skin with a splattering of bright freckles. his eyes pierce yours whenever you're in the same room and his grin makes your stomach flip on it's head. 
"so, why'd you come back early?" richie asks as he takes a sip, eyes staring at you brightly from behind the rim of the glass. you huff a small bitter laugh, "my boss told me i had to come back because we're understaffed. told me the extra hours are 'building charater' or something. but i was having a shitty trip anyways, so i may as well just volunteer my time." 
he laughs, muttering, "good girl. doin' the lords work." you almost laugh but his words have heat sent straight between your legs and you can't tind words, suddenly in a state of shock. oh, god, this wine is getting to you.
richie's always been so hot, you're not surprised that one casual phrase had you so frantic like this. you blink, richie muttering, "y/n?" gently. 
you shake your head, snapping to look at him, "y-yeah? sorry, i just- what did you say?" you're embarrassed. you're embarrassed because richie didn't even mean it like that and you didn't expect to like being called that by him and you're embarrassed because he knows now, god look at his smirk, you're done for. 
"i asked why your trip was shit." he says simply, smirk on his face causing your face to heat up even more. you sigh, eyeing him, "i tried to enjoy myself and then i have the worst hookup experience of my life. then i came back to a messy apartment." you admit, shaking your head as richie pours you both another glass of wine, "the worst? that's a shame. what'd he do, throw up on you?" 
you laugh, "no, nothing like that. he was a minute man, and he refused to..." you shake your head, wondering why you're admitting this to a guy you barely know. you've never hung out one-on-one before with him.  "-he made me do all the work. and then he fell asleep. the worst part is, i've liked him since high school." you admit, dropping your face into your hands as richie lets out a chuckle. 
richie's shaking his head, "see, those types are the ones who just shouldn't be allowed in the gene pool. lazy. missin' out on all the fun, especially with a gal like you." he says with a wink. you laugh, face feeling hot. "i'm no fun." you say bashfully. 
richie raises his brows with a grin, his smile making you melt, heat pooling in between your legs from the way he runs his fingers across the rim of his glass. "i highly doubt that, doll." 
his eyes dip down in a not-so-subtle way as he takes in your body, biting his lip and making you clear your throat with a heated face. "sorry you had to put up with a guy who couldn't fuck you the right way. and that your boss also fucked you. and that i ruined your night." 
you shake your head, "i just had so much pent up stress from the last few days." he's eyeing you, and you wonder if he wants to fuck you as bad as you want to be fucked right now. would bill kill you? yeah, he would, but richie is so damn fine and you were left so high and dry last night that you’re just about ready to jump onto his lap. 
as if reading your mind, richie hums, "bill's still in maine, yeah?" he asks casually, eyes fluttering to the timer on the oven that ready an hour. 
you nod, "yeah, he's actually hanging out with the guy i hooked up with tonight." you say with a light huff. richie groans a laugh, "no fuckin' way. i promise, not all of bill's friends are bad at sex." richie says with a grin, and you laugh. "you sure about that?" 
he hums, eyeing you but not responding. 
“guess i’ll just have to find out.” you say boldly, butterflies fluttering in your chest when richie shoots you a deep look, slicking his lips through a smile. he hums, "so i don't get it, what was so bad about it?" 
you sigh, "he wouldn't go down on me. said he was 'too tired' and ‘too much work’ then he wanted to lay down so i rode him for, like, five minutes and then he fell asleep." 
richie's laughing, and you swat his arm as your face burns, "it's not funny! it's humiliating, richie." 
he snorts, standing up to place your empty glasses in the sink, recycling the empty bottle. "sorry, doll. that's just shit. he should've at least had the decency to make you cum." 
you almost choke on your spit at his bluntness, face blossoming and thighs tingling. "y-yeah." 
"anyways, i can get going, if you'd like. guess i’m done being the house sitter. the lasagna will be done in an hour or so." he says with a nod, eyes staring at yours fiercely. you hum, standing up as richie walks closer. "or you could stay." you say, looking up at him from where he stands in front of you. 
"you lonely or somethin', doll?" he rumbles lowly, lifting a brow. biting your lip, you swallow, "something like that." you say, lifting a challenging brow. 
“so if it was stan here, or mike...” he starts, walking towards you until he’s close enough that you’re afraid he can hear your heart thump, “you’d want them to stay?” 
you swallow dryly, “if bill lived with someone else, would you want to stay?” his smirk makes you clench your thighs. his long fingers raise and curl around your jaw, tilting your head back before tucking hair behind your ear. you swallow roughly, his hands are so big. his rings that he wears are thick and ice cold and feel so good against your warm face. 
your heart pounds as he smirks, eyes challenging you. the waiting is killing you.
"you've got a pretty mouth." he whispers, sending shocks all around your body. "y-you've got a pretty everything." you stutter out, feeling extremely flustered and suddenly shy. "thanks, honey." he says with a laugh, making you feel even more bashful.  
"y'know..." he drawls, hand settled on your neck, caressing your jaw, "i've wanted you since i first saw you." 
you can't help the whimper as it falls from your lips. it's a small, shy noise of need and it makes richie beam a beautiful, sexy grin that has your knees weak. "please..." you whimper, eyes staring at his, the suspense making you anxious with need. 
"please what?" he asks quietly, clearly loving the tense air. you almost roll your eyes, "kiss me." you say, rushed. 
he pulls away slightly, giving you a stern look. “please.” he says, smirk creeping onto his face. you burn in slight humiliation because he knows what he’s doing. 
“please kiss me, richie.” you finally say, swallowing.
"good girl." he says with a smirk and you feel like you're burning up under his gaze. but then he’s leaning in and his lips are on yours and wow, richie is a good kisser. he’s pulling you towards him tightly, hungrily; his teeth bite gently at your lower lip as his tongue swipes your own, pulling you into him. he was needy in the way he kissed you, a dominance in him that you're not surprised to find. you craved it, you craved him; and then he's pushing you back, up onto the stool as he moves between your legs. 
his mouth is then marking your neck, claiming you, and you love it, the feeling of his teeth against your warm skin, the sweetness of his smile against you.
his hands brush up your thighs and past the hem of your shorts, legs spread so he’s pressed flush against you, his bulge so close to where you want him. "richie," you let out a mangled whimper, hair knotting in his soft curls. he laughs, lips finding your ear, "always wondered how you'd sound when i had you like this," he says quietly, "can't wait to hear what pretty noises you make when i'm inside you." 
his fingers find the damp seat of your panties, dancing across it and making your legs shake with anticipation and neediness. you’re already a soaked, mewling mess as you grasp for him, hungry and needy and you want him closer, closer. 
he pulls you off the stool, then, and you both stare at each other for a moment. he almost dies at the state of you; already fucked-out, hair mussed up and still wet, your eyes lidded and your lips kiss-swollen. 
you can’t believe your eyes, richie’s curly hair fluffy from being freshly washed, the taste of wine on his lips, the freckles, the collarbone peeking from his collar, the smirk that could melt black ice. he looks like he could tear you apart. you hope he will. 
“you’re hot.” you blurt. 
he rushes at you again, melding your lips together with a searing hot kiss as he shoves you backwards towards the bedrooms. 
"bill told me to stay away from you," richie says as he walks you down the hall, your feet nearly stumbling and shaky as you walk backwards, lips seeking his every moment, "he said i'd ruin you." he adds. 
you lift a brow, too flustered to say anything as you stare up at richie, inhaling sharply as his hand trails down to cup your ass lightly, still walking backwards. "he knows how pretty i think you are. how hot, how... perfect." he whispers into the skin of your neck, raising goosebumps. "but i want to fuck you so well you forget your name. i don't care about what bill wants." 
you look at him, desperate and needy. "i don't give a fuck what bill says. i want you, please." you say, pawing richie and kissing him needily. richie’s leaving dark love bites on the column of your neck and you know it's wrong, and you shouldn't, but you let him kick open the door into bill's room, guiding you to bill’s bed instead of yours. “please, wan’ you so bad,” you pant, the needy throbbing getting unbearable, desperate for some release. 
“how bad, pretty girl?” he asks, smoothing down your hair. biting your lip, you sit on the bed, eyes level with the zipper of his pants. the sight of you staring up at him from below his hard, clothed cock makes his pants feel even tighter and he hums, "you sure?" 
you nod enthusiastically, "wanna make you feel good, please." he lets out a soft noise as your hands go to pull down his fly, “filthy girl." he says lowly, making heat drip from your core. you shift, trying to relieve some pressure. you feel hot when you realize you want him to degrade you, that you love it. “god, say that again.” you moan, mouthing around his bulge. his hands come to caress your face, watching you, 
"you like being my little whore, huh? so good just for me. bet you’ve thought of my cock in your mouth before, haven’t you?" 
you nod, biting your lip. he grins and you’re moving to pull him out of his pants, trying to conceal your shocked face as you take in his size. your cheeks heat up, hand grazing his length and meeting his own hand as he pumps himself a few times, lining his tip up to your lips. 
“open.” he says simply and you comply willingly, laying your tongue out. he’s teasing his cock on your tongue and you’re whining, desperate to feel him in your mouth, to make him feel good. 
“just wait until i say so, baby.” he says, slapping your tongue lightly with his cock and making you shift on your legs, dripping wet.
he groans, one hand coming to hold your head softly, making you tingle. you watch as he stares at you, lips parted and eyes blown wide. his cock is glistening with precum as it lays on your tongue. “suck my cock pretty girl.” he mutters, caressing your cheek. so you close your lips, slowly sucking on his tip before taking a bit more, moving your head slowly. 
you lick a stripe up the base of his cock and up to his tip, swirling your tongue. he groans in relief and pleasure as you take as much of him into your mouth as possible slowly, bobbing your head and taking as much in as you can. he’s bigger than anyone you’ve been with before, and the need to feel him inside you and to make him fall apart has you taking him as deep as you can.
you take him deeper, your eyes clouding with tears as you try not to gag and he hums, hands pulling your hair from your eyes - you can tell he’s straining not to buck his hips as you bob up and down on him.
“god, you feel so good, y/n.” he groans. you pull back, sucking on his tip as you swirl your tongue, catching your breath. his hands fall to your head and he gently, slowly thrusts his hips slightly. you gag, mouth wet as he pulls out of your mouth and wipes the trails of spit from your lips. “do it again, please.” you gasp, and he grins. “such a  slut.” 
he guides your face back to him, “tap me three times if it’s too much.” you take him in again, holding as long as you can and loving the way he’s thrusting into your mouth. he groans, both hands on your head, his chest rising and falling shakily.
"god, that’s so perfect. my good little toy.” he rumbles and your chest flutters. you feel him twitch and you sense he may be close, so you start to bob your head again.
he stops you, "no, pretty girl. i'm going to cum inside of you, okay?" you swallow, mouth dry, "okay." please. 
he sinks to his knees, gently pushing you so you're laying down on the bed again, pulling your legs so they hang off the side of the mattress. he's pulling your shorts off, your underwear following as he spreads your legs wider, kissing your thighs. “look at that pretty pussy. soaked, all for me.”
you're breathing shakily as one finger rises to gently rub your slit, making you moan softly. his touch is feathery-light, teasing you and making you whine, moving your hips. "shhh." he says softly, bringing his tongue to lick up your slit. you moan out, relieved to have some sort of satisfaction. richie's hand moves up to push up your top, thumbing your nipples as he starts to suck your clit. he pins your hips down, "be a good slut and stay still for me." he says, burying his face as your toes start to curl in pleasure, the burning sensation of pleasure increasing. 
he rubs circles into your hips with one hand as he slides two fingers into your heat, making you whimper, his fingers start to pick up pace as he continues to circle your clit with his tongue. his long fingers curl up inside of you, still pushing into you fast and rough, hitting your g-spot. you moan, “richie, harder, please.”
he hums, lifting his head as you gasp for breath, "since you asked so nicely, doin' everything i say." his fingers are moving again, faster than before. his tongue runs over your clit, practically moaning into your heat, fingers moving faster. you moan unabashedly, feeling yourself clench and knowing you're about to cum. your legs wrap around his shoulders as your hips move slightly, 
“cum on my tongue like a good little slut, okay baby?” he says gently. you moan, eyes shutting as you see stars. you're hitting your high and then richie's watching you, praising you as you fall apart, letting out soft whimpers. 
then you're sitting up as he rises from his knees, licking his lips. pulling him into a searing kiss, he crawls on top of you, rutting into you a few times before pulling back. 
he's pulling himself out of his pants and you swallow around your words, resisting the shocked face that threatens to creep on to you when you see how big he is. you moan as you watch him pump himself, pulling off his shirt as you pull off your own. 
he grins as he looks at you, "so good for me, my little slut. you want me to fuck you now?" he asks and you eagerly pull yourself up to your elbows, "yes, please, rich, fuck me." 
he hums, pushing his cock against your slit, the tip rubbing your sensitive clit and making you moan sharply. he continues to tease you, one hand on his cock and the other holding your waist. "use me, please." you whisper in his ear, hand holding him to you from the back of his neck. 
he lets out a sharp breath, hand snaking to your neck and pushing you back onto the mattress. "you want me to use you?" he asks, thrusting against you slowly, teasing your slit. "like my little plaything?" 
"yes, god, richie, please-" but then he's sliding into you all at once, his large cock stretching you as he moves his hips, sheathing into you. you feel so full that all you can do is gasp, richie kissing your forehead as his hand rests on your throat. "gonna fuck you on bill's bed, okay? and you're gonna be good for me, right? my good little cockslut." 
you nod yes, "so good for you." you say, and he smiles. he starts to pull out, easing back in and starting a shallow rhythm, getting you used to his size. you're euphoric as he starts to languidly pump into you, one hand on your neck and the other on your chest, palming your tit. 
he starts thrusting into you, picking up speed - rough and fast. his hips buck up against you, pulling back fully before filling you up. his thumb gently grazes your sensitive clit and you grip his bare back, raking your nails down in pleasure. "do you walk around thinking of how it'd feel to get fucked by me, baby?" he whispers in your ear as he pounds you into the mattress. you moan, "yes, r-rich, i've wanted you for s-so long," you trail off into a moan. "feels so good." you mutter, panting, words babbling from your mouth incoherently. 
you barely have a warning before you cum a second time, clenching so hard that richie's hips sstutter, his moan ringing with your own. he looks down at you, thumb trailing into your open mouth, you eagerly sucking on it like a lollipop. "god, you're so tight, doll. such a good little whore for me. i bet you'd let me do anything to you, anywhere." 
your legs are shaking as he keeps thrusting you through your orgasm, feeling sensitive and euphoric. he smirks, "yeah? bet you'd let me fuck you anywhere, just my little fuck toy. so perfect for me." 
you nod, kissing him needily, tears from oversensitivity pricking your eyes. "want you filling me up richie, feels so good." 
"anywhere?" he asks, eyebrows knit in pleasure as he fucks into you. he's so possesive, it makes your face warm. you nod, "anywhere." 
he's smirking, and you know he's thinking about how shocked bill would be if he found out. it makes it that much hotter as you turn and see the picture of bill and richie on the wall near the door. 
then richie pulls out of you and you're being flipped onto your knees, richie's large hand pushing your face towards the soft sheets. you can't help the moans that escape you as he spits onto your dripping cunt, fingers playing with your used pussy as you moan, sensitive and still desperate. "pretty baby, all fucked out. can you take one more?" he asks, hands roaming your ass. you nod, yelping gently when a hand smacks down on your ass. 
"can you take one more?" he asks. "yes!" you moan into the mattress with need. he mutters, "good girl." as he pushes into you, the new angle making you moan loudly. with every thrust, he pushes you down on the mattress, making you grip against the edge of it with pleasure. one of his hands drops down to rub your clit, and you buck needily against his touch. after only a few minutes, the combination of the snap of his hips, the few slaps on your ass, and his hands on your clit push you over the edge, clenching around his cock as you whimper. your legs barely stay up after you cum, and his arm wraps around you to hold you as he pounds into you, chasing his own high. 
"yes, my pretty girl, so good." he praises again, hips speeding up. you think he's close because his breathing is faster, hands gripping your hips hard as he kisses down your spine, "take it." he whispers onto your back as he finally cums, pulling out and finishing on your ass and lower back, moaning lightly. 
you can't believe what just happened as richie disappears, returning at the speed of light with a damp washcloth to clean you off. you blush at how sweet the gesture is before he falls next to you on the bed, sighing. "i'll be honest, i didn't expect that." 
you laugh, "neither did i. i thought i was coming home to an empty apartment and some microwave ramen." 
he's staring at you, a smirk on his face, “i'd apologize again but holy fuck, you look so pretty when you cum.” you don't know what to say, feeling hot as you roll your eyes with a grin. he laughs and kisses you, “you’re cute, you know.” 
"says you." you mutter against his lips. you thank god bill won't be back soon as you watch his best friend rise, naked, from beside you and grab a spare hoodie and gym shorts from bill's closet, throwing them on before handing you his own shirt to wear.
"so, lasagna?" he asks, glasses askew slightly. you laugh as you stand on shaky legs, "it's the least you could do." you joke. 
tag list:  @gabiatthedisco @blisshemmings @stenbrozier  @sft-core @clownsloveyou  @moon-shine-baby  @daughter-of-the-stars11 @trashedfortozier @oceandog13 @chl0bee  @kait16xo @upamongthestarss @fiantomartell @beverlyparkerr @beauregard-s @diorbubs @leighjaenikhowell @groovybimbo @deepestofwaters  @unfortu-nate-ly @sassy-uris @loverloserrr @hauntingkaspbrak @soph-ec @hockslutter @babytortie  @decafcoffeew @etaerealboy
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vvienne · 3 years
Absolute Zero by jitterati
Pathologically solitary academic Chu Wanning left behind a life of research to enlist with the Pan-Pacific Defense Corps Jaeger team when giant monsters began to emerge from the Pacific ocean, eager to leave his personal entanglements behind him and join humanity's collective battle against the threat of extinction.
His goal is to build an artificial intelligence that will allow a pilot to operate a Jaeger mech solo - eliminating the need for pilot compatibility and the mortifying ordeal of being totally known by another person, a "neurological handshake" known colloquially as the drift.
He didn't expect his former students to follow him all the way to front line of the war against the kaiju.
Featuring lots of side character interaction, pining, yearning, questions on the nature of personhood, friendship between jerks, people coping badly with loss, snarky AI, and giant robots. Illustrations by Saika & Daru
Husky and his White Kitten Disciple by JustAMoon123
Within a lonely heart, the seeds of hatred start to grow.
-A 2ha Age and Role-Reversal AU.-
NOTE: This Story is Now E Rated!
[Before meeting Chu Wanning, Mo Ran had drawn his power exclusively from the Wood side of his dual Spiritual Root, and his Qi had always glowed green.
Now, only when in battle did it do so, with Bugui’s blade encased in a tyrannical green light.
Outside of battle, like when he set barriers of warmth; or made Crystal Butterflies to tease golden flowers; or cast a small array to keep a box of food warm, his Qi manifested with a gentle red glow.
Mo Ran’s Wood was destructive, while his Fire was protective.
Ah, Mo Weiyu, Mo Weiyu. Even your power betrays you.]
Burn, Pine, and Perish by moonqueenmaia
It’s been two days since Taxian-Jun’s last visit, and Mo Ran hasn’t touched Chu Wanning at all, beyond gentle and fleeting caresses. Chu Wanning decides to take matters into his own hands by surprising Mo Ran when he comes back to their home after a trip down the mountain.
it's no coincidence (it's a kitty-incidence) by lanzhan (gothguk)
There’s a white cat lounging in the middle of Mo Ran's bed.
to touch you with bare hands (even if it burns) by moonqueenmaia
Chu Wanning is a renowned professor of mechanical engineering at Sisheng Peak University. Beautiful, lonely, and talented beyond belief, he has spent his 32 years mostly by himself, silently and secretly yearning for affection and companionship. Yet Chu Wanning has resolved to himself that he will spend the rest of his life alone, no matter his hidden fantasies.
Enter Taxian-jun, an unruly, arrogant, and struggling student, fiery and domineering, who comes in and shatters the calm of Chu Wanning's life. They enter into an agreement, both burying their feelings underneath a storm of lust and lies. Yet amidst it all, something deeper may be helplessly and slowly blooming.
It is up to them to cultivate it, or destroy it for good.
cursed by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning and his disciples are sent to investigate an abandoned village, and Chu Wanning is hit with a curse.
Mo Ran was determined to treat his shizun respectfully in this life, but what choice does he have?
liar liar cock on fire by lofikv
I (32M) walked in on my roommate (23M) masturbating in our living room. Ever since then I couldn't erase the image of his penis in my mind but I found a sex toy online that is almost as big as him, so I bought it and tried it on myself so that I can imagine how he would feel inside me. I have also been romantically attracted to him ever since we started living together. How can I cope with this?
UPDATE: He caught me in the middle of an emergency.
(Absolute) Unit 311 by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning doesn't have a soulmark.
Neither does Mo Ran.
ducks entering highway by Sectionladvivi
Mo Ran finds out his well-respected, MILF-coded, tears-of-angels-tight-ass robotics professor moonlights as an erotic novelist. He immediately leverages this knowledge for an opportunity to play tonsil hockey.
to yearn by devilsoupe
Chu Wanning starts to cough up flowers. Taxian-Jun is angry. Chu Wanning is not allowed to die pining for someone else.
When it starts happening again in his second life, Mo Ran knows enough to worry.
from blossom to blossom to impossible blossom by Wildehack (tyleet)
Taxian Jun is the victim of a flower curse.
sticky fingers by fakeplasticlily
The man tosses the towel unceremoniously back at Mo Ran’s chest, like he’s personally offended by it. And the fact that his hands had just been all over said chest barely minutes earlier, maybe. “Please pack a box of egg tarts with extra custard filling, a box of red bean paste buns with extra syrup, a rice pudding with extra candied fruit garnish, and a box of osmanthus cakes with extra sweet pear jam.” Mo Ran’s eyes grow progressively wider as he lists the items. It’s him. Not the suburban mother of four, not the elderly guy dealing with a midlife crisis, but quite possibly the hottest guy he’s ever seen. Who also happens to have the highest sugar tolerance Mo Ran has seen in a human being in his two years of running this bakery. 
Hard to Love The Lonely Night by bloodsongs
Chu Wanning glares up at him, adjusting his women’s robes. “Still, why couldn’t you have been the wife instead?”
Coughing politely, Mo Ran looks to the side, avoiding his gaze. “Shizun’s skills with the illusion barrier far surpass this humble disciple’s, and, well…”
He doesn’t need to complete his sentence—it’s infuriating, but Mo Ran is now taller than him, broader than him, larger than him. Very much so. The young sapling he raised in Sisheng Peak is now a full-fledged tree, a man built like the mountains Chu Wanning has seen in his travels.
Chu Wanning and Mo Ran pretend to be a married couple visiting a small mountain town to investigate some suspicious disappearances. Mini Canon AU casefic. Contains spoilers up to Chapter 130 or so of the novel.
Purple Ink by jeejaschocolate
Chu Wanning is a robotics engineer who lives a life of isolation and loneliness, only partially due to his chronic illness. Eventually he gets so sick that he requires the help of a full-time medical assistant.
Of course, these days, all those jobs are given to CyberLife androids.
Chu Wanning resents the android they give him. From his fiery eyes to his long black hair, to his incomparable tenderness and consideration for Wanning’s feelings.
He resents him. All the way until he falls in love with him.
Fallen Flowers in Swallows' Nests by bloodsongs
You deserve better—I refuse to disrespect you ever again. I want to be better. I must be better.
But I don’t know how. I don’t know what to do.
I don’t know where Taxian-Jun ends and Mo-Zongshi begins.
I only know now that I cannot lie to myself: I want you so fiercely that I burn with it, I am consumed with the desire to make you mine and mine alone. To become one with you, feeling your fire twine with mine.
Or, Chu Wanning finds letters from Mo-Zongshi that were never shared with him.
These hitherto undiscovered letters cover a range of emotions that weren't present in the book he gifted his Shizun: contrition, yearning, and desire.
Counterpoint by senchafloat
Five years ago, Mo Ran was just a boy who loved playing piano—there were many things he didn't know. He didn't know how capricious and unforgiving the world of classical music could be. He didn't know just how lucky he was to have Chu Wanning as his teacher.
Five years later, Chu Wanning is now a renowned concert pianist, and Mo Ran is an upstart conducting student. When Chu Wanning shows up unannounced at his alma mater, Mo Ran has plenty of questions, along with a desire to prove his worth to his old teacher. But as it turns out, Chu Wanning isn't as invincible as he once seemed. As old secrets come up to the surface, the two of them are forced to reinvent the ways they'll make music together.
impatient to adore you by riverdanceeee
At some heartbreaking point in his life, Mo Ran accepted that Chu Wanning would never reciprocate his feelings, so he dealt with it as any other person would. He'd rid himself of his affection, respect their friendship, and learn to move on. But Mo Ran's affection runs too deep, and when any opportunity to spend time with Chu Wanning knocks on his door, he goes running to answer and accept. Even if it means he has to break up a potentially dangerous dog fighting ring.
To Bow Before A Willow Vine by bloodsongs
“I…” Mo Ran hadn’t thought that far. He shakes his head, lowering his head in deference, resting his forehead against Chu Wanning’s knuckles. "I'll do anything you want of me."
The silence stretches on for a beat too long.
"Anything?" Chu Wanning says eventually, tilting his head.
Written for 2Ha Week, Day 4: Reverse AU for the 0.5 timeline. When Chu Wanning storms Sisheng Peak and crowns himself the cultivation world's new emperor, Mo Ran trades his life for Xue Meng's. Contains spoilers for up to the end of the novel.
Call me by my name by rinsled05
When the man called Taxian-Jun arrives, years later, it’s the coming of a storm.
He sweeps into a dinner appointment between Chu Wanning and a client, clad in black, a smirk tugging at his mouth. Over the spark of irritation, Chu Wanning can’t help but admire his lean frame, the way his hair, cut rebelliously short, falls over smoldering, dark eyes. The way he towers over him, even when Chu Wanning rises to full height.
Chu Wanning’s heart races as Taxian-Jun leans in close, ignoring the shouts and gasps around them.
“Sakaki of Ran,” he purrs in their native tongue. “You’re mine.”
Chu Wanning lifts his chin. “I don’t know you.”
“You will,” Taxian-Jun says, and leaves.
In which Chu Wanning is a courtesan serving Chinese merchants in Nagasaki, Japan, and Taxian-Jun decides to make him his.
荷官牌型 ♠️ The Croupier's Hand by bloodsongs
In deep financial straits after losing his job as a teacher, a desperate Chu Wanning becomes a croupier at Sisheng's new casino.
The once sleepy town of Sisheng Peak grows busier by the day as the casino draws more and more tourists to their mountains. Consumed by his lingering regrets over the worst mistake of his life that destroyed his teaching career, Chu Wanning is too distracted to worry about anything else but his next shift, his next paycheck.
Except that's when Mo Ran, the reason Chu Wanning lost everything, returns to Sisheng Peak.
As the heir to the casino.
White Rabbit Club by minkit
Desperate to rid himself of a few pesky things called virginity and desire, Chu Wanning waltzes into a world he knows little about and right into the embrace of a mysterious stranger who reminds him of the student he's been dreaming about all year. The lust fueled dreams his student stars in are the very reason Chu Wanning applied to the sex club in the first place, and now he's desperate to get rid of these filthy impulses once and for all.
Congratulations, Chu Wanning, on your acceptance into the White Rabbit Club. We hope you enjoy your stay.
Risk and Restraint by purloinedinpetrograd
There is nobody Mo Ran works with who does not love him. He’s worked hard to cultivate this image while he climbs the corporate ladder at Sisheng, and it’s paid off in dividends. He’s in every WeChat group. He can call in favors with any division of any department. He can make even the tightest of deadlines relax their stranglehold on his team.
That is, there is nobody except, of course, Chu Wanning.
A Lingering Sweetness by theherocomplex
Chu Wanning is now all too aware of what he looks like: a dry stick of a man, never handsome, angular and cold and pale. A drab, short-tempered creature, as appealing as a splinter in one's foot. But Mo Ran looks at him as if he will never get his fill, and part of Chu Wanning thinks, What if —?
At the end of the line by PearlAquaBlue 
“So … I reckon someone thought you needed to loosen up a little bit. Now that you’re here, want to try it?”
Chu Wanning hangs up. Throws her phone on her pillow with a disgusted glare after it. Stands up and paces to the kitchen in long, angry strides. Her cheeks are burning. With trembling fingers, she grabs a glass and pours herself some water, gulping it down in one go. It doesn’t help much. She grips the kitchen counter tightly, then marches back into the bedroom to glare at the phone again. Her fingertips itch, and it’s as if some kind of magnetic force draws her closer and closer to her bed until her fingertips are but an inch away from that tempting black mirror. Before she knows it, she’s unlocked it unsteadily and pressed “repeat” on the last call.
“Welcome to Sisheng Peak – ”
“And what would that entail?” she asks, a little too breathless.
Let's Fall in Love for the Night by purloinedinpetrograd
Chu Wanning could only stare in horror as a large cloud of sickeningly yellow pollen rose from the field, blanketing the place where Mo Ran stood in a heavy fog. “Um,” he said lamely.
“Fuck,” Mo Ran cursed, and Chu Wanning didn’t even have the heart to chastise him for his coarse language, because he was too preoccupied wrestling the surge of fear at seeing his disciple disappear behind the haze of that indeterminately threatening dust.
A million terrible possibilities raced through his mind, each one more dramatic and gruesome than the last. His heart hammered against his ribcage, threatening to crack the bones. “Mo Ran,” he said slowly, “I think you should tell me what that does, now.”
Xue Zhengyong sends Chu Wanning and Mo Ran on a mission to find a specific ingredient for some concoction of his wife’s. Chu Wanning is torn between rejoicing at the chance to spend time alone with Mo Ran... and grieving over the very same thing.
But, well, it’s just flowers. What could go wrong, right? (Spoiler alert: it’s sex pollen.)
the day dawns in your hues by localshabba
2ha Week 2020 Day 1 prompt - Haitang
Schoolteacher Mo Ran is having an ordinary day until he has an awkward encounter with the notoriously rigid school librarian, which leads to the start of something new.
Also features: flowers, dinosaurs and lots of tenderness and pining.
helping hands by verity
When Mo Ran was but a young, innocent, virtuous grad student—well, one of those things—she built that couch from a flatpack box with her own two hands. Over the years, the smell of polyester and cheap foam padding has given way to an equally aromatic blend of Chu Wanning's haitang blossom perfume, spilled coffee, and white lithium grease. Chu Wanning herself is always perfectly dressed without a stain in sight. Even right now, her head tucked onto one folded arm, the other loosely gripping her tablet, she looks so formal.
Mo Ran gently rests a hand on Chu Wanning's socked ankle where it peeks out of those tailored white trousers. She really should behave herself.
She really should... behave herself...
in plain sight by localshabba
Written for a prompt fill in the 2ha Kink Meme.
"I have a surprise," Mo Ran breathed, coming to stand so close behind him that his breath landed on Chu Wanning's nape. Not touching Chu Wanning any other way, because he likes to make Chu Wanning lean back just a little bit, to seek out that contact himself.
"I think Chu-laoshi will enjoy it."
Chu Wanning is sure he agreed to the whole idea; he's just unclear on when. Things got hazy around the point when Mo Ran turned him around by the shoulders, got down on his knees and...well. Apparently he'd skipped breakfast that morning.
When he returned to his senses, his clothes were all neatly tucked into place, not a stain on them, and a charmingly pink sexual aid was nestled comfortably up his--ahem, inside him.
Now available in Spanish!
casually acquainted by tagteamme
Chu Wanning knows what he is and what he isn’t. And where he lacks in pleasantries and outward appeal, he makes up for in untouchable grace and dignity.
It threatens to unravel once he meets a familiar face in an unfamiliar city.
“So quick to run away from me, Chu-laoshi,” Mo Ran says, voice gently teasing as Chu Wanning refuses to make eye contact with him. “After you came all the way from…”
He trails off, waiting for Chu Wanning to let him know, but he sees the map open on Chu Wanning’s phone and grins wider. “You want directions?”
Chu Wanning clears his throat, and shakes his head. He should say something— instead, he stays silent as he looks down at his phone and punches in the hotel name again.
Happily, his phone tells him to try again when he has signal.
The Right Hand of Light by gedsparrowhawk (FaceChanger)
Chu Wanning is asleep on the bed, clutching his hands tightly to his chest and curled in on himself. He’s still wearing the same robes he was in in the water prison. On the writing desk, a bowl of water and clean linen for bandages sit untouched, and a tub of bathwater has cooled without being used. Mo Ran sighs to himself. Wanning is truly hopeless.
He sits on the side of the bed and touches Chu Wanning’s shoulder. “Wanning,” he says. “Wanning, wake up.”
Rare 0.5 tenderness, after the water prison.
nothing can consume you by tagteamme
Mo Ran’s violent history has never had to catch up to him.
It’s already embedded itself into him as scars on his body, as a tattoo on his forearm, as the lingering taste of blood in his sleep and finally, as the searing brand pressed against his chest before he’s thrown into the sea as punishment. He knows that this is where all his chances come to an end.
But as the deep fathom of the water swallows him up, something else saves him and pulls him to a tiny cove tucked away off the coast of an overlooked port town. When he wakes up under the care of a mythical creature wearing a familiar face, an even older and more distant past finally finds him.
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delicrieux · 3 years
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extra meaning non-canonical occurrence; can be placed anywhere in the “make you say oh” timeline after couple (cha. 14) and before the final “oh”. 
pairing—corpse husband x f!reader warnings—tinder profiles, tw: men, swearing.  word count—2.6k. format— written. ─── ❥ req by nonnie​:  y/n makes a youtube vid/live stream where she's just swiping through her tinder acc and corpse literally blocks her lmao
author’s note—akldsljfs this was such a funny idea i could not not write it lmao
ultimate masterlist. myso masterlist
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You have pulled the biggest brain move by setting up both a facecam and a screen recorder on your phone. All is beautifully displayed and visible during the stream. Your fanbase is particularly intrigued on what exactly are you planning on doing today, seeing as your tweet of “strea” had been a bit vague, if not downright ominous. No emojis. No elaboration. You couldn’t even be bothered to finish the word. Truly, a mystery. Everyone tuned in and are currently waiting with bated breath.
A few of your fans must sense upcoming doom because the overall mood in the chat turns from optimistically intrigued to...evil. It’s an entity all on it’s own now, clawing at you through the screen with various renditions of laughter and devil emojis. A few eggplants thrown in there for good measure, accompanied, naturally, by the scandalous water drops. At first the common consensus is that you’re biting the bullet and going through your camera roll on stream. Definitely an idea worth considering, though you frankly don’t know what lies at the start of the 11k photograph journey, and you are afraid to check in public. Could be a harmless meme, could be a salacious pic you had saved of an OF star. It’s really a gamble. Either way, you would definitely get banned. You might still get banned. Why do you insist on doing shit like this?
Because it’s funny. Because you’re kinda stupid. Because it’s just so absolutely laughably easy to do.
A smile quirks your lips, and while it is not explicitly smug, the look in your eyes sure is, “Greetings,” You utter lowly, dimming the lights--the budget for this stream! Ugh, you went all out, “my children.”
mother i crave violence
sensing evil energy rn!!
i do not claim the energy in this video for myself or anyone else watching this 💖💖
^with peace and love shut the fuck up
“I know y’all lowkey hoes-” Upon your words the chat splits into two: one side eagerly agrees (even shares a few OF accounts! How helpful, supporting small businesses!), whilst the other feverishly insists on innocence. You make a face stuck somewhere between offended and bewildered, “Now c'mon now-I know you. I know you all. We’re the same, don’t-what was that?”
You try to scroll back to the comment but it’s loss in the sea of incoming messages, “I swear to God I just saw-”
Corpse_Husband: i love late night streams it’s not like i have anything better to do.
rip headphone users
i cant feel my face when im with you by the weeknd but instead of face its my fucking ears
yall think full vol on pc is better?my parents woke up 😭😭😭😭
To think he’s spending his last waking moments for today with watching you (he probably still would have anyway, because you do not posses an ounce of shame or self-control and pester him relentlessly)! It makes your heart sing, and suddenly, a traitorous, fun hating idea barges it’s way through the crowd of incoherent buzzing and states: don’t do this. For some reason it also has the voice of Rae. As if that would work in guilt-tripping you- Rae never succeed, and her fictitious rendition in mind won’t fare much better either.
Still, you thought about it. That must count for something. Corpse will understand, won’t he? Why don’t you want to upset it in the first place? Men look so funny when they lose their shit, like hello, don’t you have anything better to do? But the image of Corpse just sitting there, hurt, distraught, leaving you on seen because he’s in his sad boy hours leaves a sour taste in your mouth. 
queen rly went from  🥺😊 to 😕 u ok bbgirl?
Corpse_Husband: no pouts cutie
akjdjoeijdfse cUTIE??? deadass boutta r.i.p.
Well that succeeded in eliminating everything from mind, doubts included. If this was an anime, the scenery would shift into something roseate, with flowers and bubbles and sparkles all around you along with a halo or two. Alas, not an anime, rather reality. The led-lights, however, seemingly possessing a will of their own, slowly turn from deep violet to pink. You smile brightly, like the absolute dumbass you are, and you are met with a ray of heart and blushing emojis. You are just so cute, a real cutie! Still in your disguise adorable state, you swipe your finger on your phone screen, the grin never leaving your lips.
There, among the plethora of apps, nestled sits a red square with a white fire plastered on it. The delicate calligraphy on the bottom reads: TINDER.
The mood changes once again- you’re giving the roaches emotional instability by how quickly everything flips over- and the chat spams eggplants vigorously; some, of course, bravely fight against the thirst.
nooooooo i thought y/n is gonna stream in a god honoring way!!!
^pack it up girl defined
“So, Charlie and I-” You note a few awfully curious comments and squint, “-yes, we talk a lot. Charlie is a really good friend of mine. We’re best friends. Brothers. Sisters. Cousins. The whole fucking family tree-no, that sounds weird. Delete. Anyway, Charlie, being the absolute fucker he is, said, hey, you know what would be funny? And I was like, nooo, what would be funny, Charlie? And he says to me, he says, says, making fun of men on Tinder. And if y’all need any more proof that Charlie and I are platonic soulmates, then dunno, my children, my roaches, I dunno-I dunno what more to give you.”
You can’t be bothered reading the comments, there’s too damn many. You also need to save your reading comprehension for the actual bios. It has a time limit, that darn thing. 
“Okay, so I made a profile earlier, but I hadn’t swiped on anyone yet-” Despite the fact, Tinder helpfully informs you that already 99+ people have swiped right on you, “So, this is me,” You show the pictures you have of yourself, and damn, not to be a conceited narcissist, but you look really good. Like if you saw yourself on Tinder, you’d super like instantly. “Uhm, so, my bio-my bio says: let’s sauce in the tub together, ya dig? splishy splashy, giggle giggle.” 
i cant believe we are witnessing y/n trying to form a coherent sentence live 
shes trying give her time
ya dig??? y not capeesh
what scene from the godfather is this lol?
“My anthem, is,” You laugh, covering your lips with your hand, “Corpsie, this is form you-” Proudly, you show that indeed, Corpse’s E-GIRLS ARE RUINING MY FUCKING LIFE is listed as your anthem on Spotify, “Hehe.” Yes, you say that aloud.
Corpse_Husband: you’re killing me Corpse_Husband: thanks baby Corpse_Husband: now delete tinder ❤︎
You ignore his last quip, deciding it’s finally time to get this show on the road, “Right, let’s do this shit. I’m not actually going to swipe on any guys that look, uh, decent? Yuck, can’t believe I just said that, uhm, because I-because I feel like some actually deserve a chance with someone? I don’t wanna get anyone’s hopes up, as I am currently in a long distance relationship with Chrollo. So I’m just gonna swipe on, like, frat boy assholes. Because I don’t care if I hurt their feelings. Quite frankly I don’t think they possess them in the first place.”
The chat voices their agreements. With the ground rules set, you, giddy, click on the first profile.
Does Tinder know what you’re doing, your plan? The FBI agent watching you through your phone must be working overtime, bless his heart. They must, because the the first guy to meet you is named Jason, and there he is, blond hair and blue eyes, holding up a fish the size of his torso. Marginally adequate in looks, pretty good muscles. A solid 7 bordering on 8. He’s the same age as you, 15 miles away, and he studies at some college you don’t care enough to look up. Bio reads:
I like to drive fast. Fishing is my passion, but if you can’t catch me by the ocean, you’ll catch me catching waves, bro! Love a good gym date. You do squats, and I’ll keep a close eye to make sure you’re doing it correctly ;) You probably saw me at a party. Leader of the The Phi Kappa Psi. I’m a Gemini, if that matters lol.
You, of course, read it aloud, dramatically; provide some constructive criticism-he seems nice, but he’s a Gemini, so naturally, you can’t trust him at all! Also, that gym date session leaves little to be desired. With your rant done, you swipe right, and shocker! (not), it’s an instant match.
“Okie, I still wanna swipe of some profiles, so I’ll see what he’ll text later-” For a second you wonder the legalities of this stream, but you’re having too much fun to think of it further, “guys, I won't get sued, right?”
NOW she considers it
if you do, we’ll kickstart your lawyer dw <3
Onto the next profile. Kevin, 25, is seen fixing his car- or, you assume he’s mid-fixing it, you don’t really know why else he’d hold a wrench and be covered in oil. He’s shirtless, and the caveman part of your brain echoes something closely resembling AWOOOGA!, but...but!...blonde hair, blue eyes. You pout again, “I don’t...I don’t really like blond boys, ya know? With the blue eyes and all, it’s just not my thing, uhm, unless it’s like-like...Armin from Attack on Titan. Else I don’t care.”
Onto the bio:
You have to treat a car like you treat a woman: go on long rides, take the lead, but most importantly, keep her oiled up 😜 
“What the fuck did I just read?”
The chat is equally confused. You swipe right anyway- another match. Too easy.
The stream continues without incident for a solid thirty minutes- all of your matches, expect a few that genuinely looked like normal dudes that really couldn’t write a decent bio to save their lives, had been blond hair blue eyed gym rats with ranging forms of misogyny. Some opened with asking for nudes out right, some asked about your day first before asking for nudes. You prefer the former. Straight to the point! You admire the gall. 
But then, down the forty-five minute mark a profile popped up that made you still by your phone, your smile dying as your eyes bulged. Dear God. Lord in heaven. Who is this demonspiit lookalike and why is he so fucking hot? The neck tats, the skateboard, the clothes- holy shit, you gotta close your mouth before some drool dribbles out.
No bio, just his name, Tyler, and that he’s 23.
“He boutta be 23 in me.” You mutter, swiping right with lightning speed.
tyler is y/ns karma for relentlessly mocking that one guy that had a whole ass list on what his “female” partner should be
^he deserved it and also tyler seems like a typical fuckboi y/n grow a braincell
look at mom 🥺 her eyes are sparkling
It wasn’t a match right away. You somehow expected as much, but it still upset you. Simp behavior, pathetic. The stream continued bravely, and when Tyler messaged you a simple “yo” you totally didn’t sequel. You didn’t manage to text him back on stream: texting all those guys that you didn’t really find all that attractive was easy, but this...You’re a sucker for a man who radiates red flag energy. His whole profile is a red flag. He might just be a red flag himself.
What can you do? Suddenly becoming color blind is not easy. Once the stream ends, you unmatch with everyone expect Tyler. He you chat with for a bit, but a sudden craving for different company makes you abandon him, too. You don’t feel too heartbroken for him- you’re certain there’s already too many girls in his dms. You wish them luck.
Happily, you delete Tinder. You go to Twitter, notice you’re trending again- look at you go! Queen shit- and as you compose a thank you tweet, something strange happens. You go to text Corpse, but when you click on his profile you grow cold.
YOU’RE BLOCKED. You can’t follow or see @/Corpse_Husband ‘s Tweets. 
...Pardon? You hop onto Instragram and-also blocked. Seriously? And you thought you’re one petty bitch. Corpse is seriously prissy about everything. Damn, if he didn’t like your stream, he could’ve just said so. Didn’t need to, like, block you from his internet existence. So not cool.
You try texting him but no text go through. Well how will you let him know you deleted Tinder just like he asked? You relieve your frustrations by punching your pillow a few times. Later, you apologize to her, you didn’t mean to hurt her, it’s not her, it’s you. Fuck, 5 minutes of exile and you’re already loosing your mind.
“Raeeeeeeeeeeee!” You whine loudly. It’s roughly 2am now, but you don’t care. You’re too heartbroken to care. There’s a thump from her room, but nothing else, “Raeeeeeeeee!!!” You wail, wallowing in self-pity on your bed. You hear a very loud, very annoyed sigh from her room, followed by angry marching. Your door is abruptly thrown open, and in the dim, colorful light you see her scowl.
“What?” She grits.
“Can you please tell Corpse to unblock me from everything?”
“What did you do now?”
“I made fun of men on Tinder.”
She pauses, “...That doesn’t sound so bad.” She surmises, voice laced with suspicion, “What else?”
“...There was one really hot guy that I kinda sorta talked to after--”
“-But I totally deleted Tinder and honestly he was pretty boring, so, like, uhm, please?”
She sighs, the servery of which implies she is holding the weight of the world on her shoulders, and instantly you know that you won. She taps away at her phone, “You owe me one.” She states, and before you can reply, she exits your room and slams the door behind her.
Grinning, you text his phone again. The message goes through, oh gosh, you’re so relieved you feel like crying. This has been, officially, the worst five minutes of your life.
You Y DID U BLOCK ME LOSER!!! MAJOR LOSER ALERT!! I DELETED EVERYTHING IT WAS A JOKE r u still mad at me? y u always mad at me i never do anything:(
my husband You’re my baby, how do you think I’ll react when I see you publicly simping for some asshole on Tinder?
Oh no, he used the words, he delivered the killing blow. You’re finished. Your heart can’t take such a workout. 
Not that you would ever admit it to him, though!
You hehe ur jellyyyy u always dis jealous hehe?
my husband Not jealous.
Yeah, you might not be the brightest tool in the shed, but even you know that’s a lie. You send him an array of kissy emojis that he doesn’t have the decency to reply to. Then, completely unprompted and dead serious, you send him a simple voice memo, saying: “You really have nothing to worry about, you know? You’re my favorite, Corpsie.”
He responds via text, reiterating that he’s not fucking jealous and that he just doesn’t like when you show such outward interest in anyone but it’s not like he cares or anything. It’s just really, like, weeeeird to see his baby simping for another man like that totally ruins the whole dynamic!!! It was only natural that he should block you on every social media platform, including his personal number (which, like, was completely necessary! Doesn’t matter that his viewers can’t see it, it’s gotta be super believable!), and inform his followers of that, because it’s all a joke, like, for the dynamic, that Youtube grind, you know? Ya dig? No personal feelings were involved at all. He totally wasn’t upset that you found someone else cute, no way!
my husband I’m not jealous. Lol.
You ik u repeated tht like 50 times  u trynna convince me or??? lmao
my husband No comment. ...You don’t actually talk to anyone else like we’re talking, right?
You no one else calls me their baby if thts wat ur wondering at least not to my knowledge lol im all urs
my husband That makes me very happy to hear:)
Yeah, it makes you very happy, too.
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hope you liked it!! xx
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kakashiswilloffire · 3 years
Congratulations on a 100! Can I request a female reader and a scenario where Kakashi discovers in a very shocking way that his s/o is pregnant? Please don't mind not writing if it bothers you. Stay hydrated and have a nice day regardless!🌸
thank you for the request!! hope you enjoy!!
A Kunoichi's Suprise
words: 1.9k
kakashi x fem!reader, fluff, reader is pregnant
“I do hate to do this to you, but you’re the best choice. There’s not an Inuzuka available who has the security clearance necessary, which makes you the only ninken-user I can assign this to.”
Kakashi nodded and shrugged, brushing off the unspoken apology. “I understand, it’s no issue.”
Tsunade pursed her lips into a thin line, nodding solemnly. “If it wasn’t so time-sensitive, I’d put someone else on it, I swear.” She tucked a loose strand of her silvery blond hair behind her ear and shuffled the papers on her desk, bringing a personnel file to the top. “And to accompany you… Again, I’m really sorry, but she’s the only one who makes sense. She was in the area most recently out of all available jonin and her weapons expertise makes her the best candidate to accompany you.”
His eyebrows dipped together in mild confusion. He would have requested this partner if she hadn’t been assigned—he agreed fully that they would make the best team for this recovery mission. Shaking it off, he nodded again. “Sounds great, Lady Fifth. Anything else?”
Tsunade let out a breath she had been half holding and leaned back in her chair. Tonton gave a relieved squeak and Shizune pulled her closer to her chest. The Hokage dragged her hands across her eyes, then leaned forward on her elbows.
“Glad you’re taking this so well. I thought you’d at least argue about your fiancé going with you, if not objecting to being sent on a mission right now at all.”
Kakashi jerked his head backwards and to the side, scanning over the Sannin with his single vibrant, gray eye. “I’m sorry if I gave you the impression I like to argue with superiors, Tsunade-sama. That’s really more Naruto’s thing.” She snorted, and he took it as a good sign. “When would you like us to head out? Thirty minutes?”
Immediately, Tsunade shot him down. “She needs a medic to look her over before she can go into the field. I’m happy to do it myself. Her training with her team ends at noon, right?” She glanced at the clock, then gestured to Shizune. “Send Kotetsu or Izumo to pull her, we can’t wait that long.” With a quick nod, she ducked out of the room. “Meanwhile, you can go pack bags for you both. Be sure to grab her med pack, I’ll probably need to give her a bonus prescription or two for the journey.”
At this point, Kakahi’s confusion could no longer be dismissed. Why would his fiancé need extra medication for a mission? He had just seen you when you left to meet your team of genin, and you hadn’t mentioned anything. Maybe the stomach bug you had had a few weeks ago had been worse than you let on?
“Sorry, prescriptions? Are we facing potential poisoning?” He tried, looking for an explanation.
Tsunade shook her head firmly. “Anything is possible, but I’m not concerned about it.” She ran her hand backward through her hair, shaking it gently toward the ends and letting it fall out of the way. “More concerned with making sure she’s getting the correct nutrients. I’ve been working on the nutritional value of shinobi rations, but it’s hard to find something that’s shelf stable, lightweight, and compact without just being food pills.”
Kakashi agreed, a debate he had heard on nearly every long term mission. “So you’ll give us both supplements, fair. Should we do my physical now while we wait on my fiancé to arrive?” He relished the words in his mouth, the phrase “my fiancé” almost a dream to him, even still.
She gave a bemused chuckle, glancing the scarecrow of a man up and down. “Why, you have some kind of boo-boo you need me to kiss?” Tsunade returned to the paperwork on her desk, shuffling it again and pulling the shinobi copy of the mission details file out, holding it out to him. “I trust you to get whatever nutrients you need after all these years of life, Bakashi,” she teased.
He didn’t move to take the file. “What’s going on?” he demanded, as respectfully as absolutely necessary. “What’s going on that she needs a medical check and extra medication to travel on a mission? Why did you think I would object to being paired with her? It’s not our first mission together, not even since we got engaged. What am I forgetting?”
Tsunade didn’t react to his interrogation, continuing to organize paperwork and leaning down to pull open a drawer in her desk, sliding his and your personnel files inside. “The fetus, maybe?” She offered, waving a hand like it was obvious.
The what?
For a moment, Tsunade could almost hear the cogs grinding in the shinobi’s head. You passing him every drink that had been pushed on you in the last few weeks, the stomach bug that he had never caught, and the uptick in morning meetings you had.
Then the cogs were brought to a halt, and the whole world froze. The blood running through his body was ice cold, and he felt his fingertips and forehead tingling. Were you really pregnant?
Was he, Kami forbid, going to be a father?
Tsunade swore, knowing she shouldn’t have said anything violating medical confidentiality, but with the pregnancy already being in the second trimester, she had no idea that you hadn’t told Kakashi yet. “Listen, Kakashi… just sit down, okay?” She looked around, swearing again at the reminder that this damn office had no chairs outside of the one she occupied.
She jumped up, crossing over to Kakashi and pushing him forward into the chair behind the desk. “Breathe, Kakashi, come on.” She shook him gently, then lightly slapped his cheek. “Come on, soldier. You’re Kakashi of the Sharingan, master of a thousand jutsu, pull it together.”
He flatly refused.
The door to the Hokage’s office opened, Shizune and Tonton leading you in. You took a moment to take in the scene of your fiancé hyperventilating behind the desk, the Hokage herself swearing and trying to get him to make eye contact and pull air into his lungs. Then he saw you, and he paused, fear in his eyes.
“Is it true—I mean, are you—love, are you pregnant?” He choked out.
Your hand flew to your mouth as if to put the secret back inside. You knew you’d have to tell him eventually, but you had wanted the moment to be right and he had been so busy with his missions lately. He didn’t know it yet, but you had rented a room at a nearby onsen for next weekend, making sure to get a room with a private bath and windows high enough that no onlookers could see inside so that he could comfortably remove his mask. That would’ve been the way you preferred he find out, when rather than dessert, you slid the sonogram across the table after dinner. Instead, you nodded.
“Yes, my love,” you whispered. “I’m pregnant.” Instinctively, your hand rested over the part of your stomach that had begun showing this last week.
He seemed to melt into chair. “Kami… we’re going to be parents?”
You nodded, a small laugh breaking from your chest. “Yes, Kakashi, that’s the plan.”
Slowly, he gathered himself, standing up and delicately walking around the desk to the doorway where you remained. “I… You want this?” He sniffed hard, blinking twice and taking your hands. “You want to raise a child with me? This child?”
You tilted your head to the side, feeling hot tears sting your eyes. You knew he had issues with his self worth, and that would be something you would focus on for the next few months so he’d be ready for your child.
“Of course, ‘Kashi. There’s no one I trust more, no one I think would make a better father. I can’t imagine doing this with anyone else, and I’m thrilled that I get to do it with you.”
His wiry frame jolted as though he’d been shocked, and the threw himself into your arms, allowing his fears and shock to leave him through tears. Tsunade and Shizune averted their eyes, doing what they could to preserve your privacy. Tonton oinked in solidarity. After a couple of moments, he stood again, wiping dry the parts of his face not covered by salty, wet fabric. He then hooked a finger into the mask at the side of his nose, yanked it down, and brought you into a deep kiss, warm hands wrapping around you and pulling you close.
After the surprise, you let yourself dissolve into him, allowing yourself to be swept into his emotional display. He pulled his face back after a few beats and beamed, smiling as widely as you could remember seeing him grin. Then his mouth was back on yours, this time for just a second, then a firm kiss to your forehead before he secured the mask again. Turning to face the Hokage, he wrapped his arm around your back and held you close.
“Tsunade-sama, all due respect, can Pakkun handle this? I’ll send him with anyone you’d like. Naruto, even, I don’t think he’s doing anything tonight. I can send the whole pack. I can brief Gai, or Tenzo, anyone? And if you need a weapons expert, I’m sure Tenten is more than qualified.” You giggled, watching your fiancé ramble to the leader of the village. “It’s just, I’m going to be a father, and she’s pregnant with our child, and I’ve gotta say, I don’t think we’re going on any missions for the next, say, 18 years? Well, maybe some D ranks. We’ll see.”
As Tsunade opened her mouth, he cut her off with a pointed, “How’s the progress on the Konoha Orphanage coming along? They prepared for one more? Cause I’m not letting anything happen to either of us, for this child’s sake.”
Tsunade glared, but was startled out of the shouting match she was gearing up for by Shizune chuckling. Betrayed, she turned to her companion.
“I mean, this is the reaction you anticipated him having, Lady Fifth,” she giggled.
She slammed a fist on the desk, although with an intense amount of restraint given that the surface was not even dented. Finally, she looked up with a glint in her eye.
“I think Hana Inuzuka gets back this evening. I can give her twelve hours to rest and then she and Tenten, along with Gai, can probably handle it. This time.”
Kakashi was already on his way out the door, pulling you behind him in a firmly clasped hand, before she had finished. He called out a thanks over your shoulder as you left. Together, you giggled as you entered the streets of Konoha.
Your fiancé spun in circles, laughing freely and spreading his arms out. “We’re starting a family!” he shouted to the sky. You knew you would both continue to take missions with this child, and that was a conversation for another time. For now, though, you were content to spend eternity watching the love of your life giddily relish in this moment.
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wormstacheangel · 3 years
have some latinenatural for day 1 of @spnprideweek dean trying to come out to himself
Dean didn’t like going down this neighborhood. It never made him any money, plus the block is a dead end, so he always ends up circling back around with his heavy cart. His Tio always yelled at him for it, wasting precious time in a block where nobody paid him any attention because these Americanos aren’t used to people walking around selling comida.
Pero Dean always had one customer that always came running out whenever Dean came around, and he was worth the extra minutes he had to petal in the hot sun.
Dean hears his name, expecting it but still feeling relief from hearing it. He looks ahead, his fingers stopped ringing the bells that have become background noise to him by now, and sees his favorite customer running out of the big white house Dean can only ever dream of renting. He wouldn’t ever dream of owning; he can’t have dreams so impossible.
Dean petals a little bit faster until he breaks in front of the pretty face he sees at least three times a week.
“Cas.” Dean practically beams at him even though he was trying to stay cool. Smooth. “Mi Angelito.” Dean winks, and he doesn’t miss Cas’s eyes widened and ears blushing at the nickname. “How you been?”
[continue reading under the cut or read on ao3]
Cas was dressed in his usual white button-up and slacks but they looked a lot more ruffled up than usual. His hair looked unkempt as it curled at the ends—Dean wasn’t complaining he loved it—and his typical neat shirt was wrinkled with sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He looked the guy up and down before his eyebrows creased together.
“You okay, Cas?”
“Yeah.” Cas sighed, shoulders slumping as he reached to run his hand through his hair—that probably explains the bed head—before smiling back at Dean with a deep breath. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“If you say so.” Dean jumps off the bike and walks over to his cart. “The usual?”
Dean nods once before getting to work on a raspado de vainilla for Cas. He works in silence for a minute, just the sound of the ice scraping between them before Dean looks back at Cas.
“You know, si quieres, you can talk to me.” Dean looks up to see Cas was already watching him. “I know I’m a nobody, but I hear nobodies are great to vent to.”
“You aren’t a nobody, Dean.” Cas’s expression softens at the words. His eyes brighten as he looks at Dean, almost as if he can see into his soul. Then, just as Dean was about to drown in those baby blues, Cas looked away. His fingers started to twitch as he looked sheepishly at the ground. “Plus, my problems are small. I can deal with them by myself.”
Dean looks away, packing the ice into the cup before reaching to pour the vainilla as he talks. “Yeah, I know you can, pero; I just wanted to let you know that you don’t have to.”
Cas is nothing but a customer that Dean has been crushing on—it was a small, slow, and scary realization. The only reason they’re on a first-name basis now is because Cas once left his name tag on, and Dean asked what it meant.
Dean handed Cas his raspado across the cart, Dean needed to keep his distance, but he knew when Cas reached for it, their fingers would touch; he looked forward to the simple touch each time.
They did, and Dean’s breath catches in his throat before he works on chicharrones, lots of limon, and a little bit of chile.
“But I get it, you know, if you don’t want to talk to me.” Dean looks up to see Cas still staring at him but with eyes filling with tears. “Holy shit.” Dean put the bag down and walked around to stand by Cas’s side. He grabbed a napkin from his cart and handed it to Cas to wipe his eyes. “Dude. Dude, please no llores. Don’t cry. People are gonna think I did something to you, and I’ll lose customers.” Dean tries to joke, but Cas doesn’t crack a smile. Instead, he rolls his eyes.
“Dean, nobody but me ever comes out here.”
Dean shrugs. “Potential customers then.” Dean grabs another napkin and reaches to wipe the tears that were already falling. “Estas bien, Angelito. Talk to me.”
“I-I shouldn’t.” Cas accepts Dean’s kindness for a second longer before gently moving Dean’s hand away. “You’re working. Let me just pay you so you can stop wasting your time here.”
Dean nods, stepping away from Cas so as not to seem pushy. As much as he loved being so close to Cas’s face, he didn’t want to seem creepy about it. This neighborhood has eyes everywhere, and Dean couldn’t really risk having his cart, his livelihood, be taken away just cause he has a small crush on the white boy.
So Cas gives him the exact change to the quarter and smiles sadly before he waves goodbye. Dean waves back as he gets on his bike to pedal out of this neighborhood and into a more comfortable one. He didn't ring the bell until he was out of there.
Cas doesn’t come out to see him the next day or the day after that, and now he has to wait until next week to see him. If Cas still wanted to see him.
“I don’t know why you still go over there,” Sam says as he helps Dean unpack the car.
Dean’s side gigs included selling his homemade food Friday through Sunday—he can almost call himself a caterer—while on Thursday, he preps during the day and works as a janitor in a big law office at night. Today was Thursday, so Dean had to wake up early to go to the big marketplace downtown. They sold the chicharrones de harina in bulk for cheap, and they had all the ingredients he’ll need to make the syrups for the raspados himself.
Sam rarely comes with Dean to get all these things since he was always busy with school, but today he came along on the day that Dean ran out of maiz azul. It just meant more trabajo para los dos.
“Or why you still sell raspados when you make more money on the weekend with your food.” Sam continued as they struggled to carry the bag of maiz to the kitchen. They both let out a heavy breath when they finally dropped the bag in the kitchen. Dean’s going to spend the next hour cleaning and soaking the damn corn after this. That doesn’t even include cooking it and finally making the damn masa.
“El trabajo es duro but I like it.” Dean pats Sam’s shoulder before they go back to the car to get the rest of the things. “I like going down neighborhoods and saying hi to people.”
“I get that pero why do you have to go to their side of town?”
Dean doesn’t know how to answer that.
He hasn’t told anyone about Cas. About how one day he was bored and wandered over to that neighborhood only to find Cas laying on his front lawn with a book covering his face. Dean, for some reason, couldn’t help but to ring the bells louder, startling Cas. Dean laughed for half a second before a book went flying to his face, knocking him off his bike. Cas learned too many cuss words in Spanish that day, but the big bruise was worth it.
Still, Dean didn’t want to tell anyone about Cas. Afraid to even speak of him because that would mean that his crush was real. That he had actual feelings, romantic ones, for another guy.
He knows que su Tío no lo va sacar de la casa pero todavía Dean tenía miedo. He was scared to admit this part of himself was real when it felt like a sin in his culture. ¡Ser gay es una cosa pero bisexual! ¡Ni madres! That doesn’t exist. Not where he is from.
So he’ll keep it to himself. Keep Cas as his secret fantasy and nothing more.
“The houses are nice to look at. One day, Sammy!” Sam was already groaning at Dean’s words that sounded more like an old man’s recurring ‘when I was your age’ stories. “One day, I’ll get us a house like that! One where we can each have our own room. And bathroom.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Let’s just finish this so I can go back to my homework.”
“¡Estas pendejo! After this, you’re gonna help me clean the bathroom and throw away the trash before Tio comes home.”
“But Dean,”
“¡Pero nada! ¡Piensas que soy pendejo como tu, pinche mamón! Don’t think I don’t know you spend that time babeando por tu novia.”
“Dean!” Sam quickly passes him in a huff of embarrassment while Dean laughed, following Sam back to the car to get more groceries.
When Monday rolls around, Dean forces himself to come down Cas’s street again. The bells rang softly at first, only getting louder as he came closer to the house. He didn’t see a car in sight, so he thinks maybe Cas isn’t home.
He was already pedaling away when he heard someone call out to him. He hits the breaks half haphazardly, and the gallons shake on his cart, threatening to fall out. He was about to turn around, but then he realizes he hears footsteps running closer, and then he hears heavy breathing by his ear.
“Fuck.” Cas hands rest on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “Are you-are you trying to run away from me?” Cas looks up with a teasing smile, it was beautiful, and Dean didn’t realize how much he missed him until now. “I am your only customer around here, so that’s a pretty bad business decision if you ask me.”
“I-I didn’t think you wanted to see me.” Dean could have joked around with him, but instead, his mouth decided to kick the conversation off with some honesty. Dean looked down at the bike handles as he talked. “Since you didn’t come out last week, I just figured-”
“Oh.” Cas stood up straight as he ran a hand through his overgrown hair; his clothes looked neat again, though. “I didn’t mean to make you think-”
Dean holds his hand out to stop Cas from talking, feeling embarrassed with every word. “Para. You don’t have to explain. No me debes-you don’t owe me anything.”
“I know that, but I want to. Talk, I mean. If that’s okay with you.” Cas looks at Dean with soft, warm eyes, a drastic difference from the red-rimmed eyes from the last time they saw each other. “After you’re done with work, of course.”
“I um-I usually head home around six. I can um,” Dean rubbed at the back of his neck, not meeting Cas’s eyes as he carefully says. “I can come by after if you want.”
“I would like that.”
Dean's head shoots up to stare back at Cas, who looked shy, pero siempre más guapo que la última vez que Dean lo miró.
At that moment, Dean wanted to lean in and kiss him more than he has wanted to kiss anyone in his 26 years of life, but he won’t. He still wasn’t sure if this was Cas asking him out as a friend or as something more. He was scared, but he knew his heart raced in excitement more than anything.
Dean finally broke away from the staring contest as he cleared his throat to get off his bike. “Todavia quieres-Do you still want your raspado?”
“Oh. Sure!”
It was silent while Dean made raspado, but he couldn’t wait for their fingers to graze again when he handed the cup over to Cas.
“Just the raspado today.” Dean still loved when Cas said it, trying not to laugh even though he loved Cas’s embarrassed blushing. Cas reaches into his pocket, but Dean reaches to touch his shoulder to stop him.
“On the house.” Dean holds it out and just like before their fingers touch, burning him.
“No, Dean, I couldn’t.”
Dean shakes his head to stop him from arguing any further. He jumped back on his bike and looked back at Cas as he said, “You can get me something later. Is seven okay?”
“Seven is…perfecto.” Cas flinched at his Spanish, but Dean couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Pues, te miro mas tarde, Angelito.” Dean reached to pat Cas’s cheek before he started pedaling away.
“Dean! I don’t know what that means!” Cas calls out to him.
Dean doesn’t turn around to respond, mostly to hide the stupid shit-eating grin he had on his face. “I said I’ll see you later!” But he does wave goodbye, ringing the bell as he goes.
Dean really liked him, and it brought fear into his heart pero al mismo tiempo; he hasn’t been this excited to just be around someone in such a long time. So maybe this is his time to accept that maybe, for sure, he is crushing hard on a guy.
Dean sighs as he stops on the sidewalk to hang his head and quietly whispers, “For fucks sakes, soy un pinche gay.”
Well, at least he can admit to himself—sort of.
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