#cas is the little white boy who comes and ruins lives
wormstacheangel · 3 years
have some latinenatural for day 1 of @spnprideweek dean trying to come out to himself
Dean didn’t like going down this neighborhood. It never made him any money, plus the block is a dead end, so he always ends up circling back around with his heavy cart. His Tio always yelled at him for it, wasting precious time in a block where nobody paid him any attention because these Americanos aren’t used to people walking around selling comida.
Pero Dean always had one customer that always came running out whenever Dean came around, and he was worth the extra minutes he had to petal in the hot sun.
Dean hears his name, expecting it but still feeling relief from hearing it. He looks ahead, his fingers stopped ringing the bells that have become background noise to him by now, and sees his favorite customer running out of the big white house Dean can only ever dream of renting. He wouldn’t ever dream of owning; he can’t have dreams so impossible.
Dean petals a little bit faster until he breaks in front of the pretty face he sees at least three times a week.
“Cas.” Dean practically beams at him even though he was trying to stay cool. Smooth. “Mi Angelito.” Dean winks, and he doesn’t miss Cas’s eyes widened and ears blushing at the nickname. “How you been?”
[continue reading under the cut or read on ao3]
Cas was dressed in his usual white button-up and slacks but they looked a lot more ruffled up than usual. His hair looked unkempt as it curled at the ends—Dean wasn’t complaining he loved it—and his typical neat shirt was wrinkled with sleeves pulled up to his elbows. He looked the guy up and down before his eyebrows creased together.
“You okay, Cas?”
“Yeah.” Cas sighed, shoulders slumping as he reached to run his hand through his hair—that probably explains the bed head—before smiling back at Dean with a deep breath. “Yeah. I’m fine.”
“If you say so.” Dean jumps off the bike and walks over to his cart. “The usual?”
Dean nods once before getting to work on a raspado de vainilla for Cas. He works in silence for a minute, just the sound of the ice scraping between them before Dean looks back at Cas.
“You know, si quieres, you can talk to me.” Dean looks up to see Cas was already watching him. “I know I’m a nobody, but I hear nobodies are great to vent to.”
“You aren’t a nobody, Dean.” Cas’s expression softens at the words. His eyes brighten as he looks at Dean, almost as if he can see into his soul. Then, just as Dean was about to drown in those baby blues, Cas looked away. His fingers started to twitch as he looked sheepishly at the ground. “Plus, my problems are small. I can deal with them by myself.”
Dean looks away, packing the ice into the cup before reaching to pour the vainilla as he talks. “Yeah, I know you can, pero; I just wanted to let you know that you don’t have to.”
Cas is nothing but a customer that Dean has been crushing on—it was a small, slow, and scary realization. The only reason they’re on a first-name basis now is because Cas once left his name tag on, and Dean asked what it meant.
Dean handed Cas his raspado across the cart, Dean needed to keep his distance, but he knew when Cas reached for it, their fingers would touch; he looked forward to the simple touch each time.
They did, and Dean’s breath catches in his throat before he works on chicharrones, lots of limon, and a little bit of chile.
“But I get it, you know, if you don’t want to talk to me.” Dean looks up to see Cas still staring at him but with eyes filling with tears. “Holy shit.” Dean put the bag down and walked around to stand by Cas’s side. He grabbed a napkin from his cart and handed it to Cas to wipe his eyes. “Dude. Dude, please no llores. Don’t cry. People are gonna think I did something to you, and I’ll lose customers.” Dean tries to joke, but Cas doesn’t crack a smile. Instead, he rolls his eyes.
“Dean, nobody but me ever comes out here.”
Dean shrugs. “Potential customers then.” Dean grabs another napkin and reaches to wipe the tears that were already falling. “Estas bien, Angelito. Talk to me.”
“I-I shouldn’t.” Cas accepts Dean’s kindness for a second longer before gently moving Dean’s hand away. “You’re working. Let me just pay you so you can stop wasting your time here.”
Dean nods, stepping away from Cas so as not to seem pushy. As much as he loved being so close to Cas’s face, he didn’t want to seem creepy about it. This neighborhood has eyes everywhere, and Dean couldn’t really risk having his cart, his livelihood, be taken away just cause he has a small crush on the white boy.
So Cas gives him the exact change to the quarter and smiles sadly before he waves goodbye. Dean waves back as he gets on his bike to pedal out of this neighborhood and into a more comfortable one. He didn't ring the bell until he was out of there.
Cas doesn’t come out to see him the next day or the day after that, and now he has to wait until next week to see him. If Cas still wanted to see him.
“I don’t know why you still go over there,” Sam says as he helps Dean unpack the car.
Dean’s side gigs included selling his homemade food Friday through Sunday—he can almost call himself a caterer—while on Thursday, he preps during the day and works as a janitor in a big law office at night. Today was Thursday, so Dean had to wake up early to go to the big marketplace downtown. They sold the chicharrones de harina in bulk for cheap, and they had all the ingredients he’ll need to make the syrups for the raspados himself.
Sam rarely comes with Dean to get all these things since he was always busy with school, but today he came along on the day that Dean ran out of maiz azul. It just meant more trabajo para los dos.
“Or why you still sell raspados when you make more money on the weekend with your food.” Sam continued as they struggled to carry the bag of maiz to the kitchen. They both let out a heavy breath when they finally dropped the bag in the kitchen. Dean’s going to spend the next hour cleaning and soaking the damn corn after this. That doesn’t even include cooking it and finally making the damn masa.
“El trabajo es duro but I like it.” Dean pats Sam’s shoulder before they go back to the car to get the rest of the things. “I like going down neighborhoods and saying hi to people.”
“I get that pero why do you have to go to their side of town?”
Dean doesn’t know how to answer that.
He hasn’t told anyone about Cas. About how one day he was bored and wandered over to that neighborhood only to find Cas laying on his front lawn with a book covering his face. Dean, for some reason, couldn’t help but to ring the bells louder, startling Cas. Dean laughed for half a second before a book went flying to his face, knocking him off his bike. Cas learned too many cuss words in Spanish that day, but the big bruise was worth it.
Still, Dean didn’t want to tell anyone about Cas. Afraid to even speak of him because that would mean that his crush was real. That he had actual feelings, romantic ones, for another guy.
He knows que su Tío no lo va sacar de la casa pero todavía Dean tenía miedo. He was scared to admit this part of himself was real when it felt like a sin in his culture. ¡Ser gay es una cosa pero bisexual! ¡Ni madres! That doesn’t exist. Not where he is from.
So he’ll keep it to himself. Keep Cas as his secret fantasy and nothing more.
“The houses are nice to look at. One day, Sammy!” Sam was already groaning at Dean’s words that sounded more like an old man’s recurring ‘when I was your age’ stories. “One day, I’ll get us a house like that! One where we can each have our own room. And bathroom.”
“Yeah. Yeah. Whatever. Let’s just finish this so I can go back to my homework.”
“¡Estas pendejo! After this, you’re gonna help me clean the bathroom and throw away the trash before Tio comes home.”
“But Dean,”
“¡Pero nada! ¡Piensas que soy pendejo como tu, pinche mamón! Don’t think I don’t know you spend that time babeando por tu novia.”
“Dean!” Sam quickly passes him in a huff of embarrassment while Dean laughed, following Sam back to the car to get more groceries.
When Monday rolls around, Dean forces himself to come down Cas’s street again. The bells rang softly at first, only getting louder as he came closer to the house. He didn’t see a car in sight, so he thinks maybe Cas isn’t home.
He was already pedaling away when he heard someone call out to him. He hits the breaks half haphazardly, and the gallons shake on his cart, threatening to fall out. He was about to turn around, but then he realizes he hears footsteps running closer, and then he hears heavy breathing by his ear.
“Fuck.” Cas hands rest on his knees as he tries to catch his breath. “Are you-are you trying to run away from me?” Cas looks up with a teasing smile, it was beautiful, and Dean didn’t realize how much he missed him until now. “I am your only customer around here, so that’s a pretty bad business decision if you ask me.”
“I-I didn’t think you wanted to see me.” Dean could have joked around with him, but instead, his mouth decided to kick the conversation off with some honesty. Dean looked down at the bike handles as he talked. “Since you didn’t come out last week, I just figured-”
“Oh.” Cas stood up straight as he ran a hand through his overgrown hair; his clothes looked neat again, though. “I didn’t mean to make you think-”
Dean holds his hand out to stop Cas from talking, feeling embarrassed with every word. “Para. You don’t have to explain. No me debes-you don’t owe me anything.”
“I know that, but I want to. Talk, I mean. If that’s okay with you.” Cas looks at Dean with soft, warm eyes, a drastic difference from the red-rimmed eyes from the last time they saw each other. “After you’re done with work, of course.”
“I um-I usually head home around six. I can um,” Dean rubbed at the back of his neck, not meeting Cas’s eyes as he carefully says. “I can come by after if you want.”
“I would like that.”
Dean's head shoots up to stare back at Cas, who looked shy, pero siempre más guapo que la última vez que Dean lo miró.
At that moment, Dean wanted to lean in and kiss him more than he has wanted to kiss anyone in his 26 years of life, but he won’t. He still wasn’t sure if this was Cas asking him out as a friend or as something more. He was scared, but he knew his heart raced in excitement more than anything.
Dean finally broke away from the staring contest as he cleared his throat to get off his bike. “Todavia quieres-Do you still want your raspado?”
“Oh. Sure!”
It was silent while Dean made raspado, but he couldn’t wait for their fingers to graze again when he handed the cup over to Cas.
“Just the raspado today.” Dean still loved when Cas said it, trying not to laugh even though he loved Cas’s embarrassed blushing. Cas reaches into his pocket, but Dean reaches to touch his shoulder to stop him.
“On the house.” Dean holds it out and just like before their fingers touch, burning him.
“No, Dean, I couldn’t.”
Dean shakes his head to stop him from arguing any further. He jumped back on his bike and looked back at Cas as he said, “You can get me something later. Is seven okay?”
“Seven is…perfecto.” Cas flinched at his Spanish, but Dean couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Pues, te miro mas tarde, Angelito.” Dean reached to pat Cas’s cheek before he started pedaling away.
“Dean! I don’t know what that means!” Cas calls out to him.
Dean doesn’t turn around to respond, mostly to hide the stupid shit-eating grin he had on his face. “I said I’ll see you later!” But he does wave goodbye, ringing the bell as he goes.
Dean really liked him, and it brought fear into his heart pero al mismo tiempo; he hasn’t been this excited to just be around someone in such a long time. So maybe this is his time to accept that maybe, for sure, he is crushing hard on a guy.
Dean sighs as he stops on the sidewalk to hang his head and quietly whispers, “For fucks sakes, soy un pinche gay.”
Well, at least he can admit to himself—sort of.
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kiridarling · 3 years
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katsuki bakugou | birthday gone wrong (aha), f!reader, baker!reader, pro hero!katsuki, blizzards, angst and smut, exhibitionism, cockwarming, begging, confessions. minors dni!
— 4.7k words
Wanna blow off some steam?
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Katsuki jumps ten feet high, and the plastic grocery bags precariously balanced on each finger tear without a second thought. Apples hit the ground with a thud and the egg carton with a depressing slap; one that signifies the crack of at least half a dozen. Katsuki looks at the crowd, red-faced and livid, and Eijirou Kirishima intercepts the awkward silence with:
“Happy Birthday Bakubro! I know y—“
“Said that I didn’t want a fuckin’ party?” Katsuki growls, groceries forgotten on the forgotten. Eijirou looks guilty and chuckles, scratching the back of his head.
“W-Well, yeah, but—“
“Everybody out.”
People sigh, and you think you hear Denki whisper told you he’d kick us out. You hate to say that you foresaw a similar outcome. Katsuki’s never been one for people.
Especially you.
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“Awe come on, Kacchan,” Izuku says with hands on his hips. “We came all this way! Just let us stay for a little bit.”
“Yeah!” Eijirou seems to cheer up once given a sliver of hope. “Plus, we got cake and stuff. And Just Dance.”
Katsuki narrows his eyes, but you know better—he’s always had a soft spot for the redhead. You all wait with baited breath, wondering if this entire evening was a bust, as Katsuki weighs his options in a pool of fallen groceries.
“One hour.”
Eijirou gasps so hard he chokes, and Katsuki’s generosity earns him applause from the audience. (Plus whoops and hollers from Denki and Mina.)
“And I mean it—y’all have sixty fuckin’ minutes before you’re gone without a goddamn trace. Kapeesh?”
Katsuki sighs, rubbing at his temples as he steps over the mess at the front door. You assume he’ll make Eijirou clean it up. “Whatever. Where’s the fuckin’ cake?”
“In the kitchen, my good sir!” Denki says as he ushers the ash-blond into the said kitchen, the rest of the party hot on their heels. Eijirou grabs the cake from the fridge and you’re tense until the plate hits the marble of their island.
“Flavor?” Katsuki asks, raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, I dunno, [Y/N] made it,” Eijirou throws you under the bus, just like that, and you want to scoff at the way Katsuki freezes—if only for a moment. Eijirou’s oblivious as ever, “[Y/N]?”
“It’s red velvet,” you say, trying not to burn under Katsuki’s carmine eyes. You don’t know why he doesn’t look away.
As if you’d give him anything else.
Eijirou tries his best to cram 26 candles into the cake before being forced to opt for 23 lest he ruin your decorations. Denki presses him to make a wish and Katsuki rolls his eyes as he blows out the candles. Eijirou wipes an invisible tear because ‘his boy is getting so old.’ Mina and Jiro cut the cake and people seem to enjoy it, and you think that maybe, reuniting with your high school friends after so long isn’t as bad as you thought it’d be.
Even if he said he never wanted to see you again.
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“—due to the incoming blizzard, we highly suggest all those who reside in the red and orange zones stay inside until it passes; which should be around ten am tomorrow morning.”
You spoke too soon.
Katsuki turns to the crowd, and you know what he’s going to say before his lip curls.
“Kacchan, don’t be unreasonable!” Izuku says from his comfortable position on the couch. “We’d get caught in the storm if we leave now.”
“Not if you’re fuckin’ fast enough,” Katsuki growls, pulling the greenette’s to his feet by his hair. “Get out, I’m not bunking with you fuckers overnight.”
“Dude,” Denki points to the window, and if you hadn’t known any better, you would’ve thought the blizzard had already started. “If we leave now, we’ll literally die.”
“Die, then.”
Eijirou sighs, clapping his roommate on the back. “C’mon, man. You know we ca—“
There’s a whirr then a click, and the lights and tv die at once. You can’t see a thing but you definitely hear Katsuki shout:
Eijirou turns his phone flashlight on first; Katsuki’s busy angrily flicking at the light to no avail. You sigh, turning to the ash-blond (and ignoring those ugly fucking butterflies in your stomach.)
“It’s a blackout Katsuki. The lights aren’t going to work.”
“Don’t you think I fuckin’ know that, dumbass?” And your chest tightens because even though he’s not eighteen anymore, he sounds the same—but you aren’t sure why you expected him to sound so different either.
You lift an eyebrow (not that he can see it), “It doesn’t look like you do.”
Denki snorts at that, hollering about how you just owned the ash-blond as Katsuki yells at him to shut the fuck up. It’s...familiar and comfortable, like you’re all in high school again, before you had to worry about your friends dying in their line of work because you couldn’t be there with them.
Before you got injured.
“Well I mean, we have a few blankets,” Eijirou offers, and as your eyes slowly adjust to the dark, you’re convinced you see his figure cross the living room. “And like, sweatshirts if it gets too cold.”
“It’s already getting too cold,” Mina says, and you can’t help but agree. The quickly cooling room has the goosebumps raising on your shoulders, and you’re starting to regret forgetting your jacket at home.
“Okay! I don’t have that many, but,” Eijirou hollers from somewhere, before returning with a handful of cloth. He drops it onto the coffee table. “Plus Hanta and Denks left their hoodies here last time.”
“Oh shit, we did?” Hanta says, and you assume it’s his figure who starts digging through the clothes. “Totally thought I lost this, lol.”
“Did you just saw lol out loud?”
“I did.”
“Ooh Ei, do you still have that old Red Riot hoodie?” Mina asks, and all of a sudden, she’s all over the pile. She finds it before the redhead can answer and snatches it away with a gasp.
You watch the pile dissolve in the darkness, one by one, and by the time you reach for something, your palm hits the cool wood of the coffee table. Fuck.
“Oh [Y/N]! Do you need some of my blanket?” Mina offers, but the blanket is small, and wrapping it around both of your shoulders just renders it utterly useless. You shake your head after she tries for a while.
“It’s fine Mina, I’m not that cold,” you laugh, but she shakes her head vehemently.
“No! Girl c’mon, you look like you’re freezing!”
And, well. Freezing is a stretch. Sure, you’re a little cold, but you’ll live.
“Do you need my sweatshirt?” Eijirou asks, already pulling at the hem. You roll your eyes.
“I’m serious guys, it’s not that bad,” you say, waving your arms for emphasis. They all grumble but they give up, and you feel like you can finally relax.
Something soft and army green drops into your lap. You pick it up in confusion, before looking up to see who dropped it.
Katsuki looks down at you, face glowing white from the phone flashlights. His eyes pierce your soul nevertheless.
“I don’t ne—“
“Take it.”
Katsuki takes a seat next to you on the couch in his own hoodie. You don’t realize until you put it on that he gave you a sweatshirt themed after his own hero costume.
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You can’t sleep.
You can’t sleep, and you’re sure it’s due to the temperature. The wind howls and it sounds like you’re in the eye of a tornado, loose branches knocking against the rattling glass, and upon looking through the window, you see nothing but stark white. You sigh, checking the time on your phone for the fiftieth time this hour. Yep. Still four am.
“Stop fuckin’ movin’, dumbass.”
You all decided to bunk in the living room for warmth. You’re surprised Katsuki stayed, though; you figured he would just head to his room and let you all fend for yourselves while he slept in a comfortable bed. But here he is, sleeping next to you on the cold fucking floor.
“Sorry,” you say, but it’s hard when your shivering and your jaw aches from stunting your chattering teeth. Katsuki and Eijirou only had a limited amount of sleeping bags, meaning you’ve got to share a blanket with the hulking ash-blond.
“You cold?” He grunts. You don’t know why he’s asking.
Katsuki sighs, and you hear him adjust, the blanket sliding from your neck to your shoulder. “You’re a shit liar.”
You prop yourself up on your elbows to glare his way, and you look to notice Katsuki’s laying the same way.
“What’s your point?”
Katsuki doesn’t answer for a moment, but it doesn’t seem like he’s looking for an answer, either—his neon red eyes glow through the dark and straight into your soul, and the next time you shiver, it isn’t because of the temperature.
“You’re stubborn.”
You roll your eyes, scoffing, “Thought you figured that out senior year.”
Katsuki’s face flashes with an emotion you can’t quite pinpoint before it’s gone again. “Yeah. You’d think almost dying would fuckin’ fix that.”
You sigh. Looks like you’re having this conversation now, then.
“I didn’t almost die—“
“Yes, you fuckin’ did,” Katsuki snarls, and Denki almost stirs at his raised tone. “You took that bullet and you didn’t get up for months—“
“And then I woke up and everything was fine! Seriously Katsuki, what’s your problem? I lived.”
“My problem is that you shouldn’t have been there in the goddamn first place!” Katsuki says through grit teeth. You watch his temple roll underneath his hairline. “That was my fuckin’ fight. I don’t need some chick jumping in front of a bullet for me just ‘cause she thinks I can’t take it!”
You scoff, looking around to see if any of your other sleeping friends are listening because get a load of this guy. Naturally, they don’t respond.
“That’s what this is about? Oh, well I’m sorry I bruised your dignity because I didn’t want to see you get fucking shot!”
Katsuki chest inflates with disbelief before it deflates again, and he’s rolling his eyes before he says, “That’s not—you fuckin’ know that’s not what I meant.”
“Oh really?” You laugh, and goddammit Katsuki, you just had to bring it up, didn’t you? “Because waking up after two months to your best friend telling you to give up doesn’t preserve your dignity at all, huh?”
“I didn’t tell you to fu—“
“You said those exact words, Katsuki. You said give up, and you left the hospital.”
The ash-blond has nothing to say to that, because he knows that you know you’re right, and trying to jedi mind trick you into believing he isn’t an asshole won’t work.
“Well you fuckin’ listened,” he grumbles, more to himself than you, but enough emotion flares in your core to make you want to scream.
“I didn’t have a choice,” you say, huffing, before turning your back to him, deeming this conversation over. “Good night, Katsuki.”
There’s a lull and it has you convinced you’ve won, finally relaxing (as much as you can) onto the cold floor. At least arguing heated your blood up a bit.
“The fuck do you mean?”
You roll your eyes even though they’re closed before you hop back onto your forearms to give the ash-blond a nasty look. “What?”
“You...said you didn’t have a choice,” Katsuki says, and it’s the first time you think you’ve heard him sound weary. Unsure. “The fuck does that mean?”
“It means I had to give up on being a hero either way.”
Which sucked. Because you had spent the past four years of your life working your ass off to save others, and you wind up out of commission before you even got started. You...suppose you didn’t tell Katsuki the whole story. Well, you hadn’t had a chance to—today’s the first time speaking with him since you woke up in the hospital.
Katsuki eyes you out of his peripheral, but only for a second. “And that means...?”
“It means that if I land on my spine the wrong way, there’s a high chance I’ll be paralyzed from the waist down.” You growl, frustrated that it was easier to coax the truth out of you than you thought.
The bullet buried close to your spinal column. You had to do PT for months, relearning how to walk as you slowly regain your motor functions. That’s when you started to bake.
The howling of the wind turns from somewhat soothing to aggravating as Katsuki’s unimpressive “oh” hangs heavy in the air, and you find yourself sighing, the puzzle pieces finally clicking in your head. “Stop it.”
“Stop what?” Katsuki asks—he’s still not looking at you.
“Blaming yourself,” you gesture to his figure, which is lax with depression, lacking its sturdiness and usual fire. “You didn’t shoot the gun.”
Katsuki snorts at that, running a hand through his hair, “I might as well.”
“You got shot because of me,” Katsuki says as if it were a fact. “They were trying to kill me. Not you.”
“And they didn’t kill me. I’m here and you’re here. If I hadn’t been there, you’d be six feet under right now,” you reason. Katsuki shrugs because he’s just as stubborn as you are, and you figure he’s been carrying around this baggage for too many years.
“Does your back hurt often?”
“No,” you shake your head. “I mean sure, I get flare-ups sometimes, but it’s not too bad. Doesn’t really get in the way of baking as long as the table is high enough.”
Katsuki thinks for a moment, teeth worrying his bottom lip. “Is the table high enough? At your café.”
You shrug, failing to see where he’s going with this. “I have a platform thingy, so. It’s mostly for decorating cakes and things—“
“I’ll buy you a new one.”
“I’ll buy you a new table,” Katsuki says, nodding to himself as if he was confirming the idea. “A higher one.”
It takes a second for his offer to process, but once it does, you’re fighting a smile. Still the same kid. “Kats, I don’t nee—“
“An—And if you need a new chair. I’ll pay for that shit too.”
You shake your head—mainly in disbelief, “I don’t need a chair, Katsuki.”
“Then what?” He asks, and it almost sounds desperate with the speed he rushed the sentence, “Y’need a car? That hunk of junk you drive could use some work.”
You ignore the jab, because your car works perfectly fine thank you very much, and snort at the suggestion of such an outrageous purchase.
“What? You tryna be my sugar daddy or something?” You joke. Katsuki gives you a look, and it's dead serious.
“D’ya need one?”
“I—no!” You laugh, and have to remind yourself to reel it in before you actually wake Denki up. “I’m fine financially I just—what’s gotten into you?”
“Nothin’.” Katsuki quickly grumbles, facing forwards again. “I just...”
You raise an eyebrow, “You just..?”
“I dunno. I dunno,” Katsuki shakes his head. You let him gather his thoughts in silence before he tries again. He doesn’t.
“Then fuck me.”
In your defense, your mouth moved before you thought it through.
Katsuki has an unreadable look on his face, but his voice is anything but steady when he says, “What?”
Fuck. Fuck.
“U-Uh, I mean,” you recoil. Stupid big mouth. “I—you—don’t worry about it.”
“You said you wanted to fuck me,” Katsuki deadpans. You choke.
“I—no, that’s not—“
“That’s exactly what you said.”
“No, I meant as in I’m pent up. Obviously,” you defend with a huff, crossing your arms on the pillow as you glare daggers his way. Katsuki matches your stare.
“Not as pent up as a Pro Hero,” he scoffs, lifting an eyebrow. You take it as a challenge.
You click your tongue in faux pity, “Awe, the number two hero Dynamight doesn’t get laid?”
“No fuckin’ time,” he grunts, though you don’t find much remorse in his voice.
“Well, you have time now,” you say, completely unsure of where this confidence is coming from. Either way, you’ll take it and run.
“I do,” Katsuki confirms, leaning in closer. He’s close enough that you can smell what’s leftover of his cologne, and see the hint of a grin that makes his upper cheek shine silver in the moonlight. You find yourself leaning in just as much as he does.
“Wanna blow off some steam?” You dare to question. Katsuki’s grin only grows wider.
“Thought you’d never ask.”
Katsuki’s kisses are surprisingly soft, you think, and so are his lips. But you don’t have much time to think about it as he pulls you in by the waist, quietly groaning into your mouth while he lays you down on your back.
“Always thought you were the prettiest fuckin’ thing,” he growls, trailing butterfly kisses down your neck. “‘M gonna make it up to you, yeah? Make you feel so fuckin’ good.”
A hand hikes his sweatshirt above your chest before Katsuki’s latching onto the skin under your collarbone and sucking, teeth digging into your skin hard enough to bruise.
“Y-Yeah, that’s fine,” you whimper, intoxicated by the way Katsuki’s lips flush pink as he pulls away, eyes locked on the fresh hickey on your chest. They flicker up to you; he grins.
Katsuki hums at that, licking his lips before diving back in. You hiss when he bites too hard, prompting him to bite harder, but he always soothes it over with his tongue, topping each bruise with a kiss. You flinch when his lips wrap around your nipple and he chuckles at your meek whimper; a hand removes its grip on the sweatshirt in favor of sliding it up your thigh.
“Fuckin’ perfect,” Katsuki says once he pulls away, enjoying the sight of you writhing in anticipation. “And it’s all for me, ain’t it?”
“Yeah, ‘m all yours just—“ you kick a leg in frustration at the thumb playing with the hem of your panties, “—do something already.”
Katsuki raises an eyebrow, “Do what?”
You frown, huffing, “You know what.”
Katsuki shrugs, adjusting so he’s caging you to the floor. Ghosting a thumb over your panties, he says, “‘Course I do. You gotta ask nicely first.”
You tighten your hands into fists. He would.
“I’m no—“
“Beg, Princess,” Katsuki growls, his stare unwavering. He presses an inquisitive finger to your clit through your panties either as a promise or a threat—which, you’re not quite sure.
You crumble.
“I—fine, just—finger me.”
Katsuki doesn’t move. Asshole.
The ash-blond grins, finally pushing your panties to the side.
“Good girl.”
When Katsuki slides his first finger in, it’s much too easy, and you blame it on the foreplay. You shudder, hands moving to brace themselves on his big shoulders, and the ash-blond muffles a moan as your nails dig into his shoulders.
“Another,” you moan, bucking your hips into his palm. Katsuki’s heated gaze flickers from your body to your face.
“Already?” He chuckles, the rasp in his throat giving his arousal away. You nod—he clicks his tongue.
“Fuckin’ dirty.”
Two fingers feel like so much more than just one, and they have your eyebrows folding in a poor attempt to muffle a whimper. Katsuki’s fingers still move tentatively but they’re getting comfortable, curling and searching for that place that’ll make you tremble. And then he finds it.
“F-Fuck,” your body jolts, and Katsuki’s shushing you against the pillows.
“Keep your mouth shut, Princess,” he purrs, head dipping down to nip at your neck. It adjusts the angle ever so slightly, but enough to make you hiss, and he chuckles. “Unless you wanna get caught.”
“Oh yeah, because that sounds fun right now,” you snort towards the ceiling. Katsuki pulls away with an unimpressed look as his thumb comes down over your clit.
“Can’t wait to fuck the brat outta ya. Maybe then you’ll actually shut up for once, huh?” Katsuki inserts a third finger without you asking him to, and you gasp, clawing at his back.
“Shh, shh, shh,” he laughs against your mouth lowly, as if the light kisses will do anything but make more noise, “Good God sweetheart, you’re really pent up, aren’t ya?”
“Shit—I doubt you’re much better,” you try, scoffing at what you can see of his painfully hard cock in his sweatpants. Katsuki looks down before sending a huff your way, with a cute little blush dusted on his cheeks.
“Shut the fuck up,” he grunts, pulling out his fingers. You whine at the loss. “How d’ya want me to fuck you?”
You need to take a step back from how crude the question is. Right, sex.
“Right um,” you look around, trying to find the least obvious position—and one that doesn’t make a shit ton of noise. Laying on your side, you tuck an arm under the pillow, before turning around to Katsuki to suggest, “Cuddle-fucking?”
“Yep,” you say with finality, popping the p. Making big grabby hands his way, you say, “C’mere, big guy.”
Katsuki rolls his eyes but moves behind you anyways, warm arms easily finding themselves around your waist under the blanket. After a few adjustments and ensuring you're both fully covered, Katsuki’s hard cock presses against your entrance as he hooks his head over your chin with a huff.
“This is so not on fuckin’ brand.”
“I don’t think fucking in a living room with sleeping friends is on-brand for a pro hero or a baker,” you say casually. Katsuki breaks out into a snort, pressing his face deeper into your neck.
“God, I fuckin’ missed you, ya know that?” He chortles. Your chest blooms with something it hasn’t in years, and for the first time, you find that you don’t mind.
“Don’t be such a dick and maybe I’ll stick around this time,” you quip with a smile he can’t see. Though you feel his against the base of your neck.
Katsuki’s last words hang in the air, unusually heavy, and your eyes catch the snow beating against the window with a less than angry howl. Katsuki’s chest shudders against your back but he doesn’t move, hands frozen at your waist.
“Hey, I thought you were gon—“
“I’m getting to it,” Katsuki snaps, and you gasp as he starts to push inside. “So fuckin’ impatient, goddamn.”
He pulls you down until he fills you completely, and you suppress the urge to shout at the speed he did it with. Katsuki moves a hand to slap over your mouth.
“Shut the fuck up.”
You reach around to pinch him in the side with a huff, he calls you a bitch. It’s a little hard to hear you behind his hand as you say, “Then don’t catch me off guard like that, asshole.”
Katsuki snaps his hips and does exactly what you tell him not to do—prompting another surprised whine out of you and a dark chuckle from the ash-blond. His cheek presses into your jaw as he finds leverage in hiking your lower half up until your puffy cunt is level with his cock, and fucking you until you drool all over the pillow.
“What a pretty fuckin’ thing,” Katsuki grunts, and you can tell he struggles to keep quiet in the way his chest sporadically shudders. You have to grip the pillow for some semblance of purchase and Katsuki chuckles at watching you struggle, before he’s hiking your leg up to fuck you that much deeper.
“I always—always knew you’d sound so good,” he pants, the grip around your mouth bordering on clammy. You want to tell him that if he keeps making so much noise he’ll wake up everyone in this fucking room, but there isn’t much time between moans to get more than a word in. “Fuck baby, keep tightening around me like that, and I might fuckin’ cum.”
You find it amusing how close he is so quickly, until two fingers land on your clit and start rubbing in slow, small circles. Your walls flutter around him and Katsuki digs his teeth into your neck with a curse, his grip around your raised thigh contracting as he tries to hold on for as long as he can.
And that’s when Denki starts to move.
First, he rolls to the left. Which would’ve been fine, seeing as it’s in the opposite direction until he bops Eijirou straight on the nose and promptly rouses the redhead from his slumber. Katsuki’s hips still.
“O-Ow, dick,” Eijirou curses under his breath, quickly scrambling to his forearms. It’s hard to tell through the darkness, mostly because you’re squinting your eyes to feign sleep, but it seems like Eijirou rubs under his nose, only to blink back at a bloody hand.
Katsuki’s hips shift, ever so slightly, but enough to nestle his cock deeper and force you to bite back a whine. And another. And then another.
You try your hardest to be discreet when you reach to pinch Katsuki in the side, and he breathes a laugh down your neck.
“What?” He whispers, though it's more than a rasp than anything else. Good to know you’re not the only one struggling to not cum, here.
“You know 'what,'” you quickly hiss. But Katsuki’s hips don’t stop as Eijirou weighs his options to cure his bloody nose in the dark. The fingers on your clit return their usual pressure and you inhale sharply, nails digging into Katsuki’s forearm as your orgasm begins creeping up on you.
Eijirou sniffles and gets up, stumbling through the darkness to turn down the hall that leads to the bedrooms. Katsuki sees that as fucking freedom and his hips really start to pick up so much speed that you struggle to breathe through it all.
“‘M gonna cum,” Katsuki whimpers into your neck, burying his face deeper in a poor attempt to stunt any sound. “Fuck, fuck ‘m gonna cum, you close baby?”
“Y-Yeah jus’ a little more,” you whimper, eyes rolling as Katsuki finds some inhumane energy in him to fuck faster. He nods at that and bites into your shoulder with a growl, “C’mon, fuckin’ cream all over my cock—atta girl, fuck, fuck—“
Katsuki fills you up the moment you clench around his cock with a sigh, the weight of your orgasm knocking you forehead-first into your pillow as you bite the urge to squeal. Katsuki doesn't growl as much as you expect, moans breathy and light as his hips finally stutter to a stop—but you suppose some things have to change over the years.
Katsuki collapses next to you in pure exhaustion and you’re sure that’s his cum leaking down your thigh, but for some reason, you don’t really mind.
“Hey you,” he speaks first, eyes blazing red in the darkness. You snort.
“Hey, you.”
Katsuki chuckles with a stupidly giddy smile on his face, "Y'know, you still fuck really well."
You drop your head on his chest to snort, and his hands find their rightful place around your waist.
"Better than high school?"
"Yeah..." Katsuki grumbles, before his eyes narrow. "Wait—hey, yo—"
"I haven't fucked anyone since," you snuff the fire before it even starts, and Katsuki relaxes, though his eyes stay slim. He pulls you closer and you sigh—it's comfortable.
"Good," he grunts. And then after a pregnant silence: "I haven't either."
That's...strangely reassuring.
Your arms wriggle until they fold over his shoulders to play with the small hairs on the back of his neck, and he hums, eyes fluttering shut with a final peck on the lips. As Katsuki's breathing evens and the white of the snow dyes the highest points of his face white, you smile. He looks older.
You think he's asleep until he nudges your waist.
"Be my girlfriend."
You don't even hesitate.
By the time Eijirou comes stumbling down the hall, both you and Katsuki are passed out—with his body encompassing yours in the most intimate way, face tucked into your hickey-ridden neck as your arms and legs lock around his being. The redhead gives you both a soft smile as he passes, snorting to himself.
“Took them long enough.”
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What are Steve's wedding vows to Peggy?
Hey i wrote something since like Saturday. kinda proud of myself despite BAD anxiety over this.
“Are you ready, Steve?”
The question came from Edwin Jarvis, the man sticking his head in through the curtains to smile at the nervous Captain. Steve just held up the bowtie in despair, trying to hide the shake in his fingers.
“I can mull down hundreds of Nazis. I can fight Hydra to the bone and-and nearly be killed by a frozen tundra, but what defeats me is a god dang bow tie!”
Jarvis laughed as he stepped into the small side room, giving him a comforting smile. “You know,” he mused as he started to do the tie. “When I was marrying my Ana, I was so nervous I fainted right as we got to I do.”
Steve felt himself gap, looking the man up and down. He could picture that, not that he would say it. He felt like he might faint before he even got out to where Bucky and Colonel Phillips were waiting for him.
“When I came to, my head was in Ana’s lap and I insisted she was an angel. She practically is - not that I’ll ever insist anything different. She’s never let me live that down, that rascal. The point is, Captain Rogers,” the man smirked as he finished the tie and smoothed it out along Steve’s neck. “It’s okay to be nervous.”
“I’m...Captain America, I shouldn’t be nervous, I wasn’t nervous when-”
“Let me ask you something,” Jarvis spoke over him, patting the guy’s shoulders to get him to sit down. He pulled a comb out of nowhere and started to fix Steve’s mousy hair from his constant fingers combing through it. All Steve could do was look on in the mirror. “When you bulldozed through of Hydra agents or lead your Howling Commandos through countless missions or did whatever you did in what the reports do not say, were you nervous?”
“Of course not, those guys depended on me. I couldn’t afford to be nervous or second think my actions, someone might’ve died.” Plenty of people did, in ways Steve could’ve never stopped or predicted unless he’d been there, but he was one person.
Not that Jarvis was asking about this.
“Exactly. They depended on you. You needed to be ready for anything, to overcome anything Hydra would’ve thrown at you. Yet with Miss Carter, you’re nervous about your wedding? It’s practically a tradition to be nervous. Do you know what that means?”
“That I’ll fumble my vows or drop the rings and it’ll roll into a gutter, never to be seen again?”
Jarvis snorted and lightly squeezed Steve’s shoulder. “No, Captain Rogers, it does not. It means that you love her. You love Miss Carter with every fiber of your being. It means you, my friend, will have an amazing wedding and marriage. Even if you do fumble, you can do no worse than me and fainting.”
Steve covered his face, trying to stabilize his breathing. He did love Peggy - Jarvis was right. There was no doubt about that. He loved her. Loved her so damn much he might explode. He just...was nervous.
“Being nervous,” Jarvis continued as he put the comb away and tilted Steve’s head up to inspect himself in the black and white suit. “Being nervous is a tradition. It means you love her. I’m sure Miss Carter is nervous too.”
Steve’s mouth opened to counter, Peggy couldn’t be nervous - he’s seen her stare enemies dead in the eye and not miss a beat. He’s seen her let herself get shot if it meant saving the hostage. He’s seen her survive countless trails and still stand on top at the end of the day. There’s no way Peggy was nervous. Yet, the second he opened his mouth to say something, Bucky stuck his head through the curtain.
His hair was perfectly parted thanks to his mother’s intervention. He was sure the second his ma wasn’t looking, he would mess it up. The suit he wore was a little on the older side, insisting he got to wear his dad’s suit to this wedding.
“You ready, Stevie? That green isn’t a good shade, bud.”
Steve gently swatted at Bucky’s chest as he adjusted the suit once more, trying to take in a deep breath to calm down.
“Shut up. I’m just...nervous. How’s everything looking? We ready?”
“Ready as we’ll ever be. Ole Phillips is grumbling as ever. Dugan is waiting up there, Angie is ready. We’ve already had to stop the niece and nephew from throwing the flowers everywhere.”
“Oliver and Penny really like those roses, huh?” Steve’s lips twitched into a small laugh at the idea of the kids going haywire with those roses. “And Peggy? Is she…?”
“Ana and Rose and even Howard are in there, it’s alright.” Seeing his friend’s panic look, he smoothed down his suit again, the metallic hand glimmering in the dull light of the chapel. “Let’s get this party started and get you two crazy kids married.”
“Always knew you two would end up together,” Phillips grunted as Steve stood nervously, shifting from foot to foot. “From the second she laid eyes on that scrawny form of yours.”
Steve laughed, a more forceful laugh given the nervous state he was in. He watched Jarvis politely sit down after checking in on the girls, Rose already coming up to stand by them. Bucky clapped Steve on the shoulder, squeezing him too hard.
“Told you,” he chuckled. “You two were meant to be…”
“‘cept you shouldn’t have shown up in the bar when we were having your public funeral,” Dugan interjected. “Not the best idea, Cap.”
“You’re lucky Carter didn’t shoot you on the spot, coming up with a soiled uniform, and half that glass in your chest,” Phillips grunted.
“Wouldn’t have hurt as bad, if-”
Steve stopped the second he heard Ana playing the piano, turning on his heels and towards the door.
He watched Oliver and Penny run through with the flowers, throwing them everywhere but the floor. His little giggle and the laugh through the chapel made him relax a little, but the second he saw Peggy, everything was back in full force.
She was...beautiful, spectacular. A thousand words he couldn’t think to say. His mind nothing but a fine-tuned sound of buzzing as he watched her slowly walk through that door. Ana had worked perfectly on that dress, the trim, the lace, every down to the last details of the pearls knitted into the collar.
Steve could feel the tears burning in his eyes as she slowly stood in front of him, hearing in the corner of his mind, Phillips muttering about sap.
He loved her.
“You look…” Steve struggled with the word as he held onto her glove-laced hands, looking down at them and slowly back to those beautiful hazel eyes that he’d fallen in love with before he even knew what color they were.
“I know,” Peggy finished, squeezing his hands. “You look pretty dashing yourself. We-”
“How about we get this show on the road, huh?” Phillips asked, breaking the silence, and the music slowly melted into the background. “We all knew we’d end up here today. It was just a matter of time and if it was legal or not. I expected you two to just waltz into my tent one day and demand to be married, the laws and logic be damned.”
“Almost,” Steve mused, shrugging his shoulders. Phillips’ grey eyes were trained on him, brow rose as if to ask what. “I proposed to Peggy after she’d been shot during the hostage situation of ‘44.”
“Son.” The tone said all and the Howling Commandos laughed the loudest. Steve glanced over to see Peggy’s side of the family, most with pursed lips. They still weren’t pleased that their daughter was marrying a Yankee.
“We told him to do it,” Dugan interjected.
“Dared him, actually,” Jones added.
“Double-dog dared him,” Bucky said.
“Actually, we told him to do it or we would on his behalf,” Pinky reminded them.
Phillips’ look silenced Falsworth on the spot, the man clearing his throat and stepping back in line. “We’re no longer at war, boys, you don’t have to keep defending your Captain under insane circumstances. I’ll never forget about the damn goat incident.”
It was only a few minutes later before Phillips cleared his throat again and nodded towards the couple. “The couple has written their own vows. Ca-Steve, would you like to go first?”
Steve blinked as he felt Peggy’s eyes on him, trying to calm his racing heart down. “Okay, yeah. Yeah,” he breathed, taking the paper Dugan had passed him. “I stayed up till 4 in the morning working on this. Mr. Jarvis had to eventually take the pen from me so I’d sleep.”
“And he didn’t accept my help,” Howard muttered just loud enough for Steve to hear, making the Captain flush.
“Okay, here it goes,” Steve breathed, unfolding the paper and trying not to let how nervous he was shown. His hands were already starting to shake and he was afraid sweat would ruin the ink.
Peggy’s hand gently closed around his wrist and offered him a comforting smile. “It’s okay, darling. Just us. Not a whole platoon of guys to play Star-Spangled Man With A Plan.”
If he wasn’t blushing then, he was now.
“Peggy, I…” Steve looked down at the paper and back up at her. He could hear Jarvis’s voice in the back of his head telling him that when he got up there, he’d know what to say. Fumbling or not.
“Peggy, I love you. I’ve loved you ever since I first laid eyes on you and I didn’t know it. I didn’t know what the color of your lips was or the color of your eyes or your hair or even your uniform. I didn’t know the true sound of your voice or the smell of the roses on your skin. I didn’t know much then - hell I don’t know much now -”
A few people laughed and Steve lowered the paper, looking dead into his wife-to-be eyes.
“I didn’t know much then. I just knew you were hell on high heels and damn anyone who got in your path. When you first knocked out Hodge, I felt my breath taken away. When you ran for the grenade too, I wanted my last sight to be of you, swore I was goin’ blow myself up to a million pieces. Our first conversation in that car might’ve been one of our lasts and I was glad it was with you, someone who understood me. Understood what it was like to be discriminated against because we’re us… Because I was sickly and small and you were a woman, a girl, a-”
“You still don’t know how to talk to women, do you?” Peggy asked, blinking the tears from her eyes and making Steve give a wet laugh.
“I”m afraid not, how I managed to get you to fall in love with me is a wonder. The point is, Pegs, I love you, from the bottom of my heart. All through the war, we talked about what we wanted after. I insisted on a white-picket fence, a house in some neighborhood, that we’d build the perfect life together and well...you saw where that lead us. Me to a watery grave and you punching me out when I showed up at that bar. Even if I was late for our dance.
I just...I love you. Life has taken us on insane turns from clearing our friend’s name to-to living in LA for a few months. To...to here. To me finally getting the guts to purpose to you. Or more like catching my breath. I need you in my life and I’m lucky to have you. I’m more than happy to sit on the sidelines and let you work, to raise our kids or tend to a home, to do anything you ask. I’m more than happy to just be yours. I just...I need to be yours like I need to breathe. You are my life, Peggy Carter, and I’ll have no other but you. I’m lucky to be your husband, to be by your side through it all.”
Peggy didn’t bother to hide the few tears running down her face, thankful Angie had fixed her makeup just right to prevent the tear streaks from showing. She cleared her face off with the handkerchief Rose had given her and sniffled.
“Sap,” she laughed, shaking her head. “I stayed up late last night but not writing these vows. I...told myself I knew what I was going to say when I got up here, but I’m mistaken. I can only say I love you, Steve Rogers. You are my life. My soul. When I was young, I insisted I wouldn’t marry. I insisted my life was to slay dragons, rescue knights, be a pirate. To be anything but the lady my mother wanted me to be.
I insisted I knew what I wanted for myself. That I-I wanted to be a codebreaker and I was good at it. I-”
“And saved our lives with it,” Howard said, causing them to laugh.
“Yes, Howard, thank you. I am good at it. I’m great at it. I insisted that’s all I could do to help the war effort, to maybe consider becoming a nurse but my mother and Fred forbidden it. I insisted I loved Fred because my mother did. I insisted that I could do some good by staying home, being the good wife, and keeping my head down. I insisted on a lot of things but for myself…
It took Micheal’s death for me to see there was more for me out there. The SSR was life-changing for me. Getting to serve under Colonel Phillips’ here, getting to meet you, even if you were...different.”
“It’s okay, call him a shrimp like I did,” Phillips interjected, making Peggy give a wet chuckle. “Kid got that sandwich after all.”
He swore the man smiled at him - even if Steve wouldn’t admit it.
“You were different. You stood out from the rest and it was because of your good heart. Yes the grenade incident, but you helped the nurses around the base. You helped collect herbs for them when we ran out of pain killers, you remembered decades-old healing practices that your mother taught you. You gave some of the guys, even if they were bastards to you, advice on how to fix their broken shoelaces or how to even hide the knives better in their clothes. You were kind and sweet-hearted and I wanted you from the start.
Even after your serum, you didn’t change. You saved that kid. You saved me, even if I was quite upset about it.”
“You did yell at me a lot for pushing you out of the way,” Steve interrupted, remembering that chaotic day.
“You were running with no shoes on and shoved me out of the way of an oncoming car. I had to yell about something.” She smoothed down his suit and sighed, shaking the veil. “Even after that, Steve, I...I love you. I loved you from the start. During the war, that love only grew. I thought we hid it well.”
“No,” Bucky snorted. “No, you two did not. Everyone knew.”
“Yes, thank you, James,” Peggy huffed, giving her friend a roll of her eyes. “That love for you grew and I’m only sorry we didn’t act sooner, that we didn’t kiss more or-or risk it to just touch each other in blatant public when we needed the comfort because it was a war. I am sorry that it took this long to get here - but we’re here. Look at us. We’re here, sweetheart. We’re getting married after all in a setting of our choice, with our friends and family. It’s worth the wait.”
“You’re always worth the wait,” Steve whispered, swallowing the lump in his throat.
“I love you,” Peggy whispered, squeezing his hands. “I loved you then, to now, and forevermore. I’ll never stop loving you, no part of my soul will be complete without you. You are my light, Steven Grant Rogers, as I am your compass, your true star north. You are my light and I want nothing more from you than a life that we paved together.”
There was no dry eye around them, even the grisled Colonel was sniffing slightly and wiping at his eyes. He squeezed the book in his hand and gave the couple a warm smile. “Aren’t you two kids sweet? Why don’t we wrap this up so you two can kiss like how you did in the supply closets?”
Steve felt his ears burn, turning back to Peggy and holding her hands. He wasn’t sure how he survived the rest of the ceremony. Of Bucky bringing the rings to them, his ma’s old ring that Howard had cleaned up and engraved with their wedding date on it. Peggy’s father’s wedding band.
He wasn’t sure how he barely got the words I do our before Peggy was jumping on him to kiss him and Steve’s arms found a way around her frame to pick her up and kiss the life out of her.
The wedding they dreamed of and feared that they never had.
A life yet to come with many memories down the road.
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sapphicrowena · 4 years
through the cold i’ll find my way back to you
15x18 coda, 1.7k. read on ao3
The Empty isn't empty.
There's the entity itself, of course, smiling wickedly with the face of a friend lost long ago.
There's Billie, not dead but dying, her every breath a grimace. Her skin is mottled and horrid, and everything about her looks shabbier and more ragged in the not-light of this place.
And there's Castiel.
Castiel, released from the sickly cold grasp that dragged him here, on his knees in defeat and relief in equal measure. Castiel, an Angel fallen in more ways than one, already feeling the tide of his oft-felt misery washing over the joy in his chest but not letting it sink. Castiel, free of the burden he has been all too glad to carry for the last decade.
The Empty looks at him from a throne, and says with Meg’s voice, “You shouldn’t have done that.”
“I disagree,” Castiel says, surprised to find he still has a voice. “I think I should’ve done it years ago.”
The relief borders on euphoric. It’s every hunt-gone-sideways-but-still-survived rolled into one, every life saved, every battered and bruised word of prayer heard in the early hours of the morning. It’s a secret held for twelve years and released at the time it would do the most good for the world.
“There’s no way out of this one,” the Empty promises. 
“I know,” Castiel says, and he believes it. He’s not sure he wants a way out. He’s done his part.
“Are you going to be quiet this time?”
This is a difficult question to answer. For the first time, he feels no urge to argue. There is no survival instinct here. He knows he should, based on track record, be looking for a way out, at the very least. But he feels a kind of serenity in this moment, this afterglow of sorts, that distracts the part of him that would pick a fight in any other circumstance. 
He stands. He almost wipes at his knees, out of habit, before remembering that there’s nothing here to dirty them. There’s nothing here at all.
“I think,” he says, “I just might.”
The Empty says nothing, eyes cold and skeptical, and he walks away.
He finds himself at Billie’s side. She has nothing to prop herself up against, so she is on her back, pitiful and ruined, her scythe at her side. Castiel stares at it, and can’t help but wish she had left it behind. A weapon like that could be a real advantage in the fight to come.
“If you’ve come to gloat,” Billie says, pain tracing the lines of her face, “you can save it.”
“In a way,” Castiel says, and he doesn’t have any bitterness or ill will to give her, “I owe you a thank you.”
He should hate her. He should want to sit and watch her draw her last aching breaths. After everything she’s done - to him, to Dean, to the rest of his patchwork little family - she surely deserves what she’s getting. 
But he hears his own voice in his ears, hears himself say I love you and mean it in every possible way, and he can’t. He can’t hate her, because like it or not, she gave him that push. He will never see Dean again, and he can hate her for that, but he will make peace with that, eventually. 
He’ll have enough time here to make peace with a lot of things.
The Empty isn’t empty.
There’s Billie’s scythe, unmoved from the place it lay next to her before she died and disappeared. She took a long time to go, but she went, and that’s all she had to leave behind.
There’s the Empty, still using Meg’s face. Still awake. Still asking for some quiet.
And there’s Castiel, without a word past his lips since the soft, “Oh,” that left him when Billie vanished, just walking. He doesn’t have a destination, because there are no destinations here, and he doesn’t know if it counts as a journey without one, but he walks. 
He doesn’t stop. He could be moving in place for all he knows, nothing but void in all directions, but it doesn’t deter him. He walks and walks and walks, footsteps echoing off nothing, and he thinks. There’s not much else to do.
He thinks of home, of earth, and of the battle that might be still waiting to happen or already come and gone. He thinks of Sam and Jack and the world he’s left behind. He thinks of the Impala and how she purrs like a lioness and smiles like a shark.
Mostly, he thinks of Dean, but that’s nothing new. He would think of Dean even if he were dead and disappeared like Billie. He would think of Dean even if he were standing in front of him.
The Empty finds him, occasionally, or he finds it, or they find each other.
“Aren’t you tired?” it asks. From anyone else, those words might be comforting or empathetic.
In truth, Castiel is tired. He’s been tired for years. But he can’t - if he stops, he knows it’ll be for good. And he isn’t ready for that. He can’t let go yet. He’s not sure what it is he’s holding onto, but he knows it’ll be gone forever if he stops.
“No,” he says. 
He keeps walking.
The Empty isn’t empty. 
There’s the quiet, boundless and permanent, a heavy blanket that presses in from every angle.
There’s the Empty, who hasn’t paid a visit in a long time, but still lurks at the not-edges of not-space.
And there’s Castiel, no longer walking. No longer thinking. Very close to no longer being anything at all.
The Empty isn’t empty.
There’s the quiet, shattered and jagged.
There’s Castiel, awake, and the Empty, furious.
And there’s Jack.
He is tattered and frayed and glowing like a pyre. He calls out, in a voice made of urgency, “Castiel?”
Castiel stands - he doesn’t remember lying down, or sitting up - and Jack’s eyes, burning with white light, find him. He doesn’t know how long it’s been since they last saw each other, but Jack doesn’t look any different to how Castiel remembers him - apart from, of course, the power that crackles at his fingertips and shines from his pores.
“How are you here?” Castiel asks. He stumbles forward, clumsy and forgetful, toward the sun of a boy before him. “This can’t -”
“We won. I’m here to take you home,” Jack says. His voice sounds like a thousand. Then, softer, as Castiel approaches him, “It’s over. It’s done, Cas, we won.”
The halo of light around Jack doesn’t burn like Castiel thinks it ought to. Jack folds into him, at once ethereal and impossibly human, and Castiel remembers what he’s been missing, all this time on his own.
Over Jack’s shoulder, Castiel sees the Empty, and his blood runs cold.
Jack lets him go and turns to face it, his shoulders square and confident. His jaw sets with a determination he could only have learned from the Winchesters. The kind of determination that says no, you move.
The kind of determination that Castiel fell from Heaven to learn for himself.
“Jack -” he warns. He can’t read the expression on the Empty’s stolen face.
There is a long moment of silence as they size each other up, a cosmic ancient and a boy-shaped god.
Then, the Empty speaks. It says: “You can have him. I want to sleep.”
Jack lays a hand on his shoulder, and Castiel closes his eyes.
The bunker library isn’t empty.
There’s one table buried in a mountain of books, another cluttered with bowls and candles and bones, and chairs toppled on their sides.
There’s a small crowd of onlookers, some cowering behind the shelves. Two throwing themselves forward into the action. One going farther than the other, looking like he hasn’t slept in a year.
And there’s Castiel, in love with him all over again.
Dean Winchester comes to a stop a foot away from Castiel. He stands there, his face a swirling, unsure mix of hesitation and relief and astonishment, and doesn’t say a word.
He doesn’t speak for so long that Castiel notices the quiet isn’t just him. It’s everywhere. The room holds its breath, and Castiel holds his too, until the novelty of having breath to hold wears off and he can’t do it anymore.
He says, “Hello, Dean.”
Dean’s face splits into a watery grin. “Hey, Cas,” he says, and crushes him in a hug that pushes all the air out of his lungs.
Castiel’s hands land at Dean’s shoulder blades, snaking up his back to make a home out of rough fabric bunched between his fingers. His eyes close, and Dean holds him tighter, and there is nothing else in the world but this.
Into Castiel’s shoulder, where only he can hear, Dean says, “I’m sorry.”
“For what?”
“For not saying it back.” 
The words sound in Castiel’s ears and in his head. He doesn’t know if the prayer is intentional, but he feels that pull of longing and decides it doesn’t matter. None of it matters, just this.
“Dean, you don’t -”
“No,” Dean says, and he pulls back far enough that Castiel can look him in the eye. “I should have said it back. I should have said it - I should’ve said something a damn long time ago.”
There are hands on Castiel’s face. They’re calloused and hard from a life lived too unfairly, but they’re gentle as they hold him. Tender to match the eyes Castiel knows so well.
“You said - you said it was something you knew you couldn’t have,” Dean whispers. “But, Cas, you’ve had me. You’ve always had me. Ever since - god, who cares since when? You have me. I have been yours.”
The bunker library isn’t empty, but when Dean kisses him, slow and soft and worshipful, it may as well be.
“I thought -” Castiel says, when they part. “I thought you didn’t - I thought you couldn’t -”
Dean smiles, bashful and sweet, and Castiel falls and falls and falls.
“You were never the brains of the operation, Cas,” he says. “We both know Sammy’s the smart one.”
Dean kisses him again, and again, and again, and oh, how wrong Castiel was. There is a certain amount of happiness in saying it, in just being, but it is nothing compared to this. Nothing compared to the having.
Dean Winchester’s bedroom isn’t empty.
There’s the pile of clothes on the floor, peeled reverently from their owners layer by painstaking layer, a phone charging in the corner, and the gun he keeps under a pillow.
There’s Dean himself, of course, sleeping soundly for the first time in years, maybe.
And there’s Castiel.
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lowkeyorloki · 4 years
A Study In Suit, Part II
Summary: You’ve worked too damn hard to get into Professor Laufeyson’s advanced course, and you’re not about to let your pesky attraction to him get in the way. Your professor, however, has other plans...
+ Part I +
-> Read it on ao3
Chapter Summary: In which Professor Laufeyson lends you his shirt.
Taglist (taglist is open! message, dm, or reply to this post to be added!):  @myraiswack @lucywrites02 @uada-animus @theatrelove3000 @crystal-28 @country-cowgirl-101 @wallywaffle  @girls--girls-boys @maze-lt101
A/N: I have decided to update this story every Thursday, because who doesn’t need a middle of the week pick-me-up? Hope you’re all doing well and enjoy this chapter!
There were a lot of things you liked about your university. 
The campus was gorgeous, for one. Despite being a fairly prestigious school, living off-campus was affordable in the area. The professors were some of the best in their fields. 
But your favorite aspect of college might just be the libraries.
There were three on campus, each with a focus, and you currently had your setup in the one typically frequented by English students. You were on the third floor, which had posters and reminders everywhere you looked that this was the quiet section of the library. Group projects could head back down to the lobby.
Whenever you can’t focus at your apartment- whether you were scrolling endlessly through your phone or keep getting up to grab a (sad, almost expired) snack from your kitchen, there was always something at home to keep you from work. But not the library. Something about being around other students working and rows and rows of books inspired you.
And right now, you needed to be inspired. 
Your paper for Professor Laufeyson’s class was getting somewhere, just not fast enough. It wasn’t that you were worried about the due date. You just wanted to give yourself lots of revision time, a good week or two to go through each and every word. Make it perfect. Tailor it to Professor Laufeyson’s taste.
...Not that you were trying to impress him. You just wanted a good grade, and after class earlier this week, he would be paying more attention than he normally would. You were just taking extra care to remain in the class with a good grade. That was all.
Tailoring your paper to Professor Laufeyson’s tastes… Your mind wanders, thinking back to your professor’s tongue tapping his teeth.
“That’s it.” You say out loud. A few heads snap up to glare at you. You shrink down in your seat. Oops.
You check the time on your computer. 12:30. You have about a half hour until your next class starts. You know you won’t get anywhere if you stay here, so you begin to pack up. There’s a Starbucks in the lobby. That should distract you, and give you a much needed energy boost. You have a lab today, that’s why you dressed in an old sweatshirt and beat up converse. No one important would see you, anyway. It was your only class.
You make your way down to the student-run Starbucks, quickly ordering and standing to the side. Because the quality here wasn’t really consistent, your orders weren’t either. You usually tried something new each time, always making sure to get your extra hot. You hated lukewarm coffee. 
Your name is called out, and you thank the barista as he slips a sleeve over your drink to hand it to you. As you’re walking out of the building, your phone buzzes. Without thinking, you reach into your back pocket and pull it out. Nat.
Trying 2 focus but Bruce won’t stop grinning at me with a stupid look on his face. He just ate half of my lunch and I LET him. No clue what this means. 
You let out a small laugh. You weren’t sure how you felt about your two friends maybe possibly conceivably having a thing either, but Bruce would be better for Natasha than most guys on this campus. You begin to tell her that as you make your way through the door, the crisp air causes you to shiver a bit. You’re just about to hit send when -
Your coffee cup is suddenly knocked from your grasp, and to your horror, it spills directly onto your chest. You let out the stupidest sound you’ve ever heard, something between a whine and gasp of pain as your extra hot latte seeps through your sweatshirt and onto your skin.
“Fuck!” You curse, unable to stop yourself. You clamp a hand over your mouth, bending over and grabbing your shirt to hold it as far away from your skin as possible. It’s too late. The majority of your coffee is now on your torso, running over your chest and stomach in hot drips that feel like fire. It hurt. Bad.
“I’m so sorry.” you hear a voice. You nod, not really able to look up just yet, and keep your hand over your mouth so whoever did this can’t hear your chorus of ohmygodohmygodohmygod. You feel a heavy hand on your shoulder. “I’m terribly sorry, I didn’t see you there.”
Wait a second. You know that voice.
You look up, absolutely horrified to see Professor Laufeyson watching you with a furrowed brow. But not in amusement or annoyance like you’re used to: worry. Not a ton. He’s looking at you like the pain you’re experiencing is nothing more than, like, a hangnail. But still. He’s worried, and you’ve never seen that on him. 
That, however, isn’t really on your mind right now.
“It’s fine.” you take your hand away from your mouth. Your voice is strained. You stand up straight, still doing your best to keep your sweatshirt from touching your burning skin. You open your mouth to say more, but shut it, unsure of what to say. 
“You…” Professor Laufeyson eyes the now empty coffee cup on the pavement. “Do you need to go to the health center?”
“What? Dude, no.” in your frenzied state, you let the informal word slip out. “I’m sorry. No, professor, I don’t need the health center.” They could give you either a bandaid or a condom, neither of which would serve you particularly well right now. 
If your professor is offended by your lack of formality, he doesn’t show it. He clears his throat, and takes his hand off your shoulder. It makes you shudder, the loss of contact.
“Do you have something you can change into?” he asks evenly. You’re still looking anywhere but him, trying desperately not to think about how much your chest hurts and how much of an idiot you must look like in front of one of the best professors here.
“No. Professor, I’m fine. I shouldn’t have,” you grit your teeth. Did you really have to get the coffee extra hot? “Shouldn’t have been on my phone.” 
You look at your professor now. He has his own phone in his hand. 
“Ah.” you say. Professor Laufeyson slips it into his pocket. You’re both quiet for a minute, until the man lets out a sharp intake of air. “Well, um… I have class in twenty minutes, professor, and I-”
“Come with me.” he turns around, and begins walking back down the steps. You don’t move, unsure of what he could be doing. “Come on.” he says, and you listen. It was a demand, one that honestly had intimidated you a little bit, and you find yourself trailing behind him. You cross your arms over the brown stain on your chest as you walk across campus, trying to wrap your head around what’s going on.
Professor Laufeyson leads you into the English building, nodding at a few passing professors as he does. He stops at an office you’ve never been in, pulling out a key and quickly unlocking the door. He ushers you in.
“What?” you watch as the professor shuts the door behind you both. The blinds on the windows are closed, and you look around. The room has very little in it, no more than a desk and bookcase with some textbooks and plaques. 
“This is my office.” Professor Laufeyson tells you. “Perhaps you would know if you ever took advantage of office hours.”
“I’ve never needed to.” you grumble. You turn back to your professor. You can’t tell, but it looks like he may be smiling at your retort. Just a bit. 
“Here.” he approaches you, a large cable knit sweater in his hands. It’s navy. You’ve seen him wear it before. 
“Professor.” you say. “I can’t-”
“Please.” he interrupts you. “It can’t be good for you to continue wearing that. Just,” he pushes the sweater closer to you. “Take it.”
You can tell this isn't an argument you’re going to win, and tentatively, you accept the gesture. Professor Laufeyson looks relieved, and turns around so he can’t see you. You feel your heart speed up.
“You want me to…?”
“You said you have class, right? Just put it on.” 
“Okay.” you say softly. Professor Laufeyson sounds angry. You drop your bookbag, slowly taking your ruined white sweatshirt off.
“What class do you have?”
“I,” Professor Laufeyson clears his throat. “I wonder, what class do you have?” 
You realize this must be your professor’s attempt to make this less… awkward. You swallow.
“One of Dr. Stark’s labs.” you say. You see Professor Laufeyson’s head cock to the side. His silky hair moves with it. You try not to think about this, about the fact you’re standing shirtless in his office. 
This was so inappropriate. Your angry skin prickles, as if to remind you that even if that was the case, you kind of had no other choice. You start to tug Professor Laufeyson’s sweater over your head.
“You wore white to a lab?” he asks incredulously. 
“It’s an old sweatshirt.” you finish putting the navy garment on. The sweater is huge, reaching halfway down to your knees. It’s soft, so soft, and actually does something to soothe your skin. Your cheeks heat up at the realization this shirt had been on your professor’s own bare chest. Was it weird to pay attention to that? If it is, you mentally decide to forgive yourself. This whole thing was weird. 
“Alright.” you say in a voice barely above a whisper. Professor Laufeyson faces you again. He looks at you, and you think you see his eyes widen. It was probably just a trick of the light. 
“Well.” Professor Laufeyson checks his watch. “You have two minutes. Would you like me to email Dr. Stark? Explain why you may be late?”
“Um,” you consider the offer as you stuff your sweatshirt into your bookbag. “I’ll um, see if I need you to do that. I can email you tonight, if you want.”
“Yes.” he nods. “Please do.” 
“Okay. I’ll just… Go.”
And you do. 
“You look cute!” says your lab partner as you sit down. Dr. Stark glares at you. You mouth ‘sorry’ at him (it was that kind of class. If you had to be uber formal with Professor Laufeyson, Dr. Stark was the opposite. He tried once to get you to call him Tony. You refused) because you did end up being late. You stopped in the bathroom to make yourself seem more normal. Professor Laufeyson’s sweater had three buttons towards the neck, and you unbuttoned all of them. You did a classic french tuck - because you obviously had seen Queer Eye - and pulled your hair back. It wasn’t perfect, but it made the sweater seem more like yours and less like Professor Laufeyson’s.
Professor Laufeysons!
“Thanks.” You say. Wanda beams at you. You’re quickly becoming close, the two of you. Wanda was your age, a transfer student. She was smart, almost painfully so, and didn’t hang around many people. Just you and her brother. 
You feel bad for your new friend as you start and proceed to continually mess up the lab. Your sleeves get in the way a few times, but besides that, you’re just distracted. By the time class is over, you’re desperate to just get back home so you can think. Or process. That was a more accurate term. 
You expect Dr. Stark to call you over to his desk as you file out the door, but he doesn’t. Oh well. That lets you get to your car all the more faster, making some very questionable driving choices as you speed back to your apartment. You practically throw the door open, quickly locking it behind you and looking at yourself in the mirror.
Unreal. This whole thing, this whole day. You stare at your reflection, at the girl wearing Professor Laufeyson’s perfectly kempt sweater and just shake your head.
You walk over to your couch, not even bothering to kick off your shoes as you collapse on it. You have homework - a lot of it, you always do. But your eyes are getting heavy. You close them, letting yourself relax for the first time the day. 
You take a deep breath, and you realize that Professor Laufeyson’s shirt smells like him. You didn’t even know he had a smell - how would you? But now, wrapped up in his clothing and in the safety of your living room, you’ve never been more aware of anything. It’s intoxicating, almost, the musky scent of pine and leather. There was a sweeter smell too, vanilla, you think. It’s like Professor Laufeyson is in the room with you. Even better, like he’s laying on the couch with you. You remember his strong hand on your shoulder, and think about how it must feel to be held by a man like him. 
You want to keep imagining, you want to hold onto this, because it’s probably the most exciting thing that’s going to happen to you for awhile. But the exhaustion brought on by shock and pain finally takes its toll, and you slip into sleep before you can even set an alarm.
You get to Professor Laufeyson’s class somewhat early the next day. You had woken up to an email from him, one that explained he emailed Dr. Stark after all. That explained why you hadn’t been scolded in front of the entire class. You were also told to look into buying some aloe vera.
There’s no one in the classroom yet except for Professor Laufeyson at his desk. You take a seat in the one you always sit in, taking note of the coffee cup that sits on the corner.
You eye Professor Laufeyson, but he’s distracted, reading some book with an ornate cover. Or at least pretending to. You snatch the cup, looking at the little check boxes on the side. It’s from Starbucks, and it’s the exact same drink you ordered yesterday, except this time, it’s iced. 
You’re about to say something to your professor, but the rest of the students quickly start to appear, Natasha being one of them. She pouts at you as she sees the coffee.
“You didn’t tell me you were going somewhere. I would have texted you my order.” she says. You flash her a grin. 
“Sorry.” you apologize. “It was, um, unexpected.” you begin to feel someone’s gaze on you. You turn to Professor Laufeyson, and feels a surge of pride when you see he’s looking back.
Your eye contact falls quickly as he stands up to begin the class. Your professor pays attention to every student but you for the rest of the period. Normally that would bug you.
But today, it doesn’t. 
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tipsydipsydo · 4 years
Happy Easter! 🐇 [M]
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Topic: You're wearing a sexy bunny costume for them on Easter Sunday!
Gender of the Reader: female
(This Scenario also has a male version!)
Word Count: ca. 500-600 words for each member
Genre: a bit Fluff; most Smut!
Warnings: Dirty Language and Dirty Talk; Petnames; Costume-Play; Pet-Play; Sex Toys; Mastubation; Kitchen-Sex; Teasing, Edging and Overstimulation; Praising; Daddy-Kink; soft Dom-/Sub-Themes; soft BDSM-Themes; Handcuffs; little bit exhibitionism; "public sex" (Sex in Garden); Breeding-/Impregnation Kink; Breeding-Dirty Talk; Mentions of unprotected Sex (please stay safe in reality, always!)
A/N: Happy Easter my Sweeties!!🐰💕
I hope you'll had/still have a great Sunday and got a lot of good food and Sweets!
I wanted to be a little Easter Bunny for you too and wrote a little smutty special! I hope y'all like it!
My Masterlist for your requests!
My official Masterlist!
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「© tipsydipsydo」
These following scenarios are my intellectual property and belongs only to my blog tipsydipsydo.tumblr.com!
I’ll not accept any kind of reposting, stealing or using/editing my work!
That includes reposting my content on other social media platforms too, even when you link me as the original author.
Thank you.
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You hum dreamingly to the music, that comes out of the radio behind you and swaying rhythmically your hips to the melody. While Jin is in the shower, you decided to set the dining table and cooking the eggs for the Easter breakfast.
Jin is usually the one who wakes up earlier on Sunday mornings and makes breakfast for you. You already tried your best to be a "better" girlfriend and to return the favor of a ready breakfast more often.
But you have to admit that you just love it to sleep in and you have the habit of pressing the snooze button way too often. Up to the point that the alarm clock didn't ring anymore. Maybe that's also the reason why the other days of the weeks are always a drama for you. To 95% you oversleep and only have around 10 minutes left to get ready for work and still catch your metro.
Today is Easter Sunday and as by a miracle you managed to get up earlier than Jin, to shower without him noticing and dress up in your new bought lingerie and recently ordered headband with bunny ears.
The last weeks were super stressful for Jin and there wasn't much time or motivation left for intimacy. That's why you thought Jin deserves a nice view right in the morning as a little Easter gift. Especially when you know that one of his soft spots are you in white, innocent looking lingerie...
An exited smile spreads on your lips as you hear nearing footsteps and a small gasps behind you. Seems like your plan worked out pretty well! You're about to turn around and to smile cheekily at him but there is someone, who is more than eager to get his seductive Easter gift himself.
"Is this here your way to wish me 'Happy Easter', Babygirl? You're the cutest and sexiest Easter Bunny I've ever seen...", say Jin with a breathy voice into your ear and sucks on exactly that spot under your ear that makes your legs weak in no time.
"Y-Yeah, I think so... I-I just wanted to surprise you and treat my Darling with a little gift after such stressful weeks...", you whimper and bite on your lower lip when you feel his hardening cock against your buttcheeks.
"Oh yes, Baby~ I like your little surprise really, really much! Right now, I would prefer to bend you over the kitchen counter and make you feel really good instead of eating breakfast... what do you think?"
"I hoped you would say that... because the eggs aren't ready now and need ten more minutes anyway~"
You hear an amused chuckle from behind and squirm in anticipation when Jin bend you over the counter.
"Hm, has someone here forgot to let the eggs boil right on time? How good that we know, how to use this time properly...", teases Jin and push the fabric of your lace panties out of the way.
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You hoped, no you actually thought that Yoongi would finally take some time off for you when it's a freaking official and national holiday for everyone! But you should've known your boyfriend better.
When he "can't" get into the studio to work on his tracks without being super rude with this action, then he would take his work simply at home. Of course you understand when he has to finish a new track because he's in the flow.
But when one track is mostly finished, it leads to ideas for a new song that he has to write down in his notes. Things like this are going on and on with it.
It's damn Easter Sunday and he had left you in your shared bed at seven a.m. in the early morning to "quickly finish this one track before breakfast".
Well, it's 11:30 a.m. now and you two ate breakfast two hours ago. It's an understatement that you're frustrated. You're pretty pissed off.
Officially you wanted to be the one who got up earlier this morning because of the little Easter surprise you planned for Yoongi. You ordered cute Bunny ears a week ago and a matching set of black lace lingerie. Okay, with panties that didn't really exist, just a bit lace covers your vulva. When you tried your outfit on, it actually reminded you of a playbunny outfit.
Yoongi don't want to admit it but thanks to Namjoon you know, that your boyfriend has a little big things for sexy bunny costumes...
Planned was to seduce Yoongi with being a sexy, naughty bunny in the morning so he has to take care of his bunny girl, maybe with a hot round of sex before breakfast.
Well, it seems like you had to take care of your needs by yourself when it seems like that you're so uninteresting for your boyfriend!
Provocatively clickling with you black stilettos, you stalk into the living room to the dining table where he sits. You place yourself next to him, directly onto the table and watch him a few seconds. He still didn't give you one single look. 
You growl frustrated and turn your eyes away from you pretty annoying boyfriend, spreading your thighs and grab that pink rabbit vibrator you brought into the living room as well. Only the sound of the vibrations seems to be so irritating that Yoongi is willing to give your sight a glance. 
A satisfied smile spread on your lips when you hear Yoongi choke and then coughing, pulling your pussy lips apart to give him an even better view on your drenched and so needy pussy. He clears his throat before he talked to you in a raspy voice.
"Can you explain this here to me? What's that for a bratty behaviour, hm? Desturbing me purposely in my work. Looks like, my little bunny a bit attention-seeking and desperate to get her pussy hole stuffed at Easter time? Well, I think I could satisfy these primal bunny needs definitely better than this shitty vibrator, don't you think?", he growls and smirk cockily at you when he get up from his chair and comes between your legs.
He just need a second to pull his sweatpants down, throwing the vibrator through the whole room and stuffing your needy hole with his own cock.
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It couldn't have been better timed when Namjoon realizes that he had forgotten some important papers, that are supposed to be read at signed over the Easter Holidays, in his studio. So when he head out of the apartement to his studio, you use the twenty minutes of being alone in the apartement to set and dress yourself up. 
Two weeks ago you went to the sex-store of your trust which has a big, separated floor just with BDSM accessoires to buy yourself a sexy bunny outfit. It's the store where you two get most of your toys and utensils for your play sessions.
Because it's Easter, you planned a sexy surprise for your darling by yourself. Maybe it'll be not the way how Joonie usually like it... but you think, he should try new things too~
You're leaning against the bedroom doorframe, when the apartement door opens again. A playful, dirty smirk forms on your boyfriend's lips in the moment he realize your presence in the hallway. He put his papers without a second thought on the shoe cabinet and drops his jacket carelessly on the floor next to the wardrobe before he makes his way to you.
"I apprechiate your outfit, my sweet little bunny~ But to be honest, I'd like it a little bit more when it would be black lace instead of black leather. For being my cute whiny Sub, you look a little too much like a Bunny Dominatrix in this outfit...", chuckles Namjoon with his deep voice. 
His lips are searching for yours when he guides you with your back to your shared kingsize bed. The kiss is dominant, in a kinda leading behaviour. It's the type of a kiss you usually like, a kiss that makes you whiny and needy for him, but not today. Today you'll turn the whole thing around!
You're already on the bed, Namjoon above is you and you're literally waiting for the command that usually follow in such a session. But you make sure it wouldn't come tonight. Tonight you'll be the one who gives commands to Namjoon and makes him beg.
In a moment where Namjoon is distracted, you take your chance and turn your two bodies in a quick move around. Now you're the one who's sitting on his hips and tie your boyfriend's wrist with leather cuffs, that you hidden under the pillows, to the headboard. Just alone Namjoon's confused and disbelieving facial expression was the whole thing absolutely worth it!
"What the fu-"
"Shh, Namjoon. Watch your mouth and behave! When you're a good boy for me today, I'll not tease you soo much and maybe, when you're a really good boy for me, maybe I'd let your pretty cock cum in my pussy. When you're a bratty boy, you won't cum in any way today and I'm would ruin you the way you always ruin me. I want to see you all whiny, sobbing and begging, my dear Darling~", you wisper devilishly in his ear.
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You promised Hobi to bake his favourite cake for coffee-time on Easter Sunday. But what you didn't expect, that you would be almost naked while baking! You wear nothing beside this white frilly vintage apron, these bunny ears on your head, the pink lacey string-ouvert (that literally covers nothing!) and this damn remote controlled rabbit-bullet between your legs.
While you're seriously struggling to concentrate properly on the instructions of the recipe, Hobi seems like to has the best time in his life. He's sitting on the opposite side of the kitchen at the dining table and obviously enjoy the sight you give him with your barely covered body.
To see your legs trembling and to hear you whine even more whenever he turns the vibration of the bullet on a higher setting, satisfy this little sadistic devil in him the most. Especially when you're so worked up that your sweet pussy is literally dripping wet, smearing your juices all over the insides of your tighs and little pearls of arousal falling down on the kitchen tiles.
Yeah, you're so turned on it's driving you insane, but it's still not enough to cum. This damn bastard, that you call your boyfriend, knows way to well when you're at the edge to cum and turns the vibration immediately down. Always with the explaination 'to give you the chance again to focus better onto the baking process'. 
God, sometimes you think you really start to hate him but deep, deep down you know, that you love his teasing as much he does.
The worst thing about this damn vibrator is that he has these bunny ears. The bullet doesn't just stimulates your g-spot, no. That would be too simple for Hobi. It also torture your clit too, when the tips of the ears rubbing sideways along your clit!
"Baby, I think you have to work a little bit faster when we plan to eat the cake at 15:30 p.m., we need to still bake it and then it has to cool down...", said Hobi in a fake concerned voice. You know very well that he just want to rush you, with the goal that you'll mess the cake up. When this happens he has a good reason to punish you even more~
You shoot him death glares in the moment you're about sprinkle a pinch of salt for taste into the dough. Well... it's unfortunately more than a pinch of salt. A lot more than that.
While you curse about your mistake and the fact that the whole dough is messed up now, Hobi sighs dramatically and stands up.
"Hm, my dear Lady? Do you know that you ruined the whole cake with your unconcentrated behaviour? That's means I'll not get only one piece of cake today and with it not my Easter gift. But you promised me that! How you'll make up for that, hm? I think that just means that I have to punish you."
"Hobi, it's not my fucking fault that I-"
"Honey, watch your mouth. Do you want to blame Daddy for your inadequate discipline? Well then, Daddy has to work with his little Girl on her discipline, right?"
With these words he takes you to the bedroom and make sure you'll be a lot more disciplined after his teaching lesson.
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When Jimin told you back in the middle of March that he'll went in a diet, you got immediatley suspicious and all alarm bells rings in your head. He promised you that's he just want to make a sugar diet over the next few weeks and with it, over the Easter Holidays, so he couldn't stuff himself full with too many sweets again during easter.
You talked a lot with your boyfriend about it, promised you that he just don't want to eat too much chocolate but beside this, that he'll keep up with his normal eating habits. But now only without a dessert after Dinner and controlling his snacking a bit more. Even the rest of the members had to promise to you that they'll make sure that Jiminie will continue to eat his meals properly.
After the first two weeks you relaxed more and more, realized that he's only on this diet to advoid products with a lot of sugar in it. To make it easier for him and to enjoy the advantages of a sugar diet too, you joined him in his plans.
But that also means to ignore all these delicious sweets for easter in the supermarket. When you two went grocery shopping last week, Jimin shooted death glares to all these chocolate bunnies that tried to seduce him with their cute wrapping foil.
That's why you planned a little Easter surprise for him on Sunday so at least he'll not start to hate Easter completely.
After you two got back from your Brunch (where the restaurant service just wanted to make a nice gesture and placed a tiny chocolate candy in the shape of an easter egg on your seat, frustrated Jiminie only even more), you said to your Darling that you want to freshen yourself up quickly and then join him on the couch.
You stepped out of the bathroom in gorgeous pastel pink high heels, a matching set of lingerie and a metal hairband in the shape of bunny ears on the top of your head. The simple accessoire was decorated with cute flowers, which makes your sexy-cute appearance perfect.
When Jimin hear the clicking sound of your heels, he turns around to you confused until an expression of complete disbelief manifests in his face.
"...because you're on diet and the fact that you can't even eat one tiny chocolate easter bunny, I thought you should be able to-"
"...I should be able to eat at least a bunny out, right?", interrupt you Jimin when he comes to you with dark lustful eyes and a really hungry smirk on his lips.
"...Y-Yes...", you answer him breathlessly as he push you roughly against the wall and makes you drown in his passionate kiss.
"You're always my favourite treat of sweet and you know that, Baby.", growls Jimin into your ear when he directs you backwards to the bedroom.
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You bite your lower lips hesitantly as you stare through the vitreous living room door into the big garden of Taehyung's and your shared apartement. Your actual plan was to hide some of the Easter Sweets for Taehyung in the house and in the garden as well. 
The idea itself is not bad or problematic at all. Just the fact that you're already dressed in the lingerie, that you bought extra for the sexy surprise you've prepared for Tae, is the actual problem. Maybe also the fact that your neighbours are an elderly couple with way too much time and their intense passion to watch the neighbourhood like hunting dogs. 
Especially when the dear old Madame notices something "very interesting", "very unusual" or "very suspicious" she just has to gossip with her dear Ladies on their weekly tea-parties about it.
And as we all know, old people don't know the term "sleep in", they're always already awake at six or seven a.m.
But then Taehyung's word cames back into your mind.
"Let them talk when they don't have a better Hobby than this."
With exactly these words in your head you open the terrace door and step in nothing more than your grey lingerie, your bunny ears and flip flops on your feet into the cool morning air.
Fuck it, let them gossip about whatever god knows!
It's still early in the morning, around 08:30 a.m., that's why every breeze is still a little chilly and you try your best to hide everything in the shortest time possible. You didn't want anything more than finally run inside into the warm living room!
You're so immersed into your hiding project that you don't recognize that someone is coming up behind you.
"Hm? Who do we have here? Did I disturb the Easter Bunny at his work? ...and I didn't know until now that Easter Bunnies are dressed so sexy~", you hear Taehyung's deep voice chuckling.
You gasp startled for breath, instinctively you want to cover your body with your arms and hands. Your Boyfriend starts laughing softly and pulling you into his arms to his warm chest. Automatically you're relaxing again when you're sure that only Tae saw you in this outfit here in the garden. Beside that you also appreciate the warmth of his body really much.
"I didn't know that my usually so reserved girl will become so bold on Easter Sunday and start to run around as a damn sexy bunny in the garden, dressed with nothing more than bunny ears and lacey transparent lingerie~", tease Taehyung with his typical boxy grin.
You're about to open your mouth to explain this unordinary situation but in that moment Tae already press a hungry kiss onto your own lips.
He guides you back the the terrace and pulls, without breaking the kiss, the cover of the garden couch down. Then he sit on the soft but still cool cushions down and placing you onto his lap, pulling you into a new heated kiss. The hard outline of his cock in his pyjama pants against your own damp center promise you, what thing he's planning to so with you. In your garden, on Easter Sunday and at fucking 08:45 a.m?!
"Tae, I don't know if-"
"Hey Baby... you're the one who started this here, sprinting around in our garden just wearing lingerie and bunny ears! I think, we should give our dear neighbours something really naughty but also really good to gossip about, right?", answers Tae your concerns with a smug smirk on his lips and is about to pull his pants down.
God, this Boy just knows how to push your limits in the right way!
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Jungkook can't imagine someone who could better fit to him than you. Your personality is amazing, you two share a lot of interests and hobbies and you're just so dirty minded and kinky behind closed bedroom doors like Kookie himself.
But he has to admit that there is something he would like to do but doesn't dare to mention it to you. You've made "not so good" experiences with it in your former relationship.
Jungkooks likes it to have Sex without a condom, likes the feeling of shooting his load right into you, marking your body with his cum. But well, the bastard of your ex-boyfriend really forced you to have raw sex with him when you wasn't ready for it.
You only have been on your pill since a short amount of time back then and you didn't felt really comfortable to have already sex without a condom as a second guaranty.
When you tried to explain your worries to him, he just got mad and accused you to not trusting him. Then he even blackmailed you that he would break up with you when you're still not consent with it.
When you told Jungkook what happened he promised to himself to not mention his kink too early in your relationship. Even when he knows that both of you are completely clean and that you're on birth control. Plus the fact, that you always make sure to take them very regulary, he doesn't want you to feel pressured to do something like that when you're not ready for it. Then he wouldn't be any better than your damn ex!
And now?
Now you're standing infront of Jungkook's bed, almost completely naked, just wearing plushy bunny ears and a tail butt plug. These ears reminds Kookie of the floppy ones of a dwarf ram rabbit. Gosh you look adorable and so, so sexy.
Jungkook can't believe what he's hearing when you open slightly stuttering your lips.
"T-Today is Easter and around this time of a year, bunnies are in m-mating season and I thought... you, as my buck, would like to breed me, your bunny, too...", you mumble and chew nervously on your lower lip.
Kookie is speechless, don't know what to say or where the heck you got the info that he likes raw sex. The corners of your mouth turns into a small cheeky smile.
"You should be more careful when you're on the phone with one of your hyungs and didn't want to get accidentally overheard... And w-when I'm honest, I actually like raw sex. Well, when I trust my partner enough and I trust you, Jungkook. I just wanted to be a good Easter bunny for my buck so bad... p-please mate me, Kook."
Oh, you didn't know until now, how good Kookie will breed his cutest bunnygirl. How wet he could make you with Dirty Talk about Breeding, about filling you up to the brim with his semen, shooting his cum again and again into your hole until it's szoozing out of you.
You'll love the way Jungkook makes you feel~
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incorrectspnforfun · 4 years
^^ nah, dw, it didn't ruin the show for me. thanks for your opinion. i just wanted to build on what you said, sorry it's long XD you're right that they did mention other characters, and there was the montage, and who knows, maybe the lack of other characters in 15x20 is just because of covid. the thing for me is that sam living this "normal life" and never mentioning hunting, and dean dying young on a hunt, those are the endings they would have gotten had they stayed on their respective paths 1/
at the beginning of 1x1, so it feels like doing all those things since then and changing their destiny (at least i think they did that? feel free to correct me if i'm wrong) didn't really matter. plus i always thought that dean’s line of "going down swinging, guns blazing" was just something to hide his fear of doing exactly that. dean was planning to retire as a hunter, he had managed to completely distance himself from being "daddy's little soldier", but in the end he still died his dad's case? he got out and then was pulled back in just to die, it's... sad. also, you're absolutely right that the core of the story is about the brothers' relationship. but i think this relationship evolved with time. in the beginning it was just the two of them, and it was "toxic codependency" (i think that's how other characters said it?), but as they grew up and met other people they... didn't exactly grow apart, but they took some distance, at least emotionally speaking, and their relationship became way healthier because of that. maybe i'm just imagining things, but this final episode, with a road trip case a la season 1 and barely mentioning other characters, felt like going back to the beginning (...which was probably the whole point ^^") and almost erasing the fact that they became different people since then. idk if that makes sense? also, the actors were always very vocal about mental health issues, but this final episode showed us traumatized characters ending up either dead or living unhappy, and only being happy once they’re dead. i *do not* like this subtext. i know it's definitely not their fault, they said they didn't like the ending way before we knew what the ending was, but *someone* decided this was a good way to end a story that was, at its core, all about hope. sorry, it was even longer than i planned ^^"
Alright. I just cut all of them together so it was more or less consecutive lol. Let’s try to break all this down! (And no worries about the long response! I’m happy to talk about it, and I’m so glad you’re sharing your thoughts! I really appreciate you taking the time to type all of that out! <3) 
For starters, I’m really glad it didn’t ruin the show for you. I’ve heard a lot of fans saying that it’s their ex-favorite show now and they can never watch it again because they didn’t like the finale, and that makes me really sad, so I’m glad to see someone who still appreciates the show even if the finale wasn’t their fave. :)  
In terms of lack of characters because of COVID, I think that’s definitely true. I know the cast and crew had been saying that they wanted more guest stars in the last two episodes, but they had to take some of them out because of COVID concerns. Overall though, they did say that it didn’t change the core story they wanted to tell too much, so I think the Sam and Dean-centric ending would’ve still been like that, but maybe with a few more character appearances (like Shoshannah Stern, for example. I really believe that the reason Sam’s wife was blurred out was because they couldn’t get Shoshannah Stern back for some reason, but they wanted us to believe it was Eileen). 
When it comes to the boys’ destiny, to me--and, in my opinion, this is exactly what the show was trying to show us--their destiny was always supposed to be one brother kills the other. It was the destiny meant for them at the end of Season 5, and it was the destiny and final ending that Chuck had written for them at the end of Season 15. But, time and time again, the brothers’ love for each other and love for the world kept pushing against that destiny. In the end, by defeating Chuck, and by helping each other up and not backing down, they did write their own destiny and fight against it and, ultimately, give themselves free will. 
Now, in thinking about Dean’s death and the brothers’ codependency (yes, you were right, that’s what the angels and such called it), I see your point about Dean’s words being a mask for his fear, and while I agree that he often did use them in that way, in the end, I think his fear was less about dying on a hunt and more about dying alone, but also about making sure that he isn’t taking Sam down with him. His death scene in 15x20 says that loud and clear. Sam tries to leave to get him help, but all Dean wants is for Sam to stay with him, and then his last request is for Sam to come closer so that he can make sure his little brother is okay. That said, though, I do agree with you that they’ve taken some emotional distance from each other and had a healthier relationship because of it--which is why, despite Dean dying and Sam surviving, Sam let him go and didn’t try to bring him back, because they had achieved that emotional distance. 
All of that in mind, I, personally, feel like the only way this story could end was with Dean dying and Sam living to old age, eventually joining his brother in heaven--so basically, exactly what we got. 
I hear a lot of people saying that Dean deserved to live a normal life and live to old age--he had that job application on his desk, he had a dog, etc.--but while I agree that he deserved that happy life, I feel like it wouldn’t have been happy for him. Dean’s tried the normal life thing before, several times, and it’s never worked for him. He can’t stay away from hunting for too long, because he’ll always be looking over his shoulder, and/or he’ll always be worried about his brother. If Sam would have died, he also never would’ve forgiven himself or gotten over it and wouldn’t have been able to live a normal life. In general, as much as I would love for Dean to live a normal life and have a chance at happiness, it’s never fit his character. Even with the growth he’s experienced in the last several years, the way he’s grown up and the things he’s been through just won’t let him experience an apple pie life. 
Sam, on the other hand, has always had a connection to a normal lifestyle and has always had more of an ability to have that. If you ask me, a lot of that is because of Dean--since Dean grew up so fast, Sam never had to, so he had a chance to go through normal childhood experiences and learn how to live a life outside of hunting. As such, his attempts at a normal life usually were pretty successful, and it follows that any attempts he makes in the future could be successful too. The big thing that stops all of that, though, is Dean. While Sam, in the last several years, has said that he’s okay with his hunting lifestyle and happy doing what he’s doing, it’s less about the actual hunting and more about being with his brother. Sam, in general, is miserable in the hunting lifestyle. It’s not what ultimately makes him happy, but being with his brother does. Because of that, he accepts the lifestyle for everything that comes with it because it means bonding with Dean and seeing him happy. As such, he can’t live a normal life if Dean’s around, because he knows it’s not what Dean wants, deep down, and it would mess with the dynamic they’ve built through all these years of hunting. So, the only way Sam can live a normal life is if Dean dies (kind of like in Season 8. When he thought his brother was dead, he actually did live a normal life for a while, and he probably would’ve continued to do that for the rest of his life if Amelia’s husband hadn’t come back and if Dean hadn’t come back). 
Now, with all of that said, you’re right in that this does connect directly to how the brothers likely would’ve ended up in Season 1. However, what’s different is the strong bond that Sam and Dean have now developed over the years. Yes, if Dean hadn’t gotten Sam at Stanford way back in Season 1, Sam (probably) would’ve lived a white picket fence life, and Dean would’ve died on a hunt. The difference, though, is that both of those things would’ve happened without either brother being aware of what the other was up to and, frankly, probably not necessarily caring as much (in Sam’s case anyways). 
With the Season 15 ending, though, Sam lived his white picket fence life, but his entire life was built in tribute to his brother. He named his son Dean, he kept the Impala, he had pictures of the two of them all around his house, and his son even had an anti-possession tattoo. While Sam was able to live a normal life, he never forgot about his brother, and Dean was--just like he said in his death scene--always in his heart and always remembered, because of all that they had shared for the last fifteen years. 
The same goes for Dean. While Dean did die on a hunt like he normally would’ve, if Dean had died in Season 1, he would’ve gone up to heaven, relived his best memories (which all probably would’ve been with kid!Sam), and that would’ve been it. Instead, in Season 15, we see Dean go to a heaven that’s been re-created into something that he deserves by people who love him and who he loves very much (Jack and Cas) that he (and Sam) were able to influence heavily. And yet, with the entirety of heaven open to him to see anyone he wants (including Cas), what does he do? He goes for a drive and waits for his brother--the brother that he’s bonded with for the last fifteen years. He could see anyone, and in Season 1, if heaven had been like that, he probably would’ve. But instead, he just sits and waits for his brother, because ultimately, that’s who makes him happy. We never would’ve gotten that if it weren’t for the bond that Sam and Dean created with each other in the last fifteen years. 
As for the “traumatized characters ending up either dead or living unhappy, and only being happy once they’re dead” subtext, that’s completely valid, and I can see how that would be upsetting. Personally, I didn’t see it that way at all, mostly because I feel like the characters weren’t necessarily happy after they were dead. Dean was only happy in heaven once Sam was with him, and Sam actually was happy throughout his life with his family, even if he was still mourning his brother, and ultimately, he was able to live a life and continue that happiness in heaven when he reunited with Dean. Cas was happy before he died (hence, why he died) because he finally admitted his love for Dean. While I fully acknowledge that not a lot of them necessarily got the chance to deal with their trauma in a prolonged way, I feel like their individual deaths helped them cope in some way. That’s just my opinion though, and I can definitely understand where you’re coming from. 
Sorry it took me so long to answer this, but I hope that all makes sense! (Also sorry mine was so long too! Lol.) <3 
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jksmoongf · 5 years
Kissing Fire [pt. 12] *final*
Pairing: Jungkook x reader x girlfriend (oc) Genre: cheater!AU, angst, smut Wordcount: 16.7k Warning: smut, lies, heartbreak and more lies and maybe fluff if you squint
Summary: It always feels like there is only one person in the world to love. And then you find somebody else.
a/n: I don’t condone cheating on your s.o., so please don’t read if you have a problem with this! (also I’m not saying this is something Jungkook would actually do!) **a/n: It’s been a long time coming but it’s finally here and I really hope none of you are disappointed! As always, some feedback would be lovely! I wanna thank @struggleofarmy​ for always helping me, and encouraging me and sobbing with me through the long process of writing this chapter! Thank you D. - I love you!!! 💕💕💕 And I need to thank @jaxonah​ for her big brain and planning with me, literally, the entire fic ( y’all can thank her, bc Sammy inspired KF and without her, it would've never happened!) Thank you bby! I love you so much, you don't even understand!  💜💜💜
Warning chapter 12: crying (it’s an emotional rollercoaster or maybe just an angst-fest who knows), smut ( handjob (female/male receiving), minor tiddie play, grinding,  good ol’ vanilla sex with a surprise at the end, as always unprotected, but pls use protection ), profanities, fluff (you’ll need a magnifying glass to find it), Jk doing dumb irrational things (no spoilers on that tho) Song rec: Every Avenue - Between You and I (please listen to it, it’s beautiful and just reflects the entire fic so well. it really sets the tone for this last chapter.) 
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Namjoon was hiding in his studio; hunched over, he cowered at his desk just tiredly scrolling through his favorite online clothing store. Distraction was his main priority at this point, he tried so hard to not overthink or go looking for more hateful comments that would send him into a downwards spiral. His face was hidden underneath the hood of his big comfy sweater, his eyes quickly scanned each item but ultimately deciding that he didn’t really like any of them enough to make a purchase. Whenever he stopped, his brain went into a frenzy the past few days, the exhaustion creeping up on him; he always thought he should have everything under control but the current situation proved him wrong. He felt powerless, not knowing how to handle all the negative articles that were being published in an abundance every hour. A weak knock made him flinch involuntarily, and when the door quietly opened bare feet waddling on the hardwood floor told him that he wasn’t alone anymore. “Hyung…” He knew the soft familiar voice all too well, but for reasons, he couldn’t explain goosebumps traveled down his back before he slowly spun around in his chair. The youngest was standing by the small wooden coffee table, dressed in all black as if he was mourning the death of a loved one and to a certain extent, Namjoon was sure, he was. He was mourning the loss of his relationship that had only just begun. “What’s up?” He had avoided being alone with the maknae; he didn’t quite know how to speak to him at this very moment in time. It was almost like an invisible barrier was separating them, making it awkward to even look him in the eyes. “I just wanted to talk to you…” “About what?” His heartbeat was quickening, Jungkook wasn’t a kid anymore but he still needed his older brothers, maybe now more than ever before. “You know…” He shuffled his feet, looking uncomfortable and out of place like he was about to change his mind and leave but he made his way around the table to sit down on the small couch. His eyes rested on him as he inhaled deeply to gain more time. “About everything that has been going on…I-I just want…” Without warning the younger boy bowed, averting his gaze to his knees. “I’m sorry, I really am.” “Jungkookie, don’t do that. You-“ The words got stuck in his throat, Namjoon knew how much it must have taken out of him to even come here and try to talk to him. Jungkook looked up to him, it wasn’t a secret that he had always had a big impact on the youngest member. But right now, the queasy feeling in Namjoon’s stomach made him feel like he failed not only as a role model but even worse, as a big brother. “No, I have to. I know, I disappointed you.” He wanted to object but couldn’t. As much as he blamed himself for what happened, he was disappointed in Jungkook and his reckless behavior. After all those years in the industry, he thought that all of them had a better understanding of how careful they had to be when it came to their privacy and personal lives. He wanted to chalk it up to Jungkook being young but he should’ve known better. 
“I hate to say it but you’re right.” A shaky breath left his lungs when he finally managed to speak, tearing down the wall that had kept all of his emotions and thoughts at bay. “I am disappointed in you. You know, I keep asking myself where it all went wrong…did we not teach you right from wrong? Did we, no - did I fail at teaching you that you need to be careful and that your personal life should never interfere with our job? Have you not learned anything from being in the industry for years? Why didn’t you think ahead? Why didn’t you delete those videos? Why did you even take them to begin with? Why didn’t you break up with your girlfriend before you started cheating on her? I have so many questions and I’m not even sure I want to know the answers because I’m afraid that it will hurt and cause more pain. You’re still my little brother but I’m questioning everything these days - I feel like I’ve failed you in so many ways.”
Jungkook swallowed the lump in his throat; he didn’t know how or where to start with explaining himself. Did Namjoon even want to hear what he had to say? Would he even believe him? 
The palms of his hands were clammy as he folded them together to keep them from shaking. “Hyung, you didn’t fail just because I make mistakes. Please don’t blame yourself for something that I did…” He didn’t want to cry but the tears were already prodding at the corners of his eyes. All of them were mad at him and disappointed, it wasn’t just his image that was ruined, he tarnished the group's image forever with his stupidity. The voice inside his head that had been fairly quiet was getting louder with every second that passed - his heart hurt that he didn’t think far enough ahead to know that what they had been doing was reckless and could cause so much trouble and harm but alas, he knew that you’re always smarter looking back on your previous actions. 
“I do think I am at least partially to blame. I know, I have been busy and I wasn’t always there for you when you needed me for guidance but a part of me was hoping that you would make the right decisions regardless…I don’t want to lecture you, I don’t want to act like I can tell you what to do, Jungkook but I do feel responsible for you and your actions.” He leaned forward, elbows resting on his knees as his fingers intertwined with each other, his nails pressing into the delicate skin on his knuckles. “I don’t condone that you cheated on Yina and lied to all of us for so long but I do understand that you fell out of love and fell in love with someone else. It hurts that you didn’t think you could trust any of us enough to tell us or come to us for advice. We’re a family, yes, we will tell you the truth when you fuck up but we will always be here for you, we always have each other’s backs. I really thought you would have stopped for a moment to think of the consequences it could have when you took those videos but I guess, I expected too much from you. You’re only 22 years old and you are allowed to make mistakes but I just can’t help but think that somewhere along the way I messed up when you needed me.” Namjoon blinked when he saw a few stray tears rolling down Jungkook’s puffy cheeks; he didn’t want his words to hurt him but he needed to get them off his chest and if he didn’t do it now, he would probably never get a second chance. “You really didn’t do anything wrong. I don’t even know why I did most of those things. I know, I knew better even back then.” His hand automatically slid into the pocket of his hoodie to wrap around the white gold bangle, he had been carrying around ever since she gave it back to him two nights ago. “I know, I should’ve come to you, but at first I thought I just had a silly crush on y/n and it wasn’t even worth mentioning. I thought it would fade away over time but it didn’t, it only got stronger and I was too weak to fight my feelings and when we got into this web of sneaking around and lying, I just couldn’t tell anyone. I didn’t want you to be disappointed in me because… I-I look up to you so much, what you think of me matters to me and seeing that look of disappointment on your face…I never wanted to see that…” He croaked, trying to dim the tears flowing down his face with his sleeve. “I just wanted all of you to be proud of me, especially you, hyung but I knew that once you found out about what I did, you would be ashamed so I kept it a secret.” It felt like someone was standing on his chest, making it harder to breathe with every word he spoke.
The countless times Namjoon had seen Jungkook cry before never hurt as much as it did now; he was breaking down in front of him. Tears spilling from the big brown eyes with no sign of stopping; he wanted to get up and comfort him but he couldn’t move, it was almost like he was glued to his chair; forced to endure the punishment of seeing the youngest falling apart. “Why did you take those videos and for goodness sake why didn’t you delete them right after?” “I don’t know, it was the only thing we had when we couldn’t be together. After y/n had taken the first video…it was exciting, I liked watching it back and I’m so stupid for not thinking that it could get me in trouble.” The pressure inside his head was building up rapidly as the tears just kept coming, making his vision blurry. “We were so caught up in our little bubble of lying that we thought we were safe. We had minor scares here and there but nobody ever caught us so it never crossed my mind that somebody might get a hold of those videos after we managed to keep us a secret for so many months.” 
The older one took the inside of his cheek between his teeth, index finger tapping on his lips. “When I think back to all the excuses you made to leave with her, or how many times I saw you two leaving rooms at the company, I never would’ve thought that you were capable of doing what you did…”
“I was selfish, I put myself first to get what I want. I couldn’t bear the thought of breaking Yina’s heart and I felt horrible but I hurt her in so many ways and I know she will never forgive me and now I’m paying the price for what I’ve put her through.” His quivering lips pressed together tightly as Jungkook tried to stay in control of his body that was flooding with all the things he didn’t want to feel. “Y/n broke up with me…” He finally pulled the bracelet from his pocket, closing his eyes as his fingers traced the metal, wishing he could melt it to fix the cracks in his heart. “I deserve it, I don’t get to be happy after what I did and if I could turn back time and do the right thing - I would but I can’t. I deserve all the mean comments people are making about me, and they would rip me to shreds if they knew the whole story.” “You’ll have to forgive yourself; every day you’re growing and learning more. Next time you won’t make the same mistake again.” “How am I supposed to forgive myself when everyone hates me? Especially you guys…I can see it when you look at me, how disappointed and disgusted you are. You’re trying to be nice because we’re family but I broke your trust and I don’t even know how to fix things with Tae. He won’t even look at me, it’s like I don’t exist. I feel so lost, I want to fix everything but how do I do that? How do I get all of you to trust me again? How do I get Taehyung to forgive me? How do I make all the mean things people are saying go away? How do I get y/n back? I miss her.” In order to suppress a sob, he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh of his bottom lip - replacing the painful contractions of his heart with a stinging feeling that would soon subside.   A sigh escaped Namjoon’s lips before he rubbed his face with both of his hands. “I honestly wish I had the answers to all your questions but I think you need to focus on yourself right now. Be open and honest, not only with yourself but with the other members and you’ll see they’ll learn to trust you again. As for Taehyung, he needs time and you’ll just have to wait it out until he is ready to talk to you.” “W-wouldn’t it be easier if I just left the group? I don’t want to drag you down with me more than I already have.” He chuckled at the ridiculousness of the youngest statement. “Jungkookie, no! It’s either sink or swim and right now is the time to swim to stay afloat. You’ll have to fight to make things right again but you can come back from this. Right now it seems like you won’t; like it is the end of the world but you can and you will come out of this stronger.” Jungkook looked up and for the first time in days, he locked eyes with the leader. “It’s a little too late now, I know, but what would you do if you were in my shoes, hyung?”  Namjoon took a deep breath; he wasn’t sure if Jungkook would like his answer or not but after thinking about the options, he came to the conclusion that there was only one thing that would calm down the raging fans and the rest of the public who seemed to care too much about celebrity gossip. “If I were in your shoes, I would make a public apology. Get in front of the camera and own your mistake. Promise them that you’ll do better in the future. It will be a lot easier than hiding and waiting it out until they find a new scandal to bad-mouth somebody else.” Jungkook nodded, Namjoon only had his best interest at heart but the thought of having to stand in front of the cameras and owning up to his mistake scared him to death. What if they attacked him like starving animals? What if he messed up again and he would have to flee the country so they wouldn’t be able to lapidate him?
* After buttoning up her jacket, she looked in the small mirror on the wall - shocked to see that the concealer she had put on before work, had lost its power, making her look like she was ready to star in a zombie movie in a just a matter of hours. Sleep wasn’t easy to find; her thoughts always circling in around Jungkook and how much she missed him, missed his voice and his touch. She knew, she would be feeling like this for a while, yet she didn’t know how draining it would be. Of all the boyfriends she had been with before, none of them had anchored themselves inside her heart, unlike Jungkook who seemed to have superglued himself in place and there was no way to rip him out like an unwanted parasite. But maybe she was the parasite who poisoned his life and ruined his career; maybe all those girls were right when they said that she was the one to blame - that she was standing in the way of his future as if she hadn’t done enough damage already. No matter how badly she wanted to believe that their love was real, maybe it wasn’t. He was too good for her and she began to feel like she should just go back home to get as much space between them as possible - just in case their paths would cross again and she would get another chance at ruining his life. Shaking her head to banish the bad thoughts, a small smile tugged at her lips. Ha-na had told her not to read what people were saying online but she was weak and some girls made excellent points, she wasn’t pretty enough for Jungkook and maybe she should be pushed down the stairs because nobody would miss her anyway, especially not Jungkook. “Y/n, don’t forget to take home your new blouses.” Byungchul called as he passed by the staff room, stopping in his tracks. “I won’t.” She bowed to her boss. “What are you still doing here anyway?” He cocked an eyebrow, eyeing her suspiciously. He had told her to go home a while ago but she couldn’t bring herself to leave because if she did, she would have to be alone in her head and work was the only distraction she had. “I-I…I’m leaving now.” “Good, go home and get some rest, you look tired.” “I will.” She smiled weakly as she shouldered her bag and grabbed the little bundle of neatly folded white blouses. When she stepped outside, the cold air immediately filled her lungs and clearing her head momentarily. It would take her a lot longer to walk home but it was better than being crammed into the metro with people and even worse, maybe hearing his name somewhere that would send her into a downwards spiral of hurt and guilt. Her legs felt heavy as she dragged them over the concrete, the other people around her seemed to not have a care in the world. Everyone looked so happy, especially the couple in front of her holding hands. It wasn’t that she didn’t want others to be happy but the simple fact that Jungkook and her had never got to do just that, brought tears to her eyes. It all ended too quickly - if only they could have had one more perfect day together. 
The hard sounding footsteps of someone running echoed loudly in the store lined street but when she turned around, she only saw people walking alongside her, some of them even turned their heads to make out where it was coming from. “You’re in the way.” A girl brushed past her, bumping into her arm. “I’m sorry.” She bowed her head slightly, deciding that she probably had just been in her head too much and it had just been a figment of her imagination when suddenly someone ripped the bundle from her hand and ran down the street. It took her a moment to wrap her head around what just happened before her instincts kicked in and she hurried after the person in the black jacket. “Hey! Stop!” Her voice was weak, but to her surprise, her legs moved a lot faster than she had anticipated and she never lost sight of them, even with all those strangers around who’s faces were just a blur.
The person made a right turn into a smaller street off the side and when she finally turned the corner, she stopped in her tracks. The bundle had been ripped apart and the crisp white blouses were lying on the dirty street. Dropping her bag on the floor, she scurried to pick them up, trying to prevent them from getting ruined when someone yanked her ponytail. * Ha-na was sitting on the comfy sofa in the living room, Taehyung was resting his head on her shoulder while he busied himself on his Nintendo Switch. She was glad that he tried to distract himself and finally came out of his room, at least for a few hours, although he wasn’t speaking much to anyone that wasn’t her or his best friend. Jimin was mindlessly scrolling on his phone, the hood of his sweater pulled down deep to cover most of his face while the youngest was sitting on the floor next to him staring blankly at the tv just like the rest of the members. The atmosphere felt dense, everyone was just waiting for Sejin to come back to the dorms - he had texted Namjoon earlier that they had finally gotten a lead on who had leaked the videos. Ha-na still felt bad about everything that had happened, she had only wanted for Jungkook to do the right thing and everything just got out of hand. Her eyes rested on the bracelet he was holding, his fingers clinging onto the metal so tightly that the blood flow was low and his hand was shaking ever so slightly. When Jin had jokingly tried to take it away from him earlier, Jungkook had almost started throwing a tantrum. Would things ever go back to normal again? Going against everything she had told the others, it had become part of her routine to check any social media and news outlets for articles. She hated seeing that everyone seemed to have an opinion on Jungkook and y/n and spreading false rumors and lies that made everything worse. She was glad though that neither her boyfriend nor the youngest went online to see what people were saying, it would only put more strain on their already broken friendship. For once there had been no new publications but twitter was chaotic as always when she stumbled upon a tweet from a fan that caught her attention, linking to a video. ‘The bitch got what she deserved!’ Hesitantly Ha-na clicked on it, the quality was shaky and someone was breathing heavily and running while filming the street when loud voices could be heard in the near distance. “Oh my god! No.” She covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes focused on the screen. She wanted to look away, yet she couldn’t despite being repulsed by what she saw. “What’s up?” Taehyung sat up, trying to get a glimpse of what she was watching. “Nothing…” Not managing to lock her screen in time before he had already snatched it from her hand. The pure expression of shock on his face sent shivers down her body - she didn’t want him to see it, it would hurt him so much. He mumbled something, the others’ attention now on him as his eyes grew wider by the second. “What is it?” Jimin scooted over to his best friend to see what he was looking at. “Y/n…” In the blink of an eye, everyone had gathered around them, watching how a group of girls was pulling her hair, slapping her and calling her names, while she was on the ground trying to cover her face, pleading with them to leave her alone. The video wasn’t long, and after watching it a second time, Taehyung quickly dropped the phone and got up, hurrying to the small bathroom. Carefully her eyes wandered to Jungkook, his whole body was shaking and tears were streaming down his cheeks. Ha-na wasn’t sure how he was feeling; was he hurt, angry, disappointed or sad? His face showed no emotion, simply staring into nothingness, yet she knew there was a storm brewing inside of him. Seeing faceless comments through a screen was bad but actually hearing the words ‘you ruined his career, kill yourself’ coming from someone made her feel sick to her stomach. “That was…wow…” Hoseok breathed out, before rubbing his eyes in disbelief. “We have to do something, we can’t just let this happen.” “I’m going to see if she’s okay!” Jungkook grabbed his hoodie, ready to head for the door when Jimin quickly hopped over the back of the couch to stand in his way. “You can’t do that, you’ll get in trouble. You know, y/n wouldn’t want that. I’m sure, she’s fine.” He grabbed Jungkook’s arm, stopping him from pushing past him. “How can you say that? Those girls hit her because of me! I know her better than any of you, I know she’s not okay, I can feel it.” He tried wrenching his arm from Jimin’s grasp. “Hyung, get out of the way.” It was a weak warning, his voice getting caught in his throat. “Jungkook-ah, sit down.” Namjoon finally spoke up. “We can text or call her but you’re not allowed to leave the apartment without supervision so calm down.” The youngest caved in under the stern look on their leader’s face and slumped down on the couch, burying his face in his hands. “They say, she ruined my career but do they not know how much it would hurt me when they hurt her?” The eldest gently wrapped his arm around his shoulder. “I don’t think they were thinking that far ahead, they wanted to protect you-” Jungkook scoffed. “Protect me? From what exactly? From the girl I love?” “Or protect your career? You worked so hard and they didn’t want it to be in vain?” “But that doesn’t justify their actions, they could’ve seriously hurt her.” Yoongi murmured while nibbling on his thumb. “They covered their faces like cowards.” Jungkook’s brows furrowed as Taehyung’s voice came from the bathroom. “We have to tell someone who can do something.” 
“Already sent the link to the managers.” Namjoon reassured the youngest members. “And I texted her, she says she’s okay and at home and doesn’t want you to worry, Kook.” Ha-na tried to cheer him up with a weak smile but he didn’t reciprocate it, he just gently pressed the white gold bangle to his lips. “She’s lying so I don’t worry about her…” With a drawn-out sigh, he let his head fall back; the pressure in his chest was almost too much for him to bear. He wanted to do something, he wanted all of this to stop so they could go back to being together. There had to be a way and he was determined to find it. * “I’m very sorry, I won’t disappoint you again.” Jungkook finished, looking up at Jimin in the mirror. “How was that?” “It was good. You’ll do just fine.” A forced smile spread on his face, trying to encourage the youngest while he was practicing his apology that was scheduled for this afternoon. “You think? I mean, management approved it but does it sound… sincere? I don’t want to sound like I rehearsed it.” The older boy nodded. “Jungkookie, don’t worry so much! It will be okay.” “Okay, I trust you. You’re right! I can do this.” He looked down on his script. Jimin carefully eyed him, he still looked miserable but maybe this would encourage people to finally back off and drop the story. Taking a deep breath, he plugged the power cord into the wall socket next to the table. “Are you sure, you still want me to do this? You know, you really don’t have to!” “Yes, just do it. Get it over with.”
With shaking hands Jimin picked up the small black machine, turning it on with his thumb. “Where do you want me to start? On the side, so you can hide it in case you change your mind?” “Do whatever you want, I’m not going to look until you’re done.” Jungkook closed his eyes, silently mouthing the words of the script that was resting on his knees. The buzzing noise seemed to amplify in Jimin’s ears; he had promised to support Jungkook and to help him but now that he was actually going through with it, his mind fogged up with doubts. This was a stupid idea, nobody had asked for this gesture from him but he wanted to do it anyway - he wanted the fans to know that he was sorry for his actions. So now they were hiding in the youngest bedroom, just two hours before he was supposed to stand outside the company building and deliver a heartfelt apology to the public. An apology that Jimin thought was uncalled for; neither Jungkook nor y/n had leaked those videos on purpose, they weren’t to blame but the public’s opinion was different - they demanded a statement, an apology for causing such an uproar and breaking people’s trust. But as much as he hated how everything went down, Jimin still wanted his baby brother to be happy; he deserved to be happy and perhaps this was this only way of getting a tiny piece of happiness back. His eyes looked so - lifeless, that he almost couldn’t bear to see Jungkook like this any longer. His eyes scanned the blades moving at a rapid pace when he slowly raised his arm and held it to Jungkook’s hairline. “Are you still sure you want me to do this?” He asked again, making sure Jungkook really wanted this. “Hyung, yes!” He said firmly, as Jimin carefully cut off the first lock of raven hair, watching as it fell to the floor, followed by many more. It pained him to cut Jungkook’s hair short, only a few millimeters of it still covering his scalp. “I’m all done.” He announced, turning off the razor and putting it back down. “You can look now.” Nervously, he watched Jungkook’s eyes flutter open, fixating on his reflection in the mirror. His expression was blank as he ran his hand through what was left of his hair. Jimin wasn’t sure but he could’ve sworn for a millisecond he saw tears glistening in his eyes. “It’s not too bad, right?” “Yeah, it really brings out your eyes and it will grow back in no time, you’ll see.” He patted Jungkook’s shoulders, letting his fingers dig into his shirt for a brief moment. “And there’s always wigs or hats if you hate it later.” The younger boy chuckled. “I should get cleaned up.” “I’ll help you pick out an outfit if you want.” Jimin offered as Jungkook headed for the bathroom. “Thank you.” Jimin sat on the edge of the bed, letting his eyes wander around the room - not much had changed, apart from the box by the closet door that had y/n’s things in them that Jungkook couldn’t get rid off; a few clothes, a bottle of perfume and a few letters tied together with a ribbon.  Only now he had noticed that over the past months, he had not really been in here spending time with his little brother like they used to, playing video games or watching movies on his projector but knowing what had happened in here - it left a feeling of uncertainty floating in his stomach. Of course, he knew now that Jungkook had been hiding y/n in here a lot, trying to keep the secret well hidden from the other members. But Jimin couldn’t help but think that he had started to slip through their fingers a long time ago. Back in the day, they would’ve known immediately if something was wrong but ever since Jungkook had gotten older, he had developed a tendency to lock himself in his room whenever he could and if there was no schedule then he wouldn’t leave it for days. Jimin made a pact with himself - when all of this was over, he was going to make sure Jungkook was okay, that he would force him to come out of his room and go outside with him; it just didn’t feel right to leave him be, he needed to know that they all still wanted to spend time with him and that they would always be by his side, no matter what. * Jungkook was nervously hopping from one foot to the other as he was standing behind a screen waiting his turn while someone from the PR team was outside the company building, dealing with the press. He was used to all the flashing lights of the cameras and microphones being shoved in his face but this felt different - he was alone, his brothers weren’t by his side for moral support. His fingers wrapped around the bangle in the pocket of his blazer; for some reason, it comforted him. Although she had given it back to him, it was the only thing that kept the tiny spark of hope ignited in his chest. “We have found out that our artist’s private account was hacked by a third party, we are taking legal action against the hacker who invaded his privacy and we ask you to respect everybody’s privacy regarding the issue.” Jungkook’s ears picked up a few things here and there but his mind was preoccupied with the task at hand as his stomach churned. He wanted to throw up and run away; far, far away from all the people eagerly awaiting his apology but his legs felt like jello. [Jimin - 1:42pm] You’ll be okay! Just take deep breaths, it will be over before you know it! A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth when he read his brother’s message. Sometimes he really needed the encouragement from them; without them, he was lost. Sejin stuffed his own phone back into his pocket and nodded his head. “Are you ready?” “As ready as I’ll ever be…” He mumbled, as two of the other managers and a few security guards surrounded him. “Just stick to the script and you’ll do just fine. You don’t have to answer any questions. Just apologize and we’ll head back home right after.” Sejin gently rested his hand on Jungkook’s back. “I’ll be by your side the whole time.” Jungkook sunk his teeth into his lip balm coated bottom lip, as his legs involuntarily started moving with people around him. The glass door opened and the sea of flashes drowned out the sheer amount of people in the street. His heart was pounding against his ribs, as he walked up to the microphone stand. As the whispers died down, he could feel his throat closing up and his mouth felt as dry as the Sahara Desert. Eyes wandering over the blurry faces, his breathing became labored. He couldn’t do it, he just couldn’t get a word out. Maybe he should have had a sip of alcohol to calm his nerves but it was too late. In a knee-jerk reaction to buy more time, he pulled his cap off, revealing his buzzed off hair and bowing down as deep as he could as gasps echoed in his ears, mixed with girls calling his name. “Jungkook..” His manager’s voice was very close to him. “Say something…” In slow-motion he lifted his upper body, carefully scanning the crowd when his eyes found her face - he knew she wasn’t there and that his mind was playing tricks on him but it was the small push he needed to find his voice. He was doing this for her, he wanted people to just leave her alone. She didn’t deserve any of this, she didn’t deserve to be attacked online and especially not getting beat up by fans in an alley at night. The stinging pain in his chest subsided when he finally cleared his throat and found his voice again. “Thank you for taking the time out of your day to be here.” He paused, bowing his head again, trying to remember his lines but the memory of them got blurry, they were escaping him too quickly as he tried to hold onto them. “I-I just want to say, I’m very sorry for my actions. I couldn’t stop thinking about how I let down so many people with my reckless and shameful behavior.” His shaking fingers gripped on to the wooden stand of the mic for some support; Sejin’s hand calmly rested on his shoulder while the pressure it was executing felt like a ton of bricks was coming down on him as if Jungkook was about to run away and needed a reminder to stay still. “I’m so sorry to everyone and especially the fans who had to see me like this. I know, I broke your trust and disappointed all of you. I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me in the future and I promise to never let you down again. Army, you’re always on my mind and it really hurts me to have hurt so many of you with what I have done. Please forgive me.” After delivering his lines, he exhaled shakily; his face felt like it was on fire. “I won’t disappoint you again, I’m sorry.” The crowd was silently watching him, eagerly waiting for him to say something else as his mouth opened and closed without making a sound. “Let’s go, PR will do the rest.” His manager muttered, his hand scooting to Jungkook’s elbow to get him to turn around and go back inside. “One more thing…” Jungkook took a step forward again. “Please, leave her alone. We’re not seeing each other anymore. I-I… all I ask of you is to just leave her alone, please. She’s not in my life anymore…” He trailed off, his lips felt tense as he tried to hold it together. “I’m sorry.” He mumbled more to himself, slowly sinking to his knees on the pavement to bow one last time. The clicking of the cameras was overwhelming his senses, it almost felt like he wasn’t really inside his body anymore when he felt hands holding onto his arms and pulling him to his feet. Not needing much force, he wrenched his right arm free, hiding his tear-stained face in the crook of his elbow. “Come on…” Sejin’s voice was close to his ear as he let him guide him back inside, unsure of whether he did good or not but as soon as doors closed, the babel of alarmed voiced told him that he had gone too far. “What were you thinking going off script? Do you know how bad this could’ve been! We told you to stick to the script. Oh god…” The head of the PR team gestured wildly in front of his face. “I don’t know if we can fix this…Jungkook why do you always have to cause so much trouble?” She puffed up her cheeks before letting out a disappointed grunt. “I’m sorry.” He fixated his eyes on the ground. “It’s just…some fans attacked y/n and I-I just wanted to protect her. I wanted the fans to leave her alone. They should take their anger out on me and not on her.” He felt the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes again, immediately trying to dry them with a tissue. “He didn’t say anything bad. He just asked them to leave her alone, it’s not a big deal.” Sejin interrupted before Hyejin could scold him some more. “I’ll take him home now.” Gently he nudged the raven-haired boy towards the elevator that would take them to the car. “Do you think I did the wrong thing?” Jungkook mumbled as he sunk deeper into the passenger seat, avoiding his manager’s gaze at all costs. “I mean it’s not ideal but it’s okay. I understand why you did it…” He trailed off, averting his attention to the road until they stopped at a red light. “I saw what they did to her, so I understand that you want to do something to protect her. If you want, I’ll request security for her until it all blows over.” Jungkook shook his head, still not used to not feeling his bangs brush against his forehead whenever he moved or touched his head. “I don’t think she would like that but I’ll have Ha-na ask her.” * Jungkook was sitting cross-legged on his bed, his back resting against the headboard, emptily staring at his laptop where he had put on a let’s play to keep his brain and body from going stir-crazy. “Jungkookie?” Hoseok opened the door, sticking his head inside his room. “I thought, maybe you wanted something to eat? You haven’t had anything all day.” The older one came in, closing the door behind him before proceeding to sit on the foot of the bed. Carefully he placed the plate on the mattress between them, pulling a can of coke from the pocket of his hoodie. “Did you make that?” Jungkook eyed the sandwich from all angles, lifting the plate up to eye level. “Jin hyung helped me, he said I was stacking the ingredients in the wrong order.” The older one rolled his eyes before a smile spread on his face. “But I think there’s no wrong order, it’ll taste the same no matter what.” He winked, opening the can, and placing it on the nightstand. Jungkook chuckled. “You’re right.” He wasn’t particularly hungry but since his brother had been so kind as to make him something to eat, he eagerly took a bite. “Delicious.” He pressed out while chewing the bread. “Good, I’m glad you like it.” Hoseok reached out to pat his head but Jungkook pulled away immediately - he felt self-conscious, even more so after getting scolded by his hyungs for cutting his hair short. Not wanting to admit that he had lost some of his confidence with each strand that had been cut off - but maybe that was what he deserved, after putting everyone around him through so much. For a while they just sat on his bed, Hoseok watching him devour the food and sipping on the sugary beverage - neither of them saying a word but the silence didn’t feel as uncomfortable as it did just days ago, at least to the older one it didn’t. “Jungkookie, listen…” With wide eyes, he stared at Hobi when he finally spoke. “I didn’t just come here to bring you food, I actually wanted to say something.” “Okay?” Anxiety was making his chest feel tight; instantly regretting eating the sandwich as he was about to throw it back up. He didn’t need to get scolded again, he didn’t want to hear yet again what a terrible person he was and that he couldn’t do anything right these days. “I just wanted to, you know, tell you that we’re okay.” Almost choking on his own saliva, Jungkook cleared his throat. “We’re okay?” He repeated dumbfounded. “Yes, we are. I know, I wasn’t really supportive and judgmental at first but I just didn’t know what to think or how to handle the situation. I hope you understand where I’m coming from… I had to sort through my thoughts and came to the conclusion that I was just worried about you and our career. You are like family to me, JK; I want what’s best for you and I know, you’re probably mad at me too but I’m here for you now.”  “I was never mad at you.” He mumbled, averting his gaze to white bedding between them. “I know I disappointed all of you. I never wanted you to find out what I did, especially not like this.” “I know that but let’s just put in the past, okay?” Hoseok carefully placed his hand on Jungkook’s knee. “You’re going through so much right now and I just want to be here for you and help you. It really hurts to see you so sad all the time.” A weak smile tugged at his lips. “I’m going to be okay, you don’t have to worry.” “I worry about you all the time, we all do. So please, Jungkookie, if you need to talk to someone, we’re all here for you, you know that right?” “Hyung, I know that.” 
* Jimin knocked on the door, a short knock followed by two quick ones - their not so secret sign that it was either one of them before he entered the youngest room, who was busy pulling out clothes from his closet and throwing them on the floor. 
“Is that what you wanted help with? Sorting out your clothes?” Jimin mused, trying to find a free piece of flooring for him to step closer to Jungkook. “Hyung, no…I-” He gasped, practically ripping a hoodie from a hanger. “I have a plan, and I need your help.” “A plan? A plan that involves donating clothes to charity?” “No…” Jungkook held two identical-looking black hoodies up. “I’m going to see y/n.” “WHAT?” Jimin’s eyes grew wide, the sheer panic was straining his voice. “You’re not allowed to do that, you will get into trouble.” “I know but I don’t care. I just want to see her and I’m not going to wait any longer.” “And how do you plan on doing that, huh? We still have security around and last time I checked, the press is still waiting outside.” “That’s where you’ll come in…” There was a dangerous twinkle in Jungkook’s eyes that could only mean trouble but Jimin was more than intrigued and willing to help. “Do you want me to call you a taxi? Because I have my phone right here.” “No, you’ll help me sneak past security and the press, I’ll take care of the rest.” “I will need more details…” “Go get your black sweat pants and Vans, I’ll explain it to you when you get back here.” Jimin was confused, but he blindly followed the instructions as he quickly walked back to his room. For once happy that Hoseok was so adamant about his skincare routine that he had the room to himself for a bit. “What are you doing? I saw you sneaking into Jk’s room.” A deep voice made him spin around on his heels. Taehyung was walking towards him, his arms crossed in front of his chest. “I’m just helping him with something.” “With what?” “I can’t tell you.” Immediately he regretted saying those words to his best friend, who looked so hurt that his lips pursed trying to hide his dismay. “Okay, fine, I’ll tell you but you have to promise me that you won’t tell a soul what we’re doing.” “Promise.” He held up his pinky, so Jimin could wrap his own around it. “Stamp it.” They said in unison when they twisted their hands so the pads of their thumbs could meet. “We’re trying to sneak Jk out of here so he can go check on y/n.” “What?” Taehyung whisper yelled.  “Yeah, please don’t tell anyone.” “I won’t.” Taehyung locked eyes with him. “I will help you.” “What?” Jimin was confused, Taehyung was still mad at them, why was he now offering to help Jungkook? “Yes, I want to know if she’s okay too…” He muttered, his cheeks turning pink. “Ever since I saw what happened to her, I’ve been worried sick. I know she loves Jungkook and she probably wants to see him too…so I’m going to help him.” An overwhelming feeling spread in Jimin’s chest, although Taehyung was so deeply hurt by what they had done, he still loved them; putting aside his own hurt to help his friends. Jimin felt his eyes tearing up, quickly wiping them with his sleeve. “I’m sure, Jungkookie will appreciate your help, Taetae.” He ruffled the younger one's hair. “You’ll need black sweats and a matching hoodie, so go grab them.” Tae nodded, hurrying back to his room to grab his clothes. A small part of Jimin was unsure whether Jungkook would approve of this but for the time being, he was just glad that Taehyung was coming around; it was the first step to mending the broken friendships. They stood in front of the mirror, the three of them wearing matching black outfits, a black mask to cover half their faces and the hoods pulled deep down their foreheads. “I think this will work, it’s dark outside if we move fast, they won’t notice a difference.” Taehyung muttered, adjusting his mask once again. “Jungkook-ah, don’t do anything stupid. If it’s too risky, we will find another way, okay?” “Sure, yeah.” He lied, not an ounce of his body was going to give up on seeing her tonight. Every nerve inside of him was missing her, he couldn’t wait - each minute that passed felt like torture. He was losing her, she was getting further and further away from him and there was nothing he could do - it was like he was trying to catch smoke with his bare hands. “Then let’s go.” Jimin clapped his hands together and they quietly walked out into the hallway, trying not to make a sound. Jimin knew that this idea was stupid beyond belief and he didn’t quite understand why he was participating in it but helping Jungkook was more important, they could deal with the repercussions later, together.  “Where do you think you’re going?” Jin’s voice made the three boys flinch when he turned on the light. “Why are you dressed like that?” “We…uhm…” Jimin tried to come up with a white lie but his brain was slowing down.  “I’m going to see y/n!” Jungkook said bluntly. “And they’re helping me.” 
Jimin quickly rammed his elbow into the youngest ribs to shut him up but it was too late. They would now have to go back to their rooms without even the slightest chance of leaving the building. “I’m appalled.” The eldest clicked his tongue. “There’s no way for you to get past security, especially for you Jungkook.” “We’ll find a way. We have to.” He stuttered, not having an idea of how to even leave the apartment without having to face the guard outside. “You should’ve just come to me earlier.” “What?” “I’ll help you. Wait by the door, you’ll know when the time is right.” Jin winked at them, before grabbing his car keys from the sideboard and leaving the apartment. Taehyung quickly grabbed the door-handle, making sure it didn’t close and they could listen to what was going on. “I just need to grab something from my car, I’ll be right back.” “Alright, sir.” The stern security guard said, not moving an inch from his chair. “How is that supposed to help us get out?” Jungkook rolled his eyes, he was getting antsy waiting for something to happen. The others shrugged, pressing their ears to the door, focusing on any sign from the oldest member. Only a few minutes later, Jin’s panicked voice suddenly echoed through the hallway. “You need to go down to the parking garage. I saw some people down there sneaking around.” “What?” “Yes, I think they’re trying to get access to the building.” A lot of rustling was making it difficult for them to understand what was going on but soon Jin pulled the door open. “Go.” He whispered. “They should be distracted for a while.” “Thank you.” Jungkook mouthed, as he hurried towards the stairs, following the older boys as they sprinted down to the exit. For once, luck was on their side and they soon stood underneath the trees, hiding in complete darkness. “How are we going to do this now?” Taehyung was trying to catch his breath, his hand pressing into his side where he felt a sting. His heart was racing and his breathing was labored, the adrenaline rush was making him feel lightheaded. Jungkook exhaled. “You go out first, make sure they see you. You’ll have to move quickly and then Jimin will do the same and if the timing’s right, I’ll go.” “Do you think that will work?” Jimin questioned, still not convinced that the plan was well thought out. “I don’t know, we will see, I guess.” They quickly moved to the exit, where the press was still gathered at this hour. Quietly they hid behind a wall, giving them the perfect view of their playing field. Jungkook watched how Taehyung pulled the hood deep down his face, speed walking on the right side to sneak away behind the spectators but they easily spotted him, almost attacking him with microphones and cameras. “Jimin-ah, go.” He nodded, making sure the mask was covering his mouth before he ran out on the left side, making the paparazzi almost break their necks. “That’s him! That’s him!” A woman screeched and they collectively hurried after Jimin, who was running like the devil himself was chasing him down the street. Taehyung was leaning against the wall, waving his hand by his side of his body and that was all Jungkook needed to sprint past him as fast as he could. There was no time to thank his brothers, he would do that later, now he had to focus on running and getting enough distance between him and all those people. He didn’t care that the cold air was making his eyes water, he didn’t care that his legs were starting to feel weak; he had to keep going; repeating her name over and over in his head. A loud banging on the door made her sit up straight in her bed, her body involuntarily started shaking right away. Did they find out where she lived? Did they follow her home? She wasn’t quite sure if she really heard someone calling her name, or if she was imagining it as she slowly got up and quietly walked towards the door. “Y/n open the door, please.” She recognized his voice instantly, her fingers wrapping tightly around the handle before pressing it down; she had no strength left in her to fight the need to see his face. “Kookie, what are you…” Without a word, he stepped inside closing the door with his foot before wrapping his arms around her to hide his face in the crook of her neck. Hesitantly her nails dug into his hoodie, bunching up the fabric in her fists. He didn’t say anything, she just felt his tears on her skin burning like acid rain. When her grip loosened, he pulled away from her but keeping his gaze low. “We should go to my room.” “Okay.” He followed her with his heart hammering in his chest; he had noticed her hesitation and it made it harder for him to breathe. What if coming here was not a good idea?  Reluctantly they stood facing each other but her brows furrowed and her hand went up to his head, pulling the hood down - eyes widening when she saw it. Jungkook felt queasy, he didn’t want her to see his hair this short. “I-I…noona…” “I like it, you look manlier.” Biting down on her bottom lip, she forced her lips into a smile to suppress the tears that were about to spill from her eyes. Gently, she ran her hand over his head, making him lean into her touch. “I really do like it, you look handsome.” Jungkook let out a staggered breath; what she thought mattered most to him and if she liked it then he would be able to like it too, eventually, maybe. Only now he noticed the bruises on her cheeks, the little cuts on her forehead. “I’m sorry they did that to you.” He swallowed an invisible lump, his fingers gently reaching out to touch her cheek but she moved her head away from him. “It’s okay, I’m fine.” “Are you really?” She nodded but it wasn’t convincing enough, he pulled her in close, ever so lightly he cupped her face to press the lightest of kisses to her cheeks and forehead. Eyes swimming in tears, she looked up at him. “You still love me…?” Jungkook felt tears running down his cheeks. “Yes, I still love you.” He didn’t know why but he leaned in for a kiss - he just wanted to be with her and not think of anything that happened over the past couple of days. The moment their lips touched he felt a hiccup in his heartbeat like when he missed a step. Everything just felt for so right again like they belonged together and he was sure she must have been sensing it too. Deepening the kiss, his tongue was practically begging for access when out of the blue she pushed him away. “What’s wrong?” He asked, not able to wrap his head around what just happened. “Go! You need to leave. This isn’t good, okay?” “Wait! Why? I don’t want to leave, I want to be with you!” “Jungkook you have to go!” He didn’t understand; mere seconds ago she was kissing him back and now she was telling him to leave, but he didn’t want to, not yet at least. His eyes were focusing in on the bracelet that she was still wearing, and so did he. She never took it off, not even after she broke up with him, just like he promised her on that day at the beach… To Jungkook’s own surprise, lies were rolling off his tongue so easily these days - without batting an eye, he had told his hyungs that he was taking Yina out for the day. When in reality, it was y/n’s day off and he wanted to spend it with her, far away from people they knew to lower the risk of getting caught. In the early hours of the morning, he had picked her up to take her to Naksan beach which was four hours away from Seoul, on the opposite coastline. Contrary to road trips with Yina, who enjoyed just watching the scenery, the drive with y/n was different - they would sing together, she’d feed him snacks she packed and when they got quiet, she played with his hair while watching the sunrise. In Jungkook’s opinion, the drive itself was perfect - even if they would never arrive at their destination, he was truly happy that day. After exploring Yangyang and eating a ridiculously big lunch, they finally went to the beach, walking along the pier to the little red lighthouse to take some pictures. He recalled being here for a photo shoot not too long ago but back then they didn’t have time to wander around and enjoy the beautiful view of the ocean. The weather was dreary, clouds in all shades of gray forming a big cluster on the sky, making them the only two people who dared to visit the beach that day. “Can you put him in your pocket?” She held out the little plush bunny in swimming shorts that he had bought for her at a small souvenir shop in town. “I don’t want to get him wet.” “Of course.” He neatly tucked the bunny in the pocket of his jacket, making sure the button was secured, not wanting to risk losing it. She smiled up at him while rolling up her jeans and stuffing her socks into her sneakers before she ran towards the shoreline to dip her feet into crystal clear water. “It’s so cold.” She squealed, jumping from one foot to the other. “Come on, hurry up!” “I’m coming.” He called, slowly slipping off his own shoes but watching her run away from the waves that crashed on the sand was a lot more fun than doing it himself. The sand felt soft underneath his feet when he made his way over, making sure his eyes never left her. It dawned on him that he had never noticed, until now, how cute she actually was. Of course, he knew how beautiful she was but her little squeals whenever a wave caught up to her made his heart melt - he really was the luckiest guy on earth to have found his soulmate without even having to look for her. It was almost like he had never properly understood what real love felt like until he looked in her eyes; the thought often crossed his mind but a part of him thought it was ridiculous to even think that way. His heart, on the other hand, was sure that she was the girl he’d be spending the rest of his life with. “What are you doing?” Her voice caught him off guard, he hadn’t noticed that he was standing still, just looking at her. “I-I was just thinking…” He trailed off, ears turning a deep shade of pink underneath his cap while she was walking towards him, her hand stretched out for him to hold. “Kookie, don’t think about what happens when we get back to Seoul, please. I want to have a nice day, okay?” He nodded, lacing their fingers together - if only she knew what had been on his mind. She lifted their hands up to press a chaste kiss on the back of his hand before she started running, pulling him along with her. The water was cold but it felt unbelievably good, he couldn’t remember the last time he went to a beach just to have some fun and not for something work-related. For a while, they played catch with the waves and splashed each other with water until he felt exhaustion spreading to his limbs.  He sat down in the sand; just far enough so the water couldn’t reach him. Closing his eyes, he inhaled deeply, letting the fresh salty air fill his lungs and the gusts of wind caressed his skin and at that moment he felt complete, the missing puzzle pieces were all in place like nothing could go wrong. He felt her presence, his eyes fluttering open as she was about to sit down next to him but he quickly pulled her in between his legs so she could lean against his chest. Tightly he wrapped his arms around her, resting his chin on top of her head. Neither of them said a word, just watching a few stray clouds letting hints of the hidden blue sky peek through the cracks; the calming sound of the waves crashing on the shore seemed to drown out the whole world around them. Her fingers gently played with his as she shifted a little to rest her head against his shoulder. “I wish every day could be like this.” She mumbled softly, making his heart ache. He wanted to give her everything she wanted, he really did and he would go to the end of the world for her if that meant she was happy. Jungkook leaned down, gingerly pressing his lips on top of her head. “Then I’ll take you to the beach every day and every day can be like this.” And although they both knew that it was just a fantasy and would never be possible, he heard the smile in her voice when she whispered “Okay.” Suddenly she untangled his arms from around her torso and kneeled down in front of him, still between his legs. “I wanted to give you something…” Her hand slid into the pocket of her jacket. “Close your eyes.” He did as he was told, her shaking fingers wrapped around his wrist. “Hold still.” He could hear she was concentrating when something cold touched his skin and he fought the urge to flinch. “Okay, you can open your eyes.” Looking down on his wrist, there was a black leather bracelet with a silver plate. “I- y/n, you didn’t have to..” “Yes I had to, you did all this for today.” She paused, pulling up her sleeve to reveal the same bracelet on her wrist but the delicate metal plate was rose-gold. “Thank you for making our 100th day anniversary so special.” She leaned in, her lips brushing against his and his heart stopped. He didn’t know, he had absolutely no idea it was their anniversary. Maybe because they were keeping their relationship a secret and they never had a real official first date, or maybe it was because she had mentioned that those things didn’t really matter to her anyway that he had paid no attention as to how many days they had been together. He felt like a jerk but he knew that if he told her the truth it would break her heart and that was the last thing he wanted. “I’m never taking it off, thank you.” He pulled her in closer, crashing his lips on hers; hoping that she could feel how much he loved her. “Can you at least look me in the eyes and tell me you want me to leave?” His voice was fragile; he was scared that she would do it and he could already feel the cracks in his heart getting bigger with every breath he took without her giving him an answer. “If you can’t say it when looking at me…” “Then what? You’re not going to leave?” He shook his head, ready to stand his ground; he wasn’t going to leave now, not after what he had been through to get here. “No, I won’t because I don’t really think you want me to…” Throwing her hands up in frustration, she let out a sigh. “What part of us being together is bad, don’t you understand?” “I don’t understand because you and I is the only good thing that has come from all of this.” “But there is no you and me anymore! I ruined everything.” “What do you mean you ruined everything?” “I ruined your friendships, as well as my own and your career. I shouldn’t be around you and that’s why there is no you and me anymore. Got it?” His mouth opened and closed without making a sound; did she really think she was the only one responsible for what happened - that she was the only one hurting all the time? “So can you please just leave?” She mumbled, looking down at her feet but he couldn’t get his own to move. “No, noona... I don’t want you to think that you ruined everything. You didn’t, you made everything better for me.” Carefully he moved in a little bit closer, wanting to wrap his arms around her and just hold her until she understood that he was all in and wouldn’t go anywhere, even if she didn’t want him to stay. She let out a sigh. “You say that now because you don’t want to see that I fucked everything up.” Slowly she sat down on her bed, fiddling with the hem of her pajama top to keep her busy from doing something she’d regret. “You really didn’t, I promise.” Sitting down next to her, he got a good look at the bruises on her legs; he wasn’t the only one who had been through hell and back these past days. He was desperately looking for something he could say - something that would make her change her mind and just take him back. It didn’t matter that to him that he would’ve lied to everyone again, he needed to be with her and if that meant the end of his career then so be it; he was willing to give up his dreams for her but he knew that if he voiced his thoughts, she would never let that happen. After a while, he cleared his throat that was threatening to close up. “So…do you really want me to leave?” His tongue had trouble forming the words; he had imagined that him showing up at her place would go differently. He had been sure that she would’ve been happy to finally see him again but he had never been so wrong in his life. She adjusted her position to face him; Jungkook was preparing himself to go home and hide in bed when her arms wrapped around his neck and her lips hungrily pressed on his. He was in shock; he didn’t see it coming so all he could do for a moment was stare at her face before his eyes fluttered shut and kissed her back. Licking into his mouth, her hands started pulling at his hoodie, wanting to remove the unwanted item of clothing. Firmly his hands wrapped around her wrists as he broke away from her. “Noona, what does this-“ 
Her index finger pressed to his open mouth while she placed soft kisses to his jawline. “Ssshhh just be with me now…” Jungkook nodded, despite being confused. His mind was racing but he still couldn’t bring himself to say no to her, although he had so many questions that were still unanswered. Deliberately she pulled the hoodie over his head before reconnecting their lips in a somewhat innocent kiss. Almost immediately he felt her fumbling with the drawstrings of his sweat pants, rushing to get rid of everything that separated them. “Noona…” He attempted to mumble into the kiss, this time she pulled away. “Kookie, please.” Her whiny voice was the last push he needed to gently push her down into the pillows on the bed. Kissing her again, his trembling fingers started unbuttoning her top; his nerves were getting the upper hand like they did the first time they slept together. Their tongues were shyly playing a game of catch as her nails gently scratched over his bare shoulders; he could still taste the all too familiar traces of her vanilla lip balm, maybe not everything had changed. Blindly his hand cupped her breast, rolling the bud between his index finger and thumb, instantly evoking a soft whimper from her as her hips bucked up, colliding with his.  Leaving a trail of butterfly kisses down her neck to the rosy mounds of flesh, sucking the hardening bud into his mouth. Jungkook groaned when a delicious moan reached his ears, making his member twitch excitedly in its soft fabric prison. Gingerly he let his hand followed the curve of her body when he licked his way back up to her mouth.  “Please touch me…” A whisper that held so much power over him.  Her skin was covered in goosebumps as he reached the waistband of her panties, letting his fingertips slip inside. “You’re so wet already, baby.” Jungkook mumbled against her neck as she held on tightly to his shoulder while his middle finger ventured down her core; gasping when it dipped inside just a bit to gather some of her juices. Lips glued to her neck, he let his fingertips trace her lips, wanting to remember how every inch of her body felt - he needed to engrave it into his memory just in case this was the last time he would get to touch her. “Baby…” She whined when he finally circled in around her clit, avoiding the spot that would soon make her squirm. Peppering soft kisses up to her ear, where he gently nibbled on her lobe. “I missed you so much, you don’t even know…” Jungkook’s voice was low and raspy when he spoke, eliciting a small cry from her when his fingers applied more pressure around the sensitive nub. “I missed kissing you…” Her nails dug deeper into his skin as she tried to keep quiet, only betrayed by her own hips who tried so desperately to get more friction than Jungkook was supplying. He exhaled, stopping the motion of his fingers, nervous anticipation filling the gap between them. “I missed touching you…” Arching her back off the mattress when he finally grazed the spot he’d been avoiding deliberately, her legs squirming against his at the newfound waves of pleasure coming down on her. “Stay still, baby.” He softly chuckled, managing to trap at least one of her legs underneath his right. Fondly he smiled down on her as he watched her blossom under his ministrations, pressing her arm to her mouth to muffle the repeated moans of his name. Until now Jungkook had never realized how amazing it was to watch her fall apart; he did enjoy using his tongue but being able to see how her face flushed and her lashes fluttered from the little circles his fingers were drawing was out of this world - making him fall in love with her all over again. 
“P-please stop.” She tried to wiggle away from him a little; normally he would keep going, knowing that she was getting close but he paused, giving her enough time to slip her hand down his sweats and wrap it around his length. “Noona…ahh.” His voice hitched and his head fell back when she slowly started rubbing her thumb over the tip, coating it with the beads of precum that just kept spilling. Her touch was very light but he was so desperate to feel her that his body reacted erratically, bucking his hips into her hand; never wanting her to stop. Trailing sweet kisses up his neck until she reached his lips, she delicately sucked on his bottom lip, making it throb in her mouth; her hand moving up and down his dick painfully slow, feeling him getting harder by the second. Jungkook whimpered, almost melting in his briefs. He was getting ready to distract himself from his own pleasure by touching her again when she broke the kiss. “Kookie…” There was no moaning, no outcry to get him to touch her and his heart sank for a second, fearing that they had gone too far. “Love me…” She whispered softly, looking up at him, her other hand cupping his cheek. He closed his eyes, leaning into her touch, relishing the warm feeling spreading in his chest before shifting his body weight to his knees, he placed a kiss to her lips, fully prepared to show her how much he loved her. Kneeling down between her legs, he gently lifted them to roll her panties up to discard them on the floor next to the bed, before spreading them again. “I’m so lucky, you’re so handsome.” She smiled lovingly, wanting to reach up to touch his face but he wouldn’t let her, making her pout in return. A little too eagerly, Jungkook pushed down his sweats and briefs - his heart hiccuping in anticipation of being one with her again. Holding and kissing her was amazing but sleeping with her always felt different to him; it was some form of a deeper connection he couldn’t even begin to explain. Lying down on top of her, supporting most of his weight on his arms next to her shoulders, he started peppering small kisses all over her cheeks to her lips, letting his tongue disappear in her mouth to taste her again. Slowly grinding against her core, just to make sure she was still wet enough for him when she whimpered into the kiss; the engorged tip of his member applying enough pressure to her clit to send her flying again.  Shoving his one hand between their bodies to line himself up, before he pushed the tip inside, the feeling of bliss washing over him as he felt the velveteen walls hugging his dick. “Is that okay?” He asked, brushing her hair from her face. “More than okay.” She smiled, puckering up her lips for yet another kiss.  Jungkook was moving slowly, taking his sweet time, enjoying every little noise he was eliciting from her with each stroke. Her nails were digging into his shoulder blades, clinging onto him for dear life, as if it was just a dream and he would disappear the moment she woke up. Their lips were glued together, only ever breaking apart to up their oxygen intake before diving back in for more. He adjusted his position, pushing her legs up to his sides so she could rest her calves on his lower back - his body was ready to chase his down his high but he had to shift his focus on hers first. When he bottomed out after a hard thrust, she pulled away, letting her head fall back. “Oh god, right there.” A smile tugged at the corners of his mouth; he loved that she always let him know when he was hitting the right spot. “’s that good, baby?” He asked, hips slamming into her much harder than before but she couldn’t answer him, too busy trying to muffle her moans against his skin. He wanted her to let herself fall and just bathe in the waves of pleasure washing over her body but he could tell she was holding back a little. Jungkook sucked on his fingers, letting his hand venture down to the swollen bundle of nerves to rub it again. Gasping for air, she locked eyes with him as she let out whiny moans of his name. “Jungkook-ah…” “It’s okay baby, you can cum. Don’t wait for me.” He encouraged her, sucking a small bruise on the column of her throat. Bottoming out with every thrust, he knew that she needed him to go faster to reach her high. Alternating between little figure-eights and flicking her clit, he knew she would soon reach the point of no return. Her moans were fogging up his brain - each one higher in pitch than the last, making it difficult for him to keep a steady pace. The knot in his stomach that was pulling itself tighter and tighter was about to snap but he had to keep going, they were both so unbelievably close that he wasn’t sure how much longer he could last, her hips now meeting his halfway. “You feel so good.” Jungkook panted, her convulsing walls trying to milk him dry; his scrotum contracting dangerously.  “Baby!” She whined a heads up, her left hand fisting the sheets while the other tightly squeezed his biceps, the stinging feeling of his skin completely subdued by the rush of her high. He was in a daze, watching her come undone, her loud moans ringing in his ears as his member suddenly erupted when he bottomed out, hot white streams of cum painting her walls as white as snow. Letting his body sink onto hers, he buried his face in the crook of her neck as his own orgasm washed over him. “I love you, baby…I love you so much…I love you” He let out a slurry of moans against her sweat glistening skin, thrusting sloppily to get every last drop as deep inside of her as he could, never wanting to come down from this high. Breathing heavily but staying still, he softly pressed little pecks to her shoulder when a sob shook him to his core. He lifted his head up to look at her but hers was turned the other way. “Noona, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” “No, I’m fine…j-just ignore me.” She blubbered, trying to wipe the tears away without him noticing. He pulled out to lie down beside her, wrapping his arms around her trembling body. “Tell me what’s wrong…let me fix it.” He whispered; the dopamine from his orgasm that had rushed through his veins, vanishing instantly. “No, no it’s okay…just give me a minute.” But he couldn’t, the world no longer made sense to him; he just couldn’t come up with a reason why she suddenly broke down in tears after he had just told her how much he loved her when she had wanted him to make love to her. “Noona, it’s not okay. You wouldn’t be crying if it was.” She turned around in his arms, burying her face against his chest, her tears feeling like a thousand needles poking and prodding at his skin. “I-I…” A choked sob riddled her body, his embrace tightening around her. He felt so lost, not knowing what to do or how to comfort her. Was he supposed to just hold her and let her cry? But that was easier said than done when he felt tears pricking at his own eyes. “I love you so much, Kookie and it just sucks that we can’t…be together anymore.” “Yes, we can be together, don’t say that.” Desperation was flaring up in his chest as the tears finally escaped their prison. “No, we can’t and you know it.” The sniffles were muffled against his quickly rising chest. “But why? I’m here now. I will always be here.” “Because I’m holding you back and…” He wanted to go deaf so that he wouldn’t have to hear her say any of that nonsense. “- and I’m just standing in your way and ruining your career and I don’t want that. I want you to be happy even if it’s without me.” “But how am I supposed to be happy without you?” His heart was slowly crumbling to pieces, not able to grasp the concept that he could ever be okay without her in his life.  “I don’t know but eventually you’ll move on with someone else…” Untangling his arms from her, he sat up, forcing her to do the same. She didn’t know one bit, how much he had suffered from being separated from her, his heart felt like it was incomplete, missing its other half.  “I won’t! After everything, we went through…I don’t want anyone else. I want you, don’t you get it?” Averting her eyes to the pillows, she tried to avoid looking at him - tears rapidly flowing down his cheeks. “I want you too but you know, sometimes things just don’t work out, no matter how badly you want them to.” “Bullshit! You just let those stupid comments get to you and now you’re pushing me away because those people made you believe you’re not good for me.” “But they are right…” She weakly protested. “If you truly believed that, you would’ve taken your bracelet off but you’re still wearing it…do not lie to me like that.” He inhaled shakily, feeling like someone was standing on his chest, infringing on his ability to breathe properly. As if she was reminiscing, her fingertips traced the metal plate on the bracelet. “I just want what’s best for you…and it’s not me.” “Y/n, you know that we are meant to be together. You have said it yourself that we are soulmates, how can you even say that we’re not supposed to be together?” “You have to grow up and learn that you can’t always get what you want. This isn’t a candy store…” “Are you even listening to yourself? You’re trying so hard to keep us apart with those stupid reasons…” He got up, pulling his pants up and reaching for his hoodie on the floor. He could tell that she wanted to say something but she kept quiet, fresh tears dripping down her cheeks and onto her bare chest. “I’m not going to give up so easily…you will see that we are meant to be together and I don’t care what anyone says and you shouldn’t either…maybe you can grow up and learn that we are a thing that’s worth fighting for.”  His hand slid into the pocket of his hoodie, holding tightly onto the white gold Love bracelet, before placing it on her nightstand.  “This is yours because I’m yours.” 
“Where is he?” Namjoon was pacing up and down the living room, checking his watch for the hundredth time in the past 20 minutes, after they had noticed that Jungkook wasn’t home or nowhere to be found anywhere in the apartment complex, or around on the premisses to clear his head. “I’d like to know that too…” Yoongi was unusually worried, eyeing the other members who were quietly sitting on the sofa, pretending they couldn’t hear a word they were saying. “You guys know something...” Hoseok contemplated, tapping on his chin with his index finger. “I’m sure of it, you all look really suspicious…” “Exactly! Spill it!” Yoongi agreed while Namjoon tried calling the youngest yet again. “What? We don’t know anything.” Jin shrugged his shoulders. “I think, we should just calm down, he’ll be home soon. I’m sure, he just needed to blow off some steam. Did anyone check the gym?” “He’s not picking up.” The leader informed the group when the heavy front door opened and closed and Jungkook dragged his feet into the living room. “Where have you been? We were worried about you!” Yoongi, Hoseok, and Namjoon scolded him in unison. “Out.” He mumbled, his eyes were puffy from crying and he wanted nothing more than to hide in his bedroom and don’t see or talk to anyone. “Out?” Namjoon repeated. “You do know that you are not allowed to go out without supervision? We were worried that something happened to you and all you say is ‘out’?” “But it didn’t. I’m fine, nobody saw me.” “Jungkook-ah…” Jimin said softly, he could tell by the look on his face that something wasn’t right. “What did she say?” “Who?” Hobi interrupted but Jimin indicated with his hand for him to stay quiet. “We’re not getting back together…” “You went to see y/n?” Usually, Namjoon always stayed calm but the tension on his face told everyone that he was getting upset at the youngest for breaking the rules when they all needed to be extra careful. “I’m sorry, Jk.” Jin smiled sadly. “It’s okay…if you don’t mind, I wanna be alone for a bit.” “Sure thing.” Jimin reached out and gave his hand a light squeeze. “If you want some company, we’re here for you, okay?” The youngest nodded and disappeared down the hallway to seek comfort in his bedroom. Namjoon scoffed. “I can’t believe, he actually did that…he’s trying really, really hard to get into trouble these days.” “Lay off him! He’s having a hard time right now!” Jin furrowed his eyebrows, letting out an elongated sigh. “Are you serious? He’s doing one reckless thing after the other.” “Maybe it was bound to happen that he acted out…” Yoongi pondered. “I mean, he always had to behave and stay in line…” “He’s not acting out, he just wanted to see her after what happened to her. It’s normal, he’s in love with her.” Jimin defended Jungkook, who wasn’t present to fight for himself. “We should be supportive now. You guys heard that they’re not getting back together. I think he needs us.” “You’re right…” Namjoon gave in, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers. “He really does need us right now.”  While the others were discussing how they could cheer their little brother up, Taehyung slipped out into the hallway unnoticed; quietly he walked towards Jungkook’s room. Stopping a few times, wanting to turn around but he couldn’t. A part of him was still hurt, his heart aching every time he thought about either one of them but the anger he felt had subsided slowly, at times he felt an overwhelming amount of disappointment flooding his mind but he kept telling himself that it was natural to feel that way after being lied to by two of your best friends. It struck him as odd to feel pity for Jungkook when he had caused all of this trouble in the first place, but he did - seeing his little brother heartbroken wasn’t something he could ignore and he knew that y/n was feeling the same, the urge to comfort her as well rearing its head in the pit of his stomach. Taehyung inhaled, as if to gather up all the courage he could muster and knocked on the door, faintly he heard the youngest mumble a ‘yes’ and he quickly opened and closed the door behind him. Jungkook was lying on his bed, trying to hide the tissue he had used to soak up the tears under his pillow, while Taehyung sat down next to him. “I just wanted to make sure you were okay..” “Oh yeah, I am…” Jungkook didn’t even have to fake a smile; he was genuinely happy that Tae was finally speaking to him again. “You didn’t have to check on me but thank you, hyung!” “I was worried about you…you said, she doesn’t want to get back together?” He shook his head, his eyes drooping in sadness. “She says, she loves me but we can’t be together.” “And why’s that?” Taehyung tilted his head, confused as to why his best friend didn’t want to be with his little brother anymore. “Stupid reasons like she’s holding me back and ruining my career. I think she let those people get into her head.” Jungkook’s eyes shot up when his older brother chuckled. “What’s so funny?” “Ah, Jungkookie…” Tae patted his head. “I don’t know if you know this yet but y/n can be very, very stubborn. She thinks she’s right about something but eventually, she will realize that she’s wrong and I’m pretty sure she will come around.” “How do you kn-?”  “I’ve known her my whole life, remember? It’s her thing, always been like that.”  Jungkook sighed, his lips jutting out into a pout.  “I wish she would hurry up and realize how wrong she is…”  “Don’t worry, it’ll happen sooner than you think.” They fell silent for a moment; it wasn’t uncomfortable this time around. It was like a weight was lifted off their shoulders and they both knew, that they would be able to overcome this hurdle in their friendship. 
“Hyung…” The younger one muttered, piddling at his comforter. “I’m sorry, I lied to you. I should’ve been honest with you from the start. I really hope, you can fully forgive me one day.” “I’m not saying it doesn’t still hurt but I’m not mad anymore…and I’d like that.” Tae smiled shyly when Jimin barged into the room without knocking, stopping in his tracks when his eyes fell on both boys sitting across from each other on the bed. “What is going on?” “We were just talking.” Taehyung assured him. “What’s up?” As soon as he asked, the other members squeezed through the door, piling up in the small space between the door and the bed. “It’s only 10pm, let’s go out to eat and maybe karaoke after!” All the members were nodding enthusiastically behind Jimin. “Do you think that’s a good idea?” Jungkook questioned, not wanting to get into any more trouble. “Yes, we talked to the managers and they said it’s okay if it’s just us. They’re sending a car, so go get dressed.” Jungkook couldn’t help but smile, welcoming the distraction with open arms. “Jungkookie you think of a restaurant where you want to go.” Jin called as he was walking away to his room to get dressed as well. It was almost like nothing ever happened between them, they were cooped up in a small private room at Jungkook’s favorite restaurant, eating and drinking while talking about anything that popped into their heads. Jungkook hated to admit it but he had missed his brothers very much; all the sneaking around and hiding away from them, had involuntarily built a barrier between them and with each laughter that filled the room, he could feel it breaking down. After Jimin had recovered from sliding off his chair from laughing so hard after Hoseok had spilled beer all over Yoongi’s new phone, Jungkook cleared his throat. “So…you’re all not mad at me anymore, right?” Carefully he looked at his older brothers, eyes swimming in tears as he waited for their reply. He knew, he was ruining the mood but the question was eating him up inside - he would’ve hated to find out later that they were all just pretending to make him feel alright for a couple of hours. To his surprise, Namjoon wrapped his arm around his shoulders. “We were never mad at you, just a little disappointed. You’re still a part of us, Jungkook.” Hiding his face in his hands, he let the tears fall freely but he didn’t want his hyungs to see how relieved he was that they still loved and cared about him. “Is he crying?” Jin asked astounded, looking at the others. “I think so…” Yoongi couldn’t tell until Jungkook let out a quiet sob. “Oh Jungkookie, don’t cry!” Hoseok got to his feet, hurrying around the table to give him a hug.  “When you cry, we all cry. Don’t do that!” He softly chuckled, letting his brothers hug him and wipe his tears away, thinking that maybe one day he would be okay as long as they were by his side.
                                          *~~EPILOGUE ~~*
It was a cloudy day, the sun was hiding behind a thick blanket of clouds while she was confined to the car, staring at a row of buildings that all looked the same to her. Deliberately she was pulling at her sweater to make it wider and comfier. “Not long, five more minutes or so.” She nodded, fiddling with the strap of her purse - her nerves getting the better of her. “Aren’t you excited?” “I am…” She replied, trailing off; unsure whether she was actually excited or scared. They had never talked about it, really but she was hoping it would all turn out just fine. Nervously she stepped out of the car, leaning against it to keep a close eye on the door, wishing she would have brought Taehyung or Ha-na for moral support but they were busy visiting locations for the party after the wedding reception. The unusual loud beep of her phone made her flinch when it snapped her out of her thoughts. [Jimin - 2:28pm] Don’t tell Jungkookie about his surprise party later! 🤫 And don’t worry y/n, I know he will be very excited when you tell him 😍 She let out a sigh, it was easier said than done - she had been on edge since last night, only tossing and turning all night. What if he wasn’t happy about it? The others had reassured her a million times by now that it was all going to be fine but now she was contemplating waiting a little longer, maybe even a few months, as ridiculous as it sounded in her head. She was checking her watch yet again, thinking that a minute could easily feel like hours when suddenly a door opened and a few people left the most official-looking building of them all. Her eyes found him, surrounded by the guys in his unit as they were walking towards their families after the ceremony, which she hadn’t been allowed to attend for privacy reasons, but that didn’t matter now. The tingling feeling in her legs, made her impatient and she just couldn’t stand still and wait for him to get to her, so she started running towards him. The moment he spotted her, Jungkook’s face lit up, his stomach was swarming with butterflies as he dropped his bag on the ground, ready to catch her in his arms. “Jungkook-ah, is that your girlfriend?” Minhyuk laughed next to him, nudging him with his elbow, watching as she came running, her skirt blowing in the wind. “Yes.” He said proudly, getting ready to wrap his arms around her for the first time in almost three months. “Looks like she’s really excited to see you, you really should’ve taken a shower this morning.” Junyoung teased him, making the other guys chuckle as they all seemingly waited to watch the reunion. “I saw Jungkookie using perfume before the ceremony, he’ll be fine.” Hyunwoo added, patting his shoulder. “Your teasing is definitely something I won’t miss.” Jungkook winked at them before shifting his focus back to her. He had become good friends with some of the guys in his unit after spending day and night with them - maybe it reminded him of the old days with the other members but it comforted him and made his military service not as bad as he had imagined it before enlisting. His heart was hammering against his ribcage when he picked her up right before she could crash into his chest. His arms securely wrapped around her thighs, he slowly spun around in circles with her. She gently cupped his face, leaning down to press a chaste kiss to his lips, only deepening it for a few seconds. Carefully he set her down, her fingers digging into the rough material of his uniform jacket. “Hey.” She smiled shyly, looking up at him. “Hey.” Jungkook gently brushed his fingertips over her cheek, leaning in to kiss her forehead. “I missed you.” “We missed you too…” “We?” He asked; confusion painted all over his face. He had been told that his members would stay at home and they wouldn’t get together until after his little meeting with the press and fans outside the company building. “Yes, we…”  Taking his hand, he could feel hers shaking when she placed it on her stomach. “We missed you a lot.” Jungkook froze; unsure of whether his ears were playing tricks on him or not. His heart was racing again, but this time it was different - a fuzzy feeling rushed through his body as he slowly started to move his hand over her stomach, feeling the small bump that was well hidden underneath the oversized sweater. “Are you serious?” He swallowed hard, trying to stop his eyes from watering. “I am, I went to the doctor a few weeks ago…” She trailed off, suddenly feeling guilty for not having told him sooner. “I’m sorry, I should’ve… I wanted to tell you in person.” “No, no..it’s okay!” He couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that he was going to be a father just yet. “I-I’m happy you told me like this, it was perfect.” He smiled, cupping her face to wipe the tears from her cheeks. “Noona, I love you.” Ever so delicately he kissed her before he sunk to his knees to press his lips to her stomach, an overwhelming feeling of happiness spreading in his chest.
* “Kookie, she woke up again.” Y/n sighed, hearing the faint little cries coming from their bedroom as she put away the last few dishes. “I’ll go check on her.” He put his laptop down on the couch to get up. “No, it’s okay. You’ve had a long day, I’ll do it.” Quickly he crossed the room to stand in front of her. “No, you go sit down and rest. Dasom was asleep when I got home, so this is my chance to spend some time with her.” “Okay fine, but don’t start playing with her again or she will be up for hours.” “I won’t, I promise.” He pressed a kiss to her cheek and quietly made his way to their bedroom, only turning on the small light on the bedside table. “Hey, little one.” Gently he picked her up, sitting down with her on y/n’s side of the bed, drying her cheeks with his sleeve. “What’s wrong?” He could tell from the way she was crying that she wasn’t hungry, y/n had fed her before putting her down and it was too early for her dream feed. “You don’t need to be changed either.” He concluded after checking her diaper. “Wanna tell appa what’s bothering you?” Dasom made a few unidentifiable noises in between yawns, looking at her father with those big brown doe eyes that she could’ve only gotten from him. “Hmm….yeah…” Jungkook nodded his head. “I understand, I missed you too while I was at work…” He trailed off, reminding himself what he had promised y/n but he was so tempted to tickle her, simply to hear her laugh - he really needed to hear it sometimes, especially after a long tiring day of filming. “I promised mommy I wouldn’t keep you up so, how about I tell you a bedtime story instead?” He cradled her in his arm, making sure she was comfortable. “Where did we leave off last night before you fell asleep? Right, you know there was a time when the princess really didn’t want to be with the prince because of what the people in the town were saying; they were really mean to both of them and the princess wanted to protect the prince so she left him heartbroken and to fend for himself. But the prince loved the princess so much that he did everything in his power to show her his love - it took him months of slaying dragons and all the monsters in the far-away land but eventually, she realized that the universe had always wanted them to be together, they weren’t doomed to be star-crossed lovers…” Dasom’s little snores interrupted his recollection of his relationship with her mother, lovingly his index finger followed the perfect slope of her little nose. Without waking her, he put her back in her crib, making sure she was surrounded by all her favorite plushies, all gifts from her uncles; before he gently kissing her forehead. “I love you and mommy so much, I hope you know that, baby girl.” He whispered, slightly pulling on the string of the little moon above her bed that played the melody of Euphoria. 
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blkgirl-writing · 5 years
“Burned Cookies”
Jo March x Fem!Reader
Summary: Jo March can’t keep her eyes off of you. But she doesn’t quite know what to do for her feelings about a coworker, let alone a Woman.
A/N: THIS IS IT!!! My big, long awaited Jo March smut. I’m at work and decided fuck it, i’m gonna finish my fic. Thank everyone for dealing with me as I wrote this.
Warnings!: Bisexual reader, Fingering, Grinding, some internal homophobia at first, less Dom!Jo than I would have liked. MOSTLY FLUFF!!!
words: 3.1k
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"You've always got your head stuck in your writings, Jo," you smiled, brushing your hand across her shoulder as you walked by. Dressed in your newest winter coat, you only meant to tease your fellow teacher in passing. But she grabbed your hand, and smirked up at you.
"Just like you are always in your music," Jo said, pulling you into the back of her chair, and resting your intertwined hands on her shoulder. "One cannot criticize if once does the exact same thing."
"I certainly wasn't criticizing only the best writer in New York...I was making a glaringly obvious observation." You pressed your fingers inter her skin, coaxing her into calmness as you massaged.
"The best writer in New York simply isn't true. You must not fuel my growing ego," Jo scorned, though a smirk clear on her lips.
"Maybe I wanna see a more confident Jo March. One that will let me read her stories, instead of running away everytime I ask," you hummed slyly, resting your chin on top of her head, trying to get a look at her writings.
"I do not!" Jo turned, attempting to slap your hand, but you moved away quickly laughing as she faked fury. Though, she couldn’t hide the small blush on her cheeks. 
"Oh yes you do, my dear." With that, you walked off, giving a playful spin as you made your way to the front of the school.
"I'm off to the Opera! I'll tell you about it when I'm back!"
"You should be the one in it, not watching!" Jo yelled after you. You shot Jo a kind smile, and closed the front door. The brisk cold air hitting your skin instantly.
It was dark by the time you got back. Feet sore from the mile or two walk. You didn't have enough money for a carriage, and you did like the city atmosphere, the lights from the apartments, the crowded streets...but that did not make the trek in heels and some snowfall any less painful.
You let out a deep sigh of relief when you closed the door behind. Finally able to kick off your shoes, hang up the heavy wool coat.
The fireplace was still crackling. Making your way into the dimly lit living room, you saw Jo still sitting there. Nose still in her paper...a cup of tea placed beside her, hair down and hanging loose over her shoulders.
"You should be asleep, you know." You hummed , taking a seat across from Jo. She lifted her eyes up to you, setting down the pen for a moment.
"I don't need much sleep, anyway." Jo muttered, voice low amd a bit raspy. "How was the opera?"
"Magical, truly. You would have hated it, though. The story was terrible. But the lead made up for everything." You laughed, 
"Bad writing with good acting doesn't make up for a bad base.” Jo muttered, 
"I know, I know..." you said. “Are you hungry? I’m starving.”
That’s how you found yourself making cookies at 1am with Jo March. Promising each other no flour would be wasted, nor throw at each other (even if it was quite fun.) The ovens fire lit up the room just enough to see, and the few candles around just added to the glow. Neither of you were starved as much as just an hour prior, but no one wanted to admit that maybe the company was what they really wanted.
“No, you put the flour in with the sugar, not with the wets,” You said, gently grasping Jo’s hand, moving it away from the bowl. She audibly sighed at the touch, though, her body tensed at the movement. 
“You okay, Jo?” you muttered, voice low, trying to get a glance at her face. She turned away from you, shaking her hand off of yours.
“Fine, don’t worry about it.” She smiled, forced. “Should we add cinnamon to these? I feel like it needs something warm-” 
“Great idea. Cinnamon..Clove? Maybe some Cardamom?” you stepped to the cupboards, where the shelves of endless spices lay. “Almost like a chai.” 
“Of course you’d want plain Chocolate chip cookies to be flavored chai as well.” Jo scoffed, though playfully. She leaned against the counter, watching as you carefully looked through the racks. Admiring you. How you looked in the dim candle light. Proper clothes abandoned. You shed your top and overskirt, leaving you with just Corset stays and a white skirt. A apron loosely tied around your waist. It felt so intimate. So quiet, while everyone slept in the big house. It was so easy to forget it wasn’t just you and her. Alone, but together.  
“Jo? You’re taller than me. Would you mind grabbing the nutmeg from the top shelf for me?” You turned around, pouting hopelessly as you begged her. “Be a dear??? For me,” 
“Barely taller,” She joked, stepping towards you. The wooden floor creaked  as she stepped, sounding far too loud through the heavy air. 
“Makes a difference,” you said, nudging her side.  As Jo reached up, her skirt came loose from her skirt, revealing her pale skin. You couldn’t look away, even if you tried.
“No corset? You’re very ahead of the time.” You poked the open skin, feeling how cold she was. Your finger lingers there for a bit...too long to mean nothing. The thought crosses your mind to just keep it there...to press your whole hand to her back. But you pull away, letting the silly thoughts fade away. 
“You know me,” Jo said, letting a breathy laugh escape her lips as she came down from her tippy toes, handing you the Nutmeg that you had almost forgotten about.
“Yes, and i’m very glad I do.” Smiling, you reached for her hand, letting your fingers linger on hers for a few moments, before taking the spice from them. Her hands were so cold, you were quite surprised they were fully functional. 
“Now...what were we up to?” You Hummed, turning on the heel of your foot, and padding to the sink, where the very clear mess you two made was. 
“When do we get to the chocolate part?” Jo whined, leaning her head on your shoulder, peering over at the flour mixture you had whipped up in a flurry.
“Soon enough, my writer. Even faster if you actually did you half-”
“Hey! I was trying, before you asked me to reach up for a spice you didn’t even need,” Jo quipped, turning around swiftly to lean against the counter, head turned to you.
 “you’re pretty like this,” Jo muttered, biting at her already raw lips. Her eyes scanned over your face, searching for something you couldn’t figure out. But she was studying you like a book. 
“Thank you,” You smiled. “I was just thinking the same thing about you.”
You cooked in silence, for too long. Jo quietly doing her own little task. Avoiding your worried gaze. And once you put the cookies in to bake, you two stood against the counter. Eyes drifting in different directions. The lack of contact was killing you. And Jo wasn’t much better,
"Y/n?" Jo asked, eyes now...almost filled with tears? The dim light revealed very little to the face, but you could see that she was sad, distressed.
"Yes, dear?" You quickly sat up, crossing the tea table to sit on the floor in front of Jo, reaching for her hands. Though, she pulled away, sorrow riddled through her eyes.
"I...I think I'm confused. I don't know what to do.”
"Talk to me." You urged, reaching for her hand. And though she flinched at the cold touch, Jo laced her fingers with yours. 
"Im...  I find myself attracted to women." She admitted, as if it was stuck in her throat. Words tumbling out and falling to the floor. She still refused to look at you. Silence filling the air for a long few moments. Letting the time sink in. Too much time for Jo to like. She was so scared, that you would tell, laugh, maybe even hurt her? She didn’t know. It was all so unclear. All she knew was that she was extremely attracted to you, and more so than any friend should be. And she had never felt that way towards a man, and when she tried, it made herself sick. “And it feels wrong. I have a friend back at home I should have been able to love. But I don’t. And...I’m quite sure now it’s because he isn’t a she. And I'm horrible because of that.”
“That’s what has got you so?” You spoke, a hint of a laugh in your breathy voice. “Jo, I’ve always known I like Boys as much as I like Girls. And I'm not the least bit afraid. It is simply who I am. I am not horrible for that. Neither are you.”
“What?” She gasped, word rushed, said with very little thought. The admission of your own was so confident, so true to yourself. It shook her to her core. 
“Is this shocking? I mean, I wear so much plaid, I thought it was obvious-” You chuckled, biting down your lip to keep from being too loud.
“Plaid doesn’t make you Queer,” Jo slapped your arm, you winced at the small amount of pain, calling out her name playfully. 
“Misses Turnime and lady Lilian? They’re a couple. And no one can ever name a day they went without plaid something.” You laughed, “I'm not saying we all wear plaids, but…”
Jo paused. 
“You’re...Okay then? With me?” Jo asked, eyes coming to meet yours. A sparkle of tears hanging from her cheeks. She appeared so with it, so confident all of the time. It was odd seeing her like this. It broke your heart.
“Oh Jo, don’t cry. Of course I’m okay with it. In fact, I’m quite pleased.” You smiled softly, reaching out to wipe the tears away from her skin. Delicately pressing a hand on her jaw, you leaned in, placing a quick, small kiss just off of her lips. “I’ve had my eyes on you since we ran into each other on the train.”
“You’re messing with me-” Jo stared at you, completely dumbstruck. Lips parted, brows furrowed. “No...no way. You couldn’t.” 
“And why could I not?” You whispered, just barely enough to hear. Honestly, you wanted a different reaction. You didn’t want to hurt her. Did you hurt her? “I-I hope I didn’t ruin anything-”
“No! No, I just...I’ve been admiring you, so graceful and beautiful. I can’t Imagine you liking homely old me. The girl too caught up in her work. You're..you.” She bit down on her bottom lip, eyes wandering down to her lap, obviously gathering the words going a mile a minute in her mind. “You’re just so pretty.”
“I don’t know why it’s so hard to Imagine, Jo. You’re pure perfection.” You smirked, placing fingers under her chin, lifting her head up to meet your eyes.
“Can I kiss you, Josephine March?” 
“Please, yes.” She inched closer to you, fluttering her eyes shut, letting you close the small gap.
She could have sworn, the stars aligned when your lips met hers. So soft and warm, fitting perfectly to each other. Her hand hesitantly wrapped around your waist, the other going up to your neck. Unsure, yet it all felt right. Just right. She couldn’t help the moan that came from her chest, bubbling up as she  moved away from your lips, and tucked her head into the crook of your neck. Pressing kisses along the skin there. 
 The pair stumbled into the living room, Jo unable to keep her hands off of you, desperate for more. And you drinking in the passion she so effortlessly gave you.
Jo laid you down on the couch, the light of the fireplace dimly glowing behind. It lit up your bodies, warm toned and cozy. Keeping the red hot fire between you. Her gaze so sharp, digging into your chest. Corset pushed down slightly, just enough for your nipples to pop out of the boned stays, pushed upon place. Skirt fully abandoned, you were truly a work of art. A painting, a song played with careful hands, a poem from the gods. Jo bit down on her lip, keeping herself from voicing too many of those helpless thoughts.
The way Jo looked over you, taking her hand and grabbing your jaw, kissing you with such force and power, it felt fucking fantastic. Power lacing through her fingers. She could make you feel pleasure, she could make you moan. 
Her lips trailed hot down your exposed chest, her hands working at untying the white skirt keeping her from going any further down. 
Your chest heaved against the corset, breaths shirt and eyes never leaving Jo. She was on fire. Beautiful and fierce. As soon as she finished with the ties, you lifted your hips so she could slide it right off, exposing your lower half completely. Jo's warm hands grasping your hips,  pressing them down into the soft cushion of the couch. 
You worked at getting her undressed, throwing her clothes haphazardly across the room, until she was just in her drawers, that hung loosely from her thin frame. You let your hands travel from her waist to her breasts, brushing against her nipples.
"Jo...please touch me," you whispered, fingers intertwining in her soft hair. The hair you had wanted to touch for too long. It was just as good as you had hoped. And the small moan that escaped her lips when you did so was even better.
It only seemed like seconds, time flashed by as she brushed her fingers against your heat, rubbing light circles against where you needed her most. Back arched and lips parted, you moaned out her name like a prayer, and she watched every small move you made. So entrenched by your body. She drank in the sight, it was easily the most beautiful thing she had seen. Like a painting from the gods, perfect in every way.
Then, a finger dipped into you, pushing in and out so slowly, dragging out the firey feeling that lit inside you. Your breath was heavy, and her lips on yours kept from releasing the dirtiest of sounds. 
Jo lightly grinded against your thigh as she worked her fingers into you, lips planted on the sensitive skin of your neck. It was hard for her to hide how turned on she was by you, how such little touch would bring her to her own climax. 
Your hand traveled down to her ass, pushing down the linen as you grabbed on tight, fingers surely leaving marks. It was her turn to whisper your name, shaky and light, begging for a release. 
“Cum with me, Jo,” Just like that, with her lips against yours, in sync, you came undone. Moaning against her as you shook through your orgasm, her own following right behind you. Heaven touched the two of you in a moment of pure bliss. You stayed like that for a moment. It wasn’t until she pulled her fingers from you that you were jolted into reality. Forgetting what had happened wasn’t some sort of dream, or amazing fantasy. Jo was naked, on top of you. And completely in love.
Jo’s hair now frizzy, a layer of sweat clear in the dim light. She stared down at you with a small, satisfied smile. Cheeks red, flushed. She looked like a goddess.
“that was-” You panted,eyes wide as your tried to grasp for air. 
“-Ethereal,” Jo finished, Guiding you to sit up. Faces inches apart, chests press together. You could barely feel her heartbeat, but it was there. Fast and hard. Her fingers pressed to your lower back, butterfly like.
“Jo?” You whispered, holding back a laugh as you pressed a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I think the cookies are burning-”
“I like them crispy, anyway.”
@sofia-r-1604​ @nina-a-holt​​ @rareimagine​​ @minelskede​​ @sweet-cottage-lesbian​​ @idontlikepancakes​​ @crazymexicanfangirl​​ @lordbyronbutworse​​
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Summary: The Christmas season was always hard for the Novak family but this year Castiel has someone to help him through it. Dean is determined to help his boyfriend, Cas, get through a holiday gathering with his family.
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(Fic bellow the cut)
Families can be hard. And if Dean ‘my dad’s homophobia made me too afraid to come out of the closet even after he passed’ Winchester had one goal tonight, it is to make this as easy as the universe would allow him. Having your parents know that your a biromantic asexual and actually coming home with a boyfriend are two entirely different ballparks.
Cas had insisted that Dean should come to meet his family this Christmas. The previous years they had always gone down to Dean’s basically surrogate father’s place. Bobby was a bit rough around the edges but was all gushy at the core and welcomed Cas to the family with a smile and slap on the back(He could have sworn he heard a ‘finally!’ as well).
Ellen and Jo both gave Cas some… stern talking-to’s about what getting with Dean entails that left him a little shaken, but over the past four years of being Dean’s ‘boyfriend’ instead of ‘best friend’ has shown him worthy of Dean’s heart. Jody and Donna had been more than welcoming as well, even inviting him and Dean over for a nice dinner one night.
Sam was probably the most excited. He flew all the way from California to congratulate them in person and even got a little teared up by Dean accepting himself for who he was. He had stayed the remainder of the week and spent the whole time smiling at them and helicoptering around them to make sure it was real.
Dean has to admit, he is kinda glad they aren't spending the entire Christmas weekend at the Novak’s. He loves Cas and would do anything for him but his family gives him the creeps. It’s a good thing Cas doesn’t want to stay either. He found that the Winchester Christmases with movie nights, warm fires, and eggnog, much more enjoyable than “an uncomfortable, over formal Christmas dinner where the chairs are replaced with the sticks up their asses”, as Cas once put it.
He didn’t begin to feel the pinpricks of nervousness until they steered the impala into the gated neighborhood where Cas’s family lived. The tall borderline-mansion houses could be seen across the large well-trimmed yards, illuminated by professionally hung Christmas décor and outdoor spotlights.
“What did you say the address was again?” Dean asked, leaning toward where Cas sat next to him, fidgeting nervously.
“1574 Rosealee Court-” Cas sat forward pointing out the window at the house, “-That’s it, right there.”
Dean turned into the driveway, internally judging how they had lined the entire perimeter of the pavement with tiny white lights. He slowly rolled to a stop a little past halfway around the U of the driveway, pulling the keys out of the ignition. The silence replaced the loud rumble of the engine and quietly playing songs from the Christmas cassette Dean had gotten for Cas a few years back after discovering his love for the seasons music.
“You all right, sweetheart?” Dean spoke softly and slid across the bench seat to wrap an arm around Cas’s shoulder, his other hand finding Cas’s and gentle squeezing it.
“Yeah, just a little nervous.” Cas was squinting up at the house and it’s artificial Christmas feel.
“Hey, look at me,” Dean waited for Cas to turn to him, his too-blue eyes shining in the bright lights, and pressed a gentle kiss on his warm lips. “It’s going to be all right. I’m going to be here the whole time. Won’t even go for bathroom breaks.”
Cas smiled and Dean didn’t fight the grin that bubbled out of the warm feeling in his gut. He leaned forward and placed one more chaste peck on Cas’s lips before ushering him out of the car. Taking Cas’s hand in his, they made their way up to the door, ringing the doorbell and waiting for the blurry figure to appear in the  beveled glass To let them in.
“CASSIE!” Gabriel shrilled as he opened the door, pulling his younger brother into a tight hug. Dean must have been staring because next Gabriel turns to him with a wide smirk. “Aww, Dean-o, is my baby brothers boy-toy feeling left out? Come’ere-” He pulled Dean into a bone-crushing embrace that left him a little light headed when the shorter man set him down back onto his feet.
“Gabriel, I didn’t expect you to be here.” Cas said, surprised.
“Well, I wasn’t going to come but when I heard Cassie was coming and bringing ‘his significant other’ I just had to make sure it was Dean here they were talking about. I am hurt that not once you mentioned to me that you two finally pulled your heads out of your asses and got together. I mean, I am your brother and-”
“Is that Castiel?” A voice said from behind.
Gabriel stepped back to reveal its owner, and it was no one other than Naomi Novak, Cas’s mother. She walked up to the door, shooing Gabriel to the side and gesturing for them both to come inside. She smiled when Dean looked at her but it didn’t reach her eyes and looked unnatural on her tight face.
She closed the door behind them and waited for them to strip off their coats, scanning their jeans and Henleys with an air of distaste. Naomi kept that smile plastered on her face, however, as she led them deeper into the house to what must be the family room.
There was a gas-lit fire burning in the large fireplace under the mantle where the TV hung, traditional Christmas music playing off one of those music channels. Cas led him over to the couch, adjusting the throw pillows to make the stiff furniture a little more comfortable. Gabriel strode in just as they got settled and splayed himself out on a white leather chair across from them.
“I’ll just be a moment. Your brothers are in the kitchen, I’ll go bring them out to say hello to you and…” Naomi looked over at Dean questioningly.
“Dean. Dean Winchester.” Dean said, finding it a little odd that Naomi couldn’t remember his name. He’s come over for barbeques and such as a friend before, perhaps she was doing it to piss off Cas.
“Yes, Dean.” She finished, the ugly smile twisting her lips again. “Oh! And I almost forgot to mention, your father decided to join us tonight as well, he is upstairs and will be down soon.”
He felt Cas squeeze his hand tighter and his face paled slightly at the mention of Chuck. Gabriel sent a worried glance their way as Naomi strutted off to the kitchen, satisfied with her work.
“It’s going to be ok, I’ll be right here.” Dean whispered and Cas nodded in reply.
Cas hated his father. Chuck left when he was 5, disappearing until he was almost 15. Naomi welcomed him back as if he was never gone, ignoring the fact that he was a broke alcoholic. Cas had a horrid few years till he got out of the house and to college where he met Dean.
Dean was studying to be an English teacher, Cas a writer. They had met one eventful evening when Dean rounded a corner too fast, running straight(haha yeah right) into Castiel in a fatal collision that ruined 2 cups of coffee and a shit ton of papers.
“So,” Gabriel said, attempting to clear the tension, “how long?”
“What?” Dean said, looking over to where the man was sprawled out in the chair.
“How long have you two been a pair?”
“Uhh,” Dean glanced over at Cas who shrugged. “You sure you wanna know?”
“It’s not like it's been going on for that long. Spill!”
Dean cleared his throat, “about four years now.”
“Ha nice try. For real now, how long?”
“He’s right, it’ll be five years next fall.” Cas stated.
Gabe’s jaw dropped as he looked between the two of them. He seemed to catch up because the next moment he was standing up and shrieking, “ WHAT! Four years! Cassie why didn’t you tell me!”
Cas cowered back into the still cushions, but thankfully, whatever was about to happen was interrupted by someone clearing their throat from the doorway. Michael stepped into the room, tailed by Lucifer and Naomi. They all walked over and settled down one the couch and the remaining chair, leaving a space for Chuck.
They ease into a shallow conversation about the rise in profits at Michael’s company. Dean tunes out, letting the sound of Michael’s money talk become background noise to his thoughts. Cas was still gripping his hand tightly, his posture ridgid as if waiting for something to pounce.
Dean rubbed his thumb gently over Cas’s knuckles in a soothing gesture, hoping to silently comfort and remind him of his support and presence. After a while, Cas did seem to relax a bit. His grip was a bit looser and he was leaning back against the couch now. Everything seemed to be going great until Chuck Novak made his way into the room and sat down on the couch where he could look directly at Cas and Dean.
Cas immediately was on alert once more and even Dean felt the hairs on his neck rise. Chuck skimmed over them with a blank expression, pausing briefly at their conjoined hands.
The thing is, Chuck 'doesn't mind the LGBTs’ as long as it’s not his son. When it comes to this, the cowardish, skittish little man Chuck appears to be takes the back seat while a stone cold, angry version takes up front. Dean has only seen that happen once before when Gabe had mentioned relationships he has had with members of the same sex before he had met Kahli, and he is not happy to be seeing it again.
Dean tries to turn his attention to the conversation. Lucifer and Michael are explaining in extraneous detail what the company's main goal is to Naomi who seems to be understanding most of it. He thinks for a second that tonight may just go ok when the conversation ends, allowing the main focus to switch to the couple.
“So,” Naomi asks, “how long have you been together.”
“Four years.” Castiel states, looking his father in the eyes as he does so.
They all look a little taken aback that the two had been together for that long without anyone knowing about it in the slightest.
“And how’s that going for you?” She says through her fake smile.
“Quite well, actually,” Dean says, “We have an apartment together in Sioux Falls, South Dakota. Im a High School English teacher there. We are really happy there.”
“Are you sure?” Chuck cut in.
“Are you ok with… you know?” Chuck said, waving his hands around like Dean was supposed to know what he was talking about.
“If he ok with what, Chuck?” Cas said, a hint of anger in his voice. “Me being asexual?”
“Honey, there is no need to get angry, we are just making sure Dean thinks it’s a fair relationship for him.” Naomi chides.
A burst of rage sparks in Dean’s chest and he can see the turmoil in Cas’s eyes as he glares at his father. How can someone speak like that about their child? About someone as amazing as Cas?
“Dean, you can’t possibly be happy in a relationship like that! People like you love sex, right?”
This isn’t the first time the comment has been thrown his way but after what they had just said to Cas, it snaps something in Dean. A tight ball of anger bubbles in his chest as he fights to keep from blowing up. He takes a deep breath and meets Chuck’s eyes.
“People like me, meaning Bisexuals?” Dean says, keeping his voice as cool as possible.
Naomi flinches at the word a bit but agrees.
“I am perfectly happy in my relationship with Cas. Contrary to your belief, bisexuals are not sex driven animals and asexuals aren't broken people who will never find love and you have to be seriously messed up to think that sex is necessary for a relationship.” Dean snaps before standing up from the couch, pulling Cas up with him. “Thanks for having us, we’ll be leaving now.”
He borderline stomps to the front door and helps Cas with his coat before donning his own and they head out to the impala. He starts the car, blasting the heat and driving off in silence. They are just pulling out of the suburb area when he hears a sniffle from Cas. Dean instantly pulls the car over and flicks on his hazards before slinging across the bench seat.
Dean opens his arms and Cas slides over and buries his face in Dean’s chest, his fingers twisting up in the back of Dean’s coat as a sob slips out. Followed by another, and another until Cas is clinging to Dean, crying into his coat as Dean gently runs his hands up and down Cas’s back, whispering soft affirmations between kisses into Cas’s hair.
When Cas’s breathing evens out, he leans back from Dean, wiping at his red eyes and nose with his sleeve.
“Nothing to be sorry for, sunshine. Hey, how about we go to that festival we saw driving in, hmm?”
Cas nodded and buckled back into his seat while Dean buckled his own and pulled back on the road. He turned up the volume as I’m Dreaming Of A White Christmas began to play. Dean smiled as he thought back to the first snow of the season. It was early November when the weather took a dip.
Cas’s cheeks were rosy and he kept wiping his nose, the cold air making their breath come out in small puffs while they trudged their way up the hill, dragging the plastic sled behind them.
When they reached the top, Dean pushed the sled down into the snow and plopped into the back of the bright orange contraption, planting his feet to make sure it wouldn't slide before they were ready. Cas straddled in front of Dean before sitting down and falling back against Dean’s chest, putting his feet in the front of the sled and trying to make enough room for Dean’s with the thick snow pants on.
Dean wrapped his arms around the front of Cas to grab the thin rope used to steer the thing, Cas grabbed a hold too, smiling in anticipation. Dean scootched forward and the sled barely moved an inch. Cas laughed and began scooching in sync with Dean and before they knew it, Dean had his feet up in the front of the sled with Cas and they rocketed down the hill, whooping and laughing all the way down.
The thought helped ease some of the emotions swirling in his stomach as they drove into town. Knowing how much Cas loves it, despite his insistence on the opposite, Dean begins singing along to the song.
“I’m dreaming of a white Christmas.
Just like the ones I used to know.”
Dean looked over at Cas and gave him a smile before continuing.
“ Where the tree-tops glisten,
And children listen,
To hear, sleigh bells in the snow.”
He hears Cas clear his throat and join in on the next line.
“I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
“With every Christmas card I write
“May your days be merry and bright
“And may all your Christmases be white”
Cas laid his hand palm up in the middle of the seat and Dean took it, lifting it up to his face and dropping a kiss to his knuckles before singing the next lines.
“I'm dreaming of a white Christmas
“With every Christmas card I write
“May your days be merry and bright
“And may all your Christmases be white
“May your days be merry and bright
“And may all your Christmases be white”
The song ended just as they pulled into the lot. There weren't many people here, but that’s perfect for them tonight. The soft colored lights and sweet smells of the carnival made the night seem warmer than the frigid temperature it actually was.
Dean reached over the seat and came back with some hats and gloves for him, mittens for Cas. He put his on, waiting for Cas to do the same before they got out of the car and held hands as they made their way to the small ticket booth by the entrance. Dean handed over some cash and took his tickets with a ‘thanks’ before making his way towards the rides.
“Ooo let’s go get some hot chocolate.” Dean said, pulling Cas over to the warm, coca scented tent and ordering two cups.
The heat from the paper cup could be felt through Dean’s glove as he walked, taking careful sips to not burn his tongue on the too-hot chocolate.
“Dean, can we go on the ferris wheel?” Cas asked, gesturing towards the white metal ride with red and orange lights making spirals along the beams.
“Sure, why not.”
They went up to the lady sitting by the control panel and handed her the required amount of tickets for the ride and stepped into the carriage. Dean watched Cas from his side of the car, watching how Cas looked out the window, wiping the glass when his breath fogs it up too much to see out of. He feels a small smile tug at the corner of his lips when Cas turns and meets his eyes.
“Dean,” Cas starts.
“Does it bother you? My asexuality?” Cas said, looking down at the floor.
“Of course not Cas! I love you. I don’t need sex to love you. And it’s not like we’ve never had sex, just not frequently, and I am ok with that. I love you and love to spend time with you and that’s what matters to me.” Dean says softly, leaning forwards across the narrow aisle to take Cas’s hands in his.
What did Dean do to get someone like Cas? Someone so caring and compassionate, so smart and creative, so… Cas.
“Castiel James Novak, my sex indiferent asexual boyfriend and best friend, I love you so much. More than pie, more than Baby, hell, more than anything. Any day I spend with you is a good day. You are the kindest, smartest, most caring person I know and I’ll be damned to let some asshole make you think that you could ever not be loved.”
There were tears flowing down Cas��s cheeks and Dean wiped them away with his thumbs before pulling Cas in for a caste kiss, and another, and again. He peppered Cas’s forehead, cheeks, nose, and lips with soft kisses before pressing his lips firmly but softly to Cas’s warm, slightly chapped ones.
Cas let his tongue flick out on Dean’s bottom lip and taking full advantage of the opening Dean’s gasp gives to dive deeper into his mouth with his tongue. Dean gives as much as he gets, trying to push as much of his love into one single kiss as humanly possible.
When they break away, both panting slightly, their car is stopped at the top of the Ferris wheel. They look out the small windows at the town and its rows of light adorned houses.
“It’s beautiful.” Cas sighs.
“Not as beautiful as you.” Dean replies.
“Aww getting all sappy, Dean?” Cas chuckles.
“No- I- No-” Cas cuts Dean off by pressing another kiss to his lips.
They break apart in fits of laughter, their car shaking as they laugh and laugh and laugh. They only stop once the wheel begins moving again but when they get off, they both have bright smiles on their faces.
The smiles stay the rest of the night and all the way home as they sing Christmas songs on the ride home all the way to the moment they strip out of their winter clothes and get ready for bed, curling under the soft covers in each other's arms.
“I love you.” Dean whispers as he tetters on the verge of sleep and just as he tumbles over, he hears Cas say back, “I love you, too.”
~~~~~~(Feel free to ask to be added to the tag list)~~~~~~
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talkfastromance4 · 5 years
More-- Chapter 3 (c.h)
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Summary: Single dad Calum doesn’t want to leave his son, Kai, while he goes on tour. A nanny accompanies them and Kai isn’t the only one who falls in love with her.
Word Count: 4.8k
Warnings: smut smut smut ahead, only read if 18+
Chapter One || Chapter Two
Calum played phenomenally but he was only half present during the whole show. His fingers played the correct notes and chords, he interacted with the boys and the crowd but his mind was on Holly and Kai. He hadn’t heard anything from her so no news is good news, right?
Finally, when they played the last song he was the first to run off the stage and find his phone. Holly sent him text updates that ended at 10:30 when she said Kai’s fever was gone. He explained to the guys he had to leave and they understood so they let him go.
When Calum arrived in the hotel room, Little Bear was playing on the tv screen and he found Holly and Kai fast asleep on her bed. He was wrapped in his blanket with his thumb in his mouth snuggled into her chest. Calum toed off his shoes and picked Kai up so he can sleep in his crib.
Holly shifts in her sleep then she wakes up to see Calum.
“Oh man, did I fall asleep?” she asks groggily.
“You both did,” he smiles. “Go back to bed, I’ve got him if he wakes up.”
“Kay,” she says thickly.
To Calum’s complete surprise, her arms twisted behind her back and she pulled her bra off through the sleeves of her large sweatshirt. Then she slides off her leggings and slips on some pajama shorts and crawls underneath the covers.
Calum blinks quickly trying to process what he’d just witnessed. She undressed right in front of him. Kai made a noise pulling Calum’s gaze from Holly’s figure under the covers and turned to check his son. He was still sound asleep so Calum changed out of his clothes and put on some joggers and left his shirt off.
 It’s been a few weeks since Kai’s fever and when Calum witnessed Holly unintentionally undressing in front of him. He’s been trying to push his feelings down and away, he can’t have feelings for his son’s nanny. That’s just not right and would be mixing business with pleasure but when he sees her smile and laugh with Kai, his morals are thrown completely to the wind.
“Okay man,” Michael sighs while they’re out exploring Italy. He wraps his arm around his best friend’s shoulders. “It’s been a few months now since Holly’s been with us and you haven’t asked her out yet.”
 “I changed my mind,” Calum mumbles placing his aviators on his face.
“How can you change your mind? You’ve been pining over her for weeks.”
“It just wouldn’t be a good idea, Mikey,” Calum sighs watching Kai and Holly walking in front of them. Kai has on a small black hat and it makes him look like a little gentleman as he points to different sights in her arms.
“Why not?”
“What if it doesn’t end well? She’s a great nanny to Kai and I don’t want to ruin that.”
“But if it does end well then she could be Kai’s mum for real. I know Jane hurt you bad and your stance on love is just one big ‘fuck it all’ but,” Mikey shakes his head. “I don’t know. You’ve changed since she came into your life.”
Calum, Holly, Michael and Kai ended up getting gelato in a small gelato shop. Kai was sitting in Calum’s lap as he licked off of Calum’s cone and he had strawberry gelato smeared all over his face. Holly thought it was the cutest thing and took out her phone to take photos and videos.
“You’re such a funny little bean,” Holly laughs wiping the frozen treat from Kai’s face.
“Hey Holly, you like The Struts, right?” Michael asks nonchalantly.
“Yeah, they’re a great band,” she nods going to lick her gelato.
“We got free tickets to go to their concert tonight but Crystal and Sierra are flying in and they want to double with me and Luke. Would you want to take the tickets, you and Calum?”
“Ashton doesn’t want to go?” Holly asks and Calum is giving a hard look at Michael knowing exactly what he’s doing.
“He said he wanted to watch superhero movies with Kai tonight,” Michael laughs looking at Kai who had gelato on his face again. “Come on, at least two of us should go, I’ll feel bad if none of us go.”
“Yeah, that sounds fun,” Holly smiles. “I haven’t been to a concert in ages.”
“Not like you’re touring with a band or anything,” Calum snorts taking a lick from his cone. His eyes playful as he looks at Holly.
“I’m watching a little human during said band’s concerts,” she retorts with a smirk and Calum smiles.
“All right, Kai-guy,” Calum says, “I think you’re finished with Daddy’s gelato.” He bounces Kai on his knee.
For the rest of the time there Michael gave himself a pat on the back for setting Calum and Holly up on this date. He can’t wait to tell Crystal about it, she’ll be pleased and will maybe even reward him for his job well done.
Calum went to Ashton’s room with Kai while Holly was getting ready for the concert. She told him she’d be ready by the time he got back, and Calum’s been around Crystal and Sierra long enough to know that girls don’t typically get ready in fifteen minutes or less.
“Kai-Kai!” Ashton greets Kai with a big smile on his face. He lifts him in his arms when Calum sets him on the floor and tickles his tummy. “You excited for the big date tonight?”
“It’s not a date, Ash,” Calum rolls his eyes setting Kai’s diaper bag on the floor, and places his blanket on the bed.
“You’re going to a concert and dinner, without Kai and none of us. It’s a date, man.”
“If it’s a date then Michael’s the one who planned it. I’ve got his bottle in the bag and some cheerios. His bedtime has been at 8:30ish lately, make sure to change him before then,” Calum tells him.
“Cal, I know what to do with my nephew. He’s in good hands.”
“Thanks. Okay, buddy, Daddy’s got to go now. C’mere and give me a hug.” Calum gives Kai a hug and a kiss on his cheek before handing him back to Ashton.
“Hey Cal,” Ashton calls stopping Calum halfway out the door. “If the date goes well and you and Holly want your room to yourself, I’ve got Kai duty all night.” He casts a wink and Calum just shakes his head before closing the door.
Calum can’t help the thoughts Ashton so generously put into his head of spending the night with Holly. Granted he spent every night with Holly but in different beds and on separate sides of the room, but still. He knocked once on his and Holly’s hotel door before sliding the key card in.
When he opened the door she was standing before him wearing a denim blue button up shirt tucked into white jean shorts. He was met with her perfume and he groaned at the sight of her, this was going to be a long night.
“Wow, you are ready,” he grins.
“Told you I would be,” she smiles stepping out in the hallway next to him, closing the door behind her. “It’s one of my many talents of getting ready in record time.”
“You’ve got other talents?” he quirked an eyebrow looking down at her. “Like what?”
“All in due time, my friend,” she smirks and Calum hears the flirtation in her voice.
The concert is a blast and Holly danced along to every song, even if she didn’t know the lyrics. Calum was impressed with how well she drank her alcohol and loved seeing her have a great time.
“Oh, this is such a good song!” she exclaims when Somebody New begins to play.
“This is for all of you have been heartbroken in the past, if you’ve got someone in your life right now, don’t let them go.”
Calum’s gaze is locked on Holly as he listens to the singer’s words. Holly’s singing along and swaying to the melody with her eyes closed and Calum’s made up his mind. Yes, he’s been hurt in the past, love can be cruel but Holly is anything but. With her eyes closed she looks so tempting just living in the moment.
Calum grabs hold of her hip spinning her to face him, and before she can open her eyes he plants his lips on hers, his palm bracing her lower back. He releases her lips a moment after and looks down at her, waiting for a reaction.
Her mouth is open in surprise and then she wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him again, making sure she kept her drink held up in the air so she wouldn’t spill it. Calum kisses her back eagerly, his arms pulling her close as their lips mold together, he feels her smile against his lips and he uses that opportunity to slip his tongue in her mouth.
They only stop kissing when the song ends and the crowd around them explodes in applause. Their eyes meet with big smiles on their faces, he strokes her cheek and runs his thumb over her bottom lip.
“I’ve wanted to do that for some time,” he admits.
“I’ve been wanting you to do that for some time,” she smiles and Calum feels a warm glow in his stomach at her words.
They share a few more short kisses throughout the night and when they arrive at the hotel at almost one o’clock, she turns to face him when he opens their hotel door for her.
“Are you going to go get Kai?” she asks biting her lip and it makes him want to kiss her again.
“Ash said he’s glad to have him spend the night,” he answers shutting the door with a snap. He watches her kick off her shoes and plop her purse on the table.
“That’s nice of him,” she says pursing her lips.
“Mhm,” he steps closer to her, his gaze never straying from her eyes and her lips. “He’s a swell guy.”
They’re standing extremely close, his breath blows on her face and she lets out a shaky sigh. The alcohol wasn’t as potent and she was nervous being this close to him but something in her made her reach her hand out and skim her fingers over his tattoos that are showing from under his black t-shirt.
“You’re swole,” she bites her lip and he chuckles.
“How’re you so cute?” he holds onto her waist and she shrugs slipping her finger under cuff of his sleeve.
When he can’t stand it anymore, he leans down and presses his lips to hers. She runs her hand up his bicep until she places it on his cheek then threads her fingers through his dark curls. He pulled her closer until their chests are pressed together. Holly stretches up on her toes resulting in Calum’s hands sliding down the curve of her ass and he doesn’t hesitate in squeezing it through her shorts.
A slight moan escapes her and he backs up until the backs of his knees hit the bed. He sits down pulling her onto his lap and his left hand cups her cheek, his tongue swirling around hers. He lowers his hand down her chest and his fingers unbutton her shirt slowly. He untucks it from her shorts then his palms hold onto her stomach, his rings cool against her hot skin.
He drags his lips over her jaw and she lifts her head giving him more access as he sucks on her neck and skims his lips over the swell of her breasts. He opens his eyes for the first time and sighs at the sight before him. She’s wearing a pretty purple bra—now his favorite color—and her chest is heaving rapidly as she slips her arms out of the sleeves, tossing it beside her on the floor.
“I’m sorry, they're not that big,” she mutters and Calum tears his gaze from her chest to her eyes.
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for, darlin’,” he shakes his head while she plays with the curls by his ears. “You’re perfect.”
His hands undo the clasp of her bra, the straps falling effortlessly down her shoulders, and when he tosses the fabric across the room he stands up with her in his arms and turns around so he can toss her on the bed. She squeals at the movement sliding her feet up so her knees are in the air.
“If my shirt’s off, yours needs to be, too,” she breathes.
He grins tugging his shirt up from his neck throwing it behind him before crawling up her body, his knee finding homage between her legs. She smiles at him before they kissed heatedly and her hands roam over his sides and all up on his back. He shivers at her touch and lets out a groan when her nails scratch down his back.
He leaves a trail of hot kisses down her chest, making a pit stop at her breast to kiss her nipple, flicking his tongue and grazing his teeth over her nipple; her fingers pull on his hair as she moans at the sensation.
“Hmm, you like when I bite?” he exhales glancing up at her and she nods, her eyes full of desire. Full of desire for him and he moves to her other breast giving it the same type of treatment, they’re so soft and plush in his mouth, but he wants to explore the rest of her body. He continues his journey down her torso and sucks on her stomach.
“That tickles!” she squeaks sucking in her stomach and they both laugh.
“Sorry,” he chuckles kneeling in front of her. He unsnaps the button on her shorts, pulling the zipper down slowly and pulls them off her body even slower. He wants to relish this moment and tease her along the way as well.
He jerks her towards him by her hips and her hair fans out behind her as she opens herself up to him, her breathing is ragged and Calum’s stomach is a ball of excitement. His pants become too tight so he stands up and disposes of them quickly so he’s just in his boxers.
He takes his place back in between her legs, looking up at her while he kisses down the inside of her thighs, he teases her by pressing a soft kiss above her core as he kisses her other thigh. She lets out a noise of impatience.
“Do you like when I tease you?” he asks nipping at her skin, his finger rubbing her stomach.
“No. I don't like—“
Before she can finish her sentence Calum dives in by sticking his tongue right inside of her, his mouth taking her lips in his. His eyes stay on hers as she gasps at the abruptness of his actions, her back arching immediately and her fingers fist the comforter beneath her. Calum smirks and licks at her center rapidly, darting his tongue in and out.
He removes his right hand from her hip, and does a long swipe of his tongue up her pussy before sliding his finger inside her, curling it when he’s knuckle deep. She gasps and moans, her right hand snatching up his left hand holding it tightly as he pleasures her. Her leg falls down on the bed giving Calum more access and he pumps and curls his finger faster, using his tongue to wiggle on her clit and she’s moaning and writhing under his mouth.
He watches her as her eyes closed, her back arching with a loud moan bursts from her mouth as her body tenses as she orgasms, her mouth open in a perfect little ‘o.’ Calum pulls his finger out slowly and kitten licks her core before sliding back on the bed to hover above her, his boxer covered hard on brushes against where she’s sensitive and her body rolls into him instinctually.
“How was that?” he asks pulling on her bottom lip with his thumb.
“Fucking wonderful,” she sighs dragging his hand back to her mouth. Keeping her eyes on him she takes his middle finger that he used on her and slides it into her mouth.
He stares in amazement as she sucks her taste off his finger, her tongue swirling up and down the length of his finger and he can only imagine what that would feel like around his dick. She moans around his finger and brings her other hand down to his boxers and grabs him. She rubs his dick through the fabric and with her sucking on his thumb and now her hand is slipping into his boxers stroking him gently he could come right there.
He yanked his finger from her mouth so he can crush his lips to hers and she continues to pump him slowly, her thumb making circles over his tip and he rotates his hips with her motion.
“Can I pleasure you now?” she murmurs against his lips.
He blows out a big breath and yanked his boxers down and off his legs, he falls back onto the bed and she kneels next to him. He places his hand on her back, rubbing it up and down as he watches her flip her hair behind her shoulder. She swipes her finger up his shaft, circling her finger around his tip.
“Now who’s teasing?” he grunts pinching her waist.
She flashes him an adorable yet sexy smile leaning up to give him a quick kiss. “That’s my specialty, babe,” she says and flips her hair behind her one more time before pressing a kiss to his head.
Calum bites his lip when her mouth opens around his dick, then her tongue swirls numerous times around his head before she licks from his base to the tip. She does that three more times and spits on his head, he feels it slide down his shaft before she hollows out her mouth and takes him in her mouth.
“Oh,” he breathes at the sensation of her mouth taking him in. He watches her curve her body as she continues to suck him off, her nose tapping his stomach as she moves up and down and then her hand joins her mouth. She spits some more so he’s slick with her spit, and when she moves up so does her hand and she does that movement faster then slow and fast again.
She removes her mouth for a moment but only to spit on his balls, then she takes him in her mouth again and uses her fingers to fondle his balls.
“Shit,” he hisses bucking his hips up in her mouth. He’s never had a girl gives him a blowjob like this before, this was sensational and he loved watching her do it. The faster she worked her mouth, she raised up on her knees and he could see her breasts move with her motions.
The sight alone would make him come in moments, and on any other given day he would have her keep doing what she was doing because it felt so damn good, but he needed to feel her, he needed to be inside her.
He twisted her hair in his fist and pulled her away from him, her mouth coming off his dick with a pop. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were swollen and she looked so pretty.
“You’re amazing, babe, but I wouldn’t last much longer.”
“That’s okay,” she pants.
“I want to make you come again,” he grins flipping her over onto her back. She adjusts herself so her head is on the pillows and he reaches across the bed to rifle through his wallet trying to find a condom. “Dammit!”
“If you can’t find one,” she says turning his face to hers, his lips plump and so inviting. “I’m on the pill, have been for years.”
His eyes flash at her statement and he tosses his wallet against the wall, making a loud smack. Holly giggles and opens her legs wide for him, he settles in between her, rubbing up and down her entrance. He sticks his tip in and slowly enters her inch by inch until he finally bottoms out and when he does her mouth opens up in pleasure, her nails digging into his biceps.
They both sigh when they’re finally connected and he rocks his hips slowly, his hands on either side of her head so he can use them as leverage. He finds a perfect rhythm because she’s moaning with each thrust he does and he relishes in the feeling of her clenching her walls around him.
“Faster,” she whispers and Calum complies.
He slides his knees wide so he can fuck her faster and harder, their skin slapping against each other, his balls smacking against her. Her moans become more consistent and he attaches his mouth to hers.
“Feels so good,” she pants with each thrust and moans are spilling from her lips. “Mm, right there, Cal, yeah, yeah, yeah!” her voice becomes higher and higher and Calum pounds into her harder and harder. Her arm wraps around his neck as she comes for him again and she kisses him.
They’re both panting and then she sucks on his tongue and Calum is nearing his own orgasm and he pumps into her faster and she’s moaning his name loudly, her walls clenching around him again.
“You feel so good,” he groans slipping his arms behind her back and she presses her body to his until they’re flush.
“Come for me, Cal,” she breathes in his ear, her fingers pulling on his hair. He moves faster at her words and she keeps encouraging him. “Mm, yeah, just like that, come for me, baby.”
His thighs clench and he pulls out just before he releases his load onto her stomach, she kisses his neck whispering sweet praises on his skin as he lets go breathlessly. He collapses onto her, their breathing labored, hearts hammering fast and their bodies are sticky with sweat. Calum lifts his head from her shoulder to look at her, her eyes are wild and electric and she smiles at him with that smile of hers and he kisses her sweetly. He doesn’t rush this kiss, he enjoys it.
“That was . . . wow,” she laughs peeling his dark curls from his forehead.
“Double wow,” he agrees. He lets out a big sigh then clambers off her.
“Where are you going?” she demands.
“Getting a towel,” he chortles flicking on the bathroom light.
Holly collapses in a worn out pile of limbs when he returns. She leans up on her elbows reaching for the towel but he surprises her and wipes up his mess. She didn’t realize how much he released and he gave her half a smile.
“Sorry about that,” he murmurs.
“You’ve got nothing to apologize for, darlin’,” she reiterates his words from before and they both laugh. He tosses the towel in the garbage bin near the dresser and pulls on his boxers, crawling back onto the bed next to her but it’s her turn to slide off the bed.
“Where are you going?” he demands
“Bathroom, it’s a rule of thumb that I always do after sex,” she shrugs but he notices her legs are wobbling slightly. He smiles at that and she closes the bathroom door.
He springs off his bed turning on the bedside light to try and find her a t-shirt of his she can wear and he picks out a black Guns ‘n Roses shirt. Then he pulls open the drawer where she placed her underwear (he accidentally found it while he was looking for his socks) and picked out a cute pair that had little ladybugs on them.
The bathroom door opened and she came out looking radiant, her face has that after-sex glow and it makes Calum happy.
“I uh, thought you’d want clean clothes,” he holds up the shirt and underwear for her.
“Thank you,” she says softly taking them from his hands. She steps into the underwear and pulls the shirt over her head, pulling her blond hair out from the collar.
“Come on,” he takes her hand leading her back to his bed. They crawl under the covers and he flips off the light but he’s not the least bit tired. Holly rolls over resting her head on his chest, his arm wraps around her and he breathes in her hair.
“This is all real, right? This isn’t just a really good dream I’m having?” she asks and Calum can’t help but laugh.
“It’s very real,” he states and tickles her arm.
“So, what do we do now?” she asks slowly.
“Well, we can lay here and talk until we fall asleep. Then in the morning we’ll go get Kai from Ash’s room and the three of us will go get gelato.”
“And act like this didn’t happen?” she asks quietly.
“Of course not! Why would we do that?”
“Because I work for you, I’m your son’s nanny, it’s not ideal and—“
“Holly, let me tell you something,” he interrupts her loudly. “After Jane I thought love was a waste of time, all it caused was heartbreak. I didn’t find a point in trying anymore but then you came into my life, and not just mine, but Kai’s life and it’s like you’re the puzzle piece I didn’t even know I was looking for. I care about you a lot, Holly, and what we just did, I don’t want it to be a one time thing.”
She’s silent for a moment and Calum thinks she’s gone to sleep or thinking about what to say when she sniffles.
“Are you crying?!”
“I’m sorry,” she laughs and sniffles again. “No one’s said anything like that about me before. I feel the same way. I know it’s only been a few months but I’ve got strong feelings for you as well. I’m so comfortable with you, and I love Kai to pieces. I’ve been hurt in the past as well, but I’m glad because it brought me to you.”
Calum reaches for her in the dark and finds her lips with his own. He kisses her tenderly, fingers in her hair and she lays on her back so he can hover over her. With both of their confessions still hanging in the air, the atmosphere changes and the way their bodies are pressed together and with her sucking on his tongue again—he really loved that—their clothes were removed again.
This time, it wasn’t an animalistic need, it was filled with soft touches and a gentle roll of his hips into hers. When she came undone she bit hard into his shoulder to keep from crying out but it didn’t muffle the sound at all. He loved the way she vocalized how he made her feel.
Her moans were music to his ears, and with her palms on his lower back as he thrusted into her, he felt euphoric. Holly’s so different from other women he’s been with, he’s never had sex twice in the same night before but he thinks he’ll be able to do things with Holly he never thought possible before.
When he orgasmed again she kissed his moans as he filled her up. He was so overcome with emotion he forgot to pull out, but he wasn’t worried. If something were to happen, he knew he and Holly would be in it together.
She held his face in her hands and kissed across his forehead, on his eyebrows, his nose and his cheeks before pecking his lips softly.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” she whispers.
“I’ve been waiting for you,” he agrees pulling her into his chest. They lay there for a few moments counting each other’s breaths and then she shifts. “Bathroom?” he asks.
“Bathroom,” she sighs slipping off the bed and heading into the bathroom again. “Where’s my shirt and underwear?” she asks fumbling around in the dark.
“Forget about them, just come back to bed,” he replies.
She falls over him, her naked body making his react to her and he groans at the contact.
“You’re killin’ me, sweetheart,” he sighs.
“Sorry,” she giggles and begins to play with his hair.
“This is probably the only time we’ll be without Kai for the next six months, so I should enjoy this. You and all your naked glory.”
“Me? Have you seen you? You’re the glorious one.” Then she yawns loudly.
“Go to sleep, sweetheart,” he hums.
They fall asleep in each other’s arms, and even in the midst of their sleep when they pull and turn away, a hand is either on her hip or holding his shoulder. It’s the best sleep either of them has had in a long while.
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Sunshine and Storm Clouds - Chapter 10
 Catch up:
Chapter 1  Chapter 1.5  Chapter 2  Chapter 3  Chapter 4  Chapter 5  Chapter 6  Chapter 7  Chapter 8  Chapter 9
Guess who swam up out of the void to bring y’all a Halloween special?
Characters: Logan, Virgil, Baby!Patton, Remy, Roman, and Emile. 
Pairings: Analogical as usual along with a lil Romile (Roman x Emile) for y’all.
Warnings: Food mention, and other than that...I don’t think so? Let me know if you’d like me to add one though.
The doorbell rang. 
“Hey babes, where’s my son?” a dramatic voice asked as Virgil opened it. 
“Patton’s ours, Remy. Get your own.” Remy smirked. 
“No, that’s my nephew.”
“Roman’s on his way, Rem,” Logan called from the kitchen. A few minutes later he appeared, wearing a lab coat over his usual attire. 
“Mad scientist again, huh?” Remy asked as the trio met in the hallway and started for the living room, Virgil with a sleepy Patton in his arms. He was wearing the little pumpkin costume Remy had gotten him earlier, and Virgil was dressed in all black with a mask over his nose and mouth. “You need to let me fix your hair, Lo. And let me guess Virgil...you’re a bandit.”
“Sure, close enough,” Virgil’s voice was muffled under the mask, and Remy grinned at him as he sat down on the couch. “Now you,” he said, pointing to Logan. “Come with me.”
“Why?” Logan automatically backed away, but Remy grabbed his arm. 
“I’m going to fix your hair, now come on. You can’t be a mad scientist with it all neatly combed, for Starbucks’ sake.”
“Oh no you don’t,” Logan growled, but he didn’t pull away from Remy, a sour expression resting on his face. “I like my hair how it is.” 
“Too bad!.” Remy grabbed his hand and started pulling him down the hall. “We’ll be right back Virgil!”
“Gee thanks, steal my husband why don’t you,” he called after them, but the pair had already disappeared. “Total anarchy in here Patton, you see that?” he asked the little infant on his lap, who smiled up at him and tugged  on his little orange cap with one hand. 
The doorbell rang again. 
“Welcome to McDonald’s, how can I help you?” Virgil asked as he opened the door. 
“Hey Virgil! Happy Halloween!” Roman grinned at him as he opened the door. “Nice costume! Are you an assassin?”
“Yeah.” Virgil smiled even though Roman couldn’t see it. “Come on in, kid.”
Roman was wearing a white shirt with a red sash across the front, and little accents of gold on the sleeves. A little crown sat on top of his head, and he was holding a sort-of sword-shaped stick in one hand. 
“Where’s Logan?” he asked as he came in. “And Remy? He said he was gonna--”
An eruption of shouting from down the hallway stopped him in his tracks, and he turned toward the sounds in bewilderment as Remy and Logan crashed down the hallway, Logan shouting and staggering while Remy ran after, fighting to keep the teacher’s hands away from his hair. 
“There!” Remy shouted, shoving Logan forward. He stumbled to a stop in front of Virgil, automatically reached up to smooth down his hair, and stopped when Remy glared at him.
“Wow...it’s, ah, very messy,” Virgil commented, and Roman burst out laughing before he saw Remy and stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened. 
“You’re...a dragon...and a witch!” he gasped, looking up at the older man in awe. Remy grinned and spun around, which only earned him a glare from Logan. 
“Indeed I am! The Dragon Witch!” he answered, twirling around a second time.
That was the only word Roman could think of when he saw Remy.
A purple robe with shiny green accents and a dragon scale design hung from the barista’s shoulders, matching a long sequined dress of the same colors underneath it. A flawless scale pattern had been painted onto his cheeks as well, and two horns curled up over a dark purple witch’s hat that also seemed to shimmer when the light hit it just right. And when Remy turned around--for the final touch, a small black pair of bat-like wings were somehow attached to his shoulders. Roman had no idea how he’d pulled it all off, but one thing was for sure--it was incredible. 
“You ruined my hair!” Logan hissed, and Roman giggled at how spiked it was and how awkwardly Logan wore it as someone who always considered himself to be both serious and professional. 
“No, now you’re a proper mad scientist.” Remy corrected, straightening his dress and looking over at Virgil. “Now! Are we ready to go get ourselves some sugar?”
“Yeah!” Roman said, holding up his sword in a salute, while Virgil nodded and Logan groaned. 
“Great! Let’s get going then!”
The group went out into the dark street and started down it, Remy leading at the front with Roman while Virgil hung behind with Logan, holding his son carefully and looking out for anything that might potentially scare Patton. The little boy had woken up a little in the chillier night air, and now clutched at his father’s shirt front while Logan held up a flashlight to light the way so he and Virgil could see.
“Here goes the last of my dignity,” Logan muttered as they approached the first house (they’d gone in the opposite direction of Mr. D’s house, of course) and went up the steps. Virgil snorted. 
“There was a point when you had dignity?” he asked, and Logan glared at him before the expression melted into an almost-reluctant smile. 
“You’re not wrong,” he answered with a dry laugh. Virgil smirked, though his expression remained invisible, and then Roman was knocking at the door. 
It was a pleasant little house, nicely decorated for fall without much of the halloween-specific decorations that would scare Patton. Little orange lights were arranged around the door, and Patton cooed and reached for them with his little hands, wiggling his fingers in excitement. 
“Pwetty,” he said, over and over again. “Pwetty.” 
“They are pretty, aren’t they Patton?” Virgil asked. Roman held up his “sword” in front of them, letting the little lights play on the wooden blade as the wind played with the strands and made them move. Patton seemed to like that, watching the lights in amazement as they danced over the wooden surface.
The door opened. 
“Ooh, hello dearies!” said a cheerful old voice, and Roman lowered his sword as an elderly lady came to the door, wearing a little pointy witch's hat and matching black robes. 
“You look lovely, dear,” she said to Remy with a smile. “And you, young man! What a handsome prince! Let me go get my candy and--oh! Who’s this little one?” she asked, looking at the child in Virgil’s arms with a bright smile
“This is Patton,” Logan said, unable to keep a smile off his own face like the proud father he was. 
“Oh what a darling! Patton!” The lady stuck her head inside. “Harold! Come on out, there’s the sweetest couple here with a little boy! And bring the candy bowl, will you?” 
A few minutes later, a wrinkly old man with white hair and a hunched back came to the door, holding a little plastic bowl of candy in his hands. A straw hat was perched on his head, and he wore overalls and a plaid shirt--a farmer, Roman guessed. He, like the old lady, radiated a certain kind of warmth and friendliness that he’d noticed under Virgil and Logan’s tough and professional exteriors. 
The man’s old gray eyes lit up when he saw Patton, and he passed the bowl to his wife before reaching his shaking hands towards the little boy in Virgil’s arms. 
“May...may I?” he asked in a soft voice, and Virgil exchanged a hesitant look with Logan before carefully placing Patton in the old man’s arms. He held the little boy ever-so gently, smiling at him and cooing when Patton reached up for his hat. 
“Hat!” the little boy said excitedly. 
“That’s right, I do have a nice hat,” The old man answered with a smile. “Do you like it?” Patton smiled and wiggled his fingers, and the old woman looked over her husband’s shoulder at him, smiling too. 
“Oh, you have such a precious little child,” she said as Virgil took the boy back. “Thank you so much for coming by and letting us see him.” She held up the bowl. “Butterfinger?”
“Bu-erfiner!” Patton said, and reached for the bowl. Virgil let him take a butterfinger and Roman also took a few, putting them in the pillowcase he’d brought to hold the candy. Remy declined with a smile and a head nod. 
“Thank you, but seeing you two dears was more than enough for me,” he said when the woman offered up the bowl to him. The couple beamed at the group, and then they were back in the dark street again, on to the next house.
“Wow, they were really nice,” Roman said aloud after a few minutes. 
“They were,” Remy agreed with a nod. “They’re some of the sweetest people I’ve met.”
“I almost have faith in humanity again,” Virgil commented.
“Halt!” someone suddenly shouted, leaping from the bushes and pointing a plastic sword at Roman’s heart. Roman tilted his head. 
“Be ye princess or prince?” he asked dramatically, letting an accent take over his voice. “I can’t see ya in the dark there.”
“I am but neither; I am a pirate!” the other character answered. 
“Scout? Is that you?”
“Hell yeah it is!” they answered, and coming closer Roman could see them grinning in the dark. “I thought I’d find you up here! How are you?”
“Good!” Roman answered, and turned to the others. “Oh! This is my friend Scout, they’re one of my best friends at school. Scout, the Dragon Witch over there is Remy--” Remy curtsied, and Scout saluted him with their sword-- “The mad scientist is Logan--” Logan nodded curtly-- “And the assassin/bandit/whatever Virgil is is Virgil. The baby’s Patton.” Virgil nodded as well, and Scout nodded to all of them. 
“You’re right, Patton is cute as hell,” they said. Roman’s cheeks blushed red, and Logan and Virgil both turned to him. 
“Well that’s precious,” Remy said after a short pause, and laughed. “Patton sure is adorable.”
“That he is,” Logan agreed. “Shall we continue, then? You’re welcome to join us if you wish, Scout.” Scout shrugged.
“I mean sure, but only if--” they paused and ran back a little they way they’d come, returning with someone’s arm in theirs. “--only if he can come too. Can he come?”
“Who’s this?” Remy asked, clearly amused. 
“I’m a ghost!” an excited voice answered, a bit muffled by the white sheet draped over his head. “It’s a little hard to see in here, though…”
“Emile!” Roman gasped. “I didn’t think you’d be out here!”
“Well, I don’t really know where I am, it’s a little hard to see through the sheet…” Emile giggled. “My mom wouldn’t let me cut holes for eyes, so Scout’s kinda...looking out for me, you might say.” Roman laughed, glad that it was dark so the others couldn’t see him blush. 
“They’re actually pretty good at it too. I’ve only run into one car so far.”
“You ran into a car?” he asked, alarmed. “Oh my gosh! Are you okay?”
“He wasn’t going that fast when he hit it,” Scout explained, pulling him forward as the group started walking once more. “He’s fine.”
“Yeah!” Emile chirped. “I’m fine!”
“You concern me.” Roman laughed, shaking his head.
The three friends chattered with each other as they walked, only going quiet when they came upon the next house. This one had a much spookier theme than the one before it, with horror-type decorations and lights everywhere. Scout quickly took the lead, pulling out their sword. 
“Roman, come with me,” they ordered. “We’ll make sure it’s clear for Patton.” Logan and Virgil exchanged looks of surprise (and perhaps amusement, though neither would admit it), but didn’t protest as the two went up to the porch. Remy stayed by Emile’s side, watching over him in case he managed to somehow hurt himself while waiting for his guide to return.
Both teens held their weapons in front of them as they went up the steps to the home--Scout holding their plastic sword while Roman clutched his wooden one that was more stick than sword but probably sturdier than Scout’s anyways.
A rigged spider let loose and shot down a wire over their heads towards Scout with an alien-like screech, but they batted it away with their weapon and a growl. Roman was amazed--they hadn’t jumped or screamed or anything, like they’d been expecting it all along. Like they weren’t surprised at all. 
No, he wasn’t jealous. 
And no, he most certainly did not have a tendency to scream like an wounded rabbit when startled.
“That was close,” he said, trying to sound more confident than he felt. Scout simply nodded, and continued on up the porch steps without a word. The door was closed and the lights inside seemed to be off, all except for one on the porch that illuminated a bench leaning against the house’s side. On the bench was a large scarecrow decoration, and in the scarecrows hands was a bowl of candy and a sign that said “Take 2.” Roman started to reach for the bowl, but Scout stopped him with the tip of their sword. 
“Wait,” they said. They tossed their sword to Roman, who caught it and gave them his wooden one in return. They placed the point of the “blade” on the scarecrow’s chest. 
“I’ve seen these tricks before,” they growled. “And we got a little kid coming, so don’t scare him. Got it?”
“Okay,” said a muffled voice, and the scarecrow nodded its head. It held up the bowl. 
“Alright, it’s safe!” Roman called back, and Remy grinned at them as he and Virgil and Logan approached, Logan now with Emile in tow. 
“Thank you dear,” Remy said to the scarecrow as he took a Kit Kat from the bowl. “You have a lovely evening scaring the other youngsters, alright?”
“Yes, sir!” the scarecrow answered. “And I love your costume, by the way.” Remy beamed and twirled around in a circle in front of them.
“Thanks! I made it myself!” The group started back down the porch, Scout helping Emile down the steps while Roman hauled his bucket of candy for him.
They visited several more houses before returning back to Virgil and Logan’s house, as Patton was beginning to get fussy and Emile had managed to run into not one, not two, but three mailboxes even with Scout and Roman both trying to guide him. Logan was afraid he was going to get a concussion before the night was over, and after a bit of convincing Scout and Emile agreed to come back to the house at his invitation.
“Don’t worry,” Remy had said cheerfully, “I’ve got plenty enough sweets for the both of ya!”
That had been enough to get Emile to agree, and as his guide Scout eventually decided to come along as well.
“This has been our Halloween tradition for years,” Logan explained as they started up the driveway towards his and Virgil’s house. “Every year we’ll get some candy, and then come back to the house and watch The Nightmare Before Christmas while snacking on the stuff Remy brings along. He usually has cider as well.”
“Don’t worry babe, I didn’t forget it,” Remy said with a laugh. “It’s here in the car. Roman, would you mind helping me bring the stuff inside?”
“Sure!” Roman hurried to Remy’s car with him, getting the two large jugs of what Remy said was fresh-pressed cider while he followed with a bag of...well, it was a surprise, he said. Roman would get to see it after they started the movie. He hurried up the steps eagerly, through the open door, and into the living room, where he put the jugs down on the coffee table next to the cups Logan and Scout had set out. Emile sat on the couch, having finally taken off his sheet, and blinked at the room as he tried to adjust to his new surroundings. 
“So which one was Logan and which was, uh, Mr. Virgil?” he asked as he looked between Virgil sitting on the couch next to him and Logan, who was in the kitchen helping Remy set out the snacks. 
“Mr. Logan’s the one in the kitchen,” Roman explained quickly, “and he’s Virgil. He doesn’t like it when you call him sir.”
“That’s cool,” Scout commented, flopping into the sofa by themself and leaving the space next to Emile free so Roman could sit there. He gave them something of a grateful look and poured two glasses of cider, offering one to Virgil and one to Emile. 
“Thanks,” Virgil said. Emile smiled cheerily and took the cider, thanking Roman as well and sipping at it while Roman poured himself some and sat next to him. 
“Wow, this is really good!” Emile held up his cup in amazement. “Try it, Roman! You’ll love it!” 
Roman tried it. He did love it. He grinned and Emile laughed at the look on his face, and Virgil chuckled at how their cheeks both blushed red when they looked at each other. 
Logan and Remy came back a few minutes later, and Logan went to put in the movie while Remy made his way to the center of the living room, clapping his hands together to get everyone’s attention.
“Alright!” he said. “Everybody’s snacks are in the kitchen, take whatever you want. We’ll start the movie when you all get back.” Scout barely waited for him to finish talking before they got up and bolted into the kitchen, and Roman’s eyes widened as he watched them fill up an entire plate with candy corn. 
“You’re going to make yourself sick,” he said as he got up. Scout only shrugged. 
“A worthy price to pay.” They went to their seat and flopped back down onto it, digging into their snacks while Roman shook his head. He turned to Emile. 
“What would you like?” he asked. 
“Um...surprise me?” Emile asked a bit shyly, wrapping the sheet around his shoulders. “I’m kinda cold…”
“Say no more!” Roman made his way into the kitchen, coming back a few minutes later with cocoa, several cookies, and a caramel apple arranged on a large plate. 
“Here!” he said, passing the cocoa and plate to Emile and sitting next to him. 
“How did you know these cookies were my favorite?” he asked in surprise, taking one and biting into it. “Mmmm...thank you!”
I heard you tell one of your friends that once and never forgot. 
“Oh, just a lucky guess!” Roman laughed. 
The two leaned against each other as the movie started. So did Logan and Virgil. Remy cuddled Patton on his lap. Scout sat by themself, curled up on their seat with a blanket; they didn’t seem to mind that they didn’t have a cuddle buddy. Emile looked over at them anyways, then motioned for them to join.
“C’mon, please?” he pleaded, when Scout shook their head. 
“Come join us, Scout!” Roman agreed. “There’s enough room!”
“Where, exactly? On your lap?” Roman and Emile exchanged glances. 
“Why not?”
An hour later the three had fallen asleep, Scout arranged awkwardly on Roman and Emile’s laps but comfortable, they’d promised. 
Virgil just smiled.
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kokobop-fire · 6 years
Gender Reveal {Jeon Jungkook}
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Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the gifts that I use, algo English is not my first language so sorry for any grammar mistakes.
Gender: fluff
Words count: 2,134
"You already decided the name of the baby?" Yoongi asked
It had only been a week since you decided to move with jungkook to his new apartment, and today the guys were available, and they were helping you unpack the rest of your belongings; Jin was helping them for a moment before escaping to the kitchen with Jungkook and starting to cook the rice cake that they were going to give to their neighbors, as tradition says to attract fortune and good luck to their new home.
"No," you placed a hand on your belly, which had grown considerably fast. "I don't even know the sex of the baby yet."
Also, today was the only day that your gynecologist was available at midnight as requested by Jungkook to prevent anyone from recognizing him, and you were in total agreement with him.
"You should call the baby Jimin," Jimin suggests with a big smile. "The name is very used for both sex. Don't you like how Jeon Jimin sounds? "
You tried to avoid the disgust on your face; the name Jimin was a name you always like for a girl but hearing the name with the last name of Jungkook, you didn't like it at all. Luckily Taehyung saved you from having to answer.
"No, if it's a Boy, it has to be called Taehyung." He paused as he placed a bowl of popcorn on the table, "If it's a girl, Taehyuna."
"Are you really serious?" You asked, stunned
"Yes, affectionately we can call her Hyuna, named by her favorite uncle" He dedicates you one of his boxy smiles. Definitely, Taehyung was last in the list of favorite uncles.
"Yeah, that's not going to happen," Said Jungkook sitting next to Namjoon; Namjoon apologized for telling Bang Pd that you were pregnant. Jungkook turned to see Namjoon. "Actually, I wish you were the one to name the baby."
Everyone who was in the room with you was looking at Jungkook surprise. "Jungkook is a nice gesture that you would think of me at the time of naming your baby, but I think that is an exclusive task for parents, but I am available to be the godfather of that baby.”
"What do you feel it will be?" Hoseok asked, sitting next to you
"I want it to be a girl" you came back, caressing the belly. "But call it the instinct of a mother, but I feel it will be a boy, and my mom told me that my belly is as the belly of a baby boy."
"I also want the baby to be a girl," commented Jungkook. "I would give that happiness to my mom to have the girl she never had and finally fulfill her frustrated dreams."
You smiled at that comment; in your family, it was the opposite; your mom and dad wanted the baby to be a boy to fulfill their dreams of a baby boy.
"I bet it will be a boy," Jin said, leaving the kitchen. "The rice cake is ready and packaged for delivery."
"Thanks, Jin" You smiled immensely. If it were not for him, you and Jungkook would have died of hunger on multiple occasions. "But don't bet on the sex of my baby." You stand up with a bit of difficulty on the couch, causing Jungkook to be by your side in a matter of seconds. "Whats wrong?"
"It's an 11:15. I think we should go out to the hospital."
"I'm going for our coats and the camera."
With the arrival of the baby, jungkook decided to make a Golden film dedicated entirely to the baby, and he said that the baby would love the video and more because his father was the director and editor of it.
"(Y / N)" Yoongi's voice interrupted the silence in the room. "Thank you, really thank you for giving Jungkook another chance, he was miserable, and the fans already realized that something was wrong with him."
"Yes, what both of you are doing is really mature, trying to live in peace for the sake of the baby," Hoseok completed; you nodded slightly at his words, you were never very close to Hoseok, or Yoongi and the fact that they were thanking you made you feel strange you were going to answer, but Jungkook arrived, both said goodbye to the boys, and you went out with him.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° The way to the office was quiet, the radio station that was playing was passing an ost special, and Aileen's soft voice almost made you fall asleep more than once.
"Do not you think it's better than everything comes out naturally and with some imperfections?" You asked Jungkook when he asked you to get back into the car and be able to record a better walk from the car to the hospital door, "it's way better to see me as a robot."
Jungkook pursed his lips as he lowered the camera. "You're right" We went back to the silence until we got to the door of the consolatory; the whole wing of the gynecological offices was dark, the corridor was only illuminated by the light of the moon that entered by the large windows "are you sure this doctor is trustworthy?"
"Yes, he is also the gynecologist of all the women in my family; he also brought my sister and me to the world" He nodded at your words.
You knew Dr. Hwang since you were a little girl, and you knew that he was the right person to keep your secret; he had already helped several actresses, idols, and girlfriends of idols to bring their baby to a world without the press finding out or that is what he always said. Several times on the way to the office, your hand with Jungkook's brushed, causing both of you to blush more than once. Before entering, you saw how jungkook lit the camera and told you to open the door, causing you to put white eyes.
"Ready to meet your baby" was the first thing that you received when you opened the door of the office. The daughter and secretary of the doctor received you, giving you a little hug, "I see that the baby has grown a lot since the last time we saw you."
"Well, I took all the vitamins that you prescribed." You answered with a smile, you loved spending time with Tae Hee, and after all, you two grew together. "Tae Hee, I introduce you to Jeon Jungkook, the infamous father of my baby."
"It's a good thing you came back" you sighed heavily, Tae Hee had never been good at meeting new people and always said the first thing that crossed her mind when she met a new person, and the fact that she knew what Jungkook did to you did not help.
"Yes and better than it was now to never miss anything of that baby," Jungkook simply answered
"If you want, I can film so that both of you can come out in the video."
Because the medical career of Tae Hee and yours of cinematography, both distanced themselves and each continued with her way, but the affection that both had remained there although you did not tell her everything that happened in your life as the fact that You told her you were going out with Jungkook until you went for your first ultrasound and told her everything.
"Are you sure you can with the camera?" You asked scared, Jungkook's camera was not cheap, and Tae Hee was known for her butterfingers.
"Sure" She takes the camera from the arms of a quiet Jungkook, who only gave you a look of nervousness. "Well, come in."
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° "And you have had or seen that you have suffered from some physical or hormonal change?" Dr. Hwang continued to ask his routine questions
"Apart from the growth of my belly, no," you responded after thinking for a moment; you still had not undergone any hormonal and physical changes, only the growth of your stomach.
"Well, you know you should do prenatal exercises, either yoga or Pilates" he put your file back on his desk. "Ready to know the sex of the baby?"
You quickly agreed to lie on the stretcher; you were anxious to know the sex of the baby. You watched as Tae Hee stood in the office door trying to get everyone out of the video before approaching and take a shot of your naked belly; you saw as the baby began to kick, "I see someone is awake."
You took Jungkook's hand, causing him to look at you in surprise, you knew it was going to be an emotional moment for him, and you wanted to give him all the possible support. You closed your eyes to feel the cold gel on your belly. Jungkook squeezed your hand. "Here we go."
You were also nervous; It was the first time you saw the baby in 3D, the doctor took about a minute to find the baby's face, you watched the monitor with joy, and Jungkook had a stunning look.
"Everything looks normal," The doctor muttered more to him without taking his eyes off the monitor; you did not pay attention to him since you were watching Jungkook's face. "You want to hear the heart?" Jungkook nodded quickly, and in a few seconds, the room was filled with the baby's heartbeat
The joy returned to your body, and you smiled at Jungkook when you observed how his eyes filled with tears, Jungkook almost never cried, and when he did, it was for a special occasion for him; you returned to squeeze his hand, causing him to look you, he leaned over and gave you a kiss on the forehead. "We're going to have a baby," he whispered against your forehead.
"Yes, we're going to have a baby" You smiled in tears.
"You guys want me to tell you sex already, or you want it to be a surprise" The doctor interrupted you two, taking both out of the bubble.
"Dad, are you serious? They were having their moment, and you ruined it, "Tae Hee scolded her father," Btw, the shots are going very well."
"We would like to know sex now," replied Jungkook. "I think we would go crazy if we don't know."
"Well, congratulations, you two are going to be the parents of a healthy baby boy" the tears came back to your eyes; the fact that it was healthy made you happy and more now that you knew it was a child.
°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°° You got out of the car ready to go to sleep, it was after two in the morning, and you had a little headache from so much crying, but you felt happy that together with Jungkook, you knew you were going to have a boy, you didn't get that far in parking lots when Jungkook wrapped you in a big hug, slowly you hugged him back, and he gave you another kiss on the head.
"Thanks, you don't know how happy you are making me right now," He mutter against your head, causing you to smile again. You continued walking again to the apartment, holding hands; when he opened the door, you found the boys who were still in their apartment. Jin was the first to notice your presence.
"And so what? What is it? "He asks seriously.
You looked at Jungkook to be him to give the good news; he smiled at them before taking the ultrasound picture of his wallet. "He's a boy, and I can proudly say he looks like his father."
You looked offended. "Of course, he doesn't look like you, he looks like a little alien, and he doesn't look like anyone yet," you quickly explained to the boys, but these were happy congratulating their Maknae.
"Who would have thought that the first Bangtan baby was going to be one from Jungkookie," Hoseok said smiling, "and another little bunny, so it seems in the picture."
"The baby doesn't look like jungkook" you were in denial, but deep inside, you knew that the baby was going to have the nose and eyes of his father.
"I always thought that Jin Hyung was going to be the first one because he is an old man now," I annoy him Jungkook.
"When are you going to learn to respect your Hyungs? Karma is going to get you, and it's going to bite you in the ass, "Jin warned, trying to sound annoyed. You said goodbye to them, to be able to message Jisoo and inform him of the news of his nephew's sex, but above all, you were still happy because he was completely healthy and was going to be born surrounded by people who loved him long before his birth.
P.S: if you have a korean name for a baby boy send it to me please, i dont know how to name the baby. thank you
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deanxcasficrecs · 5 years
YESS IT'S OPEN AND YOU SAID NOTHING!! Idk if you're Marvel fans but since the Endgame just came out, would you have some Avengers/Marvel crossovers or AUs? Many thanks!
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Hello there! Funny that you happened to ask! I’m actually a huuuuuge Marvel fan. When I was a kid, I spent quite some time reading black and white copies of old Marvel comics from 70′s or so. Black white copies because my friend’s dad collected those books, and he took copies for us kids so we wouldn’t ruin the originals when borrowing them for reading :’D So, unnecessary to say, I was that person who bought tickets for the first English-speaking Endgame display on the premier day (I happen to live in a country that likes to fucking dub movies (I’m just an expat here, my country doesn’t do stupid shit like dub movies so don’t blame me)), then threatened to hit a few teenager boys in the face because they tried to spoil stuff to me when walking by while I was waiting to get in, and then cried and laughed and cried some more, so yes, I do have these. Unfortunately, ever since I was a kid, Captain America has been my favourite, so I’m somewhat sure all I’m going to rec has Cap in them :’D Hope you don’t hate him.
My problem in SPN/Marvel crossovers is that I hate it when all the possible characters are in gay ships (or ships in general). It feels a bit heavy for me, and that what seems to happen in so many Marvel crossovers, too. It’s a shame. Anyway, enjoy! – Admin J
Title: An (Almost) Perfect Rescue Mission
Author: deanshipsdestiel
Rating: Mature
Words: 23,629 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: When reading this, I was so excited at the beginning. I liked the way the author was writing Deadpool and other characters, and the thing that there was a rescue mission (and the fact that Avengers were ‘Assvengers’) but then something happened and the story’s good flow wasn’t so good anymore. I’m not a big fan of Deadpool/Spidey ship (someone’s probably gonna kill me for this) so this might be the thing. Also, there were minor things like Peter not calling Tony ‘Mr. Stark’ but ‘Tony’ which bothered me. Anyway, better than the normal Avengers/SPN quality.
Summary: Dean Winchester’s life is turned upside-down when a red-and-black spandex-wearing douchebag is found in the bunker, blabbering about how his friend was kidnapped and how he needs help on getting him back.
Apparently, Dean, his brother, and their awkward angel best friend are the perfect people for a rescue mission.
( Read here )
Title: I ❤ NY
Author: ShippersList
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 4,327 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: This fis is HILARIOUS. Seriously, I was laughing so much that my boyfriend asked if I’m alright. The Clint on the beginning (stalking Dean and Cas) is pretty much me with his pissed off thoughts and the random stuff that kept happening (thanks to Gabriel) was just priceless. I’m not a fan of shipping Clint to anyone (even if I’m a huge Hawkeye fan and I’ll never recover from the fact that Jensen was almost playing Hawkeye which I need to happen like yesterday) but it didn’t bother me that much in this one, because the whole thing was just fucked up. Short summary: it was so much ‘wtf’ that it deserved all four stars.
Summary: For once in his life, Dean would’ve wanted things go like he’d planned. Like, him and Cas having a romantic Valentine’s Day weekend in New York, just the two of them.
Then they met the Avengers, and somehow the whole gang ended up in a beach. Also, there were sparkly drinks and marshmallows involved.
( Read here )
Title: Supervengers: After Purgatory
Author: JoCarthage
Rating: General Audiences
Words: 1,392 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I see so much potential in writing good Avengers / SPN crossovers because both of the worlds are equally fucked up. You can just take some parts and combine them together like done in this one, and then write. This fic was probably supposed to be the first part of something and I would have very much wanted for the author to write more but unfortunately, this is all we’ve got.
Summary: Something other than Chitauri riders come out of the hole the Tesseract punched in the universe. This is something I wrote after a facebook dare from rainbowdalek. Her prompt was: “I feel like Dean Winchester and Tony Stark could be great friends - similar daddy issues, similar taste in music, similar bent toward alcoholism, similar tendency to be shipped with their morally upright, pop-culture-ignorant male costars…” It’s unbeta-ed and its the first thing I’ve ever written in Avengers and first thing I’ve posted in Supernatural.
( Read here )
Title: The Mistakes Aren’t Just French Anymore
Author: EmeraldOcean
Rating: Explicit
Words: 50,568 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: This fic has so much potential and I remember how excited I was when starting to read it, but then, something was off. There are so many good lines and ideas and so on, like the entire starting set-up, but both Cap and Dean seem a bit too much OOC for me, and I just got uninterested after some chapters, which I never like. I don’t really enjoy superhero crossovers where Dean and Sam are shown as some sissies who can’t take care of themselves or attend the fights as equals to others (like happens in this one) because what the hell, of course they can. They’d be there with machetes, cutting off heads left and right :’D Also, if you’re not into reading Dean doing explicit stuff with other people than Cas, skip this one, because a lot of Cap/Dean smut involved.
Summary: This isn’t the first time that Dean Winchester has found himself in an alternate universe, and he highly doubts it will be the last. But for now all he can do is go with it, to attempt to help this group of superheros (yep, honest to God superheros) fight a villain that they’ve never faced before, a villain that’s all too familiar to the Winchesters.
At least this time he’s got his brother and his angel with him, even if said angel keeps giving him pointed glares and doesn’t seem to want to play nice with all of their new friends.
( Read here )
Title: the parachute
Author: 8sword
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Words: 17,363 – Finished
Admin’s assessment: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Admin J’s notes: I didn’t really expect anything when opening this fic back at the times, maybe just some strange AU settings where Cap is babysitting for reasons unknown so Dean and Cas can go to movies. How wrong I was, there. I have been waiting to be able to rec this fic because this has been in my ‘The Best’ folder for years now, but I haven’t found a place for it to be shared. It doesn’t have heavy Destiel, just some very subtle background stuff going on, and it really doesn’t have Cap/Dean things either (I only got heavy bromance and reverence vibes) but it’s so beautifully written, has broken characters and every single detail is done well. I just love it. Both Dean and Cap are soooooooo good in this fic, and even if you’re not a huge Marvel/Avengers/crossovers fan, I suggest for you to read this (and give it kudos because why does it have so little kudos?)
Summary: “Dude, you’re Captain America, not Captain Babysitter.”
( Read here )
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clubdolan · 6 years
& They Were Roommates ... | NC
When long time friends become housemates and everyone sees it but them.
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“Whoaaaa-kay, Noah. Who is that, why is she here and why haven’t I met her?” Erik stopped dead in his tracks as he walked into Noah’s kitchen.
“My name is Brooke, I’m staying here for a while and.. you’re meeting me now.”
Noah nodded at Erik as she had answered all his questions. “We were friends in high school, lived in the same neighborhood and our moms are good friends…. and our sisters are the same age.” 
“So you just moved your girl-next-door in without telling me? Or anyone?” 
“I lived across the street and down a few houses.” She corrected him, “not next door”; grabbing her plate of food and heading to the room that she had been given. 
Noah lowered his voice, “It was super last minute, she got a job out here and needed to move. We’ve kept in touch and I saw she needed a place so until she finds one by herself, I said she could stay here.”
“And I ask one more time, why didn’t you tell me?”
“I don’t know. I didn’t know you needed to know who was living at my house.” He shrugged, grabbing a drink from the fridge. 
“I needed to know, because she’s… gorgeous.” 
“Yeah, she’s cute.” Noah said, “She’s a dancer too, I know you’ve got a thing for—
“Ughhh, fuck yeah. Hook me up, bro. Give me the digits, introduce me, let’s all go get—
“Not gunna happen.” He laughed, “She’s on the ‘independent I don’t need a man’ train right now.”
“She didn’t know she needed a man until she met me.” Erik brushed off his shirt, “I’ll go introduce myself—
“Duuuude, you’ll see her here sometimes. Talk to her then. I don’t want my friends annoying her, I said you all would be normal…”
Two months in and Brooke’s schedule was never the same as his. She would leave at six in the morning and arrive back home to a living room full of boys yelling at video games. Noah would be gone for three days in New York and she invited her friend Shanna over who just gushed that ‘everything smelled like Peter Kavinsky’. They went to eat with groups of friends, went shopping with people, her mom and sister visited for a few days and he invited her to the movies with Jack and him.
One day their schedules collided, both heading to work out at the same time. “Come with me to Unbreakable, do some boxing.” 
“I’m more of a hot yoga type.”
“C’mon, try something new.” He nudged her shoulder as she grabbed a banana off the counter. “It’s fun, you’ll get muscles and cardio at once.”
“Fine. You want a banana?” She asked, tossing one to him as he nodded and following him out to his car. 
Two hours later they were both laying on the floor of Unbreakable Performance Gym, out of breath from the trainer doing fast sets with them.
Brooke held her hands over her face, trying to catch her breath and gain feeling back in her legs. “Told you it’d be fun.”
“Yeah, loads of fun.” She felt someone sit next to her and water dripped on her chest.
Her eyes opened quickly to see Noah holding a cup of water over her, “Drink.”
“I can’t even sit up.”
Noah groaned and sat the cups down, grabbing her hands and pulling her to sit up. “Hot yoga must not be much of a workout?”
“It’s more of a relaxing work out.”
“Punching things isn’t relaxing?”
“Two different types of relaxing.” She agreed.
“Big workout with Noah Cent today!” The trainer videoed them, walking in a circle. “It hit Brooke a little hard or I might have just gone a little tough on her for her first day.”
“Not fair!” She pointed right at the camera before drinking her water in one gulp. “Totally not fair.”
They headed home, grabbing food on the way. Brooke tried to stay awake and get some work done but as she did some internet research in the living room while watching Noah play video games, she fell asleep.
She woke up on the same couch. Her computer was on the table next to her and a blanket was draped over her body. 
“Bout time.” Noah laughed, “It’s almost four.”
Brooke fidgeted with her phone, “What are you doing?”
“Scripts.” He pointed to the pile next to him, “I need to read through them all and see what I’m interested in.”
“Got any for a girl that can’t feel her legs or arms… orrrr whole body?” She groaned sitting up, “I’m going to get a hot shower.”
“If you want to take a bath there’s a tub in my bathroom. Tay left some bath bombs or something in the cabinet that I will never use.”
Brooke didn’t object his offer knowing his bath tub was loaded with jets and could fit about four people at one time. Hot water ran, bubbles piled up, bath bomb fizzed under the water leaving glitter in its path as she tried to relax her sore muscles.
“Hey B, did you fill the fridge?” Noah asked, staring at the contents, “I swear there wasn’t any milk, yogurt or fruit here yesterday.”
She paused on her way out the door, “You said yesterday, I wish we had yogurt and fruit and so when I went to get a few things I grabbed yogurt and fruit.” She shrugged, closing the door behind her.
“I thought tonight was video game night or something?” Brooke asked, passing Noah on his way out the door. “Usually there’s a bunch of dudes here—
“Oh, you said you had some friends coming over for the finale of that show you watch, so I told Jackson we needed to play at his house.”
The door closed before she saw a perfectly clean living room, no video game controllers in sight. The fridge not only had her bottle of wine but a few more plus her favorite snack, strawberries dipped in chocolate.
Brooke: Did you really supply the wine and snacks for The Bachelorette finale?
Noah: I figure we’ve ruined enough of your girl’s nights yelling at Fortnite so I thought I’d be nice.
Brooke: You didn’t have to! But thank you! We’re all enjoying it. :)
“Wait, don’t come in!” Brooke yelled as she heard the front door open. Noah froze mid way, “Just, stand by the door and don’t come any further!”
She hustled around the kitchen, finishing icing on the cake and checking the clock, “You said you wouldn’t be home for another two hours!”
“They cut my last scene for the day, so I’m early. Do I need to leave? Do you have someone here? I ca—
“No, just give me one second!” She lit a candle and pushed the pan to the edge of the counter. She caught her reflection in the glare of her iPhone before looking down at her outfit; icing on her cheek, her hair tied up out of the way from baking, barely any makeup on, an old t-shirt she found and a pair of leggings.
Brooke had planned to look a little better as she threw a ‘mini red carpet’ for Noah since his movie came out on iTunes that he filmed two years ago. She had remembered hearing all about it and saw it never released until now. 
The cake was white with a red square across it, a toothpick with a picture of Noah’s head was poked in the top of it, ‘SWIPED’ written in black icing, below it ‘#2 on iTunes all day’ was written in chicken scratch of leftover red icing.
“Okay, you can come in.” 
Noah turned the corner slowly and a party popper went off in the air, “Happy movie release day!”
“Oh yeah, it came out today.” He reminded himself, laughing at the cake. “This is awesome, thank you.”
“I was going to make it fancier in here, I had a whole red carpet planned but you came home and you don’t have a red carpet.” She kicked the rolled up red rug that set on the floor.
“No, no, this is fine. This is amazing. The last time anyone did this was… the Austin and Ally episode.” They both laughed, “You and your sister’s made that horrible cake and you all threw it at me before we all watched it.”
“I promise this cake is much better.” Brooke pointed to the box of ready made mix that sat on the counter, “And I wanted to make this like the Austin and Ally party. Every movie needs a red carpet.”
“I mean they’re fun but Swiped was such a small budget. I didn’t even think it was going to come out after that long of waiting.”
Brooke looked in the reflection of the microwave and tried to fix the messy bun on top of her head, but there was no hope for it. “I look like complete shit.” She wiped under her eyes, remnants of mascara were smudged below her lashes. “I should have—
“You look fine.”
“Huh?” She turned around, picking a piece of dry icing off the back of her hand. 
“You said you look like shit and I was saying, you look fine.” He leaned on the counter near the cake, “You always do.”
“I look like I have slaved over this damn—
“Shut up, Brooke. You’re beautiful. You never look like shit.” She finally looked up from her red stained hands and made eye contact with him, “What?”
“I mean... I just... thanks?” She awkwardly leaned on the counter opposite of him, “Even though like my hair—
“No, no, no, stop. You look fine.” He stood up and gestured to the cake. “This is more than you needed to do. Thank you.” 
He opened his arms for a hug but Brooke barely looked at him, “Oh, sorry...” She stopped herself from rambling and quickly hugged him. Her stomach flipped and her face went hot as his arms wrapped around her, they hadn’t hugged in a long time. Since he left to move to California; when they were sixteen.
“You even smell like cake.” He mumbled into the top of her messy hair. “You need to stop being so negative about yourself.”
“Huh?” Brooke asked, pushing herself back from him. 
“You constantly put yourself down, I hate it.”
“I don’t realize I’m doing it. I’m my biggest critic, I guess.” She tried to laugh it off, “Speaking of, I suck at alphabetizing and need to get a whole box done before work tomorrow, so I’m gunna…” She pointed behind her, “Enjoy the cake.”
“Do you—“ He paused, hearing her door close, “Want a piece?” Noah mumbled to himself, sticking his finger in the top of the icing and licking it off.
“Wow a house party, is this the LA life style?” Brooke joked, walking in after work. People flooded their kitchen and living room, “Excuse me…. excuse me… oh hey, Kyle… where did that ping pong table come from?”
“We bought it today!” Noah yelled, trying to shoot a ping pong ball backwards into a red cup. “You better not hide in your room.”
“I’m just going to put my stuff down.”
After forty minutes of ‘putting her stuff down’ and two interruptions from Kyle and Jack she finally made her way to the living room.
Brooke recognized a few girls and chatted with them while she downed a few glasses of wine. Kyle got her to open a cabinet which he ‘iced’ her with and she got him back by hiding one behind the radio and asking him to change the song.
“Everyone in here! Game time!” Jack yelled, standing on the ping pong table. Chairs pulled up around it, the couch was drug towards it and a few people stood. 
“It’s an easy game just read the card you pick out loud and do whatever it says, kapeesh?”
Brooke walked in as piles of cards were being sat around the table. Two guys did rock, paper, scissors to decide who would go first.
“Brooke! Over here!” Noah waved from their couch which was parked at one end of the table. She balanced a beer and a hard cider in one hand while she weaved in and out of the people waiting their turn. 
“Scoot over!” She yelled at the company on the couch, “Guys! Move over, I’m sitting here.” She pointed next to Noah and watched Jack yell at the person drawing a card. “I’ll go get a chair out of my room—
“Just sit.” Noah opened his arms and looked at his lap.
Brooke did a bit of thinking, taking time to watch a girl chug the rest of her beer before she sat down on his legs. “On a scale of one to Jack, how drunk are you?” 
Noah closed his eyes and thought, “Six? You?”
“On a scale of one to Jack, I’m about a four.” 
“BROOKE!” She turned and looked at the table, everyone was looking back. “Brooke I nominated you to drink.” 
She tipped her cup back and finished the beer, tossing the empty cup on the table before drawing her own card. “Person to my right has to chug.”
“Noah!” Kyle yelled.
“Kyle!” Noah yelled.
She looked at the both of them before Noah spoke, “Technically, I’m underneath her.” 
Without an argument Kyle chugged his drink and picked his card. 
The pile of cards was endless. People were dancing, singing, drinking, making other people drink and some had left as it was already around one in the morning.
“There’s no fucking way I’m getting into an uber and riding somewhere when my bed is fifteen feet away from me.” Brooke groaned, leaning back on Noah. “Please tell me you’re not because I don’t want to get up—
“I’m starving so I am.” He laughed, wrapping his arms around her and standing up, “The diner is right down the road, are you sure?”
“My bed is right there.” She pointed to a door across the room. 
An hour and a half later Noah, Jack and Kyle came back in the apartment, begging for a bed, couch, or “literally anywhere with a blanket”.
“Couch!” Noah pointed to the living room, choosing to ignore the mess in the kitchen and just turn the lights off. “I’ll be in my—
“If she’s sleeping here I am one hundred percent taking her bed.” Kyle pointed to Brooke asleep on the couch that still sat at the end of the ping pong table. 
“She will kill you.” Noah laughed, making his way towards them, “B, come on, go to your bed before Kyle gets in it.”
“Don’t fucking touch my bed.”
“Then get up!”
“C’mon..” Noah grabbed her hands and pulled her up. Brooke stumbled and fell into the ping pong table, blaming Noah. “Ten feet away.” He wrapped his arms around her and guided her to her room, “Do you want to—
Brooke groaned and tugged her shirt off, tossing it across the room. “Ohhhh kay, Brooke. I will see—
“Take my shoes off.” She demanded from the edge of the bed, holding her boot up in the air.
Noah cautiously tugged at the black leather before grabbing the other one, sitting both of them beside her bed. 
“Can you get the red sweatshirt from my closet?” She yawned, pushing her covers back. Noah walked to the closet, pulling the red sweatshirt from a shelf. 
By the time he turned around her pants were off and she was under the covers, “Do you still want this?”
Her hand stuck out and she grabbed the fabric, pulling it towards her, “Thanks babe.” “You’re welcome?” He laughed, “You’re going to feel like shit in the morning.” 
“Happy birthday, Noelle!” A group of girls yelled, snapping pictures, boomerangs and video of their friend blowing out candles on a cake. 
They all shuffled around taking selfies, posting before they went out, eating cupcakes and continuing their drinking from the dinner they had just gotten home from.
Brooke left the girls to chat and ventured down the hall, “Hey No…” She knocked on his bedroom door, “Noah?” She opened it when he told her to come in, “We’re about to leave, can you take a group picture of us?”
“For sure.” He tossed his book on his bed and followed her down the hall. 
“Noah!!” They all screamed as he walked in.
He laughed and said hi, “I’m just here to take a picture.” He held up Brooke’s phone. The girls all moved around, getting into a row of six, “Smile!”
“Okay but we need a serious one too.” He took a few more.
“And a funny one!” He took three or four.
“Try a candid!” Another suggested. They all moved and talked while he continued taking pictures. 
“Bus is here!” One yelled, looking at her phone. “Get your birthday sash on, Nora!”
In no time they all had gone out the door and down the drive way, “Thanks.” Brooke smiled, taking her phone from Noah. “Be honest with me. Do I look like a slut or just like.... an average LA girl?”
He took a few steps back and looked her up and down, “You look better than an average LA girl but a little on the provocative side.” He saw her face change, “It’s not a bad side, it’s good. You deserve to show off your lil boxing abs.” 
Brooke glanced down at her flat stomach, a few abs finally poking through from weeks of early morning boxing. 
“And I like your hair up.”
She looked back at him, the ponytail swinging behind her. “Thanks. I trusted Jen with my hair and makeup.”
She kept glancing in the reflection of the fridge next to her, fidgeting with lipstick and mascara. Noah kept looking at her, taking her in head to toe, “Are you going to go?”
“Oh yeah.” She tossed her lipstick in her clutch, “Everyone’s going to their own houses when we’re done so it’ll only be me coming home.”
“Why do you keep pulling at your outfit?” 
Brooke caught herself tugging at the cleavage of her shirt, “I just.. I’m not used to the top or bottom.. or shoes. I feel like everything is hanging out.” She laughed, pulling at the bottom of her skirt. “Is my butt hanging out?”
Noah laughed, watching her spin around, “Not at all.”
“It’s dark in the club too, no one will even see anything.”
“You’re right.”
“I’ll just stand in the middle of everyone.”
“Good plan.”
“How are they so comfortable in like no cloth—
“Brooke, they’re all waiting on you. Call me if you need a ride.”
“Oh shoot, yes. Bye!” She tried her best to walk fast in her heels, slamming the door behind her. 
Different pictures were posted all night on each girl’s profile. 
@brookeitsme: Happy Birthday @NO_L !
—@ncentineo: photo cred: ME
A picture of Brooke and Jen hugging in the girl’s bathroom.
@brookeitsme: MY H&MUA BABE @jennyfaye
—@ncentineo: team ponytail
A picture of Brooke behind the DJ booth with his head phones on.
@brookeitsme: How did I end up at the DJ booth?
—@ncentineo: 😍
“Brooookieeee I’m going home with you so I can go find Noah.” Her friend Steph mumbled in her ear, holding onto her arm. “Let him take more pics of me if you know what I mean.”
“Nice try but Noah’s after Brooke.” Jen laughed, helping steady Steph. 
Brooke almost spat out her drink, “What? No he’s not. Oh my god.”
“Are you oblivious? To the both of you?”
“What are you talking about?”
“Yeah..” Steph got closer to them, “What are you talking about? Because I want th—
“Have you been on instagram? Seen the notifications?” Jen grabbed her phone out and began typing and searching. Brooke had her notifications off since people realized she lived with Noah. Her instagram was non-stop so every notification was annoying.
“He commented on all three pictures you posted. The one of you has a HEART EYE EMOJI.” Jen put the phone in her face, “And he likes your ponytail.”
“Yeah he told me that earlier.”
“Did you see the look on his face when he looks at you? Do you pay attention?” Jen laughed, “You too! You get the melty look when he’s around. I’ve only seen you like that one other time and it’s when we saw Zac Efron at The Grove.”
“And he’s always complimenting you.” Steph added, “I get SO jealous. Like isn’t my outfit hot enough for Mr. Noah Centineo??”
“Ask any of us, we’ve all noticed it.” She pointed to their table of friends, “Right, Meg? Noah and Brooke?”
“Oh their constant oblivious flirting?”
“Are you all joking? You planned this. I told you all I didn’t like him that way—
“You didn’t. Past tense.” Steph pointed out, still leaning on Jen for balance. “What about now?”
“We’ve been friends forever, there’s nothing more than that—
“She didn’t say no.” Jen smirked, “Have you even been looking at apartments to move out?”
“We went a few times but…”
“But what?”
“Noah didn’t like the ‘area’ I had picked out.” Brooke looked down at her heels, “It was sketchy or something.”
“What about the other time?”
“It was too far from his place.”
“What did he say before you left?”
“To call him if I needed a ride.” 
“BROOKE!” It seemed like they all yelled her name at her, “COME ON!”
“What? It’s what friends do…”
“When we went to eat the other day he was allllll about you.” Meg said, “He drove us, paid for your food, drove an extra like forty minutes to get you your favorite tea and then carried your to-go food in the house.” 
“Well when you point it all out…”
“And you told me about the day he said you were beautiful.” Another friend spoke up, “That you always look beautiful.”
“It was because—
“He said he loved your laugh at that party one night. He let you sit on his lap. He kept wrapping his arm around you. You almost fell asleep on him. He helped you change before you went to bed….”
“He calls you B all the time, even to his friends. Ster told me.”
“You always talk about him too.” Jen laughed, wrapping her arm around Brooke’s shoulder, “You always see movies with him and go eat with him and sit at home and watch shows with him and you’d rather order pizza in than go meet me for lunch and then I find out Noah’s home. When he’s not there you always ask to stay with one of us…."
“Why are you all just telling me this now?!” Brooke asked, overwhelmed.
“We thought you would catch on at some point.” Meg laughed, “Apparently not.”
“First of all, rude. Second, where is Noelle?”
“She left with that youtube guy she’s been seeing.” Steph downed a glass of water, “I’ve been waiting to go home with you but now I won’t be inviting myself.”
“Meg was trying to get the attention of homeboy over there but his friend keeps winking at her.”
“I’m here for moral support of everyone and their decisions.” Jen said, “And to make sure we all get a ride home.”
“Can we drink a little more, not you Steph, and dance a little more before I have to go home realizing everything you’ve all just thrown at me?”
Two hours and two bottles later they were all on their phones ordering rides, “No, don’t get an uber.” Meg covered Brooke’s phone, “I asked Noah to come get you.”
“MEG!” She whined.
“BROOOOOKE!” She mimicked her, “You live in the hills and fares are tripled right now. All of us live downtown except for Steph who’s going with me tonight. He’ll be here in like ten minutes.”
Brooke flipped to her texts with Noah and clicked the info button, a map popped up of where he was at that exact moment.
“You’re tracking him?”
“We both share locations in case I get stolen and sent over seas to be sold as a sex.” Brooke explained, “It’s a big fear of mine... He’s right down the road.”
“My car is almost here, I’ll get Steph and we can go wait outside with you.”
The little breeze was welcomed on their skin as they exited the muggy, hot club. They ignored the random guys who shouted at them and stood down from the door, watching for their rides. 
“Really, man?” Meg asked, rolling her eyes at the guy who kept looking at them. “We’re probably half your age, leave us alone.”
“I’m always looking for Sugar Babies.”
“You’re disgusting.” 
“Just an offer for—
“We’re not interested, please leave us al—
“But the three of you can—
“Please, leave us alone.” Meg tried to look around him for the specific car picking them up.
“I was just—
“Oh my fucking god, stop it!” She screamed, grabbing Broke and Steph’s hands. “Please move so we can cross the street.”
The man didn’t move, he kept looking at all three of them; up and down, up and down.
“Excuse me, sir. Please move so the ladies can get through.” Brooke looked up at the familiar voice and Noah stood there with his hand out. She grabbed it and stepped aside the guy; pulling her friends with her. 
“Oh my god, thank you, thank you.” Meg sighed, “I was losing all will power not to punch him in the face.”
“I parked across the street and saw you all with him. Figured it wasn’t going well. Do you guys have a ride?”
“Yeah” Meg looked at her phone, “Black Ford Escape, license plate Y35— right there.” She pointed up a few cars. “Thanks, Noah.”
“Yeah, thanks.” Steph grinned, following Meg to the car.
Brooke grabbbed onto Noah’s arm and rest her head on his shoulder. “I feel like I’m on a boat.”
“You’re a little wobbly but I’ve seen you worse.” He joked. “Seems like you guys had a fun time?”
“Yeah, even though Noelle left with some dude early on. We kept the party going.” She laughed.
“I saw the DJ booth picture, did you have a good set? Play some jams?”
“Killed it. Got a job offer immediately. I even did the one head phone on and one off, felt like a real DJ.”
The car ride home they chatted. She told funny stories of the night, he asked about certain instagram stories, she played a new song she heard and he even stopped by McDonalds so she could have french friends and a Coke.
Her phone started firing away, their group message was blowing up. “Oh fuck off.” She mumbled, shoving it back in her bag, hearing dings continue to go off.
Meg: Snuck a picture of our favorites. *picture*
Jen: SHUT UP I DID TOO *picture*
Meg: Great minds think alike.
Steph: I told her it was creepy, she made the uber driver slow down.
Noelle: BROOKIE that’s so cute.
Steph: He was so hot in sweatpants and a hoodie. 
Jen: Are you alive, Brooke?
Noelle: Is she finally getting the D?
Steph: He deserves it from someone tonight.
Meg: NOELLE! lolololol but really
Jen: She’s going to kill all of you.
Steph: Not if she gets good enough D.
Steph: She’ll be a happy B.
Meg: Happy B because of the D
Meg: Shut up Noelle I hate us.
Jen: I truly wonder what’s happening. Maybe she’s just ignoring us?
Steph: Maybe she fell asleep?
Meg: Maybe she’s finally getting the french fries she’s begged for all night.
Noelle: I still think she’s getting it onnnnn.
Noelle: And then she’s gotta tell us every detail.
Steph: Literally every detail. I need to know these things.
Brooke pulled up the photos and swiped back and forth. Meg’s was a view from behind of her leaning on Noah’s arm as they walked to his car. Jen’s was from across the street as he let her in his passenger door. 
Brooke: You all are sneaky little bitches. I finally got my french fries and Coke. We aren’t even home yet you freaks. Of course I could tell you some details if THAT EVER HAPPENED but he’s just driving me home. I could fall asleep at any moment though.
She recorded a video with random alternative music playing as she ate french fries, her lipstick was half off her lips as she sipped her drink and put it back in the middle console. As she bopped her head to the beat a random hand snuck into her french fry bag and stole some. She followed him with the camera and Noah smiled as he snuck them all in his mouth, looking at the road.
Meg: Brooke you are living the dream.
Jen: I want a guy that gets me french fries.
Steph: I just want a guy.
Noelle: His little smirk he does at you!! I can’t take it!! 
Jen: Do you see it now, B? Are you noticing things?
Brooke: I’m noticing that he carried my shoes inside and made sure I didn’t fall up the stairs.
Brooke: He offered to make me a BATH but I’m too lazy so I’m just laying on the couch resembling a dead body.
Noelle: GET. IN. THE. BATH.
Meg: Fuck youuuu, B. I’ll come take a bubble bath.
Jen: It’s funny because I know exactly what you look like right now without even seeing it.
Brooke: Oh you can see. Noah took this picture of me. *picture*
One leg hung off the couch, one was up on a pillow, her bag of french fries on her chest and her ponytail was let down, giving her a major bad hair moment. 
Steph: Brooke you’re a dream girl.
Jen: I like your smudged lipstick.
Meg: You do kind of look dead. Dead but enjoying fries.
Noelle: Can I use this as album cover art? I’m not even joking.
Noelle: 100% would use this for a single. Black and white. 
Brooke: I give you my drunk permission to use it as an album cover but don’t forget to thank me when you win album of the year.
Jen: The party girl song, Noelle! The one you played a clip of on our way to Brooke’s.
Meg: Wait, why did he take that picture of you? To prove you’re a mess? lol
Brooke: Because I told him not to speak of how messy I look right now so he CAPTURED IT FOREVER.
Jen: Can’t wait to frame it at your wedding.
Brooke: I’m going to throw my phone in the toilet so there’s no chance that Noah ever sees these messages.
Brooke: He could easily look right now because he’s right next to me.
Meg: Feet or head?
Noelle: Head or feet?!?!???
Jen: Both of you can stop being twins.
Brooke: ………
Brooke: …….
Brooke …… I may be resting my head on his lap. 
Brooke: He wanted more fries and thankfully I ordered two larges.
Meg: Stop texting us and talk to him.
Steph: Just turn your head over and go to wooooork!!
Jen: He put you on his instagram story. I’M DYING.
A black and white picture of Brooke from the neck down with the caption: “Two large fries and a coke, please.” You couldn’t even tell she was laying on his lap, but all of her friends knew.
“Oh fuck youuuuu.” She groaned, looking up at him, “I look so stupid and drunk.”
“No one even knows it’s you.”
“Jen did.”
“Okay well your outfit may give it away.” He shrugged, “It’s just funny you’re so content eating french fries right now.”
“I love french fries.”
“I know.” He smiled, continuing to look at her. Without a word he wiped his finger along her face, trying to remove the stain of lip stick she had smeared while eating. 
“It’s a lip stain.” She laughed.
He tried to wipe it again, pushing harder. “They don’t joke when they say stain.”
“It’s three in the morning.” Brooke groaned, “I need to get up and wash my face and change and probably brush my hair and probably go to bed.”
“You definitely need to go to bed.” He pushed a hair from her face, “And wash your face or you’ll be angry when you wake up. Do you want to go to brunch whenever you wake up?”
“If there’s bacon involved, yes.” 
“Those are like.. front row…”
“It’s called court side, but yes.” Noah laughed, “Please go?”
“Doesn’t Jack or like.. any of your guy friends want to go?” Brooke asked, sitting cross legged on the kitchen counter, eating a bag of pretzels. “Not that I don’t want to but I’m sure they’d be willing.”
“But I want you to go.” He leaned on the counter next to hear, flipping the two tickets in his hands. “Please?”
“How much time do I have to get ready?”
He glanced at the clock on the microwave, “Two hours.” He smiled up at her, shaking the gold and purple tickets. “We can go eat anywhere afterwards.”
“Anywhere…” He sighed, tilting his head on her leg, “Please just tell me you’ll go. Because I really want to go.”
“Awwww..” She messed with his hair, “He really wants to go.” She frowned, “If he gives me forty-five minutes I can be ready for a Laker game and In and Out.”
Brooke filmed the outside of the arena as they walked in their ‘private’ door before Noah put his face right in front of the camera and yelled, “GO LAKERS”.
Paparazzi caught them as they entered, Noah guided Brooke with his hand on her back, not answering any of the questions they were yelling.
As they entered the building they ran into someone Noah knew immediately, “Noah Centineo…” James Cordon shook his hand, his other held onto his son who was sporting a bright gold Laker’s jersey.
“Nice to see you again, James.” He waved down at the boy, “Hey little man.”
“This is my son, Max. He loves basketball games.” Max looked up at the both of them, “He has no idea what’s going on.” 
“This is my friend, Brooke.” He put his hand on her back as she shook James’ hand. “It’s her first Laker’s game. She also loves basketball.”
James took a picture of the four of them and shared it on his instagram. Both Brooke and Noah shared it to their stories as they sat down. A few fans noticed Noah and yelled at him across the court before the game started.
Brooke’s friends were texting her that she was on TV a lot and she had to laugh at some of the screen shots she got sent to her. But one caught her eye, it zoomed in on Noah and had a title on the TV screen, “Movie Star Noah Centineo” to inform all that were watching that he was there.
But Brooke didn’t notice that. Neither did her friends. They noticed his hand on her thigh, sitting there nonchalantly as they watched the game and didn’t see the camera zooming in across the court.
People caught pictures of them laughing together, Brooke whispering something in his ear, him stealing her popcorn, her resting her head on his shoulder for a selfie and of course, the internet went wild.
They were a trending topic, every news outlet had them on the front page, her instagram ‘tagged’ page kept continuously changing as his fan accounts posted images. 
Neither of them spoke a word. They smirked at each other as they left their seats after the game, she grabbed his arm and followed him through the crowded halls till they were outside. They needed to make it to the parking lot next to the stadium which required leaving the gated space and entering the public.
It seemed like hours but Brooke finally got her hands on In and Out, snacking on it as they made their way home and onto the kitchen counter where they ate most of their meals late at night.
“All of these pictures of us. Endless instagram opportunities. Good thing I wore a good outfit.” She scrolled through her instagram tags and saved a few, sipping the end of her milkshake.
Her feet dangled off the side of the counter as she answered back her million texts from friends. Normally she would hate the attention but for some reason she didn’t even care.
“Oh, this one’s cute.” She showed Noah her phone, a shot of them exiting the venue, holding hands, both smiling; until her phone started ringing ‘MOM’.
“Don’t tell anyone that I’m muting her call right now, I don’t want to talk anymore. She’s called me three times today.” 
“What about?”
“She said since it’s been six months I need to move out so she’s going to come out here to look for apartments with me since I can’t ‘do it on my own like an adult’.” She rolled her eyes, “My mom has no idea about apartments or neighborhoods around here.”
“So she wants you to move out?”
“It’s been six whole months.” She mimicked her mom, shaking her head. “Like I get it, but I really don’t want her to come help. She’ll be checking crime reports and make me get a place somewhere expensive so I’m not in danger.”
“You’re in danger everywhere in LA, does she know that?” He laughed, tossing their empty bags away before standing in front of her. “You’ll be in a cardboard box in Calabasas if she bases it off safety.”
“I’ve told her that so many times.” Brooke groaned, pushing her phone to the side as her mom texted her. 
“How about you tell her something else?”
“What? Tell her I’m moving home? Tell her I’m moving to the neighborhood full of gangs? Tell her I’m movi—
“Tell her I don’t want you to move out.” He rested his hands on her knees. “I want you here… with me…”
Brooke tried to hide her smile, “I’m sure that’ll go over well.”
“It’s safer than living alone, right?” His hands moved up the side of her legs, “Security system, good neighborhood, you’ve been here for six months already so why move?”
Brooke grabbed his cheeks, “Because it’s been six whole months.” She mimicked her mom again, watching him laugh and push his face against her hands. “You’re not serious, are you?”
“I’m very serious.” He moved closer, his hands went around her bottom and he rested his body between her legs, “I don’t want you to move out. I want you to stay here.”
“Wouldn’t it be… tricky… to continue…. this…. and for me to live with you?”
“It would be opposite of tricky, it’d be easier.” He winked, “Not that I would tell your mom that.”
“Oh now you’re going to talk to my mom about it?” She laughed, “Go ahead.”
“Hi, I don’t want Brooke to move out… I promise she’s not a pain…” He faked being on the phone, “No, no, I’m not just being nice…. yes I’m talking about the same Brooke…..” He fake laughed as her hands fell around his neck, “No she’s not annoying… opposite actually…” Brooke laughed, “….my friends get along with her fine, I promise… it’s just that…. I don’t want her to move out.. I think I’ve realized in the past…” he checked a fake watch, “...six years. That I really like Brooke… like reallllly like her.”
Brooke’s eyebrows rose up at the statement before she whispered back to him, “And I realllllly like you, Noah.”
He hung up his fake phone and stood up in front of her. He bit his lip and held back a laugh, looking down at her. His hand went up to her neck as he brought his face down to hers and they kissed. 
For the first time in six years, they kissed. 
“So you’ll tell your mom…?” He asked, his thumb rubbing along her jaw.
“That I’m not moving.” 
“Perrrrfect.” He smiled, picking her up and carrying her down the hall, kicking his door open, “I hope you don’t mind sleeping in here tonight.”
“Every night.” She quickly said back, tightening her grip on the curls at the top of his neck.
It made Noah stop in the middle of his room and smile before dropping her on to his bed and falling on top of her before repeating, “Every night.”
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Surprise, Mother Fucker...
Just to be clear, this is the first fanfic I have written for Supernatural. This one shot ends on a cliff hanger and I plan one writing a second part whether people read it or not. Writing fanfic has given me life and it is a new addiction. I would really like some feedback from those of you who read it.
Summary: Dean and Sam are running from Lucifer and they are forced to leave you behind. It’s okay though, because you have a plan...
Pairing: eventual Lucifer x reader (ft. Sam, Dean and a little bit of Cas)
Warnings: language and torture
Words: 1,668
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        There I was chained by the wrists and ankles to a steel chair. My body was littered with deep cuts, burn marks, and bruises. I had lost count of how many days since I had been captured and tortured. It felt like an eternity, but if I had to guess it had probably been about two or three days. I was being tortured for some information that was important to a certain archangel. The information was crucial to his evil plan to take over the world. He sounded like any other villain you hear about in comic books or movies except this guy, he was the Devil.
Four Days Earlier
        “You and Sam have to get out of here!” I yelled at Dean. The Winchester brothers were my whole world. Sam and Dean were the only family I had, and I loved them with all my heart. I met them five years ago on a hunt for a ghost and ever since then we had been a family.
        “(Y/N) we are not leaving you here to clean up our mess! You know for a fact he is going to come after you to get to us.” Dean argued. Lucifer has been searching for the brothers for a while now. Sam and Dean were apparently the true vessels for Lucifer and Michael and there was supposed to be some huge smackdown, drag out fight between the two of them. If you asked me it was just a bunch of family drama that went too far.
        “Dean you have no other choice than to leave. Lucifer is going to find you both if you don’t. He will kill you and probably torture Sam until he says yes to him.” I said trying to convince them to leave.
        “He will do anything to get whatever information he wants and then some. That means torture (Y/N) and I don’t know if I can have that over my head. We love you and we can’t put you in harm’s way just because of some fucked up destiny shit.” At this point Dean has me wrapped in his arms.
        “It’s going to be okay, I promise. I love you both so much and I need you both to leave.” Dean had let go of me and I found myself in a huge bear hug only Sam could give.
        “I’m so sorry (Y/N). We never meant to put you in this situation. Just know that we will come back for you. We aren’t leaving you behind.” Sam was telling me this while kissing the top of my head.
        I pushed myself out of his arms, “No! You have to stay away! Neither of you can come looking for me. Lucifer will be counting on that and you will be playing into his plan. Please promise me that no matter what happens you both will not look for me.” At this point I had begun to cry, and I could see tears starting to form in Sam and Dean’s eyes.
        “I promise everything is going to be okay. Now go!” I had said while trying to hold back my tears. It hurt like hell to see Dean and Sam pack up their stuff and drive off in Dean’s Impala, but it was for the best.
        A day later, just like clockwork, there he was Lucifer himself in front of me in my apartment.
        “Hello there little one.” Lucifer said with that devilish smile I had seen so many times before. “I think you know what I’m here for and I’m guessing you aren’t going to give it up willingly.” I looked at him with a cocky smirk and shook my head no. The next thing I knew I was chained to a steel chair in what I guessed was Hell.
Present Day
        I was physically and psychologically exhausted. I had been beaten, burned, and cut with every kind of knife you could imagine. Lucifer thought it was funny watching me scream while he burned my skin with an iron rod that had been sitting in a fire. He would have his goons slice and dice my skin and then beat the ever loving shit out of me. The worst part about it was when he was done torturing me for the day, he would use his grace to heal me so torturing me would be more pleasurable for him. Let’s just say I wasn’t enjoying my stay in Hell.
        I was slouched over in my chair when I heard someone opening the door to the room they were holding me in. His hand grabbed a fist full of my hair and yanked it up where I was looking at him. It was Lucifer of course.
        “You look like shit. You know, if you just give me the information I desire all of this torture will stop.” Lucifer was so cocky. He had a permanent smirk on his face.
        “It’s nice to see you too dear. What’s on the agenda today? A little bit of slicing or a beating made with love? Oh, oh, I know maybe a nice hot branding of my skin.” I sarcastically responded to him. He didn’t enjoy my jokes and he had done something I had never seen him do before. He was so furious at me that his eyes started to glow a bright red. I was surprised that, that didn’t scare me. I just stared into his eyes and smiled. “Oh, that glowing red eye trick looks good on you. Very sexy.” I was pretty sure he was going to kill me, but he didn’t.
        “You are testing my patience (Y/N)! I want to know where those lovely Winchester brothers are and one way or another you are going to tell me!” he is inches from my face and all I did was stare into his eyes.
        “I have been telling you this the whole time, I. DO. NOT. KNOW. They left and didn’t say where they were going. You know I’m telling the truth because you can read my thoughts and I’m pretty sure you have been inside my head.” After mentioning that, he glared at me. He knew I was right, but he was curious about something else. He had backed himself away from me and started pacing in front of me.
        “Okay maybe I have been going through that pretty little head of yours, but I am convinced that deep down you have a pretty good idea of where they would run off to. I am curious about one other thing though. Normally people see me, and they are terrified. They cower in my presence, but you, you don’t fear me. You are a peculiar little human. I have to admit I’m a little drawn to you for some reason. I was even drawn to you the many times we met before this.” Lucifer was whispering this to me. His lips ghosted over my ear.
        “Well I would say I’m flattered but you being the Devil and all… On a serious note, one of the reasons I am not scared of you is because that is what you feed off of. People’s fear is what gets you excited and fuels your inner bitch. You are nothing but a coward and deep down you know that. In order for you to feel powerful you have to terrify people and that is so sad that it almost makes me feel sorry for you. Do you wanna know the other reason I’m not scared of you? Because I can see your wings Lucifer and I have a feeling you know what that means.”
The boys, Cas, and I had just gotten back from having a run in with Lucifer. We were almost killed, but there was something weird going on. I couldn’t understand why I could see Lucifer’s wings. When we fighting for our lives I looked around to Cas, Sam, and Dean and it seemed like they weren’t able to see his wings. They were beautiful. The top of them were white and as they progressed down to the tips they faded into black. I’m guessing that’s where they had gotten burnt when he fell from Heaven. I didn’t want to startle Cas with this question, so I waited a couple of days to ask it. I had a pretty good idea of what it meant though.
        “Cas, I have a question.”
        “What is it (Y/N)?”
        “Is it possible for angels to have soulmates?” he was caught off guard by this question.
        “Yes, it is possible for an angel to have a soulmate. Their soulmates are normally humans. The only way the human knows that their soulmate is an angel is because they can see their wings, but no one else can.” Castiel was very curious as to why I would ask this, so he asked me why I was so curious.
        “I got curious the other day about soulmates, so I did some research and one of the lore books mentioned that angels have soulmates, but that was all it said.” I tried to hide the shock I was feeling off of my face.
        I couldn’t believe I had a soulmate and what was more shocking was that it was Lucifer.
        All Lucifer could do was stare at me. No words came out of his mouth and the lack of words did worry me a little bit.
        “What did you just say?” Lucifer asked with disbelief on his face.
        “I’m not scared of you because I am your soulmate. I can see your wings Lucifer. They are white at the top but then they start to fade to black as they go down to the tips of them. Am I wrong?”
        Lucifer was trying to process what he had just heard. He stood in front of me with a blank stare and then he turned his back to me and hastily walked out of the room.
“Well that was awkward. I think I just ruined his evil plan.”
Part Two Here
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