#int max value
fyon-luna-13 · 6 months
I dunno if tumblr is the right place to ask BUT!
I have a problem in Java:
I can create a long[] array and fill it with all the values from 0L to my long number.
But if I want to access a slot that's after ~2.4 billion, it says "possibly lossy conversion from long to int".
I tried to avoid the issue using some simple mathematics but it only got rid of the message, doesn't fix my problem tho.
Any ideas?
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edgepunk · 1 year
I love how you can play as a dumbass bisexual in FNV truly the game of all time
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ryuuseirune · 25 days
i love the attention to detail in RF4. it's been over a decade and i still keep discovering new things about the game. new dialogue, new mechanics, new things to do.
just yesterday, i learned that tamed monsters have effort values (EVs) like in Pokemon. each monster you defeat with a new monster in your party gives you one point towards one of four stats (HP/VIT, DEF, INT, STR) with a max of 25 per stat and 50 points total. different monsters give you different points - for examples, woolies give HP while Weagles (flying birds) give INT. for every point in a stat, you get a percent increase that scales with time. also, HP counts twice (so you get a 50% increase if you have 25 pts in HP). there's no way to reset your points so you just have to do it fresh every time you tame a monster. add this on top of the 100 defeated monsters per day = more HP mechanic and the feeding/gifting your monsters stuff once per day = more stats mechanic and you have the opportunity to create the most stacked creature on the planet.
the forging/upgrading system's also so deeply complex, especially when it comes to staffs and boss drops. staff upgraded with wind dragon tooth > dragon bones > rainbow waterpot just nukes everything and trivializes the harder boss fights in late game as long as you dodge everything. thank you homing laser.
anyway i love this game so much. can’t wait for the new one <3
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dravenxivuk · 8 months
My paladin finally lost their oath! All it took was reaching max level then helping Astarion to ascend.
7000 souls is a small price to pay for a powerful not-boyfriend* and some bonus necrotic powers in my opinion.
Honestly, the only surprise is that it took Poppy this long to lose it given her bestie is my Wife's durge, who is very much embracing the urges. We have done some dreadful things together.**
*Poppy's very confused, Astarion keeps calling her beautiful and has high-approval but refused to do the dryad game at the circus. (We think because one of Wife's durge scenes triggered in Act 2 at the point we were expecting the Astarion scene.) So far Poppy's spite-banged the Emperor, the drow guy at the brothel (for the most boring sex ever, funniest cut scene I've seen in ages) and Haarlep. And let Haarlep use her body. And sneered at Astarion when he commented on that, because it's not like he wanted it.
**Both Poppy and Durge are low Int. Minthara is the brains of the outfit and we value her guidance. Until this point Astarion has mostly been tagging along wondering what the fuck he's doing hanging out with us. Shadowheart lives in camp on her own.
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mitziholder · 11 months
do you feel as negatively about lesbians writing F/F fanfic as you do about the state of fanfic / how women engage with fanfic overall?
that is a fair question. fujos and (het) self-inserters are an easy target because they’re the majority of fic writers, and since most of everything is bad, there is naturally going to be a lot of really really bad man-centric fic. it’s easy to complain about them because of that. I’m sure there is also a lot of really terribly written f/f content too, very little of which touches on anything I’m actually interested in reading about. do I believe it’s literally impossible to write anything of value if you’re using other people’s characters? no, that would be absurd. but I’ll quote myself from an older, deleted blog:
“I just find it weird how fanfic, generally speaking, has homogenized to the point that in nearly every single fandom for every single book, movie, show, every genre and every medium, all have basically the same stories with the same plots and tropes no matter where you look. if you check every fandom it will be heavily weighted toward m/m, slash, yaoi, whatever the term is nowadays… and for the most part, even if explicit fic is a minority within the fandom itself, the most popular fic will always be porn or long fic that includes porn.”
“…it seems to always, in my experience, utilize a terribly pedestrian narrative style. combine that with shared tropes and source materials and the majority of fanfic has you reading the same things over and over with little variation other than maybe a different perspective. I can count on one hand the number of fics that have impressed me with experimentation! the vast majority are just… blah. blah blah. these two characters have sex. these two characters pine for each other for a really long time and then have sex.”
those posts were written a few years ago, but they’re still true. and the reasons for that are fairly simple: fanfic is, by its very nature, derivative, and the barrier to entry (publishing) is extremely low, making it easy for children + less skilled writers to throw their hats in. in addition, there is a strong, decades-old taboo against “unsolicited concrit,” which is expressed as “don’t like, don’t read.”
when you put all of these things together, what you get is a community that is A) very repetitive and B) very averse to challenging itself. that is not the recipe for genuine and raw artistic expression. it’s mass-produced unedited shit from people chasing the high of their favorite tropes. they are not interested in improving.
you have people who will admit to reading nothing but fanfic! and the people who read nothing but fanfic will go on to write more fanfic, at which point the cycle of degradation is unavoidable, because all they want is more of what fanfic offers: predictable, clearly labeled content made according to a formula that has been perfected for the broadest appeal + max kudos.
fanfic readers love tropes. they live for tropes. their “plotting” (lol), their dialogue, their characters and character dynamics are saturated with tropes. that’s why YA literature is starting to market itself on the basis of tropes - they sell! little soundbites. easy money. because fanfic readers are generally not interested in anything that might surprise them. they don’t like risk. that’s why they’re reading the same shit about the same characters over and over and over again. and these tropes, which are picked from and regurgitated into fic after fic after fic, become further and further removed from any genuine expression of human emotion. they become abstract. nonsensical. for the most part, fetish fodder. and if that is the only thing you’re reading……. It’s literally over🙁
because most fanfic is about sex or romance, because most fanfic is written by women, and because most women are heterosexual, f/f content is considerably rarer than the alternatives. writing about women does marginally broaden the scope of what fanfic is interested in/capable of exploring, but it doesn’t solve the main, underlying problem of what fanfic is and how people (mostly women) engage with it.
are there some good lesbian fanfics out there? probably! but that isn’t the norm. is it the end of the world if you read fanfic? no! but also read real books and write something original please.
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voidbornmenace · 11 months
Stay at Home Gale: How to Maximize At Camp Characters
I will have plenty of notes throughout that describe useful tips or make how effective a feature is clear, however I do want to state at the top. If you are playing single player, it is possible to get a full party of custom characters from the beginning. What this allows you to do is have 3 extra characters for Camp. For me personally I would have these spare Custom characters do camp builds rather than Origin characters (except Gale, but we'll get into that later). Combined with the 3 Hirelings you can get from Withers means you can have 3 free characters whose sole purpose is to provide value to your party (said value will be tallied up at the end).
Note: you don't need the 3 custom characters, you can just use regular companions, I won't judge. You can also make the 3 custom characters and use companions, and frankly you'd make me proud.
Build 1: Pharmacy Wizard
Wizard 2 (Transmutation) → Rogue 1 (expertise Medicine) → Wizard 6 → Cleric 3
17 str / 8 dex / 14 con / 10 int / 16 wis / 8 cha
Experimental Alchemy (Wizard 2)
You brew two Alchemical Solutions instead of one when combining extracts, if you succeed a Difficulty Class 15 Medicine Check.
By level 5 (first ASI for this build) with 18 wisdom, it has a +10 to this check
At level 12 with 20 Wisdom, it +13 to the check
When making solutions, give them guidance and self cast owl’s wisdom for +1d4 and advantage on the checks.
Camp Spells (Wizard)
Light, Longstrider, Mage Armor, Darkvision, Enhance Ability (Owl’s Wisdom on Self)
Transmuter’s Stone (Wizard 6)
Store some of your transmutation magic in a small stone. A creature carrying the stone gains a benefit of your choice.
Transmuter's Stone: Constitution: Create a stone that grants the carrier Proficiency in Constitution saving throws.
Transmuter's Stone: Darkvision: Create a stone that lets the carrier see in the dark out to a range of 18 m / 60 ft.
Transmuter's Stone: Speed: Create a stone that increases the carrier's movement speed by  3 m / 10 ft.
Transmuter's Stone: Resistance: Create a stone that grants the carrier Resistance to Acid, Cold, Fire, Lightning, or Thunder.
Camp Spells (Cleric)
Aid, Protection from Poison, Warding Bond
Note: By 12th level (or 11th without the rogue levels) this character can cast max level Aid
Note: Gale has the NPC feature Regains hit points while not in your party, so Gale can cast Warding Bond on all 4 party members and likely never die. The game will tell you it's 1d8+3 restoration and be usable a number of times equal to his level, this is a lie. It's unlimited use and fully restores him. The only instance where he can die is if he takes too much damage before he can heal (taking Warding Bond damage staggers him, delaying his heal by about 3-4 seconds). If you want him, and by extension your warding bonds to be as safe as possible, make him go Cleric 3 / Barbarian 9. Get him to 20 Con (18 Con from an ASI, and +2 Con from The Dwarven Splintmail or Enraging Heart Garb) and grab Tough. Even if he is your Pharmacist and not this damage sponge build, Enraging Heart Garb, and him being in the radius of Aid/Heroes' Feast Spells when give him more survivability. Damage he can take can also be reduced by resistances.
Note: You can very easily have 4 stay at home Transmutation Wizards so your full party can have Transmuter Stones. The strongest stones are Con save Proficiency and Speed, the weakest is Darkvision (effectively useless). You only need 1 character to have a level in Rogue for the expertise in Medicine, and that will be your Alchemy Solution crafter for the whole game.
Build 2: Tons of Healing
Life Cleric 11 / Druid 1
Camp Spells
Goodberry, Warding Bond, Freedom of Movement, Deathward, Heroes’ Feast
Spell Slot Usage: 4th level on Deathwards. 6th on Heroes’ Feast. Everything else on Goodberry
10 Spell slots (4 1st, 3 2nd, 3 3rd, 2 5th): 48 Goodberries
Build 3: A spare Bard
Valor Bard 10
Gives the whole party a d10 inspiration and Freedom of Movement. Can also give Goodberries via magical secrets or a level dip into Druid. This character also gives you an extra short rest.
In total, with 7 characters (3 Custom/3 Hirelings/ 1 Gale) you get:
Longstrider: +10ft movement
Mage Armor: 13+Dex AC to anyone not wearing armor
Darkvision: 40ft Darkvision to anyone without it from elsewhere
Warding Bond on all your party members: +1 to AC and all saves, resistance to all damage.
Heroes' Feast: +12 Max HP, Frightened and Poison Immunity, Free Camp Supplies
Aid: +25 Max HP
Combat Inspiration: d10 (and +1 Short rest)
Death Ward on all party members: first time you are reduced to 0 hp you instantly regain 1 hit point
Freedom of Movement on all party members: Movement Speed can't be reduced by Difficult Terrain, spells or magical effects. Can't be Paralyzed or Restrained
Transmuter Stones: Either Con save Proficiency or +10ft movement
Note: I can't test this at the moment but I don't see any reason you can't have transmutation wizards give +10ft speed and Con save proficiency to everyone who lacks it by having 5+ Transmutation Wizards.
48 or more Goodberries (at least 48d4 out of combat healing)
Note: the Periapt of Wound Closure can be passed around out of combat so all the d4s will be 4s.
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clericofsune · 2 years
Piety Boons for DnD 5e: Sune
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Sune is the Faerunian Goddess of love, beauty, and passion. She holds sway over the whims and desires of mortals, driving them to love, crave, and create. Her highest ranking priests and priestesses are known as Heartwarders. The Order of the Red Rose is her faith militant, which safeguard the temples and clergymen devoted to her. Though her primary sphere is love and beauty, she is also the patron of all artists and craftsmen, blessing them with skilled hands and wondrous imagination. In this way, she ensures that life is beautiful in all ways, and she pities any who would deny themselves of their passions out of fear or shame. Her two primary Exarchs are Liira, the goddess of Joy, and Sharess, the goddess of cats.
Her alignment is Chaotic Good. Sune values above all else freedom. Freedom to be, do, explore, and create whatever one pleases, and follow where their heart leads them. Even clerics devoted to the goddess are known to step away from the church to pursue other desires without ever incurring the goddess’ wrath. As the goddess of beauty, Sune abhors all things which mock and tarnish the beauty and pleasure that is a mortal existence. Fiends, undead, and anything rotted, diseased, or mutilated disgusts her. However, her anger can be misguided, such as her displeasure for scars and physical imperfections, which can cause her to come off as superficial and judgmental.
Seek out and enjoy life’s pleasures and revel in your passions
Follow your heart wherever it may guide you
Compose or commission works of art
Impart knowledge of fashion, art, cosmetics, and etiquette to others
Destroy anything which tarnishes the beauty of this world or its people
Destroy armies which threaten the stability of the world
Restore and beautify damaged structures, landscapes, and communities
Bring lovers together, or help lovers overcome social obstacles to love
Build or restore a temple to Sune
Deny yourself your passions out of fear or shame
Practice necromancy and other unholy arts
Tarnish the beauty of the world or the creatures within it
Willfully upset the balance of the world for personal gain
Willfully tarnish your outer appearance, especially through necromancy
Consort with Baalzebul, Ssendam, Evil Gods, other fiends, or undead
Condemn the love, relationships, and passions of others
Tear lovers apart, stand in the way of love, or deride the value of love
Destroy or desecrate a temple to Sune
3+ = You can cast Charm Person or Color Spray (choose only 1) 10+ = You can cast Hypnotic Pattern. 25+ = Friendly creatures within 30 feet gain +2 to their AC as well as their INT, WIS, and CHA saving throws. This includes you. 50 + = Increase your CHA or WIS by 2 and increase your max for that score by 2
Far Traveler
Guild Artisan
College of Creation
College of Eloquence
College of Glamour
College of Valour
Conclave of the Fey Wanderer
Oath of the Ancients
Oath of the Crown
Oath of Devotion
Swashbuckler Rogue
Archfey Patron
Celestial Patron
School of Enchantment
Divine Soul Origin
A ritualistic morning bath in scented water is preferred, though if water or perfumes are scarce, a ritualistic washing of the hands can suffice.
Sunites that wish to commune with their goddess must stand in water and look into a mirror or reflective surface lit by natural light or candle light.
The Feast of Love is held every Tenday. Dine on exquisite delicacies, whether exuberant or humble as time and availability allows. Even just stopping to savor a pastry or a slice of cheese can suffice in the wilderness.
The Grand Revel is hosted once per month from dawn to dusk, with Sunites displaying artwork of great beauty, donning elaborate costume and hairstyle, performing beautiful works of music, dance, or recitation, or engaging in pageantry and showmanship. This event is open to the public.
On Greengrass, the first day of Spring, Sunites take their jubilations outdoors to engage in picnics, romantic strolls, amorous dalliances, playful chases, and public performances to celebrate the rebirth and liveliness of spring.
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krcdgamedev · 5 months
Time for EXP and leveling system
For the demo project I'm going to do something simple, and a bit different from teh Pokeymans. Every level will require 100 EXP, but the EXP you get from a mon decreases as the level gap increases (like gen V). Each mon tracks which of your mons has participated in its downfall. How this is done varies by Pokemon game- if your opponent switches mons, in some games this resets the tracking and in some games it doesn't. There's literally no trainers or AI at the moment sooo let's just add it to the battlecomp object (the in-battle companion object thing… I still need a better name for that). Probably any tracking of an entire trainer's team worth of participation would be handled by the battle engine object and thus on a game-by-game basis, at the user's disgression. Just have a dictionary to throw it in to. Anyway, the thing will be a simple array of booleans, indexed into by the mon's spot in your party, max size equal to the max party size (which could be defined game-by-game but I'll put that together later). For fainted mons, their bool will be set to false before EXP is calculated and distributed. Individual species also need a base EXP yield, but let's assume they're all the same for now.
I'll start building the system from an example. Say your mon is level 5, you beat a level 5 mon one-on-one (no EXP split between other members)… let's say it should take like 2-3 of those to level up. So like 50-33 EXP. As you level up and keep fighting the same mons, let's say it should take one more mon each level to level up. So, EXP gain goes to 33-25, 25-20, 20-16… Basically, 100/(level gap + ~2.5). Now that introduces the little problem of division by zero… actually, wait, no it doesn't, because you're adding a .5 to an int value. But that's not ideal either, dividing 100 by .5 gives you 200 which is probably too much. And if it goes negative, so does the EXP yield. So, if you're lower level than the opponent, let's have an EXP curve that starts at a bit over 50 and approaches 100 without exceeding it. Something like 100*n/n+1 where n is the gap. n=1 is exactly 50, n=2 is 2/3rds of 100 which is ~67… That's good enough. The main thing is just to have an equation that takes in all the relevant numbers and gives a value that properly scales. Maybe n+.9 as the denominator to shift it upwards a bit. For splitting EXP between participants I'd like it to be a bit more than 1/n each. Maybe for two mons they each get 2/3rds, then 3 or more it's 1/(n-1). These functions will be handled by the battle engine object so users can easily customise them, as is already done with damage calculation. On opponent faint, it'll go like- create an array of floats (rounding should be the last step; although it's not like the initial array type really matters in GDscript shrug). Calculate the base division of EXP (eg, count the trues in the participant array, divide the fainted opponent's base EXP by that number and plop that into the float array slots of the mons in question), then go through each value and apply mon-specific modifiers (level gap, if the mon is holding a Lucky Egg or equivalent, if the mon is from another trainer, what have you). If EXP share is involved do the same thing for whoever's affected by that (non-fainted non-participants, plus participants who were holding the EXP share get that amount added to their total or however you want to handle that). Finally, apply EXP gain to each mon.
It always kind of bugged me that a level 1 mon in Gen V would get such a huge bonus to their EXP gain the whole way through, even though they level up in the process of… uh, levelling up. I'd have to think about how to deal with that- something like, at each level gained, recalculate the remaining EXP with that level, and if it's then under the amount to level up, give that much and stop. (Don't want to recursively apply the decrease for higher levels) But that could also be dealt with by curbing the EXP boost better for higher level gaps.
This system will be a lot easier to work on with the ability to check a mons current EXP, so maybe it's time to get the menu working. Also, this would be a good time to start working with project-specific monster class/objects inheriting from the default one.
A problem people had with the Gen V EXP formula was that grinding to level 100 was a pain- there's no wild Pokemon that high, and for flavor reasons there probably shouldn't be. I'm not going to implement it in the demo project because there's no progression in that at all, but an idea I had to fix this was, instead of decreasing EXP when your mon is a higher level, have a progression-based level cap, and have EXP decrease based on that. So, once you clear the game, there's no debuff on Pokemon gaining EXP as they approach level 100. There's a few other benefits too- for example, traded Pokemon won't overlevel and become disobedient due to the trade EXP boost, so disobedience is just a measure to keep ypu from trading in a high-level mon and sweeping the game, not something that makes a traded mon harder to use in general. Also, this helps address overleveling due to forced always-on EXP share without forcing you to let your favorite mons rot in the box, I hate Shigeru Ohmori… This sounds similar to what some challenge runs have as a restriction, to keep your mons under the gym leader's level, or some fangames that implement a hard cap and you stop gaining EXP at all past that, but I'd like to make it less… blunt. I envision a "soft" cap past which your EXP is cut for every level over it (so basically the level gap cut, but based on a set level rather than your opponent's level). This way, you're discouraged from going over the level cap and are unlikely to go over it by accident, but if you really need to you can do some extra grinding. Also, there's no need to tie it directly to gym badges. Flavor it as the player character having an epiphany and understanding their Pokemon better, and you can have it tied to any event- for example in X and Y there's a large gap between the first two gym leaders, so you might tie the second cap raise to the first encounter with Flare instead.
So I've begun implementing it.
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Yeah that's probably right. I haven't actually put in gaining the EXP yet- like I said that's waiting for menu and class updates- but basic calculation and distribution seems to be working.
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niqhtlord01 · 2 years
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D&D Villain: The Herd Master
D&D villain: The Herd Master (Human Warlock)
Lore: Deep within the isolated regions of the countryside lay the ruins of many farms and villages that have been destroyed by the ravages of war. One such forgotten hamlet was a small collection of farms and hovels that had once been known as Kendelberg.
Having been reported destroyed some twenty years ago and never repopulated, the ghostly remains have found a new gathering of residents who are far from the kindly welcoming sort. For it is here that an evil warlock known only as the “Herd Master” has claimed dominion.
Rumored to have once been a farmer himself before losing his entire family in a brutal raid, the human turned to darker powers to exact his revenge at the world at large. Yet unlike others who trade their souls to a singular demon, the Herd Master has found a better use for his connection to demons and spirits.
In the dead of night the Herd master would roam village to village and snatch away a person or two before bringing them back to his lair. It was here that he would drag them to a basement and toss them inside a rusted metal cage; their only company a farm animal of some kind already occupying the cage.
The victims would threaten and plead with the warlock but he would just as quickly leave the room and not return for several days.
Trapped inside the darkened basement, the victims would slowly succumb to starvation or thirst, turning their savage gaze upon the animal that shared their cage. With ravenous hunger they devour the animal and thus seal their fate.
The warlock made pacts with many demons and put them into the bodies of the farm animals that were locked within the cage alongside the victims. When the poor soul devoured the animal it opened the doorway for the demon to pass on to the new host and begin to change them.
Flesh of man and animal would merge, twisting and deforming painfully as the demon took over and created a beastman. The Warlock would then return and release the new beastman who, in exchange for being given physical form, would serve the warlock for the duration of six years. After six years the beastman was given their freewill once more to do as they wish.
While many high ranking demons refused such crude methods, swarms of lower demons, who were weaker and unable to breach the barrier between worlds, actively sought out the warlock’s services. For each one held their own dark designs on the mortal realm, and a mere six years of servitude was a small price to pay for an all-powerful physical body.
Over the span of time the Herd Master’s herd grew to considerable size that no longer would he sneak in the dark for a mere handful of victims, but would send out his servants to capture entire towns and drag them back to his metal cages for convergence.
Stats: Armor Class 12 (15 with mage armor)
Hit Points 35 (5d8)
Speed 30 ft.
Abilities Str 8 (-1), Dex 14 (+1), Con 12 (+0), Int 16 (+1), Wis 16 (+1), Cha 17 (+3)
Saving Throws Wis +4, Cha +6
Skills Arcana +4, Deception +6
Senses darkvision 120 ft., passive Perception 12
Skills: Summon the Herd Blowing into a special horn, the Herd Master can summon his beastmen servants to him. Roll a D6 and the value it shows will be the number of beastmen that arrive. (Ex: Rule a 4 and four beastmen appear.) Can only be used three times per encounter with a gap of three turns between uses. Cannot be used if Herd Master has been silenced or their throat/ mouth has been damaged.
Feast Selecting a nearby beastman, the Herd Master devours them and gains 8 hit points back as health. (Cannot exceed max health of character) The beastman dies during the process.
Cage of Choices If a player character is defeated by a beastman they will not die but instead be taken back to the Herd Master’s lair and placed in an iron cage. There they are stripped of all physical possessions and placed in said iron cage with a demonic animal. There are several outcomes that can happen next which include:
- The player escapes the cage using their skills or magic abilities and can either fight through the beastman lair or sneak out to rejoin the main party.
- The party can attempt to rescue their comrade but must reach the lair and free them before they starve to death. (if their species does not need food ignore this outcome, they will remain locked up unless they can escape on their own.)
-  The player who has been captured may eat the demonic animal within their cage and become a beastman servant of the Herd Master. Their current skillset will remain unchanged save for their strength and dexterity which will increase each by +5.
- If the player’s species does require food, should they not be rescued before reaching their starvation point nor eat the demonic animal in their cage the player will starve to death. There will be no chance to revive the body as at this point the Herd Master will used the carcass to feed the other Beastmen.
Actions: Multiattack. The warlock makes two attacks with its daggers. The second attack has disadvantage.
Daggers. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) piercing damage.
Light Crossbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 6 (1d8 + 2) piercing damage.
Beastmen: These stats are what will be used for the beastmen that accompany the Herd Master. Armor Class 18 (Thick Hide)
Hit Points 77 (9d8 + 36)
Speed 12m.
18(+4) 16(+3) 18(+4) 6(-2) 14(+2) 8(-1) Saving Throws Str +8
Skills Athletics +8, Stealth +7, Survival +6
Senses darkvision, passive Perception 12
Languages Beast Tongue
Challenge 4 (1100 XP)
Skills: Beast Charge. If the bestigor moves at least 6m toward a target and then hits it with a gore attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 7 (2d6) piercing damage. If the target is a creature, it must succeed on a DC 14 Strength saving throw or be pushed up to 3m and knocked prone.
Frenzy.While in combat the bestigor has advantage on saving throws against charm and fear effects. In addition it can dash as a bonus action.
Reckless.The bestigor throws aside all concern for defense to attack with fierce desperation. Strength based melee attacks have advantage for this round of combat, but attacks against the bestigor also have advantage.
Actions: Multiattack. The bestigor makes two attacks with its greataxe and one gore attack with its horns.
Greataxe. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 1,5m, one target. Hit: 10 (1d12 + 4) slashing damage.
Gore. Melee Weapon Attack: +8 to hit, reach 1,5m, one target. Hit: 11 (2d6 + 4) piercing damage.
Campaign Usage:
The Herd Master can be used as a main villain or mini boss for the scenario you have.
If used as a main villain the party would need to search the countryside after hearing reports of missing villages and mayors/governors/kings wishing to discover the source. The longer the party takes to investigate, track down, and eventually confront the Herd Master determines the size of the Herd he has at his side. This could range from a small handful of maybe a dozen or so, to a small army of a few hundred or thousand ready to wreak havoc across the land.
The longer he remains active and undiscovered allows him to send out more raiding parties of beastmen which in turn make it more difficult to narrow down his location as each band will range in different distances.
If used as a mini boss the Herd Master is to be considered a third party antagonist to your scenario, and to not be affiliated with your main villain. He prefers to work independently and will use the chaos caused by the current main villain to strike.
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colorisbyshe · 1 year
Do you mind if I ask your top 10 favorite characters (can be male or female) from all of the media that you loved (can be anime/manga, books, movies or tv series)? And why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before.....Thanks...
Thank you for asking!!!!! Love a chance to talk about myself.
The way I got this ask and like IMMEDIATELY forgot any piece of media I have ever consumed?? If I forgot any of my faves... sorry to them!!
Also, a running theme for most of my faves is that they have overcome being otherized and/or trauma and came out being pettier and more self righteous, lol.
Uchiha Sasuke from Naruto. Pettiest bitch alive and he DESERVES IT! Should be pettier.
Wei Wuxian from MDZS/The Untamed. Went through hell, kinda literally, and did awful things but still chose to do the right thing, every single fucking time.
Fenris from Dragon Age. Watching him emerge from such an awful place and learn to let people in, while remaining sooo rough around the edges, was lovely.
Spock!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! From both TOS and AOS, less so from Disco/SNW, because he's just so fucking funny and also watching him be so repressed and then be forced out of that repression is fun. I love him. Baby boy.
Joy from EEAAO. Loved watching her anger, loved watching her creativity, and I loved watching her anger make her mother change. I love that she was able to give up the anger because she was finally seen and her hurt was legitimized.
***** ****** from ******* ******** because *runs away*
NGL.... it's still my boy Edward Elric. In many ways, I should let him go. But he was my first rep of atheism in literally the funniest fucking way ("Yeah I've seen God but... nah.") and I still enjoyed his journey, even if I now have major issues with the narrative and apologism and recognize Scar as a far more compelling character than Edward. Sorry to everyone but when I saw Edward at age.... 13, I did not realize what war crime apologism looked like. At least I let go of stanning Mustang. Cause I wanted that man carnally for a long time.
Sook-hee from The Handmaiden. Watching her fuck shit up was cathartic.
I need to finish my watch through (bingewatching two seasons in a week was mentally taxing, tbh) but Flint and Max from Black Sails. Again... love a selfish character who has felt left behind by the world and so they take what they can from the world. They deserve it!
Recency bias I guess but I'm REALLY loving Frieren from... Frieren. Watching her learn to value other people while going around with her lil :3 face is nice.
I feel like this list is leaving a lot of faves out--my lovely Sailor Jupiter who I imprinted on like a baby duck and have carried in my heart ever since, Dimitri Fire Emblem, Qifrey, and probably so many more. The characters that I love just for horny reasons (Yae Miko, Kaveh, Tighnari my beloveds). Characters I love for their potential (Finn, Poe, and Rey from Star Wars)(Also Cassian but I guess I could love him more if I watched Andor but I will not be watching Disney+ shows.) Characters who I love now (Louis, Lestat, Claudia from IWTV the show) but haven't finished their arcs yet, so idk how I'll feel int he future. Etc etc.
I will also say that this list feels a biiiiiit swayed by characters who I have experienced more in fandom. There are characters from one off books, video games, comics that I CONNECT with more, maybe idolized more, but engage with less often because there's no fandom, so they come to mind less immediately. And they've been butchered less by fanon, so I don't project onto them as much. Like they are FULLER vessels, which means they have less room for me to go "Oh, yeah, we are exactly the same. Let me into your brain."
This list is mainly of characters I love to play with like bratz dolls in my brain and is less about like... maybe heavily fucking with them while consuming their media and then being able to let them go when I'm done.
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crossoverworldtree · 2 years
Name: Hooded Guardian Motivation: Guard, Orders Critter Type: Demon Attributes: Str 7, Dex 3, Con 7, Int 3, Per 4, Will 7 Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 16, Brains 16 Life Points: 66/81 (Chatturgha only) Drama Points: 1 Special Abilities: Sorcery 3, Armor Value (Wings Only) 30 (Must open wings to attack), Maddening presence (Roll Fear per turn at increasing -1 levels, rate of 1 per 2 turns, to a max of -10), Alignment (Chattur'gha: Hard to Kill 5; Ulyaoth: Nanjin Adept, Blind, Hover; Xel'lotath: Maddening Presence at an additional -1 per turn),
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Bite - 16 - 11 - Slash/Stab Sting - 16 - 25 - Slash/Stab Magic - 19 - Varies - By Spell (Summon, Magic Attack, Heal)
Hooded Guardians are strange, dome-like creatures with scythe-like tails and skull-like faces. The dome opens up into bat-like wings when it attacks, revealing a skeletal body. The armor only applies to the domed wing form and face. The underbelly is soft and vulnerable--relatively.
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Name: Lesser Guardian of Ullyaoth Motivation: Ullyaoth's will Critter Type: Demon Attributes: Str 4, Dex 4, Con 10, Int 3, Per 4, Will 6 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 16, Brains 14 Life Points: 85 Drama Points: 3 Special Abilities: Sorcery 5, Spells Known (Recover, Magic Attack, Summon Trapper, Summon Zombie, Protection Field, Shield,), Short Range Teleportation: 1 yard per SL, Armor Value 8, Hard to Kill 6, Attractiveness -10, Attacks put a -1 to magical abilities
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Magic - 25 - Varies - By Spell Claw - 16 - 16 - Slash/Stab
This creature is a shrimp-like animal with squid features that lives in ancient cities built long ago by the Elder Things. They live in such cities as other Guardians do.
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Name: Lesser Guardian of Chattur'gha Motivation: Chatturghas Will Critter Type: Demon Attributes: Str 10, Dex 2, Con 5, Int 3, Per 4, Will 6 Ability Scores: Muscle 26, Combat 16, Brains 14 Life Points: 100 Drama Points: 3 Special Abilities: Sorcery 5, Reduced Damage (Unaffected by all non-alignment-based multipliers), Spells Known (Recover, Magic Attack, Summon Trapper, Summon Zombie, Protection Field, Shield,), Short Range Teleportation: 1 yard per SL, Armor Value 8, Hard to Kill 10, Attractiveness -10
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Claw - 16 - 24 - Slash/Stab Magic - 25 - Varies - By Spell Bite - 14 - 13 - Slash/Stab
These creatures appear as asymmetrical crab animals and have a cruel disposition.
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Name: Lesser Gaurdian of Xel'lotath Motivation: Xel'lotaths Will Critter Type: Demon Attributes: Str 7, Dex 4, Con 7, Int 5, Per 4, Will 4 Ability Scores: Muscle 20, Combat 16, Brains 14 Life Points: 84 Drama Points: 3 Special Abilities: Sorcery 5, Spells Known (Recover, Magic Attack, Summon Trapper, Summon Zombie, Protection Field, Shield,), Short Range Teleportation: 1 yard per SL, Armor Value 8, Hard to Kill 6, Emotional Influence (Madness), Attractiveness -12
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Claw - 16 - 24 - Slash/Stab Magic - 25 - Varies - By Spell Bite - 14 - 13 - Slash/Stab
They are literally skin and bones of two corpses tied together at the hips like conjoined twins. How they work is a mystery, all that is known is that they do.
Black Guardians are massive creatures called forth to guard important Artifacts. They resemble their patrons greatly.
Name: Black Guardian of Chattur'gha Motivation: Chattur'ghas will Critter Type: True Demon Attributes: Str 20, Dex 4, Con 10, Int 3, Per 3, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 46, Combat 18, Brains 11 Life Points: 215 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Alignment, Sorcery 10, Damage Reduction (Unaffected by non-alignment-based damage multipliers), Natural Weapons (Claw, Tongue, Bite), Spells Known (Recover, Summon Zombie), Armor Value 25, Increased Life Points +70, Supernatural Attack (Claw Cannon, Major, Ranged, Enchanted Barrier), Weakness (Aligned attacks ignore armor), Telepathy 3, Attractiveness -12, Hard to Kill 5, Occultism +3
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Claw - 18 - 65 - Slash/Stab Claw Slam - 18 - 85 - Bash Tongue - 18 - 15 - Bash, Grapples Bite - 18 - 25 - Slash/Stab, gains +2 if grapples target Claw Cannon - 18 - 35 - Bash Magic - 21 - Varies - By Spell
Name: Black Guardian of Ullyaoth Motivation: Ullyaoth's Will Critter Type: True Demon Attributes: Str 10, Dex 4, Con 10, Int 5, Per 4, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 26, Combat 18, Brains 14 Life Points: 200 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Alignment, Sorcery 15, Damage Reduction (Unaffected by non-alignment-based damage multipliers), Spells Known (Recover, Summon Zombie, Summon Attack Spheres), Armor Value 25, Increased Life Points +110, Weakness (Aligned attacks ignore armor), Telepathy 3, Attractiveness -12, Occultism +4
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Magic - 23 - Varies - By Spell Stomp - 18 - 35 - Bash
Name: Black Guardian of Xel'lotath Motivation: Guard Critter Type: True Demon Attributes: Str 15, Dex 5, Con 10, Int 4, Per 7, Will 5 Ability Scores: Muscle 36, Combat 18, Brains 12 Life Points: 200 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Blind, Nanjin Adept, Sorcery 10 (Summon 3 Zombies (PL 5), Recover (Will per SL) (PL 3), Barrier), Increased Life Points +90, Armor Value 25, Weakness (No armor against aligned spells), Claw, Xellotath alignment, Headless, Telepathy 3, Four Arms, Supernatural Attack (Explosive Circle), Attractiveness -14, Occultism +4
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Telekinesis - 20 - 2 x SL - Bash or slash/Stab (energy grapple) Claw - 18 - 35 - Slash/Stab Magic - 20 - Varies - By Spell Explosive Circle - 18 - 35 - Bash
Name: Pious Augustus Date of Birth: 56 BCE - 2000 CE Motivation: Bring Fourth his Old One Critter Type: Lich Attributes: Str 4, Dex 3, Con 4, Int 5, Per 4, Will 6 Ability Scores: Muscle 14, Combat 18, Brains 16 Life Points: 242 Drama Points: 5 Special Abilities: Zombie, Obligation (Total: Ancient), Sorcery 8, Armor (8/4), Bone Staff, (+4 Magic Rolls), Attractiveness -6, Increased Life Points +200, Age (Ancient), Contacts (Supernatural 5, Political 2, Criminal 3), Resources (Rich), Nerves of Steel
Maneuvers Name - Score - Damage - Notes Magic - 25 - Varies - By Spell Staff - 18 - 20 - Bash
A puppet of one of three Old Ones (mentioned at the beginning), Pious is an immortal Liche bent on bringing forth his master. He controls a cult that worships the old one and acted in their best interests until he and his Old One were slain by Alexandra Roivas.
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leetcode1 · 30 days
To solve the "Validate Binary Search Tree" problem from LeetCode (Problem 98), a non-recursive approach using a stack to perform an in-order traversal can be employed. This method involves pushing nodes onto a stack while traversing the tree leftwards until reaching null. Nodes are then processed by popping from the stack, where each node's value is compared against the previously seen value to ensure it's greater, adhering to BST rules. If a node violates this condition, the validation fails. This stack-based method mimics recursive in-order traversal but is iterative, making it more space-efficient in terms of call stack usage.
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tccicomputercoaching · 2 months
Operator in C
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In C programming, operators are symbols that tell the compiler to perform specific mathematical or logical functions. Operators in C can be classified into several categories:
### 1. Arithmetic Operators
These operators perform arithmetic operations on variables and data.
+   // Addition
-   // Subtraction
*   // Multiplication
/   // Division
%   // Modulus (remainder of division)
int a = 10, b = 3;
int sum = a + b;       // 13
int diff = a - b;      // 7
int prod = a * b;      // 30
int quotient = a / b;  // 3
int remainder = a % b; // 1
### 2. Relational Operators
These operators compare two values and return true or false.
==  // Equal to
!=  // Not equal to
>   // Greater than
<   // Less than
>=  // Greater than or equal to
<=  // Less than or equal to
int a = 10, b = 3;
int result1 = (a == b);  // 0 (false)
int result2 = (a != b);  // 1 (true)
int result3 = (a > b);   // 1 (true)
int result4 = (a < b);   // 0 (false)
int result5 = (a >= b);  // 1 (true)
int result6 = (a <= b);  // 0 (false)
### 3. Logical Operators
These operators are used to combine conditional statements.
&&  // Logical AND
||  // Logical OR
!   // Logical NOT
int a = 10, b = 3, c = 0;
int result1 = (a > b && b > c);  // 1 (true)
int result2 = (a > b || b > c);  // 1 (true)
int result3 = !(a > b);          // 0 (false)
### 4. Bitwise Operators
These operators perform bit-level operations on data.
&   // Bitwise AND
|   // Bitwise OR
^   // Bitwise XOR
~   // Bitwise NOT
<<  // Left shift
>>  // Right shift
int a = 5;      // 0101 in binary
int b = 3;      // 0011 in binary
int result1 = a & b;  // 0001 (1)
int result2 = a | b;  // 0111 (7)
int result3 = a ^ b;  // 0110 (6)
int result4 = ~a;     // 1010 (binary for -6 in 2's complement)
int result5 = a << 1; // 1010 (10)
int result6 = a >> 1; // 0010 (2)
### 5. Assignment Operators
These operators assign values to variables.
=   // Assign
+=  // Add and assign
-=  // Subtract and assign
*=  // Multiply and assign
/=  // Divide and assign
%=  // Modulus and assign
int a = 10;
a += 5;  // a = a + 5, now a is 15
a -= 3;  // a = a - 3, now a is 12
a *= 2;  // a = a * 2, now a is 24
a /= 4;  // a = a / 4, now a is 6
a %= 5;  // a = a % 5, now a is 1
### 6. Increment and Decrement Operators
These operators increase or decrease the value of a variable by one.
++  // Increment
--  // Decrement
int a = 10;
a++;  // a is now 11
a--;  // a is now 10 again
int b = 5;
int c = ++b;  // c is 6, b is 6 (pre-increment)
int d = b--;  // d is 6, b is 5 (post-decrement)
### 7. Conditional (Ternary) Operator
This operator evaluates a condition and returns one of two values.
condition ? expression1 : expression2
int a = 10, b = 5;
int max = (a > b) ? a : b;  // max is 10
### 8. Special Operators
- **Comma Operator**: Used to separate two or more expressions.
- **Sizeof Operator**: Returns the size of a data type or variable.
- **Pointer Operators**: `&` (address of), `*` (value at address).
int a = 10, b = 5;
int result = (a++, b++);  // result is 5, a is 11, b is 6
int size = sizeof(a);  // size is typically 4 (depending on the system)
int *p = &a;  // p is a pointer to a
int value = *p;  // value is 11
These are some of the fundamental operators in C, which are essential for performing various operations and building complex expressions in your programs.
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totallynotzzombiecat · 2 months
19 and 24 for the RT ask game!
Elayne von Valancius: Rogue Trader Character Building ask game
OC: Elayne Andar van der Ghiessen von Valancius
Which three skills are of the most value to her?
Smartsies and cunning, the things she's an adept of! This is the skill that I maxxed first for her, and oh dear the work actually got paid off in the end! (Kiava Gamma end project) which was very helpful. Intelligence is her primary stat and it shows. (she'll eventually catch a meme-virus in her old years trust my word, else why so smart)
Pasqal got a nice competition there, but they both kinda went hand in hand studying the tech shit together until Pasqal got better than her in the end xdd She's fascinated by the works of machinery and admechs in general.
Lore: Warp (tbh all the lore skills)
The warp flames touched her skin in the explosion, Ruinous Powers marked her with their influence, forever affecting her mental state and whispering in her dreams nightmares, the near-death experience granting a slight sense of understanding of the Warp phenomena, much for her own displeasure.
Honestly, each of the Lore skills share the value as she has a vast Intellect (big brain goes big yo) so they all were in equal expertise in her Int build. And yeah, from the lore point as well, that every other aspect is important and plays it's role in her biz like: Lore: Xenos is work related to operate with Cold Trading, xenoartifacts and stuff. And Lore: Imperium - she gotta know all about the stuff like it's structure, ways and shit, to be a responsible Cold Trader that values their skin and the lives of her associates.
Does Elayne place value in how her protectorate sees her? Does this sway her decisions at all?
this question was answered here! ❤️
Previous questions:
[1], [7], [11]
[3], [4]
[8], [18]
[16, 25]
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thereallordphoenix · 11 months
🐉 + Max
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Level: 20 Class(es): bloodhunter Sub-Class: order of lycaan Race: human Background: outlander Alignment: chaotic evil Ability Scores(+Modifiers)- Str: 20(+5) Dex: 9(-1) Con: 16(+3) Int: 11(0) Wis: 13(+1) Cha: 7(-2)
Ah yes, the farmer. For the class I chose bloodhunter order of lycaan and yes I know it was an obvious choice, but in my opinion it is something that makes sense with his personality, not only because he is a werewolf, but even if he wasn't a werewolf still he would be the obstinate and predatory type. As a background I chose Outlander because that's what he is, an old wolf who lives away from everything and everyone on his farm, and for those who have the bad luck to meet him, I'm sorry. Anyway, I chose his alignment as chaotic and evil because the main motivation for creating him was the fact that I wanted to play a villainous character, and that was and continues to be a very fun thing to do. For the attributes I did the traditional dice rolls and organized the 6 values obtained as best I could.
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(art made by myself)
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autisticrustacean · 11 months
Tagged Unions as Enums is an awesome choice
(fair warning, I have no professional experience, I just want to talk about rust and you cannot stop me) So learning rust has fundamentally changed my perception of programming, and one of the cool concepts is a very strong type system, a u8 isn't an i8, even if their the same amount of bytes, and just because two different types both have a shared method I can't just write a function that takes either, very cool stuff.
but of course we do want to treat some data as multiple types sometimes, if a function returns a number or some sort of error it's nice to be able to actually return them, instead of reserving some sentinal value, like 0 or NaN or inf, or <int>::MAX, and returning a maybe null pointer is also a lame way to do this*.
so what are the options? to my knowledge, two ways are generally done, exceptions, which can be a nightmare, or tagged unions, but unions need a short explanation first, since their the primary component of a tagged union, a union is a like a struct, it has some fields, it can call them, BUT, the memory between all of them is shared, If i write it's u8 field as 255, and read it's i8 field, it will read as -1. but if you were to make a tuple with a 'tag' and a union, you could store what type to read it as, this is what tagged unions are, their just a tag and a union, the program reads the tag and treats the union as the corresponding type.
so why Enums, why not just make a new type with it's own keyword like Unions and Structs already** have in rust? because Enums are tags, and are already quite generalized, they aren't bound to any specific word length, and memory layout, by default they're not even guaranteed to be any specific value. and those are optimal properties of a tag in a tagged union because you want to have: the smallest size possible, any value that can be used to optimize case/match statements, and READABILITY, you don't want to return 'union with tag n' you want to return "Error" or "Ok" or "None" or "Point" or something similar! this is exactly what C-like Enums already provided, so choosing to make tagged unions use extremely similar syntax as Enums is an excellent choice in my opinion, because it is the perfect analogue for the tagged union's tag.
*returning NaN might make sense in your usecase, and returning Null if your return type is either a pointer or nothing makes sense! since all the pointer types (that you actually use) are NonNull already, Option<&T> and Option<Box<T>> are identical as returning a possibly Null pointer in rust, but since it's a distinct type in rust you can't make the easy errors that a value randomly being null could make you do in other languages. **Unions require Unsafe and were stabilized *after* tagged unions in rust, but that's not really relevant to my actual point.
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