#internet in a box
gamesatwork · 8 months
e437 — Dipping into Dots
flipping dots artwork, vintage / retro tech like flip clock radios, airport departure style signs, GameBoy & Tangara devices, the Trust & Safety Tycoon serious game, UNESCO’s plans for a virtual museum and much more!
Photo by CHUTTERSNAP on Unsplash Published 23 October 2023 Michael, Michael and Andy get back together on opposite sides of the Atlantic Ocean once more to start off this episode with several cool examples of flipping dots artwork.  Michael M remembered seeing a Vestaboard last weekend in Durham.  Have a look at the links in the show notes for visual examples of each of these. Continuing with…
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scungledfiles · 2 years
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what if i block every person that i see campaigning for or speculating that Buck and Eddie will kiss at the bachelor party bc that enforces the truly horrible bi stereotype that bisexual people, like myself, are more likely to cheat? what if I did that 🤨?
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feathered-serpents · 9 months
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The way I can physically feel the frustration of whoever edited this trying to label whatever the fuck is going on between Aziraphale and Crowley
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ahappydnp · 2 months
having thoughts about dnp saying the reason they wanted to write tabinof in the first place was to commemorate the era and give fans something to look back on and remember when they're older & how they consistently talked about the tatinof/tabinof era like it was an ending (or at least the end of their "peak")
the idea that in 2015!! they were preparing for their audience and community and their popularity to go away eventually so they wanted to create a physical reminder that "once upon a time there were these two guys called dan and phil who met each other on the internet who created this entire world"
it's like they were assuming the world of dan and phil and this community would be another trend and that their audience would lose interest in over time, especially after they'd just hit this massive peak. except it wasn't and we didn't
thinking about how that was almost 10 years ago and we're still here
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assassinregrets · 9 months
saw this milf upskirt photo on reddit and thought of you
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incredible work, thank you milf hunter
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littlenimart · 9 months
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// even if this is something that cannot be allowed, the flames jump higher still //
(my friends had a Good Omens S2 bingo where the winner chose their prize. @bargainbinsquid got the highest score and asked that the rest of us make them “good omens yuri.” this is my tribute.)
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thisischeri · 6 months
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instagram: cheri.png
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busyboyfloyd · 4 months
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It's #Caturday again and I'm ruling over my domain as always!
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cryptid-condor · 1 year
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pose practice with everyone’s favorite guy
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
I love this Au so much and I love the idea of the league thinking that Alfred is the one who built/created the batfam thanks to misunderstandings.
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Alfred is unimpressed with the time that Bruce has brought Dick back- and brought guests back!- on a school night.
Au belongs to my mutual @phoenixcatch7 and you deserve to check them out <3
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gilbirda · 1 year
Another fandom PSA - Bookmarks
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Hello everyone, I am back with yet another informative post, since I've observed some behavior that could get out of control real fast.
Again, the point is never about shaming those who have done this, but to inform and warn about how disheartening these things can be; and what can you do to avoid hurting anyone in the future.
Let's talk about bookmarks.
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Looks easy enough to add a bookmark, just type some notes — maybe to remind future you what the fic was about, maybe some random thoughts of the fic, maybe the chapter where you left of — add some tags if you are that organized and slap the bookmark to a Collection if you have that.
But I want to bring attention to this little guy:
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If you are going to leave a hurtful message, at least have the decency to not leave it where the author will see it.
Authors can and will see the bookmarks! I can only speak for myself but I do check the bookmarks because sometimes people get creative and have funny Notes, or their tags are hilarious.
But, sometimes, we wonder if y'all know authors can see the bookmarks, unless you set it as a Private Bookmark.
What do I mean with hurtful bookmarks? Well:
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*gestures vaguely towards these*
Granted, not all are rancid takes, but some truly give weird vibes? As in, it feels like people doesn't know authors can see their Notes and bookmarks?
You can have an opinion about the story, that's completely valid, but the option of setting it to Private Bookmark is right there.
So, as a rule of thumb, if you wouldn't like someone telling your words to your face then have the courtesy of not doing the same for someone else.
Mark it as Private if you'd rather not let the author see your Notes.
For more information about Bookmarks, AO3 provides a FAQ page.
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scungledfiles · 1 year
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angermango · 1 year
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alternative title: Why Kratos never asked the dwarves to help teach Atreus how to... woo.
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tarot-world · 2 months
Float like a butterfly, sting like a... cat? 🥊🐱
More cute videos
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miusato · 3 months
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This is why I shouldn't be near any media because I will find a way to put my ship into different clothes and possibly in different au 😤😤😤
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