#interpt it as u want
naomistares · 4 months
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mini comic about a kinda freaky terrible queen and the nonsensical takes she has about the times people have tried to kill her
(more thoughts in notes)
UP NEXT! ANOTHER short comic, (and then one more) this time taking place one month before the kings death, in which we will have: one annoying prince! one lousy fight scene! rejoice's dismissive nature! and row reveals a secret.... tune in next time for all that
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wisp-of-thought · 4 years
l o v e l a n g u a g e
language: the principal method of human communication or
a systematic means of communicating ideas or feelings by the use of conventionalized signs, sounds, gestures, or marks having understood meanings
93% of communication is non-verbal. and i tried to learn a new language for you.
it was not an easy one. there were no textbooks, or online review tests, or vocabulary sheets. there was only my hastily scrawled notes trying to understand. there was only me, practicing my pronunciation in the mirror, watching my mouth form around unfamiliar vowels, my hands trying to learn how to hold the consonants so you might be able to better understand my accent. there was only you, trying to teach me a language that had never been transcribed.
you lend me one of your earbuds on the bus and play a song i cannot understand because there are just chords. just brushstrokes of sound. just melody threading notes together. the music is trying to say something. but you are trying to say something too by giving me this rythem. i cannot understand. but i listen anyways. and these are the ways in which i try to learn. you memorize my coffee order but forget my birthday. you never say you miss me but you look back twice exactly when we part every time. your eyes are always closed when we touch. i do not understand what these things say, or what you are trying to tell me but i listen anyways. and these are the ways in which i try to learn.
once, we don't speak for too long and the first night you spend in my bed again, i ask you, before i turn the light off, what it means. you don't look at me. you say you don't know. so i flick off the light switch and curl around myself under the covers. your hands find my hair, find my waist, find the soft skin of a scar, find the place where the flesh is thinnest between the world and my heart. i ask you what that means. you say it means, "you still have me." and so i kiss every one of your finger tips and in this way i respond, "i am glad." i let my legs tangle with yours under the blankets and in this way i say, "you still have me, too." in this moment you have not learnt my language yet either. but we are both learning. and some things are hard to misinterpret.
you take me to the movies to watch the same film for the second time. i do not understand what this is trying to say or what you are trying to tell me but i listen anyways. on the drive home, we take the leftover silence of the theatre with us, and i ask you what you meant when you did this. you are still picking the quiet out from your teeth with your tounge and so i say, "in my language, this means, 'i would choose the silence over your voice.' in my language this means 'you are only worth the past, over again. there is no moving forward, only backwards. until we fall into the oblivion from which we came'. " you pull off the road. you shake your head. say, "in my language, this means, 'the quiet is hard sometimes but never with you.' in my language, this means 'i think we have time enough to reread stories twice'. this means, 'you are the familar and for this i am grateful'. this means, 'i do not need adventure to stay'. that I am content to sit with you and the dark and devour a peice of the world together."
and so i come to learn that your leg slipping over my hip when i am just on the cusp of sleep means: i forgive you. learn that a sandwich found in the fridge made the night before for me to take to work means: im sorry. learn that the hour long shower means: not now. learn the bitting of the nails means: now. now, please. i learn the sunday morning pancakes mean: i love you. but so do the forehead kisses and the 1:30 am texts about tomorrow and the you telling me about your day. i learn the offer to fix my car means "let me be something for you, please." i learn 2 dirty mugs in the sink mean a bad day unless one of them is the red one and it's thursday, because then that just means working late, and in this way i learn about the context of a phrase.
you learn things too. pick them up slowly. through daily conversation. murmmer things in passing. nonchalant and nervous. i don't correct you. i just smile. because I know what you are trying to say.
i wince sometimes at the misused vocab and poorly built sentences that crumble quickly, but i do not offer to teach you until you ask. because i know for certain what you are saying then. saying:
i want to know how to speak to you in the language you feel most at home in.
i want to be able to know you in the words there are no direct translations for.
i want to be able to find you in the dialect you retreat to when the day has gone on too long.
you are saying:
i want to be able interpt everything you think there are no words in my language to say, and so you don't say them.
i want you to be able to tell me everything
you are telling me:
i want you to know that i want to try and talk to you even when it is hard.
you offer to walk with me in the fall afternoon even though you hate the crunch of the leaves that you say sounds too much like endings and i ask you if this offer means "i love you" or "i don't want to be alone right now" and you are looking away from me when you explain that sometimes things can have more than one meaning.
i tackle you half screaming half laughing when you buy us the concert tickets for my birthday and you ask me if this means "thank you" or "i love you" and i am smiling when i explain sometimes things can have more than one meaning.
i come home late to find you sobbing on the bathroom floor and i hold you for hours. i show you videos of baby's laughing until the tears subside long enough for you to kiss me with salt sorrow stained lips and i ask against your mouth if this means "thank you" or "i love you" and you whisper of how different things can have the same meaning and in this way i learn of synonyms.
sometimes the learning of a new language is difficult.
is frustrating.
is silences that scream two things in dissonance.
for the hardest things to define are the absences.
for there are a million subtle ways the pronunciation of quiet differs depending on what you are trying to convey.
sometimes learning a new language is
is misunderstandings.
is apologies
for violating customs
and muddling unfamiliar proverbs.
i'm sorry,
this is not my native tounge.
but i am trying.
i am learning.
if you are willing to teach me.
sometimes a new language is something we become fluent it. the bilingualism comes easy. it rolls off our tounge like second nature. you realize now there are new ways to love in this language. but there are also new ways the hurt. and new ways to heal. and new ways to apologize. you realize there are new ways to know someone when they are not afraid to be misheard.
sometimes a new language is a patchwork quilt of simple words and poorly stitched grammer. sometimes i pull out a few words at the restaurant to impress you. you smile less at the phrase, more at the gesture. sometimes i stumble over the words and you help me up, help me along the sentence, because you know it means the world to me to try for you.
sometimes all we can do is learn to understand. the words never come out right so we stop trying. but we listen. we nod. we laugh. we hold them at all the right parts of the story.
sometimes the greatest gift you can give someone is to understand
what they are trying to say.
when she makes paper flowers and sends me photos of them. i know she is trying to tell me: "look. i got out of bed today and created something beautiful. i thought of you in the slow process of the cultivation of this miracle." and i don't know how to reply. not in her language atleast. and so i don't. but i know what she means.
sometimes it is enough to understand someone.
sometimes it isn't.
sometimes a new language is not for us. we tell ourselves we are too old to pick it up. we tell ourselves it is too difficult. too forgien. too complicated. we try for the sake of saying we tried. but we don't.
in the end, we know how to say hello and goodbye and thank you and a handful of curse words. sometimes we know how to say i love you. in the formal tounge. with textbook pronouns and rigid verbs.
sometimes learning a language is
things lost in translation
how was I supposed to know what that meant?
why didn't you just tell me?
i didn't know how.
being too tired to roll your r's and remember the right tense.
sometimes learning a language is screaming everything you cannot translate at the language barrier between you. hoping they understand. hoping they don't.
but there is something unmatched about being welcomed home in your mother tounge.
something about being forgiven in words you could never misinterpret.
about being called to bed by the familar.
t h e r e i s s o m e t h i n g u n p a r a l l e l e d a b o u t b e i n g l o v e d i n
y o u r o w n l a n g u a g e.
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scifikimmi · 4 years
The main character in Flower of Evil has a personality disorder (which probably developed due to his very complicated past). That doesn’t mean that he’s a psychopath or sociopath or something tho. Psychopaths aren’t capable of caring for entities that are weaker than them. It’s a pretty good series so far.
Hi thanks for the message anon. I’m only 2 eps in so I’m still trying to figure it all out as I go. I guess I’m not clear on what the difference between what you have said and the word I used. 
I wasn’t using the term psychopath on purpose. I said socio path because I was lead to understand that sociopaths/or as I think the prefered general term is people with antisocial personality disorder were people who often don’t have empathy and struggle with emotions. like how he was watching a video to learn how to make himself appear happy. like he knows he wants to be and ought to be but has to like put on a mask to show it outwardly. I’m trying to understand the difference between something like that and what u have described as a more general personality disorder. but like... i’m not a doctor and I don’t know anyone who had these personality disorders and i have very little basis with what i’m reading online. So... i probably shouldn’t be trying to diagnoise a character since it is a CHARCTER and therefore not a real person or example but the subject of the writer’s whims and the actor’s interptation and also because i’m not a professional. either way I am intrigued by the story being told and I want to see where it goes next. its certainly and interesting story being set up and the character commands attention. the actor is doing a brilliant job of drawing in the viewer.
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