#interstate '82
joewintergreen · 2 years
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Check out this incredible concept art from Interstate '82, the inferior sequel to the spectacular video game Interstate '76. Got 'em off the install disc. Great concept art, not a great game.
Intersate '76 came out in 1997, alternate history '76, Mechwarrior 2 engine, great story, great characters, great car physics, it’s got a poetry button, you can shoot a pistol out the window of your car in first person, great voicework, great multiplayer, incredible funk soundtrack performed by a one-off band called Bullmark - composed, apparently, of the bassist from Third Eye Blind, the drummer from Primus, Santana’s keyboardist and some other folks. Some of this info is from this ten year old blog.
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Interstate ‘82 was a weird disappointment, chucking the aspects of '76 that had been most praised. It lost the ‘70s atmosphere and didn’t replace it with a particularly ‘80s one. The soundtrack is licensed new-wave. The first game's characters had a mantra "never get out of the car" on account of that's always how you get killed; the sequel makes a feature of how you can get out of the car now. Interstate never closes its eyes anymore when it kisses your lips, basically. 
But it's still got a poetry button, and it's still pretty fun, and a lot of the same folks worked on it as the first one, and this concept art is super cool. So probably it’s just the devs making the most of a lousy publishing situation, such that their great idea for a Blues Brothers mall chase level ends up looking like this:  
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Hot scoop: a lot of the dialogue sounds stilted and cut-off in places, which turns out to be because it was messily edited for profanity, mostly cutting words out, occasionally swapping “motherfucker” for “motorsucker”. They left the original wavs in, though, so you can uncensor it just by renaming a bunch of files.
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dimalink · 7 months
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I run into automobile warrior. Road warrior. Traveler.
Strong car. With label. Interesting style, in result, we have here. I think, it is cool, to ride this car to someplace, travel to someplace, in summer. At the country house – to go for a lake with having a camp and night there. And any travel to start. In a far lands. It can be winter or summer. Every weather and cool. Real road warrior.
Labels, looks like made with font from videogame Diablo. And car reminds racing games, car combat – Interstate 76, Interstate 82, Carmageddon, Flatout. Theme of videogames, of course, is near.
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dimalinkrus · 8 months
В час тьмы
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В этот час тьмы
Перед тем как я скажу прощай
Я докурю свою сигарету
Я напишу фальшивое признание
Я отправлю машину с обрыва
Вот очень увлекался c братом, в свое время видеоигрой Interstate 82. Это такая стрелялка, экшен на колесах. В стиле 80ых. С заставками, и отличными уровнями. В одном из уровней была пещера. Шахтёры что-то там. Полная тьма. И ты уезжаешь оттуда. Так символично. На такой белой машине.  Машину можно там менять походу игры. И звучит эта убойная песня. Песня группы Devo – Faster Faster.
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Очень нам с братом эта песня нравилась. Вот вспомнил.
И решил помечтать. Вот нарисовал кассету. И придумал название песне и вымышленная такая группа. Интер. Арт по мотивам песни группы Devo – Faster Faster. И уровня из Interstate 82. Про пещеру.
Уровень там был такой в шахте. А тут я такое серое небо показал на картинке. Думаю интересно!
А в целом в игрушке Интерстейт там разная прикольная музычка.
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Дима Линк делает ретро видеоигры, приложения, немного музыку, пишет истории, и еще некоторое ретро.
ВЕБСАЙТ: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_rus.html ИТЧИО: https://dimalink.itch.io/ ГЕЙМДЖОЛТ: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
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beardedmrbean · 10 months
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Nov. 29 (UPI) -- On this date in history:
In 1877, Thomas Edison demonstrated a hand-cranked phonograph that recorded sound on grooved metal cylinders. Edison shouted verses of "Mary Had a Little Lamb" into the machine, which played back his voice.
In 1890, the first Army-Navy football game was played. Navy won 24-0.
In 1929, U.S. Navy Lt. Cmdr. Richard Byrd and three crewmen became the first people to fly over the South Pole.
In 1935, Nobel Prize-winning physicist Erwin Schrödinger published his famous thought experiment dubbed "Schrödinger's cat," to illustrate a paradox of quantum mechanics.
In 1947, despite strong Arab opposition, the United Nations voted for the partition of Palestine and the creation of the independent Jewish state of Israel.
In 1963, U.S. President Lyndon Johnson appointed the Warren Commission to investigate the assassination of President John Kennedy.
In 1981, actor Natalie Wood drowned while on a boat trip to Santa Catalina Island, Calif.
In 1986, movie icon Cary Grant died of a stroke at the age of 82.
In 1989, Romanian Olympic gymnastic hero Nadia Comaneci fled to Hungary. She eventually reached the United States.
In 1990, the U.N. Security Council passed a resolution authorizing "all necessary means," including military force, against Iraq if it didn't withdraw from Kuwait by Jan. 15, 1991.
In 1991, a dust storm in Coalinga, Calif., triggered a massive pileup by more than 250 vehicles on Interstate 5, killing 15 people and injuring more than 100.
In 1994, voters in Norway rejected a proposal to join the European Union.
In 2001, George Harrison, lead guitarist of the Beatles, died of cancer. He was 58.
In 2011, Dr. Conrad Murray was sentenced to four years in prison for an involuntary manslaughter conviction in the death of Michael Jackson. He was released on parole Oct. 28, 2013.
In 2012, the United Nations voted 138-9, with 31 abstentions, to give Palestinians non-member observer status.
In 2021, Twitter founder Jack Dorsey announced his resignation as CEO of the social media platform He was replaced by Parag Agrawal, who was ousted in October 2022 upon Elon Musk's purchase of the company.
In 2022, 46% of people in England and Wales described themselves as Christian in a census survey, the first time that figure represented less than half the populations of the two countries.
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winterpinetrees · 6 months
Council Minutes (The Gap Years part 9)
June 18th 2019
The Elven Capital / Interstate 82
zooming the third person narration out a bit. I have ground to cover and no need for consistency.
Though the dual desertion may seem like it would allow for a higher chance of survival, we belive that both monitors were lost to the void soon after they abandoned their posts. 
While the High Council searches for three missing heirs, the rest of the elven world keeps turning. They have ceremonies to attend, disputes to resolve, children to parent, and as the report explains, huge breakdowns of infrastructure to handle. The report is clinical, concise, and catastrophic. Two of the monitors responsible for maintaining the very existence of the Nile Delta Voidport abandoned their posts and pushed off into the void, where, based on previous incidents, they almost certainly ceased to exist within a few hours and cannot be recovered. A Volunteer Watch has been assembled until new monitors can be brought in, but until they are, a centuries old hub of trade and travel is in a very precarious situation. 
Apex Ishtar Mercuralis, the most important woman in the world, puts her head in her large hands. She has a plan. It’s both extremely good and extremely bad. Ishtar knows why monitors have such a high rate of desertion. Ishtar also knows that this is a supply and demand problem, and that her plan to increase supply is, well…
Councillor Gullin Eburos, Plaguekeeper, Lord of Gens Eburos, clenches one hand into a fist. “I still dissent. For thousands of years, the positions of monitor and arbiter have been at least somewhat voluntary. We are making enemies of the same group that even Lazarus dared not anger”.
Ryn shoots him a glare. “Do you have a better plan? We are dragging this planet out of a stagnant period that has lasted since the north star was in Hercules. We need better infrastructure”.
“I cannot condone our soldiers going into settlements that have provided sanctuary since the north star was in Hercules and conscripting children! They’ve already been Betrayed!”
“So kidnapping and coercion are only a problem for you when elves are the victims? Without a stable void, humans outperform us at trade and production. Either we start preparing now, or we’ll end up scrambling once we’ve been unveiled”. 
There are five human seneschals on the edges of the room. In their indigo and gray uniforms, they almost look like part of the room itself. They vary in age from twenty-one to over sixty and have little in common other than their purpose and their intelligence. All five look at Ryn, then at Gullin, and then at each other. They will gossip about this later. 
The Plaguekeeper composes himself. “A spark like you cannot understand that the void, and the Betrayed, are not things to treat lightly”.
Ishtar’s eyes flare indigo. “Enough. We agreed on a plan and we will see it through. Besides, we’re already pissing off every other enclave by conquering the human world. We’re not doing this for popularity. We’re doing it to save the worlds,”
The council falls silent. The Apex has spoken, and this is not a democracy. They will stay the course. 
With too much to do, the council does not break for lunch. Their seneschals bring in food, (and coffee for Ryn, an uncouth commoner habit that Amedi has started to adopt). Discussion continues. 
“Shouldn’t this issue have been resolved by the Harbormasters?”
“Have someone from the undercouncils pay her a visit”.
“That’s a serious violation of section four of the Lazarus Reforms”. 
“I always hated Lachlan, but it is still a bit strange to know that he’s dead”.
“If the situation gets any worse, then our job in the human world will get a lot easier”.
And then the ever present topic of the missing heirs. Councillor Devana Marolak, traitor to her bloodline, representative of the Hunters, somewhat recently divorced (she got to keep the pet hawk) brings them back to it.
“The older Adust heir legitimately does not know where his sister is. That line is skilled in telepathy, but even they have limits”.
Ishtar had ordered that there would be no torturing of their noble prisoners. She seems to have been ignored. “Unfortunate. And we lost your niece's trail somewhere in the Great Plains?” The subtle insult is more effective than telling Devana off directly. 
“...Yes. I typically avoid human turns of phrase, but we’re trying to find a needle in the human world’s largest collection of haystacks”.
Ryn smiles in spite of himself. “Noble culture is built on deception and survival. It shouldn’t be surprising that we can’t catch anyone. They’ve been raised for this”. 
The four nobleborn councilors grumble and shift the arms that bear their vambraces. Ryn’s statement would make more sense if they were chasing nobility-by-merit, but the three lost heirs are all children. Children from the high nobility, yes, but none of them had ever really been tested. That makes it even more insulting how Kova and Marin escaped capture. Marin and his band of humans even killed a nobleman. His name was Kiper Chrysos and he fell to one human boy with a makeshift club and another with a concussion rifle set to kill. It’s not just a death, but a disgrace. 
The nobility are tied together by a great web of violence. They all know that the elven world prospers when the fit survive and the strong conquer. The names of those killed by another are announced with great ceremony, and kills are marked on vambraces as trophies and burdens. All five of the high council have new marks from the coup a few weeks ago. However, the rules are very clear. Names are only declared for the elven dead, and only long-lived elves can suitably carry the weight of killing an equal. Legally speaking, Kiper was killed by no one. He might as well have been mauled by a bear. One of the other soldiers, a young Gens Tiercel elf with an undercut and a very promising future, was also shot. The impact crushed his spine, an injury that would paralyze without magical treatment and will still take him months to recover from. Speed and movement are everything to the Tiercel. The injury is a more devastating blow than the human responsible will ever understand. Marin’s survival is impressive. He’s clearly very fit, and worthy of his noble birth and Lazarus’s bloodline. That doesn’t mean anyone is happy about it. 
“We’ve secured the town of Vya, at least. And our troops are being subtle about it. If Marin comes back, he shouldn’t notice anything is off until it’s too late, '' Councillor Amedi Kebero, only here because every good council needs a scrappy upstart, explains. They all know that Marin was in the suspicious car now. The analysts did some great work and confirmed the car as belonging to one Sierra Bracken, a billionaire’s daughter that matches the description of the girl from the fight. Where would the High Council be without humans to handle the data!
 “Amedi, your time at the Conservatory proves you have a skill for killcraft.” Ishtar adds. The young elf turns to her excitedly (their ears literally perk up). Six small marks on their vambrace catch the light. 
“The nobility won’t admit it, but they're frightened of Marin’s band. We need to prove our own bravery before asking them to risk their lives against the human world. Will you join the strike team?”
“I’d be honored to, Apex”.
“Good. You’ve been overseeing the operation, so you should already know the team. Esther will stay here and keep your affairs in order, but you should be back soon”. The human girl nods. Amedi smiles at her, the sort of smile you give a dog that’s been very good, and Esther smiles back.
“Should I use Mercuralis colors?” they ask. “Marin may recognize me. My signature is…well it’s from a regional, lower genus, and I did win my year”.
“That was quite the way to brag, Amedi,” Devana says.
Ryn is more serious. “Use whatever colors are your strongest. We cannot truly begin until the heirs have been captured”.
“And try your best to bring him in alive. We’ve already killed enough elves,” This is Ishtar’s penance. She is many things, but at least she isn’t killing children. In that small way, she is better than the Sondaicas who killed her parents and her brother and left her with nothing but a legacy and a betrothal.
In her name, if not by her direct actions, tens of thousands of Betrayed will be conscripted and three billion humans will die. But of Sondaica and its allies, only a single elven child has been killed. Marin’s death wouldn’t be a catastrophe. There are other heirs to Gens Sondaica safely imprisoned, and Marin is already old enough to be in those strange gap years between the thresholds of legal adulthood, but Ishtar just doesn’t want to. He seems like a good kid.
Never mind that Ishtar killed her first elf during those same gap years, that Amedi killed three, or that the old Apex murdered her own star-crossed love in a coup when she was about the same age as Marin. Never mind that her brothers never got a chance to grow older than her children are now. Never mind that the nobility prosper when the fit survive and the strong conquer, and that there really isn’t any room for good kids.
What’s the point of taking over the world if you can’t even try? Ishtar is trying. She has a plan that is both extremely good and extremely bad. Things are going to be different this time.
In the human world a few hundred miles away, Sierra receives a call from an unknown number. She ignores it, but then the caller leaves a voicemail, and curiosity gets the best of her. The message is not in any language she can understand. Sierra puts it on speakerphone once they are back in the car.
“Is this your girlfriend!” 
Marin takes the phone from her hands so quickly that she barely even registers the movement. 
“Yes! That’s her!”
Clay leans back over his seat. “Are you sure it’s her and not a trick? What if she was captured? What’s she saying?”
“This is real. I left some codes in my message. Little things only she’d know. If Zerada had been captured she’d have found some way to tell me”.
“Well what’s she saying?”
“When we were kids, we sometimes climbed this really big statue on Mid-Year's Night. It’s of my oldest ancestor, Lazarus Sondaica. He took over the world a long time ago. We’d sit on his shoulders and watch the fireworks”.
Sierra interejects. “So it’s like the Statue of Liberty, but for the opposite of liberty?” 
Marin takes a moment to understand the question. “Yes. Anyway, she says to meet her in Las Vegas on that same night, by a different Lazarus”. 
“When is Mid-Year’s Night? Is that the solstice?” Brian asks.
“Actually yes! Well, the night before. This year that is the night of the 20th, or two days from now.”
Sierra tries to take her phone back. “That’s a huge drive from here. How does she know we’ll be able to make it?” 
“It’ll be rough,” Brian explains. He’s gotten a feel for driving distances. "Fifteen hours, at least."
Marin sighs. “I don’t know. I don’t even know what she means by a different Lazarus”.
“Is there a big statue in Las Vegas?” She has cell service for once, and types that exact question into the search bar. (using a VPN of course. They don’t want to be tracked.)
“Not that I remember. There’s a lot of little ones,” Clay says. 
“Google’s telling me about the Statue of Liberty replica? Does that work?”
Brian pulls the car around and starts driving south, “Emma Lazarus!” 
Marin looks at him. He seems to recognize the name. “Who?”
Brian looks over at Clay and Sierra, who both seem confused. “No one? Emma Lazarus wrote the poem on the Statue of Liberty! ‘Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame /With conquering limbs astride from land to land; /Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand’?”
Marin blinks like he’s been awakened from a dream. He looks down at his feet. “‘A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame /Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name’”
Sierra looks at them, “What the hell guys”. 
Brian and Marin meet each other's eyes. “‘Mother of Exiles’”.
He accelerates the car. That 15-hour time assumed that they sped a bit. “We need to get to the Statue of Liberty replica”.
The elf has one more thing to add. “Vya is about half way. We could stay the night there, if it’s safe”. 
Clay looks skeptical. "If that's half the drive, we'll get there in seven hours. It'll be getting dark by then. Are we sure we should risk a potentially hostile ghost town at night?"
"Then we'll visit first thing tomorrow"
The poem in question is "The New Colossus" by Emma Lazarus. I am so close to plot events I’ve been imagining for years! It’s so fun. Unfortunately, I am also doing the writing equivalent of hacking through underbrush to figure out how everything else fits in.
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MILW 960 West Train 371 Davenport IA 2-25-82 Ted Schenpf
MILW 960 West Train 371 Davenport IA 2-25-82 Ted Schenpf by iais_2000 Via Flickr: We are at the former RI Station of Missouri Division Jct in Davenport as MILW Train 371 works its way west on the former Rock Island to Wilton and Iowa City. The two tracks headed toward you are the former RI Golden State main to Muscatine. Today this all belongs to Iowa Interstate and the track arrangement is a lot different.
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ausetkmt · 1 year
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As the state of Tennessee uses eminent domain to take over land to connect a new multi-billon dollar Ford plant to the interstate, Black farmers say the government is offering them a fraction of what their land is worth.
A year ago, Ford Motor Company broke ground on a $5.6 billion electric truck plant in a rural region of Tennessee full of African American farmers, according to Tennessee Lookout. While the investment has brought economic prosperity to the area, Tennessee government officials have moved to threaten Black towns and financially bulldoze over land that has been in Black families for generations.
Now, the Tennessee Department of Transportation is attempting to use eminent domain to take over Black farmers’ land while offering them a fraction of what their land is worth.
“It’s not the first time we’ve had to fight,” Marvin Sanderlin, a longtime farmer in Haywood County with 400 acres of land told Tennessee Lookout.
The recent developments come a year after a Tennessee Comptroller told Black residents of Mason to remove their Black elected officials from office. It also comes during the fallout over Tennessee House Republicans expelling two members of the Tennessee Three after the lawmakers protested for gun safety legislation on the House floor.
Black farmers fight for fair deal in state land grab
Marvin Sanderlin is no stranger to fighting against the state to maintain ownership of his land. Local accounts highlight how his great-great grandmother, an enslaved woman, successfully sued to ensure her children inherited a portion of land from their slave-owning father.
The state has taken Sanderlin to court for 10 acres of his property as it lies in the path of the planned roadway that would connect the Ford plant to the interstate.
Sanderlin says the state is offering him only $3,750 per acre.
“That’s unheard of,” Sanderlin said. “You can’t buy no land here for $3,500 an acre. You can’t buy a swamp here for $3,500” Sanderlin said. “I told them this is the biggest ripoff there is. They want your land, but they don’t want you to participate in the wealth.”
The proposed construction would run through Black-owned land in Tipton, Haywood and Fayette Counties.
Some Black farmers and land owners have joined together and, along with the NAACP, plan to fight back.
The fight comes as Black farmers around the nation continue to criticize the Biden Administration for its failure to secure targeted investment for them in the federal farm bill, despite Black farmers suffering long-time discrimination in federal funding.
Investment on the backs of Black farmers?
The Ford plant is expected to add 6,000 direct jobs and nearly 25,000 indirect jobs to the region.
“With the single largest investment in state history, this historic project brings thousands of jobs and new opportunities for Tennessee families to thrive,” Gov. Bill Lee said last month.
Yet Black farmers who own land along the proposed roadway’s path say the economic prosperity arriving in the region shouldn’t come at the cost of their land.
Ray Jones is a retired school teacher who runs the Boys and Girls Club of Brownsville. The state is offering him just over $8,000 for an acre of his land.
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Jones said he supports the Ford investment, but he blames TDOT for their attempt to hustle him off his land.
“All the people are benefiting from BlueOval and that’s good. We are 100% in support of BlueOval. Make sure you quote me on that. But then you want to take my spring and give me pennies on it? It’s an unreasonable situation,” Jones said.
Rosa Whitmore, 82, owns a home that was built on land where her grandparents picked cotton. She says the state didn’t inform her of their interest in her land until late last month. They’re also offering her just $8,000 per acre.
“I worked with my own two hands up at 6 a.m. going to work in the field under the hot sun. That’s what we had to do to own this land,” Whitmore said.
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peepintothewild · 2 years
                  Chimpanzees are our closest primate cousins yet their numbers are diminishing every day due to habitat loss related to deforestation and climate change   
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We Share 95 to 98 Percent of the Same DNA with Chimpanzees.
Biologically, we are much more closely related to chimpanzees and bonobos than we do to gorillas. Our two species are descended from a single ancestor species that lived six or seven million years ago.
Wild Chimpanzees Can Only Be Found in Africa.
There are located in 21african countries , with a majority of numbers found in central Africa. The largest concentration of chimpanzees are mostly in rainforest areas as they need a water supply and access to fruits. 
Chimpanzees Have the Ability to Learn Human Languages such as Sign Language.
In captivity, chimpanzees have been able to pick up American Sign Language (ASL) to communicate with caretakers. A chimpanzee named Washoe, was known to be the first non-human to learn to communicate via ASL and was able to do more than 350 signs.
Chimpanzees are Omnivorous.
They are happy to eat most foods but they tend to eat more fruit than any other food groups. A chimpanzee’s diet consists of everything from seeds, leaves, insects, honey and even roots. Though they have been recorded to hunt other wildlife like monkeys or small antelope for meat. For chimpanzees, feeding is mostly an individual activity but known to work In a team occasionally
Female Chimpanzees Only Give Birth Once Every Five Years
Most pregnancies typically carry only one child. Infant chimpanzees will cling on to its mother’s furs and ride on her back until the ages three to five, resulting in a close familial bond even after reaching maturity.
Chimpanzees Can Live Up to their 80s
The oldest recorded chimpanzee was Little Mamma, a captive female who was between 76 to 82 years old when she died in 2017. Though the average life expectancy for captive chimps are around 38 years old.
They Can Walk on Two Legs
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andreaskorn · 1 month
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Game Screenshot Archiv (H-M)
Update: 20.08.2024
Vom 16.-19.08.2024 habe ich eine vollständige Revision der Archivdaten durchgeführt. Der Bestand der digitalen Bilddateien (Screenshots) stimmt nun exakt mit der die Dokumentation begleitenden Exel-Tabelle überein.
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Game Screenshot Archiv Game Titel (H-M)
Update: 20.08.2024
Titel / Jahr / Gameplay Screenshots Option Screenshots
Haegemonia: Legions of Iron 2002 14 9 Haegemonia: The Solon Heritage 2003 8 0 Half Life 2 2004 18 3 Half Life 2 - Portal 2007 19 6 Half Life 2 Episode 1 2006 48 6 Half Life 2 Episode 2 2007 29 8 Half-Life 1  1998 33 15 Halo 1 Combat Evolved Annivarsary_The Master Chief Collection_ 2020 167 13 Halo 1 The Master Chief Collection REACH 2019 2019 113 15 Halo 2 The Master Chief Collection 2020 45 7 Halo 3 DSDT The Master Chief Collection 2020 51 1 Halo 4 The Master Chief Collection 2020 313 15 Have a nice day 1 1997 8 8 Have a nice day 2 1998 44 25 Hawx 2009 21 59 Heavy Gear 1997 15 6 Heavy Rain (PC Version 2019; Original 2010 PS3) 2019 324 61 Hellgate London (Demo) 2007 22 24 Heroes of Might and Magic V 2006 23 0 Heroes of the Pacific 2005 29 20 Herr der Ringe: D. Rückk. d. Königs 2003 5 6 Hexen 2 1997 11 5 Hidden & Dangerous 2 2003 8 10 Hitman 2000 0 4 Homefront 2011 2011 29 34 Homeplanet (Demo) 2003 8 11 Homeworld 1 2000 4 4 Homeworld 2  2003 12 0 Horizon Zero Dawn (Windows) 2020 71 20 Hostile Waters 2001 4 3 Hour of Victory 2007 8 14
IL Sturmovik 2 2003 12 12 Indiana Jones (6): … Kaisergruft 2003 37 2 Indiana Jones: And the Emperors Tomb 2002 3 0 Infernal 2007 20 7 Interstate 82 1999 9 3
Jade Empire 2007 22 10 Jedi Knight I (Star Wars ) 1997 6 7 Jedi Knight II - Outcast (Star Wars ) 2002 14 8 Jedi Knight III (noclip) 2003 0 12 Jedi Knight III Jedi Academy 2003 17 5
Kane & Lynch Dead Man 2007 17 9 King Kong 2005 58 13
Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris 2014 44 22 Left4Dead 2 2009 26 11 Life Is Strange Episode 5 2015 15 44 Lighthouse 1996 4 0 Lost Horizon 2010 13 6 Lost Via Domus  2008 11 19
Mafia 2002 42 5 Mafia II 2010 20 20 Mark of the Ninja 2012 11 40 Marvels Spider Man Remastered 2022 33 13 Mass Effect 2 2010 5 6 Mass Effect 3 2012 17 7 Mass Effect Andromeda 2017 180 16 Matrix (Enter t. Matrix) 2003 14 8 Max Payne 1 2001 15 2 Max Payne 2 2003 0 0 Max Payne 2 2003 7 2 Mech Commander 2 2001 7 4 Mech Warrior 3 1999 14 6 Mech Warrior 4 2000 18 4 Mechwarrior 5 2019 63 53 MechWarrior Online 2013 10 22 Medal of Honor: Airborne 2007 42 0 Medal of Honor: Allied Assault 2002 37 2 Medal of Honor: Passific Assault 2004 16 10 Megarace 1997 7 4 Men of Valor 2004 5 7 Metal Gear Solid 1 1998 1 0 Metal Gear Solid 2 2002 10 5 Metro 2033 2010 10 15 Metro Exodus 2019 131 22 Microsoft Combat Flight Simulator 2002 2002 5 0 Microsoft Combat FS (1) 1998 16 8 Microsoft Combat FS (2) 2000 2000 13 8 Microsoft Combat FS (3)  2002 21 14 Microsoft Flight Simulator (FS) 1998 3 0 Microsoft FS X (DEMO) 2006 19 14 Midnight Club 2  2003 16 13 Mittelerde Mordors Schatten 2014 2 26 Myst 2 Riven 1997 16 0 Myst 3 Exile 2001 6 5 Myst IV Revelation 2005 18 5 Myst V End of Ages  2005 28 2
Dr. Andreas U. Korn, 20.08.2024 + + +
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As a Targeted Woman, do you feel that your home is being illegally bugged and that your private conversations are being shared with others?
Do you feel that you are being electronically harassed, or cyberstalked?
When you write a post or an e-mail, do you constantly have to re-edit, as someone comes in and changes your spelling and alters your grammar, in attempt to discredit your narrative and your credibility?
When you review online posts in the community, do you notice these same types of errors, while other posts appear articulate and correct?
There's a red flag right there. Our own community of those trying to help others is of course being monitored and manipulated.
In addition to Federal protection, there are also state laws that will protect you as well.
California is a two-party recording state. If you don't live in California, look up the laws for your state.
Two party states require the recording party and the party being recorded must both consent.
Federal Law and Interstate Recordings
Generally, if both parties are within the same state, the state law will apply.  When one party is in California and the other one is outside the state, the two-party consent rule applies to actors outside of California, if they are communicating with people in California who have not given consent.  Essentially, California protects those in the state from being recorded without their consent even where the out-of-state actor is in a state which permits “one party consent.
California Wiretapping Law
California's wiretapping law is a "two-party consent" law. California makes it a crime to record or eavesdrop on any confidential communication, including a private conversation or telephone call, without the consent of all parties to the conversation. See Cal. Penal Code § 632. The statute applies to "confidential communications" -- i.e., conversations in which one of the parties has an objectively reasonable expectation that no one is listening in or overhearing the conversation. See Flanagan v. Flanagan, 41 P.3d 575, 576-77, 578-82 (Cal. 2002).  A California appellate court has ruled that this statute applies to the use of hidden video cameras to record conversations as well. See California v. Gibbons, 215 Cal. App. 3d 1204 (Cal Ct. App. 1989). (Digital Media Law)
This is a Federal crime and just one of many these groups commit on a regular basis.
The FBI has separate divisions assigned to each of these.
Not to mention a state of California crime. If you live in another state, look up the laws that apply.
Law Enforcement, you are being asked to do your part.
Break this damaging cycle of events. Arrest and charge them now, and then clearly enforce such violations when and where they occur in the future.
The journey always begins with that first small step
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nvyoung · 6 months
Is this one of the worst traffic maps we have seen of I-65 between Birmingham and Montgomery? Interstate 65 needs 3 lanes in each direction now! If you want to avoid this, consider taking US 82 or US 231 instead. #roadscapes
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dankusner · 7 months
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Southern Gateway Park
The deck park over Interstate 35E will link Oak Cliff with the Dallas Zoo, serving long-neglected communities in southern Dallas.
Amenities will include lawns, play areas for children, a performance pavilion, water features and flexible spaces.
The design is by architects HKS and landscape architects SWA.
Budget: $82 million (Phase I); projected opening: 2026
$80M to reunite communities
New pedestrian zones will connect neighborhoods divided by highways
Four pedestrian zones aimed at reuniting Dallas neighborhoods divided by highways are a step closer to reality thanks to $80 million in federal grant awards announced Wednesday.
The North Texas Council of Governments, the regional transportation planning council heading up the projects, applied for the funds.
The money is a slice of the more than $3 billion earmarked for similar projects through discretionary grant programs backed by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and Inflation Reduction Act.
The projects include:
Structures for three pedestrian caps — such as parks constructed over highways — at Interstate 30 near the Dallas Farmers Market that will reconnect the Cedars neighborhood to downtown.
The project will align with the timing of the Texas Department of Transportation’s reconstruction of I-30 and “it is critical that the base structures be constructed now into the roadway project to avoid the inefficiency of taxpayers paying twice to retrofit later,” according to grant documents.
The second phase of Klyde Warren Park will extend the deck park farther south.
The expansion will extend the park, which connects Uptown with downtown over Woodall Rodgers freeway, 1.7 miles west.
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The second phase of Southern Gateway Park will finish an initial pedestrian crossing to complete the plaza, stretching from Lancaster Avenue to Marsalis Avenue over Interstate 35E near the Dallas Zoo.
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The deck for the first phase, from Ewing Avenue to Lancaster, has already been built, though the construction of amenities is not complete.
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An inverted pedestrian deck at State Highway 5 in McKinney will include the construction of a bridge within the corridor and provide pedestrian access in the form of a below-bridge pedestrian plaza.
Local representatives have been outspoken advocates of several of the projects, which are aimed at addressing the impact transportation engineering has had on disadvantaged neighborhoods.
“This is great news for Oak Cliff and Dallas. I am so proud of the work we’ve done over the years to support this project and secure federal funding,” U.S. Rep. Colin Allred said in an email. “The Southern Gateway Park is more than just a park, it is about connecting communities back together and spurring economic growth in the process.”
Rep. Jasmine Crockett said the projects are a chance to right a “historical wrong” in Dallas.
“Decades of redlining and a legacy of discriminatory infrastructure policy has left majority Black and brown districts like mine divided and disconnected by noisy, disruptive highways,” Crockett said.
“Historically Black neighborhoods like The Cedars and Oak Cliff are crisscrossed by highways that sever our communities and isolate our residents, with little economic benefit to show for the destruction.”
The funding accounts for just over 33% of the more than $236 million in estimated costs for all four projects, but several have already received additional funds from other sources.
“All four highways capped by this project disrupted and displaced local communities, removed historical landmarks and resulted in unequal distribution of resources, leaving one side of the highway more prosperous while the others experienced disinvestment,” a grant document reads. “North Texas highways in many cases were used to intentionally cut off access to daily needs. This project will address these historic inequities.”
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dimalink · 8 months
In hour of darkness
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In this hour of darkness
Before I say goodbye
I smoke my cigarette
I write my false confession
I send a car to break
So, I and my brother, we one time, were a big fans about videogame Interstate 82. It is such action, shooter with wheels. Style of 80s. With video intros, and excellent levels. And one level has a cave. Something about miners. Full darkness. And you are running out of all of these. It is such a symbolical. At the white car. Car you can change during the game. And it goes such a cool song. Song by group Devo – Faster Faster.
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I and my brother, we like a lot this song. So, I remember that.
And try to have a dream. So, I draw a cassette. And take from imagination a name to a song and, fictional song and a band name. Inter. Art based on song of group Devo – Faster Faster. And level from Interstate 82. About a cave.
Level it was in a mines. And I show such a grey sky at the picture. I think it is interesting!
And mainly, in game Interstate it is lots of different funny and cool melodies and music.
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Dima Link is making retro videogames, apps, a little of music, write stories, and some retro more.
WEBSITE: http://www.dimalink.tv-games.ru/home_eng.html ITCHIO: https://dimalink.itch.io/ GAMEJOLT: https://gamejolt.com/@DimaLink/games
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dimalinkrus · 7 months
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Налетел на автомобильного воина.  Воин дорог. Путешественник.
Мощный автомобиль. С надписью. Интересный стайл получается. Наверное, круто на таком, куда-нибудь сгонять летом. На даче на озеро съездить с ночёвкой.  Или в любое путешествие отправиться. В далёкие края. Будь то - зимой или летом. Всепогодный и классный. Настоящий воин дорог.
Надпись похоже, что сделана шрифтом из игры Диабло (Diablo). А машина вполне напоминает гоночные видеоигры, боевые гонки – Интерстейт 76 (Interstate 76), Интерстейт 82 (interstate 82), Кармагеддон (Carmageddon) ,Флатаут (Flatout). Тема видеоигр, конечно- рядом.
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beardedmrbean · 6 months
A man accused of setting a fire outside Sen. Bernie Sanders’ office in Vermont earlier this week has been arrested, federal authorities said.
Shant Soghomonian, 35, also known as Michael Soghomonian, was arrested Sunday on a charge of using fire to damage a building used in interstate commerce, according to a statement from Nikolas Kerest, the U.S. attorney for Vermont.
The suspect, previously of Northridge, Calif., was recorded on security video “spraying a liquid” near the door of Sanders’ office in Burlington and then “lighting the area with a handheld lighter,” officials said.
The incident unfolded early Friday when Soghomonian entered the building at 1 Church St. and proceeded to Sanders’ third-floor office before allegedly starting the blaze, according to court records.
He fled the area shortly after the fire began, officials said.
“Multiple employees” were at the office at the time, but no injuries were reported.
However, the fire damaged the outside of the office door and surrounding areas and activated sprinklers on other floors, officials said.
“A significant fire engulfed the door and part of the vestibule, impeding the egress of staff members who were working in the office and endangering their lives,” Burlington police said in a Friday statement. “The sprinkler system then engaged and largely extinguished the fire.”
If convicted, Soghomonian faces a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison and a fine of up to $250,000. It was not immediately known if he had a lawyer.
Sanders, 82, was not in his Burlington office when the fire began, but his staff released a statement Sunday thanking first responders for their “swift, professional, coordinated efforts” and confirmed “none of the many people” working there Friday afternoon were injured.
“We are proud to be able to continue to serve Vermonters during these challenging times,” Sanders said.
Sanders is currently pushing for 32-hour work weeks and collaborating with the Biden administration to lower prescription drug costs.
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[ad_1] Texas’ development story isn’t simply confined to the Texas Triangle. Missed areas reminiscent of Northeast Texas are additionally attracting investor consideration.  New Jersey-based Reynolds Asset Administration partnered with Dallas-based Newport Capital Advisors to buy two multifamily properties for $23 million in Texarkana, which is 180 miles from Dallas. The worth works out to below $64,000 per unit. The companions purchased Westridge Residences, a 176-unit constructing at 700 Sowell Lane, and Park at Summerhill, a 184-unit constructing at 5201 Summerhill Highway. The Westridge Residences had been in-built 1984, and Park at Summerhill was in-built 1985.  They plan to spend $3 million renovating the properties. The vendor of the Westridge Residences traces to Houston-based Ascension Multifamily. The vendor of Park at Summerhill couldn’t be decided. John Hamilton of Marcus & Millichap brokered the transaction. Allan Edelson and Joe Tarantino at Walker & Dunlop organized financing for the acquisition, a Fannie Mae fixed-rate long-term mortgage. Texarkana straddles the border between Texas and Arkansas and is situated on the confluence of Interstates 30 and 49 in addition to U.S highways 82, 67, 71 and 59. The Texas aspect had a inhabitants of 38,500 in 2023 and is rising at an annual fee of 0.35 p.c, based on metropolis knowledge. Between 2018 and 2023, the median family revenue in Texarkana rose from $40,484 to $44,813.  Reynolds focuses on multifamily, mixed-use, workplace and industrial properties all through the nation. This acquisition is the agency’s first in Texas, nevertheless it’s not new to the area. In October, Reynolds acquired Preston Place North | South in Bossier, Louisiana, and Townhomes on the Highlands in Shreveport. Each are older properties the agency plans to enhance.  Newport makes a speciality of offering fairness for industrial property and has offered fairness for multifamily and retail properties nationwide. This isn’t the agency’s first undertaking in Texas. Newport invested $1.8 million in West Pointe Pines, a 263-unit condominium constructing in Fort Value. It additionally has an ongoing undertaking in a Corpus Christi retail strip, Moore Plaza. Newport has invested $8 million in that undertaking.  Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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