#introducing me : constance hatchaway
mldnightxxrain · 2 years
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[ annabelle wallis, cis  woman, she/her. ] ✧·゚ is that [ constance hatchaway ] who just stumbled into town? rumour has it that they’re the [ 38 ] year old originally hailing from [ disney’s haunted mansion ]. if they had to choose a side they would consider themself [ evil ]. i’ve also heard that they’re [ clever ] but [ vain ] and have [ 2 ] child(ren). i could almost swear i heard [ maneater by hall and oates ] playing when they appeared. 
* tw: alcoholism, death mention // @scatteredintros​
Full Name: constance hatchaway Aliases/Nicknames: connie, the black widow bride Age: 38 Birthday: august 9 Zodiac: leo Occupation: housewife
Height: 5’7 Hair Color: blonde Eye Color: blue Scars: none Tattoos: none FC: annabelle wallis
Mother: emma hatchaway Father: john hatchaway Children: 2 Notable Relatives: ambrose harper - ex husband, frank banks - ex husband, marquis de doome - ex husband, reginald caine - ex husband, george hightower - ex husband
Sexual orientation: heterosexual Gender: cis gender woman Pronouns: she/her Species:  human, former ghost
Traits: vain, clever, witty, ambitious, cruel, determined, greedy, cold, distant, flirty, calculating, greedy, seductive, thorough, organized, unfeeling, psychotic manipulative, Alignment: chaotic evil MBTI: entj Enneagram: type three , the achiever  Archetype: the ruler Hogwarts House: slytherin Element: fire Pop Culture Kins: mrs. white from clue, georgia miller from ginny & georgia, rosalie hale from twilight, 
Languages: english, french Weapon(s): hatchet  Strengths: persuasive, good at math, sewing, cooking, Weaknesses: money, looks
Constance grew up in a small and poor town. She was the youngest of four children. Her childhood was anything but easy, even at a young age. Her parents were poor farmers, who lived in a small town. Growing up, Constance was put to work doing chores around the farm. She hated it. She would rather keep busy by keeping the home. Her mother was a kind and lovely lady, but her father was cruel and an alcoholic. He hated Constance and her mother, abusing both of them regularly. She began to hate him, and most men as a byproduct.
As Constance grew older, she grew more beautiful - too beautiful as some would say. She cared deeply about her appearance, to the point of vanity. Her cruel father would call her awful names. However, Constance’s mother always told her daughter how proud she was of her. Constance always had higher aspirations for her life, which involved more money and a higher social status. The moment the opportunity came to marry Ambrose Harper, son of a long-standing wealthy farming family, she took it. Anything to get away from her poor, abusive father. However, three years into their marriage, Ambrose met his early demise by a hatchet accident - leaving his money to Constance. This wasn’t enough. She wanted more.
She would go to marry five times in total, all meeting their demise by hatchet accidents and leaving their fortunes to her. She never stayed married for too long, with the exception of her last husband George Hightower. Each of her husbands left her more wealth and status than the last. Marrying George, Constance finally had gathered all the wealth and stature she dreamed of. She was finally satisfied, and didn’t completely hate her fifth husband.
However, something that wasn’t part of the plan was having children.  She was anything but a loving mother. If anything, it threw a wrench in her plans. Her firstborn was young when their father died mysteriously. She would marry again before having her second child. She always thought George was soft-hearted when it came to their daughter, and had no problem telling him such. It was twelve years into their marriage before George ultimately met the same fate as her previous husbands. After his death, Constance and her children remained in their mansion.
It was rumored Constance died of old age, and would haunt the attic where the remnants of her past life were kept. She didn’t have many friends in the mansion, keeping mostly to herself and her children.
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daisymintt · 1 year
I have too many ideas for Merlin fics so I’m just gonna dump them here, if you write one please tag me I’d love to read it!
• Arthur is seen as a traitor to the crown and is about to be killed when Merlin saves him and they go on the run and become some of the most well known bandits in Camelot, the Fallen Prince and his Warlock (inspired by Americano by Lady Gaga)
• A beast that feeds off magic goes to Camelot and takes Merlin, Arthur and the Knights embark on a rescue mission
• A visiting Noble introduces a new “sport” to Uther, sorcerer hunting. In which a captured sorcerer is released into the woods with only the clothes on their back and are hunted down by knights and specially trained hounds. Intrigued, he partakes of this “sport”. Merlin is disgusted and goes into the forest to help them escape only to become the prey. Will he be able to keep his magic secret? Or will he be doomed?
• Merlin on the run inspired by the song Run Boy Run
• Rumor Has It/Rumor Mill, a bunch of different rumors start cropping up in Camelot varying from absurd to believable
• A visiting Lady takes a shine to Merlin, Arthur gets jealous.
• Arthur and Merlin are on a hunting trip and stop at a tavern. While there they overhear a local ghost story about an ghost that of a Lady who lived in the manor up the street. Her husbands kept dying “mysteriously” and she went mad with grief. They say the manor is haunted. Merlin takes it seriously and Arthur teases him about, later they go to the abandoned manor and have an encounter with the ghost. Get trapped in the manor. The ghost carries a bloody hatchet. Nearly takes Arthur’s head off. Similar to Constance Hatchaway.
• Stardust AU
• Arthur follows in his dad’s footsteps and sets out to kill the last Druid, a boy called Emrys. Little did he know that his friend Merlin was that druid. Inspo: Still/Neva Flows Reprise
• 1920’s America Merlin runs a speakeasy
• Gaius is away dealing with an outbreak of sweating sickness at a border town leaving Merlin as acting Court Physician while he’s away.
- A visiting Nobel lady goes into labor, Merlin has to help her.
• Merlin catches a cold yet refuses to stop working, his magic is also affected. Every time he sneezes something magical happens leaving chaos in his wake. His magic stops reacting when he Gaius sneaks him a sleeping draught mixed with some cold medicine (or at least the medieval equivalent that addresses the symptoms), Arthur not so subtly frets about Merlin’s wellness.
• Merlin overextends his magic and when he gets back to Camelot he tries to do a small spell and it doesn’t work, discovers he has a “Sorcerers Cold” it doesn’t affect the physical body but the magical one. In other words, how magic is on the fritz until he can get some proper rest.
• Last Night Gus episode where they super drunk and wake up in weird places. They spend the day trying to piece together what happened last night
• A sorcerer disguised themselves as Merlin to get close to Arthur
• A shapeshifter that appears as your hearts greatest desire appears as Merlin to Arthur and lures him into a trap, Merlin has to save him. Classic who’s the real Merlin scenario where Arthur has to ask a question that only the real Merlin would know the answer too.
• A vampire arrives in Camelot.
• Merlin’s shadow has the wings of a dragon, Arthur notices
• Merlin and Arthur have been arguing over something for a while now, Leon is tired of being stuck in the middle of it and traps them in a room. He refuses to let them come out until they figure out whatever they’re fighting about. (Ten minutes in the closet trope)
• A drunk Merlin finds himself in Arthur’s room, Arthur takes care of him. Merlin is very affectionate when drunk. (Inspo: bad idea right? By Olivia Rodrigo)
• Merlin and Morgana are friends and Arthur is jealous of there close bond, Arthur thinks that they’re courting and confronts Merlin about it.
• Morgana or someone casts a spell while the knights, Arthur, and Merlin are asleep on a quest that joins their dreams together. Merlin is very skittish afraid that he may accidentally reveal his magic. Inspo: A Nightmare on Killmotor Hill! Season 2 episode 19 of Ducktales.
• 5 weird places Merlin has fallen asleep and one not so weird one (it’s Arthur’s bed)
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malsmanor · 4 years
Thunder Mesa Canon Characters
Follow up to my previous Thunder Mesa ‘lore’ post.
Sources are: my personal experience, cast members, ‘urban/park’ legends that spread during the years, the database of the Italian website MondoDisneyland.it and Phantom Manor Legends.
Hoping I won’t forget anybody... (if I do, please let me know!) LET’S BEGIN!
The Ravenswoods:
Henry: one of the founding fathers of Thunder Mesa, owner of the Big Thunder Mountain Mining. Co and of the beautiful Victorian Manor on Boot Hill.
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Martha: Henry’s wife. Very little is known about her beside the fact that her marriage wasn’t exactly a happy one.
Mélanie: Henry and Martha’s daughter and heiress of her father’s fortune. It is said the was one of the prettiest girls in town, had a lovely singing voice and many, unfortunate suitors.
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The Jones:
(they’re either siblings or husband and wife, unclear)
Jasper: The Ravenswood’s estate butler and man-servant.
Anna: The Ravenswood’s estate chambermaid. She was possibly one of Henry Ravenswood’s lovers.
Deceased citizens/ghosts that now reside in the Manor:
Madame Leota: a gypsy fortuneteller who offered her services to the people of Thunder Mesa. After her death she is tasked to summon other spirits and demons to the "ghostly ball" that's held in the manor.
The Phantom: A mysterious entity that torments Mélanie in the Manor. The 2019 Refurbishment of the attraction confirmed his identity as Henry Ravenswood, returned from the dead to prevent his daughter from marrying a man not worthy of her.
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Goliath: Undead dog that appears alongside the Phantom in one of the most notoriously scary scenes in the attraction. In the original script, he belonged to Henry’s brother, Arthur Ravenswood. In the current storyline Goliath is heavily implied to be Henry’s pet and his loyal companion even in death.
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Valentin the Boneless/Le Desosé: a man from Thunder Mesa whose body and spirit were crushed, either physically or metaphorically... or both.
Mary Murphy: Frank Ballard’s wife.
Frank Ballard: Mary Murphy’s husband.
Ma Ballard: Frank Ballard’s mother. Clearly didn’t approve of her son’s marriage to Mrs.Murphy. Her gravestone reads ‘over my dead body’.
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B. Arnold: his occupation is unknown. His gravestone reads ‘Cold Is My Bed - But Oh, I Love It - For Colder Are My Friends Above It.’
Leadfoot Fred: a cowboy and gunslinger, his adversary made him ‘dance’ until he was hit in the legs (at least 3 shots per leg) and finished off.
“Shorty” Smith: nothing is know about them except that they died in 1862
Red Hot Harry: probably a gunslinger like Leadfoot Fred. Like him, he wasn’t fast enough.
Dakota Dick: somebody really REALLY hard to kill. According to their tombstone, they were hanged October 17th, 1867, shot January 18th, 1868, stabbed December 18th, 1868, poisoned May 21st, 1869 and are ready to come back for more.
Jaques Shrillman: a terrible musician, ‘lynched by a bunch of music lovers‘.
Peg Leg McBrogue: an outlaw that committed robberies on riverboats. ‘Walked the plank, and sank’.
Nameless Hunter: killed by a bear. (See below.)
Pet Cemetery:
A squirrel, a cougar and a bear also rest in Boot Hill... somehow. Their graves imply that they all became the bear’s food at some point. An unfortunate Hunter also met the same fate.
Mélanie’s Suitors:
Rowan D.Falls: former captain of the ‘Mark Twain’ Steamboat and one of Mélanie's suitors, died falling off a tall waterfall. He is possibly related to Dr. Albert Falls, a member of S.E.A the Society of Explorers and Adventurers.
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Ignatus "Iggy" Knight: former owner of a dynamite manufacture and one of Mélanie's suitors.  He died in an explosion inside Big Thunder Mountain’s mine.
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Barry Claude: oil-field master and one of Mélanie's suitors. He was mauled by a bear.
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Sawyer Bottom: owner of the local sawmill. Suffered the most suspicious death of all the suitors: tied to a log and bifurcated within his own sawmill.
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The Townsfolk:
William Ketchum: current sheriff of Thunder Mesa
Artemus L. Hector (current Mayor of Thunder Mesa) and his wife: [photo from Phantom Manor Legends]
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James Collins: Photographer and inventor of the Spectral Camera.
J. Nutterville: undertaker and coffin maker, he takes care of Boot Hill and its graves. It is unclear if he’s still alive or a ghost himself but I’m placing him in this category because he appears from time to time near Phantom Manor and during special events to take the guests’ ‘measures’ and get their coffins ready.
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Diamond Lil: the owner of the Lucky Nugget Saloon.
Lavinia ???: a beautiful dancer who worked at the Lucky Nugget Saloon. Many men were in love with her and one of the locomotives of Big Thunder Mountain bears her name.
Pierre Paradis: Diamond Lil’s French fiancee.
Jebediah Rose: Thunder Mesa’s blacksmith. He was in love with the Lucky Nugget dancer Lavinia but she did not love him back.
Lavinia Rose: Jebediah’s daughter, named after his unrequited love.
Milo ‘One Eye’ Jones: a robber who made the mistake of stealing from Big Thunder Mountain Mining Co. and an even bigger one when he thought it was a good idea to hide from the law in the very manor built by the founder of the company he just robbed. It is possible that he is related to the Jones who once worked for the Ravenswoods.
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The Thunder Mesa Councilmen have... interesting names such as I.M. Chikin and I.L.B Bach.
The Caretaker: Phantom Manor’s equivalent to the Haunted Mansion’s groundskeeper.
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EXTRAS: Fan Character, deleted characters and those who may or may not be involved but it’s just fun to think they are:
Jake ‘Lockart’ Evans: Formerly the only known suitor of Mélanie. A fan favorite that, despite not having been completely de-canonized by the refurbishment, is not a physical presence in the Manor anymore. The name was never official but the fandom as a whole still calls him Jake ;)
Barnabas T. Bullion: The founder and owner of the Thunder Mountain Mining Co. according to the 2013 refurbished queue line in WDW Orlando. Assuming that we’re talking about the same company that Henry Ravenswood founded, it is possible that Bullion took over 20 years after Henry’s death and re-built the company under a new image to erase its dark history. In the Big Thunder Mountain Marvel Comics, he is depicted as a better person and father to his daughter Abigail than Ravenswood ever was to Mélanie, drawing a parallel between the two.
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Arthur Ravenswood: Henry’s younger brother in the original script for the ride.
Gabrielle Ravenswood: Arthur’s wife in the original script.
Melanie's cousin: One of the letters that could be found on a table inside Phantom Manor before the refurbishment hinted at a relationship between Mélanie and a cousin of hers. It wasn’t clear if this was an arranged marriage or a clandestine affair.
Henry's repudiated son: The same letters also introduce us to Henry’s firstborn (often nicknamed Elias or Alan by the fandom) who’s writing to his father to let him know that he is -once again- out of money.
S.E.A investigators: the in-universe explanation for the long shut down of Phantom Manor is an investigation conducted by the local authorities with the help of groups of ‘explorers and adventurers’ that came from the East. Fans speculate that these explorers may be part of S.E.A, a secret society around which Tokyo Disney SEA’s park lore is built. If one of Mélanie’s suitors is indeed a member of Dr.Albert Falls family, this could explain why the S.E.A may have an interest in Phantom Manor and the strange happenings surrounding it. S.E.A members are mostly depicted as positive characters, explorers and archeologists respectful of the land and cultures they get in contact with, but even within their ranks there are some rotten apples. A notable example is Harrison Hightower III who is rumored to be related with George Hightower, previous owner of the Haunted Mansion (both in California and Orlando) and one of Constance Hatchaway’s husbands.
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memento-rpg-blog · 5 years
Our History
Welcome Foolish Mortals to the Bloodmere Mansion.
Allow me to introduce myself. I am your host, your ghost host. And if you do decide to join us, final arrangements can be made at the end of our tour.
Now, as they say, look alive. Your doom buggy awaits.
           At its peak, Thunder Mesa was a thriving mining town inhabited by some of the wealthiest families west of the Mississippi. Gold was discovered in Big Thunder Mountain thus establishing the Big Thunder Mining Company. Bathing in gold, the owner of the company, Henry Ravenswood, built a grand estate upon Boot Hill to overlook the town. For over a decade the company and the Ravenswood family flourished in success.
           The Ravenswood legacy came to a shaking halt when an earthquake destroyed some of the land surrounding the manor. Boot Hill was shaken enough to cause great damage to the manor without completely destroying the structure. Henry Ravenswood, his wife Martha, and many of their staff were killed in the disaster. Henry was survived by his only daughter Mélanie. Additionally, the portion of the town behind Boot Hill collapsed deep into the ground resulting in a canyon that killed this region’s residents.
           Mélanie and her fiancé Jake continued to live in the manor with a small staff. But then on the day the couple was to be married, Jake disappeared without a trace. Lost in grief, Melanie locked herself away and was never seen again.
           Thunder Mesa was still able to prosper after the earthquake. Restoration efforts were attempted on the canyon. However, repairs were always inexplicably undone by the next morning. Having once been the sacred land of the Shoshone people, it was believed by many that the earthquake served as comeuppance for Ravenswood stealing the land from its rightful owners.  
           A few relatively quiet years passed. Whispers circulated of hearing organ music through the broken shutters of the manor. The flicker of a candle could be seen in the dark of night in the attic. Some swore they saw Melanie still wearing her wedding dress and wandering the house in search of her love. These rumors were convincing enough that the town avoided the manor and the canyon beyond.
Kindly keep an eye on your children, please. Let’s all stay together.
           The next person to show interest in the property was a wealthy man named William Gracey. His hope was to restore the once beautiful estate and turn it into a home for him and his bride-to-be, Emily de Claire. For three years Gracey and his team worked on the manor and renovated it far beyond what Ravenswood had done. With the kind of past Gracey had, he was not bothered by the rumors of a phantom or a curse.
           Once the work was completed, the couple decided that their wedding would be the perfect opportunity to show off the new Gracey Manor. And for the second time in the manor’s history, a wedding turned into a complete disaster. There are many different speculations about what actually happened that evening. There are only a few things that can be told as fact. Emily and a man by the name of Randall Pace were both murdered. Allegedly out of grief, Master Gracey hung himself in the cupola of the manor a few days after Emily’s corpse was discovered. Soon after, a witch known as Madame Leota, who had been secretly in love with Gracey, also killed herself.
If you insist on lagging behind, you may not need to volunteer to join us.
           Briefly following the Gracey wedding disaster, the manor fell into the hands of another wealthy man named Jacob Dread. His family, however, was so dysfunctional that their time in the estate was not long at all. The family quickly killed one another in a circle of revenge for Jacob’s fortune.
Allow me, if you will, to proceed to the story of the final mortal owners of the manor. If you’re hoping this one will be happier perhaps you should have continued to the next town over. I’m told that town is made up entirely of fantasies.
           The Hightower family is one of international prominence. The youngest son, George Hightower, sought his fortune following in his family’s footsteps exploring exotic lands. When he met a woman by the name of Constance Hatchaway he was immediately smitten. Constance’s reputation was a mysterious one and that only pulled George in more. She was drawn to the strange and macabre; making the Gracey Manor the perfect place. George purchased the manor and surprised his wife with the deed as a wedding present.
           Unfortunately for poor George, the rumors surrounding his wife’s reputation were all too true. He suffered the same misfortune her last four husbands fell prey too. Because they had no children, the manor, his fortune and his portion of his family inheritance all passed down to Constance. Many members of the staff fled with tales of a psychopathic bride. Those who remained lived comfortably with their employer for many years. But when Constance died from being pushed out the attic window by an unknown attacker, no one could say they were surprised.
I forgot to mention if you decide to join us, be sure to bring your death certificate.
The Afterlife: Bloodmere Mansion
           We now refer to the manor as the Bloodmere Mansion because it is no longer owned by one individual and the history of the estate can be summarized with merely; blood. After such a gruesome history in the mortal world, it was only fair for us supernatural folk to take over.
Take heart in the fact that most of the beloved characters in our history have never truly left the manor. Instead, they have chosen to retire here. In fact, many prominent ghosts have retired here from creepy old crypts all over the world and have been dying to meet you.
As our tour comes to an end, prepare to take your loved ones by the hand, please, and kindly watch your step.
Phantom Canyon
There is only room for 1000 haunts to reside comfortably in the mansion. However, just beyond the graveyard gates lies what the townsfolk call Phantom Canyon. The canyon is mainly home to the people who crossed over during the earthquake. The mortals have abandoned this region, but we think it is a wonderful place to socialize. The catacombs beneath the canyon are home to many pleasant haunts; the saloon, café, river landing, and trading post. It’s always the place for a swinging wake.
Now I will raise the safety bar, and a ghost will follow you home!
Make final arrangements now.
We’ve been dying to have you…
Return to the Mansion
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mldnightxxrain · 2 years
tag dump !
introducing me : constance hatchaway
visage : constance hatchaway
musings : constance hatchaway
aesthetic : constance hatchaway
starter : constance hatchaway
threads : constance hatchaway
ft. NAME HERE : constance hatchaway
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